#minecraft babygirl
4tomicfartbomb · 1 year
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etho slab!? where are the etho girls when i need them,, /j
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merakiitea · 1 year
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sorry I’ve been gone, I’ve been fucked in the ass by uni work so have a Garroth wip 
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idyllcy · 10 months
minx - grim reaper x reader
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You pull away from Grim, lips curled into a sweet smile as he chases after your lips.
"Aww... desperate?"
"Do not test me, sunshine," He grumbles, pulling you down by the waist as you yelp. "You're always so flustered when it's face-to-face." He mumbles, finger tapping the skin on your waist. He pulls you in further, lips brushing yours, smile on his face. "Now, are you going to listen?"
You pretend to think, pouting. "Hm... I'm not sure if—"
He presses his lips to yours, hand moving to the back of your head, fangs brushing your bottom lip as his tongue forces your mouth open. Your eyes widen in surprise as he takes the chance to snake his tongue into your mouth. You push yourself off of him, eyes wide.
"I thought you said you didn't have any prior experience with romance."
He licks his lips, grinning. "Maybe I had to learn because a certain someone wouldn't stop being such a tease."
"Oh?" You quirk up a brow, lips spreading into a smile. "Let's settle this."
He opens his mouth to argue, only to be cut off.
"In bed." You grind down on him, and his skin blooms red immediately. "Hm?"
"I suppose I wouldn't be against that." He mumbles, lips curling upward. "I'll show you just how good at everything I can get."
"Oh, I'm looking forward to that, pretty boy."
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lovelaurs · 4 months
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pairing : mcd laurance x gn reader synopsis : after returning from a long journey, all you could think about was just relaxing at home. but when a mischievous laurance has other plans, it seems like it won't be just another ordinary day back in phoenix drop. tags : friends to lovers, gifts, misunderstanding, confession, comfort, kissing, cuddles, just overall sillyness from laurance. he's a lovesick loser. word count : 2.9k a/n : wow, my first x reader i've ever written! i really hope you guys enjoyed it! i just love writing lovesick laurance and can't wait to write about him more! (please send laurance fic requests i beg of you).
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It had been an entire week since you began negotiations in Metelli.
Laurance, the loyal guard of Phoenix Drop (and ex-guard of Metelli), decided to join you on your trip in order to help smooth over any issues. Since he had a hand in the relations between the two villages in the first place, his presence, though irritating, was a surprising help in getting the deal moved along faster.
The week was tormenting to sit through; waiting to receive the stamp of approval from several higher ups as you sat around in your given quarters. The rooms you two were given weren’t completely awful, but yet they felt suffocating to sit in as you awaited the answer you so dearly needed.
The two of you going outside was barely an option, seeing as your friend Laurance had so many adoring fans chasing after his affection left and right. You practically had to hide around corners in order to avoid their viscous glares.
Though the thing that surprised you most was how uncomfortable Laurance looked. From when you first met him, he always seemed to bask in the attention his adoring fans gave him. However, something was different this time around. He seemed annoyed, trying to brush off their advances, before finally grabbing your hand and leading you back to your quarters.
The next day, Laurance decided to leave the building and settle the matters himself. Within the day, the two of you were sent back to Phoenix Drop with the papers you needed.
Sure, you were thankful that the trade dealings discussion didn’t last more than a week, but you weren’t about to inflate Laurance’s ego by thanking him. Just having to spend a week there in general left you tired; the stiff stone bed you were given did not help your cause in the slightest.
As you finally set foot on the docks you so craved to see, you jumped out of the boat and immediately started to trudge your way back to your house. 
You had been dreaming of your soft bed ever since you laid down on that brick-like mattress the first night in Metelli, and today was the day you were going to spend entirely laying around. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Of course, life always seemed to get in your way, as Laurance caught up to your brisk pace and walked alongside you through the village. You groaned as you turned to him with a frown.
“What do you want?”
He poked your cheek playfully, giggling at the sight of your annoyance. “Oh come on, why are you so grumpy? We’re finally back in Pheonix Drop!” He walked with his right hand poking you, occasionally waving to other villagers with his other as you passed by.
You pushed his hand away from your face, clearly wanting to be left to your own devices. “I know, that’s why I just want to lay on my bed and rot the day away.” 
As you continued to walk, Laurance sighed, “You’re no fun, you know that?”
Before you could respond with a rebuttal, the two of you eventually winded up at your house. You turned to wave off Laurance, but instead found him looking at you with puppy dog eyes, most expectant, waiting by the door.
All you could do was just roll your eyes and close the door on him, ignoring the loud “Hey!” from behind the surface.
Now your thoughts are filled with only one goal: sleep. You quickly made a b-line towards your bed, flopping onto it unceremoniously. You couldn’t even bother to pull the covers over yourself as you let your eyes finally drift close.
Finally, I can rest.
You had your eyes closed for but only a few minutes until you heard something at your window.
You groaned as you forced yourself up. Maybe you left the window open while you were gone and some animal got in? Or maybe it’s just a sound from outside?
As your mind started to go through all the theories it had come up with, you were left confused when all you found on your windowsill was just a bundle of flowers.
“What in Irene’s name-” You stuck your head out the window, looking both left and right to see if anyone was in the area, but all you saw were just two kids playing outside along with several people walking around town.
What the hell? Who could have placed these?
Slightly annoyed by the action, you took in the flowers and closed the window behind you, placing the flowers by your bedside. 
You quickly splayed yourself out on the bed once more, allowing yourself to make snow angels amongst the sheets.
As soon as you closed your eyes, you felt the exhaustion take over you.
This time, half an hour had gone by before you were disturbed again.
A knock at your door was heard, causing you to whisper, “Are you kidding me?” Before getting up to answer it. At this point, your bullshit meter was slowly reaching the top. You could handle a certain amount of disruptions, however, when it came to interrupting your sleep…
You begrudgingly opened the door, only to find no one standing there. A quick look around was all it took before you found a basket of fruit at your doorstep.
Okay, now what in the hell is going on? First flowers, now fruits?
The situation was just getting more and more ridiculous. 
You took one last glance around before walking back inside, shutting the door behind you. You placed the basket of fresh fruit on a nearby table, before practically sprinting and jumping onto your bed.
No more distractions. No. More.
As you closed your eyes, you thought nothing more of the strange happenings and decided to put them in the back of your mind for the time being.
You ended up sleeping for three hours.
The next thing you knew within your slumbered state, you awoke to a bang coming from the window next to your bed.
That’s it. 
You rolled over and sat up as fast as possible, hoping to spot the culprit of who was messing with you, but all you could see was a letter stuck to your window.
You opened the window, and grabbed the letter, this time not bothering to look around.
Your hands practically ripped the paper open, enraged by your lack of peace. As you unfolded through the torn pieces, your eyes scanned over the letter addressed to you.
‘I hope you’ve been enjoying my gifts so far!’
Like hell you have!
‘I’ve been putting off doing this for a while, so I decided to do it as soon as I came back to Phoenix Drop.’
‘Meet me by the docks after sunset! Don’t be late? :)’
A smile? A goddamn smile? They used precious ink to seriously draw out a smile? 
As much as that smile annoyed you, it was what was signed at the bottom of the page that really was the last straw.
‘Love, Laurance.’
You gripped both sides of the paper, hands shaking as you reread the last line. You let your finger trace the word ‘love’, your eyes focusing on it, mindlessly thinking of what it could mean before shaking your head in rage.
“Laurance?! Are you kidding me?! Ugh, I should’ve known it was him messing with me!” With anger being the only option to turn to, you gladly let loose. “So that’s it, huh? He’s toying with my emotions! That little-”
You bursted out of bed, your hair a mess from tossing and turning, grabbing the nearest coat. As you slipped your arms through the sleeves, all you could feel was anger boiling inside of you.
Within moments, you swung open your door and stomped your way over to the docks. 
The light within the lanterns nearby lit your way through the night as you thought about how messed up this whole situation really was.
How could he do this to you? You thought you were friends, and now he’s just toying with your emotions? 
You would soon find your answer as you arrived at the docks, finding Laurance sitting at the edge of the boardwalk, letting his legs dangle off the side.
A fire lit in your eyes as you made your way over there, making your presence known as your steps sounded on the wood.
Laurance turned around with a smile on his face, expecting you. “Ah, welcome! I was worried you wouldn’t-” “You!” “Me?” Laurance nervously smiled as he pointed to himself, quickly noticing your anger.
“You- You asshole!” You yelled, throwing the letter at him. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” He quickly stood up, putting his hands in the air in defense. “What are you talking about?” “Oh, I don’t know! Maybe the flowers, the basket, and let’s not forget that letter!” You clenched your fists as you remembered the previous events. “What were you thinking? Toying with my emotions like that? I’m not just another one of your fans! Who the hell signs their letter with “love” as a joke?” 
As you yelled at him you felt tears start to fill the brim of your eyes, threatening to free themselves at any moment.
“Wait, it’s not what you think-”
You scoffed as he tried to explain. “You know, for a second you really had me thinking you had feelings for me.” A stray tear fell down your face, your voice cracking as you spoke, “Isn’t that pathetic?”
Soon enough, the dam broke loose, and you were crying. Crying on the docks. Crying on the docks in front of who you thought to be your friend. At night. With your head in your hands as you bawled. Irene, could this get any worse?
Laurance took a step towards you, in which you responded by taking a step back.
He hesitated for a moment as he watched you cry, biting his lip as he tried to figure out what to say.
“It wasn’t a joke.”
You raised your head to look at him, tears still running down your cheeks. “What?” “I said it wasn’t a joke.” He took another step toward you, this time you stayed still. “The gifts, the letter… it was all in preparation for tonight.”
You sniffled. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Ever since we returned from Metelli, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, and I thought what a better way than to do it the day we got back! But… you seemed upset after returning so I wanted to cheer you up first; hence the gifts.”
You wiped the tears from your face, letting out a small giggle. “It was creepy.” “Huh?”
“The gifts. It was kinda off-putting how you delivered them. I’m not going to lie, it kind of freaked me out.” You had to hold your hand over your mouth as you hiccuped while giggling.
Laurance blinked a few times. “Wait- Really?”
You snickered, “Laurance, you left random things by my house and ran away without leaving a note alongside them. Does that not cross you as the least bit alarming?” He sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. “You know, now that you bring it up…” You keeled over, holding your stomach as you laughed, your tears becoming ones from joy. “Oh my Irene!”
He approached you, putting his hands on your shoulders, shaking you profusely. “Come on! Don’t laugh at my attempt at making you smile!”
Him shaking you only made you laugh more, more tears running down your face at the sheer stupidity of the situation. You had really thought he was messing with you, huh?
But that’s when your mind wandered back to the letter.
You stood up straight, wiping the tears away, before looking him in the eyes. “But what about the letter?” “The letter? Oh-!” He pulled his hands away from you, taking a step backwards, scratching the nape of his neck. “Well, if you mean the signature… I did intend to sign it with love.”
Your breath hitched as he said that. 
He intended it?
As you looked Laurance in the eyes, there was a fondness shining within them. A fondness that seemed so common from whenever he looked at you, something that you never properly registered it until now.
“What I originally brought you here for… was to confess my feelings.” He slowly reached out, taking your hand in his and kissing the back of it. His eyes fluttered shut as he did so. 
He opened his eyes to gaze at you, truly looking at you. Your heart pounded in your chest as you held eye contact.
As he lowered your hand, he held it tight within his, as if not wanting to let you go. “Around the time when you first moved to Phoenix Drop is when you stole my heart.” He took a deep breath in, as if composing himself. “You were tough, self-sacrificing, and didn’t accept help from others at first. But as you grew to become a part of our village, you slowly started to open up more. And when you’d laugh– my Irene, your smile. It tore me to pieces the first time I saw it. I couldn’t get enough of it.” Your eyes widened as he spoke, before nodding, silently allowing him to continue.
“The way your hair looks rushed when you wake up late in the morning, the way your eyes sparkle in the sun, the way you look at me when you’re excited… All of these little things I noticed along the way drove me crazy. It was then that I knew you were truly something special.” He smiled, taking your other hand in his. 
The moonlight shining on him from behind was surely a sight to see. He looked ethereal. Something in you craved to have him for yourself– to hold him close, to cherish him as much as possible.
A silence filled the space between you two as he looked at you like his sun, and him, your moon.
“I love you.”
Those words were just what you needed to hear. Confirmation. Assurance.
You looked down at your feet and shut your eyes tight, trying your best to prevent yourself from crying once more.
He quickly took note of your state, leaning closer, sounding almost panicked. “A-Are you okay? I’m sorry if this is sudden- you don’t have to give a response or anything!” 
You quickly raised your head up, shaking your head back and forth rapidly. “No- No it’s fine! I feel the same way, I’m just trying not to cry-” He smirked, “Oh? Did my words truly make you that emotional- wait, you feel the same?” His eyes widened as if not expecting a positive response back. Of course the first thing he registered was something he’d use to be cocky. That goofball.
You nodded your head, sniffling. “Of course I do! The entire reason I came over here so angry was that I thought you gave me false hope! I thought you were just messing with me like always.” He let go of your hand and cupped your cheek, brushing away the tear stains with his thumb as he looked at you as if you were his world. “I would never joke about my feelings for you. Ever. I adore you.”
Those words truly hit your heart, as you leaned into his palm.
Oh how lovingly he looked at you just made you burn under his gaze.
It was then that he leaned forward, inches apart from your lips. “May I kiss you?”
You gave but one nod.
That was all that was needed for him to softly press his lips against yours. He carefully brought his other hand up as well, cradling your face within his hands. Fireworks were lit within your stomach, as he set you ablaze with the match that was his touch.
As he kissed you, you wished within your heart that this would last forever. Forever entangled within his loving gaze.
As the two of you pulled apart to catch your breath, you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he looked with his cheeks flushed and pupils blown. He looked otherworldly from your eyes.
It wasn’t even a few seconds before he went in for seconds, kissing you far more passionately than before. He let one of his hands wander and grip your hip, pulling you even closer. His hands felt like they were burning your skin, searing at the touch. It wasn’t until he licked your lips that you pulled back, flustered.
He immediately looked at you with worry. “Are you okay? Did I go too far?”
“No! It’s just… my heart is beating so fast I’m afraid any more will kill me.” You laughed, clutching your chest.
He extended his hand. “How about we just sit down by the edge and look at the stars instead, hm?” 
“I would be delighted.” You took his hand in his, following him to the end of the docks, before sitting down at his side.
As far as the rest of the night went, the two of you continued to sit side by side on the docks, kicking your feet in motion with the waves.
He extended his arm around you, pulling you close, as he nuzzled his face into your neck. You couldn’t help but giggle at the feeling.
Maybe sleep could wait.
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@lovelaurs, 2024. do not repost this work in any way!
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mangotelevision · 4 days
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almost kissing
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zishu-arts · 6 months
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in which victim is mike, chosen is CC, and everyone else is also here
asks are open about this au :3
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piancqwrites · 2 months
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synopsis ➸ Laurance has never seen you around the village before until he saw you walk into the latest party.
tags ➸ Laurence x reader, fluff, sfw
divider by @strangergraphics-archive + @strangergraphics
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Laurence Zvhal, the second head guard of Phoenix Drop, stood at the edge of the crowded plaza with a cup of eggnog.
He stayed nearby, ensuring he could always keep an eye on Lord Aphmau. The warm glow of the Christmas lights danced around the place, casting festive shadows over the cozy decorations the Village of Phoenix Drop had meticulously put up. Lord Aphmau’s laughter rang out like a melody, mingling with the cheerful chatter of their friends.
But Laurence felt out of place.
It wasn’t the party itself. He appreciated the effort Aaron and Aphmau put into making everyone feel welcome, creating a space where their tight-knit group could come together and celebrate the holidays. It was more a feeling of being a misfit among people who seemed perfectly at home in this cheerful chaos.
Before Aaron came into the picture, Laurence's feelings for Aphmau were strong, leading to a silent competition with Garroth for her attention. But once Aaron and Aphmau's bond grew undeniable, Laurence's romantic feelings for her faded.
Instead, he redirected his devotion into a vow to protect her as her guard, a role he took immense pride in.
He looked around, watching his friends interact. Garroth and Dante were bickering playfully by the Christmas tree, while Katelyn and Nana engaged in a heated debate over the best Christmas dish.
Lord Aphmau was always the center of attention, her infectious energy drawing everyone in. Even Aaron, usually more reserved, seemed relaxed, a soft smile on his face as he leaned against the wall, observing the scene with quiet contentment.
Laurence sighed, taking a sip of his drink. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel included; his friends always made an effort to make him feel welcome. It was more the persistent sense that he was somehow different, like a puzzle piece that didn’t quite fit. He had his quirks and his past, things that sometimes set him apart. And while everyone had their own baggage, he couldn’t shake the feeling that his was heavier, that it kept him at a slight distance.
But it wasn’t just that. He felt like something was missing.
He couldn’t pinpoint the main reason for his troubles, not really.
The calling from the Nether, the darkness that always loomed at the edges of his mind, the countless amount of drops of blood that soaked his hands, the weakening grip on his humanity—being just her guard wasn't enough.
He hated being a shadow knight.
Laurence wandered over to a nearby tree, looking at the softly falling snow. The world outside was quiet, starkly contrasting with the lively storm inside his head. It reminded him of how he often felt—a silent observer on the outside looking in.
Lost in thought, Laurence didn’t notice Aaron approaching until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to find Aaron smiling at him, a knowing look in his eyes.
“Hey, you alright?” Aaron asked, his voice soft enough to not draw attention from the others.
Laurence forced a smile, nodding. “Yeah, just needed a breather,” he replied, though he knew Aaron could see through the lie. Aaron had a way of understanding people, of seeing the things they tried to hide.
“You know, you don’t have to be ‘on’ all the time,” Aaron said, as if reading his mind. “It’s okay to just… be.”
Laurence looked at Aaron, searching for the right words. “I know. It’s just… sometimes I feel like I’m not really part of all this. Like I’m just… here.”
Aaron’s expression softened. “We all feel like that sometimes,” he said. “But you’re a part of this, Laurence. A big part. We wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Laurence glanced back at the room, at his friends laughing and joking, then back at Aaron.
“Thanks,” he murmured, feeling a small weight lift from his shoulders. It wasn’t a magic fix, but it was comforting to know that someone understood.
Any person within a mile could sense the magicks coursing through Zoey's veins. So when she came rushing in with a guard from Phoenix Drop in armor close behind, he was worried that something was wrong.
That guard, Laurence had never seen her before. His sharp blue eyes were observed as she ran directly to Lord Aphmau, urgency clear in her voice.
"The barrier has been placed, my Lord," Zoey said breathlessly.
Lord Aphmau's expression shifted from joy to concern in an instant but quickly returned to a reassuring smile. The lively chatter around them hushed as everyone turned to listen.
"Thank you, Zoey," Aphmau replied, her voice steady. "Everyone, stay calm. This is just a precaution so we can enjoy the party without any interruptions."
Laurence’s gaze remained fixed on the new guard, his curiosity piqued by her demeanor. As Zoey wrapped up her report, Laurence took a moment to appreciate the details.
The vivid, deep red bow tied high behind the guard’s hair was a striking contrast to her otherwise serious armor. He didn't miss how the wind blew kisses against her skin, highlighting the volume of her hair and the way it gracefully landed around her shoulders. It was both an elegant accessory and a subtle declaration of her individuality.
The way the bow accentuated her sharp, observant eyes added to her already compelling presence. Laurence noted how her stance remained a blend of relaxation and alertness as if she was always prepared to transition from festive enjoyment to action with a mere thought. Her ability to navigate the balance between the two worlds—celebration and duty—was impressive.
“Apologies for being late, my lord,” she said, bowing slightly. “Bandits were lurking at the border, so I made sure they were dealt with. They’re currently locked in the cell.”
Irene, even her voice sounded lovely.
Laurence’s interest was piqued further. Her competence and the calm efficiency with which she reported her duties spoke volumes. There was a quiet confidence in her presence, an air of professionalism that set her apart.
"Laurence, you're drooling." Garroth snickered. When did he make his way over here?
Tonight is just not his night for sneaky encounters.
"I was not," He scoffed as he cleaned his chin with the back of his hand, collecting no saliva. He may be a flirt, but he would never undress a lady with his eyes like that. "Why didn't you tell me we had a new guard. As your second in command, I'm hurt."
"With preparations for the party tonight, it must've slipped my mind."
"What's her name?" Laurence asked, his eyes never waved from that direction as she smiled at the villagers.
Garroth stared at him in amusement. "You are doing a very poor job at hiding your interest."
"Her name." He asked but firm this time.
Garroth, still amused, crossed his arms and looked at Laurence with a knowing grin. “Her name’s [Y/N] [L/N]. She’s been here for a few days now, but she’s been pretty focused on settling in and getting up to speed."
Laurence’s eyes flickered back to you, who was now chatting with some of the guests, her presence exuding both confidence and grace. “[Y/N],” he repeated as if trying to imprint the name alongside the image of her.
“Yes,” Garroth confirmed, still smirking. “And before you ask, she’s as capable as she is stylish. If you want to know more about her, you’ll have to get it from her directly. I hear she’s not easily impressed.”
Laurence gave Garroth a sidelong glance, a smirk playing on his lips. “Well, I suppose that makes her all the more intriguing. I’ll have to make sure I have a chance to speak with her properly. It’s not every day we get a new guard who adds such a... distinctive touch to the uniform.”
With that, Laurence made his way through the crowd, occasionally glancing towards her as he navigated his way. That trek ran with an instant roadblock with his fangirls flocking towards him.
It only took him a few seconds of watching his step, a few seconds of looking away to lose you completely in the crowd.
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It's been two weeks.
Two weeks had passed since that bustling party, and Laurence couldn’t shake the feeling that he had missed a significant opportunity.
His initial intrigue about the new guard, [Y/N] [L/N], had only grown stronger, though he hadn't managed to have a proper conversation with her.
He’d heard snippets of her reputation through the guards and townsfolk: she was not only a capable fighter but also someone who commanded respect effortlessly. Yet, despite his curiosity and admiration, he hadn't managed to find a moment to introduce himself properly.
The winter chill had settled in Phoenix Drop, and the village was blanketed with snow, making it a picturesque winter wonderland. As he walked through the snow-covered paths, the crunch of snow beneath his boots was a constant reminder of the cold season and the grim atmosphere it brought.
Today was gate duty.
Laurence sighed as he made his way to the main gate, the crunch of snow beneath his boots echoing in the quiet morning air. Gate duty was usually uneventful, especially in the winter when fewer travelers passed through the village.
He prepared himself for a long, monotonous shift.
"Thank Irene, my prayers have been answered." A voice broke through his consciousness as he reached the gate. "I was wondering when I would stop babysitting Dale during gate duty."
Laurence stopped in his tracks, startled by the unexpected greeting. He looked up to see [Y/N] standing at the gate, her breath forming small clouds in the frosty air. She had a playful smirk, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
"I don't believe that we've met."
Laurence was internally screaming with delight.
He finally, finally got the opportunity to talk to her. He cleared his throat, hoping his excitement wasn’t too obvious. "Laurence Zvhal, second head guard," he said, extending his hand.
Y/N] took his hand, her grip firm and confident. "I've heard a lot about you."
Laurence, ever the charmer, lifted her hand gently and kissed the back of it. "The pleasure is all mine," he said, winking playfully.
"[Y/N] [L/N], but I am starting to think, you already knew that." She raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening. "Is that your usual greeting for all the new guards?"
"Only to you, my dove," Laurence replied smoothly, releasing her hand. "I've been looking forward to meeting you."
[Y/N] laughed, the sound brightening the chilly morning air. "Well, I’m glad to be here. And it’s nice to have some company for gate duty. I was getting tired of dealing with Dale being drunk while working."
Laurence chuckled, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Yeah, Dale can be a bit much sometimes. But it’s good to have someone reliable around... especially one so beautiful."
They settled into their posts, the morning light casting long shadows on the snow-covered ground.
The air was crisp, and their breath formed small clouds as they talked.
"So, how are you finding Phoenix Drop?" Laurence asked, genuinely curious.
"It's been great so far," [Y/N] replied, her eyes scanning the horizon. "Everyone's been welcoming, and the village has a certain charm to it."
Laurence nodded, appreciating her positive outlook. "Yeah, it does have a unique charm. I guess that’s what makes this place special."
[Y/N] smiled, her eyes reflecting the winter light. "It really does. Though, I have to admit, I’m still adjusting to the cold. It's a far cry from the warmer climates I’m used to."
"Ah, yes, the cold can be quite harsh," Laurence said, glancing at the snow-covered landscape. "But it's worth it to see the stranglehold of winter to be broken by spring."
"You seem to have a poetic side," She commented with a teasing smile. "Do you always speak like this, or is it reserved for special occasions?"
Laurence grinned, leaning slightly closer as if sharing a secret. "Only when I’m trying to impress someone."
[Y/N] raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Is that so? And here I thought you were just being charming for the sake of it."
"Charming is my middle name," Laurence quipped. "It’s not every day I get to work alongside someone as intriguing as you."
"Yeah, yeah, Cassanova."
Their conversation flowed naturally, with [Y/N] sharing anecdotes from her past assignments and Laurence responding with his own stories from Phoenix Drop.
As they talked, Laurence felt the ease between them grow, the initial awkwardness melting away in the warmth of their shared laughter and exchange.
At the party, he had only caught fleeting moments of her voice amidst the crowd—like tantalizing hints of a melody he was desperate to hear in its entirety. Those snippets had been alluring, and captivating, and left him craving more.
But now, with [Y/N] speaking directly to him, it was as if he had been granted access to a symphony he had only heard in fragments.
The way she spoke, the melody of her words, and the passion behind them had an almost intoxicating effect on him. Each syllable seemed to lift him higher, wrapping him in a euphoric haze that dulled the edge of his usual burdens.
Her voice was a sweet nectar, and he was helplessly addicted.
He would find himself lost in the cadence of her speech, hanging on to every inflection and nuance. It was so easy to let the world outside fade away, to let the cold, the shadows, and the relentless calling from the Nether slip from his mind.
The dark thoughts and heavy memories that usually plagued him seemed to dissolve in the warmth of her presence. The suffocating weight of the countless drops of blood on his hands, the creeping darkness that threatened his sanity, and the ever-present struggle to retain his humanity all receded into the background.
In their place, there was only the enchantment of her voice, drawing him into a realm where his worries felt distant and irrelevant.
"So, what’s been the most challenging part of your new role?" Laurence asked, desperately trying for her to keep talking.
[Y/N] considered the question for a moment, her expression thoughtful. "Everyone has their own way of doing things. I’m still figuring out how best to fit in while staying true to my own style."
Laurence nodded, understanding. "It can be tough finding that balance. But from what I’ve seen, you’re doing great. Your reputation precedes you."
[Y/N] smiled, clearly pleased by the compliment. "Thanks. That means a lot. And speaking of reputation, I’ve heard quite a few things about you too."
Laurence’s eyes twinkled with curiosity. "Oh? And what have you heard?"
"That you’re not only a skilled guard but also quite the sweet talker," [Y/N] said with a playful glint in her eye. "And that you have a knack for making even the dullest tasks seem interesting."
Laurence laughed, a genuine, hearty sound. "Well, I try my best. And I suppose I’m just lucky to have such good company today."
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shellyloves21 · 5 months
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“I’ll talk to you however I want, Reggie!”
Im so normal about him lol 😂 😔🫱
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kyuumon · 6 months
It's Noogai time. He's young, full of passion, and will not hesitate to kill.
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qw3rti · 6 months
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Charlie is so babygirl
He has them jorts frfr
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pinkypride · 7 months
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its gotten so bad i had to make this meme AGAIN. its always the most irredeemable people smh
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ghstslut · 2 months
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needy 4 attention <3
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i don’t post my babygirl enough so here he is with a sword at his throat <3
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grapeagata · 2 months
It's been a while since I played mc but I made a garden place thingy
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I think it turned out really cute
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scribbiesan · 2 months
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That moment when you give your character a ‘slutty waist’ only to then have to cover it in baggy clothes…. At least WE know they got a slutty waist. :)
Art WIP I’m messing with again. Having one of those weeks it seems. Hope y’all like!
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mangotelevision · 3 months
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fueling my katedenza delusions
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