#minecraft potion drinking sound
soulclicky · 1 year
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Here I made SpearMaster the standalone photo and the photo with audio
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turbojawdo · 2 years
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Thanks to @echollama for drawing my new goblin witch/potion girl Mavie! And her chicken, CAN’T forget the chicken. I need to name the Chicken
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lmanburgseulogy · 5 months
sorry but the dsmp being minecraft is still so cool to me.
alright now listen to me. close your eyes (not actually you need to read this) you’re walking down the prime path. red vines cross in your way. you can hear a dog bark to your side, its leash tethered to a singular fence pole. no owner in site. your footsteps carry the usual sound as you walk over to a floating tree, and you begin to destroy it just with your fist. you could stop any river around just by placing down the wood you have gathered, all it takes is knowing how to call it into your hands.
thinking about trying to go to sleep but you just can’t, because you have a suspicious feeling monsters are nearby. the idea of being able to enchant weapons to set your enemies on fire, or let the tools mend themselves. you could throw a potion at them that harms them, or drink a sweet, healing nectar for yourself.
hearing the legends of the end, where unknown creatures rest, waiting anyone to find them. there’s tales of wings you can retrieve from there, and you wonder if you had them how easy it would be. ougjhhhh
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superconductivebean · 3 months
As promised in #1074, a quick rundown.
Tags: @mrs-sharp @gothic-lottie @ladyofsappho @boxdstars
So today's morning, @phinik asked me if a hair from a person alive from ~15 years ago gets added to the Polyjuice potion, will you turn the person from their 15-years-ago self -- or into their modern self.
I said, yes, but it may not be that easy to conclude as it may seem.
I must warn, there're bodily horrors under the cut.
The books and the games don't explore or delve too deep into areas of magic otherwise dangerous. We know adding animal fur wouldn't turn you an animal, perhaps there's another potion recipe for that or for anyone willing to try, the animagus preparation ritual. But we're also given a hint: Polyjuice Potion alters your body fully.
Crouch JR hadn't a leg. Harry's sight improved; in DH, the Seven Potters needed glasses. MC engorged into Black, no problem there.
So theoretically speaking, we can conclude that a hair taken from a younger Moody should have the leg and the eye in place; Harry's sight will remain as is but everyone will shrink to his younger self's height. Black certainly had a few boils on the existence of which MC -- strangely -- doesn't comment any other way than lmaoing at him.
But then we went further. Every single case of drinking the potion involved physical alteration but was it really explored how the one's consciousness changes? Brain is an organ, too, the damage it has ever sustained may have lasting consequences. Will you be able to think or act as usual if you've turned into someone with dementia? epilepsy and schizophrenia double shot? And other conditions that affect brain or nerve development, or are results of a trauma. Just how will it feel when you've turned back into your regular self; not to mention cases of the radiation pollution, or rabies, or idk anthrax. Phinik suggested an idea outstanding in wickedness: what will be of a toddler gulped on a Polyjuice potion? A simple question turned into horrors beyond our comprehension.
It is therefore possible to die being turned into someone dying? or experience and not sustained a deadly condition, such as radiation? Will it be even possible to turn into a person dissolving alive; their hair may turn you into a sentient blob of bloody mass, will you survive it?
But if you're still alive, what will it be for the brain aka consciousness?
Is it what they study in the Department of Mysteries under the Mind alias? Wicked scenarios taken from sci-fi novels except it's something very real in their world and can happen to anyone?
Sickeningly frightening as it all sounds, this aligns with my greater theory for magic as an ability to stop the reality and take a snapshot of it, if you will; because magic is, strictly speaking, a manipulation on a body of Information pertaining to the objects of the universe.
Sources of information can't be reduplicated. Bodies of information are subjected to the entropy as over time parts of the bodies wither away or get lost in and through any kind of manipulation. Begiven a source, you can reduplicate its outputs, hence you can copypaste a dish full of food but not make food itself out of the thin air, or make new peapol by just spamming the Minecraft Steve magical button, or have no garden at all, and especially for potions ingredients, because you can't appear a plant, something living and ever-changing, out of nowhere.
You can't produce a seed but you'll need at least one to have a silo full of the same exact seed that will yield the same exact pumpkin; or you can have a silo full of different pumpkins and then just reduplicate the crop. It effectively solves the hunger problem although doesn't eliminates it wholly.
You will still require at least one seed that must produce a seedling and then grow a plant to have you a pumpkin. Which you then copy and paste to use; it also explains why the community garden is rather small, the one in Hogsmeade I mean, or why Hogwarts doesn't need a lot of livestock and game and gardens to feed its population.
I also came aware pumpkin seeds aren't stored in a silo but for this argument's sake, let's pretend they are. Also, what if you throw a pumpkin into the Polyjuice potion, will you b̴̳̿e̷̯͊c̸͎̋ò̶̧m̴͍͒ȅ̶͙ ̸̿ͅr̴̡͋ö̴̰́t̵̩̊?̶̞̽ ?
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So to answer the initial question, it is possible to turn into a younger version of the same person, perhaps a still living one. But the hair can dissolve or otherwise lose crucial information about its wearer. The potion made out of such an unpredictable ingredient must be a luck.
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ballwizard · 11 months
my boyfriends minecraft autism is so bad he makes minecraft potion drinking sound effects when he drinks
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duckapus · 2 months
[a few days after the CCC Avatars and their games are taken, most of the characters relevant to the situation (notably all the Avatars except for the missing ones (obviously) and all the SMGs except 7 and 10 (for spoiler reasons)) are called to a meeting at 4's Meme Factory (since it's one of the few places that many people can meet comfortably) by Susie]
SMG3: Alright, why'd you call us all here?
Susie: I'm glad you asked *starts rummaging through a storage device* As you know, I've been studying code samples from the missing Avatars in the hopes of finding out the reason behind their memory suppression-and hopefully a cure for it-since before they were taken. And as it happens, a bit before I was informed of their capture I managed to synthesize this! *pulls out a large beaker of faintly glowing green liquid with lines of binary occasionally scrolling through it*
Several audience members: Oooooooooooo...
Mario: ...What is it?
Susie: This is a replica of the trojan program used to lock their memories, written is such a way that it can be represented as a liquid for ease of analysis. *she sets it on a table behind her* Most likely a similar method was used to administer their doses in the first place, possibly as some form of penetrating projectile designed to dissolve into their bloodstreams upon entry. AND, it just so happens to be completely identical to the code that made up the energy field generated by Lawyer Kong's so-called "firewall." Thus, the cure is obvious; Memes.
SMG6: But...we tried that already. It only worked for a few minutes, and only once.
Susie: That would be because of the one way the two afflictions differ; the firewall was an external source that people could be shielded from, while the trojan program is internal and needs to be overwhelmed and purged, and the latter will require a far more potent Meme than the former.
Which, unfortunately, is my current roadblock. See, if we make the memes too potent, they'll trigger a Meme Overload. That wouldn't have been a problem before they were captured-well, apart from Juliano given his condition, but still- but now they have to be administered while we're rescuing them from wherever they ended up, and we most likely won't have the time to bring them back down to manageable levels of insanity in the middle of that. So, we need to figure out the exact right dosage of Meme Energy that will cure them without making them go crazy.
Bob: ...Which means you need a test subject.
Susie: *nods* Now, in the interest of fairness I've put the names of everyone here who isn't an OC into a random number generator so-
???: *minecraft potion drinking sound* Mmm, kiwi flavor.
*everyone slowly turns with a comical creaking sound effect to see Franky holding the now-empty beaker*
Lily: We probably should've seen that coming.
Franky: *after a second or so there's the same audio and visual effect as when Mario got firewalled in the Lawsuit Arc, causing Franky to fall to his hands and lack-of-knees as the energy takes hold. His model slowly reverts to his old look as a generic Toad with glasses, and when the transformation is over he falls onto his face*
Desmond: FRANKY! *runs up to him and picks him up so he can see his face* Are you okay?
Franky: ...Who's Franky?
Everyone: *stares very intensely at Susie*
Susie: *weakly* ...Well...that's one way to choose I guess. *feels Peach, Toadsworth, Sage and Desmond suddenly looming ominously behind her* Right, let's go see about cooking up that cure, shall we? *grabs all the SMGs, Franky and Luigi and Books It deeper into the factory* Alright team, to the Meme Kitchen on the double!
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verysharpfish · 7 months
I think every time i drink something there should be the minecraft potion drinking sound
that is all
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Simple Seeds and Complicated Code
Summary: So, turns out, Luke might have brought a few things with him when he was transported to Hermitcraft without realizing. Oops. Luckily though, no one seems too worried about it except for Luke. Or is that unluckily? And why is farming so easy here? Content: Fluff with a small side of hurt/comfort; potions, pranks, code weirdness, luke's gripes with minecraft farming Ship: Lucky Jumbo (Mumbo Jumbo/Luke Carder) Note: Xisuma uses he/him and voi/voix pronouns interchangeably. Part six of Lucky Jumbo
“It was just… poppies and water? And that turned into a drink?”
“They were dried poppies, if that explains anything.”
“Why would that explain anything?”
“You live in a very weird world, babe, I wouldn’t put anything past it.”
Mumbo chuckled at that, the sound audible to Luke despite the fact it was half lost against his stomach. He wasn’t sure how long it had been since Grian had left, distracted in his own thoughts of what had happened and what he would do if his legs started to fall asleep, Mumbo not yet having been awake for very long.
Not that Mumbo was willing to change that fact much, content to remain lying tucked close to Luke’s side. Even awake, he still seemed drained, and Luke figured more rest wouldn’t hurt him. Plus, original circumstances leading to it aside, the situation was… nice. Luke was equally content to remain as they were.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“The poppy tea incident? I mean, I thought it was fine-”
“No, not the tea. We can figure that out later.” Mumbo replied, although as he hid more of his face against Luke’s side the harder it became to hear him. “I meant… about today.”
“Oh.” Luke looked down at the top of Mumbo’s head, frowning slightly. “Do you?”
“I asked first.”
“Well, I only want to if you do. So, do you?”
The lack of an actual response from Mumbo was all the answer Luke needed. He gave him another moment to say something before slowly running his fingers through Mumbo’s hair. “It’s okay, Mumbo. We don’t have to talk about it.”
Mumbo sighed before turning his head again, looking up at Luke as he spoke much more audibly, “I think we have to at some point.”
“That ‘point’ can be later.” Luke shrugged. “It’s not like I’ve told you much about my past either, and you’ve known about it being… weird… for a while now.”
“You don’t have to tell me about anything you don’t want to.”
“And neither do you. Not right away, at least.”
Mumbo didn’t seem entirely satisfied by the conclusion Luke reached, likely still feeling that he should explain himself right then and there, but he conceded to his logic. “Alright, then. I do want to talk about the poppy tea. You put nothing in it but poppies?”
“You know the potion-stew accident was a one time mistake, right?” Luke joked. “Yes, I promise, it was only water and the flowers.”
“It doesn’t make any sense. Maybe all it was was that I was tired and the tea was soothing?”
“But, no, that doesn’t make much sense.” Mumbo interrupted Luke, following his own train of thought. Luke didn’t mind. “Luke, you should drink the tea.”
“I’m a rather poor subject for any new potion testing at the moment.” Mumbo explained, as if he hadn’t done much wilder things running on much less sleep or (in Luke’s opinion) sanity. “You, however, are plenty enough awake. If you fall asleep after drinking it too, we’ll know it’s truly a new type of potion! Or, perhaps, a new way to make weakness.”
“What if it’s just a very calming tea?”
“We can test that next.” Mumbo assured him, as if Luke was worried about such an outcome. He then went through the effort of leaning over Luke to fetch the no-longer-warm tea from the bedside table, offering the cup to him even though Luke could have much more easily gotten it himself. “It’s not like you couldn’t do with some more sleep.”
“I sleep more here than I ever have.” Luke argued. Ever since he had learned what a phantom was, he had been extremely diligent to make sure he was in bed nearly every night.
He accepted the teacup from Mumbo despite his protest, though. The curiosity of the poppy tea incident was obviously keeping his attention from the other events of the day, and Luke was happy to assist in such matters. Plus, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t the tiniest bit interested in what, exactly, was going on- for once, he wasn’t the only one confused by the odd rules of Hermitcraft!
Luke took a sip of the tea. It was sweet, as Mumbo had said, nearly cloying. Even after swallowing it, Luke could still feel it on his tongue, the taste strong and toeing the edge of overwhelming.
After a moment, and a second drink, the sensation began to dissolve into something almost fuzzy. The quiet comfort of the room and atmosphere was nothing compared to what Luke began to feel, a gentle sort of exhaustion settling over him so heavily he didn’t have a chance to even think of fighting it before he was being dragged down with it, grip on his cup loosening as his eyelids slid shut.
He was asleep in seconds.
“It’s definitely a potion.”
“Oh, certainly.” Mumbo didn’t look up from where he was pouring the last of Luke’s bucket of sleepy-time-knockout-potion into a glass bottle, several already filled ones sitting beside it. “Good morning.”
“I’m starting to think you didn’t really need a second test subject.” Luke made no comment on the fact it was dark outside, the very opposite of morning. He wasn’t entirely sure how phantoms worked in regards to daytime naps, but he could worry about fixing his sleep schedule later.
Mumbo finished transferring the pink-ish liquid, moustache-smiling very charmingly yet completely unapologetically as he moved his attention away from the bottles. “Well, I did need to make sure it didn’t only work on me.”
Luke did his very best to look suspicious of Mumbo despite the fact he was both still a bit tired and, unfortunately, easily convinced to go along with whatever he was doing. “Ominous of you.”
“I just think it would be rather rude of us to keep this new potion of yours all to ourselves. Sharing is the polite thing to do.”
“Are you going to tell the people you’re planning on ‘sharing’ it with what it is?”
“I think a surprise would be much more pleasant, don’t you?”
Luke laughed as he crossed into the kitchen area of his house, making use of Mumbo’s shoulder as a good place to rest his weary-ish head. “And who, exactly, are we planning on ‘surprising’?”
“I’ll tell you that once you tell me how you actually made the surprise.” Mumbo answered roundaboutly, content to let Luke lean against him.
“Hot water and dried poppies. It’s not that complicated.”
“Except I did try that. Many times.” Mumbo turned his head in the direction of the furnace-oven, Luke following his perch to find a bucket of water warming on top of it with several piles of red petals sitting on the nearest table. “Whole, chopped, crushed, dry, fresh- nothing mixes into that lovely red colour you managed, and the only thing that’s made me tired is the effort. There must be a step you’re not telling me.”
Luke frowned, reluctantly stepping away from Mumbo so he could approach the stove. A glance in the bucket revealed it devoid of any poppies at that moment, the stick Luke had used to stir his batch propped against its internal edge. “There… there isn’t another step. I just-”
Without looking at the options, Luke grabbed a handful of some of the poppies from Mumbo’s piles, crushing them slightly in hand before adding them to the water. Mumbo came to stand next to him as he used the stick to stir them in, repeating his motions from when he had first made the tea. And exactly like the first time, the poppy petals mixed into the water and dissolved, leaving him with sweet smelling potion.
“See? That’s all.” Luke said as he looked over at Mumbo, who was doing an incredible impression of someone who had seen an actual magic trick performed. “Nothing to it.”
“Nothing to it?” Mumbo repeated incredulously, and Luke briefly wondered if that was how he looked when questioning the logic of throwing eyes to teleport and punching trees to collect wood. “Not only have you discovered an entirely new potion, you may be the only one who can brew it!”
“Is that… a thing? Potions that only certain people can create?”
Mumbo leaned his head closer towards the bucket, taking a whiff of the now-potion with his lack of a nose. “Not that I’ve ever heard of. This’ll be a first. Was- was it a thing in your old server?”
Luke idly stirred the stick another time as he tried to decide if potion making was more similar to cooking or making medicine. “Well, uh, usually to do this you’d need skills and tools and stuff. But anyone can do it.” He glanced at Mumbo. “That doesn’t matter though, does it? Servers don’t bleed over like that, right?”
“They shouldn’t. You know what else shouldn’t happen?” Mumbo tapped the bucket on the stove meaningfully. “At least, not in this server.”
Luke squinted. “What are- what do you mean?”
“Nothing bad! Nothing bad. I’m only suggesting that maybe… you somehow brought over a bit of your server’s rules with you. A little, tiny bit of them.”
“That sounds like it could be bad.”
“I doubt it would be. But I’ll ask Xisuma to check it out. In a few days.”
Luke raised an eyebrow. “In a few days?”
“It’d be a right shame we didn’t get a chance to actually surprise voi with the potion first, don’t you think?”
Mumbo put his hands up in mock surrender, the look in his eyes making it clear his intentions hadn’t changed one bit despite Luke’s failed attempt at sounding disapproving of the prank. “You know how Xisuma is, voi needs a rest more than I do. Really, I’d be doing voi and the server a favour! And I owe Exil X one, I know he’d appreciate it.”
“You don’t owe Evil X.” “I might!”
“I’d know if you did.”
“Fine, I don’t.” Mumbo folded, dropping his hands, still looking amused. “But I could at some point! And my earlier points stand!”
Luke chuckled. “Alright, alright. We’ll prank-”
“-helpfully prank Xisuma before asking voi to look into the existence of said helpful prank.” Luke amended playfully. “But if this ends up going the same way as the pumpkin and melon circle, I can and will place all blame for it solely on you.”
Mumbo’s expression became one of faux indignation. “You said you thought the circle was incredible.”
“And I still do!” Luke ducked in to kiss Mumbo’s cheek, ignoring his (unconvincing) pout. “However, I also think that no one else in the server agrees with me, and that I don’t want to be outcasted for crashing the server.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t be outcasted . Made fun of, yes. Never allowed to forget it, sure. Scorned for weeks, perhaps-”
Luke rolled his eyes lightheartedly as Mumbo went on, turning to rifle through the kitchen for more glass bottles. “You’ve made your point.”
“I wanted to make it twice.” Mumbo joked, but he stopped with the spiel as Luke found what he was rummaging for and lined the bottles up next to the bucket. He began pouring the potion out, aim surprisingly good given the respective sizes of the containers. “So, who should we surprise first?”
“We’re not starting with Xisuma?”
“We’ll work our way up to him. A grand finale.”
Luke leaned back against the counter, humming in thought. “Well, our fellow Boatem co-workers are close and would probably appreciate the prank, although Grian might see it coming.”
“We could always disguise it.” Mumbo shot a glance at Luke that suggested he would be grinning if he had the mouth to do so. “Bring it to the next Boatem dinner mixed in some rabbit stew, perhaps?”
“Hasn’t that dish wounded my culinary pride enough already?”
“It’s different when you add the potion on purpose, Scar’ll tell you that.”
“You can’t trust half the stuff Scar cooks, he’s not a good frame of reference.”
Mumbo set the now empty bucket down, letting Luke cork the filled bottles and put them aside with the rest. “What would be your suggestion, then?”
The pink potions- that Luke would eventually have to name himself, he supposed- sloshed around in their bottles as Luke moved them. He watched the motion for a moment before turning back towards Mumbo. “I think we should generously gift our competitors a free sample of Boatem’s newest ware.”
Mumbo’s eyes lit up. “Octagon and Big Eyes Crew?”
“Who else?” Luke tapped the side of one of the potion bottles, sending small ripples through the liquid. “If we doctor them to look like, uh, normal potions, we could pretend they’re ‘special’ versions of them.”
“Oh, that’s brilliant. Wonderful!” Mumbo stepped over to Luke, grabbing his hands and holding them tight. “Do you know what this means, Luke?”
“We need dyes?”
“You are no longer simply a member of Boatem. You are now an official employee of Boatem incorporated!” Mumbo used his grip on Luke’s hands to start pulling him towards the house’s front door, excited. “We have to tell the others!”
“It’s the middle of the night, no one’s going to be up-”
“It’s Boatem , they’re all going to be up!”
“Good point.” Luke conceded with a laugh, allowing Mumbo to pull him out into the night. Some worry still niggled in the back of his mind regarding the existence of his seemingly unheard of sleeping potion, and even further back remained his worry from the day’s earlier events, but as Mumbo got the attention of the rest of Boatem (all of whom were indeed awake and working), Luke let himself get caught up in the excitement of the prank instead. Mumbo was happy, after all. As long as that was true, everything was fine.
It only took Boatem about a week to reach the ‘grand finale’ of the sleeping potion prank, and less than a day for the grand finale’s victim to confront them about it. Luke had been in the middle of very importantly glaring at dirt, overkill netherite hoe in hand, when Xisuma approached him.
“Has the ground offended you in some way?”
“No more than usual.” Luke answered with a sigh, turning towards the admin. “I don’t understand farming here.”
Xisuma tilted his head, his helmet’s gills bobbing with the motion. “It’s pretty simple. You hit the ground with your hoe and drop some seeds. Easy stuff.”
“Too easy.” Luke argued, stopping himself from going on a longer tangent about the untrustworthy nature of crops that were so easy to plant and grow when he saw the glass bottle in Xisuma’s hand. A few drops of pink-dyed-dark-red potion remained at the bottom of it. Luke grinned. “But I’m going to guess you’re not here to talk about farming.”
“Not exactly.” Xisuma agreed, slightly shaking the mostly empty bottle. “I believe Boatem may have provided me with a faulty, er, ‘strength’ potion.”
“Well you have come to the right person! I’ve recently been promoted from ‘member of Boatem’ to the head of quality assurance for the company.” Luke planted the head of his hoe on the ground, resting his chin on the propped up end of the handle. “How may I assure you of the quality of our products today?”
Through the slim gap in his visor, Luke could see Xisuma roll his eyes in amused exasperation. “Your strength potion made me fall asleep.”
“That doesn’t sound like a Boatem strength potion. No, our strength potions are quality, make you feel stronger than- uh- an iron golem.” Luke said as seriously as he could manage. “Did you perhaps purchase a different type of potion?”
“This was gifted to me, actually.” Xisuma glanced at the bottle. “Or at least, it was presented as a gift.”
“And you’re certain it was a gift from Boatem and not, perhaps, one of our competitors? None of them have quality assurance teams, these sorts of things can slip through the cracks.”
“It was hand delivered by Mumbo.” Xisuma pointed out, pausing before adding, “Is that why I’ve had comments from Doc, Tango, and Keralis about potion mishaps?”
Luke did his best to look innocent. “Because they don’t have heads of quality assurance? Yes, that would be their issue.”
“And you’re sure it’s not Boatem’s head of quality assurance that’s the cause?”
Luke’s best was apparently not very good. “Please, Xisuma, we’re professionals here. We wouldn’t tamper with our competitors’ supplies or mislead them.”
“Now you’re just lying to me.”
“You can’t prove that.”
“What’s happening here?” Both Luke and Xisuma turned in the direction of the new voice, finding Mumbo pushing a shulker into his pocket as he approached them. Luke saw the moment he noticed the bottle in Xisuma’s hand and answered his own question. “Enjoying your gift, Xisuma?”
“Not quite sure I’d call it a gift.” Xisuma tossed the glass bottle at Mumbo, who managed to catch it after it bounced between his hands a few times. “Something tells me that if I had taken that mid-fight, I would have lost.”
“I’ve been trying to assure Xisuma of our products’ quality, but for some reason he seems suspicious.”
Xisuma crossed his arms. “I passed out in the middle of the day, midway through preparations to clear out a fortress. That doesn’t just happen.”
“Even if you were really tired?”
“Luke, I don’t think our customer feels very assured about the quality of his product.”
“You can say that again.” Luke agreed with a sigh, straightening up and swinging his hoe over his shoulder. “But in my defense, the issue seems to be with his trust in the company as a whole, and not a failure on the head of quality assurance’s part.”
“I know Boatem- and my hermits- too well.” Xisuma said, reminding Luke very strongly of a long-suffering babysitter. “What was it really? A triple dose of weakness?”
“About that…” Mumbo glanced towards Luke.
Luke took the obvious opening. “We’ve been calling it a potion of rest. I made it by accident while trying to make poppy tea.”
“He’s the only one who can make it. Everyone in Boatem’s given it a try to test it, but Luke’s the only one who can actually mix it into a potion.” Mumbo added. “We’re not sure what it is, but we think it might have to do with Luke’s old server.”
Xisuma’s expression shifted into one of confusion. He reached towards Mumbo, taking back the nearly empty bottle of the dyed potion and taking a closer look at it. “Potion of rest? As in, its effect is making you fall asleep?”
“Seems that way. I know there are some mod packs that have that sort of thing in them, but-”
“None of Hermitcraft’s do.” Xisuma finished for Mumbo. He looked towards Luke. “Is this something you had in your old server?”
Luke shrugged a bit helplessly. “Kind of? Poppies were used in a lot of types of soothing products, and we definitely had sleep potions, but it’s not really supposed to be as simple as mixing hot water and poppy petals.”
“Your server does seem to have a knack for complicating things.” Xisuma tapped the ground with his foot. “Seeing as you thought farming here was ‘too easy.’”
“Crops shouldn’t grow so fast- Off topic.” Luke shook his head, ignoring the bemused looks Xisuma and Mumbo were exchanging. “Do you have any ideas why this is happening? Or what’s causing it?”
“There’s a couple of possibilities.” Xisuma answered, and Luke watched the blue shine of code pop up in the admin’s visor as he spoke. “Most likely it’s just a minor code cling from your old server, in which case it’ll be pretty easy to clear off.”
Luke and Mumbo waited quietly as Xisuma worked, visor flickering as he did. The thought of the sleeping potion pranks being done so soon was a bit disappointing, but Luke was relieved that the issue sounded relatively simple. He didn’t think he’d ever fully understand exactly how ‘servers’ functioned, but he knew enough to know that irregular code wasn’t good. Especially if that code had come from his old very-much-not-a-server world.
Past the blue, Luke noticed Xisuma’s eyes narrow at whatever he was looking at. Luke quickly reverted back to not feeling relieved at all.
“Luke, the server you were in before this one was your home server, right?”
“Well it was where my home was, so… yes?”
“Home server means your very first server.” Mumbo clarified. “The one where you were born or created, and typically the one where your family or group lives.”
“Oh! Yes, the last server was my home server. And only server, before this one.” Luke amended, smiling at Mumbo in thanks before focusing his attention back on Xisuma. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“Not wrong necessarily, just… odd.”
Luke updated his mental status to extremely not relieved. “What’s odd, then?”
“In admin view, player code is organized into relevant sections. Physical attributes, statistics, that sort of thing.” Xisuma started, making a motion with his hand that didn’t add anything to the explanation other than pizzazz. “One section is a log that tracks all the past servers a player has visited, including their home server.”
“And… what does it say about mine?”
“That’s the thing. It doesn’t say anything about it. Your server log has logged no servers, aside from Hermitcraft.”
Luke blinked once, twice. “That sounds bad, Xisuma.”
“Not bad, odd.” Xisuma corrected, although Luke didn’t feel entirely reassured. “Not all information logs correctly, and hardcore worlds have the highest chances for data loss. I’m sure that’s all it is.”
“Might explain how you ended up here, too. No home server for the respawn mechanics to work off of.” Mumbo pointed out, glancing towards Luke as he did so.
Luke looked away, avoiding Mumbo’s eyes. “Maybe. Still doesn’t seem good. And we still don’t know what’s going on with me and the poppies.”
“Actually, that’s the other thing-”
“There’s another thing?”
“-I suppose you’re not aware that you have some carry-overs?”
“Explain what a carry-over is and then I’ll answer that.”
Again, Mumbo helpfully jumped in. “They’re similar to mods, but they link to specific players, not servers. They accommodate for players having different requirements than a vanilla server might account for. Like, er,” Mumbo hesitated for a moment as he thought of an example, “Jevin! Jevin has carry-overs that adjust for him being a non-hostile slime.”
“Does that mean your moustache is a carry-over?”
“I don’t think I like what you’re implying.” 
“Teasing! I’m teasing.” Luke briefly raised a hand in mock surrender before dropping it. “I think I get the idea. But, uh, I’m not really seeing how making sleeping potions could be a ‘player requirement.’ I hardly need the skill to survive.”
“It is peculiar.” Xisuma admitted. “It’s not your only carry-over either. You have rather a lot here.”
“I- I do?” Luke looked at his hands, as if they would start suddenly glowing with the power of his newly discovered pile of carry-overs. “What are they?”
“Not sure. I can’t read them.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Luke watched Mumbo’s moustache frown. “Player code is a universal language.”
“Tell that to Luke’s home server.” Xisuma quipped with a slight shrug. “Some of the language is familiar- I can see ‘poppies’, for one- but most of it is nonsense to me.”
“Do you think you’d be able to understand it, Luke?”
Luke shook his head at Mumbo’s question. “I didn’t really work with code. Even if I had, I really don’t know if what I count as ‘code’ is the same thing to you guys.”
“Trial and error it is, then.” The blue in Xisuma’s vision faded as he closed out of Luke’s player data. “Whenever you find out about anything else like the potion of rest, before you start pranking people with it, let me know about it, and I’ll make a note of it in your logs in code I can actually read.”
“Wait, but- is that safe? Just ‘wait and see?’” Luke glanced between Xisuma and Mumbo. “What if one of my mystery carry-overs conflicts with the- I don’t know- the server’s code? And crashes everything? Or glitches the- the moon?!”
Xisuma put a hand on Luke’s shoulder. “You’ve been here for a while, Luke, and this is the first time any carry-over effect has popped up. I doubt you’re carrying any break-the-server code on you, and even if you were, there’s nothing you can do on accident that would be worse than some of what your boyfriend’s done on purpose.”
“The point being: the server will be fine, the moon will be fine, you will be fine. And if something goes wrong, I’ll fix it.” Xisuma patted Luke’s shoulder reassuringly before pulling back. “And speaking of fixing things, I’ve got at least two other fires that need to be put out, and a fortress that still needs to be cleared, so unless there’s anything else…?”
Luke took a slightly forceful breath before he shook his head, waving Xisuma off. “No, that’s all. Good luck with the fortress.”
“And if you want more than luck on your side, Boatem has some very lovely strength potions for sale. All natural, no dyes, no tricks!”
Xisuma laughed, tossing Mumbo the remnants of his gifted ‘strength’ potion as he stepped away, pulling fireworks out of his inventory in lieu of the bottle. “I think I’ll brew my own this time. See you!”
Luke waved goodbye until Xisuma was more a spec on the horizon than a person. His hand then dropped to pinch the bridge of his nose as he sighed. If Xisuma said everything would be fine, then it probably would be, but the thought of so many unknown ‘player requirements’ being connected to him without him even knowing about it didn’t sit right with him. The poppy tea was neutral as far as Luke was concerned, but what if there were bad attachments? What if he could get salmonella here? And Mumbo had been so close to convincing him to try their version of cake…
While Luke contemplated the many diseases he was still possibly vulnerable to, Mumbo shuffled closer to his side, nudging his shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll make the next sale.”
Luke snorted. “I don’t think Xisuma’s ever going to trust a Boatem strength potion ever again.”
“Oh, don’t let anyone hear you say that. Bad look for Boatem’s head of quality assurance.”
“Let me rephrase: Xisuma is never going to enjoy another one of Boatem’s fabulous, completely genuine, extremely quality strength potions ever again.”
“Much better.” Mumbo leaned lightly against Luke, tilting his face more towards him. “Xisuma’s been an admin for a long time. He knows what he’s talking about.”
“It sounds like Xisuma’s not seen any of this before, though. What if something happens that he doesn’t know how to deal with? Something he can’t fix?”
“Luke, love, you’re on Hermitcraft. All we do is invent new ways to break everything.” Mumbo’s eyes and moustache were equally soft as Luke shifted his head slightly to better look at him. “If one of your nonsense-code carry-overs ever does manage to crash the server, you’ll get a pat on the back from every one of the hermits while we wait for Xisuma to get it back up and running.”
“I thought you were shunned for the pumpkin and melon circle?”
“That’s because I had crashed the server enough times before to know better. But the first time’s a rite of passage.”
Despite himself, Luke laughed. “When will the hermits stop surprising me?”
“Soon as your tales of your old server stop surprising us, I’d wager.” Mumbo joked. “And speaking of things from your server and surprises-”
“Please, I only just learned what a carry-over even is five minutes ago. No more experimenting with them until at least tomorrow. For now, I want to do something simple.”
“Such as… farming?”
“Something simple that’s meant to be simple.” Luke clarified, separating from Mumbo so that he could let his hoe fall off his shoulder, opting to glare at it. “Do you really not find it suspicious at all how everything grows so quickly and perfectly without any attention?”
Chuckling, Mumbo pulled his own hoe out of one of his suit pockets, putting the potion bottle away as he did so. “It’s all very average here. It’s not like it’s all perfect. You need to make sure you have water, sunlight. And there’s always a chance for rotten potatoes.”
“But you never have to worry about too much water or too much sunlight! Or fertilizer, or weeding, or pruning! And you can get rotten potatoes, but not rotten carrots, or wheat, or seeds! All you do is hit the ground, drop some seeds, and call it good for two days before you reap your rewards!” Luke slumped, using his hoe as a crutch and ignoring Mumbo’s obvious amusement at his grievances. “Even Planter’s Sun made you wait a few weeks to collect your crops, and that was only after daily maintenance and upkeep.”
“None of that made any sense to me.” Mumbo swung his hoe at the ground, the single tap to the earth somehow causing a square with three tilled lines to form. “But if you want, you can try to explain it to me while I help you actually start planting some seeds.”
“It’s going to take a while to get through everything, you know.”
“I know. I don’t mind.” Mumbo said sweetly as he moved on to the next square of dirt, beginning to make a line of dry, tilled earth. “Besides, you never know what could turn out to be a carry-over! It might be important that I know what a, uh, planted sun is!”
Luke couldn’t help but smile. Alright, so maybe his code was fucked. Maybe he had a million terrible ‘carry-overs’ nestled into the same space his potion of rest skill was living. Maybe he’d wake up the next day and find the entire server turned upside down because, oops! guess who had just introduced the plague to Hermitcraft. Maybe farming would now always be fast and easy and terrible. His current situation was hardly what most would call ‘ideal.’
But with Xisuma’s reassurances in the back of his mind, and Mumbo’s light teasing in front of him, Luke couldn’t bring himself to feel anything other than very, very lucky.
“Alright, then. Let’s start with pruning.”
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miracleandplagueau · 1 year
Hey! Here's some ideas I've had for the other potions:
Dog: Let's you find easily any object you need. This could be useful to find the objects that contain the Akuma, useful objects in fights or even objects you lost in your daily live. It works like your sense of smell gets bigger, and that's how you find the objects. (The main problem is that it could allow the heroes to find Monarch's hiding place easily by finding his weapon- so maybe there's a limited distance, and it only starts working in that distance. So, after you drink the potion, you'd have to go in a specific distance nearby the object to start "smelling" it. It could also simply don't work with any of the "natural objects" of the wonder- aka the clothes and weapons- but it would work with the akumatized objects because it wouldn't be part of the butterfly wonder. Basically, doesn't work with wonder's weapons and clothes, but if somehow the heroes were able to put any other object in the person- such as like, a hairclip- they would be able to sense where it went)
Goat: Gives you better craft skills. In civilian form, it could help you find more practical ways to build stuff (from DIYs to helping you build bigger stuff such as a house)- while in hero form, it could help you make useful weapons with basic stuff that you have around you (Basically what we call "Gambiarra" In portuguese- when you improvise stuff with what you have and it works) (Although the talisman kinda already does it, it could be useful to other heroes that don't have the Ladybug wonder, or to the Ladybug holder when they fail to use the talisman or simply need more than the talisman in the fight. Also it doesn't have to be limited to create stuff with things you have, it could also just improve your "building" skills in general, such as building houses etc- but I think it is kinda similar to the rooster potion, so it's complicated)
Monkey: So, I've had two ideas: The first one is that it let's you confuse you opponent easier, making him be distracted by you while you or your partner attack them. The other is that it is Actually a potion that you Throw in battle (like some Minecraft potions), and the person hit By it gets really confused, sees hallucinations, etc- like the monkey power does, but mentally and not physically. But this could be ALSO useful to use when a person is, for example, in great pain and/or in need of anesthetics. If you drink small amounts, the confusion will make your brain forget the pain and help you, it could save someone or save you a bit in a battle although it has the confusion side effects :D (I think the second option is cooler)
Ox: You get a great resistance in battle, not only from magical attacks but from physical attacks too. It can reduce great part of the damage. When you're civilian, it could help you if you had a dangerous job
Horse: let's you move around easier. For example, do you want to get from point A to point B in the most practical way possible? The potion would let you find the path that gets you there faster, showing any possible dangers and etc. It could be useful if you were chasing an Akuma that was pretty far from you and you HAD to get them, or if you're running from something and wanna be fast enough to not be caught
Mouse: I couldn't really find one for this one lol, unless you consider "multiplication" as a math skill. So it would make you great in math and, although it sounds a bit unuseful, if you had to for example make a plan that needs you to calculate stuff (like dipper from GF planning how to get the plushie for Wendy), it would help you have a much bigger hability in it. Math is really present in many stuff so, who knows (but I think this would be kinda hard to incorporate and stull a bit unuseful lol)
Apologies for taking so long to answer! (also for possibly being messy oopsie Ive been writing this in bulks)
All of those ideas are brilliant and I love them so much and thank you for contrubiting to the world Its not much but I appreciate it so aaaaaaaaa.
MnP ✦ Wonder Extracts ✦ Part 1.5
I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I wanted to tackle this post and I had just about 3 versions filled to brim with paragraphs. In the end, I feel like talking about each idea separately will be better and more organized + certain paragraphs that talk about a few changes to the potion system and how they'll contribute to the story. I hope It's at least somewhat cohesive now..
But first, I'll explain the words I use because I realize they might get a little mixed up sometimes
EXTRACT - The "pure" form. Not shaped into anything yet, It's a general/replacement term for original potions. ESSENCE - Burning essence, in short. These extracts are best to be used as a sort of "aromatherapy" and Master Fu often uses them for that exact purpose. POTION - Extracts that are best used for the actual fights like Elation and Evolution Potions.
Anyway, I'll start by introducing the MnP Potions once again and how they appear in the story. Potions are something NEW. The clan of Guardians has fallen while the Wuxing Wonders were still there, which means even the idea of something of a special extract with one of their properties was an entirely new idea, or at least one that wasn't explored in full just yet, because nobody expected them to be destroyed. In the episode where they'll be introduced to the heroes, Master Fu has only found recipes for extracts that are not very compatible in fight such as the Pig (relieves of stress) and Rooster extract (improves focus) and its the heroes who will have to help him find one that will help them defeat the villain.
A bit more misc info, but I like to think that the Wonder essences wil be very addicting. After all, they help you out or deal with something which is why Master Fu is the only one to really hold those recipes to make sure his beloved heroes don't take over-the-average doses so to speak.
Worth noting, I won't be using all the potions nor will I have them all discovered. Maybe some will require something that is no longer accessible or requires knowledge beyond Master Fu's rank.
Dog - That one's really good - especially to Hantengu situations. Maybe the villain is super small, but also super fast and requires a lot of attention to keep track of, but the Dog Potion will allow them to find and defeat them! I have to get it tangled into the story somehow now...
Goat - I'll be real with you, I never liked the Goat Miraculous in the show. Like. I genuinely hated the fact that it existed. However, It being an extract that boosts your creativity is actually SICK and could fit a lot, but only as a burning essence. I don't think It would work well as a potion and would more resemble like. drugs. Either way, It could be used in the story for a number of ways like maybe Jiayi uses it when in artblock or hell, I'd be funny If Adrien brought it home and Gabriel used it too!
Monkey - This one puzzled me a lot, because It could be really good! Unfortunately, the power of Peacock Wonder is eerily similar to the original Monkey miraculous and I don't want to have them overlap.
However, we can use the fact that the Monkey miraculous was inspired by the Sun Wukong - a chinese myth creature. I figured as such from the headpiece. In the myths, Wukong was able to transform into 72 different animals and that gives us something to go off. Perhaps the Monkey Potion could allow the person who drank it to disguise themselves or give off the impression that they're not actually THE person. A bit drastic example but lets say that Monarch gets his sticky hands on the potion. He could easily fool Wonderbug that he's Chat Noir by taking his form. It actualy gave me an idea for a revamped power of the Monkey, kind of a shame I can't use it anymore :shrug:
Ox - Really good!... But It might be too overpowered. Perhaps It will only work with physical attacks or direct attacks to your body so that It wouldn't work well against someone like Stormy Weather or Evilustrator. With this minor tweak, It would work with someone like Gorizilla or even Monarch himself and the balance is kept enough for it to appear again, but not every single episode
Horse - See, here I wasn't sure If the power was good enough to be the Wonder's power or If I should tweak it somehow to make it a little less powerful. It's an amazing ability to be able to find the best path to something, someone, but I feel like It's a little too much for an extract.
Mouse - Multiplication is a good idea to go off from and I think that while It could still be ueful as an essence, It wouldn't appear very often.. Now, after a bit of thinking about this, this might as well be one potion that doesn't have to be consumed, but instead poured onto something. As the mouse Wonder's power is to duplicate, the potion (holding a fragment of the artifact's power) could cause ITEMS to duplicate. In case of being consumed by a human or kwami or anything else, I think It would be too weak to do something which limits its power. At first I thought the mouse extract could boost not only math, but also logic skills.. but then again Rooster already boosts focus, I think It's better to leave them distinct - similar to Horse and Dog.
Once again, thank you so much for giving these ideas to me I'm really happy someone is interested enough to provide me with their little something or their thoughts about it!! DO IT MORE I LOVE READING ALL OF IT!!!!
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rhytmrocket · 5 months
one thing that really annoys me is liquids that look and/or smell drinkable and yummy but very much are Not
most cleaning supplies
- bright colors (like fruit juice)
- often smells good
- probably tastes like soap and probably will kill you
ocean water
- often blue (very yummy color)
- looks crispy
- tastes like salt and probably has a bunch of fish waste and dead stuff in it
minecraft swiftness potion
- looks like blue soda
- made with sugar i think
- not real.
- white drink? like a lychee boba? that sounds good
- it also makes cheese and ice cream and stuff so it’s gotta be good
- milk is fucking disgusting
and many others
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sleepylilbuggie · 6 months
*chugging something over the phone*
“you sound like you’re drinking a potion in minecraft”
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soulclicky · 1 year
Think about it, when SpearMaster is drinking something through one of his spears. Some noise has to be made, so whats to say it can’t be the Minecraft Potion drinking sound?
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memesoundeffects · 1 year
Minecraft Potion Drinking Sound Effect
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🎵 New Sound: Minecraft Potion Drinking Sound Effect Free to download meme sound effects soundboard library Read the full article
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minecraftheadcanons · 3 years
what all the minecraft potions taste like:
swiftness: red bull slowness: red bull thats been left opened for like six days leaping: unseasoned chicken broth strength: hot sauce healing: la croix harming: la croix but made with rotten fruit poison: vinegar regeneration: smoky, salty water fire resistance: cream soda water breathing: unseasoned seafood broth night vision: metalic tap water, like you get in minnesota invisibility: extremely minty turtle master: sawdust slush slow falling: raw eggs
and all splash potions are carbonated, if you drink them
I now wonder if people drink splash potions for the flavor sometimes. Some sound good!
Looks away from the sawdust slush flavor
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oliviaaaah · 3 years
why does the one part in Seize the Day where they’re ripping the papers sound like the Minecraft potion drinking sound effect?
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unique-facts · 3 years
Top 10 Facts About PewDiePie
Let’s talk about the world’s most successful YouTuber. Welcome to Unique Facts and today we’re counting down our picks for The Top 10 Facts About PewDiePie.
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For this list, we’re looking at some of the things that make PewDiePie unique, eccentric and occasionally controversial, because you don’t make it to the top of YouTube by being ordinary.
10: His Name Is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg
Let’s start with the basics. While many people know him as Pewds or even senpai, this YouTuber’s real life name is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjelberg. It’s a bit of a mouthful but it’s actually quite common in Sweden for people to have two middle names. Felix is a Latin word that means happy and successful, which just so happens to describe PewDiePie perfectly. You may also recognize the name from the Felix Felicis potion in Harry Potter, which brings luck and success to anyone who drinks it. So maybe, just maybe, there’s a little bit of magic behind PewDiePie’s success too.
9: There IS a Meaning Behind “PewDiePie”
Unlike the name his parents gave him, the name of Felix’s channel really doesn’t have that much meaning behind it, but it does come with a bit of funny and relatable origin story. In 2006 he created the PewDie channel but had to make a new channel when he forgot the login information, thus the great PewDiePie channel was born. To break it down Pew is to represent the sound a laser makes, die is what happens when you get shot by a laser, and pie… Well Pewds just thought it sounded funny, and he’d already started saying it as a bit of a catchphrase while gaming, so… why not? Also, who doesn’t love pie?
8: He Dropped Out of College
Surely much to his parents’ delight, PewDiePie was accepted into Chalmers University of Technology for a degree in industrial economics and technology management. This was quite an accomplishment since you needed excellent grades to get in, but it just wasn’t for Pewds. Before completing his degree at Chalmers, PewDiePie dropped out to pursue his own artistic endeavors. To support himself, he worked at a hot dog stand, and he managed to sell enough of his artwork to buy his early gaming/broadcasting equipment. It just goes to show that humble beginnings and sacrifice can create a legend.
7: He Has Two Licensed Video Games
It had always been a dream of Pewds’ to create his own video games and in 2015 that dream came true with the release of “PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist.” The game takes you on an epic 2D adventure where you save Bros - i.e. PewDiePie’s fans - from the evil barrel army. In 2016 he released “PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator”, which is a community game where you create your own YouTuber. You work to upgrade your office and become number one on YouTube. Both games have done extremely well, receiving high ratings and positive reviews.
6: He’s Very Charitable
PewDiePie has actually used his internet powers and substantial influence for good by raising money for charity. He has quite a few charities he’s passionate about like WWF, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Save the Children, and Product Red. In fact, in 2012 he won the title of "Gaming King of the Web" and donated his cash prize to the World Wildlife Fund. In 2014 Pewds made a video announcing that his channel, with the help of the Bro Army, had raised 1 million dollars for charity, and that number has only continued to grow.
5: He’s a Published Author
He’s a poet and you didn’t even know it. Well maybe not a poet… but he is hilarious and published! On October 15, 2015 PewDiePie released the magnum opus that is “This Book Loves You.” It has 240 pages of inspirational quotes and advice, which are paired with creative visuals. Well, technically the book is a satire on other inspirational books, but it has some fun words of wisdom like “Don't be yourself, be a pizza. Everyone loves pizza.” Truer words have never been put to paper. The book even made it to the #1 spot on the New York Times’ best seller list for young adult paperbacks.
4: He Met His Girlfriend When She Sent a Fan E-Mail
Theirs is a true modern romance if there ever was one. Back in 2011 Marzia Bisognin’s best friend innocently sent her a link to Felix’s videos. Marzia thought he was hilarious so she decided to write him and he wrote back. The two started talking through Facebook until Felix saved up enough money to visit her in Italy. They had to travel a lot to see each other but now they are a YouTube power-couple happily living in the UK. Marzia has over 7 million subscribers on her YouTube channel and she even has her own fashion line!
3: He’s Had to Move Because of His Fans
Jake Paul isn’t the only one having problems with fans at his place. Though at least, unlike Paul, Pewds didn’t share his home address publicly. The Bro Army is often a force for good, especially when it comes to charity drives, but other times their devotion to PewDiePie can go a little too far. There have been multiple instances of fans hunting down his address, and then showing up at his house. You shouldn’t show up to a friend’s place uninvited, let alone someone who doesn’t know you. Pewds has had to move more than once because of this. He’s even made a video telling fans to leave him alone, which, quite frankly, should’ve gone without saying.
2: He Increases Video Game Sales
If Pewds plays it… people buy it! This is especially evident when he decides to play indie-games. Pewds has been known to crash sites when the Bro Army flocks to a game that isn’t designed to handle so much traffic. You can thank him for putting a lot of games on the map like “Surgeon Simulator” and the addictive game “Flappy Bird”, may it rest in peace. We aren’t talking about a few dollars of increased sales either; when he played “Crypt of the NecroDancer” it experienced an increase in sales to the tune of 60 thousand big ones!
Before we reveal out top pick here are a few honorable mentions.
- He Hates Barrels
- He Has a LOT of Subscribers
- His First PewDiePie Video Was About Minecraft
#1: Controversial Content Cost Him Lucrative Deals
If you’ve ever watched a PewDiePie video, then you know that he’s got a habit of pushing the limits. It has gotten him into trouble in the past, like in 2016 when he was accused of anti-Semitism after posting a number of videos that either alluded to or invoked Nazi and anti-Semitic imagery and messages. While Felix made an apology video, the offending content cost him his deal with Disney, as well as his YouTube Red series. In 2017, he used a racial slur in a livestream of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, which led game developer Campo Santo to issue a DMCA takedown of videos featuring Pewds playing their game Firewatch.
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