#Snow Goblin
felsjustart · 9 months
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Someone has to be good at drawing characters at a 3/4 angle on a blank background, so might as well be me!
Anyways, my Snow Goblin Slushee is done until I decide to inevitably redo her later. 💙 She's supposed to be pretty non-violent to contrast my angry, angry Kit, soooo I like the idea of her back handing her sword a lot. Pommel strikes count as non-lethal, right? Right?!
I wanted her outfit to look sort of like a wedding dress that she's adventured in for so long that it's become part of her armor at this point. In the Pathfinder homebrew we're playing Goblins are known to be hunted down a lot by the BBEG and his lackeys, so the backstory I cooked up involves Slushee venturing out away from her hometown to try and make the world a better place for her house spouse and kids. She's a champion; which is Pathfinder's paladin equivalent.
As for her limbs being darker and less limbed: I took inspiration from ducks feet for circulation to argue as to why she doesn't lose fingers or toes while trampling through the snow and colder conditions. Also her ears are furry as per Pathfinder goblin lore.
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turbojawdo · 2 years
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Thanks to @echollama for drawing my new goblin witch/potion girl Mavie! And her chicken, CAN’T forget the chicken. I need to name the Chicken
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twinklesparklelights · 11 months
I’m just a lil snow goblin livin’ in a cabin surrounded by a conifer forest
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brucelinas · 1 year
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The White Wolf
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himbionn · 23 days
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I'll spend my days so close to you
cause if I'm stood here, then I'm stood here
and I'll stand here
I'll stand here with you
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lospaziobianco · 6 months
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by Alex Ross
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here-for-the-frogs · 6 months
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heeheehoohoo8 · 7 months
I don’t think you understand how many times I’ve had this realisation that basically everytime I have a crush on a character. you know why I have a crush? Because they have bleach blond hair It spans across every genre i can’t help myself
Including but not limited to,
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brokenightlight · 6 months
One of my favorite artists, Mister Goblin, just released a new single using one of my photos as the album artwork. This is an extremely sweet thing to me, Sam was very kind when he reached out months ago and I just feel very thankful to be able to contribute even something so small to someone else's art. You should give him a listen if you can - Goodnight Sun and The Notary are probably are some of my favorite tracks that he's released.
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I took this photo during the 2022 snowstorm that hit Virginia pretty hard. I was traveling from Connecticut to Georgia to get home after visiting my family for Christmas leave. A friend and I had woken up at our halfway stop in VA and noticed the snow early in the morning so we left as quickly as we could. We took turns driving and drifting off to sleep in the passenger seat and got home just fine by the end of it, only to find out later on in the day that this same storm had stranded hundreds of people on I-95. Strange to think that we remember it as an extremely sweet and peaceful memory while others spent the night trapped in their cars without food or water.
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darkvolt · 9 months
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darkeclipticheart · 5 months
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Next round of pairing of my OC this time my Or Girl Lily and snow leopard allora
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hobe-bryant · 2 months
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Gobbo time
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highlifeboat · 6 months
I love looking up a movie and then it's just... on youtube. In full. for free. Usually uploaded by a random person.
I can't explain why but it just kind of makes it feel like an unwanted child in a way.
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snowspiritt · 1 year
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i genuinely love this outfit and shitty phone cameras
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mudg0bln · 1 year
Attempting to retain shreds of my sanity
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mistwhisperexpress · 9 months
I'm not Jewish myself but I do belong to a couple of minority demographics that receive denigration for one reason or another, along with people trying to speak for me.
My only real advice is that there comes a point where it's no longer "defending the oppressed" and more infantilization. There is such a thing as being too sensitive. This is a kid's game, not propaganda meant to encourage hatred. Same as any other demographic, Jewish people can speak on their own behalf. They don't need others' help, they only need a listening ear. To do anything else is risking spoiling the fun for everyone including those you're trying to speak for.
Also "goblin" as far as I've seen is as much an umbrella term as anything else. Jewish people don't hold a cultural copyright on financial greed and hooked noses. (may I direct you to dragons and stereotypical witches respectively) I could probably name a dozen other fairy tale and mythological creatures that have such traits.
Suggesting that SSO's new little green goblin (Grinch? Norman Osborn?) is a caricature of Jewish people makes as much sense as saying the orcs in Tolkien's legendarium represent black people or that the white walkers from ASOIAF represent white people, aka little to no sense once you look past the surface. The comparison of Jewish people and goblins alone could be deemed borderline antisemitic in itself. It's misguided, but forgivable.
Worry more about enjoying the game and less about whether SSO is offending a group who are more than capable of defending themselves in a kid's game. ❤️
Okay I don’t blame you for assuming I’m not Jewish because apparently I haven’t mentioned that here yet even though I (mis)remembered I had, but this still feels really weird to send? Telling someone who’s not part of a minority to not speak for them is absolutely okay, the job of people outside a minority is to raise up their voices, not add their own, so I have no issue with that aspect and I am genuinely sorry that’s been done to you, but why are you, someone who by your own words isn’t Jewish, speaking on if goblins antisemitic or not at all? You are speaking for/over us there, and you would be even if I wasn’t Jewish.
I am Jewish, and obviously while we aren’t a monolith, no group of people is, I personally find this depiction of goblins (green and greedy/thief) antisemitic, and with much of the world going mask off with their antisemitism right now I’m not as open to giving benefits of the doubt as I used to be. I do believe this was a mistake on SSO’s part and not intentional as I said in a reblog, but that doesn’t make it any less harmful or antisemitic.
I have done quite a bit of research into the history of goblins and when they began to be used as an antisemitic caricature (as early as the 1800s thanks to the Goblin Market poem, which is just classic blood libel) because I make dice as a job and I want to enjoy D&D without antisemitism and the whole dice goblin thing, and there is a very large connection. This isn't unfounded.
You’re right in that goblins are a bit of an umbrella term, they are, which is why it’s important to let the antisemitic version of them die. You can have goblins that are just mischievous, not green, big nosed, greedy, sneaky, and untrustworthy. It’s really easy to not have antisemitic goblins, but unfortunately the antisemitic version is a mainstream staple and that doesn’t just go away overnight.
If you apply harmful stereotypes to anything, even if it was completely harmless before, you’re going to get a harmful caricature. That’s what happened to goblins, and that’s what SSO did with the Snow Goblins. They took the popular depiction which is the antisemitic version, and applied it to the game without a thought because it’s been normalized to the point most people don’t even consider it may have less than great origins. Like Rapunzel and Hansel and Gretel. They’re so normal the vast majority of people don’t even realize they were created for antisemitic reasons. Antisemitism is sneakily within a lot of things. You don’t start recognizing it until you become familiar with the tropes and stereotypes.
I’m also going to bet if they’re European in origin, the “dozen other fairy tale and mythological creatures that have such traits” you could name also had that done to them if they weren’t antisemitic to begin with. And since you mentioned them, it’s also what was done to the stereotypical version of witches, which is antisemitic and has a very long history of such going back to accused women who were burned being forced to wear Jewish clothing of the time as further humiliation. It’s also where the classic pointy hat comes from, since a pointy cone hat was what we were forced to wear to signify we were Jewish. Witches actually share a lot with goblins in antisemitic traits and SSO also needs to address Pi hitting all but the green skin.
You clearly know a little about the issue, as you brought up The Nose when I didn't, but you also don't know nearly enough to speak about this at all as evidenced by you not knowing the antisemitic history regarding witches, so please don't. And I never said they were a Jewish caricature, I said they were antisemitic, there's a difference. A Jewish caricature is the happy merchant meme.
What we're also not going to do is the whole 'you're the antisemitic one for seeing Jewish people in goblins' thing. That has and always will be an utterly bullshit dismissive argument. The whole point of this kind of caricature is to normalize the stereotypes so when they're actually applied to people you don't blink an eye, like how very few goyim blinked an eye at Mother Gothel in Tangled. I'm currently sick so I really don't have all the smart brain power to go into that right now and I hope someone else can. It's not antisemitic to notice when antisemitic caricatures have been applied to something. That's a very good thing to notice actually, and I want more goyim to start noticing that.
So it does actually make more sense than someone saying those things (which I don't think I've ever seen someone argue??), which I'll get into under the cut to clear up any confusion about how SSO's Snow Goblins tie into the antisemitic depictions, since a couple people were confused in my initial post.
And I am worrying more about enjoying the game; that's the whole reason I brought this up, because I'd like to enjoy a game that's been with me for more than half my life and means a lot to me, and this is preventing me from fully doing that.
Again, I am genuinely sorry people have spoken over and for you. That is wrong and not at all okay. And I'm sorry if I misread the tone of your ask.
Okay !! Education with Mandy time. This has been a long post but I hope you'll all stick with me for just a little longer.
And real quick before we get into the specifics, I want to mention that Christmas time is one of the times where you want to be especially careful about things like this, given the history present with characters like Scrooge.
So for those who don't know what the Snow Goblin is, this is the creature in question:
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The typical antisemitic goblin is green, greedy, big nosed, and some flavor or sneaky and untrustworthy.
The Snow Goblin quite obviously hits on the green. If this creature looked like a normal capran and was named something like Snow Imp or Mischievous Capran, there would be no issue. Because bastardy little guys stealing things on it's own isn't an antisemitic stereotype. It's when there's multiple things that are the problem, like green skin, or in this case fur, and calling them something with a very large history of antisemitism when combined with those very traits.
The whole schtick of this little guy is they steal your snowflakes if you don't catch them in time, so it also hits on the greedy and untrustworthy tropes. If the Snow Goblin looked like a normal capran but was still called a goblin, there would still be an issue because the antisemitic goblin isn't just green, it's also bastard of greedy kinds, like a thief not out of necessity but of pleasure. "Thief" isn't directly an antisemitic stereotype, but it's very much there as an undercurrent. The "Jewish people are unfairly taking my money!" implication from The Middle Ages when the stereotype began, when money lender was pretty much the only job we were allowed to have.
If the Snow Goblin was called something else but was still green, I wouldn't say its directly antisemitic, but I would side eye it and not feel comfortable. It's kinda like the Grinch, ignoring the fact Dr. Seuss may or may not have been Jewish depending on who you ask because there's conflicting information. It's not directly anything bad, but I'm going to be a little wary of the intention and engage with it extra carefully.
Its about the combination.
I can't tell you exactly when the mainstream antisemitic goblin came together, because I don't know and it's really hard to find information on that, but it's there, and you can't deny that. I don't necessarily blame SSO for contributing to it's perpetuation, because you don't think to look deeper into something when you have no reason to think it's harmful, but I do hope they change it. And hire some Jewish sensitivity readers because this wouldn't have happened with more Jewish people around to catch it, and with witches being a focus of the story now I am admittedly a little nervous about how that'll be handled.
Also, this is all unintentionally made worse by use of the capran model, because it also gets to hit on the whole fun we're in league with the devil thing and the Jewish people have horns thing. I don't know when exactly those started either (drawings of us with "devil features" have been around a long time), but I know the we have horns one was popularized when Michelangelo decided to give his sculpture of Moses horns, because that's what we look like apparently. There are still people who genuinely believe we have horns. I feel robbed. Horns a super cool, I want horns. Where are my horns?
And before someone says it, yes this is a lot of words for something low stakes in a kids game. There are a lot of more important things right now. But that's exactly why it's mattering to me right now. I don't want to be silent about antisemitism while it's on the rise, but I don't know enough about the current aspects of that to speak on it. I do however know a lot about how it applies to fantasy, and I have had about three work in progress essays about the goblin issue to prepare for this.
And also before someone says it, Snow Gremlin isn't exactly an acceptable new name either. It's basically Snow Goblin 2.0. Gremlins aren't goblins (though they have become a bit synonymous and interchangeable), but they were popularized by the massive and proud antisemite Roald Dahl, and I have a hard time believing he didn't put any of those beliefs into them.
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