delektorskichick · 9 months
So I’ve never actually watched The Princess Bride with closed captioning. All the copies I own/have owned didn’t come with that option. Well, it’s on Disney+ now, and it DOES have captions. I decided to watch it tonight because apparently half of my coworkers haven’t seen it and that made me sad.
I now know ALL of Fezzik’s rhymes from the boat.
I know exactly what fighting moves Westly and Inigo were saying in that EPIC fight.
I can understand what Fezzik is saying when they break into the castle (I love Andre the Giant, but his accent is so hard for me to decipher)
Apparently I have missed something in the twenty years I’ve been watching this movie. When Inigo is drunk in the Thieves’ Forest, a member of the Brute Squad comes around the corner of the building after Inigo proclaims this is where [he’ll] stay, that he will not be moved.
“Ho, there!” he says.
Now. I always assumed Inigo just repeated the man’s phrase.
Oh no. The closed captions read as follows:
“I do not budge. Keep your Joder.”
Because he’s a Spaniard, in the movie it is pronounced exactly like “Ho, there.”
Joder means fuck in Spanish.
So when the guy comes around the corner, I can only assume Inigo’s sloshed brain just heard him shout “fuck” at him, and THAT is how he responded.
NO ONE I KNOW realized this for nearly FORTY YEARS!!!!!
Closed captioning, y’all. It’s not just because you can’t make out what they’re saying. It’s also for recognizing jokes people were slipping into movies and past censors from before you were born.
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There’s this book I have, where the main character is a teenage girl who has LOADS of notebooks and stuff like that. She has one where she writes down the names of all the people that come into her life in one way or another, but she writes them with a certain pen she thinks represents them and then sorts them into different categories. For example, “Mrs Turton” in small, sloppy letters written with a red ink pen and then sorted under a “Annoying people” category…
And isn’t that the most Regulus Black thing to do, like… ever?
Just imagine that for a sec:
He has one “Tolerable Gryffindors” category. So far he has written “Remus Lupin” with rounded, orange letters, and “James Potter” with a red glitter pen and a few big, angry crosses over it It took him ages to choose which pen was the best for James, because Red is too Gryffindor~y and predictable and he felt no better than one of James’s many Gryffindor girl admirers when he finally chose the red glitter one.
Regulus also has a “Fucking annoying little Slytherin shits” list, a “Traitors” list and a “Favourite funny lesbians (they have fun sleepovers)” list.
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cabinette · 9 months
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Book boys. so that i can rest in peace
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cookiiemancer · 7 months
Petition for Google to redirect to Tumblr when you search for the word "irony"
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cosmica-galaxy · 3 months
Small question
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what do you think brown camerawoman represent? a bunny or a rabbit?, she also came from my AU core infector, in this one she is uninfected aka reincarnated back to life, i won't tell how because of future chapter's in my secret story
would you also think that Brown Cameraman would accidentally hug or pat Brown Camerawoman? this is gonna be a friendship thing, would you also hug or pat Brown Camerwoman in a platonic way of course
┋PS: Brown Camerawoman is shy, timid, sweet, kind-hearted, helpful and understanding..bbbuuttt she won't hesitate to kill someone dangerous just to protect the people she know's and loved, she also doesn't love Tv woman in my AU but just see's her as a friend, won't hesitate to kill someone because she doesn't know or understand empathy and regret because of her being infected for 35 year's┋
[i apologize if the word kill is not something you like its just apart of Brown Camerawoman's lore in my AU TwT you may also ignore this if you wish!] -- She is very lovely and I like to think of her as a bunny! I would also love to give her head pats and I bet Pal would love to meet her too! Though, he might be a little confused if she's not of speaker mimic descent. XD Also, please say 'Kill' more.
If there's one thing I hate nowadays, it's the sanitized way of how advertisers and fucking companies are trying to censor our very language and behavior. The more 'unalive' and 'opposite of life' things I see, the more and more aggravated I become that people would sooner bow to companies than to fight for their right to SAY CERTAIN WORDS. Kill, murder, death, suicide, depression, homicide...for fucks sake, they are WORDS THAT DESCRIBE SHIT THAT HAPPENS IRL. Fuck advertisers and fuck censorship as a whole. I refuse to bend to such ludicrous sanitation. Companies can eat my whole ass, I will continue to say kill, murder, slaughter, and other variations of the sort. Sorry for the tiny rant, but I will let everyone know that I couldn't give more of a shit if you asked me "how many kills do each of the bois get on the battlefield" and I will still answer and not bat an eye. I swear, kids today will be so sheltered. I was raised in the wild era of the internet, that stuff is my culture. XD
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
What people often confuse, I think, is the idea that you can have specific benefits in different situations, but that is not the same as having systemic privileges for whatever identity/presentation/assumed identity or presentation that was given benefits.
If you want an example of what I mean, I have experienced some better treatment as people have recognized me as male, but society doesn't offer me systemic benefit because I'm a trans man - my transness, even in a context of being seen or assumed as a man, is not granted to me. I'm not saying that I don't ever get treated better in certain instances where I am seen as a man (even if I'm seen as a cis man), what I am saying is that that is different than systemic privileges. I think that difference matters, since people see systemic benefits as indications that people don't need help, or even that those people need to be "taken down a peg." This viewpoint isn't conducive to helping people, if that's what your goal is.
I use myself as an example just so people aren't confused. This is a complex topic that is, fundamentally, intersectional. If the only voices being heard are one type, we will be coming away with a dangerously narrow view of how social benefits and societal privilege work.
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hedgehog-troops · 5 months
I would take a bullet for you just to prove my love, only to find out you are the one holding the gun
an AU for October 31st, 1981.
enjoy xx
"James! Voldemort! Help!"
James is up in an instant, recognizing Peter's patronus and chasing it as it leads James to where ever it is that his best friend is at.
He can feel his chest constricting at the mere thought of reaching after Peter has been harmed.
They've been best friends since they were five and Peter is absolutely not allowed to die before James.
He remembers the pact they made at 8.
"promise me something" James says, a very business-man-like expression on his face, which –no doubt– looks a bit weird on an 8 year old but they're both a pair of weirdos, proudly.
"anything" replies Peter, earnestly, blindly trusting of his best friend.
"you will not die, not before me" James says, holding out his pinky.
"i will not, i promise."
Peter wraps his own pinky finger around James' and instantly his face breaks out into a huge smile, bright enough to light up the whole world.
his best friend.
James quickens his pace.
He refuses to believe that Peter is hurt, no. He promised. Peter is nothing if not a trustworthy friend.
The patronus leads him into a dark alleyway with a dead end and vanishes.
James looks around in distress, searching for Peter, any sign of him.
He calls out.
No answer.
Louder this time.
Still no answer.
No no no no.
Peter can't–
He can't be–
James feels fear grasp his broken heart, dig its claws deep inside his flesh and into his eyes, searching and pulling out tear after tear.
He feels Fear knock him to the ground and onto his knees. It claws out sobs and prayers to gods he doesn't believe in just for a chance to see his best friend again.
He gets up.
He will not rest until he finds Voldemort and kill him himself for even so much as thinking of hurting his best friend.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't James Potter in the flesh" an icy voice cuts through the silence.
"Where is Peter?!" James demands, letting unfurl a part of himself he has kept hidden from the world since December 1979. He lets every drop of rage in his body mix with voice.
Voldemort steps aside, and from behind him steps out a figure dressed in a completely black robe.
"Right here, Prongs" Peter says, the corners of his mouth twisting up cruelly at the nickname.
James' heart, completely unaware of the situation leaps up in joy seeing his best friend alive and well.
Peter points his wand at James.
James has just a second to think of his betrayal before another wand is pointed at him.
"Avada Kedarva"
And the world goes black.
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Why do school essays exist why cant i write dean winchester character analysis essays grr
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ko-odi · 11 days
finally went ahead and gave him a redesign & drew him a simple ref sheet for myself :3
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i was debating whether or not to post this because this is a very personal design buuut i wanted to show him off cuz i think hes pretty :] and i wanted to show the comparison between this design and the one from last year (the last image) bcs he looks sm better now imo >_<
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sunnnfish · 6 months
I know you said don't worry about it but I am a chronic worrier so do you wish to elaborate on that fabiniku shirashiro au you mentioned
WELLLL IF YOU INSIST... twirling hair evilly. so first up fabiniku is short for a manga series Fantasy Bishojo Juniku Ojisan to. translated to. deep breath. Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout. or other such translations. dont know if you know what fabiniku is so we're gonna explain it wheeeee.
so basic plot, maybe inferred from the title. these two guys in their 30s are like best friends who often go out drinking and go to mixers and all that and one of them is all like. i wanna get a giirrrlllllfriieennddd <- drunk in the bathroom while his friend comforts him. hope youre already recieving the shirashiro mindbeams. two hopeless romantic friends etc etc. and then. i forget exactly how we get to this but drunk sopping wet pathetic one (tachibana is his name) ends up saying like. i just wish i was a girl! or something to that effect. which catches the attention of an otherworldly god who takes it so literally and brings them both to this fantasy world in which tachibana has been turned into a drop dead beautiful and cute girl and his best friend is just still in his office suit. (jinguuji is his name). shenanigans ensue! highly recommended its so fun and interesting and subtly(?) queer. central themes of love and saving people. theres traumatic backstories and everything. really recommend just reading it.
BUT. shirashiro slots soooooo well into this setup it makes me genuinely sick. shirahama and tashiro still going to mixers from their office jobs because they just cant land a goddamn girlfriend. shirahama drunk and sick in the bathroom, tashiro with a hand on his back and throwing his arm over his shoulder to walk them home. shirahama, drunk, wish i was a cute girl! drop dead gorgeous! at least people would love me. transported to a fantasy world, shirahama gets to turned into a cute girl, not that tashiro is necessarily jealous, thatd be silly. she is really cute though. and shirahama, girl, shorter than tashiro for once, looking up like. has he always been this cool...? wait who said that.
theres also this whole bit where tachibana, girl, is a bit cursed with being so pretty that it literally charms any men in a however big radius. which jinguuji does sometimes fall victim to and it shows a little [<3 charmed] effect above his head. putting things together in my head This is also a bit like dating sim au. anyways. and theres this whole inner turmoil like Wait she may be cute but i know hes really just a guy. guys im so bad at explaining thiinnngggsss theres so many facets. read fabiniku.
theres also just so many moments in fabiniku that just line up. theres a bit about jinguuji letting his hair down and it was insanely tashiro coded. theres the way jinguuji is so observant but reserved. the character developments make sense. really truly just read fabiniku with shirashiro in mind and youll see it.
also like. look at them. come oonnnn.
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theres also adjustments ive made in my head about their backstories n stuff but that would be so spoilery. once again: read fabiniku. im really bad at explaining things. just imaging me pointing and gesturing frantically and making weird noises. whatever. peace and love on planet shirashiro
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noir-ish-bee · 2 years
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japhan2024 · 5 months
Omg I love this reaction! Can we all show this girl some love? I would love it if she reacted to more smosh videos!! She's an og fan from back in the day but hasn't kept up. Let's make her one of us! One of us!!
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meatriarch · 3 months
better not catch anyone worshipping the ground that jesse walks on if he becomes a playable character too considering how long HES been supposedly missing like i better not see all these asshats on twt screaming crying throwing up over him when in the same breath they were up in arms about gun making it canon that maria survived and is alive,
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storm-of-feathers · 2 years
i hate true crime i hate the way we as a society treat all crime as the same by both elevating a petty theft AND reducing horrific mass murder to the same level. a level which becomes marketable media. 
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aurorashard · 9 months
New neighbor moved in and they are hammering and drilling into the room just below mine and I have slept four hours and my tummy hurts I am going to chew through the floor, carpet, concrete and all, and politely ask them to stop
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just remembering that rory doesn't clarify with Emily and lorelai that the fight at Emily's was entirely her fault and that jess never actually got in a fight with dean and she was just being an accusatory ass when all jess wanted was to wait until after dinner to talk about it
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