#minor raeda
drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
Considering the fact Belos is one impulsively manipulative prick, and he’s fully aware that the kids know his possession can be fought off, and the kids will probably share this information, he is going to abuse the shit out of that little fun fact, I know damn well he is.
Why risk ruining his new puppet body by going all goopy and monstrous, where there’s more places for witches to hit? No, no, see, he needs to play it smart. Witches are tragic things, you see, and they care much too blindly, cling much too tightly, Clawthorne’s most of all. He honestly should’ve tried it sooner.
If he begins to lose, if the tides turn, if that Owl Lady starts fighting too fiercely, his undoing would be if he tried to match it. What he needs to do is this: jerk to the left, then the right, collapse to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Choke on air, the louder, the better. Shake from head to toe, twitching and wild. Press his face into wooden hands, or the floor, out of sight, where blue eyes won’t be seen with a righteous smirk. Wait until the Owl Lady questions, wait until there’s fear tinging her voice. Turn his head to the side, just enough to be heard, and keep shaking. Give that tilt to their voice, something confused, gasping, as terrified and pathetic as that Evelyn was, and say; “Eda?”
It’s practically mind-numbing how well such a trick works. How quickly weapons will be lowered and he’ll have the Owl Lady herself right before him. How easily she’ll drop her best defenses to hold them and promise everything would be alright. Really, she ought to watch her back more. It’s a miracle she lived this long. He’ll have to rectify that.
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genkigratification · 2 years
or read it here on ao3
Eda'd known for longer than she'd ever been willing to admit that the Owl Beast curse wasn't the only problem racking her old body. The second was at least a more normal affliction, one that didn't require a trip to whatever apothecary that'd take her coin for a potion to keep that blasted bird at bay, but it sure as hell was more annoying.
But time eased it. Let the miserable thing weaken it until what remained was little more than an annoying tickle in her throat. Wasn't like Eda'd hated it, what it meant or why, but it let her keep that many more snails from her sales. It was just something any witch growing up caught and kept.
Well, except Lilith. As far as she could tell, it wasn't like her sister kept secrets.
The only times it flared was when Eda's eye caught an old gift, a piece of paper scrawled with scores, when she'd wake up from the same recurring string of memories the Owl Beast infected as if trying to tell her something she definitely didn't want to acknowledge, and then the telltale tickle would scratch at her throat, chest congesting before petals scattered out with a cough, and Eda'd have something new but familiar to cast her irritation of the day on.
Oh, you'd think anyone with a bit of experience in plant magic would've cured the damn thing by now, but the best they could figure out was something Eda'd realized the week she'd been working it through her little head and trying to extract the bud burying itself deep in her chest: that it was sourced directly from their magic, and taking away one'd just take away the other. Call it a bit of magical overstimulation taking life's easiest form, and thank the Titan for that — she's pretty sure if it'd been anything similar to what Alador was up to in his heyday, there'd be a lot less people in the Abomination track.
"She does this sometimes," King explains from atop his sofa throne, carefully stacking blocks one on top of the other. Luz waits for him to put on another before she continues the tower up, and he waves a claw. "I dunno really what causes it, but one minute Eda'll be fine and the next BOOM! Flowers everywhere. She said it was some sorta witch thing, so I'd be careful if I was you."
"I don't know if it's something a human can catch just by learning magic, King, but thanks for the heads up. I'm preeeetty sure I'm never gonna have that problem though."
Because like, she has some super cool friends and Amity was way amazing, but flowers? No way.
Eda leans on the doorway, arms crossed, and the two jump at her voice. "You're not, 'cause it's a witch problem, not a human one. Luz is right, King, you don't catch it from learning magic... especially not from learning magic with those little glyphs she does."
With a wiggle of her fingers, because the little glyphs deserve it.
"So what is it anyway, Eda? If it's magic related, I wanna learn about it!"
Luz's determination is always as endearing as it is annoying, but the former wins out and Eda forces her sigh to sound a little more exasperated than she really is before she comes to join King on the couch, the pup wehing as he's bounced from her landing.
"Alright, alright, I'll tell you. But in exchange, you two have got to tell me what you've got going on here —"
"It's my future castle!"
"I'm teaching King how to play reverse Jenga. It's when you stack blocks on top of each other instead of taking them off."
The older witch looks at them both, King proud with his little claws against his hips and Luz sitting cross-legged on the ground, and shrugs. "Either way, count me in. I'll teach you two how to make a heckuva nice castle and tell you a little story to boot. The Flower Curse isn't a real curse, like my Owl Beast, but..."
... It sure does feel like it when you're a runaway hiding from the law, a teenage Eda gripes to herself as she suspends the petals in air at chest level, careful not to let the Emperor's goons catch wind of them. Raine's somewhere nearby, she knows, waiting for her to reappear, and once the clanking passes she's up and away on her broom, cruising over the rooftops and dropping the mass of flowers onto one of them to be swept by the wind as she keeps an eye out for the other. Once she's caught sight of them she swings down and through the alley, landing neatly next to them with nary a hair out of place; Raine, on the other hand, has to smooth down their clothes at her dynamic entrance.
"You're always making a statement," Raine says to her cattish smile, and the underlying endearment in their tone makes her chest all stuffy. "Did you lose them?"
"Probably. If I didn't already, there's no way they'll find us once we're out of town."
Confident as ever, as Raine liked to say, but it's true — the Boiling Isle is a treasure trove of hiding places, and the knee remains one of Eda's favorite places to tuck away into. The wild magic everywhere just feels so... good, unlike how contained it is in town, though she knows Raine'd prefer their warmer hangout above the trees. The sound of music is muffled by snow, they'd say, and Eda waves them off; it's better they're out here, then, so they can play as loud as they'd like.
("And how's this relate to that flower cursey thing you have?"
"Shut up, King, I've been dying to know about the next chapter in Eda's romance, so—"
"Both of you keep your mouths shut. I'm not tellin' you all this for fun, I'm tellin' you as a warning. Keep an eye out for your friends at school, they're getting around the age. Anyway, like I was saying, Rainestorm and I headed up to the Titan's Knee to play a few tunes...")
The cold air was refreshing on her face, and the sharpness of the chill always felt like it helped keep the petals at bay just a little longer; for all the talk of the snow muting sound, it seemed as if the music she plucked from the strings was clear as bells. The soft, sweet melody that accompanies it right beside rests warm over her shoulders like a shawl, and maybe, maybe if she wasn't so into keeping her magic as wild and free as the bird on her staff, Eda'd consider going into the Bard Coven, too. They sure were nice, and their style suited her plenty.
Bidden by the song, the gentle brushing of their elbows, Eda can feel the lightness, the tickle in her throat, how the flower curls its petals and reaches up, out, stretching basking in the sun that they harmonized together, but she knows it won't cause a cough. Because it's in moments like these that she feels pretty at ease, that the world falls away and all there is is the two of them on a lonely mountain only the crazy, stupid, and desperate dared to traverse.
And hell, weren't they all three?
"Boy, does it feel good to be up here!" Eda says with a stretch, falling back into the snow and holding her lute to her chest. "You can see the whole town."
Raine hums their agreement, violin laid carefully in their lap as they look down the mountain.
It's quiet, simply the wind grazing snow against the two, before the bard speaks up. "It's funny, don't you think?"
"What, how small everyone is? Definitely. They're like little ants."
"No— Well, sure, that too... but I'm talking about the curse."
Eda stiffens, chill going through her, and she sits up on her hands as she looks over at Raine. "Curse? What curse?"
There's no way they know. There's no way, because Eda's been perfectly fine at hiding what's wrong with her and Raine's never chased it and—
"The Flower Curse," they continue, and she barely keeps herself from sighing too much in relief.
"Oh, that thing? It's a total load of crap, you mean. Who'd spit flower petals just because of a crush?"
There's silence, and she glances at her companion. Raine tended to get colder than her, a little more easily, and the redness on their cheeks reminds her of that; Eda closes the gap and pulls her cloak around the two of them, thinking nothing of the motion as she ties the front back up.
"There's no cure for it," she eventually replies to the quiet, "but who cares? It's not like anyone's died from it—"
"But they have, Eda."
Raine lifts their head and turns to her, noses brushing thanks to their close proximity. And Eda couldn't even blame the cold for the burning in her ears. "They have died, but the blame's being thrown to another cause. Anything but their own magic suffocating them."
It's ridiculous to think about, is why. The sac pressed against their heart shouldn't bear any sort of curse, or anything that'd kill them in that way — magic deprivation might do it, or going in and removing the thing definitely would — but saying it does was like saying that to use magic was a curse itself. And it didn't make a difference if you were wild or bound to a Coven, which really must make the Emperor mad.
She frowns a little, hands crushing the snow at her side. "Rainestorm, what's—"
"I have that curse," they rush suddenly, and Eda's words fall away. If Raine had the curse, then—
"You have a crush on someone? Oh, no way, who? I'll help you out!"
The flower in her chest rises again, tickling at her throat, and Eda swears to drink some weed killer if it'd stop it in its tracks. Raine flushes again and shakes their head, burying their face into Eda's cloak.
"I—I don't need help or anything, Eda, I just wanted to talk about it." About how they might die, and become someone else in the papers. "Maybe we can figure something out, between the two of us."
Nothing seemed impossible together, after all. The witch rubs at her throat, turning back to look at the sprawling town so far below. Someone in the Bard track, maybe. Raine kept a bit to themselves, and was a little shy to show what they were made of on stage, but they had a quiet confidence and mischievous streak that matched her own — and she liked that about them, had always thought it cool, it's a wonder they had any worry of their magic acting up when the person they had a crush on would definitely feel the same.
(Luz would wonder the same when she caught stray petals by Amity, and Amity would wonder as well once the time had past; but the young are young and it's only once older you realize the bud remains forever, flowering differently each time for different reasons and different people.
Loss, too, is a form of yearning.)
The two linger longer on the Knee, before eventually the chill worms firmly into their boots and hides and they return back to the hideaway they share sometimes, where Eda makes her bed and Raine studies for their continued ascent into the Bard Coven; the warmth has never been so welcome, and the redhead hurries to bundle herself up under the covers as her counterpart goes to sit at their desk, dredging up various journals and books from within the drawers painted a meadow of colors.
They tour the town, asking after witches with telltale imprints on their throats from roots snaking through their veins, finding flowers of all varieties among the covens — it didn't seem to matter one bit, only that it was connected to love (which they knew) and the theory of curing it by removing the sac where their magic gathered only strengthening with research into restricted topics, taboo experiments performed by "lesser" witches long past. It was as natural as breathing to have it, as if one begot the other, and the realization put a stopper in their plans to cure Raine's affliction.
Eda remained aware of her own, careful not to show it or the beast that lay lurking in the depths of her mind to Raine, and eventually their own lives caught up to them once more; the books were put aside, research shelved for a day that may not come, and returning to the time they made for one another.
... In present time, the story is much less than the memory itself: They learned of Raine's curse, sought a cure for it, and found there was none. Fruitless as their search was, it was fun to hang out and learn more about magic than they'd been taught at Hexside, to explore the darker ends Eda wouldn't suggest Luz follow, with a hint to where the restricted sections of the library held its best secrets. It's as bare as any other story Eda's told them when it came to more personal matters, and she stands with a stretch as she finishes it off.
"Soooo after all that research and junk we did, we just ended up right where we started — with no answers and just what we knew, that it was magic based and people with those wiggly feelings got it worse than others."
Luz opens her mouth at the same time King does, two very different statements crowding Eda's ears:
"That's it? That's all? Edaaaaa, you suck at telling stories! There wasn't even any—WEH!"
"So you had feelings for them too? Did you ever tell them—OOF!"
King's cut short as he's swooped up by his tail, wriggling fruitlessly in Eda's grasp as she tosses him in the air and then into Luz's fumbling embrace. "Yeah yeah, no blood no fighting, but you know what time it is, kids?"
The two look at her, waiting, ignoring the darkness that'd come to press itself against the house's windows as if holding its breath for the rest of Eda's unspoken tale. She opens her mouth and Hooty springs back to answer for her:
"Hoot hoot! It's bed o'clock, you two! Nighty-night, don't let the bunkcrawlers bite!"
"Oh, don't let Hooty scare you, they're perfectly harmless," Eda reassures the human. "They only bite if you kick 'em."
But without any knowledge of where they were or what they looked like, Luz would certainly stay as still as a rock once she'd been tucked in — King too, from the look on his face, and Eda shoos them off before escaping Hooty's evening conversation starter back to her room.
Once there, she heaves and petals scatter across the flooring, a multitude of colors of all shapes and sizes. Eda clicks her tongue and waves her hand, magic pulling them aside and into a jar for later casting when the two were off on some youthful venture.
The tickle remains in her throat long after she screws the cap shut, rubbing her throat with a sigh as she flips through the same journals and books she and Raine had poured over so long ago. Within some of the pages are drawings on the margins, notations of a song or the sort of flowers they'd found evidence of from others, secrets written in code as they ventured closer to three words that'd only strengthen the roots threading through the magic sac pressed against their hearts— Eda looks at them fondly, setting the books aside and leaning back in her chair as she pops open a bottle for the curse that belonged to her and her alone.
The rest of the memory plays out in her dreams as they always do, though rare it is when it isn't that recurring string that the owl beast's fond of plucking, and the teenaged Eda rests her head against Raine's shoulder with a yawn, closing her eyes. The other's stillness breaks and she feels their arm wrap around her, their head resting on her own.
And, as always, Raine speaks first.
"It probably won't cure it," they say, "but do you mind if I try?"
She peeks open an eye, squinting at them for a second before shrugging. "Oh, sure, I don't mind. Go for it, whatever it is."
It's a simple thing, ends before Eda realizes what even happened, but Raine's warm face close to hers puts two and two together so fast she spits petals right into it, a flurry of flowers that get them both spluttering and back a foot.
Raine wipes their face and stares at Eda; Eda starts to wipe her mouth and lingers instead, staring back at Raine.
"I like you," they say simply, but their voice is soft and wavering; they still can't get over their stage fright, even though the performance is a private one — it's for an audience of one, their speciality, but the piece is too important, too close to their heart, and Eda laughs awkwardly.
Not the best move, going by Raine's sheepishness as they start to draw away, but what else was she supposed to do — she grabs for them before they get too far, the moment quiet before Eda fumbles with words she didn't think would be so hard to reply with. "Me too— I mean, you too. Liking. I like you too."
No, it doesn't cure their curse — never in the history of magic had it, it was simply a fact of life no different than the palismen the Clawthornes carved or the Covens the Emperor had put into place so long ago. But the flushed look on Raine's face, the way their hand grips hers, the sweetened sound of Eda's own heartbeat in her ears as they share another kiss...
It makes her think that maybe there didn't need to be one.
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zuzusexytiems · 2 years
I think the minority of people complaining about Huntlow being "rushed" or "lacking development" need to remember that Disney cancelled the series before the crew got a chance to flesh out the dynamic even further.
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We found out yesterday that the crew has been keeping their Huntlow sketches for TWO YEARS. From that alone, it's clear that the ship's existence wasn't a spur of the moment decision.
They planned Huntlow ahead.
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And we probably would've gotten actual Huntlow-centric episodes if Disney hadn't canceled, the way we did with Raeda and Lumity.
All in all, I think Dana and the crew did an amazing job. They shook the world with Huntlow DESPITE having limited episodes. It's subtle, yes, but it happens in a way that you can't miss it.
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Now imagine if we had more.
Anyway. I understand why there are people who don't like the ship for their own personal reasons—that's valid.
But imo, it's unfair to the crew if that reason is Huntlow "lacked development."
They've done their best with what very little they had. And they still did it amazingly.
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since it's pride month, i want to highlight my favorite underrated/underappreciated queer characters and ships! (part 1/???)
(feel free to add more!)
Lake - Infinity Train (non-canon)
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it's not canon but you cannot tell me that Lake isn't an allegory for trans/nb people. her arc is so beautiful and her character resonates with me so much!
i have to admit, i actually kinda hated her in the beginning because of how aggressive and rude she was, but she actually gets good character development and you can also understand why she was the way she was, being a good representation of a minority who is constantly suffering because of the social norms she’s forced into. also i don’t ship her with jesse but i do like the idea of them in a qpr or just being platonic besties.
(i use she/her pronouns for Lake because that's what they use in the series, but also because not all non-binary people use they/them, and it's kinda weird to see people insist on using they/them for Lake just because she's nb-coded. she has never shown an aversion to bring referred to with she/her pronouns.)
Le Chevre x El Topo - Carmen Sandiego (canon)
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they are side characters who don't play a huge role in the narrative but they are a really cute couple and have been confirmed to be canon! even without the confirmation, it’s clear that they were written to be a romantic couple.
mild spoiler: after the series ends, they stop being antagonists and instead put up a food truck together! it’s the cutest thing, i swear
Ryan x Min-gi - Infinity Train (non-canon)
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my OTP through and through! i say non-canon but the romance is so heavily implied, you cannot ignore it.
they're a good example of childhood friends who had a complicated relationship where both individuals did something wrong, but in the end, they grow as people and manage to mend their relationship together.
Moomin x Snufkin - Moominvalley (canon)
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i have only read one of the books and watched a few clips of these two characters but from that alone, it's clear that they were written as lovers (and the author is queer too!)
they are a beautiful portrayal of long-distance relationship where both individuals have different needs in life, but still want to be with each other regardless.
Terrestrius / Terry - The Dragon Prince (canon)
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Terry is canonically transmasc and they actually manage to explain this in the series, without making it sound too forced or expository. he's such a sweetheart too, and his relationship with Claudia is actually really sweet, despite the fact that she's one of the villains.
Carmen x Julia - Carmen Sandiego (non-canon)
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again, i say non-canon but it is heavily implied that they have feelings for each other, especially in the extra interactive episode, where Carmen leaves a bouquet of red roses for Julia, and Julia is shown to blush when receiving them.
Amaya x Janai - The Dragon Prince (canon)
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what’s that? it’s actually possible to write an enemies to lovers romance that is healthy and not extremely abusive?
Amaya and Janai have such a good relationship in S5 (and Amaya is also a great disabled representation!) Janai actually learns sign language to communicate with Amaya, and there are no unnecessary miscommunication plots or drama, they’re just a really loving wlw couple.
Benson x Troy - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (canon)
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when i say we need more mlm ships in animated media!! i’m so glad us sapphics are getting a lot of representation but it’s time cartoons started including more queer men.
benson and troy are just a really sweet couple with a good relationship that doesn’t have a ton of pining or unnecessary angst. while i love complex and tragic queer relationships, i also think that it’s good to show teenagers just being teenagers sometimes.
this opinion seems to be scarce in the queer community, which really annoys me tbh.
Raine x Eda - The Owl House (canon)
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i cannot believe that given the popularity of TOH, Raeda is still such an overlooked ship. this might be an unpopular opinion but Raeda is better written and has more chemistry than Lumity and Huntlow.
just within the span of Raine's introductory episode, they managed to establish a clearly romantic past between these two characters, and also an interesting dynamic. and even though they didn't have much screentime, they still turned out to be the best ship in the series. (again, just my opinion, don't come at me)
i think it's so important to show older queer people in media, just as it is important to show younger queer characters. it helps establish the fact that queerness has always existed and isn't some newfound trend that social media invented. not to mention, raeda is one of the very few canon ships that include a non-binary character.
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
There hasn't been any interaction between Raeda and Hunter except pretty minor moments:
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But man oh man is there common ground now:
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I have no clue if they'll do it but it would be really rad if Eda and Hunter stand side by side in front of Philip in Watching and Dreaming, to tell him it's all over.
I want Raeda to adopt himmmm...but it's probs not happenin'..
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pizzaboat · 4 months
Sick whump. Raeda sick whump
When Raine is sick, they're a minor/major work-a-holic, and Eda will hide the crow and crystal ball from them. So they do not try and do work when they should be sleeping
Eda will bribe Raine to rest by promising to wear a maid outfit if they let her give them medicine and rest of them after. Raine often feels guilty for resting and can't quite relax unless Eda makes them and reminds them they're safe to take as many days off as they need
Eda gets sick way more often than Raine. She's usually feeling run down anyway, but when she tanks, she tanks, and there's no getting out of bed for at least a week
She usually passes out with her medication beside her and a timer to wake herself up for the meds and a bag of snacks so she doesn't throw up that medicine
With Raine helping her and Luz insisting on being helpful, Raine will end up dealing with Eda's fevers, making sure she has enough water, while Luz swears she's gonna make the best soup ever and Eda's gonna be so impressed and proud when she tastes it
Eda is just happy she's not eating hex'n mix or some sorta "chip" for 5 days straight
She's clingy and prone to nightmares and when delirious she assumes she's been abandoned and starts crying if left alone for too long (big dramatic)
Raine is so soft on Eda and Eda is so cuddly and sleepy (and sweaty and gross)
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commonsenseyouneedit · 3 months
Here are many controversial discussions regarding the owl house and its fandom.( I witnessed it during the show's run and it was my worst mistake ever going to online)
📌 Headcanons such as sexualities for example even though they're not integral much to the plot it's just there that being said they're more obsessed with having a sexuality given to a character than the actual arc/personality of the character themselves.
📌 I will admit the show has some flaws but the fandom just make it more obvious and worse. Flaws such as ignoring many characters , favoring one character than the others , introducing many characters late in the series, introducing plot points that are forgotten and never brought up again etc.
📌 Having criticism about the show and it's characters like we're the viewer not the writer.
📌 this character , episode , couple , plot , pacing etc is rushed well duh the show is cut.
📌 Obsessed with the other characters and ignore the main protagonist most of the time.
📌 The fans who drew weird stuff literally showing up in the feed showing how they are sexualizing minors for most of the show's run.
📌 Thirsting for the characters most of which are minors most of the show's run who are ages 12 , 14, 15 ,16.
📌 Ignoring and not respecting canon only what the fans believes go.
📌 Don't go to TikTok , Twitter , Instagram any application don't go search the owl house they have most questionable opinions and behavior.
📌The fans hate anything that isn't LGBT such as there are many people hating on a canon straight couple which is Hunter and Willow.
📌 Saying my headcanons matter I don't care what the show/crew said even though they're head canons meaning not canon. Even a question of fan answered by the creator where she clearly stated that it's just her headcanon but fans make a big deal out of it and treated it as canon without any evidence that it's canon. Remember if it wasn't shown in the show therefore it is not canon.
📌 Shipping like the show isn't about that but the fans literally ship two characters who barely acknowledged each other existence saying it's better than the already established couples such Lumity , Raeda and Huntlow. Even going so far do literally ship themselves with a character 😕 who is already in a relationship and make negative things to hate on the character paired with.
📌 Also the fans disregarding sexualities like Amity is lesbian and disregarding age gaps to like Gus you can't ship him with the others older than him he is literally 12 the entire series and now in time skip 16 which is still a minor while his friends are all adults.
According to the show
Gus - 16 yrs old
Luz Amity Vee - 18 yrs old
Willow - 19 years old
Hunter - 20 years old
📌 Fans having ridiculous reasons why this ain't gonna work for the show the character , the ship , the plot , the episode etc.
📌the fans saying some parts of the show are forced and fan service ie character, plot , ship , development etc. like the show is planned way before any fan can knew about the episodes. Like the episodes in the production process such as writing , ideas , concepts and storyboards are finished years before it aired.
📌 The fans being a hypocrite saying this show is better than that show even though the two show they're comparing are radically different.
📌the fans Blaming other Disney shows for the cancellation of the owl house such as Big city greens for example even though it existed way before the owl house aired.
📌Also the fans harassing many accounts of Disney tva mentioning why they cancelled the owl house just because it has LGBT.
All I can say is Accept things the way it is.
The owl house I will admit is a great show but the fans are the ones who make it the worst show.
Honestly after 1 year after it ended I just want to let you know my experience. There are some fans who are pretty nice but it doesn't change the fact there are many not so nice ones.
Until today it is still happening with new fans entering the show making the show about them and completely disregarding and disrespecting what the characters and show have brought to the table in terms of what is canon to the show.
Honestly going online is the worst mistake ever and look at me still defending this show to the ones destroying it.
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dazeddoodles · 4 months
While we’re on the topic of raeda, I would just like to add, eda can NOT play the bell cittern for shit 😭
yes, she has played it very well a few times, but other than that she is dog crap, she finds it fun sometimes, gets annoyed when Raine says something like ‘erm actually, that’s c minor 🤓👆’ when she says like B major or smth 😒. also gets cranky when Raine teaches her little kiddie songs instead of difficult ones because she immediately thinks she’s awesome at playing it.
Every time Eda starts to play bell cittern, she misses at least five notes, UNTIL she stayed up all night making ‘Raines rhapsody’ just for Raine.
Justice for Eda and playing the bell cittern ✊😞
Lol I thought her instrument was a mandolin
Unfortunately there will no justice for Eda playing the Bell Cittern because she can't anymore...
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rainyydxyz · 2 months
Someone tell me why I keep finding nudity when I check the raeda blog. You know, RAINE WHISPERS x EDA CLAWTHORNE, THE SHIP.
I'm a minor I don't want to see this shit, just give me CONTENT OF ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SHIPS.
Like, does the word raeda have connection to nsfw stuff somehow or are the bots botting??
I counted at least six, dating back to July 5th.
Anyways raeda headcanon:
When in harpy form, Raine preens(clean) Eda's feathers. Since it's seen as a form of affection between birds, or was it just owls? I don't remember but it is a form of affection.
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cursiveinkwords · 3 months
☆ introduction ☆
◇ hello!! my name is koko/cece, i am a queer minor with a love for writing, nature, art, and many pieces of media which i will list later!
◇ i will not explicitly state my age online, but know i am a minor (>18) so don't do or say anything weird please. my specific boundaries will be listed, if you need clarifications send me an ask or a dm and i will clarify!
◇ i am a huge musical theater nerd and need musicals to watch and listen to, send me an ask of your favorite musicals if you want!! ^^
◇ some dream roles of mine: regina george (mean girls), girl scout/lydia deetz (beetlejuice), jason dean/heather m (heathers), and eliza (hamilton)!
◇ i love planets, whales, the ocean, nature, and love itself!
◇ i take art requests and do art trades/design trades!
◇ I'm married to seblet (platonically) @st4rb04rd
◇ i may do a gachapon/dta/ota soon!!
◇ current obsession: robin buckley & ronance
◇ i play trumpet and am a beginner at guitar!
☆ boundaries ☆
◇ if you are a minor that im close with, u can platonically flirt with me lmao but only if we're friends
◇ im generally okay with interacting with adults, just don't make it weird or overdo it please! don't be a creep and we'll be good!
◇ i support rarepair shippers and such, but proshippers/comshippers (ships that involve incest, abuse, and such other things along that vein- proship means problematic ship) are not supported whatsoever please leave me tf alone
◇ if you are racist, homophobic, sexist, a zionist, a zoophile, or hate on furries, neopronoun users, or therians, do not interact with me please!
goodbye for now!! <33
if you'd like to see any fandoms i'm in and ships i like, look below, because there are a ton and i don't want to make this post very long lol!!
stranger things
project sekai/colorful stage
my little pony
spiderman: into the spiderverse (both)
percy jackson and the olympians (pls no hoo spoilers i JUST started it 😓)
the owl house
gravity falls
wings of fire
ginny and georgia
never have i ever
ride the cyclone
the amazing digital circus
the summer i turned pretty
studio ghibli
swiftie fandom
the amazing world of gumball
a series of unfortunate events
some of my favorite ships:
◇ ronance (st)
◇ lumax (st)
◇ byler (st)
◇ raeda (toh)
◇ lumity (toh)
◇ anhane/ankoha (pjsk)
◇ rarishy (mlp)
◇ twipie (mlp)
◇ appledash (mlp)
◇ rarijack (mlp)
(i basically ship the entire mane six with each other but these are my favorites!)
◇ sprolden (solitare)
◇ percabeth (pjo)
◇ marcanne (amphibia)
◇ kohanene (pjsk) (rarepair)
anyways that's all :3
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kiku0lover · 2 months
intro post !! :P
basic info abt me }
i’m a minor and christian, but don’t rly follow the church since they preach some iffy things, instead mainly believing in Jesus’ teachings. as well, i identify as agender, using any prns and am an entp-t + sanguine-choleric (trying to find out my enneagram personality tho). i have diagnosed audhd and most importantly, toh and vocaloid r my special interests and what i mainly post / reblog abt. i also have no the side blogs, only this one :3
more abt my special interests }
vocaloid - i’ve been listening to vocaloid for a couple years now and i js love the fact ppl r able to connect and express themselves over these silly vocal synths. i also love seeing the tech behind these softwares and over all, it’s js rly interesting! u can see my fav vocaloid / utaus here and my top producers r kikuo (I LOVE KIKUO) and mitchie m, but i also like dennokop, pepoyo, ghost and pals, deco*27, hachi, inabakumori, maretu and others.
non - vocaloid artists i listen to }
i listen to sm artists (i listen to abt three hundred sos), so i’ll only list some. u can see my spotify here if u wanna see more :
- tv girl
- rio romeo
- femtanyl
- odetari
- tally hall
- azali
- lemon demon
more shows i watch }
- gravity falls (i’m getting back into it again since the release of the book of bill and am getting it soon! acc so excited for that)
- helluva boss
- hazbin hotel
- ramshackle
- pieces of powder
- puzzle and sling : boredom killers
- dhmis
- laceygames
- bugbo
- the amazing digital circus
- murder drones
- the cuphead show
- bee and puppycat
- heartstopper
- the umbrella academy
games i play / am into }
- project diva (fav game)
- project sekai (fav characters r honami and rui)
- bandori
- roblox
- minecraft
- fortnite
- a year of springs
- mario kart eight - deluxe (ROSALINA / DAISY MAIN)
- super mario bros : wonder
- fnaf
- animal crossing
- crk
some socials }
the main socials i use besides tumblr is tt, discord and ao3, which u can dm me for users!
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willowsz-plants · 6 months
Hello! You can call me Katta. That’s my online name and I won’t be sharing my actual one <3
I’m a minor! I’m also Pansexual, Asexual, transgender (I’m bi-gender!) and use She/He pronouns! If you don’t respect the fact that I go by these, please get off my page, and don’t comment about it!
I will not permit sexual comments/flirting in my comments, whether it’s to me or someone else who may be uncomfortable about it. So please, don’t do it or you’re going to get blocked <3
I use different tags for different things! #katta reblog for my reblogs, #katta rambles for my rambling, etcetera etcetera.
I have a wonderful girlfriend who goes by the name of Kari and She/He/They pronouns! Go check them out @karinkamcstinka <3
My parents are @rfswitchart and @unniebeans!
@rfswitchart is my beta reader for my main WIP, New Beginnings!
I have another WIP based on a silly little idea one of my mutuals, @alithetiredartist , had! Go check out Discord!
I’m a writer on AO3! You can check out my account here!
As much as I love kudos, I prefer comments more! If you have anything you’d like to say (that’s positive!), go ahead and say it!
I’m mainly a The Owl House account, but I like other things! I like things like Amphibia, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Percy Jackson, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Inside Job, Anne with an ‘E’, Wakfu, Pokémon, Good Omens, and, of course, The Owl House!
My favorite animals are Cats and Snakes! I love those little blorbos.
My OTP’s are Huntlow, Lumity, Raeda, Gustholomule.
…but! I am a multishipper! But don’t mistake that for a proshipper, as those are two VERY different things!
My time zone is PST!
My sun sign is Leo, my rising is Aquarius, and my moon is Scorpio.
I’m a Slytherin! Ha, I took the test!
I have autism, ADD, and OCD!
I’m an INTP-T!!
Please be nice on my page to me and people who comment! Don’t hate! Have a nice day/night/afternoon/whatever <3
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primalmagic · 5 months
welcome, fella humans, human fellas
if you're here from from q: old quotev users
hey guys, im isabela, but most of my friends call me isa! some information about me: im a minor, im female, i have way too many fandoms to count, and i love to write terrible fanfiction.
i love reading, writing, and collecting old books! my favorite ship of all time is rayllum, and my favorite fandoms are riordanverse, keeper of the lost cities, school bus graveyard, the owl house, frozen, vivo, and about another hundred books.
i hope you enjoy my writing + random drabbles! please comment if you like anything and criticize whatever you want to, it helps me grow as a writer and makes me super happy <3. here is my ao3 as well as my wattpad if you want to read these there too!!
school bus graveyard:
flat pancakes (no, literally)
when horror movies become therapy
waking up to the start of the end of the world (but it’s feeling just like every other morning before) // benlor
rock-a-bye baby // emike
letters written in incognito // benlor
my mind, your thoughts, our echoes // benlor
the owl house:
small sacrifices (you are my life) // raeda
the dragon prince:
duck you (sorry, that was autocorrect) // rayllum
duck you (sorry, that was autocorrect) // rayllum pt2
the carpet
stars in the noon sky // marellinh
kotlc characters read the books
dear diary
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karinkamcstinka · 8 months
Hii!! I go by Kari and I use any pronouns, I’m not really comfy sharing my irl name or age so keep that in mind! Im a lesbian! I’m pretty new to tumblr and I might not post too often but I’m happy to be here:)
⋆ I REALLY REALLY REALLY. LOVE SHARKS CAUSE THEY ARE VERY COOL🦈🎉 My favorite shark is the Angel/Goblin shark!
⋆ Every color is my favorite but I really like light blue and purple the most
⋆ I’m a minor so definitely no sexual or flirtatious comments please!
⋆ Some fandoms I’m in are The Magnus Archives/Protocol, The Owl House, Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Inside Job, Scott Pilgrim and probably more I can’t think of anything else rn😁
⋆ My favorite ships are What The Girlfriends (TMA), JonMartin/Simswood (TMA), Raeda (TOH) and Ineffable Bureaucracy (GO)
⋆ Some of my favorite music artists are The Crane Wives (I LOVE THEM SO MUCH), Will Wood, Mitski, and Boygenius!!
⋆ also I really like to crochet and knit🧶
@willowszplants is my girlfriend🫶
Thank you so much for reading this I hope you have a great day!! Stay safe, wear your seatbelt!!!!
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castryn-k · 1 year
MINOR SPOILERS FOR "Watching and Dreaming"
Requesting a solemn moment of silence for us Raeda hags still hoping for Raine calling Eda 'Calamity' to be canonized never making it into the finale. They never even said her name in all their speaking parts. 😭
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theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
My Info Post!!!
(Yeah this took a while but here you guys go)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Helloooooo Tumblr! I'm Re-Re but please call me Pinky
I am one of the two moderators for @patbworship
Pronouns: She/They
Gender: Genderfluid (Which is whatever the heck Pinky has going on)/ non-binary
Sexuality: I consider myself a lesbian (tho I don't care if you call me bisexual)
Availability: I am currently taken! I have a girlfriend and you can actually find her here on Tumblr. Just gotta snoop around. Check her out she's written some fanfiction and she's amazing :)💖 I'm currently just looking for some online friends
Boring Interests: Writing, Singing, Acting, Animantion, Robotics, Drawing
Favorite Cartoons/Media: Animaniacs, Pinky and The Brain, The Owl House, Looney Tunes, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, DuckTales 2017, The Muppets, My Little Pony
Best Ships: Brinky, Lumity, Yax, Huntlow, Raeda, Baffy, Bubbline, Fizzarozzie/Fizzmodeus, Huskerdust, Rarijack, Twipie, Appledash, Flutterdash,
One Obscure Interest I Have: The Rock-afire Explosion (If you know about this group, I'm so happy since it's basically something that only 80's kids know about and people like me with a fascination for animatronics)
Current Occupation: Fanfiction Writer/Amateur PaTB Artist
Fav Holidays: Christmas & Halloween🎃🎄
Fav Music: Basically anything, but I have a soft spot for oldies, 80's music, doo-wop, and jazz
Fav Artists (Lots of these are super old): Frank Sinatra, ABBA, Simon and Garfunkel, The Monkees, The Beach Boys, lots of 80's artists, Amy Winehouse, The Beatles, Laufey, Elton John, Selena
Personal Heroes:
Rob Paulsen (My voice actor idol, he's inspired me so much)
Maurice LaMarche (My other voice actor idol, I love his work)
Paul Simon (An advocate for music education, an incredible solo career, and he's a Yankees fan? Say no more)
Frank Sinatra (Golden voice, brilliant artist, one of the best of the best)
My ask box is always open. Feel free to drop a question (no 18+ content please)
DNI: Homophobes, Transphobes, Pedos, Harassers, NSFW Exclusive Accounts. I am a minor, please just don't be weird.
Find me on AO3 @PinkyPrincess1993 and give my fanfics a read! I'm currently trying to write new fics so stay tuned!
My blog is open to anyone of any gender, race, and sexual orientation.
ZERO tolerance policy on harassment and discrimination!
Please be patient with me on things, I'm quite busy. Also please respect my opinions!
Thank you to everyone for being so supportive of me. I'm going through a rocky time right now with family, friends, and me having a sense of loneliness that only a few people can help me with. I'm encouraging everyone to keep their head up and to stay strong. You are loved and you are needed in this world!💖💖
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