#minor sam x eileen
zepskies · 10 months
Smoke Eater - Part 12
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
AN: Thank you everyone for your kind words on Part 11! 🥰 It really meant so much to me.
🔥 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 5,800 Tags/Warnings: 18+ just to be safe on this one. Angst, hurt/comfort, minor violence and tension, fluff with a tinge of spice.~
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Part 12: “All in the Family”
You didn’t realize until the funeral just how well loved your grandfather had been.
So many of his friends, along with your grandmother’s, came up to you personally to express their condolences even before the church service began. Some were more heartfelt and broken up than that of your extended family members, many of whom hardly checked on him when he was alive, even before his cancer returned.
You had no mascara left by the time the service started. Yet it wasn’t until you had to get up and speak that you noticed something else when you stared out into the crowd.
Almost all of Dean’s friends (and now yours) had come to support you. Meg and Cas, Sam and Eileen, Benny and Andréa, Jo and Ellen…they all sat in the row behind him, even though very few of them had even met your grandfather in person.
“George was born in Lebanon, Kansas in the early ‘40s,” you began. “At the time, its population was about 600. Now, it’s less than 200…and that’s why he left, he told me. I didn’t want to be the last relic left standin’ with the tumbleweeds.”
That bit earned you some laughs. You paused, smiling slightly. With a shaking breath, you managed to continue.
Though it was hard for you to even look at Andréa. It was with a mixture of lingering resentment, tempered only by your guilt at the last words you’d levied at your best friend. A large part of you still felt justified, even today, to hold your grudge. Maybe you were wrong for it, but that was just how you felt.
And right now, you were shaking. You barely managed to get through the speech you wrote down on a notepad. After you were done, you couldn’t force yourself to pry your fingers off the podium. You glanced over at the closed casket behind you, to your right.
The pastor was standing to your left, waiting on you to go back to your seat so he could resume the service. You could sense him watching you, and distantly you heard him call your name. You couldn’t respond. Your voice was stuck in your throat.
Both anxious and panicked, you looked up at the sea of people watching you. Your gaze darted from face to face, until you landed on Dean. He was staring up at you in thinly veiled concern.
You okay? he mouthed.
You shook your head subtly. You had the undeniable conviction that if you let go of the podium, you would fall into a heap. You’d make an embarrassing scene at your grandpa’s funeral—something George definitely would’ve gotten a kick out of, if he was here.
My granddaughter, ladies and gentlemen. She can talk real well, but apparently she can’t walk at the same time.
Before you could choke out a laugh, followed shortly by hyperventilating, Dean got out of his seat and went up to the stage.
His supportive hand came to rest on the small of your back, while the other was offered to you palm facing up, next to where you had a death grip on the podium. You met his eyes, and he gave you a steady look. 
“You got this,” he said in a lowered voice.
You took his hand. He guided you off the stage and back into your seat. His lips pressed to your cheek.
“You did great,” Dean said quietly in your ear. “He’d be proud of you.”
You held onto his hand for the rest of the service.
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Your big house was good for one thing: it made for a roomy reception.
Thank God you hadn’t had to cook yourself. Ellen had brought everything you might’ve wanted or needed by way of food and drinks, and true to Dean’s word, she’d given you what you suspected was a heavily discounted price. You’d tried to give her an extra tip earlier, but she’d folded the envelop and stuck it behind the neckline of your dress.
“We already covered payment, and I don’t wanna hear about it again,” Ellen said. “Now help me unwrap these chicken strips.”
You gave a tremulous smile. “Yes, ma’am.”
Later, while Ellen went to grab the utensils and plates, you found yourself side by side with Jo in your kitchen. She gave you a smile that was both kind and reserved.
“I’m sorry about your grandpa,” she said, pausing on uncasing a container of sandwiches. Her blue eyes looked sincere.
“Thank you,” you replied. Your small smile was genuine as well. Until Andréa and Benny came in, with Dean right behind.
“Can we help?” Andréa asked. Her question was pointed, and filled with double meaning as her eyes met yours.
After a moment, you decided to swallow your pride for now. It was only a few more hours, and then your house would be empty.
“Can you get the dining table set up?” you asked.
Andréa nodded, but you stopped her before she could venture out into the dining room.
“Where’re you going?” you asked.
She shot you a frown. “To do what you asked.”
“Tablecloths are in the linen closet,” you reminded her. “You can grab the beige one.”
“Oh, I thought you would’ve taken that out already,” she said. As if you didn’t have a million other things to remember to do today.
“Well, it’s there,” you said, trying to be patient.
Andréa’s lips pursed. “In the linen closet? The one in the hall?”
You sighed as you finished unwrapping the second package of potato salad. Your patience thinned.
“No, the one in the attic,” you snipped dryly. You knew you were kind of being a bitch, but you could’ve grabbed the damn tablecloth yourself in this time.
Andréa agreed wordlessly and left the kitchen with clipped heels.
Meanwhile, Dean surveyed the scene between you and your friend, and sensed that something was off there. Even Jo shot him a subtle brow raise. Dean’s brows furrowed, but he didn’t want to say anything to you just yet. He knew you had a lot on your mind.
Instead, he glanced at Benny, who gave his friend a telling look.
Dean took in a breath. “Okay, uh. What else do you need, babe?”
You looked up at him, softening. “Maybe help Ellen bring in the drinks and stuff? She just went out to her car.”
Dean nodded. “Sure.”
He and Benny left the kitchen, giving Dean a chance to get the scoop.
“Something going on between Thelma and Louise? That was downright frosty back there,” he remarked.  
Benny scoffed. “What, you didn’t know?”
“Know what?” Dean asked.
“They had a big blow out a couple weeks ago.”
“Seriously? I didn’t hear a word about it.”
“Well that’s confoundin’,” Benny said, rubbing at his beard. “‘Cause I certainly did. In excruciating detail.”
Dean’s lips flickered at a smirk, but it soon faded.
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After the lasts guests left the house, and the cleanup was done for the night, it got down to you and Dean alone in the house. Your family had never been a large one. Just you and your grandparents. And then, it had been just you and your grandfather for so long…
You now dreaded the moment that it would finally be just you.
At least tonight, you had your boyfriend. The two of you were watching a movie on the couch with another slice of leftover cake split between you. For once, you didn’t have the stomach for it. You let Dean polish off the plate.
He tossed it onto the coffee table and then paused the movie for a moment. He knew you weren’t really watching anyway. He rested a hand on your thigh, earning your attention.
“You given any more thought to a new car?” he asked. Yours had been totaled in the accident last month. Between Dean and Meg and Ellen bringing in food and supplies, you hadn’t needed to venture out of your house much ever since the accident.
Now, however, you heaved a sigh. You leveled him with honesty.
“Even with the insurance money left over, I’m not sure I can afford one after the funeral expenses.”
Dean inclined his head. “Okay, hear me out…Bobby owns a salvage yard.”
Your brows rose. “A junkyard?”
“Salvage yard,” he corrected. “He occasionally gets some good finds. I’ll comb through and look for something I can fix up for you.”
“Thanks, but…” You were grateful for him trying to help, but you still weren’t sure about adopting a “salvage yard” rescue car.
“You think I’m gonna put you in something that isn’t safe?” Dean asked, squeezing your thigh. The weight in his eyes sobered you.
“Okay, thanks. Let me know what you find,” you agreed. He nodded, but before he put the movie back on, he decided to broach something else.
“So, Benny filled me in on your little fight club moment with Andréa,” he said.
You sighed and leaned back on the couch, crossing your arms. “It wasn’t fight club.”
But an awkward silence fell between you and Dean as you didn’t offer anything more. He sighed and rubbed your knee with his thumb.
“You guys had a falling out?” he asked.
Your brows knitted together. “You want to hear about my girl drama?”
Ordinarily? Not really, Dean could admit. He liked “tea” as much as the next person, but he wasn’t angling for drama so much as for your trust. He was still new to this whole “boyfriend” thing. But still, this felt like something you could’ve come to him with.
“Look, if you’re upset…for any reason, you can tell me,” he said. “Thinking that’s my job as the boyfriend.”
…Well, shit, you thought, as guilt sunk heavy in your chest. How could you argue with that? 
You sighed and threw your hands up, before they landed on his. You took his hand with both of yours.
“Well,” you said, “I broke up with my best friend.”
Dean blinked at that. That would definitely make it awkward to double date.
“Aw, you didn’t break up, did you?”
When you merely gave him a look, he nodded. “All right. Why don’t you tell me what happened?”
You sighed, but you explained it to him. You told him about your ongoing frustrations with your friend’s self-centeredness, and her lack of self-awareness at times. And while you took responsibility for the way you’d gone off on her that day on your porch, a large part of you still felt justified. Even if that made you the “bitch.”
“Well, look. If this is something that you can’t get past, then I get it. Sometimes you needa cut people out,” Dean said eventually. “But I’m thinking, right now, you need support. Maybe she didn’t give it when you needed her, but maybe she’s hurtin’ about this too… At least, that’s what Benny says.”
At first, you frowned. Your throat was tight with emotion, probably from today, but maybe because he was saying things you had already been thinking, deep down. You just didn’t want to admit it.
“You just want us to smooth things over so it won’t make it awkward for you with your friend,” you shot back.
Dean frowned, raising placating hands. “That’s not what I said.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“Come on. You know that’s not it.”
You wiped at your eyes, as they were starting to sting with unshed tears. You knew you weren’t being fair. He was just trying to help.
“Sorry,” you said, in a calmer voice. “…I’ll think about it, okay? Because you’re right. It’s not just her…I also just can’t shake this feeling. Like my world is getting smaller, and someday I’m going to be the only one left.”
And there it was. Yet another fear you didn’t want to admit. It was your worst fear: being alone.
You were hesitant to let your gaze leave your lap, to meet Dean’s. When you did, you were met by his softened look. He went for your hand again.
“Listen. You still have people,” he said. “Doesn’t matter if they’re related to you by blood or not. Real family’s gonna fight and bitch. But they’re also gonna be there, like your friend was today.”
You sighed heavily. Once again, you knew he was right. Despite the awfulness of your fight, Andréa had come to your grandfather’s funeral. She helped you set up for the reception, and she stayed until the last hour helping with the cleanup, along with Benny, Sam, Eileen, and the rest of Dean’s friends. They were now your friends too.
You nodded. “By the way, it was nice of Sam and Eileen to come. And Meg and Cas.” 
Dean smiled.
“They can be your people too,” he said. “If you want ‘em to be.”
You couldn’t help it. Your tears brewed and bubbled over. And you moved slowly across the couch to twine your arms around his neck. Dean’s lips tugged at a smile, and he welcomed you with an arm wrapping around your waist.
Both of you were still wearing the same clothes you’d been wearing all day; you in your black dress and Dean in his slacks and white buttoned-down shirt, though by now without the jacket, and the shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You were infinitely exhausted. But one thing had become clear to you over the past few weeks.
“Thank you. Thank you for today, and for every day since we met,” you said shakily. “Dean, I love you. I love you so damn much.”
Dean’s fingers tangled in your hair. A sigh expelled through his nose as he pressed a lingering kiss into your neck.
Warm. It felt warm in his chest. Almost overwhelming.
He’d been letting instinct guide him since the day he met you. So even though he hesitated to answer at first, he knew.
“I love you too,” he admitted. You held onto him that much tighter.
In hindsight, he’d already known. The day of the car accident, when you’d called him in tears and asked for his help, he realized just how much he’d do for you. The lengths he would go to make sure you were okay.
That you were safe, and his.
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Nick Savage was an opportunist at heart.
Sure, he’d flunked out of college. Big fucking whoop.
Now he stood at the literal head of a multimillion-dollar company. He ruled in the very same office where he once sat on the floor as a ten-year-old kid, playing with his Batman action figure. Out of the corner of his eye, he’d watched his father hook new “clients” between glasses of scotch.
Now, Nick was the one making deals.
He stared out of the immense window of his office as he practiced his putting swing. These golf clubs had been a gift (to himself), and he thought he could’ve pursued it harder when he was younger, if he hadn’t lost focus in high school.
Maybe if his dad had attended even one of his games, he would’ve pursued sports past the varsity level. He had the talent. He could’ve gotten scouted…
Nick blew out a breath.   
“Well, this is what I like to see,” a droll voice said from the doorway. “A man hard at work.”
Nick’s head raised slowly. His brows twitched with surprise, but he soon covered it up with a hint of a dry smile.
“Welcome back, Dad,” Nick drawled. “Where were you? Venice? Greece?”
Daniel Savage was only slightly taller than his son. His build was broader, his blonde hair graying at the temples, but his blue eyes were sharp.
He dressed the part of a wealthy mogul: brown slacks, smart shoes, dark green turtleneck, with sleeves bunched up on his forearms, and a black Rolex on his wrist. Its watch face flashed in the afternoon light as he smoked a cigarette indoors. 
He stepped inside the office, letting Nick’s assistant close the door.
“The hottest fucking country known to man,” said Daniel. He cocked his head as he took in all the changes to his office. He noted the untidy bar area with a critical eye.
“It was fun,” he added. “Got a nice tan. But it was starting to chafe…you know why?”
Nick rolled his eyes and straightened from his putting. He leaned on his club.
“I have everything under control,” he said.
“You see, if that were true,” Daniel said. His slow but measured gait drew him closer to his son. He flicked a bit of ash from his cigarette onto Nick’s shoe. “I wouldn’t be here, now would I?”
“You didn’t have to come,” Nick said, subtly shaking off his shoe. He tried to maintain his nonchalance, but even now, his father’s gaze pinned his feet to the floor. “Everything’s fine. I’m handling it.”
Daniel paused for a moment. The cigarette was poised between two fingers while his arm crossed beneath his elbow. He stared at his son like he was trying to figure out where the hell he went wrong.
“You know how I know you’re lying?” Daniel asked.
He then smacked his son so hard up the head, it made Nick trip over his golf club. It skittered to the floor, and he had to catch himself on the nearby couch. His arm chafed against the brown leather.
“Fuck,” he yelped.
Daniel grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and hauled him around, until he was leaning against the couch arm.
“Because you’re single-handedly driving my empire into the ground with stupid. Fucking. Mistakes,” Daniel said. His tone was calm and even, but deep in his eyes was hellfire. “Alastair can only do so much to clean up after you.”
Nick swallowed. “I thought…using your brand would send a message. Remind people that our name still has power.”
By that, of course, he meant the various kills he’d ordered in the past six months. Each marked with a burn on their body—a symbol that even now was etched on his father’s ring: two snakes devouring one another.
“My name,” Daniel corrected. “The problem is, you use my mark, people think you’re me. And…well, you’re not, are you?”
Nick’s gaze cut away.
“And I was on sabbatical for a reason,” Daniel reminded. “I was kinda supposed to be dead.”
He took a long drag of his cigarette. When he blew out the smoke, the smell reminded Nick of nights he spent in the back rooms of old bars and clubs as a kid, watching his father play cards with old “friends of the family.”
But sometimes, family friends shot one another over money owed and disrespected protocols. 
“Never kill your accountant, you idiot,” Daniel said. He punctuated this by tapping Nick hard on the chest, with the same two fingers that held his smoke. “The devil’s in the details. In this case, the numbers.”
Daniel shook his head and blew more smoke. “The cops are onto you…one in particular, in fact, who’s a few steps shy of pinning your ass against the wall.” 
And one step away from mine, his tone implied. Hence why he’d returned from sabbatical, Nick realized, with a sinking feeling.
Okay, maybe he’d fucked up putting the hit on Jerry Stillwell, but the grubby little man had been demanding a bigger cut for his “continuing silence.”
Daniel sighed and raised a hand to rub between his eyes. He turned towards the desk and put out his cigarette on an ashtray. 
“Technology’s gotten too good, Nicholas. It’s not like it was 30 years ago. Nowadays, when you start a damn fire, the cops tend to look at that shit a bit harder.”
Nick straightened up onto his feet. His hands clenched into fists with the same fire that always drove him: the desire to be useful. To be seen by his father. To matter. 
“The cop, I know who he is. It’s the same one that tried to burn you last time,” Nick said. “John Winchester.”
Daniel scoffed, giving a short nod. “I know. The man’s fucking obsessed.”
Nick smiled. “I’ve already been working on a plan with Alastair—”
“You’ll do nothing,” Daniel snapped. He glanced at his son over his shoulder. “From now on, I’m back in the saddle. Nothing happens without my word. That includes this company.”
Nick frowned at that. A trill of anger made his nails bite into his palms.
“Savage & Co. is mine,” he argued. “You gave it to me.”
“That’s right. I’m correcting that bit of oversight.”
“We’ve been margining the best profits we’ve ever had,” Nick said. He mentally scoured your latest sales report in his brain. “Our projections—”
“Don’t mean shit,” Daniel said. He turned on his heel, with a hand in his pocket. “You do realize that this building? It’s just a pretty face. The real magic happens behind the curtain.”
He took note of the gold pen showcased on Nick’s desk. He picked it up…and threw it as hard as he could towards the bar. Nick flinched as glass bottles of fine liquor shattered.
“As we speak, there are deals closing all over the world,” Daniel continued. “Shipments being made back and forth through customs, all perfectly legal, as long as it has this company’s stamp…but that’s all about to unravel. And evidently, the only one who can keep the entire goddamn operation from crumbling into nothing, is ME!”
Nick tried not to flinch again at his father’s raised voice. That brought back memories too.
His gaze lowered. Meanwhile, Daniel took pains to inhale deeply, taking more even breaths. His hand brushed back his hair, as if smoothing down proverbial ruffled feathers.
“It’s all right, son,” he said with a slippery smile. “Azazel’s back in town.”
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The next morning marked your official first day back in the office. After a little over a month of working from home, it felt odd to actually get dressed in the “workwear” side of your closet, complete with slacks, blouse, flat shoes, and a blazer.
No more making yourself a nice breakfast at home. No more Dean dropping in on his off days to hang out during the day, making you feel like you weren’t completely alone in your old, too-big house.
Back to the office, where you had to be completely and 100% on your game. Or else you wouldn’t be taken seriously by the would-be Jon Hamms of your office.
However, for every floor that Betsy the elevator climbed, the more your stomach churned. For once, it wasn’t just because you didn’t want to deal with Nick. You genuinely just didn’t want to be here.
“Buck up sweetheart,” as your grandfather would often say, when he watched you pause at the front door, taking a breath before you left for the day.
“Give it your very best, and no matter what crap happens afterwards, you can’t be disappointed in yourself.”
You remembered his encouragements. His smile. The way he subtly reminded you not to be so hard on yourself. The way he always knew how to make you laugh when you were at your most exhausted, or discouraged. The way he’d been your best friend and your father all at once.
You let out a shaky sigh, and you stopped the elevator three floors before the 22nd.
Before you fully realized what you were doing, you found yourself standing in the doorway of Andréa’s cubicle. She looked up at you a bit startled at first. Her brows drew together, but then, she seemed to soften.
You must’ve looked like hell.
“Hey…is it your first day back to the office?” she asked.
You nodded, because you weren’t sure what would come out if you spoke. Your hands were shaking, you also realized.
Andréa’s hazel eyes gentled. She stood and went over to you, resting a hand on your arm. After a beat, she just took your hand. You bit your lip, and your eyes watered, meeting hers.
“You’re not ready to be here, are you?” she asked.
After a beat, you made a negative sound and shook your head.
“Okay. Let’s get you back to your office so you can put in your PTO. I know you’ve got days racked up, since you’re a workaholic.”
You gave a tremulous smile. You let her lead you out of her cubicle and back towards the elevators.
“Nick is going to be an asshole about it,” you said weakly.
Andréa threw her head back and scoffed. “Nick can suck my dick twice on a Tuesday.”
She had you laughing through your tears. Then laughing until your stomach hurt.
She chortled, though she shushed you when you two walked out into the main hallway. A couple of guys from Legal shot you strange looks, but you ignored them. The lawyers at your company were starch-pressed assholes. 
“Wanna grab brunch?” Andréa asked, when the elevator opened up for you two. 
I’m sorry, her gaze said. You gave her a softer smile, accompanied by a nod.
Me too. You squeezed her hand. You two could talk the rest out later, but for now, you just wanted peace.
“Yeah, but for the love of God, not Geraldo’s,” you replied. “Last time, I think I got food poisoning just from the salad bar.”
Andréa laughed and pressed the floor for your office.
“Oh, hun. That’s what you get for eating rabbit food.” 
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Bit by bit, you started to pick up the pieces of yourself.
You ended up at Dean’s apartment more often than not, as being at home made your skin crawl with loneliness most nights.
He and Sam always welcomed you. In fact, Dean got a kick out of trading off cooking dinner with you. And you had to admit, he made a damn good burger.
So you decided to do something you hadn’t done in months. You grabbed every pan the brothers had, flour, eggs, sugar, salt, and the two leftover apples that looked like they were just about to turn. You started peeling them.
Meanwhile, Dean watched you spark to life as you baked in his kitchen. He sat from his corner at the dining table, still able to see you with his iPad in hand. A slow smile grew across his face.
“Apple pie?” he asked.
You looked up at him. “Apple cake. I don’t think I can compete with your mom’s recipe.”
“Damn, I really wish we had it,” he said. “I’d trust you do to it right.”
You tossed him a smile back. “Well, that’s high praise. Maybe one day I’ll give it a try…I don’t think I’ve made pie in a while.”
Dean watched you mix ingredients, whipping up a storm with the wooden spoon in the bowl. You dearly missed your Kitchen Aid mixer.
“You guys really need a better arsenal up in here,” you muttered. “Feel like I’m a damn Quaker churning butter over here.”
Your boyfriend burst out laughing. You looked up at him, your lips tugging back into a smile. You hadn’t even meant to make him laugh, but at least someone thought you were funny.
Dean tilted his head thoughtfully while he scrolled through football highlights on the small screen.
“Well, if you’re going to be over here more often, guess I’m gonna have to step up my game,” he said, “hit up a Homegoods.”
Your smile started to fall, as something occurred to you. “Oh, you don’t have to do all that.”
Dean noticed the shift in you, with a frown of his own.
“What?” he asked. You glanced over at him.
“Nothing, just…” You sighed. Hands on your hips, you paused in your churning to turn towards him. “It’s okay that I’ve been hanging out here more often, right? I mean…you’ll tell me if you need space. Or if Sam—”
Dean held up a hand. “Hold up. I’m gonna stop you right there.”
He set down his iPad on the table and got up from his seat. He joined you in the kitchen, letting his hand skim the counter as he drew into your personal space. You looked up at him and unconsciously held your breath.
Dean stroked your cheek with his thumb. “Have I said or done something to make you think I don’t want you here? Has Sam?”
You frowned, but you shook your head. “No, baby. I just want to make sure I’m not…I don’t know, overstaying my welcome.”
His eyes met yours frankly. “You’re not.”
His hand fell from your face, just to bring you in close by your waist. He dropped a kiss onto your forehead.
“I’d just be worrying about you over there anyway. Alone in that big house,” he admitted.
You blew out a breath and leaned into him, resting your hands against his chest.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Grandpa told me to sell it, but…I don’t know if I can do that.”
Dean didn’t want to tell you what to do here. Personally, he thought you’d be better off selling it, both for practical reasons and for your own wellbeing. But he could also understand the sentimental side of it too.
“Well, you’ve got time to figure it out,” he said.
You nodded. A smile returned to your face, and you looked up at him.
“But first, cake,” you said.
Dean smiled down at you. He could certainly live with that.
He later moaned while sampling said confection. The apple and spices were the perfect ratio of sweetness to softness. The cake was buttery and delicious. And you really were talented, he thought.
“I’m telling you, babe, you really need to get back into this,” he said around another bite. “I mean professionally. Who needs corporate assholes when you’ve got cinnamon apples?”
Sitting across from him at the dining table, you giggled at the sight of this massive man child with his mouth full. Though he might’ve had a point…maybe it was time to revisit your “pipe dream.” Or at least the very thing you went to school for.
If only working at a bakery slinging pastry dough paid the same as your sales job.
“This was my grandma’s recipe,” you told him. “She’s the one who taught me how to cook, how to bake.”
Dean made a “top notch” symbol with his hand. “She sure knew what she was doin’.”
Your good humor soon faded, though you tried to hide it. You were tired of bringing down the people around you. You wanted to just be yourself again…but it seemed your heavy heart wouldn’t let you.
You realized you hadn’t succeeded when Dean’s hand fell over yours. You looked up and met his eyes. They asked a question without speaking as his thumb rubbed over the back of your hand.
“My family’s gone, Dean,” you said wearily, fighting the tears stinging in your eyes.
You still technically had extended family members, but most of them had always looked down at your grandparents, after seeing how they’d “failed” with your mother, then raised the daughter she’d had from a one-night stand she’d met in a bar. Those same people had pitied you when you were young, and barely looked you in the eyes at both of your grandparents’ funerals.
So in your mind, the only real family you had was gone.
But Dean squeezed your hand.
“No,” he said. “They’re right here. In these hands.”
Once again his thumb swept across the back of your knuckles. “You’ve still got what they gave you. Your mind, your spirit, and a lot of other things that make you, you…”
His lips pulled at a smile.
“And you’ve still got me,” he added.
Slowly, you smiled back. You leaned over and held his face in your hands, stroking his stubble covered cheeks.  
“That I do,” you said, and your voice only shook a little. “Thank God for that.”
When you kissed him, it felt as natural as taking a breath. You two had shared tender moments in the past few weeks, born of pain and comfort. But this time had a spark of hunger as your hand drifted down his neck.
Dean kissed you back, pleasantly surprised by the demand of your tongue. He hummed in question, though he gripped your arms to keep you close.
You answered him by licking further into his mouth, kissing him deeper. You broke for a moment, just to meet his eyes. The heat in his was familiar, prickling delightful sensations across your skin. Especially when he dragged you into his lap and continued to devour you against the kitchen table.
Your hands slipped under his black Henley and between the muscles in his back. Some of them twitched under your touch, and you let your nails drag slowly back down his spine.
Fuck, he shuddered. It felt nice (and arousing), but it reminded him of other times your nails had raked across his back.
He gripped your thighs tight, and he contemplated laying you out right here on the dining table, for all he cared. Matter of fact, he’d eat apple cake off your body, if you were down for it.
Unfortunately, that was when Sam finally unlocked the door and got home from work. He caught you and Dean breathless and pupils wide, your hair frizzy and your shirt halfway up over your bra. You hastily tugged it down, while he did the same for himself.
Meanwhile, Sam just rolled his eyes.
“You do have a room, you know,” he said wryly.
Dean cleared his throat and shot you a meaningful look. You nodded, slipping off his lap. But you grabbed his hand and pulled him up with you.
Dean shot his brother a wink over his shoulder. “When the room’s a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’.”
Sam scoffed. “As if I’d give myself that kind of family trauma.”
“Leftovers are in the fridge, Sam!” you called, even though you were halfway down the hall with Dean on your heels.
Sam huffed as he heard your squeal, followed by a door slamming shut. And yet, he smiled. His brother might’ve become part of the “happily committed,” but some things just didn’t change.
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Afterwards, you really felt nothing but peace.
Your head rested on your arms, across Dean’s lap. You were comfortable and naked and tangled in his sheets, while he soothed a hand through your wild hair. Ace Ventura played on the TV, and you enjoyed listening to him laugh.
You were too tired, physically and emotionally, to be as vocal. Your body shook in silent laughter, goaded on by his. And that was enough for Dean.
It was enough for you too.
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AN: 🥹 I hope you enjoyed that bit of hurt/comfort at the end there, but really throughout this. Dean's really proved himself, hasn't he? But let's talk about "Azazel"...
Did you like the reveal? It changes how you look at Nick, huh?
Well, he's about to get worse.
(Don't worry too much though. There will be protective!Dean.)
Next Time:
He grabbed your arm. “Hey, we didn’t get a chance to catch up tonight.”
You shoved his hand off of you.
“Don’t you ever in your life touch me again,” you warned him. Your eyes were as hard as your voice. “I don’t think there’s anyone on the planet—no. In the whole damn universe who sickens me more than you, Nick Savage.”
Nick straightened a little, frowning at you. Whatever he saw in your gaze, he didn’t seem to like the challenge.
Keep Reading: PART 13
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
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447 notes · View notes
daughterofcain-67 · 7 months
𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔠
(Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It’s the month of love and you were already over the idea of couples and relationships, especially since your last relationship turned out to be a disaster. Due to the guilt you felt over the breakup you find yourself hesitant to open up to the idea that you may be in love with a certain hunter you shared a home with in the Bunker. But when a case dealing with witches causes you to question certain things, it’s up to you to figure out your feelings for Dean and find out if they were truly genuine unlike your last mistake.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: This is my very first smut and it will be at the end of the case. It’s just something fluffy since Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Minors DNI, no matter how low-quality the content may be. If you don’t like this kind of content then politely skip this oneshot…Cannon level violence, fingering, love making, Dean being the sweetest man in existence. I hope you all enjoy~
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It was already February and you dreaded Valentine’s Day which was coming up rather quickly. Tomorrow, actually. Everyone around you was so hyper focused on romantic relationships, one night stands, and you knew you would be single yet again.
Sam would be going off with Eileen and they had plans to go see some sort of show then go to dinner and spend the night in a hotel room. Adorable plans, yeah, but you still didn’t see the hype when they could do that on any random weekend. Then there was Jody meeting up with some man that her two girls set her up with because they wanted her to get out more. Dean you were positive would be out for some one-night stand to feed into his libido. You, however, you’d likely be spending the night in the bunker alone.
It was by choice, really. Ever since you broke up with your last boyfriend, you didn’t want to take the chance of going out again. You’d rather stay single for eternity than for anyone to get hurt in the event a relationship didn’t work out.
Your ex was named James, and he was the sweetest guy. He treated you well, respected you, even spoiled you every once in a while. You both had many fun times together but something just didn’t sit right with you, you didn’t see yourself spending your life with him. You didn’t see a marriage with him. When you broke the news, he took it a little hard but he respected your decision.
There was no drama and you were lucky it wasn’t an ugly break up, but the idea of him being hurt ate at you constantly because you felt like you got into that relationship for the wrong reasons. You were simply thrilled to finally find a man that loved you, but you didn’t stop and consider if your own feelings for James was genuine.
You felt so guilty for leading James on, you felt guilty for wasting his time in a relationship even if it was a short relationship - merely four months. Sam and Dean were there for you when you returned to the Bunker after the breakup and they knew how hard it was for you because you felt like James didn’t deserve for his heart to be broken like that.
Now it’s been four years since you’ve broken up with James, and from what you saw on social media he was a lot happier and he moved on to another girlfriend, someone who returned the same feelings he had. He found a woman he really deserved.
But why couldn’t you move on?
Within these past several years, you’ve not had a fling. There were no rebounds, one-night stands, no drunken mistakes, no other boyfriends. You felt like ever since you broke one person’s heart, you were unable to find yourself in another relationship. You didn’t want to bring anybody that kind of hurt again, so you never really moved on even if you knew that James had and he was happy. You were happy for him of course, but you couldn’t really explain how you felt.
The heart was such a delicate thing sometimes and you hated it.
Dean was supportive of you though. He knew better than anyone what unnecessary guilt felt like, and when Sam would try to cheer you up it typically didn’t work. Right after the breakup, Dean was there to listen. He didn’t do much talking since he usually didn’t feel the way you did when he broke things off with girls. The only breakup he ever experienced that effected him the most was Lisa, and he never talked about her or Ben after it happened. But that was the one he would use as an example because there were times he would feel guilty of getting them into trouble just by knowing them. So he would often tell you that you did the right thing by breaking things off because James was no hunter, he would have had no idea what he was up against so in a way, you were protecting more than his heart. You were protecting his life, and in a way it made you feel a little less guilty.
You were lucky he was there for you to rant to even if he didn’t like talking about things like that. You found that it was easy to talk to Dean. Much easier than having a conversation with Sam. It was just a different chemistry with Dean and you felt like Dean seemed to understand where you were coming from.
So the past three Valentine’s days you were either drinking alone, having some sort of marathon in your room, or reading some books. This year you decided to just go on a hunt. After all, Valentine’s Day was just another day for singles right? Might as well work and do what you did the best.
Presently, you were in the library with your laptop in front of you as you looked for any suspicious articles and headlines that would be strange and maybe even your kind of thing. For the past thirty minutes or so, you were coming up with nothing. Everything that you saw looked like just simple robberies, typical murder cases that didn’t have anything suspicious to them in the articles. You were starting to lose the hope that you would actually end up finding anything, but that was when something finally caught your attention.
In Grand Island, Nebraska, there were reports of couples going missing. It didn’t matter if they were tourists or locals, but within the past three months, six couples have gone missing. To you that sounded like a lot. Two couples a month disappearing out of nowhere? That may have sounded suspicious and you wanted to do a little more digging. Just as you were looking into the names of the couples that went missing, you heard footsteps.
“Whatcha workin’ on?”
You didn’t need to glance behind you to know that Dean was the one roaming around the library. You heard him move a chair so he could sit in front of you and through your peripheral you saw he set down a mug of coffee. So you knew he may stay for a little while so you might as well discuss the case with him.
“I’m looking into a case. It sounds something that could be our kind of thing.” You answered, not lifting your gaze because you were still trying to find more evidence that could hint at a hunt.
“You care to share?”
“Hang on, I’m looking… What I’m gathering is that in Nebraska there have been a total of six couples within the last three months that have gone missing. To me that sounds like a lot and their bodies were never found. Two of the couples were tourists but the rest seemed to be local. I haven’t found anything yet that would make it seem even more like our thing, but I think I want to go anyway.” You admitted.
“To be fair, we’ve gone on hunts with a lot less than what you’ve found. You want some company on this one?”
“You aren’t planning on going out for Valentines Day?” You asked with a bit of surprise and Dean chuckled a little.
“Around here? No. Not this year. A hunt might do me some good since Sam’s not gonna be here anyway. Plus I can go to the bar anytime. I haven’t had a hunt in the past week and I’d rather not get out of practice.” He insisted and you smiled.
“I’d love it if you were company. I guess it could be good for the both of us.” You smiled and you pulled out your phone to put in the city so you could look into some reasonable hotels you and Dean could stay in while you were in Nebraska. Then you shut off the computer.
“I’ll meet you in the garage in a few minutes. I need to go pack a few things.” You said.
Dean smiled at you and he watched you jog up the stairs so you could pack and get ready for Nebraska.
Naturally, Dean didn’t want you to go on a hunt alone. To him it was better to hunt with a partner, to have someone have your back just incase something went wrong. That’s why he preferred hunting with Sam. Nowadays, Dean only hunted alone as a last resort. He supposed it was just his preference and sort of a precaution as well since he didn’t want anything to happen to you on the hunt. He’d rather you make it back in one piece.
He knew you hated Valentine’s Day, and you got so irritated with couples so easily this time of year. But he hated that you seemed to be punishing yourself over the James thing. It was unfair to you. Maybe one day you would understand that, but he didn’t think it would be anytime soon.
Dean got up and he took the last couple of sips of his coffee before he went back to the kitchen and put the mug in the sink before he started heading off into his room so he could go ahead and get dressed and pack up for the trip. He swiftly got changed into a pair of jeans that were clean enough for the trip, tossed on one of his many black t-shirts and he threw on a flannel and a jacket. Then he grabbed some extra clothes and shoved them into a bag that had an extra blanket for you on the ride since he knew you’d probable get cold in Nebraska.
He grabbed whatever other weapons he thought would be needed, not that the back of Baby’s trunk didn’t have enough artillery, and when he zipped up his bag he walked out of his room so he could make his way out to the garage.
When he made it there he realized you had beat him to the car, waiting for him to unlock the vehicle. Your hair was in a messy bun, a few strands were in your face no matter how many times you tried to pull those pieces back. You were dressed in one of his old band shirts that was shrunk because Sam put it in the dryer by mistake so it was too small for Dean. It suited you much better anyway, but maybe he was a little biased.
Okay, more than just a little biased.
It wasn’t his fault you were so damn beautiful! And it wasn’t his fault that over the past few years you were beginning to rock his world. You made it so easy for him to fall for, despite all of his efforts not to fall so hard.
You were the only person that understood him in a way that Sam didn’t seem to understand him. You were there to listen when he would go off on his rants, you were his voice of reason when he was opposed to Sam and you made it a little easier to be open minded when it came to a lot of the cases that he and Sam didn’t agree on. You kept him steady and level headed and he knew that he needed you in his corner. He hadn’t realized just how much he started to rely on you until about a year ago when you had a close call on a hunt when a shifter took you and nearly killed you.
“That didn’t take you long at all.” Dean said with a chuckle, but he knew you were pretty quick when it came to packing anyway.
“I already had a bag prepped. I just needed to throw in some last minute things that I didn’t want to forget about. Like toothbrushes and stuff like that.” You shrugged and Dean grinned while simultaneously rolling his eyes.
“Hop in already before we lose daylight.” He said and he unlocked the door, then the two of you hopped in.
When Dean started up the car, Rush’s Xanadu was playing through the speakers and he turned up the volume a little as he drove off so the two of you could begin your journey. He knew it would only be a matter of hours before you would arrive and lucky for him, you had the same tastes in music as he did, so it wasn’t like driving with Sam where he would complain the whole time the music played.
About three minutes into the ten minute song, he could see you through the peripheral tapping your fingers on your thigh as if it were the guitar strings being played. He knew if he had seatbelts in the car you’d probably use it as the neck of the guitar. He thought you were just adorable that way but never said anything out loud. But for now while you were strumming the imaginary strings on your thigh with one hand, your other was on the phone.
“What are you lookin’ up?”
“Just some hotels in the surrounding area. I figured it would be easier if I found one and called it in now rather than just showing up spontaneously.” You answered and he hummed a little.
“Find anything good?”
“Well I found one that’s actually pretty close to the police station. So that pretty much takes care of saving some drive time. Won’t have to wander around and figure out where it’s at.”
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense. We can go with that one.” Dean said, honestly not really caring about which one they went to. use as long as they would make it to one. But it wouldn’t be his first time sleeping in his beloved car if it came to that point.
“Holy cow! Why are hotels this expensive?!” He heard you exclaim and he chuckled.
“Did you forget what tomorrow was, Sweetheart? Prices are gonna be a bit higher because a bunch of couples are gonna be bumpin’ uglies.” Dean laughed at the way you scrunched your nose and you called the number on your phone so you could make the arrangements to stay in the hotel.
Several hours had gone by and Dean pulled up to the hotel you’d booked. When he glanced over at you, he saw you were snuggled up in the blanket he grabbed. He was glad he remembered it, and he hated to wake you up but you both had a job to do. So, Dean carefully placed his hand on your shoulder to nudge you a little.
“Y/N? We’re here.” You grumbled in response and slowly opened your eyes, squinting as you looked around your surroundings.
When you tossed off the blanket you handed it to him and he just tossed it in the back for the next time you’d need it on the car ride back home. The two of you got out of the car and checked into the hotel so you could at least out your things away and stretch your legs a bit.
“Did you see the police station while you were driving?” Dean heard you question, to which he nodded.
“Yeah, it’s like two minutes away. Why don’t we go ahead and get dressed in the Fed suits and see what the police have come up with on the files.” He suggested as you rubbed your eyes, still trying to wake up from the nap.
“Sounds good to me.” You replied as you grabbed your bags and headed off to the bathroom to change clothes.
You dressed up in your black pantsuit, a purple buttoned up shirt with a couple of the buttons undone and you let your hair down from it’s bun from earlier. To your surprise, your hair was actually working with you after your nap. At least it made getting out of the hotel a little easier since you usually wore your hair down as a fed or detective wannabe.
Dean was dressed in a dark grey suit, white shirt and a tie with a random design on it. You swore you needed to take him shopping for different ties one of these days, but that would have to be a later occasion since the two of you were already in the car on the way to the station.
Arriving only a couple of minutes later since traffic was surprisingly light, you and Dean got out of the car and started making your way inside and went to the front desk.
“Hello there, if you don’t mind we’d like to talk to the Chief of the department.” You said and the secretary looked at both you and Dean. Although she took a bit of a lingering look at Dean, which gave you the overwhelming urge to roll your eyes but you had to resist.
“And who are the two of you? I only have to ask because I can’t just let anybody in. The chief is a busy man.” The secretary said and still had yet to peel her eyes off the other hunter, making your jaw tighten.
Dean pulled out his FBI badge and you did the same, “I’m special Agent Lifeson and this is Agent McVie. We’re here in regards to the disappearances. Do you think you could be a Doll and go ahead and squeeze us in? I know a guy like him is busy, so are we.”
Dean must’ve known this little secretary thought he was attractive because with a little wink he gave, she was more than ready to pick up the phone and press the number to the chief’s office while her cheeks were dusted with pink.
“Oh give me a break.” You mumbled as you put your badge away.
“Sir? There are a couple of suits here that would like to speak with you.” She said and with a little nod she concluded the short call and hung up the phone before looking up at Dean again.
“He’ll be out to see you in a couple of moments.” She said.
“Thank you, Miss…?”
“Oh, just call me Maura.”
“Well thank you, Maura, for the help.” Dean said and after what felt like ages to you, the Chief showed up.
“You two must be my surprise visitors. The name’s Korsak. What can I do for the both of you?” He asked, and to your surprise he was rather friendly.
“Actually, we’re here to discuss the disappearance of those six couples over the past three months.” You heard Dean reply and Korsak knew exactly what he was talking about.
“So the suits finally caught wind of this one, huh? Come with me.” He said and he invited the both of you to his office for further discussion of the case.
When the three of you made it into the office, you all had taken your seats, you and Dean were of course in front of the Chief’s desk as he sat down. You watched as the officer opened up his drawer and opened up his copy of the file and placed it on the desk.
“This case has all my detectives stumped. The only connection we’ve been able to establish so far was that they were couples. When we check our servailence, we did happen to notice the last time all of our missing couples were last seen on Mainstreet, which is basically where all of our little shops are. Lots of couples have been going there in December, and that was when the first disappearance happened. January has been a little slow, no disappearances to note. But then this month it started back up again. Three of the six couples were kidnapped just this month alone.”
You and Dean looked at each other, knowing you both would have to check Mainstreet. Then you looked back at the Cheif, “Could we go ahead and take a look at the surveillance you captured?”
The chief pulled out some pictures from the footage and handed them to both you and Dean. All of the buildings in the surrounding area seemed pretty old, some needed maybe a new coat of paint or a power was, but one thing caught your eye. One of the businesses that one of the couples were seen leaving seemed pretty new. They had new paint on the door and on the windows, the sign for the business seemed new too.
“Chief Korsak, what can you tell me about this business?” You questioned and pointed at the picture.
“Oh that? That’s just some crystal shop. I don’t get why people get so interested in rocks… my daughter went in there before. She likes those crystals and dream catchers and stuff. It just opened up in November of last year.” He said and you nodded a little as you took a look at the business again.
“Is there anything you can tell us about the case? Was there anything left behind in their homes when you tried to do a wellness check in their homes or hotels they were staying in?” Dean asked as if he were searching for a little more of a lead that would give you more of a reason for this to be a hunting gig.
“Well, we did notice something a little weird but we didn’t think that much of it at first.” The chief said and he began to clear his throat.
“We didn’t put it in the file, but we did find some orchid colored substance. It wasn’t enough to bag it, but when one of our CSI members tried to sample it, it turned clear and didn’t show up in our systems. We have no clue what it could have been.”
“Gotcha.. If that’s everything, I think we’ll be off and talk to those business owners and see if they saw anything. Thanks for everything.” Dean said as he got up, then he leaned over to shake Chief Korsak’s hand.
You stood up as well and you handed him your card, “If there’s anything else you can think of, please don’t hesitate to let us know.”
And with that, the two of you left the station and went back to the car. When you got inside, you tried to wrap your head around this case as best as you could. You heard Dean shut his door and start the car before he spoke.
“So what are you thinking?”
“Witch… Just by the substance. If the substance the cops found didn’t show up as anything, it could be a part of a witch spell to remain undetected.” You answered honestly while Dean started backing out.
“But that many people in a month? Two people in a month, I can see being one witch. Maybe two couples a month depending on how powerful they are. But three couples in barely two weeks? Maybe we’re dealing with more than one witch.” Dean suggested.
“Did you remember the witch killing bullets if we need them?” You asked.
“Of course. They’re sitting in the trunk.” Dean answered and you smiled. Then pulled out your phone to look up that new business on Mainstreet.
“Okay, so the business that the final couple was seen exiting was called Cosmic Treasures. So why don’t we head that way and find out what we can about the owners?” You suggested.
“We could, but what if we ask some of the neighboring shops first? Maybe ask them what they think about the owners of the shop, maybe they saw something or maybe they think it’s a little suspicious?” Dean suggested. It sort of shocked you that he was being surprisingly rational.
“That’s not a bad idea. It gives us sort of a background on them so we know what we’re getting into.” You replied and he drove off to Mainstreet. After a few moments the car was parked and the two of you stepped out again.
You looked around at some of the shops and you tried to decide which one you should go to first.
“Okay, if you take that little candy store, I’ll go to the antique shop.” You said and Dean looked at you.
“What? You don’t trust me to go antiquing?” He asked, faking the offense.
“Considering you like to touch everything and you have a tendency to knock things down, I think you going to the candy store will be the safest option.” You chuckled, causing Dean to pout a little.
“Alright, fine.” He said and the two of you parted ways.
You made your way into the antique shop and the doorbell rang out. Then you heard a voice, you assumed it was the sound of one of the owners.
“Hi there! Welcome in.” A woman said and you followed the voice.
You saw behind a counter, there was a woman that had to be in her sixties. She had Brown hair with some grey in her hair, some glasses on the bridge of her nose but she had a kind look in her eyes.
“Hello there, I’m Agent McVie.” You said and you held up your badge, “Are you the owner of this store by any chance?”
“I am. The name’s Angela O’Riley. How can I help you, Sweetie?”
“I was just wondering if you could tell me a little bit about the owners of Cosmic Treasures?”
“Oh the cute little crystal shop? They’re a sweet little couple. Young and rather eccentric. Despite their alternative lifestyle, I think they’re sweet. May I ask why the FBI is looking into them?” The sweet woman questioned.
“We’re just looking into a couple of missing person’s cases. The last couple was seen exiting their store and we just wanted to ask around and see if anyone has seen anything suspicious.” You admitted and the woman shook her head.
“I wouldn’t consider anything they do suspicious. Just… alternative and unusual. They say they like witchcraft and spells and what not, but I think they’re just some hippies trying to make a living. The wife is talented and she’s the one that actually makes the dream catchers. Beautiful artwork. I’ve actually bought some from her.” Angela said and she held up a finger as a gesture for you to wait a moment as she pulled it out.
She handed it to you so you could take a look at it and you carefully took it from her. It was a black dream catcher with white, grey and blue feathers. You didn’t know much about dreamcatchers, but you knew some of these colors had meaning. “Beautiful craftsmanship. You’re right, she does have a talent.”
“She said something along the lines of the colors bringing healing, peace, protection, hope. It was really sweet of her to make it. She said she wanted it to bring luck for the store since we’ve been a little slow. But I just think it’s wonderful decoration.” The woman said and you handed it back to her.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, Agent?” Angela asked and you shook your head a little.
“Are you sure? Maybe I can help you find some sort of gift for a special someone. We have a little bit of everything here, you know.”
“Oh, I don’t really have a special someone…” You said, although you did think of Dean.
“Actually… do you have any knives I can take a look at?”
“Oh of course! Right this way.” Angela guided you to her knife section and you saw all of the different knives with beautiful handles.
“Who made all of these?” You asked.
“Actually, my husband did before he passed away. He was talented as well. He took pride in his work and he would sell pocket knives and different blades here as well for all of the husbands that weren’t really interested in their wives’ antiquing hobbies. Gave the men a little something to occupy their time.” She smiled and you grinned.
“They’re all beautiful.” You said and that was when you saw a certain knife that had some sort of engraving on the handle. The handle itself had different shades of green and you thought it was beautiful with the way the engravings were in gold.
“May I take a look at this one?” You pointed at the one that had your attention in the display case.
“Ahh, yes. That’s a good one. My husband loved that one. It was his favorite, but no one really seemed to like the engravings on it. My husband said it’s supposed to enhance protection. He was a bit superstitious but the customers didn’t see it.” She said and you smiled.
“I’ll take it. It’s perfect.”
“I think your little someone will like it too. You deny it but it’s all over your face.” The woman said and she smiled as she handed it to you.
You didn’t want to argue with the woman, but you couldn’t help but be excited to see Dean’s reaction when he saw this knife. It looked similar to the demon blade they had and you wondered if this could help at all since Angela’s husband was certain it would bring protection.
Once you pulled out your wallet and paid for it, you thanked the woman.
“Good luck on your case, Agent.” She smiled at you and you left the store.
Dean walked into the candy shop called Sugarcane Sweets and saw there was a couple behind the counter. The woman was the one that noticed he walked in first and she went to the front of the counter and gave a warm smile.
“Hello! How can I help you?” She asked, tone about as friendly as Dean would expect a business woman to be.
“Hi there. Are you two the owners of this place?” He asked.
“Yes, we are.” The man said and came up as well. Dean noticed the rings on their fingers and figured they were a married couple.
“Hi, Sir. I’m Agent Lifeson. I was just wondering if I could ask the both of you a couple of questions about one of the neighboring shops.” Dean said.
“Lifeson? As in Alex Lifeson the guitarist?” The man asked and Dean chuckled.
“Rush fan, huh? No relation, unfortunately. But that would be badass.” He admitted and the man smiled.
“Damn, that really would be badass. The name’s Sean Patterson, this is my wife, Jaylah. What can we do for you?”
“Well, Sean, I’m looking into some missing person’s cases and the last couple that went missing around here was visiting Mainstreet. We have reason to believe they were shopping around the area and the last place they were seen was in Cosmic Treasures. I was hoping you two would be able to tell me a little about the owners of the store?” Dean said.
“Oh, you mean Keith and Harper? Oh I don’t think those two would hurt a fly.” Jaylah said.
“The two of them are a little on the eccentric side but I think they just like the aesthetic. I don’t really believe in the voodoo mess they sell. I mean crystals and dreamcatchers? Really? I think they just like the cannabis and hippie lifestyle more than anything. Their rocks are more for decoration than anything.” Sean said with a shrug.
That was when the door opened and when Dean looked over, you were walking through the door.
“Oh, hello there!” Jaylah greeted you with a smile.
“Hello.” You smiled back.
“Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, this is my partner Agent McVie. She’s helping me out on the case.” Dean introduced you.
“We were just telling your partner that Keith and Harper are pretty much harmless. I don’t think they would know anything about these kidnappings you’re looking into.” Sean admitted.
Jaylah was looking at both you and Dean, and Dean wondered what she was thinking about while her husband was explaining the conversation, “You know you two would be a cute little couple.”
Dean blinked a little in surprise at the random statement, “Excuse me?”
“I mean granted if you weren’t working in the same agency. Conflict of interest and what not.” She continued and Dean was still a little flabbergasted by the sudden change in conversation. When Dean glanced at you, he could see a faint rose color appear on your cheeks as you cleared your throat.
“You’ll have to pardon my wife. She likes to play matchmaker. She reads too many romance novels in her spare time.” Sean laughed and you smiled.
“Oh no harm done. Anyway, what else can you tell us? Have any of these missing couples come into that store or any other stores around here that you remember over the last three months?” Dean asked as he pulled out his phone that had some pictures of the missing couples.
“Most of them we do recognize, unfortunately. They’ve come in here sometimes to get a little something to snack on, as do a lot of people around here. We have some tourists that come in here too. Just yesterday we had a group of people coming here and visiting from Colorado stop by. They were visiting family.” Jaylah spoke.
“So you get a lot of people.”
“We do get pretty busy. People around the holidays get a bit of a sweet tooth around Christmas and Valentines Day. January we were about as slow as other businesses around here. People trying to recover from Christmas shopping and all.” Sean replied.
“It really is a shame that those couples went missing. We get a lot of couples all the time just walking around the area as a little date or whatever and we never used to have this problem.” Jaylah said with a frown.
“It’s alright. Unexpected things happen all the time. But please, if there’s anything else you can remember about the couples or where they may have gone, please let us know.” Dean said and he handed them his card that had his number on it.
“Wait a moment, agents.” Jaylah said and she picked up a goodie bag and started putting some freebies inside and she handed the bag to Dean.
“Just a little something to snack on. Good luck on your case.” She smiled and Dean looked inside, his eyes sparkling. What? He couldn’t help the fact that he liked junk food unlike his little brother.
“Thank you, Mrs. Patterson.” He said and you thanked the woman as well before the both of you walked out of the store to go back to the car.
“So what did you find out in the antique store?” Dean asked as he looked through all the goodies. He heard you chuckle, he figured you were watching him go through the candy like a kid.
“About the same thing you did. But apparently Harper has a talent with dreamcatchers. Not that dreamcatchers have anything to do with the case. At least I wouldn’t think so. They aren’t usually linked to missing persons cases are they?” He heard you question and he shook his head.
“No, not usually.”
“Maybe we can do a little research over dreamcatchers and Keith and Harper over something substantial before you devour that candy bag.” Dean chuckled at your comment before he closed up the bag and the two of you got into the car.
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You and Dean had changed out of the fed attire and you were back in something more comfortable. For you it was your jeans and a band shirt. You two had done your research and found that there hasn’t been any record of dreamcatchers being linked to kidnapping in any hunting cases. Afterwards, the two of you went to ask the victim’s friends about the couples.
Anytime you went to talk to friends and families about the missing couples it was always how perfect they were for each other, how they were planning on either getting married or the one was about to propose to another. All the true love things that made you feel uncomfortable around this time of year.
One couple, or former couple rather, did remember going to Mainstreet with one of the missing couples. They recalled their trip, they went to the candy store and picked up some goodies for their friends to take home with them, then they went to some other stores to find some clothes and other things they liked before they went to Cosmic Treasures. After they left Mainstreet and returned home, they hadn’t heard from the couple again. But the former couple got into some big argument and they broke up the day their friends went missing.
You were on the way to go check out Cosmic Treasures. Both of you knew it was definitely closed by now and you would be breaking and entering, but it wouldn’t have been the first time the two of you had broken in somewhere.
You gazed out of the window of the Impala while Dean drove and you started to think about different things. You knew couples were everywhere right now, so why were those three the only targets?
“You’re awfully quiet. Penny for your thoughts?” Dean asked and you shrugged a little.
“Just something about this case… of all the couples out there, whoever kidnapped these couples are pretty sick. I mean, they take the couples that are really in love, when there are plenty of other couples out there that just didn’t want to be alone on Valentine’s Day, or they’re just in the relationship to say they have someone. Why go after the ones that actually have a future?” You asked.
“Witches are evil creatures…. They must have their own sort of sick and twisted reason.” Dean said.
“Well, what about Rowena? She’s quickly become an ally.”
“Well sure, but that doesn’t mean her past wasn’t at least a little malicious before she met us.”
“Yeah.. I guess that’s fair. I just don’t think they deserved it.” You sighed and soon enough you pulled into the back of the store. When the both of you got out, Dean handed you a gun with witch killing bullets before he grabbed one for himself.
When you made it to the door, Dean grabbed his lock picking kit from his pocket and started to get to work.
“Hey, Dean?” You asked and he hummed.
“Do you still think about Lisa?” He paused for a moment. He glanced at you before he looked back at the lock and went back to work.
“Not as often as I used to.” You were a little surprised that he answered.
“You’re still thinking about James, huh?”
Dean finally got the door opened and he stood upright before he pushed the door open, then he let you walk inside first, “You’ve really got to stop beating yourself up over him.”
“It’s not that easy…”
“Y/N, come on. Cut yourself some slack. It’s not like you cheated on the guy. You said yourself, he moved on and he’d a lot happier. And more importantly, he’s alive. This life isn’t cut out for a guy like James so you were doing him a favor and he gets to live a normal life without worrying about the shit that creeps around in the dark.”
You sighed a little, knowing he was right and you knew how wishy-washy you sounded. You hated that you sounded like that but you geared your focus on the case once more.
What was worse was that you wanted to move on. You truly did. But you weren’t lying when you said it wasn’t easy. Especially since you were a hunter and if you got into a relationship with someone you knew that if you didn’t hurt them emotionally, they may get hurt physically - maybe even get them killed because of your lifestyle.
Maybe Angela was right and you did have a special someone, and maybe it really was Dean. But the man has gone through enough hurt in his life and you didn’t want to bring anymore heartache. You couldn’t handle doing that to someone like Dean when he deserved the world.
“Do you think these people are actually into witchcraft or do you think they’re just hopping onto a trend?” You asked.
“Nowadays? Who knows what people are getting themselves into without realizing it.” Dean sighed as he picked up some of the crystals.
You went to the front desk and saw the logbook of the things the couple have sold. You skimmed through the purchases to see if there as anything that stood out to you. But then you found some of the names that looked familiar, “I think I’ve got something.”
Dean walked over to you and he dug into his pocket and pulled out a sucker from the shop and popped it into his mouth.
“What’d you find?”
“The couple that went on that double date? The couple that went missing bought some sort of crystals that were meant for some kind of prosperity in the marriage. Look for one of those.” You said and Dean nodded as he looked around, you did the same.
After a few minutes, Dean started to realize something, “I think these are fake… some sort of knock off. I think Keith and Harper really were on some kind of trend.”
“So they aren’t our witches….” You sighed as Dean shook his head and he handed you a sucker. You shrugged a little and took it before popping it in your mouth.
The two of you exited the store the way you came and you hopped into the car again. To your surprise, the sucker tasted like cinnamon, mixed with something sweet. It was an odd taste for a lollipop but it wasn’t a bad taste either. “So what do we do now?”
“Not sure. Maybe we ought to go to the hotel and sleep on it.” Dean said and you nodded a little, knowing that it was getting pretty late.
When you both got into the car again, you leaned your back against the seat and you tried to think of who the witches could be. You and Dean didn’t have that many options to choose from since no one else seemed to be suspicious. But you supposed Cosmic Treasures would have been a little too obvious for this case.
“You’re robbing yourself, you know.” Dean’s voice broke your train of thought.
“The James thing. You can’t feel guilty about that forever. You don’t deserve that kind of weight when there’s not much of a need for it. You’re robbing yourself of something good in the future.” Dean finally spoke and you lifted a brow. You wondered just how long he was waiting to tell you that.
You didn’t say anything in response and you remained quiet for the rest of the car ride all the way to the hotel. But when the two of you arrived and got into the hotel room, you realized that everything was disheveled. Your hotel room had been broken into.
“What the Hell?” You said as you looked around and started to look to check if anything was missing.
“I guess the witches may know who we are before we found them.” Dean said and he ran a hand through his short hair.
“Not comforting.”
“Wanna see something less comforting?” Dean asked and you turned around and went to see what he was talking about.
“Orchid colored substance.” Dean said as he swiped his finger and held it up to you to look at. You lifted a brow and tried to think of anything.
“Wait a second… Before the last couple went to Cosmic Treasures, their friends said they all went to the candy store, right?” You asked and Dean nodded.
You quickly took the bag of candy that Jaylah gave you and looked through it. You opened up all the wrappers and saw that some of the candy also had that orchid colored stuff on the wrappers, some of the candies themselves were the same color. It must’ve been one of the ingredients for the sweets.
“Dean, how much of the candy did you eat?”
“Not enough to have a toothache or anything. Why?”
“I think I know who the witches are.”
You and Dean made it back to Mainstreet to go to the candy shop and before Dean could pull out his lock picking kit, you and Dean found yourselves in a fight with both Sean and Jaylah. Unfortunately the witches were the victors in the fight and after the two of you were knocked out, you both were taken.
When you came to, you and Dean found yourselves in the basement of their candy shop. You were both tied to some sort of pillar in the middle of the basement, your backs on either side of the pillar and your hands were tied against each other’s so your hands were bound to each others. You looked in front of you and you noticed there was a table with some potions, powders and some other ingredients. There was even an orchid plant growing in the corner of the room.
“What the Hell is all of this?” You asked and looked at the two of them.
“Well, we could ask you two the same thing. Sean and I knew you were hunters as soon as you two walked through the door.” Jaylah said as she started mixing up some ingredients.
“So the both of you were behind all the kidnappings? What for?” Dean asked as he struggled to break free of the restraints both of you were tied to.
“Sweetheart, how long do you think we’ve been alive? It’s not easy finding a youthful source when you aren’t as powerful as Rowena.” Jaylah said.
“You know Rowena?”
“Well yes and no. We knew of her but we never had much contact with her. She does have a bit of a sour reputation and all.” Sean replied as he was sharpening a knife.
“What did you do to the other couples?”
“Well they became a part of our ritual, that’s all.” Jaylah chimed cheerfully.
“But see our little spell doesn’t work unless the couples we use are truly in love. So anytime the holidays are around, we give people some free little goodie bags. One or two pieces of the candy have a little special something in them that will really show how people feel about each other.” Sean said.
“Some of the candies will have a little truth serum, and unfortunately it may cause a fight that couples don’t recover from especially if it’s something petty. Some candies did other things. But the couples that worth through the petty little argument we can tell are actually soulmates. The soulmates and the ones meant to last are the ones we need for our special ritual.” Jaylah added on.
“You missed one minor detail with us, we aren’t a couple.” You pointed out, “So why give us a bag?”
“Oh, hun… It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell when two people are meant to be together when you’ve been on this earth for literal centuries. You two may not be together in a romantic relationship, but the way you two have a certain chemistry just shows how perfect you are for each other.” Jaylah said.
“We’ve kept an eye on you ever since you left our shop.” Sean said, using a little mirror.
“We can tell Dean’s feelings for you are strong but he’s obviously not admitted to it yet. Still, we can tell he has some sort of ulterior motive for him to be on this trip with you. It’s a man’s natural urge to protect the woman he loves, no matter how strong that woman may be. It’s a matter of having your back. He’s destined to be your partner in life, to stand by your side in a fight. True equals as soulmates should be.” Sean said.
“And you, Y/N… You’re holding onto a past you can’t get over. Don’t you think that’s a little unfair to Dean when you know deep down your feelings for him are just as strong? You’re his voice of reason, his calm in the storm. He’s your anchor of stability, a tower or shelter where you feel safe when you’re most vulnerable. That’s why it was easy to talk to him about your little James problem. You can’t lie to yourself like that.” Jaylah said.
“Well, it’s a little late for them to do anything about it now, hun. We’re running out of time, so let’s get on with the ritual.” Sean told his wife.
You bit your lip, honestly scared you wouldn’t make it out of this. Sam and Elaine were off on their little vacation, Jody was in a different state, your other allies were unavailable and none of them knew you were on this hunt. Was this how everything would end for you and Dean? You knew that you would die in a hunt, most hunters did, but was it really supposed to come this soon?
Dean could tell you were freaking out just by how quiet you became, so he maneuvered his wrist as best as he could and he held both of your hands.
“Hey, we’ll be okay. We’ve gotten ourselves into worse, right?” Dean said and he could feel you squeezing his hands. He knew you were unsure and he knew deep down you were scared even if you’d never say it.
“Besides, these couple of witches are just some old bats. They could never beat Rowena even if they tried.” Dean said, starting to talk smack as sort of a distraction.
“I mean come on, what, you’ve got friggen flower shit in your candy? That is such rookie magic compared to what Rowena can do.” Dean said and Sean looked over.
“And what exactly do you know about the mystic arts, boy? Last I checked, hunters knew next to nothing about spells outside of summoning filthy demons to make deals.” Sean said.
That was when Dean could feel you begin to fidget on the other side of the pillar and he couldn’t help but wonder what the Hell you were trying to do.
“Don’t pay attention to him, Sean. Focus on the spell.” Jaylah said.
“Oh, because you don’t actually know much about spells either? Come on, what happens if this stupid little ritual of yours fail, huh? You two are just a couple of dust bags. Living for centuries? Damn, you should have died off forever ago.” Dean continued and he could feel one of your hands let go of his and he felt some movement on the rope.
That’s my girl…
“That’s enough, Kid. You’re getting on our nerves.” Jaylah said.
When Dean felt the rope break free from one of his wrists, he had to resist the urge to smirk. “Oh? And what the Hell are you going to do about it?”
When dean realized you handed him whatever blade you used to cut one rope, he kept his arm in place so the witches wouldn’t be suspicious of anything and as soon as Jaylah went over to him, she lifted a hand up and when she swung it down to strike him, Dean took the knife you handed him and stabbed her in the shoulder.
She screamed out in pain and held onto her shoulder and Sean rushed to her side to try and help her, “Don’t focus on me, Fool! Kill them! We need their blood for the spell, remember?”
Dean quickly turned so he could cut off the ropes from your other wrists and soon enough you were free only for Dean to get punched in the face by Sean who apparently listened to his wife and was already fighting Dean so he’d get the blood he needed. But apparently Sean was strong and he was starting to overpower Dean.
You got up and you went to grab your gun with the witch killing bullets but you heard Jaylah laugh, “You looking for this, Hun?”
You glanced over and you saw the female witch holding up both the pistols and you watched as she took out the witch killing bullets in one of the guns. You looked over and saw Dean was starting to lose the fight and you started getting worried for him and you rushed over and took a separate blade you had.
You went to Jaylah and dug your knife deeper into her shoulder and she let out a bloodcurdling scream and Sean looked over at you.
“You let Dean go. Now.” You said sternly as you pushed Jaylah down to her knees. Then you took one of the guns and aimed it at Jaylah’s head.
“Don’t listen to her, Sean! You and I know plenty of spells that will bring each other back! Just kill him already!”
“You harm another hair on his head, and I can assure you that with these bullets, your beloved won’t make it back no matter what blasted spell you use.” You seethed.
While Sean was stuck trying to think, Dean used his knife and stabbed Sean in the heart and gave the blade a twist. After that, Sean’s body fell to the ground and his corpse withered away to dust.
“Sean! No!” Jaylah screamed and you went ahead and pulled the trigger, killing the other witch before she could do anything else. Like her husband, Jaylah’s body quickly turned to dust as well.
You quickly rushed over to Dean to check on him since he was the one that was in more of a fight than you were, “Are you alright? He didn’t do too much damage, did he?”
You heard Dean laugh a little before he shook his head, “No, he didn’t. I’ll just be a little sore I guess. I’m getting too old for fights like that, I may need to do some stretches before we go in guns blazing.”
You chuckles as you helped Dean up from the ground and when he looked down at the blade you gave him, he grinned.
“This thing’s pretty damn cool. Where’d you get it?” He asked as he started to hand it back to you but you held your hand up to stop him.
“I got it from the antique store. I’ve got a feeling her husband was a hunter before he passed away. I thought you’d like it. So it’s yours.” You said and Dean looked down at it, noticing the engravings seemed similar to what he used in the witch killing bullets.
“A witch killing blade… sweet. Thanks, Sweetheart.” Dean said as he looked down at you and you bit your li a little before looking away from him.
“Yeah, well… just thought it would be something handy. Let’s get back to the hotel. It’s been a long day.” You said.
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You were quiet on the way to the hotel room. A lot had happened when you were killing those witches. The way the two seemed to read through you made you wonder just how right they were about how Dean felt. Did he really have those feelings for you?
You had mixed feelings about the term soulmates. Sure you knew you had feelings for Dean, and they were right about you trying to deny them. But you never thought about the possibility of robbing Dean of yourself. You wondered if Dean felt like he was being robbed this whole time because you just couldn’t get over James. So many things were being put into perspective for you.
Then when Dean almost got killed by Sean, you knew in that moment that you didn’t want to lose him. You didn’t know what you would do without him. It was something you didn’t want to even think about.
When the two of you walked into the lobby of the hotel and went into the elevator to go to your room, you still remained quiet.
Dean noticed the silence and he was starting to get a little worried. Did he do something wrong on the hunt? What had you so quiet? Both of you came out of the fight relatively unscathed next to the bruise on Dean’s cheek but that was it.
“Is everything alright?” He asked you in a gentle tone. He didn’t want to make any advances just because of what a couple of witches said. He could never be sure of what they said about you was true.
If you really had feelings for him, wouldn’t you have shown them? Why did you bring up James so often if you really did have feelings for him? There was just too much uncertainty even though everything Sean said about his feelings for you were pretty much correct for the most part.
“Yeah… everything’s fine. Just have a lot on my mind right now.” He heard you reply. He knew that you were aware that you could always talk to him when you were ready, so he wasn’t going to push the matter like his brother would. So, Dean put a hand in his pocket and grabbed a piece of candy.
After all, the witches were dead so the sweets had to be harmless, right?
“Dean, you don’t know if those candies will kill you now that they’re dead.” He heard you tell him and he shrugged a little.
“I doubt they will. Plus you have to admit, they do taste pretty good.”
When the elevator made it to your floor, the both of you went to your room and it was quiet between the both of you. It was a little awkward, and neither of you really knew how to address the atmosphere. Maybe once the both of you got plenty of rest you could figure out how to tackle everything.
“I’m gonna take a shower.” You heard Dean say and you nodded a little and watched him leave to the bathroom. Then you glanced over at the bag of candy.
You couldn’t help but wonder… now that the witches were dead, what did the spiked candy do? Would it still ignite some kind of argument or would it do something else? So you walked over to the dresser and grabbed the bag and took an unopened piece of candy and popped it into your mouth.
It started off as some sort of truth candy right that would make couples fight? What else did it do? Maybe it wouldn’t actually be cursed anymore. And Dean was right, they do taste pretty good. You were growing a little more accustomed to the cinnamon taste it had.
You could listen to the shower running and you still couldn’t help but wonder how Dean really felt about you. But you were starting to come to terms with how you felt about him.
You gulped a little as you felt your heart racing. The more that you realized that you were in love with Dean, the more you realized that you had been a fool all of this time to keep feeling guilty about James. Dean was the bravest man you had known, and you were a coward as you hid behind what happened.
You lifted your gaze to the bathroom door and you bit down on your lip. A sudden wave of nerves washed over you as you tried to think of what you should do. You knew exactly what you wanted to do, but you were scared to do it, scared of how Dean would react.
You finally took in a deep breath before you kicked off your shoes and started making your way to the bathroom. You could hear Dean humming some Metallica song to himself in the shower and you smiled to yourself. He was adorable with the way he’d hum songs from his favorite bands.
You gulped as you carefully started to take off your articles of clothing, and to your surprise, you weren’t really cold since it was warm in the bathroom. Dean must’ve been using the warm water. You could feel your hands shaking and the butterflies were swirling around in your stomach since now you were naked, in front of the shower curtain and Dean was on the other side in the same state you were.
You slowly pulled the shower curtain back, and Dean turned around with a surprised look on his face as he quickly covered himself up.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” He asked and you gazed up into his eyes.
Without a word, you slowly stepped into the shower with Dean. You could feel the warm water hitting your skin as you closed the shower curtain behind you. Then you reached up and caressed his stubbled cheek.
“You were right…” you breathed out and you could feel one of Dean’s hands touch the small of your back.
“What are you talking about?”
“I need to get over James.”
Dean lifted a brow as if he needed some sort of further explanation for the sudden development.
“The witches were right too. Deep down I’ve always known how I’ve felt about you but… I let fear hold me back. And I can’t do it anymore. You were right when you said I was robbing myself, but I realize that, that I’m robbing you too.”
“Y/N, are you sure we should be doing this? Just because those bastards think they know is doesn’t mean we have to do anything you aren’t sure of.” He said.
“Dean, I’ve never been more sure of anything. I want you to help me forget about James and move on for good.” You said as you placed your other hand on his chest.
“I need you, Dean.”
Dean looked down at you and he could feel his heart threatening to break out of his chest, and he wonder if you could feel it under your delicate fingers. Then, he carefully leaned down and let his lips finally collide with yours and he closed his eyes.
The kiss started off tender, sweet even as he pulled you closer to himself while his other hand went to the back of your head and his fingers started to get tangled in your hair as it was getting wet with the shower. Then it slowly turned more passionate as he carefully took your bottom lip between his teeth and gave it a little tug.
The moment you let out a soft moan in response, Dean swore all of the blood in his system was rushing downward. He had no idea you’d sound so beautiful even from such a simple action and he kissed you again, harder this time.
You could feel him beginning to grow harder against your stomach as he kissed you deeper. When you could feel his tongue trace over your bottom lip, you carefully opened your mouth to let him in before wrapping your lips around his muscle and gave it a little suck. When you did, the deep sound he let out made your legs go weak.
Dean slowly backed you up against the shower wall, never breaking your lips apart and you could feel his hand go from the small of your back down to your ass as he gave it a little squeeze. You slowly moved your hand from his chest downward, letting your fingernails lightly scrape over his skin before your fingers brushed over his hardening member.
Dean’s breath got caught in his throat when he felt the way your fingers could barely wrap around him. When he parted your lips he looked down into your eyes and saw how adorable you looked with your cheeks flushed pink and your lips swollen from his kisses. Then he leaned down and started planting kisses from the corner of your mouth, down your jawline before reaching your neck where the kisses grew hotter.
You could hear him moan close to your ear as you slowly started to pump his shaft. Your eyes fluttered closed when he started to kiss your neck. You let our a soft noise when he found that certain sensitive spot and he gently bit down on it and started to suck on the skin and you knew there would be a bruise there. But as he worked on your neck, you could feel him part your thighs with his knee before he dipped his hand in between your legs.
Dean let his fingers glide through your folds and he let out a soft groan when he felt just how slick you were for him, “Fuck.”
He let his middle finger rub through your soaking core before it found your little bundle of nerves. The moment he found that little nub of yours, he could feel your fingernails dig into his shoulders as he started to rub little circles onto it. Your body started to tense up beneath his touch and he lifted his head from your neck and placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Relax, Sweetheart.. I’ve got you.”
His whispered words made you a little less tense and you reconnected your lips with Dean’s. As you continued to let your hand move up and down, you slightly tightened your grip and Dean moaned into your mouth. That was when you felt one of his fingers finally dip into your entrance, causing you to whimper a little and he smirked against your mouth.
When Dean gently pushed another finger into your entrance, you gasped at the stretch and Dean took the opportunity to let his tongue invade your mouth once more. You felt like it was nearly in the back of your throat and he was completely consuming you as you melted into his touch. You could feel him beginning to move his fingers in and out of your core and you couldn’t help but begin to move your hips into his hand to try and match his rhythm.
Just as Dean could feel your entrance tightening around his two fingers, he slipped a third in so he could reach into you deeper and he curled those three fingers inside of you as he picked up his pace.
“Oh fuck, Dean…” You moaned out and buried your face in the crook of his neck and he knew he must’ve found the spot that was making you see stars.
Your walls were clamping around his fingers tighter and he gently kissed your temple, “Go ahead, Baby. Let go. Cum for me.”
That was all you needed to hear from him before you finally had a release on his fingers, your thighs shaking as you felt Dean kiss your shoulder before he pulled his fingers from between your legs.
“Fuck you’re so gorgeous when you come undone…” he whispered into your hair but you moved your head to look up at him again.
“Dean… I need more…” You panted. Your body felt like it was on fire as it craved every little part of him. You needed him in every way possible; heart, body and soul. This need was more than you could fathom at the moment.
Dean looked down into your eyes and saw the look you had was sincere. He couldn’t bring himself to say no when he knew you desired him in the same way he’s craved you for so long. He reached over and turned off the water in the shower before he picked you up by your thighs and he felt you wrap your legs around his torso so naturally. He could feel your slick lips brushing up against his painfully hard member, which was making it incredibly difficult to focus.
He walked with you out of the bathroom and he felt your lips on his neck, which made his entire body feel hot. But then he carefully laid you down on the mattress and when he saw you laying there ready for him, he swore he was so close to losing all control. Every curve of you was more beautiful than he ever imagined and he was trying to let this image of you on the mattress become implanted in his mind.
Dean moved to where he was hovering over your body and he grinned at the way you spread your legs for him so he could settle between your thighs. He lifted a hand and caressed your cheek but then he bit his lip, “You’re absolutely sure you want to keep going?”
“I’m more than sure, Dean. You mean the world to me, and I want you to make me yours.” You said and leaned up, placing a delicate kiss on his bottom lip as you hooked one of your legs around his waist in order to pull him closer so he could get the picture.
Dean carefully pulled away from your lips as he wrapped his hand around his own length and guided it to your core. He listened to the way you let out a gasp when his tip brushed against your lower lips and he figured you must still be sensitive from your previous high.
He leaned down and he placed a kiss on your forehead before he slowly pushed his tip into your entrance and he heard the way you let out a soft hiss so he stilled himself so you could adjust to his size. But when he felt the way your hands gently slid up his arms and gave his shoulders a soft squeeze, he knew you were alright and he carefully slid more of himself into you.
Little by little, you were adjusting to Dean’s miraculous size until he finally bottomed out and he stretched you to the limits. The pain was already mixed with a sense of ecstasy. When you looked into Dean’s eyes, you felt nothing but pure love for the man, and that was the complete truth - so you supposed those candies still did their truth telling jobs. You knew that what you were feeling with Dean in this moment was genuine, whatever you had for James didn’t compare to this and you knew Dean was the man you wanted a future with.
You nodded a little to tell Dean it was safe for him to move, and the moment that he did you could feel him so deeply that the feeling was indescribable. You felt him in places that had never been touched by anyone, including yourself.
You had expected Dean to be rough with you, but you were pleasantly surprised at how much of a gentle lover he was at least for this first time around. As he moved his hips into yours, you raised your hips to meet his and you raised your head to kiss him again. You could feel his smile in the kiss and you felt like you were making magic of your own, no potions or spells needed.
Dean felt so intoxicated by your kisses and he felt so attached to you in a way he couldn’t explain. He’s waited for this moment with you for so long and he couldn’t believe it was really happening. He knew that with you by his side, he’d never have to feel alone in this harsh world filled with monsters and demons.
He moved his arms to where they went under your knees, lifting your legs over his shoulders so he could move into you at a deeper angle. You moaned into his mouth in such a pretty little way and he gradually started to pick up his pace. The noises your bodies made in this moment were better than his cassettes he played in the Impala and he never wanted to forget the sounds you let slip past your beautiful mouth.
This deeper angle was making you see stars and you could feel yourself starting to get to that high again, causing you to let out a high pitched little whimper against Deans lips before he parted from the kiss. He looked down at you and you felt so hot beneath his loving gaze.
“Go ahead and touch yourself, Sweetheart.” He encouraged and you nodded as you let your hand slip between your legs.
You hadn’t realized just how wet you were until you touched yourself, causing your cheeks to burn and turn into a deep red before you started to rub little circles onto your clit as Dean continued to move into you. You could feel him start to move his hips a little harder, causing you to close your eyes and moan out his name.
“Open your eyes, Baby. I need to see you.” You heard him say and you could feel one of his hands float to your own and he intertwined your fingers while holding your hand beside your head.
You opened your eyes and tried to focus on keeping your gaze transfixed on the man above you, “D-Dean, I’m so close.”
“It’s alright, let go when you’re ready. I want to see you come undone all over me.” He said and he gave your hand a soft squeeze of reassurance.
The next thing you knew, your vision went white and you moaned out his name with so much pleasure washing over you. You gripped his hand tightly as Dean carefully helped you ride out your second climax. You body was trembling with pleasure and your eyes fluttered shut as Dean placed soft, loving little kisses all over your shoulder and neck.
“You did so well for me, Sweetheart. That was beautiful. You’re so stunning.” He praised, making the butterflies swarm in your stomach in a different way this time.
When you slowly opened your eyes again, you carefully reached up and touched his face and he leaned into your touch before you spoke, “It’s your turn, Baby… I want you to cum inside me.”
Dean faltered for a moment and his cheeks and tips of his ears turned bright red, “You want me to what?”
“You heard me, Dean… I want every part of you in me. Please, fill me up.” You said and let your thumb caress his cheekbone.
Dean heard the way you asked him so sweetly and he swore you were going to make his heart explode. He leaned down and kissed your mouth, not needing you to urge him more as he started to move his hips once again. He could feel you part your lips from his and wrap your little arms around his neck as you started to place kisses on his skin.
“Fuck, Y/N…” He muttered as his hand went down to your hip and he pinned you down against the bed to hold you still as he quickened his pace. He could feel the way your walls clamped around his length to tightly. Then, after a few more movements of his hips, he leaned down and his head was hidden in the crook of your neck as he held onto you tightly as if he never intended on letting go as he coated your inner walls white and he pushed his hips into you one final time as he moaned deeply.
You could feel the way he was spilling himself inside of you, filling you to the brim and you gently held onto him. You let your hands gently scratch his back as you kissed his broad shoulders to try and calm him down from his high. You felt so content in this moment with him as you just held onto him. You could hear the way he was panting and you chuckled softly since you were out of breath too. Then you moved your head as best as you could to kiss his temple.
“You’re so perfect, Dean..” You whispered against his skin and he carefully lifted his head from your neck and tucked a strand of slightly sweaty hair behind your ear.
“Not nearly as perfect as you are, Sweetheart.” He smiled down at you and you grinned.
“You know… I think that was the first time I’ve actually made love to anyone.” He admitted and you started to feel a little bashful.
“Maybe those witches were onto something. Maybe we’re soulmates after all.” You giggled breathlessly and Dean chuckled.
“Whatever this was.. is… I think it’s better than any kind of magic those bastards could have conjured up.” He said, which caused you to chuckle again as you snuggled int his chest.
“The sweetest kind of magic.” You said.
You knew that with Dean, it would gradually get easier to let go of your regrets and your guilt of past relationships. He was always there to listen, he had become your confidant, the one person you could rely on more than anyone else and this was exactly what you imagined this feeling you had would be like.
Falling in love like this was a better feeling than you ever could have imagined and you knew you had fallen for the right person after all.
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winchesterwild78 · 22 days
First Aid pt 6
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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Nurse, mention of other SPN characters.
Warnings: Fluff, SMUT!
A/N: This is a request: I’ve always wondered what a Dean x nurse series would look like in SPN if you ever felt inclined to write one! This will be a short series for my dear sweet friend. 
*Last Chapter, I hope you like it.*
This will use some characters from Supernatural, but it will not follow the timeline or story. I wrote it fast and edited it fast, please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 18+
It had been about a month since the wraith attack and you moved back in with the boys. Dean was focused on rebuilding your relationship and fixing the damage he had done. You would wake up to sweet little notes, breakfast in bed, and other fun activities in bed. 
Sam was wearing ear plugs most of the time at night to get some sleep. You would apologize every morning, but he would just grumble and say it was okay. 
“Dean, as much as I love all the sex, maybe we should give poor Sammy a break. He looks exhausted.” Dean chuckled and agreed to try to keep it down. “I’m just trying to prove to my girl how much I love and want her.” He winked at you.
You smiled, “Dean, I know how much you love me and want me. You don’t have to prove anything to me.” Sam walked into the room and told you both he found a case. “It’s a simple salt and burn if you two want to sit this one out. I can take Eileen with me.” You smirked and looked at Dean, “Why don’t we all go? I’d love to meet Eileen.” You said with a mischievous grin on your face. 
Sam rolled his eyes and Dean elbowed him, “Yeah, let’s all go and meet this girl who has Sammy smitten.” “Shut up, Dean.” Sam blushed. You smiled and walked over to Sam, “Hey, we’re happy for you. If she makes you happy then I already like her.” “Well there has to be something wrong with her if she likes Sammy.” Dean chuckled. 
You looked at Dean, “Leave him alone.” 
A few hours later the four of you were in the car heading towards the case. Dean was driving, Sam was sitting next to him and you and Eileen were in the backseat. You and Eileen bonded quickly and since you knew sign language the two of you were able to talk without the boys hearing you. 
You signed: So have you and Sammy made anything official yet?
She signed: Not yet, but we have talked about it. I really like him and I can be myself around him.
You smiled and looked at Sam and then up at Dean. You caught his eye in the mirror and he winked at you. 
She signed: You two really love each other, don’t you. 
You signed: Yes, we’ve had our issues, but I can see myself married to him and having his children. 
She softly smiled and signed: I can see a future with Sam too. 
You smiled and touched her hand and nodded. 
“Okay guys, we’re here.” Dean said from the front seat. The four of you got out of the car and walked towards the hotel. Sam grabbed the keys and handed you one and he kept the other. You smirked, “So girls in one room, boys in the other?” You winked at Eileen and she laughed. Dean grabbed you around the waist and pulled you close, “Nope, you’re stuck with me sweetheart.” He placed a kiss on your lips. 
Sam looked at Eileen and asked her if it was okay they shared a room, she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek and nodded yes. Sam blushed. 
You and Dean went into your room and Sam and Eileen into theirs. Dean dropped the bags on the floor and pulled you flush to him. “God I’ve missed you.” His lips captured yours in a passionate kiss filled with want and need. When you pulled away you could see the lust in his eyes. 
His hands trailed up your body, fingertips lightly dancing on your skin causing goosebumps to erupt. Dean’s lips trailed down your neck, leaving love bites on your skin. Your head went back and moans escaped your lips. 
“Dean…please.” “Please what, sweetheart?” He smirked. “Please take me, I need you.” Dean walked you back towards the bed as he pulled your shirt over your head. He removed his shirt too, leaving his toned chest exposed to the chilly air. 
Your hands trailed up his torso and went around his neck, pulling his lips to yours. Dean’s hand went behind your back and expertly unhooked your bra with one hand. When your breasts sprang free from the confines of the fabric Dean let out a growl. 
His lips trailing down and taking his time sucking and licking each nipple until they were hard. Dean kissed down your torso, over every inch, scar, imperfection and loving every minute of it. When he got to your jeans his eyes flickered up to yours asking for permission. You nodded and Dean unbuttoned your pants, you lifted your hips to help him remove them. 
As he pulled your pants down, he took your panties with them. You bit your lip when you saw his eyes turn almost black with desire. You felt your wetness running through your folds. You looked at Dean as he spread your legs apart and positioned himself between them. He placed delicate kisses up your thighs working his way to your pussy. 
Dean’s fingers slipped between your folds, pulling a moan from your lips. As he pulled his fingers back, seeing how wet they were he smirked, “Always so eager for me, damn you’re going to be the death of me.” You bucked your hips at him, “Dean, please.”
Dean slid a meaty finger inside and hooked it up. You arched your back off the bed pushing his finger deeper. Dean leaned down and licked a strip up to your clit and your hands grabbed his hair. As he licked and sucked your clit he slipped another finger inside. You moaned loudly, “Oh fuck, Dean! Right there baby, don’t stop, please.” Dean began eating your pussy like a starved man. 
The sounds of ecstasy filled the room. “Dean….I’m…gonna…cum.” Dean looked up, his face glistening with your juices and smirked, “Cum for me darlin’.” Dean’s fingers moved faster as his tongue worked your engorged clit. He felt your release coming, your walls began to tighten and quiver around his fingers. You pushed his head deeper into your cunt and your release hit with a primal scream. Dean continued licking, helping you ride out your release as your walls squeezed and pulsed around his fingers.
When it became too much you were pushing him away, but he held you tightly. Determined to give you another orgasm. “Dean, I can’t…” “Yes you can, come on baby, one more for me.” His thumb rubbed circles on your engorged, sensitive clit. Before your brain could process what was happening, Dean was pulling another orgasm out of you. Your body was shaking and quivering under him. You were seeing stars and screamed out in pleasure.  
Dean slowly removed his fingers, the loss of fullness made you groan. Dean stood and you saw his rock hard cock through his jeans. He pulled them off and pulled his boxers off, freeing his cock. Dean Winchester was the biggest man you’d ever been with. No matter how many times the two of you had sex, it felt just as incredible as the first time. 
Dean pumped his length a few times before taking it slowly to your dripping wet entrance. “You ready sweetheart?” You nodded, still trying to recover from your multiple orgasms. As he pushed in, both of you gasped. He thrusted and bottomed out, not giving you much time to adjust to his size. 
Dean loved watching your eyes roll back in your head when he would take you. He kissed your lips as he started to thrust. Your legs were still shaky, so Dean hooked his arms under your knees and held them up. Your hands traced his chest and to his shoulders. 
“God you feel amazing, Y/N. Your body was made for me.” “Mmm, yes, Dean.” You loved how he filled you and stretched you. As Dean continued thrusting your breasts were bouncing up and down with each thrust. Dean let your legs go and grabbed your breasts in his hands. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing him in deeper. He moaned and leaned forward, resting at the crook of your neck. “Damn baby, you’re gonna make me cum.” “Get on your back baby, please.” You looked up at Dean. 
He moved on to his back and you straddled him. Your thighs on either side of his hips. You lined yourself up and sank down with one thrust. Dean let out a groan as you started to rock your hips back and forth. His hands trailed up your body and cupped both of your breasts. Your hands went into your hair, putting your whole body on display for him. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous baby.” You smiled at Dean as you continued to bounce and grind on him. His hands left your breasts and grabbed your hips.
“I’m gonna cum, baby.” “Dean, cum in me, fuck a baby into me!” Your pace increased, Dean bucked his hips into you, chasing his release. A guttural groan escaped his lips as his hips began to twitch. You felt his release coating your walls. As his cock stopped twitching, you saw Dean’s green eyes open and a smile on his face. You leaned down, kissed his lips softly and climbed off.
Walking into the bathroom, you cleaned yourself up and returned with a warm cloth to clean Dean. When he was clean you climbed into bed beside him and he wrapped you in his arms. “Dean, that was amazing.” You kissed his chest. Dean turned his head and kissed your forehead, “I love you, Y/N.” “I love you too, Dean.”
Next door Sam and Eileen were getting some alone time too. You and Dean heard them and you giggled. Dean looked at you and said, “That’s my boy.” You playfully slapped his chest, “You better not embarrass him, Dean. I mean it.” Dean played coy, “What? Me, never.” He smirked.
Later that evening the four of you had finished the salt and burn, and were eating dinner at the local diner. You got up to use the bathroom and Eileen followed you. “Hey, Y/N, sorry if we got too loud earlier.” She smiled. “Oh, you’re fine. Sounds like you two had quite the reunion.” She smiled and nodded, “I think I’m in love with Sam.” You hugged her, “That’s amazing. I can tell he’s smitten with you too. It’s great he has you and you are in this life. When I met Dean I was a nurse and had no idea what this life was. I’m thankful everyday he walked into that ER.” “Yeah, Sam told me how you all met.”
When the two of you returned to the table the guys were acting a little strange. You looked at Dean and then at Sam, “What’s wrong?” They both said nothing at the same time, so you knew it wasn’t nothing. You tried to let it go. “So, what’s the plan for the rest of the evening?” Sam looked at Dean and then back at you, “Well I was thinking maybe Eileen and I could spend some time together, you know, catching up.” You smirked, “Okay, Sammy, just don’t pull a muscle.” You winked at him, Eileen chuckled. 
Once the bill was paid, Sam and Eileen went back to their room. You started to walk towards yours and Dean’s, but he grabbed your hand. “Come with me, sweetheart. I have something I want to show you.” You nodded and followed him to the car. He opened the door and you got in. A few minutes later he was driving down a long dirt road. “You’re not driving me out to the middle of nowhere to murder me, are you?” You playfully asked. The light from the dash and moon danced across Dean's face. You saw a playful glint in his eye and a smirk on his face, “Oh no, I’ve got something better for you. We used to hunt in this area a lot growing up. I used to bring Sammy here all the time. It’s the perfect spot to see the stars. I wanted to share it with you.” He pulled to a stop in a grassy field, grabbed a blanket from the backseat and walked around to help you out of the car.
He spread the blanket out, grabbed your hand to help you sit and he sat down beside you. Both of you laid back and you gasped when you saw all the beautiful stars. The only sounds were of crickets and frogs filling the air like a symphony. The distant sound of an owl could be heard occasionally. You looked over at Dean who was laying on his back with his arms behind his head looking up at the stars with a smile on his face. You smiled and laid down beside him. 
You heard Dean taking a deep breath and letting out a shaky exhale. When you looked over you saw Dean staring at you with so much love in his eyes. He sat up and pulled you up to straddle his lap. He kissed you deeply. 
When he pulled away you both smiled, “Y/N, I have wanted you from the minute I laid eyes on you. You came into my crazy life so unexpectedly. We’ve had our share of ups and downs, but somehow we made it back to each other. When I look at you, I see my present, my future, and my home. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. Until my dying breath, you are it for me.” Dean took a deep breath, tears filled both of your eyes. “Will you marry me?” You gasped softly as Dean produced a small velvet box. The tears you had been holding back spilled, “Yes, Dean! Yes I’ll marry you!” He placed the ring on your finger and pulled you into a kiss. 
That was the day your life truly began. 
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@nancymcl @baby19sthings
@cheekygirl2309 @oceean
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I discovered your blog a little bit ago (back when your requests were off) and got super excited when I saw that you wanted a Sam Winchester request!
So I was wondering if you could write a fic where the reader is insecure about her stretch marks, but Sam reassures her and shows her that he has stretch marks too from growing so quickly and much when he was a kid going from tiny to giant in like a snap. Reader is obsessed with them now that she’s seen them (and wants to lick them ;)) snd there’s so much appreciation on both sides. Thank you so much!
Love your writing!
.⋆。Natural Matching Tattoos。⋆.
Sam Winchester x plus size reader
You never liked your body but you love Sam and he adores every part of you so maybe you should let him show you just how incredible you are
Warnings: self deprecation, fat phobic thoughts, stretch marks, fear of rejection, fluff, implied smut, reassurance 
WC: 997
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Hunting was apparently not a great form of exercise, you thought as you stood in front of your full length mirror dressed in nothing besides a bra that should’ve been thrown out years ago and your laundry day underwear. With a critical eye, you glared at the overhang of your stomach, the seam between your thighs where there should have been a gap but especially the shimmery skin stretched too far along your body. 
You tilted your head as you traced those lines with the tips of your fingers. How many things had you tried to get rid of them? How many years have you spent avoiding mirrors just because of this? You sighed dejectedly, your entire body sagging with the weight of your hate. You were exhausted with it, it ate away at you until there was only a speck of the love you once had for the body you inhabited. 
“Princess, have you seen my- oh.” Light from the hallway streamed into your room, casting a new light upon yourself which you immediately turned away from, and instead met the deep hazel eyes of your barely official boyfriend. Sam filled the doorway, his presence overwhelming.
“Sam.” You could barely breathe out his name with the massive weight of shame sitting on your chest. You felt his gaze burning into your skin as he took in every inch of your mostly naked body. Your vision wavered as tears began to build.
Yet he said nothing. “I-“ But no more words would come. This was what you feared most, that he would finally realise that he could do so much better than you, that you could never compare to Jess or Eileen or even Ruby. As you braced yourself for heartbreak, Sam stepped closer, lost in a trance.
Your arms curled around your stomach and you looked away, squeezing your eyes shut. Your fingers brushed the tell-tale smoothness of some of your stretch marks and suddenly you wanted to scream. Why couldn’t you just be fucking normal, you wanted to shout at yourself, why couldn’t you just lose the weight before he saw you naked for the first time. You expected to hear him insult you or say that you had a pretty face for someone so big, but then, just like he always managed to, Sam surprised you.
Far softer than you could ever imagine a man like him to be capable of, Sam cupped your forearms, prying them away from your body and leaving you vulnerable to him. You whimpered under your breath. There was a moment of quiet where all you could hear was his heavy breathing and your own pounding heartbeat and then-
His large hands hovered over your hips like he was handling a piece of precious artwork. The calloused tips of his fingers grazed the fat along your pelvis in reverence. “I always thought you were beautiful, but now, I can’t believe that you’re real.” 
“Sam-“ Part of you wanted to stop him, to push away his affections but the way he cradled you and looked at you with those big hazel puppy dog eyes, you didn’t think you had the strength to stop him. He gave you that stupid grin of his that showed off his dimples and made his entire body light up. “But my stretch marks.” You managed to stammer out as some sort of last ditch effort to get him to realise the truth.
Finally he laid his hands on your skin and your mouth snapped shut. His thumbs brushed against said stretch marks, leaving behind a warm, buzzing sensation that you could feel in your bones. “What about them?” He murmured but you could tell that he was already lost in the texture of your skin.
“They’re ugly.” You admitted like it was some shameful secret. Sam froze for a moment and gazed deeply into your eyes. 
“You really think that?” You nodded. Your skin was cold where he let go of your hips, it made you wish that you had just kept your mouth shut and let him love those parts of you that you hated. 
You jolted forward to try and grab at his hands but they were already pulling at the buttons of his flannel with a determined look on his face. You gave an embarrassed squeak as suddenly, Sam was topless in front of you, his perfectly sculpted torso so achingly close to your hands. “Then you must think mine are ugly too then.”
In the soft light of your bedside lamp, you could see the silvery lines that trailed up his slim hips, starkly contrasted against his tanned skin. They were almost identical to your own and they were beautiful, like silver threads that had been placed upon him like jewels. You couldn’t help but reach out to them, desperate to feel them beneath your hands.
Sam chuckled deeply in his chest but did not try to stop you as you laid your palms flat against his toned stomach. “How?” Was all you could manage to say besides something else incredibly impolite about your boyfriend’s body.
“I’m 6’4 princess, and Dean will absolutely attest to the fact that I grew over a foot in one summer. I was bound to get some stretch marks.” You hummed, now understanding why Sam had been so distracted by your own body moments before. “Still think stretch marks are ugly?”
You shook your head without hesitation and he beamed. “’S like we have matching tattoos.”
A soft kiss was pressed to your temple as he once more wrapped you in his arms to hold you close. “That’s my girl.” You sank into his embrace, content and warm. The weight of your insecurities was slightly lessened with someone you so dearly loved taking some of the burden and you couldn’t be happier about it. Well, there was one thing.
“Can I lick ‘em?” Sam’s laugh reverberated through the room.
“Only if I can lick yours.”
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deancasfanficrecs · 1 year
soft epilogue fics i’ve read a thousand times
(they’re post-canon but not necessarily post-season15)
1. you’re fooling yourself by cowboydeanwinchester 13k. baby!jack, mechanic!dean, minor sam x eileen
2. Welcome to Pine Shores! by @andimeantittosting 20.9k. thirteen years post canon, cas and dean own a motel, minor sam x rowena and claire x kaia
3. we’ll find a new home by sleepyvan 7.8k. dean cooks a lot, bunker fic
4. all the skeletons you hide (show me yours, I’ll show you mine) by hilarycantdraw 19k. baby!jack, season 13 au, pretend relationship, mechanic!dean, librarian!cas
5. Morning Glory by edgarallanrose 25.9k. post season 12, beekeper!cas, baker!dean, contractor!dean
6. dumbassery, denial, doing (the three d's to the destination) by @sobsicles 108k. post season 15, minor sam x eileen
7. Toes In The Sand by imogenbynight - @thevioletcaptain 11k. child!jack, post-season 15, beach vacation
8. take me home by stayawake 37k. post s14e14, lake house vacation
9. the home we make together by vaudelin 48k. baby!jack, post season 15, cas and dean sharing a body, minor sam x eileen
10. Grow Something, Feed Someone, Love One Another by ahurston 9k. post season 15
11. things happen (they do, they do, and they do) by sobsicles 27.9k. cas flirting a lot, post season 15, minor sam x eileen
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spnhunter4life · 2 years
Why Not?
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Here’s a little Dean x reader story I threw together for the occasion. I hope everyone has a fun night, and for anyone who doesn’t have big plans, enjoy a night out with Dean on me!
Summary: Dean and Y/N are both single on Valentine’s Day and decide to have a “friend date.” With a little help from a flirty waitress, feelings are realized and confessed. 
Word Count: 5.4k
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I stood in front of the mirror in my room, checking over my appearance one last time. I’d spent over an hour getting ready – longer than I had expected, though I’d thankfully started getting ready early just in case – and I was happy with the result of my efforts.
I kept my makeup simple, not wanting to overdo it, but also wanting to put in some effort. I put on a light layer of foundation and added a hint of blush to my cheeks. I used eyeliner and mascara, and finished off the look with some lipstick, brushed on with my finger to get a less intense color.
I was wearing a navy blue dress that went to just below my knees. The v neck was cut just low enough to still be considered modest. The sleeves were short with a bit of lace in the shoulder and the dress was well-fitted in the chest and waist, becoming looser and more flowing at the hips. I paired the dress with my favorite heels, a black pair with simple ankle straps.
My hair had taken a bit of trial and error. I’d found a style I really liked online and it was simple enough to replicate, but it took a few attempts for me to be satisfied with the result. I rarely had a reason to do anything more complicated than throwing my hair into a ponytail, so I was possibly being a bit overly picky. I had a small braid going down the left side of my head, tucked into a twisted bun in the back.
My heart was beating a little faster than normal and I had a minor case of butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know why I was nervous. It was just Dean. We spent a lot of time together and I was more comfortable around him than anyone else. And despite what my appearance might suggest, this wasn’t a real date. It was just two friends, spending Valentine’s Day together rather than being alone. A friend date. Dean had suggested it out of the blue yesterday while we were in the kitchen eating lunch.
“You and I should do something tomorrow,” he said before taking a big bite of his sandwich.
“Ok,” I agreed easily. We were in between cases and Sam had a date with Eileen, so I was happy to spend some time with the older Winchester. “What did you have in mind? Movie marathon? Meticulously go over Baby and make sure she’s spotless? Maybe hit up a bar for some karaoke?”
“First of all, Baby is already spotless. Do you think I don’t take care of my car?” He asked in mock offense.
“What was I thinking? I’m so very sorry for having the audacity to suggest your car wasn’t perfect,” I teased, eliciting a laugh out of Sam.
“I meant we should do something tomorrow night,” Dean clarified.
“Ok… and movies or a bar aren’t acceptable night time options?” I asked.
“Not on Valentine’s Day,” he said.
“Why not? It doesn’t have to be any different than any other night we hang out. It’s not like it’s a date,” I told him.
“Who says it’s not a date?” He asked seriously. Sam coughed and got up to start washing dishes.
“Um…” I started, not sure how to respond. Dean and I had been good friends for years. There’d never been any indication he might want something more. It wasn’t something I’d ever even considered. “You’re asking me out?” I finally asked.
“Yeah. Why not? It’s Valentine’s Day. There’s no rule that says you can’t spend it with a friend. I don’t want to sit around at home. Neither of us has a date, so let’s do something together. I mean, come on, even Sam has a date!” he told me, ignoring Sam’s indignant response. 
“So,” I said, wanting to make sure I understood what he was asking. “What you’re saying is, you want to go on a date. But just as friends?”
“Exactly. A friend date. It’ll be fun,” he said confidently. 
“Ok,” I agreed as I got up to help Sam finish with cleaning. “I mean, like you said, I don’t have any other plans.”
“Wow. Try to tone down the enthusiasm a little bit. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself,” he teased.
“Sorry,” I apologized, catching the hint of genuine hurt in his words. “You’re right. It will be fun. I always like hanging out with you.”
“When I say date, I mean it,” he warned me. “That means getting dressed up and going somewhere nice.”
“Noted. I’ll plan accordingly.”
Which led to now. I was sitting on the bed, just finishing putting my shoes on, when there was a knock on the door.
“Just a second,” I called, quickly grabbing my coat out of the closet before opening the door. As expected, Dean was on the other side. He was looking very handsome in a suit and tie. What I wasn’t expecting was the bouquet of roses he held out to me. 
“Dean, these are beautiful!” I exclaimed as I took them from him. He even had them in a vase already. “Thank you!” I set them on my nightstand before turning to give him a hug. 
“Why do you seem so surprised?” He teased as he hugged me back.
“Well you’re not exactly the ‘get a girl flowers’ type of guy usually,” I pointed out. “And even if you were, I still certainly wouldn’t have been expecting them.”
“I told you we’re doing tonight right. Fancy clothes, nice restaurant, flowers, the whole nine yards,” he said before leading the way to the bunker’s garage. 
“Speaking of fancy clothes,” he added, “did I mention how beautiful you look tonight?” 
“You did not,” I answered with a small smile.
“Y/N, you look very beautiful. I’m going to be the envy of every man in town,” he said with a wink.
“Thank you,” I said, genuinely flattered by the compliment. “You look very nice too. I might need to bring a gun along just to fend off the ladies.”
Dean laughed.
“Then I’d better bring along a baseball bat. Looking like that and capable of using a gun? The guys won’t be able to control themselves.” 
We’d reached the Impala and Dean opened my door for me, waiting for me to get settled before closing the door and moving around to the driver’s side.
“Where are we going?” I asked as Dean expertly maneuvered the Impala out of the garage and onto the road.
“Olive Garden,” he answered.
“Really?” I asked, surprised. It wasn’t a place I would imagine him ever picking.
“All right, so it’s not that fancy. But we’d probably have to drive for a while to find an actual fancy restaurant,” he said, defending his choice. 
“I wasn’t complaining,” I told him. “It sounds great. I just wasn’t expecting you to choose a pasta restaurant.”
“I thought you might find it to be a nice change from all the burgers we eat,” he explained.
“I’d be happy with anything. Although we might be a little overdressed for our usual places,” I answered. He looked over at me and smiled.
“Olive Garden it is, then.”
There was a thirty minute wait to be seated once we got to the restaurant. We sat in the waiting area and passed the time by talking about past Valentine’s dates. I wasn’t sure how much of the sob stories Dean relayed to me of the heartbroken girls he’d gone for were true and how much he made up for entertainment value, but I was entertained either way.
Eventually the hostess seated us and the waitress came by shortly after to take our drink orders. I didn’t appreciate how close she stood to Dean or the way she batted her eyes at him. Dean asked for an order of fried mozzarella as an appetizer.
“What?” He asked as she walked away, noticing my slight frown. “Should I have gotten something different? It’s fried cheese. Everybody loves fried cheese.”
“It was a good choice,” I agreed.
“Then what’s that face for?” He wondered.
“It’s nothing,” I told him. I was probably misreading things. Surely she wouldn’t be flirting with a guy she believed to be on a date.
“Alright,” he said, not convinced but willing to let it go.
We spent a few minutes in silence while we looked over the menu. 
“There sure aren’t many options for meat at this place, are there?” Dean commented.
“Well what did you expect when you picked a pasta place?” I teased with a smile. 
The waitress came back with our drinks, once again standing closer to Dean than was necessary. 
“Are we ready to order?” She asked cheerfully.
“Go ahead,” Dean said, letting me order first. I looked at the menu again, reading off the name of the dish I wanted. Dean gave her his order, and she collected our menus, accidentally on purpose touching Dean’s hand as she grabbed his. 
“Okay, seriously, what’s up?” he asked when she was gone. I realized I was scowling at her retreating form.
“She’s awfully friendly,” I stated. His forehead wrinkled a little in confusion.
“Yeah, I guess so,” he said.
“A little too friendly,” I tried again. He just looked at me blankly. I sighed.
“Dean. She’s flirting with you big time.”
“Yeah?” He said, still not getting my point.
“So you noticed?” I asked.
“Yeah, I noticed. Kind of hard to miss. I still don’t see the problem.”
“You don’t?” I asked incredulously.
“Are you jealous?” He asked, surprised. Then, with a cocky smirk, he added, “You have no reason to be jealous when you know I’m going home with you tonight.”
“That’s not funny Dean. And I’m not jealous.” I told him.
“It’s a little funny,” he said, encouraging me to agree with him. When I didn’t he just sighed. “I really don’t see what the big deal is. So she’s flirting. It’s harmless. I’m not going to abandon you to go home with her if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I know that,” I told him. Dean was many things, a major flirt being one of them, but he wasn’t the type of guy to ask a friend to hang out and then leave them when something better came along.
“Then what’s the problem?” He asked again.
“You and I know that we’re just out as friends. But she doesn’t. It’s Valentine’s Day. We’re a man and a woman eating together alone, all dressed up. For all she knows we’re in a very serious, committed relationship. You don’t hit on men who are in a relationship,” I explained.
“So what you’re saying is, you don’t like her because she is knowingly trying to score with a guy who, to her knowledge, is already taken?” He asked.
“I can work with that,” he said with a smile. He scooted his chair around the table so he was sitting beside me instead of across from me and grabbed my hand just as the waitress came back with our appetizer.
“Can I get you anything else while you wait?” She asked.
“You want anything else baby?” He asked me, an amused sparkle in his eye.
“No thanks,” I told him, quickly recovering from the surprise his actions and the pet name had caused.
“We’re good for now,” he told the waitress, never even looking in her direction, keeping his eyes on mine the whole time.
“Alright. Let me know if you change your mind,” she replied, her tone slightly less cheerful than it had been. She left to go check on her other tables and Dean and I both snorted out a laugh when she was out of earshot.
“Thanks for that,” I said.
“No problem baby,” he teased. I pinched his hand, which I realized I was still holding, but smiled at him. 
He squeezed my hand once before letting it go. He picked up the plate of fried mozzarella, offering it to me before taking his own.
“So is there a particular reason her flirting bothered you so much, or is it just more of a general rule?” He asked around a bite.
“It’s a good rule,” I said a little defensively.
“Of course it is. I may have extremely limited experience with actual relationships, but everybody knows going after someone in a relationship is a line that shouldn’t be crossed. Obviously that doesn’t stop everybody. Which is why I wondered if maybe something happened in the past that made you a little extra sensitive to this particular situation,” he said.
“No, not really,” I told him. “I just really hate that kind of behavior. I mean honestly, be an adult. Realize that person is someone you can’t have, and move on with your life.”
After that we chatted about unimportant things. We talked about The Hunger Games, which I was trying to get him to watch. We talked about Lord of the Rings which Dean had just gotten me started on. We’d watched the first movie a few days ago and were talking about starting the second tonight. We talked about how Sam’s date might be going. Dean made a game out of guessing which couples seated nearby were genuinely in love and which were just out in an attempt not to be alone on this particular night.
We joked and laughed and just enjoyed our time together. But whenever the waitress came to our table, bringing our food or checking our drinks, Dean made sure to play it up, calling me baby, touching me in some way, refusing to give the waitress a second glance. 
“Are the two of you interested in some dessert, or would you like the check?” She asked when we finished our meals. 
“I’ll take the chocolate brownie lasagna,” Dean quickly answered, his gentlemanly ‘ladies first’ manners disappearing when dessert was involved.
“And,” he added, “my lovely date will take a slice of cheesecake,” he told her confidently.
She walked away to put the order in.
“What if I didn’t want cheesecake?” I asked.
“You always want cheesecake,” he answered. “You not wanting cheesecake would be like me not wanting pie.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” I laughed. 
“Can I tell you something?” I asked shyly a few minutes later after our desert had been delivered.
“Of course,” he said. “Unless you’re about to tell me you’ve got a freezer full of all your Valentine’s Day dates from over the years. I’d rather not know that.”
I rolled my eyes and gave him a pleading look. This was hard to admit, but I wanted to tell him. And if he wasn’t going to take it seriously, I wouldn’t be able to say it.
“You can tell me anything,” he said, reading the shift in my mood.
“I want to say thank you for taking me out tonight. I had a lot of fun,” I told him.
“I did too. And our night’s not over. We’ve still got a three hour long movie you agreed to watch,” he reminded me.
“Of course. How could I forget?” I joked.
“Probably just too distracted by my good looks,” he theorized.
“That must be it,” I agreed.
“So really, what did you want to tell me?” He asked.
“I was actually kind of nervous for tonight,” I confessed. “I don’t know why. I’ve actually been trying to figure it out all night.”
“No luck?”
“Not really. I guess I haven’t been on a date in a while, so it’s possible that’s why. But if I’m being honest I think the more likely answer is just that it’s you.” I told him.
“What do you mean?”
“Well… you’re one of my closest friends. And even though this isn’t a real date, I guess it was just hard not to worry this might somehow change things,” I explained.
“You’ve got to stop saying this isn’t a real date,” he instructed. “You really know how to hurt a guy’s confidence. I even brought you flowers!”
“You know what I mean, Dean.”
“Yeah, I do,” he agreed, giving up on playing offended. “Even if things did change, who says that has to be a bad thing?”
“It doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but it could be,” I countered. “I just wouldn’t want something to happen that ruined our friendship is all. You’re too important to me,” I told him. 
“We’re just eating dinner together, Y/N. What could happen that would ruin our friendship?” He asked teasingly.
“I don’t know. I never said it made any sense. It’s just the best explanation I can come up with for why I was nervous,” I said.
The waitress came back over with the check, which Dean took.
“Can I tell you something?” He asked me when she was gone.
“Of course,” I answered.
“I might have been a little bit nervous for tonight too,” he admitted. 
He didn’t wait for an answer, just opened the folder and looked at the bill. He frowned.
“What?” I asked. “Did she give us the wrong one?” 
“No,” was all he said as he fished his wallet out of his pocket. He grabbed a few bills and stuck them in the folder.
“What’s wrong then?” I asked.
“Nothing,” he assured me. He turned in his chair to fully face me and reached up, placing his hand on my cheek.
“Dean, what are you doing?” I asked. His face was inches away from mine and he was staring directly into my eyes. My heart started to race. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. We’d never been this close and he had never looked at me like this. His gaze was magnetic. I couldn’t look away.
“Remember when you said you didn’t want things to change between us?” He asked.
“Yeah,” I said nervously.
“Just remember that this doesn’t have to change things,” he said. Then he was leaning in and pressing his lips to mine.
I responded instinctively, placing my hand on the back of his neck and kissing him back, but my mind was racing.
Why was he doing this? Had I misread things entirely? Had this really been a date? These thoughts were somewhere in the back of my mind, fighting to be heard. All I could really focus on was how his lips were such an enticing combination of soft but firm and how good of a kisser he was. The only thought I could grasp onto was that this was the best kiss I’d ever had. And it was over before it could really get started.
He broke away from me, breathing slightly uneven. I looked at him, desperately trying to regain the ability to speak when I noticed the footsteps stopping beside us. Dean handed the waitress the folder.
“Keep the change,” he said. Then he stood up, helped me put my coat on, and slung his arm around my shoulders as we walked to the exit. 
We walked in silence to the car. Once there, Dean once again opened my door for me. We sat in silence until Dean pulled onto the highway, headed back to the bunker.
“You saw the waitress coming,” I said, a statement of fact, not a question.
“Why?” I asked.
Dean clenched his jaw.
“She wrote her number on the receipt,” he told me. 
“Okay,” I said, waiting for more. That bit of information irritated me more than I cared to admit, but I didn’t see the relevance.
“I made it pretty clear that I wasn’t interested, didn’t I?” he asked rhetorically.
“You did,” I agreed anyway.
“So why was she so persistent? Why did she think giving me her number was a good plan?” he asked frustratedly.
“I figured you’d be thrilled. She was pretty. I don’t understand why you’re so upset,” I said.
“Aren’t you?” He asked incredulously.
“Of course! But I’m the one who had to watch my date get hit on all night.”
“Exactly! And I am offended on your behalf. Who does that? What gives her the right to try and get into the middle of what she can only see as a happy relationship?” he fumed.
“Well you know I’m not going to disagree with you on that,” I told him. “But it still doesn’t answer my question.”
“Doesn’t it? I think that covers it pretty well,” he disagreed.
“No. It doesn’t,” I insisted. “It explains why you’re mad but not why you kissed me.”
He looked away from the road for the first time, glancing at me with steel in his eyes.
“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not,” he said, eyes back on the road.
“I wasn’t looking for an apology,” I said pointedly.
I could see his jaw moving back and forth, him grinding his teeth together. I waited for him to sort out his thoughts and give me an answer.
“I guess I just wanted to make a point. To really show her that I wasn’t interested,” he finally said. 
We were quiet for a while as I thought about what to say. My mind was still racing. From the kiss, yes, but also just replaying the whole night. I was going back and analyzing myself. The things I’d thought and said and done. And I was coming to a realization.
I liked Dean. I liked him in a ‘more than friends’ way. I was in love with him. How had I not realized?
I remembered the nerves I felt earlier this evening while I was getting ready, apparently a physical manifestation of the feelings I’d buried so deep, I’d hidden them even from myself. I was nervous about going on a date with the man I loved. Our first date.
I remembered the irritation I’d felt at our waitress, apparently more than just the indignant annoyance I thought it to be. It was jealousy, as Dean had joked it was.
I remembered how eagerly I had agreed to keep the night going with a three hour movie. And I remembered the giddy feeling I didn’t even realize I felt when Dean called me baby and put on an act for the waitress.
Even my dress, I realized, had been picked specifically for Dean. I knew he was partial to this color. I couldn’t believe how blind I had been to my own feelings.
Dean sighed. 
“Please tell me things aren’t going to be weird between us now,” he said anxiously.
“It’s not going to be weird,” I assured him, willing myself to make it true. I suppose now I have to look forward to a future full of unrequited love. It would suck, but I would make sure it didn’t impact our relationship.
“You sure? Because we’ve never really been the awkward silence type, but this car ride has been full of it.”
“Sorry. I wasn’t trying to ignore you. I was just thinking,” I told him.
He glanced at me again.
“About what?”
“Just… how much fun we had tonight,” I lied, hoping it would lighten the mood a little bit.
“Yeah,” he agreed, clearly not believing me but going along with it anyway. “Yeah, we did have a lot of fun.”
Dean pulled off the highway onto the gravel road that would take us to the bunker. Just a few more minutes and we’d be home.
“We’re still gonna watch Lord of the Rings, right?” I asked him.
He looked at me, a little surprised and a little relieved.
“If you still want to, then yes,” he said.
“I still want to,” I answered.
We were quiet for the rest of the short drive home. Dean parked in his usual spot in the garage and shut the Impala off, but didn’t move to get out. I sat with him, waiting. He seemed to be thinking about something, brow furrowed and thumb tapping on the steering wheel.
After a minute or two, he seemed to come to a decision. He turned to look at me, shoulders set in determination. 
“I wasn’t planning on doing this, but since I’ve already gone and made things weird, I may as well. Go big or go home, right?” He said with a rueful smile.
“I told you things aren’t weird,” I told him.
“Y/N, you’ve been looking at me differently since we left the restaurant,” he argued.
I unsuccessfully fought the blush rising to my cheeks. 
“How would you know how I’ve been looking at you? You’ve been driving,” I pointed out.
“I can still see you. Anyway, that’s not the point,” he said, steering the conversation back to where he wanted it.
“Yeah, but I don’t want you to feel like-”
“Can you just let me say this? Please?” he cut me off. I sighed, but nodded.
“First of all, I know I said earlier that I’m not sorry about the kiss. And, as far as the waitress is concerned, I’m not. But I feel like it maybe made you uncomfortable, and for that I am sorry,” he started.
I was surprised at how badly he was reading me. He thought it made me uncomfortable? He couldn’t be further from the truth. I let him continue though. I’d correct him later. Or, I’d assure him I wasn’t uncomfortable at least. He didn’t need to know how much I’d enjoyed it.
“Secondly…” he took a steadying breath before continuing. “Well, to be blunt about it, I kissed you because I wanted to. It might’ve been the waitress that pushed me to it, but I wanted to. Because I have feelings for you, Y/N. I love you. I have for a while now.”
My breath caught at his admission. I couldn't believe this. In under an hour I’d gone from having a fun night with my best friend, to realizing I was in love with him and resigning myself to a lifetime of pining, to being told he felt the same.
“And like I said,” he went on, “I wasn’t going to say anything because I didn’t want to make things weird between us, but since I’ve already done such a spectacular job of ruining that-”
I cut him off the only way I knew how, in the only way I knew would convince him he had no reason to worry. I leaned forward and kissed him.
His response was immediate, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer, opening his mouth to deepen the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and got lost in the feel of his lips against mine.
Eventually – seconds, minutes, hours later. I didn’t know – he pulled away. He didn’t go far, resting his forehead against mine. We were both breathing heavily. 
“You know why I’ve been looking at you differently?” I asked him. He just looked at me, waiting for my answer. “It’s because I love you. I have for a while,” I said with a smile, repeating his words from earlier. “I didn’t realize it until tonight. But I’ve been going over things in my head, mostly from tonight, and it’s the only conclusion I could come to. I don’t know how I missed it for so long,” I said a little sheepishly.
“That’s ok,” he grinned at me. “I didn’t realize at first either. Sam is actually the one who pointed it out to me a few months ago. I’ve been worried ever since that I was going to do or say something that would make it obvious and wreck our friendship.”
“So this date tonight…” I trailed off. He knew what I was asking.
“I really meant it to be a friend thing. Since neither of us had plans and we’d probably have ended up hanging out anyway, I figured why not just go out?” He explained.
“Why not?” I echoed with a smile.
“I’d be lying if I said the idea of spending the night with you, all dressed up, no guys coming up to flirt with you because they’d know you were taken wasn’t extremely appealing to me,” he admitted.
“And then when you opened your door and I saw how beautiful you looked, I couldn’t believe my luck.”
“I’m the lucky one who got to go home with the best looking guy in town,” I teased.
He smiled and leaned in for one more quick kiss before getting out of the car. He came around to my side and helped me out. We walked to my room, his arm around my shoulder.
“Why don’t you change into something more comfortable and then we’ll watch that movie,” he said once we reached my door before heading in the direction of his own room.
I stood there for a while, debating what to wear. We were technically continuing our date. I still wanted to look nice. But I didn’t really have many options that fit into the category of both nice and comfortable. 
Finally I decided I didn’t need to impress him. I’d been living in the bunker with them for three years now. Dean had seen every possible side of me. He’d seen me at my best and he’d seen me at my worst, both physically and emotionally. He knew everything there was to know about me, and he wasn’t running away. He wouldn’t care what I wore. 
I slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, the outfit I would probably be sleeping in tonight. I wiped the makeup from my face, not wanting to forget to do it before bed, but left my hair up. Ready to spend another few hours with Dean, I made my way towards “The Dean Cave,” as he liked to call it.
I must have taken longer than I realized to decide on what to wear. When I got there, Dean was waiting for me. He was wearing a pair of soft, worn sweatpants and a t-shirt. He had the movie up on the screen and a big bowl of popcorn sitting in his lap. 
He smiled when he saw me and patted the seat next to him. I sat beside him, putting my feet up onto the couch and leaning into his side. He responded by putting his arm around my shoulder. I let out a happy sigh. This was everything I never realized I wanted.
We were about an hour into the movie when Sam came home. He stopped in the cave, probably hearing the movie on the way to his room. He raised an eyebrow when he saw us snuggled up together on the couch.
“Hey, how was your date?” Dean asked his brother cheerfully. 
“It was good,” Sam said, not giving any more detail. “How was yours?”
“Good,” Dean said.
“Uh huh. Care to share anything more?” Sam asked, clearly very curious.
“Do you?” Dean countered.
“I’m sure your date was way more interesting than mine,” Sam deflected.
“Your date with a girl you really like on Valentine’s Day was less interesting than two friends going out?” I scoffed.
“And how did that go?” Sam asked again.
“Good. Like I said,” Dean shrugged.
“Just a normal night? Nothing out of the ordinary happened?” He continued in a tone that implied he knew something he wasn’t telling us.
“Nope,” Dean and I said together. We weren’t going to keep it a secret. There was no point in even trying in such close quarters. But we both naturally responded to his knowing tone with denial, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right just yet.
“Okay,” Sam said nonchalantly, backing towards the door. “Hey Dean, by the way, I’d go with a different shade of lipstick next time. That’s not really your color.” With that, he left the room.
I looked at Dean. There was a little bit of lipstick smudged on his upper lip. I was surprised Sam had even noticed it. He was observant though, and if he knew about Dean’s feelings, he’d probably been actively looking for signs that things had changed between us.
“Sorry,” I said as I tried to rub it off with my thumb. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, unconcerned, taking my hand in his and pressing play.
We finished the second movie and put the third one in. It was already late, but we had nowhere to be tomorrow and were content to spend the night curled up with each other, enjoying this new closeness.
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multiversxwhore · 1 year
Babe Chronicles
Babe by Styx
Warnings: Traumatic events, dark thoughts, violence minors dni
Pairings: Sam Winchester x black!reader
Word count: 2k
Tags: @cardierreh15 @miyuhpapayuh @blackreaderatrisk @hazysuga @eileen-2000-blog @bennzzo @naughtyslashers @virgomess @moonysgal
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a/n: Babe Chronicles will be a series of one shots, some of them will be Sam x black!oc, and some will be Sam x black!reader. For the one shots of Sam x oc I will use the same character just to say consistent, as it is pretty much implied all oc are Black women. I’ve done series one shot before here ➡️ @eddieslittleslutmuffin
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This last hunt nearly killed you, nothing worse than trying to survive the apocalypse…again. It was so bad that at one point you had to barricade yourself in an abandoned home. It was nothing you wanted more than a shower, a clean warm bed, and to be held underneath Sam’s arms. The two of you were separated by a horde of demons; after fighting your way out of the group of bastards that jumped you, you tried to find him. All the power was down, there was no way to communicate, and no safe routes. You were on the last hope, struggling to make it to a nearby grocery store. By the time you stepped one foot in, a vampire attacked on you. Too depressed to fight back, you let him beat you hoping it would all end soon. When Castiel finally showed up with Dean, both of them were covered in blood.
“I wanna go home.” You cried upon seeing them, Castiel let Dean handle the fighting, the main priority was healing you. The first thing he thought about when he looked at you was how relieved Sam is going to be once they brought you back home to the bunker. They made him stay behind so he could tend to the others, and so they wouldn’t have an erratic Sam Winchester out in all the mayley. He argued with them about it, but eventually Dean punched him in the face knocking him out, that’s when they made a break for it.
Castiel pressed his two fingers to your forehead, all the cuts, bruises, and any broken bones healed. Once you were restored to full health, he helped you up off the floor, and gave you a half smile. “Let’s get you outta here.” Dean grunted, out of fear you gripped onto Castiel’s hand, he wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulder as the three of you rushed out to see Baby parked out front. If you weren’t so distraught, you’d make a comment about how even in a supernatural apocalypse, Dean managed to keep his car clean.
Gently Castiel tucked you into the back seat, took his trench coat off, and draped it over you. “You can relax now.” He nodded, before he pulled away, you grabbed onto his hand. “I– I can’t sleep…I haven’t been able to.” You whispered, tears threatening to escape from your eyes, without hesitation he pressed his two fingers to your forehead. The second you close your eyes, you’re transported to a dreamland.
“What la la land did you send her to?” Dean glanced over to Castiel who sat quietly in the passenger seat, a pensive expression on his face.
“She’s dreaming of her perfect life with Sam; baby, marriage, and a picket fence. You’re even there, she imagines you’d have three or four children, and a singing career.” The image in your head helped to dissipate the gloominess he felt about their current situation, your optimism is a forever sunshine in his life. That’s why he’s so drawn to you, Dean let out a chuff, his lips turned upward into an impressed smirk. “That kid got into the wrong business, she’s so sweet, and…big hearted ya know?” He shook his head, they knew you for a few years now, long enough to be considered family; nothing would make Dean happier than to see you and Sammy live out that dream world in reality.
“She feels this is her purpose, to be of service however she can. It’s a stressful way to live, but I know the feeling better than anyone.” Castiel sighed, he looked up at you through the rearview mirror, your soul is a precious one, and he made a promise to Sam he’d do everything in his power to protect it. The rest of the drive home is silent, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of your soft snores.
“Don’t wake her, let’s just get inside, and lay her down.” Dean stopped Castiel before he had a chance to pull you out of your dream. He agreed with a head nod, carefully pulled you out of the car, and carried you into the bunker. Sam nearly jumped out of his seat at the sound of the door opening, the sight of your lifeless looking body in Castiel’s arms had his heart ready to jump out of his rib cage.
“She’s fine Sammy, Cas put her to sleep.” Dean cut him off before he could spiral into a panic, he patted his baby brother on the shoulder.
“Thanks Cas, I’ll take her from here.” Castiel handed you over to Sam, Dean gave you a light Pat on the head as the two of you passed him. Finally getting you to your shared bedroom, he laid you down carefully, and began to undress you. He started with the muddy boots, he untied them slowly as he watched your face twist into a soft smile. Sam tried not to tug at your jeans too roughly, the blood patches where you had been stabbed at are now dried, and stuck to your skin.
Throwing the denim to the ground he breathed heavily through his mouth. “You’re a mess.” He didn’t want to disturb your rest, however, a shower is necessary. Running a hand over your hair he noticed the build up from sweat, blood, and whatever hair products you had used prior to.
“Hey, time to wake up baby girl, y/n.” Sam shakes you shoulder, you grunted at first not wanting to be pulled from the fantasy, but eventually you couldn’t fight it off. Soon enough your eyes were opening, and a long yawn came from your lips. Unraveling yourself from the ball you tucked yourself into, your arms, and legs stretch out wide. The sound of Sam chuckling caught your attention, this was his actual voice filling your ears, not just the version of him in your head.
“Sammy.” You jumped up excitedly, tears sprung from your eyes, without thinking your arms wrapped around his neck. He didn’t pull away or fuss, he accepted your love, and affection happily.
“I think we need a shower.” He pulled back to get a good look at you, he stared deeply into your eyes, but he was looking far beyond your irises. The brightness within you is still intact even after the days you spent alone in the middle of the shit storm apocalypse.
“We?” You asked, the corners of Sam’s lips turned upwards, he stood up from the bed, and began to unbutton his shirt. No longer needing an explanation you popped up from the bed, grabbed your towel, and shower necessities, and ran to the bathroom.
A few moments later, a light tap on the door pulled you from your thoughts as you undressed. “You already got my jeans off, thanks.” Your voice lowered to a whisper, he stepped over the threshold and into the bathroom room closing the door behind him. It was a pretty decent size bathroom; between his height, and your curvyness, it felt pretty small with the both of you in there at the same time. “No problem princess.” He spoke softly, crossing the distance from the door to the sink where you stood. Slowly he unbuckled his jeans, letting them hand on his hips, his hands reached out towards you, and grabbed onto your hips.
“I missed you.” He breathed pressing his forehead to yours, seeing his Hazel-green irises up close made butterflies flutter in the pit of your stomach. The way he can make you feel things never gets old, the intimacy between you is rare. Sam brought his hands up to sweep your long coils behind your shoulder, his fingers caressing your skin. He held the back of your head gently, your body instantly relaxed as you closed your eyes. Pressing his lips to yours, he pecked you at first, but when you responded with an unexpected hunger, it ignited his own.
Sam mumbled something along the lines of, “you’re so fucking beautiful.” Between fervent kisses, he could never get tired of you, he’s made jokes before about you having him locked down for life. The sounds of your moans fill his ears making him crave something he hasn’t had the luxury of tasting in a while. When his arms came around your waist to pull you closer, his hands slid down your back to come to a rest on your booty. That’s when you came to realize how long it’s been since you showered, Sam is psychotic enough to bypass that. It happens a lot when the two of you are separated for long periods of time, he wants to smother you. It’s a trauma response more than likely, if you’re being honest you like being smothered, and feeling needed.
“Sam…I haven’t showered in like a week.” You sweetly remind him, he sighs, and slumps a little. His height looming over you, reluctantly he pulled his jeans and underwear down the rest of the way getting completely naked. A shit eating grin spreads onto his face as your eyes slowly move down his toned body. You had to fight the urge to jump on him because you really needed to get clean.
“Behave.” You pointed an accusatory finger at him, your lips pressed together to fight the smile threatening to break through. Sam held his hands up in defense, feign innocence etched across his features.
The hot water poured over you, and trickled down your body, after a moment Sam stepped in behind you. He turned you to face him so that you could lean your head back into the water to wet it. First he took his time to get you thick long hair drenched, then he squoze a glob of shampoo into his large hands, and worked into your hair. After days of intense living, and never being able to tell a Hunter from a Demon, your muscles are finally relaxing.
After about an hour's worth of showering, the two of you were as clean as one could be. Now you laid in bed wrapped in a warmed towel, Sam went through your shared closet to find you something to wear.
“Ah, here we go, nice and cozy.” He turned to you with a pair of leggings in one hand, and one of his hoodies in the other.
“You know me so well my love, I’ll get dressed then you can point me to an assignment.” Suddenly chipper you pop up from the bed grabbing the clothes from him.
Leaning against the dresser, Sam folded his arms over his chest, his eyebrows creased as he wearily watched you. “I was thinking maybe you could just…sit back and let us handle the rest?”
“Sam…I’m fine now, besides you guys can’t do all this by yourselves. I can help.”
“I fought, and hung on as long as I could for you Sam, because that’s what I know you would do. You’d fight for as long as you could, and then some. Nothing could stop you, and that’s who I want to be. Now, I heard Dean say that you guys are looking to make some sort of God weapon, I can do that research Sam.” The pleasing look in your eyes made it hard for him to say no, so he didn’t. The last thing he wanted to do is make you feel useless.
“Fine, yes there’s a lot of lore to dig through, so better get a head start.” Sam reluctantly agreed, the squeak you let out in excitement warmed his heart. You ran over to his side of the room, rose up on your tiptoes, and pressed your lips to your in a quick kiss. Right when you were about to pull away, Sam grabbed you by the hips. His tongue pushed its way past your lips, and into your mouth caressing you. The lipgloss spread across your lips now gone as he practically sucked it all off.
“Well then.” You breathed, Sam finally let you go, when you turned to leave he amusingly watched as you stumbled a little in your way out.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year
Cant Take My Eyes Off You
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/tFXSbOc by Sam_Blackbird Dean is a firefighter and deals with all kind of emergencies and people. Castiel is waiter, and according to Ash, a coworker of his, he is cool —despite having some hard time with social clues, but they’re for others. Two men having to deal people, yet they can’t deal with each others because feelings and words are hard, okay? OR- The firefighter!Dean x Waiter!Cas AU no one asked for but that I still wrote and published. Enjoy ig. Words: 5710, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, mention of Bobby Singer - Character, Original Characters, OC using they/them pronouns Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, minor Sam/ Eileen, mention of past Sam/Jess - Relationship Additional Tags: Trans Dean Winchester, Supernatural AU - Freeform, Firefighter!Dean x Waiter!Cas AU, The AU no one asked for, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Dean is both a bi icon and a bi disaster, Autistic Castiel (Supernatural), mention of anxiety/ panic attack, Dean goes to therapy, Getting Together, Idiots in Love, Two halves of the same idiot, Happy Ending, Alterning POV, tags are like Pokémon: they can evolve, Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, Emotional Roller Coaster, OFC - Freeform, PG-13 for swearing, it’s Dean ofc there are swears in here, Open Ending, Sam is a lawyer, Miracle the Dog is an Emotional Support Animal (Supernatural), Miracle the dog read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/tFXSbOc
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hoboal87 · 3 years
Title: Storm
Pairings: Dean x F!Reader, mentions of Sam x Eileen
Characters: Dean, F!Reader, minor mentions of Sam and Eileen, unnamed OFCs
Word Count: ±2.1k
Warnings: anxiety, car accident, major injuries, angst, fluff, blink and you’ll miss it pre-smut, post 15x19, more spoilers will be in the tags.
A/N: Requested by a nonnie: “Hi sweetie, I adore your writing especially dean fics. Can I pleaaase request a flangsty one shot of dean x reader where they get into a car crash and she's the one who's badly injured?? And maybe they are stuck in a snow storm or something so help would take forever to come and dean is just trying to keep her alive? With lots of worried and gentle dean?? But I don't want her to die pleaaase 🥺🥺 thank you so much. And no pressure if you don't want to write it ❤️”
A special shout-out to @deanwinchesterswitch​ for taking time during her #BlogAppreciationBounce to beta this for me! Thanks Kym, you’re the best!
My Full Masterlist
My Dean Masterlist
Tags are open! Tag yourself here!
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You walk through the aisles of the grocery store, pushing the ever-growing cart in front of you. You and Dean had finally moved all of your belongings into your new home, and now you needed to stock it full of food. Dean is like a kid in a candy store, grabbing so many unnecessary items that you can only shake your head and suppress your giggles.
A thunderclap from outside makes you jump slightly; spring in Kansas, a woman just a few feet in front of you notes, you politely smile as she suggests stocking up on bottled water and canned goods. When you were living in the Bunker, severe weather wasn’t even on your radar. It was a fortress, with all sorts of magic protecting it. But now, you and Dean are living in an ordinary, run-of-the-mill house, and Kansas is smack-dab in the middle of tornado alley.
Dean meets you at the checkout counter, two pies in hand, and you give the cashier a small smile. Another thunderclap makes you jump, and Dean immediately wraps his arms around your waist, calming you, reminding you that it’s just a little rain. Thunderstorms had made you anxious ever since your family was attacked by a wendigo when you were a teenager. Every storm dredges up memories of you and your family fighting for your lives as the creature used a storm to hide in the shadows and the sounds of thunder to cover its inhuman screams.
Rain begins to fall as you load bag after bag into the trunk of Baby, empty now that Dean has retired. A large bolt of lightning strikes, brightening up the sky, making the heavy, dark clouds visible for a moment.
As Dean pulls Baby out of the parking lot, rain has begun falling; scattered droplets softly thumping on the roof of the car. You and Dean live away from town, out in the middle of nowhere, your closest neighbors being Sam and Eileen, owning the property next to yours, but their house was still being built, so for the time being, it was only you and Dean for nearly five miles. It didn’t seem like a lot of distance when you first chose the property; in fact, you originally wanted to buy both pieces of land so that you and Dean could have all 10 acres to yourselves.
Dean drives past the Gas n’ Sip, the closest business next to your home, and turns down the road that would eventually lead to your new house. The five-mile distance shouldn’t seem like a lot, but now, as the rainfall becomes heavier, you wished you’d chosen a home closer to town.
The thick, heavy rain makes it almost impossible for you to see anything more than a few feet in front of you. You take a long, calming breath, trying to keep your nerves intact as lightning strikes again in the distance. Dean notices your nerves starting to get the better of you and reaches over to give your knee a reassuring squeeze before bringing the car to a stop.
“You wanna wait out the rain?” He asks, taking your sweaty palm into his own.
“Food’ll spoil,” you counter, trying to cover your growing nerves.
“S'just food, sweetheart,” Dean unbuckles himself and slides closer before reaching over to do the same to you. “We can get more tomorrow.”
Dean wraps his arm around your shoulders as the storm seems to grow even stronger. He places a gentle kiss on your lips and reaches to the back seat, grabbing a blanket to cover you both. Under the worn blanket, Dean’s hand rubs up and down your thigh, inching closer to your covered core. This wouldn’t be the first time that Dean’s tried to get frisky in the Impala; hell, not even the third or fourth but with your anxiety running on high, the last thing you want is to fool around.
You don’t have to say anything, just gently intertwining your fingers with his and he seems to get the message. You curl up against him, basking in his familiar warmth and smell, praying that the storm would soon be over. Your heart thumps rapidly in your chest as the wind howls with enough force to cause the Impala to rock slightly on the road.
After you’ve calmed, Dean suggests heading on home. You nod slightly, wanting nothing more than to crawl into the comfort of your bed. He slides back over before shifting the car into gear and slowly starts accelerating.
Pain. Cold. Wet.
Steam rises from Baby’s engine, and thunder claps again. The last thing you remember is a horn honking and Dean slamming on the brakes before everything went dark. Your body lies limp on the hood of the car, glass shards from the windshield surrounding you.
The Impala’s front end is crushed, and the heat from the engine warms you as you try to piece together what happened. You can hardly focus on anything; there’s another car a few yards away; it must be the one you collided with. You try to move your body, but it’s then you realize that you can’t feel anything below your waist. You groan as you desperately try to move, hoping that you can will yourself onto your feet and find Dean. You can barely make out a low moan through the sound of the rain hitting the metal. You want to turn, but you can't; pain radiates throughout your body, at least the parts you can still feel. You try to call out to Dean, to anyone for help, but you can't find the words to do so. Your brain and mouth aren't connecting, and the only sounds that you manage to make are whimpers of pain.
A figure appears in the rain, cursing as he seems to take in your broken figure; he's almost yelling at what you can only assume is some 911 dispatcher.
"Shit.. one of the passengers…conscious? The driver? I'll try…"
The man appears at your side, and you can still see the phone attached to his ear.
"Ma'am? Can you hear me?" He asks cautiously, you want to nod, but you're too afraid to move your head, afraid that you could accidentally hurt yourself further. "Her eyes are open; she's breathing," the man relays into the phone. "Uh.. ragged. There's blood… Ma'am? I'll try that. Blink if you can hear me."
You slowly but deliberately blink your eyes. The man breathes out a sigh of relief.
"Y/N!" Dean's voice comes from through the broken windshield. The man hurries away from you and towards Dean. You can only make out the muffled noises as the man tries to convince Dean to stay inside Baby, but you know he won’t; he’s too stubborn to listen to anyone.
The rain begins to let up, and the man tells Dean that an ambulance is on the way. The sound of Dean’s boots on the wet concrete put you at ease, knowing that he’s, at the very least, in better shape than you are. You count the strides that Dean takes before he’s beside you, frowning slightly at the large gash on his forehead. Dean’s eyes rake over your body, and you know something is going on that neither man is telling you.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Dean’s hand gently cups your cheek, and you know that he’s trying to keep his voice steady. “Help’s comin’ baby, okay? You’re gonna be okay, y’hear me?”
You try to mumble a response, but the words still don’t form. The rain is now nothing more than a sprinkle, clouds shifting to reveal the night sky. Numbness has taken over the rest of your body as Dean keeps his eyes focused on you, assuring you over and over again that you're going to be okay. Off in the distance, you can hear a siren, and Dean squeezes your hand tightly as he tells the man to grab two flares from the trunk.
“Help’s almost here, Y/N.”
“De,” you barely manage to mumble out, “’m tired.”
“I know, baby.” Dean looks relieved at the sound of your voice. “Gotta stay awake, Y/N, please. Y’can’t go to sleep, baby, not until help gets here. Promise me you’ll stay awake.”
“Love you,” you murmur as your eyes close, and every breath becomes more difficult to take.
“Y/N, baby, I need you to open your eyes,” Dean begs as the siren grows closer. “Please, honey, just a coupla minutes. Please Y/N, you have to fight for just a little while longer; lemme see those pretty eyes, baby.”
With all the energy you can muster, you slowly open your eyes, focusing on Dean as he breathes out a sigh of relief. His face is wet; whether it's from the rain or fallen tears, you can’t be sure. Dean offers you a pained smile before leaning forward to press a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Red and blue lights illuminate the sky, and a handful of overlapping voices fill the air. A paramedic replaces Dean, who refuses to leave your side until a firefighter drags him away. Your vision blurs as the new person begins quickly examining you while another puts a brace around your neck. A team of paramedics turns you over, and slides a board under you before lifting you off the hood of the Impala and putting you onto a stretcher. You can barely register what’s happening around you, and you want to cry out as they load you into the ambulance.
The collar around your neck keeps your head facing up, and you try desperately to look for Dean. Your eyes frantically search from side to side before Dean comes into view. He reaches forward, and you feel the familiar calloused hands rubbing against yours. Voices are flying, asking Dean question after question; is she allergic to any medications? Did she lose consciousness? Any prior existing conditions? Blood type?
Your hearing becomes muffled and your vision becomes tunneled as Dean struggles to answer each question.
“She’s seizing!”
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A steadily beeping heart monitor awakens you. There’s a tube down your throat and you’ve seen enough Dr. Sexy to know it’s a breathing tube. You cough as you try to breathe and the heart monitor’s beeping becomes more rapid. A nurse is in the room quickly, telling you to keep calm before calling someone else in to help remove the tube. She orders you to cough again and again until the tube is out.
“D’n?” Your throat sore and raspy from the tube being down your throat for who knows how long. “‘Ere’s D’n?”
“He’s gone home, Y/N,” the nurse, Rebecca, tells you calmly. “Visiting hours ended a while ago. We’ll call him as soon as we get you a work-up.”
“S’okay?” You hate that your brain and mouth aren’t working together, and you can only speak in half-formed words. Rebecca nods, smiling as she takes your vitals and calls for an orderly. “How l’ng out?” You struggle to ask, but she seems to understand your question.
“Six months.”
Hours later, you’ve been poked and prodded by too many doctors to keep count of. Words may take a few days, but you’ll get them back, a neurologist assures you, just keep practicing.
By the time they’ve returned you to your room, Dean is there, eyes glistening as Rebecca wheels you in. You want to stand up to meet him, but your limbs, like the rest of your body, don’t want to cooperate with you. Dean crouches down to meet you, the skin on his forehead slightly red from where you remember seeing the gash. He leans forward and presses a kiss on your lips.
“Missed you, sweetheart.”
Dean and an orderly help you back into bed, and he takes a seat in the chair next to you, taking you by the hand and rubbing the back of your palm gently. A team of doctors explains everything to you and Dean—that you’ll have a long road of recovery, you’ll need physical therapy for your limbs, you’ll most likely need a speech pathologist, but with hard work, you’ll be back to your old self in a matter of time.
“You’re very lucky, Y/N,” one of the many doctors says as the others clear out of your room. You let out a scoff, you’ve been in a coma for six months, and you’re lucky?
“Honestly, I’d call it a miracle,” he remarks before leaving, and for a moment, you swear his eyes flash red.
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Feedback is appreciated!!
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
Vicious Circles - Part 1
(Also on AO3)
The voice sounded far away, muffled and lost among the sirens in his head. He couldn’t place it, as if it was from a distant dream or a memory from a happier time. He couldn’t get distracted by ghostly voices though. Not now, not when his life and the fate of the world were in his hands. He had to concentrate. He turned another corner, holding his breath and hoping his footsteps wouldn’t echo through the dark halls ahead.
Another voice cut through the thick silence of the bunker. This one loud and close, familiar in a way that pierced Sam’s heart after all these years.
“Oh Sammy. You really thought you could sneak up on me?” Dean’s sinister chuckle sent terror through Sam’s veins. He froze as the monster he once called his brother stepped into the corridor in front of him. Green eyes turned black as Dean looked him up and down. Assessing his state, and Sam felt naked under that cold demonic gaze. Sam was aged, greying at the temples, bearded and thinner now. He knew his face was gaunt from stress and his eyes carried dark heavy bags from lack of sleep. Dean however, looked exactly the same as he had the last time he had seen him 5 years ago.
“You look like crap brother.”
Dean smirked and took another step forward. Sam gripped the blade he was holding tighter, raising it in preparation. Dean just raised an eyebrow.
“All these years… you spent all that time travelling the world, searching for a way to stop me, and this is all you have to show for it?” He chuckled pitifully. “Unless you somehow got a mark on your arm to go with it, you know that thing can’t hurt me. But I’m grateful you’ve returned it. Been wondering about that ever since Cas took it from me back in ’22.”
Sam felt the sting of grief at the mention of Cas’s name from Dean’s lips. At Dean’s evil grin Sam realised his face must have shown the pain and mentally chastised himself from letting any emotion get through. The demon in front of him would only use it against him, as he had done plenty of times before.
“Aww. You still hung up on that huh? Poor Castiel. So desperate to save me… to bring back the pathetic excuse for a human I used to be… You know he had to die Sammy. He wouldn’t let me go.”
Sam kept his face blank, holding the First Blade in front of him. If the magic he had sought out over 5 long and lonely years was as solid as he believed it was, he could end this right here. He just had to make sure that Dean didn’t pick up on it. Sam realised that distracting Dean with the pains of the past might just work.
“Cas believed in you. He believed you still had good in you.”
“Cas was a goddamn fool.” Dean snapped back.
Sam shook his head and took another step forward.
“No. You don’t get to talk about him like that. He was more of a brother to me in those years than you ever were. You killed him because he shone a mirror to what you had become. Because you couldn’t stand to see the disappointment in his eyes.”
Dean held a hand to his heart in mock shock.
“Ouch. Sammy you’re breaking my heart here.” He replied sarcastically.
“You don’t have a heart left to break.” Sam spat at him.
“True.” Dean agreed. “Perhaps if Castiel had figured that out sooner he wouldn’t have got caught on the wrong end of his own angel blade.”
In amongst the anger and grief he felt in that moment there was that voice again. It sounded louder, closer, but still so far away…
The memory of Castiel’s death still stung… or did it? He suddenly found he couldn’t remember it, only the fact that it had happened. The moment confused him and unfortunately he paused for too long. Before Sam could react, Dean’s fist hit his face. The white hot sting across his cheekbone left him stunned but he pulled himself back into the moment with enough time to block Dean’s second hit. Dean didn’t carry a weapon, but his demonic strength and blackened soul were weapon enough to be deadly – that Sam knew all too well. He managed to block another hit and swung the first blade out in time to catch Dean’s arm. The demon jumped back, eyes turned black again, and raised his arm to inspect the wound. It oozed red blood and Dean watched in mild confusion at how it didn’t heal straight away. He blinked and green eyes almost looked impressed.
“Clever brother. Always knew you go full witch one day. Enchanted the blade somehow? That’s pretty dark. That kind of magic always has a price though Sammy…”
Sam gulped in a deep breath and held the blade aloft, letting the magic surrounding hit shimmer in the dull bunker lights.
“It was worth the price. It means I can end this once and for all.”
He raised his other arm and revealed a deep red gash, exactly the same as the one he had just given to his brother. Dean eyed the wound curiously then widened his eyes in realisation.
“Soul magic.” Dean correctly guessed. Sam nodded.
“Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth. Death for Death. I’m ending this NOW. For both of us.”
Sam please! It’s not REAL!
That voice again, pleading this time? What was happening? He shook it off again and stared down his brother. For the first time Dean actually looked scared. Sam took his chance. Again they fought, and there was no holding back. Dean got in a few more punches but Sam’s determination gave him the upper hand. Dean had lost his arrogance once he realised he could be harmed, and it would be his downfall. The demon took an attempt at a swing but Sam acted too quickly, he pushed forward with all his force and felt the blade sink into his brother’s chest. Immediately the searing pain of his own chest being ripped into by the magic flooded him and he gritted his teeth to keep holding himself upright. Dean coughed, and spat out blood. He raised a hand and patted Sam’s cheek.
“Well there you go Sammy… Always knew it would be you…” He coughed. “It had to be you.” Dean huffed a small laugh and dropped his head forward, going still. He was dead.
Sam blinked back tears and used the last of his strength to withdraw the blade, watching Dean’s body drop to the ground in a heap. It was done.
Sam fell to his knees and tasted the metallic tang of blood. He gasped for breath and smiled. He could finally get some peace. It was always meant to end like this.
No! Stop it! You’re hurting him! Please SAM! COME BACK!
As his vision blurred around the edges and he lie down next to the body of his brother he heard that voice again. He liked that voice, it felt like coming home… perhaps it was heaven? Why was it so distressed? This was good wasn’t it? This was how the story was always meant to go?
This is how the story is always meant to go.
Yes, Sam thought. That was right. But that was a different voice. He recognised that voice too, but felt suddenly angry. He didn’t like that voice. He had fallen on his back now, and turned his head to look at Dean’s lifeless form. Soon, he thought. Soon they could meet again perhaps? Find each other in heaven. He reached out to touch…
He reaches out to touch Dean’s face, it’s so tragic, but Sam feels peace. Don’t you see? Can’t you understand why this is the ONLY ending that matters?
Sam blinked and his surroundings shimmered and changed. He couldn’t feel the chest wound anymore, in fact, he wasn’t even lying down, but sitting upright in a wooden chair. Everything was hazy. He blinked again and saw Dean’s empty bloody face staring back at him…
Just STOP! Why are you doing this? Just let us go!
Sam knew that voice. He cared about that voice. If only he could place…
Sam gasped and sat up straight as he was violently forced back into the present. Into reality. Sitting opposite him was Eileen, his beautiful, wonderful Eileen! She was tied to a chair but otherwise seemed unharmed. Dean wasn’t dead, he wasn’t a demon! Cas was alive! It had all been another vision. The rush of relief filled him, and for a moment he thought he might weep for joy. But this was quickly followed by a sinking feeling in his stomach as he took in his present situation.
Standing in front of Eileen, glaring at Sam with a displeased look on his face, was Chuck.
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silent-stories · 2 years
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Summary: After a hunt, Dean gets sick, but he don't want to admit it. When he finally does, he lets you take care of him.
Pairing: Sick!Dean x F!Reader
Warnings: a bit of angst, fluff
Word count: 1442
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The hunt of the day before had been hard, but you had managed to save everyone. You, Sam and Dean had gone to kill a Wendigo in a wood not too far from the bunker where you lived.
The hard part began when a thunderstorm erupted and carried away the footprints you were following, a few hours later, however, you managed to kill the monster and save two children who had been kidnapped. They had a few minor injuries, but they would have been fine.
You had returned home soaking wet and it was late at night, you had washed yourself of the remains of dirt, rain and blood that you had on yourself and you had gone to sleep immediately afterwards.
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"Is Dean still sleeping?" You asked Sam the next day while you were having breakfast.
"I think so, he's probably still tired." Sam answered while spreading jam on his toast.
"Morning." Dean mumbled a few moments later, entering the room.
"Hey, are you okay?" You asked when you noticed his skin paler than usual and sleepy face. His hair went in all directions and made him look like a cute hedgehog, you thought.
"'M fine." He replied filling a glass of water.
"Your pie is on the shelf next to the fridge." Sam told his brother.
"Not hungry." He just answered him before taking the glass of water he had filled and heading back to his room.
"This is weird." Sam told you. "Maybe it's better if I stay here..." Sam continued.
"Absolutely not. Eileen is waiting for you. I'll try to find out what your strange brother's problem is." You said with a laugh.
Sam thought about it for a few moments.
"Okay, thanks. You're the best." He told you before leaving the bunker.
When Sam left, you went to see what was happening to Dean.
"Hey." You said opening the door to his room slightly and peeking inside. Dean was still wearing sweatpants and an old T-shirt with the name of one of the bands you always listened to in the Impala on. He was curled up on the bed and didn't even turn around when you walked into the room.
"Dean, what's going on?" You asked as you approached. It couldn't be a hangover, he hadn't even had time to drink the night before.
"I'm fine. It's nothing." He responded quickly, his voice low.
"Dean, that's not true. I know when something is wrong, I ..." You tried to get him to talk.
"Y/N, STOP IT. I'M GOOD!" He yelled at you as he sat on the bed with a snap.
"Well, good to know!" You blurted out as you walked out of his room and slammed the door.
If Dean didn't want to tell you what was going on with him, the problem would be his, not yours, you thought as you headed for your bedroom.
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Some hours later, Dean still hadn't left his room. You prepared some food (just for you, maybe you were acting a little numb but Dean treated you like shit, what were you supposed to do?) and you had lunch watching some episode of your favorite series. You ended up binge-watching a whole season, so it had been kind of a long time. That asshole was starting to worry you.
When you heard the sound of a glass falling and shattering on the ground, you decided to go check him out. You went through the hallways of the bunker until you reached his room, opening the door slightly. Dean was sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands shaking like his whole body, his empty glass shattered on the floor. His face even paler than the last time you saw him hours ago.
"Dean." You whispered as you walked into the room, placing a hand on his forehead. It was burning.
"Dean, you have a high fever. Why didn't you tell me that ..." You started saying.
"I'm fine." He interrupted you. His voice little more than a whisper.
"That's not true Dean, stop repeating it. I should have come to check on you before, I'm sorry. Did you take something to lower your temperature?" You asked.
He just shook his head.
"I'm going to get you something huh?" You said. "Leave the glass there, I'll think about it later." You added before leaving, the last thing you wanted was for Dean to cut himself trying to clean up.
A few minutes later, after searching all over the bunker, you are back in Dean's room with the box of pills you were looking for and a new glass of water. You found Dean curled up on his bed again, you could see his back shivering. You took a blanket from the closet and put it around him.
"Dean, I need you to take a pill. Can you do that?" You asked placing your hand on his forehead again to notice that it burned more than before, his eyes were closed.
"Dean, please. I need you to sit down." You whispered.
He muttered something you couldn't understand.
"What?" You asked.
"Your hand is cold. It feels good." You managed to understand this time.
"Dean, my hand isn't cold, it's you that's burning. Please sit down, I need you to take this pill for me." You said grabbing his arm and making him sit with his head against the wall. He finally opened his eyes.
"You're beautiful." He whispered when he saw you.
"Dean, you're delusional. Come on, take this." you said handing him the pill. With his trembling hand, after several attempts, he brought it to his mouth.
"Good, now drink." You said bringing the glass to his lips. After a few sips he started coughing, but swallowed the pill.
"Okay, it's okay, you'll be okay." You whispered as you helped him lie down again. He curled up against your body while still trembling, you wrapped the blanket around him.
After a few moments, when you thought he was asleep again, you felt his hand reach for yours.
"Hey, what..." You started saying but stopped when you realized what he wanted. Taking your hand, he brought it to his face. You touched his cheek.
"You cold." He murmured.
You thought about explaining that he had the wrong temperature, not you, but then you gave up and let your hand run over his cheek and forehead. He just sighed in relief and a few minutes later he fell asleep.
You stayed next to him for about an hour and his temperature had started to slowly drop, when he opened his eyes again.
"You're still here." he told you almost incredulous.
"Did you want me to leave?"
"I ... no, I didn't want to. But why are you still here?" He asked.
"Dean, you're sick. I just want to help you. I don't understand why you don't accept the fact that..."
"This is the first time anyone has helped me when I am sick. My father was never there and Sam at first was too young to know what to do. When we grew up I was used to getting by on my own. I'm not ... I'm not used to someone caring about me when I'm not feeling well. " He confessed to you.
"Hey, we're family. We take care of each others." You said with a smile.
He nodded. "It must have been yesterday's rain that did this to me. I feel like my head is exploding." He whispered before he felt your lips on his forehead.
"My mom used to say when I was little that a kiss where it hurt made everything go away." You said.
He laughed. "No, I still feel like shit." He said. "But thank you, really. For everything" He added at the end, before silence fell between you.
"I really meant what I said before." He said after a while.
"Which part?" You asked.
"The "you're beautiful" part." He said.
"Is the fever still talking?" You asked.
"Nope." He responded by grabbing your hand and bringing it to his forehead which was much less hot than before.
"Okay, then I believe you." You smiled.
"I would really like to kiss you, right now." He said.
"You can do it if you want." You answered still smiling.
"I would, but I really have to go throw up." He said before getting up and running to the bathroom.
When he came back to you he was laughing. "Ready for that kiss?"
"Don't even think about it, Winchester!" You said starting to walk away from him. "You just threw up!"
"Oh come on, just one!" He laughed as he started chasing you through the bunker hallways.
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teddyeyeseddie · 3 years
Haunted by the Ghost of You
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI, Smut Slightly, ANGST, Fluff, Swearing, some MOC!Dean
WC: 1200 +
A/N: This is based on Lord Huron’s song The Night We Met. The first part is Y/N’s perspective of their relationship failing. Second is Dean’s perspective of it getting back to how it was. IK the lyrics aren't right but I changed them to fit the writing. ENJOY
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I had all of you
“De” Y/N giggled as Dean’s lips kissed their way up her neck, making his best attempt to distract her from the cooking she was trying to focus on.
“Cmon baby, let’s just make Sammy go get take-out.” He whined, his arms finding their way around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder as he looked down into the pan she was cooking in.
“Sam left to go see Eileen like 2 hours ago. You were napping” She let out, Dean groaning at her revelation. “Plus, I’m making your favorite pasta. Would you rather have some greasy pizza or a nice home cooked meal for the first time in forever.”
Dean nipped at her neck, causing goosebumps to form across her body.
“If it means I get you into bed faster, I do have the pizza place on speed dial..” He whispered against her neck, making her throw her head back laughing.
“Go sit at the table Winchester, the less you distract me, the faster you can get me in bed.”
He placed one last kiss to her cheek and found his way to the bunker’s dining table, admiring how the swell of her ass peaked out of the bottom of his flannel.
Most of you
“What do you mean I have to stay back on this hunt De?” Y/N questioned as Dean slung his duffle over his shoulder.
“Me and Sammy have it handled, baby. You need some time so just take it.” He stood at the trunk of baby, Y/N holding her own bags. Her heart broke knowing she would have to be away from the man she loved for several days.
“But- I’ll miss you. I can just stay in the motel and help with research if you are worried I’m not in it mentally right now..” She argued, hoping and praying Dean would let her come along.
“Just stay home darlin’, it’s gonna be an easy salt and burn. Invite Charlie over and relax.” Y/N finally relented, leaning up to place a kiss to Dean’s lips. The kiss he left her with was soft. It lacked the emotion and passion Y/N needed knowing he was going to be gone for several days.
Y/N tried to ignore the dread that laid low in her stomach.
Some of you
Y/N placed kisses down the side of Dean’s throat, leaving little marks in every spot her lips touched. Her breath was ragged as she finally was getting what she yearned for. It felt like eons since her and Dean found their place between the sheets. She worshiped every inch of him, appreciating every curve, every scar, every freckle that littered his body.
She tried to give him her all, wanting to make him feel good. He just flipped her over, fucking into her, barely a groan leaving his mouth.
It was over before Y/N even registered it had started. Dean fled from the bed, scratching at his forearm as he walked to the bathroom.
Now none of you
“Just leave me alone Y/N! I don’t want to talk about it, Okay?” Dean all but screamed as he cornered her in the bedroom they hadn’t shared for weeks
“Baby- I’m worried about you. I love you.” Tears streamed down Y/N’s face, trying to recognize the shell of a man standing before her. His chest was puffed out, every ounce of anger was evident in the way he stood.
“Why? Why worry about me? You knew what you were getting yourself into. You knew I took on this mark and you stayed. I begged you to leave months ago but you were too fucking stubborn to listen. Just leave already, I don’t want to be with you anyways. I have the entire world to worry about. I can’t have you pining after me when I fell out of love with you months ago, for fucks sake please just leave.”
Y/N packed her bags that night, leaving her heart broken and shattered on the floor of the room where for the first time in her life, she felt safe.
Now none of you
Dean stood before her house, years had passed. There wasn’t a moment since the mark left his body that he wasn’t thinking about that night.
He regretted a lot of things in his life. His relationship with his father, how he treated Sam when he decided to leave for college, but nothing compared to the night he let her go.
The rain pelted against his worn jacket, soaking him to the bone.
He finally gathered up the courage to make his way up the front porch steps, his worn knuckles rapping against the wood of her door.
What felt like ages passed, Dean almost turning to leave. The sound of the deadbolt unlocking stopped him in his tracks.
Some of you
“Baby? Who is it?” A male voice echoed through the foyer of the front of her house.
Y/N didn’t respond as she tried to register that the only man she ever actually loved was standing before her. She thought he was dead, assuming the mark had taken him away for good.
“I- Uh, I’ll just go.” Dean finally breathed out, deciding it wasn’t worth ruining whatever she had going on.
Before he turned to go, Y/N grabbed his arm, tears forming in her eyes.
“My number is the same. I always hoped you’d call but you never did. Please don’t leave town..”
“I’ll call you darlin.”
Y/N smiled at the pet name. Her current boyfriend would call her that sometimes, it always made her shudder.
For the first time in forever, it felt right. It felt good.
Most of you
Dean sat across from her in the small diner she had told him about. She looked just how he remembered. Her hair framed her face exactly the same way, her lips the same pink he always admired, her eyes held that same sparkle, the one that always reminded him there was still good in the world.
“Y/N, I-I. I’m so sorry..” He began, his voice already betraying him as the tears formed in his eyes.
Her small hands reached out for his, the softness of them contrasting against the scarred skin of his.
“I knew it wasn’t you Dean. I always did.”
He let out a silent sob at her words, thankful they were tucked away in the corner of the diner.
“I still love you, you know? I just thought you were gone.” She breathed out, Dean quickly stood up from the booth, throwing a few bills on the table. He grabbed her hand, leading her outside towards the Impala, not caring about the food they neglected to eat.
I have all of you
Dean’s chest rose and fell as he glanced over at the woman beside him. His hand rested on her bare stomach, his body trying to recover from the hours they just spent relearning every part of each other's bodies.
“What about the guy who was here when I showed up the other day?” He finally questioned, dreading the response she was going to give him.
“Baby, he didn’t matter the moment you showed back up on my doorstep.”
He just smiled at her, his body molding into hers as they fell into another round of pleasure.
This was it, what they always wanted. The apple pie life Dean always deserved, and she couldn’t wait for the road that lied ahead of her with the man she had always loved.
Forever Tags:
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
Hunters and Secrets pt 2
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Master List
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader (dating), Sam Winchester x Reader (friends), Eileen
Warnings: angst, fluff, SMUT
A/N: Had to get out of my head today, so I wrote the 2nd part. The 3rd part is coming soon too. Things are just so crazy right now in my head, I needed to write. I truly appreciate all of your love and support with my writing. 
This is a short series I’m working on. Does not follow the Supernatural storyline. Inner dialogue in italics. This is a work of fiction, not a reflection of real life. No disrespect to anyone. 
This is my own work, please do not take it or copy it without my permission. I wrote it fast and edited it fast. Please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 18+
Weeks had passed since the vampire hunt with the boys. The three of you were taking a much needed break in the bunker. You and Dean had noticed Sam was leaving the bunker more and would come back at odd hours of the night. 
“I think he’s seeing someone, Dean. I bet it’s Eileen.” You snickered while laying in his arms. “Well, good for him. She’s nice and can keep Sam in line. He deserves what we have.” He pulled you close. “I agree, but please don’t play big brother and interrogate him.” “What?! Me, never.” Dean chuckled. 
It was about 2 am when you crawled out of bed and went to get some water. You heard the bunker door open as softly as it could and soft footsteps come down the staircase. You stepped into the war room and waited. 
“Samuel Winchester, you’re home after curfew.” You laughed as you turned on the light. Sam jumped, “Ha ha, very funny. You scared the shit out of me, Y/N.” You laughed, “Sorry Sammy, but what’s got you sneaking in here at 2 in the morning?” You inquired. “I’m not sneaking.” He responded defensively. 
You smiled at him “Sam, whoever she is, I’m happy for you, we’re happy for you. You of all people deserve to be happy.” You hugged him. “Yeah, thanks Y/N. I appreciate it. We’ve been seeing each other for over a year now. Honestly, I’m in love with her.”
“Wow, Sam, that’s great. How does she feel about you?” You felt a pang of sadness and jealousy in your heart. Sam could say “I love you”, why couldn’t Dean? “Well, she loves me too. We both said it tonight. It took us completely by surprise. We had just…um..well, you know.” You nodded in understanding. “She was laying in my arms and I said it, then she said it. It was perfect.” 
“Oh, Sam. I’m happy for you. Now, who is it?!” You asked enthusiastically. “Um, well it’s Eileen.” “Ha! I knew it. I told Dean it was.” “What!? How did you know?” “Sam, we’ve practically grown up together, I know when you’ve got feelings for someone. It’s okay, your secret is safe with me.” You smiled, hugged him and walked back to your shared room with Dean after saying good night.
When you walked back into the room and saw your boyfriend sleeping peacefully on the bed. A pang of sadness filled you when you thought about Sam and Eileen confessing their love for each other. You knew Dean loved you, you just wished once you could hear him say it. 
Crawling back in the bed, you laid on your side with your back to him. Silent tears fell from your eyes and started to soak your pillow. Dammit, get yourself together, Y/N! He loves you, deeply and truly. You don’t need him to say it. He shows you he does every day. Of course, hearing it would just mean so much to you. Even if he said it once. To hear him utter those three words. 
You continued crying softly while arguing with yourself about the need to hear him say “I love you”. Eventually you stopped and fell back asleep. 
Dean woke up earlier than you. He looked over at you sleeping beside him. Your face was etched with pain. A sliver of light danced across your face and he saw dried tears on your cheeks. His heart filled with sorrow. Why didn’t I hear her crying, and why was she crying? God I hate seeing her like this.
Dean slowly pulled himself out of bed, trying not to disturb you. You shifted in your sleep, gave a soft, sad, moan and rolled over. Dean stood there staring at you for a few minutes, then left the room. 
His bare feet padded down the hallway, towards the kitchen. Sam was sitting at the table drinking coffee. “Hey ya, Sammy. What time did you get in last night?” Sam looked up from his coffee and said “About 2, did Y/N not tell you?” “She’s still sleeping, did she get up when you got home?” “Yeah, she scared the shit out of me when I came in. I wasn’t expecting her to be standing there.” Dean chuckled, “Yeah, no, she must have been planning to tell me she saw you when she got up. Hey, Sam, did she say anything to you? Like anything that’s bothering her? I noticed this morning she’d been crying.” Dean asked with concern in his voice.
Sam stood there thinking about your conversation, reality hitting him like a ton of bricks. “No, we chatted for a second and then she went to bed. She didn’t say anything or give me any indication something was wrong.” Sam knew. Of course he knew what was wrong. He told you that he and Eileen said “I love you” and he knew his brother had never said it to you. You acted like it didn’t bother you, but he knew deep down it hurt you. Everyone knew Dean was in love with you, but everyone knew it was hard for him to say it. Even to Sam, he couldn’t say it. 
Dean ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “Okay, thanks man. So, what brought you home so late?” Dean wiggled his eyebrows. Sam looked at his brother and laughed. “Dean, you’re such a child. I was out with a friend.” “Does this friend have a name?” 
Sam rolled his eyes, “Yes, she does. It’s Eileen. Are you happy, Dean?” Dean slapped Sammy on the back in a congratulatory way. “I am Sammy. You deserve to be happy, we both do.” “Yes, Dean, we all deserve to be happy.” Dean looked at Sam a little confused when he emphasized “all”. 
“What do you mean by that, Sam?” “Dean, we both know you love Y/N. What I don’t understand is why can’t you tell her?” “What are you talking about, I tell her that all the time.” “No you don’t Dean, you’ve never said those words to her, hell to anyone.” “Why do I have to say it? Aren’t you the one who always says “actions speak louder than words”?” “Yes, but sometimes it means something to actually say the words too.”
Dean got more irritated standing there. “I don’t have to defend my relationship with her to you or anyone. She knows I love her!” Sam threw his hands up in defeat, “okay, Dean. I won’t say another word.” Dean growled and walked out of the kitchen towards your room.
You were just waking up as he walked in. “Good morning, beautiful. How’d you sleep?” He kissed your forehead. “Okay I guess. I woke up and saw Sam come in about 2. I didn’t want to wake you.” You stretched. Dean sat down beside you on the bed with concern in his eyes. “Hey, you okay, sweetheart? It looks like you’ve been crying.” He took your hand. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just stupid hormones or some crap. I got in my own head last night. I’m sorry I worried you. I’m okay, I promise.” You leaned forward and kissed his lips. 
“Hey”, he tilted your face up to look at him. “You know how I feel about you, right?” “Yes, Dean. I know you love me. Why? Where is this coming from?” “Nothing, don’t worry about it. Just Sammy and I got into a little disagreement. It’s fine.” “Dean, you can talk to me. You know you can tell me anything, right?” He nodded and stood up. 
You stood up and hugged him tightly. You weren’t sure what they argued about, but part of you figured it had something to do with how he felt about you. “I’m going to jump in the shower, I’ll be in the kitchen soon.” You kissed his lips and grabbed some clothes. 
Dean got ready and walked back into the kitchen. He started cooking breakfast and Sam came back in. “Look Dean, I’m sorry. I was out of line. Your relationship with Y/N is none of my business. I know you two care deeply about each other. I’m happy you have each other.” Dean looked at Sam, “I appreciate it Sam. I get it, I have a hard time expressing myself, but I really do care deeply about her. Hell, I want to marry her one day and have some kids.” Sam turned and looked at his brother in surprise. “Damn Dean. That’s huge man. I’m happy for you, truly.” 
Dean nodded and thanked his brother. You came bounding into the kitchen and smiled at Dean and Sam. “Good morning, Sammy.” You winked. Dean chuckled, “I know about Eileen, Y/N. He spilled all his secrets this morning.” You laughed and looked at Sam “You told him everything?” Sam shot you a look and you kept quiet. 
“So what smells so good in here?” You walked over to the stove where Dean was cooking. “Bacon, of course.” You laughed. You grabbed some coffee and sat down at the table waiting for Dean to finish cooking. The three of you talked about looking to see if there were any jobs popping up, and you mentioned to Sam he should ask Eileen to come along. Dean laughed as Sam’s face turned red. 
When breakfast was done you started cleaning up the kitchen while the boys went to look for a job. You were just about finished washing dishes when Dean’s strong arms wrapped around your waist. He pulled you into him and started kissing your neck. “Dean, I need to finish cleaning.” You giggled. “It can wait. I want you.” He growled slowly in your ear. A chill went down your spine. 
Dean spun you around to face him and his lips captured yours in a heated kiss. You were pushed between him and the sink, with nowhere to go. Not that you’d want to leave his embrace. 
You moaned as he kissed down your neck and sucked on your pulse point. He took you by the hand and led you to your bedroom. As he pulled you in the room, he pushed you against the door closing it. Your hands went above your head and he held them there. Dean’s green eyes  turned dark with lust. You bit your lip. It turned you on seeing him want you so much. 
“Dean, I need you.” Dean let your hands down and pulled you to the bed. He laid you down carefully and hovered over you. His strong, calloused hands ran under your shirt, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Your breath hitched as his hands cupped your breasts and he tugged at your bra. 
“Lean up baby, I want to take this off of you.” You leaned up and Dean took off your shirt and unhooked your bra. “Damn you’re so beautiful, and all mine.” He pulled his shirt off, exposing his perfectly toned chest. Your hands traced his body and his lips landed on your nipple while his hand cupped your other breast. 
You sucked in air and moaned loudly. You could feel your arousal pool between your thighs and his erection pushing on you. Dean kissed his way down your body and stopped at the waistband of your pants. “Please, Dean, I need you baby.” You lifted your hips helping him remove your pants and panties. 
You laid on the bed fully exposed. Dean stood and bit his lip. “Damn I can’t believe you’re mine.” You blushed, “all yours baby, now come on.” “Yes ma’am.” Dean smiled and removed his pants, his hardened length springing free. You laid back on the pillows and leaned up on your elbows watching as Dean stalked up the bed towards you. 
He climbed between your legs, using his to move them apart. He looked down and saw your core, soaking wet and ready for him. “You’re soaked, sweetheart.” “Mmhmm” you replied as his fingers brushed over your entrance. 
He slowly stuck his thick finger in and you moaned. Moving your hips into his hand as his thumb reached up and rubbed circles on your engorged clit. “Oh, Dean. Right there baby. Don’t stop.” You bucked into him as he added another finger. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight, sweetheart, and soaking wet.” Dean smirked as he felt your body responding to his touch.
He moved his fingers and thumb as you moved your body into his hand. He could feel you tightening around him, “mmmm, you’re close.” Your head fell back “Dean…I’m…gonna…cum.” Your breath hitched. He moved faster, helping you chase your release. “Yeah, cum for me princess.” With that you came undone. 
Dean moved his fingers and thumb as you writhed under him. Your body became sensitive to his touch and he kept going. “Oh, FUCK, DEAN!” You came again. Dean smirked. “Good girl, I knew you could cum again.” 
As Dean slowed and pulled his fingers out you moaned at the loss of fullness. Dean pumped his hard cock a few times before he lined himself up. He lined up at your entrance and slowly pushed in. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him towards you. 
He thrusted in and bottomed out. You both let out a loud moan. “Oh damn, you’re so tight, Y/N.” Your hands went to his broad shoulders and he set a steady pace. He would pull out almost all the way and slam back into you. Each thrust had you gasping for air and grabbing his shoulders. 
“Oh, Dean. You feel incredible.” You moaned. Dean leaned down, kissing your lips, so do you baby. You were made for me.” Dean picked up the pace and you could tell he was chasing his release. He worked you faster and he felt his release coming. “I’m close, sweetheart.” “I want you to cum, Dean, please baby cum.” Dean thrusted a few more times and with a grunt he came, coating your walls with his seed. 
When Dean was done, he slowly pulled out and went to clean himself off. Once in the bathroom he realized he didn’t use protection. Oh, Fuck! Why didn’t I grab a condom? Shit! Dammit. He returned to the bedroom with a washcloth and started to clean you up. You were still overly sensitive and moaned at his touch. “Sorry sweetheart, just trying to clean you up. Um, I came inside you.” 
Your head shot up and your eyes were wide. “What?! Dean, we’ve always been so careful. Shit!” Dean hung his head, “I know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” You took a deep breath and gently touched his face, “Hey, it’s okay. It’s not just your responsibility. We will figure it out together.” You smiled and kissed his lips. 
Dean laid beside you and pulled you close to him. You grabbed the sheet and covered the two of you and laid your head on his chest. You were listening to his heartbeat and watching his chest rise and fall with each breath. His heartbeat started to get faster as the two of you laid holding each other. 
“Dean, are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m good.” He ran his fingers lightly over your arm and pulled you even closer. Your eyes were getting heavy. “Hey, sweetheart?” “Hmm, yeah, Dean?” “Will you marry me?” You sat up with a gasp. “What?!” Dean leaned up and smiled “Will you marry me?” “Really?” “Yes, really.” He leaned over and pulled a small velvet box from the side table. Opening it, you saw a small diamond ring. You looked at it and then at Dean. Tears filled your eyes. “Yes, yes, Dean. I’ll marry you!” You squealed with delight. Dean chuckled and placed the ring on your finger. “Oh my god, I love you so much, Dean!” “Me too, sweetheart.” 
At that moment you didn’t care he couldn’t say the three little words. He showed you he loved you in so many other ways. Tonight, you were on cloud nine. You were going to be Mrs. Dean Winchester. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2
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thelightoflebanon · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Donna Hanscum/Doug Stover Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Donna Hanscum, Eileen Leahy, Doug Stover, Mary Winchester, other canon characters mentioned Additional Tags: Saileen - Freeform, hints of destiel - Freeform, 13x11 coda, Episode: s13e11 Breakdown, Depressed Sam Winchester, Grieving Sam Winchester, Loss, dark place, POV Sam Winchester, Angst, One Shot
"This ends one way for us, Dean. It ends bloody. It ends bad."
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amanda-teaches · 3 years
Our Christmas Mission ~ 4/9
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe help to make the season bright
Summary: With Sam stationed overseas, he asks his brother, Dean, to help plan a surprise Christmas proposal for his girlfriend, and your best friend, Eileen. With very limited Christmas experience, Dean enlists your help to create some holiday magic for the lovebirds. Will the two of you find a little love of your own along the way?
Pairing: AU Dean x Reader
Square filled: Candy Cane for @spnchristmasbingo​
Word Count: 764
Warnings: Descriptions of ASL, which I hope is okay. Minor swearing and basically just a lot of fluffiness.
A/N: Hey! Hey...how’re we liking the puzzle reveal, my friends? Any guesses for what’s left under there? Also, I love you. Hope you’re enjoying this sweet little Christmas.
Our Christmas Mission Masterlist
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The following Saturday was set as the official decorating day, or Christmas-fying day as Dean called it.
You spent all week with him planning it out, although the details truthfully could’ve been ironed out in a few hours instead of a few days. You somehow found a way to stretch it out, not that you’d ever admit that you were looking for any reason at all to spend as much time as possible with him, growing closer with every passing hour.
When Saturday finally arrived and you stepped onto Eileen’s doorstep, you discovered that her excitement was already boiling over. “Y/N!” she cried, pulling you over the threshold and into an immediate hug. “I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Are you kidding?” you spoke and signed at the same time, a habit you’d picked up when you first met her back in high school and she taught you ASL. “You know I’m always down for Christmas decorating.”
Dean came into the entryway from a back room, holding up his hand in a hesitant wave. Your body swelled in relief at the sight of him, and you smiled back, prompting Eileen to look over her shoulder.
“Oh, Y/N, this is Sam’s brother, Dean.” She turned back to you. “You two haven’t met before, have you?”
“No,” the two of you said in unison, exchanging quick glances. A crucial element of the surprise was keeping your planning sessions a secret, so you’d both agreed to keep it to yourselves for now.
Luckily, Eileen believed you, formally introducing the two of you before leading you into the kitchen. You had planned to have a baking day while Dean put up the tree and garlands, both as a distraction for Eileen and a way to keep Dean from spilling the secret in the first few minutes. Throughout the day, you directed him where to place the decorations, eventually leaving Eileen alone with the cookie cutters to help him hang a string of lights around the length of the connected living room.
You took different directions, wrapping around the length of the room until you ran back into each other on the other side. Unfortunately, when you stopped, you were stunned to realize that you’d ended up right under a sprig of mistletoe. It was even more startling to think about who you’d ended up under it with.
You looked up at the offending leaves with a subtle panic. “Really, Dean? Mistletoe?”
“What?” he whispered back, confused at your reaction. “Isn’t mistletoe good? Don’t we want them to kiss?”
Before you could come up with a legitimate answer, Eileen called your name from the open archway. “Hey, I need your help planning the turkey recipe for Christmas dinner.”
Saved by the bell. “Coming!” you called back, handing Dean the end of the light string before rushing out of there, a blush staining your cheeks crimson.
Once the menu was planned and the cookies were in the oven, you’d gained enough of your nerve back to face Dean, joining him and Eileen out in the living room to trim the tree. You handled the lights while Eileen did the ornaments and Dean hung candy canes before climbing up a ladder to place the star. Once it was finished, the three of you stepped back, admiring your handiwork.
“I think it looks pretty good,” you said.
“Pretty damn good,” Eileen agreed with a laugh. “Thank you both for your help with this. I couldn’t have done it all on my own.”
Her face started to cloud with sadness, but Dean held up a handful of candy canes before she could get too lost in thoughts of Sam. “Hey, I saved us a few.”
“Thanks, but-” you started, but he cut you off, holding up a fruit flavored one just for you.
You stared at it in amazement while Eileen smiled for you. “That’s perfect, Dean. Y/N hates peppermint. How’d you know?”
Dean’s grin spread slowly across his face until it finally reached his eyes. He took your hand, his touch lingering a beat longer than necessary as he placed the candy cane in it. “Just lucky, I guess.”
Oh, good god, were you in some serious trouble with this man. It only took one look from him for butterflies to explode in your stomach, and you knew there was no denying it now. Dean Winchester was somehow tunneling his way right into your heart, and you had no idea how he’d done it so fast. You hadn’t just fallen for him, you were in deep.
Way deep.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year
Cant Take My Eyes Off You
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You https://ift.tt/6Ef1FXj by Sam_Blackbird Dean is a firefighter and deals with all kind of emergencies and people. Castiel is waiter, and according to Ash, a coworker of his, he is cool —despite having some hard time with social clues, but they’re for others. Two men having to deal people, yet they can’t deal with each others because feelings and words are hard, okay? OR- The firefighter!Dean x Waiter!Cas AU no one asked for but that I still wrote and published. Enjoy ig. Words: 5710, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, mention of Bobby Singer - Character, Original Characters, OC using they/them pronouns Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, minor Sam/ Eileen, mention of past Sam/Jess - Relationship Additional Tags: Trans Dean Winchester, Supernatural AU - Freeform, Firefighter!Dean x Waiter!Cas AU, The AU no one asked for, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Dean is both a bi icon and a bi disaster, Autistic Castiel (Supernatural), mention of anxiety/ panic attack, Dean goes to therapy, Getting Together, Idiots in Love, Two halves of the same idiot, Happy Ending, Alterning POV, tags are like Pokémon: they can evolve, Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, Emotional Roller Coaster, OFC - Freeform, PG-13 for swearing, it’s Dean ofc there are swears in here, Open Ending, Sam is a lawyer, Miracle the Dog is an Emotional Support Animal (Supernatural), Miracle the dog via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/80RTXWL September 19, 2023 at 12:59PM
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