#minori kishimoto
slamdunkhcs · 1 year
not a request but i just wanna share that i went to the hair salon today to get my hair colored and while i was waiting and daydreaming and everything i couldn’t help but wonder if kishimoto has hair routine and all that i mean his hair is long so i guess he might be taking extra care of it or something haha
p.s. speaking of hair,, kiyota’s on top of my fave sd boys list bc of his hair like it looks so fluffy and soft i want to pat it 😔🫶
Omg I’ve gotten things like this about kishimoto’s hair before. Kiyota’s hair is also nice too, like its so thick. Since some others asked ab kishimoto’s hair ill jus do hcs for it
kishimoto’s haircare
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Lowkey his hair is one of my favs in the series
Based on how he be acting I wouldn’t consider him the type to do haircare type shi but look how nice his hair is?? Like the dude doesnt have a single knot
He def has curly hair products idc what anybody says. Like boy def checks the product to see if its good for him. He’d be the type to go to Sephora just to buy from the haircare section LMAOOOO
I think he would be discreet about it. He wouldn’t really talk about what he does with his hair cause “he wouldn’t want to seem like he’s gay”. If anybody asked what he uses for his hair he’d jus say “water”
He def wakes up early to take a shower and do his hair LMAOO like he’d run late cause he was having a bad hairday type shi
He goes to the salon to get occasional trims. Lowkey I think he likes his hair long, if a barber asked him if he wanted a short cut he’d be like “hell no” 💀
If he gets a gf, I feel like he’d brush her hair and maybe braid it. HED BE SO EMBARRASSED ABOUT IT THO LIKE HE AINT TELLING NONE HIS FRIENDS ABOUT THAT
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haaafan · 6 months
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This character Minori Kishimoto goes so so hard in his design HIS HAIR!!!!
Toyotama High School around chapter 200 in slam dunk
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xilinhuala · 8 months
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cow-rants · 4 months
Fair warning: this post is in regards to the recent Assassin’s Creed: Shadows trailer. I will talk about my thoughts and feelings regarding race. Thank you.
I’ve been a massive fan of Assassin’s creed (AC) since I first saw my uncle playing it at 7 or 8 years old. I’m a massive history buff and the idea of being able to experience the past through the eyes of an ancestor is such a brilliant idea. Not mention the concept of a secret war being fought through out the centuries is always fun. But as of late, I haven’t been really excited for a new entry. Odyssey was the last game I really played and it was alright, but I’m personally not a huge fan of the new RPG mechanics (although I do understand why they were implemented).
Valhalla looked interesting, but didn’t really feel like an AC game to me. So I put it on my “to play later” list. Mirage looked far better and I definitely do want to play it, but I honestly just haven’t felt a super big pull to pick it up. But when I saw that AC was finally going to Japan, I was ecstatic. I adore Japanese history in general and the Sengoku period is full of interesting conflicts and characters that would fit perfectly with the assassin’s and the templars.
Although they went with some pretty standard people to showcase, such as Oda Nobunaga, I still think they have a chance to do something really interesting story wise (of course, reserve all real judgement for the gameplay reveal. But I’m mainly just talking about the story). Especially with the portrayal of Yasuke. From what I could tell, it seems like his story will be one of disillusionment, possibly betrayal, and redemption. Certainly a story we’ve seen before, but it’s still interesting to see Yasuke in something as big as AC.
Before I get into the more unfortunate discourse regarding Yasuke, I absolutely have to talk about Naoe. See, what caught my eye about her was how she and my OWN AC OC have very similar stories. Well, I don’t know for sure. But they certainly share a similar experience, which is watching their families be butchered by Oda Nobunaga’s armies. It’s not much, but by the gods does it make me pretty happy. My OC’s name is Minori Kishimoto and she’s one of my favorites, so seeing a canon character with some similar traits is kind of exciting for me (okay, very exciting).
Anyhow, back to Yasuke. As soon as I saw the trailer, I knew I was going to see people saying something stupid. So I checked both the comments on the video and twitter. And I was certainly not mistaken. So so so many bad takes and ridiculous arguments that, honestly, only go to show either mild racism or straight up hatred toward African people. Not to mention the fact that they completely ignore Naoe as a protagonist. I guess she must be the greatest assassin of all time.
From what I understand, a lot of people are upset that for a Japan centered AC game, there is a black protagonist. Which, again, ignores Naoe entirely. The biggest argument I have heared against Yasuke being one of the protagonists is that he wasn’t actually a samurai. To which I say: False. Incorrect. Mistaken. Wrong. Factually incorrect.
The primary issue here is the fact that many people refer to him as a retainer. A title that he never officially held, as far as I’m aware, but even so that still makes him Samurai! Looking just at the facts of his life, he was respected by arguably the most powerful Daimyo of that time, earned his trust, received a pension, received a sword, and received property. So then the question becomes: what exactly makes a person a samurai at this time? Because I can tell you one thing, it isn’t noble blood.
A peasant man was once hired by Nobunaga to do a multitude of tasks, one of which was to hold his sandals. This man would soon prove himself to be capable of all of his tasks as well as in the art of war. He would become a powerful man and rise through the ranks until he held the rank of Taiko at the end of his life . That man was Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
If Hideyoshi’s story proves one thing, it’s that at this time anyone could rise to become a daimyo. So then, why wouldn’t Yasuke also be considered a samurai? We’re not even trying to claim he was a daimyo, just that he was a samurai. Retainer, bodyguard, slave, whatever. The fact is that the man was 10000% a samurai and was a respected one at that. To claim otherwise is to prove yourself ignorant in the history you claim to be proficient in, and incompetent at backing up your argument.
Not to mention that from a writing point of view, it’s a brilliant move. Yasuke was not super well recorded and thus is relatively unknown to others. Which makes him perfect for being a:
1. Fish out of water character
2. Real person, that can be treated written like a fictional one
All of this to say, I think that this newest Assassin’s Creed has a chance to become one of my personal favorites. As well as putting the series back on the map for many. But, with no gameplay and an already worrying pre-order package, I’m worried to say the least. Only time will tell, but I look forward to it.
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kannequi · 11 months
Slam Dunk Ship Ranking on Korean Portal Postype [As of October 22 2023]
Ranking according to # of search results on Postype.
This type of stuff interests me so I did my research and decided to post it here.
Postype (포스타입) is a website for creators to upload any type of digital content. Think of it like AO3, Pixiv or Wattpad. Works can also be monetized by the creators. I myself have bought hundreds of fanfic and fanart….
Since top/bottom (left/right) positions matter here, I decided to separate them. It should be noted that tags can overlap. One post could include multiple pairings at a time, especially for popular “groupings”.
Please keep in mind that there are many factors that can affect the numbers, and this website alone doesn’t 100% indicate a ship’s popularity in South Korea. Sometimes they abbreviate the names, or the japanese name is more used, so I included those alternate names' numbers as well. But they mostly usually use both tags, if not the more dominant one. So please do not add the numbers for each ship's alternate names.
I started my search on 12:17 AM October 23, 2023.
1. Sawakita X Fukatsu  우성명헌 5771  2. Yohei X Sakuragi 호열백호 4573 (호백 1956 요하나 1888) 3. Ryota X Mitsui 태섭대만 4416 (태대 1362) 4. Rukawa X Mitsui 태웅대만 3805 (탱댐 2730) 5. Sendoh X Rukawa (대협태웅 3448) 센루 3803 6. Fukatsu X Ryota 명헌태섭 3194 (명태 1146) 7. Mitsui X Ryota 대만태섭 2804 (대태 741) 8. Rukawa X Sakuragi 태웅백호 2724 (루하나 2129) 9. Sawakita X Ryota 우성태섭 2645 (우태 1048) 10. Yohei X Mitsui 호열대만 1476 (호댐 809) 11. Fukatsu X Sawakita 명헌우성 1347 (명우 664) 12. Sakuragi X Yohei (백호호열 532) 백호열 1337 13. Mitsui X Kogure 대만준호 1180 (댐준 230) 14. Rukawa X Ryota 태웅태섭 1147 (탱태 424) 15. Tetsuo X Mitsui 철대만 1108 (철댐 159) 16. Sawakita X Rukawa 우성태웅 1022 (사와루 831) 17. Ryota X Ayako 태섭한나 823 18. Kawata X Fukatsu 현철명헌 757 (철뿅 570) 19. Matsumoto X Mitsui 동오대만 714 (동댐 664) 20. Sakuragi X Rukawa 백호태웅 641 (하나루 556) 21. Matsumoto X Ichinokura 동오낙수 627 (동낙 322) 22. Sota X Ryota 준섭태섭 566 (준태 276) 21. Fukatsu X Mitsui 명헌대만 560 (뿅댐 330) 22. Sendoh X Mitsui 대협대만 404 (댛댐 208) 23. Maki X Sendoh 정환대협 364 (마키센 307) 24. Sendoh X Sakuragi 대협백호 336 (센하나 191) 25. Matsumoto X Fukatsu 동오명헌 310 26. Kogure X Mitsui 준호대만 308 (준댐 175) 27. Mitsui X Rukawa 대만태웅 305 (댐탱 121) 28. Rukawa X Sendoh (태웅대협 260) 루센 303 29. Sakuragi X Haruko 백호소연 301 30. Maki X Kiyota 정환호장 272 31. Kishimoto X Minori 동준남훈 199 32. Ryota X Sakuragi 태섭백호 198 33. Maki X Fujima 정환수겸 186 34. Hanagata X Fujima 현준수겸 178 35. Sendoh X Maki 대협정환 172  36. Rukawa X Haruko 태웅소연 163 37. Kawata X Sawakita 현철우성 161 38. Mitsui X Sakuragi 대만백호 156 39. Sendoh X Yayoi 대협하진 150 40. Sendoh X Ryota 대협태섭 136 41. Sawakita X Mitsui 우성대만 119 42. Sakuragi X Ryota 백호태섭 112 43. Sawakita X Sakuragi 우성백호 106 44. Jin X Kiyota 준섭호장 104 45. Fukatsu X Rukawa 명헌태웅 101
Finished searching at 1:55 AM October 23, 2023.
I used "Ryota" here instead of "Miyagi" because Sota is also in the list.
I didn't include the abbreviated name for sawafuka because the word is a common word in korean.
I tried to look for ships that had at least 100 results. There may have been some ships I didn't consider and may have overlooked, especially in the other school teams, but so far this is what I found!
I might do this again with other platforms like pixiv and ao3.
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jzrh · 4 years
Minori Kishimoto’s morning shower routine
summer vs winter
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purplesugarbabe · 2 years
Hope you can do more headcanon for SD interhigh arc characters such as Sawakita, Minami and Kishimoto.
Of course I will write more about them! I thought some dating/relationship headcanons about them. I hope you like it! ✨
✨Sawakita Eiji dating headcanons ✨
Sawakita had definitely a difficult time confessing even if it was obvious he had a crush on you.
You try to be as polite and patient as you can with him since he gets flustered easily.
He will become really nervous if you hold his hand.
Poor boy will start blushing and sweating.
Sawakita gets jealous quite easily so he will hold you close every time you are out on a date.
Gets really excited every time you cheer for him during a game.
Tries to woo you with his basketball skills anyway. To be honest, you are very proud of him.
Kisses you on the cheek every now and then to show his affection and care.
Blushes when you wear his clothes. Deep down he loves it.
When you are bored or tired he will cuddle with you and talk about everything you like.
✨Minami Tsuyoshi dating headcanons ✨
Boy oh boy, you were more than surprised to find yourself in a relationship with this boy.
Honestly, you have now idea how this happened.
Minami tends to be serious most of the time but he will look at you and smile every now and then.
There are times he will wink at you in a playful way.
Knows how to make you blush. This is your fate, accept it.
He doesn't mind holding your hand, it doesn't make him feel nervous.
Feels proud when you watch his games.
Dates with him are actually relaxing and fun.
Doesn't really bother if you wear his clothes. He thinks you look great in them.
Isn't the person how enjoys hugs or cuddling so much but he is willing to do it for you.
✨Kishimoto Minori dating headcanons ✨
Basically all your friends thought you were crazy for dating this boy. What were you thinking?
Admit it, you don't even know but still you believe he isn't what he appears to be in the court.
He is actually very caring towards you and he isn't the arrogant and selfish person he seems to be.
He tends to tell you a lot of jokes and you've been wondering why he's hiding his sense of humor.
He likes making you laugh. You could say he's in love with the way you laugh.
He allows you brush and style his hair.
Literally asks you to wear his clothes and then winks at you and gets all flirty making you blush.
Your dates with him are actually very fun and entertaining.
Can't say he really like hugs but he will definitely wrap an arm around your waist to keep you close.
I hope you liked it! 💙🤍✨
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msyuksanh · 7 years
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ツイン・ピークス(WOWOW海外ドラマ) @wow_kaigaidrama (2017.09.11) 【#WOWOW おすすめ海外ドラマ情報】 『英国クライムサスペンス「埋もれる殺意」~26年の沈黙~』10/15(日)放送⇒http://bit.ly/2vZEOmH 収録現場より写真が到着! #野沢由香里 #目黒光祐 #田村真 #山口協佳 #岸本百恵 #尾身美詞 #梅原裕一郎
[#WOWOW Recommended Drama Info] British Crime Drama, “Unforgotten”, airs October 15th (Sunday) More info here⇒http://bit.ly/2vZEOmH We’re bringing you a photo from the recording studio! #野沢由香里 #目黒光祐 #田村真 #山口協佳 #岸本百恵 #尾身美詞 #梅原裕一郎
Drama: Unforgotten, lit. Hidden Murderous Intent ~A 26 Year Silence~ Cast: Nozawa Yukari, Meguro Kosuke, Yamaguchi Kyoka, Kishimoto Momoe, Omi Minori, Umehara Yuichiro
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otakunews01 · 7 years
Póster promocional, equipo y más reparto de la película live-action de Ichirei Shite, Kiss
La película se estrenará el 11 de noviembre en cines de Japón
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El equipo de producción de la próxima película live-action adaptación del Manga de Ichirei Shite, Kiss por Yakko Kaga, ha revelado el viernes un póster promocional, a los miembros del equipo de producción y a más miembros de su reparto principal. La película se estrenará el 11 de noviembre del 2017 en cines de Japón.
En el nuevo reparto están: Katsuhiro Suzuki como Kuwabara, Yuusuke Satou como Shiraishi, Takehisa Maeyama como Igarashi, Kousei Yuuki como Endou. Todos serán miembros del club de tiro con arco de An y Youta. 
Otros nuevos miembros miembros del reparto incluyen a Takashi Matsuo, minori Hagiwara, Keito Kanamori, Makoto Okunaka, Gaku Oshida, Tetsuya Makita, Mutsuo Yoshioka, y Hidekazu Mashima.
Elaiza Ikeda (live-action de Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji y ReLIFE) será la protagonista An Kishimoto, y Masaki Nakao (Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger) será el protagonista Youta Mikami.
Takeshi Furusawa esta dirigiendo la película y Yukiyasu Asano esta escribiendo los guiones. lol pondrá el tema musical de la película titulado "think of you".  
La historia del Manga sigue a An Kishimoto, una chica que ha estado practicando tiro con arco durante seis años, desde que estaba en la escuela secundaria. Sin embargo, incluso como presidenta del club de tiro con arco de su escuela preparatoria, se siente insatisfecha por sus resultados en su último torneo de la escuela y deja atrás sus remordimientos. La siguiente persona programada para ser presidente del club es su menor en grado escolar Youta Mikami, una persona que a pesar que nunca practica todavía así gana el primer lugar en los torneos. Él es un chico por quien An tiene sentimientos complicados. Cuando An está a punto de retirarse de su posición y entregar el cargo de presidente a Youta, él la detiene con un cierto pensamiento.
Kaga lanzó el Manga en la revista Betsucomi en 2012, y lo finalizó en 2015. Shogakukan puso a la venta los siete tomos recopilatorios de la serie.
Kaga lanzó una nueva serie Manga titulada Boku no Jealousy Monogatari. en la misma edición de abril de la revista Betsucomi.  
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slamdunkhcs · 2 years
Kishimoto + Minami childhood friendship hcs pls🙏
I luv ur writing uwu
thank you kind anon 😳 hopefully you like this, i reread some of the volumes to get some inspo. ngl i didnt expect to get sm requests for those two boys 😭
kishimoto + minami hcs
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I just know Kishimoto talks mad shit towards EVERYONE that bugs him, that boy doesn’t care if he has opps. Minami would generally back him up since he’s his homie, but I think at some point he tells him to leave it be (since he’s older and more mature)
Kishimoto is literally as dumb academically as Hanamichi, boy didn’t know what the word potential meant. I don’t think he’d ask anyone for help studying for tests, but him and Minami study together since they’re so comfortable. I think Minami is a smarter student overall.
I feel like Kishimoto would be asking Minami about why he doesn’t pull girls??? Like boy would be saying stuff like “Bro why can’t I pull?” and Minami would just tell him that it’s cause he’s too good for them (or something like that)
I think as kids (and even now) the two would go on late night walks together?? Like after practice is over they wouldn’t wanna go straight home, so they walk around and just talk about their lives
The two seem to be the type that are really open and rant to eachother about how they’re feeling. As kids they probably cried about their problems 💀, they wouldn’t judge eachother either.
Definitely had hella sleepovers as kids, Minami and Kishimoto would stay up late and they messed around (doing things like prank calling or sneaking out late)
Honestly I feel like they would genuinely pick eachother over a girl?? Like they wouldn’t embarrass eachother or ignore eachother for a girl, since they value eachother as friends.
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Genre: Romance
Language: Japanese (Eng-Sub)
IMDb Ratings: 6.2
Quality: WEBRip
Movie Size: 720p (913MB), 1080p (ComingSoon) (5.1)
Director: Takeshi Furusawa
Movie Cast: Elaiza Ikeda, Masaki Nakao, Minori Hagiwara
Download Here -      
Sypnosis: Kishimoto An is a high school student who loves Japanese archery, which is also known as Kyudo. She has been practicing since her beginning at junior high school and is quite good. Time has come to graduate however and the school club needs a new president. Enter Mikami Yota who is relatively lacklustre and does not have the same level of enthusiasm for the sport. He is a raw talent however. Also raw is his love for the pretty An.
Note - Report Dead Or Broken Link With URL 'HERE' (Links Will ReUp Soon) Watch Trailer
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lesbiankiliel · 7 years
I was bored and then I found this
a ranking game of all currently active Hello! Project member, some Morning Musume OG, Berryz and C-ute OG (though missing Momo and Maimai), PINK CRES., Bitter&Sweet, Up Up Girls etc
so I just had to do it, and here are the results (after top15 I’ll put a readmore)
1. Niigaki Risa (Morning Musume. OG) 2. Sugaya Risako (Berryz Koubou OG) 3. Murota Mizuki (ANGERME) 4. Sudou Maasa (Berryz Koubou OG) 5. Nakanishi Kana (ANGERME) 6. Yajima Maimi (C-ute) 7. Ishida Ayumi (Morning Musume.) 8. Satou Ayano (Up Up Girls) 9. Kaga Kaede (Morning Musume.) 10. Matsuura Aya (soloist) 11. Iida Kaori (Morning Musume. OG) 12. Aikawa Maho (ANGERME, on hiatus) 13. Yokoyama Reina (Morning Musume.) 14. Kamikokuryou Moe (ANGERME) 15. Nonaka Miki (Morning Musume.)
16. Abe Natsumi (Morning Musume. OG) 17. Iikubo Haruna (Morning Musume.) 18. Sasaki Rikako (ANGERME) 19. Tokunaga Chinami (Berryz Koubou OG) 20. Takeuchi Akari (ANGERME) 21. Mitsui Aika (Morning Musume. OG) 22. Nakajima Saki (C-ute OG) 23. Yoshizawa Hitomi (Morning Musume. OG) 24. Wada Ayaka (ANGERME) 25. Shimizu Saki (Berryz Koubou OG) 26. Katsuta Rina (ANGERME) 27. Sengoku Minami (Up Up Girls) 28. Furukawa Konatsu (Up Up Girls) 29. Sekine Azusa (Up Up Girls) 30. Saho Akari (Up Up Girls) 31. Kasahara Momona (ANGERME) 32. Nakazawa Yuko (Morning Musume. OG) 33. Wada Sakurako (Kobushi Factory) 34. Fujimoto Miki (Morning Musume. OG) 35. Fukuda Kanon (ANGERME OG) 36. Yasuda Kei (Morning Musume. OG) 37. Suzuki Airi (C-ute OG) 38. Makino Maria (Morning Musume.) 39. Ishikawa Rika (Morning Musume. OG) 40. Ikuta Erina (Morning Musume.) 41. Takahashi Ai (Morning Musume. OG) 42. Natsuyaki Miyabi (Berryz Koubou OG, PINK CRES.) 43. Mori Saki (Up Up Girls) 44. Funaki Musubu (ANGERME) 45. Arai Manami (Up Up Girls) 46. Kishimoto Yumeno (Tsubaki Factory) 47. Kumai Yurina (Berryz Koubou OG) 48. Morito Chisaki (Morning Musume., Country Girls) 49. Kawamura Ayano (ANGERME) 50. Doi Rena (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 51. Fukumura Mizuki (Morning Musume.) 52. Ozeki Mai (Country Girls) 53. Hamaura Ayano (Kobushi Factory) 54. Satoda Mai (Country Musume. OG) 55. Kudou Haruka (Morning Musume.) 56. Hirose Ayaka (Kobushi Factory) 57. Inaba Manaka (Country Girls OG) 58. Miyazawa Marin (LoVendoR) 59. Tasaki Asahi (Bitter&Sweet) 60. Okada Marina (LoVendoR) 61. Oda Sakura (Morning Musume.) 62. Ogata Haruna (Morning Musume.) 63. Matsunaga Riai (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 64. Okai Chisato (C-ute OG) 65. Mano Erina (soloist) 66. Inoue Rei (Kobushi Factory) 67. Ogata Risa (Tsubaki Factory) 68. Tanimoto Ami (Tsubaki Factory) 69. Tsuji Nozomi (Morning Musume. OG) 70. Haga Akane (Morning Musume.) 71. Tanaka Reina (Morning Musume. OG, LoVendoR) 72. Danbara Ruru (Juice=Juice, Country Girls) 73. Nomura Minami (Kobushi Factory) 74. Yamada Ichigo (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 75. Ichioka Reina (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 76. Yaguchi Mari (Morning Musume. OG) 77. Kodama Sakiko (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 78. Sayashi Riho (Morning Musume. OG) 79. Kikkawa Yuu (soloist) 80. Miyoshi Erika (v-u-den OG) 81. Hasegawa Moemi (Bitter&Sweet) 82. Niinuma Kisora (Tsubaki Factory) 83. Onoda Saori (Tsubaki Factory) 84. Ono Mizuho (Tsubaki Factory) 85. Horie Kizuki (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 86. Takase Kurumi (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 87. Taguchi Natsumi (Kobushi Factory) 88. Yamagishi Riko (Tsubaki Factory) 89. Noguchi Kurumi (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 90. Nakayama Natsume (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 91. Asakura Kiki (Tsubaki Factory) 92. Yanagawa Nanami (Juice=Juice, Country Girls) 93. Kawano Minori (Hello Pro Kenshuusei Hokkaido) 94. Yamaki Risa (Country Girls) 95. Kitagawa Ryo (Hello Pro Kenshuusei Hokkaido) 96. Inoue Hikaru (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 97. Kanatsu Mizuki (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 98. Kiyono Momohime (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 99. Nihei Yuuka (PINK CRES.) 100. Kobayashi Hikaru (PINK CRES.) 101. Satou Hikari (Hello Pro Kenshuusei Hokkaido) 102. Kanazawa Tomoko (Juice=Juice) 103. Miyazaki Yuka (Juice=Juice) 104. Ishiguro Kanami (Hello Pro Kenshuusei Hokkaido) 105. Okada Robin Shouko (Ciao Bella Cinquetti) 106. Eguchi Saya (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 107. Yamazaki Mei (Hello Pro Kenshuusei Hokkaido) 108. Maeda Kokoro (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 109. Hashisako Rin (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 110. Goto Yuki (Ciao Bella Cinquetti) 111. Okamura Minami (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 112. Hibi Marina (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 113. Uemura Akari (Juice=Juice) 114. Nishida Shiori (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 115. Yagi Saki (Lovelys) 116. Yamazaki Yuhane (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 117. Shimakura Rika (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 118. Hashimoto Aina (Ciao Bella Cinquetti) 119. Akiyama Mao (Tsubaki Factory) 120. Morozuka Kanami (Ciao Bella Cinquetti) 121. Kudou Yume (Hello Pro Kenshuusei Hokkaido) 122. Miyazaki Rio (Lovelys) 123. Oota Haruka (Hello Pro Kenshuusei Hokkaido) 124. Miyamoto Karin (Juice=Juice) 125. Michishige Sayumi (Morning Musume. OG) 126. Satou Masaki (Morning Musume.) 127. Takagi Sayuki (Juice=Juice) 128. Yonemura Kirara (Hello Pro Kenshuusei) 129. Ono Kotomi (Hello Pro Kenshuusei)
This would look a lot different if it had included my long-time faves Kamei Eri, Junjun, Linlin, and Ogawa Makoto, tbh
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slamdunkhcs · 2 years
Minami and Kishimoto react to confessions :3
NAH CAUSE YOU DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM TO GET A REQUEST FOR THOSE TWO. i really like them but they’re so underrated. i was thinking about how to write this out for a while since i didn’t want to mess up their character.
slam dunk boys reacting to confessions (pt 2)
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Though he wouldn’t admit it, he doesn’t have much of a romantic life. While he is a skilled player, I think many girls would be turned off by his street punk personality.
He’d be really surprised to see a girl he had taken interest in confessing to him. He wasn’t used to hearing words that stroked his own ego so much.
Kishimoto would act like it wasn’t anything special, and he’d act like he pulls hella girls. He’d be super nonchalant and be like “yeah i know” but deep down he’d be really happy. He’d do a pretty decent job at hiding his nervousness but he would get flustered a bit and blush.
He’d accept your confession though, and he’d show you off to all his friends and talk about how hot you are. On your first date with him, he’d take you somewhere nice and pay for everything (cause he doesn’t want to come off as a loser obviously).
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Minami isn’t a bad looking dude, but I think he’d have a bad reputation with girls as well. While he isn’t the type to treat a girl bad, I think he would be perceived to be that type because of his history of injuring other players.
Like Kishimoto, he’d also be surprised by his crush confessing to him. But he wouldn’t try covering that up as much. While you confess, he would be dead silent, looking at you while fidgeting with his hands.
He would try to respond in a calm way, he’d thank you and accept the confession. Minami would still be processing everything though, boy would still be surprised at your words. He’d also be thinking of how to treat you well, and he’d decide to ask you out on a casual date.
Since his parents have money, he’d take you somewhere nice (after Kishimoto suggested to him that a real dude spoils his girl). Boy would deadass be thinking of how to make sure it goes as good as possible. He wouldn’t be as much of a bragger as Kishimoto is, but he would bring you up and compliment you in front of his homies.
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otakunews01 · 7 years
Primer vídeo teaser de la película live-action de Ichirei Shite, Kiss
La película se estrenará el 11 de noviembre en cines de Japón
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La web oficial de la próxima película live-action adaptación del Manga de Ichirei Shite, Kiss por Yakko Kaga, ha revelado el lunes su primer vídeo teaser. La película se estrenará el 11 de noviembre del 2017 en cines de Japón.
En el reparto están: Katsuhiro Suzuki como Kuwabara, Yuusuke Satou como Shiraishi, Takehisa Maeyama como Igarashi, Kousei Yuuki como Endou. Todos serán miembros del club de tiro con arco de An y Youta. Otros nuevos miembros miembros del reparto incluyen a Takashi Matsuo, minori Hagiwara, Keito Kanamori, Makoto Okunaka, Gaku Oshida, Tetsuya Makita, Mutsuo Yoshioka, y Hidekazu Mashima.
Elaiza Ikeda (live-action de Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji y ReLIFE) será la protagonista An Kishimoto, y Masaki Nakao (Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger) será el protagonista Youta Mikami.
Takeshi Furusawa esta dirigiendo la película y Yukiyasu Asano esta escribiendo los guiones. lol pondrá el tema musical de la película titulado "think of you".  
La historia del Manga sigue a An Kishimoto, una chica que ha estado practicando tiro con arco durante seis años, desde que estaba en la escuela secundaria. Sin embargo, incluso como presidenta del club de tiro con arco de su escuela preparatoria, se siente insatisfecha por sus resultados en su último torneo de la escuela y deja atrás sus remordimientos. La siguiente persona programada para ser presidente del club es su menor en grado escolar Youta Mikami, una persona que a pesar que nunca practica todavía así gana el primer lugar en los torneos. Él es un chico por quien An tiene sentimientos complicados. Cuando An está a punto de retirarse de su posición y entregar el cargo de presidente a Youta, él la detiene con un cierto pensamiento.
Kaga lanzó el Manga en la revista Betsucomi en 2012, y lo finalizó en 2015. Shogakukan puso a la venta los siete tomos recopilatorios de la serie.
Kaga lanzó una nueva serie Manga titulada Boku no Jealousy Monogatari. en la misma edición de abril de la revista Betsucomi.  
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