#minty fanfiction
mintytrifecta · 9 months
When Buzz tries to remember the protocol for waking from hypersleep, he remembers that the listed side effects include drowsiness, vertigo, and a hefty amount of pins and needles upon first waking.
What he doesn’t recall is near-blinding soreness in his back and an acute feeling of something wrong. ----
In which Demo Mode!Buzz realizes some things earlier than before, and recruits himself with a ragtag group of toys who claim to know him in their great prison escape.
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aureum-lepus · 8 months
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Severus Snape x fem! OC Araminta Tobbat
by aureum-lepus
Warnings: none
Word count: 2065
Note: Hello and welcome! This is the start of my Severus Snape x OC fanfic and I am so excited to share this! Please forgive me any mistakes regarding writing or spelling or anything. English is not my first language and have no beta reader (if anyone is interested to help or to talk about anything regarding writing, don't hesitate on messaging me!)
But long story short, please have fun reading and please give me your honest feedback 💖
Ao3 - Masterlist - Playlist
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Dear Headmaster Albus Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,
I hope you are in the best of health. I am pleased to inform you that I am. Breeding rabbits this year is a bit...troublesome. My little darlings are afraid of all the dogs and snakes that have been hanging around the neighborhood lately.
I heard that the famous Harry Potter will be spending his third year at Hogwarts this year. That sounds very exciting. How is the boy doing? I can still remember my time at Hogwarts very well. How I wish I could roam through those magnificent halls again.
But let's get to the point of why I'm sending you an owl. My work at one of the local Muggle hospitals around here is going well, but it is not the true fulfillment. I'm sure you've already filled all the professors' positions with some exquisite people. The circumstances mentioned above do not allow me to spend my life here any longer and I would be very happy if I could come back to Hogwarts. Could you possibly have a vacancy for me in the Hospital Wing or do any of the professors need an assistant?
I am very pleased to hear from you, Professor Dumbledore. 
With the very best and kindest regards,
Minty Delaney
The hand of the man holding the letter was bony and old. Older than it should be. Nevertheless, he read the letter with his lips curled and almost pulled into a smile. The paper on which the message was written looked worn and was slightly yellowish in color. It gave the impression that the owl that brought him these lines had flown an almost infinitely long distance. 
Professor Albus Dumbledore rolled the old piece of paper back up into a scroll and tied it back with the ribbon with which the letter had previously been sealed. The old wizard adjusted his crescent-shaped spectacles and cleared his throat briefly. He then sat down on his wooden chair and rested his hands on the solid desk in front of him. "Please." he said in a very friendly and welcoming tone as he pointed to a chair in front of him. A witch of the still young age of twenty nine years slid into his view, her hands restrained in her lap. She took a seat on the creaky chair. Her posture was very tense and her eyes looked anxious. 
"Lovley letter. I was very pleased to receive it." Dumbledore said as he tapped on the paper. "Even if I was a little surprised."
"Forgive me for this sudden outburst. The circumstances..." the woman began in a calm voice, but the headmaster interrupted her by placing his hand on his lips.
"You wanted a post in the hospital wing. You would fit in perfectly there, but I'm afraid Madame Pomfrey is already doing an excellent job there."
"I understand. But Professor, you didn't have to let me come here to tell me that. Why don't you write me this cancellation in a letter?" 
"I didn't say I didn't have a position for you. Hogwarts has always kept its doors open to those who have sought help and asked for it." the old man smiled. "In your letter, you mentioned that you would also work as an assistant to the professors?"
The woman with gray hair, which she wore in a loose braid, nodded. Her eyes had a pink, almost red glow and as it slowly dawned on her what Dumbledore wanted to tell her, they lit up with joy. The old wizard stood up and walked over to her. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "You will be working as a nurse in the hospital wing with Madame Pomfrey. I have a feeling that we will need someone like you at times like this. However, you will also help the professors with smaller tasks if they need it."
The young witch placed her hand gratefully on the headmaster's. A faint smile crossed her lips and a feeling of security and warmth rose up inside her, something she hadn't felt for a long time. "Thank you, Professor," she almost whispered.
"Use your time with the professors wisely, Minty. Someday I'll hire you as a professor for transfiguration." 
Minty Delaney giggled. "You don't really think I'm competition for Professor McGonagall, do you?"
Dumbledore patted her shoulder and took a step back. "Not at all, you are both important and valuable to Hogwarts in your own way." The old man placed his hands on his lower back and his gaze swiveled around the room. He suddenly seemed a little distant and absent. "You must be tired, Minty. I've already had your luggage taken away. You'll find your bedchamber near the Ravenclaw common room. I thought a little proximity to your old house couldn't hurt. I'll introduce you to the professors tomorrow. Luckily, we still have some time before the new school year starts." 
Minty stood up hastily. She didn't want to waste any more of Dumbledore's time, as he obviously had other plans for tonight. She tilted her head forwards slightly. "Thank you very much, Professor." 
She hurriedly made her way to the spiral staircase that led out of the Headmaster's office. A large eagle guarded the entrance and as soon as she got closer to the statue, it opened the exit. Her foot was just taking the first steps into the long corridor in front of her when she banged her nose against something black. She pulled her hands up quickly when she felt the impact. She felt a rough material under her hands. It seemed to be a mage's robe. 'The object' was not an object, but a man's chest rising and falling as he breathed in a little annoyed.
Unsure, Minty moved her head upwards so that her chin was now digging into the ribbed, thin chest. Her eyes became a little watery. 'What an awkward and embarrassing situation...' she thought.
Her eyes met a very tense, pale face. Dark, tired eyes looked down at her. The man was several heads taller than the small woman. Minty could barely get a whimper out of her throat. The man with black, somewhat stringy hair raised his equally black eyebrow. His already cold face didn't move an inch.
Minty was paralyzed with fear and panic. 'Move...' She felt her jaw tighten and her body tremble. Every muscle was tense. It felt almost impossible to break away from the man, who was probably one of the professors. Minty's eyes ran over the features of his face. Over the dark eyes, to the slightly gaunt cheeks, back to his thinly curled lips and finally to the large, crooked nose in the centre of his face. 
She wanted to say something, whisper some kind of apology for her clumsy behavior, but no matter how hard she tried to calm herself, the spasmodic panic spread through her stomach. She opened her mouth, took a deep breath, and the man grabbed her by the wrist. 
"And you are..?" the man cut her off before one single word cut escape her throat. His voice was cold and there was a hint of bitterness in it.
"I'm sorry..." Minty stuttered. She feared that the man was about to break her arm. 
The wizard quickly pushed Minty against the wall next to them and moved a little further away. He still had a firm grip on her wrist, while he had drawn his wand with the other and was now holding it to her chin. "Your name."
A whimper was all the witch uttered when she touched the cold wall. She squinted her eyes now. What a terrible confrontation. Minty's knees went weak and she took a deep breath. She felt dizzy. "A-a-ara..." she began softly and weakly as a familiar voice beside her interrupted her. 
"Severus." Dumbledore's voice cut through her whimpering.
The dark eyes of the man, who was probably called Severus, left Minty and focussed on the headmaster. When he saw Dumbledore put on a friendly smile, Severus knew that there was no danger from this woman and let her go. 
"There was no time to mention that I was expecting a guest. Why don't you go to my office, Severus?"
The professor nodded, but gave Minty one last, suspicious look before he went upstairs to the Headmaster's office. Dumbledore was now standing in front of Minty again, placing a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "Minty..." His voice seemed a little stern.
The young witch swallowed a heavy lump. She was painfully aware of the mistake she had almost made. She had almost told the professor her real name. "I...I'm sorry." Minty stroked her still watery eyes with her index finger. 
"No one should know. Do you understand that? You've kept it a secret for years, don't get careless now."
A nod. "I know, Professor."
Albus Dumbledore straightened up. "Now really go to sleep. Dark times are ahead of us. Use every minute you have to yourself." With these words, he left her alone and returned to his office.
Minty wasted no more time either and set off in the direction of the Ravenclaw tower. The way there was uneventful. Strangely enough, she knew exactly where to go without Dumbledore telling her which room was hers. 
She was just sure that the path was right and just before she arrived at the tower, she saw a room. A room with a marking. Minty was overcome with such incredible happiness. She felt safe and secure, despite the strange confrontation with Severus. She had felt at home after many years. She quickly opened the door and stepped into the room.  Her eyes lit up with joy, knowing full well that Dumbledore had this room set up for her. 
It wasn't a large room, but it was very cosy. Right on the other side was a wide window, through which the moonlight was currently shining. There was a large bed in the corner of the room below it. The bed linen was in pastel colours and, like everything else in the room, radiated a certain warmth and familiarity. The wall beside the bed was decorated with a number of dried flowers which where sorted around a mirror. To Minty's left were a pair of bookshelves filled with books on transformations, magical animals and potions. In the centre was a large white and very fluffy carpet. Minty's luggage was also there. A few candles were skilfully placed around the room to provide light. 
Minty pulled the scrunchie out of her hair and a broad grin lit up her face. She quickly closed the door behind her and stepped fully into her room. She turned around a few times, taking in every little detail that was hidden here. She finally plopped down on the bed and looked at the door again. The symbol she saw outside was also on the inside of the door. It was a rabbit, its ears hanging limply downwards. That was Minty's symbol. The rabbit with floppy ears. The animal she could transform herself into. 
She sighed with relief, stretched out her arms and let herself fall backwards. She bumped her wrist against the mattress a little too hard. A sharp pain shot through her and she hissed from the pain. A soft mattress shouldn't actually hurt. Minty looked at her wrist and saw a small bruise.
She immediately thought of the professor she had met earlier. She began to gently massage her wrist. There was something about this man's appearance that aroused her curiosity and interest. Still, he frightened her. Those dark eyes and that black hair...And then that nose...
He had been very slim, yet he was strong. 
Minty closed her eyes.
She visualised him a little more in her mind's eye. She now also remembered the man's scent. Old books, like a library. Candles that had just been blown out. There was more, but she couldn't remember it. As if the room had been tailored to her exact needs, all the candles went out at once. 
Minty Delaney's consciousness slowly slipped into a deep sleep. Her thoughts of the strange professor accompanied her into her dream world. There were some exciting days, weeks or even years ahead for her at Hogwarts.
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mintygreenaqua · 1 month
Enigma: "Did I build a supermodel or what?"
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Holy smokes, what on earth is the Enigma up to in his enterprises? I had no idea he had a spouse. More will be explained about her in the upcoming Hello Enigma chapters and her origins. We also don't know if she is human either.
But in the meantime, what shall I call her?
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cool-mint · 1 year
Got tagged by @card-queen for heads-up, 7-up! Thanks for including me <3 As far as I understand, you're supposed to share ~7 lines from a recent wip! (I'm including just a few extra!) I haven't written fan fiction in a long time, but that's what I've been working on most recently, so that is what I have below the cut! Briefly featuring @catgirlray 's oc Tamako <3
I'm unsure if all the people I'm tagging here currently write, but I'm fairly certain you all did at some point, so I'm taking a bit of a stab in the dark for the tags. Do it if you want, otherwise kindly disregard! <3 @catgirlray , @rollinwiththepunches , @the-pigeon-queen , @kaitoucinna , @mishacakes , @reassuringbuttpats , @zendelai , and anyone else who'd like to! ^^
enjoy a tiny little bit of dramatic Genshin nonsense from the middle of the fic in progress below (or don't!)--
“Stop being ridiculous,” Tamako murmured, batting Childe’s hand away, but her heart wasn’t in it, and she fought hard to keep a smile off her face. Childe laughed and leaned back, about to make a clever remark, when he heard a peculiar sound that was just familiar enough to recognize as dangerous. A spike of adrenaline ran through him and, unsure where the attack was going to be targeted, he quickly pushed Tamako to the ground. She was halfway through a surprised and irritated grunt when four razor-thin sheets of water shaped into blades came hurtling towards Childe. They sliced cleanly through his jacket and scarf, and pinned him tightly to the wall at his back. More confused than concerned, Childe glanced at the blades, and hesitated to move at the sight of them. They were rain swords. Xingqiu’s rain swords.
“I missed you on purpose,” Xingqiu said coldly as he walked slowly down a few stairs into the courtyard, “but next time, my blades will strike true.” His steps were just as graceful and deliberate as usual, but he had the charged aura of an oncoming tempest. A dark shadow fell over the youth’s face as he glared at Childe, and Xingqiu’s narrowed eyes—usually warm and gold in color—were a deep and lightless amber. With a wave of his arm, four more rain swords appeared and hovered near him. “I suggest you start talking.”
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mintywolf · 2 years
Her unsteady glance about herself doesn’t catch on a blue damask evening gown, but everything is only a blur of unfocused shapes and bright colors. She draws in a stuttering gasp, and then another, as gradually her surroundings begin to resolve themselves into a bewilderingly comfortable living room and the oddest assortment of people she has ever seen. ... They all look worn and bone-weary, but alive with expectant joy. They are all staring at her intently. They are strangers.
33 years ago Matilda made a dying pact in the arms of her murderer. Now that pact lies sundered by a lightning strike, and her soul with it. Waking again in the arms of loving strangers who seem to regard her as family, she tries to put together the pieces of the life she can't remember and what she means to the people around her.
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number1spongebobfan · 10 months
Duncan the Humbug (Part 1)
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Oh what a Merry Christmas Day
Isn't it just great to say
Merry Merry Christmas
Oh what a Merry Christmas Day
It was a wonderful winter morning on the Island of Sodor. Everybody was excited, because the holidays were around the corner. Engines were busy transporting seasonal goods and passengers.
But there was one little grouchy engine who hated Christmas. Duncan is a narrow-gauge 0-4-0WT. He was very rude and liked to complain. Edward the blue engine came to wish him a Merry Christmas, but all Duncan said was, "Bah Humbug!"
Duncan saw Minty from My Little Pony and Gonzo and Rizzo from the Muppets playing in the snow. Minty pranced around in her socks. She was startled as Duncan let out his whistle.
Then, Donald and Douglas the Scottish Twins came to visit Duncan.
"Merreh Christmas!" said Donald. "Ah transported a wreath, an' then ah'll invite ye teh Christmas dinner,"
"What's so merreh abowt it? Ah'll tell ye what Christmas is; it's just anatha work deh! An' any jackeneds who thinks else, should be boiled in his own pudding!" wheeshed Duncan.
"Oh . . ."
Skarloey arrived. "But Duncan," he chuffed. "Christmas is a time for giving. A time to be with family!"
"I say Bah. Humbug!"
Minty: What's a humbug?
Rizzo: I dunno.
"Well ah'll never care. Ah say Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas!" said Douglas.
"Good job Douglas!" Skarloey clapped.
Duncan ignored them. He took out his harmonica and played a miserable-sounding tune.
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petitmonde · 2 years
Minty x Brigiding, and "you left it where?" Please 😊
With a please, how can I not? This one was a lot of fun to write. Smooches to you for sending it in. Did it get longer than necessary? Probably!
Send a sentence and I'll write the next 5+
"You left it where?" Brigiding asked horrified. This was not the way she had been picturing her calm morning after a long night out.
Viñas cracked a smile, "in your room, so if you could let me in real quick I can get it myself."
"Oh uh, you can't go in there right now," Brigiding deflected, maybe a tad too fast to go unnoticed.
"And why is that?" Viñas challenged. She was acting like she knew something, and Brigiding didn't like that one bit.
"It's really messy, I wouldn't want you to see that."
"If it's worse than your living room I'll take your word for it," Viñas paused, as if to chew on her next set of words, "didn't know you used your floor as a coat hanger."
And there it was, Minty's crumpled up coat, tossed onto the floor in the heat of the moment. Brigiding had to think fast, or Viñas would be on her case all day until she found out who it belonged to.
"Yeah, long night you know."
Viñas wasn't one to let go when she sensed something was up, and the way Brigiding was acting was suspicious as all hell.
"I bet. A long night," Viñas teased, "so is that why you can't let me in your room? Caught a great stud and left his jacket on the floor?"
"Viñas, no!" Brigiding gave her a playful punch on the shoulder. "That's mine. I went home alone," Brigiding stressed the last word for emphasis.
"If you say so," Viñas still didn't believe her.
"So, your bracelet, it's the silver one with studs right?" Brigiding changed the subject back to why Viñas was even there at 9 in the morning.
"That's the one," Viñas confirmed.
"I'll get it for you so you can move on with your day."
"Thank you."
When Brigiding went into her room to fetch her bracelet, Viñas got a good look at Brigiding's place. The room was tidy by their standards, with a few knick knacks laying around. The offending coat still laid on the floor, and Viñas could swear it looked familiar. In the entryway, an extra pair of shoes had been left haphazardly, one of them turned on its side. Someone else was definitely there, someone Brigiding didn't want her to see.
Viñas didn't get a good look at what was in the kitchen before Brigiding emerged from her room, bracelet in hand.
"I found it," Brigiding declared victoriously. "It wasn't that hard to find."
"Thank you," Viñas accepted the bracelet, clutching it tightly like a treasure. Now that she had what she came for, she couldn't intrude for much longer.
"I still don't get why you had to be here this early."
"I was in the area, and thought I'd drop by before I went home."
"Ah, you stayed with Precious then?" Brigiding asked.
"Yeah. Well, I must get going now," Viñas bid her goodbye, getting a hug on her way out. She had gotten all that she needed from her brief little visit, with a little something extra.
After locking the door, Brigiding rested her head against it. That had been way too close. She could feel herself calm down the moment she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. The familiar scent did wonders for her nerves.
"Think she found out?" Minty whispered against her ear.
"Couldn't have," Brigiding let go of the breath she didn't realise she had been holding. "Are you mad?"
"Of course not," Minty said, turning Brigiding over to face her. Minty brushed her lip with her thumb, lifting her chin to kiss her. In Minty's embrace, Brigiding could forget the world. If she said it was fine, then that was the truth.
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maplequinn · 2 years
can we talk about smell in writing? I will never understand how someone or their clothes can smell like a blueberry muffin mango strawberry smoothie iced latte.
He brought the hoodie up to his face and took a sniff. The smell of freshly backed bagels and lavender and a sudden summer breeze filled his nose- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
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intherainbowfactory · 2 years
Most recent writing (thing-ish):
Pile 1: For Your Eyes Only
(This is a pile for things that I'm not averse to people seeing.)
A Day Off With Fluttershy [file under MLP, fluff]: | 1 | 2 |
I, Spy (ao3 link)
Starry Knight [file under MLP, semi-graphic depiction of violence, death... isekai. lol]: Death
CAR [file under MLP, nosleep]
Soldier TF2 and Medic TF2 in... Roughing It! [file under TF2, dnadispenser contest, implied death]: The First Part
School Projects [file under wild_card]: A Poison Tree
Minty Python's House of Horsefeathers (fimfiction link)
Pony Rituals [file under MLP, uhhhh idk fluff?]: The Whole Dang Doc
Rainbow Factory (same as below): Showing Off
Miscellaneous: Winter's Stare
Pile 2: Destroy Before Reading
(These are only here for posterity and archive purposes and so I can keep track of them. Highly recommend you do not read.)
Prototype [file under MLP, death, injury, dessication, body horror, etc.]: What Did I, How To Learn, After The Talk, The End For Him At Least, How To Learn & How To Know
Rainbow Factory [file under MLP, Rainbow Factory]: Exposé, Experimentation, Introductions, What are you..., Some kind of uh...
The Amazing Hero's Journey of Vinyl Scratch [file under MLP, bad idea and bad execution that doesn't even fit the original bad idea I had]: The Calm
Something Something Bon Bon = Changeling [file under MLP]: Doing Something Nice For Lyra, Sweet Dreams, Sweetie Drop, Fear is Power, Ponies are Cute!, They would know / Now they'll all know
Miscellaneous [file under haha yeah the contents of these posts are not indicative of the author's mental state. also, they're not well written (c'est la vie), cringe]: I'm sorry They won't Live to See - the Promise of Eternity, Some more lies I want to get out of me
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minty-fanfic-corner · 2 years
I am absolutely loving the not enough series, do you mind continuing it with Zhongli and Diluc?
Hello anon! I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer. There's a quick explanation on the main post.
Here's the link to the part with Diluc and Zhongli!
Hope you'll like it!
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i-am-minty-fresh · 9 months
Fanfiction writers after writing something so poetic and eloquent that it drastically alters my brain chemistry:
“Sorry! English isn’t my first language so apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes!”
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aureum-lepus · 8 months
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This story is strictly for persons over 18+! It contains sexual content and canon typical violence! Minors please do not interact!
Header and dividers made by me
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The year 1993 was to be an eventful one for the twenty-nine-year-old nurse and Animaga. The news about Sirius Black did not even stop in the Muggle town of Stirling and the sheer panic about the return of the Dark Lord and thus her older brother prompted Minty Delaney to send an owl to the famous headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Albus Dumbledore. 
She is overcome with fear and her only protection seems to be at Hogwarts. But it is not just a safe home that awaits her there when her path crosses with that of Severus Snape. 
Unexpected feelings arise as the two realize what it means to exist for love - to really exist.
Read on AO3 - Playlist
Want to be tagged? Just let me know and I'll add you to the list!
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Prologue - An owl for Dumbledore
Chapter 1 - coming soon!
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Severus Snape Moodboard
Araminta Tobbat Moodboard + Profile
Severus Snape x Araminta Tobbat moodboard
Araminta Tobbat by @okeydokeylackey
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mintygreenaqua · 1 month
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Nine and Rusty Rose's Adventure - Start to a Good Future (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1445054640-nine-and-rusty-rose%27s-adventure-start-to-a-good?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AquaGreenMint64 What if Nine was responsible for the creation of Rusty Rose and before she was ever a cyborg the two had a brother and sisterly relationship. Things go good for the two of them until the Choas Council kidnaps Rusty and corrupted the fox's sister for their own personal gains. Now It's up to Nine and Sonic to rescue the cyborg hedgehog and help restore things to order.
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marshmellohi · 1 month
Links Meet AUs List
A lot of AUs get lumped together with Linked Universe, so I wanted to make a list comprising any and all original Links Meet AUs I could find! Please let me know if I’m missing something, you want your AU to be removed, a link is broken, or if you know an AU’s status so it can be moved to the correct dedicated category.
DISCLAIMER: Please pay attention to the content warnings on some of these AUs! I haven’t personally read every AU so I don’t know what some contain, but if an AU has something you don’t vibe with, there are more than plenty of others that you will love on this list! Please be respectful and kind to everyone! This list is both for archival purposes and to appreciate the creativity of the community!
Additional Notes: Some AUs have dedicated Tumblrs, some can be found through original tags, some are only on ff.net or ao3, etc. I have a separate list for AUs limited to Discord/DMs that I have not included here unless I receive permission to do so! Also, if something is separated by ||, that means that theyre 2(+) separate AUs by the same creator in the same tumblr… if that makes sense LOL. This list is Always Updating so be sure to keep an eye out for any new AUs!
• A Link to the Present
• Across the Galaxy
• Ageless Soul
• Bonus Links
• Branching Timelines
• Chain as Cryptids
• Chained Spirits
• Chains of Time
• Courage of Ages
• Culture Shock
• Deuy’s Links Meet
• Dimensional Links
• Dreamverse AU || Identity Fraud AU
• Echoes of Courage
• Exodus
• Fallen Heroes
• Garden of Heroes
• GodLinks
• Hearts Linked Together
• Heroes Spirit
• House of Heroes
• Kings Comic
• Limited Hero
• Link and the Links || Soldier Poet King
• Link Between Links
• Link Rejoin
• Linked Across Dimensions
• Linked Arena
• Linked By Illustrations
• Linked Dreamscape
• Linked End
• Linked History
• Linked Keys
• Linked Maze
• Linked Spirit
• Linked Through the Centuries
• Linked Universe
• Linked World
• Link’s Fun Road Trip
• Little Links
• Magic’s Wake
• Meowmix’s Linked-verse Journey
• Minas Linkverse
• Monstrous Fusion
• Realms of Hylia
• Recalled
• Rifts in Time
• Sister’s Linked Meets
• Suncaster
• Tangled Chains [Lou]
• Team Timeless
• That Broken Promise
• The Hyrulian Valhalla Saga
• The Links We Share
• The Phantom Timeline
• The Sacred Realm
• Too Many Links [Zee]
• Train Whistles and Wedding Bells
• Winter Links AU
AUs where the info is limited to Discord, DMs, and/or friends. Not typically published/shared publicly. Permission is asked to acknowledge these AUs here before posting.
• A Linked Week
• Fractured Timelines
Crossovers with Zeldas, Ravios, Ganons… pretty much the exact same thing but with other characters.
• Lots of Ravios
• LU Ravioverse
• Strangers Across Eras
• Voice of Wisdom
• Wielders of Wisdom
Links meet, but it’s not the focus of the story/in the background (example: a world where all the links exist at the same time but the focus is on one specific character/the others dont come up much)
• Father of Time
• Royal Reads
An AU qualifies for the inactive category when: 1.) its been 2+ years since an update and 2.) it’s unfinished; or, 3.) the creator explicitly stated that they were discontinuing it. LMK if one still has a pulse!
• Into the Zeldaverse
• Link and the Links
• Linked By Time
• Linking Together
• Misfortunate Monsters
• Tangled Chains
• Zelda in the Multiverse
AUs where I am unsure of the status and thus need to contact the creator, the creator’s deciding where to go with it, or I can’t locate the original page. This is mostly for me- consider this kind of like a ‘to do’ list. Any insight is welcome!
• Bagel’s AU (N/C)
• Birdo’s AU (U)
• Cotty’s Linkverse (N/C)
• Chain Reaction AU (Nuked)
• Factorial’s AU (N/C)
• Fortu’s AU (N/C)
• Hyrule Bound (N/C ; Iirc there was a fanfiction but I can’t find it anywhere)
• Link Madness’ AU (N/C)
• Minty’s Linkverse (U)
• Missing Links in Time (U)
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emkayewrites · 29 days
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Another Behind The Scenes of Luke and Nicola rehearsing THAT sex scene taken from my Lukola fanfic. In my universe, this was just practice for them ;)
(Excerpt taken from my fanfiction 'Curtain Fall')
15th October 2022 – Buckinghamshire (UK)
Luke leaned over until he was on top, supporting his body weight with arms that enclosed her from either side.  She observed that he was not quite his usual alert self and his tousled hair and sleepy eyes evidenced this.  He was clearly sleep-deprived, a common issue afflicting most of the actors and crew at this stage of the production. 
Luke lowered himself so that his lips were right next to hers; the strong minty smell of toothpaste overpowered her senses.
He probably didn’t even get his morning coffee.  She thought to herself.
He delicately ran a hand across her forehead and over her hair.  It was a tender albeit unscripted moment.
“Can I follow that with a closed mouth kiss?” He asked, a small smile spreading across his face.
Another action that was not scripted.
“It feels right.” She smiled back.
He pressed his lips to hers and she felt her mouth tingle in response.  It was likely the most chaste kiss she had ever experienced but there was something about it that excited her nonetheless.  It was exactly how she imagined Penelope and Colin would be; shy but hungry, wanting more and more of one another but still somewhat hesitant.
As Luke pulled back, his face above her again, their eyes briefly met before he looked down as he manoeuvred himself above her into position.  The position.  She found herself instinctively placing a hand on his chest to stop him.
“Wait.” She breathed. “Don’t break eye contact.”
He nodded in response.  They both started to move together in the slow, rhythmic motions of coitus, their eyes never leaving the others.  She had been right about the eye contact.  There was something about it that added to the intensity of the moment.  She wondered where his mind was right now as they made these sensual movements together. 
The modesty cushion that was placed in the gap between their pelvic regions pressed into her, and she felt a light pressure down there. 
She felt the cushion shift and then she felt the distinct motions of the cushion not only pushing down on her but also rubbing against her.  She was pretty sure that was not supposed to happen.  She let out an audible gasp of surprise.  Despite it being off-script, Luke responded with a mischievous smile and quickened his pace above her.  She thought that he was clearly reading this as Penelope showing enthusiasm and passion.  The friction between her and the cushion increased and she was beginning to realise that it was not entirely soft, it in fact had pretty hard edges.  She found her heart racing at the sensations that were starting to happen between her legs and pressed a hand into his chest, as if pushing him away.
“Oh, oh!” She exclaimed breathlessly. “That’s touching, that’s touching!”
He was quick to respond, a look of concern crossing his face.
“Wait, what?” He pulled back, sitting up and appraising the neutral-toned, heart-shaped cushion that had been between them. 
“Nothing could be touching - the cushion remained in place.”  Lizzy stood up from the armchair she was seated in and walked towards to them.
They were on set in the room where this scene would be filmed in front of the crew and the cameras.  They were rehearsing with just Lizzy, trying to finalise their choreography using the real space where the action would occur.  Nicola and Luke were situated on a large check-patterned chaise longue that they had been told would likely be used in the actual filming.
“It might have looked in place, but it felt like it was going up and down the place, if you catch my drift.”  Nicola explained, using her elbows to support herself into an upright position.
Luke’s eyes widened as he took in her meaning. “You mean…?”
“Yeah.” She smirked.  She marvelled at how comfortable she was with admitting something like this.  The instinct to feel embarrassed or awkward about anything relating to their intimacy scenes had long left them both. 
“Wow, you’re welcome.” He joked.
She could not help but to cackle in laughter at the remark. 
“Oh, drat.” Lizzy was appraising the cushion with a frown. “I think this needs to be glued or strapped down to stop that happening.”
Nicola pictured herself, all but butt-naked, with the modesty cushion glued to her nether regions as she paraded herself through a set filled with, amongst others, the director, the cinematographer, and the grip.  She could tell from the amusement spreading across Luke’s face that the same image had crossed his mind.
“I knew I was going to look a little ridiculous, but I think we’ve reached the peak here.”
“Hmm, I think it needs to be fastened to both of you to prevent rubbing on either end really.” Lizzy had barely registered Nicola’s comment, instead she was turning the cushion this way and that, her mind already in problem-solving mode.
“I stand corrected.” Nicola quipped, the visual of her and Luke attached to one another’s nether regions through a cushion taking over her thoughts.
“Great, we’ll be a really sexy pair of conjoined twins.” Luke remarked, making Nicola snigger.
“Hmm, I think we’ll need to take this over to Wardrobe and see how we can attach this to the modesty garments.” Lizzy continued. “Why don’t we break for an hour and that will give me time to whip something up with this?”
This was not what Nicola had wanted to hear.  They had only started their rehearsal twenty minutes prior to this.  It was not setting a good precedent for the rest of the day.  As enticing as it was to be given regular breaks, those breaks also served to elongate what was already going to be a very long day.  She could sense Luke was feeling the same way from the face he pulled.
“Well, I guess we could rehearse other parts of the scene while we’re in here.” He suggested.
Lizzy’s expression quickly changed into one they rarely saw. 
“I really wouldn’t recommend that.” Lizzy stated sternly. “This is a safe space to work out boundaries and consent and my presence helps to ensure that from a professional but also legal standpoint.”
“I think we can handle it. I feel like we’ve got the consent and boundaries well laid out.” Nicola added in support of Luke.  “Honestly, it almost felt like you weren’t even in the room now.”
Lizzy blinked at her with the same unchanging look on her face.  “As much as I’m glad you’re so comfortable in my presence that I may as well be furniture in the room now – I am still in the room, and that part is important.”
Nicola was not sure she was entirely convinced but understood that this seemed a non-negotiable.
“Fair enough.  I won’t protest to work more when I could be taking breaks.” Nicola shrugged.
“Good.  I’ll see you guys at eleven o’clock.  Why don’t you grab a cuppa and go for a walk - it’s lovely out there!” The smile returned to Lizzy’s face; she seemed content that her point had been made.  She disappeared from the room, cushion tucked under her arm, leaving them to collect themselves.
“You’re thinking it, right?” Luke fixed Nicola with a knowing look.
“That it’s a stupid rule and we are going to take any opportunity to practice that we can?” Nicola asked.
“Yeah!” He enthused.
“Yeah, I was thinking it but I’m surprised Mr. Never Even Jaywalks is.” She teased. “Are you sure your conscious will allow it?”
“Why do it when there’s a zebra crossing or traffic light on every street? Why even take that risk?”  His voice was tinged with an annoyance that served to amuse her further.
“You’re right, there should be special prisons for those people.” Her tone was mocking, and he rolled his eyes at her.
“Alright, well we’ll start with breaking a set rule or two, and we’ll work our way up to the ol’ jaywalk.” Nicola reassured him. 
“Rehearsing extra hours is not really a rule break.” He replied dismissively, almost as if to reassure himself.
“This is going to break your brain, isn’t it?” She snickered. 
“I’m not gonna be given a hard time for following rules, thanks.” He intonated, raising his hands in the air in a back off gesture. “But some rules are made to be broken.”
As soon as the words left his lip, she could tell he regretted them.
“Did ya just hear your voice out loud and realise how lame you sounded?” She asked.
“I really can’t pull that statement off, can I?” He sighed. 
She laughed and wrapped an arm around his neck.  “Well, at least you’re self-aware about it.”
He pulled an arm around her waist in return.  These were actions they hardly thought about.  There was an instinct that kicked in that made them reach for each other, physically or emotionally. It was something that had developed gradually and was now a feature of their relationship. 
“We’ll have to rehearse those scenes in one of our trailers when Lizzy’s not around then.” He suggested. "Could head there now?”
"I've never known anyone so keen to break the rules!" 
"It's not a rule if it's stupid." Luke continued to insist as they left the room, arm in arm.
She burst into laughter at his words.  She had already been having fun but she sensed things were only going to get more entertaining.
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aesthetic-gamersnail · 11 months
A Nightmare (Trolls, Broppy fanfic, oneshot)
I have been thinking about and cooking up my Brozone therapy fanfiction, but I also wanted to write and think about something else for a change. (They have quite occupied my mind) So, I present to you an angsty Broppy fanfic with a happy ending. It takes place somewhen after TWT, but it is not really relevant to the plot (except that Poppy and Branch are already dating). And it is all written in Poppy's POV. I have only written two fanfics before this one (and I'm not even sure these count as fanfics), so please don't be too harsh on me. But I still would love to hear your constructive criticism and personal opinions, therefore feedback is very welcome (I want to grow as a writer and in my creativity in general) With all the things said, I hope you have fun and you like it :) ----------------------------------------------------
It was a nice sunny day. Poppy was in her pod sitting on a couch. With both of her feet up and her scrapbook material in her lap, she hummed to herself satisfied while doing her most favorite activity: scrapbooking. Right beside her sitting was Branch who was occupied with reading a book. The book was called 'Effi Briest'. She asked Branch once what the book was about and he said it was about a girl who at a young age married a baron. They have a child together but because she was unhappy with her marriage, did not feel respected by the baron and was generally not happy with their current situation, she had an affair with the major, one of the baron's friends, but immediately regretted it and stopped seeing him when they moved to a different place. Years later, with their marriage actually already improved over the years, the baron finds out about the affair and kills the major in a duel. Effi is divorced, loses the custody to her child and is exiled from society. At the end she dies at the age of 29 in her childhood home. She asked him why he would read something so sad. At that he pouted and said that first of all it is classic and a 'poetic realism novel' (whatever that is supposed to mean) and second of all it is a book that reaches deep within what the construct of society really is and how it influences our morals and understandings of the world. She nodded at that but still did not quite understand why he would specifically want to read that story. She would rather read something at least with a happy ending. But when she sees how at peace with himself he seems when reading this book, she can't really complain. He is truly one of a kind.
Before them was a coffee table, with two mugs and a tea pot. They both decided on peppermint tea, because he thought that berry tea was too sweet and she thought green tea was too bitter. She put her scissors down for a while and took one of the mugs into her hand. She took a sip of the warm, minty beverage and took her surroundings in. She looked at her pink walls, the sunny world outside her window and her boyfriend besides her on the couch. Wow, boyfriend. To her this thing was still pretty new - and terrifying. She never has had a serious relationship before, and she did not think about having one in her future because she almost always only thought about her responsibilities as queen. But now, it was impossible to think about a future and Branch not being there. He was her other part that complimented her and she hoped she was that to him too. You may say, he was her ying to her yang - or the butter to her cookies- well, of course you could make cookies without the butter, there are substitutes out there - getting off track here, Poppy. The point is: he slipped into her life and without her noticing he became the most important part of it. With his stupid cute ears, that were moving to the slightest sounds, but also sometimes exposing his true feelings. His giggling that was the softest she has ever heard. His ramblings about various topics that she would listen too, even though she did not always understand all of the things he talked about, she was curious to know what he was interested in. And he would do the same for her. And the way he would sometimes hold her hand while brushing his thumb over it, made her ecstatic. And she knew she could always be honest with him and she could trust and depend on him, because he was always honest to her.
Before that it was sometimes pretty lonely. It is not like she did not trust her friends and didn't enjoy their company, but people do not always feel inquired to be honest to someone who will be or is a queen, even if that said person is in the wrong. But Branch was never that way. Whenever he thought she was in the wrong, he would always tell her. She may have not appreciated that many times before and may also not have listened to him which she is not very proud of. But now she really, really appreciates it. She needed that. And it took some stress off her shoulders, because there was now always a person who really got her back. Who would tell her if she is going way out of her head or making the wrong decision. She could really trust him. And she felt understood.
And besides that she really loved him. And that scared her. Because by now he was just - Branch. He was irreplaceable. And she didn't know how she would deal with it if something were to happen to him. She shook her head. Nope, noooo, happy thoughts, happy thoughts. What is she getting all sad about? Everything is fine. He is here with his kinda sad book and he is fine. Why is she thinking about such negative things? At that she sighed. Branch turned his head to her and asked: "Hey, everything's alright?" She smiled at him: "Yes, everything is fine. Just-" she looked at the book in his hand "How many times have you already read this book? I mean you summarized the whole plot to me in a few seconds." "Oh. Well, I guess like, augh, the sixth time by now?" "WHAT? Are you obsessed with this book? Because that is honestly some excessive reading." "I guess it is one of my favorites, but to be honest, I have a lot of books I have read more that a few times. If you have a lot of time alone, you find various ways to spend it. But, actually, what I have been wondering about, what is your favorite book?" "My favorite book?" She had to think about it. And contemplate if she should actually tell him.
"....Promise you won't laugh?" "Sure, cross my heart and hope to die." "...Ok, I don't want you to die, so you better keep the promise. I know it is actually a children's book but I always quite enjoyed 'Alice in Wonderland'." He looked at her, thought about it and nodded. "Literary nonsense, huh.", he said, "...Yeah, that suits you." "Um", she was a little offended, "excuse me, but what exactly are you calling literary nonsense?" "What? Oh! No, no", he waved his hand, while shaking his head and laughing, " 'Literary nonsense' is a genre. It breaks common rules, violates proven things and norms of language. It is largely absurd and a game with language. Nevertheless, the genre is not pointless and cannot be dismissed as simple nonsense or jokes. Because nonsense is not only funny or satirical, but also follows certain rules or sequences. And I thought to my self, that it makes sense that you would enjoy this type of literature."
"....Wow", she smirked at him, "You are one big literature nerd." "At least, I'm not a scrapbooking nerd.", he put his hands to one his cheeks, while closing his eyes and speaking in a way too high pitched voice,"Braaanch, do you know which glue is the best fit to put a scrapbook together? Braaanch, do you know which materials are the coziest to put into a scrapbook? Here are the top five." She had to giggle. "I do not sound like that." "Are you suuuree?", he said while instensely blinking at her. "Hey! Stop that!", she scooched closer to him and took one of his hands into her own. "You", she pointed a finger at him while smiling," are such a dork. I sometimes can't believe that you are the most serious guy I know." He smirked at her. "Well, I just find the middle ground. Guess I am the perfect man after all." "Yeah, yeah, sure. Throw narcissism in there too, if you're at it." "Poppy, you are, augh," he put his free hand over his heart, "too cruel. How can you do that to the person you love?" "Well, honesty is the best policy." He chuckled and said: "Can't argue with that." Poppy looked him in the face and had to keep herself under control. Why, for the love of god, was he so cute? And have the bluest eyes in the world? Argh! It was making her mad for no reason. "By the way,", said Branch while smiling at her, "your dad invited us to go fishing later." "Oh, that sounds very nice." " I do have to ask though." "What is it?", she said it while smiling back at him and squeezing his hand. "Is the sky bleeding?"
Suddenly everything went red. The sky was not baby blue anymore, it was a dark red and the clouds were moving at an indescribable pace. The warmth in her hand was gone too and she looked at the couch. Branch was gone. She stood up franticly and looked around but he was nowhere to be found. "Branch? Branchifer? Sweetie? Where are you?!" Her heartbeat was increasing rapidly and her breathing became irregular. Her sight was getting foggier and foggier and it became harder to breath by the minute. Her thoughts were scrambled, she couldn't form a single sentence in her head. Her whole body was filled with a sense of dread and she was ready to collapse any minute. Breathing pained and with the last shaky breath she took, she woke up.
She had to blink a few times to understand, that the whole thing was just dream. She looked outside her window and saw that the sun was already coming down. She was on her couch with Branch resting on one of her shoulders, cuddled up to her and holding her hand while slightly snoring. She remembered now that they were talking about literature before and were just giggling and messing around but it seems at some point, they have both fallen asleep. Her mind must have taken that and mixed reality with her dream world to create the nightmare she just had. She sighed relieved and cuddled her cheek into Branch's soft hair and melted into his warmth. Thank god, it was only a dream. And that Branch was right here by her side too, so that she was reassured that he was ok. Guess she was more scared of losing him than she thought. But, it would be alright. Because she would always be there for him and be by his side. No matter what.
So, we have come to the end. My head canon that Branch is a literary nerd brought me the pain to think for an hour which book I should give for him to read, so there is also that hahaha But I hope you enjoyed it :)
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