#minus the cape XD
carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“I'm in love with a fairytale, Even though it hurts,  'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind... I'm already cursed.”
~“Fairytale” by Alexander Rybak
I blame this ENTIRE idea on @drinkyoursoupbitch​​​...but yes, with this, I issue a new challenge for all of you --
The R AU Challenge!
Basically, take one of your MC’s closest friends or even love interest and make them a sleeper agent from R, placed at Hogwarts specifically to help them find and infiltrate the Cursed Vaults. How do they fill the role of villain (or anti-villain)? What sets them apart from their canon self? How does MC and their friendship with them affect them? Do they go through a character arc of redemption, or does MC get corrupted by them instead? And yeah, as you can see, I chose Carewyn’s future love interest Orion for my entry! 💚
It was so fun designing Orion’s R look! I naturally had to include some long gloves over his blousy tunic because Orion, and his necklace (similar to his one from the game) features an evil eye pendant, specifically a light blue one, which used as a symbol of protection and as a conduit for peace, solitude, and deeper, more open-minded thinking. The red “R” tattoo, in my personal canon, only appears when its magic is activated or when someone with it makes skin-to-skin contact with another R member: I’ve drawn both Jacob and Rakepick with it in the past. I also headcanon Orion’s wand being made of beech, so I kept his wand’s coloring rather light compared to the rest of his outfit. 
As a member of R, I see Orion as an anti-villain in the vein of Princess Kraehe/Rue from the anime Princess Tutu -- a talented, but tragic figure who was raised knowing nothing but selfishness, cruelty, and manipulation, but still somehow knows how to love, no matter how much pain it causes him. 
In this version of Orion’s storyline, he’s picked up from the orphanage he was raised at by R as a very young boy. It turns out that his father was indebted to R for some unknown reason, only to die in the height of the Wizarding War. This debt was then transferred over to his child -- thus Orion, as long as he can remember, was a loyal servant to and puppet of R’s will, most notably its Leader, the cold and cruel man who Orion doesn’t know is called Charles Cromwell. The mark on his face, cursed to only appear when its magic was activated, made it so that Charles Cromwell always knew where he was and could inflict any of the Unforgivable Curses on him, even without articulating the spell or being right beside him. Among other members of R, Orion was referred to as the Magpie, referring to the bird of the same name, which can be symbolic of bad luck and deception. This symbol turned out to be more appropriate to Orion than any of R’s leadership realized at first, however -- for the magpie can also represent good fortune and true love. 
At Hogwarts Orion serves as R’s faithful agent, keeping an eye on the Cursed Vaults -- but while at school, he’s enough distanced from Charles Cromwell that he can actually live something akin to a normal life. The flying prodigy soon makes friends in the Quidditch world and even earns the position of captain while only a fourth year. He also makes friends -- not just his team, but especially his best friends, Murphy McNully and Skye Parkin. Then, in his third year, when the Ice Vault is causing havoc, a new figure appears: the “Cursebreaker,” Carewyn Cromwell. Knowing R won’t want anyone else going after the Vaults, Orion craftily arranges it so that Carewyn’s friends try to coax her onto the Quidditch scene, thinking to both keep an eye on her and distract her enough that she won’t have time to get in R’s way again. But once he gets to know Carewyn after she seeks out the open Chaser position on his team, Orion soon realizes that Carewyn’s seeking the Vaults out for her brother’s sake, and that she won’t rest until she finds him again. Orion soon develops a soft spot for the noble little Cursebreaker, and wants all the more to coax her back onto his team to try to keep her out of harm’s way. When that doesn’t work, he appears to her in his red robe and explicitly warns her to stay away from the Vaults, only for Carewyn to refuse to back down. And so Orion -- ever a master at reading people -- reluctantly tries to use Carewyn’s heart against her. If Carewyn won’t back down for her own sake, perhaps she will for the sake of the people she loves...and so Orion uses the Imperius Curse on Ben one year and Rowan the next, trying to scare Carewyn enough that she’ll stop pursuing the Cursed Vaults. Try as Orion might, though, Carewyn will not be deterred. And, as Professor Rakepick herself warns Orion at one point in his sixth year, R would never leave her alone, even if she did --
“You know R as well as I do, Mr. Amari. Surely you don’t think you’ll be able to keep her safe, now that she has caught their notice?” 
Orion himself merely keeps his back to her, clasping his hands tightly in front of him as he obscured his anger behind a cool, passive-aggressive mask.
“She certainly has caught your notice. …I do believe, Madam Rakepick, that you warned the student body to stay out of your way, when you first arrived. Do not force me to echo that warning myself.”
It’s also Rakepick who told him that R’s Leader was the man called Charles Cromwell. She says coldly that Charles isn’t having Orion scare Carewyn to keep her away from the Vaults, but instead to scare her into joining R, as her brother had before her. Orion doesn’t known how much if any of this is true, but it troubles him greatly. He hadn’t known Carewyn’s brother had been forced to join R as well, and if it is true, that Carewyn’s family is in R, as his father had been...then it means that Carewyn is fated, like him, to join their ranks. As much as that thought makes him nauseous at the start, it also fills Orion up with a bizarre kind of comfort. He’s always known that upon leaving Hogwarts, he’ll have to go back to being R’s puppet again. He’ll have to abandon Quidditch, his friends...the entire person he’d been able to be at school, forever. But if Carewyn joins R...then he won’t be completely alone, once he graduates school. They won’t have to be enemies any longer. He won’t have to frighten her or her friends again. They won’t have to fight each other. And R will no longer threaten the safety of the friends that they’d both made while in the safety of Hogwarts’s walls...the friends they’d each come to see as family...
There could be some peace for both him and Carewyn if they merely accept their fate, Orion thinks. What point would there be in them fighting against R anyway, aside from more suffering? Maybe that’s why Carewyn’s Patronus took the same form as his, that time R sent a dementor to Hogwarts. Maybe, somehow...he and Carewyn were fated to meet...to serve together, as servants of R...
But Carewyn Cromwell, of course, is not one to believe in Fate. And so now our Slytherin paragon has to find a way to both defeat R and save the wisest, gentlest young man she knows from their abusive, defeatist claws. 
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angrybatgaming · 1 year
DUDE, they made the graphics look so goooood! 🎵💙
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And they made granny's place look so nice!!! (I miss how it used to look, but I like this too! I understand that they removed the hidey place under the tree???)
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That explains why granny seemed to forget where the table was this past Thursday. XD
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I especially like how some places look now. The Ark is STILL kinda hard to look at (my poor eyes), yet I hung around for a bit to admire the view and take this selfie. And yes. I got the Navigator cosmetics. They're very nice! The hair with the mask kinda (KIND OF) makes me look like Strife from Darksiders and I love it. The hair alone combined with the rest of my outfit (minus the earrings) also makes me think of a MHA character, but I don't know their name. I need to catch up on that series. ^_^; I'm so far behind...
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Also I have a new favorite prop spell: the bonfire prop! If it's a prop I can still outside of spells, I'd love to know where and how! Though I hear there's a campfire kit coming for Days of Sunlight. Maybe I'll wait and see what that looks like.
Short update, but I'm loving the graphic improvements! Took my eyes a while to adjust, but everything seems to move/bounce more smoothly. And granny's house is just so nice to hang out at. 💙 I have older to stuff to upload later, but looking forward to sharing my experience with the AURORA Encore Concert! Hope to see you all there! (Though I will not be attending the record breaking event on Friday due to work.)
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Strife for context. If I ever get Mellow Musician's scarf/cape and slap that on with my current outfit (plus whatever pants would go better), and I'll have myself a Discount Strife cosplay. Lol
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minusgangtime · 1 month
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You know personally this makes me wanna also include like vibin D Sides or B3 or maybe soft (soft minus? IDK lol)
Personally I do see them having older sibling relationships with their smaller versions
And these designs are clean if I can make a suggestion
Make Shayas cape longer (you know like so she resembles a vampire closer/makes her cuter lol)
Not saying their gonna make an appearance in the current story but I do see potential of them being characters
Or at the very least there's gonna br a subtle reference to them lol XD
(These designs are a little old so they might be slightly changed :P)
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crimsonxe · 8 months
From the FF7R demo (in other words, out of context spoilers under the cut though not for anyone that played OG):
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Once again love love LOVE how the team are really trying not to sexualize Tifa, even though I wager there's going to be like 10 "omg they're censoring Tifa" cause they dared not do a like fourteen-sixteen year old girl with cleavage and design going towards service.
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I'm loving his design and if that VA is who I think it is; it'd be the second time playing a beefy cape wearing dude (namely Kato in Shadow Hearts Covenant for anyone who actually knows that game xD)
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Claudia Strife aka Cloud's mom. Like literally everyone in this game, minus the creep perv Corneo (and Palmer though he hasn't really been shown that much and Hojo's creep ass who my brain tries to keep quarantined cause makes my skin crawl thinking of him), is so ridiculously attractive.
Also I swear she makes me think of Jessie, which only reinforces my shipping Clessie in Remake cause people have a tendency to gravitate towards those with traits from their parents (a kind and caring parent = someone subconsciously seeking a kind and caring partner cause imo non-psychologist view its what is registered in the brain as endearing to that person). Claudia's mannerisms are so similar to Jessie's.
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The way these two look at each other T.T Like C'MON they at the very least have something going on, even if it doesn't go full-on relationship. It'd literally affect nothing to have them confirmed as bi and into each other as well as Cloud, just sayin'. Like GOD the chemistry,care, and looks T.T
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
fungi anon with this ball i found in a tree today 🥎 and a pretzel because pretzels are good 🥨 4 u :D thoughts on pointy witch hats and all hallow's?
hello my dear fungi anon! thank you for the ball, i am going to roll it on the ground for my hamster and see if she is interested in chasing it (she is probably not, she just wants to chew on my couch) also thank u for the pretzel they are my fav <3
Pointy witches hats - I love pointy witches hats on other people, but not on myself XD I'm more of a cowboy hat kind of pal if I'm gonna wear a big obvious hat (and a baseball hat or touque if I'm not). But pointy witches hats are a fantastic aesthetic, love a good giant hat. 8/10, minus points for 'seems very likely to blow off your head with a strong wind'.
Hallowe'en - Hallowe'en is great! I grew up in a very christian household, and wasn't allowed to do hallowe'en when I was a kid - I think my first time dressing up was my first year away at university when I was 19 or so. As a result, hallowe'en is very much one of those things where like - it's a lot of fun when I do it (particularly if I have someone to do things with or a party to go to), and I really enjoy the aesthetic and the candy, but I don't really have any hardcore traditions around it. Except for buying candy. But I do love a good costume, and generally try and watch at least one low-key spooky movie (most likely candidate: Practical Magic)!
This year I'm not sure if I'll have anywhere to wear a costume, so I'm undecided as to whether or not I will try and make one - last year I went hardcore and sewed a cape for a Gideon Nav costume, which was probably the best costume I've done since I had buzzed hair and did a Furiosa costume.
All told, Hallowe'en is 9/10, minus points for hallowe'en movies that are Too Scary For Me.
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teamfreewill56-blog · 3 years
It's not just his cape it's more like the front hair that goes up and his wide eyes. They remind me of an horned owl. Just look at a pic of one and maybe you will understand what I mean. XD
I know, and I agree he does look a lot like a horned owl and he is the same color scheme as one minus the brown. I think most of the fandom agrees he looks like an owl.
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shizukateal · 5 years
Judging Magia Record’s Outfits [Part 6]
The last part. The 3 rules.
Konoha Shizumi
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First, if her weapon is supposed to be some kind of double spear then the designer has a skewed sense of priorities, because that’s just putting aestethics over function, which is something that magical girls have to make a careful balance of. About the outfit itself, I think it’s another perfect representation of what these bad designers get wrong: they choose an aesthetic, but they ruin it because they think that a magical girl outfit has to be different than a regular outfit with the look they chose. So they add all this crap trying to make their character more distinct but they end up throwing them into the forgettable bin because no one would follow an unappealing design no matter how “original” it is. 
The dress itself is ok, although I would get rid of the gold chain on the skirt, but then the designer decided to put that weird leather collar with the strands just hangin there because making them part of the vest was too normie, I guess. It also has an awkward hipline transition, the skirt puffs like a tutu and that just doesn’t really fit with the sleek formal wear look the top is going for. The problem is that if we get her a less poofy skirt then the blue and white on top will become the awkward part. Same goes with the sleeves with the blue design, and they are made worse with the other straps on top of them which are there for no reason. The gloves are passable, but I don’t know is I would keep them if I were to correct this outfit. They are there to add more color but, again they don’t really fit with the rest, what with being fingerless and all. The socks are ok, they seem to be going for the same effect that Homura’s boot-stockings have, although it’s diminished by the fact that the skirt is the same color as them and also for some reason the designer picked those shoes... Like, they certainly look comfortable but if you were gonna go with those you might as well just make her a normal schoolgirl. I’m also not a fan of the hairstyle. Oh, it looks alright here, but in any other of her sprites it’s just weird to see the braids just... appear above her fringe and dissapear around her head without being sure if they break into another braid or ponytail or whatever. The fact that the big flower pin is on the side also doesn’t help. I’d put it behind it to give the braids some sense of closure but I’m not sure it would help with the shape it has. Conclusion: another outfit that could be saved with relatively simple edits.
Hazuki Yusa
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Seriously, what are those boots? Who does the quality control for this game and why haven’t they been fired. This is tied to the Madoka franchise, I know that it’s gonna make some money no matter what, but for god’s sake try to save some face. Why does she have two garters on the same leg? Oh Lord, the gloves are as mind-bogglingly stupid as the boots. That weapon looks like that joke post about the toy that let you custumize your own light-saber weapon. I don’t ever understand what her aestethic is supposed to be. What even is the point of the dress showing off her boobs if you’re going too undermine whatever erotic appeal you’re trying to give her with those goddawful boots?! The only good things I can say about this is that her hairstyle is good and the dress is reasonably cute, what a pity that it’s buried under a cape with lapels but no jacket or sleeves.
Characters Ruined by the Male Gaze: 9
Ayame Mikuri
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Her aestethic is more consistent that the previous too, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t improve. She reminds me of Cirava Hermod from Hiveswap and I guess that’s partly of why I actually like her hairstyle, minus that random triangle over her fringe. It’s weird, but at least it’s weird in a consistent way. The flower on the ponytail is ok, but it’s kinda pointless since it’s the same color as the hair. Then we look down and once again this artist exibits their weird obsession with lapels just hangin out, but this time the cape is reasonably cute. The gloves are also cute, but when I compare them to the socks and the hairstyle I have to wonder if they should be there at all. Then we have the main dress on top opf the skirt wich is just... whatever. Get it? She’s random XD so of course her dress opens up wherever. Yeah, it’s kinda hard for me to buy all the bare skin spots are an expression of her personality when the rest of her outfit suggests a weird lolita look. The skirt and socks can stay though, especially the socks.
Midrift Count: 10
Characters ruined by the Male Gaze: 10
Aimi Eri
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Oh Thank God. Truly this is a sight for sore eyes. No sexualization. Varied and balanced colors, with a bonus of sensibly used patterns. Consistent aestethic. Cute hairstyle that is not afraid to be simple. Frills that don’t overimpose. This is worthy of being one of the protagonists of the show, worthy of being side by side with the Holly Quintet itself, can she please take Rena’s position? Everyone who has followed these posts take note: THIS is an ideal magical girl outfit.
Karin Misono
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See what I mean? It’s not that hard to make a good magical girl outfit. Pick a look, then choose some cute clothing items that go with that aestethic, add some accessories without going overboard, and try looking up some actual fucking hairstyles before you invent a new one. I am a bit weirded out that the sleeves don’t connect to the top, but I’ll let it slide.
Midriff count: 11
(the next part)
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beckzorz · 6 years
or, Adventures Adjacent to a Six-Year-Old Seer
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Words: 2932 Summary: On Halloween, your clairvoyant niece leads you straight into Bucky Barnes. It could not have gone worse. Warning(s) for part 2: Light swearing, hospital A/N: WOW I cannot believe how kind everyone has been!!! Thanks to everyone who has liked, commented, reblogged... you are all delightful and I appreciate you very much!!! Also today is my delightful niece’s 6th birthday, so good timing me XD Anyway here is part 2/5! Hope you enjoy!!
Part 1
Part 2
By some miracle, the damage to your body is minimal. The bullet hadn’t hit your hip, but your extreme lower back. Which is different, apparently. No vital organs hit, no major blood vessels ruptured, the whole jazz. It all makes much more sense to your brother, what with his physical therapy background. It just sounds like jargon to you.
Whatever the case, the surgeon is optimistic about your recovery. Antibiotics, rest, PT. Right now, you’re busy with the first two. The anesthesia hasn’t quite worn off from surgery. Matt is still with you, though he’s dozing a little in the chair by your hospital bed. His light snores are endearing, but more importantly, it gives you time to think.
You weren’t surprised at the doctor’s prognosis. There wasn’t a single thing that surprised you, though the doctor herself had been shocked at your luck.
It was Gemma. Gemma had known. “She’ll be fiiiiine.” Hell, she’d known just where to go to prevent the death of one of her favorite superheroes. She’d pointed right up at the roof. “Bang bang!” The thought of her cute little voice makes you smile, but behind the childish tones there’s an uncomfortable truth. You cross your arms and shudder.
Your niece is a frigging psychic.
Okay, so she could see the future. Parts of it, at least. It wasn’t like she never did stupid things. She’d sprained her wrist before, fallen off her bike. Last night she’d been surprised to see the Winter Soldier lying down on the sidewalk, one of his legs trapped between yours. The memory triggers a flush, and you fan your face to lessen the heat in your cheeks. You push away the thought of his bright eyes staring up at you, his crinkling smile, his gentle hand on your back.
Your brother is snoozing just a few feet away. Now isn’t the time.
Could Gemma read minds too? Could she sense feelings or intentions? Could she tell fortunes? The image of your tiny niece reading palms makes you grin; you huff in amusement.
The noise jerks your brother awake. “Huh?”
“Nothing, Matt,” you say automatically.
Matt blinks owlishly. “How are you doing?”
“Okay, I guess.” You wiggle your toes under the sheets. You’ve been stripped from your Winter Soldier costume. Your hospital gown is almost as garish as the Hawaiian shirt the real Winter Soldier wore last night. Matt’s cape is slung across the back of his chair. If you’d had a choice, you would have preferred your bloodstained black tank top over the ridiculous florals you’re stuck with.
“I still can’t believe you thought it was a good idea to tackle the Winter Soldier,” Matt mutters. You bristle.
“I wasn’t thinking that far in advance, Matthew. Of course it wasn’t a ‘good idea’—” you make little quotes in the air with your fingers— “but it was the right thing to do!”
“You could’ve been killed!” Matt frowns and crosses his arms. “Gemma could have been killed.”
A chill passes through you. You hadn’t thought of it like that, but Matt’s not wrong. You’d dropped Gemma some distance from the collision, but anything could have happened to her. You hadn’t been thinking, not really.
“He would’ve been fine,” Matt continues. “Presumably.”
Oh no. Yes, protecting Gemma was a priority. But making excuses about why you shouldn’t try and help someone just because they might be okay was too much even for you.
“Listen, Matt, next time you have the chance to save a superhero I’ll be glad to have a moral debate. In the meantime…” You glance at the closed door and the empty bed to your right. “Listen, we need to talk about Gemma.”
“Yes we sure do.” Matt scrubs his hands over his face. “How much did she see?”
“Huh? Oh.” You think back. Between your black outfit, stuffing your glove in your pocket, and Bucky’s care to hide his own bloody hand from Gemma’s sight, there really hadn’t been that much to see. “Honestly? I don’t know if she saw anything beside me tackling the guy to the ground. She seemed in pretty good spirits.”
“Well thank god for that,” Matt mutters. “Still, I think you should expect not to take Gemma out on your own for a good long while.”
Your heart drops. “What?!”
“I talked to Sarah while you were in surgery,” Matt says. “It’s not like you can’t see her. We just don’t want you going anywhere alone with her. One of us can go with you.”
“That’s…” Your mind races. You love spending time with Gemma. A trip to the park, a short hike, a visit to a bookstore—you’re the cool aunt! How could you be a cool aunt if you couldn’t hang out with her on your own?
Matt winces at your crestfallen expression. “Look, you’re going to be on a pretty limited regimen for a while,” he says. “Playgrounds are going to be off-limits anyway. You won’t want to be alone with Gem, really. You know how she loves to climb all over people.”
“Sure, but I could handle it,” you say. You press a hand to your abdomen. “It’s not so bad.”
“You’re still full of anesthesia, you dweeb,” Matt snorts. “Give it another few hours and see how you’re doing.” He stands up and stretches. “I think you should get some sleep. I’ll send your love to Sarah and Gemma.”
“Wait,” you blurt. “We need to talk about Gemma!”
Matt gives you some impressive side-eye and folds his cape over his arm. “We just did.”
“Not about that,” you snap. “About how she knows shit she shouldn’t.”
“You weren’t swearing in front of her again, were you?”
You flush and cross your arms tight. “Maybe, but there were extenuating circumstances. Listen, though. Gemma knew exactly where to go to find Bucky. She—”
“Come on, you know Gemma’s always been lucky.”
Blood rushes in your ears. Why wouldn’t he just listen? “She led me straight to where I needed to be to stop the guy from getting killed,” you say. “It wasn’t just luck.”
“You’re in shock,” Matt says, not unkindly. “We all know Gemma’s the luckiest kid in town. Besides, she’s six.”
“She knew,” you insist, but Matt’s already shaking his head.
“Get some rest,” he tells you. “I’ll see you soon.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and leaves.
You grab the remote from the bedside table and shut off the lights, fuming. If Matt wants to ignore the facts, you’ll just have to figure out the truth on your own.
“So does Sarah have my phone?” you ask Matt the next day. He’s come back to visit again, this time minus the Dracula cape. He’s brought some clothes from Sarah, who’s about your size. You’d wasted no time in getting out of the horrible hospital gown. You didn’t feel great, but damn it if you were going to look like a loon for any longer.
“No,” he says, eyebrows raised. “Why? Didn’t Captain America give it back?”
“Apparently not,” you say. You worry your bottom lip between your teeth. “I need to get in touch with work.”
“Well, good thing it’s only Sunday,” Matt says. “You can use my phone if you like.” He unlocks his phone and passes it over. “Not sure how you’re gonna get yours back, though…”
“Maybe I’ll get a hospital visit from him.” You bare your teeth in a facsimile smile, already busy with your brother’s phone. Typical—you save Captain America’s best friend and get a bullet in the side, and in exchange for all your trouble, your phone goes missing. As if you weren’t already concerned about the hospital bill.
“Try calling your phone,” Matt suggests. He pops to his feet. “I’m going to get a coffee, want anything?”
“Black with two sugars, please.” You wait until he’s gone and your email to work is sent to try calling your phone. It rings twice, and then someone picks up.
Your heart skips a beat. That voice—that’s Bucky! “Hello?”
“Oh, it’s you,” Bucky says. “You’re alive.”
“So they tell me.”
Bucky snorts. “You probably want this phone back, huh?”
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind,” you say, a smile tugging at your lips. You twist your free hand in the sheets. “Might come in useful.”
“I can bring it later,” he offers. “Where are you?”
You rattle off the hospital and room number. If your heart is pounding, you ignore it.
Matt leaves within the hour, and if you’re being honest, you were ready to shove him out the door half an hour ago. You do not need your judgy, overprotective brother around when you make your apologies to Bucky Barnes. Sure, you might have saved his life, but you also destroyed his milk.
And you hadn’t had the chance to explain your costume yet.
You groan. You can’t believe you listened to Gemma—letting a six-year-old decide your costume? Even after she’d declared her intention to go as Captain America, you’d been pumped to go as the Scarlet Witch, what with her sweet red coat and her glowing red eyes. You’d been clicks away from buying red contacts before Matt had called with Gemma’s request. Request? No, an order, more like. There was no arguing with Gemma. Even now, barely sitting upright in the hospital, you could imagine her climbing over you and insisting things be just so right in your face.
Why had Gemma insisted? The costume hadn’t offered any sort of protection. Worn leather wasn’t exactly a substitute for, say, an actual bulletproof vest. All it had done, presumably, was make Bucky stop short at the sight of you barreling towards him like a crazy person.
Oh god.
You bury your face in your hands, cheeks burning. You still can’t believe you’d ended up sprawled on top of him. You practically were grinding his damn thigh. Well, no, it wasn’t a damn thigh. It was a damn good thigh. All muscle—
“Ugh,” you groan, pressing your legs together. Now was not the time.
“If I’d known I was getting such a nice welcome, I would’ve come sooner.”
Your eyes pop open and you stare at Bucky in horror. He’s leaning against the doorframe, a half-hearted smirk on his face and a bouquet of white calla lilies in his metal hand. You blink. Did he know they were your favorite?
Bucky glances down at the flowers. “Your sister said you liked these,” he said. He slides into the chair by your side and holds the bouquet out. “Figured I’d bring some by.”
“They’re beautiful,” you tell him. You take the lilies and bury your nose in them with a deep, satisfied sigh. When you glance up, your heart skips a beat at Bucky’s tiny smile. “Thank you, Bucky.”
“Dammit, that was supposed to be my line.” He sighs and tosses your phone onto the bed. “Thank you for saving my ass.”
“Um.” Your eyes flit to his hips, then back to his face. “The goal was to save all of you.”
He snorts. “Thank you for saving me.”
“Well, you’re welcome.” You arrange the bouquet in your arms like a baby; you even smile down at it fondly, as though the flowers are gazing up at you.
“So how did you end up dressed up as me for Halloween?” he asks nonchalantly.
You wheeze, your inhale turning to a sputtering cough. Bucky leans forward and puts a hand on your back as you lean over the flowers, tears pricking your eyes as you recover. His hand is large and warm; you can’t help but remember how he’d caressed you last night, his thumb brushing along your spine. He pulls back as soon as your breathing is back to normal.
“Sorry,” you manage. You shut your eyes and take a deep breath before looking back at Bucky with pink cheeks. “I, um, it was Gemma. She insisted.”
“Your niece? Huh.” Bucky leans forward, elbows on his knees and fingers twisted together. He’s frowning.
“She’s pretty demanding,” you admit. You hope that’s enough, but—
“And she’s the one who told you where to go.”
Your heart drops. The flowers rustle in your arms as you clench your fists against your stomach. Why had Gemma said anything? Why did she have to be so damn young, so damn chatty?
“She just wanted to walk down Main Street. She didn’t—she’s not—”
“She’s special.” Bucky’s tone brokered no argument. “She’s special, and her parents don’t know.”
Your mouth dropped open. “How do you know that?”
“Because they dismissed her,” he explained. “She kept saying you’d be fine. You listened. Her mom didn’t. I bet her dad didn’t either.” He raised his eyebrows.
“I did try to explain,” you say. Your hands uncurl; you spread one on your thigh and the other over your abdomen, the bouquet still angled between your arms. You didn’t expect him to be so observant. The brawn didn’t surprise you. The brain… “Matt just brushed me off. Said I was in shock, or something. They just think she’s lucky, but there’s no way in hell ‘lucky’ explains what happened last night.”
Bucky’s gaze trails from your face to your hands to the flowers tucked against your chest. “No it doesn’t,” he agrees. “Did she know there would be a gun?”
“I mean, she’s six. She said ‘bang bang.’ I extrapolated from there once I saw the guy on the roof.”
“Huh.” Bucky twiddles his thumbs between his thighs. “So not necessarily all about the details, huh.”
“She was surprised to see you,” you tell him. “Even though she dragged me to the right street and forced me into wearing that costume.” Bucky’s lips twitch; will you ever live that down? “Gemma has… intuition, not information. Although come on, she’s six.”
“Brain development, et cetera,” Bucky finishes. He blows out a breath and runs a hand over his mouth and chin, catching his bottom lip between his fingers as he considers what you’ve said. It’s distracting, to say the least—his mouth might be the most alluring part of him, at least that you’ve seen.
He lets go of his lower lip with a tiny pop. You drag your eyes back up to his, trying to mask your embarrassment. You’re on a bucketload of meds right now; let that be your excuse.
“So how did your niece get these flashes of intuition anyway? Her parents are normal, yeah?”
“I’ve got no idea.” You shift the flowers in your arms; you really need a vase. “Would it be silly to just assume luck?”
Bucky doesn’t answer. He’s looking away and frowning. Your hands twitch; you’d give anything to smooth the lines on his face away. When he finally turns back, his solemn expression makes your breath catch.
“Your niece isn’t safe. I need to tell—”
“No! Don’t tell anyone about Gemma,” you blurt. Your fingers dig painfully into your skin. “Please.”
He sighs. “If whoever came after me finds out…”
“She’s just a kid! No one pays attention to little kids.”
“That’s not true.” Bucky’s voice drops, but there’s an intensity in his blue eyes that makes you shift back with wide eyes. “Whoever tried to shoot me yesterday isn’t going to be happy you got in the way.”
“I got in the way?” You gape at Bucky. “I’m sorry, but I don’t regret a damn thing!”
“Woah, calm down, hotshot,” he says, eyes wide, a hint of a smirk at the corner of his mouth. “I’m not complaining. But you’re probably about to get caught in some more crosshairs. And your family’s part of that. You should know what you got yourself into.”
“Oh.” You slump back and sigh. “Well, I guess I should blame Gemma, huh?”
Bucky laughs; the sound is warm and happy. Your toes curl in pleasure. His nose scrunched up is so damn cute. “I won’t stop you. But I’d thank her, personally.” His eyes twinkle at you—twinkle! at you!—and you can’t help but smile back.
“I did get some nice flowers out of it,” you quip.
“Nice? Surely you mean beautiful,” he says. He reaches out to brush his hand over the flowers, but he’s looking at you, just you. Your breath catches in your throat. You can’t look away.
A nurse pokes his head in. “Hey, just a head’s up that visiting hours end in like, five minutes, guys.” His does a double-take when he sees Bucky. “Oh man! Uh, sorry.” He backs away and leaves.
Bucky winces and stands up. “Listen. I can’t not mention that you’ve got a superpowered niece. If I don’t and something happens to her… I’ll keep it to Steve, okay? You gotta trust him, he’s Captain America.”
“Oh.” You think this over for a moment, then nod. “Fine. But don’t go bugging my family. You have questions, you only get to bother me.”
“Am I a bother?” he asks, a slow smirk spreading on his face as he looks down at you. “I brought you those nice flowers and everything.”
“Don’t push it,” you say with a giggle, then you wince and press a hand to your bandaged wound. The painkillers are wearing off. “I have yet to reach a conclusion.”
Bucky leans over the side of the bed. His face comes alarmingly close to yours, then he ducks to kiss your cheek. His stubble scrapes along your skin, and you bite your tongue hard to keep quiet.
“Get well soon,” he murmurs. “And be safe.”
He leaves with one parting smile.
You don’t see him again for over three months.
Read Part 3 here!
Tagging: @kentuckybarnes @noshitstark @fortheloveofjbbarnes @sgtjbuccky@bitsandbobsandstuff @buckitybarnes @the-whitewolfie @the-canary@buckybarneshairpullingkink @bambamwolf87 @moonbeambucky @itsbuckysworld @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @thechaoticargonaut @sebstanwassup @australianhorrorstory @lovingllamareview @pleasureoftheguiltiestvariety  @dontneedbiologytoadopt @angryteapot @snowflkedivergent
If you would like to be tagged (or if you would not like to be) just ask!
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 6 years
Could we have more ticklish Deceit? I love the stuff you do for him! -Ticklyfandoms
Hahahahaha Thank you @ticklyfandoms
Let’s see what we can bring to life XD
Deceit wasn’t sure how the others ended up discussing about how ticklish they were as if it was another conversations about the weather.
Deceit had just came downstairs to get something to drink and maybe see if there was any cookies or sweets he could take to munch on.
What he hadn’t planned on was to end up running around the whole living room to get away from Roman in a vicious battle.
The whole disaster had started with one question, innocent to some ears but a threat to others.
  “Oh! Hey Jekyll and Lie!” Roman called from the couch when he caught sight of Deceit. “Are you ticklish?”
Deceit stiffened at both the question and curious gleam in Roman’s red-brown eyes.
  “No.” he hissed out quickly, not liking the gleam in Roman’s eyes, it was dangerous.  Roman titled his head a small smile on his lips.
  “No?” he asked innocent lacing his word, but Deceit wasn’t blind to the way Roman had moved, like a hunter getting ready to lunge and Deceit was the prey. The others were watching with confusion.
  “Absolutely not-” Deceit gave away a startled yelp when Roman lunged and Deceit cursed internally as he scrambled towards the kitchen to get away. “Don’t you dare- DON’T YOU DARE!” Deceit yelled as he found himself cornered in the kitchen. but a quick manoeuvre over the counter and he was free, minus the cape that Roman managed to get a hold of.
Logan folded in his legs and leaned out of the way whenever one of them ran past.
Patton cried out to them to play nice, and Virgil was laughing so hard he was wheezing.
Roman was laughing as he chased after the shorter side. Deceit hissed at him, but the wobbly smile on his lips was hard to miss.
A loud screech filled the mind space as Roman lunged at Deceit making both of them crash to the floor. Deceit struggled to get out of the hold only to burst out laughing when Roman dug his fingers into Deceit’s sides holding on to Deceit’s waist, trying to use his own legs to trap Deceit’s kicking ones.
  “Aaaaaw you love me!” Roman laughed earning another pitched laugh from Deceit, who twisted in his hold tears already streaming down his cheeks from the laughter. But he was not giving up without a fight.
Deceit jabbed his fingers into Roman’s side, making the royal side bark out a laugh and soon the table turned.
It ended when both were wheezing and they just lied on the floor, panting for air now and again laughter shook them.
Logan and the others just chuckled before sharing a look.
Tag list: @ebony-wolf, @nashiraneko, @secretlyanxiouspersona, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @rabbitsartcorner
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kelsmister · 6 years
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CONVENTION REVIEWS:: SacAnime Winter 2019 Pros: Table affordable 2 Badges Big table, I believe 6 feet? Plenty of space behind (though I had a pillar row) Huge hall Easy to find/navigate Load IN/OUT a breeze Wifi, if needed, is cheap Cons: Hotel sold out, so had to go further Very small hallway outside vendor hall Attendees did walk behind me several times Weather Had to fly in (so more money) Had to use Uber So SacAnime was my first time ever doing a non-pony related California convention. I somehow magically got off the waitlist and got in. The downside to this was by the time I did get in the neighboring hotels were already sold out. So I let my mom pick a hotel much further away, with the hopes the hotel there may offer a free shuttle. (No luck) Plus side it did offer free service to the airport, and free breakfast each morning. Load in didn’t start until around 3pm on Thursday, so when we arrived around 1:30 we were able to snag a bite to eat before heading downtown. Finding the convention center was a breeze, and with a quick hop out of our Uber behind the building we rolled in my two suitcases. I set up and with that we headed back to get up bright and early Friday morning for day 1. Friday I did amazing sales wise. I did what I normally do in an entire weekend back home in Arizona, which is saying something. I was impressed, and had a fun day chatting it up with customers. My friend showed up offering me a chance to get some better food than what was offered inside the con. A food truck outside had grilled cheese, it was decent, but hey I was hungry, anything was better than stinky nachos or reheated chicken. Saturday the rains came. Weather got colder, and I had to buy a sweater of all things. Sales were still pretty good. Despite the horrid weather unfolding outside people were showing up to the con in the droves. Then, it happened. Around 3:30 or so the fire alarms went off. A blaring familiar tone I know too well from past cons. I groaned hoping it would subside, or an announcement would tell us what to do. After a few minutes, and attendees still shopping, I assumed whatever, they’d inform us. Right away as I was talking with someone a staff member shouted right in my face “GUYS ALARM, EVACUATE!!” Rude, but yeah I figured. You guys weren’t saying anything. So I shoved my money box and wallet into my backpack and made my way out the loading docks doors which were opened for us all. We stood outside for a few more minutes before the alarms shut off, and people just started to waltz right back in. I shouted at the crowd to HOLD IT, as we didn’t know if we could go back in. Then a voice in the very back yelled “ONLY EXHIBITORS AND VENDORS CAN RE-ENTER.” Ok, thank you anonymous voice from the great beyond. After that it took a bit for people to file back in, as again we only had about an hour left anyhow. Sunday, god, the weather, if Saturday was a rain storm this was typhoon levels of storming. Miserably cold, wet, and windy. Sales were moderate, and I decided to do a special “Follow me on social get a free item” thing for a while. My only complaint was with lack of sleep that night I was dead on my feet this last day of the con. When 6pm rolled around I was in robot mode packing up and rolling away. When we summoned uber and got outside the eye of the storm was on like a ton of bricks. The doors blew open, water sprayed up from the streets soaking me from head to toe and blinding my vision as my glasses were now swimming in rain. My shoes were sloppy soaking rags, it was horrid. We ordered pizza and I tried to sleep, to no avail again. Plus side Monday was fly back so I slept a bit on the plane and bus. My only real complaint was the WIFI issue. Somehow I lucked out and in my spot my phone worked, moderately ok. Sure it lagged a bit on pokemon go, or when posting to twitter or facebook, but it worked. I took credit cards just fine. I had however, planned on paying for the Wifi, if the lady had shown up early enough for me to make it worthwhile. I asked at 10:30 am on Friday, they informed me someone had to show up to do it. I overheard on the PA system around 3:30pm that said lady had arrived. A bit late if you ask me. My phone worked, so I didn’t need it. I also lucked out with my table placement. I assumed being next to a giant cement pillar would put me at a disadvantage. Such as being hard to spot, or just the pillar being an eyesore. Instead it gave me so much room behind my table I never was bothered by my neighbors. Heck, I’d almost say if you can request a pillar! It also helped when people would ask “Where are you?” I’d say “FIND THE GIANT PILLAR!” Because rows without the pillars had around 4-5 feet max behind them. Me? I had close to 10. The downside to this was people thought the backside of artists was a proper aisle to walk down. I did inform staff via FB this, and by Saturday mid-day they had put up a temporary barrier. One girl almost took me out with her cape as she walked past. I do wish the aisles had banners or labels or something to identify them. It’s silly for us to post “I’m at table A-14!” when you have no clue where A anything is there. I was in G row, but you couldn’t tell. There wasn’t a floor sign, or hanging sign, or anything. I know most cons don’t do this, but for a show THIS large they need to invest in them. Even something like a printed up banner taped to the ground would help. Over all this show was wonderful. I got to enjoy a new city in California, made good bucks, and had a lousy sleeping night (but that’s hotels fault XD). Minus the weather it was fun. I hope to do this one again!
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food-fantasy-souls · 6 years
(Fanfic) Mornings
This is something I’ve been working on for, quite some time, not as long as One Determination I think(I need to check the creation date for the file), yea, not quite a month but would’ve got there if I didn’t post this now X3
Here’s the nickname index, like with One Demermination I use many of the nicknamed food souls my main OC Megan has, so I KNOW you’ll probably need it XD
OC masterlist
Also, a few ships I have hardly mentioned yet, so expect info on those in the future! And also expect a part two, I’ve got more ships to do morning senarios for, I just couldn’t fit all them in here ^^
Warmth was what Megan first registered as she woke up, warmth all around her, then the sensation of being held by two different sets of arms and the scent of a cocktail, metal, and fire mixed into one as well as the scent of cocoa and gunpowder mixed together.
Her eyes fluttered open slightly, the light from the windows glaring right into her eyes making her want to snuggle back down into what her face was originally resting against. She was able to see a tan button-up shirt halfway undone to reveal a scarred collarbone and chest-
Oh, upon seeing that her mind reminded her of what happened last night, the words spoke between her and the two men she loved, and she smiled sleepily, happy it wasn't a dream. Brownie made a small noise as he buried his face into her shoulder, tightening his grip on her waist slightly as he held her from behind.
Megan looked up when she felt B-52 move, his arms around her and presumably Brownie's upper back tightening a smidge, and saw him blink his eyes open, beautifully mismatched blue and gold eyes glancing around before drifting to meet her blue hazel orbs.
“Morning.” Megan whispered with a smile, B-52 blinking before he smiled in return and leaned down, gently kissing the corner of her mouth.
“Good morning.” He replied softly as he watched her blush slightly, definitely waking up more than she was before. For several more minutes, they laid there, perfectly content to just be with each other.
“...We have to get up don't we?” Brownie's voice piped up as he shifted and put his chin on Megan's shoulder, hair askew and eyes drooping with drowsiness, normally he wouldn't be so opposed to getting up but he was clearly comfortable and didn't want to move.
A chuckle rumbled in B-52's chest as he shifted, not removing his arms from around the two and instead seemingly settling down. “Indeed my friend, but five more minutes won't hurt.”
Megan giggled as Brownie tightened his grip on her while she snuggled into B-52's chest once more.
Strawberry Shortcake's day usually started at night, as she often felt no need to be active during the day due to the Swan form she took during the day so she often slept through the entire day under the cover of a tree.
Though it wasn't very often she awoke in someone's arms. This evening, she found herself in someone's embrace, the sent of something caramel-like being what she smelled when she breathed in and a deep blue shirt being the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes.
“I see you have awoken my dear.” A male voice greeted her and she looked up to see Sake smiling gently down at her, grey eyes warm and kind.
“Sake...” She yawned as she squinted at him, half blue half reddish-brown eyes bleary from just waking. “When did you get here...?”
“Not too long ago, I was coming here and saw you asleep against the tree shivering, so I decided to help keep you warm.” His words made her blush, it was true she did get cold once she turned back and often woke up shivering, but she didn't know what to do about it other than endure it. She must've slept later than usual because she normally awoke before Sake arrived for their nightly visits.
“T...Thank you.” She replied, noting her arms were wrapped around his midsection, her scarf was really loose around her neck and her hat wasn't on her head, meaning it fell off while she was sleeping.
She felt a chill go up her back, and she snuggled into Sake's chest instinctively, blushing once she realizes what she did. “Can....Can we remain like this for a while....?”
Sake chuckled before leaning down, whispering. “Of course my dear.” Before he gently covered her lips with his own, making her blush before she returned the gesture.
Onix awoke to find herself firmly trapped in an embrace, her face against a soft white button-up shirt. Something she was fairly used to at this point.
“Sebastian, we have to get up.” She spoke, trying to shove him so she could get up and ready for the day, but he merely tightened his grip on her.
“It's too early Onix.” He mumbled, burying his face in her hair and inhaled, having no intention of moving.
“You say that every morning.” Onix retorted, tilting her head up to meet his red eyes to see him giving her a lazy gaze.
“And it is.” He replied back, leaning down to gently nuzzle Onix's nose with his own, making her turn a pretty shade of pink.
She supposed she should be used to this kind of behavior from Sebastian, he wasn't exactly a morning person at all and didn't exactly like being out in the sunlight.
She blew a piece of hair from her face, narrowing her eyes at Sebastian as his own twinkled mischievously.
She opened her mouth to speak but he swiftly leaned down and kissed her deeply, making her turn a shade of red and let out a noise. After a couple of moments, he gently pulls back, leaving Onix breathless as she rested her head on his chest again.
“Oh, fine.” She mumbled, gripping his shirt in her hand as she sighed. “Five more minutes, any more than that and I'll drop kick you out of bed.”
He laughed and merely tightened his grip on her as he settled down, the two decided to relax as they remained in each other's embrace.
The sound of a pond greeted Amy when she awoke, the Tiramisu blinking her eyes open to see the light of dawn in the sky above her, and a warm weight was resting on her chest. Looking down, she saw it was Sierra, the Sweet And Sour Fish was half-way on top of her, her head resting on Amy's chest, her upper torso on her midsection and her lower half with her tail was in the pond still.
Amy had almost forgotten that she was talking with Sierra before she fell asleep, and she noted that Sierra had her arms wrapped around Amy's back while she had her arms loosely around Sierra's upper back.
Sierra shifted after a moment, her tail flicking and smacking the water which made her jolt slight as she blinked open her grey eyes.
Amy leaned down, gently kissing Sierra's forehead, which made her let out a sleepy giggle as she shifted, the Mermaid's tail gently swishing in the water.
“Good morning...” Sierra mumbled sleepily, smiling as she yawned whilst rubbing her eyes.
“Morning.” Amy greeted her, stretching her arms out behind Sierra's back like a cat before resuming a light hold on the mermaid.
“Did you sleep well?” Sierra asked as she took in the surroundings, realizing they were indeed outside. “You should have put me back in the water and gone to your own bed.”
“Hehe, no.” Amy giggled, gently combing her fingers through Sierra's hair. “I wanted to stay with you, so I did.”
Sierra sighed before smiling lovingly up at Amy, gently catching the back of Amy's head before pulling her into a gentle kiss that tasted both sweet and salty.
Amy smiled into the kiss and reciprocated it, holding the young mermaid close as they kissed in the light of dawn.
The gentle ringing of an alarm clock woke Jiuniang, blinking her eyes open to see the bunkbed above her as she pulled her blanket close to her chest, yawning with a small squeak.
To her right, a honey-haired head peeked down over the edge of the bunk bed frame to her right, chestnut golden brown eyes peering at her.
“You sounded like an adorable mouse.” Eggette spoke after yawning, rubbing an eye before retracting his hand to hold onto the railing of his bunk.
“C-Careful, you don't want to fall again.” Jiuniang blushed and warned him, earning a little smile in return.
“I know I know.” He laughed quietly before disappearing back into his bunk, soon his feet swung over the edge. With a shove he jumped off the bunk, his book flying from the shelf it was on and opening just in time for him to land on it. He then spun and slammed his hand down on the alarm clock, shutting it up as he smirked victoriously.
Jiuniang sighed with a short giggle before swinging her legs over the edge of her bed, standing within moments. A hand held out her dress to her and she saw Eggette smiling while he had his clothes on one arm.
“I'll go into the bathroom so we can both get changed.” He said as she took her dress, nodding her thanks as he turned and went through the door in their bedroom to the bathroom.
It didn't take long for either one to get dressed, only a few minutes at most, though Jiuniang waited until she was mostly ready for the day, minus her cape, before reaching up for the loose low ponytail her long hair was in, pulling the hairband out before wandering over to the dresser where her brush and comb were.
She heard the door open as she began to work at her bangs with the brush, and soon jolted when she saw Eggette reach pass her and grab the comb, beginning to work at the long back parts of her hair.
She looked over her shoulder to see Eggette, looking mildly sheepish, as he completely focused on her hair, mumbling. “I... I thought you could use a hand.”
Jiuniang blinked before smiling, softly uttering “Thank you.” as she went about brushing and working out her hair, the two children simply enjoying the soft, gentle time they had before their day began.
Zero didn't open her eyes upon waking, instead letting her mind wake up at least as she shifted slightly. Next to her, Caviar felt her stir through both the link and through the shifts in the blanket, and shifted to wrap his arms around her midsection as he pulled her closer.
She let out a slight, muffled squeak, but wasn't fully awake enough to properly react, merely shifting to face him, eyes flickering open to peer at him.
“Good morning, Megyn.” He said softly, watching as she blinked before fully rolling over and nestling herself against his chest.
“Morning...” Zero mumbled, voice quiet and groggy from sleep, before she peered up at him through lidded eyes as she registered what he called her. “You called me Megyn....”
“Ah, that I did.” He smiled while flickering his eyes over her features before meeting her eyes once more. “But I don't have to call you Zero when we're not around the others, and by your logic it's fine. Not to mention your name is a very cute one.”
She squinted at him, eventually sighing and burying her face in his chest, mumbling as she ignored her burning cheeks. “I'm so not awake enough to respond to that.”
He chuckled as he moved one of his arms to wrap around her shoulders, earning him a tilted head up and a thankful smile, he could feel through the link she didn't want to get up yet.
“Your right eye...” She reached up and gently touched his right cheek, eyes sparkling with a warmth only he was able to bring out. “It's, really,” He could feel her struggle to find the word before she sighed and smiled as she blushed. “Pretty, that's the only other word I can think of right now...”
He blinked as he felt his face grow warm before he smiled back, replying softly. “Well, you are very cute yourself.”
She groaned before hiding her face in his chest, mumbling in protest. “I'm n't cute..”
He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Yes, you are my darling.”
“Mmmn not!” She mumbled back with a huff, tilting her head up to give him a look which he smiled at. “You're the handsome one here.” She spoke again, rubbing at her eyes to clear them as some sleepies got in her eyes.
He blinked and was fairly certain he was red in the face, but he knew he had to be insistent when it came to complimenting her. “And you are the cute one.”
She groaned and buried her face in his chest, but he could feel her shy happiness through the link, even if she didn't say it.
“..Thank you...” She murmured after a minute, looking up at him with a mix of thankfulness and sheepishnes on her features. He smiled before leaning down and kissing her forehead.
She giggled and he continued to kiss her, on the eyelids, cheeks, nose, and then finally the lips. She shyly kissed back, not quite sure what to do. She still wasn't quite used to any of this, but she was trying her best to understand both her own feelings and Caviar's, the feelings that came from both ends of their link.
Even if it took ages for her to understand, she was willing to keep trying, as she truly loved him, and knew he for a fact truly loved her.
She wouldn't change a thing in her relationship, she was happy with how things were, and knew she loved him as much as he loved her.
Silrane woke up to her laying on a very very comfortable bed, under very comfortable blankets, and she was definitely warm.
As well as feeling a weight on her chest, looking down, she saw it was Daniel, the young man was clinging onto her with his arms wrapped around her securely and his head rested on her collarbone above her chest. She blinked rapidly, noting her arms were around him with her hand on the back of his head as the foie gras' face grew unusually warm.
Daniel let out a little murmur as he shifted, tightening his grip on Silrane as he was still very much asleep. Though she felt the urge to give in and sink into the bed and fall back asleep, she knew they had to get up.
“Daniel..” Her voice came out as a weak murmur as she began to shook his shoulder, trying to wake him. “We have to get up, we don't have time to sleep in.”
“Mhmmm..” Daniel groaned, trying to burrow into her neck, making her turn positively red. “Don't wanna get up yet...”
“Daniel.” Her voice came out as a squeak, and she began to push on his shoulders firmly. “We need to get up.”
He merely mumbled something she couldn't make out, and she pushed him enough to roll him onto his back as she pulled the blanket down to the end of the bed, the rush of cooler air making goosebumps appear on her arms.
“Sil...” He yawned, blue eyes blinking at her as she moved to get off the bed, his hand catching her wrist, preventing her from doing much other that swinging her legs over the edge of the bed as he shifted closer to her as he sat up. “C'mon, five more minutes...”
“Daniel...” She sighed as he put his other hand on her cheek, vibrant blue eyes drifting over his disheveled features as she raised a hand and rested it on his, a smile tilting her lips up.  “You know what will happen if I agree to 'five more minutes'.” Her voice had a lit of playful teasing as she spoke. “Five more minutes will turn into seven more hours and then you'll say it again-”
“Aaaah, Sil~!” He covered his face with the hand that was holding her wrist, his face growing red even as he felt strangely happy despite her teasing. “I-d-uhmn!”
Silrane smiled as she restrained a giggle as she shifted, reaching with her free hand to gently tilt his head up, his hand falling from his face to hang on her wrist, before she leaned over and tenderly kissed him.
It lasted a few moments before she pulled back, giving a smile at the dazed look he had before he snapped to his senses as she got up from the bed to walk over to the closet to get changed out of her sleeping gown.
It was a few minutes as she got her clothes out before she heard him groan and get out of bed, deciding that sleeping wasn't worth missing out on time with her which made her smile almost shyly to herself, it wasn't often someone wanted to be around her, considering her normal cold demeanor, so it made her incredibly happy.
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minusgangtime · 3 years
*Minus Cheesecake then put it on around his neck, wearing it like a cape. He spun around as it flaped in the air*
So, whatcha think?~
*he asked, his smile never leaving his face, as his eyes sparkles with excitement*
The three Boyfriends looked at Cheesecake in awe.
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"Dude, you look sick!~"
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"I love it! You look so cool!~"
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"Aw man! Now I want one!!!" Beta said in a whiny tone, similar to a little kid's, also shaking his hands, clenched.
Jealous? (XD)
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zoeekar · 6 years
Supergirl 3x21 Spoilers
@jayssonwolfy so sorry it took me so long, it was like 4:30 in the morning when I started writing this and I had work 4 hours after that so… I kinda fell asleep lol
Overall consensus: Nope.
Okay so, Kara and Mike (I just like calling him that cause it’s such a meh name tbh) got back from Argo with the rock Lena needed to rid Sam of Reign. They kept her occupied while baby girl worked on the cure and the whole thing was really anticlimactic cause it was over in like three minutes. They did some cape tricks, again, like those didn’t stop being cool six episodes ago, and they managed to bring down a 3-in-1 Worldkiller like it was nothing. As if Reign alone hadn’t put Kara in a comma not so long ago. But yay, cape tricks! (I’m so sorry, I’m just salty and bitter). So Sam is all better and reunited with Ruby (genuine yay here, it was about time) and Kara asks Lena to make more of that black goo, cause she wants to help her people. Lena of course agrees and says she’ll do it immediately cause duh, she’ll do anything to help (cause of her evil Luthor side, you know). 
Um… Meanwhile, Kara has decided she doesn’t want to live on earth anymore and she wants to go back to Argo, leaving everyone to fend for themselves. And no, Lena, it’s not weird at all that both Kara and Supergirl suddenly decided to take a leave at the same time. Not. At. All! (side note, Kara is apparently leaving for an assignment?? Like, what kind of assignment requires a farewell party? What did she tell Lena??) So now poor Alex has lost her sister and Ruby and Sam and it’s legit so sad, I just wanna hug her. 
Some… pretty boring stuff happens in Argo, Kara is all like “finally I can relax and be normal” and ends up being paranoid and looking over her shoulder all the time. In the meantime, things on earth are boring as well until they aren’t and James (and his weird Christian Bale Batman impression) has to stop what seems to be a robbery but the dude he comes across has a DEO technology weapon so now the DEO has to figure out the fuck happened and their shit is being mass produced. There’s this scene that introduced pro-gun Lena and it was… Yeah, that was a thing. While I definitely see where she’s coming from, I’m still not 100% here for it. Like, a handgun maybe, yeah. I’d want one too if my life was threatened every fifteen minutes. I just hope she’s not one of those assault rifle kinda people.. Plus, I still kinda think that with the amount of times she’s almost been murdered, she should be all about for stricter gun control, not the opposite. Tbh, that whole part looked suspiciously a lot like a way to make Lena seem bad (they really need to watch out if they’re gonna have Lena voice pro-gun views, especially with the number of young people liking the character, tbh). Anyways, I digress. 
There are some very very awkward and cringy words spoken as Kara and Mike confess their love for each other and I’m like… Girl. He lied to you. And I’m not even gonna talk about past Mike. The one from the future was married. And he lied about it. And Kara said she was over him. And now she’s all like “I had this dream once and I was on a quiet path like this one and you were there with me… And now here you are…” and I’m like “fuck off, I quit” xD So, anyway, turns out things in Argo aren’t as perfect as one would hope. There’s still this… witch lady who I don’t know what to call, I’m sorry I don’t know the terminology, I mean the one who created the Worldkillers anyways, and she’s wreaking havoc. 
Back on earth J'onn and James track down this dude who manufactured their weapons and realize he’s been making more and selling them or sth (I may be getting some details wrong, but honestly? I wasn’t paying too much attention) and anyways they find this guy (the one from the beginning who was stopped by BatJames) and who was apparently recently fired and had it out for his bosses. J’onn manages to talk him out of blowing their brains out saying all about how guns are bad and never the right solution to which James agrees with and he (J'onn) also decides to make the DEO agents stop using those weapons. Half of the people are not happy about it and basically, the whole ep was about guns and whether people should or shouldn’t have the right to them, I guess. 
Back to Alex, she’s now certain she wants a kid so she’s looking up adoption websites and such and, honestly, on one hand, I’m here for mum!Alex cause like she wants it so bad, but on the other, it seems like a way to kinda get her off the dating pool since if she gets a child she’ll be too busy to date, and that’s basically minus one LGBTQ+ character from the show and it’s not like we had an abundance of them in the first place… Also, Lena finds out that Eve has apparently studied science and is very impressed and takes her under her wing and has her work with her on the very secret project Supergirl asked her to. Which was, tbh, the best thirty seconds of the whole episode (also, apparently, the black rock is “more than what it seems” and Lena is on the path to discovering something revolutionary) xD Oh and J’onn and his dad decide to perform the Reach, well, his dad decides that it’s time to perform the Reach, which is an ancient Martian rite during which the older generation passes down all their memories to the younger generations before they die. Also, turns out that, oh no, Sam is not 100% better yet, what a surprise, and that Reign is still somewhere in there, and that asshole who wanted to create Worlkillers, I don’t remember his name, helps the evil Kryptonians get to earth with Kara and Mike’s ship. Aaaaand that’s pretty much all I remember from the ep haha 
Like I said, it was not a good episode (not that I’m too surprised xD) and it seems like they’re actively trying to lose their fans cause they are being stupid with their writing choices. Maybe it’s on purpose, maybe they just can’t write that well, who knows lol
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finerafin · 7 years
               🎶Getting to Know You🎶            
Rules: Answer 30 questions, tag 20 blogs
tagged by @sxpaiscia <3
Nicknames: Finchen, Fini, Fin Fave Bands: Linkin Park and Simple Plan I think Fave Solo Artists: I don’t have one Song Stuck in my Head: None! And I’m so glad about this, do you know how annoying it is to have a song stuck in your head for nearly 1 year? Yeah, I thought of it, it’s back. Auld Lang Syne ... Last Movie I watched: Uhm, still either Guardians of the Galaxy or The Last Jedi Last Show I watched: Miraculous When did I create my blog: I can’t remember but it was somewhere in December 2015/January 2016 What Do I Post: I have literally no idea. At the moment RvB stuff and some Star Wars and some other stuff Last Thing I Googled: how to convert 174 cm in ft ... xD Do I Have Any Other Blogs: I do ... but I abandoned it after like one day and want to get it started again eventually Do I Get Asks: Strangely, yes, most of them for ask games but sometimes I get random anon love and it’s so nice? Instruments: I play flute and guitar and I want to learn to play piano but I neither have time nor money for it at the moment Why Did I Choose My URL: Years ago I read a book where one of the main characters was named Finearfin and I always read it as Finerafin and i liked the name so I made it my online nickname and I somehow stuck through all the years and nowadays, if I don’t react when you call my real name you can just use Finerafin/Finchen/... and I’ll react to 100% Following: 202 Followed By: 104 I think Average Hours of Sleep: I had a working sleep schedule and got 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day and then I threw it over again! But I need at least 7 hours and I’m working to get back to a regular schedule xD What Am I Wearing: leggins and a t-shirt and a blanket as a cape because my room is freezing cold Dream Job: Get money for doing nothing ... or maybe voice actor Dream Trip: I want to visit every country of the world and so far I have been to 8 minus my home country Fav Food: Too much to list it all Fav Song: At the moment? Hall of fame (by the script & the glee version of it), Fossil in stone by Charm of Finches and We are the others by Delain Last Book I Read: Last book I finished? Wild Space Last book I read and still have to finish? Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Top 3 Universes I’d Like to Join: Rvb, Star Wars aaaand ... probably Eragon
Not tagging anyone because I’m to lazy but if anyone wants to do it feel free
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holioc · 7 years
Hello~. If Digimon was already asked, then Star Wars for the ask meme!
I’m not in this fandom so apart from the main cast, I barely remember any character, I’m sorry. ^^;
The first character I first fell in love with: Lando! The way he greeted Han was priceless and his cape did the rest. And *gestures* just everything about this character. (It’s also worth mentioning that Darth Maul was the only thing I liked in Phantom Menace.)The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I didn’t realize what a good character Leia was when I watched the movies as a kid, so I guess that counts?The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don’t really care about Obiwan, I guess.The character I love that everyone else hates: the Ewoks? XDThe character I used to love but don’t any longer: *makes I don’t know sound*Oh hey maybe Darth Maul actually?The character I would totally smooch: none.The character I’d want to be like: Leia, minus the dead planet and the dead parents.The character I’d slap: Kylo Ren.A pairing that I love: I don’t ship anything but I like all those headcanons about Han and Lando being divorced.A pairing that I despise: uh, Luke/Leia?
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lovechuunyuu · 7 years
KiraFes 2017 - 3 / 4 Day 1 Fan Report
So I went to KiraFes 2017 day 1 on March 4th. This was my third year participating in KiraFes! :3
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Zoey and I took a taxi (my first taxi experience in Japan!) to Yokohama Arena. There were already girls lined up (what time did they get up and get there!?) but the line wasn’t too bad in my opinion. We waited for 4 hours and along the way, Misae joined us before they started selling at 8:45.
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I only got one thing.
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Once we got our goods, we went to Tully’s and stared at the pamphlet. Eventually, we killed some more time and we lined up to get in.
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Of course I took pictures of the flower stands! xD
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Even though I hit for the first application period, I got stands seats… orz but it turns out that the venue wasn’t too big!
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After going in, I decided to go to the restroom and barely got to my seat right when they started.
I’m sure you can find a set-list for KiraFes somewhere! And as for my brief fan-report, I’m gonna just talk about songs for each group/singer that left an impression on me some parts will be out of order, okay? Each singer/group sings two or three songs and then change. xD
Trignal started things off this year with Update a Day. I think they were a bit nervous but I was really excited that they started off KiraFes! There was a cool 3D screen in addition to other screens. I didn’t like Wing’s hairstyle that much… even with his hair, I still love him. He gives out such great fanservice!! He waved to us a lot!! Egu’s mushroom hair was cute and Ryohei looked really good. <333
I screamed when I heard Blazing! I really love that song! (especially when it was performed at Trigal’s live with suit) but <333
Kamiya sang a few song that I thought was cute. He started off with a cute song as the second one up.
And of course the one that left an impression on me was that one song Ism Rhythm. A 40+ year old man doing hip thrusts and a sexy dance. He was holding the mic stand suggestively as well. And even did a hand motion to his err crotch. XD LOTS of screaming and fangirls dying. I was just really amused that he did it like it was nothing. XDDD
Oh and when he sang his official cover of “Nagareboshi,” it just made me miss Miyu. (Because it’s originally Miyu’s song but this is Kamiya’s cover… and it’s the rock version of it).
NamiDai was the third person up! XD
I remember he sang pretty cool songs! He danced a lot!! For one of his songs, a part of his jacket glowed in the dark! We were like oooooh!
Kakki was the fourth one up! My first thought was, “Oh, he was definitely a bit sick last year for KiraFes.” Because his voice was a lot deeper last year but this time, he sounded fine! He definitely has a unique way of singing! Othello was a really cool song! He put on a hat for the song.
Nobu was the next one up! At one point, he came out with a traditional Japanese outfit and did a cool dance with a Japanese fan! For another song, I clearly remembering thinking, “Wow… he can do body rolls.”
He was the last singer for KiraFes. Nobu talked about things that gave us a lot of FEELS… I can’t really remember what he said but they were very heartfelt. He talked about how there were many kinds of “Daijobu?” (Are you okay?) and how we are supported by those around us… that kind of talk. I think he also said the other members in Kiramune encouraged him to write the song. <3 Then he asked for everyone’s cooperation for the next song: 8piece. It’s a really great song!! He sang, “Daijobu” and the fans follow up with “Daijobu.” Nobu looked so emotional and looked as if he was gonna cry. AHHHHH ;w; As he was singing, these paper (actually I found out later that they were styrofoam) birds were released and flying around. I thought they were 3D images for some reason. XD Later I found out that some of them had signatures from the Kiramune members! XD
Yocchin looked really good! He sang while playing the guitar! At first it was acapella so it was nice. His voice also didn’t sound as rough as it usually did when he sung the song.
There was an ad-lib song… more like a song of him talking and he was using a megaphone for that song. XD I could hear him pretty clearly with the megaphone compared to the microphone. It was pretty interesting! I felt a bit confused because I had never heard such a song before.
Uncle Bomb!! sang pretty cool songs. There was this one song which sounded like a Spanish song… and they brought out these gold or silver capes and danced with them (think of bull-fighting capes).
The talk corner happened after every member/group sang two or three songs. It was a bit awkward with NamiDai trying to lead the convo. XDDD If you have seen him, you would know he’s the awkward one in the group and usually gets bullied by others… even by kouhais. XD The other members didn’t try to help. They couldn’t understand what he was trying to say and neither did we. XD
He even started a random topic going, “What do you do when you first enter a hotel?” So random! The other members thought it was a weird question as well. They were like, “What do you mean what do you do??” XD
At one point, Kamiya and NamiDai talked about something relating to their age and Wing went, “Shouldn’t you go, “Jiji janai!” (I’m not an old man!) in a cute voice. If you know Wing’s catch phrase… His catch phrase is “I’m not an old lady!” NamiDai asked him if he was a “bishojo (girl)” and he said he wasn’t. xDD When asked about the gender, Wing says that his gender is unidentified. XDDD He’s seriously so cuuuute!
When Kamiya left to get ready for the next song, I felt like the talk corner got even more awkward. Ryohei led the convo.at one point asking if there was anything the members wanted to try. NamiDai said he wanted to do something like the Tarzan kinda thing? XD
Anyway, after Nobu ended KiraFes, he left the stage and the fans began to chant, “Encore!” Though actually not everyone was saying it at the same time. XD
Encore time!
Then all the members came out and they sang Ever Dream!
Kakki started with Lesson A to B!!! You know how there was a break in the song? Well, Ryohei came onto the stage with other staff. The staff had an AB paper taped on his/her front or back? Kakki asked what they were doing here and Ryohei announced that they’re the AB team! Ryohei’s blood-type is AB. (Which made me miss Miyu because he’s AB too!!). Kakki asked Ryohei what a typical thing people with AB blood-type experience is. Ryohei answered, “When someone asks you, “What blood-type are you?” And then you answer, “Oh, AB.” And then he/she goes, “O-ohhh…” XDDD Like that reaction. It was really amusing. And then Kakki continued with the song and Ryohei joined in for a few parts! AHHHH
Wasshoi – Yocchin sang this song! And later on, Egu and Nobu joined and waved flags.
Panorama Soda – Trignal sang the song and toward the end of the song, the spotlight was on NamiDai and Kakki. And they were both laying down on beach chairs with sunglasses and sipping from a fancy glass with a flower on it (cocktail?). They were acting cool with the sunglasses. Trignal looked at them as if asking them, “What are you doing here? What are you doing?” kinda look. Ryohei tried to bother Kakki but Kakki just ignored him, acting cool. XD
Next was Kamiya with Harebare Heart!
Want You – Nobu sang the song and was eventually joined by Yocchin and Kamiya… and they even did the cute dance!!! Then they gathered together and Nobu suggested that they danced together so they did! Then Nobu suggested that they blow a kiss at the “I want you!” part. And each of them did it!! Kamiya did it with an unsure face. Yocchin seemed to exaggerate it if I remember? Then they did it together at the end!!
Funky Wave – NamiDai sang it and we participated in the wave! It’s a really fun song! Then toward the end, Trignal came out with a big electric fan and aimed it at NamiDai while Kakki threw big pieces of paper at him, which hit his face. All of the Kiramune members minus Kamiya joined in for the dance for Funky Wave. The dance moves looked like fish flopping. XD And Kamiya came at the end to do a tsukkomi.
I was so happy to hear Get Together! It’s one of my favorite songs
Then each of them gave a closing comment.
And finally, announcements were made!
Kiramune fan-meeting in Kyoto on July 30th!!! Egu, Ryohei, Kamiya, Yocchin, and NamiDai will attend!
And Trignal and Nobu joint live on September 30th and October 1st!!! When it was Trignal’s turn to give announcements, Ryohei dragged Nobu to read them. XD OMGGG Nobugnal! This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a joint live so I’m really excited!
I always enjoy attending KiraFes!!! It’s great to see all of them singing their songs although I missed Miyu. ;w; I will apply for the Kiramune fan meeting and try for Trignal and Nobu’s joint live if possible! I wonder what it will be like… xD
This should be the last of the fanreports I needed to write! I don’t think I’ll write one for Servamp! xD It’ll come out in DVD so... :3 Anyway, until next time! :3
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