#minus the mullet
asavt · 10 months
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A shared headspace, a solution to Maria's nightmares. A look into the puppet's memories.
The technician unknowingly adopts the spirit that plays the role of the grim reaper.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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My funny little murder cats from my funny little murder cats game
Story explanation:
Kinkstreak, Oddflower and Ganderspeckle are littermates. Ganderspecke becomes mates with Opheliabite and Oddflower becomes mates with Kingwing. At some point, Ganderspeckle and Kingwing start an affair and much later down the line have a kit, Faithkit, that Opheliabite was led to believe was his. Oddflower has been suspecting the two of cheating and eventually confronts Ganderspeckle which turns violent and Ganderspeckle gets killed. Kinkstreak helps cover up the murder, then later during the vigil, Flowerpelt, who's been suspicious of and spying on his father for a while now, outs his secret affair and accuses him of killing Ganderspeckle. Kinkstreak finds this awfully convenient and lies in support of Flowerpelt to frame Kingwing. Opheliabite snaps and tackles Kingwing, who after getting free runs away and never returns to the clan.
Shortly after this, their leader and mother Coyotestar, being unable to cope with the loss of her kit, decides to step down and Kinkstreak is promoted to leader.
Aka just a normal day in CoyoteClan tbh
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wuntrum · 2 years
How long have you been drawing the saints for girls? what are all the members like personality wise? :0
soooo saints for girls started out as a different little project right at the start of the pandemic (i was missing concerts a whole lot so i made up my own little band to play with like barbie dolls in my head lkjsdf), here's the original art of cass + frankie + ry + jas
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buuut this version ^ of jas doesn't exist anymore (also that jas was the bassist lol), and vincent didn't exist yet...i drew them a little bit but never fully did much just because other stuff (college) kinda got in the way? (also their whole story was more concepty, like they were called whytokay like Y2k (because ry sees a vision of a future where music is outlawed and she has to put together this band to save the world, which still happens a little bit but not to this extent lol), and also that game YIIK got released and it made me really sour on that name LOL).
at the end of 2021 i wanted to revisit them and maybe design merch for my thesis in art school but i realized that if my professors tried to tell me what to do with them i would've killed everybody and then myself so <3 we didn't do that
and after the late summer of mcr i went back and really wanted to commit focus to them again :) jas 1.0 never really made much sense to me (honestly none of them are very fem, and just like where i'm at with my own life rn, i wanted them to be explicitly androgynous / genderqueer so.) jas 2.0 came about + i made vincent to kind of fill the pretentious void left by jas 1.0 LOLLL
so yeah ive been drawing them for almost 3 years now :3 but saints for girls as they exist today only came about in like october 2022. and for their personalities, i'm gonna put all the answers for the uquiz below because they're a pretty good starter for their personalities (still working on their Exact dynamics, so i don't wanna commit to anything more yet) (also spoilers for the uquiz lol)
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afraidofchange · 7 months
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nah but this is Alice Joan Shepard for real as a baby gay.
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epitaffia · 4 months
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PINK!!! (bonus solido below♡)
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excalirebagel · 5 months
if i cannot look like that tiktok twink singer i will compensate by looking cringe
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transurgender · 1 year
Texas is simultaneously the funnest yet most frustrating character ive ever drawn my god
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oldgrowthcedar · 2 months
job interviews are so funny it’s like oh shit let me put on my femmesona
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eightate88 · 3 months
how do you even cut ur hair like a dude
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bananaactivity · 2 months
Sooo… Hook and Morgie huh.
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Morgie and Hook look so different in this world… I love it. I actually ended up changing his hair to match Morgana from Troll Hunters 🫣. I wanted him to look more interesting cause people kept saying he was random and lame, Red heads with mullets aren’t lame I think 😃
( outing myself as a troll hunters fan in the year of 2024 💀)
Down below I put a little GIF of Morgies eyes doin the changing thing
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(Why he kinda serving Edward Cullen tho like 😛)
Turns out Morgana Le Fay is REALLY powerful, so by extension Morgie should have the potential to be a pretty spooky sorcerer/ witch/ fay/ god. Based on Descendants canon, parents magical abilities is hereditary ie it’s VERY likely Morgie has all his moms powers in Arthur mythos. Which includes stuff like NECROMANCY AND OMNIPRESENCE, shapeshifting, immortality, time travel, illusion, flight, casting spells, healing, ASTRAL PROJECTION, telekinesis, mind control… other stuff across multiple media projects. I’m actually gonna keep a lot of this, minus omnipresence and time travel cse that’s way too powerful. As a caveat morgies still gonna be stupid and goofy asl… and he’s not the bossy type. He’s also tooo young to be super strong he can only do low level versions of his mom’s powers… like he can only turn into a Cat, snake, small dragon, crow, and big wolf for his transformation powers currently. I like to think anything he turns into is always black with his serpent eyes. Actually I don’t think that’s just true in my universe. Also because he’s stupid it makes since for Merlin to be okay with him at his school. Since Morgies mom has literally hated him for like centuries atp.
Speaking of this still adds another layer to the “ why is Uliana in charge when her crew consists of gods and supernatural entities that are much more powerful than she is” all she has is tentacles…. And even hook could turn her into Sannakjii if he wanted to fr bro… 3/5ths of her crew are literal gods or god adjacent 💀
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I think this picture sums up My Hook and Morgie pretty good… I have more goofy pictures I wanna do of them.
Yes I did give Morgie fangs and black fingertips… necromancer??… shapeshifter??… can’t help myself??
Dont worry Hook is still flamboyant and crazy, he’s just a little sad at the beginning. He meets Morgie at school right after Peter Pan cut his hand off and banished him from Neverland because Hook got a scholarship to Merlin’s academy and he wants to be a pirate… so yeah he’s pretty sadge and struggling to function with his hook 😥 he won’t let that stop him from finishing his Swashbuckling masters degree tho 💅SLAY WE LOVE AN EDUCATED KING EVEN THO HIS SON CANT COUNT. Morgie is also a weapons smith major and he imbues his shit with like dark souls so that’s pretty cool.
I’ll have more on Morgie after I finish the goofy pictures…
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How I think the sun set should have gone. (Minus the heterosexuality)
Lance shows up before going to dinner with his family. He's been looking for Keith for maybe an hour or so, and he finds him on top of his Lion with Kosmo.
He sits down next to him and looks out at the sky, "you watching the sunset?" He asks.
Lance snorts, looking over at him, "No you aren't," he says, "you're not even facing the sky. You're looking at--... me?"
Keith places his hand over Lance's and smiles, "you're prettier" he whispers.
Lance starts getting blushy and flustered, but he doesn't move away from Keith. In fact, he moves closer.
Lance rests his head on Keith's shoulder and turns his gaze back to the sky, "stupid mullet"
There's a moment of quiet.
"I love you."
"..... I love you, too, Keith."
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neon-junkie · 1 month
hi. a life update
im being oldschool and using this blog website for its intended purpose - blogging.
so, heres the goss. to start off with a banger, i am in a relationship!! ive not had a healthy relationship since i was 17/18 with my high school boyfriend, so to finally have one, at 26, is pretty kewl. my ex was abusive, and when i finally managed to get away from him, i remained single for almost 5 years. relationships/intimacy has been really hard since him, but ive finally found someone who is so calm and patient with me. he really understands the extent of what i've been through, and hes quite clearly sticking around, and not giving up on me.
and oh my dayyyyyssssss, hes so my type!! ive always set 3 firm criterias for dating: nerdy, alternative, and childfree. he ticks them all!! hes heavily tattooed, skates, has a mullet, stretched ears, piercings, loves metal. oh my starrssssss. if 16 year old me could meet him, i think she'd just melt on the spot. he'd be like my ideal teen dreamboat, and im so glad that that has continued into my adult years. honestly, he's a gem.
minus dating, i'm moving cities! ive been wanting to move to this specific city for a few years, and im finally doing it. bonus points that my partner lives there, which is more motivation to move yanno? like our second date happened after i did some flat viewings. oh, did i mentioned that we first met up at download festival? and our first date was watching limp bizkit together? siiiiiccckkkkk. he also asked me to be his girlfriend in a sick way too!! he purchased a cameo of mark anthony austin (dude who plays boba fett in a new hope,) to ask me out in the boba gear. it was so cute oh my stars!! this guy really knows what i like, plus hes a massive star wars nerd too yayaayayayyay!!!!!
anyway. moving cities hopefully early next year!! tbf i was going to move last year, but then i got promoted at work, but work has been.... omg. like i am so on the fence of rage quitting. work hasnt upped my wage, despite me asking multiple times. they havent helped with any training. in fact, i havent been trained on anything. they just expect me to do this job role with fuck all support. i just need to stick at this job until i move, but i think i'll quit before christmas, move, and then find a new job.
anyway uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. yeah i havent been writing much, its really sad. i love writing, but i just... dont get the urge or craving for it much anymore. i dont know whats killed my spark, or how to gain that spark back. i really thought bad batch s3 would help me out, but here i am... one post every few months... idk guys. like i get comments/praise every so often, but definitely not as much as people might assume? like it genuinely sparks joy whenever i get a little comment on my work, but sadly, thats quite rare. idk, im sure i'll find a new interest to ignite that spark once again. we'll see.
i guess thats it lol. update posted. neon out x
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it’s still the 15 in la so forgive me for the late submission i’m adoring these least-to-most-likely scenarios and would love to hear your thoughts on the 2023 grid + danny, mick, and seb in terms of who’d successfully one day randomly pop up with a secret wife of ten years and three kids as if it were a casual thing
from least-to-most-likely... im sorry this is so long and a lil late
lando -> idk i think its a generational thing where soft launches & validation through social media is all the rave. so i think lando wouldnt or even couldn't hide it even if we wanted to. and i think lando likes showing off his girl, hes very comfortable in his relationships (ie talking about luisa in dts).
pierre -> absolutely not. he loves showing off what– rather who, he loves. i mean yall.... his photos with katerina are still up on his instagram he loves that shit. SO NO he will not being keeping a wife and family a secret. if he had it his way he would livestream his wife giving birth. tell me i'm wrong, i dare you.
logan -> he is a young, white man. and i mean white. american white. and if there is anything i know about caucasian men in all my years of dealing with them, there is no hiding a girl even if their life depended on it. same deal as lando too, where soft launches and the need for validation through posting is very much ingrained in the current dating culture sooooo yea.
fernando -> this man is so unserious, and also a boomer-wanna-be-gen-z when it comes to social media so its all about sharing his love and his corazon. though i will say he will be pretty selective with what he shares. and i think he'd pull a rosberg, in that he will post family photos but with emojis over his baby's faces.
nico -> something about this man just tells me that he enjoys the validation and the sharing a lot. we'd hear about the engagement, the pregnancy, all through instagram. but i think he'd do it in cringey cute way. my man is on pinterest with "cute pregnancy announcement inspo" in the search bar.
checo -> he is a proud papa & husband (minus that time in monaco). he loves having his family around him so there isn't a reason why he would ever keep it a secret. though i will say, much like he already does, he would try to keep his family/personal life very much seperate from his work. i think all we'd see of his family is when they show up to races or milestones/birthdays via social media.
charles -> i think he just loves sharing pieces of his life with us that keeping his family a secret would be impossible. charles would 100% walk onto the paddock with his daughter on his hip. they would be wearing matching sunglasses (raybans bc forza ferrari. and not her own pair, one of daddy's). but not outfits bc mama dressed her baby, not charles.
valterri -> he tries to keep what goes on in his personal life as on the down low as possible. i think that he would definitely try to keep his kids out of pap photos & try to hide their faces but other than that i think we would all be aware of his ever-growing family. i think he'd do smth cheesy like post a photo from the back of him and his son with matchin mullets. or maybe a photo of lewis carrying his daughter bc 'uncle lew had to get a matching outfit with his god daughter.'
oscar -> i could've lumped him higher on the list with lando/logan but smth about oscar tells me otherwise. like idk what it is about him but i think he'd try to keep it on the hush hush for as long as he can before eventually sharing with the world. we'd be surviving off soft launches for a WHILE methinks. (but i could be so wrong bc idk oscar this is just based off his face).
kevin -> we'd know (i mean we know now). but similar to fernando in a sense where he chooses what pieces of his time with his wife and kids he wants to share with the world. i think he is very protective of his family and the peace he's worked on building around them.
esteban -> you know... with the way his & elena's relationship is going i can definitely see this man randomly dropping that he's married one day. but the thing is, is that we would all already have an idea of who his wife is, if that makes sense. we'd get little bouts of content from him. a very 'private, not secret' type beat.
nyck -> just like esteban in a sense where we'd know who the wife would be. i think the marriage would come as a shock, but as their family grows i think he'd drop hints and stuff. nyck will definitely bring his kid(s) to at least one race a year and i just have an inkling that his child would be a menace.
alex -> he's happy to share the small moments with the world, but oh it would be very sparse. just little crumbs here and there. he protects what he loves so much, but he's much too proud and excited not to share. think of all the baby photos with all the animals. the matching hair-dos. the baby hating photos as much as dad hates media so when the paps come around baby has the same frown.
daniel -> we would know, but i think he would take his time introducing that part of his life to us. we'd always know he's married & has kids, but we would also have to live off of soft launches for a bit. daniel is a proud man, proud of the life he builds and who he chose to build it with. and daniel would 100% walk onto the paddock with his kids hanging off of him. his daughter on his back, son upside down in his arms.... do you see the vision???
lewis -> this man could go either way. on the one hand i can see lewis showing off the love of his life and his family bc thats what lewis does. he shows off the people he loves. but then i can also see him keeping it quiet, keeping just a piece of his life a secret because in the position he's in, he doesn't have too many secrets to himself left. so yeah... but tell me what yall think.
carlos -> carlos would've been lower on the list with all that 'i protect love' crap but me personally, i just don't see it. i think that we'd all somehow find out about his engagement + growing family somehow. like carlos is always being followed by the paps for literally WHAT. so yeah, i don't think it would be best kept secret. also he's such a family man, i think he'd jump at the opportunity to share his family with the world.
lance -> i know lance has posted his s.o. before, but there is something about this man that tells me when it's a love that he really really values and wants to protect, he will keep it a secret. he will keep them away from the limelight, from the unnecessary attention for as long as possible. idk about 10yrs and then pop out with a whole wife & kids, but i definitely think he'd be the type randomly drop on wednesday that he's engaged.
george -> i think this man could pull it off if he wanted to. i think he'd go ghost on social media in terms of what he does in his personal time. like itll be all race content until one day he just drops a photo of him & his wife welcoming their new baby. i can see it. but i think it all depends on him.
yuki -> idk i think in a relationship he'd be very reserved about it. i think that he'd hate the attention he would end up receiving about dating, so much so he'd prefer if no one knew right away. i think that we'd always know he's with someone bc of like soft launch-esque photos of hands/back of their head. but yeah we'd never truly know who until much much later.
guanyu -> guanyu truly gives me vibes of wanting to protect his family and try to keep them separate from his work. and not even in a malicious way, but in a sense where he doesn't want the people he loves most to be put under undeserving scrutiny. he'd find ways to bring them to races & events but truly, the public would never know.
max -> if were being completely honest here, we know so much about max's love life because of who he's involved with. but if he had it his way, i think we he would pull it off. like i think he would randomly drop the "my wife & kids" line out of no where and it would take the world by storm. and max would say it so nonchalantly too.
mick -> i think that he could pull it off. even in his last relationship, i dont recall ever seeing him post about/with her so... he is definitely a very very private guy. and he has a very tight group of friends at that, so i doubt any information would ever get out to the public unless mick makes a move first.
seb -> he's a very private guy, who didn't even have instagram until last year... and it was to announce his RETIREMENT. and though we know about hannah, we don't know much about his kids. i think i remember kym telling a story about how sebastian asked him & other photographers not to photograph his kids when they came on the paddock so.... seb will go through hoops and the extra mile to be sure a secret is kept.
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techs-goggles9902 · 4 months
request for a Fox meets Fives in Clone Heaven and apologizes and they talk
Clone Heaven
Warnings: death, broken necks
Word count: 650
A/N: YES OMG I LOVE THIS I LOVE YOU ANON. I was walking home from graduation practice and I read this and I was over joyed!!
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The last thing he heard was a snap.
The last thing he felt was pain.
The last thing he saw was the mask. His eyes never left the visor that covered Lord Vader’s face.
Krk. That was the sound his neck made when his superior snapped it in front of his troops. His friends. Brothers.
“Fox…” A familiar voice calls out to him, rousing him from his… slumber? Fox cracks open his eyes with a low groan. With a couple slow blinks, he remembers what happened.
Fox shoots up, his shaking hands clawing at his neck. The neck that should be snapped in half. Yet, here he is… somewhere between life and death.
He looks around, taking in everything. Soft grass is just barely illuminated by a setting sun, painting the sky a medley of colors. He’s still in full armor, minus his helmet, which is resting in the grass beside him.
A figure sits several yards away, overlooking the sunset, sitting on a somewhat flat rock. The man wears armor just like Fox’s, but it's plain white. He turns his shaven head so Fox can see his profile. An aurebesh 5 is tattooed to his right temple, accompanied with a Kaminoan medpatch on his head.
“Hey,” he says.
“Fives…” Fox’s eyes widen, his breath picks up, his hands get clammy. He killed him. Shot him square in the chest.
How is this possible…
“Relax, Fox… we’re both dead here. You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.” Fives grins, patting the empty space on the rock beside him.
Fives’ gaze softens, the sun hitting his amber eyes just right. “C’mere.”
Fox slowly gets to his feet, his hands shaking at his sides. He lowers himself down on the rock beside Fives.
“What… What is this place?”
“I don’t know… It’s pretty, though, isn’t it?” Fox nods, trying to keep from locking eyes with his brother.
“I’ve been here since… you know,” Fives continues. Fox knows. He knows all too well, having to live with the guilt of shooting your own comrade. In front of his squad, General Skywalker, and Rex. “You know… Echo’s alive. I don’t think you know him, but he’s one of my batchmates. He and I were the last survivors of Domino Squad, Fox. We all thought he died… but he’s not here. He’s down there… Everyone else is up here…”
“I… I’ve heard of Echo. Rex talked about you guys… all good things, ‘course.”
“I’d hope so,” Fives chuckles.
A few moments of silence follows.
“So… Ponds is up here? And Keeli?” Fox looks away from the sky, fidgeting with his gloves.
Fives looks at him, his eyes crinkling at the corners in sympathy. “Yeah… They’re here…”
Fox gnaws on his lower lip nervously. “Listen… about what happened, Fives-”
“Don’t worry about it, Fox. You didn’t have a choice. Good soldiers follow orders.” Fives puts his gloved hand on Fox’s knee, giving it a little squeeze.
Fives gives him a confused look, about to pull his hand away when Fox grabs it and holds it tightly.
“Let me apologize. Please…”
“Fox, it’s not your fault.”
“I… I could’ve…”
“What? Refused the order, leading to a court martial? Fox, you had no choice.”
Fox’s jaw works, trying to find something to say. His grip on his brother goes slack and he drops his hand.
“I’m sorry, though…”
“If I accept your apology, will you finally rest in peace?” Fives sighs.
“Yes,” Fox says with no hesitation present.
“Fine… I forgive you for killing me. You’re dead, Fox, you shouldn’t be so tense. We get to be free of… everything.”
“Yeah but… I’m sorry.”
“You know what you should be sorry for? That haircut.
“What’s wrong with my hair?” Fox runs his hand through his graying curls.
“You could’ve done anything with it and you got a mullet?”
“But it’s a good mullet.”
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Taglist: @will-is-silly @dangraccoon @fionajames @sevdidntdie @skellymom @hellhound5925
Dividers by @ saradika
Let me know if you want to be added/taken off the taglist!
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silly1ky · 1 year
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no one suggested it , i just simply wanted too lolz
Had a short mullet in 8th-9th grade but dyes it blond over the summer out of nowhere lol. dyes it back to black his senior year
Listens to RADIOHEAD!!??
Plays the electric guitar 
Still apart of crimson dawn along with kenny
Butters and jimmy stopped playing - due to other school shit - so they held tryouts for a backup guitar player and a new drumist, eventually recruiting two freshmen
RAGING bisexual
Been kinda in love with kyle his whole life
Got braces in the middle of 7th grade and got them taken off at the end of 8th
Kyle eventually got braces too at the BEGINNING of 8th so throughout the whole year, him and kyle definitely matched bracket colors <3
5’8’’ ( 2 inches shorter than kyle )
Always been just a tiny bit shorter than kyle and has ALWAYS despised it while kyle relished in it lmao
Had his first kiss to wendy in 6th grade …. it was NOT good and they broke up like a month later 
They never got back together again, much to kyle's pleasure :D
To clarify, they did not break up bc the kiss wasn’t good, they both just realized that they were tired of eachother and that it was stupid trying to hold onto something from literal elementary school
They still talk sometimes but quickly get bored of each other
His style consists of pajama pants, baggy band t shirts, baggy jeans, blue hoodies, and converse
He totally has stickers all over his guitar along with “ k + s “ drawn with in silver sharpie <3
Pins and keychains decorated his school backpack
Sometimes paints his nails but gets mad or anxious and ends up peeling them off by lunchtime
Has wrote 16 songs all dedicated to kyle
HATES social media and only has accounts so that he could look at kyles posts and videos
Still uses an mp3 player .... he SAYS it's bc it sounds better but that's a bunch of bs. he definitely just uses it for the “look”
Was on the team for about a year in 9th grade but QUICKLY got sick of the practices 
Listens to radiohead, slipknot, iron maiden, weezer, and deftones
Favorite movies/tv shows are bojack horseman, mid90s, and shameless
Tried to learn how to skateboard with kyle and actually kept up with it for about the whole 10th grade
REFUSES to get a tiktok account
he would probably watch youtube shorts or instagram reels...... 🤠
He would send Kyle tiktoks that were funny like 7 months ago which he JUST got to see on ig reels.
He definitely had a fnaf phase
has car sickness totally
TOTAL dog person
their houses are right next to eachother !!!
they definitely sneak into eachother's rooms at night
they got together sometime in middle school, after kissing on stan's roof and they both discovered that they were major fags for eachother
they go to the same college too!!!!
stan always joins kyle's tiktok or insta lives ( even if it's the most boring thing in the world )
"no homo dude" "oh yeah totally no homo lol" is their catchphrase most definitely
Stayed on the basketball team throughout 8th-12th grade
5’10’’ 2 inches taller than stan
He loves being taller than him
gay gay homosexual gay
Didn’t really have to “come out” everyone kinda already knew he wasn't straight lol 
Had a little rebellious phase in 10th grade and ended up stabbing a needle through his nose and belly button at like 4 in the morning, the same night that stan bleached his hair ironically (not ironically as they had snuck out together lmao )
By 7am he had a nose stud, a belly ring, and his lobes pierced
Did them all by himself minus his bellybutton, which stan helped him with
It was literally just the piercing scene from thirteen LMAOOOO
Wardrobe mainly consists of sweatpants, green and brown hoodies, straight jeans, nike's, and ugg neumels. oh and lots of grandpa sweaters.
Listens to the cure, tyler the creator, radiohead, the smiths, and the offspring (sometimes ldr too)
Stopped wearing his hat in 7th grade, it just didn’t fit right anymore ( plus it kinda stunk )
Reads romance novels and hyperfixates over them definitely but he will NEVER admit this
ALWAYS live on insta and tiktok
Secretly LOVES stan's dyed hair (he totally thinks its hot)
His first kiss was with stan. at 2 am. on his roof.
Total grammer nerd
bullies ppl when they make grammar mistakes
Lowkey kinda popular on tiktok
and REFUSES to get anything below a 85
fucking nerd
OH and he definitely cusses WAY to much ( its kinda a problem )
Gets into so many fights at school (mainly caused by cartman) but has developed kinda a bad reputation for himself
has such road rage
lowkey best friends with bebe
thinks elvis is hot
LOVES adult cartoons
when sheila isn’t home, him, ike, and gerald watch family guy
TOTAL cat person
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the premise of the new au because i simply cannot help myself
takes place mullet stan, paranoid ford era
not too long after ford sends the postcard, bill steals his body and traps him in the mindscape. his ethereal form is altered due to nightmare realm shenanigans, and he ends up looking like a lanky shadow figure with static-y/blurred edges. the most distinguishing part of his appearance is the addition of an emperor moth with spread wings over his face which acts as his eyes, as well as several species of moths that trail him around (these include cecropia moths, Creatonotos gangis, luna moths, and death's-head hawkmoths)
eventually, stan arrives and, one, is not exactly pleased about going into a seemingly empty dark house filled with bugs, and two, is especially not pleased at the revelation that oh that's my brother isn't it. oh i'm the only one who can see him aren't i
after figuring out what's happened, stan sets out to try and find ford's stolen body. unfortunately, he has exactly zero leads and comes up with nothing. he spends a little while cleaning up the house (minus the moths) before ford and him come to the conclusion that they're gonna have do this bill-style
as in stan allows ford to possess him to actually get the investigative work going. this comes with an interesting system- an emperor moth is always either perched on or hovering around stan at all times. when ford's possessing him, the moth covers both of his eyes. if the moth is only covering one eye, it means that they are using the power of ✨ teamwork ✨
this does come with the unfortunate side effect of people staring at stan whenever he goes into town, but that's fine, they're both used to that sort of thing by now
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