#miraculous historical wielders
alexseanchai · 2 years
so my participation in @snowflakechallenge this year is apparently Mostly Not (I do have something in progress for challenge 4, at least?), but challenge 6 is easy enough:
In your own space, post the results of your fandom scavenger hunt.
1. A favorite character
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2. Something that makes you laugh
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3. A bookshelf
All the other images in this post have alt text, but the interesting part of shelfies is always the book titles and I ain't typing all that up.
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4. A game or hobby you enjoy
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5. Something you find comforting
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6. A TV show or movie you hope more people will watch
I... huh. Good question. I'm gonna go with the 1990s Sailor Moon in the VIZ dub, because of reasons. (Even if it does keep weirding me out that Luna and Artemis sound entirely unfamiliar, that is, entirely unlike the DiC/Cloverfield dub.) Close attention to 8 and 9 below will reveal one of my several reasons. 😸
7. A piece of clothing you love
my Seanan McGuire music shirts no longer fit 😭
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8. A thing from an old fandom
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9. A thing from a new fandom
Okay, this one's cheating a bit, because I as a Miraculous Ladybug fanficcer am Up To Something, but also I didn't name that character and this really explains a lot about kwagatamas:
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The Three Sacred Treasures (三種の神器, Sanshu no Jingi/Mikusa no Kamudakara) are the imperial regalia of Japan and consist of the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi (草薙劍), the mirror Yata no Kagami (八咫鏡), and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama (八尺瓊勾玉). They represent the three primary virtues: valour (the sword), wisdom (the mirror), and benevolence (the jewel).
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jacquesthepigeon · 3 months
I don't think them incorporating history into the miraculous lore is inherently BAD but the way they went about it is definitely not good and not thought out. Conversely I do like that one headcanon about the Buddha having been a snake wielder- we know he was definitely a real person, and it would even tie directly into how the legend claims that while he was undergoing his journey towards enlightenment, he had a serpent familiar who helped protect him from evil. That would've been fun. Instead we got the Marquis de Lafayette with the eagle miraculous
Wasn’t it Jefferson? I just know it was a Daveed Diggs character
But anyway
There are fun ways to do historical tie-ins without completely butchering the figures involved
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IOTA Reviews: Reunion
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Today's episode is a special one, as it teaches kids about toxic people in online message boards. Hey, Astruc? Do you remember that saying about glass houses and throwing stones? Asking for a friend.
Let's get into the eighth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Reunion
We start off at the Louvre, where Marinette and Alya are looking through the paintings to find more symbols of the Order of the Guardians, something previously established in “Feast”. Marinette ponders the idea of past Miraculous holders falling in love with each other, to which Alya gives one of the most contradicting responses I've ever heard.
Marinette: Miraculous holders are always pictured solo, but there had to have been some love stories between some of them. A Ladybug and a Cat Noir in love, it must've happened at some point, right?
Alya: Or maybe they just focused on the job and kept their lovey-dovey stuff out of their superhero lives, like you should. Preferably with a boy you've been in love with for a long time who's finally interested in you? Does a certain Adrien ring any bells?
Wow, not even a minute in, and I already have something to bitch and moan about.
First off, it's really rich for Alya to act like superheroes can't fall in love when she was dating Nino with the knowledge that they were both superheroes, and willingly blew her cover as Rena Furtive because she didn't want to break up with her idiot boyfriend, and ended up costing Ladybug the Fox Miraculous. It'd be one thing if it was like a “Don't make the same mistakes I made!” thing, but in the very next sentence, she tries to encourage Marinette to keep pursuing Adrien. Alya, you do know that even if Marinette starts dating Adrien, she'll still have to deal with her superhero life, right? It's a classic superhero trope that a hero's secret identity gets in the way of their love life, something this show did three different times last season (Truth, Lies, Rocketear). Cat Noir or Adrien, Marinette's love life will be complicated by her superhero life, and Alya basically said “Superheroes shouldn't date! Now, you should really think about asking Adrien out.”
Marinette tries to ask Tikki for advice, but Tikki casually drops another retco—more worldbuilding. Yeah, that's it. It's more worldbuilding, and nothing the writers threw in this season without thinking about how it could have been used in earlier episodes.
See, back in Season 2's “Befana”, Tikki gave Marinette a magical jewel called a Kwagatama, something all past Ladybug wielders have. For the most part, nothing came of it for about five years and three seasons. So naturally, the writers came up with something that makes no sense to introduce now. The true purpose of the Guardian seals is for the Kwagatama to be used for Reunion, a way to contact the spirits of the past Miraculous holders, albeit so only the user can see them, sort of like Al from Quantum Leap.
My problem here is that IT MAKES NO SENSE TO INTRODUCE THIS NOW WHEN TIKKI SEEMED TO ABOUT THIS THE WHOLE TIME! Think about a huge chunk of Marinette's angst last season stemmed from the fact that she has absolutely no guidance as Guardian, and had to learn from trial and error. If Marinette had a way to talk with any of the past Ladybug holders, why the hell didn't Tikki suggest it when she really needed it in the first place?!
Before Marinette can give the Reunion a test run, some Unfunny Marinette Slapstick happens, so she accidentally knocks over a painting, revealing a letter inside for Alix's father Alim. Turns out Alix left some photos detailing her adventures in a letter and hid it inside the painting, National Treasure style. Adrien tells Gabriel and Nathalie about this, and after he leaves, the two share an evil smirk.
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Because I guess now they're on good terms again?
The letter reveals that Alix has been jumping around from time to time, meeting various historical figures, potentially screwing with history, and completely ignoring the secret identity rule since everyone in her class is reading this letter. Alix's older brother, Jalil, isn't happy.
Jalil: How could you let her go?!
Alim: Jalil, enough already!
Jalil: Alix was brainwashed by Ladybug! She forced her on a crusade without us and all you're doing is... nothing!
Alim: Your sister wasn't forced. She went into hiding in time so that Monarch couldn't take over the Miraculous of the Rabbit.
Marinette: Alix is helping Ladybug and Cat Noir restore peace!
Jalil: How could she help them if she's not even here? Can't you see this makes zero sense? Wake up, dad!
Alim: I was there when Ladybug gave her the Miraculous. Alix agreed to the whole thing. She was proud she could help.
“Oh my God, Jalil. Your little sister is just choosing to travel through time and stay away from home with little means of contacting the outside world. Don't be such a baby about it.”
Seriously, I get why they wouldn't want Monarch to get the Rabbit Miraculous, but you know what isn't helping keep Alix safe? TELLING HER ENTIRE CLASS THAT SHE HAS THE GODDAMN RABBIT MIRACULOUS! It says a lot that this is something I agree with Jalil on, and his first spotlight episode had him attempt to perform an ancient Egyptian ritual to revive Queen Nefertiti. But rather than focus on the family drama stemming from the absence of the youngest Kubdel, the true conflict of the episode happens.
Alim: Where are you hearing this ridiculous theory?
Jalil: Everybody's talking! Listen! (takes out his Alliance)
Alliance Lila: Akuma88 said: “We trusted Ladybug too blindly and she only made things worse when she let Monarch steal the Miraculous.” Antilady asks: “Who is Ladybug anyway? Why does she wear a mask? If she has nothing to hide, she wouldn't hide anything.” ChloeB says: “Ladybug is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous”.
You know, it's sad how the only positive thing I can say about the conflict is that at least they didn't make a flat-earther joke with these conspiracy theories.
Either way, this is something I had previously talked about during my review of “Illusion”. Rather than show Marinette dealing with the backlash to her losing all the other Miraculous last season, it's clear all the writers are willing to do is have a bunch of strawmen criticize her so the audience can't take their arguments seriously. Yes, most of Paris doesn't know what really happened, so the citizens are obviously misinformed, but that first guy made a decent point about letting Ladybug do all the work instead of the proper authorities. The whole reason Chloe was even namedropped was because the audience knows from earlier episodes that she has a bias against Ladybug, so lumping her together with anyone else who has a problem with her is an easy way to say “If the bad character agrees with these views, that means their arguments are invalid”. And once again, it's pretty hilarious that the lesson the episode is going for about online message boards when the creator of the show is well-known for his poor behavior online, to the point where this very blog was created to chronicle some of the things he's said.
After dodging Adrien's latest attempt to ask her out, Marinette decides to try out the Reunion, selecting Joan of Arc because that's the only character model the animators can reuse. But hey, if you're not a fan of overused character models, how about overused knight cliches?
Joan: Good morrow. What is your name, you clumsy young holder?
Marinette: Um, uh... M-Marinette.
Alya: What's the matter with you, girl, hearing voices or something?
Joan: They used to direct similar inquiries to me as well. You shalt become accustomed to it.
GET IT? She's a knight, so that means she has to talk like she's from a Monty Python movie. If you're somehow not laughing at this totally original joke, buckle up, because this is what all of her dialogue is like for the episode. Marinette tries to ask Joan for advice, but is quickly rebuffed because even though she supposedly fell in love with a past Cat Miraculous holder, and even though this was Tikki's idea in the first place, Joan isn't willing to help Marinette out. What, was she in the middle of a poker game with Oda Nobunaga, Shaka Zulu, and Dwight Eisenhower she really needed to get back to?
Back with Jalil, we see that he's so desperate that he willingly attracts an Akuma, offering to help Monarch if it means getting his sister back. Putting up his book, Monarch akumatizes him into the Pharaoh again.
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The Pharaoh has a pretty sleek design. I like the gold parts and the interchangeable masks, even if they mean his powers are about as historically accurate as an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh!.
After the Pharaoh empowers his book with the powers of Maat, the Egyptian Goddess who represents the concepts of truth and justice, Monarch gives him the Turtle Miraculous' Shelter to protect the Maat book from being destroyed. Because as we saw with Manipula in “Determination”, simply being invulnerable to being destroyed automatically means victory. Oh right, she lost because the heroes outsmarted her. But I doubt that exact same thing will happen this episode, right?
Back with Marinette, Joan still refuses to talk with her because I guess being dead means she has a tight schedule and can't even bother to help out her successor. Before Joan can even end the Reunion, the Louvre is trapped in a giant pyramid where we see that the Pharaoh is using his powers to quiz people on the truth. Oh my God, the Pharaoh now has the powers of Kamen Rider Quiz. Run, you fools! Kamen Rider Zi-O is the only show in existence with more wasted potential than yours!
Marinette and Adrien transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir respectively, albeit still separated. When asked a question about who was the King of France on March 15th, 1423, Ladybug and Alya attempt to look up the answer online, only to get no signal. Thankfully, because the question just so happens to be set during the time when Joan was alive, she's able to give an answer: there was no king that day thanks to outside circumstances preventing a ruler from being properly recognized. Alya gets to safety, and Ladybug meets up with Cat Noir, who is struggling to answer another one of the Pharaoh's questions: What will the weather be like on July 14th, 200 years from now? It turns out that the Pharaoh was banking on that, as it's something only Bunnix would know.
Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, a fountain pen, and takes a page from Doc Brown's book, writing a letter to Alix in the future so she can tell them the weather for that day by leaving her own letter in the past. After Cat Noir Cataclysms the Shelter barrier, the Pharaoh just creates a new one. Ladybug then comes up with another question: Is she really a hero, and did Alix leave of her own free will? The book obviously answers yes, and once again, the Pharaoh rejects the Akuma with ease.
Ladybug de-evilizes the Akuma, uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix the damage, shows Jalil another letter from Alix, and never learns Jalil willingly got himself akumatized in the first place.
Joan talks with Marinette and tells her about her past, where she fell in love with a Cat Miraculous holder from England, and the conflict with France forced them to give up their Miraculous and go into hiding. It's a simple backstory, but the artwork and narration tells a lot without going too into detail about things, keeping what happened after Joan and her lover gave up their Miraculous vague for a reason.
Marinette: And then you lived happily ever after?
Joan: I hope so, Marinette. I hope so.
Marinette: Huh?
Tikki: That's not the real Joan, Marinette. It's just her memory as a holder. She can't know what she did after she gave up her Miraculous.
Translation: "We don't want to tell the kids watching what really happened to Joan of Arc." So the episode ends with Marinette wondering if starting a relationship with Cat Noir is possible after all, even if it means she has to give up her Miraculous. Oh yeah, and Plagg gives Adrien a Kwagatama too, but it's not really that important.
That's a good way to describe this episode: it just... happened. Outside of the Reunion lore, not much really happened here, which has been a problem I've had with the last few episodes of Season 5 as a whole. Not much was enough to get me really angry, but at the same time, the writing was just mediocre in my opinion. Pharaoh's new power was just Truth again, and they tried to make him look smart, but all he asked were obscure trivia questions, not something that would really test how honest someone is. For an Akuma who already had it out for Ladybug from the start, the return of the Pharaoh was pretty underwhelming. It didn't help that the other lesson about avoiding misinformation didn't really work that well because it took a magical lie detector to resolve Jalil's trust issues towards Ladybug. Also, it's really weird how nonchalant everyone is about Alix being away from home and traveling through time with no guarantee of when she'll return, while Jalil's somewhat understandable concern about Ladybug possibly manipulating his little sister (who he didn't even get to say goodbye to) was just brushed off for that lesson about conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Even though the idea of Joan of Arc being a superhero sounds really interesting, not much is done with Joan as a character, and I think that stems from the fact that it's obvious that a show that airs on Disney Channel can't talk about the two things everyone knows about her: The supposed messages from God, and that she was burned at the stake. Without those key aspects of her life story, all the writers really had to work with was that Joan was a female knight. This is especially harsh, because even without that, you could have told a story about how Joan was in a similar situation to Marinette, being trusted with the Ladybug Miraculous at a young age (Historians believe Joan was seventeen when she first went to the battlefield, and the flashback in this episode implies she only became a soldier after getting her Miraculous), and how she dealt with the newfound responsibilities, especially in a tense time like the middle ages. Instead, all we got was more Love Square pandering that didn't even make sense for Joan to be dismissive of because she was a massive hypocrite, not only for dismissing Marinette's initial question when she had the answer for it, but also for essentially body shaming Cat Noir by calling him “Puny”. Because how dare that teenage boy not be as jacked as a battle-hardened knight.
Overall, there's not much I can really say about this episode. I doubt the Reunion will ever be plot-relevant again, so what's the point? The most I can say is that it was certainly an episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season.
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While I have grievances with the things Alya, Tikki, and Alim all said and did, for the most part, that's connected to bigger issues with the season as a whole. The purpose of the Biggest Idiot Award was to judge a character's actions in the context of the episode itself. So while Joan of Arc was never officially knighted, it is my honor to present this show's take on her with the award. Joan was unnecessarily rude to Marinette, assumed she knew how to end the Reunion when it was pretty clear this was her first time using it, went on a long tangent while answering a question while Ladybug didn't have a lot of time to give the answer, and talked trash about Cat Noir for not being as buff as the knights she led into battle. She also didn't offer to give any advice in battle even though she knew she wasn't able to interact with the physical world, when the whole purpose of the Reunion is to impart wisdom onto the next generation.
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lordmartiya · 2 years
Hey, another thing from the history buff about Miraculous Ladybug... And specifically about La Coccinelle, the Ladybug wielder that served in the Musketeers... And thus is the one Miraculous wielder confirmed to have used a GUN.
Yes, a gun: the entire point of the Musketeers was that Louis XIII wanted bodyguards that would use muskets, so he equipped a light cavalry company with muskets. The reason we associate them more with swords is that in Dumas’ famous novel we normally see them in peacetime, so when there’s no point for them to carry their namesake weapon... But in the chapters were the Muskerteers are reassigned to the siege of La Rochelle the Musketeers do indeed bring their muskets.
Another interesting part is that, going by the colors and uniform, she was not a Musketeer OF THE GUARD but a Musketeer of the CARDINAL: Richelieu at one point decided he too needed bodyguards, and since Bodyguards was the name of the King’s SENIOR bodyguard unit he went and copied the Musketeers to avoid a PR disaster, and dressed them in red as opposed to the King’s Musketeers’ blue. And accidentally started a rivalry that continued during the time of Louis XIV and cardinal Mazarin, until, at the death of the latter, the Cardinal’s Musketeers were absorbed in the Musketeers of the Guard (to the chagrin of both units), redressed in blue, and equipped with black horses as the Black Musketeers, while the original company received grey horses and became the Grey Musketeers.
Given the details of La Coccinelle’s outfit, she was one of Richelieu’s Musketeers. Wonder what the hell was the Cardinal dealing with if a Miraculous found its way among his bodyguards... And if La Coccinelle had to deal with the historical counterparts to D’Artagnan and his friends (yes, they’re based on historical characters, with D’Artagnan eventually dying his historical counterpart’s death)
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thepugofchaos · 1 year
Historical Holders pt.2
Hello, today is none other than our crazy Roman tyrant, so…
(Totally irrelevant, but I'm planning on writing a fanfic where Caligula was the wielder of Plagg's miraculous and Adrien accidentally chooses him the first time he uses the kwagatama.)
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yunyin · 3 years
On the one hand, I'm a little disappointed that Plikki isn't a thing. On the other hand, it feels more and more like everything Adrien and Marinette have together is entirely them, and I like that a lot.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML Analysis: The Miraculous. Marvelous or Ridiculous.
So I have been asked to make an analysis on the well known Magical Jewelry of the show. The miraculous. (No I will not be talking about the Shanghai special magical gems, I won't even be mentioning anything revealed after the NY special. This is solely knowledge on season 3 and prior.)
This will be a VERY long post in which I will be discussing the merits and demerits of the magical items in question.
Now for this analysis I will be doing my best to solely focus on the miraculous themselves, this is not an analysis on the Guardians or other miraculous holders. This is about the magical gems. I will be giving some background information on certain things. But I am going to focus on the miraculous.
I think in order to organize this post I will be splitting it up as follows.
A Miraculous Lore
Kwami: Personal Pals or Pain in the Butt
Potential and Drawbacks
Power Balance: The delicate dance
Final thoughts
So lets get to it
A Miraculous Lore
To briefly explain, the 'Miraculous' are magical jewelry created by a powerful mage which allows the powers of Kwami to be harnessed and controlled by anyone who wields it and uses it to transform.
Now when it comes to magical items, its important that these items have sort of connection to the fictional world they are in. This connection acts as a means of world building. Now there are 3 main factors to keep in mind when connecting the mystical item of power to the world itself, the history, mystery, and Impact on the present. In this section I will be talking about how the miraculous are addressed in the series, from their historical significance as well as their mysterious powers that are yet to be truly revealed.
Now history is the talk of the events of the past, and in the world of miraculous ladybug, the miraculous have a rather interesting connection to world events. In the show, we learn that the miraculous were active in ancient china, in Egypt, in greek mythology (which makes the greek myths more of history) and even events as recent as the American revolution were impacted by the miraculous. Now these reveals are information provided in the show itself, there are also confirmations from the writers regarding other points in history where the miraculous were active, such as when Joan of Arc was fighting in the 100 year war. Now this aspect works well with the second trait of world building, mystery, but it also leaves a lot of gaps for the viewer, which is where the next part of the history connection comes in, the order of the guardians. The guardians of the miraculous work as the connecting point, giving the viewer the explanation on how the miraculous became a part of human history. The guardians connection lays the ground work for the miraculous lore as it allows us to understand that an ancient order dedicated to protecting the miraculous knew when to step in and help history along. Overall, the aspect of history when connected to the miraculous seems to work well for the world building, at least so long as we focus on the miraculous themselves.
The mystery is the aspect of the unknown. What exactly are the secrets hidden about the miraculous. Now the part of the mystery is that the purpose of the miraculous and how the link between the god like beings that the Kwami are is still left up in the air. With the comics, we know that the Kwami are each based on an abstract concept like Creation, destruction and so on. We also find out that a wizard made the miraculous... for some reason. The mystery of the miraculous allows for rapid progress and power ups in the story. In the beginning we knew very little of the limitations and potential the miraculous had. We knew, Ladybug and Chat noir had 5 minutes after using their unique power and that the bad man wanted their miraculous for evil. As the mystery unveils, we find out that there are more miraculous, and that using certain miraculous together can allow for god-like power. We also learned about potions, techniques, and other such things that make the miraculous more enigmatic. What is the full potential of the miraculous? What more is there to this mystery? The miraculous brings the more interesting parts of ML to light because we as the viewer are invested in what more these jewelry sets can do.
The impact on the present. As the show's plot revolves around the two heroes that utilize the miraculous, it is easy to see how the miraculous are very crucial to the plot. The main villain wants the magical items because he wants to make his wish, the heroes need the power to fend off his villains that he creates and eventually take the miraculous back from him. Meanwhile the order that protected the miraculous are once again active thanks to Ladybug and Chat noir purifying the akumatized Sentimonster Feast (which had massive impact on the progression of story ).
Kwami: Personal Pals or Pain in the Butt
Kwamis, best described as divine, spirit-like beings who embody "abstract" concepts. They give certain powers to people with Miraculouses, transforming them into animal-themed super beings. Kwami are the beings that make the Miraculous, well miraculous.
The Kwami have a rather fascinating role in the story as they act as they add character to this relatively cool jewelry piece. It isn't just a magical item, the Kwami are companions to their wielders and need to be judged as such. Now these beings are crucial because they play multiple roles in the show. For this part of the analysis, I will be focusing mainly on the Kwami that have had the most screen time, mainly Tikki, Plagg, Wayzz and Nooru. The other Kwami, while having personalities, do not have permanent owners or have not been out long enough to establish themselves. Now these four Kwami are important because they can be examined if they follow the indicators of a companion or specifically fit the trope known as Mentor Mascot. For this I have created 2 criteria Distinct criteria that these Kwami must meet in order to be considered good companions. These criteria are Cute Confidant and Wiser Advisor.
The Cute Confidant is an aspect that addresses two key components in the mentor mascot companion field. The first is obviously, cuteness. The Kwami must be cute, small and have tiny habits that make you want a plushy of them. In this regard, all of the Kwami pass the test because all of them are tiny and have little habits that make them adorable to the viewer. From Wayzz and his little Match box bed, to Plagg's chaotic cat tendencies, to Tikki's cute little assistant routine, and even Nooru's tiny bits of exposition and concern. The kwami capture cuteness. The second component to this is the Confidant portion. The Kwami must be entities that the wielder wants to tell things to, things that they would not tell anyone else. In short, the Kwami need to be beings that the user can trust whole heartedly. Now Tikki and Wayzz have both shown to be the most obedient confidants in this regard. Both have the best experience keeping secrets and their users trust them completely. Plagg is a bit more chaotic and it is true that Adrien does tell him everything and that he would never spill that info, Plagg has gone behind Adrien's back more times then any of the other swami (like in Sand boy, and in Kwamibuster). Though while not trust breaking, Plagg has caused his partner a bit of trouble (which actually makes him a better mascot, but less a mentor). Nooru is sort of forced to obey Gabriel so while not a willing confidant, he does listen to him monologue a LOT. In short, the Kwami do make for Cute Confidants.
The Wiser Advisor aspect comes into play in one very simple way. How do the Kwami help their wielders outside of their powers. The Advising role of the mascot mentor is truly important as with nearly every single magical girl/ superhero show, the character has an identity to keep secret and sometimes the only one that can be talked to when there is a problem is their mascot mentor. In this department, Tikki is technically the best advice giver as Marinette is suppose to learn the most lessons due to her being the main character, but I think Plagg better exemplifies the personal aspect of the wiser advisor role. Plagg goes out of his way to try and do what he thinks is best for Adrien. Plagg is seen more like the devil on the shoulder by the fandom, but Plagg is acting more like the voice of self worth for Adrien. Plagg is acting with Adrien's interests at heart. If one looks at Syren or Chat Blanc, there are times when Plagg advises AGAINST something and is often right in that regard. Plagg has a larger grasp of knowing when something is wrong more than something is right. The Kwami are still inhuman and can't relate to everything their 'Chosen' goes through, which we see more in the recent season, with Tikki's explaination. In this regard the Kwami learn just as much from the humans as the humans do from them. Though really, Tikki is suppose to be the wiser advisor but the problem comes into play when her answers are... not very helpful. Tikki has shown to either tell the lesson of the day and get ignored or have no idea how to fix a situation. There is no middle ground with her. But in the end the Wiser Advisor role is conveyed by the kwami and that is important.
The Kwami provide a very crucial aspect to the miraculous, it adds a personality to the ancient relic. We want our heroes to protect the miraculous because we want the kwami to be safe and away from evil people like Hawkmoth. The kwami add so much more to this normally typical magical item. Their roles as the cute confidant and the Wiser advisor allows for them to be crucial in the growth of the heroes as they continue down the path of heroism. And while i think the writing for the kwami can fluctuate, I think its fair to conclude that they are personal pals rather than pains in the butt.
Potential and Drawbacks
So in this section of the analysis I will be covering the Potential of the Miraculous as well as the drawbacks. Does this potential make sense? Or is it simply another deus ex Machina. As for the drawbacks. Whats the price of utilization? Is their a fee? What are the limits? Do these limits make sense? Are there too many limits or not enough limits? Now let us progress.
As mentioned in the mystery aspect of the miraculous. The Miraculous have Kwami that represent concepts and their power relates to said concept. When we as the viewer are introduced to the Miraculous, we only know that the miraculous have a unique power and that when the ladybug and Cat miraculous are both used can have a power that the villain wants. Now as the seasons pass we see that the specific power that the villain wants is to use the two miraculous to make a wish. This concept alone make the miraculous (or at the very least the ladybug and Cat miraculous) immensely powerful. The potential of having a wish makes the two miraculous priceless. In a way, this reveal shows the max potential that the miraculous are capable of, the ability to shape the world in anyway the user desires. But that is only the case when BOTH the ladybug and Cat miraculous are utilized, what about the other miraculous? What are they capable of alone? Well by themselves, the miraculous are pretty much straightforward. They enhance the abilities of the user to super human levels and then allow the user to utilize the unique power of the miraculous, such as destruction, time travel, etc.
Now in season 2 we learn that there are potions that can be consumed to allow the heroes to traverse different environments, such as the vaccum of space, the ocean, and frozen plains, what this does is allow for the user to have an edge in any environment which makes the miraculous highly adaptable. It is unknown if potions can be stacked on top of one another, but that is debatable on whether or not that would even be useful.
In Season 3, we learn that miraculous can be used together, using unification. This allows the user to use 2 miraculous at the same time. While it is unclear if it improves the already enhanced abilities of the wearer, it is confirmed that they can use the kwami powers involved in the unification. We even see Marinette find a work around to this by using the mouse miraculous to make copies of herself and then use 4 different powers! Showing that there is a way to work around the two person ability of unification. It is also feasible that using more than two active miraculous at once in one form is possible, but that is yet to be discover.
In Season 4, we are given a reveal that embodiment of the concept of the miraculous can result in more abilities, or at the very least can be inferred from Alya's discovery. Ladybug created a new powered up form of her lucky charm and could now create Akuma/Amok warding charms thanks to this power. This aspect of the miraculous is rather new and it is unknown how far this concept can be taken. But the potential demonstrated gives the implication that the limitation of powers on the miraculous is mental.
The miraculous still seem to have more tricks that have yet to be revealed, but the potential from environmental potions, to 100's of unification combinations, and potential to push past limits gives the miraculous a massive pool of potential that make it fascinating.
When it comes to magical items, many always like to know the drawbacks with the magical item involved. The miraculous is no different. Now this is where I find the miraculous is a little murky. At the start the most well known issue with the miraculous was that after the miraculous wielder used the special power of the Kwami, the user only had around 5 minutes before they were forced back. Now with Hawkmoth we never really knew if he was subjected to that rule, since there were times he was off screen. Did he simply have a work around? Was it because he knew something the heroes didnt? That was the biggest mystery until season 3 when its revealed that adults can use the power multiple times without having to de-transform. This explanation was and is still a gripe many people have with the series. The creators gave explanations outside of the show on why that is but it was usually dismissed and still left people angry. However there were still plenty of other drawbacks that the miraculous had.
A major drawback is that the Kwami's condition is related to the condition of the miraculous and vice versa. A broken/damaged miraculous results in the kwami also being damaged. We see this in season 3 with Duusu and the peacock miraculous. Using a damaged miraculous also has an impact on the wielder, slowly draining their life force (as seen with Nathalie) and it appears that overuse can kill the wielder. (which is what happened with Emilie). A Kwami is the reason the miraculous are powerful, without the kwami present, the miraculous is useless. So being too far from one's kwami would make transforming impossible. The kwami being affected by something would also affect the user. Like when Plagg couldnt see due to Chloé's jewlery it is implied if Adrien had transformed, He would have been blind. So the kwami needs to be taken care of, which is a drawback that makes sense.
Another Drawback of the miraculous is revealed in both Silencer and Miracle Queen. The transformation and special power are voice activated. In Silencer, when she had her voice stolen, Ladybug was unable to summon her lucky charm until Silencer used her voice to say the word Lucky charm. And in Miracle Queen, Chloé couldnt utilize the other miraculous because she didnt know the names of the kwami. Without the Kwami's name, the user cant activate the miraculous. It plays on the trope of a name giving the speaker power over the magical being. Using a name also gives a level of respect and it is an interesting drawback as well as a fail safe.
Another drawback that we learn about is that using too many miraculous at once can be dangerous. While this has only been shown in Kwamibuster, when Marinette wore at one point nearly every miraculous at once. Simply transforming caused her to feel a bit woozy. Though after that it did not seem to impact her. There has yet to be seen if abusing unify (like Shadowmoth) and Ladybug have been doing will result in similar effects. But it is something to look out for.
For the most part the potential of the miraculous is put on the user where it is the user figuring ways of utilizing the miraculous that make it more powerful while the drawbacks are mainly limited to the state of the Kwami. This allows for an interesting act of balance where caring for the miraculous would allow the user to evolve, which is something we are seeing in the show, and not taking care of the miraculous or abusing it results in damage, like we see with the villains. Its an interesting parallel that I do wish was explored more.
Power Balance: The delicate dance
People dont really understand how important balancing power is when it comes to shows. The Hero must be strong enough to save the day, the villain must be a big enough threat for the hero to take seriously. Thats why superman has foes like Darkseid or Braniac. Why Goku fights Frieza, or why Sailor moon has to fight Galaxia.
The miraculous are very bizarre in terms of balance. The strongest miraculous are claimed to be the ladybug and Cat miraculous, the concepts of creation and destruction, Together they maybe the most powerful, but in reality, they are not the strongest. The strongest single miraculous is the Rabbit. A miraculous with the ability to travel through time, it is likely the closet miraculous to being the cat and Ladybug combined. It allows one to change the flow of time. Changing events that could have lead to disaster. And we know that time travel is not multiversal travel, that going to the past DOES impact the timeline. In fact thats the reason its so rarely used, the Rabbit miraculous is a last resort, and if something is a last resort, than its clearly the most powerful. There is also the snake miraculous which has nearly infinite uses regardless of age so long as it is within the 5 minute window. The Horse miraculous that can transport the user anywhere they have in mind, including sending someone into the vacuum of space.
The miraculous power balance also has issues when one considers the two main miraculous, the cat and the Ladybug. Both miraculous are considered crucial to giving someone maximum power and are illustrated like Yin and Yang. But in reality, the Ladybug miraculous is much more powerful than the cat miraculous in nearly every conceivable way. Ignoring the users and just taking their abilities at face value. The cat miraculous has one unique power while the ladybug miraculous has 3. The cat miraculous can destroy anything but the ladybug miraculous can fix any damage done with her miraculous cleansing. The cat miraculous has one piece of jewlery while the Ladybug has two, making it still possible to use with only one earring. Looking at the powers by themselves and not the wielders, one would believe one miraculous was superior to the other.
The power balance between the heroes and the villains seems to be the only one with some care and merit. The peacock and the Butterfly miraculous are at perfect odds with Ladybug and Chat noir. The peacock and the butterfly allow for any sort of power to be created and utilized by an individual or created monster, while the ladybug and cat miraculous are able to purify and fix the person possessed. This allows for a strong balance that means one side must try and out think the other in order to win. The one balance I do think the show captured correctly is the balance between the heroes and villains. Ladybug and Chat noir always managed to foil Shadowmoth's plans but shadowmoth gets more creative and does have small victories from time to time, but never actually wins the day. It is enough to keep the viewer on their toes and keeps the power balance from being too predictable.
The miraculous in terms of balance are... a mess, and I do think that the powers given to the miraculous in some cases were not well thought out. It is hard to say that the miraculous follow a proper balance of power or even dynamic. But the balance is hard to maintain when one is trying to have over a dozen different magical items, its natural that some would be more powerful than others.
Final thoughts
The Miraculous are incredibly interesting magical items and its understandable how appealing they are to viewers. They arent just unobtanium or a generic magic powersource that villain can pursue. The miraculous have sentience and special unique characteristics that make them so much more. While the power balance is something I find problem with, the matters of lore and kwami help keep the user invested and I feel it makes the miraculous well... Miraculous. I find the miraculous fascinating and while at times ridiculous, the potential development has me marveling at their beauty.
(thanks for this commission and sorry it took months to make. Season 4 put a wrench in this and I needed to utilize what was learned to add to it)
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lady-charinette · 3 years
Thanks for the ask Alex, sorry for the late reply! ^_^
We shall go with ANGST!
with a sprinkle of fluff! :3
It's been two years since the news shocked the world of Hawkmoth's identity and the villains subsequent defeat at the hands of France's heroes.
News headlines to this day still talk about the historical event, newly created "akuma experts", body language professionals and even psychologists analyze Hawkmoth's final moments as a villain.
The Agreste family had suffered a substantial loss after the arrest of Gabriel Agreste and Adrien's lack of public appearances. Nobody could blame the young man, not after who his father was revealed to be and where exactly his mother had been this whole time. It took a full year for the Agreste's to make a steady recovery.
France still does not know the identity of their beloved heroes, speculations and theories ran as wild as ever, but no confirmation could be uttered at any point in time.
Ladybug and Chat Noir had disappeared from the public for a while as well. The major himself asked for the media to cease their relentless pursuit of the heroes' identities and let them rest after their big battle.
Many things had changed, but there was one thing that didn't.
Their get-togethers.
"Alright, everyone here?" Marinette Dupain-Cheng scanned the small crowd of her friends, smiling when they were all present.
Except one.
Luka was the first to ask, ever the perceptive one, "Adrien's still missing." His worried gaze glanced towards Marinette, but the Ladybug wielder gave a reassured smile in return.
"We can wait."
Just as she uttered those words, a soft thud and two black clad feet landed on the rooftop near the group.
It was Chat Noir.
The black leather was gone in a rush of glitter and light, leaving behind the sole heir of the Agreste brand behind.
Plagg immediately flew to the small group of kwami huddled together next to their holders, having something of their own little party, with their favorite assortment of foods. The cheese didn't last longer than a second since Plagg took his seat next to Tikki.
Adrien waved at his friends, his smile somber, "Hello everyone, sorry I'm late, there was another press conference."
Alya held onto her crossed legs, rocking lightly back and forth. "Must be tough handling those, I saw those reporters coming at you. They're worse than vultures."
The former model chuckled, sitting down next to Marinette and setting aside a basket filled with treats for his friends. "Yeah, kind of, but mom is surprisingly good at handling them."
Nino arched an eyebrow curiously, asking carefully:"She is?"
Adrien nodded, his smile widening and the warmth returning to his face. "Yeah, she's a natural, it's thanks to her that the Agreste brand didn't completely go to ruin. I couldn't have done anything without her, Nathalie and the Gorilla's support." Adrien looked over to his friends, meeting each of their eyes. "And you guys of course."
Chloe huffed, crossing her arms. "Even without a miraculous, you don't think I'm completely useless, do you Adrikins?"
Max gently elbowed the blond's side, causing her to straighten her posture and mutter under her breath:"I mean, we."
Adrien only chuckled. "Never, Chlo. Not any of you." His eyes finally met those of Marinette, who offered a smile back and returned her attention to handing out paper plates.
"Who knew so much happened in two years." She began with a nostalgic tune in her voice, one matched by Nino.
"You said it dude, two years ago, nobody thought there would ever be an end to people getting akumatized." Nino helped himself with the salad, pushing the bowl closer to his girlfriend so she could put some on her plate.
"But we made it, barely but...we made it." Marinette's soft, almost vulnerable whispering caught the attention of Adrien, whose heavy but warm hand squeezed hers in comfort.
"It was a close call, but I knew you could do it m'lady."
It truly had been.
Memories of their final confrontation with Hawkmoth immediately sprung into everyone's minds.
Plagg nearly cataclysming Hawkmoth, equipped with three miraculous, to protect Adrien, before quickly bringing his miraculous to Ladybug, who caught it mid-air.
Ladybug wearing both the black cat and ladybug miraculous, unifying Plagg and Tikki and making the wish right before Hawkmoth's hand closed around Adrien's throat.
The ultimate wish that would bend the rules of the universe itself, Ladybug's quick thinking that saved the world of certain doom before a bright light engulfed the party of injured heroes in the Agreste basement.
Gabriel's powerless form laying terribly injured against Emilie Agreste's life pod, which had opened during the scuffle. It was nothing short of a miracle when Emilie returned to life with labored coughs, caught by a tearful Adrien and the distant sirens of police cars encircling the mansion.
Marinette had transformed back, her body had taken a toll by using the two most powerful miraculous to make the wish, but she chose that necessary sacrifice. If a few years off her lifespan meant to see her friends and family safe, it was a small price to pay.
Brought back to the present by Adrien's hand on her shoulder, Marinette shook her head softly and grinned. "Why the long faces? Shouldn't we make a toast?"
Nathaniel and Marc poured each-other their beverages, shy but beaming smiles on their faces. "Aw, Marinette, please! It's too early!"
Marinette giggled, "No its not, you guys are getting married!"
"Engaged!" Both Marc and Nathaniel cried out, their faces flaming red as their friends erupted into cheer and laughter.
"Well, the ceremony won't be that far into the future. Let's celebrate your luck!" Nino raised his glass first, followed by Alya's until the rest chimed in.
"I'm not able to see the future yet, but I don't need to have the rabbit miraculous to know you guys will have a happy marriage." Luka added playfully, gently bumping shoulders with Marc, who tried to hide behind his long black hair.
"May lady luck follow you wherever you guys will go!"
"Well said!"
The clinking of glasses and spilled over drinks was drowned out by the laughter from the heroes.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 8
Somehow, this went over the 2k words mark. No wonder I'm running late on @marichatmay now. Oops? (I guess I just really like writing cooking scenes)
Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 8: In which the kids think about kissing each other a lot, but it's still too early
Chat Noir’s heart was heavy as he made his way towards Marinette’s place.
He knew that his decision to break up with her was the right one; he’d kept up the charade long enough, and he wasn’t comfortable with the fact that she was reaching out for him through Ladybug. They’d undeniably spent some nice moments together, the memory of which he cherished dearly, but he was afraid that Marinette was getting too confident about the strength of their relationship (and the fact that he found himself thinking about her a lot hadn’t been an argument in favour of not playing along a little longer).
His already cloudy mood had further been dampened by the really sucky day he’d had. His father had come up with yet another fashion shoot, which had prevented him from attending the Kitty Section rehearsal he’d been looking forward to all week. Then, Lila had managed to get them paired up for a History project, which he wouldn’t have minded too much had it not been for the fact that she’d bragged all morning about a trip to New York she’d be making the week they were supposed to work on the task, meaning that he’d have to do all the work himself. Finally, to top everything off, an Akuma had interrupted the only free period he had for the rest of the week; it had been nice to see Ladybug, but he wished he’d used the time to collect his thoughts and rehearse what he’d say to Marinette.
He landed on her balcony with a loud thump, and knocked on her skylight.
“Just a minute!” she called out, and he heard her rifle around her room before running up her ladder and opening her skylight.
“Hi,” she beamed, slightly flushed and breathless, as she ushered him in.
He felt his heart clench in his chest. He wasn’t sure if it was better that she seemed in a great mood, but he didn’t have time to ponder on the topic too much; she tugged him down the stairs, and all but pushed him on her chaise, before reverently presenting him with a wrapped package.
“Happy birthday, kitty.” She bit her lip, anxiously waiting for him to open it.
Chat Noir toyed with it. He’d been so busy in the past week that his lie about his birthday had completely slipped his mind. He found himself in a difficult situation. Either he could come clean to her about his intentions, and apologise about everything he’d put her through, or… He could open Marinette’s present. Which, knowing her, would be very thoughtful and amazing. She looked very excited about it.
The temptation was too great.
“You remembered!” He gave her a small smile as his claws gently tore through the tape, and found himself with a neatly folded knitted, black product on his knees. He got up and held it out before him; he had to lift it for it not to drag on the floor, it was so long. She hadn’t just seen something that made her think about him. She must have spent ages working on it. For him .
The bright green paw in the middle, associated with the matching cotton sheet that lined the blanket left little doubt as to that fact.
Marinette’s smile falling and her rambling snapped him out from his silent admiration of the gift. He engulfed her in a hug, holding her close to compensate for his speechlessness.
“It’s purr-fect, Princess,” he croaked, letting go of her and clutching the blanket again. “I mean, look at this stitching; how did you manage to get it so regular? And this yarn…” He purred as he rubbed it against his cheek. “It’s so soft.”
“Well, you deserve something that isn’t scratchy,” Marinette giggled.
“But you didn’t have to go so hard on this! This could almost be… A cape!” He wrapped it around his shoulders, holding its two top corners with one hand, and bowed before her. “Your knight at your service, Princess.” He took her hand and kissed it with a wink, before immediately standing up and wrapping it around him differently, therefore missing Marinette’s tension and flush. “It works as a toga, too!”
“A very historically accurate one at that,” Marinette snorted.
“Hey, you don’t know what my predecessors wore.” He crossed his arms over his chest. The top of his makeshift toga fell over them. Marinette grabbed a couple of safety pins and moved closer to him to secure it back.
“Yes, you’re right. I’m utterly ignorant when it comes to past Miraculous wielders,” she said as she did so. “Mind teaching me about them?” She looked up at him. She was very close, for the second time in the evening, her eyes glinting mischievously in the almost half-light.
His breath hitched as the thought that he’d only have to lean in a tiny bit to kiss her curious smile off her lips crossed his mind.
His stomach rumbled, then, and he jumped back, feeling his cheeks redden. He was about to use it as an excuse to leave when he noticed the colours had drained from Marinette’s face.
“I’m so sorry Chat! I forgot to make you some macarons!” She gasped.
He almost laughed at how cute she was, but smiled tenderly instead, and held her shoulders. “Marinette, you made me a full blanket yourself in one week. I’m good without the macarons.”
“But you don’t have a birthday cake, and you’re hungry, and ugh, how could I forget...” She rubbed her eyes frustratedly.
His stomach manifested itself again, proving her point. With all his interruptions, he wasn’t sure he’d eaten more than an apple since breakfast. He really should be going to right that wrong.
“Okay, that settles it.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her trap door. He quickly stepped out of the blanket and tossed it back on her chaise; it wasn't very practical to walk in. Her voice dropped to a whisper as she started to open it. “My parents are sleeping, I think, so we’ll go down to the bakery kitchen. We’ll need to be quiet, though.”
“Okay,” he whispered back.
They cautiously sneaked down the stairs, stopping at any floorboard creak, hearts racing as they listened for any movement. They remained silent even after Marinette had carefully closed the front door of the apartment behind them, holding each other’s hand tightly, as if the stakes were much higher than Chat being sent home and Marinette to bed if they were discovered.
“It’s a bit late to make macarons, but how do you feel about chouquettes?” Marinette hid a sly grin as she turned the light on in the kitchen. She knew exactly what he thought about them.
“That seems like an excellent option.” Chat’s eyes lit up hungrily.
“Good. Could you turn on the oven? 250°C.” She indicated, while she took out the ingredients.
“Oui, Chef.” He executed. “What next?”
“If you could measure out 250mL of milk, then pour it in this saucepan,” she handed him a carton of milk and a measuring jug, before putting the saucepan on a hob and adding other ingredients to it. He followed her instructions, then, seeing as there was barely any left in the container, chugged the remainder, before sighing contently and throwing the carton over his shoulder, without looking. It landed straight in the dustbin.
Marinette paused in the middle of cutting the butter, baffled.
“What?” Chat asked when she’d stood there, blinking, for a couple of minutes.
“I’m sorry, what was that ?” She shook her head and waved her knife between him and the dustbin.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t ask if it was alright for me to finish it,” he said sheepishly. “I can buy you another-”
“I’m not talking about that, although maybe I should, because how stereotypical that you, a cat superhero, should drink milk,” she waved his apology away, raking the butter into the pan. “I’m talking about your aim. Do you play basketball?”
“Sometimes.” Chat scratched the back of his head. It wasn’t exactly true. He’d just perfected the art of landing baskets from any angle of his room out of boredom; it’d been his biggest challenge for a while.
“Maybe you should try out for a team or something.” She handed him four eggs, a bowl and a whisk. He started breaking them.
“If my schedule clears up, maybe.” He doubted his father would encourage the idea. He’d repeated that Agreste men were soloists enough times that Adrien sometimes heard it in his dreams; and unlike fencing, basketball was a team sport.
“Oh, right. Of course.” Marinette nodded. She hesitated to probe further; on the one hand, she was curious about what her partner was up to outside of their duties; it was difficult to probe how he was holding up, sometimes. On the other hand, she was afraid of learning too much about him. She decided to change the subject. “Could you gradually add the eggs to this while I mix?”
“Of course!” He cleared his throat. “These really aren’t hard to make, could you write the recipe down for me so I can make them again at home?” This was going to make great patrol snacks. He was sure Ladybug would appreciate them.
“Yep, no problem!” She finished stirring the ingredients together and pulled out a baking tray and two piping bags. She poked around for greaseproof paper while Chat filled the latter with the batter, before remembering that her parents had mentioned that they’d ran out over dinner.
“Hmm, this isn’t the most traditional way, but we’ll put some flour on the tray and then pipe the chouquettes directly on it. Would you mind taking care of that while I get the sugar?”
Chat nodded, grabbing the bag. He started sprinkling the surface, reaching in the packet every so often. It made the flour fly out a little, tickling his nose. He scrunched it, trying to get rid of the sensation, but it was no use.
He turned away from the tray and prepared to sneeze, instinctively putting the hand that still contained flour in front of his nose… Just as Marinette came back next to him.
“Achoo!” White powder flew everywhere, and Marinette jumped back.
“Ew, Chat!” She exclaimed, quickly dusting it off of her.
“I’m so sorry!” His eyes widened and he bit his lower lip, trying to contain his smile at her bewildered face. He had to admit, white hair looked nice on Marinette.
How cute , Marinette thought, before mentally slapping herself. No matter how true the statement was, it wasn’t helping at all. She reached for the packet and threw a fistful of flour at him to distract herself.
“An eye for an eye!” She stuck her tongue out at him.
“Is it really, though? I didn’t do it on purr-pose,” he said as his eyes landed on the flour packet.
Marinette started backing away, seeing exactly where he was going. “Now, now, no need to be rash about this, remember, we still have to cook the chou- eek!” She started running around the kitchen island as Chat sprung into a chase.
“Come back here, you little scoundrel!”
“Chat please! Think about your poor stomach!” She switched direction as Chat did the same.
“It can wait.” He grinned, gracefully leaping over the island.
Marinette squeaked again as she jumped out of his way, but found herself stuck between two shelving units. Chat approached her slowly, his devilish smile getting wider as the distance between them vanished. He pulled a fistful of flour out of the bag, and she felt her heart beat faster in her chest. Not just because of the imminent threat.
“I’m sorry Chat, I shouldn’t have done that…” She trailed off, backing herself further against the wall. “But this is going to make a mess, think about the clean up…” She pleaded.
Chat paused, his fist above her head losing a bit of its contents. She blinked slowly. Cat kisses, he thought. His eyes flickered to her lips. He wondered what it’d be like to kiss her, for real. He dared not go down that route.
“You’re right.” He shook his head, and brought his arm down, releasing the flour he’d been holding in the packet. “If I’m going to make a mess…” He paused, taking a small step back, and Marinette sighed in relief. “Better do it right.” He lifted the packet and emptied it all on her head.
“What the-” Marinette spluttered out, starting to get rid of it. She heard Chat laugh as he watched her, without so much as offering his help.
“Say cheese!” She was suddenly blinded by a flashing light, and her head shot up.
“Sorry, had to immortalise the moment.” Chat grinned, showing her the picture on his baton.
She glowered at him, and he moved out of her reach, just in case she decided to retaliate.
“You can’t be mad at me, I’m the birthday boy!”
She rolled her eyes, the hint of a smile forming on her lips as she finished dusting off most of the flour from her clothes and went to fetch the broom. Little did he know, she couldn’t be mad at him at all, since, A, she supposed that she’d been in the wrong in the first place, and B, it was him . Not that she’d admit it out loud, though. “I guess you’re right. You’d better hurry up making the chouquettes, then, else I’m putting you on broom duty.”
Chat happily complied.
As he left Marinette’s house, a full packet of warm Chouquettes in hand (he’d made his choice between it and the blanket), he had to admit to himself that even though he hadn’t accomplished his goal, it didn’t really matter.
There’d be plenty of other opportunities to talk to her, and he couldn’t say no to the opportunity of having fun; they were too rare an occurrence to pass up on.
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alexseanchai · 3 years
me, explaining to the local NaNo Discord my current writing frustration: Miraculous Ladybug's notion of ancient Egyptian history is more wrong than that of Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters, which is seriously impressive, y'all
me: if I pick a theory mentioned on Nefertiti's Wikipedia page and run with it, I have most likely done more research than the ML writers
me: the show told us Tutankhamen tried a necromantic-type ritual to restore his princess Nefertiti to life, five thousand years ago. except Nefertiti's husband was King Tut's father and all three of them lived in the 1300s BCE. Eighteenth Dynasty, not First, Second, or pre-unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
me: wait fuck am I the last to see the foreshadowing slash parallel with Gabriel and Emilie
me: this is still wrong though
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ultrakart · 4 years
Eat your hamb- er, hotdogs, Adrien
K I just finished the NYC episode.
I have some THOUGHTS on it. (Spoilers of course, but I already tagged this so why are you here if you don’t want spoilers?)
A few superficial things:
-Character models seem to be polished a tad. Nice
-Voice acting was a bit weird?? Marinette, Alya, Nathalie, and Kagami all sounded like they had a different voice cast than usual. But after like the first 15 minutes or so their voices returned to normal
Ok now for a big ramble.
First of all, it seems that the prediction of reverse love square is partially becoming true? This episode was huge Adrinette.
I found it kinda weird that Marinette was even more stuttery around Adrien than before. But she managed to calm down at least somewhat after they arrived in NYC.
Adrien was giving all the heart eyes to Marinette. More than the world has supply for. Those moments give me sustenance.
Ok, so let’s talk American superheroes. The United Heroez, huh?
(Why does the American hero team that we met 10 seconds ago have a team name but the Paris one doesn’t)
So one of my observations about the world of Miraculous is correct! There IS inherently magic that exists around the world. And not all of it comes from the kwamis.
I was hoping that there’s more of an explanation for what these other sources of magic are. Oh well.
All of the comic book heroes we’ve seen in earlier seasons turned out to be real people. They were pretty cool.
But you know who my favorite American hero is? Hotdog guy. What was his name? Hotdog Dan or whatever? Unironically my favorite of the bunch. 10 out of 10 would magical hotdog again.
Oh! So I remember some teaser a while back saying there would be an arc where Marinette travels around the world and finds lost Miraculous. I did NOT realize that the NYC/Shanghai specials would be that arc.
They’re doing the Percy Jackson thing where [historical figure] is revealed to be a Miraculous wielder. That’s pretty neat.
AND HEY did anyone catch when Sparrow said she and... whatsherfacerobotgirl... I’m bad at names. Anyway she said they were the “Last Chance”. Didn’t Bunnix say something similar when she first appeared? Could it be that the crossover international hero team of the future is called the Last Chance? (Does that crossover team include other Zag properties?)
Ok and WOW that was... I’m not gonna say tragic when Adrien gave up Plagg because we KNOW he gonna get him back. So the drama there is dampened. But that was still sad??
And Marinette chasing after him and slipping on the wet road. Saddest moment of the whole thing :((
On one hand I love how the stakes are raised but on the other hand I get kinda squeamish at terrible things happening to my favorite characters. Why am I even here huh?
Oh and the American heroes trying to confiscate the Miraculous. Is that what they do to all visitors? Surely this isn’t the first time an international hero tried to help and messed something up.
Speaking of messing up, we learn of a new nerf on Ladybug? Her Miraculous Cure can only repair all damage if she summons the Lucky Charm while a supervillain is active? If the baddie is neutralized before she calls her lucky charm then it no longer fixes anything? Is... is that a fact? I always thought it fixes any damage caused by magic. (If even indirectly caused by magic) That nerf just seems... weird.
(Turns out that humans can also ingest the kwami potions and gain the same powers)
Sad we didn’t get a funny “why are you here/why are YOU here/hey I asked first” and they start bickering like children between LB and Chat.
Instead we get them actually mad at each other! Well LB mad at Chat anyway. Which is understandable! He could have least told her that he was also gonna be out of Paris. Then LB would be able to make special accommodations (the Horse Miraculous maybe?) for when they were BOTH out of town.
But hey, nobody’s perfect. And by the end their teamwork is as strong as ever despite the setback.
Did I already talk about the Eagle Miraculous? The kwami of FREEDOM is found in America. Naturally.
Poor little birb. Wakes up after ~300 years and says hi to Hawk Moth.
Ok ok ok what other thoughts do I have.
Adrinette floating dance in front of the moon. 11 / 10 would magical hotdog again.
THE GUARDIANS. They wake up after being dead for like 200 years and like welp back to work. We see the one dude trying to retrieve the Eagle.
And he’s nice about it too! I was afraid the Guardians would be super mean. But at least this one Guardian is nice and recognizes a hero when he sees one.
Now will the Guardians that show up in Paris also be nice people? Or are they gonna be stubborn and snooty and like noooooooo Ladybug can’t be one of us please give us back everything we’ll handle Hawk Moth for you.
...I hope not.
But that’s a neat teaser for things to come! Season 4 and Shanghai special, probably meet the Guardians again. Truly looking forward to what happens when they enter the fray.
...and when I say “looking forward to” I mean “fearing something terrible will happen to my favorite kids but also excited for how they solve things”.
Why am I even here huh?
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jabbers-wild-world · 4 years
Jabber’s Muse List (as of 5/16/2021)
;; All right, everybody. If you were looking for a current and complete list of all of my muses, as updated as it can be for now (since you all know I am always adding more), look no further than right here. This is as complete as it gets until I add more again!
Aaarrrghh (Tales of Arcadia)
- Very large, but affectionate, “pacifist” troll currently allied with Jim Lake Jr. and friends, Toby’s ‘wingman’
Aaravos (The Dragon Prince)
- Startouch Elf, unknown motives, appears to be evil but that is as of yet unclear, usually very polite and dignified
Ace (Kuni no Alice)
- The Red Knight, clueless idiot frequently getting himself lost, generally friendly but does have a mild dark side
Adam (RWBY)
- Bull Faunus, perceived evil and leader of the White Fang, mild canon divergence
Adam (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- Half-minotaur, has an unfortunate aggression problem due to minotaur bloodline, suitor to the princess
Aden (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- Human suitor to the princess, generally rather calm and friendly, usually polite and very honest
Adrien (Miraculous)
- Current wielder of the Black Cat Miraculous, sheltered rich kid who just wants to be like everyone else his age
Ahanu (OC, The Untamed Wilds series)
- Centaur, American Paint Horse, Lawson’s second in command, is generally more serious and reserved than Lawson, but he has been known to crack a joke or two from time to time, and he is a force to be reckoned with if you cross him.
Aizawa (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
- Pro Hero Eraserhead, teacher to Class 1-A, generally his usual mood falls in a category of “meh” and “too tired for this shit”
Ajali (OC, The Lion King*)
- Teenage gorilla, left home and now wanders, is generally kind but can be a little reckless from time to time, even on accident
Ajax (OC, Ascension**)
- Captain of the starship Ascension, ladies’ man, also referred to by some as “king of the crash landings”
Akabane (GetBackers)
- aka Doctor Jackal, former combat physician, has knives concealed in his body, currently works as a Transporter
Akei Okami (OC, Wolf Song)
- 23-year-old singer/songwriter/guitarist with the ears and tail of a red wolf and a lot of behaviors to match, he’s working on trying to make it big, and only recently got away from an abusive, blackmailing, and rather possessive manager, but not without some of that blackmail getting spread to the public, somewhat tanking his career so far
Akira (Persona 5)
- aka Joker, generally mild-mannered and quiet, even perhaps seen as a little serious, he is genuinely friendly, Phantom Thieves’ leader (no i will not call him Ren Amamiya, i don’t like it!)
Akiru (OC, The Cat Returns)
- a teenage black LaPerm cat, who may look innocent at first (and he does have a good heart and good intentions) but he is actually the leader of a band of feline thieves who are trying to fix what’s wrong with the cat kingdom society
Akisu (OC, Harry Potter)
- secretly a baku disguised in human form, he just wants to learn magic like the human/wizard children do, is generally shy and fairly awkward, but he is genuinely kind and gentle, and very affectionate if he’s comfortable enough with someone.
Aladi (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- boisterous ball of energy and enthusiasm, cute and charming human suitor to the princess, he worked as a tailor in the kingdom of Ha’adan, but had a need for adventure and so he traveled across the sea, and when he heard the call for suitors, he joined in the fun
Alekai (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- one of a pair of half-demon brothers from the kingdom of Tesak, usually more soft-spoken, is currently another suitor to the princess, and he usually has to act as damage control for his brother a lot of the time
Alexios (Assassin’s Creed)
- Greek assassin, snarky and pretty bold, he’s not afraid to stir up some trouble, and flirt with just about anybody
Aljunn (OC, Poison Daggers)
- Shadowman, basically a Nordic boogeyman, he’s charismatic and cunning, so far unclear motives, but he does have some rather impressive hidden abilities, so he is one to be watched out for
Altair (Assassin’s Creed)
- Syrian assassin, can occasionally be somewhat cocky and sarcastic, hates being called ‘novice’
Amani (OC, The Lion King)
- lioness cub, enthusiastic and curious, often likes to run off and explore new places
Amon (OC, Solomon’s Key)
- a Marquis of Hell, ranked as seventh in their hierarchy, he is crass and relatively aggressive, a bit of a ‘lone wolf’ type, and that’s not said ironically, given that he is actually fairly wolf-like, and often takes the form of a wolf. His true demonic form as well, is a large werewolf-like beast standing upright as a man and with the tail of a snake
Anchor (Finding Nemo)
- a well-meaning, if maybe a little confused, hammerhead shark who’s pals with Bruce and Chum, and is a member of the FEA. “Fish are friends, not food!”
Angus (OC, untitled novel)
- a Highland bull Minotaur, he’s generally rather gentle and kind, though he does have a bit of a temper from time to time, he runs a shop in a small town and sells hardware and general goods as needed
Anik (OC, Portal Skip)
- a teenage boy of about seventeen, he along with his best friend and partner Galen, are time-jumpers as part of a task force in the future, and it’s their job to either retrieve necessary persons, gather important knowledge, or prevent certain historical disasters before they happen. He tends to be the quieter of the pair, and is more of a logical thinker, and a realist. 
Anubis (OC/mythological figure, untitled novel)
- Egyptian god of death and mummification, generally rather even-tempered and understanding, but he can come across a little grumpy sometimes
Apollo (Olympos)
- overly dramatic and very bratty/needy Greek god of the sun, he likes to pester Ganymede for attention, but can also get easily offended and is very spiteful
Aramis (OC, untitled novel)
- somewhat smug and aloof male dragon, but underneath his initial impressions, he is generally a good-hearted and well-meaning individual. He.. does have a fondness for shiny things, though, so guard your jewelry and your money, and all other shiny valuables.
Archer (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- monkey demon, suitor to the princess, he can be a bit of an idiot from time to time, as he tends to think more with his stomach than his head, but he’s also very affectionate, if a bit overly energetic
Archibald (Tales of Arcadia)
- aka Archie, a well-spoken and somewhat sarcastic dragon in feline form, and the familiar to Douxie
Archimedes (OC, Secret of NIMH)
- a very articulate albeit sarcastic companion to a badger named Dodger, Archimedes is a bat, and he’s just as misplaced in the world as Dodger is.
Argent (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
- half-breed Svalden/Mogani hybrid, Argent is the brave and diligent guardian to Yudar the oracle, as well as being a member of the Edovin Resistance. He takes Yudar’s safety seriously, and is also probably the only one who understands him best aside from Nils.
Argo (OC, untitled novel)
- (coming soon)
Argus (OC, untitled novel)
- (coming soon)
Arius (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
- asshole, but with a heart of gold, Arius is a criminal and exile, sent to live in the Outlands around the country of Delanar, where the city of Edovin resides, for the crimes of arson and attempted murder
Arno (Assassin’s Creed)
- French assassin, present during the events of the French Revolution, Arno is rather sarcastic at times, but he is actually a bit more diligent than some of his predecessors, and he takes things personally
Arqaedyn (OC, Overreach)
Arrow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A scout, and Gadget’s chosen best friend, Arrow is the more polite of the pair of them. He is clever and quick-witted, and he is certainly much more reserved than his tinker friend. But he is nothing short of charming, and he is certainly a gentleman. But he actually depends on Gadget, for most of what he does. Arrow often makes special requests for Gadget to work on. Ideas and inventions to help all scouts do their best work.
- Ultimately, Arrow is far more of a tactician than a combatant, but just because he’s more brains than brawn, doesn’t mean he can’t pack a punch and rumble with the best of them. And actually, he’s the one to watch in any fight, because he’s such a clever tactician. And perhaps he’s a bit of a show off, especially for the ladies, but he is still good-hearted and kind.
Arsene (Code:Realize)
Arsene Lupin (OC, The Mysterious Cases of Arsene Lupin)
Arten (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Artimaes (OC, The Horseman Series)
Artix (AdventureQuest/DragonFable)
Aspen (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Well, it would be a lie to say that Aspen isn’t a bit of an odd one. An almost obsessive addiction to sweets, the tendency to appear in places no one would ever expect he’d be, and.. he carries around an odd little doll. For a winter animal talent, he’s definitely on the strange side, and everyone on the winter side knows it. And as much as they might want to question it, most choose not to. But that’s just it, there’s always more to the story than just that.
- The truth of it is, Aspen is nearly blind. He still sees shapes and movement, and maybe a bit of color, but not much else besides that. His doll is his comfort, as are sweets, and he’s gotten amazing at sneaking up on people, because he does everything he can to mask his steps so he can be sure to hear better, just in case of any danger.
- It’s actually because of his near-blindness that he also keeps companionship with a snowy owl he calls Lune. Lune keeps a lookout for him, making sure everything is safe for his vision-impaired little friend.
Asra (The Arcana)
Asra (OC, Black Souls Rising)
Asra Fisher (OC, Harry Potter)
- Ravenclaw
Asta (OC, Ascension)
Astaroth (OC, Solomon’s Key)
- the 29th Duke of Hell, he is a demonic entity alongside Amon and seventy-one others that hold such titles, but unlike Amon, Astaroth is exceedingly friendly and even flirtatious. He tends to favor more serpentine forms, or his ‘adorable and sexy’ human form.His true demonic form, is in fact a large, bronze-scaled naga with a line of spikes along his back. But he, among all other seventy-two Goetic demons, is very unique in one particular ability.
- Astaroth is a seer. He can see all things past, present, and future, and he answers all questions asked of him. Of course, his seer abilities are not always within his control, and he cannot always choose the when of what he sees.
Aurelio (OC, Seas of Stormfall)
- man-eating sea demon
Auren (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A light talent with somewhat of a gruff attitude, Auren doesn’t always come across as entirely friendly, but the truth is, he’s a very relaxed and easy-going guy. He sees all his fellow talent members as family, as one big clan, and he looks out for all of them.
- Even if there’s not really any leader among light fairies, Auren still takes it upon himself to be someone all his fellow talent members can come to when they need advice or comfort, or even just a little bit of proper direction.
- Honestly, his attitude often makes him seem like he’s the leader of some sort of gang of thugs, or something like that, but honestly it’s just the way he is. He’s gruff, and a bit of a tough guy, but he’s honestly just looking out for his fellow talent members like a big brother looking out for his siblings.
Avel (OC, The Faded Legends saga)
Averin (OC, Firestone)
Avis (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Avos (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Aym (OC, Solomon’s Key)
Azir (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Azkhal (OC, untitled novel)
Azra-Khal (OC, untitled novel)
Azriel (OC, Crossover)
- the Angel of Death
Bael (OC, Solomon’s Key)
- the first King among the seventy-two Goetic demons, Bael is the leader of them all, and second only to Lucifer himself.
Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
Bakugou (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Balthasar (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Balthazar (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Balto (Balto)
Ban (GetBackers)
Banjo (Banjo-Kazooie)
Banzai (The Lion King)
Barik (Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom)
Baron (The Cat Returns)
Barrel (OC, Pokemon)
- Golem
Bartleby (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Bartleby (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Batty (FernGully)
Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
Bear (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  Gruff, pushy, and honestly a pretty solid wall of sparrowman, Bear is just as his name sounds like he’d be. He’s a little intimidating to talk to, or even to be around in general, but honestly, he’s very unlikely to hurt anyone. Well, unless someone were to seriously push their luck and actually get on his nerves.
- He’s relaxed and fairly gentle, unless he’s pushed to his limits. He is quite literally the embodiment of the phrase ‘don’t poke sleeping bears’. He’s not very social, unlike some other animal talents, and tends to spend more of his time around animals than other fairies.
- For reasons yet unclear to other fairies around them, Bear seems to have a rather aggressive and spiteful rivalry with Viper. While the two never seem to really get physical with each other, there’s never a shortage of sarcasm and insults tossed between them any time they’re in the same vicinity. Especially if they’re forced to cooperate with each other for any reason. Honestly, it’s a wonder how the two of them even started interacting in the first place, but then comes the realization that they are only around each other because they are both mutual friends of Spark.
Beetle (Kubo and the Two Strings)
Beta (OC, Viral Infection)
Black Jack (OC, The Untamed Wilds series)
Black Joker (Kuni no Alice)
Blaine (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Blitz (OC, How to Train Your Dragon)
- Skrill
Blood (Kuni no Alice)
- head of the Hatter Mafia
Boomer (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Boris (Kuni no Alice)
- the Cheshire Cat that lives at the Amusement Park
Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Bowser (Mario)
Branch (Trolls)
Break (Pandora Hearts)
Briggs (OC, Finding Nemo/Finding Dory)
- a grumpy and cynical adult tiger shark who’s been through more in his life than he’d really like to talk about, and through a rather annoying and frustrating series of events, he’s now apparently responsible for a very energetic and friendly blacktip reef shark who he believes he could do without, or so he says
Buer (OC, Solomon’s Key)
- the tenth Lord of Hell, and one of the Goetic demons in Bael’s company, he is generally rather mild-mannered and sociable, and is actually capable of healing injuries. Mostly, he tends to mind his own business unless he is required to be present, preferring to keep out of the way. Ultimately though, he is actually rather shy and hates large gatherings.
- Buer tends to favor more equine forms, either that of a large white stallion, or a form much akin to Sagittarius the centaur archer, the latter actually being his true demonic form, and one in which he chooses to wear a black blindfold across his eyes. He can take a human form as well, but does not do so often.
Bunnymund (Rise of the Guardians)
Caine (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Cale (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Callum (The Dragon Prince)
Campbell (Camp Camp)
Canterbury (Black Butler)
Capper (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Cassius (OC, Brightwire)
- A former soldier of the Avran military, particularly as a General of the Airstrike Militia, Cassius swore never to involve himself in another war as long as he lives. The bloodshed he witnessed while involved in the battles of a decade past still haunt him, and as such is the case, he very rarely spends time among living company, and he does his best to avoid forming any attachments to any person for long.
- Over the last decade, Cassius has taken on the occupation of being a merchant of alchemical goods, among other various cargo, and he has quickly become well-known as a merchant of reputable standards and quality service. He has become acquainted (unfortunately in his opinion) with a young man named Finnian, who calls himself ‘an affordable alternative to mainstream service’, which Cassius insists is just a charismatic way to say he’s a back alley thief.
- But aside from Finnian, the elven captain has also managed to reacquaint himself with an old friend of his, a mage named Marquis. But now, Marquis is traveling with a young lady named Wren, and thanks to Finnian’s 'helpful’ advice, Wren has sought out the elven airship captain to aid her on an apparently important quest, and Cassius found himself unfortunately manipulated into agreeing to getting involved by Finnian. So, now he’s become the primary mode of transportation for Wren and her questing party, much to his chagrin
Caster (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- He used to be a dust keeper around Pixie Hollow, but he has since gone rogue, and did so even before Tinker Bell was born. He stole pixie dust, especially a bit of blue dust, and he was experimenting with it long before Zarina tried. Like her, he too joined up with pirates for a while, but he left them of his own accord when they were no longer of use to him.
- He’s shorter than most sparrowmen, at a height of about 4.8 inches. But he’s created something even Zarina never figured out. Anti-dust. While normal pixie dust helps others to fly and objects to float about, this black dust with its crimson glow does the opposite. It weighs everything down, and could even create a crushing weight if enough of it is used.
- So beware of the rogue dust keeper. He isn’t your friend in the least. He is the one they all warn the newbies about, and the reason why the blue dust is so vigilantly guarded. But.. maybe Oleander knows something about why.
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Chardonnay (Sweet Beginnings***)
Charlie (Monsterkind)
Cherry (Sweet Beginnings)
Chester (Tales of Phantasia)
Chouza (Itsuwaribito)
Chris Blackford (OC, Crossover)
Chrono (Chrono Crusade)
Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Colte (OC, Viral Infection)
Conn (OC, The Arcanum Chronicles)
Connor (Assassin’s Creed)
Connwaer (named by me, with permission from crimson-chains)
Cornelius (Thumbelina)
Creek (Trolls)
Cress (Tales of Phantasia)
Crosjando (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Crow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  For an animal talent, Crow comes across as very intimidating, even downright terrifying to some. But underneath that gruff exterior, he’s actually genuinely kind and caring, and is sort of like a big brother figure to some others, particularly to Gale and maybe a couple others. Still, he’s very rough with his affection usually, and many have said that maybe Crow should have been a scout instead of an animal talent.
- It doesn’t help either that Crow does have a tendency to carry around a rather large hawk talon, as a method of defense. Where he even got the talon, no one is quite sure. All that is known is that, well, he has it and he’s not afraid to use it.
Crowley (Oz+)
Cryptic (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Cysero (AdventureQuest/DragonFable)
Dagan (OC, untitled novel)
Daisuke (D.N.Angel)
Daniel (Camp Camp)
I hate him
Dantalion (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Dante Ignatius (OC, untitled novel)
Dante Kronos (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Dante Rhodes (OC, Harry Potter)
Darien (OC, Misplaced Magic)
Dark (D.N.Angel)
Dark Law (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Dark Pit (Kid Icarus)
Darrow (OC, untitled novel)
Dastan (OC, Silence Lost)
Data (OC, Viral Infection)
David (Camp Camp)
- a ray of sunshine,”Ooooooooh~! There’s a place I know that’s tucked away..”
Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Deaikil (OC, Ascension)
- a bad attitude given a full arsenal, he is an alien species called a Ganavir, and is actually a hornless subspecies of them. But that makes him an outcast among his people, and it makes him angrier and more feral than they are. And Ganavir are already a war-hungry, violent bunch.
Decim (Death Parade)
Delta (OC, Viral Infection)
Devil (Sweet Beginnings)
Devon (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Devon (OC, The Camp Mythos series)
Dezimir (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Dhambi (OC, The Lion King)
Digit (OC, Viral Infection)
Docks (OC, untitled novel)
Dodger (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
- the Dodo, and a historian
Dodger (OC, Secret of NIMH)
Don Karnage (Talespin)
Double Trouble (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- what is gender?
Dr. Facilier (The Princess and the Frog)
Drake (OC, Black Souls Rising)
Drossel (Black Butler)
Duststorm (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
E (AdventureQuest/DragonFable)
Ed (The Lion King)
Eivan (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Elias (OC, The Pariah Chronicles)
Elias (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Elijah (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Elliot (Kuni no Alice)
Elliott (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Elliot Redmond (OC, Seas of Stormfall)
Emmett (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Envy (Full Metal Alchemist)
Envy (OC, The Intentions series)
Eravi (OC, untitled novel)
Etienne (OC, untitled novel)
Euro (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A dust keeper with a penchant for mischief. Not really the best combination, especially considering he’s friends with Jinx the lock-breaking tinker. He’s often seeking out Jinx, and if he isn’t looking for his friend or doing his job, he actually also has a fondness for placing bets. He has a great mind for games and probabilities, as well as managing dust.
- But it’s the fact he works with dust that can be a little bit of a problem. Euro has his own hidden stash of pixie dust, and he occasionally adds to it. But.. why does he even have it? Well, that’s because he uses it for betting. And sure, it’s great for emergencies too, but a little harmless gambling isn’t so bad, right?
Ezio (Assassin’s Creed)
Ezra (OC, Star Wars)
Fai (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)
Falkor (The Neverending Story)
Fallon (Sirius the Jaeger)
Fangtooth (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Farren (Lego Elves)
Felix (Satan and Me)
Felix Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Fengari (OC, RWBY)
Fenris (Dragon Age)
Ferio (Magic Knight Rayearth)
Ferran (OC, GrimmalWar)
Ferrin (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Ferris (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Festus (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Finn (OC, Brightwire)
Fisk (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Fox (RWBY)
Gadget (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Everyone’s heard of a social butterfly. Well, guess what! They come in the tinker variety too! Gadget is the perfect example of a social butterfly, jumping from fairy to fairy. And he is even a bit flirtatious too, claiming he’s ever so charming, even if the truth is that his friend Arrow is really the charming one. But there is one problem with Gadget’s exceedingly social nature.
- He is a very physical being, and he loves to just be all on top of those he considers friends. From an arm around the shoulder, to fully draping himself and all his weight on them, Gadget can be a bit of a nuisance. Still, he’s got a good heart and a clever mind, and he’s absolutely thrilled that tinkers now get to play with lost things! Still, there is a secret about him that only Arrow and Fisk know, and it’s not a happy thing that Gadget likes to talk about.
- In fact, he’s deeply ashamed of it, and actively tries to hide it, especially since.. Well, he’d be in big trouble if a certain scout fairy were to ever find out. But Gadget is a vampire. And so far, he’s the only one he knows of in Pixie Hollow. Or at all, really. He can usually keep himself in check by indulging in the occasional nectar mixture that Fisk makes for him, but there are nights when his need to feed becomes too much to hold back.
- Usually, he has enough sense of mind to seek out either Arrow or Fisk, but if he puts it off too long, and ignores the hunger too much, he can turn dangerous and may attack innocent fairies who otherwise know nothing about his vampirism. In fact, he has actually attacked a couple of fairies in the past, and was nearly caught by Venn. Now, he’s extra careful about his late night activities, because if Venn finds out he’s the vampire, it would mean the end for Gadget.
Gage (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Gajeel (Fairy Tail)
Gale (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  A fast flyer with a kind heart and huge determination, he may be a little guy, but he does what he has to to get his job done, and make sure his friends are okay. Not to mention that while he may be the youngest of his group of friends, he won’t let that stop him either. But while he generally seems to look on the bright side, Gale’s early experiences in Pixie Hollow weren’t quite as pleasant as some might have hoped they would be.
Galvyn (OC, untitled novel)
Ganta (Deadman Wonderland)
Gareki (Karneval)
Garrett (Quest for Camelot)
Garrick (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Garry (Ib)
Gavin (OC, Seventh Shard)
Gawl (Generator Gawl)
Geilver (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Gideon (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Gil (Pandora Hearts)
Gilvein (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Gin (OC, My Hero/Boku no Hero Academia)
Ginji (GetBackers)
Ginko (Mushishi)
Ginti (Death Parade)
Gintoki (Gintama)
Gintoki (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Giza (OC, The Lion King)
Gizmo (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Ever met a moody tinker? Well, here’s one. Gizmo isn’t the type to make friends, and instead would rather keep to himself, building complex parts to the mechanisms that are used all around Pixie Hollow. Unfortunately for him, Kestrel doesn’t take no for an answer. As much as Gizmo may insist that they aren’t friends, he just can’t get rid of him.
- Gizmo has been called rude, grumpy, bad-tempered or even aggressive. But it’s just mostly that he’s a loner and likes to be left alone. But.. does he really? Underneath his moodiness, there is a softer side. He isn’t great with affection, despite secretly wanting it, and that’s due to the fact that shortly after his birth, he was somewhat looked over. That, and he got lost deep in the woods for a few months, having to survive entirely on his own for what seemed like an eternity.
- He was eventually found by Kestrel, but by then, he’d become reclusive and harsh, actively refusing the company of others.By the time Kestrel had found him though, he was hungry and weak, cold and wet, and utterly exhausted, even a little battered and bruised. It’s that that is the reason Kestrel keeps checking up on him, and Gizmo knows that. But he spent too long alone, so soon after he’d been born that it was most of what made up his early experiences, and made him shy away from others rather than seeking them out.
Gizmo (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
Glitch (OC, Viral Infection)
Gojyo (Saiyuki)
Goku (Saiyuki)
Gourry (The Slayers)
Gowland (Kuni no Alice)
- the “Duchess” and current owner of the Amusement Park
Graham (OC, Assassin’s Creed, Harry Potter, Outlander)
Gray (Fairy Tail)
Gray Ringmarc (Kuni no Alice)
- the Lizard
Griffin (Quest for Camelot)
Grillby (Undertale)
Guy (The Croods)
Guy Cecil (Tales of the Abyss)
Guy Diamond (Trolls)
Hades (Olympos)
Hagane (OC, untitled novel)
Hak (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn)
Hans (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Hapsun (OC, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
Harper (OC, The Moonlight Ring)
Harrison (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Harrow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Haru (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Haruka (Tactics)
Hatari (OC, The Lion King)
Hatch (OC, untitled novel)
Hatchet (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Hatchet, or Hatch as most call him, is a difficult individual to actually like. Even as a scout, he’s somewhat of a bully, and though he usually means it in a friendly sort of way, he’s very gruff and forceful in everything he does, so it’s no surprise his jokes are actually pretty harsh and insensitive. He actually has referred to Lock as ‘cyclops’ more than once. No one is really safe from his rough humor.
- But the truth is that he’s looking for someone that disappeared shortly before Tinker Bell had even arrived in Pixie Hollow. He knows that they’re out there somewhere, but he can’t figure out where. As a result, he actually doesn’t trust anyone, even if he claims to, and his harsh jokes are his way of keeping others at a distance. He doesn’t want to be attached only for someone else to disappear on him.
Hatsuharu (Fruits Basket)
Hawke (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
Hector “Striker” Marques (OC, untitled novel)
Hibiki (OC, Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Hikae (Itsuwaribito)
Hiraishi (OC, untitled novel)
Hiro (Big Hero 6)
Hiruko (Itsuwaribito)
Hiruko (Nightmare Inspector)
Hisago (Itsuwaribito)
Hisirdoux (Tales of Arcadia)
Hook (Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan/Sweet Neverland)
Hunk (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Ibal (OC, untitled novel)
- deity of destruction and decay
Ifari (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Ikuto (Shugo Chara)
Impey (Code:Realize)
Indivar (OC, Seventh Shard)
- a very moody djinn
Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
Isaac (OC, The Stormfront Chronicles)
Isaac Vivre (OC, Camp Camp)
Isaiah (OC, Evermore)
Isandro (OC, Black Souls Rising)
Izaya (Durarara!!)
Izmael (OC, Dead Man’s Day)
Izo (OC, untitled novel)
Izrael (OC, Cantor Descending)
Jabber Quill (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Jace (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Jacquimo (Thumbelina)
Jack (Rise of the Guardians)
Jade Moonfeather (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Jael (OC, untitled novel)
James (Pokemon)
Jasper (OC, The Moonlight Ring)
Jasper Taigan (OC, The Sand Skulls Series)
Jax (OC, Misplaced Magic)
Jay (OC, Camp Camp)
Jellal (Fairy Tail)
Jericho (Kuni no Alice)
- the Dodo
Jester Ring (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Jinx (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Jinx is a tinker. He knows his way around all sorts of tools and devices, and he can figure out almost any puzzle thrown his way. But it isn’t just that. While tinkers usually are of a mind to build and create, Jinx is much more likely to take things apart, even if it’s something the other tinkers just finished working on.
- Queen Clarion has acknowledged it as boundless curiosity, but he is advised to keep his curious nature in check. And he does keep it in check. Most of the time. He does have a tendency to get into trouble along with Euro, Ridge, and Nero quite often. Especially when Jinx has taken apart or picked a locking mechanism that is supposed to keep everyone out of important places. As such is the case, most scouts and those in charge of keeping things in order.. aren’t always fond of him. Or the other three.
Johnny (Sing)
Joker (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Judal (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
Julius (Kuni no Alice)
- the Clockmaker
Jumba (Lilo and Stitch)
Justin (OC, Camp Camp)
Jyugo (Nanbaka)
Kade (OC, Plague)
Kaelan (OC, The Wild Warriors series)
Kagura (Demon Love Spell)
Kai (OC, untitled novel)
Kal (OC, untitled novel)
Kale (OC, Animorphs)
- an Andalite warrior
Kaminari (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Kanda (D. Gray-Man)
Karimu (OC, The Lion King)
Karkat (Homestuck)
Karma (Assassination Classroom)
Kasi (OC, The Lion King)
Kaspar (OC, The Tangled Series)
Katsuo (OC, Persona 4)
Kaushal (OC, Desert Sands)
Kavit (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Kazuki Fuuchouin (GetBackers)
Kazuki Muto (Busou Renkin)
Keidynn (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Keith (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Kestrel (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- This is the sweetest, most gentle sparrowman anyone could ever meet. Kestrel is genuinely kindhearted and just full of love and affection to give to others. Even those who aren’t so friendly to him. Like a young tinker by the name of Gizmo, for example. Kestrel is an animal talent, but often goes out of his way to check up on his young friend. Making sure he’s eating right and all that. He knows he doesn’t have to, but he likes to do it anyway. Kestrel does have a secret, though.
- After an encounter with a strange animal no one had ever seen before, during which Kestrel was wounded by the creature’s claws, Kestrel has to make regular visits to the healing fairies, or else the toxin still in his body even now will force him to change, and lose his sense of self for a while. Beware if Kestrel’s blond hair turns silver, because he will not know friend from foe, and the normally gentle sparrowman has turned aggressive and dangerous.
Keturi (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Khazroq (OC, untitled novel)
Khireus (OC, untitled novel)
- deity of justice
Ki (OC, untitled novel)
Kifo (OC, The Lion King)
Kin (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Kirishima (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Kizami (Corpse Party)
who wants to talk about MURDER~~? :D
Klarth (Tales of Phantasia)
Klein (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Korand (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Koro-sensei (Assassination Classroom)
Krampus (OC, untitled novel)
Kratos (Tales of Symphonia)
Krin (OC, Ascension)
- precious innocent child, and amazing prodigy in mechanics, he is of an alien species called Ch’taar, which appear much like caterpillar-taurs in their youth, like Krin, and their full-fledged adults resemble something akin to mantis-taurs with butterfly wings. Krin is a very shy and soft-spoken young boy, and is only four of his planet’s years in age, but that is approximately the equivalent of a thirteen-year-old in Earth years.
Kuhani (OC, The Lion King)
Kuiba (OC, The Lion King)
Kuro (Servamp)
Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)
Kutal (Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Kweli (OC, The Lion King)
Kyle (OC, Desert Sands)
Kyo (Fruits Basket)
Lark (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Lark is an animal talent, and still fairly new to life in Pixie Hollow, and in general! He’s energetic, somewhat reckless, not always the brightest firefly in the field, but he means well and generally is a sweetheart, but.. he does also occasionally have a little bit of a temper, and if he notices it, he will call others out on their bullshit.
- He is actually unable to fly, because on his first day after being born, he got a little too excited about his talent, and proceeded to run right off the edge and tear his left wing. So now if he needs to get somewhere fast, he rides a black-footed ferret he named Willowby.
Lavi (D. Gray-Man)
Law/Lawrence (OC, Plague)
Lawrence (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Lawson (OC, The Untamed Wilds series)
- a very rough-and-tumble mustang centaur, and a cowboy ruffian in the American Wild West, Lawson is actually pretty polite when he needs to be, but he’s got a stubbornness to put a mule to shame, and an attitude like an ornery old goat coupled with a strong dislike for authority. He’s seen as an outlaw and a no-good son-of-a-bitch by most townfolk, but that’s because they tend to see centaurs as much the same as their non-verbal equine kin, and treat them as slaves. And that’s something Lawson is fighting to change.
Leif (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Leon (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
- the Cowardly Lion
Leonardo (Oz+)
- the Cowardly Lion, given a human form, and he is a beautiful, handsome.. himbo.
Leraje (OC, Solomon’s Key)
Levi (OC, untitled novel)
Li (CardCaptors)
Lily (Servamp)
Lincoln (OC, untitled novel)
Link (Breath of the Wild)
Lion-O (Thundercats 2011)
Lionheart (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Locien Kei (OC, untitled novel)
Lock (OC, Pokemon)
- Arbok
Lock (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- While he may not be the friendliest of sparrowmen, Lock is determined and loyal, and very attentive to his work as a tinker. He often tends to be the one handling tools for use by the scouts, whatever those things may be, and he is diligent and hard-working. But he comes across very rough and cold to just about everyone in Pixie Hollow. He isn’t interested in making friends, it seems, and he keeps to himself. But.. there is a reason behind his behavior.
- And her name was Luna. They were born fairly close together, though not from the same laugh. She was a scout while he is a tinker, and she made a promise to him. A promise, that she would always make sure he was safe, that she would protect him first and foremost. And it bonded them together, they were nearly inseparable as a pair, even to the point that he fell deeply in love with her, and she loved him in return.
- She was headstrong and brave, always pushing her way through and never letting him be alone. She was his guiding light. Until one day, she asked him to come with her deep into the forest. She had found something, she told him. She had found something he needed to see. And he listened, following her further and further into the woods, until she had led him to what seemed to be a large, black stone in the middle of a dark, and eerie part of the forest.
- She pulled him to it, showing him her discovery, excited to have him to share it with. It could be some kind of new ore that tinkers could use, she thought, something special to help make their tools stronger! But then.. it moved. It revealed itself as no stone or ore, but a deep black avian beast! Immediately Luna shielded Lock behind her, guarding him from the threat she had brought him straight to, and then- It attacked.
- Sharp talons and a wild serpentine tail slashing and swinging about, and Lock tried to flee, tried to get away to get the rest of the scouts to help- but the monster followed him, catching him within its talons and snapping its beak. One sharp talon found purchase, its tip digging deep into his left eye.. and he screamed as his body was being crushed, his eye reduced to nothing but a bloody hole in his face, and-
- There was Luna. She kept her promise, defending him and rescuing him from the wretched creature she’d awoken, and.. she gave her life for his.. Somehow the creature was sealed away and trapped where it couldn’t bring any more harm, but Luna’s life was lost in the process.. Leaving Lock entirely alone, with no one to love, and no one to make him feel safe..
Loki (Kamigami no Asobi)
- Norse god of mischief
Lokus (OC, The White Game)
Lotus (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Calm, quiet, usually minds his own business except to keep others from getting hurt, Lotus is the sort of water talent that can often be found meditating on a lily pad in the middle of a pond. He’s curious, but not enough to seek out trouble like some others might. He’s more likely to be the one who gets dragged along on adventures by others who are more energetic and outgoing.
- Like Nova the highly exuberant light fairy, for example. Lotus actually came very close to being a scout instead of a water talent, and he has a very high instinct to protect. But at the last moment, it failed and he was instead a water talent. Not that he minds. He knows all the action the scouts get involved in, and he’s content to just take life one step at a time, even if he does always have an eye out in case of trouble.
Lowell (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Lucas DuSauvage (OC, Crossover)
Lucian (OC, Catching Smoke)
Lucian (OC, untitled novel)
Lucien (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Luka (Miraculous)
Luke Ainsworth (Sacred Blacksmith)
Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
Lune (The Cat Returns)
Lux (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Here comes trouble. A common phrase uttered throughout Pixie Hollow when Lux is around. Especially when he’s got a particular twinkle in his eye. A light talent with a bad habit of getting into mischief, Lux loves to play pranks. And, well, not everyone enjoys his tricks as much as he does. He gets a good laugh, but oftentimes, he is the only one laughing.
- Especially when his pranks have accidentally caused someone to get hurt. He usually doesn’t mean for things to go that far, and when they do, he’s often pretty quick to apologize for his mistake. Well.. when he’s stopped laughing, that is. And.. only if he wasn’t intentionally hurting them, since he can be a bit vindictive.
- Aside from his prankster nature, Lux is also a fairly jealous individual. There are few who he actually really considers close friends, and he loves it when they dump their attention on him. But.. when they give attention to someone else, instead of spending time with him, Lux can get a bit jealous and possessive.
- He can even be somewhat rude and pushy, forcing his way to the forefront of his friends’ attention. He’s much like a bratty child at times, pouting and throwing mild tantrums from time to time, even bullying those who he thinks are stealing his friends’ attention.
- When he likes someone, though, he is very affectionate and friendly, actively seeking out companionship and bringing them things he thinks they will like. He’s happy and cheerful, and generally fun to be around when he actually considers someone a friend. But.. watch out if he doesn’t like you, because you are very likely to be the main target of his worst pranks. Usually though, he is thankfully kept in check by Umbra and Torren. Just be careful not to steal their attention too much. Lux certainly won’t thank you for it, and he’ll have no one keeping him in check.
Lyric (OC, Second Moon)
Lyric (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Mad King (X-Ray and Vav)
Mael (OC, untitled novel)
Majestic (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Makoto (Free!)
Marco (Animorphs)
Marius (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Marius (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
- the JubJub Bird, and with a severe attitude problem
Markos (OC, untitled novel)
Marquis (OC, Brightwire)
Marshall Lee (Adventure Time)
Mason (OC, untitled novel)
Masquerade (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mauti (OC, The Lion King)
Maverick (OC, untitled novel)
Max (Camp Camp)
Maximus (Tangled/The Tangled Series)
Mercury (RWBY)
Merlot (Sweet Beginnings)
Merrick (OC, untitled novel)
Messiah (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Micah (OC, Micah’s Guidebooks series)
Michal (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  A snowflake talent, Michal is intuitive and protective, and for quite some time has been somewhat of an older brother figure to quite a few of the winter fairies, but mostly to Wolf, on the other side of the border. They met once by accident, and were nearly inseparable since, as Wolf often came by when he needed advice, or just someone to talk to. 
- And Michal looked out for him and occasionally he has teased him for various little things. As big brothers do. But recently, Michal has disappeared without any warning, the only sign that he was ever there at all being a few broken snowflakes around where he usually works.
Midnight Star (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mifune (Soul Eater)
Migs (OC, The Camp Mythos series)
Mikasi (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Mikhael (OC, Fall of the Titans)
Mikhael (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Milori (Neverland Fairies)
Mist Flare (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mitsuhide (Akagami no Shirayuki/Snow White with the Red Hair)
Mitsuru (Nanbaka)
Mizani (OC, The Lion King)
Mkali (OC, The Lion King)
Mogar (X-Ray and Vav)
Momotaro (Free!)
Montague (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Monty (OC, Pokemon)
Morgan (OC, untitled novel)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Musashi (Nanbaka)
Mushra (Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Muta (The Cat Returns)
Myles (OC, Rewrite)
Mzungu (OC, The Lion King)
N (Pokemon)
Nagi (Deadman Wonderland)
Naro (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Nathan (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Nathaniel (Miraculous)
Natsu (Fairy Tail)
Nephr (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Nero (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A fast-flyer with more than enough energy to go around, Nero is honestly of the friendlier sort than some other fast-flyers may be. He actually enjoys zipping back and forth across Pixie Hollow just to run errands for others. Need some food for a baby animal? He’ll go fetch it! Oh, that basket has to be delivered somewhere? Say no more, Nero is on the job! And what about those seeds? They need to be scattered out in the field? Nero definitely has that handled too!
- But when he’s not doing his job or helping others, he’s hoarding some cool human things he’s found. Or he’s getting into some trouble alongside Jinx, Euro, and Ridge. Honestly, he’s not quite sure what the plan is half the time, but he’s having fun with his friends, and that’s what counts!
Nguvu (OC, The Lion King)
Nico (Nanbaka)
Nico (OC, Black Souls Rising)
Nicolae (OC, untitled novel)
Nicu (OC, untitled novel)
Nightdream (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Niklaus (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Nikolae (OC, D. Gray-Man)
Nils (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Nirav (OC, Desert Sands)
Nix (OC, untitled novel)
Njozi (OC, The Lion King)
Nod (Epic)
Noir (OC, The Cat Returns)
Nora (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Nora (Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom)
Obi (Akagami no Shirayuki/Snow White with the Red Hair)
- a smartass ninja/assassin originally sent to threaten Shirayuki, but who found himself instead given a job by Prince Zen and who has been welcomed as a part of their group
Oga (Beelzebub)
Ojiro (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Oleander (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Oleander is more than just a little unusual, especially for a garden talent, but he actually manages it fairly well and manages to go through life just the same as anyone else. Except for one, tiny detail. He seems to have no regard for his own life, and actually may even find enjoyment in near-death experiences. He’s what other fairies and sparrowmen call a ‘tossaway’, as it seems he would gladly toss away his own life, for hardly any reason at all.
- But there is a secret behind all of this. Behind his casual charisma, and his apparent humor in a tossaway lifestyle. He was once best friends with Caster, and actually went rogue alongside him for a while before he grew a conscience and returned to Pixie Hollow to do penance for the things he had done, and what he helped Caster to do. He supplied Caster with the ingredient to make his black ‘anti-dust’. A black Narcissus flower. Now he behaves rather flippantly and acts as if he has no care in the world, but every day that goes by he still regrets what he did, and still misses his best friend.
Oriander (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
- baby
Orion (OC, untitled novel)
Orpheus (OC, Edge of Legend)
Orson (OC, The Stormfront Chronicles)
Orson (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Orson Gibbs (OC, Plague)
Oseru (Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom)
Ouro (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Like Styx, Ouro is trouble with a capital ‘T’, but he’s not aggressive the way Styx is. He has a similar sense of humor for sure, but he doesn’t actively put others in danger with his jokes. Instead, he’s far more likely to sneak up on someone and give them a little bit of a jump scare. Among all the residents of Pixie Hollow, Ouro is known to be the stealthiest of the scouts.
- He has even managed to sneak up on some of the best, much to the annoyance of some. Nyx is a good example of a scout that doesn’t always appreciate Ouro’s sense of humor, or his chosen uses of his stealth skills. However, if anyone were to ask where Ouro’s deepest loyalties lie, there are only three individuals he actually truly respects enough to have the most unbreakable loyalty toward. Queen Clarion, a healing talent named Clover, and Tyr, a scout leader much like Nyx.
- It’s because of this loyalty to only specific individuals though, that makes Ouro really kind of frustrating to some. But of course, there is a reason for this intense loyalty, as there is for everything.
Oz (Oz+)
Oz Diggs (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
- the Great Oz, wizard of the Emerald City
Ozpin (RWBY)
Pallum (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Pax (Satan and Me)
Peter Pan (Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan/Sweet Neverland)
Peter White (Kuni no Alice)
Phalanx (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Philip (Sirius the Jaeger)
Pips (FernGully)
Piras (Awaken)
Pit (Kid Icarus)
Pteryn (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Qivral (OC, Ascension)
Quinn (OC, untitled novel)
Quirin (The Tangled Series)
Qwan (Qwan)
Rafiki (The Lion King)
Rai (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Rai (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Raimundo (Xiaolin Showdown)
Raito (OC, The Cat Returns)
Raitou (OC, Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Rajan (OC, Desert Sands)
- angry djinn, he may be sexy, but he will kill you if he doesn’t like you, or if you cross the line
Rama Anin (OC, untitled novel)
fashion is immortal, and so is this male model from Ancient Persia.
Rampo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Ratchet (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Ratchet is one of those sparrowmen that’s just generally hard to figure out. He’s great at what he does, of course, tinkering and making all sorts of handy things. Much like Tinker Bell, he has a very curious mind. Where others might ask why, he asks ‘why not’. Can it be done? Maybe. Should it be done? Who knows! Will he do it? Absolutely. Leave no stone unturned, and nothing left untinkered. Generally, he seems like an okay guy, even downright friendly and without worry. But.. there’s just one problem.
- Ratchet has a very bad habit. One that, try as anyone might, no one can ever get him to break. And of course, Styx doesn’t help, and in fact encourages it. Usually Ratchet’s bad habit has fairly harmless results, but sometimes it can get out of hand. Especially when he’s been hanging out with Styx. But in general, the fact of the matter is that Ratchet is a liar. White lies mostly, but sometimes he can take a lie too far. Still, thankfully no one has been physically hurt by his lies yet. Even if Yarrow may find them mentally and morally taxing.
Ravenblade (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Reik (OC, untitled novel)
Reiss (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Remus (Harry Potter, Marauders’ Era specifically)
Remy (X-Men, personal adaptation)
Ren (RWBY)
Rhett (OC, Finding Nemo/Finding Dory)
a very enthusiastic, energetic, and boisterously friendly teenage blacktip reef shark, he’s the type who’s more likely to befriend his fish prey rather than eat them, which does cause a few problems for him, but thanks to an amusing series of events, he’s got Briggs looking out for him
Rick O’Connell (The Mummy)
Ridge (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Definitely not the smartest guy out there. Among garden talents, Ridge is honestly just usually the muscle, rather than the one who takes on more delicate tasks. He’s rough and tumble, and often down in the dirt with the larger bulbs and things like that.
- His pride and joy though is the large and gnarled willow tree just past the edge of the Hollow, that has become the hangout spot for him and his friends. That aside, though, he is actually a fantastic cook.
- Anyone in Pixie Hollow who thinks they know good food, hasn’t tasted anything like Ridge’s blackberry bread rolls, or his orange and lemon sugar pies. Even his roast tomatoes and baked apples are unlike anything else ever made. It’s honestly surprising that he’s a garden talent, and not simply a cook.
Rin (Free!)
Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
Rishi (OC, Desert Sands)
Rivan (Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom)
Rivaren (OC, The Kingship Quartet)
River (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Born completely blind, River was often treated as if he was helpless and needed extra assistance, but it only served to frustrate him. He has always been perfectly capable of handling things himself, he just has a different way of doing it, but in the beginning, no one really seemed to understand that. So instead, some of the other fairies had taken to helping him and doing certain tasks for him. He knew they were just trying to help, but it was more of a hindrance than a help, and it was bothering him to no end.
- So, one day he left Pixie Hollow. He left and instead ventured deeper into the woods. If everyone was going to insist he was helpless, then he was going to prove to them that he was far from it. It was no surprise that his disappearance had others worried, but he avoided anyone who might be looking for him, knowing he had to succeed on his own, or no one would ever leave him be.
- So for three months, he lived in the woods and fended for himself, training himself to be strong and to be independent. And on his own, he fought off snakes, a hawk, and more than a few nests of wasps.When he finally returned to the Hollow, he came back scarred, but strong.
- He was welcomed back with open arms and worried voices, but he only smiled and shrugged. He knew what he had done, and they knew it too. He was stronger than they had all thought him to be, and he had proven exactly that. Now no one needed to help him with anything, for they all knew he’s perfectly capable on his own. Being blind has never stopped him from that.
Roane (OC, untitled novel)
Robin (Disney’s Robin Hood)
Rock (Nanbaka)
Rocky (Chicken Run)
Roman (RWBY)
Rome (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  It isn’t recommended to trust Rome, no matter how charismatic and charming he may be, or how much he may play on someone’s sympathies. He is a thief, and a bitter soul with a strong dislike of Queen Clarion. A light talent, Rome has all the same abilities as any other light fairy, but he was born different.
- While there are others still living in Pixie Hollow who have lost limbs or other body parts in events of conflict, or were tortured, Rome was born the way he is. Missing his right arm, and his left leg. As a result, he has had his fair share of struggles, and much of the time, he failed to keep up, and so he grew frustrated and angry and began to lash out at his fellow talent members. 
Eventually, he actually ended up exiled for good from the Hollow, and now he’s gone rogue and is very much a problem to everyone in Pixie Hollow, and outside of it. Rome isn’t alone though. He has managed to gather his own followers, and has formed a criminal gang of sorts, and they have their own community deep in the farthest reaches of the forests. A place where all misfit fairies gather.
Ronin (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Ronin is a scout. It’s in his job description to protect Pixie Hollow and everyone who lives there. He’s fast, and an agile fighter, but.. he also has a tendency to go off on his own to explore, as well as the fact that he does like to tease a bit. He’s a smooth talker, most of the time, and he’s fairly well-liked around the Hollow.
- However, he’s pretty bad at handling real affection directed toward him, especially the physical kind. As he usually is on guard and prepared for combat in some way or another, surprise affection can really get him on edge, and even if it’s something like an accidental kiss, he may run away like he’s been shocked, if only just to process his confusion. Fairies and sparrowmen do only feel one emotion at a time, after all.
Rowain (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Roux (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Roy (Full Metal Alchemist)
Roy G. Biv (Monsterkind)
Rukh (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Runaan (The Dragon Prince)
Rush (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  Rush is generally rather rude and pushy, and he prefers for things to go his way, otherwise he can be a bit of a brat. Kyra and Wren are usually fairly on top of keeping Rush’s bad temper in check, but sometimes this storm talent sparrowman can get quite a bit out of hand. He’s certainly not afraid to use a bit of lightning to get his point across, and he can be more than a little overconfident sometimes. He also has quite the tendency to mock others and likes to put himself first.
-  Still, he’d be nothing without Kyra and Wren. He owes his very life to them, after he nearly got himself eaten by a snake, and the two of them put their lives on the line to save him. So, as cocky as he gets, he does have quite the soft spot for them, and will often actually follow them around when he’s not busy with other things. But if he’s not with them, and he’s not doing his job, he unfortunately can be found harassing another sparrowman named Sahar, with whom he actually has a fairly intense rivalry, and honestly the two seem to hate each other.
Rusty (OC, Blackwater)
Ryo (OC, Crossover)
- the god of fate, please resist the impulse to make short jokes or you may find that your ultimate fate and the end of the line arrives sooner than expected
Ryuji (Persona 5)
Ryuma (Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Ryuu (OC, Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Sadir (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Sage (OC, The Kingship Quartet)
Sago (Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Sahar (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Saiqeit (OC, untitled novel)
Samon (Nanbaka)
Sanji (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Saru (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Sasha (OC, Pokemon)
Satan (Satan and Me)
Scar (The Lion King)
Scissor (Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan/Sweet Neverland)
Senji (Deadman Wonderland)
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
Shade (OC, Neverland Fairies) 
Shahad (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Sharrkan (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
Shere Khan (The Jungle Book)
Shetani (OC, The Lion King)
Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn)
Shiro (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Shirou (Brand New Animal)
Shizuo (Durarara!!)
Shock (OC, Pokemon)
- Raichu
Shockwave (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Shuseki (OC, My Hero/Boku no Hero Academia)
Sigma (OC, Viral Infection)
Silence (OC, The Intentions series)
Sindar (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Skek (OC, DnD, untitled novel)
- “Skek demands to be taken seriously!”
SkekMal (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
Soren (The Dragon Prince)
Soul (Soul Eater)
Spark (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  The friendliest ball of energy in Pixie Hollow, Spark is the type who generally seems completely innocent and naive, and like he has no idea that two of his closest friends apparently hate each other. However, he actually knows very well what’s going on, and actively inserts himself between Bear and Viper in order to keep the peace. Or sometimes he’ll drag Willow into it just to balance things out, and of course the effeminate sparrowman has a hard time refusing. Even Holly and Shade can’t say no when Spark asks them for the occasional favor.
Staz (Blood Lad)
Steele (Balto)
Stein (Soul Eater)
Sting (Fairy Tail)
Stormblade (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Strix (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Alongside Kestrel, Strix is one of the kindest souls anyone could ever know, and he will go out of his way to make sure others are feeling comfortable and happy, especially new arrivals, no matter their talent. It was honestly by pure coincidence that he wasn’t the one helping Tinker Bell settle in when she was trying out all of the other talents.
- He had actually been on his way to do just that when he’d seen that the other fairies seemed to have things well in hand. Though.. he did have a very terrified baby bird to handle after Fawn had left Tinker Bell alone with it. Still, he is proud of how far Tink has come since the start, like a father watching a child grow. It’s only a shame he will never be able to actually say so.
- Because Strix is mute. And no, he wasn’t born that way. When he was new to Pixie Hollow himself, he was as vocal as any other fairy or sparrowman, and often he spoke up to volunteer his help. As well, he was the type who loved to sing, and in fact, his voice was known to be one of the most beautiful whenever he had an audience, intentionally or not.
- He sang lullabies and gentle tunes, especially to frightened animals in need of comfort, and to other fairies who needed just the same. However, his voice was violently stripped from him, and now he can’t do much more than give a soft wheeze or a huff every now and again. But.. the worst thing is, his voice wasn’t even the first injury he’d suffered.
Styx (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Stay. Away. From. Styx. At least, that’s what most tend to tell the newcomers. He is the scout that other scouts warn about. He’s highly dangerous on his own, and has actually a bit of a violent and aggressive tendency. And you know, when even a scout is unsettled by their own talent member, it’s bad. However, he’s really only a problem when he’s left to his own devices and doesn’t have his best friend to manage him.
- That best friend, being Ratchet. Styx has been around longer than Ratchet has. Quite a while longer in fact, and honestly, Tick and Queen Clarion may be the only ones who actually do know how long Styx has been around. Queen Clarion doesn’t discuss Styx’s behavior, except to say that he never used to be this way. And there won’t be much to get out of Tick either, except the very same.
- However, if pressed further, only Tick will give a little more, but his answer is still vague. ‘What happened to make Styx like this?’ ‘Three.’ That’s all Tick will give, and most are nervous to ask Styx himself. The truth is, Styx has nearly died. Three times. Each one worse and more traumatic than the last. And now he has become almost like a cold, calculating predator. When he’s not with Ratchet, that is.
- To those who have seen the dark side of Styx, tend to avoid him, but when he’s with Ratchet, he’s like a completely different sparrowman. He’s enjoying himself, and laughing and even getting into just some general mischief, which is of course much to the chagrin of Yarrow, who unfortunately often gets dragged along in Ratchet’s plans.
Sugino (Tactics)
Sumu (OC, The Lion King)
Sun (RWBY)
Sun (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Sunny Pine (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Surefire Arrow (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Sval (OC, untitled novel)
Swift (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Syaoran (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)
Syuro (OC, untitled novel)
Taavi (OC, untitled novel)
Taeval (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Taigus (OC, untitled novel)
Taiyou (OC, untitled novel)
Takhal (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Tamani (OC, The Lion King)
Tatizo (OC, The Lion King)
Tempest (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Terra (OC, untitled novel)
Terra (Kingdom Hearts)
Terence (Neverland Fairies)
Thomas O’Malley (Aristocats)
Thompson (Black Butler)
Thor (Kamigami no Asobi)
- Norse god of thunder
Tick (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A more mysterious fellow than most, Tick keeps to himself and hardly ever ventures away from his work. He is a tinker, but he is a very unique sort of tinker. He keeps watch of the passing of time in Pixie Hollow, and he is the only one who does. Just as Zarina found her own unique talent within the broader subject, Tick found his own unique subset of tinkering. Clockwork tinkering. Though while discovering his unique skill, it wasn’t always as smooth-going as it is now. He actually suffered a bit of backlash from his own projects, and now has just a bit of trouble seeing out of his left eye.
- However, it is ultimately thanks to him that there are proper schedules, and the seasons are tracked and recorded correctly. He may be a little odd to some, but he knows the balance of time, and how important it is to keep things on time. However, there is something else to his actions. Every now and again, Tick ventures away from Tinker’s Nook, but it isn’t clear where he disappears to. All that is known, is that he keeps a second record of the days, and disappears with it for an hour or so, returning without the extra records.
Timber (Black Butler)
Tink (Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan/Sweet Neverland)
Titan (OC, Dragonmist)
- tarantula-taur
Titian (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Titus (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Tjarron (OC, Brightwire)
Tobias (Animorphs)
Todoroki (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Tokiya (Time Guardian)
Tokoyami (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Toris (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Torren (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  Torren is very much the strong, silent type. He only speaks when he needs to, and especially when it’s really something important to say. Most of the time though, this big guy usually just sort of grunts in acknowledgement, or shrugs or shakes his head. Not many actual spoken words needed to get his point across. He’s a gentle giant most of the time as well, but it isn’t wise to anger this particular sparrowman. He is a lightning talent after all, and he is very protective of Umbra and Lux.
Train (Black Cat)
Travis (OC, Camp Camp)
Tyr (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A leader among scouts, Tyr doesn’t actually go out and fight or patrol as much as Nyx does. Mostly, he trusts her judgement and lets her handle that side of things unless he’s needed in action, and instead he usually handles the more diplomatic side of it all, and well.. paperwork and documentation. Written records of patrols, and encounters, and all that sort of thing. He hates the paperwork part of his job, and can actually often be found skipping his duties on that front.
- He’s great at the social and personal aspect, and certainly a skilled fighter, but he’d just rather not do the paperwork. More often than once, he has actually been found skipping those duties to instead just explore and enjoy some more frivolous activities, as well as interacting with other fairies and sparrowmen. Often he has been escorted back to his paperwork by two of the scouts under his direct command, Romulus and Kyrie.
Tyrian (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Tzekhal (OC, untitled novel)
Tzuriel (OC, untitled novel)
U-1146/White Blood Cell (Cells at Work)
Ueki (Law of Ueki)
Umbra (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  Everyone knows Umbra, and everyone sincerely enjoys his company. Of course, this is with the exception of newer fairies, but everyone gets to know him sooner or later, because he loves welcoming everyone new, whether they’re his fellow talent members or not. Umbra is highly social, and genuinely sweet and kind to everyone. Of course, this also means that he is extremely popular, and his good looks of course add to that as well, much to the severe annoyance of Lux.
Undertaker (Black Butler)
Uno (Nanbaka)
Uno (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Uriel (Satan and Me)
Utsuho (Itsuwaribito)
Vafa (Arabian Dreams)
Valiance (OC, The Stormfront Chronicles)
Varian (The Tangled Series)
Vasha (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Venn (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Venture (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Vheildar (OC, Ascension)
Vince (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Viper (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Warren (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Watanuki (xxxHolic)
Wesley (Oz+)
Weston (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
White Joker (Kuni no Alice)
Willow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- At first glance, most would look at Willow and think that he’s female. He certainly has a very slender, and almost effeminate body shape, and his long hair doesn’t help either. All around, he genuinely appears female. Even his name could be considered effeminate. However, he is as male as they come, and he does actually take a firm dislike to being mistaken for a girl. Honestly, if someone were to call him a girl too many times, they should be very prepared for a willow whip to the face.
He’s fairly tolerant if it isn’t too often, but.. It’s generally better not to push it too much. Generally, Willow is kind and easy-going, and he takes most things in stride. He’s always willing to help out if he can, except.. If it puts him in a rather demeaning situation. He’ll go along with things for a while, but if he feels at all demeaned or uncomfortable, he will make his feelings known and will stand firm on his refusal to participate.
- There has been the occasional instance of a fairy convincing him to try on a dress, but it doesn’t last long before he gets very annoyed. He also has been flirted with by a few other sparrowmen before they realized he was male like them. Willow’s first appearance in Pixie Hollow was a bit of an event in and of itself, and there was certainly confusion about his gender even then, as his long hair masked most of his figure and even Queen Clarion was fooled for a moment.
- Once he’d settled in with the other garden talents though, it seemed things would be much less confusing, and certainly less exciting, from then on. And for a while, it was. Things had settled down and life went on as it always had. At least.. Until what Willow will now only ever refer to, as the Incident.
Wisp (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Wit (OC, Beast in the Bottle)
Wizardmon (Digimon)
Wolf (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- In the case of this particular sparrowman, the term ‘lone wolf’ isn’t just an expression. This animal talent really tends to be found on his own more often than not, and he is usually working with animals like wolf pups or fox kits, even the occasional bear cub tends to be in his charge. Why? Because despite how he looks, Wolf is actually one of the physically strongest sparrowmen in all of Pixie Hollow, following close behind Ridge and Hatch. He can handle an unruly bear cub, or a mischievous fox kit, no help needed.
- So he tends to be by himself with only animals for company, and occasionally comes across as having little emotion or being somewhat cold. He does have a reckless streak though, and tends to act before he thinks, especially if he feels that what he’s doing is right. Hm. Maybe he should have been a scout instead of an animal talent. But, well, it is what it is. And of course, there is unsurprisingly a reason for his loner behavior.
- There is only one other individual he ever felt remotely close to, even to the point of an almost older/younger sibling dynamic. And that is Michal. Only ever able to see each other from opposite sides of the winter border, Michal had been born a few years before Wolf, and Wolf has always looked up to him, feeling a bond between them that couldn’t be explained.
- And now, the pair of them are excited to be able to visit each other across the border as well, thanks to Tinker Bell and Periwinkle. However, recently, Michal has disappeared, and Wolf is trying to find out why.
Xander (OC, The Faded Legends Saga)
Xavier (The Tangled Series)
Xelloss (The Slayers)
Yamato (Nanbaka)
Yarrow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Yarrow tends to be the more serious type, taking his role as healer very seriously and not taking no for an answer, especially if he knows someone needs help but is refusing to accept it. He has even been known to purposely wound himself and perform complex procedures on himself while conscious, to demonstrate that it can be done and there shouldn’t be any concern about it.
- He’s very direct and straightforward, and maybe sometimes the way he goes about things can be considered a little extreme, but he’s practical and everything he does has its purpose. And his life has been relatively calm for the most part. At least.. It was until Ratchet fell into his life. As a matter of fact, it was quite a literal incident, in which Ratchet came crashing through the roof of Yarrow’s home.
Yasuo (OC, untitled novel)
Yogi (Karneval)
Yosuke (Persona 4)
Yudar (OC, the Edovin Trilogy)
Yukito (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Yukito (OC, The Cat Returns)
Yuliy (Sirius the Jaeger)
Yuri (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Yuri Plisetsky (Yuri on Ice)
Zack (OC, Camp Camp)
Zeig (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Zeik (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Zelgadiss (The Slayers)
Zen (Akagami no Shirayuki/Snow White with the Red Hair)
Zera (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Zevran (Dragon Age)
Zigisu (OC, untitled novel)
Zoroaster (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Zwei (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
* - Fanon OC
** - Original works
*** - Tumblr-made comics/OCs)
41 notes · View notes
ao3feed-ladynoir · 4 years
Forgotten by Talvin
Marinette and Tikki discuss Joan of Arc. Who was her Black Cat?
Words: 933, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Tikki, Plagg
Additional Tags: Discussion of historical Miraculous Wielders, Not Canon Compliant, No I am not writing a sequel, Angst, Discussion of Death
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25244452
6 notes · View notes
waltzofthewifi · 4 years
Kota Chapter 31: Team Building
Table of Contents | Beginning
The details were the hardest part to work out, but somehow Marinette managed it.
Figuring out where to hold the meeting was the biggest obstacle. They ended up in a super-fancy dining room at the hotel. Ladybug asked Martok to do a security sweep of the room (from a distance, of course, since most of the heroes would recognize the robot), and then had Chat Noir do another one on his baton just in case. Chloe ordered complete privacy, and she and Ladybug worked to find discreet entrances so no one would know the heroes were there.
The final issue was figuring out how to get Fu into the room without anyone seeing him. In the end, Marinette convinced him to use the tiger miraculous and turn invisible.
"I don't think the miraculous should be used for such trivial matters," Fu had argued.
"This is important," Marinette countered.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were the first to arrive in the back dining room, as planned.
"I'm surprised Fu agreed to this," Chat Noir said. "He isn't very forthcoming with information. I haven't even seen him since he gave me the transformation potions."
That was news to Ladybug. She was aware Chat Noir didn't know where Fu lived - it was too dangerous if he did, since they might run into each other unstransformed. But since Chat Noir had received the potions, she had assumed they figured some other way of meeting up.
She didn't get a chance to respond, because Fu arrived.
He had already detransformed, and the tiger kwami, Roarr, immediately ducked behind the two heroes.
"Ladybug, Chat Noir," Fu greeted.
"Master Fu," Ladybug replied. "Glad you could make it."
The heroes started trickling in and sitting around the table. Actually, "sitting" might be a strong word - Chat Noir balanced on the top of his seat, Kota kneeled on hers, and Roi Singe sat backwards with his back on the seat and legs on the back. Queen Bee put her feet up on the table, Ryuko sat rim-rod straight, Rena Rouge pulled one leg up on the chair with her, Viperion sat criss-cross, and Pegasus sat with his hands crossed like an old lady. Carapace remained the only normal-sitting person besides Ladybug and Fu.
"This is so cool!" Rena Rouge started. "I have so many questions." She unfurled herself and leaned forward, holding up her notebook.
"She's been talking my ear off all night," Carapace contributed. "Hope you're prepared, dude."
Queen Bee scoffed. "You can't call Ladybug 'dude'."
"She said I could!"
"It's okay," Ladybug confirmed. "I know you all are used to me and Chat being held up as celebrities or idols, but even though we are the leaders here, this is a team and we're your teammates. And the point of this is to grow as a team."
"Where's Souris Rose?" Pegasus questioned.
"She decided she didn't want to come," Ladybug answered.
"That's a shame," Pegasus answered. "Her powers were useful, and she was talented at using them."
"How do you decide who to use?" Kota asked.
"It depends," Ladybug said. "Since I began studying the miraculouses, I had started to connect certain people to certain miraculous. Rena was - and still is - my first choice, and when the time came to call on you, I knew the exact miraculous for you.
"Carapace was a little different. I picked the right miraculous for that akuma, and I knew you would be the right choice as well for that akuma, but I didn't necessarily pick that miraculous for you. And then for Queen Bee - I had actually intended to give the bee miraculous to Rena."
"And I stole it," Queen Bee finished. "That was selfish of me, and I'm sorry. I won't do that again."
Ladybug smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. But don't be too hard on yourself - you could only steal it because I lost it to begin with."
"Wait, you lost a miraculous?" Rena Rouge asked.
She didn't mean it maliciously, but Ladybug still shifted in her seat nervously.
"Uh, kinda?"
"Ladybug was under a lot of pressure from Style Queen," Chat Noir intervened. "And, in a way, that only happened because I also made a mistake, and wasn't able to help."
"Ryuko, when I picked the dragon Miraculous for that akuma, I realized you would be a perfect fit," Ladybug continued.
"Yet I also messed up my first time," Ryuko added.
"You learned, and that's what makes a good hero," Ladybug responded. "Pegasus, your situation was unique. I only had the one extra miraculous. As for you, Kota - I knew we needed the rooster miraculous to fight that akuma, and when I thought about it, I realized you were the best fit."
"What about Roi Singe and Viperion?" Rena Rouge questioned.
"Ladybug didn't choose me, actually." Viperion glanced at Ladybug for permission to tell the whole story, and Ladybug gave him a nod. "She originally gave the miraculous to someone else, but it wasn't a good fit for him. He decided to give it to me."
"Ooh, interesting," Rena Rouge replied.
"I didn't choose Roi Singe either," Ladybug added.
"I was wondering about that," Roi Singe said, still upside down. "Both you and Chat Noir had been disco-balled by the time I got mine, so who gave it to me?"
"That would be me," Fu said.
Rena Rouge did a double take. "Wait - who are you?"
"I'm the guardian of the miraculous," Fu answered. "I keep them safe when not in use."
"How many miraculouses are there?" Alya asked.
"Many," Fu said. "But most have been lost. I only have the one miracle box, which when full contains nineteen miraculouses."
"When full?" Rena Rouge repeated.
"The butterfly and peacock miraculous were lost," Fu said. "Only now they have reappeared. And the ladybug and black cat miraculous are no longer in the box as well."
"So what are the other animals in the box?" Rena Rouge asked. "I have a few theories myself. Some people believe it's the Chinese zodiac, but I've also seen some historical proof of a lion miraculous, and foxes aren't part of the zodiac, are they?"
"Our miracle box, like most, is divided into three groups," Fu explained. "The top circle is the two most powerful miraculouses - the ladybug and black cat - which balance each other out and have safeguards for the other miraculous. Then there's the inner circle - the turtle, fox, bee, butterfly, and peacock. Then there's the outer circle, which contains the animals in the Chinese zodiac. The lion is actually part of the outer circle of another box."
"What powers do the other animals have?" Rena Rouge asked.
"The ox miraculous can give it's wielder super strength," Ladybug said.
"I thought all the miraculouses did," Pegasus said.
"Extra super strength," Ladybug explained. "The tiger's power is invisibility. The goat creates a surface to climb on, the dog can track, and the pig calms down a person."
"If the dog can track, why don't we track the butterfly miraculous?" Ryuko questioned.
"The dog is an outer circle miraculous," Fu said. "It can track almost everything except the inner circle miraculous."
"So everything but what we need it to?" Carapace questioned.
"Sounds like our luck," Chat Noir commented.
"Is that why the ladybug miraculous is the only one that can purify akumas?" Rena Rouge questioned.
"Yes," Ladybug replied. "The ladybug and black cat miraculous split the ability to undo the powers of the inner circle. Chat Noir's powers are the only thing that can destroy a shelter or mirage, once the wielders have reached a certain point. Likewise, the ladybug miraculous is the only thing that can purify an amok or akuma once they've reached their targets - a cataclysm only works before they've affected a person. And the bee's venom is only undoable by the miraculous cure, which draws on the powers of both mine and Chat's miraculous, even if I'm the one that casts it. That's why I couldn't cast it the first time we fought Stoneheart - well, that and I didn't know I could. When Chat and I solidified our partnership while facing the Stoneheart clones, the ability just... appeared."
"Cool," Carapace said.
"What about your lucky charm and his cataclysm?" Rena Rouge said.
"Once we've reached a certain level of power and experience, my lucky charms will only be able to be destroyed by a cataclysm, and his cataclysms only fixable by the cure - though to fix damage like that, I could theoretically call the cure myself."
"I have a question," Viperion said. "Am I the only one getting animal side effects?"
"I am," Rena Rouge replied. "My hearing's improved."
"So has mine," Chat Noir said. "And my vision. I even think I'm getting night vision."
"Shame your jokes aren't improving," Ladybug commented.
"Hey," Chat Noir whined.
"I keep having the instinct to climb things," Roi Singe commented. "But I had that before I became a hero."
"What side effects might the rest of us have?" Ryuko asked.
"According to my research," Pegasus interjected. "I suspect that Queen Bee, Ladybug, Carapace, and Viperion night become more susceptible to the cold."
"Yep," Ladybug confirmed.
"There's also diet changes," Fu added. "When I was a child, I hated fish, but when I actively used the turtle miraculous, I couldn't have enough."
"This is the first I've heard of this," Ladybug noted.
"Ladybugs are predators," Rena Rouge offered. "They eat bugs."
"I have been eating a lot of meat recently," Ladybug said. "I thought I just needed the extra protein from all the superheroing."
"What about dragons?" Ryuko asked.
"Shrimp," Fu answered. "Like a seahorse."
"Longg does call me seahorse," Ryuko said.
"Trixx keeps calling me pup," Rena Rouge added.
"My kwami just calls me kid," Chat Noir said. "I'm pretty sure that's not a cat thing."
"I'm really glad Tikki never calls me larva," Ladybug added. "That would be weird."
"What is it like, living with Trixx?" Fu questioned. "I've heard they're one of the more difficult kwamis."
"It's interesting," Rena Rouge said. "They don't like answering questions directly, but they're great for brainstorming ideas, like - wait, secret identity. But they're like anyone else, upsides and downsides."
"Wait, you have your miraculous permanently?" Roi Singe asked.
"That's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about tonight," Ladybug said. "I think it would be beneficial if each of you spent some time with your kwamis - for the past couple of days, Carapace and Rena have kept their miraculous. After this meeting, we'll trade off and Roi Singe and Viperion can keep theirs."
"Really?" Roi Singe asked, perking up. "Sweet!"
"Don't get too excited," Fu warned. "Xuppu can be tiring."
"I assume that you won't let me keep my miraculous," Queen Bee said.
"At the moment, no," Ladybug answered. "But your transformation has given me a few ideas. I'll talk to you about it later."
"Out of curiosity," Rena Rouge said, as if she did anything for any other reason. "How would you rate the kwamis as far as livable-ness?"
"Wayzz and Tikki are definitely the easiest to handle," Fu answered. "I would say Plagg, Orikko, and Xuppu are the most annoying."
"Plagg stole a pair of socks, once," Chat Noir commented. "He did return them, though."
"Why Orikko?" Kota questioned.
"What do roosters like to do at sunrise?" Fu replied.
Kota's face fell. "Oh. That would be annoying."
"I have another question," Rena Rouge said. "Can you combine miraculous?"
"Yes," Ladybug said cautiously. "Combined, you gain both the powers of the miraculous and more powers."
"Is that why Hawkmoth is after both the ladybug and black cat miraculous?" Pegasus inquired.
"Yes," Ladybug confirmed. "Combined, the two are very powerful. It's why we must keep them out of his hands at all costs."
"I also have a question," Kota said. "How does the miraculous magic interact with other forms of magic?"
Ladybug had no idea how to answer that. Until her conversation with Lacy and Orikko about the love potions, it had never occurred to her that there were other types of magic - though if she had thought about, she would have probably came to that conclusion.
"It depends," Fu answered. "There's a lot of different types of magic. Each miraculous interacts with each type of magic differently. For instance, if an akuma or amok were to enter a magical object, it could increase the toughness of that object or the danger of that akuma. Is there a type of magic you were wondering about?"
Kota hesitated. "Uh, kinda?"
"Is this about you not being affected by the love potion?" Ladybug asked.
"Sorta?" Kota answered. "I - my - it's hard to explain."
"I would ask your kwami, then," Fu suggested. "If you get a chance."
Kota nodded. "Okay."
It took over an hour for the questions to run out - most of which came from Rena Rouge. After that, Ladybug brought up the idea of some training exercises she and Tikki had brainstormed.
Honestly, a race was inevitable.
It was one of the first things that Ladybug and Chat Noir had done together, outside of fighting an akuma. Rena Rouge and Carapace had raced each other earlier that week. It seemed to be an instinctual need to see who was faster.
Of course, it didn't help that both Ryuko and Roi Singe were severely competitive. And, apparently, so was Queen Bee.
Ladybug declined to race, as did Viperion. Viperion was not a naturally competitive person, and he already knew he was one of the slower heroes. Ladybug was a competitive person, under the right circumstances, but thought watching would be more interesting.
"Everyone clear on the rules?" Ladybug asked.
The track was simple - a loop around the city. Ladybug would be tracking them to make sure there was no cheating. First person to touch back on the rooftop won. No powers but all weapons were allowed.
"Three, two, one, go!"
Chat Noir and Rena Rouge practically arrived at the same time, both out of breath.
"Hah!" Chat Noir said. "I won!"
"Uh, no," Rena Rouge replied. "I definitely got here first."
"No you didn't!"
"Yes I did!"
"Ladybug," The two heroes whined, turning the Ladybug.
"I think it's a tie," Ladybug decided.
Queen Bee was next, followed by mere inches by Carapace. Ryuko and Roi Singe arrived together, followed by Kota. Pegasus arrived last.
"All of you made good time," Ladybug said.
"But I made the best," Rena Rouge bragged.
"I beat you!" Chat Noir argued.
"No you didn't!"
Ladybug sighed, deciding it pointless to get involved this time.
They're going to be arguing about this for a long time.
They were almost finished for the night. Ladybug had already collected Pegasus's and Kota's miraculous, and Alya and Nino were saying (a temporary) goodbye to their kwamis. Now all she needed were the bee and dragon miraculouses - but she had something she needed to talk to them about first.
She found Queen Bee on the roof of the hotel, talking to Chat Noir.
"- I guess what I'm trying to say is," Queen Bee was saying. "I'm sorry. There's no excuse for treating someone like that."
"I didn't mind it," Chat Noir replied. "At least, not that much. But I'm glad to hear that you're turning over a new leaf."
"It's not the first time I've tried," Queen Bee said.
"Hey, I bee-lieve in you."
"And here we were having a moment."
Ladybug cleared her throat, alerting them to her presence.
"Queen Bee," Ladybug called. "I need to talk to you."
"Of course, Ladybug."
Queen Bee followed her to the rooftop where Ryuko was waiting.
"What did you wish to speak about?" Ryuko questioned.
"I've been talking with Fu," Ladybug said. "And I think there's a way to make the miraculous's magic conceal your identity again."
"You mean, so I can be Queen Bee and no one will know it's me?" Queen Bee asked.
"Yep," Ladybug confirmed. "We've almost figured it out. Once that happens, I'll tell you two as soon as possible. Until then, you'll only be called on when I have no choice."
"This is great!" Queen Bee said. "Thank you, Ladybug!"
"I appreciate it as well," Ryuko said. "Though my m- my family already as safety measures, as I've said before."
"I know," Ladybug said. "But this could allow you to keep your miraculous on you, if there's ever a reason to."
"Yes!" Queen Bee squealed. "Please? I love Pollen so much!"
"I know," Ladybug replied. "I rely on my kwami a lot, too."
"I would like to talk at length with Longg someday," Ryuko said. "He seems very knowledgeable."
"The kwamis have seen a lot," Ladybug said. "But they're not always the most forthcoming with information."
"I'll keep that in mind," Ryuko said. "Thank you, Ladybug."
"So, how's Sass doing?" Marinette asked.
She and Luka were curled up together in his living room. It had only been a day since Luka had been given his miraculous, but she was sure Sass had already had an impact.
"He made me buy a sun lamp," Luka replied. "Fortunately, no one pays attention to what I buy. It's difficult keeping him hidden from Jules though."
"That's right, you two share a room."
Luka nodded. "But Juleka isn't nosy. And Sass is really cool to talk to music about - he says he knew musicians going as far back as Ancient Greece and Egypt!"
"Mhm," Marinette confirmed. "Our miracle box got around quite a bit - part of being the one with the transportation miraculous in it. Tikki's mentioned a few ladybugs from all over the world."
"Sass also said he hasn't been out in more than a century," Luka said. "He had never seen or heard an electric guitar before he met me."
"Same with Tikki," Marinette replied.
"He also knew about my synesthesia - that's when I associate colors and sounds and things like that," Luka said. "And my ability to 'hear' other people's songs. Says I might even have magical lineage."
"I didn't know you had synesthesia," Marinette noted. "That's cool."
Luka shrugged. "It's minor, compared to some people. Sass said he once knew a hero that could paint entire pictures based on what they heard in music, and vice versa."
"I know, right?" Luka said. "He won't talk about any of his previous heroes fighting, or how they used their second chances though. I think - I think a lot of them died from it."
Marinette nodded. "Yeah. Tikki can get the same way, sometimes. But don't worry - miraculouses like Hawkmoth's have fail safes that keep them from being fatal. It's why my miraculous cure is so thorough with the damage from akumas - that's just as much the butterfly miraculous as it is mine and Chat's."
"I didn't know that," Luka said. "That's nice to know."
"Makes you wonder what happened to cause them to put those fail safes in though," Marinette admitted. "Tikki gets too sad when I bring it up, I just can't."
"It doesn't matter now," Luka said. "Whoever it was learned from the past, so we aren't doomed to repeat it."
Next Chapter
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mlwritersguild · 3 years
Ghost of a Chance
ghost of a chance by AlexSeanchai
or, five times previous Miraculous wielders helped their heirs and one time one tried to
Words: 1974, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Historical Miraculous Wielders, Original Miraculous Holder Character(s), Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Nino Lahiffe, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth
Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Alternate Universe - Ghosts, Puns & Word Play, Panic Attacks, Lucky Charm Zine 2, Podfic Welcome, I couldn't find a tag for the canonical past wielders, that didn't get synned to original wielders, this story has both
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33118321
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