iamroguewords · 2 years
Finally got around to updating my name. :p
mirthandnomatter —> iamroguewords
Now to getting around to a banner…
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dresupi · 4 years
Wild Horses - Bucky/Darcy/Steve
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for @mirthandnomatter​ Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers Wild Horse - The Rolling Stones (1977) 1080 words Rated T, Old West AU
When Darcy had first arrived at the ranch, she’d been too hungry, hurt, and cold to worry much about their living situation. Hell, she’d been half-delirious with infection when she’d shown up here.
Randomly, as it turned out. Due to her delirium, Darcy thought she’d found her mother’s house. But her mother lived clear across the country, so...
Bucky and Steve though, they hadn’t asked questions, they’d simply tended to her.
They didn’t ask about her engraved handguns or the fact that she wore britches and kept her hair short. So she didn’t ask any questions either. Nothing as to why two single men were living out here alone in the middle of nowhere and breaking yearlings that Steve took around to the outlying areas to trade for other supplies.
Bucky kept the house. Not well, but it was at least clean. Even if he did cook the same thing every night. Darcy wasn’t about to look a gift horse, no pun intended, in the mouth.
But after she’d put on a little weight, her wounds healed, and her brain wasn’t so foggy anymore, she started to just take over that part of the housekeeping. The cooking part. She’d always liked that part of keeping house. It was just the rest of it, belonging to a man, the constant bearing of his children, that turned her nose up.
Roasted game and cornbread was good and all. They really were, but there was so much more they could be eating.
It was sometime after she’d made a bread starter and started using it with some regularity that she realized that there was just the one-bedroom in this house. She really should have figured it out sooner. Those two gave it to her and slept in bedrolls in the only other room in the house.
But before that, had they shared this double bed? Was that something two men did? She’d heard tales of how cowboys kept company, but she’d never really thought it was more than talk.
It didn’t bother her, not at all. In fact, she sort of thought it fit. With both of them as good-looking as they were, it only made sense that they’d be together. She was fairly certain she’d never seen two better-looking people in her life.
Hell, sometimes Bucky leveled a look at her that made her belly swoop, and she had to remind herself that he wasn’t for her. Never mind that they’d been in such close quarters for a few months by then. Either one of them could have taken her for their wife and hadn’t. In fact, they’d been nothing but polite to her. What with allowing her to sleep in the only bedroom and all.
She finally got bold enough to ask when Steve was out on one of his yearling runs.
“Buck?” she began, kneading a pile of bread dough while he cleaned a rabbit he’d snared.
She had plans for the meat.  Stew was in order. Steve had traded for potatoes and carrots on his last run, and she had plenty of both in the root cellar.
“Ma’am?” he countered, not looking up from what he was doing.
“Why is it that you and Steve never took wives?” she asked. “If it’s none of my business, you can say so.”
He was silent for a long moment before speaking. “Me and Stevie are close.”
“I know,” she said, looking up and locking eyes with him to let him know that she knew.
“Well, we’ve always been close, notwithstanding how we are now. Since we were kids. We always shared everything, and we never could work up the courage to share a wife.”
“That’d be the only way you’d take one?” she asked.
Bucky smiled as he finished up with the rabbit and went to plop it down in the stew pot. “Yes’m. I reckon so.”
“Oh,” she said simply, trying to keep her heart from beating out of her chest with the desire to offer herself right then and there.
But no, she’d wait for Steve to get home. He was due home the next day. She’d offer then. And if it made things weird, well… she was more than healed enough to go back out on her own. She’d been on her own for most of her life, and she could handle it. Bucky’d cleaned her handguns and hung them up on the wall. She could lift out just as quickly as she’d dropped in.
When Steve finally heaved himself through the door, something new in his hand for Darcy, she almost felt bad about bringing it up and bursting the bubble they had. But the thought of the three of them wouldn’t leave her mind, and she’d just as soon say it as not.
Steve had brought in a variety of seeds. For a vegetable garden. Darcy’d been after him since the carrots and potatoes to let her put in a garden that spring. And with the snow melting outside, it was about time to start breaking up the ground for just such a garden.
Darcy hugged him good for those seeds, making plans that might very well go up in smoke the second she brought up what was on her mind.
She brought it up that night. But not during dinner when she’d planned. Nor after dinner when they all sat around the stove talking. Both would have been opportune times. No, she waited until she’d already changed into her sleeping clothes and brushed out her hair.
She opened the door to her bedroom while Steve and Bucky were situating their bedrolls.
“If you wanted to come back in the bedroom, just ask,” she said, feeling mortified at how she’d chosen to put it.
Bucky frowned and Steve asked, “You want to sleep on the floor?”
She closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head. “No.”
“Then I’m not sure I understand…” Steve began, but Bucky grinned, placing his hand on Steve’s arm.
“I do,” he stated. “I think she’s offering for us to come share the bed with her, is that right, Darcy?”
She sighed again and nodded. “Yes. Sharing is what I’m talking about. Sharing.”
Bucky glanced over at Steve, who seemed to catch up to the conversation right that second.
“I think we’d love to,” Steve said softly, rising to his feet. He and Bucky crossed the floor to the bedroom door.
Sharing worked out better than Darcy could have imagined.
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grimeysociety · 5 years
Oooh ohh! F & U please. oh geeze, I just *facepalms* Not like that.... (i mean, if you wanna....)
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F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. - “Darcy Lewis,” she said, offering her hand. He shook it, and Darcy smirked. “Surprised you haven’t heard of me. I have a bad reputation. I just… snap sometimes, shock people.”
“The taser girl? That was you?” Steve asked, and he looked her up and down, finally letting go of her hand.
Darcy puffed out her chest, grinning. “Hard to believe I’m all this and brains, too?”
Steve didn’t even pause for thought. “No, it’s not.”I loved writing this exchange because of the underlining currents I put into it. I try to not always show everything up front. It’s more fun that way, at least for me personally, especially when I think of what the conversation would physically look like if it were a movie or TV show. - from Fuck it I love you
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. - Okay, narrowing it down to three is impossible but I’ve picked three of the MANY people I love...Triangulum, for smut that doesn’t feel dressed up all pretty.Dresupi, for being a goddamn DIAMOND factory. @sarahbeniel for being a true friend and support for me, providing me with phenomenal entertainment as well. I MEAN FUCK, how could I not mention her...
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copperbadge · 6 years
Back in your LJ days you would post recipes — and I totally stole your mac & cheese. My family loves it. I’m making two batches tonight for Thanksgiving. But one thing I always run into is I never have enough noodles. I’m wondering if I somehow copied that down wrong. My copy says 1 cup of noodles for a recipe. I’m thinking I may have skipped something when I was reading, and maybe it’s suppose to be 1 lb? Do you recall or have it written down? My fav topping is Italian bread crumbs. :)
So, I just checked the recipe I would have posted (I’ve used a couple over the years, though that one’s my favorite) and it definitely says one cup; I would never have posted a recipe with one pound of macaroni because that is an UNGODLY amount of pasta, though I suppose not if you’re feeding a large group.
There are a couple of factors in play -- my recipe says one cup dry, which is like 2 cups cooked at least, so if you’re measuring cooked that could be part of it. Could be the brand of macaroni, if you’re finding you never have enough noodles but only by a little. Or it could be that you doubled the recipe but forgot to double the 1 cup, since the recipe is for single person cooking, not for a family. (Easy way to check -- for one cup of dry noodles, the sauce requires 3/4 cup of milk, so if you’re using 1 1/2 cups milk, you’re doing a double batch). 
Anyway, as with all recipes, you shouldn’t feel bound to it if something in it isn’t working for you -- it won’t harm the recipe to add more noodles! This is very likely the recipe that you would have had from me but it may vary in details; I tweak my recipes constantly until I have them perfect for myself. 
Macaroni and Cheese This is for a single person, meant to serve one with significant leftovers. 
1 cup dry macaroni3/4 cup milk4 tbsp butter4 tsp flour2 cups of shredded cheese, mixture of cheddar and jack or munster or whatever firm cheese you likeTopping: Biscuit dough, panko crumbs, French's fried onions (Or as you say, italian bread crumbs!) 
Cook macaroni and drain; set aside in a deep, narrow casserole dish (mine is 6x6x4″).
In a sauce pan, melt butter. Add flour and whisk together. Add milk and whisk until smooth and slightly thickened. When thickened, add the cheese and mix until melted. If you want a thicker sauce, heat until desired thickness.
Pour cheese over macaroni. Mix well and top with topping of choice. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Happy cooking!
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
A Captain America/Blue Bloods crossover. Rated Mature for Graphic Descriptions of Violence. Complete 8 chapter work. 11,680 words.
Summary from AO3:
Just an FYI-I have ignored large swathes of the movie universe, and timelines are mere suggestions. Also, I didn’t kill off the Reagan family matriarch because, voila! Her name is Becca.
We find Steve helping rebuild New York after the first movie-still practically just out of the ice when he finds the police commissioner in front of his brownstone with surprising news. Herein lies the adventures of Steve Rogers and the Reagans of NYC. And some Avengers thrown in.</I>
This is a great crossover that shows Steve after the events of Captain America The First Avenger reconnecting with his family, via Bucky’s sister Rebecca. Who happens to be married to one Henry Reagan, retired New York Police Commissioner.
I read a lot. I’m still thinking about this story several days and many stories later. It’s definitely worth your time.
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finnglas · 6 years
mirthandnomatter replied to your post: I don’t happen to have any diehard Beatles/Paul...
Ummm, the Evil Overlord in Training has discovered the Beatles and is in love. Just sayin’.
I suppose I should have also added “and has a VCR,” lol. The issue is that I have a VHS copy of Paul McCartney’s long-form music video Give My Regards to Broad Street, and I’m not taking it with me to Florida. If you’re interested I’d be more than glad to ship it to you, but with the caveat that it is a VHS lol
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Summertime Sadness -- Darcy/Steve!
Dancing in the Pale Moonlight for @mirthandnomatter
Thanks for requesting!  I hope you enjoy :)
Since the Ultron fiasco, parties at the Avengers Tower had slowly become smaller and smaller, with fewer media outlets to report on who was getting tanked and sleeping with whom or what Black Widow was wearing (which, most times, was spruced up Target outfits).  And now that so few Avengers and friends were still staying in the Tower on a regular basis, the going-away parties before missions were not nearly as intoxicated or intense.
Tomorrow they were going to Minsk for two weeks to handle some underground freedom fighters who’d been experimenting with gamma radiation radiation.  Which meant that Darcy’s apartment would be dreadfully empty of her super soldier boyfriend for the next two weeks.
He’d spent most of the day training with Sam and Bucky, so her pre-Minsk time with him was already cut painfully short.  But when he finally met back up with her at the party, with her wearing that bright red dress that hugged her body so perfectly…well, they had to make up that lost time.
“I don’t want you to go,” she whispered, laying her cheek against his chest as he swayed with her to the soft music.  He ran a gentle hand down her hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“I don’t want to go, either.”
“Liar.”  She pulled away just slightly, just enough to look at him eye-to-eye.  “You were born to protect people, Steve.  I wouldn’t want you any other way.”  He cracked a small smile, framing her face with his hands and pulling her back toward him, kissing her softly on the lips.  Her arms wrapped around his middle, holding him tight to her, her hands sliding down his back.  He pulled away, tucking the stray bits of hair behind her ears.
“Steve, I love you.”
He paused, watching the moonlight reflected in her eyes.  Darcy pressed her lips together, and lay her head on his chest again, squeezing his hand as they continued to sway back and forth.
“Darce, I…”
“It’s okay,” she breathed, letting a lone tear dribble down her nose and into the starch of his shirt.  “It’s okay, I know - ”
“No, Darcy.”  He pulled back, holding her by the waist.  “Look, I…I’ve been known to make a mess of things before, you know…leaving things unsaid.  And I’m not sayin’ it because of tomorrow, I’m not sayin’ it to make up for things I couldn’t do before…”  He hesitated, and she remembered an old sepia-toned photograph of a beautiful woman with fierce eyes and full lips.  “…I say it because I mean it.  I love you, too.”
Darcy looked at him for a moment.  Read the honesty in his eyes and in his voice.  And she dove back into his arms, kissing him as though, if she only maintained that hold on him, the moon above them would never go down.
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fanfictionlive · 7 years
female writer, male lead character....sex scene...realism
I can haz a problem.
Sorry. Had to get that out of the way.
I tend to write fairly realistically. I also tend to write from the pov of my female lead characters. I know for a fact that this fic, (my first in eight years. the longest I've ever written.) will definitely have a sex scene. And more than likely from the lead male's pov.
My husband can't write sex scenes. Otherwise I'd just get his help.
How do I write a realistic sex scene from the male pov? I've read enough porn to know what the cliches are, but what about the truth?
Guys, help?
submitted by /u/mirthandnomatter [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans http://ift.tt/2sGXQLc
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dresupi · 5 years
Just What I Needed - Bucky/Darcy
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Ship: Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis For: @mirthandnomatter Song: “Just What I Needed” - The Cars - 1978 Rating: M Length: 1042 Tags: College AU, Limes, Idiots in Love
“So you guys are kind of a thing now, huh?” Steve asked, nodding towards Darcy, who was in the middle of cooking stir-fry on their tiny apartment stove.
Bucky was all ready to scoff and shake his head, except when he turned to look at her, his heart started overflowing. Upchucking. Puking its warm guts out all over his insides.
As gross as the analogy was, that was pretty much what had happened with Darcy.
“I don’t know what we are, to be honest…” Bucky replied with a shrug.
Eight Weeks Earlier
He recognized her from around campus. She’d been in a couple classes with Natasha. Sitting near the back and fiddling with her phone.
She was always talking to someone, or maybe Bucky would have tried harder to introduce himself. But she didn’t look like she needed any more guys throwing themselves at her.
So when she walked up to him at Steve and Natasha’s theater group after-party, sidling up to him and nudging him with her shoulder, he assumed she thought he was someone else.
Maybe she was drunk and confused.
Except she didn’t have a drink in her hand. In fact, she was one of the only people not drinking. Besides himself and Steve.
“Everything okay?” he asked, glancing warily around. Maybe she was using him as a shield from someone else’s drunk amoré.
“Totally,” she replied. “I’m Darcy, bee tee dubs.  I always wanted to tell you that, but you always seemed busy…”
Bucky laughed. “I’m never busy. Steve’s the one with all the extracurriculars… I’m just here.”
“Not true,” she countered. “And I still haven’t gotten your name.”
He hesitated for a split second. Whether to give her James or Bucky. Bucky was kind of a kid-nickname.
“James,” he replied.
“James. Cool.  You wanna get outta here, James?”
He felt something swoop in his stomach. He kind of did, now that she brought it up.  He nodded. “Your place?”
“Yours,” she countered. “My roommate’s boyfriend is visiting. I don’t feel much like the battle of the moans.” She winked and reached for his hand.  “Lead the way.”
Not that he minded much, but even though he was the one tugging her gently through the throngs of people to leave the building, he felt she was very much leading the way.
“James…” she murmured, her voice hot and raspy in his ear when he rocked into her. His muscles shook when her lips brushed his earlobe.
“Bucky,” he corrected her, groaning as she grazed her teeth over his skin.
“Bucky?” she asked, not surprised, just making sure.
He nodded. “Call me Bucky…”
“Bucky…” she whispered, her nails raking down his back.
She’d spent the night after.
Asked him if it was okay first. It struck him as weird, considering he was still coming down from what had been, hands-down, the best orgasm of his life.
“Is it okay if I stay?” she whispered in his ear, her legs still tucked around his hips, holding him close. Hell, he’d have said yes to anything in that moment. She had him as tightly wrapped around her finger as she was around his waist.
“Definitely,” he mumbled, nodding as he ducked down to kiss her again. Her lips were soft and pliant. The kiss felt sleepy. Or maybe that was just him.
He pushed off her, rolling over and onto his feet to pad to the bathroom and dispose of the condom.  Even though she had asked if she could stay, he half expected her to be gone when he returned.
She wasn’t.
She was sitting up in bed, tugging on his t-shirt before hopping to her feet as well. “Are you done in there?”
“What? Oh.. yeah, yeah, I’m... “ His cheeks flushed when he realized he definitely should have let her go first. Ladies first and all that. “Sorry, I should have let you go first…”
She didn’t bother shutting the door. “You did, don’t worry.”
Bucky tugged on his underwear, sitting down on the mattress before he realized what she meant.  He felt his cheeks redden even more. He was still blushing while she washed her hands before hopping back into bed with him.
He rolled over to the side and she snuggled up close, spooning against his front. “Did I really?” he asked.
“You couldn’t tell?” she asked. “Maybe I need to get louder…”
She didn’t stay for breakfast the next day.  But she exchanged numbers with him.  And looking back at it now, that’s where it started.
They weren’t booty calls all the time.
Sometimes they were.
But sometimes they were “Hey I made cookies, do you want some?” calls.
And “I watched a scary movie at night, please come check my apartment for security breaches.”
But his personal favorite was the “I want to cook, but it’s sad to cook for one. I’m coming over.”
Which was what brought them full circle. Right here, with Steve smirking like he knew something Bucky didn’t know.
“You should just ask her,” his roommate teased.
“I don’t recall asking for your input on this, punk…” Bucky muttered under his breath.
“Ask me what?” Darcy called from across the room. “What? It’s ten feet, it’s not soundproof,” she replied to their wide-eyed looks.
Bucky sighed and glared at Steve before asking her. “What are we?”
“Homosapians,” she replied smugly. “Broke-ass college students.”
“I meant in terms of…” He trailed off, unsure of how to phrase it. “Are you my girlfriend or what?”
Her smug smile morphed into something else. Something infinitely more smug if at all possible. “Do you want me to be?”
Steve snorted.
“You’re not letting me off the hook here, are you?” Bucky asked.
“Not in a million years.”
“Yes. Darcy. Will you be my girlfriend?”
She scooped some of the stir-fry onto a plate for him. “I’m already cooking for you, how noble to ask…” She brought the plate to him, pressing it into his hands before rising on her tiptoes to kiss him. “And thank you so much for asking. I would like nothing more.”
“Cool. Okay. Thank you.”
She winked, releasing the plate into his hands and pushing him playfully towards the table. “You are so welcome.”
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copperbadge · 6 years
mirthandnomatter replied to your post “Back in your LJ days you would post recipes — and I totally stole your...”
@copperbadge the single serving thing would make more sense for it being 1 cup. I guess I just didn’t realize it was meant to be one serving. Ah well. For two pans, I ended up using 8 cups of noodles and quadrupled everything else. Very happy people at my house! I’ll just adjust my recipe to 4 cups of noodles for a recipe. (To feed a family.)
Hooray, I’m glad it works for you anyhow! And yeah, feeding a family is definitely more than a one-cup-of-noodles proposition :D 
junietwohundred replied to your post “Today, because work was slow. I spent my time oscillating between...”
I dated your protagonist in college. Geography undergrad, agronomy grad degree. Saving the world through crop science to this very day.
It’s a very earnest sort of passion! 
Though I keep thinking about how bougie I am, because John Steinbeck opened Grapes of Wrath with Tom Joad coming home from prison, and I opened this book about roughly the same time period with my protagonist coming home from college. :D 
scifigrl47 replied to your post “Today, because work was slow. I spent my time oscillating between...”
What horrible cats. You should get rid of them immediately. I will take them off your hands for a modest fee.
Your agent in Chicago has already failed to steal them twice! 
spaci1701 replied to your post “Today, because work was slow. I spent my time oscillating between...”
@scifigrl47 You really don't need more cats, even ones like the Sisters. I shudder to think what Polk and Link would get into together.
I feel like Link would probably just chill with Deebs. I’m more worried about how Misty would react to two new babies who WANT TO PLAY, AUNTIE MISTY, WE WANT TO PLAY. 
heartsickpessimist replied to your photo “ao3tags: no beta we die like meh It took me way too long to get the...”
I don't get it
The meme is “No X, we die [or another appropriate adjective] like men” but because they don’t have a beta (”No beta,”) nobody caught the typo (”We die like meh”). I was like “why would they die like meh” for a solid 30 seconds to a minute before I went OHHHHHH. 
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finnglas · 6 years
broke down my bed, found a WHOLE BOX underneath of stuff that was supposed to go in the yard sale lol WHOOPS i guess it’s getting donated
except for a little something that’s going to @mirthandnomatter with her VHS tapes that i PROMISE i am sending although it might have to wait until next weekend because the post office is closed and we’re leaving on monday oops
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ibelieveinturtles · 7 years
Burned out a little bit doing NaNoWriMo (But I Won!!!) and started a new job yesterday. Am slowly working on the prompts I took in October and it's slow going but I WILL get there! They just might be a little shorter than I'd hoped.
@pegasusdragontiger @dresupi @phoenix-173 @zephrbabe @tigerliliesandcherryblossoms @anogete @mirthandnomatter @ragwitch @typhoidmeri @catrinasl @sachertortes @thestanceyg
Love you all!! 💖😄
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