#misc: mythology
airitree · 8 months
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Unicorns can stab one another, though they are careful when dueling, often dancing around each other and tease with false starts to avoid breakage, as their horns are rather thin.
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bob-artist · 1 year
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It only makes me eat more of them
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simmyfrobby · 11 months
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After Abel, Dante Émile // sportingnews // Cain, José Saramago (trans. Margaret Jull Costa) // Dave Sandford // Kin, Clan and Community in Proto-Indo-European Society, Birgit Anette Olsen // ESPN // Wikipedia // ESPN // Jeff Vinnick // Genesis, Valzhyna Mort // Puckprose // I Cast It Away, My Body, William Bearhart // Puckprose // Cain slaying Abel, Abraham Bloemaert (1590) // NHL // Clive Baker // Puckprose // NHL // Murder Ballad in the Land of Nod, Traci Brimhall // Freep // The Changes of Cain: Violence and the Lost Brother in Cain and Abel Literature, Ricardo J. Quinones // penticton western news // The Book of a Monastic Life, Rainer Maria Rilke (trans. Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy) // "A Brother Named Gethsemane", Natalie Diaz // NHL // NHL // Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on 16 November 1581, Ilya Repin (1883-1885) NHL // Brothers, Dan Pagis (trans. Shirley Kaufman) // Fox News // NHL // NHL // Wikipedia // Fox News // NHL // Cain, José Saramago (trans. Margaret Jull Costa) // Allaboutthejersey // Allaboutthejersey // Jewish Literacy, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
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frogyjones-art · 7 months
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Uh... anyone here like werewolves? Woof?
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marksandrec · 2 years
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2452
(It was Markiplier all along.) (Dialogue is just made up.)
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chattercap · 1 month
Mythology VN Jam!
Hello, hello everyone! This year I'm running a chill mythology-based visual novel/interactive fiction jam with @chimeriquement, @butter-blanc, and lenlen403! It runs from June 14th to September 15th!
The rules are very relaxed - if you have any ideas relating to mythology, be it a retelling, a meta-story, or a story about your own mythologies, it's allowed! See the link for more details!
If you're interested, please check it out! We'd love to have you!
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cosmicpancakes · 1 month
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Wild hyacinths growing in my garden? Is this a TOA reference??????
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depleti · 3 months
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I only seem to get good holiday ideas after the fact, but better late than never.
I wish I could draw Coal blushing but that's hard to do when you don't have working blood vessels.
These cohorts are from my webcomic about Vikings and Norse mythology, Thistil Mistil Kistil.
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audreyscribes · 10 days
Hi everyone! Here's something I've been cooking up in the background. This came about whilst I was working on the other previous works and it just sort of happened. Hope you guys like it!! Again, these works will be categorised as the MISCELLANEOUS GODS due to not the fact these gods are minor or anything, but because I did mention this in an ask before and it's easier to think about due to the canon PJO worldbuilding. These works will be a bit more loose since I'm taking a shot in the wild so hopefully you guys like it. Thanks for reading!!
When you get claimed, it's in the midst of utter discord. There are things flying, exploding, the storm is whipping people around and the clouds are made out of cotton candy, raining chocolate milk. You swore you saw a pig flying but then you remembered you saw literal horses with wings, so that’s not the weirdest thing to happen. People are screaming and yelling to take cover and you see the person at the eye of the storm. A fellow new camper, who came along with you at camp. You briefly knew them on your way to the safety of camp, where things were just happening left and right. You didn't know any better, thinking it was just how things were when you entered the world of gods and monsters, but as soon Chiron yelled about the new camper being claimed as a child of Eris, everything just made sense. You weren’t sure if you were sympathising with them or you had gotten close, but you couldn’t see your fellow camper in such…disarray when you saw the child of Eris’ distraught look. You blinked and suddenly you could see the lines of discord. You then reached out and almost as if you were de-tangling them, the chaos begun to die down. Then everything felt at peace and steady, before not long you heard people gasp and you look up where their eyes are staring at to see a claim above your head and Chiron announcing you are a child of Harmonia: the goddess of Harmony and Concord. The direct opposite of the newly claimed Child of Eris.
People flock to you with your harmonious vibes, your melodic voice. In fact people expect you to have a harmonious life but that isn’t the truth; whether you do get along or not with the child of Eris, you constantly run into each other and butt-heads together; just on principle. You faintly hear someone one time, speak offhandedly that your relationship is much like the child of Tyche and Nemesis.
You can just play the Harmonica really well as it’s just an inherent and ironic gift. Which is fun at campfire time when you're singing and playing with the children of Apollo.
You know the D&D alignment where there is Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic? Just as the Children of Eris are call Chaotics, all children of Harmonia, all fall under one of the Lawful alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil.
You have the effect of bringing balance and harmony.
You can kind of feel odd that you’re technically Mr. D’s aunt/uncle, since his mother, Semele is the daughter of Harmonia and Cadmus.
Speaking of Semele, you quickly learn about the curse of being Harmonia’s child. The first thing you learn about is the threat of the Necklace of Harmonia, a necklace that was crafted and gifted to Harmonia at her marriage with Cadmus; but as the necklace got passed down to her daughters, it’ll all brought them horrible ends. In fact it was rumoured that Semele was wearing the Necklace at the time when Zeus released his true form, causing her death; and Hephaesteus himself; due to Aphrodite, his wife, cheating on him and producing several children with Ares. 
While no one knows where the Necklace of Harmonia is anymore, it’s still lethal to whoever comes into possession of it and suffers a terrible fate; usually deathly. With your existence, it’s only a matter of time that the necklace of Harmonia will surface once more from the ashes and it’ll find its way to you. 
With Hephaestus, however, you quickly soon find out that Hephaestus’s curse is more broad when every time you approach the Hephaestus cabin and their forge, things will go haywire and every time it will be directed at you. When you’re around his children, something always happens so you start having to avoid them entirely. 
While getting along with the Aphrodite cabin is to be expected, people don’t expect you to be able to get along with the Ares cabin. Whether its due to the sheer harmonic vibe or whatever it is, you manage to get along with the children of Ares more often than not, even calming them down when things get too intense. You’re often called upon. 
You soon learn you have the ability to boost morale, bringing people together even under the unlikeliness of times (though not always). You learn this is because Harmonia presides over soothing strife and discord, and is in charge of Harmonious action of soldiers during war. This often makes you the peacekeeper, the hype man, and so forth. 
For as long as you could remember, you had something around your neck; like an amulet, a choker, ribbons, ties, necklaces. You couldn’t remember if there was a time where your neck was bare. Your mortal parent never said anything about your neck accessories, in fact seemingly fond of one necklace you wore; which you always assumed belonged to your departed birth mother and you continued to wear it from then on.   
In fact you were more surprised that you didn’t have any neck related injuries with how klutzy and accident prone you were. Even more so, when you and your friends got attacked at school by a monster, one of said- friends revealed they were a Satyr and that the two of you were demigods. The trip to Camp Half-blood had been chaotic, more ways than one, with almost seemingly wacky situations that even your satyr friend seemed awfully confused at. 
You didn’t think much about your necklace until you were claimed. Then suddenly, it gets weirder. People comment on your necklace all the time and you would tell them about it, but it was almost like people were drawn to your necklace like it was the first thing or the next thing they noticed, and comment on how good it looks. While not out of the ordinary, it was however odd when their description of the necklace varied wildly; from how it reminded of their grandmother’s necklace, to a forgotten favourite accessory they loved, to designer pieces like Pandora brand. 
You had a growing suspicion but when you went to the Aphrodite cabin due to Harmonia being a daughter of the goddess, everyone’s heads almost whipped towards you. They all begun to comment on your necklace and all of them were so different. Many got into arguments on the necklace they were seeing and it was only Piper McLean dragging you out of the cabin out, did you realize something was wrong. 
You both tried to get the necklace off, but the clasp wouldn’t budge, and the length of the necklace just seemed to be small enough to be unable to slide over your head either (even though you knew the necklace seem to hang comfortably from your neck-). 
You even tried to get it cut off with the help of a willing Hephaestus children, but their own tools seemed to break first and the necklace was fine; then things went downhill from there. You already were wary of hanging about the children of Hephaestus due to repeated incidents but ever since you tried to get it off? It increased tenfold. Their inventions would explode around you or went haywire, going towards you. Even the Hephaestus demigods were avoiding you as well because of it.
The incidents kept going and going, and as you tried to mitigate the discord and minimise the damages, they kept increasing and were getting worse; with the necklace seemingly getting heavier and tighter around your neck.
You were lucky you had a friend in the also-newly claimed child of Eris. They rushed towards your rescue, using their powers to direct all the chaos, discord, and incidents away from everyone, re-routing their paths from everyone. 
Then you were brought to the Big House, before you were told about the Necklace of Harmonia. The necklace was gifted by Hephaestus to the marriage of Harmonia, daughter of Aphrodite and Ares, and Cadmus. While it didn’t befall any danger to Harmonia herself, as she was a goddess, the necklace was passed down to her daughters and each who inherited it faced misfortune…like Semele, Mr. D or Dionysus’s mother; as she wore the necklace when Zeus revealed his true self to her, evaporating her. 
It was then you realised why Mr. D looked at you with some sort of affection but also distance. It was also then you realized why you couldn’t be near any of the children of Hephaestus as it was his curse towards Aphrodite and Ares, and by that extension Harmonia and now you. 
You felt a comforting hand from your Eris friend, which you squeezed back. Then you were told that the Necklace was supposedly taken to the Temple of Delphi but was stolen and got lost in a fire…everyone thought it was gone but somehow it ended up around your neck.
 It was clear that this wasn’t coincidental, with neither your dual appearance with the child of Eris, who was there to help balance everything out… and it was time for both of you to see the Oracle on what must be done.
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kemetickowboy · 28 days
There's writer's block and then there's "hey I know you're almost done with your novel but can you write a bunch of short stories set in a fantasy version of ancient Egypt where random young adults are connected to the Netjeru and basically have elemental powers. Anyway kthxbai.
Also the covers need to be in the style of The Five Ancestors novels but AE"
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endiness · 7 months
the problem with trying to research hawaiian mythology sometimes is you'll find some myth but then the sources for it are like "this one book written by a white guy in the 1900s. this is literally the only source for this myth." like... is that... is that actually reliable information...
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guard-en · 3 months
there’s a tf2 character I think you’d like,,, her name is Zhanna. She wears a necklace of human ears and rips her enemies apart with her bare hands naked
JUSTTTTT LIKE ME FOR REAL I NEED TO GET INTO TF2 pyro intrigues me people draw them fat nonbinary and butch and that's my entire list of standards. Also she's so fucking sick I love when women are staggeringly violent. Also the ear necklace is a reference to the Greek myth of Heracles.
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mantisgodsdomain · 25 days
A unicorn is a member of the family Bovidae, closely related to the addax and other grazing antelopes such as the sable antelope and bluebuck.
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general-radix · 6 months
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Lo-fi doodles 13 and 14; ended up sitting on 13 for a while.
After much consideration, I decided that Hades/Perspephone isn't going to be a thing in my Greek/Egyptian mythology thing, for a number of reasons (chief among them: Persephone will be a child here). Instead, his wife is Libera, a minor Roman/Italian goddess.
Harmonia and Ariel are from what became of that "Sailor Moon Solar AU" concept (discussed on radix-outpost a while ago); they're the princesses of Mars and Uranus, respectively.
The original idea for the top illust on page 14 was "a girl and her sentient dolls"; said dolls are mostly named after various fabrics.
Speaking of the revamped Solar AU: after making a pretty major change to my main Sailor Moon AU, Erica and Yumeji needed a new place to go. Well, I had a planet-based concept that didn't yet have characters representing the Sun or Moon...
I can summarize the lower-left doodle as "R63 X and Zero as the Lovely Angels".
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This Minotaur, whose name was Asterius, or Asterion, was the bull-headed monster which Pasiphaë had borne to the white bull.
I cut the head off a build-a-bear bull, and sewed it on to the body of a bear. He was almost too cute to decapitate, but the resulting Minotaur (Build-a-taur?) is even cuter!
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He even has a voice box, so he makes cute little growly minotaur noises! Admit it, if you were Theseus (or Percy, pick your poison) you'd never be able to kill such an adorable little Minotaur!
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gullable-fool · 1 year
Call me Prometheus the way I’m getting eaten out DAILY
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