thesmallmedic · 5 years
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Feels like 1000 lectures later and I'm still trudging along with what feels like 1000 lectures more.
Revision can be a hard time to stay motivated, as you spend all day behind your desk. Eyes sore, brain dead as you try to go over concepts again and again. You know it'll all be worth it in the end, that goal you're striving to achieve. Who said the journey would be easy though?
Procrastination has never been happier to spring free. And any moment of fun seems like precious time wasted, the guilt clawing at the back of your mind.
Sometimes we think we don't deserve to rest. But the fact remains that we need it. Often it's the reason you drag your eyes over the page a third time - take it as a sign that you need a break. To refresh your mind, body and soul. Take a walk, eat/drink something. Do something you love from the bottom of your heart. And after that, I'm sure you'll come back fighting strong.
Here's to all the people like me, struggling with revision now. Keep going ❤
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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17/12/18 - 24/12/18
My Christmas Break is usually very quiet but this year has been busy busy! Have barely been able to revise properly for my upcoming Semester 3 exams or finish off my essay for January so I’m a little stressy 😩😩 But I am enjoying getting 8 hours of sleep again lol 4-5 hours during the term is not good! I’ve also been indulging myself with homemade lattes and hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel sauce (mmmm heaven)
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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Taken 18/05/2019 || Posted 24/05/2019
So it’s been a hot minute since I last posted. Revision has been slow and I’m hella stressed right now. I feel so underprepared for my upcoming exams and I really want to do well. Also been battling some inner demons which is why I’ve been a little quiet lately but hopefully I’ll try to post as much as I can before my exams hit off.
Immunity has surprisingly been a great topic for me. I enjoy learning it and my professor was absolutely amazing with her little University and Star Wars analogies. I’ve been mapping out all my lectures to help me visually see how the immune system all works together and I think it really helps solidify my learning, especially as a visual learner.
What type of learner are you?
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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Honestly this academic year has been really bad and really tough for me and I’m just so relieved I pulled through in the end!
Wishing everyone else the best of luck with their exam results, whatever you get, I’m so proud of you!
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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Semester 4 has begun and I’m 2 weeks in! Bought a new laptop bag, new highlighters and a folder. Had many deadlines to meet, so have been very stressed! But I’m really enjoying the reproduction module at uni, our lecturer is so sweet and has the best dad jokes!
Currently as part of our Communication Skills module, we’re being filmed while carrying out patient histories. I plan to volunteer to be recorded next week but I’m absolutely terrified. Any ideas on how to overcome my nervousness?
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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14/01/19 - 20/01/19
Exams around the corner and guess who’s stressed and not prepared?! Going to try to make the most of it this week and prioritise the things I definitely need to cover. Wish me luck ✨
What are you getting up to this week?
🎶 Study Music Rec: The Gatherning Storm, Jeremy Soule
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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“Imagine I am the uterus and have dressed up as a ghost for Halloween. My hands are the uterine tubes, my fingers the fimbriae and the sheet over me is the broad ligament.” - the QUEEN of Anatomy!
Anatomy has been okay so far this semester, but I definitely have to go back over it to consolidate.
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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Revising Repro ✨
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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Something I needed to hear today, so I thought I’d share with you lovely people 💖
Please don’t repost
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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Almost a week done and although it started off slow I can already feel the work piling up. Anatomy is going to be the death of me if we don’t have teachers to teach us 😩😩 Will hopefully be seeing more ticks on my daily to-do lists 😅
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
Tagging game!
Thank you so much for tagging me @a-studying-cactus and @a-studying-birb for tagging me! <3, hope you’re both having a wonderful day!!!
Rules: Answer seventeen questions and then tag twenty one blogs you’d like to know better.
Nickname? : Mishka, Mushu, Mish, Mishu, My Shoe (thanks dad), Bones of Satan (thanks mum).
Starsign? : Pisces
Height?: ehem...tiny. 154 cm? Idk
Last film I saw: I am (finally) doing my Marvel movie marathon in order, watched the first Avengers film.
Favourite musician?: Don’t reaaaalllyyy have one, but I do love Ed Sheeran
Song stuck in my head: 'What About Us’ - P!nk
Other blogs?: I have a fandom tumblr but haven’t been on it for a while.
Do I get asks? Sometimes yes and they all make me smile!!! :)
Blogs following?: I’m following 506 amazing blogs!
What am I wearing? My blue and grey pjs and my teal leavers hoodie - I’m too comfy to actually get changed.
Dream job? Oooofff, I’ve wanted ALWAYS to be a pirate/superhero/assassin but um I’m either too nice or too clumsy so that’s a no. Realistically, I want to be an amazing doctor and be able to help my patients and really cater to their needs!
Play any instruments? I used to play the piano when I was younger but stopped when I got busier with studying.
Languages? English, Bangla, some Hindi, Urdu and French. I also specialise in baby language.
Favorite food: UGH YOU CAN’T ASK ME THAT! If I had to choooooooseee...either biriyani and lasagne.
Favorite songs? I really don’t have one, but I will never get sick of ‘Photograph’ - Ed Sheeran, it reminds me of the times where my sister and I would dance as badly as possible in the kitchen late at night. 
Random Fact:
I have a bottomless stomach - leave food in front of me and I’ll keep eating. My stomach will be rumbling in a silent lecture theatre despite me feeding the little monster a few minutes ago and frankly it just enjoys embarassing me.
Tagging the following lovely people! @studywithacapricorn, @problematicprocrastinator, @enjoyingstudies, @naginistudies, @stressedstudyblrr, @busy-studies, @mendesnecessary, @medstudyingblr, @scorpiomedic, @the-alexsandria-studies, @vestibulandatobe, @studylikegeller, @studyinq-bird, @ioannastudies, @bisuu-studies, @so-many-chromosomes, @smilestudy, @ineverstudy, @friendlystudies and of course, @sugarynote! No pressure guys :)
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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Back to university at last! I can finally have a little structure in my life 😂😂. Starting the busy semester off with musculoskeletal system and I have yet to get back into the swing of lectures.
I was supposed to have finished off Monday’s lectures yesterday but I had such a killer migraine - I was in tears, it hasn’t been that bad since sixth form. Trying to stay on top of things with my new bullet journal though, gonna need all the luck I can get 😩
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
hey!! have you got any tips on how to study anatomy? :( currently we’re doing bones n muscles are next and I’m honestly rly scared ?? Like how do you describe a bone n stuff... any resources that helped you?
Ahhh bones and muscles! Good stuff! Are you doing this for the first time?
Bones are relatively nice to learn, you get into the swing of it really quickly.
Muscles maybe not so nice, I still sometimes struggle with it but you can often use logic. It can be hard to learn all the origins and insertions, the nerve supply, vasculature and actions. My advice is to make a table of all the muscles you learn at the end of your session with their name and all of the above. Usually you can group muscles together based on nerve supply and action and this can make things easier.
So for Anatomy I always prepare before my session. At my University, we’re given a handbook so I usually know exactly how to prepare but if you don’t have something similar it might be a bit tricker. 
My favourite resources to use are:
http://teachmeanatomy.info/ - it will probably have most of the things you’re looking for
I also like to use Grey’s Anatomy. I bought a copy in first year but didn’t really use it and BOY is it useful to have an idea of where things are and what things look like! I suggest instead of buying one, try the library. For muscles and bones, having pictures can give you a good idea of where things are e.g. lateral/medial and their relationships to nearby structures but it is very different to the real thing. You can use Acland’s Anatomy to take a look at videos of cadavers.
After I finish the Anatomy Session I make a set of notes with lots of pictures and anything extra that I learnt. At the end of the month, I go back to the Dissecting Room with a couple of friends and we test our knowledge and teach each other which is a great way to check if you’ve learnt your stuff! This is especially great for muscles because you can identify them on an actual cadaver.
Best of luck and apologies for the lengthy answer. If you need any other help or want an example, privately message me anytime :) HAVE FUN!
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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So my semester 3 exam was a SHAMBLES - we were told 50-60% of the exam would be neuro but barely anything came up 😭😭😭. Going to have to work really hard for semester 4 to bring my grade up. My SSC essay on Global Mental Health is due in 9 days but my tutor isn’t providing much feedback on the drafts I’ve sent so far and he will be the one marking it so it has to meet his standards 😩😩 slightly stressed. Any ideas how to tackle this?
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
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09/10/18 I’m really enjoying the new genomics topic, I find it absolutely fascinating. Somehow I hurt my foot really badly yesterday and it hurts a lot, especially during my driving lessons. Trying to get ahead on lectures and prepare in advance is something I’m struggling with. Any advice guys? Also, reminder to stay hydrated 💖💖
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thesmallmedic · 6 years
How I write my research papers
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So I realise that this probably won’t apply to many people, but I thought that it would be useful to share as you might find that you want incorporate bits of my methodology 🌸
When being asked to write essays at university, I find it very hard to start and end up putting it off last minute. Something about picking up that pen, writing with absolutely no clue what’s going on and having to tediously reference your work is REALLY off putting - or is that just me? 🤔
This year I tried something new. Without further ado, I present my method:
2. If you have a title/thesis, skip to point 3.
> Developing your own title can be really hard, so first spider diagram the theme of your essay. 🕷🕸 The title can be developed at a later point when you have figured out the aim of your essay from your research.
> Have multiple ideas/approaches you can use in case you can’t find sufficient research or need to change everything. It can be frustrating starting a new essay from scratch if your tutor/supervisor isn’t pleased with it, especially if you worked really hard on your essay! So multiple ideas will hopefully help just in case things don’t go as planned!
3. Don’t plan the essay straight away - it can be hard figuring out the structure and what you want to include – soon you may find yourself crossing out of the document 😂😂.
> Rather, start your research for your topic (of choice)! This might really get you hyped up for the essay because you might find some really interesting stuff! 👩🏽‍💻🔦🔎📚
4. Construct a table with the following headings for your columns: type of source, link (to source)/title, brief summary (of what it’s about) and the date you last accessed it.
> This can really help with referencing at the end if you’ve forgotten to do it as you go along! If you want, add an extra column and have the reference ready to copy and paste into your essay.
> If you’re struggling with referencing, I like to use the website www.citethemrightonline.com – requires a University subscription btw so check that you’re University is on their list.
> They support different referencing styles but if you’re ever unsure, best thing is to contact your tutor. ⁉️
5. Right, now you have your research, you might have a clearer idea of what to write. Go ahead and make that plan of yours!
> Send a copy to your tutor and see if they have any suggestions before moving onto the actual writing itself. 💡
> Develop your essay title based on the research so far and what your essay aims to cover.
6. Essay writing time! 📜
> This is probably the most tedious bit, but set yourself a deadline for each draft.
> I personally recommend 2 drafts and a final essay (I’ve had 15 drafts in the past and it got a bit out of hand).
> Make sure you name all your files properly and keep a BACKUP of your work. I save mine automatically to OneDrive but use whatever you prefer! 🗂📝
7. Try to reference as you go along but if you really can’t be asked, write an identifiable name of the source in brackets after your sentence and go back to your table at the end to reference later. 📍
Space this out over a couple of weeks well in advance of the deadline and plan to have your final ready about a week or two before the deadline because life is unexpected!
Please feel free to add any other suggestions! I’d love to hear about other methods or any other referencing resources! Hope this helps 💖
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