sochaewry · 2 years
A personal realize moment when i discovered i was a ace
🇧🇷 pt-br: eu sempre gostei muito de admirar as pessoas, eu sempre me pegava inconscientemente observando os detalhes das pessoas, o cabelo, o rosto, o corpo, as curvas e eu SEMPRE me culpava quando eu percebia que estava fazendo isso, eu ficava tipo "o que você está fazendo? Não é legal ficar observando as pessoas assim, pare com isso!" e ao mesmo tempo "mas eu não estou fazendo nada de errado! Não estou olhando para elas de uma maneira maliciosa", era sempre uma confusão na minha cabeça. Eu gosto do corpo humano, da estética, das formas, eu vejo como uma arte, tanto que eu sempre fui apaixonada por nu artístico, e depois que eu me descobri ace eu entendi o porquê de eu fazer isso, eu vi que eu não estava fazendo nada de errado e parei de me julgar por isso, porque eu realmente não olho de uma forma maliciosa, eu olho de uma forma artística, é apenas pura e genuína admiração.
🇬🇧 eng: I've always really enjoyed admiring people, I've always found myself subconsciously noticing people's details, their hair, their faces, their bodies, their curves and I'd ALWAYS blame myself when I realized I was doing that, I'd be like "what are you doing? It's not fun watching people like that, stop it!" and at the same time "but I'm not doing anything wrong! I'm not looking at them in a malicious way", it was always a mess in my head. I like the human body, aesthetics, forms, I see it as an art, so much so that I have always been in love with artistic nudes, and after I discovered myself as a ace I understood why I did this, I saw that I wasn't doing nothing wrong and stopped judging myself for it, because I don't really look at it in a malicious way, I look at it in an artistic way, it's just pure and genuine admiration.
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bessifantasi · 2 months
Careful with just walking around all day mooing. It’s like your parents used to say: “if you make that face for too long it will get stuck like that”
If you keeping looking for too long you’ll find it impossible to stop. Maybe at first you can struggle out a few words, but they just won’t feel nearly as nice as a good, long “mooooo”
Pretty soon you’ll lose that ability to speak, mooing will be all you can do. Milking and breeding will be all you can think about. Just a warning… well, maybe some encouragement too. Do it. Get stuck that way. 💜🐮
What? There’s no way I could get stuck moooooo — m-mmoooing. I can stop any timmmmmm. Mm. Mmoo. M-moooo?? Mmmoooooooo!!
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sleepygirlthing · 4 months
sucks on your tits reeaaaallly hard until they're fucking gushing with milk and bites them a bit also :3
mnghghhh >///////< mmoo moo moo moo!!!!!! milk me milk me milk me milk me,,, thhhankyouuuu,, godddd im such a dumb cow @///////@
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miscling · 2 months
😊 a lil combo that goes together nicely I think 💜
Mooo! 👅
MMoo, it turns out my big breast cups do make me leak milk slowly ^^ had a little cleanup to do when they came off!
i need to get a cowbell collar or figure out how to attach some cowbells to my collars, mooooOO!
Moo! very good combo ^^
thank you for the ask task!
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minwooks-moved · 1 year
since it’s been a HOT minute since i really said anything abt it, just wanted to say that i’m tracking #userbbie for any visual (gfx, gifs, etc.) content you make ! ➴☆
we don’t have to be mutuals for you to use it/anyone can use it if they so wish to, but i would prefer any not-visual content to b kept out of there if we aren’t (unless it’s important!) ♡ !
purposeful white-washing, b.ts, n.ewjeans, mmoo, s.uju, j.eno, a.espa, and some others won’t be rb’d, so apologies in advance if i don’t rb a post that has them, but i’m just not comfy having them on my blog at this current moment.
feel free to come ask me questions abt it if you want, but being rude abt it will get you ignored <3
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anewfloweryfriend · 10 months
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sirens-sanctuary · 1 year
𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪𝔰, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℜ𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰.
This will be a post about Fandoms that i can and will write about, and rules i want that will be read carefully and respected :)
๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑ ๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑
this is a list of most of the fandoms i know or can remember right now...lol
Marvel - MCU (Bucky Barnes mmoo~)
Spiderman: ATSV (Miguel Ohara papi oo~)
Samurai Champloo
The Boys
Record of Ragnarok
God of War
Celebrities (i know this isnt a fandom but ill write about these guys too)
The Bear (ill try)
a few more fandoms im not thinking about right now.......
Click here for masterlist.
๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑ ๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑
Rape fetish/kink, things like being tied up, rough sex (hewhewhew) anything dominant, I'll write about, but rape or non-con sex is a BIG nono for me. 
ANYTHING TO DO WITH CHILDREN SEXUALLY...Get out. This is absolutely disgusting and if anyone requests anything that even remotely describes the reader, or a character, or a child character doing things sexually I will not write anything for you and i will report you as well. 
Please please PLEASE don't request ANYTHING sexual with animals, thats absolutely mortifying and horrifying. I will not write anything if the reader or a character is doing anything sexual or remotely sexual with animals, not my cup of tea at all.
NO SKAT. I know i know i said most, but i think it should go without saying that i dont want to write about poopy and other stuff to deal with poopy... or pissy.. or vommity... nonononononoooooo. I will say...this isnt as bad as the others but still disgusting nonetheless. But to each their own.
Lastly, If any kink is requested to be written about, all participating parties have to consent. I will not write something if specifically the reader or preferred characters are asked not to consent. if this is asked request will be disregarded. I know this is kinda like the rape one but still, its better to clarify. 
๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑ ๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
I'm watching the world cup right now and I had a cute thought. Madi playing pee wee soccer. She looks so cute in her oversized jersey and long socks and cleats.
Her entire team is just running around on the field with no plan and just kicking the ball in any direction. Also, Lexa makes snacks for halftime like orange slices and homemade juice
If we're talking about farm Madi, then yes, yup, absolutely!
Clarke is technically the coach but she's always been more focused on yelling at the TV with her dad than actually focusing on the technical side so she just let's the kids run around after the ball in two little teams. It's good for them and in such a small town it's nice for parents to have a place their kids can burn out all of that excitement and energy they have.
And Madi loves it. Of course everything from the oversized jersey to the cleats are second hand, and she's still working on coordination at six years old but she has a lot of fun getting dirty and running after her friends. Being a big sister she's also very careful with the smaller kids but will not hesitate getting competitive with the other kids in her class. She looks so damn cute, curly piggy bouncing around with her face all dirty, wanting to yell "mooooom!" anytime one of the other kids doesy something to her but stopping herself with a "mmoo- coooaacchhh!!".
Lexa's sitting on a lawn chair cheering for every single kid and then yelling harder everytime Madi gets the balls. She cheekly comments with the other moms how hot the coach is and very efficiently distributes all the orange slices she picked from their massive tree (that's free advertising baby, because the kids will see them selling the oranges at the farmers market and beg their parents to buy them because theyre the best) and giving the kids a very inspirational speech about persisting and trying their best which turns every time kid there into a little warrior ready to fight for their life on a friendly non competitive no stakes practice.
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hungryhungryhucow · 1 year
i think a fun challenge would be to only be allowed to moo and not be allowed to talk at all. you don't need to talk silly cow
moo moooo mmoo moo
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kittenhypnotized · 2 months
"Such a Good Cow, you are doing such a wonderful job! Treat 10"
*On the brief moments that her cock gives you for air, you taste the beginnings of her cum, and that triples the pleasure you already have*
"You wanna know something, Cow? you might have already guessed this, that is, if you are not to Dick Dumb with my Cock and Musk, but I control your orgasm, I get to decide if you get to cum or not! Isn't that so hot? That a Cow like you is so controlled, that you can't even cum on your own! Much less think!"
[Moo that is the hottest thing i have heard Moo]
mmmoooo,,,mooo,,mmnh,,nngg ,,mmoo,,
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sochaewry · 2 years
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About Me !!
Hello, you can call me Mimoo!
she/her - female pronouns
brazilian, born in 2004 - 20yo
bisexual - asexual
pt-br & eng (not fluent)
animals <3 kittens, she-ra, plushies, books, heartstopper, kpop, candies, ordem paranormal, silly & cute games, streamers
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Before You Interact !!
🍂' I am not a content creator.
My blog is like my refuge, I use it to distract myself by seeing content related to my interests and I always reblog a lot of posts, so I have my own tags to separate and organize these posts and reblogs.
Sometimes I make some posts, ranging from vents to posts about something of interest to me (for example: my hobbies, my drawings, etc).
I'm not fluent in english, so even though I use the language a lot (for practice), I use google translate most of the time to help me formulate sentences and correct mistakes.
• Eu não sou uma criadora de conteúdo.
Meu blog é como se fosse meu refúgio, o uso para me distrair vendo conteúdos relacionados aos meus interesses e sempre reblogo muitos posts, por isso tenho minhas próprias tags para separar e organizar esses posts e reblogs.
As vezes faço alguns posts, variando de desabafos até postagens sobre algo do meu interesse (por exemplo: meus hobbies, meus desenhos etc).
Eu não sou fluente em inglês, então, apesar de utilizar muito a língua (para praticar), eu uso o google tradutor na maioria das vezes para me ajudar a formular frases e corrigir erros.
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Do Not Interact if !!
🍂' If you have any kind of prejudice - homophobic, transphobic or prejudiced against any other part of the LGBTQIA+ community in general, racist, religiously intolerant, misogynistic, etc.
If you are sexist, radical feminist, in favor of Bolsonaro or against neutral pronouns and variants.
If you are an NSFW creator or share sexual content (I have nothing against you and your content/work, it's just not the kind of thing I like to see) - exceptions for artistic nude content, which is not sexual.
If you are a lunatic shipper/proshipper or sexualize people.
If you're a fan of some famous problematic person like JK Rowling and etc.
• Se você tem qualquer tipo de preconceito - homofóbico, transfóbico ou preconceito com qualquer outra parte da comunidade LGBTQIA+ no geral, racista, intolerante religioso, misógino etc.
Se você é machista, sexista, feminista radical, a favor do Bolsonaro ou é contra pronome neutro e variantes.
Se você é um criador de conteúdo NSFW ou compartilha conteúdo de cunho sexual (não tenho nada contra você e seu conteúdo/trabalho, só não é o tipo de coisa que eu gosto de ver) – exceções para conteúdo nu artístico, que não tem cunho sexual.
Se você é um shipper lunático/pro shipper ou se sexualiza pessoas.
Se usa ou acha certo usar "smt", "sjg", "sct" e variantes.
Se é fã de algum famoso problemático como a JK Rowling e etc.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤextra information !!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤyou can skip if you want
Tag List !!
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Kpop stan list !!
I'm in the fandom: le sserafim, itzy
just stan: nmixx, gidle, dreamcatcher, txt, blackpink, kiss of life, everglow, twice(ot8), stray kids, bts, kard, soojin, chaeyeon
utts: yunjin, chaeryeong & yeji
bias: kazuha, sakura, eunchae, chaewon, ryujin, lily, bae, soyeon, siyeon, yeonjun, beomgyu, rosé, belle, natty, julie, haneul, mina, aisha, felix, suga & jiwoo
wreckers: yuqi, minnie, dami, handong, gahyeon, jiu, jihyo, jeongyeon, onda & yiren
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My Other Networks !!
twitter - skoob
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yssring · 2 years
takig stage for a 100%letality raet ecnore! yayay!! ad soemwear a cow go ‘mmoo!’..! wahahahaha!
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allsaki · 4 years
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 ✧ sarang
- 03:13ᴘᴍ
A few of my favourie kpop visuals :)
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miscling · 2 months
For transformation tasks I rolled a 3, meaning 🐮 more pumping for the good cow, remember to moo too
Moooo! (in all the excitement today, i kinda lost track of when i was supposed to be pumping!)
MMMMmmmOOO? (but now is about when i should be, maybe?)
mmoo (i've been pumping a little while now)
MoooOO (a little ways to go yet)
Thank you for the ask task!
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yugiohz · 4 years
people comparing hwasa and jessi to black women is so interesting cuz it directly reflects how they perceive black women
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rnegitsune · 4 years
Not Bm related but what are your kpop unpopular opinions?? And bias in each group you stan?
Oh gEEZ I think my most unpopular opinions are that bts's music does not deserve the level of hype they have, and that internalized misogyny is alive and well even now in boy group stans and most apparent when girls use certain groups as a buffer ie I don't hate women I stan (x), back in the day it was 2ne1 and nowadays it's mostly like mamamoo and blackpink
And biases include but are not limited to red velvet seulgi, twice sana, exo yixing/baekhyun, shinee key, gfriend sowon, iu, nct johnny, wjsn seola, loona haseul, seventeen wonwoo, oh my girl binnie/seunghee, sunmi, hyuna, clc seungyeon
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