#mod emerald rants
playing s/a2 is very much like "wow none of its fans have the right to complain about unleashed actually."
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thatoneguy031 · 4 months
Doing a nuzlocke of a rom hack. SCREW INCLEMENT EMERALD.
Sorry. Got a bit sick, that just happens sometimes.
I had gotten to Roxanne's gym, right-
-And I got to battling with her. Tell me why I was left with nothing but a Corpish that originally wasn't even going to be a part of my team. I brought him to the fight, basically for a meme...
I've lost so many nuzlockes in the past. I honestly don't know what to do with myself. And I was supposedly playing on the default difficulty, too. There were WAY harder options with way less wiggle room. What does that say about me as a Trainer? As a PERSON? Mind you, this is after well beyond 150 failed Unbound attempts (YES, I COUNTED EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. ASK AND I'LL THROW YOU INTO THE NEAREST OCEAN), and I'm honestly just...
I've been at this for literally 3 years at this point, and I've either lost in an embarrassing fashion such as above, was left with everything except my exp dump/hm mule, or had to reset because I'm an IDIOT and basically softlocked my run. I even resorted to CHEATING by reviving mons and still lost.
To put this in perspective, I've easily tripled the time that Pokemon Challenges spent on his Emerald Kaizo nuzlocke, and he's lost over much better reasons under much more strict rules. Miscalculations, preparing for the wrong fight, heck, he loses runs to things that aren't even in his control like crits or freezes or whatever. The worst part? I could easily increase the time it's taking, because of how awful I am.
All the Pokemon I've lost, the ones I had to replace and act like were the ones I knew since the start... All of that falls on me. And I hate that. I'm why they're all gone. And on top of that, I do fine in casual runs, excusing the occasional loss because I also misjudged a Pokemon surviving an attack, again because I'm the dumbest person alive.
I kinda feel like crying, I'm not even going to lie to any of you.
I'm not looking for a pity party. And I'm not sure if I'm joking about any of that or not. Probably not, because I've been told that I can get way too attached to Pokemon sometimes. I just wanted to talk about this.
Sorry if this is long, I just wanted to talk about this. I wasn't going to let my suffering over a game about mystical monsters shooting magic out of their orfaces and dogfighting gods be just a me problem lmfao.
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kingtrash-fox · 2 years
regarding the recent events with sonics co creator being arrested I feel like sonic is just Cursed. Not like I’m the “ew that is o cursed who would make that” more in the “some hod decided that if that Blue Hedgehog does ANY GOOD I will rain pain upon him and anything so much as related to him even in the slightest”
yknow what time for a little bit of rambling rants my mutuals:
anything that even slightly is connected or embodies sonic is just as cursed as him
Some Examples include:
Hatsune Miku: a canonically 19year old Vocaloid that after 2 months of popularity was basically erased from the web cause people searched her up so much. And obviously the uncles went apeshit as well
Balan Wonderworld: Made by the Co creator of sonic that got arrested is a really nice looking game and apparently a good book as well and is in the middle of a redemption arc. However after its demo got released people belittled it over its glitchy gameplay and never gave it the chance it deserved
Friday Night Funkin: it’s an odd one to be listed since FNF isn’t a Sega Game but Canonically Boyfriends older sister is Hatsune Miku (now age 20 for lore reasons ) and you can see where this is going. For a while the community was fairly stable via Mods since the official game. Then Sonic.Exe’s mod came around-
Real Quick: Sonic.EXE his Creepypasta was so bad originally that people decided to make better versions and he has officially be acknowledged by Sega a few times now. His community is terrible which provides context to what’s to come for FNF. It’s most iconic Comtroversy is the Revie Controversy (Go look it up for extended context but to sum it up Revie was accused of ERP with a minor when it was really a 2 year difference when Revie was 16 and the one that pushed her into it was 14 and A man by Rightburst Ultra who is an ass framed her for even worse things got her kicked and basically filled the Mod with so many OC’s it killed it)
back to FNF thanks to that one mod it helped kickstart so much controversy it might have killed the main game. But since the main game isn’t A. Finished or B. Have anyone on Kawaiisprites team that done something it’s still living being updated slowly but because of that it continues to have bad things going down in the Mod community.
This Next one is a stretch but I has explanation for it:
Steven Universe: Now you might be asking yourself “My fellow Mutual why the Fuck is this show on here? It isn’t even connected to Sonic!”
and you would be right EXCEPT Sonic Booms tv show was On CN as was Steven Universe and Stevens whole nature of wanting to save the Earth and trusting nature kinda reminds me of sonic. Plus He can Go his own equivalent of SSJRosé and sonic has his super form which looks like Super Saiyan and they both can Achieve these forms via Magic Rocks ( Stevens Gem and the Chaos Emeralds)
okay time for the Cursed Reasoning:
Steven Universe has a pretty bad fanbase (Tumblr seems Chill about it so I think it was a Twitter thing but I don’t know about the past tho) and it was so bad it nearly killed a girl cause they didn’t draw Rose Quartz right. For more context that girl was already going through something and the fanbase wasn’t helping matters. They weren’t the cause but they weren’t a solution.
The show was always belittled as people weren’t happy with Steven being a pacifist and the shows inconsistent art style ( I’m a fan of the show and I never really saw a problem with either I’m just saying the the General hate for it is) to the point where people make art and jokes saying that other show characters would go out of their way to insult him (See the Fnf Mod Roasting on a Friday night for a recent ish example) and that these other characters are better at solving problems than him (even tho most characters of their own shows Like Mordecai and Rigby cause their own problems 90% of the time and they are usually solved after a bunch of people die. Adventure time gets a pass as most of the civilization and deity’s cause each other problems and it isn’t always Finns Duty to solve those ones. Most of Stevens problems were because of his mothers and they became his problems cause she died) and that CN itself hated the fact that there was so much LGBTQ energy at the time they tried to get it cancelled multiple times (Garnets Wedding being the final straw) and that people thought it was Rebecca Sugars way of showing propaganda. Etc you get the gist it’s like the Animation Sonic the hedgehog. Anytime something goes good for it a bitch slap follows
(Sorry for the especially long rant about Steven Universe it just felt like the Most attacked without it being connected to Sega Directly)
even Sega itself gets no respect as everyone assumes that Sega is lazy meanwhile the workers run themselves ragged meanwhile Game freak is getting a nicer treatment even though it has like Triple the workers than Sega
The point is I feel like some fan of Mario or just someone that hated Hedgehogs made a deal with the devil to make Sonic and anything that even shared his energy have major problems and hopefully this year might start to break A Sonics Cycle and B. Whatever curse it has
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retroreaderr · 7 years
Daryl x Reader Drabbles
A compilation of drabbles for my husband, since he isn’t feelin’ too well. 
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Word Count: 302
You were short, that much was obvious. And clumsy. Also a little bit depressed. Daryl had no idea how on earth you’d lived this long. You were always falling into mud, or off a horse, sometimes you just stood up and fell back down, it really did cause some issues. Daryl, for some reason, had taken it upon himself to make sure the tiny, clumsy, depressed person wouldn’t get munched by some dead guy.
He’d watched you fall down running from a walker more times than he could count, and he’d have to run back and pick you up just as often. Daryl would usually complain after he made sure you were safe, groaning about how stupid you were for not making sure your shoes were properly tied beforehand. You’d usually retort with something along the lines of “Well, if I fuckin’ knew a walker would try eatin’ my ass like a cupcake, maybe I would’ve paid more attention to my shoelaces.”
“You’re always supposed to be ready, dumbass.”
“I’m not the dumbass, dumbass.”
“How do you even get so dirty anyways? I’m the one always havin’ to put my ass on the line, jump in the dirt, to keep you alive, yet you’re the dumbass always covered in dirt.”
“Well, Daryl, I’m a lot closer to the ground than you are.”
He was silent after that, just staring at you with a dumbfounded expression. After staring back with an expectant look for what felt like ages, you saw a smile twitch at the corner of his lips. “That was by far the stupidest thing you’ve ever said.”
Gasping in mock offense, you hit his arm. “You know what, I don’t need you or your negativity in my life.”
Daryl let out a breath of a chuckle, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Lip Gloss
Word Count: 546
It was dented on the rims, the paint chipping, but yet you kept it in your pocket all times of day. He didn’t know why, the damned apocalypse happens and the first thing you grab is a tin of lip balm. It seems whenever your hands weren’t covered in blood or other fluids, a finger was dipping into that fucking tin, reapplying a healthy layer of tinted gloss to your lips. It was distracting, watching your finger swirl gently around in the salve before tracing your lips, the shine on your lips catching the sunlight as you popped your lips once, maybe twice, depending on how annoying you felt like being that particular moment. It got on his last nerve.
It wasn’t until you were trekking through the woods on a hunting trip did he finally snap and bring it up. “What the hell’s with that shit?”
“Hm?” You ask, just about to open up the tin for a reapplication. “What’cha mean?”
Daryl gestured to the tin in your hands, “That pink shit, you’re like a damn addict.”
“Just because the world’s gone to shit doesn’t mean my moisturizing regimen has to go with it.” Opening the tin and dipping your finger in the rose-scented balm, you roll your eyes as you hear him grumble something about not understanding women and their love of lotion. “Daryl, c’mere.”
“Wha’s it now?” He sighed, stomping his way over to you.
“Open your mouth,” you command simply, a thin layer of your beloved salve on your extended index finger.
“Hell naw,” he near laughed, pushing your hand away from him.
“C’mon, no one’s gonna know and if you don’t like it, I’ll even help you take it off,” you insist, taking a step towards him again. “Just try it, it smells nice.”
Daryl stared at you for a bit, sucking his teeth with eyes shifting from your outstretched finger glistening with salve back to your hopeful smile. “Dammit, g’head,” he groaned, shaking his head before parting his lips for you.
Near bouncing on the balls of your feet, you gently run your index along his bottom lip, then his top, looking up to see Daryl looking in the opposite direction with a cocked brow. One last swipe along his bottom lip and you took a step back. “Now do this,” you flattened your lips, rubbing them together before popping them twice.
Sighing and still not looking in your direction, Daryl did as instructed with only minor difficulty in popping his lips. “S’heavy.”
“Do you like it?”
“Smells like a damn rose,” he muttered, feeling a little silly with shiny pink-tinted lips.
“Well, do you like it er’not?” You pressed again, cocking your head to the side and looking at him expectantly.
He popped his lips once more before shaking his head. “Think it’s better suited for ya ‘stead of a guy like me.”
Shrugging, you respond, “S’not for everyone, I guess. Here, lemme help ya get that off.” Without much warning, you take his cheeks in your hands and press your lips to his, gently moving them along his. “There ya go, should’a gotten most of it off. Don’t wipe the rest on y’pants, it stains dark.”
Word Count: 396
It wasn’t often you had moments like these, moments of relative peace and almost unnerving tranquility. The moans and groans of the dead far from ears reach, the stench of their starving mouths finally released from your skin. His breathing was calm, an even pace almost in rhythm with the steady beat of his heart. Curled against his chest, you counted seconds between his breaths, one.. two.. three.. Inhale, four.. five.. Six… exhale. He wasn’t fully asleep yet, the lazy tremor of his fingers upon your lower back evidence enough.
The night grew cold, and you drew closer to Daryl. You weren’t at all sure how he truly felt about you, but that wasn’t important now. What was important was staying warm, and enjoying the moments you had. His ripped flannel was open and you felt the warmth of his skin radiate towards you. Almost hesitantly, you slid your arm under his shirt and wrapped it around his back in attempt to find some warmth. You felt the man beside you stiffen as your fingertips found a line of raised skin, his breath hitching and eyes opening slightly.
“Don’t.” His voice was quiet, not exactly weak but not as surely stated as usual.
Looking up to him, you saw his eyes has closed and his breath had quickened. You let your finger ghost over the raised skin, a shaky breath leaving his lips. “I’m so sorry…” you whisper, flattening your hand along his back to feel all the different levels of scars upon his skin. His jaw clenched and his hands had tightened around the blankets surrounding you. Some scars weren’t as drastic as others, but there were a few that made your heart sink and a lump formed in your throat. “I didn’t know.”
“I’d’ve liked to keep it that way,” Daryl muttered with a shaky breath.
“I won’t ask.” Your hand left his back and moved to his cheek, “You don’t owe me an explanation.” Without further comment, you slid closer to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. “Let’s get some sleep,” you barely hesitated when you leaned up to kiss his jaw. “Rick’ll get all pissy if we’re up late.”
Daryl didn’t respond, instead choosing to place his arm over your waist and rest his chin on your head, closing his eyes and hoping to get some sleep before sunrise.
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myheroheadcanons · 7 years
Class 1-a and pets
Bakugou: -has a dog -everyone excepts this massive aggressive dog with a spiked collar -no it's actually a little Jack Russel terrier -her name is Duchess Destroyer (D.D for short) and Bakugou's had her since he was 10 -she's really well trained -knows loads of tricks and always listens to commands -Bakugou loves her to pieces but consistently calls her 'little shit' -when he was younger he'd by those little dog outfits (y'know the ones) but superhero themed and he'd pretend she was his sidekick -since this dog grew up around the Bakugou family she has absolutely no fear when it comes to loud noises -Bakugou was actually pretty upset about leaving her at home when he moved to the dorms but there was no way in hell he was letting anyone know that Midoriya: -hamsters -seven of them -he got them when he was 13 as a birthday gift -he wasn't really sure what to do with them at first but after 3 days he was totally in love with them -sometimes when he needs to infodump or rant about something he'll just take his hamsters out their cage and let's them crawl about his bed whilst he talks -he has this tiny comb and he'd brush their fur everyday before he moved into the dorms (now he asks his mom to do it) -their names are: Junior (short for all might jr) Coco, Neptune, Cookie, Tigress, Stardust and Emperor -Midoriya somewhat regrets letting an online generator name six of his hamsters because he ran out of creativity Uraraka: -loves animals -reptiles and lizards are her favourite but she just loves animals in general -unfortunately she couldn't afford a pet growing up so every time she sees a dog getting walked or a stray cat she takes a moment to pet it -she actually cried when Izuku showed her pictures of his hamsters, they were just too cute -if she could afford a pet she'd want a bearded dragon -she'd call it Nova Tokoyami: -has a black cat -it's unironically Siren -Tokoyami used to take Siren literally everywhere -the park? Siren was coming too -the bus? Siren was on his lap -Siren is an outdoor cat -Sometimes he'll bring Tokoyami gifts and if they're not dead birds or rodents Tokoyami will keep them -he's actually got a little box full of the stuff Siren has brought him -he brought it to the dorms with him -Siren has a little pentagram charm on his collar and Tokoyami thinks it looks badass (it just looks kinda odd tho) Momo: -A horse -this girl is rich and for her 8th birthday her parents got her a horse (and they hired a riding instructor) -she named the horse Buttercup and she has no regrets -she also has two Dalmatians. Picasso and Athena -she used to make different collars for them each day -Momo kinda spoils her pets a bit. She's always giving them treats -apart from that she's a brilliant pet owner -training Picasso and Athena herself and she'd take them on walks everyday -She also made sure Buttercup got the correct amount of exercise and that his horseshoes weren't hurting him and that he was getting groomed often enough -this girl just loves her pets Kaminari: -has a budgie -it's green one with a yellow face and Denki would walk through fire for him -he's called Emerald -because Denki is a little shit the only words Emerald knows are: fuck, meme, yolo, denki and hello -Denki honest to god tried to sneak him into the dorms but he got caught -he might've cried a little -he just loves his bird okay? -Denki's constantly buying him bird toys because he just cannot walk past a pet store without looking in and he always finds a toy Emerald hasn't got yet That's all I've got just now, I might make a part 2 to this at some point. -mod Leo
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onychaos · 7 years
New goals / changes for this year
I have so many things I want to do for this year or before this year is over. It’s a list of stuff, I plan on getting done, which would be great.
Let’s start the list.
1. Twitch stuff
Oh, Twitch. What a crazy year it has been. from having fun and having co-hosts to join me on stream but at the same time to know that some sonic streamers doing some fucked up shit. That will be for a later, down the line.
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So this is the goals for this year for streaming on twitch are as followed.
1. Finish BOTW hard mode on stream before the year is over. I want to beat hard mode with only 3 hearts and that’s all I want to do for the stream to be done with it.
2. Complete Sonic Mania when it comes out. I plan on trying to do Sonic and tails and Knuckles, all emeralds or trying to, anyway that is the plan anyway
3. Do a speedrun of the game that won the vote on twitter, after I hit 300 followers.
4. Gonna upload more to my youtube channel.
5. Do more co-host type of streams on Twitch
6. Start doing podcasts, rant streams and more with friends
Then from there, I will do races or more casual playthroughs on my twitch channel,. Speedruns are not important to me or for my channel, don’t count on speedruns being a thing anytime soon.
I have plans on not being a sellout like some streamers these days and when I get a fanbase and I say “IF” I will be sure to see them as people and not as money. But that a rant for another day.
As a heads up, you will not see me around some streamers chat, as I don’t agree or support what they do to get money or support what they do. If you do, then more power to you.
1.2 Twitch mod permanent list
Some of you may not like this and feel free to be mad or not be mad, I kinda don’t care, lol, but I feel mods who can’t be asked to help will be replaced. If you are busy with life and other things, that is fine. But in the meantime, I will be removing inactive mods.
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But Twitch has Automod and chat bots to help do the job, which are used when you have no mods or you have mods but no one comes to moderate. If you happen to be unmodded in my chat, asked to be given mod again, assuming you do ask and don’t sit there like a lump on the log. ‘ v’
I have 8 mods in my chat, as I feel that’s all I need, if a mod stops putting in work, then there will be a opening or “Help wanted”
Mods that are great as they are my little cinnamon rolls
2. Twitter stuff
If you don’t care about what I have to say then you can skip this
This has been a long time, coming kind of thing, I have been thinking about if I should or shouldn’t do it. But I feel it is time. So my twitter, how this is going to work is I will only follow those who are friends
And I am also thinking of locking my account in a few days to keep out the people I dislike and helps keeps the bots or porn bots away.
+ Control who follows you or don’t
+ Control who can see your tweets
+ Users or trolls who want to be assholes or white knights need to be approved by you in order to send you a tweet, which you can deny them
- No one can see your tweets, unless you approve of them to follow you.
- You can reply to anyone, but unless they are approved to follow you or they follow you, then they won’t see your tweets.
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Inactive accounts that I never talk to or accounts that never talked to me will be getting the foot or the boot on Dec 25th. That is a deadline.
Don’t worry about the deadline, I mean, if I added you to a list of mine called “little cinnamon rolls“ or we talk more then often on Twitter or are best friends, then you are fine / safe / good to go / no worries. c:
3. Making my first game
So, I have plans on making my first platformer game, before the year ends and I would like to get a game done, at the very least, so I can make a new game then make another game and so on.
I want to master Clickteam Fusion 2.5, so I can make some real great games, going off track.
But that is the plan, release a game before the year ends and I will go from there.
But I hope you guys will like it. :P
But that’s it really. Thanks for reading and stay cool and see you next post. ^^
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retroreaderr · 7 years
Loki/Reader | Paranormal Activity
mod gaston and i decided this was a good idea idk why someone stop us and our shitty concept of humor in which loki attempts to seduce reader through magic 🕷️💋
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Warning: Misunderstandings and Accidentally Sexual Situations Ahead
“So like, can you do tricks and stuff?”
“Like, magic tricks and stuff. Can you do any of that?”
“I don’t do parlor tricks, mortal,” he spat the last word as if it pained him to say.
“Sor-ry. I just wanted to see some cool shit, but I guess I can go ask Stephen -”
Loki’s head turned towards you, “That idiot?” he made a noise of disgust, “His puny illusions would pale in comparison to anything I could do.” Though he kept his aggravated demeanor, you could sense a hint of jealousy in his voice.
“Well, since you don’t do that stuff I guess it’ll have to do,” you shrugged and made your way towards the elevator. You knew Stephen probably wasn’t even at the tower, but you also knew Loki would absolutely not stand for you spending time with any other man. It was obvious he felt something for you, the way he always tried to get you alone, or how he’d glare down anyone who even breathed in your direction when he thought you weren’t looking. He was very possessive for someone who hadn’t even made their move yet.
You heard a slight growl before he was suddenly in front of you, blocking your path to the lift.
“Fine. What do you want?”
“I don’t know, impress me.”
Impress you? He could do that in many ways, if that’s what you wanted. He didn’t get how your mortal mind worked, but he supposed some time alone with you was better than none.
He nodded towards his room, and you practically kicked down the door and flopped onto his bed. You rolled over and sat up then, watching him as he stood at the doorway.
“I can’t believe you threatened to go to that mediocre -”
“Mage,” his voice was suddenly besides you, and you turned to see a quick flash of green before it was gone. You giggled, turning back to the door, but he was gone.
“I am insulted.” There he was again, this time to your left.
“I can do anything he can, but better,” on your right. You looked to your other side, then back. There was two of him.
“Are you impressed?” one whispered, dangerously close to your ear.
“Because you should be,” the other finished.
Your surroundings suddenly changed, it had seemed that the bed, with you still on it, had been transported to a wide open grassland. It was dark, and the moon was bright in the sky.
“It’s always been a dream of yours to make love under the night sky, right?”
“How did you -”
“I read your mind, darling.”
“Loki, I -”
“That is why you came to me, wasn’t it? So I could,” he smirked devilishly, “Impress you?”
It had seemed that way, hadn’t it?
There was only one of him now, and he stood in front of where you sat on the edge of the bed. He leaned down towards you, eyes closed -
He jumped back, frightened and confused. The illusion faded away - you were back in the Avenger’s tower.
“I just wanted to see some spells, dude. At least take me on a date before you try to get to third base, bro.”
He cleared his throat, obviously embarrassed.
“Yes, yes of course. Apologies,” he turned his head so he wouldn’t have to meet your eyes.
“It’s cool, but like…Yeah.”
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retroreaderr · 7 years
Melting (Remus Lupin x Reader)
So Mod Widow has been feelin down lately so I felt a good Werewolf Fluffin outta help her out! Enjoy! 
“Hey Moons,” Sirius began, smiling brightly as he and his partner in crimes sat down across from their friend in the library. “I managed to convince McGonagall that I didn’t deserve detention because it wasn’t technically against the rules, just like you said and-”
“I was the one who convinced Minnie by quoting the student textbook-” James leant across the library table and gave the distracted werewolf an appreciative slap on the arm. “Thanks for that, mate.”
Sirius was about to return to regaling his misadventures when James put a hand on his friend's arm and gestured with his eyes for Sirius to actually look at Moony. The duo had never seen their friend so concentrated, not even on schoolwork. His eyes were narrowed slightly, the grey iris slowly moving around the object of focus, his bottom lip turned a rosy pink from the absent minded nibbles he’d lavished it with. Remus’ chin rested upon his bandaged palm, ignoring the diminishing sting in the healing gash he’d given himself last full moon.
Following their mate’s gaze, the duo found the object of his attention- a fellow student, and a rather adorable one as well. She was a table or so over, apparently working with a few friends on Charms work. With a smile, she took out a bar of chocolate from her bag and offered some to her friends, taking out a piece before placing it on her tongue. Slowly, so she could savor the flavor, letting the chocolate slowly melt in her mouth. Eyes closing in momentary bliss, she let her tongue dart out to lick the tips of her index and thumb before running slightly over her bottom lip. Smiling in contentment, she tucked away the chocolate bar, but not before taking out one more chunk for her next indulgence.
“Well Pads, I think Moony here fancies the girl!” Sirius quipped to his friend, placing a hand on the fellow pureblood’s shoulder. “And I can see why,” the black haired teen let out a quick appreciative whistle.
Remus snapped out of his daze as soon as Sirius mentioned his nickname, giving the pureblood a wide-eyed look that screamed “duuuuuudde what the fuuuuck???” Glancing towards the object of his affections, Remus whispered. “I do not fancy her,” the anxious teen avoided eye contact before sighing. “And anyways, why not say it a bit louder, I’m sure the lads at Durmstrang didn’t hear you!”
“Oh come on, Moons,” James chuckled, leaning over the table a bit, with a quieter voice than his other half. “She’s practically on the other side of the library, I’m sure she didn’t hear.”
In fact, James was very wrong. Your table was hardly a metre away so you did hear. Very clearly. You also noticed how the quiet Gryffindor had been admiring you for a few days now. After his friend assured him you hadn’t heard, you smiled slightly and gave him a coy sideways glance- assuring him that his friend was indeed being an ass. Remus watched as you went back to focus on your table, scribbling away on some parchment.
Remus’ heart paused as soon as his eyes locked with yours, more so in embarrassment than anything else- though your small smile did help his nervousness a little bit. “Mate,” James began, reaching over the table and placing a hand on the werewolves shoulder. “Why don’t you go chat her up?”
“No need,” you chuckled, leaning back in your chair to wink at you as you tossed an intricately folded up piece of paper to the mousy brunet. “The girls and I are ducking out for the night, but how about I see you at Honeydukes tomorrow, my treat?”
Remus glanced from the paper atop his work to the beautiful girl before him and chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah, that sounds-”
“He’d love to!” Sirius interrupted, practically bouncing with excitement. “He’ll be by your dorm at 6 sharp!”
“Um, okay,” you chuckled, amused- and a little confused- by his friend’s reactions, but seeing the giddy smile on his face and the redness outshining the recent scars on his face, you knew Remus agreed with them. “See you then, cutie.” Winking, you packed up your stuff and followed your friends out of the library, some of them playfully teasing you about the shy Gryffindor.
“Remus, mate, you’ve got to show me how to do that.” Sirius laughed, giving his friend a congratulatory slap on the shoulder. Remus however was more focused on opening the paper you’d thrown to him.
After finally figuring out how to open up the origami piece- which Remus was very impressed with, he didn’t even notice you fold it up- Remus was pleased to find a chunk of chocolate within the paper, along with a note written in messy scrawl. “Saw you kept looking at the chocolate, thought I’d share. I expect a taste later though” followed by a winky face.
Smiling at the small note, Remus folded back up the paper and bit off a piece of the chocolate. Today had been a good day in Remusville.
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retroreaderr · 7 years
The Shirts (Loki x Reader Drabble)
Based off a shirt I found at Target: 
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Blame Widow bc she told me to do this (pretend this is an AU where Loki became the weird uncle who mooches off Tony and insults people for his only source of joy- because that’s pretty much what’d he’d do)
Thor heaved a mighty sigh as he reclined into the loveseat in the sitting room atop Stark Towers. Relaxing, the thunder god rested his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. Only to soon be interrupted by a 17 year old reference loudly shouted at him from the entrance of the room. 
Tilting his head farther back, he saw you sticking your tongue out at him, imitating the iconic budweiser commercial from 2000. He did not get the reference. “I am not familiar with this word,” the god groggily muttered. 
“Yeah, it’s old,” you laughed, hopping over the edge of the couch to sit beside the blonde. “So, what’er ya up to?” 
“I just returned from an excursion to a shopping centre with Loki,” he groaned, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Ah, shopping,” you chuckle, cuddling up to your friend’s side before he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “Ware’s ya out, huh?” 
“I haven’t been this exhausted since restoring peace to the nine realms.” 
You sighed with a shrug, grabbing the remote and turning on the T.V. to find something interesting to watch. A Harry Potter weekend had just started on ABC Family, so you cozied up to your bestie and decided to watch it. 
Not long after “yer a wizard, ‘Arry!” “I’mma woT?”, you heard the door open and the crisp and familiar footsteps of your beloved draw near.
“WAZZUUUUP?” You repeated to the half-god, not bothering to look towards the pompous prat. 
“WAZZUUUUP?” Thor mimicked with a bright grin, giving your bicep a squeeze. You patted his pectoral and nodded, showing he’d used it properly. 
Loki sighed, walking in front of the television with his hands clasped behind him. “I am hungry.” 
“Excuse you, Harry was just about to get his wand!�� You whined, puffing your lip out in a pout. Looking up to the annoying god, your eyes froze one they reached his torso. “Loki,” you muttered. 
“Yes?” He huffed, obviously miffed that you hadn’t already provided food for him in the two seconds since he’d asked for it. 
“Why did you get that shirt?” You inquire, looking up to meet eyes with the god of mischief. You got only a smirk in response. 
“I asked of him the same thing!” Thor exclaimed, throwing a hand in the air. “He is not a father, I’m not sure who would be referring to him as father!” 
“Daddy,” Loki corrected, pointing to said word. “Daddy, Thor, not father.” 
Biting your lip to keep from laughing at your boyfriend’s tomfoolery, you raised a brow at him. “You’re disgusting, you know that?” 
Raising a brow in return, the green eyed man ran his tongue over his teeth before responding. “It is not I who first used the word, now is it?” 
“Why you little-” You huffed, removing yourself from Thor and jumping on the coffee table to chase after your boyfriend. 
Clint walked in as you tackled Loki to the ground and proceeded to tickle him senseless. “What exactly did I miss?” 
“I am not sure, Barton,” Thor nodded before gesturing to the television. “However I am watching a wonderful movie about a halfling orphan learning of his heritage to defeat a magical dictator. Care to join me?” 
“I’ll get some popcorn.” 
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retroreaderr · 7 years
The Eye Of Asiago [Platonic! Reader x Stephen Strange]
Mod Widow is a pun-master who had a bit of a problem with a croc-pot earlier, so we insisted upon this shitstorm. (edit: what even is this it’s such trash but i giggled so hard writing it)
“Stephen, we’re gonna be late, hurry your ass,” you complained for the uptenth time, rushing to the doctor’s sports car with a recently boiling crock-pot full of spaghetti in your hands. “If we’re late to this potluck, Thor and Tony are gonna eat all of Natasha’s homemade mini-dogs and I will personally chop your mini-dog off if I don’t get some.” 
The tall man groaned, sliding into his car and quickly turning it on. “First off,” he began, already speeding off out of his driveway at alarmingly fast speeds. “It’s not mini.” 
He took a curve too fast and your eyes became dinner plates at the way the crock-pot tilted in your lap. “Second, I needed to make sure my hair was perfect.” 
“Stephen your hair looks the same as when you woke up,” your voice became weary as you attempted to keep the crock-pot in place. 
“Does not!” Stephen huffed indignantly, looking away from the road while keeping his terrifyingly fast speed. “The piece falling down right here-” he took a hand off the wheel to point at a very small curl on his left temple. “Wasn’t there this morning.” 
“Oh my god Stephen both hands on the wheel slow the fuck down,” you rushed your words, tensing up as the spaghetti slid out the pot just a little bit on the side- small enough to have a noodle on your brand new dress. “You’re paying for my dry cleaning.” 
“Of course,” he chuckled, not bothering to slow down as he took yet another sharp curve. The car halted to a stop as you let loose a mighty roar of pain. “What is it?” 
“THE SPAGHETTI BIT ME, YOU FUCK!” You hollered in pain, slinging boiling hot spaghetti off your bare leg and onto his very expensive car dash. “THAT SHIT’S HOT!”
“Calm dow-”
“I told you to slow down!” You screech. For the rest of the ride to Stark Tower, you constantly berated the doctor for being such a reckless driver. 
“I swear,” you huff to Natasha as Stephen attended to your second degree burns from the severely hot spaghetti. “I’m going to mutate into some sort of Spaghetti Woman.” 
“(Name), it’s not nearly that bad,” the doctor huffed as he applied some anti-bacterial numbing gel on your thigh. “It’s just a mild burn.” 
“Call me Doctor Stringozzi,” you continued, seeing Steve hide a smile behind a fork-full of the offensive spaghetti. Stephen saw what was coming, and sighed in advance. 
“You’ll have a Cloak of Linguini,” Clint chuckled before swigging down some brandy. 
“With my mighty noodle ring, I can travel really farvalloni,” you giggled as you held up your hands, imitating Stephen’s magic motions. “Saving you from your mushdoom one day at a time.” 
Stephen stood and looked at you pleadingly. “Please stop, it was an accident.” 
“Why though? This is a blessing,” you gestured to your “mutilated” limbs. “You won’t be able to beat my meat, Stephen, not when I have my-” you grabbed a nearby platter and held it up dramatically. “Assorted cheese platter.” 
Stephen placed a finger to his temple, sighing. 
“Don’t forget how you will learn your trade:” Tony began, his cocky smile growing by the second. “The Book of Vermicelli,” 
“You’re only egging her on, guys,” Stephen slumped his shoulders, defeated. 
Thor placed a hand on the doctor’s shoulder and looked at him sympathetically. “Fear not, Doctor Odd, you shall now have a new ally to help defeat your nemesis: Cavatelli.” 
“You too, Thor?” Stephen sighed as Thor laughed mightily before receiving an enthusiastic high five from Steve. 
Standing up, you held back a wince before standing tall and saying in a dramatic voice. “I will be Doctor Stringozzini, I studied at Kamer-Tajini, with my Cloak of Linguini, I shall be the greatest  magicini in the world-  the sorcerer supreini. I shall use the Eye of Asiago to defeat Cavalinni. ” 
Even Stephen had to crack a smile at that, before licking his lips and proclaiming. “Dormaminni, I’ve come to barginni.” 
Everyone barked in laughter at that, Stephen looking very smug. “That’s more like it, Doctor!” Thor laughed, thwaping the doctor on his shoulder. 
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retroreaderr · 7 years
Green (Sirius Black x Reader Drabble)
Okay, so this is old. I wrote it ages ago on Wattpad, but that never took off and I haven’t been on there in almost a year now so I thought I’d post it here! 
If you want to be tagged in future HP things, tell us! We’re working on a composite list of everyone who wants to be tagged in what, so no one is forgotten anymore! :D Shoot us an ask if you’d like to be tagged in any future things for any fandom!! Thanks!
(Also there may or may not be a part 2- if y’all want me to write it that is ;) ) 
Word Count: 691
A simple enough colour, it was everywhere; the grass, the trees, it’s in the eyes of his best friend Remus and the Evan’s girl, it was the colour of his family, the colour that his brother donned when he was sorted into Slytherin. Sirius was absolutely sick of the colour green.
The colour of her favourite book, her nails at a Quidditch game, her dress at the Yule Ball, her scarf in Autumn, the hair-band she always wore on her wrist even though she never used it. (Name) was surrounded with the colour green.
It wasn’t often that the disowned lad found himself wandering the halls without his best mates, but tonight was different. He wanted some space, and with all of his mates getting detention while he was sick allowed him the alone time. Hands in his pockets, Sirius hummed along to a muggle song that plagued his mind, head hung low and eyes on the stone floor.
It was far past curfew, but he couldn’t find the time to care. He knew where each professor could be found this time of night so it didn’t strike him as a worry. Turning left, he kicked a pebble that had found itself in front of him, the strikes against the stonework echoing.
The familiar dank scent of the dungeons filled the Gryffindor’s nose, automatically alerting him that Slughorn could show up at any moment. Turning on his heel, he leisurely followed his path down the hall, still quietly humming the song’s mellow intro.
The creak of the Slytherin common rooms entrance opening had Sirius casually duck behind a pillar, tapping the rhythm on his muggle jeans as he leaned his head on the pillar, his grey eyes closing.
The door creaked once more, signalling it had closed. Calm steps echoed quietly, her muggle bell-bottoms swishing as she walked. A broom in one hand, (Name) adjusted her large mass of hair before she heard the muffled taps from behind a pillar.
Saddling her broom, she silenced her steps, instead hovering slowly towards the source of the noise, recognizing the popular tune. Hesitantly, (Name) began to hum along to the song, hearing a male voice join her. Without looking to the owner, she quietly began to sing along to the song.
“Yes, there are two paths you can go by
But in the long run There’s still time to change the road you’re on.
And it makes me wonder..”
Smiling, Sirius sang the next verse with the stranger.
“Your head is humming and it won’t go
In case you don’t know, The piper’s calling you to join him, Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, And did you know Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.”
(Name) used various noises to simulate the immaculate guitar solo following that verse, not caring if she seemed silly. Sirius laughed and played the air guitar before continuing on the song, the stranger still making guitar noises.
“And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul. There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How ev'rything still turns to gold.”
(Name) stopped singing guitar to join the strange boy in the final verse.
“And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all To be a rock and not to roll.
And she’s buying a stairway to heaven.”
The two sat in silence after that, both smiling. Neither had moved from their opposite spots on the pillar, feeling it would ruin that magic- forgive the irony, if you will.
“Nice singing there, loverboy.” (Name) joked, repositioning herself on her broom.
“You’re not too bad yourself.” He responded with his normal handsome smile. “So what’s a young Slytherin like yourself doing out of bed so late?”
Flipping her hair over her shoulder, (Name) chuckled. “It’ll take more than one spontaneous duet to divulge my dirty little secret to a random stranger.” (Name) took off on her broom, waving behind her. “Maybe tomorrow, loverboy.”
Sirius turned quickly at the woosh of a broom taking off, only being able to catch a glimpse of her blouse, and that dastardly colour it was- green.
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retroreaderr · 7 years
Bored (Sherlock x Reader Fluff)
Some Sherlock Fluff because Widow needs it and I thought we all could use some fluff in this trying time. 
Tagged: @onceitoowasinnocent @221b-johnlocked-x 
“What do you want to do?” You sighed, tossing your legs over the side of your chair and letting your head rest on the armrest. “I’m bored!”
“As am I,” Sherlock muttered, curling up even more within his chair. “We haven’t had a case in ages.” 
“We finished one thirty minutes ago, Sherlock.” 
“As I said, ages.” 
Groaning, you tossed your head over the side of the chair to look at the kitchen upside down. “I have an idea.” 
“You sure you want to do this, Sherlock?” You ask, leaning over the edge of St Bart’s hospital. You and he were currently on the roof of the hospital, with a familiar pair of investigators about to pass by on the ground. 
“Of course, don’t be daft,” Sherlock huffed, turning to his work. “Whenever you’re ready.” 
“Greg!” You shout over the edge of the building. Said confused detective inspector looked up only to have an egg thrown in his face by your partner in crime. 
“Look out below!” Sherlock sarcastically announced as you pelted Anderson- who unfortunately was walking with Lestrade- with about a dozen eggs. Poor man deserved it.
Taking a deep breath, Greg Lestrade counted to ten as he wiped the egg of his face, repeating to himself that he needed you and Sherlock on his side. He really did. Meanwhile, Anderson was shouting up at you as Sherlock turned round to sit on the roof, his back leaning against the ledge. 
“That wasn’t boring,” he breathlessly chuckled, showing you that rare smile of his. 
Not able to halt your cackling just yet, you sit beside him and catch your breath, the sounds of Lestrade calming Anderson still audible. “Yeah, best idea I’ve had in years.” 
Sherlock simply nodded, amused by your laughter. 
Wiping away a stray tear on the edge of your eye, you let out another huff of laughter before glancing over to Sherlock. “I know where John’s about to be.” 
“How long do we have?” 
John wasn’t nearly as amused as you two were. 
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retroreaderr · 7 years
i’m sorry but Mrs Pott’s first name is Betty I’m sorry but I don’t make the rules it’s just like this
check the tags!!!!
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retroreaderr · 7 years
hello im mr doot doot i hear someone is feeling down so here i am to doot doot and make you smile doot doot toodly doot toodles muamua
I have never giggled so stupidly at an ask in my liFE this has been a religious experience thank you mr doot doot
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retroreaderr · 7 years
I LOVE HUNCHBACK SO MUCH???? THE MUSIC IS SO DRAMATIC???? OUT THERE IS ONE OF MY HAPPY SONGS AND HELLFIRE IS MAH VILLAIN JAM! Also *coughcough* if you wanted you could totes write a Quasimodo/Reader friendship fic and I would read the crap outta that (bonus points if Frollo accuses the reader of being a gypsy and reader snarks back with Bible knowledge that shows she knows that he's totes lusting after poor Esmeralda and it's completely wrong) (Wow that got real long real fast)
My goodness my dude this is glorious i might actually do that??? That sounds hecka rad???? I am zazzed????
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retroreaderr · 7 years
Ahhh thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I LOVE Second Chance as well, all the shout-outs, it's definitely one of my favourites. I totally agree with everything you've said, and also I was surprised that you mentioned Meg, but I can actually see it! I love her.
No problem! Mod Widow is going to add in her own tidbit soon! I’m looking forward to hearing her side of things considering we have very differing opinions (for example: my favourite line from BATB is “Call it war, call it threat, you can bet they all will follow for in times like this they’ll do just as I say” and her’s is “There’s a beast running wild, there’s no question, but I fear the wrong monster’s released”.)
It’s absolutely phenomenal, I’ve actually thought about trying my hand at writing a redemption fic, but I’d like to finish up Dazed and Distracted first (yes, I’m still working on that!) 
Meg wasn’t really the first one to come to mind, Jane from Tarzan was my first thought, but Meg came to mind later on and I felt she’d be a better fit. I’m glad I wasn’t alone on my thoughts! :)
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