#mod hero
batbrosbeforehoes · 2 months
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completely anonymous gotham vigilante on LGBTQ rights
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daily-basil · 7 months
Basil in denial giving a presentation to his friends as to why he isn't actually gay(he is), with all of them looking at Basil unimpressed.
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Guys I swear, he's just european !!
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alanide-arts · 7 months
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[Happy birthday, @modmad!]
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pov you are watching ocarina of time: the animated series on vhs bc you were feeling nostalgic for your favourite cartoon from the nineties
part 1 / part 2
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piinkmha · 6 months
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modmad · 3 months
is hero your inner child
bitch u think i am not my own outer child when I look like this irl
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evilblr · 1 month
Comforting the damsel my boss captured like: hey. it’s ok. one million skellytons in the catacombs rn.
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outofcontextbokumono · 4 months
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when even the goddess knows you get no bitches 😔
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artgroves · 1 year
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Things you can find on the fridge at Avengers Tower, probably
For the @dayoffzine
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ianthedebonair · 3 months
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Right in front of her ramen
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daily-basil · 5 months
I just imagine in a different Au where there all adults and they never said the truth, and Basil just gets batshit drunk it’s them all and is just like “heh remember that time we killed Mari” to sunny and everyone else is just confused
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It was just an omori reference guysssss don't worry guyssss
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argoii-official · 6 months
in terms of swearing, how do death sibs Nico "You can take your great army and shove it-" di Angelo and Hazel "choice suggestions about where Octavian could stick his knife" "nuns regularly washed her mouth out with soap" Levesque rank with the rest of the crew?
fourth and sixth respectively for reasons :)
percy - obvious.
annabeth - does so in greek and never learnt to stop (probably got encouraged by other campers because watching a child cuss like a sailor is very funny).
leo - look at me and tell me he doesn’t start swearing the moment he drops a screw or something.
nico - previously enjoyed the feeling of rebellion (brought up catholic), but now finds it unnecessary.
piper - willing, but also finds it unnecessary.
hazel - would be in 3rd if it wasn’t all internalised (soap incident).
jason - doesn’t as of now but would pick it up at his boarding school. thinks it’s funny when people are surprised he does.
frank - asian parent. he uses it sparingly.
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minzart · 8 months
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their friendship means so much to me
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explodo-smash · 7 months
Katsuki as the Light & Izuku as the Dark- Love and Harmonious Totality in The New Era
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This meta analysis’ purpose is to make the case for KT/DK existing as Light and Dark in each other’s stories respectively, and explain how this dichotomy challenges black & white thinking in the narrative. 
This meta analysis will also explore how this Light/Dark dichotomy lays the groundwork for why Katsuki/Izuku as a unit represent a “New Era" in the story.
[Can also be found on twitter]
Whether by Save to Win/Win to Save, or the fact they are osananajimi, the story frequently draws our attention back to Katsuki and Izuku’s complicated, influential and powerful bond. Despite all the changes they’ve gone through in MHA up until now, both individually and together, one thing has always remained constant: they are as symbolically connected as they are physically/mentally/emotionally.
We argue that one of the ways MHA’s narrative connects them symbolically as polar, balanced parts of a larger whole is through a sense of DUALITY. 
Furthermore, we argue that the use of contrasting Light/Dark motifs act as both visual and text metaphor to create this duality, with Katsuki representing Light and Izuku representing Dark.
It's important to note that by Light/Dark, we aren’t referring to their moral clarity, goodness or badness. Rather, we will explore Light/Dark as a metaphor that builds on themes in MHA while creating tension (contrast, conflict leading, fear and rejection) and harmony (balance, unity, love and acceptance).
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Note: the Light and Dark comparisons/metaphors between Katsuki and Izuku used in MHA sometimes get lost in translation in the anime. Here are some examples….
For Izuku:
Izuku is often encased in shadows in Katsuki’s POV since the beginning.
The word used for quirk (kosei) meaning “personality”, with quirkless meaning “lack of personality”, evoking the absence of something
Character design leaning on “dark” shades (dark/filled in hair, eyes including dark pupils early in the series)
Izuku’s “Dark Hero” arc as it’s officially titled.
Izuku’s prototype/beta name “Yamikumo” meaning Dark Cloud and his personality type tending toward facades/anxiousness
Blackwhip being the OFA quirk that resonates with Izuku’s emotions (particularly his rage)
His recent “power up” moment in the current arc involving blackwhip is denoted by claws, fangs and black tendrils. This form is officially called “overlay” but Hori also calls it “carnage” in his head.
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And for Katsuki:
Izuku’s description of Katsuki as someone bright and blinding, often bringing light into his eyes as an artistic consistency.
His quirk “explosion” emitting light, his move “stun grenade” literally a blinding flash of light.
Character design leaning on “light” shades (light hair, eyes aren’t filled in)
Prototype/beta ‘Gogo’ Katsuki’s light clothing and his personality type overall being bubbly and overprotective (toward Yamikumo).
Katsuki’s death chapter titled “Light Fades to Rain”, and his revival evoking that visual of a bright light.
His recent “power up” moment in the current arc is denoted by flashing lights and explosions all around his body - highlighted with laughter, and glee.
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Katsuki and Izuku connect with all the various opposites attract concepts that draw on the Light/Dark duality (sun/moon, yang/yin) but the first mistake people make is approaching these concepts with black & white thinking in mind.
The meaning
The Light/Dark imagery/descriptions/metaphors with KT/DK exist as a set piece that subverts expectations by challenging binary/black & white interpretations.
Katsuki’s ‘light’ is confident and inspiring - but it can also be blinding, harsh, and overwhelming.
Izuku’s ‘darkness’ is almost like a blanket. It’s comforting and sympathetic - but it can also be scary, unnerving, and mysterious.
Initially, Katsuki wanted to get away from the ‘darkness’. Izuku was like his shadow, following him relentlessly. He misinterpreted Izuku’s behavior as secrecy or deceit. 
Izuku dragged in as much ‘light’ as he could, by both observing Katsuki closely as well as refusing to part with the nickname ‘Kacchan’. His pursuit was a combination of hope for the future and a fascination for something he didn’t have (envy). 
Both of them have a capacity for unending love and selflessness, but also uncontrolled rage and violence.
The point of this contrast is for us as readers to highlight and dismantle the surface level perceptions of these characters in the same way Katsuki and Izuku progressively do for each other. 
Building on the themes 
In the same way Izuku always saw, and admired, Katsuki’s “light”, Katsuki could see, and feared, Izuku’s “darkness”. This contributed in building tension between the two, both literally and narratively. Where another story may have framed them as opposing forces, however, MHA frames them as dual forces. Where the source of tension for opposing forces may be fundamental differences, the tension between Katsuki and Izuku comes from a REJECTION of their fundamental parts. By extension, this became a rejection of their potential for harmony.
There’s enough evidence to suggest the defining concepts for prototype/beta Katsuki and Izuku(Yamikumo) weren’t entirely discarded, but rather modified and layered upon. One of the major differences was how prototype KT/DK got along, with one of the earliest scenes drafted for MHA being a scene where they fight together.
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It’s ultimately a mistake to presume Izuku is purely a positive ray of sunshine just like it was a mistake to assume Katsuki was hiding a bitter and villainous darkness within him. It’s the neglect of their core that causes them to dig their heels in and become their worst selves: 
Katsuki as egotistical, harsh and tightly guarded with a tendency to lash out, against Izuku as obsessive, obstinate and habitually repressing his emotions.
Society shaped their “quirks” (their power, outward appearance) but time and relationships informed their “individuality” (their ideals, hopes, inner drives). 
Izuku's unwavering belief in Katsuki’s light was a tether that enabled Katsuki to embrace and flourish into it. Katsuki grew to understand the darkness in Izuku by confronting that which scared him. This allowed him to empathize with Izuku’s complex thoughts/feelings during a time where Izuku was at his worst (“Dark Hero” arc–onward) and dedicate himself to making sure Izuku didn’t carry the weight of the world and its burdens on his own. 
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In other words, the inevitable payoff for KT/DK facing and dismantling the tension within themselves and between each other is the harmonizing of the dual/complementary themes they’ve been written to represent, which ultimately mirrors the main messages and questions posed by MHA.
‘The New Era’
As two major pillars of the story, Katsuki and Izuku are in many ways microcosm(s) of MHA society at large.
Katsuki and Izuku as complementary forces and not opposing ones seems obvious until it is put into practice. Some characters in the story and many readers in the audience alike have struggled with understanding their multifaceted nature and reconciling what they know of KT/DK from the outside with the seemingly contradictory information KT/DK have given us about themselves over time. Rather than a fluke, this contrast is an intentional writing choice evidenced by elements like their Light/Dark symbolism.
The lines at the main center of conflict in MHA - Heroes vs. Villains - has been long since blurred. In much the same way Heroes vs. Villains has complicated good vs. evil and challenges black&white thinking, KT/DK’s relationship as counterparts is representative of a greater duality that paints a clearer picture of MHA’s philosophies on the nature of heroism, societal progress, and the difficult process of inner growth. This picture is coming to a head with the story situating them as the beginning of “A New Era.” 
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MHA understands people as collections of thoughts, feelings, experiences, abilities, ideals, hopes, drives, etc., and that contradictions and tension between them are inevitable.Through KT/DK, MHA has developed a beautiful narrative where strengthening oneself involves strengthening each other and broadening our understanding of who we are.
“There is a false saying: “How can someone who can’t save himself save others?” Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?”
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piinkmha · 6 months
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modmad · 11 months
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sorry it's so sketchy but I finished SOMETHING in time for halloween!!!! Welcome Home is so beloved to me....
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