#modern thorin fanfic
The Wormhole, Part 1
Long time no see, Tumblr friends!  To put it simply, college and real life have been my focus for these past few months and now that things are (hopefully) slowing down a bit for the summer, I hope to maybe scroll this hellsite more often than once a month.  
Writer’s block has also been defeated (for the moment) and I’ve got a fun new story in the works.  This one here is just one I’ve been sitting on for awhile.  Enjoy!  
Character Relationships:  Thorin Oakenshield x Modern!Female OC
Content Warning(s):  Mentions of manipulative behavior from an ex-boyfriend and his appearance.
Summary:  Reverse of the “Girl falls into Middle Earth” trope.  Thorin finds himself mysteriously transported to the modern world after surviving BOTFA and winds up in the care of a New York Academy of Arts teacher, Estel Cavanah.  She has no idea why this man is so incompetent with the day’s technology.  
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“…And as you can see, the honey shade matches up pretty well with Nashville blue.  The darker tones cool the orange.”  I paused to glance at the clock on the other side of the room.  The neon red numbers signaled the looming end of my class period.
Or, by the way my students were shuffling in their seats and surreptitiously packing away pen and paper, perhaps it was more of a couldn’t-come-soon-enough.  
“Seeing as we are almost out of time, I’ll let you all go. See you on Friday!”  I smiled as the room immediately erupted into a flurry of movement.  The students, all eager to head home to relax at the end of a long day, feverishly packed up the last of their things and filed out of the room.  It was almost insulting how quickly they wanted to leave my class.  But I could understand their hurry; I had been a student once, and no matter how much I loved art, sometimes I couldn’t wait to get out of the classroom.
I turned to my own desk to pack up my stuff for the day, only to pause when a knock broke the silence.  Annoyance sprung to life at the thought of having to spend more time here when I could be at home.
Slowly, I turned around, wondering what student had dropped by.  But it wasn’t a student.  The person wasn’t even a resident of the state!
“Zach, what are you doing here?!”  I asked incredulously, unable to believe that the man was even standing in my doorway.  “You live in North Carolina!”  
“I came here to talk with you,” he said.  I shot him a look.  
“Zach, there is a reason phones were invented. Besides, what is so important that you come up to New York without calling me?”  I asked, propping my hands on my hips.  Then another thought occurred to me.  A much darker and more disturbing thought.  “How did you even know where I was?  We haven’t talked since high school!”
Zach just shrugged, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he walked further into my classroom.  “That’s not really important, Estel—”  
“Oh, I really think it is…”
“…I just wanted to see if you wanted to get back together.  I think we made a mistake when we broke up.”  Zach kept walking, and I began to feel the cold chills of anxiety trickle down my spine.  I stepped behind my desk, putting it between me and him.
I really didn’t think he would do anything, but at the same time, it felt like a very real possibility.
“Zach, we dated in high school.  We’re adults now.  If it didn’t work out then, I don’t think it will work out now.  Now, get out of here before I call security.”  I made a show of picking up my cell phone and unlocking it.  
He stopped walking, finally taking his hands out of his pockets to raise them in the air.  “Woah, slow down girl.  Let’s just talk, okay?  Just because we didn’t work out in high school doesn’t mean we won’t work out now.”
“I really don’t think it does…  And don’t tell me what to do, Zach.  You’re the one who’s shown up out of the blue after stalking me!” My finger hovered over the keypad on my phone, waiting to dial the campus police.  
“I’m not stalking you!”  The words burst out of Zach like an avalanche.  Immediately, his face became apologetic, and he took another step towards me.  “I’m sorry, that was rude of me, Estel…”
Instantly, I was brought back to my days as a high schooler trying to figure out both my life and manage a boyfriend at the same time. Everything pointed towards us becoming high school sweethearts.  Then one day the daydream shattered.  I was introduced to just who my boyfriend really was, and he wasn’t the man I had thought he was.  
Early on in our relationship, he’d stood behind me in my goals and dreams.  When I said that I wanted to be a teacher, he told me to follow my heart.  But when the topic came up again a few months later, he wasn’t as supportive.  
To put a long story short, he wanted to get married young and start a family.  My going away to college in a different state would put a damper on his goals.  That made me the selfish one in the relationship.
And he didn’t want that.  He did his best to hold on to our relationship and convince me to stay with him, but in the end I had to be true to myself and follow the path my heart was leading me on.  
I wasn’t sad when it ended; I felt freer than I had felt in what seemed like forever.  And the saying about hindsight being 20/20 was a constant presence in my mind as I went over our relationship.  I noticed manipulative behaviors that I hadn’t picked up on before. I realized how lucky I was to get out of it early.  To be true enough to myself not to give up my dreams for a guy.
Gathering my courage, I slipped my laptop into my bag. “No, I don’t want to hear anything from you.  We aren’t ever getting back together, Zach.  I don’t even know why you would think that.  Now, I have to go.”  Grabbing my bag, I slung it over my shoulder.  Holding my phone—keypad at the ready—I marched past Zach.
I left him behind just like I had all those years ago.  No glances over my shoulder for one last glimpse.  I just wanted to go home where I felt safe.  
The walk to my car had never felt longer, even in the broad daylight.  Clicking the button on my fob to unlock it, I pulled open the door and threw my bag in before climbing into the driver seat.  As I sat and collected my bearings, a niggling thought rose in my brain.
If Zach knew where I was teaching, chances were he knew exactly where I lived.  Right down to the apartment number.  
All of a sudden, home no longer felt as comforting. It felt dangerous to go back to, despite how much I wanted to.  And I had no choice.
Scanning the parking lot, I pulled out of my space.
I showed up early at the stable I worked at part-time, not feeling safe at my apartment.  Coincidentally, it was also owned by my brother who was too busy managing the family estates down in Havana to spend much time managing it.  That job fell to me as his little sister.  
The black sheep of the family.
I could only hope that Zach didn’t know about it. Maybe I could buy a sleeping bag and camp out in one of the empty stalls for the night…  Or text Ash and see if I could crash at her apartment for the night. She wouldn’t refuse me.
At least, not if her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Mike, wasn’t around.  Then I really didn’t want to be in the same flat.
Pulling out my phone, I unlocked it and began typing out the message to her when the bugling of a stallion ripped through the air. I frowned, the noise out of place at the normally serene stable.  
Then I heard the screaming.  
Shoving my phone in my pocket and throwing open the door, I bolted out of my car and towards the one pasture that contained a stallion.  The most ill-tempered beast I’d ever had the displeasure of handling.  Although, given that I didn’t get involved too much with horses, wasn’t really saying much.
Quickly catching up to a teen who was also hurrying towards the commotion, I grabbed their arm to stop them.  “Grab a lead rope!”  I gasped before taking off again.  I could only wonder which cocky new teenage boy had decided that he would be the one guy Ferrari—the stallion—liked.  
And exactly how much legal trouble I was about to get into.
Turning the corner to the gate of the paddock, I stopped and did a double take.  The man currently dangling from the mouth of the bay stud definitely was not one of the kids employed here.  Nor did he look like the sort that frequented prestigious stables like this one.  He looked more like a well-kept hobo than anything.
“GET THIS BLOODY HORSE OFF ME!”  The man bellowed, catching sight of me standing like an idiot on the outside of the paddock.  
I snapped out of the daze I’d gone into and looked around wildly for the stable hand I’d stopped earlier.  “Where’s a lead rope!?”
I was answered only by a stream of curses from the man as Ferrari shook him like a ragdoll.  Then pounding footsteps heralded the arrival of the kid with a lead rope.  
Snatching it out of his hand, I jumped the fence and sprinted towards the grappling pair.  “Ferrari!”  I screamed, trying to get his attention on me and away from the unknown man.  “Ferrari!”  
But the stallion paid no attention to me and continued to grind his teeth into the shoulder of the man he had cornered.  
As Ferrari tightened his grip, the man swung at him, calling him a variety of colourful names as he tried to pull away from the stallion.  
I darted in, clipping the lead rope onto Ferrari’s halter.  Then I swatted his rump with the end of the rope to get his attention.  Instantly, Ferrari dropped the man and went after me. Jumping out of the way of his teeth, I waved my hands at the man now crumpled on the ground.
“Get out of the pasture!  Go!”  I yelled at him, dodging Ferrari again.  “He hates men!”  
The man didn’t move, and I began to worry about what it would mean if he was dead.  Probably more legal troubles than if he was injured, that was for sure.  Beckett was going to be absolutely thrilled.  
“Estel, I’ll take him!”  A feminine voice called, and I shot a quick glance over my shoulder towards the stable.  Chelsea—one of the most experienced horsewomen employed here—was jogging towards me.  
As she approached, Ferrari began to calm down.  Chelsea had a way with him that none of the other female employees had.  His ears were stilled pinned tightly back and he danced in place, but he wasn’t trying to bite me anymore.
“Hey, Ferrari…”  She cooed, taking the lead rope from me, and stroking his nose.  Ferrari snorted suspiciously.  “Come here, boy.  Let’s get you inside, huh?”  She pulled gently on the rope and led Ferrari away.
That left me with the unfortunate man who had found himself in Ferrari’s pasture.  As I ran over to him, he suddenly pushed himself up off the ground, clutching his shoulder and grimacing in pain.
“Sir, are you alright?”  I asked, dropping onto my knees beside him.  From a distance, he’d looked like one of the bums that littered the streets of New York, but up close was a different story.
He obviously had some concept of hygiene—he certainly smelled nice—and his beard was neatly trimmed.  And as he raised his head to look at me, he revealed startling blue eyes that pierced me with a distrusting gaze.  
“I’m fine.”  He spat in a voice that carried the thickness of an unfamiliar accent.  “Where am I?”
“Blacktop Stables in New York.  Now, I think I should take a look at your shoulder. Ferrari is a man-hater, and it looked like he had you good.”  I reached out to gently pull his hand away from his shoulder.
He let out a short laugh.  “Horses have never liked me.  You have healer training then?”  He asked, resisting my attempts to pull his hand away so I could look at Ferrari’s handiwork.
“If by healer training, you mean medical training, then yes, I know a little.”  He dropped his hand, revealing a slobber-soaked fur vest.  “Umm…  I think I’ll need you to remove your shirt…”  
He grunted, unbuckling the belt that held the vest closed before shrugging it off.  A dark blue, velvet looking coat followed directly after.  The movement of his arm caused him to grimace and let out a hiss of pain.  Beneath it was a metallic sort of shirt that looked like some sort of armor.  He pulled the armor shirt over his head, leaving him in only a blue shirt that reached almost to his knees.  
“Blast…”  He hissed through clenched teeth.  Gingerly, he lowered his injured arm back to his side.
By this point, I felt like I was watching the clothing version of a clown car.  I couldn’t help but wonder if he had another two shirts underneath this one.  
Unbuttoning what I guessed was called a ‘tunic’, his upper body was finally revealed.  And it made the artist in me want to weep tears of joy.
If ever there was a perfect body, he had to have it. Thick, muscled arms hung from broad shoulders.  There wasn’t a speck of fat on his torso to hide the chiseled abs this man possessed. And he was able to make it look like the most natural thing in the world, unlike some of those shirtless male models I had tried to use as inspiration in the past.  
“You said you have healer training?”  
The distinctly masculine voice broke me out of my…reverie.  Quickly, I focused my gaze on his face.  Away from the abs that I was itching to sketch.  
“Uh, yeah.  Let me take a look here…”  I peered at the bite mark on his shoulder.  Ferrari had left him deep indents of his teeth, but the skin hadn’t been broken.  Already I could see the purple bruising characteristic with horse bites forming in a wide circle around the bite marks.  His excessive layers of clothes had saved him from a much worse injury.
Not that he wouldn’t go through hell in the coming weeks.  Bites of this severity literally made you unable to move the arm without excruciating pain for weeks.  
“Will I live?”  The question was quiet, and I glanced up to see a whisper of a smile on his face.  Oddly, I got the sense that this wasn’t an unfamiliar question for him to ask.  
“I can almost guarantee you will,” I shot him a small smile.  “Just put some ice on it, take some ibuprofen, and try not to use that arm much for a few weeks.”
He frowned.  “Ibuprofen?  What is that?”
The fact that he was unaware of one of the most basic over-the-counter drugs was baffling.  Everybody knew what ibuprofen was!  
“It’s a medicine you can take if the bite hurts too much.  And from what I’ve heard, a bite like yours hurts like hell.”  I explained, leaning back on my heels.  “If you aren’t able to get any, I could give you some.”  
“No, I’ve had worse than a horse bite.”  He dismissed my offering.  “Now, you said we were in someplace called New York?  Is that on the Anduin?”
I stared at him.  “The Anduin?  I’ve never heard of that.  New York is a state in the United States.  East coast?”  
The look I got back told me he’d never heard of any of it.
This whole thing was weird.  First he showed up out of the blue in Ferrari’s pasture.  The same pasture that had seven-foot fencing supplemented with electric wire and was surrounded by private ground.  And somebody would have stopped him inside the stable.  
Second, there was the whole deal with his clothing.  It looked nothing like anything made today. That and he wore armor.  To be quite frank, it didn’t even look like it was from this world.
Third, he had never heard of the US before, and he was living in it.  
Or maybe I was turning into one of those off-the-grid hippies who believed in UFOs.  There had to be a logical explanation for all this.  It wasn’t like he actually had come from a different world.  That was preposterous.
He probably just hit his head or something when Ferrari was slinging him around.  I reasoned with myself.  He’s probably just a little confused right now.
Standing up, I motioned for the man to join me. “Follow me and I can get you a bandage for your shoulder…”  I paused, waiting for him to introduce himself.
“Thorin,” the man supplied with a nod of his head.  “At your service.”
“Estel, uh, at yours.”  I fumbled, hoping I hadn’t just entered into some deal with the man.  Turning around, I took one look at the stables and felt my heart stop beating in my chest.
Zach was standing at the gate of the paddock.
“Oh, no….”  I whispered, frozen in place.  I’d felt so sure that he’d had no idea that I worked here.  Beckett certainly didn’t advertise by using me.  “He followed me…”  
“Is something wrong?”  Thorin asked from behind me.  I looked back over my shoulder at him, taking in his broad frame. He had his clothes bundled up in his arms, hiding his torso from the world.  Dark brown hair sprawled across his shoulders, untamed by any sort of hair tie.
“Um,” I looked back over at Zach.  He was staring at Thorin; a small frown on his face as he took him in.  Automatically, I began formulating my “it’s not what you think” speech in my head.  I knew what it looked like.  A man and a woman out in a field, alone.
Except…That was exactly what would get him off my back. If I was a taken woman, he couldn’t come after me.  
“Thorin, I know this is asking a lot, given that we don’t know each other, but I really need you to pretend you’re my boyfriend. He,” I nodded over in Zach’s direction, “is my ex from a long time ago and he’s been stalking me, trying to get back together.  I just need you to pretend for like a day and then we can part ways.”  I pleaded, looking up into light blue eyes.  
Thorin stared back at me, then glanced up to look at Zach.  “You don’t want his attentions?”  He asked, and I nodded.
“Yeah, I just want him to leave me alone,” I sighed. The defeat I felt over my helplessness must have carried into my voice, because the iciness began to fade from his eyes.  
“You’ve told him this?”  His voice took on a gentler tone.
“I made it very clear, and he obviously didn’t listen.”
“Then I will pretend to be your…boyfriend.”  He agreed, a small smile turning up the corners of his mouth.  Instantly, his tough, rough-hewn aura faded to be replaced with a sense of security. “He will not lay a finger on you, Miss Estel.”
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Credit for banner goes to @shdo-xplosion​
@kumqu4t​​ @pixierox101​​ @elvish-sky​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @lothloriien​ @shadowhuntyi @hellonogblogstuff​ @justfollowtheroad @fizzyxcustard @thewhiteladyofrohan @xxbyimm @legolasbadass @elles-writing @lathalea @saltstatic @i-did-not-mean-to @middleearthpixie​ @mrsdurin​
*I know there are probably some of you not on this taglist that would like to be on it, so just shoot me a message!
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shantismurf · 18 days
You might not be following @tickles-ivory 's latest Modern Middle Earth AU, but you really should be!
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I had the joy and privilege to brainstorm plot a bit with her the other day and her marvelous Metallica-inspired rock star!Thorin / bodyguard!Bilbo modern Middle Earth AU just became an honest to God Dan Brown thriller. It was already just dripping with romance, and now it's zinging with intrigue and danger as well! This is going to be a fantastic story!!
Bilbo turned away from it and faced Thorin, capturing his gaze with his own determined one. “Without fear, there is no courage. Before this is over, you and I are going to have ours tested. I don’t want you to worry too much, just be safe, okay? I’ve dealt with these people before and I know how they think.” “Okay,” Thorin said slowly, as if the bad news was just beginning to sink in. “Are you going to tell me what the note says?” “I can give you the gist of it,” Bilbo answered. “Basically, it says that you have been chosen to be a gift to Morgoth and that your death will provide his freedom.” “Who the hell is Morgoth?” Bilbo exhaled forcefully. He didn’t necessarily believe in destiny or fate, but a little voice inside his head told him that he had been placed here specifically to save Thorin’s life. Deep down, a growing realization hinted that he might be the sole individual capable of doing so.
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
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Where The Shadows Lie by LordOfTheRazzles
bagginshield | vampire/slayer au | explicit
Bag End Bed & Breakfast collects more dust than customers these days. An unexpected visit lands a company of royal vampires into Bilbo’s care. As he learns to coexist, he discovers secrets to his lineage.  
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My brain is FULL of TH fic ideas but I've already got 3 WIP and most of them are just "what if"s with no plot so I'll just post them here I guess and maybe some writing god hears me/ reads them and someone else actually uses them.
Here's Nr. 1:
Frerin did in fact NOT die at Azanulbizar but was transported into our modern world, sometime in the second half of the 19th century.
After some adjusting (industrialization is in full force but it's still not as 'bad' as it would be rn) he builds a life, him being a dwarf meaning that he ages extremely slowly compared to us lowly humans so he has to move after a while and again and again.
He lives in the UK, US, France, Germany, Italy, Finland.....
He fights in both world wars depending on where he lives during that time (WW1 on the German side, WW2 on the UK's), other than that he goes to university and works all kinds of jobs like policeman, fireman, soldier, teacher, carpenter,smith, weaver, factory worker, violinist etc etc etc
Around 1900 he meets this fella J R R Tolkien and befriends him, and after a time finds out that his friend is writing books about middle Earth, not only that, but one about his very own brother. Tolkien apparently is a seer of some kind because it's still almost a century until "The Hobbit" would happen (he does the math).
Frerin helps Tolkien with authenticity for his books, because the dude is smart and found out about Frerin after he corrected his Khuzdul one time too many.
Anyhow, after reading what will happen to his family, he becomes a mite bit obsessed with returning to Middle Earth and having ammased quite some wealth and with the help of some friends in high places starts founding various research projects into things like teleportation, multiverse, magic, alchemy, you name it. He also becomes a member of the Freemasons due to his occult knowledge.
In around 80 years there's almost no progress towards Frerin's goal of returning home, he does still have a research company but only a small group of mostly students works on the multiverse hypothesis, the rest does all kinds of stuff, technology, energy, whatever.
He has for the time being settled somewhere in Scandinavia, is a College Professor for Sociology and Political Science and volunteers as a social worker for troubled children.
He is fostering 2 or 3 children himself (ages 6 - 16) and has two grown up adopted children that still live & work with him (they found out about him), a guy & a lass ( both early twenties).
Somehow (don't ask I don't know) the whole household (meaning Frerin, his two young adult children, the foster children, his south American householder, her tiny dog and their personal Butler (more of a live-in family friend by now, think Niles from "The Nanny")) all get sucked into a portal or whatever end get spit out into Middle Earth.
Not at Ered Luin of course, that would be easy, no, but somewhere extremely inconvenient. The Lone lands, the Brown lands, Moria, something along the lines of "we are so fucked".
So now it is a few years (1-3, or the characters have too much time to become Mary-Sues), before the quest to Erebor, and they have to reach Thorin before then and somehow survive a world filled with orcs (and elves!) while juggling a 6 year old, a tiny & barky dog, a cliché Mamacita, a British butler, and Frerin's realisation that he has gotten much too used to modern convenience.
(my weak ass would probably include some romance between one/more than one of the original characters and the canon characters, I'm a sucker for Fili or Kili x OFC and rare pairings like KilixBifur or ThorinxNori and I want Frerin to date an elf or Bard I think.)
.... Does this sound like something you would read/write? I'd maybe try to write this with someone else, alone I don't dare to. What do y'all think?
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middleearthpixie · 1 day
Better Days ~ Chapter Twenty
A/N: If you or a loved one is in crisis, or experiencing suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideation, help is available 24/7/365. Call or text the Suicide Crisis Lifeline at 988 or visit their website at www.988lifeline.org. 
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin x ofc Elena Madison
Warnings: Attempted suicide
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.7k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard
@legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being
@rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-mer-6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @ggfamert @medusas-hairband
@guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow
@quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits
@heilith @asgardianhobbit98  @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms 
@sazzlep @court-jobi @masterofhounds @genius2050 
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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It was a miracle he didn't crash into anyone or anything as Frerin ignored pretty much every traffic law in existence in his haste to get to Sidleburg Memorial. All Toni would tell him was that Jake had tried hurt himself. No details. No assurance that he was all right. Just that they were in the ER and he needed to be there. 
He whipped into the parking deck and swung into the first empty space, then leaped out of the care and practically sprinted toward the revolving door leading into the Emergency Department.
Bonnie, the ER receptionist smiled from behind her plexiglas window. “Dr. Durin? I thought you went home.”
“I did. My ex-wife called, she’s here with our son.”
“What?” Bonnie hit the button to make the ER doors swing open. “Come on in.”
He rushed past the triage area, to the desk. “Ashley, where is Jacob Durin?”
Ashley looked up. “I thought you were off, Dr. D?”
“I am,” he fought to keep the impatience from his voice, “so tell me were my son is.”
“Wait, he’s your Jake?”
“Sorry, Dr. D. They’re in Exam Two, but I think Morris might have come down already.”
“Thank you.” He rushed down the hallway and around the corner and paused just outside the door to Exam Two. The narrow bed was empty, but Toni stood beside it as if Jake was still in it. Frerin’s gut roiled like mad and he wasn't entirely certain he wasn’t going to be sick. A sour taste flooded his mouth. His heart hammered his ribs so hard, he thought he might actually pass out. 
Then he swallowed hard as he tugged open the door and stepped into the room. “What happened?”
Toni spun about, her eyes red and swollen. “I—I don't know. I called the kids down to breakfast and Maura and Flynn came down, but Jake didn't and—and I thought he was still sleeping so I went to roust him out of bed and he—”
“He what?” Frerin closed the space between them and caught her by the shoulders. “What had he done, Toni?”
“He wasn’t in his room, but was in the bathroom and he’d gotten Tim’s razor or maybe it was Flynn or even Maura’s, I don't know. But he had it and—and there was just blood everywhere… all over him… the floor… the toilet… And I—I just scooped him up and ran to my car and…”
Frerin’s blood ran like ice in his veins. “What?”
“I know. The doctor said he was… he was lucky.” Toni’s bottom lip trembled and her eyes grew shiny. “She stitched him up, but now he’s talking to another doctor and Tim said he’d keep an eye on Maura and Flynn, but you know them and they don’t like him and they just wanted to be here and I—”
She clamped her lips together to stop the flow of words and without thinking, he drew her into his embrace as she dissolved into tears, pressing her face against his chest. “Which doc did he see?”
“A young one. Dr. Andrews?”
“Yeah, she’s an intern. Just started in July. Who is he with now?”
“A Dr. Mazzetti, I think he’d said.”
“Dave Mazzetti?”
“I don't know, Frerin. They’re all the same to me.”
“Okay. Yeah, Dave’s good… Jake’s in good hands. Where’s Tim?”
“He’s home. With the kids. I just told you.”
“Right? Sorry. I was on until seven this morning, pulled a double. My thoughts are a little muddy right now.”
“Where were you?”
“I called the house first and you didn't answer.” She pulled away to stare up at him. “So, where were you?”
“I was out.”
“After pulling a double?”
“Toni, I’m not doing this. Not now.”
“What’s her name?”
“Don’t you worry about it. We’re not married any more, remember?” He stepped back. “Jake’s probably up on Five. They’re going to admit him, Toni. At least a seventy-two hour hold if they have a bed. If not, they’ll have us take him somewhere else for an evaluation, but he’s going to be hospitalized. For a while. I’m going to go find out.”
“And am I supposed to just wait here?”
“Yes, actually.”
“Frerin, you are not just—”
“I’m not what, Toni? I’m not going to find out what happened to our son? Just stay here and I’ll be back—”
“No. I will not just stay here.”
“Toni,” he rubbed his forehead with one hand, “I’ll be back in just a few minutes. Just, please, let me—” 
“Stop being a damn doctor and just be his father!”
“I am being his father!” Frerin winced as his voice echoed around them and bounced out into the hallway, where several people actually stopped to look into the room. He drew in a deep breath to calm his rising fury. “I just want to talk to his doc, is all.”
“He will be done when he’s done and he said he’d come down and talk to us.” Toni shook her head. “Don’t run away and hide behind that damn lab coat.”
“Hide? Who’s hiding? I just—I just want to know what happened, is all.”
“I told you what happened.”
He sighed softly. “Toni, something else had to have happened. He was fine when you picked him up and now he’s in the ER, looking at a psych hold for a suicide attempt. So, what happened?”
“Are you blaming me?”
His first instinct was to shake her, to shake her and remind her that it wasn't about her, but since that would just lead to a shouting match, he took the high road. “No, I’m not. But I want to know what triggered him to hurt himself. That’s all.”
Toni’s shoulders slumped and a low, heavy sigh leaked through her teeth. “I don’t know, Frerin. I was getting breakfast out, like I said. Flynn came down. Maura came down and I went to get Jake, just like I said.”
“Did anything happen last night?”
Toni swiped at her eyes and slowly replied, “He and Tim were butting heads over a video game. He told Tim that Tim couldn't tell him what to do, and Tim sent him to his room after confiscating his Switch.”
“What game?”
“Breath of the Wild.”Toni rubbed her eyes. “It was such a stupid argument, Frerin, but Jake was giving him attitude the entire time he’s been with us and Tim just had enough.”
“Tim had enough. Over a video game that you and I have no problem with him playing?”
“I tried to tell Tim, but he was angry and Jake was angry and then it just got out of hand.”
“Out of hand.” Frerin snorted as he shook his head. “Tim overstepped, Toni. He overstepped and now here we are. And what the fuck was he thinking? He’s not that boy’s father. I am.” 
“I know, and Tim knows and—”
Frerin and Toni looked up at the same time as Tim, AKA the Skeeze, poked his head into the room. Frerin’s gut twisted sharply as he said, “What are you doing here?”
“How is Jake doing?” Tim directed this at Toni.
“I asked you what the hell you are doing here,” Frerin replied, stepping between Tim and Toni. “You’ve got not business being here.”
Toni’s hand came to rest on his shoulder. “Frerin, don’t do this.” 
“Don't do this?” Frerin turned to her. “He is the reason Jake is with Mazzetti right now and I don’t want him near my son again.”
“He is my son, too, Frerin, and you need to remember that.”
“I need to—are you fucking kidding me? He needs to stay the fuck away from—”
“Mrs. Durin? Oh, Frerin, I’m glad you’re here as well.”
Frerin whipped about at the sound of Dave Mazzetti’s voice and a sour taste flooded his mouth as he said, “How is Jake?”
Toni’s hand tightened on his upper arm. “Can I see him?”
“In a bit, yes. I called in a colleague, Dr. Dao to consult and—” Mazzetti looked over at Tim. “I’m sorry, but who are you?” 
“He’s leaving,” Frerin replied.
“The hell I am.”
“Toni, I mean it, get him the hell out of here,” Frerin growled without taking his eyes off Tim. 
“Tim, please… just… just go…”
“Toni, wait—”
“Tim, just… please go.”
Mazzetti waited for him to slam his way out of the exam room, then turned back to them. “Jake’s laceration required about six stitches and aside from a small scar, he should have no long term trouble with his hand. He and I had a long talk, and he had a long talk with Dr. Dao and we’re in agreement that Jake be transferred to Wakeman for inpatient services, since we have no open beds.”
“For how long?” Toni asked.
“I can’t answer that, Mrs. Durin. They will evaluate him and assess his status and recommend a course of treatment for him that will give an idea of how long he will be hospitalized for. I’d say at least a week, possibly longer.” He looked from Toni to Frerin. “I’ll take you up to him. He was asking for you, Frerin.”
Frerin swallowed hard against the sudden lump in his throat. “Then let’s go.”
Toni slid her hand into his. “I’m coming with you.”
“Of course you are,” Frerin told her softly. “You’re his mother. But I don't want Tim anywhere near him.”
“Not within fifty yards, Toni. I mean it.”
For a moment, he thought she was going to argue with him over it, but then she surprised him by nodding. “Okay.”
“Let’s go up and you can see him,” Mazzetti said, pulling the door open. 
They stepped out just as Flynn and Maura hurried toward them. “How’s Jake? Where is he? Is he okay?” Maura’s questions stopped as she ran out of breath and she just flung herself at Frerin, who caught her easily. 
“He’s going to be fine in time,” he said as Maura wrapped her arms about his neck and clung to him the way she did when she was a little girl and had had a nightmare. “We’re going up to see him, so why don't you and Flynn go find the cafeteria and get something to eat and I’ll come find you when we’re ready to go.”
“Can’t we see him?” Flynn asked.
“Not right now,” Toni said softly, shaking her head. “We have to get him settled somewhere else first and then you’ll be able to.”
“Where is he going?”
Flynn scowled at Tim’s question. “Like you care. You did this, you tool. You know that, right? This is all your fault.”
“Now, wait just a minute—” Tim began.
But Flynn was having none of it, and since he was almost as tall as Frerin, he towered over Tim. “No, you did this, trying to prove you’re some tough guy or I don't even know. You just couldn’t let it go, could you? He was allowed to play that damn game and you know it but that wasn’t good enough for you. And now we’re here and… and… fuck you.”
“Flynn!” Toni grabbed him by his arm to pull him away from Tim. “This is not the time or the place.”
Although he inwardly cheered Flynn on, Frerin knew outwardly he had to at least make it look as if Flynn’s words troubled him. “Your mother’s right. Tim, do us all a favor and just go home. Toni will let you know what’s going when we know.”
For a moment, he thought Tim was going to argue with him, but then Tim just shook his head. “You do that,” he said, then turned and strode down the hallway.
Maura lifted her head from Frerin’s chest. “Good riddance, Skeeze.”
“Maura, please,” Toni sighed, rubbing her forehead once more. “Not now.”
“Mom,” she pulled out of his arms, “he’s a jerk. You have to know that by now.”
“Enough, love,” Frerin told her as Mazzetti started down toward the elevators. “Go and get something to eat and we’ll come find you, like I said.”
“Come on, Maur.” Flynn gestured for her to follow him. “Dad, let us know as soon as possible, okay?”
Flynn and Maura started down the hallway and as soon as they were out of earshot, Toni said, “They don't like Tim much.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
That earned him a look. “Really, Frer.”
“What?” He let his hand come to rest at the small of her back to steer her toward the elevators, where Mazzetti was waiting for them. “I know they don't like him, Toni.”
“I wonder why.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He couldn't hold back his laugh. “Toni, if you think I’m the reason they don't like him, guess again.”
“So you expect me to believe you’ve never badmouthed him?”
“Why would I? He’s not the reason we broke up. I think he’s a dweeb, but that’s about the extent of it.”
“A dweeb?”
“Yeah. He’s a dweeb.” He shrugged as the elevator doors slid open and Mezzetti grinned at them over his shoulder. “He is.”
Toni sighed. “Frerin, really? Here?”
“I heard nothing,” Mazzetti said, shaking his head head.
They all stepped into the car and Frerin tried to ignore the fluttering in his gut as the car began moving. He didn't know how many times he’d dealt with this same situation, but it was far different being on this end than it was being the physician treating the kid. This was… surreal… and he did not like it one bit. 
Elena tried not to worry, tried not to fixate on how much time had passed since Frerin bolted from her apartment, but that was impossible. She couldn't imagine being in Frerin’s shoes, getting that same phone call in regards to Alyssa. Frerin had to be terrified and worried and she wished she had gone with him. 
It was nearly four when her phone rang and her heart stopped briefly when she saw Frerin’s number on the screen. It resumed hammering at her ribs as she hit accept. “How is your son?”
“He’s… we’re at Wakeman now. They’ve admitted Jake for at least the next seven days.”
“But how is he? How are you and your ex-wife?”
“He tried to cut his wrist with a razor blade and it took six stitches to close it. Physically, he’ll be fine but…”
His voice trailed off and she didn’t push him, but waited for him to continue. When the silence stretched between them, she cleared her throat. “Would you like me to come sit with you?”
“No. You don't have to.” Exhaustion wove into his voice. “I’m just going to go home and get some sleep.”
“Frerin, it’s no—”
“Elena, really, it’s better if you don’t. I don't know how much longer I’m going to be here and I’ll have Flynn and Maura to take home, so it’s not a good idea.”
“Oh, yeah… no, of course not,” she replied, the heat of idiocy swirling through her. Of course he wouldn’t want her there. She wasn't family and Toni needed him more than she did at the moment. The last thing either of them wanted or needed was her pushing her way into their trauma. 
“I’ll give you a call tomorrow, okay?”
“Sure. I’ll be around until four, then I have to go and retrieve Alyssa from the airport.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He hesitated, then said, “Bye, Lena.”
She pressed her lips together as he clicked off and she sat there for a long time, the phone in her lap. She didn't know quite what to think or to do, and while her instinct was to drive out to Wakeman Hospital, she tamped it down. Frerin neither wanted nor needed her there. She was the outsider and needed to remember that. While she felt as if she knew his children, just from the way he’d spoken of them, they had no idea she even existed and the worst thing she could do right now was push herself into their situation as if she belonged there.
So, with that, she set the phone on the charging mat, rose from the sofa, turned off the light, and padded into her bedroom. 
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tetchy-frog · 1 year
A couple of fancy lads off to a fancy dinner!
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I learned a lot while rendering this, and I still have lots to improve upon, but inspiration hit me like a train after I read the Valentine’s Day chapter from @lordoftherazzles Bookbinder//Songwriter AU! Thorin’s clothes are pretty understated, but Bilbo is dressed in a sort of modernized take on the first outfit he wears in An Unexpected Journey! That colour scheme simply gives me life, so I’ll use any excuse to draw it. I have no idea how other people imagined their fancy suits to look, but I’d love to hear how other people pictured them!
Also, if you don’t already know the fic I’m talking about, you simply, absolutely, positively MUST read Bookbinder//Songwriter here! I just got caught up, and I’m champing at the bit to see how it continues. If you want lots of sweet fluff, funny shenanigans, and peak found family dynamics, you ought to give it a read!
And once more, everyone must go and give their love to Razzy for creating this lovely-amazing-beautiful-gorgeous AU for all of us to witness :D
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bagginshieldlibrary · 2 months
HOWDY! This Sunday's post is the second place winner from the last poll Modern au w/Canon races. It's a bit shorter list because I am hoarding my holiday fics.
Starting off is a series, so a three for one.
Where Forever We Remain by lilithiumwords.
What Happens in Gondor Explicit
Office Hours Explicit
Misdirection teen and up
Modern day Middle Earth, a little bit of reincarnation. and short and sweet works. I fell in love with series and wish that there was more.
Now I know FemBagginshield is not everyone's cup of tea. But I adore this fic. I am biased to any of Rutobuka's works. so i present!
The Service by Rutobuka.
Fem!Thorin and Fem!Bilbo. The story is explicit as the major plot revolves around Fem!Thorin figuring herself out in an explicit way with Bilbo's help. I really do recommend reading this one if you can. If its just not something you like just scroll past it.
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fanficsforfun · 1 year
I guess my greatest flaw is writing everyone as more gentle and kind than they really are. But I can’t help that, that’s just how I feel about them
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linasofia · 1 year
Business & Pleasure
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Part 8
Summary: At an unexpected lunch with colleagues, you struggle to keep your secret intact as new possible suspicions over your relationship with the boss arise.
Relationship: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader (Modern AU)
Words: 2,5K
Warnings: 18+
A/N: This is part 8 of this fic. You can read all the previous parts here.
The last day of the week arrives and with the weekend at our doorstep, Friday feelings seem to be sparkling in everyone's blood. Despite the early hour, people gather in the coffee lounge area to enjoy a cup of java together with one of Bombur’s highly desired bagels. What from the beginning were only two standard choices, have expanded to a small buffet with everything from cream cheese bagels with prosciutto and avocado to fully vegan alternatives. The man insists on delivering them in person, with a little help from one or two of his employees. I have noticed that he often stays a bit longer than required and talks to mainly Thorin or Balin when he’s here. Breakfast on Fridays is one of the most appreciated recurring events that take place at the office, as part of the company’s vision in creating an overall inclusive working environment. And today everybody appears to be at the office; the lounge is packed with laughing colleagues, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. Someone has lit a few candles, the many spotlights in the ceiling are slightly dimmed, and soft lounge music seeps from the hidden speakers. I try to mingle, as usual, and manage to talk with both the head of HR as well as a few of the newest members in our sales organization.
I have looked forward to this day ever since Thorin left, and even though it was far from one of his longest trips, it was enough for me to miss him incredibly. My strong feelings scare me a little; falling head over heels for my boss was not something I planned, and yet here I am, excitedly waiting for his arrival. I feel vulnerable in a way I have not felt in a very long time, and even if we try to take things slow, my treacherous heart has already whispered things I do not dare to say out loud.
Eventually, people return to their meetings, computers, and phone calls, the constant sound of voices dies, and just as I place my mug in the washing machine, I hear Kili’s voice behind me.
”I just spoke with Fili. He and Thorin had a change in plans and rebooked their flights. They should be here around lunch. Fili said he has interesting news about a future marketing collaboration and I’m dying to hear them.” Kili swallows the remains of his coffee and frowns, then he lowers his voice and casts a glance around us. The lounge is thankfully empty. ”I tried to get him to talk about Michele but he avoided that topic. Maybe Thorin was around, I don’t know.”
”Their last meeting was canceled on short notice.” I reply, but instantly realize that I’ve said too much. I bite my lip and mentally slap myself; sometimes my brain needs to filter my thoughts better before my mouth speaks.
”Yeah, I guess so. How did you know?” Kili looks at me with a curious expression in his hazel eyes. As the younger of the two brothers, and now subordinate to Fili, I have understood that he’s used to not being told everything, but there is no judgment in his eyes.
”Oh, well… Thorin filled me in on some details before they left.” I lie and hope he doesn’t ask further questions. And he told me last night when he called to say goodnight.
”Right. Anyway, if you’re not busy during lunch, you’re welcome to return that meal today at Bombur’s. I heard he’s making meatloaf and that’s too good to miss.”
”How can you think of lunch now? We just had bagels!” I welcome the change in subject and Kili throws me a grin.
”I burn my calories fast, you know.” He gives me an exaggerated wink, and even if I prefer not to know, he makes his point very clear.
A few hours later, I watch Kili use his fork to stab the oversized meatloaf, and his joy over Bombur’s skills can be read all over his face. I have to agree, Bombur never seems to fail in the kitchen, and as part of the mysterious circle that centers around Thorin and includes a strange mix of people from Erebor Corporation, Kili receives special treatment every time. He has just started to explain one of his most recent projects when excited voices raise by the door. I turn around, only to see Bombur making his way over to the entrance, catching the well-known, blond man who just entered the restaurant, in a friendly hug. Kili waves enthusiastically and finally his brother sees him. With a broad grin he approaches our table, holds up a thumb to Bombur who loudly asks if the newcomer wants lunch, and then, after a graceful bow, he takes the seat next to me.
”I thought I would find you here.”
Kili points with his knife to the meatloaf almost covered in gravy and grins. ”You know it!” He takes another mouth full. ”How was the trip?”
”Good, rewarding, and as expected, I guess, in that sense.” Fili starts to explain how their work will elucidate a special matter from a marketing point of view, but Kili is impatient and lifts his hand to silence him.
”You never answered me how Michele is doing.” Kili looks innocently at his older brother, who glances sideways at me.
”Kili, I—”
”She knows, I told her.”
”You really can’t help yourself, can you?” Fili sighs and looks annoyed, but starts laughing when Kili tilts his head like a regretful puppy. ”Michele is fine, just busy or I would have taken her out for lunch instead of looking for your sorry ass.” He turns to me. ”Please excuse me, my brother is a bad influence on my language.”
”It’s fine, I think I know him well enough to safely say I agree with you.”
”Hey!” Kili tries to look offended.
Like a peacemaker, Bombur arrives with a plate of steaming meatloaf, and when Fili exclaims his love for the chef, he gets a not-so-gentle pat on the shoulder in return.
Then the humble restaurant owner excuses himself and disappears back to his pots and pans.
”So..?” Kili lowers his voice. ”Any news?”
Fili, obviously keen to torture his nosy brother, takes a large piece of food, chews slowly and hums approvingly at its taste, then nods. He’s right, the food is—as always at Bombur’s—delicious. I can’t help but think how young Kili appears to be when he’s impatiently looking at his brother. It’s like catching a rare glimpse of their youth, when Fili most certainly had to stop Kili from unwrapping all Christmas gifts the second they were discovered under the tree.
”Thorin knows.” Fili finally reveals.
”What?” Kili almost chokes on his beloved lunch. ”Did Balin tell him after all?”
”No, I did.” Fili looks calmly at his brother, who stares back at him.
”You did?”
”Yeah.” Fili shudders. ”I thought it was best if he heard it from me. It was not an easy decision to tell him, but he took it surprisingly well. I was certain he was going to lecture me at first, but it was as if he thought of something and changed his approach as we spoke.”
Fili looks pensively at Kili. ”It was not like him. And to be honest, I don’t really recognize him at all. He was so… reasonable during the whole trip. It’s not the Thorin I know.”
”Are you sure he’s well? I mean, people who are sick sometimes start to value new things in life.”
”You’re an idiot sometimes, Kili.” Fili shakes his head. ”Thorin is fine. Have you ever seen anyone in better shape, at his age I mean.”
”At his age?” Kili grins. ”I’ll tell him you said that!”
”Still, there is nothing wrong with him. But something has changed and it’s definitely for the better.”
The smallest heat spreads over my cheekbones, and I pray the brothers will not notice. I don’t know if I—or more precisely, what Thorin and I do—have affected him in any way, but the logical part of my brain tells me it can’t be a coincidence. I have noticed a small change in Thorin as well, but I thought it was my imagination playing tricks on me, since I know we’re seeing each other. I poke at my food; eating just became harder. When Kili suddenly speaks my name, I meet his gaze and quickly understand that I missed his question.
”Sorry, what did you say?” I put on a confident smile.
”I said, what do you think? You work close to him. Have you noticed anything… unusual?” He gives me his most conspiratorial smile and even if it makes me nervous, I can’t stifle my laugh.
”No, not really. His personal life doesn’t concern me.” I’m such a bad liar.
”Who said anything about his personal life?” Fili raises an eyebrow, and he resembles Thorin so much when he turns to gaze at me. ”But you have an interesting point.” Damn, I did it again!
I don’t believe in angels, but when Fili’s phone starts ringing and saves me from making the situation even worse, I send thanks to whoever is watching over me. The way his eyes shine as he sees the name of the caller says it all. In a hushed voice he answers, promises to come by her desk after lunch and ends the call with a happy smile that reaches his eyes.
”You’re in deep trouble, brother. You should see yourself right now.”
”Falling in love is not so bad Kili, you should try it sometimes.”
”And miss all the fun? No thanks!”
”Grow up little brother. One day, when you’re old enough, you’ll understand that keeping a woman takes a lot more effort than getting under her skirt once.”
Kili makes a face, lets out his most carefree laugh and turns his attention to the remains of what used to be a magnificent meatloaf. We don’t return to the discussion about Thorin, and I’m almost relieved when we say goodbye to Bombur and head back to the office. A detour to the coffee lounge is mandatory after lunch and Fili immediately occupies both taps on the machine with his cups. One for him and one for the green-eyed woman who clearly has stolen his heart.
Familiar footsteps approach the lounge, and it takes a great deal of willpower not to spin around too quickly when Thorin’s rumbling voice fills the area. As always, he is in full control of his expression when he greets our trio, but a hint of a smile appears on his lips when he sees Fili grabbing the two filled cups. One with milk and one black coffee. Then Thorin turns to me.
”I want a word with you, can you make it now?” I blink and nod. Did he just invite me to his office in front of both of his nephews? After what we talked about during lunch, I would have preferred if Thorin could tread more lightly. But Kili doesn’t seem to react to his words, he only asks Thorin a polite question about the trip. Fili excuses himself, fully focused on carrying coffee to his beloved, and I have to remind my spinning brain that a short briefing with Thorin now makes perfect sense, and not only for our aching bodies.
I follow Thorin to his office, admiring his broad shoulders and back in that impeccable navy suit he wears today. His hair is a little longer at his neck. He was frustrated before he left, for he had forgotten to book an appointment and his barber couldn’t make room for him, but I assured him that it looks good when it’s longer as well. I love touching his hair, and even if I don’t think he will let it grow longer, I enjoy the feeling under my hands. The jacket covers most of his behind, but I know how well those trousers suit him and I can see the shape of his strong thighs as he walks.
He doesn’t look back, he just pushes the handle down and walks inside, leaving it to me to close the door to his office. The moment the door is shut, he pulls me close. His lips crash against mine, and his kiss is hungry, demanding and rough. I whimper against his lips as he presses me tightly against him as if he wants to hinder me from escaping from his grip. The way his hands eagerly explore my lower back and find their way under my top is enough to send pulsating heat to my core. I kiss him back, pouring all my need and longing into the kiss, hoping he can sense what I feel in this moment of reunion. This is what I want and need, him, here and now. But he breaks the kiss too soon for my liking. He rests his forehead against mine and softly pants my name.
”Please tell me that you will sleep at my place tonight.”
”If you want me to.”
His hands grip my waist under the smooth fabric of my top. ”What do you think?” he murmurs huskily and his alluring smile before he kisses me again is a lovely dark promise of a long night.
Suddenly he releases me with an apologetic look in his beautiful azure eyes, and pulls his hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture I know by heart. Then he adjusts his jacket. ”I have to meet Dwalin now and discuss the legal aspects of the issue you two worked out. Believe me, I would much rather have prefered to pin you against the wall.”
”I guess you’ll have to keep that thought...” I tease.
”Until later then,” Thorin replies and I tuck my top back in place.
”Maybe you should get a large mirror in here, so I can check how I look before I leave, and don’t have to rely on you.”
”I can see many benefits with that type of installation.” Thorin smiles slyly. I gently smack him on his upper arm, and he chuckles darkly.
”You’re an animal! But honestly, we can’t keep meeting for sex in your office. People will eventually notice.”
”I know I am, but you like it, don’t you?” He pulls me close again, hovering his lips over mine. ”Or is the bright fire in your eyes only a facade?” His lips brush against mine, teasing me. Then the bastard withdraws with a grin. ”I’ll see you tonight.”
I feel like I’m burning inside as I leave his office, with him a few steps behind. He walks over to the elevator, which will take him to the building’s most secret place—the surveillance room—and I return to my tea, which I forgot the same second Thorin entered the lounge. The abandoned tiny bag, shaped like a pyramid and filled with green tea and chamomile flowers, still rests on the counter.
As I sink back into my leather chair, I let out a delighted sigh. Thorin’s hands still burn under my top, and the memory of his kisses will keep my spirit up for the rest of the afternoon. He’s back.
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queeniesrose · 1 year
Happy New Year's y'all. Hope you all are having a good day! Each one will be NSFW and a part of the Modern AU series! I will also be having each character's drabble in its own post! This drabble will include mentions of AFAB genital body parts.  
Master Post
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one!
New Years - Middle Earth
Thorin: Did you just fall for me?
It wasn't often that you and Thorin went to a bar with friends. Much less have enough drinks to get you drunk. New Years was an exception to the first and somewhat the second. You were at your group’s favorite bar, The Misty Mountains. As Thorin was catching up with some of his friends, you were sitting with your friends. Drinks were flowing for everyone, some more than others. 
As you finished your drink, you looked around for your partner. You spotted him a few tables over, unsurprisingly he was already staring at you. He smirked as you caught his gaze. “I will be back y’all.” You say as you get up, a little bit unsteady. Only thought on your mind was how much you needed your partner. “I’m in need of a little something.” 
Thorin watched as you stood up, getting ready to walk over. Turning towards his friends, ”They look a bit… drunk? Definitely buzzed.” He laughs, a mischievous and scheming look appears on his face, one side of his mouth twitching up. He leans towards Dwalin, lowering his voice a little bit, “What if… What if they were to just. Ya know, fall right into my lap?” He looks away from Dwalin, moving his gaze towards his approaching partner. Taking note of Dwalin moving his foot slightly, so it would be in their path to him. “Come here, my Love.” He calls out to them, patting his lap. “Come sit with me.” 
You laugh seeing him pat his lap, picking up your pace as you close the space between the two of you. “How you doing, handsome?” You say, not realizing Dwalin had his foot directly in your path, tripping over it. You let out a little yelp as you fall forwards, landing in Thorin’s embrace. You looked at Dwalin for a moment, before turning your head towards Thorin, “Sorry ‘bout that Dawlin, didn’t see your foot there. Mighty fine lap you got here handsome.”
Thorin laughs, pulling you onto his lap, “Did you just fall for me?” He asks, giving you a peck on the lips. He tightens his grip around your waist, as he ground his hips into yours. He slips a hand down the front of your pants, rubbing circles around your core, teasing you. “‘Cause it sure as hell looks like you did. Why don’t we get out of here, love? We can have some fun at home.”
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shantismurf · 2 days
I was inspired by @fellowshipofthefics All Modern May prompts as well as my friend @lisellelascelles to post my new Bagginshield modern Middle Earth firefighter au. Chapters 1 & 2 are available now, with a planned total of six chapters in all. Please enjoy!
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“Don't talk. Can you walk, sir?” Thorin kept an eye on the roof as the man rolled over on his hands and knees and made a wobbly attempt to get to his feet. His bare feet, Thorin noted. Great. “Yes, yes, of co-” the man was cut off by more coughing that sent him back to bracing his hand on the ground. “Don't. Talk.” Thorin repeated firmly, just as an ominous creaking sounded from above. He revised his estimate to sixty seconds. "I'm going to lift you now."
Kneeling down, he expertly scooped under the smaller man’s arms to haul him across his shoulders, threading one arm through his legs, and gripping his arm with the other to secure him in a shoulder carry. He hardly weighed anything. Bofur was waiting just inside the door, watching for any trouble. “The top’s gunna pop on this box any minute, boss!” he warned. Thorin nodded as he carefully sidled past with the occupant. As they cleared the door Thorin radioed his team, “Building clear, 70%, roof’s about to go, K.” Bofur followed them out and waved down the paramedics that had rushed up to the building with a gurney. Thorin carefully rolled the smaller man onto it and stepped back to allow the techs to do their job. Before stepping away he checked on him, making eye contact over the oxygen mask now in place.
Thorin froze, momentarily captivated by wide hazel blue eyes, just a little red rimmed from the smoke, and crinkled with a warm smile. The man had lovely, tousled golden hair and a cute button nose with a little soot smudged on his temple. He was adorable. Thorin flashed him a thumbs up and as much a grin as would show from within his respirator before reluctantly turning away, forcing his mind toward overseeing the attack and containment efforts. That's the moment the roof finally gave way with a crash, and a shower of sparks and debris went flying into the night, overwhelming them instantly.
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
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Summary: Bilbo Baggins, Prince of the Shire, has been left with a kingdom on his back and a ring in his hand after the unexpected death of his parents. Bodyguard Thorin Oakenshield has been brought in to see to the prince’s safety, and do a little investigating of his own on the matter in hopes of coming face to face with the one who turned his mountain, and his life, upside down a few years prior.
If you want to see this fic in the future, be sure to like, reblog, and/or comment!
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How many times now had Bilbo warded off the waves of sympathies and condolences? It was all the same from each person, just a different face and voice conveying the genuinely kind words. He didn’t want to hear it anymore.
While his eyes had remained dry and his emotions in check, the day surrounding him had been anything but. The outside drizzle and gloomy clouds had set a damn near perfect tone for a funeral, and yet Bilbo never once seemed to fit the backdrop, aside from maybe his attire. The dark fitting garb that was quickly being shed at this exact moment once the funeral had come to a close, and he was escorted back to the palace entryway.
“I’m fine,” Bilbo protested once more, and this time with more force to his voice than he liked. “You don’t need to worry about me, I can take care of myself. I don’t see why everyone is making such a fuss about all of this.” Gandalf wasn’t the first person nipping at his heels in regard to his safety, or his behavior, but he was the one who had stuck around the longest.
“Belladonna and Bungo Baggins’ death is nothing to take lightly, Bilbo,” Gandalf chided, his brows furrowing and the lines on his face seeming extra deep with his displeasure. “You will do well to remember that.”
“I’m not making light, but I’m also not going to obsess over something that’s not there. It was ruled an accident, and that’s what I choose to believe,” Bilbo huffed while sliding out of his suit jacket and shaking off the rain water. He knew Gandalf meant well, after all, he had been one of the closest friends this family had. Naturally he would keep an eye out for the head of the Baggins household, and next in line for the throne. “Everything will be fine. If…a little quiet.”
“Insist all you like, but I am still under the impression that you need someone to watch over you–” holding up a hand to silence the younger man before he ever protested again, Gandalf cleared his throat and began to backpedal towards the doorway. “I’ve already taken the liberty of making some arrangements. Your parents wanted me to look out for you, and I can’t be here every waking moment to ensure you don’t do something silly.”
Watching with disinterest as Gandalf waved his hand to beckon someone forward, Bilbo quirked a brow and folded his arms, tapping his foot in annoyance. “So what, you hired me a babysitter? I’m an adult, and besides, this place already has security out the ass. What’s so special about–” The words clogged Bilbo’s throat, and his jaw snapped firmly shut as a suit-clad man with the bluest eyes he’d ever seen stepped in. There wasn’t an ounce of emotion on his face as he stood next to Gandalf with his hands behind his back. Bilbo just took a moment to let it all soak in as his own stance seemed to relax.
“Humor an old man, Bilbo, and let him watch over you for a time. I would be beside myself if something happened to you,” Gandalf pleaded with a pained smile gracing his lips, stepping aside to usher Bilbo forward–not that the young prince needed any direction.
“I mean, what’s the harm?” Bilbo shrugged as he had stepped forward, leaning on his toes before beginning to slowly circle the taller man whose eyes had locked onto him at some point. “If only to humor an old man, of course.” Letting his eyes rove over that suit and every inch the seams hugged, there was something delightfully delicious in this arrangement Gandalf was making, wasn’t there? “So, this is my bodyguard, then?”
“Far better than a glorified babysitter, I assure you.”
Humming and nodding in agreement with Gandalf’s words, Bilbo finally came to a halt in front of Mister Blue-Eyes, tilting his head and tapping at the side of his chin in thought with one more drop of his gaze as a smirk crawled across his lips. “I like what I see.” Meeting those blue eyes, there was something undeniably furious within them, just as there was a soft dusting of rose across the other’s cheekbones. It didn’t negate the danger in those blues, and Bilbo had an itch to play with a little fire today.
Okay, maybe Gandalf’s worries about silly behavior weren’t completely unwarranted.
Gandalf chuckled, bringing no attention to Bilbo’s current behavior in ogling his newfound source of safety. “He is experienced in this line of work, and can probably teach you a thing or two about what to expect once you’re crowned.”
“And does he have a name? Or speak, for that matter? Or is this one of those ‘pretend he’s not there’ cases, much like a shadow?” Reaching a hand up to straighten out the other’s tie, a hand quickly grasped at Bilbo’s wrist, and tightly. “I have a feeling you bite.”
“Thorin,” came the hissed word from between the teeth of one Thorin Oakenshield as he shoved Bilbo’s hand away. “And it’ll be in your best interest to keep your hands to yourself, Mister Baggins.”
“Not very polite, is he?” Bilbo snorted, rubbing at his wrist and taking a step back to give this Thorin some space. “You can take it easy, Killer, I’m just teasing you.”
“I’m sure you’ll find him suitable company, don’t worry.” Gandalf’s eyes locked with Thorin’s with a bit of a plea in them, and much to his relief, Thorin’s shoulders relaxed a little. “Mister Oakenshield here is your protection, and I advise you treat him as such.”
“Of course, you wouldn’t set me up with a deadbeat plaything, after all.” Bowing his head slightly, and putting on a little more decorum, Bilbo simply smiled, pushing up the glasses on his nose once he rose back. “I look forward to getting to know you, Mister Oakenshield. Would you like a tour of the place?”
“Not really–”
“Give us a moment, Bilbo, and then I’m sure Thorin would love the tour.” Grinning, Gandalf gave the universal shoo motion towards the prince in the room, who reluctantly shoved his hands in his pockets and began to drift to the farthest side of the entryway.
“You can’t honestly expect me to deal with this, Gandalf?” Thorin hissed under his breath, finally moving from his once stationary position to keep the conversation between him and the one who had brought him here. “I will not bend to the likes of him.”
“That–that was not the intent, Thorin, this is strictly business–”
“I meant business!” A more potent shade of red took over Thorin’s cheeks as he dared to cast a glance over his shoulder to the curly haired prince who was twirling some sort of gold band between his fingers aimlessly. “Surely this has to be a mistake?”
“Belladonna and Bungo Baggins’ deaths were no accident, I am sure of it. I fear for him, Thorin, someone went through an awful lot of trouble to put him in this situation. I have theories…and if they are correct, this is one you will want to be a part of,” Gandalf assured lowly, clapping Thorin on the shoulder. “You know as well as I do that precious treasure can make a man do unthinkable things.”
This caused Thorin to pause, his eyes dropping and a falter in his stance as he shifted uncomfortably. The wheels in his head were grinding in agitation, but also in memory of what he himself had witnessed in his years. “Do you truly think he is involved?” The one that Thorin had been after for years now, but never gotten a chance to come face to face with.
“I do. This wouldn’t be the first royal family he’s laid waste to, would it? I owe not only the Baggins family to figure this out, but to yo–”
“Fine. I’ll deal with it, for now,” Thorin interrupted.
“Give it some time, I promise he isn’t nearly as impish once you get to know him. His mother was once a fierce young thing too.” Gazing over at Bilbo and sporting a more cheerful expression, Gandalf gave Thorin’s shoulder a gentle nudge. “You two get acquainted, I am going to step outside for a quick call and will rejoin you later. And Thorin?” Dropping his tone low for the retreating Oakenshield to hear only, Gandalf’s chipper demeanor washed away as quickly as it had come. “Let’s keep the details of this between us for now.”
Nodding in understanding, Thorin braced himself as he stepped up to the young royal–perhaps only a few years his junior–who was waiting for his company in what looked like anticipation. “Mister Baggins.”
“Come, I’ll show you around, and we’ll find you a place to stay for when you don’t have your eyes glued to me at all hours of the day.” A cheeky grin spread across Bilbo’s lips as he nudged his elbow into Thorin’s. “Unless you want to keep your eyes on me at night–” a flash of Thorin’s fierce glare had Bilbo raising his hands in surrender. “Just teasing, remember.” Bilbo’s sing-song voice sounded off teasingly. Or was he? Definitely not. If it kept Thorin from snapping his jaw like a rabid dog in his direction, then Bilbo could insist he was just teasing until his parents crawled out of their respective graves.
This was going to be fun, Bilbo could tell already. Normally he was used to getting his way, what with his status and all as Prince of the Shire, but this suited man seemed unmoved, though not completely unaffected. That was the fun part, witnessing the discomfort and the flushing beneath his scrutiny. But if it helped soothe a few of Gandalf’s frayed nerves in the process as well…what was the harm? It’d been a long time since someone new graced Bag End’s palace walls and given Bilbo something else to focus on.
Something that wasn’t wrapped around the tragedy that was the deaths of his parents and the precious treasure they left behind.
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middleearthpixie · 29 days
Better Days ~ Chapter Nineteen
A/N: If you or a loved one is in crisis, or experiencing suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideation, help is available 24/7/365. Call or text the Suicide Crisis Lifeline at 988 or visit their website at www.988lifeline.org. 
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin x ofc Elena Madison
Warnings: Spontaneous kitchen sex, attempted suicide
Rating: M
Word Count: 3.2k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard
@legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being
@rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-mer-6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell
@jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321
@dianakc @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98
@albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep
@court-jobi @masterofhounds
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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Elena rubbed her eyes as she waited for the Keurig to brew her much-needed coffee. Alyssa had called her near midnight and it was almost two by the time she got off the phone. Although she enjoyed being at her grandparents’ house, Alyssa was homesick and thought she was getting sick again and it took Elena that long to get her to take a wait and see approach to how she felt and reminded her that there were doctors in Florida if she needed one. 
She’d originally planned to go to the gym, but when the alarm went off at seven, she turned it off and promptly fell back asleep, only to wake up an hour and a half later groggy as anything. And that was why the coffee was so desperately needed.
She was halfway through that cup when the doorbell rang. With a low sigh, she rose from her chair, padded into the living, to the front door and when she peered through the peephole, she was shocked to see Frerin on the other side.
She unlocked the door and pulled it open. “Frerin, what’re you doing here?”
He offered up a smile that was beyond tired and she tried not to notice the purplish smudges shadowing his eyes. “I just got off work and I wanted to see you.”
“You should just go home and get some sleep.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, then rubbed his face with both hands, “I probably should, and I will eventually. But, I know you’re pissed at me and I don't blame you, and that’s why I’m here.”
“I’m not pissed.”
“Really?” He lowered both hands. “Because you haven’t asked me in yet.”
“You’re not the only one who had a long night.” She stepped back. “Come on in. No offense, but you look dead on your feet.”
“I just got out of surgery.”
“Surgery?” Elena closed the door as he stepped into the apartment. “Since when are you a surgeon?”
“I’m not.” He shrugged out of his jacket to drape it across the back of the armchair. “I was keeping a twelve year old with an ectopic pregnancy company.”
“Yeah.” He followed her into the kitchen and gestured to the Keurig. “Mind if I steal a cup?”
“No, not at all.”
She returned to her chair as he stumbled over to the counter to brew himself a cup. “A pregnant twelve year old?”
“Yep. Her dad died at Sidleburg a few months ago and she and her mother were terrified, so when she asked me to stay with her, I did.”
“You’re allowed to do that?”
“The doc doing her surgery is a friend as well. We were in med school together. Reese was pissed, but he’ll get over it.” Frerin turned toward her, leaning back against the counter as he lifted the cup to his lips. “And even if he doesn’t, I don't give a shit.”
It didn't surprise her in the least, that he’d chosen to stay with a frightened child and risk the wrath of his boss. In the short time they’d been seeing each other, that they’d known each other, really, Elena had seen how he cared about his patients, and his job as well. “I’m sure it meant a lot to the little girl.”
“Yeah. Well, I like kids. It’s why I went into Pediatrics to begin with.” He lowered the cup and met her stare. “And I’m sorry I stood you up again. You should only know how much I wanted to tell Reese to go to hell.”
Thinking of the lingerie she had tucked away in her underwear drawer, Elena smiled. “Not nearly as much as I wanted you to.”
“I swear, I will make it up to you.”
“No, I will.” He set the cup on the counter. “I don't know when, but I will.”
Elena rose once more, moving over to stand before him. “You can’t promise it, Frerin. We both know the odds of you being pulled in to work a double shift are far too great.”
He let out a low sigh. “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of.”
“So, why don't you go home and get some sleep? You look almost dead on your feet.”
“I don't want to sleep and if I push through, I’ll sleep tonight instead of totally screwing up my system by going to sleep now.” 
With that, he reached for her hand and gave a gentle tug to draw her up against his chest. He bent to her, his lips warm and soft as they caught hers and when they met, Elena slid her hand up along his neck to tug him closer still. 
That was all it took. Fire met kindling and as his tongue met hers, her fingers went to the top of his button-down and as nimble as anything, flew down the column of buttons, then tugged the wrinkled cotton from his shoulders while he just as hurriedly swept her tank top over her head.
 Her head fell back, her skin prickling from his beard as he swept a hot kiss along her neck, and down into the valley between her breasts. There was nothing slow or teasing about those hot lips, and he wasn't at all gentle when they closed about her beaded left nipple to suck hard at it, and that was just fine with her. He caught it between his teeth, flicked the tip of his tongue over it, and she couldn’t hold back her gasp, knots already twisting deep within her core. 
His hands curved about her ass, cupping her cheeks to pull her hard against him and when he thrust against her, the firm ridge of his erection ground into her mound, the damp heat between her thighs erupting almost at once at the sensation. Almost of their own volition, her fingers caught his belt, tugged to unbuckle it, and as he caught her tongue to draw into his mouth, she unbuttoned his trousers, slid her hand into the dark heat of his boxer briefs, and when her fingers curled about his cock, he exhaled hard into her mouth and shuddered against her. 
She slipped her fingertip over his slit, caught the silky fluid bubbled there to stroke it along his heated, veined length, then wrapped him in her hand to offer up a slow, teasing stroke that had him moaning into her mouth now. 
With each stroke, he met her, and in response, he slipped a hand into her sleep shorts, into her heat, and when those thick fingers slid through her dampness, through her slick, it was her turn to moan into his mouth. A shower of tingles rained over her at his touch, at the sensations he sent rocketing through her. 
He played with her, his fingertips teasing as they moved along her aching, damp flesh, dragged his thumb roughly over her clit to sent a jet to fire streaking through her. She gasped, that gasp becoming a moan as he then circled her clit with a slow, teasing stroke. Her body hummed from the pleasure thrumming through her, her desire for him growing into a ravenous hunger, that had her digging her fingernails into his shoulder, tightening her grip on his cock, as he teased her and tortured her in the most sensual way possible. 
She shivered with each lazy circle, with each rough sweep over her clit, her head spinning like crazy and her entire body begging to have him inside her. Her fingers teased along his shaft, swept lightly along the ridge, back to his slit and toward his body once more.
He thrust a finger inside her. Fire burst through her, her body tightening about him a little more with each slow stroke. Her body hummed with pleasure, hot and sweet, and his kisses grew hungrier with each thrust. She rocked to meet him, that humming growing even stronger as he crooked the finger inside her and stroked over the sweetest, most sensitive part of her body.
She clamped down on him, her back arching as the knots erupted and tingling white hot bliss flooded her body. He teased her with that finger, tortured her in the sweetest way possible as she rolled her hips to meet him, his name a breathless cry on her lips. 
“Fre-Frerin… oh… God…” Her moan rolled through the kitchen, her orgasm hard and sharp and making her head spin like crazy as fire flooded her.
He slid his finger free, but before she could protest, he lifted her onto the counter, crouched down to fish his wallet from his trousers with a sheepish smile. The smile made sense and made her smile as well as he fished a condom from it. “I was optimistic.”
“You are wise, Dr Durin.”
His smile went from sheepish to sinful as he tore open the packet and unrolled the condom over himself. She shivered at the fire in his eyes, the promise in his smile, as he pushed between her thighs, and a moment later, he breached her and offered up a powerful thrust. Then another. And another. He surged hard. He thrust deep. His moan mingled with hers as she wrapped her legs about his hips and rocked to meet him, a second orgasm building as the dark, coarse curls at the base of his cock ground hard against her already too-sensitive clit to offer up a delicious sensation that was half-pleasure, half-pain and had her melting all around him as he pumped into her. 
The kitchen grew hotter by the moment a fine mist of sweat rising along Frerin’s back as she dug her fingernails into his slick skin and surrendered to the moment. The knots were back, tighter and hotter than ever, and her throat felt raw from her cries but she couldn't hold them back. Each thrust fired her desire hotter still, fed her arousal, her need to come yet again and as she reached the summit, Frerin growled low in his throat, “Squeeze me, baby… squeeze my cock… just like that… oh, yes… oh, baby.. oh, holy fuck, Elena, yes… yes!”
He thrust hard, arched deep, and she clung to him as his released triggered hers and they came together, his pleasure feeding of hers, her body devouring his. She dragged her fingernails across his back as she shuddered and pulsed about him, as she tightened her thighs, to pull him deeper still. Her head spun. Her heart threatened to erupt from her chest. Stars burst before her eyes as he surged one last time, then sank against her, his body trembling as he whispered, “Oh… holy fuck… Elena…”
He wasn't the only one trembling. Black dots danced before her eyes as she clung to him, the pleasure swirling through her still so hot and sweet. She couldn’t breathe. Didn't trust herself to speak. She just wrapped her arms about his neck and pressed her cheek into his soft hair, whispering, “Oh, my God…”
A soft laugh brushed her shoulder, followed by an even softer kiss and he murmured, “I love you…”
The spinning in her head subsided, her vision cleared, and when he drew back and she met his blue eyed gaze, she whispered, “What?”
A hint of a sheepish smile came to his lips. “Yeah… I didn't mean to blurt it out like that, but… damn… Elena, I do.”
Her stomach fluttered at the low purr of his voice, and the soft heat in his eyes, and the aftershocks of her orgasm still rippled through her as she whispered, “Frerin… I—”
“It’s okay if you don't love me back,” he broke in gently. “I know it’s kind of sudden and I’m kind of a mess of a man, but—”
It was her turn to cut him off and she did so by gently pressing her hand to his lips. “Hush.”
The outer corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled and nodded and she lowered her hand to say, “And you are only a little bit of a mess, you know. But, you’re also in the middle of a divorce, so, are you sure that’s not just the post-fuck euphoria speaking?”
“It could be,” he admitted with a nod, stepping over to the trash can, and then coming back to her, pausing only to reach for the towel on the kitchen table. “But, I don't think so. I think about you all the time, Lena. When I’m with you, the time just flies by, and when I’m not, it drags. I want you to meet my kids.”
Her heart skipped a beat at the seriousness in his voice and she met his serious blue-gray eyes. “Frerin, are you sure? I mean, we haven’t been seeing each other all that long.”
“I know. That’s my one hesitation.” He eased his boxer briefs and trousers back up and fastened them. “I’ve proven I’m not that great at relationships, either. I got married when I probably shouldn’t have and stayed married long after we should have split up. And I—”
A hint of color swept along his cheekbones and she waited for him to continue. When he didn't, her stomach gave an odd lurch. “Frerin?”
“Toni wasn't the only one cheating. I had an affair after I found out about her and the kid. It was short and purely physical, but… I did it. I’m not proud of it, but I have to be honest with you.”
Elena swallowed hard as she carefully eased down from the counter. “With someone you work with?”
He nodded. “Yeah. She is one of the hospital social workers. I met her when I called her down for a consult and bumped into her a few days later at my brother’s bar. Next thing I knew… well… it was only that once, but I felt like such a shit over it. The neighbor kid had been going balls deep into my wife for months at that point, so I thought what was good for the goose and all.”
Elena stepped into her shorts to pull them up. “So it was only that one time?”
“Yeah. I was pissed off at Toni and envious of my brother, because he and his then-girlfriend, now-wife had just gotten together and I thought the world owed me. It was a waste of time, though, because once it was over? I hated myself for it. But, Lena, I swear to you, I don't normally fuck around and I will not fuck around on you. And I—I don't know where this is going to go, and I don't know if you’re seeing any other guys, but I’m not seeing anyone else and I don't want to see anyone else.”
Elena’s tank top skimmed softly along her as it fluttered down. “I’m not seeing anyone else, either, Frerin. And I don't really want to, but…”
“But…” He caught her hands in his. “But what?”
“But… you’re still in the middle of what sounds like a messy divorce, Frerin. And I guess I’m a little gun-shy myself. My ex-husband was a serial cheater and—”
“I’m not a cheater, Elena. In twenty years with Toni, it was one time. I swear to you, it isn’t something I make a habit of.” 
With that, he stepped up to her, catching her face in his hands, and she bit back a sigh as his thumbs swept lightly along her cheeks. “I promise you, honey, I am not going to fuck around on you. And it’s not post-fuck euphoria, either. I love you.”
She wanted to believe him. She so wanted to believe him and in her heart of hearts, she did, but at the same time, she couldn’t help her hesitation. 
His eyes softened. “Elena, you can trust me. I swear to you, I am not going to hurt you. And if you want to slow it down, or throw me out of here, I won’t stop you, but I’m hoping you won’t.” A hint of a smile played at the corners of his mouth. “Because I have to admit, sex with you is the best sex I’ve ever had and I really hate to give that up.”
She stared at him for a long moment, but then she smiled. “Are you serious?”
“I am dead serious, Lena. I mean, about all of it, but definitely about the sex.”
He slid his arms about her waist and lifted her to meet his gaze. “Sex with you is amazing, honey. No sane man would want to give it up.”
“You are terrible, do you know that?”
“I’m tired and not in my right mind.”
“So, then you don't love me?”
“Oh, no, I meant that.”
She curled her legs about his waist. “How do I know that?”
He offered up a sinful—if tired—smile. “I’ll find some way to prove it to you.”
“You asleep?”
Elena smiled as Frerin nuzzled her, her eyes heavy lidded and her entire body gone to mush. “Not yet, no. I’m just very cozy.”
He lifted his head. “Cozy, eh? Cozy is good.”
“Cozy is wonderful.” She trailed a fingertip lightly along his bearded cheek. Her body still tingled from his attentions. “I am a lucky girl…”
He shifted to stretch out alongside her, and she sighed softly, curving up against him to rest her head against his chest. “You should get some sleep,” she murmured, slipping her fingers through the dark gold hair sprinkled across his chest. “You’ve had a long day.”
“Yeah. I know.”
His fingers moved slowly along her hair, then down over her shoulder and along her arm. Little by little, they slowed and his breathing slowed as well. Rising slightly to gaze down at him, she whispered, “Frerin?”
“I love you, too.”
He didn't open his eyes, but he did smile. “I knew it.”
His arm tightened about her and he pressed a kiss into the top of her head when she settled back alongside him. With a soft sigh of contentment, Elena let her eyes close and drifted off to sleep in Frerin’s arms. 
The buzzing of a cell phone roused Elena from sleep and she lifted her head to see Frerin’s phone dancing across her bedside table. “Frerin? It’s yours.”
He sat up. “What? Who?” 
“Your phone.”
Rubbing his eyes with one hand, he grabbed the skittering phone with his other and brought it up to his face. “”What is it, Toni?”
Elena came more awake at his growl, smiling when he said, “Yeah, it’s kind of a bad time. What is it?” A brief pause, then an incredulous, “What? When? Yeah… I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
With that, he tossed the phone down and bolted up from the bed to snatch his pants and briefs from the chair in the corner. He practically jumped into them. “I’ve got to go, Elena.”
She sat up. “Why? What happened?”
He looked up, the blood drained from his face and what could only be described as fear in his eyes. “It’s Jake… my youngest… Toni’s in the ER with him. He… uh… he tried to hurt himself.”
Her stomach kinked. “What?”
“Yeah. He—uh—look, I’ll call you when I can, okay?”
She jumped up from the bed. “Why don’t you let me drive you, Frerin?”
“I’m fine. I just… I have to go.”
“Yeah, okay. Call me when you get a moment.”
“I will.” He tugged his shirt over his shoulders, snatched up his shoes, brushed her lips with a kiss and then was gone. A moment later, her front door slammed and an eerie silence filled the apartment. 
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mismaeve · 2 years
After Hours
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↳ Armitage Summer Splash, Nr.9 Trope: Coffee Shop Prompt: "You've never cared about me. Only yourself" RA Character: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader, Modern AU Warnings: None Word Count: 2.1k A/N: Well, I don't know what this is, all I know is that I was rushing and I was excited. I've not written for him before at all, so go easy on me. I'm very insecure about this piece, but here it is. Hope it will be somewhat enjoyable. And also, thank you so much @i-did-not-mean-to for encouraging me and believing in me. Love you tons!
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Why you had agreed to this disaster in the making, you couldn’t tell, but when the dark-haired bundle of muscle and unruly gruff finally arrived – an hour late as per usual – you realised it no longer mattered.
It wasn’t surprising either when you caught yourself sporting a self-indulgent look of smugness while watching the star quarterback stroll past the group of cheerleaders and otherwise swooning girls that stalked his every move with dreamy eyes and wishful sighs – made even better by the fact that Thorin appeared to be completely oblivious to it all – as he made his way towards the counter where you were waiting for him. You had to admit, it felt good being the sole reason for his being there. Not to mention, it would give them all something to talk about, even if they didn’t know the full story as to why Thorin kept meeting you at the café where you worked at precisely – a good hour later – 5pm every day.
Having long decided that you weren’t going to be one of those girls, you quickly replaced your smug grin with a slightly annoyed expression, after all – he was late.
“Hey,” Thorin greeted you with his usual half-smile, half-smirk, otherwise known as the lady charmer, that was fool-proof and bound to work on any female in the near vicinity. Except for you, that is.
“You’re late again, Thorin,” you offered him an unimpressed look while reaching for a clean mug to fill it with freshly pressed coffee. No milk and two sugars; you could thank your lucky stars that he wasn’t one of those coffee-snobs who somehow always managed to make complete fools out of themselves by using words they barely knew or understood and subjecting themselves to trendy drinks they’d otherwise find repulsive. No, Thorin was into the classics.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Coach wanted to talk after practice,” he sighed, a formless shadow descending upon his sun-kissed features, making him appear somewhat thoughtful, regretful even.
“Bad news?” you asked as you placed the steaming hot cup of coffee in front of his now sulking frame.
Although football wasn’t necessarily the one thing Thorin was most passionate about, he still enjoyed it, and judging by the looks of him now, something must have gone wrong. It couldn’t have been that bad though, he was too good to be taken off the team or even benched for the season for whatever reasons, so it had to be something else. A healthy rivalry among teammates gone too far? Early practice drills when normally half the town would still be snoozing?
“I’ve been offered varsity captain,” Thorin mumbled while avoiding meeting your questioning gaze.
Varsity captain was a huge deal, the kind that often came with scholarships and Ivy League Schools. While Thorin wasn’t interested in becoming the new poster boy for Princeton, he was in sore need of those scholarships. His foster parents had been good to him, but they lacked the funds to lend Thorin a helping hand in terms of college tuition.
“And that’s bad?” you raised an eyebrow, not understanding why he was acting as if someone had just told him his entire life was over when in fact it was getting brighter by the minute.
Slowly, almost begrudgingly, Thorin met your gaze. He looked very serious and almost mournful, the complete opposite of how a guy should look like after being offered varsity captain.
“Means I’ll have no time for music,” he said at last, his dark eyes watching and waiting for your reaction. Music had been the reason behind you starting to meet at your workplace after school to begin with, naturally Thorin thought you wouldn’t be too thrilled about his latest accomplishment on the football field when he had spent the better half of the first semester trying to talk you into mentoring him, after which you had warned him that he wouldn’t be able to do both things at once. Or do them well, for that matter.
Your heart sank against your will once you realized where he was going with this. You had known better than to ever dream that he’d pick music – you – over football if it ever came down to it. As passionate as Thorin was about music, he found himself pressured to lead the kind of life that was expected of him, and no one expected or even suspected him of being interested in music, let alone humbly dreaming of making a life out of it.
But what broke your heart even more was the devastating realization that he wasn’t even going to try and make it work, hence the guilty gleam in his brown eyes. He was going to sacrifice one for the other, just like any other sane and rational – impulsive and stupid – teenage boy would do, never mind the consequences or whose feelings might get hurt in the process.
“You’re unbelievable,” you breathed out while slowly shaking your head, a part of you still refusing to believe the madness he was knowingly subjecting himself to. His best years wasted and spent on doing something that would leave a bleeding hole in his heart.
“You don’t get it,” Thorin insisted, hoping that he’d be able to make you see things his way, or at least try and make you respect his decision however moronic you might think it to be.
“I’m pretty sure I do. You’re about to throw everything that you worked so hard for away at the slightest inconvenience. Instead of trying and putting effort into both things, you choose the easy way out by ditching one for the other,” you felt you couldn’t control yourself, the hurt had taken you by surprise and just like any smart girl, you knew the best defense was a very good offense.
“And what pisses me off the most is you don’t even love football!”
You hadn’t realized you were shouting until it was already too late. Half the café had heard you and would soon be tweeting about how Thorin Oakenshield, the best quarterback Erebor High had seen in decades, turned out to be blasphemous about the very thing that would secure his golden ticket out of their sorry excuse of a town.
Not only had you embarrassed Thorin – who looked positively taken aback by your sudden surge of fiery temper – in front of half the Pep Squad and other patrons, but you had also humiliated yourself at the place you worked and would probably continue to work long after Thorin had gone away for college. Provided your superiors would see fit to forgive you this little – horrific – incident.
“Look, I’m sorry, really I am,” Thorin tried to take your hand in his, but you moved yours away before he could reach it.
“Sorry? For wasting my time? For having me foolishly believe in you?” you demanded as you felt yourself surrender to another eruption of blind rage, caused by the bitter and foul betrayal of your so-called friend. Thankfully, you could restrain yourself enough to keep your voice down.
“You’ve never really cared about music or making it work. You’ve never cared about me. Only yourself,” your uttered words embodied the heartbreaking realization that made your stomach hurt, a heavy fist gripping your insides and pulling them whichever way was possible. What a little fool you had been after all, falling for his charm and empty platitudes, thinking he had been sincere when you should have known better.
You were worse than a walking and singing cliché.
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You had expected there to be ‘I’m sorry’ texts and a couple of missed calls, maybe even a groveling voicemail or two. But there had been none of that. Nothing.
As days went by, you were suddenly faced with the harsh reality of how your life would look like without Thorin Oakenshield. The morning shift no longer rushed by, fueled by your excitement to see your friend – crush – and your afternoons were spent in deafening solitude, no longer filled with the hearty laughs of the dark-haired boy who dreamed of becoming a musician.
His sheet music laid untouched on your desk, devoid of his nearly undecipherable scribbles and remarks. The sweet and thoughtful notes remained a dark ink on white paper, unable to be heard and loved.
Had it really been your right to be this harsh with him, or had it been your wounded pride and heart that had lashed out irrationally without a single regard for the consequences of your petulant outburst. Who were you to tell him how he should or shouldn’t live his life when all you had ever done was mess up your own? How despicable you were for calling him selfish, how rich it must have sounded – the kettle calling the pot black.
With a sigh that spoke volumes of your inner disgust towards yourself, you closed the book and let it slip from your hands and onto your lap. Your eyes drifted to your cellphone, right there on your nightstand where you had left it after your previous debate of whether you should bite the bullet and call Thorin first.
What would you say anyway? I’m sorry for being a bitch? For being such a girl about it – that alone was enough to make you shiver in subtle loathing – when we both know it makes sense for you to see it through as varsity captain. I’m sorry for having thought there could be more between us? None of them sounded right, yet all of them were the truth.
 Were you scared? Ashamed? Worried that you might have lost the best thing to ever dare venture into the dumpster fire that was your life? Devastated because maybe you had already fallen for him and now there was no hope left?
All of the above.
Just as you had decided to take a break from your own personal pity-party and see if the next chapter of your book would manage to restore your will to live, the screen of your cell lit up with a picture of Thorin.
Reassuring yourself that a heart skipping a beat or two was not life threatening, you threw aside your book and reached for the cellphone.
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The café was deserted, all the blinds had been lowered and drawn, and the majority of the lights were off save for the one directly above where Thorin was sitting on one of the barstools with his hand-me-down guitar on his lap. His expression was stone hard and unreadable when he motioned with his hand for you to take a seat at the table closest to him.
Confused as you were, but not about to disobey and ruin any luck of moving past your argument, you stiffly led yourself to your ordained seat while your eyes remained peeled on Thorin who held your gaze until he was certain you weren’t going to get up and storm out. Again.
A few nervous heartbeats later, he began to play his guitar, filling the dark and desolate café with a beautiful melody. It wasn’t one you had heard before and you had listened to them all which made you suspect that this one must be new and composed entirely without your help and expert guidance. It sounded lovely even as it bore faint hints of sadness and regret - that could have easily just been wishful thinking on your part.
And then Thorin Oakenshield began to sing. The usual gruff and edginess were replaced by a deep soft velvety voice that got the hairs on your arms rising in awe and a swarm of spring butterflies burst free from their timeless cocoons. His voice was filled with love and longing as he told the story of the girl with the beautiful gift, one she had tried to share with a silly boy who hadn’t been ready for her yet.
Fighting the tears that were beginning to sting your eyes was pointless, how could you resist when Thorin sang about the girl with the gentle soul and burning heart, whose love was a great vast ocean, so deep and wild; whose courage was an endless blue sky for as far as the eye could see; whose temper was a hot and bright blaze, wicked in its untamed ways. And how all the silly boy could do was try his best to keep up and not drown and pray that one day the girl might take pity on him and forgive him his ignorant ways, for despite his less than admirable actions, his heart too was longing and burning for hers.
 Hot tears of gratitude and relief trickled down your cheeks, your heart undeniably touched by his creative apology and thoughtful gesture, one that had ultimately left you speechless and fluttery, and wanting for more.
More songs, more love, more nights like this one and more of Thorin Oakenshield and that angelic voice he possessed.
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Liked it? Likes/reblogs/comments are hugely appreciated and encouraged!
Thank you @lathalea and @fizzyxcustard for organising the event!
Divider by @firefly-graphics, moodboard created by me
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tickles-ivory · 11 months
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On AO3.
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esculentevil · 5 months
Blind!Thranduil in my Modern Man (Thorinduil~) AU The Art of Adoption: [after returning home from a (very successful) first date where he thanked Thorin Durin for a wonderful time by kissing him (most chastely!) on the cheek] AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!?!!!?!!!?!!!?! WHY DIDN’T ANY OF YOU TELL ME MY BOYFRIEND HAS A BEARD‽‽‽ 😱😳😩🥰🤩
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