#mole rat queen
glamnessaaumisc · 1 year
The Queens
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Decided to draw full-body sketches of all the queens from this post because I liked the way I designed the bee and the wasp. As for the mole rat, I literally just traced over an actual mole rat and gave it a crown lmao.
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viivdle · 6 months
what valerian and locke just should've done...
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gynandromorph · 6 months
Watching Animal Planet's The Most Extreme and the Jessies have shown up twice, once as one of the Extreme Breeders (the baby jessies were ridiculous I love them) and as one of the Extreme Eaters (Jessie came out of a wombats stomach and then ate it). Anyways great choice of animal
i miss the most extreme so much 😭
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taylor-titmouse · 9 days
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we are at that stage that comes around every few months where i've Finished something and i start scrabbling around for new things to fill the gap. i am in that vortex Especially intensely right now because i have been waiting for my graphic novel editor to give me notes on the thumbnails i turned in like two months ago so i can start pencilling it, and am now waiting for my novellas editor to give me notes on objects of affection so i can make revisions + illustrate it, and just finished a draft of the romance novel i've been pecking at for the last two years and will be giving to my agent tomorrow.
i ought to run for president next. just to give myself something to do. keep me busy.
anyway gnomes. started rotating them and their weird mole rat biology in my head again lately, but nothing really new to report. here we have a gnome queen, several times larger than non-breeding gnomes, and normal scent marking activity to strengthen familial bonds. gnomes are all about smells since they don't have good eyesight but their sense of smell is Extremely strong. being part of the in-group means smelling like the group. very important.
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immadeofbees · 10 months
The most interesting thing about bees, to me, are the genetics. In school I was only taught about human genetics: 46 chromosomes, 23 you inherit from each parent. You get one X from mom and one X or Y from dad (typically), and that determines the sex of the baby.
In bees however, the queen is the only sexually mature female of the hive (in some species there are multiple queens per hive depending on the size). And she spends time in the first part of her life collecting semen from drone bees who hang around in congregation areas in spring and summer. The Queen will usually go to multiple congregations and this helps with genetic diversity among the offspring.
When the queen is ready to lay eggs, she will either 1. lay an egg and fertilize is with sperm from her sperm sac which will hatch a worker bee or 2. lay an egg which will hatch a drone bee.
Female bees have 32 chromosomes while males only have 16. Meaning the egg from the queen has 16 randomly selected chromosomes from her own genome, and sperm from males contain all 16 chromosomes from his.
This genetic system is used by most all hive species (except naked mole rats but that's a whole other post.) Heres a picture that may provide more clarification
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So, genetically speaking, a male bee is a haploid (half) of a female bee (diploid)
Ladies, men really ain't shit.
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lurking-latinist · 1 year
👀👀 wanna say more about your eusocial timelord theory?
when you sent this ask like a year ago apparently I did not, for which I apologize.
now it's the wee small hours and I'm trying to clear out my asks. but eusocial time lords are so fun. forgive anything that doesn't make sense/jars weirdly in this, I'm trying to explain some quite spitbally worldbuilding.
among other things, it's an explanation for (1) why are there so few time ladies on screen and (2) that very strange thing in I think it's in Gallifrey where Pandora was 'the first female President' and apparently that's a big deal? but like why would a different planet (where they regenerate!!) have the same manifestations of sexism as we have? and also vaguely riffing on the VNAs lore that Gallifrey used to be a matriarchy and Rassilon overthrew it, but also kind of completely transforming that lore.
so forget gender, this is not about gender. "male"/"female" is at best a very rough translation of the binary that Gallifreyans are concerned with, which is worker/queen. They are bees!
The Time Ladies (i.e. Gallifreyans played by female human actors) that we see in the pre-War era (all of this applies to the pre-War era)--Romana, the Rani, Flavia, Inquisitor Darkel--are biologically the equivalent of insect queens. (And the Doctor, the Master, Borusa, the Floating Time Lord, Commander Maxil, etc. etc. are the equivalent of worker bees. The fact that the former all present as female and the latter all present as male is just sort of a translation convention/useful coincidence, I guess.) Gallifreyans evolved from a eusocial species and their early political structures were developments of the hive structure, with reproductive capacity strongly linked to political authority.
Presumably this is what Rassilon, or whatever revolutionary Rassilon stole credit from, is supposed to have overturned--the link between reproductive capacity and political authority. But in my version, it was before that that Looming became a thing: the queens had control of the Looms, so it was the ultimate refinement of their arts and sciences, and it was their way of getting rid of whatever drone class there used to be, if they weren't already parthenogenetic.
And that's why there's the stereotype in Gallifrey--mentioned in connection with Pandora, suggested as a concern about Romana--that a "female" (queen) President will be autocratic. It's seen as a potential return to "how things once were."
And then I did a lot of worldbuilding for how government worked at a stage in history when there was a sort of uneasy balance between reproductive and political power, but that was for a fic Moki was working on and I think she's still working on it, so no spoilers!
So what you end up with is a hive structure where the role of the queen has been sort of abstracted away into... well, the hive itself. The power at the heart of Gallifrey is Gallifrey. I feel like that explains a lot of what's wrong with them.
There might be another branch of the species that evolved away from eusocial structure into something more like solitary bees and that's the Shobogans, possibly, since nobody seems at all clear what the Shobogans are.
Also I read that with naked mole rats, the only eusocial mammal, there are a few in each colony that are predisposed to not fit into the colony and instead go and wander and find other colonies, to promote genetic diversity, and I'm just saying, renegades.
And after the War when there are often maybe two Gallifreyans left, that's why whatever's left of the hivemind keeps trying to get at least one of them to turn out as a Time Lady. Fortunately for the universe, neither of them seems that interested in reproducing.
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Idk if you still write for Danganronpa, but i have a idea
What about Yandere remnants of despair with a darling that they thought that died, like after they got brainwashed darling went missing, but after some time they discover that they actually are alive and now works for the future foundation!
Bonus: They are now dating another member of the future foundation and darling is/acts like Tsumugi Shirogane(without the despair and mastermind thing, so darling is just a silly little person who cosplays and is the ultimate former cosplayer! You can ignore this part!)
Thanks for reading! Really, thank you so much! <333
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Found Again | Yandere Danganronpa
Since your class had turned to the remnants of despair the best thing you could do was pretend. Playing the part of a fellow brain-washed remnant before you could slip away to instead aid the future foundation. Now move on with your life it’s a shame that you seemed to be a poignant point in their fall to despair and now that they know you’re alive things are going to change:
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Sonia Nevermind
“What's this…how could you….how dare you take my sunshine?!”
Released from the brainwashing of the Ultimate Despair and returned to normal
During the rescue of those in future foundation finding you walking around and directing others
It’s horrifying because you are hers
So why do you have a ring on your finger
A small stupid ring that isn’t half the size of what she would have given you
She might take advantage of the chaos to convince you to come with her
Surely you wouldn’t mind helping her acclimate to a proper and hopeful life
Whoever gave you this useless ring shouldn’t need you
“Come on (Y/n)I Don’t you remember?! You are my sunshine! I need you to be good!”
Should she find out while still in the throes of despair, it’s a little bit of the same
“So my loyal subjects your king has been abducted and brainwashed by those unhopeful rats! Come my subjects! On my order burn down the future foundation and retrieve my King!”
As a princess turned Queen having the whole kingdom behind her in her rule of despair is incredibly helpful
Immediately informing the moles that lure you from your partner and subdue you
Bringing you to her kingdom in Novoselic
“There my King is in their rightful place….NOW~SHALL WE PRACTICE THE PUNISHMENT OF YOUR ABDUCTERS!?”
She’s still a remnant of despair 
Remnant of despair who delighted and yearned when she found evidence of your death
A remnant of despair who continues to swoon at the way your face morphs into fear
“There~ that is a face I will torture for to fill this Queen with despair.” 
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Nagito Komaeda
“Ah~To think my one true hope would be alive!”
He’s so so so happy you are even alive
He remembers the despair he was thrilling himself with and your supposed death definitely added to that
So him being able to experience this blossom of hope when in the process of saying so
He’s ecstatic 
Actually he abandons helping the future foundation to devise a plan—based on his luck—to get you on the ship with the rest of his class
He knows with his luck he’ll be able to pull it off
Though he’s certain there will be a death somewhere
But as long as it's not you, he doesn’t care 
Your back~and you’ll be his again
As a remnant of despair through his eagerness to have you knows no bounds
He almost doesn’t believe it
He doesn’t believe it
“I’ll believe it when I feel the despair of finding their body.”
It’s too hard to fool him
Likely you never did 
Him being constantly on the hunt to see your despair as he breaks your legs and does whatever he can to keep you in the pits of despair
And right by his side
He so dearly made his dear Junko a part of him is it insane he’d want to do the same
“My Despair! I’ve found you!” 
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Gundham Tanaka
“My Divas, please aid me in apprehending our fallen star!”
It’s fate that he should find you again
That he should have you again+
It was devastating waking up to find after his execution that he wasn’t reunited with you
But now he has
“Will you please just help the founders? I’m not your ‘star’ anymore.”
“How could you not be? Now that I’ve seen you, you’re burning so beautifully!”
“I’ve…found someone else Gundham.”
“....I see.”
He’ll understand liar
He’ll get back on his ship and leave you behind an act
He’ll let you live out your life alongside someone new wrong
The minute you’re around any large wildlife or swarm it’s over
They’ll do their dear Ultimate Breeder a fan by bringing you to him 
Switching off with others when it comes to water or islands
Eventually plopping you on the beach where he happily welcomes you
Commending their loyalty, he claims they did this without his judgment
“Their loyalty betrays my Star’s wishes, I’m sorry.But please for our class’ safety, you’ll stay with me us.”
As for the Remnant of Despair, it’s a miracle you even made it out
The animals are so much more vigilant 
Prepared to cripple you and drag you back to his side the second you step away
He is very intense about including you in his reshaping of the world
After all who wouldn’t be eager to share in the ritualistic sacrificing of those for despair
“It is I Gundham Tanaka! And my Star and I will be the ones to usher in this glorious revelry that is disastrous despair!”
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Naked Mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber)
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(Photo from WIRED)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Eastern Africa
Size (Weight/Length)- 40 g; 7 cm
Diet- Roots; Tubers
Cool Facts- Being more closely related to guinea pigs and porcupines, the naked mole-rat may be naked but it is neither a mole or a rat. They are the only cold-blooded mammals in the world and have highly complex, female-led societies. Being one of the only eusocial mammals, naked mole-rats have a bee-like society with only the queen breeding and all the rest being sterile workers. Only a few chosen non-related males are allowed to breed with the queen, their relationship lasting up to a decade. Naked mole-rats have the longest lifespan of any rodent of up to 37 years thanks to their resistance to cancer and long term heart health. Due to their lack of external ears and tiny eyes, naked mole-rats are virtually blind and never leave their burrows. When searching for food, they dig for large tubers that can feed the colony for years.
Rating- 13/10 (The first animal photographed for The Photo Ark.)
Requested by @looopylooop
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entishramblings · 1 year
The Scorpion of Sarn Ford [Aragorn/F!Reader]
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A.N: the amount of weird shit I had to google for this….my FBI agent definitely thinks I’m planning some fucked up crap.
Inspired: this fic was inspired by @estelofrivendell ‘s fic A Change of Heart. I adored the Assassin/Ranger relationship and had to put my own spin on it!
Pairing: Aragorn X Fem!Reader
Summary: The Scorpion of Sarn Forn is a notorious assassin. Much to Strider’s dismay, they are both hired for a job.
Disclaimer: I tried my best with geography, once again, it isn’t my best subject. heh!
Word count: 8.2k (idk why I’m like this)
Warnings: enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, humor that will have you peeing, blood, torture, death, murder, brief insinuation to sexual abuse (side character), creepy men that get what's coming to them, a little bit of spice, brief shirtless aragorn. this sounds very dark but I promise you its good, besides: shirtless aragorn. duh.
Aragorn never thought he would be in this position. He never even anticipated such a scenario. It was, quite frankly, entirely unfathomable. Not once did it cross his mind that he might be in the same city as her, much less be forced to sit next to her at The Black Falcon Tavern and Inn with a potential contractor. You see, The Scorpion of Sarn Ford—or as Aragorn preferred to refer to her as: the heinous hellspawn that middle-earth would undoubtedly be far better off without—was a notorious assassin. She made her coin from slipping into the shadows and slaughtering her targets, leaving no trace besides a corpse—still warm from the blood that once ran through it. The men of the south-west were wise enough to be wary and the rich of such lands were stupid enough to empower her with their dark wishes. She’s rumored to have a body count in the hundreds, including kings and queens. Though, that is not how she acquired her title.
Percaric Rothswood, one of the richer dukes of Anfalas, sat with them at a table in the back of the tavern. The Ranger and the Scorpion occupied the bench alongside the wooden wall, granting them both a clear vantage point of the entire establishment, while Percaric sat in a chair across from them. Aragorn's arms were folded, a small blade discreetly nestled up his sleeve, and his ale remained untouched on the table. Yet, the assassin reclined casually at his side, her dark cloak draped loosely enough to unveil the myriad of weapons adorning her attire, with two empty pints before her and a third in her hand.
The peculiar grouping drew the attention of onlookers—it was indeed an unusual gathering, particularly with the presence of the infamous Scorpion of Sarn Ford, and her form specifically beside Strider. Nervous and inquisitive gazes, hushed conversations, subtle nods, and even more overt glances from passersby and bar-sitters were all directed towards the pair. If a meeting like this were to take place, something must be going down.
“So, what’s this job, Percaric, that requires a ranger and a shrew,” Aragorn gruffed, his scowl as deep as the sand pits of the eastern coast.
The woman beside him snorted. “A shrew. Just what a lady wants to be called.”
He shrugged. “An argumentative, ill-tempered rat. I see no difference between it and you.”
She raised a brow, twisting her head to look at him. “Technically a shrew is a mole.”
Aragorn sent her a glare in response.
She huffed at him. “A mole that will die if it doesn't eat every two to three hours.” She picked up her ale and took a swing. “That sounds nothing like me.”
“You reckon so? I bet if you didn't get new gold to chew on in that exact time frame you would also die of pompous deprivation.”
A deep chuckle escaped her throat as her jaw tightened and her eyes narrowed. She turned to quip back an insult; however, Percaric nervously interrupted the hostile hires.
“Well, uh, you see, it's quite a delicate matter. The-the job, that is. My client doesn't want his indiscretions aired out among the common folk because, well, uh, the matter is quite sensitive and—”
Aragorn rolled his eyes. “Just spit it out, Percaric.”
The man exhaled through his nose, nervously patting the table. “Right, right, very well then.” He cleared his throat. “Well, uh, my client, his daughter was taken by someone of high prestige and, well, he would like her back.”
Aragorn leaned back in the chair. “Why doesn't he just pay the ransom then? Instead of hiring someone to take her back. There is a ransom isn't there?”
“Of course, of course. But, well, you see, this daughter, ehem, she’s bastard-born. His wife doesnt know that she exists and he would like to keep it that way. Paying the ransom directly would cause too much attention. Like I said, he wants this discreet.”
Aragorn sighed, his morals pulling hard on his heart. “How old is the girl?”
Percaric winced. “Fourteen.”
The Ranger cursed under his breath. “She’s just a kid.”
“Yes, yes. Well, you see, that’s why my client asked for you, Strider. Not many would want to help a bastard daughter.”
The Scorpion leaned in. “Then why did he ask for me as well?”
Percaric’s face twitched. “Well, uh, Scorpion, there’s a matter a bit more delicate involved that requires your skill.”
She raised her brows.
“My–my client’s daughter is quite beautiful. Well, we can only assume what is being done to her by her captor during her stay. He, well, he wants the perpetrator killed.”
She snorted, leaning back into the wall behind her. “Why not make Strider here do it?”
The Ranger clenched his jaw. “He should be imprisoned, rotting in a cell for his crime.”
“Ah,” she started. “You would bring him in instead of kill him, and that would mean a trial.” She winked at Percaric. “Too public for this client of yours.”
An anxious and awkward giggle-like breath left the man’s lips. “Precisely.”
“So, where is she being kept?” The Scorpion asked.
The duke glanced around him before leaning in and letting his next sentence come out as a whisper. “The tower of Eastemnet.”
“Eastemnet?” Aragorn confirmed, wide-eyed and surprised. “But that would mean—”
“Lord Theovail,” the assassin interjected. “One of the richest, well-guarded men in Arda.”
Percaric bit his lip. “Yes, yes. Now, well, now you see why my client asked for you, Scorpion of Sarn Ford.”
Aragorn huffed, hot air coming from his nose, as he shook his head—now finally reaching for his ale. “We will take the job,” he stated reluctantly.
“Oi! Not so fast,” the assassin interjected. “What’s the pay?”
The Ranger shot her a glare. “A girl, a child, is being held prisoner, and you worry of pay?”
She glared right back at him before turning back to Percaric. “The pay?”
He cleared his throat. “Three hundred pieces of gold up front and another three hundred upon your return of the girl, alive, and proof of Theovail’s death. Though you will have to split it, I’m afraid.”
She raised her hands with a tilt of the head. “Fine by me.” She turned, flashing a devilish grin to the man next to her. “Let us go hunt a girl-snatching arsewipe, Strider.”
He offered no-response other than a scowling side eye.
“Fantastic,” Percaric replied, taking two coin pouches out and plopping them on the table.
The assassin was quick to snatch up one of the bundles, standing, ready to take her leave.
Aragorn, however, let his finger drift over the coin. He glanced up at Percaric. “What’s her name?”
The man’s expression softened. “Calista, daughter of Lord Kassim.”
Aragorn nodded, grasping onto the pouch. “We will bring Calista home.”
The pair had been traveling for approximately two weeks at this point, and their interactions during this time were characterized by sparse conversations intertwined with numerous glares and disdainful expressions. In those few moments when words were exchanged, they were often heated disagreements concerning which path to follow, strategies for infiltrating the tower, or debates over the responsibilities of meals. It was, quite frankly, the most miserable trek across Arda that Aragorn had ever taken upon. But it wasn't until they were passing through the gap of Rohan, between the Misty Mountains and Ered Nimrais, that they met any trouble.
An arrow, coming from the mountain’s rocky side, whizzing past Aragorn’s ear was the first sign of danger.
He whipped his head around. “Scorpion!” he called out in warning, his eyes meeting the assassin’s for a brief moment.
She drew her dual silver blades only seconds before a small pack of goblins began descending. She was quick to behead the first goblin whose feet hit the grassy pass they walked through.
“Goblin’s from the Mountains,” she hissed.
Aragorn too drew his sword. “They shouldn't be this far south! They stay up near Ehu Daur and Moira!” He drove his blade through one of the beasts, swinging around to slice another.
“Well, clearly, they dont give a fuck as to where they should or should be!” The Scorpion quipped back as she brought one of her blades through the neck of one of the creatures. “On your left!”
Aragorn twisted his body just in time to block a blow from a rusted scythe.
The assassin dodged the next beast that came at her and sprinted towards the biggest one. She was quick to push herself into the air, flip over the goblin, and slice its throat before her feet even landed on the ground.
She looked up to see the two final goblins, one in match with her companion and the other approaching his back.
The woman moved quickly. Her feet carried her towards the beast who held its blade above Strider’s head. Just before it was to be brought downward, she yelled out a war cry and grasped onto the few hairs the creature had. She yanked hard. The goblin fell backwards onto the ground and she pounced on top of him, sending her blade through his heart—his pungent blood spraying across her face, neck, tunic, and leather armor.
With heavy panting breath, she stood and turned to face the Ranger who had slayed the final beast. Kicking the corpse of the one she had just killed, she spoke. “Only nine. A scouting team. More will be coming upon their lack of return. We gotta get a move on.”
Aragorn’s lips were parted in surprise, realizing that he nearly lost his life. Surprising the assassin, he spoke words that she never would have thought to leave his lips for her. “Thank you, Scorpion.”
She raised her brows. “I have a name, you know, Strider.”
The Ranger turned away from her, continuing along their path. “I don't care to know it,” he gruffed out, his brief sincerity from moments before disappearing.
She snorted, calling out to him regardless. “It’s (Y/N).”
“Don’t fall behind, Scorpion,” he replied.
She huffed, her irritation obvious, before jogging to catch up with his wide strides. “I don’t like you very much either, but if we're gonna be on this job for a while, you could at least not be a dick.”
“Coming from the rudest and most corrupt person I have ever met, that's rich.”
She chuckled loudly. “Wow. Rude, okay, I deserve that. But corrupt? That’s a bit far-fetched.”
He stopped walking, twisting to glower down at her with disgust. “You truly think so? Let’s talk of why they attach the massacre of Sarn Ford to your name. You killed dozens. Women. Children. Innocents. All for what? Gold! Corrupt is too kind a word for you. Wicked, diabolical, vicious is more like it.”
(Y/N)’s brows shot upward as a pained and frustrated laugh thundered in her chest. “Really? Do you even know what was happening in Sarn Ford?!”
“They were farmers! Common folk! Living off the land in peace and you…you slaughtered them!” he yelled.
She got in his face, her hot, angry breath burning against his skin. “THEY WERE ALREADY GOOD AS DEAD, STRIDER!”
“How could you even say that?” he replied, horrified.
She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, before focusing back on the man before her. “A disease was making its way through their village. Incurable. Painful. An alchemist, who had been working for weeks to try and find anything to help them, hired me. There was nothing to be done for them except extend a hand of mercy. To give them a good, painless death.”
Aragorn stared at her, his brows pulled together with shock in his gaze.
The assassin clenched her jaw. “I had mothers plead with me to end their child's life while cradled in their arms, only to follow them into death. At least, that way, they could die together.” She looked up at him, her tone privy with rage. “So, yes, Strider, feel free to bestow upon me any epithet you see fit."
He was silent, his shock radiating into the wind around him. Quietly, he spoke again, “How did you not get sick?”
She exhaled slowly. “The alchemist instructed me to wear cloth over my face and cover all skin but my eyes. Once the deed was done, I burned everything I wore and paid for new clothes with gold born of their suffering.”
Aragorn nodded slowly, compassion in his gray eyes. “I am sorry. Doing such a thing mustn't have been easy. It was an execution of mercy.” He turned, continuing once more. “Though the tales of your other kills aren't so kind. Come along, Scorpion. There’s a town a couple days ahead.”
(Y/N) snorted, anger seething in her bones, but followed him nonetheless.”
The pair strode towards the Inn, located not far from Gondor’s borders. They forcefully pulled the door open, unveiling a noisy uproar of laughter and boisterous shouting, mingling with the lovely odors of urine, sweat, and stagnant ale. Creating such an environment, one the Scorpion and Ranger were used to, were the disheveled bodies of inebriated men.
With a mischievous grin, (Y/N) expertly navigated through the crowd, leading Strider to a secluded table nestled in a dim corner. It wasn't long before the arrival of steaming platters of meat and bread arrived, along with two pints of foamy ale, both of which they heartily devoured. The Scorpion raised her hand, beckoning the barmaid over and placing an order for two more pints—both of which she downed, much to Aragorn's evident disapproval.
After releasing a loud belch, she casually swiped the back of her hand across her mouth, then rose to her feet. “Gonna go get some air,” she grumbled, her balance momentarily unsteady as she gained her footing. Aragorn, in response, merely offered an exasperated roll of his eyes.
The assassin maneuvered through the bustling throng of men, slipping through the sea of people before pushing through the doors. The sudden rush of frigid tranquility enveloped her skin as she stepped into the embrace of the night. With a deliberate intake of breath, she allowed the crisp air to fill her lungs. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she tilted her head upwards, letting the misting drizzle of rain kiss her skin. The sound of the tavern was muffled, and the echoes of the celebration they passed down the road drifted into the air. Though it was subtle, for it didn't drown out the sounds of the singing crickets or the croaking frogs. It was peaceful. Well, that is until a form slammed into her and pressed her against the wall.
The smell of ale-laden breath and sticky sweat filled her nostrils as her eyes shot open. Her gaze, fueled by adrenaline, locked onto the burly figure before her—a man with a rugged orange beard—who had forced himself upon her.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing all alone in a dangerous place like this?” he asked, a knife held to her throat.
She snarled up at him. “Oh, you're about to find out—”
Before she could make a move, however, the man was suddenly struck from the side, his body sent sprawling onto the weathered, muddy path.
As (Y/N) peeled herself from the wall, her hand instinctively reached for the slight gash on her neck. Meanwhile, the bearded man found himself seized by the throat, forcefully hoisted upward, and pressed hard against the unyielding stone.
“Do you even know who that is?” Strider uttered sharply.
A chuckle escaped the lips of the man, his bloodied lip spraying a fine mist of red onto Aragorn's face. “You’re whore?” he sneered.
With an unrelenting grip on the man's throat, Aragorn pulled him several inches away from the wall, only to slam him back against it once more. The impact elicited a grunt from the man. "The Scorpion of Sarn Ford," Aragorn hissed through clenched teeth, his voice seething with restrained fury.
The assailant’s laughter was dripping with sarcasm. “Yeah and I'm the fuckin’ King of Gondor.”
The Ranger clenched his jaw, ignoring the secret dig the man's comment produced. “You know why they call her that? Hmm. The Scorpion? Scorpions incapacitate their prey with venom, paralyzing them before they deal the final blow. That woman over there? She severs her targets’ spinal nerve, rendering them unable to move before subjecting them to her torture and kill. And the worst part? She doesn't even need them paralyzed. She gets off from witnessing the terror in their eyes as they're rendered helpless.”
Another laugh escaped the man, but as his gaze shifted towards (Y/N), his amusement faded. The assassin now held a dagger, twirling it in her fingers, a sinister grin stretching across her features.
He turned to look back at Aragorn, the color now drained from his face. “Ye’ c-cant be serious,” he stammered.
The Ranger merely lifted his brows and tilted his head.
Driven by desperation to escape the woman beside them, the man started to shove against Aragorn. However, a single forceful punch to his jaw rendered him unconscious, his body collapsing onto the mud once more.
“I had it handled,” the assassin stated.
Aragorn shot her a stern glare before responding bluntly, "Sure, you did."
The woman emitted a snort, yet settled into a squat beside the man, her dagger poised.
The Ranger, however, was quick to grab her by the wrist, successfully stopping her actions. "Are you out of your mind? We can't kill him. That's the last thing we need – drawing attention to ourselves."
With a huff of mild exasperation, she sheathed her blade. "Fine." She then nodded to the black horse tethered nearby, gesturing with a nod. "That's his horse. Saw him dismount as we entered. Bring it here."
Aragorn frowned, confused, but did as she asked.
“Alright,” she stated, gathering the man’s arms in her hands. “Help me with his legs.”
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked.
“Strider, just grab his damn legs.”
Exhaling audibly, the Ranger complied, reluctantly gripping the man's ankles. With a coordinated heave, they hoisted the man up from the muck. After a few groans and sighs, he was draped over his horse's back.
The Scorpion then took the leather strapping of the saddle and began binding the man’s hands and feet to it. She nodded to the young maple tree behind the Ranger. “Get me a large twig from that. Bout a foot tall. Keep the leaves on it.”
“What?” he hissed, his hands spreading wide in a gesture of bewilderment.
“Strider, would you just get the branch,” she urged impatiently.
Another loud, reluctant exhale left his lips, yet he trudged toward the tree and pulled off what she requested. He approached her, holding out the twig.
“Ah, thank you,” she acknowledged with a grin, accepting it from him.
With that she moved to the side of the horse, close to the man's legs. She seized the waistband of his trousers and gave it a yank, reaving his bare ass.
“Scorpion,” Aragorn chided.
Undeterred, she grinned, sticking the small branch between his ass cheeks so it stood upright, its leaves rustling faintly in the breeze.
“Seriously?” he gruffed out, his arms crossed.
(Y/N) looked at him with a wicked smirk. “You hear that party still going on down the road? I think they would appreciate some impromptu entertainment.” With that, she smacked the horse's rear and, with a brisk snort, it took off down the path.
Not even a minute passed, when they heard the shouts of anger and amusement funneling from the gathering.
Strider turned to glare at her, his jaw clenched and his eyes burning with irritation. He grasped onto her bicep and pulled her towards the doors. "Get inside the damned tavern, quickly."
A loud, hearty laugh flew from her throat, yet she allowed him to pull her along.
Engulfed once again in the clamorous atmosphere of the inn, Aragorn wasted no time in steering her towards the bar. “You can't just put a branch up the arsehole of a person that pisses you off,” he hissed under his breath.
She grinned unapologetically. “Sure, I can.”
He blew hot air out his nose, opting to withhold a retort. With a determined demeanor, he maneuvered them through the crowd of men, navigating as close to the counter as he could get. "Barkeep," he called out, projecting his voice. "Two room keys."
The man approached them with a shrug. “Only got one room left.”
Aragorn huffed. “Fine. Well take it.”
With that, the Ranger deposited three gold coins into the man's palm, secured the key, and then swiftly tugged the Scorpion alongside him as they grabbed their bags and ascended the creaky wooden staircase.
They approached their door, marked the same as the key, and it swung open under Aragorn’s touch. Within, the room exuded a chill darkness, accompanied by a faint draft slipping in through the slightly cracked window. The space appeared quite sparse, furnished with nothing but a small dresser, a modest table accompanied by two chairs...and a solitary bed.
A muttered curse escaped the Ranger's lips as he unceremoniously dropped his bag onto the table. "I'll take the floor."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Really, Strider? It’s the one night we get the option of having a bed. As long as you stay on your side, I don't mind sharing.”
“Fine,” was his gruff response.
With that, the pair began getting comfortable for the night. Aragorn lit the worn down candle, its feeble golden glow illuminating the area, proving slightly better light as he dug through his bag. Meanwhile, (Y/N) shed her cloak and vast assortment of weapons, earning a skeptical glance from the Ranger. Yet, when she began to unfasten the tightly-worn leather armor that clung to her figure, his reaction was far more dramatic. "What on earth is that stench?!" he blurted out, recoiling.
She shrugged nonchalantly. “Remember those goblins? Yeah, I got an unexpected bath in their blood.”
“That was days ago. You reek,” he retorted. He strode over to the dresser, opening drawers until he came across a gray towel. Returning to the table, he picked up the pitcher beside the candle and gradually poured water into a small basin, also provided. After submerging the towel and wringing it out, he flung the damp cloth towards her, which she easily caught. “Clean yourself up.”
She shrugged once more. Turning away, she shed her shirt and let it drop to the floor. Her swift movements were focused as she wiped her face, neck, and chest, cleansing her skin of the grime that clung to it.
Though Aragorn didn't intend to look, his gaze inadvertently flicked towards her silhouette against the wall. It was then that his eyes fixed upon her bare back, adorned with a network of vivid, angry scars. He’d seen scars like that. He knew what they were from: torture.
“(Y/N),” he whispered sincerely, his steps leading him closer to her form. “What happened?”
Hearing her name for the first time from his lips, she was caught off guard—her heart skipping a beat. The simple utterance carried an unexpected weight, a rare vulnerability that seemed to momentarily freeze her in place. Uncertainty gripped her as she stood still, her mind racing to process the unfamiliar tone from him.
His touch was tender as he raised his hand to trace the lines on her skin. “Who did this to you?” he growled.
Brought back to the present, she instinctively recoiled from his touch. "I'm an assassin. I've earned my fair share of enemies," she replied, her voice tinged with defiance. Shifting her gaze over her shoulder, she met his eyes. "Have an extra shirt? Mine's beyond saving."
"I, uh, yes. Yes, of course," Aragorn responded, seeming to realize the sudden intimacy of the moment. He retreated to his bag, rifling through its contents until he procured a cream-colored tunic. He tossed it to her. "This should suffice."
“Thanks,” she grumbled, pulling it over her head.
(Y/N) approached the table, the Ranger's shirt engulfing her smaller frame. The fabric's loose drape hung off her shoulder. If she wasn't such a menace, Aragorn would have thought that she looked cute in his clothes.
Ungracefully, she deposited the damp towel on the tabletop before proceeding to yank off her boots and socks, placing them with a deliberate thud upon the chair nearby. “We are not that far from the tower of Eastemnet. Perhaps a two day journey or so. However, our predicament remains unchanged: we don't have a solid strategy. We don't have any floor plans. We don't know how many guards will be stationed. And we don't know where the girl is being kept. We are gonna be going in blind—”
“You’re bleeding,” he interjected, his voice carrying an unmistakable note of concern.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Just a scratch,” she dismissed casually.
Aragorn grasped onto her jaw, lifting her chin up to take a better look. "A seemingly insignificant wound could easily become infected, Scorpion," he asserted, his tone insistent.”
She pulled her head from his grasp with a snort. “I’m fine, Strider.”
He crossed his arms, an unyielding resolve in his expression. “If we are breaking into Lord Theovail’s tower and stealing from him, I'd prefer my partner not succumb to infection-induced delirium, potentially endangering both our lives." Swiftly, he nudged the empty chair towards her. “Now, sit down, Scorpion.”
(Y/N)’s brows lifted, followed by a teasing expression that animated her features. “Oh? So I'm your partner now?” she quipped, her tone laced with playful amusement. "What happened to the 'vicious shrew killer that you would rather leave tied to a tree,' as I seem to recall you once calling me?"
He glared at her. “Sit, or I will leave you tied to a tree.”
Surprisingly, she did as he asked, allowing herself to sink into the chair with her legs casually sprawled and her arms folded tightly across her chest. Aragorn dug through his bag, pulling out a couple small tins and a tiny glass bottle. Grasping the towel, he located a clean section and dipped it into the basin. Squatting down between her legs, he lifted the towel to her neck. "Chin up," he instructed, and she obeyed without protest. Gently, he began cleansing the wound, meticulously removing dirt and debris from the area. Next, he uncapped the small glass bottle. "This might sting," he warned.
She clenched her jaw, but said nothing as the alcohol was poured upon her neck. Aragorn gently dabbed the liquid away. He then opened one of the small tins, extracting a dollop of green goo.
“What is that shit?” (Y/N) asked.
“Athelas leaf paste.”
“Athelas leaf?” she echoed, seeking further clarification.
“Kingsfoil. Athelas is the elvish word for it,” he replied simply, his attention focused on gently applying the paste to the wound.
She raised her eyebrows. “Elvish, huh. You're full of surprises, Strider. Where’d ya learn that?”
“Shush. Be still.”
The Scorpion rolled her eyes, but complied as he completed the task.
Standing up, Aragorn rinsed his hands and addressed her once more. "We can devise a plan for the tower tomorrow. Right now, we need rest."
(Y/N) sighed, nodding in agreement, as she too stood. She made her way towards the bed and pulled back the thin sheet, eager to climb into the softness of a mattress—regardless of how old and worn it was.
The gentle sound of air extinguishing the candle was succeeded by the enveloping darkness that reclaimed the room. Soon, Aragorn’s footsteps followed. She discerned the rustle of fabric as, presumably, he removed his shirt. The bed then creaked gently as he settled beside her, lying on his back.
She, resting on her side away from him, let her eyes close. There she laid, for a moment, before shifting. Then she shifted again. And again.
“Stop moving, Scorpion,” Aragorn grumbled, his patience waning.
“I can’t get comfortable!” she retorted.
“That’s because you keep moving.”
“It’s cold and you're stealing all the blankets.” With a determined tug, she seized more of the fabric, leaving Aragorn with a minimal share.
He merely exhaled audibly, opting for a wordless response. At the very least, she had ceased her constant fidgeting.
Aragorn remained awake during the initial hours, unable to find slumber. (Y/N)'s breathing had swiftly settled into a rhythmic pattern after she commandeered the majority of the sheets, though her small unconscious movements kept interrupting the perceived tranquility. Occasional, soft whimpers escaped her lips, her brows furrowing with evident distress. In truth, Aragorn found himself uncertain of how to respond. He held onto the hope that the disturbances would cease on their own, perhaps that whatever troubled her dreams would eventually pass. And eventually, it did stop, but not without an unexpected turn of events.
The Ranger's senses jolted as the Scorpion’s frigid form rolled towards his side of the bed, seeking refuge in his warmth. Although she had mentioned feeling cold earlier, the intensity of her chill surprised him. The wave of uncertainty that washed over him did not leave as her cheek pressed against his bare chest. Initially, the thought of infection taking hold crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it; her skin would have been hot to the touch if that were the case. It only took seconds for him to realize that the draft from the cracked window was striking her side directly. With a sigh of reluctance, he tentatively encircled his arm around her, drawing her in further.
In her state of deep slumber, she instinctively nestled into him, drawing a slight skip from Aragorn's heart. He cast a cautious gaze downward, taking in her appearance.
She seemed so different—distinctly separate from the notorious assassin he knew her to be. There was an innocence, an unexpected purity, about her in this moment that rendered her almost unrecognizable. Gone was the perpetual scowl that often marked her features. Instead, her face had relaxed into a gentle expression of repose, free from the tension. Her lips, adorned with the faintest hint of a pout, moved slightly as she drew each breath, almost as if he warded off the nightmares that had plagued her.
In this vulnerable state, the Scorpion seemed untainted by her reputation, stripped of her fearsome persona. The layers of her identity, usually shrouded in crude comments and sharp weapons, had fallen away. It revealed that the facade that she showed the world was just that, a facade. A good one at that though. Even Aragorn—a man well-acquainted with the intricacies of human nature—hadn't thought it would be a mask; but her story of Sarn Ford was the first thing that revealed its possibility to him. It was as if the walls she kept built had crumbled away, allowing him a glimpse of the person beneath the lies. And, until sleep claimed him, he allowed himself to savor this glimpse—to see her beyond the assassin.
When the first light of dawn began to filter in, (Y/N) stirred, wrapped in the warmth and safety that had cocooned her during the night. She hesitated to peel open her eyelids, savoring the sensation. However, as her senses roused to full awareness, a gentle yet distinct rhythm reached her ears—the steady thud of a heart beating beneath her. In an instant, her eyes shot open, and a surge of apprehension raced through her.
Beneath her, Strider's form lay, his chest rising and falling in slumber. Anxiety tightened her chest and clawed at her throat. Reacting instinctively, she sat up abruptly and, fueled by adrenaline, threw a punch at him.
A resounding groan of pain escaped his lips as he scrambled to sit up, his expression twisting in both surprise and discomfort. "What the hell, Scorpion?!" he managed to sputter, his hand instinctively reaching to dab at his lip.
“I thought I told you to stay on your side of the bed!” she retorted sharply.
He glared at her, his irritation obvious. “I did. If you would take a moment to observe your surroundings, you would see you are in fact on my side of the bed.”
Wide-eyed and perplexed, she twisted her upper body around, casting a glance over her shoulder. As the reality of the situation dawned on her, she faced him once more. Her eyes filtered over his form briefly, taking in his muscled biceps and defined abs. Her expression then turned into a deeper scowl. “Fuck off!” she snapped.
He only stared at her, bewildered.
Under the shroud of darkness, the Ranger and the Assassin stood at the base of the tower of Eastemnet on the south side. Concealed within the protective embrace of the tree line, they had spent approximately three hours observing the guards' patterns and identifying vulnerabilities in the tower's defenses. There they had hidden two steeds that (Y/N) had procured for them at the inn—most likely through theft, though Aragorn didn't want to think of that—allowing for a quick escape with Calista. Strategically, they discreetly knocked out all the guards on the outposts, binding and gagging them, for they knew the element of surprise would be their only bet. So, now they stood, with a pretty loose plan, ready to steal back what Lord Theovail had taken.
The Scorpion grasped onto the vine that entwined itself along the stone surface of the tower. A swift, assessing tug confirmed its stability. Her gaze shifted briefly to the man positioned behind her. “About two hundred feet to the top. Best guess, that’s where Calista is being held.”
He nodded. “After you.”
The Scorpion adjusted her grip upon the vine and she initiated her ascent. Aragorn doing the same only minutes after.
They moved in a synchronized rhythm, the sound of their breaths and the faint rustling of vines mingling with the night's stillness. Each handhold and foothold was chosen with precision, the texture of the stone under their fingertips guiding their progress.
(Y/N)’s movements were fluid and practiced, evidence to her agility and experience. Her lithe form seemed to dance with the contours of the tower, making it look easy. Aragorn, not as accustomed to such endeavors, displayed a determination that rivaled his unease. His powerful muscles flexed and strained as he pulled himself upward, his eyes never straying far from the path she took.
After what felt like hours, the assassin spoke. “Nearly there, just a couple more feet.”
Aragorn only grunted in response.
The woman firmly gripped the vine adjacent to the windowsill, positioning her feet against the wall in a manner resembling a vertical walk. This facilitated her upward movement as she pulled herself closer to the window. Yet, as her head reached the level of the glass, she swiftly withdrew, instinctively lowering herself. In an unfortunate circumstance, the unconventional stance she maintained resulted in her ass colliding with Aragorn's face.
He groaned. “Really, Scorpion?! Really?!”
“My bad,” she huffed out. “Hold on a second. I think someone is in there.”
“Yeah, hopefully Calista.”
She resumed her ascent, then promptly lowered herself again. This time, Aragorn effectively maneuvered his head to the side, evading her buttocks.
Regardless of this, he shot her a glare—not that she would be able to see it.
“It was a maid.” she whispered. “I think we are in the clear now.”
With that, she heaved herself up for a final time and reached for the dagger strapped to her thigh. “Duck your head,” she commanded. With as much force as she could muster, she brought the blade against the glass, tucking her face into her elbow. It shattered, falling around them both like deadly snow.
The Scorpion pulled herself upward and through the window, careful not to be pierced by any stray piece of glass, and Aragorn did the same.
The room was small, but decorated to the extreme. The prominent feature was the bed, elevated upon a platform, its tall wooden posts adorned with a luxurious velvet canopy that cascaded in graceful drapes. The mattress was covered in ornate blankets and quilts, complemented by an array of plush pillows. However, any semblance of beauty was starkly contradicted by the grim sight of chains extending from the wall and ensnaring the wrists of a young girl, shattering the room's facade of luxury.
Immediately, Aragorn ran towards her side. “Calista,” he murmured gently. “Wake up. It’s time to go.”
Calista's golden hair framed a face that appeared worn and defeated. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing a gaze void of life. Her voice emerged as a feeble whisper. "Who are you?" she inquired softly.
Standing steadfast in the center of the room, (Y/N) maintained her posture with crossed arms. Her unwavering gaze fixed on the imposing wooden door that likely remained locked from the other side. “Your father sent us.”
Aragorn carefully manipulated the cuffs that bound Calista's wrists, gingerly freeing her from their constricting hold. "I'm Strider," he introduced himself, his fingers working skillfully. "We're here to help. Come.”
As if entranced, Calista began to sit up, struggling to rise from the bed. Aragorn extended his support, assisting her onto the floor. However, her weak frame proved too fragile to sustain itself. She leaned unsteadily against him, her body unable to bear its own weight.
The Ranger looked to his partner. “She’s too weak. There's no way I can scale down the wall with her on my back. She won't have the strength to hold on."
The Scorpion uttered a quiet curse. “You will just have to come with me to find Theovail.”
He shook his head. “It’s too dangerous. We can't bring her near him.”
“Well, we don't have any other choice,” she snapped. “But as soon as I kill him, we will have to haul ass. His guard will be coming for us then—if they don't already know we are here.”
Aragorn clenched his jaw, inhaling deeply. “Fine. Get that door open.”
With that, the Scorpion set to work picking the lock and Aragorn scooped Calista up in his arms, her golden head nestled into his chest. It wasn't long before the group was creeping down the tower, level by level. The Scorpion led the way, ducking behind walls and maneuvering around pillars, making sure the way was clear. When they came across a guard that was blocking their escape, she was quick to slice his throat and pull his body out of sight.
“Scorpion, why you can't just knock them out?” Aragorn whispered with exasperation.
She, dropping his legs as she stuffed him into a closet, glared at him. “And risk having him wake up and alert others? I think not."
He huffed, knowing she was right.
However, their path forward soon encountered a challenge they couldn't evade as easily. Just as they were on the verge of turning a corner, a young maid's panicked voice pierced the air. “The-the girl. She’s gone!”
(Y/N) slammed her back against the stone wall, Aragorn doing the same.
“What do you mean ‘she’s gone’??!” A deep male voice thundered.
A shared realization passed between (Y/N) and Aragorn—Lord Theovail had now entered the fray.
“FIND HER!” he snapped. “Or it will be your head!”
The servant scurried down the hall, running right past the Ranger and Assassin who slunk into the shadows with their charge.
(Y/N) cautiously peered around the corner. The room before them was every bit as lavish as the one that had imprisoned Calista, if not more so. A roaring fire crackled in the grand fireplace, casting flickering shadows that danced across the two plush velvet couches by it. Luxurious fur blankets adorned each sofa, hinting at Theovail’s rich indulgence. A sprawling fur carpet lay before the fireplace, while an ornate wine cart laden with deep reds was conveniently placed nearby. And there, infuriated, stood Lord Theovail himself, a glass of crimson liquid in hand, his temper fuming. To make matters worse, his guards were positioned near the room's exit—the very door that Aragorn would need to pass through in order to escape with Calista.
The Scorpion drew her knife, sending Aragorn a look. It was time. In a hushed tone, she whispered to him. “When you hear it’s over, take her and run to the doors. I'll be right behind you.”
He nodded in agreement.
She then disappeared into the shadows. Not even a minute passed before Aragorn heard the thumping of two bodies, one right after the other, followed by the telltale crash of a shattering wine glass meeting the floor.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Lord Theovail’s voice thundered, a mix of surprise and outrage lacing his words.
Aragorn cautiously peered around the corner, his heart pounding. Lord Theovail was now a whirlwind of fury and frustration, his gaze darting in every direction and a knife clutched in his hand. “I am not one to indulge in games!” he roared, his voice echoing through the chamber as he brandished the blade. “Reveal yourself, you coward!”
Within seconds, the Scorpion’s blade was poised menacingly at Lord Theovail's throat, her grip firm and unwavering as she held him in check from behind. Her voice dripped with a sinister malice as she spoke, her words slithering through the air like a venomous serpent. “Lord Kassim sends his regards.”
A broad chuckle bubbled from Theovail's lips, mingling with a mix of disbelief and arrogance. “A woman?! Kassim sends a woman to kill me?!”
Aragorn watched as the assassin drew another blade from her lethal arsenal, the steel glinting in the dim light. He winced inwardly, knowing what was about to unfold. In one swift, calculated motion, the Scorpion's blade found its mark, slicing deeply into Theovail's spine. The lord's body crumpled to the floor, staining the pristine white fur carpet with a gruesome red pool. His once-commanding presence now reduced to stillness. Though his eyes, wide and drifting in panic, showed his fear.
She then sat on top of him, bringing the blade to his neck once more. The Scorpion's lips curled into a chilling grin, her eyes alight with a dark satisfaction. “Not just any woman. You ever hear of The Scorpion of Sarn Ford?”
Instantly, a tidal wave of horror engulfed Theovail's blue gaze, his previously defiant demeanor shattered like the fragile glass of Calista’s window.
He knew the legend. He knew there was no escape for him.
However, at that moment, a large, burly guard burst in. Seeing what was unfolding, he was at his Lord’s assistance in a flash. His hand grasped onto the assassin’s hair, yanking her form from Theovail.
Aragorn clenched his jaw, giving her a moment before he intervened.
The collision sent shards of glass and splintered wood flying as the guard and the Scorpion crashed into the wine cart, locked in a fierce struggle. The guard, towering in his size, managed to regain his footing first and hauled the Scorpion up with him. His meaty fists struck out, landing brutal blows that drew crimson from her nose and brow.
The Ranger cursed. Quickly, he sat Calista upon the ground and rushed to his partner's aid. Unsheathing his blade, he lunged into the fray. His sword found its mark in the guard's back, the steel emerging through the man's stomach. Time seemed to freeze as the guard's bloodied gaze locked with the Scorpion's, a moment charged with shock and shared disbelief. The guard crumpled to the ground, revealing Aragorn.
With a swift motion, Aragorn twisted his blade downward and reached out to grasp the Scorpion's face, his hands marked by a blend of relief and fear. The touch, both tender and urgent, brought her gaze to his. Blood marked one cheek, while the other felt the cool press of his blade's hilt against her skin. His deep voice, a mixture of anxiety and care, called out her name. "(Y/N)," he stated, the word a lifeline that pierced through her dazed state.
"(Y/N)," he spoke once more, the urgency remaining. “Are you alright?”
She blinked, forcing a response. “Yes, yes. I'm fine.”
Aragorn released a sigh of relief, yet his hand remained for another heartbeat, a reassurance in the form of touch. "Take care of Theovail. I will get Calista," he instructed, his hands finally and reluctantly withdrawing as he moved to tend to their young charge.
The rest was a blur: (Y/N) slicing Theovail’s throat and grabbing his ruby ring, Aragorn hauling Calista into his arms, and the trio racing down the tower's corridors—fending off any obstacle that dared to stand in their path. Adrenaline drove them to the treeline, panting breath heavy and loud, as they climbed upon their horses and took off into the night—leaving behind the bloody assassination of the Lord of the Eastemnet Tower.
Weeks later, at three in the morning, the trio stumbled into The Black Falcon Tavern, where they first met with Percaric. The establishment was eerily quiet, save for the slumbering figure of the barkeep, who had succumbed to the late hour with his head on the counter. At the far end of the room, Percaric and Calista's mother stood, their figures illuminated by a flickering candle on the table. An air of anxious anticipation clung to the atmosphere.
As soon as their feet crossed the threshold, that stillness was disturbed. Calista's voice pierced the quiet as she called out to her mother, her strength visibly renewed since the ordeal. Without hesitation, mother and daughter closed the distance between themselves, embracing as if they had been torn apart for eternity. Tears flowed freely, mingling sorrow with joy. The warmth of their reunion dispelled the darkness that had clouded their lives.
Percaric approached the Scorpion and the Ranger.
The assassin tossed the man Lord Theovail’s ring. “Proof of death,” she stated bluntly. “I was gonna bring you his head, but figured it would smell pretty rotten after the long journey.”
He nodded awkwardly, the thought making him feel ill. He took a quick moment to examine the ring. Seemingly satisfied, he spoke. “You did well. Lord Kassim sends his thanks.” He then tossed them both pouches of gold before turning back to the mother and daughter. As Percaric prepared to take Calista and her mother back home, he turned back to the two rescuers. His voice carried a sentiment with his words. "Thank you."
Aragorn's silent nod and the Scorpion's subtle acknowledgment conveyed their understanding and their shared commitment to a world that often demanded their sacrifice.
With that, Percaric, Calista, and her mother left the inn, leaving the assassin and the ranger alone.
“Well,” (Y/N) began, as she walked towards the snoring barkeep and leaned over the counter, fishing for the room keys. “I don't know about you, but I could do with a good night’s rest.” She pulled the ring from his waist and turned back to Aragorn. Holding it up, one key dangling, her grin faded. “You're kidding, right?” She shook her head with a huff but turned and made her way to the rickety stairs. “As long as you stay on your side of the bed this time, Strider—”
“Scorpion,” he interrupted as he followed her.
The wood creaked under her feet. “I am serious. Keep yourself in check—”
“I will not hesitate to paralyze you—”
She froze upon the stairs, slowly turning to look at him on the step directly below her. Now they stood at the same height, face to face, only inches away from each other.
“You almost died out there,” he whispered, his hot breath brushing against her skin.
“Yeah, so did you. It happens,” she shrugged. “It’s what we do.”
“(Y/N),” he persisted.
With that, he grasped onto her face, his finger warm and calloused from the lifetime of travel and battle. Time seemed to freeze as the moment lingered, the air changing between them.
And then, his lips were on hers.
At first, a sense of uncertainty held her still, her mind grappling to comprehend the sudden intimacy. But as his touch deepened and the kiss became a dance, she surrendered to the moment. Her fingers found their way into his hair, tangling themselves among the dark waves, as her lips moved with just as much force—if not more—as his. He tasted of pine and fresh soil, she wast sure if she quite literally was consuming the dirt upon his face, but she didn't care. She couldn't stop herself from becoming enthralled by his lips.
“Scorpion,” he mumbled against her mouth.
She hummed a reply as her lips continued to move with his.
“Room. Now,” he practically growled.
She grinned, her teeth tugging on his bottom lip. “Make me.”
Aragorn pulled away from her, raising his brow with a smirk. With that, he grabbed her by the hips and hoisted her up. Her mouth found his again as he stumbled up the stairs, ignorant to the barkeep who woke and was now squinting at the pair.
“The Scorpion and Strider,” the old man huffed. “The boys aren't gonna believe this one.”
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bogleech · 1 year
If you could think of some Dragon-type Pokémon concepts, what would they be?
I've had multiple ideas obviously but I'm going to come up with some new ones just for this ask:
I love that they make dragon pokemon out of the most odd humble things so I think if there's only ever one bug/dragon it could be a silverfish that turns huge and cool and eats metal instead of paper, forming coin-like scales out of actual precious metals
ground/dragon naked mole rat queen, has a nest of babies living in the mud castle on her back
flying/dragon skyfish which would be tiny and have only 1 hp but always able to escape (like an ability that lets you decide to switch it out after previewing the enemy's attack)
poison/dragon oil slick, like a flat creeping pool of oil but it forms a body like a "sea serpent" rising out of it, maybe incorporates floating plastic waste and fish bones
grass/dragon orchid that's actually like "ugly" (by pokemon standards) and just kind of a brown root creature but it "blooms" during battle or when using a signature attack, maybe theming alludes to a catoblepas????
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glamnessaaumisc · 1 year
Discord Requests Pt. 7
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I really like the way I designed the wasp and bee queens; I should use them more.
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hi lovelies!! I'm new to ed tumblr so i'm making an intro;
non edblr blogs please don't interact! I am not proana, this is simply my way of coping. Please choose recovery if you can <3
block don't report! this blog is very dear to me
my name's Cyrus, but you can also call me Sylvian, i dont mind either. I'm 16 and an art student! I dunno what i'll do with my future but i'm really into music and artistic stuff! I'm enby and i'm fine with any pronouns tho i prefer they/them. I am a lesbian and currently dating the most gorgeous girl in the world.
I'm really into old music, and currently my listening range is from the 20's to 2010, i like pop, rock, jazz, swing, classical, electro and basically any type of music under the sun. Though i'm really big on new wave, glam rock and goth music. I enjoy alternative music as a whole. My favorite artists are David Bowie, Mylene Farmer, Japan and Sisters of Mercy.
I am an animal lover and have the immense joy to have two fabulous kitties: Belle and Kits. They're my babies, my besties and i would die for them.
I'm REALLY eager to make friends, especially ana friends as it can get really lonely sometimes. So dont be afraid to message me!
i'm sorry if i can come of as "off putting" to you, or if i'm too excited sometimes. i have emotion regulation problems. I am diagnosed with ADHD and in the middle of an autism diagnosis. I also have depression and PTSD. And there's ana too, obviously.
My current hyperfixations are: Dead Boy detectives and Drag Queens
My special interests (if im acc autistic) are Naked Mole Rats and The Little Prince. I've been obsessed by them for years and years now.
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SW: 76kgs
CW: 64kgs
GW1: 60kgs
GW2: 50kgs
GW3: 45kgs
i'm 158cms (5'2) so my cw is making me quite chubby, i cant wait to lose some! I'll do daily updates if things changes!! i mostly eat 1-2 tiny meals a day and i dont seem to binge for now so i'm proud of me.
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dni: basic dni criteria, fatphobic ppl, proshippers, nsfw accounts, anti recovery accounts,
i cant wait to talk to more people on here and to post more,
sleep well, drink water and take care <3
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gynandromorph · 6 months
for the record, i don't consider animals who form serendipitous groups to capitalize on safety-in-numbers, such as schooling fish, group sociality. there needs to be a consistent, long-term in-group who are lived with by default, with recognition of individuals and interpersonal reputations (ie. the animals can recognize individuals and prefer some over the other due to past interactions with said individuals) imo...
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sidhewrites · 23 days
I’m thinking about what kind of little critters the characters of lord of the rings might be. Do yall have any ideas that you particularly like? I like the theme of classic woodland animals but that’s hard to stick to for long with how many animals I want to incorporate. I’d love to hear everyone else’s ideas and headcanons too :)
Here are mine:
Hobbits are of course wild hamsters, which can gather plenty of food but are also surprisingly hardy and daring when push comes to shove. I think dwarves might be badgers, while Gandalf is an old hare or a great grey owl (or perhaps a binturong).
Golum makes me think of naked mole rats perhaps — which are very well adapted to their life underground, but are very unpleasant to the eyes of humans. Mole rats are also far more intelligent than most people realize, with a colony-like social structure with a queen and sterile workers. Then again they do feed on tubers, and our little guy is famously not a fan of taters to say the least. :p
I’m thinking elves might be either a screech owl, for their distinctive call and bark like camouflage, or a type of starling, since these birds are known for their ability to recognize and mimic sounds.
I like barn owls for the ancient elves like Elrond and Galadriel though. They’re gorgeous birds that tend to mate for life, and have very interesting threat behaviors.
If we aren’t going with birds though, I think an arboreal cat-adjacent animal like margays or civets would be perfect for elves.
Orcs are harder to decide. I think they’d be a social scavenger species . Vultures feel too on the nose, but they’re still a great fit for orcs, since they have a lot of great adaptations and intricate social structures. Andean condors for example are incredibly hardy birds that have a variety of establishing a pecking order with body language and play fighting, and they can kind of blush to show different emotions.
If we were to follow that, it would be very fun to assign elves to the beautiful Egyptian vultures, who are known to use tools such as rocks to break open eggs, or twigs to roll up wool for nest materials. But I’d prefer a more vocal bird for elves since vultures are largely limited to hissing grunting or screeching.
Although if we go with mammals, Hyenas feel like they’d be a lot of fun for orcs, and I could imagine the horror of a band of laughing predators coming your way. Thoughts?
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taylor-titmouse · 4 months
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uncensored on: twitter | cohost | bluesky | patreon | substar
i'm BACK from vacation which means MORE GNOMES and MORE LORE.
i'm settling into a eusocial matriarchy for these guys, specifically inspired by naked mole rats. in a gnome colony there is one breeding female in charge, served by non-breeding individuals mostly made up of her children, and a small harem of breeding males. the size of the harem depends on the overall size of her colony and territory, but they average 3-4 little husbands, and they come from outside the colony. their rutting season is in winter, during which time sexually developed males will leave their birth colonies to find new colonies to join, which is traditionally done by sneaking in and getting the queen's scent on themselves and fucking her. this isn't always easy--any husbands she already has won't be keen to share with a newcomer.
i decided only males have the neck ruffs, which they'd call a beard, but it doesn't grow from their chins. they puff up to display when fighting or scared :)
the albino one i keep drawing is named applecore and he dreams of big beautiful women
and reminder to $10 patrons--gimme your suggestions! i only have 2 so far! ((and on substar))
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mixelation · 10 months
Can you pls talk abt the ants and omega verse? Or abt the angler fish thing. It’s been haunting me.
sure. but as a disclaimer: i spend a lot of energy avoiding omegaverse content because a lot of the tropes squick me or else are the type of content that drives me up the wall, so i haven't read widely, and i'm not inviting discussion of what common tropes fic writers use. this is not a commentary on what anyone is actually writing or not writing, because i don't know and i don't care.
so. in eusocial insects (and also in, like, naked mole rats), you have three main social roles: two types of reproductive roles, and then "workers" who do not reproduce. The reproductive roles are the "queen," which is a female whose job is mainly churning out babies, and then drones, whose role is basically just providing sperm for the babies. The workers give up their chance to reproduce in order to support the colony as a whole, because they're highly genetically related to the queen, so the queen is making sure their alleles are being duplicated and passed on. is this not omegas, alphas, and betas??? like, you have one hyper fecund female, so some portion of her offspring are just normie worker types to take of your giant family your breeding kink made.
on anglerfish: anglerfish have wild sexual dimorphism (that's when sexes have different appearances). females are the ones with the scary face and bioluminescence you think of when you hear "anglerfish." males are much, much smaller. a male's one goal is to find a female and then physically latch onto her with his teeth. in some species, the males will even physically fuse with the female, and one female can be hosting multiple males. males often get called "parasitic" because they become completely reliant on the female for things like food. i think their status as a parasite is arguable though, as they do provide sperm for reproduction.
anyway i like the idea of an alien species with similarly extreme sexual dimorphism. your alien friend is like "oh do you want to meet my husbands?" and then they open their purse to reveal three tiny, tiny men. i think it'd be cute. i recognize this is undoubtedly someone's fetish though LMAO
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