#monami post
twilightdomain · 2 years
woke up far earlier than necessary and lay in bed for an hour mentally prepping for Laeros's tumultuous fucking brainstate all bc i thogt it was morning-dnd-sunday
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zombiiesims · 4 years
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A long awaited and redone collab like 2x now lmaoo with @grimtrait give them some love!
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mapleminho · 6 years
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linterteatime · 2 years
What lining pen and coloring did you use for your 5th picture in your doodles post? It's so soft and cute!
This pic I assume
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For lining I used monami plus pen 3000,I think the lilac colour :0
And for colouring I used some Faber-Castell pastel colour pencils (some simple wood colouring ones)
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idlemorrow · 4 years
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WANT TO BE IMMORTALISED IN CARTOON FORM? head over to www.instagram.com/cartoon.portal 🥰
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Inevitable Chapter 1
{ This story is a roleplay I did with someone on an app. We enjoyed it a lot more than we expected. We tried to post it on that app but it wouldn’t let us so we’re posting it on here. I don’t own apex or it’s characters, just the oc. Hope you enjoy!}
Christopher was recently a new legend that joined the amazing Apex Games. He was excited to finally play his first match, he smiled soon seeing another legend join his lobby. He sees a woman with blond hair and blue eyes, with a lightning mark on her face. She was walking towards him, skipping happily. Christopher felt excited and waved at her before saying "Um hey I'm Christopher, I'm the new legend" he smiled at her, reaching his hand out. She shook his hand with hers, smiled back “It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’m Wattson” The announcer started counting down, letting everyone get to their place. The floors below them starts lowering until they are in open air. Christopher gave Wattson the jump master position, wanting her to choose a location since she’s a pro in his eyes. Wattson chose skull town and Christopher didn't really like the place but wasn't going to argue with her, he dropped down in front of a building as another duo was in the same place as them. Christopher began to look getting a mastiff and a wingman, he got out of the building and he began to fight with the other duo while wattson was looting still as she grabbed a hemlok and Alternator. Christopher was getting shot at and he was getting close to death. He breathed heavily as he risked leaving the cover and actually managing to kill the duo by himself. Christopher threw his hands into the air and yelled in happiness from getting his first two kills. Wattson sees Christopher down on the main floor. She jogs up to him and reach her hand out to him. “ Come on monami, no time for sitting around” She giggles at him. He reaches his hand out and grab on to hers, pulling himself up. “ I got my first kills, Wattson!” He said happily to her, Christopher began to heal himself. Wattson smiles at him about to say something until shots starts landing right next her, causing her to jump. She pulled Christopher to cover before taking out her Alternator and start firing at the other team. “ There’s only two of them. This should be easy” Christopher said beginning to shoot with his wingman. “ Hopefully” Wattson whispered, breaking one’s shield. Christopher peeked out seeing the duo and he put some smoke between before he went to try and flank them. Wattson kept on shooting them downing one of them as Christopher went up to the other teammate and ended up breaking his shield before kicking him killing them and their teammate. Christopher smiled seeing that him and wattson won the fight but they'd have to get to a safe place first. They went to the airbase to get some more loot finding it mostly empty as the place had been looted already but they both managed to find stuff that they needed. Christopher just sat down against a wall before smiling thinking about what had happened.
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zombiesimss · 7 years
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Fake freckles
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minniespage · 3 years
Make ur little starter pack
🥺: hiii guys sorrry for the lack of posts i have been in n out, and also idk how not to have scary thingies pop up on ma feed. They scarey.
So this is basically a little starter kit for ur self that's way cheaper than insta shops( in my opinion). (Also this is wat I bought/ ordered urs doesn't have to be the same. We have different likes and budgets)
Alll of this was found on Amazon
Drum Roooollllll
JOr 3pk pacis( white black pink) - $15 | i wanted this bc it looked like bea's (their popular here and insta) and I wanted to try these
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Blue light Glasses 12 | i need this cuz of online school hehe
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Anceo 6pk knee socks - $16 | tight highs soo pretty and can cover ma scars
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Purple bag 17$ | tooo put all ma stuff in
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Monami pens 19$| i loveeee pens
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Disney coloring book 7$| i haves to color
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Coloring pencils 50 ct 10$| to color in da coloring book
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Little for big 3pk ( pink blue purple) pacis- $15 | morrrreee paciiiis
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Paci clips 6$ | cuz i like too ahh throw things hehehe
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Totall 130 ish i thinks
🥺: I didn't send it to my house so it will a while till i can pick everything up from my friend 😭( its okays cuz its a gift for after this semester in May ) But I'll definitely do a post on how to safely order everything, and discreetly toooo.
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michivns · 5 years
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Portuguese: Summer Vibes Edition
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Time for a summer post! Let’s learn some Portuguese!
General Summer Vocab:
Air Conditioner  --  ar condicionado (m)
August  --  agosto (m)
Beach  --  praia (f)
Bathing suit  --  Maiô (m) br // fato de banho (m)  pt
Fan  --  ventilador (m)  (// leque (m)-- handheld fan)
Flower  --  flor (f)
Gardening  --  jardinagem (f)
Hot --  quente
Outdoors  --  área externa (f)
Park  --  parque (m)
Picnic  --  piquenique (m)
Sea/Ocean  --  mar/oceano (m)
Summer Solstice  --  solstício de verão
Sunflower  --  girassol (m)
Sunscreen  --  protetor solar (m)
Thunderstorm  --  tempestade (f), trovoada (f), temporal (m)
Vacation  -- férias (fpl)
Water park  --  parque aquático (m)
Late Night Star Gazing Vocab:
Solar System  --  sistema solar (m)
Space  --  espaço (m)
Planet(s)  -- planeta(s) (m)
Mercury  --  mercúrio  (m)
Venus  --  vênus (f)
Earth  --  terra (f)
Mars  --  marte (m)
Jupiter  --  júpiter (m)
Saturn  --  saturno (m)
Uranus  --  urano (m)
Neptune  --  netuno (m)
Stars  --  estrelas (fpl) 
Moon  --  lua (f)
Comet  --  cometa (m)
Falling Star  --  estrela cadente (f)
Constellation  --  constelação (f)
Galaxy  --  galáxia (f)
Telescope  --  telescópio (m)
Light-Year  --  ano-luz (m)
Meteor  --  meteoro (m)
Sky  --  céu (m)
You going camping? I got you vocab:
Animals  --  animais (mpl)
Backpacking  --  mochilão (m) br // viagem de mochileiro (f)
Boots  --  botas (fpl)
To Camp  --  acampar
Campfire  --  fogueira (f)
To [paddle a] Canoe  --  remar em canoa
Forest  --  floresta (f)
Flashlight  --  lanterna (f)
Grass  --  grama (f) br // relva (f) pt
Hammock  --  rede (f)
To Hike  --  caminhar
Insects  --  insetos (mpl)
Insect Repellent  --  repelente de/para/contra insetos (I’m honestly not sure which  is more correct.)
Lake  --  lago (m)
Map  --  mapa (m)
National Park  --  parque nacional (m)
Rope  --  corda (f)
Tent  --  tenda (f)
Trees  --  árvores (fpl)
Waterfall  --  cascata (f) // cachoeira (f)
 Summer Music Vibes:
Sweet Spot --Papillon Monami --Irma Terabyte --AMAURA Farda  --Gson +351 (call me) --Nenny Só a Pensar  --D’alva  Rua -- Harold Lembrei-me  --Bispo
Um Pôr do Sol na Praia  --Silva & Ludmilla Cai  -- Francisco el Hombre & Yorka Triste, Louca ou Má  --Francisco el Hombre Eu Não Valho Nada  --KVSH, Samhara & Lagum Chega  -- GAIA A Alegria dos Dias Dorme no Calor dos Teus Braços --Apeles Beija-Flor --Johnny Hooker Caetano Veloso  --Johnny Hooker Chegou de Manso  --Lagum
Summer Movies/Series feel:
The Way He Looks (2014) Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho Director: Daniel Ribeiro Staring: Ghilherme Lobo, Fabio, Tess Amorim
Leonardo is a blind teenager searching for independence. His everyday life, the relationship with his best friend, Giovana, and the way he sees the world change completely with the arrival of Gabriel.
Girls from Ipanema (2019-) Coisa Mais Linda  Creators: Giuliano Cedroni, Heather Roth Staring: Maria Casadevall, Pathy Dejesus, Mel Lisboa
After the disappearance of her husband, Maria Luiza opens a Bossa Nova club in defiance of her normally conservative demeanor.
Central Station (1998) Central do Brasil Director: Walter Salles Staring: Fernanda Montenegro, Vinicius de Oliveira, Marilia Pera
An emotive journey of a former school teacher, who writes letters for illiterate people, and a young boy, whose mother has just died, as they search for the father he never knew.
Just a reminder that I am a student of Portuguese (not a native speaker!!!) Therefore, if anyone sees anything wrong, please let me know so I can fix it and learn the correct way. I’d rather be corrected than sound like an idiot. And if you’re a student too, well I would always double check my work! I worked really hard on this but I could’ve slipped up anywhere! Anyway, hope this is helpful! Happy summer everyone!
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studyforwhatmatters · 4 years
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Lots of stuff to get done today 😬🤧 We have our first quiz for renal on Monday and five assignments due on Sunday. It has been pretty rough coming back from winter break, but with the national board exam coming up, I really need to put my best foot forward. Let's do this 👊🏻😤 — Also my dailies don't always look like this, but I messed up the date initially and I had to cover it up with a post it note 🙃 — Supplies ✏📚 Date: Monami Plus Pen 3000 Tasks: Pilot Juice 0.38 mm Everything else is from Daiso ✌🏻 (including the page marker which I love since the Stalogy has no ribbons or pockets!!!!)
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gluestickcherrybum · 4 years
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Ahoy there! I'm back with another study post °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
 So if you aren't aware already, me as well as various other study bloggers are notorious for writing aesthetically pleasing handwritten notes. Notes aren’t absolutely necessary if you prefer to do without.  A lot of my friends and acquaintances don’t bother with them and prefer to rely entirely on the lecture materials provided. I find that it helps me indefinitely in my studies and as a brief creative outlet which I rarely give myself the time for.
Why take Notes? 
Instead of printing the lecture materials given digitally, I've taken it to re-write the lecture notes a few days prior to the lecture. Some lecturers insist their students read the material to get a grasp of the topic before the lecture and this is taking it a few steps further.  They say writing something down is equivalent to reading it 7 times, meaning getting into memory this way is so much more efficient which is one of the biggest reasons I insisted myself handwrite my notes. Also writing your own notes is totally customisable to your needs, do you prefer mind maps or lists? Infographics or paragraphs? Minimalistic or colourful? It's all up to you.
Why I personally take notes
Different plants have different needs. Some need to be watered daily, some twice a day and some every other day. Some thrive in nutrient-rich soil and some prefer to sit in dry sand. Just like plants, each individual student has different needs and circumstances to thrive. For me, since I have a relatively low attention span and am a relatively slow learner, I needed the head start of reading topics beforehand to catch on with the rest. To me, with proper preparation for lectures, attending the lecture is like filling in the missing puzzle pieces. At least it should be. Also, I'm more of a visual learner, so if you're like me, then well structured, colourful and easy to read notes are not only more appealing but really help me in my studies and help me grasp topics a lot faster.
Probably the part where everyone is pumped for but I'll to simplify as well as be in-depth as possible.
Basically, you need paper and a pen. Need some colours? get some highlighters or coloured pens. Some people usually go one or the other but you can benefit from using both systematically. 
What I look for in my preferred paper:
Thicker paper (120gsm) because I use markers and pens that bleed through anything less and I like my paper sturdy because I heavily reference my notes and I don't want them to get worn out as quickly (i want to actually try to use thinner paper and be gentler but not sure how much I can commit to it  o(╥﹏╥)o).
Smoother paper is good if you use felt tips so they don't get damaged that quickly.
Line spacing. Its a waste of space and paper if you have small handwriting but largely spaced outlines. Not easy to find though.
Line colour. I prefer lighter lines such as light grey if possible, it just looks tidier that my writing contrasts more than with jet black lines.
Recycled or sustainably made paper. Because environment. Trees happy. Duh.
At the moment I'm a fan of loose-leaf paper because I'm not a fan of wasting notebook paper at the back (plus its even harder to get the paper features I want in notebooks unless I'm lucky) but if I were to succumb to using notebooks, I would definitely prefer thread-bound or hand-sewn over spring bound just because I think metal springs are annoying and if they're plastic, they aren't recyclable. You know me.
In conclusion, it's hard to find test pad with all of these features, you can consider printing your own notepaper if you're as picky as I am but you do you. If you can only afford flimsy see-through paper, that's alright. But make sure your supplies are appropriate for them as most of the supplies I use will bleed even on regular paper
Don't bother going all out and using fine liners or drawing pens to write notes. Get practical. Pick your poison. Smooth gel pens or dry ballpoint? Ergonomic or Budget-friendly? Disposable or refillable? My only guideline is to make sure they have waterproof ink because in any case, you need to send in an assignment last minute and have to rush through the rain without a folder you definitely want your writing to be at least legible if anything. (yes I learned this the hard way, yes illegible work will cost you a lot of marks. don't make my mistake 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
 Also. Black or Blue? Studies show that writing in blue improves memory collection but black is the more neutral aesthetic. What do I do? I use black as my main colour and write keywords and important facts in blue to take advantage of its memory-enhancing properties.
My current preference: Zebra Sarasa Clip (because its made of 75% recycled plastic and is a good quality pen) with Pentel Energel refill (gel ink that dries quickly. that's all I need)
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Budget-Friendly: There are good quality pen sets at the ECO shop (Malaysian dollar store) or buy disposable pens in bulk at any book store. Trust me, it saves a lot more than buying a brand new 80 cent pen every now and again. (Also including the cost of transportation to the store because when you live independently, every cent matters) It's not exactly environmentally friendly but hey, anything to cut the cost right?
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Zero Waste option: Fountain Pen with a converter (not the cartridges) and glass bottles of ink refill. Yes, it sounds daunting but its zero waste if that's your cup of tea. You don't have to go all out and buy an expensive luxury fountain pen made of stainless steel, or go fancy and get a flexible nib. If you ask me, I have my eyes set on the pilot kakuno fountain pen, its simple, aesthetic and highly recommended for beginners (although not plastic-free its made out of 85% recycled plastic which is cool since I'm hoping to make a one time purchase, I won't mind it being made from plastic but that just my taste)
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Coloured Pens
So I haven't been a fan of using coloured pens for a while but ill tell you I'm currently using a cheap set of coloured gel pens from Kaison just because they have cute patterns but the ink flow isn't that smooth so I should've bought something more practical. The ultimate budget-friendly option which is not only cheap but long-lasting and good quality, and ones that I’d recommend for anyone is the Papermate Kilometrico ballpoint coloured pens. So far I only know they come in five colours but they've been my favourite for years. Most people I know that disagree with me usually don't like the colour range or arent a fan of dry ink but if you aren't that picky and looking for a reliable option they're a good option, plus if you're using cheap paper, they won't bleed or anything so that's cool.
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I love pastel highlighters. Its soft, cute, aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and some colours are better at actually highlighting words rather than their neon counterparts like green and purple. Although not the cheapest option, I doubt ill ever go back to neon highlighters ever and ill only be recommending pastel highlighters thanks.
My current preference: I'm currently using Monami Pastel Highlighters just because they were on sale with comparable prices to unbranded cheap pastel highlighters. I will never recommend commonly branded highlighters like Stabilo Boss or Zebra Mildliners because the extra pennies just aren't worth it since the unbranded kind has lived up to my standards. (also I haven't tried those branded highlighters mind you but I doubt I'm missing out on anything)
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Budget-Friendly option: While Zebra Mildliners are being sold at RM5 for one and RM25 for a set, Mr DIY sells knockoff brand "BEIFA" for RM7 for a set of six which is a pretty good deal if you ask me (also there are double-sided ones with a bullet and chisel tips if you thought mildliners were the only option with those features). I've also found some rare gems, unbranded pastel highlighters hidden in common bookstores for an even cheaper price, but they're really hard to find unless the pastel highlighter trend decides to catch on. I digress.
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Zero Waste option: I heard about highlighter pencils, just wooden pencils with neon colour pigments, but why get trendy when you can use any old wooden colouring pencils lying around? I don't think ill give up plastic highlighters for wooden pencils despite being a strong environmentalism advocate but there are a few options for highlighters made from recycled plastic but they either don't come in pastel colours or too pricey for my taste (yes I'm a cheapskate for crud sake)
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These other things aren't exactly necessary but they add little flourishes and/or aid you in your note-taking. Not exactly an extra investment but its completely up to you
Sticky notes (or coloured memo pads) for extra notes, diagrams or equations which I like for them to stand out a bit. (Pastel over neon of course)
Washi tape to divide subchapters (but a highlighter streak does the job)
Correction tape because never will I ever use correction fluid mind you
Brush pens for headers (completely unnecessary but I don't have any other outlet to practice brush lettering so.) Recommendations: Artline Stix (chunky but super cheap, marker type not for thin paper), Pentel Fude Touch (great for beginners, small and practical, 83% recycled plastic, but will bleed on regular paper)
Alternatively, a regular black felt tip marker just to make the title stand out is good enough.
An underrated note-taking method is the Cornell method which is frankly a systematic way to write notes in which you divide the paper into 4 sections, a place for title and date and stuff, the main body for notes, extended side margin for extra info/lecture comments/questions/subtitles and bottom quarter reserved for a summary of the notes. Some people modify this technique by omitting the summary section, depending on your needs.
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Bullet points and indents. This is pretty self-explanatory, but it's pretty much notes that aren't chunky paragraphs. Easier to read, easier to register information, easier to skim through. You get the gist of it.
Highlighting system. Some people go all out with their highlighting system and designate colours to certain things such as green for vocab, orange for equations, blue for subtopics. etc. You can try this out if you want, but for me, the plethora of colour is quite distracting and not that aesthetically pleasing, but you do you.
My priorities to note-taking are: Easy to read, simple, decluttered and visually pleasing. For colours, I mainly use up to 4. Black pen for the main information, blue pen for keywords (or any coloured pen that matches the highlighter), one or two highlighters as a colour theme and matching sticky notes for extra info, diagrams or equations.
I assign a whole chapter to a specific colour theme, first assigning a certain highlighter colour to the first six chapters, if there are more than six chapters, I use 2 accent colours just to shake it up a bit. This makes it easier to differentiate the chapters when flipping through your notes.
So its, hand-lettered title (i do my lettering quite quickly, mind you) or all caps title in black marker. Mini banner doodle for subtitles (a simple box with a drop shadow works just fine), contrasting coloured keywords (or underlined) and highlighters just for accents like dividing subtitles or drawing boxes for extra info (that or sticky notes). I don't simplify my lecture notes, rather rewriting them in a more orderly manner and leaving a good amount of extra space here and there (or an extended margin if I use Cornell) for extra lecture notes. Also, I highlight whatever notes that my lecturer would point out as important or worth remembering. And that's pretty much it. After the lecture, I then know which parts of the notes were more vital and can then simplify those key points into flashcards which ill discuss in a different post.
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Thanks for reading, I know my posts are pretty long but that's the way I like them, long but in depth. As usual, if you would like me to cover any specific topics, feel free to message me or give feedback. I hope to be able to write 2 or 3 articles a month if I can but until then, have a nice day. Study smart peeps. 
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ranaeissance · 5 years
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september 5th, 2019
what’s in my pencil case
i was inspired by the lovely @paper-chase !
in the process of doing this post, i've finally organised my pencil case better :D stationery details below~ fave items in bold,, click for better quality
the pencil case
mesh pouch
i've had this mesh pouch for 3 years and it's probably the best pencil case i've owned. not only is it extremely durable, it’s minimalistic and big enough to fit a range of items but small enough so i only have the essentials. also, it's extremelyyyy portable.
red pilot pen 1.0
black extra fine pilot pen 0.5
papermate inkyjoy 1.0
dong-a uknock black gel pen 0.5
daiso black gel pen 0.5
black uni ball signo 0.7
monami black gel pen 0.38
pilot g-tec 0.7
mechanical pencils
uni kuru toga 0.5 (pink)
uni kuru toga 0.7 (blue)
pilot furefure corone 0.5 (dotted)
daiso highlighters (warm and pastel)
usb - toshiba 8GB + free usb
pilot neox graphite in 0.5 and 0.7
my favourite lead
vvv old faber castell mini sharpener
black artline stix brush pen
staedtler 15 cm ruler
daiso stylus ball point pen
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acuriousdoodle · 5 years
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Monami Ohno and Her Wondrous Works of Cardboard Art View Full Post
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131klh · 5 years
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25.07.2019 // 22.16 MYT // 682 . here's my notes for the iranian revolution! today's my last night in my hotel and fun fact, this post and the last two involves the fake flowers from my room hehe, they were just too pretty 😍😍 i mainly focused on the heading as im not sure if i like the style i did it in, do let me know in the comments 😊 . . u s e d : • kuretake zig mangaka flexible brush pen (black) • monami 601 pastel highlighter (orange) • some random hotel ballpoint pen . . #bujo #bujoideas #bujoinspiration #bujojunkie #bujoinspo #notes #notestagram #i&s #summer #revision #bujocommunity #bujolove #bujolife #handwriting #calligraphy #lettering #art #inspiration #ideas #stationery #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #bulletjournaling #bulletjournaladdict #bulletjournalcommunity #studygram #studying #study #sgstudygram #notesbymione https://www.instagram.com/p/B0V9uyZhXw0/?igshid=4046ezk5pomb
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infusedwithcaffeine · 5 years
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Let’s be honest, there are a tons of good set of pens and notebooks and other stationary stuff that you see here in tumblr that just looks so good that attracts you to buy the exact same thing, but won’t really be needing them. 
I used to buy a lot of set of pens and highlighters and expensive notebooks, and sticky notes, washi tapes, etc... like I hoard them all! and I end up not using them, and that hurts me and my bank account tbh. so I decided to settle on the things that’ll last me long and I get my money’s worth. 
Since I’m broke, here are some of my must haves that are cheap but does not sacrifice the quality of their products. 
(Also, the prices I’ll be posting are based from Philippines, which is where I’m from. It might be more expensive in your country or cheaper, idk.) 
Let’s start with Pens, everyone’s favorite, These are just some of my personal go-to pens. 
Faber Castell Ballpoint stick 1423  0.5mm (12.75 php)  is one of the cheapest and is amazingly well with writing. I personally have these in all colors (Black, Blue, Red)  
Monami Gel Pen Love Pet 0.38 mm  (29.75 php) the price is a tad bit higher than the first pen but what I love about this is, it doesn’t seem to smudge with the use of highlighters, although I have not tried using it with mildliners, which is famous for smudging a lot of pen ink. 
Zebra Sarasa Pen (69.75 php)  - Okay, I know that these are not on the cheap side of pens, but these pens are absolutely one of my personal faves, they are so comfortable to hold and write with, they don’t smudge with highlighters, which is uh-ma-zing! since when I’m at lectures I always highlight some main points and titles. Really helpful. 
Pilot G-tec C3/C4 (77.75 php)  This pen is my personal go to since I write in cursive during lectures, and they write really smooth. 
Pilot Juice Pen 0.3 and 0.5 mm and 0.7 mm  (44.75 / piece,  265.75 php / set of 5) I really love this when rewriting my notes,  they come in pastel and metallic. A downside with this Pilot pen line is that they smudge with highlighters especially with mildliners which are my favorite highlighters ever.
Muji Pens 0.5 / 0.38 mm (around 55-ish php) not the biggest fan of the Muji pen, but I find them great to use if you’re looking for some thin but really pigmented pens, and they are comfortable to hold on to, so I think this is still worth your money. 
Papers and Notebooks 
In Philippines, a few branches of National bookstore has this station called the Paper Bar by Ifex which is really cool since you can make your custom notebooks with your name or anything you want embedded on the cover. So what I did is I bought Sheets enough for me to last the entire semester and at the end of the sem, I compiled them all and asked the same Paper bar to bind it for me, I bought the spiral and the cover and the paper, in the end I came up with a nice notebook full of notes and there are some paper for me to use for the next semester. I don’t know if you can still do that now. 
Oxford notebooks / Prometheus notebooks This is a korean brand notebooks, the price ranges from 129 php and above. What I like about this notebook is that the paper is really smooth. I’ve used this since 1st year college and until now. It’s a bit pricey, yes but definitely your money’s worth
Victoria’s Journals these notebooks are really pricey, but I purchased one with only 63 php from the sale rack of national bookstore. It was still good, no damages, which is suspicious at first tbh. On a normal day it may cost about a couple hundred pesos, not a smart choice for a notebook, but the paper is good. I suggest wait for a sale around your area and just dig in there, ya know. 
 Kokuyo they have these binder notebooks with a free refill that is about 400 + php, I saw these at a department store, and I think this is one of the smartest choice for a notebook. I love this binder notebook so much, it’s not heavy on the bag, you can just buy refills based on what you need, they have the dotted, grid and dotted ruled which is so cool. A total must have 
Compera has the exact same binder notebook with refill on the cheaper side, which is one of the best thing, although the paper refills are a little thin but the binder itself is almost exactly the same as with kokuyo’s, it’s a really good one, I suggest you check out both, and buy whatever floats your boat, but personally I prefer the Compera cause it’s cheap. (I’m broke, okay? hahaha) 
Faber Castell textliner 38  I personally like thin highlighters, the one that can just fit right with my pen case and to avoid it being too bulky. Not sure with the price, one thing I’m sure is that these are doesn’t dry out even when you leave it without the cap for hours, (I slept and left them at my desk and the next morning they still work. cool!) 
Mildliners I know, I know they’re not the cheapest thing in the world, but these are absolutely amazing since they come in so much different variation of colors which helps me mix and match them during rewriting my notes. 
Dong-A Twinliner Soft these are like mildliners but with a fewer variation of colors, still nevertheless a good highlighter. 
That is all, personally what I do is that I buy products that will last me for the long time, to save time and money, and do not hoard, guys! I used to be a hoarder cause I don’t want to run out of my supplies and it did me no good, a lot of pen has dried out some of the highlighters are not faded, and I ended up throwing them away. 
I mean, yeah sure it looks good and aesthetic asf in your room, but come on, think about other people who wants to purchase the same thing you hoarded, and them having nothing. Happened to me a lot of times now. Think about it. 
See ya~!
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