#monds ice and fire
crispyartisanzombie · 10 months
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This image just makes me headcanon that they are in love and trying to be secret about it yet absolutely fail.
The people living in the city of Mondstadt have their suspicions but these two are too stubborn to admit it, eventually Rosaria noticed them heading alone somewhere so she's listening in to their conversation to see if people were right.
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villain-byteniwoha · 6 months
ships i like and why i ship them: a small, affectionate rant before bed
zhongchi: probably the first ship i ever interacted with. i may have started playing genshin for them. I specifically remember reading modern, non canon au fics on ao3 when i was still low AR and did not have liyue unlocked yet just to enjoy content of them without spoiling the story too much. those were good times
love the betrayal, the reciprocated manipulations, their individual bloody pasts and their juxtaposing love for humanity/family. the marriage chopsticks. god, the amount of threads I've read explaining those... and ofc you can't forget the official art with them by the harbor with the gingko leaves falling cinematically. i think that's the art that drew me to them lol
there's also something so deliciously tragic about a near-immortal being who's fated to succumb to erosion in due time, falling in love with a mortal man who's always within death's cold embrace. not to mention the subtext of their themes and principles. geo and hydro, stability and turbulence, land and sea, they crystallize when they meet in the middle, etc etc
kaeluc: another pairing I enjoyed the absolute shit out of, way back when I wasn't even playing the game yet. I remember learning about them while I was deep in my mxtx phase, specifically tgcf, and I'm pretty sure I dipped my toes in after I learned that they used to be sworn brothers. keywords here being used to. hook, line, and sinker. before I knew it, I was also reading fanfics about them, but only modern, non canon au ones because genshin terms made no sense to me and i didn't want spoilers. then I played the game. and then—we get Kaeya for free. I mained the shit out of that man for months.
and then. I fully entered the fandom, only to be immediately slapped in the face with the mistranslation issue.
and I get it, honestly, if you like ragbros good for you, I'm happy for you, but me personally, I will scorn hyv until the day I fucking die because had they not messed this up? kaeluc would've have been so powerful. KAELUC WOULD HAVE BEEN SO FUCKING POWERFUL
how could they not be? they're childhood friends but they're also forbidden romance coded, and rivals/enemies coded, but they're also soulmates. they don't just know each other, they're two halves of a whole, they know each other.
and the themes, don't even get me started on their themes. fire and ice, red and blue... paimon's line about them being similar (i.e. kaeya's a shady mf who fights in the day/diluc's a bright fire in the night) is one of the most romantic lines ever. they're sun and moon but only because they complete each other. also, lamp grass and calla lily? that's them as flowers, but they're the other person's ascension material like hello???????? fucking wild.
and ofc this kaeluc section can't end without me mentioning arundolyn and rostam. for those who don't know or have read/heard of those names but never really dug deep into it, arundolyn and rostam were knights of favonius around the same time as the cataclysm, and you can read about them in artifact sets such as brave heart, defender's will; and partially from the elegy bow
the reason they're here is because there are too many damn parallels between them and kaeluc to just be a coincidence.
arundolyn was a claymore user (see: ferrous shadow), he was the "lion of light,"; he was naturally gifted in strength but still trained hard and would later become the grand master of the knights; he'd push rostam to drink wine and tell him to have a little fun; he gives up his title and weapon after rostam dies
on the flip side, rostam was the swordsman who created the art of favonius bladework (see: favonius sword), his title was, "wolf pup,"; when he and arundolyn played as children, he was the stand-in for the champion knight of aristocracy; he "ruled the shadows," by protecting mond with ways the knights did not approve; rostam dies in an expedition to expunge the evils poured forth from the cataclysm...
I'll let you connect the dots there. I just also wanna point out, as a final note, that in the favonius sword's description, it says, "the childhood friend and spiritual counterpart of Arundolyn, the Lion of Light, whose name was Rostam, the Wolf Pup." ok. yeah. moving on
xiaoven: i very quickly realized after reading the genshin webtoon that venti was gonna be one of, if not my most favorite character. and i was curious as to who the people wanted to pair him with. keep in mind, this was around 2.0~2.2 I believe, so when I searched them up, the only canon backing I could find was the music scene
and boy, was that scene enough because holy shit, the brain rot these two gave me??? of a god who embodies freedom, and the last remaining yaksha chained to his duty????? they were so thematically opposed and beautiful, it wasn't hard to fall in love with them
by the time 3.0 came rolling in, I've already stopped playing, but that didn't mean i wasn't aware of how we were well fed by canon. from the trailer to venti full on attending the lantern rite and sitting down with the liyue gang; it was one of those interactions that transcended everything
and of course, OF COURSE, they also canonically addressed the fact that venti's music soothes xiao's soul. that's intimate. that's deep. that's so fucking romantic and nice and beautiful in the most tragic way...
also, we can't forget the depictions of god and servant here. the holy themes, the worship. the promise of immortality and foreverness, but also the threat of it. i just think xiao doomed with karmic debt and venti vowed to divine erosion is such a soulmate connection, and I'm also delusional
that's all for now but there's so much more...
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iwant-fuitgummi · 1 year
i wanna talk about visions. specifically, kaeya's vision.
this will contain spoilers for the caribert archon quest, as well as spoilers for kaeya's backstory.
(VERY short summary at the bottom btw)
people get visions for different reasons, though it's all based on ambition. there are subcategories for each element, which makes each character of a specific element different.
anemo is for those who have lost someone close to them (like barbatos).
geo is given to people who are strong-willed or hardheaded (like morax).
electro is given to those who are different/cast out [like beelzebul (she was much different than baal)].
I think dendro is given to people who are dedicated to perfecting their skills? I'm not sure on this one but it seems right looking at dendro characters.
hydro is given to people with a strong belief system.
pyro is typically given to people with fiery passion.
and cryo is given to people who have faced conflict. mainly internal conflict (ex. self-hatred, self-deprecation, etc.). it is also given to people who have been isolated or cast out (like ayaka).
but I think that their visions work in different ways for those reasons, too. for example, yoimiya wanted a vision to light fireworks, and her vision gave her the ability to imbue her arrows with pyro energy (allowing her to light them safely from a distance). sucrose was experimenting with anemo energy when she got hers, and she can now freely throw around anemo energy whenever and wherever she wants (she probably uses it most in the lab). beidou got hers after fighting haishan (a deadly sea monster) and she can now parry powerful attacks with ease (something you'd want when fighting huge monsters).
but then there's kaeya. he definitely fits the internal conflict aspect of getting a cryo vision. he (very obviously) hates himself, and he was indeed cast out from his own family. he got his vision when fighting his own brother, and he was literally on the brink of death. if he hadn't gotten his vision in that moment, there would be no kaeya.
let's talk about what his vision does in particular, and why it does those things.
first off, it all seems very, very simple. his skill shoots out a burst of frost, and his burst makes a few icicles.
burst first: they are an obvious reference to the abyss. when cryo abyss mages are reforming their shields, there are icicles flying around them. this is a reference to kaeya's heritage as a descendant of chlotar alberich, the founder of the abyss order.
now, his elemental skill: it shoots out a burst of ice, almost like it's meant to stop an oncoming blast of fire...sound familiar? (*COUGH* DILUC'S BURST *COUGH*) but that's not all it does. his passive, cold-blooded strike, makes his skill heal kaeya. nobody else, just kaeya. hm...i wonder why he'd need to self-heal? (*COUGH* DILUC *COUGH* SELF-HATRED *COUGH*) but wait, there's more! kaeya's c4 (which I recently got) makes him SUMMON A SHIELD when his hp gets below a certain percent...and it only shields him. if you switch characters, the shield disappears until kaeya is back on the field. hm...why would kaeya need a shield when his health gets so low... it's almost like his vision was suited to the EXACT circumstances as when he got it. self-healing and self-shielding. his vision is catered to his fight with diluc.
now that begs the question: why did kaeya, a KHAENRI'AHN, get a vision? the gods hate khaenri'ahns, and celestia eradicated them. and here's the thing: im not sure who exactly gives out visions. it could be celestia, or it could be the archons themselves. so, it's either:
the cryo archon saw potential, or
celestia wants to use him to eradicate the abyss
it's pretty much common knowledge that kaeya's vision is different, and you can't say it's because he's khaenri'ahn. scaramouche was born in inazuma, but has a sumeru vision. this means that the vision case denotes the nation the vision was received in. that's why kaeya has a mond-style case. but why two wings instead of one?
i think it's a marker. so that when celestia decides to finally start yet another war, they know which mond citizen is their little pawn. they know which khaenri'ahn not to kill. they want to use him, to show them that their founder's descendant has learned to live (semi) happily in teyvat.
but hey it's just a theory and this was all done with like. zero research, just my general knowledge on kaeya and his backstory (i love kaeya so general knowledge is. a lot.). i repeat: it's all just theoretical. don't take this as fact I just love kae so so so much and think about him all the time <3
anyways to summarize, kaeya's vision acts the way it does because it's a self-defense mechanism from when diluc almost killed him. and I think it looks different because celestia wants to use him.
ok thanks goodnight
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vahalia-cress · 3 months
⸸ Whispers in the West Winds ⸸
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She had seen the partial sands of Dalmasca and the vineyards in Lea monde. She had seen the port of Valnain and the old ruins of buildings and warehouses that scattered the areas of Dalmasca like life had fallen to time. She had seen the frigid snowcaps of Coerthas and the ice caverns nestled away within the hollows of the Central Highlands and she had played witness to the fickle clime that kept Ishgard in a state of perpetual winter. Some days there would be plenty of sun and the vapor of a cold breath on the wind and other days there would be so much snowfall that walking out in the weather amongst the city was a task in and of itself.
But Vahalia had never been to Tural.
In truth, while she had been all over to many places and spent much time abroad in the free cities, she had yet to be remotely close to adventuring out in more wild areas such as woods and jungles. Perhaps in her younger years while on her apprenticeship she had more of a knack for exploring than she had recently.
Business kept her busy though at current with business booming and qualified folk on hand, what kept her from such now?
The Matriarch of House Cress made her way through the streets to the Gray estate which she had been to a handful of times before – if that. Though today it would bring about a new reason why she had ventured out in the cold snap that Ishgard had been experiencing. Suddenly the thought of the sun and rumored green canopies overhead hadn’t sounded too terrible.
A long scroll had been rolled up and tucked under her arm, well kept with a few rounds of twine and in her hand was a small box and an envelope that accompanied it under a tight decoration of ribbon. Such a small gesture and making it presentable was certainly the doing of either Annette or Marion, both of whom thoroughly enjoyed the moments they could decorate.
Pleasantries were shared between Lady Cress and Tilly as Tilly escorted the sable-haired woman up the foyer steps and towards the myriad of hallways that led them to Cordelia.
As Vahalia entered the room, the sound of the well-kept fire crackled and popped, an ever-consistent feature of the Ishgardian home, mixed with the metronomic ticking coupled with soft pricks of the needle pushing through the thick fabric as Cordelia’s intent held steady on the embroidery at her front. She was not oblivious to the arrival of her guest, the gentle and graceful footfalls differing from the quicked scurry of Tilly’s step, and yet her attention remained on her work a moment after the entrance. 
“Lady Cress, Miss.” Tilly respectfully announced after offering the softest clearing of her throat. She waited not for the confirmation that Cordelia heard before turning and leaving the two women to their matters. 
The repetitive moves paused as Cordelia lifted her work to admire the half-completed design against the firelight before tucking the needle under the woven yarn and resting the embroidery hoop on her lap. Once affording Vahalia her attention, a rare occurring smile came as she plucked the monocle from her right eye and tucked it into the small pocket on her upper chest. “Ah, Lady Cress, what a pleasure. I received your letter, I apologize I have yet to return word, things have been a bit… chaotic as of late. Please, sit.” 
“No need for an apology,” Vahalia spoke and she made her way further into the room, the swish and swath of black following in her wake as it often did, glimpses of satin and lace, the eerie slither of the fabrics towing behind as if beckoned. Free fingers found the side of the metronome that swayed with a gentle tick in rhythm. 
How very alike the pair had been, even from afar, it was as if they had been the two to share a womb with how alike they had been over the course of time Vahalia had come to know Cordelia, perhaps more kindred spirits than she and her own sister, Valeria.
Crimson lips split into a faint smirk as Vahalia turned back to the Lady of the House, “I’ve come with a gift and some information you might find rather intriguing. Since it has been two months since we last set eyes on one another, you might have heard of the children.” stepping forward Vahalia offered the envelope toward Cordelia and she took the opportunity to occupy the seat across from her, resting the long scroll and box within her lap, “I had a small portrait made up for you if you wish to have it. Idalia and Evran is what I chose to go with.”
Before reaching over to accept the envelope, Cordelia set her embroidery down on the dark wooden table that was settled in front of the fireplace between all the seating. “Another small bit I planned to add to that never sent the letter. I was unsure of the proper…protocol, I suppose, for these types of things.” Her delicate fingers went about undoing the envelope and pulling the portraits out to examine them with softened features. “Beautiful names for two beautiful beings, strong names.” With a nod, she looked up now to Vahalia. “Congratulations, House Cress has been blessed.” 
“Indeed we have,” Vahalia replied with a small smirk allowing Cordelia to continue.
Leaning forward again, Cordelia gently rested the portrait atop the fabric nestled in the wooden ring, her intention to have it framed at the earliest availability. “You said you had something to discuss, would you care for tea or refreshments?” 
A wave graced the air between Vahalia and Cordelia as she waved off the notion. She didn’t have a care for bothering Tilly, “A few things to be exact. But first, It is my hope that you don’t mind another gesture. It isn’t to imply anything or place pressure upon you but I had thought it to be in good form to gift you with something a little more personal.” listing forward, Vahalia offered the small ebon box to Cordelia.
“Valeria and I have family rings, which is common for most noble houses as you know and I came to the conclusion that Adrian would have wanted you to have one. I’ve read the letters and everything you provided and I can tell that he had some affiliation with your mother. Perhaps the only love I’ve seen comes from that man. I cannot blame him for that, at the very least. Moreover, I think my grandmother would have wanted it more.” sharp golden eyes looked over Cordelia’s mien and Vahalia corrected herself, “Our grandmother.”
Once more Vahalia’s hand waved, “Metals and gems from the family stash, or what is left of it. They hadn’t brought much with them from Dalmasca when they fled. One of the lapidaries in town made it specifically for you.”
After she had accepted the small box, Cordelia went about removing the ring from its nestled position within. A jeweler, herself, she allowed a moment to inspect, or rather, appreciate the gems and craftsmanship. As Vahalia spoke of family rings, her gray hues glanced to the silver loop around her right finger that had been given to her by her own mother and it brought a faded smile to her darkened lips. 
“Your timing could not be more impeccable.” Cordelia began as she snapped the box closed softly and set it to join the gathered bunch on the table before her. The ring remained held between fingertips as she spoke further. “I have been doing some contemplation, a bit of back and forth within myself, and I have concluded that I do hold interest in learning further of my lineage within the Cress name. That is if it is something you are still willing to share.” Slipping the ring from her right hand and replacing it with the gifted one from Vahalia, Cordelia shifted it now to a different finger. “As well…” her voice carried off as she pushed from her seat to cross the room to her desk, pulling a drawer open and retrieving a similar yet longer-shaped box to the one her ring had come in. 
“I had hoped to have finished this before our prior meeting, but I wanted the jewel settings to be in a specific way and well, if anything I am a perfectionist.” As she returned to the sitting area, the box was afforded to Vahalia with a smile before Cordelia found her seat once more. “Three gemstones, the center larger one for yourself and the two smaller for the children. Seeing as we are family, I thought perhaps a new heirloom to pass on, a piece born of new paths forged together.” ” 
Crimson lips turned upward with a curious undertone – once more the pair far more alike than they had ever been led to believe – seemed life was funny like that. Receiving the box Vahalia too opened her gift to partake in appraising the craftsmanship. For a stint, she had almost forgotten that Cordelia herself had dabbled in gems and jewelry. It had not escaped Vahalia’s notice that Cordelia herself had chosen to don the ring in her way, shifting her old one aside though not entirely discarding it. To her, it showed Cordelia had been willing to embrace both.
Perhaps not the outcome Vahalia had foreseen; surprising nonetheless.
“You have my thanks. Of course, I am open to helping to answer any questions you might have. If there isn’t an answer I have but one you seek then we will simply find it together. That is the design.” nearly forgetting about the large scrolled parchment tucked under her arm, Vahalia offered it forward, “Coupled with everything prior, I have this. What does your schedule look like and would you be interested in a small task across the seas to the west?”
As Vahalia offered the reassurance of guidance regarding learning further about her lineage, Cordelia nodded slowly, her lips affording the slightest hint of a smile. The question, however,  brought about a curiosity in Cordelia, a brow rising just so as her head tilted at a bit of an angle. With a single, fluid motion, she bent at the waist with an outstretched arm to retrieve the rolled parchment. Once settled back into her normal sitting position, she undid the twine that held the shape in place and began to unroll it as eyes flicked up with silent questions to Vahalia.
"Tural." She spoke with keen interest, the familiar land masses were mapped out along the large parchment, every chartered continent and islands along with various safe routes for sea faring vessels -- likely the handy work of the cartographer Bancroft that Vahalia kept on hand.
"I have on good authority via her quartermaster that Ophelia was set for Tural weeks ago. While she might be several steps ahead of us, the Sea Scorpion would cut the travel in half. Furthermore, she's assumed to be there still. I want to see her in shackles and in our custody to answer for her betrayal of the Circle." Vahalia's softly colored golden eyes met that of Cordelia's steely blue, the pair matched with a depth of sharpness too. The debt could only be paid in blood. That was the way of things -- the cost of betrayal was a high one; her very life would eventually be forfeit.
“No doubt trailing the rumors of the City of Gold in the continent. Gold does not interest me, but the prospect of business and revenge does. Tell me, sister, what piques your interests most of all?” Vahalia’s hand lifted and the crook of her finger found the apex of the map’s edge Cordelia held to better peer across to her kin.
“Tural? That is a rather long and treacherous voyage, is it not?” The question came out of curiosity and seeking validation as opposed to suggesting that either of them could not fair the journey. That was of no concern, the two were a force but together it was becoming clear that the pair would be something far more.
 With keen ears and silent lips, Cordelia allowed Vahalia to continue. Her stormy eyes shot up and over the edge of the map as her kin pulled her attention away from the markings. “Crimes against one Cress is a crime against us all, is it not?” She scoffed and lowered the map to her lap. “Then again, I suppose she truly did damage to both of us whether by association or in actuality. I say she should surely pay for those crimes and who better to dole out that punishment than us?” 
Crimson lips twitched into a smirk. Playful at first but then it darkened coupled with a venous gaze – Cordelia was thinking like a Cress. Perhaps, she was simply herself all along and it was the Cress blood that brought the sinister in her. The deep, dark, and ugly parts only a Cress could ever embrace, “Then you seek payment in blood as well.”
Vahalia sat back as her hand along the map now busied itself to thumb over the ornate design of the filigree and silver etchings of her choker, pad finding the cool and familiar smoothness and facets of the onyx that shifted at her throat when she spoke, “Tural will be a long voyage but quite a bit of the time can easily be shaved off on account of my plans to take the Sea Scorpion. She’s set to sail to Limsa tomorrow morning which should give us plenty of time to plan and pack for the voyage. Take whom you wish, within reason of course. The ship will not be able to lay anchor at the port and we will have to be accommodated by a smaller vessel inland but that is hardly an issue. Of course, I’ll have Miss Bancroft on hand to help with navigation. I’d prefer to avoid Shade’s Triangle at all costs. The reefs that stretch coastally around the continent are known to be thick and crowded, far too much of a hazard to sail larger vessels closer to the city of Tuliyollal. However, we’ll have suitable lodgings there within the city. Respectable for any amount of time we choose to remain.”
Cordelia released a side of the map, turning it to maneuver her fingers to roll the parchment up as it once was when it was given to her. “I would only have one to accompany me and will be prepared to leave within the evening if that is what you plan.” The words were matter-of-fact, leaving little possibility that she might be unsure of her decisions.
Vahalia tilted her head as she appraised Cordelia – no, her newly found kin, “You might come to find the markets and artisans there to your interest. I’ve heard a great deal from a few who were willing to talk of the exports there. Quite the ethnic diversity as rumor happens to have it.”
“A well-rounded trip with many purposes, it would seem.” The fire danced in its reflection within Cordelia’s eyes before the woman turned to glance out the windows into the dimly lit snowy atmosphere that waited outside of the walls of Gray Manor. It had been quite a time since she had left Coerthas, let alone Ishgard and it was truthfully long overdue that she expanded her sights. “Beneficial and satisfying on all horizons, including a break from the cold.” She chuckled dryly before looking back to Vahalia. “Though, admittedly, I cannot recall the last time I existed within warmer climes. Hopefully, the weather is agreeable.” 
“I imagine so that it would be. Preferably for the trip there. So, shall I make the necessary arrangements then and be in touch? We would have much to organize before setting off.”
Settling into her seat even further, a left lifted to cross over the other as Cordelia faintly smirked over at Vahalia with a simple nod. “I will see that Wren and I are prepared.” 
“I look forward to it,” Vahalia replied lowly, raising to her feet as the woman swathed in rich, deep colors moved forward to lower and placed her lips to Cordelia’s cheek, the touch warm and in stark contrast to her icy demeanor. When she pulled back Vahalia caught the likeminded gaze, serrated and determined – never ceasing to do anything other than calculate, “I’ll be in touch. Sister.” she dared with a tender smirk.
Collab with: @promethea-silk
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asoiaf-forumactif · 4 months
Ouverture (prochaine) d’un Discord.
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Yo les jeunes! 🫶
Nous espérons que vous vous portez bien.
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Ça vous intéresse? Nous offrons également aux gens qui nous apporterons leur aide dans la configuration Discord de pouvoir réserver (avant tout le monde!) leur avatar. 👀
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À trèèès bientôt! 😏
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pitxroxas · 2 years
ive been writing for visionstars for funzies so heres some hcs
Tsukasa Suou: His hydro horse thingy is a mare and her name is Iris. Tsukasa could be a reverse childe, uses sword in normal combat and then mounted on Iris he switches to hydro bow bc why the hell not. (also bc he’s canonically good at mounted archery and theres a really cursed [!] era card for that + story) He’s from Fontaine and his family works under the Archon. They’re the head of the Archon’s defense for her and the region and Tsukasa is going to be the next general. Tsukasa is very fond of Inazuman treats (loovess dango milk). Also Tsukasa sleeps on Iris when they camp out
Arashi: Arashi is from Liyue and is a model in Liyue. Arashi may as well be related to Zhongli and may as well be an Adepti, but that isn’t confirmed :) (In Enstars Canon she has a big bro, maybe Xiao could be hers??) Arashi’s burst is similar in form with Zhongli’s (big object be hurled + stun) but instead of it being a big boom boom rock its a bunch of star-shaped shards of geo that skewer said enemy and explodes, giving stun. oh. and killing them. Arashi is also the mom of the group, completely against her will and its not certain to say she likes it or not.
Leo: Leo is a flaming piss weasel and that’s literally it (/j) he cannot control his powers whatsoever, so whenever he gets an emotional spurt of energy expect everything to be on fire. Fires comes out from him EVERYWHERE. It’s usually his hands within his control, his nose and maybe his mouth outside of control. Leo has totally made a claymore out of pyro and showed it to Ruka. Ruka was not pleased when half the kitchen was burned to shreds. He also is very good at woodworking (mostly the burning thingy) and sets wood on fire specifically to compose.. yippee!! Leo is also from Mondstat btw. Also, Leo’s burst is much like Yanfei’s, a birthday of music!! Boom boom!!
Izumi: Traveling model from Snezhnaya who would rather be home. He freezes everything because he hates everybody (actually just his insecurities talking) he’s like Elsa but if Elsa skipped therapy at any given moment. Izumi actually knew Leo when he went to Mond for a modeling gig and they became friends there and then never met again. Until now. Izumi is also hella good at ice skating and thats his entire fighting style. Skid skid boom deaded. Like op said, he works like yelan. I think his burst should just be a wall of ice. Defense!!! ahahah!!!!
Ritsu: Personally nobody knows where he’s from and no one is allowed to touch his vision (bc he said so) but everyone speculates Sumeru. Ritsu is not from Sumeru but I’ll keep you wondering. Ritsu sleeps on everything and everybody. One time he slept on Iris and Tsukasa has been angry since. (“How many times have I told you, Ritsu-Senpai!! Iris is not a pillow!!! You can’t sleep on her!!!”) (“But.. you do…”) (“Thats not the point!!!”) Ritsu has honestly found a great attraction to Arashi (in a platonic way) he sees her as a big sister and Arashi is sooooo validated by that. Ritsu’s burst may as well be something like Mona’s or Layla’s, a debuffer / debuffing field for the boss and a buff for the knights.
Unit: They do actually go around and sing and dance and they also go around and cause problems…. on accident?? Tsukasa and Arashi are usually damage control
They’ve actually set some important landmarks on fire.
Izumi has froze some people before and got away with it.
Despite their crimes, Knights is pretty popular for their music and choreography!! Also how they add elemental powers within their performances!! Except for Leo he isnt allowed.
and thats it for my visionstars hcs!!! Thank you so so SOO much @flcarius and your gf for the ideas that sparked the au!!! I love it so much that i. write. teehee :3
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quotedfictions · 1 year
Iced Tea
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Synopsis: You and Kaeya are out on a romantic date, ruined by wild weather; you go home and make the most out of it. Making iced teas and picnic sandwiches, you take your ruined date, turning it into a lovely indoor picnic for the rest of the day.
Themes: Cute, Fluff, Romance, Soft Kaeya, Romantic Kaeya.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 868
It was supposed to be a nice day, with fluffy white clouds and lots of sun for Kaeya's day off, and usually, it doesn't rain during the Windblume festival. Still, that day, you must have stood too close to poor, unlucky Bennett for that morning because you and kaeya hurried to pack up your once lovely picnic because of some unexpected downpour on the day you and your fiance were supposed to spend time together before he returned to his calvary duties the next day. As you picked up the basket after gently tossing the last plate in and closing the lid, Kaeya picked up the blanket and froze it while it was flat to use as a temporary umbrella while you rushed to get back home within the walls of Mondstadt.
"Agh! It wasn't supposed to rain today; I was looking forward to our date today because we both had the same day off," you sighed sadly, ringing out the hem of your dress at the door, knowing you would have to mop it later. Kaeya walked over to you after handing the now-soaking wet picnic blanket over the bathtub of the shared home. "Princess, my love, we can just have the date inside in front of the fireplace" Kaeya places his lips on your temple, giving you a soft kiss of reassurance as you rung water out from your dress while looking dejected.
You returned to the living room after drying off and changing into warmer clothes. Kaeya joined you in the kitchen as you made more sandwiches because the ones you made earlier that morning had become soggy from the rain. "Thank you, Kaeya, for setting a dry blanket out for us in the living room and suggesting we continue inside; that was very sweet of you" You smiled as you finished cutting the sandwiches into small squares and placing them on a plate with some fruit and chocolate. At the same time, Kaeya poured some grape juice for both of you; despite his preference for alcohol, he respected your dislike towards wine more than his brother, even though the redheaded male ran Mond's wine industry.
Kaeya helped you carry the fresh food and drinks to the living room area, where he had started a small fire in the fireplace and laid out the comfiest blankets, he had also placed a few pillows, and there were rose petals on the floor. It was self-evident he was trying to make you feel better, knowing how long it had taken you to get the entire day planned for the shared day off. However, you had more days off than him, considering you were just a fill-in for Lisa when she left Mondstat because you didn't bear a vision, but you were paid well and taken care of when you were there, making sure the library peace was undisturbed. "Thank you, Kaeya; you a sly fox with romance, aren't you?" You teased the taller male getting a kiss on the forehead in response
"Anything for my darling Y/n~" his smooth, gentle, and husky voice with a loving tone made you smile as you both cuddled up with your favorite book and blanket, reading together while the rain tapped against the windows, the warm yellow-orange glowing fire helping you heat up from the previous cold that had plagued you from being soaked in rainwater. "Unfortunately, we couldn't continue our planned date, but at least we've made the most out of it, haven't we?". You were leaning against the male's chest as you looked up at him with a loving look. "Yes, My love, we persevered, given the situation would have meant canceling due to weather, but anything can be inside if you know how to do it right."
As the evening went on, you and Kaeya chatted the night away, sharing small kisses now and then, snacking on the sandwiches you diligently prepared, and sipping on the iced tea kaeya had made yesterday before leaving off to his calvary duties assigned by the knights. Even after three years, your romance had never died, and you were getting married soon as well, and it is days like these, when the weather takes a turn and tries to ruin your plans and put a downer on your relationship, that Kaeya reminds you on why you said yes to his proposal.
You both loved each other deeply, and as the indoor date carried on, you drifted off to slumber in your lover's arms, both glasses of iced tea empty, and no food left on any of the plates you and Kaeya had placed out early that day, the fire had finally got out as the male gently lifted you off the floor, marking the spot you stopped at in your book. Kaeya carried you off to your chared bedroom and tucked your sleeping figure in before climbing into his side and cuddling you, marking this as a day full of good memories despite the plan going off the rails, happy that his iced tea did not go to waste as you both drift off into the land of dreams thus marking the end of your date, with you both cuddling in bed.
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raynavan · 1 year
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"Welcome to the world of Pokemon, Traveler!"
because i have seen possibly two Pokemon/Genshin crossovers, i decided to make my own! info dumping under the cut
So, as you can see from the drawing, normal in-game pokemon are around in the world of Tayvat, as are most mobs. The mobs themselves are either also pokemon, or “trainers” (hilichurls tend to befriend pokemon, but do not use pokeballs) or will simply come at you with a sword. The traveler themselves (who it is is up to you) usually defaults to swords, but after visiting monstat, will receive a few pokeballs. (yes, attacking pokemon with literal weapons happens, especially with guards that don't have visions, more on that later) and after that they can catch their first pokemon. Paimon is not their first pokemon, but acts more like a pokedex of sorts. (Whether or not Paimon even is a pokemon is up for debate. She insists she isn't though.) 
The world is split up into seven regions, claimed by an Archon, which is a particularly powerful pokemon, considered a god in their own right. It is said that long ago there was a huge pokemon war, and the Archons were the seven strongest winners. Granted power by Celestia, they were able to grant portions of power from one of their typings onto the humans themselves. These powers, Visions, allowed the wielder to learn moves of a specific type. 
Seven Archons, seven types. From Barbatos, the power of Flying types was given From Morax, the power of Rock types From Baal, the power of electric types From Buer, the power of grass types From Focalors, the power of water types
From Murata, the power of fire types
From The Tsaritsa, the power of ice types
(more on the first four in later posts)
While only these types can be used by human vision holders, there has been talk of some Delusions that hold other types…
By speaking to the statues of seven around the areas the Archons hold claim over, the Traveler can hold up to two different types at a time, at the cost of being weak to attacks of super effective types. This is the same with vision holders, while humans without visions function as pure normal types. 
Most people have at least a single pokemon partner, or, if not, pokemon that they are good friends with. How one gets their first pokemon varies greatly depending on the region you live in.
Seeing as only four areas have been released so far, I will only be talking about the first four.
In Mondstadt children usually find a partner very young, as they can leave the city whenever and the pokemon there are generally rather nice (Barbatos’ doing, it was said that he “calmed the winds and souls of the pokemon after the fall of the tyrant pokemon”) but often they will just be hanging out with a pokemon long enough and they’ll just. Bond. And then they’ve got a new partner! (Wild pokemon are often seen in the city of Mond, which is not seen anywhere else. Pokemon partners are encouraged to be out of their balls all the time, so Mond is basically crawling with pokemon 24/7. It is rare to see a child without some pokemon following them two steps behind.
In Liyue people can still bond with pokemon just by hanging out with them long enough, but it’s far more common for a person and a pokemon to form a contact and bond that way. It’s not as impersonal as it sounds- think of it like adopting a dog. You wouldn’t do it unless you really liked the dog. Often it also involves the pokemon helping the human out in a specific way, and the human taking care of them. Children often do not truly catch their first partner until their teenage years. 
In Inazuma it’s… complicated. Of course, people can bond with pokemon early on in childhood like in Mond, but to officially catch them, they will have to have a duel of sorts. Basically the humans and pokemon kinda. Tussle. It’s not a fight where you hurt one another, it's just a “I’m strong enough to take care of you” type deal. Understandably, children are not encouraged to properly catch their first pokemon while young, but theoretically they could as long as they can beat the other. 
Sumaru is a long series of tests and observations on what type would be best suited for a child’s starter, and then that’s sent to the scholars where they try and figure out what kind of pokemon children should get from that type and then they send the kid that pokemon. (Children Hate this especially when they have bonded with another pokemon first. It can be their Second pokemon, but not their starter. That’s not to say that all starter relationships are bad, the children know well that the pokemon didn’t exactly have a choice.) relationships are often tense, but unfortunately there is no refuting that the two, once they get to know one another, do work well together. (not all of them do. Though. There is a large amount of released pokemon in Sumaru, despite it being illegal) 
That's all on world building for now, as we (or, I) don't know much about the other regions. I will make separate posts about the archons later! So! Until then, have a good day/night!
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lesmislettersdaily · 2 years
The Death Of A Horse
Volume 1: Fantine; Book 3: In The Year 1817; Chapter 8: The Death Of A Horse
“The dinners are better at Édon’s than at Bombarda’s,” exclaimed Zéphine.
“I prefer Bombarda to Édon,” declared Blachevelle. “There is more luxury. It is more Asiatic. Look at the room downstairs; there are mirrors [glaces] on the walls.”
“I prefer them [glaces, ices] on my plate,” said Favourite.
Blachevelle persisted:—
“Look at the knives. The handles are of silver at Bombarda’s and of bone at Édon’s. Now, silver is more valuable than bone.”
“Except for those who have a silver chin,” observed Tholomyès.
He was looking at the dome of the Invalides, which was visible from Bombarda’s windows.
A pause ensued.
“Tholomyès,” exclaimed Fameuil, “Listolier and I were having a discussion just now.”
“A discussion is a good thing,” replied Tholomyès; “a quarrel is better.”
“We were disputing about philosophy.”
“Which do you prefer, Descartes or Spinoza?”
“Désaugiers,” said Tholomyès.
This decree pronounced, he took a drink, and went on:—
“I consent to live. All is not at an end on earth since we can still talk nonsense. For that I return thanks to the immortal gods. We lie. One lies, but one laughs. One affirms, but one doubts. The unexpected bursts forth from the syllogism. That is fine. There are still human beings here below who know how to open and close the surprise box of the paradox merrily. This, ladies, which you are drinking with so tranquil an air is Madeira wine, you must know, from the vineyard of Coural das Freiras, which is three hundred and seventeen fathoms above the level of the sea. Attention while you drink! three hundred and seventeen fathoms! and Monsieur Bombarda, the magnificent eating-house keeper, gives you those three hundred and seventeen fathoms for four francs and fifty centimes.”
Again Fameuil interrupted him:—
“Tholomyès, your opinions fix the law. Who is your favorite author?”
“No; Choux.”
And Tholomyès continued:—
“Honor to Bombarda! He would equal Munophis of Elephanta if he could but get me an Indian dancing-girl, and Thygelion of Chæronea if he could bring me a Greek courtesan; for, oh, ladies! there were Bombardas in Greece and in Egypt. Apuleius tells us of them. Alas! always the same, and nothing new; nothing more unpublished by the creator in creation! Nil sub sole novum, says Solomon; amor omnibus idem, says Virgil; and Carabine mounts with Carabin into the bark at Saint-Cloud, as Aspasia embarked with Pericles upon the fleet at Samos. One last word. Do you know what Aspasia was, ladies? Although she lived at an epoch when women had, as yet, no soul, she was a soul; a soul of a rosy and purple hue, more ardent hued than fire, fresher than the dawn. Aspasia was a creature in whom two extremes of womanhood met; she was the goddess prostitute; Socrates plus Manon Lescaut. Aspasia was created in case a mistress should be needed for Prometheus.”
Tholomyès, once started, would have found some difficulty in stopping, had not a horse fallen down upon the quay just at that moment. The shock caused the cart and the orator to come to a dead halt. It was a Beauceron mare, old and thin, and one fit for the knacker, which was dragging a very heavy cart. On arriving in front of Bombarda’s, the worn-out, exhausted beast had refused to proceed any further. This incident attracted a crowd. Hardly had the cursing and indignant carter had time to utter with proper energy the sacramental word, Mâtin (the jade), backed up with a pitiless cut of the whip, when the jade fell, never to rise again. On hearing the hubbub made by the passers-by, Tholomyès’ merry auditors turned their heads, and Tholomyès took advantage of the opportunity to bring his allocution to a close with this melancholy strophe:—
“Elle était de ce monde ou coucous et carrosses
Ont le même destin;
Et, rosse, elle a vécu ce que vivant les rosses,
L’espace d’un mâtin!” 3
“Poor horse!” sighed Fantine.
And Dahlia exclaimed:—
“There is Fantine on the point of crying over horses. How can one be such a pitiful fool as that!”
At that moment Favourite, folding her arms and throwing her head back, looked resolutely at Tholomyès and said:—
“Come, now! the surprise?”
“Exactly. The moment has arrived,” replied Tholomyès. “Gentlemen, the hour for giving these ladies a surprise has struck. Wait for us a moment, ladies.”
“It begins with a kiss,” said Blachevelle.
“On the brow,” added Tholomyès.
Each gravely bestowed a kiss on his mistress’s brow; then all four filed out through the door, with their fingers on their lips.
Favourite clapped her hands on their departure.
“It is beginning to be amusing already,” said she.
“Don’t be too long,” murmured Fantine; “we are waiting for you.”
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sushis4kalyo · 2 years
Liste de livres à lire 📚
Aventures :
J. VERNE - Vingt Mille lieues sous les mers
Dystopies :
G. ORWELL - La ferme des animaux
r. BRADBURY - Fahrenheit 451
P. K. DICK - Le Maître du Haut Château
Science-fiction :
I. AZIMOV - Le cycle des Robots ( tomes 3, 4, 5 et 6)
I. AZIMOV - Le cycle Fondation
A. C. CLARKE - 2001 L'Odyssée de l'Espace
Fantastique :
G. R. R. MARTIN - A song of Ice and Fire (tome 4 et 5)
M. CHATTAM - Autre Monde (on reprend de zéro !)
A. SAPKOWSKI - Le sorceleur
Les classiques :
E. ZOLA : Au Bonheur des Dames
COMTESSE DE SEGUR - Les malheurs de Sophie
COMTESSE DE SEGUR - Les petites filles modèles
V. HUGO - Notre Dame de Paris
Mythologie :
S. STURLUSON - Les Eddas
HOMERE - L'illiade et l'Odyssée
Comédie dramatique :
L. WEISBERGER - Le diable s'habille en Prada
L. WEISBERGER - Vengeance en Prada
Pour me faire un avis :
N. MACHIAVEL - Le Prince
V. NABOVOK - Lolita
B. WERBER - La trilogie des Fourmis
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aangussca · 1 month
Art Studio 2 Research: Artist's Archive/Inspiration Board on refining the visuals (mainly in the terrestrial segment of the short film)
The artworks below draw from nature in some capacity: aquatic, terrestrial and other environments. I will also include artworks that draw from organic forms in nature.
As such, all of these could provide visual inspiration for refining the animations I used for the projected film in Organic Space.
Firelei Báez's Untitled (Premiere Carte Pour 'Introduction à L'Histoire du Monde) (2022, oil and acrylic paint on archival printed canvas)
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Potentially relevant description excerpt: "She sees her art as a conversation with this earlier period [of colonialism], opening up space for questions and alternative histories. Here, she might be imagining the world represented by the Atlas ending in dramatic fires and floods. Or she could be continuing its traditions: her own imagery was inspired by the fantastical pictures of outer space transmitted by the James Webb Space Telescope in 2021 - today's equivalent of the eighteenth-century star map."
David Aspen's Waterscape (2005, synthetic polymer paint on white wove watercolour paper)
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Potentially relevant description excerpt: "For Aspen, painting was as much an act/process as well as the creation of an all-encompassing colour environment. His early interests lay in international formalist/ hard edge painting, which gave way to a more nuanced and lyrical abstraction influenced by music, landscape and nature. Above all, his work emphasised colour and expressed his remarkable facility for tone, and interest in balancing interlocking shapes, colours, tones and light."
Pat Steir's The Wave - from the Sea - after Leonardo, Hokusai, and Courbet (1985, drypoint, etching, aquatint, spitbite and soapground)
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Potentially relevant description excerpt: "In this tripartite composition, Steir vertically stacks quotations from three artists' images of the sea: Leonardo da Vinci's pen-and-ink drawing of a whirlpool (1507-1509); Hokusai's The Great Wave (ca. 1830-1832); and Courbet's 1869 paintings of waves at Etretat in Normandy. Steir described her ambition to "show people ways of seeing ... [how] artists see through time and place." She was struck by how these three representations of the ocean from different cultures and centuries somehow "carry the same feeling." Working from reproductions, Steir engaged in an act of translation and comparison that allowed her to consider her own relationship to time and art history."
Alex Katz seasonal paintings (oil paint on linen)
Row 1: Spring (2023)
Row 2: Summer 21 (2023), Autumn 5 (2022)
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Potentially relevant description excerpt: "In many instances, [Katz] omits the horizon lines that are typical of traditional landscape painting a decision that, when paired with the large scale of his works, produces the illusion of environments with no clear beginning or end. "The sensation of color is what I wanted," says Katz. "It's the sensation of seeing." [These series of seasonal paintings] celebrates the artist's ever-evolving approach to interpreting the natural world. These days, he often begins with photographs shot on his phone or small painted sketches, which he subsequently transforms into large-scale compositions. Working intuitively, he paints at a high speed and frequently completes an entire painting within a single morning. He cheerfully describes this all-or-nothing process as "Hold your breath and hope for the best.""
Jan Erik Waider's Frozen Colours of Winter series (2023-2024, photographic prints)
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Potentially relevant description excerpt: "My focus as a landscape photographer is clearly on abstract perspectives, especially concerning water and ice: landscapes that are constantly changing and never look the same on any given day. I spend a lot of time in countries like Iceland and Greenland, but winter can also lead to incredibly exciting compositions in Germany with the necessary frost, especially in the macro field of photography. In contrast to Iceland, there is a lot more vegetation and trees, and therefore a plethora of colors in the ice: frozen leaves from autumn, grasses, or pine cones."
Nicole Hone's Hydrophytes (2018, short film with 3D-printed moving sculptures)
Row 1 sculptures: 'Imp Root', 'Feather Nurse'
Row 2 sculptures: 'Nomadic Cleaner', 'Haven Flower'
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Potentially relevant description excerpt: "“I have always been fascinated with nature. It inspires my design ideas and aesthetic. For this project, I became particularly interested in botany and marine life. I was amazed by the way sea creatures and corals moved, and I wanted to reflect similar qualities in my designs. They can respond to external forces such as gravity, water ripples or currents, and interaction with people or other 3D prints in real life,” Hone said. “Their man-made composite materials behave uncannily similar to living organisms.”
She went on to explain that each Hydrophyte has a unique character that is defined by both their style of movement and appearance. The colored lights that illuminate the printed plants were chosen to “complement each personality and amplify the emotive qualities of the film,” and the functions of each plant were inspired by the effects of climate change on marine species. “As the 4D printing experiments developed from abstract shapes into more plant-like models, their appearance and movement helped me think of which function would best suit each character,” she added."
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asoiaf-forum-rpg · 3 months
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A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE — forum game of thrones, projet uchronie, rébellion feunoyr.
tw : violences, descriptions graphiques, sang, meurtres, inceste, batailles et combats médiévaux
année de référence : an 212 après la Conquête.
Alors que le deuxième siècle de la dynastie Targaryen touchait à sa fin, la santé du roi maudit, Aegon le quatrième, était chancelante. En ce temps-là, la Maison du Dragon connaissait la plus grande montée en puissance depuis la tristement célèbre Danse des Dragons. Bien qu'elle n'eut plus de dragons sous son joug, nulle armée au monde ne pouvait lui résister.
Le roi Aegon IV régna sur près de 40 années de querelles incessantes et d'instabilité politique. Les rumeurs et les scandales le concernant, lui et la légitimité de son fils, rendaient sa succession incertaine. Ainsi, au tournant de l'an 212, l'Indigne convoqua tous.te.s ses Grands Bâtards, ses enfants et ses conseillers à son chevet. Par décret royal, il légitima tous.te.s ses bâtards, les déclarant tous.te.s aussi aptes à recevoir sa couronne et siéger sur le Trône de Fer que ses enfants légitimes.
Un Grand Conseil, alors, fut levé.
Si toutes les prétentions de ses héritiers furent entendues, deux seules furent retenues ; le prince Daeron Targaryen, fils aîné de la lignée légitime du Roi et son jeune frère, le bâtard Daemon Feunoyr, l'aîné des descendants illégitimes.
« Il est proclamé par tous les seigneurs suzerains et les seigneurs vassaux des Sept Couronnes que le prince Daeron Targaryen régnera prince de Peyredragon! »
Daemon, un bâtard, n'hériterait pas du Trône de Fer. Les seigneurs suzerains lui ont préféré Daeron, son fils.
Aegon IV avait volontairement semé la graine de la rébellion. Il savait qu'une Guerre serait déclenchée autour de sa succession. Car il savait, sans le moindre doute, qu'une seule chose pouvait faire tomber la maison du Dragon; elle-même.
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 1 year
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
Le chant du Champion et des Loups
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hGaTWmN
by Stannislav_Borislav
/// ⚠️ Je précise que la majorité des personnages, lieux, etc. appartiennent à G.R.R. Martin et J.R.R. Tolkien ( ainsi qu'à Standing Stone Game pour Lord Of The Rings Online ). Seul ceux que j'ai créer pour cette fanfiction m'appartiennent. ⚠️ ///
Wulfstan, Thegn d'Hytbold gouverne son peuple au nom d'Eomer Roi, depuis près de 10 ans maintenant suite à une vie pleine d'aventures à travers la Terre du Milieu. Prospérant sur la terre de ses ancêtres, il sera brusquement transporté dans un autre monde où il se verra confié une tâche de grande ampleur pour aider les peuples de ce monde à survivre face aux ténèbres ainsi qu'au froid de l'hiver.
Words: 9871, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Wulfstan son of Wiglaf (OC), Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Ned Stark, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Bran Stark, Lannister - Character, Greyjoy - Character, Baratheon, Tully, Arryn, Martell - Character, Ulmo (Tolkien), Oromë (Tolkien), Aulë | Mahal, The Valar - Character, targaryen - Character
Additional Tags: Rohirrim, Knight, Magic, Politics, Adventure, Quests, Musics ans Songs, Wildlings - Freeform, Dragons, demons of the ancient world, White Walkers, War, Valyria, the north - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hGaTWmN
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asoiaf-forumactif · 4 months
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A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE — forum game of thrones, projet uchronie, rébellion feunoyr.
tw : violences, descriptions graphiques, sang, meurtres, batailles et combats médiévaux
année de référence : an 212 après la Conquête.
Alors que le deuxième siècle de la dynastie Targaryen touchait à sa fin, la santé du roi maudit, Aegon le quatrième, était chancelante. En ce temps-là, la Maison du Dragon connaissait la plus grande montée en puissance depuis la tristement célèbre Danse des Dragons. Bien qu'elle n'eut plus de dragons sous son joug, nulle armée au monde ne pouvait lui résister.
Le roi Aegon IV régna sur près de 40 années de querelles incessantes et d'instabilité politique. Les rumeurs et les scandales le concernant, lui et la légitimité de son fils, rendait sa succession incertaine. Ainsi, au tournant de l'an 212, l'Indigne convoqua tous.te.s ses Grands Bâtards, ses enfants et ses conseillers à son chevet. Par décret royal, il légitima tous.te.s ses bâtards, les déclarant tous.te.s aussi aptes à recevoir sa couronne et siéger sur le Trône de Fer que ses enfants légitimes.
Un Grand Conseil, alors, fût levé.
Si toutes les prétentions des ses héritiers furent entendues, deux seules furent retenues; le prince Daeron Targaryen, fils aîné de la lignée légitime du Roi et son jeune frère, le bâtard Daemon Feunoyr, l'aîné des descendants illégitimes.
« Il est proclamé par tous les seigneurs suzerains et les seigneurs vassaux des Sept Couronnes que le prince Daeron Targaryen régnera prince de Peyredragon! »
Daemon, un bâtard, n'hériterait pas du Trône de Fer. Les seigneurs suzerains lui ont préféré Daeron, son fils.
Aegon le Quatrième avait volontairement semé la graine de la rébellion. Il savait qu'une Guerre serait déclenchée autour de sa succession. Car il savait, sans le moindre doute, qu'une seule chose pouvait faire tomber la maison du Dragon; la maison elle-même.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Le chant du Champion et des Loups
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JtRE1r0
by Stannislav_Borislav
/// ⚠️ Je précise que la majorité des personnages, lieux, etc. appartiennent à G.R.R. Martin et J.R.R. Tolkien ( ainsi qu'à Standing Stone Game pour Lord Of The Rings Online ). Seul ceux que j'ai créer pour cette fanfiction m'appartiennent. ⚠️ ///
Wulfstan, Thegn d'Hytbold gouverne son peuple au nom d'Eomer Roi, depuis près de 10 ans maintenant suite à une vie pleine d'aventures à travers la Terre du Milieu. Prospérant sur la terre de ses ancêtres, il sera brusquement transporté dans un autre monde où il se verra confié une tâche de grande ampleur pour aider les peuples de ce monde à survivre face aux ténèbres ainsi qu'au froid de l'hiver.
Words: 9871, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Wulfstan son of Wiglaf (OC), Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Ned Stark, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Bran Stark, Lannister - Character, Greyjoy - Character, Baratheon, Tully, Arryn, Martell - Character, Ulmo (Tolkien), Oromë (Tolkien), Aulë | Mahal, The Valar - Character, targaryen - Character
Additional Tags: Rohirrim, Knight, Magic, Politics, Adventure, Quests, Musics ans Songs, Wildlings - Freeform, Dragons, demons of the ancient world, White Walkers, War, Valyria, the north - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JtRE1r0
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