#money can't buy happiness
nando161mando · 6 months
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Money buys happiness under Capitalism
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thefauxsport · 4 months
yes olivia will be just fine with her 90k salary compared to formerly being with a quarterback making 50mil a year?
I'm sure she will be. Happiness is found from within. Rich people can be miserable too.
Wasn't she with him before he had that money? I literally know 0 about them, so people feel free to message about other players or sports. I like soccer and baseball. My co collabs like other sports and players as well.
Or check us out on reddit.
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sportsandlaughs · 1 year
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athelind · 1 year
My Dash Did A Thing
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benevolentdinosaur · 9 months
people who say "money can't buy happiness" should immediately have their bank accounts drained to zero
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sexwithaninja · 2 years
ever since I got my inheritance (or as I call it, my Dead Dad Money) I have become the insane rich friend. can't make rent bro? now you can; need groceries or a meal delivered? I got you; don't own basic cookware? It's arriving from amazon tomorrow mate make sure you're up before noon
"Money can't buy happiness" it's currently buying my loved ones peace of mind about their housing, buying them actual hours to enjoy life by helping meet their most basic needs, and also buying my ego a much, MUCH-needed boost
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fabianocolucci · 4 months
Is there actually someon who says "money can't buy happiness"?
I'm in my 30s, and every single time I hear this "saying", it's either from people who make fun of it or criticise it, perhaps by proving that you can indeed buy the things that mae you happy (or that could make you happier).
I don't think I've ever heard someone say it unironically, it's always "they say that money can't buy happiness, but..." and then something to disprove it.
Why is that so? Maybe it's an old saying, a renmant of an older era, where we didn't have literally EVERYTHING under a paywall, so you actually had the chance to enjoy something even if you didn't have money?
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b0bthebuilder35 · 5 months
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healthyskillz · 5 months
So when the clinic closes on bank holidays, they open another day that week to compensate and keep people on their treatment plan. I understand. And they say we can swap the overtime for time off but then my colleagues will have to cover and the overtime just moves from one person to the next and this way you never really have time off because you'll just have to work extra some other week when the next person isn't in!
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
The more that people are focused on those materialistic values, the more that they say that money and image and status and possessions are important to them, the less happy they are. The more depressed they are. The more anxious they are. We know that all of these kinds of psychological problems tend to go up, as materialistic values go up. Now, that's really at odds with the thousands of messages that we receive everyday from advertisements, suggesting that materialism and the pursuit of possessions and owning stuff is what's gonna make us happy.
- Tim Kasser in The True Cost - The Truth of the Clothing Industry
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Aventurine really is the Tragedy to Sampo's classic Comedy and that's why I'm so obsessed with both of them
Please I want my faves to meet and bankrupt a casino together. It would be such a great bonding activity
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suiana · 1 year
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mokeonn · 2 months
I think something that is REALLY fun about having a small animal that needs to live in a habitat is making it a hobby to try to make the best possible habitat for them. Like there's nothing more fun than planning and executing different ways create paradise for an animal with a brain no larger than a peanut.
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Realizing I have forgotten to post my silly minecraft guy for like several weeks now. Stupid soulless goat who couldn't win four jungle saplings at auction even by offering well over a stack of ancient debris.
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meownotgood · 5 months
haul time!!!!!!!! now to figure out where to even put everything..... aha
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