#money does not exist naturally in planet earth it destroys our life more than if benefits it so SAY GOODBYE
heavenknowsffs · 1 year
European bank is going bakrupt baby just print more money we invented it i'm so tired of this shit when will we stop being slaves to fucking paper
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Here it is!🌸
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Hey!^^ Welcome to your reading. Please remember to send feedback.
First impressions when looking at your chart: a huge Taurus/9th house stellium O_O all your personal and social planets are there, except for Mars; Mars is in the 1st degree of Gemini; the square is the dominant aspect.
Your Sun sign is Taurus. You embody the Venusian energy well: you enjoy the finer things in life. This sign is best known for being stubborn; with this amount of Taurus energy, I'm sure you're quite stubborn, which is a more negative way of saying determined. When you get an idea in your head, you won't rest until you achieve it. You're quite friendly and probably enjoy gossip. You're reliable and hardworking. Being a fixed sign, I'd say you're most likely not great at dealing with change; you prefer things staying the same. Comfort is important to you, be it literally or figuratively. You are very attached to your earthly possessions; furthermore, I'd say you have a bit of a radical mindset when it comes to money: you're either too frugal or you spend too much money. Beware of possessiveness and laziness.
This is the house of Sagittarius, in which you have every single personal and social planet, except for Mars. According to Hellenistic Astrology, the Sun has its joy in this house. This grants your Sun a special type of "shine". It does very well here and lends you an acute sense of learning, expanding your horizon and reflecting on all the great questions of our existence. You may have an interest in a wide range of subjects, from geography to astrology. This placement gives, in general, optimism, lightheartedness and curiosity. You may think too much about the future and kind of disregard the consequences, so don't forget to live the present. Your idealism is admirable.
The Moon is exalted in Taurus. Placed here, the Moon is quite happy, for this sign goes nicely with its characteristics: family-oriented, home, comfort, calm, familiar things, loving and caring. As with Taurus Sun, you may place a big importance on material things. With the Moon, however, it's a bit different: you may develop an emotional attachment to some belongings of yours, perhaps because they provide you security. You're the kind of person to stay home and enjoy a hearty meal, cuddle in front of the fireplace and enjoy sleeping in a comfy bed. You're quite calm and caring; however, expressing your emotions may not be your strong suit. You should work on your deep attachment issues because they can destroy you if the object of that attachment abandons you.
This placement further adds to the idea of expanding your horizons (both geographic and personal). With the Moon here, your emotional growth can be dependent on travelling, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures and engaging in new activities. All of these can very much contribute to your happiness and fulfilment. Also, you are eager to explore the fundamental questions of the universe, as well as of human condition. You may move a lot, or at least want to. You would probably want to be in a relationship so you can explore the world together, as well as delve into deep conversations. Anything that allows you to gather more knowledge is what you want.
Mercury in this sign may mean that your speech is calm and very emotionally charged. You probably take your time to put your thoughts and feelings into words. You may lack objectivity, but you make up for it by being consistent and coherent in your communication. I also think you can be sceptical of things: you're the kind of person who sticks to their beliefs and who has a hard time accepting new theories, so much so, that it can be impossible to change what you think.
Mercury here confirms the aforementioned search for answers to the big questions in life. You're quite philosophical and love to spend your time considering all the paradoxes and mysteries of the universe. With the planet of thought and communication here, you may acquire a determination to study everything that has to do with these higher schools of thinking. You're ambitious and hungry for knowledge. Wise is a good word to describe this placement. In addition to philosophy, you may also get consumed by the want to discover all the countries and cultures on earth.
Venus rules Taurus, so it's no surprise that this is a very nice placement. Venus lends you charm, sensuality, grace and magnetism, beyond, obviously, beauty. You seek a relationship that grants you that harmony and comfort you so desire. Your ideal partner should be someone dignified, elegant, alluring. You are probably an excellent lover, quite dedicated and cherishing of your partner. Relationships to you are a means of acquiring that comfort in life that you prize so much. However, given your fixed nature, you may become too obsessed with your partner, so keep that in mind. Overall, a very harmonious placement.
This placement is one of the indicators of having a foreign spouse or someone from a different cultural background; perhaps you will meet them abroad. This is because of your desire to connect to people in your travels. You also wish for a relationship that will broaden your horizons and will bring lots of adventures. Additionally, your relationships may affect how you see the world. You have a thirst for adventure. This is also a good position for teachers because it allows them to connect their love (Venus) to their teachings (9H).
Mars is the only planet that stands out to me in your chart: it's alone in its house, in its sign and it's at 0º. Gemini Mars, to me, indicates that your battlefield is words. Your "attack" is how you think, connect the dots and put your opinions into words. This is even more important because Mars is at 0º, which means it acts in its purest, most potent form. This placement makes me think that you have vast knowledge in almost everything and you're willing to debate with anyone about anything. I'd say you're also good at multitasking and bad at routines. You could do with a bit more determination; Gemini is a sign known for its indecisiveness, so you may struggle with carrying out your thoughts and ideas. You have many different interests and can change them up quite a lot.
This placement grants you a natural leadership ability. In general, you are quite ambitious and hardworking in your profession. It can be a battle for you, but I believe that, if developed, Mars here can ensure that your goals are achieved. You may have a problem with authority, or with your superiors at work, which may not make it easy for you to climb the social ladder. You are not one to follow orders lightly. Furthermore, you can also feel a deep desire to be recognized for how you change the world around you. There may have been conflicts with your family in your early days which may have shaped you into the fighter that you are today.
Jupiter here emphasizes the importance that your values and desires have to you: harmony, comfort, security are of utmost importance. Like I mentioned, if you feel safe, you will appreciate all of these things in life. Jupiter also grants you a high need for love and affection, which, if provided, will be more than enough to make you happy. However, if you do not feel that security, you may become possessive, be it with people or with material things. Also, you may lead a lifestyle too focused on your earthly possessions. Lastly, you may also be anxious about the future; you want to know what's in store for you.
This is the house of Jupiter. Naturally, it is a placement that greatly favours those who embody the traits of Jupiter: philosophers, teachers, spiritual people, priests, diplomats, etc. It very much heightens all that I've said before about your want of exploration of all the great questions. In addition to learning, you may also feel the need to share with others what you have discovered. However, it has its cons. You may be too optimistic, never seeing the bad in life; you may become vain, due to your vast knowledge, and you may become obsessed with the higher things, becoming disconnected from the world.
Your insecurities are tied to your possessions. This placement is not a good one in terms of managing money; you could've had problems in this area in a past life. Your self-esteem is too connected to what you belong, instead of what you are. You are too attached, so you also fear losing those things you love. You're also too afraid to change, perhaps because you are not one to take risks, preferring to choose what you know. You shouldn't think this way. Change is a natural part of life, one you must accept. Your self-growth is achieved through the connection to your heart. Learn to feel, instead of owning. Learn how to connect to people.
You could have been brought up in a traditional, conservative religious community. This may manifest as you having clear opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Perhaps you have a lack of faith, or you're merely sceptical of religion. This placement balances all the others in this house: with Saturn here, you might hold back all the desire to learn, to get out there and explore your beliefs. In a past life, you may have held all the answers, but in this life, you may not want anything to do with the higher mysteries. Nevertheless, I would say that this placement may not be that strong, given that all the other planets in your 9th house want you to learn and explore. ⬛️
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generouscoffeelove · 4 years
Things not always go your way they never even stay the same but you can make your mind to go with the flow u can make yourself to work within the things but sometimes it's hard to face the reality sometimes you are not ready to accept the situation, we all are never mature enough that we cant cry crying makes your mind healthy but overthinking only leads to depression and stress. People will say whatever will come in their mind but it's not always necessary to carefully listen to their opinions. 
When you are determined to achieve something and deep down you know that the path you chose is right for you then no one can divert our mind from those guts. People will depress you, they will tell you that u r wrong and their opinions are right bcz they can't see a person becoming more successful than they themselves. Nowadays no one is more sincere to you than your parents, not even your relatives.
Sometimes I think about the day when I will achieve my dreams but then what if I have no more plans to move on ? what if i get the person i love but what after that ? as i will be near to it i will forget the hurdles and all the things i lost on the path towards my goal. Man is greedy, his requirements can never be completed bcz he wants more & more. If u want to get to ur dreams u have to listen to yourself only u dont care about the people and even if u hurt them u have no problem but then comes the deceiving part where u think that following your dreams might separate your family from u this fear of losing someone really special in ur life makes ur way turn back. I think it's the law of life u cant live happily if the people around u r sad. A person like me sometimes thinks that leave everything and go get whatever u want but in the end u have to come back. U will never forget where u belong and thats how u feel the existence of love.
 The first love relations with you are of the same blood. But how can u fall for someone so badly ? How can you love someone out there in this world more than those people who raised you ? This love can be of two types. The love relation with Allah and secondly the other with one of his people. How weird it is to think that we pray to get someone else in our lives instead of praying to get Allah’s affection. To be honest, pray for it and you will get the things you love automatically even if you love someone so badly. First put this in your mind that excess of everything is bad. It's only Allah who will give u everything and will never upset u but the people around u can love u the most but can also give u the pain that u cant bear. 
Everything happens for good. Maybe someone in your past who deceived you was there by Allah’s choice to make you strong and to make you prepared that nobody is there with you forever. People will always stay in search to get ur weak points but staying close to Allah will hide all of those mistakes on ur side which u made unexpectedly or even if u knew u should pray to be forgave and he will forgive u try to pray from the core of your heart. Nothing is more peaceful than crying in sujood bcz that is the moment when u feel hopeless and u dont have words to describe the society around u that how u feel. I faced a lot of times when i was compared and i was insulted but all i used to do was to stay silent and secretly in the heart say “ Ya Allah u should answer them”. Sometimes its good to stay quiet bcz the silence makes the people go crazy. The silence is breaked automatically by Allah. He himself shows the people that u were wrong.
 Not always u have to stay silent but when u r being doubted for a wrong reason or the person saying is crossing the limits listen 3 times but the 4th time smack his face. Bcz they deserve it. From my perspective rules should be for everyone, and the strictness u faced should also be embossed on the coming kids. It's not right to scold or insult someone in the middle where everyone is sitting bcz it makes you stressed and this is the fact where suicidal thoughts start to enclave even a young mind. I dont why im even writing this but the point is that i really don't want anyone to interfere in our lives and not even to scold us bcz they dont live with us they don't face the things we are facing right now, they cant live a week with us but after all they are right and they will never like to meet a person with empty pockets. To every individual on this planet earth, money is everything and money can buy happiness even. People will embrace you till the day u have money but the day u fall a little they will not even ask that are u ok or do u need any help. 
Life will change so will the people but the real face of people can only be seen when you stand in a tough time and they turn their backs away from you. We lived a great past life, we went to restaurants, we ate mcdonalds and shopped etc. so what everybody does when they have money. People should really look into themselves and then say a word to other people. At the end i would like to share a small verse with huge meaning from Quran that:
 In surah alam nashra
            “Beshak har mushkil ke baad asani hai”
            “Indeed after every hard time there’s good time”
People will stay with you till you are useful to them. the day u fall in need of help, some will help u only those who were sincere to u maybe it can be those people whom u never even noticed or they were not even in priority but they stand with u, they come into your life as angels. Because you wanted them and they were to be in your life by the grace of Allah. 
As you grow up u learn through experiences u learn to stand after crawling but not at once u fall u cry and then u get up, u stand at ur own. As a kid, u are learning actually u are learning throughout your life; from people and mistakes. U are not living until u fail.
 U learn to live through love and failures. Love is the road which can give u the best memories to laugh and cry on, but the bumps can give u those bruises and wounds which will heal but the pain will last forever. The time is cruel after u lose someone u love, and even more when the loved one becomes part of your routine. U cannot live without food as well as love. It's easy to console the broken person but it's not possible to feel the pain as that person is feeling. During this time the emotions are at level best of depression and stress if u cant be nice to them then better stay away bcz they can even harm themselves.
Love is very important in life. If u love someone but can’t tell bcz of some fear.
The fear can be of being rejected or it can be the matter of pride. The matter of our reputation is very sensitive, especially for a girl. A small mistake can break the entire reputation which was made from long and hard work. But people will only bring up the flaws bcz they need a topic to talk on. More importantly,the thing that matters is peace with the reputation u hold, if u have reputation and money but u still feel alone u are not fine. 
The hardest part in life is to live without the person whom you cry for days and nights but you can't tell bcz u are afraid of losing the reputation u hold. It's not wrong but it's killing u deep inside. U keep smiling but its only breaking you. It's funny cuz u are ruining yourself. Less to be worried bcz u are being destroyed by love. The part that hits hard and it's all about fate. Being compared to a less experienced person is bad bcz u know that the person hasn't faced any of the circumstances as u did.
“A dream is a wish that your heart makes”
For loving someone you don't have to be perfect. U dont have to change yourself bcz u know that person will accept u no matter what. This is the belief that love brings into our soul. Love happens; it never asks you who I should be with. It's the beauty and the magic of eyes which makes u staring. A fact says that if a person misses you they appear in your dream and if you think about someone alot it means that person was thinking about you first. I believe a lot in these facts bcz they happen a lot. The real fun and peace in love is by burning in the fire of awareness. U keep waiting for the other person to make a move but what to do if the other person is waiting for u. 
Okay, I know I'm talking rubbish right now. It's currently 3:14 a.m. and I'm unable to sleep. I'm not in the mood to write in my diary so it's better to keep on writing to keep yourself busy. Life is not in the mood to study all i want to do is to explode up and cry i know why but tears seem to be dried and i no longer have emotions my mind just wants to fall into midnight in a deep conversation with myself or with a trustworthy my heart seems to beat for some reasons that keep giving me the same tensions which i want to remove. It feels like my soul is whirling like a storm. I don't know what to do to scream or to cry or to stay awake or sleep. Sometimes i just want to stay up and think about my future and the choices I'm making but i don't have leisure time. 
Hard times will not stay with you forever but at every point of ur life they will make u realize that don't forget where u belong and what u survived in ur past. U can never forget your past bcz ur weakness makes u strong. It's better not to expect alot from people. They can bring u disappointment only or a bit of what u were expecting. U cant eat when ur hands are tied u have to make a move to eat and feed your hunger nobody else is going to do this for you.
 Be independent. It's an easy sentence with two words to say but it requires all of your life to be courageous enough to face the coming hurdles. U are going to face many challenges .
“if ur life got harder congratulations !! u just leveled up”.
 Smile even if there are 1000 reasons not too but this time during these days it seems to me as if I'm the shining star alone in the sky where clouds are trying to dull my spark but i keep shining the clouds hide me but then i come back. The mechanism of nature also teaches you many lessons of life. If you think deeply, the sun teaches you that after every dusk there is dawn. The sky can't show the glitter of stars without night. The moon tells you it's good to go through phases. The black clouds teach u that when u are loaded after going through many stages its ok to let everything pour out through tears. The average rain can bring happiness to the beings on earth they will feel calm but if it rains more than normal it destroys the belongings of human.Similarly, if we cry normally it freshens our mind but the excess of it leads to depression and damage of internal conditions and peace.
“Excess of everything is bad”
I don't know when girls felt peaceful in their lives, enjoyed and cherished the most beautiful moments of their lives. All the time they have to worry about something even if it's health,dressing,family,friends or some sort of harassment. She cant feel free to live. Talking to a male about life and studies is a crime and is considered something related to flirting and to be feel ashamed on. Something for which the parents can't speak on if they want to. The people thinking in this way for someone's daughter should think that in future they will also have daughters and what if this will happen to them. If today you consider someone else your daughter or sister honestly u have a peaceful and beautiful future.
But if u see girls as some material to be used and thrown u were born to be wrong then even if u say urself muslim or human look at ur habits and inner person it is more worse than animal. You have to change yourself first to change the people around you.
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emersonmanandnature · 3 years
July 6, 2021
Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Mary Magdalene, a son, a mother, a step dad and a wife.
It wasn’t an affair of priestly delights it was a love at first sight.
Do you think an all powerful loving god would demand that anyone who is androgynous be condemned to hell not only in the afterlife but now on this planet of corruption, vice and hate of individuality.
For god is our creator and he blesses all of his children equally!
Our god is supposedly the god of everyone not a selected few with narrow blinded sight praying for the end of days.
God’s money flows upward as the people wait for their salvation living in poverty and hate from the so called christians of our lord who seems to be never present and yet he is adored for what his apostles wrote after he was sacrificed on the cross for our sins.  
Does this mean from now on we would be born free of sin? Are you kidding without sin and finger pointing and priests insisting they are the only intermediary in order to find your real salvation, how would these thieves of guilt, hypocrisy and hate ever make a living if we could pray directly to god ourselves and ask for his forgiveness. The only problem is you have to be a ventriloquist in order to talk to an invisible, silent god through your own voice and hear his response with your moving lips.
And yet millions of people pray directly to their god without the money men demanding payment for their words of repetitive wisdom.
All is an illusion of ones single mindedness, to think doesn’t mean your alive what makes you alive is how you spend your time helping or stealing from others.
But if jesus came down from the heavens in his father’s place and died on the cross for our sins why would anyone in their right mind still believe that man, woman and child are still filled with the devils sin because an apple was taken when people were hungry.
What super godly power would use such a flimsy excuse to pour hate and sin on innocence and then like the landlords of today boot them out of the garden. What kind of a god does this, well it is not a true god it is mankind’s invented god. Made to keep people placated and remain frightened of their future and their only escape is to die and be lifted up into a heavenly paradise where this holy place is a guessing game but the true effect of these words in a bible made to control the forces of individuality is to believe in an afterlife and ignore the paradise you have let the wealthy dismantle and pollute without a fight.
And now as the earth dies quicker your so called paradise is an allusion to keep you contained and to follow orders given by the true reason we see no light at the end of our tunnel, for the powerful own the people and make them their little worker ants just getting by without any hope of a better life.
Having a demanding god directing souls to repent and praise a mysterious, invisible master of the universe is incomprehensible. Man judges man period.
Man looks for any excuse to demean, accuse and destroy others not only because mankind is incapable of living a life without violence, as we did when we began to stand upright and make weapons to kill animals and each other but also because our lord, god is also violent and murderous destroying life, his supposed creations, what father would think of extinction as a means toward salvation and then handpicking a few that are obedient to his every word, where was our freedom of thought our choice of how we want to live our lives the good, the bad and the ugly, does our holy father enjoy the suffering of the masses, his creations, by these small minded thieves with only one goal more and more power and money over people.
And that explains our godly maker for why live if you don’t have power over others. Yes, that seems selfish but if god can be selfish in his anger then we can be selfish in our killing fields, our disrespect toward other human beings, treating them as if they were nonexistent, just something to exploit and then let die.
What we worship is our greedy selves, especially when we can make big profits off the backs of the working force.
Worship is not external, worship is internal and the more you own other lives the more you feel godlike. The more you become addicted to your god given power therefore you must be special and your voice must be obeyed.
It wasn’t a women’s forceful voice evicting them from eden it was a deep voice, a man’s voice from the clouds that told them to get lost but not totally lost but lost in this world alone without mercy, to be evicted from eden, your home by a mean old landlord their innocence destroyed having now to fight for their very lives, all this brought on by a supreme being, a child playing with human toys, it seems he has been doing this for thousands of years up to our present catastrophe of criminal wealth.
A silent boss, demanding a special payment to himself, it seems he loves suffering, why send your only son to be nailed to a cross if you didn’t enjoy his suffering, his cries to his father up in his heavenly paradise, acting like some sort of sociopath drooling with sweat as his only son is murdered for his creation of himself in all beings, who also love to see the suffering of others because it gives them that flash of power of being saved through their selfish prayers.  
And lets not forget that we are continually under the thumb of a god that cares more of his beautiful image, portraits of man’s egos, than making changes that could stop his flock of criminal minds that continue to do more harm than good and lets face it god, jesus and the holy ghost have been shut-ins afraid it seems to step out into the universe they made.
God has been on vacation now for twenty centuries since he saved mankind well jesus at any rate, we are not sure where god was or is and we never see the holy ghost but we know all three must be in the universe somewhere doing their godly thing, gaining respect from outer planets, doing his egotistical spellbinding worship of himself to help others pray for their own salvation for why should an all powerful god, faceless, invisible and silent reach out and finally present himself to his fan base!
The big question is do they really care or need his approval because the wealthy seem to be doing what god did and that is take from the people what is rightfully theirs.
Religion is an ugly affair, a pretend faith but if you feel the undercurrents of mankind’s need to blame others for their problems then you will begin to see the phony impostor of religious fever, hatred of self. For we are a jealous race to think we can’t begin to measure up to our triple gods of power.
How could a god who we have never heard personally speak to his flock, allow human beings to continue living in squalor with wars necessary violence unless you seek profits from the weapons sold to foreign countries creating their own personal killing fields?
Doesn’t weapons of mass destruction allow the elites eyes to widen with the possibilities of the end of this speck of dust and these men of narrow beliefs will gladly push the final button for it is god’s will that we all die in fear and pain. For we are just worthless sinners and I always wonder about these evangelical worshipers of self-loathing how they can look themselves in the mirror and believe they are the chosen ones to lead a massacre for god, jesus and the holy ghost of the very people that worship a fairy tale.
All of this brought to you in prime time by the catholic, protestant, evangelical, mormon, latter day saints, episcopal, lutheran, baptist, the word of life, risen hope, mega churches, methodist, christ the king, presbyterian, seventh day adventist, pentecostal, trinity bible church, and more and more sprouting up to confuse the true purpose of religion, control of the people to placate them into believing that their lives mean something to an invisible persona, who else but us our imaginative nature finally revealed.
The wisdom of the ages came up with a nauseating bluff of fear to keep people afraid of life and the wealth that rule us, and then they wrote in a religious relic, a book of peoples fears created centuries ago and to keep fear, hate and sorrow in their lives by creating a reality of poverty ruled not by a missing god but by our man god his hatred toward themselves and all people of unbelief, stating the ultimate lie and that is the only way to find or rise up to heaven is death.
How silly it is that to keep human beings occupied for centuries by religions controlling force, abusing innocence as their whipping post and making sure that no one returns to this planet of greed for that is only for the wealthy to rule generation after generation not as real gods but these men of criminal minds and you will never return to this once paradise destroyed by the rich but by dying you are freed from the brutality of this world and will be able to return to god’s paradise somewhere in space, maybe in his minds eye for isn’t god the almighty link to death and resurrection and we can be in heavenly peace but certainly not until were dead by fire or soil in a box.
So the people can’t just skip ahead to a paradise that is seemly invisible to the poor human population but yet it exists and is waiting for you to die and how you die doesn’t really matter for not all can leave this retched place like jesus did by being nailed to a cross.  
It must not be that important to god how we get to his heaven for we have to pass the time here on this criminal planet being robbed of our dignity, our home, our life just so we can work for pennies on the dollar by being servants to the new order of religious zealots, it is called profit worship. Let us all kneel in silent prayer, their will be no giggling at the amount of money we just stole, oh I mean made off the sweat of those hard workers that just gave us a year end bonus plus we were not indicted this year so all is well here in the money pit of new homes, yachts and travel and oh yay our new homes guarded by military personal.
Why in gods name would you wait to die and not stand up to these men and women of greed that have exploited this earth and its inhabitants since the beginning of man walking upright.
Heaven is an illusion a prefabricated cage, a con game, a piece of candy given to a child to keep them from crying and going berserk in public. We are given just enough fake power to keep us placated in doing the dirty work for the elites of crime.
Death is an illusion of power given to others taken by the fear of revelation, the real truth that god is only a symbol to keep the populace in chains, surrendering their hope of eternal peace which is of course death, by doing the work for the true powerful men and women that own this planet, and not mother earth our true goddess.
God’s power from above is a lightning strike of death.  If god can kill without regret so can mankind.
God is our example and in the bible god has murdered innocence to make a point and to control the necessary egos of his people. God wipes out the entire planet in a flood without blinking an eye and noah begins a new life as his family populates the world to once again worship a god that isn’t present in our reality but in our minds riddled with fear of his anger.
I guess his anger would be toward those crooks of wall street that didn’t meet their billion dollar bonus by cheating the people of their hard earned pay check.
Gods wars are our wars for we were made in his likeness?  Amen
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islamicrays · 4 years
We’re Home.
And then we aren’t. Torn away from our origin, we came across time and space to another world. A lesser world. But in that separation, something painful happened. We were no longer with God in the physical space. We could no longer see Him with our physical eyes, or speak to Him with our physical voice. Unlike our father Adam (`alayhi as-salam – peace be upon him), we could no longer feel that same peace.
So we came down. We were torn from Him. And in the pain of that separation, we bled. For the first time, we bled. And that tearing apart from our Creator left a gash. A deep wound that we are all born with. And as we grew, so did the agony of that wound; it grew deeper and deeper. But as time went on, we moved further and further away from the antidote, already in our fitrah (nature): to be near Him, heart, soul and mind.
And so with each passing year, we became more and more desperate to fill that empty space. But it is in this very quest to fill the hole that we stumbled. Each of us stumbled on different things. And many of us sought to numb the emptiness. So, some of humanity stumbled on drugs or alcohol, while some looked to other sedatives. Some of us stumbled on the worship of physical pleasure, status or money. Some of us lost ourselves in our careers.
And then, some of us stumbled on people. Some of us lost ourselves there.
But, what if every single stumble, every challenge, every experience in our life was only intended for one purpose: to bring us back to our origin? What if every win, every loss, every beauty, every fall, every cruelty, and every smile was only intended to unveil another barrier between us and God? Between us and where we began, and where we are desperately seeking to return?
What if everything was only about seeing Him?
We must know that all that we experience in life has a purpose. And it is we who choose whether to realize that purpose or not. Take for example, beauty. Some people don’t even recognize beauty when it’s right in front of them. They can walk through a sunset or a brilliant forest of orange trees, and not even notice.
Other people see beauty and do appreciate it. They will stop and take it in. They may even feel overwhelmed by it. But it ends there. That person is like the one who appreciates art, but never inquires about the artist. The artwork itself was intended to communicate a message from the artist; but if the art lover loses himself in the painting—but never sees the message, that artwork hasn’t fulfilled its true purpose.
The purpose of the glorious sun, first fallen snow, crescent moons and breathtaking oceans is not just to decorate this lonely planet. The purpose is far deeper than that. The purpose is as Allah told us in the Qur’an:
“Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.”
“(Those) who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], “Our Lord, You have not created all of this without a purpose. Exalted is You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.” (3:190-191)
All this beauty was created as a sign—but one that can only be understood by a select group: those who reflect (think, understand, use their intellect) and remember God in every human condition (standing, sitting, lying down).
So, even the sunset must be looked through. Even there, we cannot lose ourselves. We must look beyond even that majestic beauty and color, to see the Beauty behind it. For the beauty behind it is the True beauty, the Source of all beauty. All that we see is only a reflection.
We must study the stars, the trees, the snow-capped mountains in order to read the message behind them. Because if we do not, we are like the one who finds a message inside a beautifully decorated bottle, yet becomes so enamored by the bottle, that he never even opens the message.
But what is that message, stuck inside the intensity of stars? There is a sign— but a sign of what? These signs are a pointer to Him, to His greatness, His majesty, His beauty. A pointer to His might and His power. Study, reflect, absorb the beauty and majesty of what’s created—but don’t stop there. Don’t lose yourself in beauty. Look beyond it and consider that if the creation is that majestic, that great, that beautiful, how majestic and great and beautiful must be the Creator.
Finally realize, experientially, that: رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقْتَ هَٰذَا بَاطِلًا سُبْحَانَكَ – “My Lord, You have not created all of this without a purpose. Exalted is You.” (Qur’an, 3:191)
Purpose. Everything has one. Nothing in the heavens or the earth or inside of me or inside of you is created without a purpose. No event in your life, no sadness, no delight, no pain, no pleasure… no loss, was created without a purpose. So just as we must read the ‘message inside the bottle’ of the sun and the moon and the sky, so too must we examine the messages in our own life experiences.
We are always looking for signs. We are always asking for God to ‘speak’ to us. But those signs are all around us. They are in everything. God is always ‘speaking’. The question is whether we are listening.
Allah says:
“Those who do not know say, ‘Why does Allah not speak to us or there come to us a sign?’ Thus spoke those before them like their words. Their hearts resemble each other. We have shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain [in faith].” ( Qur’an, 2:118)
If we can look beyond and through everything that happens to us, everything we do—or fail to do—and see Allah, then we will have gotten the purpose. When something happens that you love, be careful not to miss the point. Remember that nothing happens without a reason. Seek it out. Look for the purpose Allah created in what He has given to you. What aspect of His Essence is He showing you through it? What does He want from you?
Similarly, when something happens that you dislike, or that hurts you, be careful not to get lost in the illusion created by pain. Look through it. Find the message in the bottle. Find the purpose. And let it lead you to glimpse just a little more of Him.
If it’s a slip or even a fall in your deen (religion), don’t let shaytan (satan) deceive you. Let the slip make you witness His mercy in a more experiential and deep way. And then seek that mercy to save you from your sins and your own transgression against yourself.
If it’s an unsolvable problem, don’t despair. Witness a glimpse of Al-Fataah, the One who opens for His slaves any closed matter. And if it is a storm, don’t let yourself drown. Let it bring you to witness how only He can save His servant from a storm, when there is no one else around.
And remember that after all of creation is destroyed and not a single being exists but Him, God will ask: لِّمَنِ الْمُلْكُ الْيَوْمَ – “To whom is the dominion today?” (Qur’an, 40:16)
Allah says:
“The Day they come forth nothing concerning them will be concealed from Allah. To whom belongs [all] sovereignty this Day? To Allah, the One, the Irresistible!” (Qur’an, 40:16)
To whom is the sovereignty today? Try to witness even a piece of that in this life. To whom is the dominion today? Who else has the power to save you? Who else can cure you? Who else can mend your heart? Who else can provide for you? Who else can you run to? Who else? To whom is the dominion today? Li man al mulk al yawm?
Lil wahid al qahaar. To the One, the Irresistible. To run to anything else is to resist the irresistible. To seek other than The One (al Wahid), is to become scattered, but never filled. How can we find unity, completion of heart or soul or mind in anything other than Him?
So, on this path back to where we began, who else can we run to? What else can we seek? After all, we all want the very same thing: To be whole, to be happy, to again say:
We’re Home.
Yasmin Mogahed
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toku-explained · 4 years
The Darkest Swordsman
Z: GAFJ have developed D4 from Barabas' horn, a dimension destroying weapon, and have ordered it's installation in King Joe STORAGE Custom, the installation overseen by Yuki Mai. The Maintenance team make clear from the start they are against this, and the main squad are clearly against it as well, and the Director makes clear he is against using D4 as well, but orders have come down, he's not well, and Celebro encounters him. When Kelbim arrives, drawn by the energy at the initial test site, it quickly heads to where the next D4 weapon is, and the Director brings down the orders from on high to use only King Joe STORAGE Custom and make use of D4, even as more Kelbim descend from the sky and hatch. It's pretty obvious what has happened to the Director, but it's not outright shown. In defiance of orders, Hebikura dispatched Haruki in Windom, but even as they take out one another spawns, and Z is forced to come out. As they continue more appear and Yuka detects the Mother Kelbim in space. Z Delta Rise Claw goes to face it, but even as it wins the numbers become to much and Yoko is forced, out of desperation, to use D4. The attack does take out the Kelbim, but the dimensional collapse keeps spreading, only being stopped by Z. Hebikura makes clear he is angry about all of this, and Yuki Mai seems to have ideas about Ultraman's power. But the big this this time is, as every single member of STORAGE, the entire maintenance team lead by Bako, Yuka, Yoko, Haruki and Hebikura defies GAFJ orders, and the entire unit is being dissolved.
Ultra 6 Brothers The Live: I laid actual money to watch this, since it seems to tie into The Absolute Conspiracy. After Nice warms the crowd up, the story introduces us to Baltan Seijin Baruru, a child alone on a world save for his robot friend. Baruru seems to remember his grandfather, but that's it. One day Red King, Hellberus, Astromons and Giestron rampage, and Man, Seven, Zoffy, Hikari and 80 arrive to stop them. Afterwards the brother discuss why the Kaiju are acting out before all but Ultraman leave. He meets Baruru and befriends him before leaving, asking the robot to look out for him, and after it's gone Baruru and the robot plan to plant a flower, when a gang of Valkie Seijin, Magma Seijin and Zarab Seijin arrive, and start beating up Baruru, calling Hellberus back to assist. The Robot, inspired by Ultraman's words, fights back and does a decent job until losing power, but as more Kaiju come the day is saved by the arrival of the Ultra 6 Brothers. Zoffy fights Zarab, Man fights Red King, Seven fights Valkie, Jack takes Giestron, Ace battles Hellberus, Taro deals with Magma. After the brothers win, they save the Robot and leave, Baruru and his companion continue their journey, but in the end Baruru walks away from the robot, which continues the other way with the flower. Absolute Tartarus appears, commenting on a power. After an intermission the plot moves forward, and to an earth in 2020, where Bemstar and Telesdon come down from the sky, and the narrator explains the Devil Splinters, this is followed by Z Alpha Edge's stock footage, the Rise accompanied with a new one for Zero. Zero and Z Alpha Edge face the two Kaiju, then discuss about the Devil Splinters when an effect devices the Kaiju. Zero defeats Bemstar only for Tartarus, who Zero is aware of, to appear and revive Bemstar, and reveal his servant, the adult Baruru, who created the system reviving the Kaiju. Zero and Z are overpowered until Ultraman and Seven arrive and help defeat them. Ultraman recognises Baruru, and Baruru remembers him, Tartarus arrives and explains their plans. Ultraman asks him to stop but he lashes out, and uses the system to revive Zetton and EX Zetton, which overpower the Ultras, before taking them aside and fusing their genes with himself to become a Zetton Baltan Seijin (variants previously appeared in Orb stages, one being a Dark Ring fusion), and join the Zettons in their battle. While the other Zettons take Seven and Zero offstage, Man and Z fight Baruru. Nice comes onstage to guide some audience interaction to power up the heroes here, which brings Seven and Zero back, and the rest of the Ultra 6 Brothers. After a moment where Man and Baruru wordlessly reflect on their past, Nice somehow finds himself faced with Tartarus, who trounces him before the Brothers minus Man pull him away, they then defeat the Zettons. Zero and Z face Tartarus until he decides to leave, but Z pursues. Ultraman and Baruru fight, although really it's just Man trying to remind Baruru of his true self, Baruru wakes up and returns to normal, but Zetton Baltan Seijin still exists on its own, now mindless and Ultraman is injured taking a hit. Zoffy, Ace and Seven take care if it long enough for Baruru to revive Man using his device, and he destroys Zetton Baltan Seijin. Tartarus murders Baruru and calls on Tyrant, which already mostly defeated Jack and Taro, and Man, Zero and Z struggle with, until Nice leads the audience again. Together the Brothers Zero and Z defeat Tyrant. The dying Baruru is shocked by the robots return. Ultraman informs him they're on earth. The robot uses the system to save Baruru, and presents the healthy plant. After sharing some parting words Baruru and his friend leave. The assembled Ultras thank the audience and leave some last words. All in all good, but about as important as those Ultraman Festival Stages or the Final Stages. Also this is pretty clearly pre-Z so I don't know why they didn't just have Z in his initial state.
The Absolute Conspiracy: The highly anticipated event begins. New Generation Heroes was a prequel to Taiga, and featured the first live action appearance of a character previously only seen in a Pachinko machine. Similarly, The Absolute Conspiracy is a prequel to Z and features several characters previously only seen in the Ultraman Festival Stages. There are differences too though. The central villain here is, to my knowledge, wholly original, and while New Generation Heroes was a a single narrative from start to finish, this is a story in 3 "parts", and while New Generation Heroes focused on only the New Generation Heroes, as well as the two most direct mentors to that group, and an Ultra who debuted in the era but is not considered part of the group, here we have quite a diverse group. So we start here in Part 1, starting Ultraman Ribut. In the M78 timeline this would appear to be set sometime in the 1000s of years gap between Mebius and Ultra Galaxy. Cool to see there's a proper OP this time, evidently going to switch up for each part. After our brief appearance by Absolute Tartarus our focus moves to young recruit Ribut, who is working alongside Civilisation Guard Max (original VA), who is one of a number of M78 Ultras who was originally believed to be from his series' universe version of the Land of Light, but since the Zero movies we now know them to be from the main M78 universe, and traveled from there to the timeline of his series. The planet is having it's energy drained by a Maga-Orochi egg, the existence of which is concerning due to the Maga-Orochi being sealed on Orb's earth....by a group of Ultras that included Zero....this might be later in the timeline than I thought. Hellberus might be an indicator Tregear is behind what's going on, he has interfered with several other New Generation Kaiju, but Sran Seijin is the only mastermind we have at the moment. Gudis Cells are infecting Max now, and I presume they want the Maga-Orochi to evolve into something more. We go to Planet Kanon. This is before the event of The Origin Saga, as the Tree of Life is still standing. The present War God, Queen Izana, is also part of the Galaxy Rescue Force, which seems to draw from an old idea from the 70s of a Galactic Federation that Tsuburaya's heroes were all part of, in this instance though the alliance is multiversal. Anyway here we have Sora, making her first appearance outside of stages, she started out as one of the generic Ultras, but now have that armour to stand out. She's accompanying Yullian (new VA) princess of the Land of Light, who is wearing a mantle here for the first time. Leucocyte attacks, which may further point to Tregear, and 80 (original actor) appears to help, until Leucocyte flees. The 80 sequence heavily reminds me of the Ace and Leo Brothers sequences in Ultra Fight Victory, giving the classic Ultra a strong showing before the newer hero takes centre stage. Ribut reports what happened to Zoffy, Taro and Hikari (all have their longstanding VAs) when the other 3 arrive with their own report, giving them a lot to deal with, and establishes the history of Ribut and Sora. They have to create an antibody to Gudis' cells in 3 days or Max is lost, and Ribut is sent to train on K76, where he meets for some intense training Great (New VA) and Powered (Kai's actor Kane Kosugi in English, Kai's dub VA in Japanese).
Saber: Tassel on the phone to somebody, interesting. I've gotten over my issue with Touma's memory from last time, knowing he was friends with Kento and finding Kento was in the memories that seemed to be dreams are different things. It's only natural that Kento is confused, and he decides getting Kamijo to tell him everything is the only option. Apparently the 6 swordsmen being present is reason for Legeiel to step up Megiddo plans using Goblins. Kento and Rintaro argue before the activity starts, Sophia gives Mei a key and heads out, leaving Northern Base to her. Kenzan goes to face one Megiddo, while Buster's mission to face another is interrupted by Desast. Rintaro and Kento argue about duty to Sword of Logos when Kento is called by Reika to where Sophia is confronting Caliber. Saber arrives at another Goblin. Sophia is trying to get explanations from Kamijo when Kento and Rintaro appears. Kento asks if the worst possible scenario is true before confronting Kamijo, Espada and Kamijo clash, Slash joins Saber and lends Bremen no Rock Band, when Zooous arrives to face Slash. Caliber claims he cut down Hayato for being a traitor, while calling himself a seeker of truth, Espada uses Golden Alangina and pushes Blades out the way. Kento gets a good hit in, and Caliber decides to use Jaou Dragon, becoming Caliber Jaou Dragon. While they fight Sophia suddenly vanishes. Mei uses the key an unlocks the screen, and Saber uses Dragon Bremen to defeat his Goblin as Kenzan does the same. Unfortunately, this is exactly what Legeiel, Zooous and Desast wanted, opening gates of Fire and Wind. Caliber overpowers Espada on the end, and tries to make the killing blow, but Blades takes it, and Rintaro is in critical condition. I think Kento's probably going to act less rashly now. Tassel has a guest, and I have an idea who. I might be wrong.
Kenshin Retsuden: This time we have an episode of Kenzan, listed as being "another side" of episode 9. Ogami and Ren are both looking for Caliber when Ogami realises Sophia is about to do something reckless. Desast, who is looking for Caliber to reclaim his book, confronts Ren and mocks him on the nature of ultimate power, Ren showing some serious might makes right thoughts, before leaving, thinking something about him afterwards about Ren's nature. Ogami saves Sophia as in the episode, but afterwards Sophia comments that Kento will be hurt regardless of who Caliber is, opening Ogami's eyes to the possibility of someone else behind the mask.
Kiramager: Whatever it is the guy wants to say to Sayo, he's clearly nervous. Sayo has gone into the dinner with certain expectations, but isn't sure how she feels quite yet. The team tries to let her keep the evening for her date. While the team is busy, she really wants to hear it at least. Garza's plan is to unleash multiple Jamenju, which Riddle Kamen is making plenty of energy for. As for Sayo, it's not like she doesn't like the dude, but she won't know until he says it, but I like how everyone is just desperate to know more. Sayo solves the riddle but doesn't tell the others what it is. Garza is bending Hakobu to his will. While it appears what Kusaka had in mind was something different, Sayo gets straight in to helping him. I am a little disappointed that we're having a marriage would mean quitting being a ranger plot for a female in fucking 2020, but that doesn't matter because turns out, surprise, Kusaka was working with Yodonna. Garza is off to eliminate Oradin. Sayo still protects him, but any chance of anything more is done for, but she still entrusts him with warning CARAT. To be fair about the marriage plot, Sayo herself had every intention of making it work, and there is the whole surgeon thing giving it more justification here than in other plots. I like how we have this goofy scene of Juru making Riddle Jamen answer a riddle of his own interspersed with the fairly serious drama of the Sayo plot. Garza has arrived in Atamald, the plant is sprouting, and 3 Jamenju arrive.
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100 Mutants & Masterminds Session Ideas (Part IV)
It’s been a while since the last list. The chaos of living one life as a civilian and the other as a vigilante is always a balancing act. But here we are, another 100 ideas for all your superhero adventures! Whether you defend a small neighborhood or the entire planet, there should be something here for everyone. If you like what I do, please like, comment, or reblog. So let’s grab our massively overpriced vehicles and take call all our partners in crime-fighting, and take to the skies for another day of heroism!
You investigate a series of robberies and discover that the party behind it is a matriarchal clan where crime is the family business.
B-rank heroes are trying to take on your enemies so they get status. But in the end, they’re endangering more lives than they’re saving.
Prominent meta-humans are being sent invitations to play a game on an island where their skills will be tested. They must complete the objectives, and get the highest score to win. The catch? Some of the objectives involve killing other participants.
Someone is orchestrating tragedy for heroes, knowing that they will become powerful meta-humans. But what does this person have in mind for them once they reach their full potential?
A catatonic billionaire uses everything in his power to find a body suitable for his devious mind. This includes his money, technology, and criminal connections.
A series of magical books have been stolen, each one belonging to one of the foremost sorcerers in Earth’s history. But when put together, they will unlock a codex that will either unleash an evil creature, or bind it again for another 10,000 years.
A foreboding alien ship is hovering over the world’s largest cities, but does not destroy them. Instead, it’s sucking energy out of them. You must stop it before it leaves the world in darkness.
A villain is terrorizing the city by infusing common items with poisonous substances. He challenges you to crack the code and save the city.
A team of heroes calls for your help in taking down a mutual enemy.
A league of villains forms to take down your team.
Disaster strikes (bridge collapse, burning building, etc) and you have no way of getting your super suit in time. You must find a way to save the civilians without blowing your cover.
A new set of meta-humans hit the streets and are using their unusual abilities to reek havoc. No particle accelerator explosions or toxic waste disasters have been recorded, so you need to find out how these powers originated, and how they are being transferred.
A city-wide cryogenic freezing has occurred. With everyone motionless, the villains will be able to judge the wicked and preserve the innocent. Everyone is at their mercy, except your team.
A monstrous being has emerged, but they don’t seem capable of harming anything. The government insists on recollecting it, but it fears what will happen when it is brought back. You must aid in this beings capture or escape. Both will prove difficult.
A new power source has emerged that can imbue people with life and power beyond measure. The only downside is that they are written out of existence.
A meta-human has the power of cellular regeneration. While he hoped to use it for healing, the villains want to use it to form weapons, making the cells take in an infinite number of forms.
Someone has replicated the event granting you superpowers, and is trying to take your place. They will stop at nothing until you’re replaced, dead, or otherwise incapable of resuming your duty as a hero.
An alien crash—lands on your planet and requests your help in reassembling it’s spacecraft. It says it must escape its intergalactic pursuers, but refuses to tell you why. You must either turn the alien in to humans, turn it in to its pursuers, or help it escape.
After saving children from a natural disaster, you unleash a mythical creature that is hell bent on destruction.
A cannibal is on the loose in your city, and for every person he feeds off of, the more enhanced his powers become.
Someone has perfected the genetic code in a plant (or animal) species. With it, they will be able to cause infertility and systematically cause extinction of crops, species, perhaps even humanity!
A criminal empire is growing too fast to fight the old-fashioned way. So instead of a fight in the streets, you have to go undercover to take down their biggest operations.
When one of your teammates falls ill, and conventional medicine fails, you will have to use unconventional methods to cure them. You will have to shrink yourself to cellular size and take down the illness at its source.
Terrorists have demanded that the heroes reveal their secret identities to the world, or they will kill ten innocent people every week.
A legendary hacker has died, claiming that he has developed a universal hack, codenamed “Skeleton Key.” Whoever finds it first gets to keep it, and the clues are all throughout your city to find it.
A hero goes to great lengths to remove their powers. Their continued existence as a full-time hero is destroying their relationships. But the supposed cure is a trap to kill them.
The mob’s greatest hitman turns out to be a child. After saving him/her from a disaster, it turns out they had planned the whole thing to bring you in.
A mysterious new gang surfaces at the same time a new a mayoral prospect arrives in the city. Is the whole thing a coincidence, or a devious scheme?
The ancient Gods are holding a conference in your city. They plan to decide whether or not to finally unleash the apocalypse. Until they make a decision, they will pit you against some of the most vicious and powerful creatures ever made.
A villain has designs on demolishing the entire civilized world so humanity will die out and natural order will be restored. Only the strong will survive as the wilderness dominates the landscape, and mutants become gods.
A mysterious entity lands in your city. But when you investigate, it’s a humanoid Figure with no memory of who they are or where they come from. You must find out why, and if they’re a threat.
A man has gained superpowers, and elects to take revenge on the people that tormented him in high school, and ultimately killed his family. Subdue this mutant and either teach him to use his powers for good, or turn him in.
Explosives have been placed on every entrance and exit to your city. Nothing goes in, and nothing goes out. This is the perfect opportunity for the villain behind it to declare himself supreme ruler of the metropolis.
One of your most prominent villains has recently gained a massive inheritance. You’re convinced they’ll use it for crime, but their actual usage surprises you. They clean up the streets (so they can take it over later).
The promising new brain-training clinic is actually a twisted experiment to drive people crazy. By overloading the mind, it’s possible that psychic abilities will be unlocked. While this does work in some, it’s disastrous for others.
Someone is rewriting the memories of the people they capture. Rebels are suddenly obedient, children forget their homes, and heroes are becoming villains. Find the pattern, and discover a lead back to who is altering these people’s minds.
A reclusive aristocrat has called for the help of your team. A terrible curse has been placed on him for as far back as he can remember, and it is now spiraling out of control. All born from an artifact owned by his family for generations. He’s tried to destroy it, but it’s only harmed him in response. Discover what this malevolent force is, and vanquish it.
People are going missing across the city. Only it’s not regular missing persons, they vanish out of thin air.
Mutants have gathered from all over the world to discuss their rights as mutants when most have treated them as monsters and outcasts. Many call for the destruction of humans, but some hold out hope. That is, until a riot ensues and kills five mutants in cold blood.
An omega-level mutant has flown across the sky of a major city and declared war on humanity. He calls for all his fellow mutants to either stand by him or perish. While this may be localized to once city, his ambition led carry to other cities. Perhaps your own.
A natural disaster has forced all of your city’s civilians into safety shelters. Once they’re inside, the villain will infuse the shelter air vents with cyanide. His enemy, be it the populace, or a group within it, will perish.
A band of young and powerful meta-humans are tearing up America as they leave every town they cross scared, robbed, or destroyed. One of their members is picked up by your team, and he wants to stop them. He knows their weaknesses, but it will still require a team on par with them to win.
A villain has been terrorizing the world for centuries, yet his presence has always remained hidden. But now that his operations been stopped by you again, he will reveal himself and accept the challenge of killing you. A ruthless criminal mastermind who has replaced his body with soulless machinery.
Aliens invade your planet, only their arrival is not malicious in nature. They are stopping here because their armada has been demolished, and they were look for reinforcements to take down a far greater evil. And since your planet is rich with meta-humans, you are the perfect allies.
A shape-changing entity has arrived in your world that will achieve invincibility when it collects all nine artifacts it is hunting for.
An entity has entered the dream world, and is trapping all of the world’s children into experiencing the perfect dream. One they don’t want to wake up from. He hopes to harness the collective unconscious of humanity’s children and become all-powerful.
A maniac obsessed with immortality is taking people off the street and using them in an experiment to extend human lifespans. You try to stop him, but those that survive insist on helping him.
Your latest trophy from crime fighting is a bug to discover your team’s secret lair. With this information, the villain who was put away will have his second in command attack you when you’re at your most vulnerable.
A massive fortune is left behind by a man who enjoys playing sadistic games. His last will and testament is that his entire fortune goes to whoever finds it. You must use your team’s resources and find the money before your enemies do. With so much on the line, all of your enemies could be in the running!
A corrupt cop is tormenting meta-humans no matter what their affiliations. His status under the law makes him untouchable by criminals, and he intimidates his colleagues into submission. You must bring him to justice when the law and underworld won’t touch him.
A new kind of competition has emerged for meta-humans: Hero Olympics. Complete with obstacle courses, team battles, and all manner of organized heroics, it’s the perfect place to exhibit your skills. It’s also ample opportunity to commit a crime.
The next holy war has been confirmed. Only this time, it’s the “Holy Knights” of Humanity against all meta-humans.
The mastermind behind all the city’s crimes has declared war on your team. He has demolished your headquarters, and or a price on your head that’s so high, civilians are gunning for you.
A villain is collecting a vast assortment of arcane relics, each with a different ability. Once all of them are gathered, he believes he will become the supreme ruler of the cosmos. But really, he will become the lapdog to the creator of the relics.
A terrible tragedy (war zone, act of terrorism, outbreak of a deadly disease) has been looped by an unknown entity. If you are to escape this nightmarish scenario, you’ll have to prevent it from happening in the first place.
You have been captured by your enemies. They have you in their clutches, and are about to unmask you when you and your team manage to escape. But as you try and leave, you discover you’re in the headquarters of your enemies. Its labyrinthine design keeps you trapped in a sadistic game of cat and mouse.
An anarchist at the head of an underground organization has called out for the elimination of heroes, only he doesn’t want to take their lives, he wants to take away their powers...permanently.
A zealot of an ancient religion has gained the power to convene with spirits. After communicating with them, he has concluded that if the earth is on the brink of destruction, he will be able to merge with a cosmic being responsible for the formation of the universe.
A powerful elemental villain is planning to make the entrain the entire city with their element (perpetual heat wave, relentless blizzard, carnivorous jungle, etc). With such an intense source of energy, they will be able to expand their influence exponentially across the country, perhaps the world.
An unconventional mob war hits the streets. A mob boss has been killed by his second in command, in the hopes of usurping his seat of power. But shortly after this, his spirit emerged and becomes the leader of a whole new underworld. The living and dead of your city engage ins turf war, and you have to stop it before civilians get caught in the crossfire.
The latest exhibit in a museum has been stolen. You track down the thief, and discover that they are of alien origin. They claim that this artifact was “entrusted” to humanity, but is actually a pocket dimensional prison, containing some of the universe’s most vicious intergalactic criminals. It is scheduled to release them all to conquer earth, a planet seen as low-priority. Survivors will be given a full pardon of their crimes as well, free to rule earth as a sovereign nation once it’s been conquered.
The Earth is drawing alien objects into its gravitational pull, and shattering them to form rings on par with Saturn.
A group of tech-savvy teens are using special effects technology to rob people as they pass through the woods, and they gradually expand their racket into the city. But as you advance on their “territory” they reveal a few tricks to put meta-humans in their place.
You intercept a drug den, only to find that the Lotus Eaters have lulled its inhabitants into a state of bliss. You must find a way to save the drugged humans from their trance.
A hidden civilization has intercepted your team. They hope to use them as their guardians in exchange for protection from the surface world. The catch is that you can never return to your home. Find a way to escape.
A cult of corrupt magic users plans to use human sacrifices to resurrect an ancient entity. Only when he is finally revived, his intentions differ with that of the people who summoned him.
Someone is removing select organs from a handful of human targets. Some believe it to be a serial killer collecting trophies, but you’re certain there’s more to it. Someone trying to replicate human beings, replacement parts, or an attempt to save a loved one.
A child approached your team, intent on finding a long-lost parent. When a picture of them is shown, you recognize them as one of the most powerful heroes of your time. You must find out who this child is, how they don’t know their identity already, and how to help them.
The city has become host to a massive array of holograms. When a registered hero touches one, it provides a set of holograms to challenge your skills. Is it a corporation’s challenge, a tech-wizard’s prank, or a distraction for a heist?
A sentient collection of antimatter beings possessing animals, objects, and people to fight humanity. They are revealed to be planet-consuming entities that fester like bacteria in the wounds they create on the planet’s surface. Their end goal is to encapsulate the whole planet in their festering influence until they form a massive new entity the size of earth.
Heroes have gathered in secret to discuss disturbing movements of an old villain’s movements. But this is impossible, as this villain died fifty years ago.
A creature has been captured by the villains, and they plan to use it to steal buildings by tunneling beneath the city.
A school for superheroes is being developed, and the heroes and politicians of your city are backing its development. However, many of its students need guidance, experience, and protection. Perhaps you can supply all three.
A nomadic biker gang has declared war on heroes. They are armed with anti-mutant weaponry, and seem to have limitless funding. You suspect there’s more at work, but you must defeat them first.
A band of heroes have gone rogue and are fighting against the law. Their leader has fallen off the radar, while his partners reek havoc. You are tasked with discovering why they went off on their own, and bringing them in by any means necessary.
One of your most formidable villains has recruited a meta-human child that lost his family as a result of one of your heroic exploits. The child has no way of coping with what he’s lost, and so the villain “guides” him to get revenge on you.
A villain has kidnapped the world’s foremost scientific minds to rebuild the earth from scratch. He plans on gathering all the world’s species, and preserving them in a spaceship while releasing a nerve gas throughout the planet. Once the dust settled, the world will be his for the remaking.
An Elder evil is released when it is thawed from any icy prison in the arctic. Most think it means to destroy the earth, but it’s really looking to reclaim something it lost.
Children are going missing every night and there is no sign of a struggle in their homes.
A hero plans to marry his love interest, only to have the villain come in and threaten to destroy the chapel if she doesn’t marry him instead.
A prophecy of doom looms over your city, and soon plagues begin to demolish the metropolis. Is it a supernatural force at work, or a mad scientist scaring everyone away?
A series of doors open to different parts of the world, each leading to a great evil to overcome (monster, criminal operation, etc). Is this the work of a hero trying to vanquish evil, or a villain trying to eliminate the competition?
You discover a strange life form that’s a hybrid of nature and technology. The purpose of this anomaly is unknown to you, but it seems intent on breaking out of its container and mingle with the soil.
Meta-humans are disappearing all over the city. Some from home, some from prison. You attempt to track them down, but it seems they’re being rescued and sent through a program called the Railroad to freedom from human society.
Meta-humans are being sent to labor at a camp while their families are forced to live under the tyrannical rule of the mastermind behind the abductions and his meta-human enforcers.
A scientist attempts to revive his deceased wife using a combination of black magic and scientific formula. But what he brings back is one of the deadliest foes your team has ever faced.
The latest milestone in military technology is anti-mutant battle-suits to be worn by soldiers. Little for their buyers know that they are meant to kill heroes as well as villains.
The team is placed in a hunting ground where they are being sought out by a hunter of legendary reputation. If you manage to kill or capture your pursuer before he does so to you, you will be free to leave.
A hero has fallen to the side of villainy. You must decide whether to turn them back to the die of good, or turn them into the law.
Someone is trying to combine the genetic code of mythical creatures (vampires and werewolves, hydras and dragons, elves and humans). But that’s end results prove to be more volatile than expected.
A villain has unlocked his psychic powers to such a degree that he can carve out his own little piece of the world and gather inhabitants for his world by rendering them comatose in reality.
A group of vampires are attempting to resurrect their elders to lead them into a new age. You must decide whether to let the coven live, and escape authorities, or to destroy their chances at starting new and causing more destruction.
A member of the villain’s ranks has defected, but has requested sanctuary for him and his family. If you pull it off, he will give you the rest of your enemies on a silver platter.
A paranoid mob boss has put up a fortress in the middle of your city, with entire buildings bought off and filled with armed guards and assassins. You must find a way to bring him to justice before his aircraft arrives on the roof and takes him out of the Justice System forever.
Villains are gathering from all over the world at a castle in one of the wildest and least-known portions of the world. You must go there and find out what they’re planning. If you can take them on and beat them in combat, that’s just a bonus.
You enter a Necromancer’s tomb only to find that it has been carved in the bowels of the earth to stretch for miles. Complete with undead guards, dark magic traps, and the ability to turn fallen heroes into recruits for defense.
A behemoth has been loosed in the city. Find a way to subdue it without causing the civilians and city more harm.
Spoof heroes and villains begin cropping up like weeds. While some see their exploits as comedic, it’s encouraging others to take to the hero and villain life without realizing the consequences.
A group of crazed killers have had their minds transferred to robotic bodies. They are able to strike at humans without need of food, water, or rest. All they have to do for the mastermind in turn is to kill targets he chooses first.
An “Underworld Gate” has opened above your city. This occurs once every 100 years, and always marks the site of a massacre, disaster, or genocide. You must find a way to close the gate and save everyone residing in your city.
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children-first · 4 years
Children First : An introductory speech for consensual humans.
~ Dear parents, teachers, caretakers, comrades, activists, and lovers of children of all kinds,
As you may be able to look around and see for yourselves, the majority of us who are present here are adults working to improve the earthly realm of humans around us, and we should take notice that there are [few/no] children here, only a substantially larger group of adults in this meeting. A meeting to make plans for the future. Planning without the help of children. We will not deny that children exist all around us in our human realm, but are we planning with them in mind? Who is given permission to speak of children, and are the children incorporated into all of our plans? If so, do we know every ‘who, what, where, when, why and how’ in detail? Who are they to us as adults during these troubled times, and how did we get to where we are now? We were once children ourselves, growing up to inherit bad behaviors and socially accepted paradigms that encourage exploitation and destruction of the natural world over thousands of years, and now the realm of humanity itself is out of order – out of control. Am I beginning to insinuate that children play a major role in our culture and are in fact the answer to our burning question of where to direct all of our focus to stabilize ourselves? Have the majority of us overlooked the importance of children, and should we not put more emphasis on them? If you speculate the big picture of the human situation on this planet, which should be described as a crisis -as I have come to a very serious life-altering and life-threatening conclusion about- it could be said that the human realm and it’s existence on Earth is a complete mess simply because for nearly 6000 years of civilization children have been ignored in a very deep way. It is now time to put Children First. Children are our future.
We may already understand the obvious importance of caring about the lives of children, or even the children of non-human animals, but are unable to see how deeply important they are in the world, and how we must truly start to care for them. To put children first is to truly care about the earth itself, as such care will directly trace back to the earth in one way or another, having more of an impact than the majority of the human population will initially realize. Put the children first for this reason. Over all, children will always succeed us, out-live us, taking over where we left off, but should not be the ones to clean up the messes left behind by adults. It is not the children’s fault that the world is the way it is. Sadly, we may easily understand this truth, though also find it is not possible to easily stop the world’s problems dead in their tracks, considering the amount of systemic power that irresponsibly controls and promotes an immense plethora of destructive habits and behaviors to abuse the world’s resources, to see that an inevitable collapse of the system is required to return to a state of humans being in balance while ethically sustainable. Sadly, we simply have to patiently wait for this collapse to occur, and while we wait, we can learn more about how we got to where we are now, and how, if we had the chance, fix what specifically went wrong in the first place so that we can do better in the future whenever possible.
We as humans control everything on the planet, in little ways and in big ways. Every aspect is now being controlled, in one way or another. Even when it is not being openly and widely spoken of, as well as through catastrophically poor choices of denial and ignorance on a very large scale of human behavior. We directly and indirectly control children in horrible ways that the dominant culture is not consciously aware of. The dominant culture ruins children, and the planet. The dominant culture hates children, and keeps them quiet – silencing them. The dominant culture will tell adults to ‘shut up’ about children as well, for under the economic paradigm and leadership of capitalism, adults are forced to focus on what is the very opposite in terms of the importance of children to be ‘successful in life’. Not too much money can be made by the children themselves these days -selling lemonade can only get you so far- and therefore children are seen as having very little value, having a piggy-bank instead of a bank account. On a side note, it must be mentioned that child labor is not necessarily always a bad thing, but it certainly is when applied to industrial civilization, which is why everyone should be very thankful we do not send our kids to work these days instead of getting a so-called ‘decent’ education, being given adequate time to discover who they are through optimal maturation of playful experiences. We care more about the lives of children when it comes to the subject of being employed for a paycheck, but only this much to at least not appear cruel. Still, the dominant culture dislikes children covertly, and this is what is so backwards about every major perspective of capitalism, and the beginning of explaining why humanity is out of control at this point in time. We never openly acknowledge or promote the importance of putting children first. We need to care about children deeply. We as adults, need to plan with children in mind, and understand that if our lives had been better from the beginning, we would not be where we are now. It must be mentioned that people do not realize how primitive -or, less industrial- they need to become to save themselves.
We must abruptly look at violence for a moment as it relates to the complexity of the human crisis, as if we were just slapped in the face by it. The world has been destroyed by unspeakable violence, abuse, murder, forms of neglect and ignorance, lies and denial. Because of this, this must be asked in an attempt to prevent such behavior as much as possible: What would be a good way for us as humans to prevent violence -especially when violence begets violence as they say- within our culture, preferably starting early on in a person’s life? The answer can be found in early teachings of intimacy, love, honesty and even sexuality, among other great humanitarian teachings to children so that they grow up less confused, less violent, more aware.
What is also very important is something we don’t think about almost at all anymore because we are so used to performing the ritual on a daily basis, which is the ritual of wearing clothes -the ritual of hiding our naked bodies, the visibility of our skin- also has something to do with causing destructive behavior on a deep level. We as early hominids began to wear animal skins or ‘clothes’ approximately 170,000 years ago, but never have been born with clothes on or to develop a shell like a snail does, or some other natural form of protection for the epidermis/skin with the exception of plenty of hair on our bodies that we later lost most of during our evolution. Depending on where the neanderthals specifically found themselves living on earth long ago, depended on the desirable need to wear animal skins or ‘clothes’ either for extra warmth or protection from the sun- not to be more modest in appearance. However, most of the problem really does stem directly from the denial and ignorance of providing intimacy and love to children that they need, teaching them how to be honest and intimate from being a good example while knowing how to influence them using positive reinforcement in their lives as well as not denying their childhood sexuality, which does exist and is not a myth: it’s not as if children instantly become sexual beings immediately after puberty; it all begins much earlier than that. Children are indeed born to be sexual. We were all born sexual, changing more or less as we grow older incrementally. We can’t ignore or deny these facts anymore.
The subject of childhood sexuality is very important, though it is definitely not what needs to be looked at first. What comes first are quality teachings and experiences of intimacy, love, and simply being nude as much as possible – weather permitting, of course. We have covered our bodies too often for thousands of years, starting with body paint and decorative materials, eventually becoming clothing with more than the specific purpose of protecting ourselves from the elements, not with the intention of hiding ‘private parts’ from the eyes of others since the very beginning. Once the majority of humans became insecure in their behavior about their nude bodies and the nudity of others, we all started wearing clothes to hide under to superficially impress, to fit in and be accepted, eventually creating what we know as ‘fashion’, as ostentatious, pretentious, costly and uncomfortable it really is, or can be. We have created deception in our world starting with this habit taken to an extreme, giving it a new meaning and purpose over time, in combination with the old purpose to make the rationality of insecurity seem more legitimate. Wearing clothes causes and increases sexual frustration in others, both of which cause and increase the desire to have sex over longer periods of waiting time, triggering the ability to imagine ways to somehow achieve or relieve the yearning for such gratification, driving humanity into a form of depraved horny madness, exacerbating sexual abuse, all forms of violence, all forms of murder, and even authoritative neglect to satisfy or attempt to cure the intense emotional spell of sexual cravings. The connection being made is how humans are literally disconnected from each other by wearing clothes too often.
To provide my own perspective and understanding of our complicated situation by presenting a personal story from my own experience, here is something true that I have wrote: During my entire life so far I have only seen children of the opposite sex completely naked in the flesh a total of 9 separate times. More specifically, I have seen 9 different naked young girls randomly over 33+ years, never once touching their bodies or genitalia, only looking at them while nude, mostly from over 20 feet away and usually for just a couple of minutes – though one time very closely that lasted around 15 minutes which also included a request for me to touch them (a 4 or 5 year old girl gave me consent to smear her body with hot-spring mud in Slab City California – It was my birthday and I was turning 23). All of the children (female) were under the age of 6. The truth is that this small amount of nudity is completely unnatural for anyone to see within 33+ years, and the amount of human nudity we all need to be seeing should be much higher. My issue: Growing up as a heterosexual male while never getting an easily available opportunity to touch or experiment with a young naked girl intimately during my boyhood when it should have been done has caused a tremendous accumulation of sexual frustration later in my life, driving me absolutely crazy over the years. This type of learning experience is in fact essential for anyone’s well-being. Sadly, the goal to satisfy my curiosity that I had as a child (and continues to linger) will probably never be fulfilled. I hate the unnatural denial and ignorance of a child’s sexuality and lack of human nudity within human culture more than most will ever understand. Nudity needs to be a part of human life and so do the teachings of intimacy directly with children. If the dominant culture doesn’t fix itself soon, then humans deserve to go extinct.
Almost everything we do as humans is to help us get sex or find a way to give ourselves love, one way or another. If we can understand that there is a possible way that exists to responsibly raise and control children to not be so sexually frustrated later in life -who may grow up focusing on lusty schemes, doing whatever it takes to get someone naked just to have sex (like to lose their ‘virginity’ for example) or merely to see someone naked – because at least half the problem that causes sexual frustration is not being able to see what it is under someone’s clothes, therefore driving all humans crazy- the best way to do this is to directly provide structure and discipline to the budding sexuality of children beginning with their need for intimacy starting when they are young, while teaching the importance of being naked with other children for every good reason, encouraging them to care and love each other on a very deep level helping them to mature without formations of negative behavior. That is how we can save humanity by focusing on how we raise children. Adults have this power. Adults need to stop ignoring children, and their sexuality. The roots of sexual frustration cause violence, and every other problem that was previously mentioned. If ‘schools’ -or at least emphatic teachings- of intimacy had been established thousands of years ago, we would be much better guests on the planet today. Sex controls every aspect of our lives when you really think about it. Sigmund Freud was certainly right about something on this topic. It begins with how children are raised. Children must be put first – I can not say it enough. ***At the end of this speech, information on Youth Intimacy School Education, or ‘Y.I.S.E.’ for short, and The Essential Fundamental Building Blocks for a Worthwhile Life (List of ideals for humans in communities) will be handed out.***
Now back to the responsibility issue of who creates the plans of the world: similar to what I had mentioned and speculated in the beginning, I now ask who has the privilege to talk about children and their sexuality; their rights, and real needs for intimacy? It is sad but true that this is all mostly taboo, especially thanks to capitalism itself forcing us to look the other way entirely. If we looked at children directly and honestly all the time, the world would continuously be saving it’s grace when trouble appears: the truth being revealed in children’s faces and bodies as if they are a psychic medium or clairvoyant crystal ball that represents the well-being and predictive near future of the whole planet; showing and reflecting how we as adults directly and indirectly treat all things, sometimes being neglected or forgotten, though when remembered and attended to may cause tears of joy when life is consciously and humbly given back to itself, the human adult reinforcing the sacred life force of youth found within it’s own species, conjuring enlightenment.
When it comes to adults talking about a child’s needs for intimacy and budding sexuality, while keeping children front and center in our minds during the process of designing the world around us, this is how it simply should be done, more or less: putting children first must be completely *accepted* and *promoted* in our culture over everything else; even if specific teachings of intimacy and sexuality are to be excluded, at least in the beginning of this new paradigm. Realistically, there is no worthy alternative to putting children first in our lives, and that is a definite conclusion. Human consciousness must be treated differently than non-human consciousness, as it requires more responsibility. To go even deeper into the need for structure and discipline within humanity, now putting great emphasis on the specific topics of intimacy and sexuality towards the physical relationships of children with other children, and especially adult relationships with children, it must be said that the consent of a child to play or love who they choose needs to be *accepted* but *not promoted*; as if to exploit the child’s interests or sexuality to make them readily available as an objective, which will destroy everything that is sacred about their nature. The child has the right to do what they please, as long as everyone involved is being responsible enough to avoid any real harm, disregarding common non-negotiable accusatory presumptions of coercion on the behalf of an adult interested in such relations with a child, beliefs of which have been converted into unrealistic laws created by a dysfunctional system which must be repealed and forgotten. The dominant culture is dumb and confused by the importance of meaningful communication between such relationships of children being with children, and children being with adults, where what is being misunderstood is how talking about the importance of children and their relationships is seen or heard as promoting a specific kind of lustful and devious attraction towards children in itself, and about children themselves: attraction that needs no advertising and is ruined by such advertising. Specifically about adults – adult attraction to children (and vice versa) is very natural all around, with emphasis that such attraction should not be the new normal or preferred objective for all humans to experience -especially as a sexual experience- simply because most children are physically and mentally underdeveloped. This is how the dominant culture and capitalism ruins the experience of child sexuality: both mistakenly bring too much attention to this phenomenon, creating rumors to be spread within the modern-style nuclear family on the subject of incestuous taboos by declaring that it is not acceptable to share the same bed with the children, etc., and as consumers in society, which created pornography and the ability to make money off of sex. Not to mention all the extra stupidity of the dominant culture, which indeed is mostly about capitalism, exploits – and attracts – and destroys – and is irresponsible for the damage it causes- and ruins what was beautiful from ever allowing it to return to being acceptable in society ever again. Beautiful things have happened on this planet that you will never know about, which is definitely something you should continuously make an effort to remember. Here is a quick list of realistic rules to help and protect children, that also provides some of what has just been mentioned:
Rule number One: Never exploit, or harm children.
Rule number Two: Love all children and be intimate with them when appropriate and while being responsible.
Rule number Three: Always provide as much helpful guidance to children as possible.
Rule number Four: Discipline children starting when they are young.
Rule number Five: Always put children first.
Relationships of children with adults are not a new phenomenon in history, however it can be agreed that the qualities of such relationships could have always been better of course if more awareness on the subject of human psychology was widespread. Children with adults can be proven to be completely acceptable and also be proven to be beneficial to the children themselves, if they desire and consent to such a relationship. It can also be proven that the amount of adults who are sexually attracted to children naturally only affects a smaller percent of the population, both of women and men. The smaller percentile of these adults who are truly interested and hopefully are or will be responsible in such delicate relations with children may be an obviously lesser figure, though it must be mentioned will never be a figure that is entirely eliminated, as the amount of adults being with adults will always dominate as it should, though what also must be brought into the light is the fact that children are attracted to adults, just as much, or even more than, adults attracted to children at times: as a young boy I personally was attracted to a few of my elementary and middle school teachers who were women in their twenties or early thirties, and other women not seen specifically at school who were around the similar adult ages or even older, for example. Again, relationships of adults with children are not required in culture, as they are not required in nature, though must be accepted within it as a phenomenon, yet should never be promoted, with all unreasonable criticism to be avoided if possible as it does not help in any form of responsible prevention. The only prevention necessary, needs to come from the necessary teachings of intimacy, nudity and sexuality. In the long run such relationships are easier to accept than attempt to hide, for such interests will always exist, and are unstoppable. Do your best to mind your own business if you fail to understand.
Another aspect of child and adult relationships is that they need to be accepted because they can properly function as long as there is consent between the lovers themselves, while also being accepted by the parents of certain younger aged humans at times, therefore the relationships tend to work out for as long as the lovers need to be together, and in the case of children being with adults they should be more or less temporary learning experiences. Such relationships usually are temporary in nature for the most part – which is in this case is due to the amount of age difference, though specific emphasis is put on the relations where there is a much higher gap between the ages for this insight- simply because how a younger human or ‘child’ will more than likely change psychologically during natural stages of maturation. The importance and goal of each child and adult relationship is mostly going to be about aspects of learning and teaching if it is not be one that lasts. Of course, if a child is very young and the adult is very old, attempting to make such a relationship work naturally is very difficult unless there is force behind it that breaks the natural rules of consent, which obviously needs to be avoided, where lessons can be taught starting very early in life to make sure it is prevented in adulthood in the best of ways. Intrinsically, the more of an age difference there is, the more difficult it will be to form a sexual relationship. When a child is young, the acceptability for age differences within a relationship starts out to be very little, though when they begin to get older this acceptability starts to open up, increasing the acceptable amount of the age difference as the age of the younger human increases which easily lasts well into their thirties, where finally as a much older adult the acceptability level of age difference naturally shrinks down again, but not as much as during the first decade (approximately) of their life. Human abilities are much different than non-human abilities, thanks to consciousness.
Here are three simplified guidelines for having romantic relationships with younger humans: – Always cooperate and organize with the parents of younger humans first (especially parents of all younger beings who have not yet reached puberty). – Allowing responsible relations between younger humans with similar or older age groups. – Allowing reasonable interactive differences between the physical size / maturity of younger humans with similarly sized or larger / more mature humans.
Also, humans are capable of living longer now, and this changes the game of human relationships, because it creates perspectives that did not exist before – between those who are young and those who are old. Relationships become less natural and are odd when a child has relations with an adult that exceeds about 40-50 tears of age or so, especially when the younger human is young enough to be a grandchild to the adult. It could also be said that such a relationship may be odd when the age of someone who is fully mature could be placed directly between the two different ages within the relationship, such as a 30 year old adult could be placed in between a the age of a child who is 10 and the age of the adult in the relationship who is 40 years old. There was a time in human history where average life expectancy was between the ages of 35-40, until the industrial revolution enabled people to live much longer, which is when the human realm became better -or at least easier and more pleasurable- as well as worse, and not just for their relationships.
To mention how human culture has developed over time beginning with a quick note on marriage that plays a part in culture, marriage is a ritual that does not exist in nature either, as it is a product of our relatively modern times since between the common era of 1250-1300 approximately. Humans are just ‘civilized’ animals, and animals do not get married. Sadly, in capitalism that hides dark secrets of all kinds, literally buying young and/or beautiful brides is a possibility. This is very unnatural. Money is not real as it is, and buying a person is a fake and toxic form of love. Even though relationships of younger humans with older adults are considered taboo or frowned upon within the dominant side of capitalism itself, there is the existence of young brides out there who have a price tag available for the wealthy. It must also be mentioned that in capitalism, money can buy sex and/or time with ‘hookers’ and other fake forms of gratification such as porn, sex dolls and sex toys. Drugs, medications and aphrodisiacs are also available to increase sexual desire. Capitalism also encourages masturbation, which is healthy and natural to some extent, but can still be very destructive and addictive as there are unnatural forms of masturbation, especially with the ability to fantasize or daydream that helps to fuel the whole masturbatory experience. Humans are out of control whether they realize it and accept it or not. To stabilize humanity, we need to put children first in all that we make plans for, and we need to see each other while being nude again, to have real intercourse with others as much as possible in reality, providing we are responsible and treat each other with respect. If we allow children and adult relationships to happen on their own around the majority of relationships that involve adults with other adults, we can avoid a plethora of destructive and fake-forms of culture as long as we make an effort to improve our ethics. It makes perfect sense to allow such child and adult relationships. It is a trade for the better – a better way of life. That is a good way to describe the situation and what needs to happen. The hard part is accepting how far away we have distanced ourselves from our real human needs, and why. The dominant culture is unbelievable: an accident caused by the accumulation of wrong choices over long periods of time. People worry about child and adult relationships because of what has happened in the dominant culture over thousands of years, which specifically is the cause of when humans began to be less openly intimate with each other in combination with wearing more clothes, sleeping in separate beds, creating the sexually-frustrated-man who is deprived of such completely natural pleasure conveniences and therefore becomes desperate, desiring to stick his penis into ‘anything that moves or has a hole in it’. The problem is magnified thanks to other problems created by the dominant culture over thousands of years, but has become hyper-intensified and extreme especially the last 70 years, becoming increasingly worse during the time period of the invention of the internet and television.
The media controlled by capitalism produces a fearful, cynical and contemptuous mental thought of children being with adults, where apparently abuse, violence, etc. are inevitably bound to happen which is mostly exaggerated and blown out of proportion, because life itself is not perfect and can never be perfect enough to avoid all forms of harm to have perfect relationships anyway. However, for the most part, negative interactions within communication can be prevented if we as humans acknowledge where we have gone wrong and remember how good we are at fixing problems when we actually put in the effort. To remind you, if humans get back to their roots, living our lives while naked again while optimally initiated into habit as children among naked adults as well, human contentedness will soar and appear like a beautiful rainbow. Bliss, euphoria, happiness, relaxation, love, well-being, etc. It is all very good for the human mind. This is how deep the importance of children is.
Yet, today, it is taboo for adults to talk about, even though it is the answer humanity is desperately looking for to save itself. I have mentioned what needs to be promoted, with deep explanation, but still, who gets to talk about it if we start to open up to the subject? There are a few natural groups that exist that each have their own power to speak up to certain degrees, and will now briefly be mentioned. Adults who are in relationships with younger humans/children will almost always be very quiet towards others about the importance of putting children first in combination with a return to a more or less nude lifestyle, for they know the dangers involved that may expose their type of relations. Adults in relationships with other adults without children usually have priorities to each other, and how the dominant culture operates will prevent them from such activism at least to some degree, depending on the level of depth the adults in the relationships are willing to be honest about, but what happens very often in such heterosexual relationships is the woman will have a ‘feminist’-style edge available to her as an approach to anything that complicates the attractiveness to each other, therefore silencing the man from discussing children’s rights, or the man being interested towards other women for that matter, unless of course the relationship is very real and down to earth, where she truly cares about the man, who they both are as a couple, and simply who children really are. It just needs to be mentioned that the woman can silence a man very easily to control him during these times, as to seduce him, aggressively or even sociopathically; which capitalist culture creates and breeds so easily; where sociopathic individuals are out to heroically compete for the resources of the world, to then control other humans if they so desire on any level that they wish, all done with a smile on their face and a superficially ‘nice’ attitude.
Who comes next on the list are the single parents, biological parents with new partners, and especially the biological parents who hopefully remain happily together without ever getting divorced or separated. The parents themselves naturally have the golden ticket access, the V.I.P. pass, the ‘god-given’ right to talk openly about putting children first and nudism. By default, they have ‘the right’ because they apparently truly know about how to deal with children as they have their own, being at least one or more. Though what we actually see much of the time in the media and in public are low quality parenting skills or even ones that are considered horrible thanks to capitalism and the dominant culture. Certain parents will achieve such activism if they are careful, with just the right combination of top-notch parenting skills, intelligence, while capable of defending themselves easily when answering questions that may come their way through speech or writing at random, making them shine brightly as high quality quick-witted parents. In my experience I haven’t heard too many parents talk about the type of intimacy I speak of, but that is understood because of an awareness of their fears created by the world, full of threatening, contemptuous, and immature behavior, where communicating with respect never happens first: they tend to be more cautious with who they talk to. There should be no blame towards them for speaking out about wanting to protect their children for the right reasons, as long as they understand and/or mention the true reasons why everything has gotten out of control in the first place. If a parent wishes to talk about a problem they have with an adult interacting with a younger human/child, but ignore or deny the true cause of the problem mistakenly created by the dominant culture in the first place and why everything is out of control, which sadly is usually the case, they will absolutely ruin the potential to establish great wisdom about why we all need to actually love children while consciously not looking at them as sexual objects that can be used or exploited, inappropriately controlled for selfish personal gain or expression, while lacking the ability to understand who children really are to everyone and the future.
What that all boils down to is the fact that adults and parents can hinder more than they can help, and it is very obvious. However, decent parents out there still do what they can, even though they sometimes cause a situation to backfire, cause more problems than they fix, and attempt to fix what is not broken. Sometimes they think they have good intentions, yet are no different from other parents in the past, with no radical approach to solving problems. Passing down the same teachings as they were taught by their parents, and the parent’s parents, where teaching kids to simply be ‘kind’ or ‘nice’ is not the real solution, and will not work in the long run. They protect, but usually protect too much. Or, they protect, but not in the right way. They protect, but not enough. Most relationships are created and fueled by capitalism these days, which explains why people with lower intelligence seem to breed more, and get married more. Everything now makes sense: something was missing in the educational process.
Though rarely, they can both protect and teach their children and other adults all at the same time how everything needs to truly function, and they will sacrifice what they can to improve life around them. At the end of the day, the bottom line is that parents have, and should have, the most control, over the need to put children first. They can actually work with their own children, and focus on speaking out as a family: families, that have the best advantage in communities, and can change environments by being a good-example type of family. They are rare these days, but they do exist out there. Lastly, single adults, such as myself, tend to quickly get silenced about these issues of putting children first and request to return to a nudist lifestyle. We are seen as degenerates some of the time, especially if we are males. The stigma against us for being single, and our ability to be free in any way we please, with no restraints that we allow to be held down by, seems to shine an unholy light upon some of us, but not all of us. There are rare single adults who truly understand the depths of children and who they are and need to be in our world. I know I am one of them. I vow never to hurt a child, unless of course there is a very good reason, which basically is only if they literally try to kill me out of their immaturity when I do not want to be killed. Immaturity, or their behavior from lack of discipline, that could have been prevented in the first place like I have been discussing here the whole time.
In defense for single adults against the stigmas formulated by the dominant culture, especially under capitalism, once finding yourself in this type of position, sometimes it creates a situation that is like a trap, creating a problem that is hard to get out of for the rest of your life. This may be interpreted as a completely natural occurrence some of the time since it is not possible for every human on the planet to find a partner, but the dominant culture enforces the now debunked social-Darwinist ‘survival of the fittest’ theory, creating an unrealistic game out of life itself, that promotes selfish individualism over cooperating with everyone compassionately, allowing people who are able to be in relationships to excel individually and as romantic partners collaborating as a team who have the common goal to succeed and dominate to any degree they please.
This exacerbates deep sexual frustration in single adults, which causes aggression and madness, which may cause violence, rape, etc. It is hard to be in control under these circumstances. It is an unfair, dysfunctional system that creates such problems within humanity, and a system that refuses to take responsibility of such outcomes. This is a downward spiral that it manufactures, and is unable to escape from itself. It is ultimately self-destructive. It will destroy itself by eventually collapsing and imploding and there is nothing that can stop it’s ability to corrupt. The only thing we can do – is do our best to put children first in our hearts, even if we are just single men and women, as long as we mean no harm.
To completely extract my ideas on this subject and purge myself of my thoughts, I will quickly mention just a few honest reasons why I, as a single heterosexual man, am specifically attracted to young human females otherwise described as little girls: As a male who in height is shorter than average, younger human females resemble short women: there seems to be a kind of natural need for the male to be larger than the female in a relationship, which may have less to do with the initial assumption of dominance people tend to think, but rather the ability to physically protect and please the female over all. There definitely is a natural psychological need to be larger than the female, otherwise the relationship seems unrealistic or awkward. So, even though I am actually attracted to mature adult women, there are very few who are single and available that are just a little shorter than me, and I am sick of relationships with taller women, though I have not given up on them. Being with someone who is just a little shorter would be perfect, and over many years of time, my mind gives into the possibility of temporarily being with a little girl to solve this problem, even though my interest towards children is deeper than this issue between body sizes.
A deeper reason is that a child’s mind is not yet corrupted by capitalism or the ills of the dominant culture, therefore shining a light on children as if they are angelic, and interpreted by many as ‘innocent’, and all the attractively colorful behavior that such innocence produces; which is a kind of purity. The child’s personality is also something that seems eternal, which explains why so many seek the ‘fountain of youth’ to extend their mortal life; even though what they will discover is the fountain of youth springs from children themselves – so look no further! Seeing a child who’s days on earth seem endless and eternal to them, having their whole life ahead of them yet to be discovered, full of wonder and excitement, experiencing something new for the first time, is magnetic to any sensible older human who remembers what it feels like to be in that position of youth. For me to interact with a younger human during that early stage of being, I get lost in the passion of wanting to be around to teach them everything I know and see them learn something new for the first time, guiding them on a righteous path. I have willingly spent time doing this with children and young adults when possible in the past and it really does soothe my mind afterward, knowing they should not make the same mistakes that I have in the past if they learn the lesson correctly. This type of enjoyment allows me to know I would be a great parent, and worry not, for incest with my own family members does not interest me; only my right to provide love and intimacy as a regular father figure in a family: especially with an ‘adult’ wife, preferably of similar age and/or life experience.
Aesthetically, nothing shines more beautifully than the fresh youthful glow of new skin and hair, a definite sign of good health for every possible reason you can imagine. No need to find a way to ask a younger female to shave her pubic hair for a more sensual experience, as they are naturally smooth without any growing yet.
A physical reason, which must be interacted with very responsibly only after mere intimacy is no longer enough within a relationship, is how smaller females of any age have ‘tighter’ vaginas during sexual intercourse. As I have dated women, mostly all taller than me in the past, their vaginas seem to be in proportion of their height, and are usually larger in girth than what is pleasurable to my penis. Even if I did penetrate a young female shorter than me it wouldn’t hurt them as much compared to a larger male adult. I definitely would have to find the right-sized girl for penetration to be acceptable, though it must be said that for me to have an enjoyable orgasm while being sexually intimate together is still guaranteed no matter the size of the younger female, which for me could be accomplished by the many ways to have oral sex, or simply a method of masturbation, without any penetration, refraining and waiting for years to penetrate if only necessary: Love does not imply ‘fucking’.
There definitely seems to be a combination of female attributes that my mind and body requires for any of this relationship stuff to be pleasurable, even if it is to be temporary, while the objective idea of having my own children is not much of an interest during these modern times anyway.
One way to choose which age group is best for you is to know if you want to make your life easier or harder: Loving children is usually much easier than loving a complex adult – not much ‘high maintenance’ required. The face, the body, the mind, the health of a child is much easier to deal with; in contrast to what an older female must deal with, like the existence of a menstrual cycle for example and all the highs and lows of emotion that come with it which are not yet a part of the younger females life, therefore worrying about what kind of mood the older female is in depending on the time of the month is not necessary or bothersome. There is nothing too brainy to get hung-up on with younger humans: women these days sure do cause a lot of problems for men, due to how society and the dominant culture functions, like with ‘liberal feminism’ and/or ‘radical feminism’ getting in the way as an intellectual example, and it can be a real intellectual turn off. There is an inability to please a woman’s desires sometimes, their intrinsic need to be provided for, their ‘requests’, ideas of controlling the man, and fear of the man. Humanity really is a mess. If you want to be with someone without these problems, younger humans a.k.a. ‘children’ are the best option. To have less of a mental burden when it comes to intimacy, sex, relationships, being with children is the way to go.
The rock-bottom line is sex makes us who we are, quite literally. Personally, I was not abused as a child whatsoever, and I am not ‘promoting’ child-adult relationships, especially ones that involve penetrative sex, in case you were actually wondering: all I am doing is making everything clear as possible, and that in itself is a difficult feat as to why we need to put children first, and who they are in the world.
With that said to comfort myself, as if I will die tomorrow, let us all teach and learn how to make the most of this human phenomenon to make the world a better place, with deeper understanding than ever before. Oh yes – One last way for me to describe my attraction to younger human females in one word is they usually are very ‘cute’: cute in the same way I like to describe kittens, a cute sounding voice that seemingly could keep me alive forever, stimulating my entire life force, or sometimes thought of as cute in the same way all of existence was neatly compacted together before the ‘big bang’, that possible ‘death’ or ‘failure’ of ‘god’ itself, which ended up creating our lives and the need for love: and love, in case you did not know, is what happens when god attempts to put itself back together again.
Here is the ‘take away’ information that should stick in your brain if all else failed to make a memorable impact for any reason: The highly sought after solution that describes what is most necessary to return to a balanced and stable mode of humanity simply by being directly involved with children as the main priority in our lives in a few important incremental steps of which are all to be taken very seriously and worked on until what seems radical becomes normal as this is what is required of the human race to save itself:
Step 1. Children First: regardless of important teachings of intimacy, intelligence of nudity, or acceptance of childhood sexuality. Step 2. Teachings of Intimacy: A) children learning to be intimate with other children B) adults learning to be intimate with children. Step 3. Nudity: covering body with clothing as little as possible to encourage a very real and natural back-to-basics way of living through nudism. Step 4. Playing with Children: intimately when necessary; especially while nude. Step 5. Relationships with Children: responsibly intimate, nude, and sexual as an optimal growing experience to keep humanity in equilibrium with all things.
A note on denial: Denial of a child’s sexuality does not prevent child abuse. Children (younger humans who are not yet ‘adults’) are sexual in their own budding ways, which is not new, and if we are to finally accept this truth, we must also remember that it does not make it acceptable to make a child the new sexual objective for those who want sex in general within human culture, or even for those not interested, as if to advertise or exploit a child’s true nature and allure, simply because they are capable of performing and expressing sexuality. It is OK to love children in every way, always putting children first in our lives to keep humanity stable, but to prevent child abuse, culture must also become more intimate with children and allow intimacy between children in every way to prevent children from growing up oppressed of much needed involvement with intimacy and sexuality during their own childhood to possibly end up seeking experiences with children after they have grown into adulthood to fulfill what they had missed. Denial is currently one of the most prevalent forms of evil found within humanity that must be reversed, otherwise humanity deserves to go extinct.
May the future of human offspring under the sun be truly bright and innocent.
The fountain of youth is now yours to play in,
Over and out. ~
Youth Intimacy School Education (Y.I.S.E.)
Ultimate goal: Worldwide Humanitarian Equilibrium / Peace on Earth
Disciplinary studies in focus: Human Anatomy, Bodily Form and Function, Human Health and Medical Protocols, Respect, Relationships, Routine, Patience, Stillness, Endurance, Acceptance, Strength, Transcendence, Confidence, Honesty, Courage, Love, Friendship, Humanitarianism, Meditation, Sexuality, Ethics, etc.
Disclosure: Important human subjects such as Arithmetic, Science, Language Arts, Music, Creative Design, Food and Nutrition, Gym Exercise / Calisthenics, may be touched upon during in Y.I.S.E. classes, though initially should be learned at home or outside of class until Y.I.S.E. is complete around the student age of 10, when the opportunity to attend schools dedicated to pursuing further education of all kinds becomes available as the next personal step into growing older and wiser if desired.
Class time length: Ideally 7 hours a day – every day possible (weather permitting, etc.) for 7 years. The life of a human was meant to be lived much slower than the pace that modern culture has created for itself -and less materialistically- therefore to endure 7 years of this type of schooling is optimal for every young human being on the planet. The longevity expected of a human life under a more relaxed pace will increase life expectancy and decrease the mortality rate of a population overall. Modification of total class time: During the first two years of school for younger students, class may only need to be 5 hours long. It may even be possible that during the last two years of school, classes only need to be 5 hours in length. Everything can be adjusted to the point of near perfection once converted into action.
Preferred Y.I.S.E. student ages: Approximately 3-4 years old to 10-11 years old, for a total of 7 years of class during youth.
Community class size and structure: Ideally the standard will always be one-on-one (or more if necessary, Ex: two-to-one, three-to-one) guided lessons. Adult supervision is required for all lessons and exercises. Every student is permitted to have an intimate experience with the opposite sex, refraining from any penetrative intercourse from the male student’s penis into the female student’s vagina for sexual intercourse, or experimentation, specifically. Any orifice should not be penetrated except by light use of tongue, and/or the tip of a finger. To request for consent is a required matter during exercises when it should be done – which is also to be taught thoroughly by instructor to avoid anyone feeling violated. The variations in the ages of student partners available (and/or groups) acceptable and encouraged. Variations in boy/girl ratios within classes/groups will be naturally prevalent and will alter how and when the partnerships will be conducted during exercises. Temporary partnerships should alternate daily; every new day brings forth new experiences until everybody becomes familiar with each other and truly gets to know one another as the cycle repeats itself.
Curriculum / Lesson plans: Prior to any schooling: Blood tests, vaccination, etc.
1) Daily health inspection checks: Personal hygiene and of others, initially taught by parents and acceptable single adults, specifically as a group evaluation effort. 15 minute health inspection check of student from adult, following a 15 minute inspection check (test) by a student to their student partner for the day. If a student is not in good health, or does not have decent hygiene, they must not participate in exercises of intimate contact. (Total time: One hour, No clothing.)
2) Intimacy, Foreplay, and Sex Show Education Presentation by selected Teens / Adults (those who have graduated, alumnus / alumni) (Total time: One hour, No clothing.)
3) Learning about Yourself and Others through Intimacy: Ideally 30-minute sessions for each of the five exercises conducted with each partner for a total of 2.5 hours of intimate bodily exploration time per student. (Total time: 5 hours, No clothing. Indoors / Outdoors)
Description of Learning about Yourself and Others through Intimacy routine exercises: -Boy (young male) and Girl (young female) begin each exercise by standing face to face, naked. Psychology: Heterosexual contact should be initially practiced and focused on before homosexual / bisexual contact is requested / needed / desired by either sex.
-Boy explores the body of the Girl first, while girl remains standing and remaining still for each exercise lesson. Psychology: The boy should be given the chance to explore first considering the intrinsic impatience of the male personality and libido that tends to be very noticeable during young age. The roles of who gets to ‘explore’ and who gets ‘explored’ may be reversed when needed, decided upon arbitrarily by participants or the teacher / instructor. Exploration is not required under certain circumstances. (Total time: 2.5 hours) Girl explores the body of the Boy second, while boy remains standing and remaining still for each exercise lesson. (Total time: 2.5 hours)
Exercise 1– Seeing the body. Exercise 2– Smelling the body. Exercise 3– Touching the body. Exercise 4– Tasting the body. Exercise 5– Hearing the body. (The student’s eyes should be closed during this particular lesson)
Eating, drinking, urination, defecation, etc., may be a part -or occur- during exercises, and must also be witnessed by the partner, and teacher conducting the partners, if possible.
If a student feels uncomfortable during an exercise, they should at least stand naked in front of their partner until the end of an exercise, or their participation may be delayed until a solution to the problem is found. If a student feels uncomfortable during any lesson or class, the same protocol of finding a solution for them to enjoy being in school should be worked on. Y.I.S.E. is to be accepted like any other school of knowledge, and the meaning and goal of such education is to improve humanity starting at an early age.
No homework using physical materials for school curriculum required. ///
– After school, students may discuss what they have learned about each other, and how they feel on their own.
– Lessons will be taught until experimentation is no longer needed; until everyone learns to love themselves and others, no longer showing any signs of sexual frustration, desperation, or codependency.
– Graduation and Commencement: Finally having (responsible) sex if students desire. Remember: Love does not imply penetration / ‘fucking’.
– Alumni / Alumnus (of fully mature and adult age): Potential to become a Teacher / Instructor, Body Inspector, Sex Education Show Participant.
The implementation of this type of direct education for youth into societies which has been avoided for thousands of years -due to a lack of critical intelligence in combination with human insecurity and it’s gradual increase- should have been considered necessary, appropriate and commonplace beginning long ago during the evolution of human education, rather than what would currently be considered as ‘radical’ to establish in modern culture. This type of early age education may even seem ‘Utopian’, yet it truly is not: only challenging to an immature mind and considered difficult in the same way that medical school or even schools of Buddhism are described for example, though are both very real and respectable human phenomenons.
Philosophical note: The dominant culture of humanity has the ability to control what types of behavior are acceptable for everybody to choose and live by for it to possibly achieve and continuously experience harmony on the planet, and therefore the dominant culture must take responsibility for the quality of life it is capable of providing through persistent control through human consciousness. With that said, the actual overall quality of human life is far from where it needs to be, and by establishing Intimacy Schools for every community that were meant to exist in the first place since the beginning of human enlightenment -while putting Children First politically with heavily weighted importance that runs very deep within any culture- will dramatically help to fix our dominant problems of being human.
The author’s viewpoint taken to an extreme, for the sake of truth and understanding of the ‘big picture’: The history of humanity is interpreted as completely worthless during any time period that this type of education was not a part of it’s dominant structure, and will be viewed as such until it is completely accepted within all aspects of human nature. The reason why humanity is being described as ‘worthless’ here is because it’s apparent intention and purpose in struggling towards making something great out of itself; or to ‘make progress’; in my perspective is seen as counterproductive; as almost the entirety of humanity has not been able to incorporate what matters most into the fruits of all it’s labor in history yet. All of civilization is an invention of misconception propelled by deception since it’s beginning. What has been built cancels itself out if it was not built with the specific mindset of putting children first/loving children openly within a humanitarian and utilitarian purpose; because it could have been more advantageous if such ideas had been implemented; therefore it becomes worthless: a mistake that begets more mistakes. Humanity may be seen as worthless, yet there still is plenty of meaning to be found within it, even if it forever hinders more than in helps itself until extinction, or maybe sometime in the near future and for the first time in history will finally learn from all it’s major mistakes thus procuring great wisdom for the whole population before the self-destructive apocalypse begins. Humanity has not learned to cooperate with itself across the globe and simply is not pure at heart yet even on an individual level. Everything in the human realm could be better: even a child knows that.
The Essential Fundamental Building Blocks for a Worthwhile Life (List of ideals for humans in communities)
Righteousness: -love -virtue -ethics -control -stability -honesty -intimacy -direction -bioethics -kindness -discipline -hospitality -homogeny -equilibrium -cooperation -compassion -sustainability -consciousness -moneyless society -humanitarian focus -respect for children -free range education -respect for animal anarchy
Food: -organic -sustainable -permaculture -no factory farms -no industrial agriculture -a nutritional diet for optimal health
Space: -safe anarchist architecture using natural materials from the land, and/or with concrete (Brutalism) -spaces for all ages and specific ages -sex in public [same as all other creatures who mate, more acceptable than drugs, may prevent violence in sex] -nudism -community centers -community paths / the ‘flow’, ‘line’, ‘split’ and ‘passage’ (the purpose of travel, adventure, learning, exploration. added meaning to humanity – walk the earth, skateboard, bike, etc.) -public bath houses -free gyms and calisthenics equipment built into all public spaces (adult playgrounds) -hang out (anywhere) -everyone has shelter -spaces for each season -concerts/art exhibitions -‘good health zones’ (health screening before safe sex/orgy zones.)
Work: -hospitals/healthcare -technology (minimal) -upcycling > recycling -all trash has a second purpose (ex: turn trash into filler material or art – no more landfills, if trash is even created) -prisons (only for serious offenses) -assisted suicide/ euthanasia -medication/vaccines -medical technology (focus) -safe transportation of essential resources -electrical systems (kept at minimal) -water systems -little to no pollution -ethical farming
Pleasure: -travel the world -sexuality -education -playing -raising children -good health/exercise -art -music -technology (minimal) -meditation _______
Environmental Structure and Human Organization: — Community Paths (Pedestrian Paradise) and Community Centers (‘Stack and Tunnel’ Rectangular-Recreation Lines) — Medically-focused Deep-green Anarcho-humanitarian Collectivism
Essential Cultural Discipline (Ethics of Paradise): — Keep humanity stable by putting Children First: This is the answer everyone is looking for.
1. Stabilize humanity by always putting children first. 2. As a parent or a teacher in your community, focus on educating all children about honesty, love, ethics, discipline and humanitarianism specifically through intimacy.
Note: Love does not imply fucking. — Seek intimacy, stability, control, love, and discipline with other humans. Seek equilibrium with all creatures on the planet and leave wild nature alone.
1 note · View note
rjzimmerman · 4 years
Excerpt from this New York Times Op-Ed. The writer is from Australia.
We Australians found ourselves at the center of global events when our land erupted in flames. In recent months, fires have burned millions of acres, destroyed thousands of homes and killed at least 30 people. More than a billion animals perished.
Many of us had feared that our good luck would someday come to an end, but we never imagined that the end would be so sudden, so cinematic, so biblical. We have become a portent of what the world can expect if it does not act on climate change.
So let me tell you what this portentous summer has been like, as it draws to a close. It has been a summer when even city life has not been insulated from nature, when our existence has been reduced to those ancient elements: earth, air, water and fire.
The time has come for us to put away childish things and reckon with climate change, to do what we can to prevent a future in which extreme weather is more intense and more frequent. This time around, it was Australia that suffered, that served as a warning of our planet’s climate change future. Many other places will follow in the coming years.
So far, our national government has shown itself to be unequal to the task of taking climate change seriously. Its failures have revealed glimpses of the worst flaws of our national character, if such a thing exists: the stolid selfishness of my money, my holiday, my family, my right to burn coal. We need to feel international pressure to do more, and we deserve consequences for not doing as much as we should.
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gdreamzseternal · 5 years
I’d like to thank
@myradfemblog for finding an extremely old porn blog of mine. I forgot it existed and it actually makes me sick to see that I was role playing such sick disgusting trauma that I went through thinking it would help when it made me so much worse. Thank you for abusing me over something I repeatedly asked you to give me the link to because I wasn’t going to go through your slander about me to find it.
I want to also say thanks because you pointing that out and me seeing that made me cry both from being triggered and realizing how far I’ve come. That I am extremely kink critical now. When I used to be heavily into it. That I don’t whore myself out anymore because “sex work makes me strong”. God I used to genuinely believe that. Makes me sick. I was so so sick. I was still victimizing myself back then...
But now.. I am a survivor.
Everyone advocated for and ignored the dangers of extreme methods of “beat the child into submission”. (Looking at you old people) It’s so sad cause I still see it now. The way a person who I had a normal discussion with suddenly gets to violently abuse me and degrade me just because they didn’t like what I had to say. Sounds like abusive parents. Everything’s cool til it’s not.
My dad beat my ass cause at 9 years old because I looked him in the eyes and told him to stop drinking cause he was being mean. Telling the truth got me abused. Look at that what a surprise.
Humans communicate differently than other creatures on the planet. Does that mean the other creatures don’t communicate? No. That just means they do things different. They don’t need vaccines because they were meant to survive and live here. If humans didn’t have their science we would all be dead! We are in a race with the planet to see who can kill who first. Will we kill the planet (which kills us too idiots) or will the planet eradicate us via disease and natural disasters and heal itself and start over (we still dead). Or do we chill on our population and help the earth heal by bein more considerate of our surroundings. Yeah none of you like me because I say it how it is without thinking about how it will affect any of you. So that means you get to abuse me. I’m not hurting anyone by simply sharing my views. Yet I am being hurt for speaking my views. I’m not actively slitting the throats of disabled people. I’m not saying we have to round up the retards that already exist and just shoot them. They should just be left in their natural form. Yeah give artificial limbs out cause that’s science but giving a nasty fat fuck a wheel chair cause boohoo they can’t loose weight? Nah true waste of resources. I’m saying we use the science that is our only advantage to prevent that from ever happening again.
All I’m doing is talking on MY BLOG. & I get death threats and told I should be raped by my father all over again. Simply for sharing my feelings on what will 1000000% save the greater good. It doesn’t even have to be permanent. Imagine if every grown man had to get a vasectomy for the next 20 years til all the excited potential parents get throughly processed to see if they are psychologically, psychically, financially and home stable to have children. Then there is a massive database of all the adorable kids waiting to find homes and they get to meet and have a 30 day period where THE CHILD decides if they like their new potential parents. Every couple/person wanting to adopt can adopt up to 2 kids and the kids get a say too.
Humans are not special and I don’t care if you disagree with me. Yet for some reason we literally act like gods gift (complete pun intended) That think who fucking cares what we do to everything around us including ourselves because this is OUR EARTH. We can do what WE WANT. Blah blah blah. Then the WHITE MEN put control on EVERYONE. Then slowly we colored folk said fuck you and made our own lives cause who gives a flying fuck about someone’s skin color except for white people. Then the humans just started literally takin over. Who cares if a bunch of birds nests lived in this tree? I want my new condo that I spend 2-3 months a year in right fucking here so the homes of those birds don’t matter. Let’s massively hunt these animals into extinction for our pleasure. (Okay Hitlers)
We are selfish
I wasn’t raised like you. I wasn’t raised by anyone but my own fucking brain. I never had any positive influences but the voices in my head. We see the world for what it is and not the false reality im creating for myself. I won’t even say ‘most’ if you were raised right because even today in 2019 the system and adults hide the abuse and damage that is really happening. Clearly this whole system isn’t working.
I was raised that literally everything in the whole world was both good and bad. So I learned to be objective and unbiased. Your feelings are what get you killed. Ask any dead kid who didn’t speak up about their abusive parents. And any bleeding out gangbanger who got felt offended by a color and killed someone over it. Someone who felt the desire to get high cause they have no self control and killed some to get $$. But it wasn’t them because even though they felt the need to do the drugs it wasn’t their fault.
So why are we going to keep adding more and more children to the solution when we don’t even know what to do with the poor innocent souls that we have now? We just pretend it’s not that big a deal and keep adding feul (the kids) to the fire (the shitty system). CLEARLY you all know there’s a problem and nothing any of you are doing is working.
So when do we take extreme measures? When do we ACTUALLY make a change. We have nuclear bombs hell ANY bomb and those are okay “when absolutely necessary” but allowing people to have kids they can’t afford, can’t raise, got raped into them, got one night standed with, can’t handle. A BOMB AFFECTS HUMANS AND THE ENVIRONMENT NEGATIVELY. Humans getting neutered (since that’s what you call it for other creatures) will effect the world positively. The bombs are okay though? We can MASS destroy life but we can’t mass PREVENT it from having to be destroyed or emotionally ruined in the first place? Not forever just til we get our shit together.
The abominations and retards. That’s EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE that’s why no one likes when you mention it. They are like the endless elephant in the room. I will die by the quote, “A few bad apples ruins the whole barrel”. We think that it’s perfectly okay to keep adding bad genes to our makeup while simultaneously praying we live forever. It’s so tiresomely contradicting.
If you can all make such a fucking effort for these retard abominations that you breed. Then you can STOP breeding COMPLETELY until you give the kids homes that need them. Those kids will be more likely to become doctors getting adopted out to good homes. Then if they get left to rot in a shitty system while they walk in a grocery store with their mean foster mom and see a happy young couple PREGNANT with their first child when they could have adopted him. If you choose to give birth instead of adopting then you might as well walk up to a kid in a foster/group home and tell them they are garbage and ain’t ever going anywhere.
I still haven’t had my question answered... why does ANY HUMAN ON THIS ENTIRE PLANET need to breed when there are already so many homeless children?
So what is it are we going to stop breeding and adopt all the kids out to good homes that have been more throughly evaluated than a simple background check and having enough beds and money?
Are we going to keep creating a whole brand new system for the retards when the perfectly able children who would flourish with good parents system is still completely fucked?
Giving whole TV shows to literal human abominations for entertainment. Or humans that are forced to overbreed or sickly do it “for religious reasons”. You get to see how much their disability/struggles makes their life so hard but they are so ~brave and strong~ because society would rather force conjoined twins to spend their lives together or die trying to separate because human euthanasia is wrong until a human kills another human???????
Where does that make sense.
We are going to keep worrying more about the dysfunctional, malfunctioned, rejects of our society before the regular ones? We are going to keep following fake gods we have no proof of so that we don’t have to accept the realities of human nature.
Are we going to not do anything and ignore all the clear issues and keep adding more kids?
The same can be said about the immigrant shit in America. We have so many problems we don’t need anymore people and this place is fucked why would you wanna come here anyway? (I digress on this)
Are we going to keep throwing children out like trash in hopes that someone else will raise the busted nut you let fester in your womb?
Like out of those which one of these which one is the best option? Because all but one are things we are already doing and it isn’t working.
So hate me for being unbiased. But as my therapist (yes I discuss this with BOTH my Ts to make sure I am not delusional) put it. I am not looking at it for the benefit of humans. I’m looking at the benefit of the earth as a whole. I don’t want humans to all die off. But if it’s what it has to take in order for this planet to survive then so be it. There are so many other species, creatures, life on this Planet.
To put it simply you’re all simpleminded.
There is no god because Humans seem to think they are god. & we can breed, have our technology, have our vaccines. But as long as we are still over breeding and not adequately using our resources....
The Human Rights we are fighting for will not matter if there is nothing for the humans to live on.
This Earth is our home and there are too many of us right now. Too many of us doing too many wrong things.
Focus on the Human Wrongs then there will be no need for Human Rights because they will realize they are all just another species on this glorious and beautiful earth.
I know none of you were take anything from this.
You all were taught one way or you think one way and that is it there can’t be any other way and anyone else who thinks differently than that is wrong but at the end of the day my ideas are what will save humanity your ideas are what will destroy it. Your safe space will be irrelevant if you have no where to put it.
A human’s need to add feeling and emotion to everything is our biggest flaw.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk Typing Podcast
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mechanizm-serca · 4 years
I’ve never been happy in my entire life.  My life was a pathetic imitation of ups and downs, when I was only flying far enough away to not touch the darkness with my feet, although it was still just below me. I feel disgust of the creature what I am. I hate this pity state, I hate the life I live in. I always hope that something will happen to me, that I will die and that the disease will eat me enough that it will simply disappear without leaving my body in this world behind me. Because that is what I would like - I would like to disappear, to decay to such extent that the bones will turn into dust and there will be no memory of me, no person who could remember. That the earth would be left without any remembrance of me, no sadness, regret, no tears. Life is an imitation. A pathetic attempt to show that there is something to believe, that we have more meaning, that life has a purpose that we do not see yet, but it exist. People invent gods, build temples for them, worship them to fill the void that comes at our birth - a void that even death cannot fill. It kills us. This thought that there is nothing after death - that there is darkness and pure black in our sight. That after the death there is a place without any light, any hope. People hope that there is a soul in us, not just the brain and organism. They hope that something will remain after us, that they will not be forgotten. People destroy life. They destroy the planet, they kill each other. They destroy the mental health of their children, partners. They poison everybody with exhaust fumes, unhealthy food, fuel mass culture, promoting unhealthy patterns in relationships. They destroy the animal world, plants and nature to build more skyscrapers for more broken by childhood and parents people. They hurt themselves, they manipulate, they run after money constantly, deluding themselves that it will fill the hole they have instead of their hearts. It loathes me. It scares me. This is the world, its imitation, in which I don't want to exist anymore. I don't want to be afraid that a drunk driver will hit me with his car when I’ll be getting home. I don't want to be afraid that someone will rape me, that someone will use me. I don't want to be afraid anymore that as soon as I trust someone, this person will break me, stomp me into dust, that I will suffer even more, although I thought that I could not. I don't want to feel constant sadness, constant remorse that goes on for as long as I can remember. I don't want to be part of it all, deluding myself that it will ever get better. I live in a disgusting reality that I hate. I hate people who surrounds me. Which I meet. I hate falsehood, fear and duplicity of them. I hate to be here, to exist and even now this dark emptiness that follows my death does not scare me more than that I will wake up again tomorrow and will have to exist in this world again.
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zithjen · 5 years
Some Core Issues of this World
Before we dive into the execution of a revolution we should probably address why change is necessary and why it is so important that it happens soon.
The issue that has always bothered me personally the most is that of the exploitation of the worker. To think that the t-shirt I was wearing was sewn by a girl my age or younger, in a run-down factory, breathing in poisonous gases, continuously working her hands bloody (literally) because she has no real choice but to let companies exploit her, just to ensure that her family can afford the barest necessities of life. It is one of the most disgusting things I can think of. She doesn’t have the option of doing something with her life that fulfils her. She has to sell her labour at a wage that is no where near enough to provide for her loved ones. And to top this off employers could not care less for their employees’ safety and thus the working conditions are often insecure and endanger the workers. Phew, all the topics that come to my mind when thinking about this. Apart from endangering their workers, big companies and employers take away people’s means of living by for example pressuring them to sell their farmland which has been their main source of food and income for generations or buying up a vital fresh water source, bottling it up and selling the water these people used to get for free straight from nature for money which they simply do not have (not to mention the pollution created during the process if plastic bottle-making and then the shipping of the goods (I tip my hat to you if you also immediately thought of companies like Nestlé who are one of these monsters)). Or, which I might find even worse, such factories polluting their environment with chemicals either out of self-servitude or ignorance. Excuse me, I get carried away. Awful things that we let happen.
Now, as for the reason why this is an issue that could and needs to be ended by a system change is that this exploitation is the absolute base on which capitalism is built. Capitalism relies on the means of production getting cheaper and cheaper and the market to continue expanding. And seeing as we as consumer ship expect less expensive products the money we do not want to pay needs to be taken from somewhere. I can guarantee you that CEO’s will not part with a single penny which means that labourers (this includes office workers as well nowadays, contrary to Karl Marx’ time where this particular class struggle was first properly studied and where Marx’ oppressed class, the Proletariat, was made up by all workers (meaning factory and manual labourers) of the world) will have to deal with worsening working conditions and even less pay.
Instead of having only a handful of people in a company call the shots, make most of the money and not care about the people doing the actual work, anarcho-syndicalists as well as communists suggest self organisation and the complete abolishment of hierarchies, as well as a reconnecting with the work we are doing. The people working in a factory deciding how, when, and what they want to do that is, however, just a small part of that change.
While we are on the topic of exploitation, something else that is grossly being exploited is our earth and her resources. I don’t know where or when people got the idea that the earth is a 24 hours unlimited all you can eat buffet but it isn’t. Get that idiocy out of your heads. On the bright side, not all people are completely unaware. So there have been multiple trends in recent years such as a ban of plastic bags in supermarket chains all over the world and the most recent trend of refusing plastic straws. While it is admirable that some people are doing something it is hardly enough. What needs to change is again the system. 100 companies are responsible for 70% of emissions and although I do not know the numbers for the responsibility of ocean pollution I’d wager our plastic sins, while despicable and under all costs needs to be reduced, if not stopped, are nowhere near as harmful as that of big companies. Now, more important than continuing to reduce the harmful ways in which we impact our planet as individuals, is that we pressure big companies to either do the same or make sure they disappear forever. Aside from harmful emissions and plastic, in order to make profit, companies destroy enormous amounts of forest (especially in South America) for mono cultures of plants such as soy and palm trees. I have to admit geography is not my area of expertise, however, if I’m not mistaken then the hummus layer (which is the layer with most nutrients) in the ground in the rain forests is rather thin and can only be used for a short amount of time before yield is close to non existent without massive fertilisation. As though removing a big chunk of our planet’s lungs, our oxygen provider, wasn’t bad enough, using such amounts of fertiliser is incredibly harmful. And eventually these big stretches of land will have to be abandoned and by then the ground is so exhausted of nutrients that the forest struggles to reclaim the land. I can not even express my disdain for such reckless and stupid actions. And again we have only scratched the surface of these atrocities. We have yet to address the massive loss of life and habitat during deforestation. But I’ll leave that to organisations such as WWF and Green Peace.
Another topic close to my heart is discrimination. This will take me some time to cover as we are talking about discrimination against different ethnicities, people in the LGBTQ community, women, and, tied to the discrimination against ethnicities, xenophobia, and I’ll scrape the topic of the absolute brainlessness of borders and keeping people out of a country.
As a foreigner who grew up in the central European country I quickly learnt how normal discrimination is. As a child I got harassed and called slurs due to my origins. I wasn’t alone in this. If you didn’t absolutely adapt to the predominant culture you would have a though life. While this can be rather traumatising it is nothing compared to what prejudices for example black people in Europe as well as the US have had to live with. Shot at, killed, unjustly taken into custody, wrongly imprisoned. To name a few. I can’t believe that I am explaining this because the only right thing, on which I will not argue with anyone, is to judge a person based not on their skin colour, clothes, physical appearance, piercings, tattoos, hair colour, headscarf, burka, or anything like that, but on their actions and their capacity to show kindness. Back to the topic at hand. While there may be a lot of minorities, such as black people who live in poverty, which in no way represents their laziness or inferiority, they are not given the same opportunities as other people because of their skin colour. Prejudice and decades of oppression has forced them into impossible situations, where for many survival is their biggest concern. Being denied access to education or having to “sit with the brown kids” at lunch is what keeps them imprisoned in a lower class. This struggle is exceptionally painful as black people freed themselves of slavery mere decades ago just to be continuously mistreated.
Unfortunately, discrimination is not limited to people of colour. Modern women’s rights movements, which have been going on for over 100 years also still struggle and have to fight for each scrap of equality. I will not delve too deep into the topic. I will say though. My body. My choice. You can fuck the hell off if you tell any woman who did not specifically ask for your opinion how she should live her life. This is regarding clothing choices, choices regarding children, or how many or few sexual partners she has. Aside from that, many people see equality between men and women as achieved when plain and simple it has not been. The pay gaps being the smallest issue. Women are denied jobs for which they would be the perfect candidate for the reason of being female. The annoying thing about this is that many are not aware of their own prejudices, which makes it that much harder to battle. Women are naturally assumed to be the stay-at-home parent and are pressured into the “right” gender role. This applies to both men and women of course and the issue of bigenderism will be another point of discussion in the future. DISCLAIMER: Just because you do not do one of these things that does not automatically make you a non-sexist. It just makes you not quite such a sexist. Treat women as equals and there you go. Now actively say or do something for equal rights for women and you’ll be a feminist. This includes all women; white, black, Muslim, Christian, trans, etc. (We will discuss feminism and the fears connected to it at a later point as well.)
Speaking of trans (great TRANSition). Acceptance towards the lgbtq community is lacking as well. Not only is there a lack of acceptance but people actively hinder lgbtq members from being happy and living their lives the way they want to. I will try to make this very clear: they are not harming you by loving who they love and fucking who they want as you are. Who do you think you are, attacking them when they do nothing to harm you. Instead of complaining or hating queer people you might want to judge people based on their morals, as I have said before. A gay guy that’s rude is just as much of an unlikable person as a straight guy. He is, however, not an unlikable person because he’s gay. Never. Let people do what they want as long as they don’t harm anyone. And no one has a right to harm them for being who they are. Not civilians, not police. We just passed pride month, which, apart from reminding us to love who we love, should remind us of those who have fought for the rights of lgbtq members. It should remind us of those who were crushed and prohibited from loving and those who were suppressed by their governments and their police. Hatred will not stand against love.
And it is in these times, I believe, that we need love for one another more than ever before. We have reached a certain standard of living in western society that we do not have to fear for our lives. Unfortunately, not all people are that lucky. People flee from their home countries, whether it’s because it’s at war, or they can’t provide for their families. For whatever reason they flee, they are looking for a better life for their families and themselves and they need to be given a chance. Of course the problems in their countries need to be solved, but until they are these people need a home. Instead of pretending that they are all evil you could get over yourself and get to know some of them. Yes, there may be a cultural difference but it might be interesting to get to know it, broaden your horizon. Everyone is a human as you are. Some where just more or less fortunate in where they were born and how their country has been or is being governed. They have worries enough. Be kind to them. There is no need to put them in concentration camps, build walls to keep them out, separate children from their families, or be scared of them altogether.
Speaking of concentration camps (aka ICE). Many anarchists will agree that we hold no love for the police. I only briefly mentioned police brutality in the paragraphs about discrimination. I did not even scratch the surface of the disgusting things they do. They have been given the power and the right, by their government, to use force when they deem it necessary. Keep in mind they choose when they want to use force. It is no coincident that there are more black people being shot than white people by police, or that more lgbtq members are beat up than cis men. There is an imbalance in the distribution of power. We are governed from the top down and it is all we can do not to submit and accept this injustice.
If you take anything from this, let it be that we are all human beings, who deserve to live our lives as we choose, without fear for survival. Assuming we are different from one another because we are born in different places marked only by an imaginary line, or the colour of our skin, sexuality, or gender (which is also an ide constructed by our society).
It is not a coincidence either that all the oppressed are not white, straight, old men who sit in positions of power and assure that these few named injustices continue. It is our duty to ensure that no innocent is harmed and every moment we fail to do just that, is one moment too much. We need to fight this. Now.
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everydayecoist · 5 years
What right do we have to put a value on nature?
Hi, yesterday I listened to a podcast called Dramakastið, Mannmiðjukenningin, where this woman was talking about humans relationship with nature. Now, I have heard a lot about humans relationship with nature before but never from her perspective. I found it so interesting that I wanted to make a blogpost about it. 
Basically, the woman was talking about how humans have put a value on nature and what right we have to do that, since nature is not our property. Let’s take a waterfall for example. To us it has two kinds of values. Firstly we can generate it to create electricity and secondly it is very beautiful to look at. But what about a waterfall that is in the middle of nowhere and no one knows it exists? Does it still have value? Should it have value at all? When we put value on things, and by us I mean the human race - or more often than not the richest nations on earth, it becomes valuable to us. Therefore we give ourselves the right to claim ownership over it and use it (and perhaps destroy it?). But who gave us the right to claim ownership over things in nature? They are after all not our property. Who says we get to be number one and control everything? Especially if all we do is leave things in ruin. Our rainforests, oceans, climate, ecosystems, wild life… Most of the time we don’t even suffer the consequences. 
When we look at the aspect of climate change, why do we really care about it? Why are we only doing something about it now when we have known about it for 30 years or even longer? Because now is the first time we are realising how bad it will affect us humans. We know it has been destroying nature and it’s ecosystems for decades, we just haven’t cared because we weren’t the victims. 
Let’s take another example. We are all about ditching plastic straws to save the fish in the oceans - so we can fish and eat cleaner fish that doesn’t have plastic in it. We don’t want plastic in our food! But do we ever stop and think about the fish? The fish doesn’t want plastic polluting it’s home. It doesn’t want to eat plastic and die as a result. Yet we don’t care about that. We only care about ourselves. We only save the fish because it has value to us. 
Another interesting point discussed in the podcast is the purpose of things. Does everything in life have purpose? Like the waterfall earlier. You could say its purpose is to help us make electricity and be pretty to look at. What about the waterfall no one knows about? What is the purpose of that waterfall? Does it have to have a purpose? If something isn’t valuable to humans does that mean it has no purpose? I don’t think everything needs to have a purpose. The waterfall can simply exist, like it has been doing for thousands of years. That is after all what nature has been doing long before we came along and what it will be doing long after we are gone. 
Should we be allowed to put a value on things at all? Does our value always matter the most? We destroy the Amazon rainforest because it has value to us and we have claimed ownership over it. Yet it is probably more valuable to the species and ecosystems that live in the forest. Why don’t their values matter more? For them it is a matter of life or death but for us it is only a matter of convenience and luxury. 
We are self crowned kings/queens of earth and all we do is destroy it. If we had a leader that gave them selves power, was corrupt, did nothing but lie, made empty promises, took things from its citizens (usually the most vulnerable ones), destroyed the future, valued money and economic growth above all else and would leave everything in ruins - wouldn’t we have taken the power away from that leader a long time ago? Well nature and other species don’t have that option. They don’t have a voice. That is why we have to speak for them. As kings/queens of this kingdom it is our responsibility to make it just for all. To make sure everyone has a future. Otherwise the kingdom will fall and there will be no need for a king/queen. I don’t think we can change the fact that we rule over earth (so to speak). After all we are the most intellectual species. But with power comes responsibility. Therefore it is our responsibility to make sure that the planet is liveable for everyone. Not only for our own benefit, but for everyone else’s. 
I hope this got you thinking. That was really the only point of this rambling anyway. 
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tinycartridge · 5 years
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Approaching Infinity ⊟
[Guest writer Caroline Delbert brings us a fully unexpected article that manages to be both philosophical exploration and interview-based journalism, at the same time. I couldn’t be happier to share this piece! Find more from Caroline at her Twitter and Medium. -jc]
We live in a golden age of computing power. Our games are filled with giant procgen worlds and RNGs and thousands of ticking background variables. The math is surpassing human ability far faster than we can grasp, and we’ve, I think correctly, put it to work making the grass in Stardew Valley so fun to swoosh through with a sword. But the idea of infinity horrifies people more than almost anything else and remains as confusing and terrifying as ever. As our games get closer to endlessly detailed, I chose four designers who’ve worked on four of my favorite games of the last few years, all with totally different ways of using space, time, and more to give the feeling of an infinite playspace. I’ve also been spelunking the idea of infinity itself and why it makes us feel so uncomfortable and intrigued.
We Contain Multitudes
What is infinity? We aren’t born with an understanding of the idea of something that never ends. Psychology researcher Ruma Falk put together existing studies about infinity. “[C]hildren of ages 8-9 and on seem to understand that numbers do not end, but it takes quite a few more years to fully conceive, not only the infinity of numbers, but also the infinite difference between the set of numbers and any finite set.” You could spend your entire life counting out loud and get to 2 billion. But in calculus, which is all about approaching infinity, a billion is rounded down to zero. An average 2019 computer could count to a billion in about two seconds, depending on the code you wrote. That’s how tiny a billion still is. Falk calls the distance between our human billions and the idea of infinity an “abyssal gap.”
When I talked with Immortal Rogue developer Kyle Barrett about this project, he mentioned Jorge Luis Borges’s famous short story “The Library of Babel.” Borges imagined an infinite-seeming library of books filled with random combinations of letters and punctuation. He sets out 25 total characters and 410 pages. I averaged a few lines from David Foster Wallace’s primer on infinity, Everything and More, which had 57.5 characters per line. For just two lines of, say, 50 characters each, there are over six googol possible versions: that’s a 6 with 100 zeroes after it, for just two lines of a book of 410 pages. The largest math Excel let me do was for about four lines total, which became 3 with 300 zeroes after it.
Philosopher Daniel Dennett has spent decades writing about how humans think about problems and ideas. His 2013 book Intuition Pumps is filled with helpful analogies, including a spin on the Library of Babel. “Since it is estimated that there are only 10040 particles in the region of the universe we can observe, the Library of Babel is not remotely a physically possible object,” Dennett explained. But despite containing far more books than the possible volume of our entire region of space, that number of books is still a real number, not infinite! The takeaway from all this, and then I swear I’ll stop talking about math, is that nothing we can measure in real life is truly infinite. Infinity is a pure concept reserved for mathematicians and philosophers.
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Playing with Time: Immortal Rogue
In Kyle Barrett’s 2019 mobile game Immortal Rogue, you begin in prehistory and fight your way through progressive eras in chunks of 100 years. But time is a flat circle, and eventually your progress is bombed back into preagricultural oblivion. The mechanics of Barrett’s game are fun and satisfying and I can’t recommend Immortal Rogue strongly enough, but the framework of endless time is what got my attention.
“It’s not really infinite,” Barrett explained. “It’s a matrix that loops every time you reach the end of it. There’s an x-axis that’s based on time, basically—it goes from agricultural to pre-industrial to the industrial era to the computational era and space age, so time based on human technological development, and if you get too far into the space era you’re gonna destroy the world and go back to the preagricultural era. Then there’s a y-axis that is based on authoritarian control in the world, so at the bottom you have anarchy, at the top you have fascism, and if you go too far into fascism you’ll get anarchy because people will rebel.”
I said I wouldn’t talk about math again, but Barrett brought it up this time. A matrix is just a grid. The Matrix is something else, but if you’ve ever done a “Sally has a blue hat and wasn’t born in March”-style logic puzzle, you’ve used a matrix. There’s also a proper math definition of a matrix and a whole field of operations we do to those matrices, collectively called abstract algebra.
Barrett’s matrix of time and authority determines the overall feel of the levels, but each one is procedurally generated after that. His day job is in mainstream game development, and he originally shopped the idea for Immortal Rogue as the system to power an AAA game. “You can imagine any AAA game with that kind of variety in environment would cost just too much money to make,” Barrett says. “It was a game concept that I had pitched to studios earlier as a sort of introduction piece—not necessarily to make the game, because I know that doesn’t happen, but as far as getting into the industry.”
The way Barrett combined his basic variables means Immortal Rogue does feel endless. My longest life so far is 800 years, and Barrett says a complete cycle in which you beat the game can take anywhere from 1,000 to 4,000 years. I’d love to tell you I believe I’ll beat the game at some point and see that full cycle. I’ll keep trying, at least.
Immortality and Endless Time
Would you want to live forever? This is one of the major philosophical questions that underpins western thought and especially the Christian form of the afterlife. Heaven and hell are each presented as an eternity, but again we run into Dr. Ruma Falk’s findings about how humans conceive of an infinite period of time. “One does not get closer to infinity by advancing the counting sequence because there is no way to approach infinity. Nowhere does the very big merge into the infinite.” If the lifetime of the planet Earth were condensed to one year, humans have lived for less than 30 minutes. We balk at the length of lives of record-setting elders who were born just a few years after the 19th century: imagine living that entire time and then living it again and again for literally forever. Our earthly understanding of time, and how our earthly brains process information, just isn’t compatible with thinking about living forever.
For many people, God or another higher power is the only way that infinity can make sense. In turn, a much longer afterlife helps to also make sense of how tiny and fleeting our earthly lives can feel. In the potentially infinite scale of time, our lives are the meager billions. They round down to zero, and it definitely feels that way sometimes. Falk cites 17th century mathematician Blaise Pascal, himself a late-in-life convert to Christianity and the trope namer of Pascal’s Wager. During Pascal’s lifetime, infinity was still a scandalous idea and a wedge issue for mathematicians and theologians. “When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in an eternity before and after, the little space I fill engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces whereof I know nothing, and which know nothing of me, I am terrified,” Pascal wrote. “The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me.”
In her memoir Living with a Wild God, journalist Barbara Ehrenreich describes grappling with the same problems as an isolated teenager in the 1950s. “I didn’t think much about the future when I was a child—who does?” she writes. “But to the extent that I did imagine a future, it held an ever-widening range for my explorations—more hills and valleys, shorelines and dunes. […] The idea that there might be a limit to my explorations, a natural cutoff in the form of death, was slow to dawn on me.”
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Randomizing Infinity: Alphabear & Alphabear 2
Game designer Pat Kemp worked on both 2015’s Alphabear and 2018’s Alphabear 2 at Spry Fox. Both have the same core word game, a fresh take on the classic Bookworm where you have to spell words from rapidly deteriorating letter tiles. Unlike in Scrabble and its knockoffs, rare letters don’t have higher point values. And into the mix you throw dozens of different collectible bears, each with a total score multiplier and a specific boost like a bonus for 5-letter words or preventing all Xs and Zs. Both games are free to play with in-app purchases. In Alphabear 2, Spry Fox took the mechanic of the first game and added a linear story, multiple difficulty levels, and a host of other features. Playing the game feels like getting an upgrade at the rental-car place and realizing you have heated side mirrors. I didn’t ask for them, but I love them and now I need them. But why did the second Alphabear get so much bigger?
“I hope this answer isn’t disappointing to you, but the first Alphabear, although it’s a lovely game we’re very proud of and was critically well received and we got lots of features and good reviews, wasn’t much of a financial success for us,” Kemp told me. So Spry Fox went into development of Alphabear 2 with goals to convert more users into purchasers and more purchasers into multiple-purchasers. “The decision-making around making it into a world, and a linear campaign, and building out all the different features […] was creating this rich, interwoven progression system that players can feel invested in and value. Basically how you monetize a free-to-play game is, people play your game for weeks and months and come to really value things in the game.”
In the first Alphabear, each chapter had a set of collectible bears that quickly eclipsed the power of the previous chapter’s bears. “And you would almost never go back and use bears from earlier chapters, just because of the way it was set up,” Kemp says. “So you had this weird ‘disposable’ feel to bears. It was cool when you unlocked them, but the game was telling you, ‘You’re done with that bear, here’s some new bears.’” Now, the bears accumulate over time as one big group, and you can continue to level them up as high as you want, but your progress is paced by how quickly you regenerate in-game energy in the form of honey.
After a certain chapter in the Normal campaign, players can begin again on Hard mode, and then after a later chapter, they can begin Master mode. I don’t know the full length of the basic campaign, but I’m probably 100 levels in and somewhere in chapter 9 on Normal mode. The scope of the whole thing including all three difficulties is staggering, and the game had been out for just seven months when I talked with Kemp. “Have people finished the amount of content you’ve made so far?” I asked. “We know of at least one person who’s completed the master-level campaign,” he said. When I said I was surprised, Kemp said, “Every game developer I know has this experience where they’re surprised by some small portion of their fanbase that is just so into it that it defies all expectations.”
In this case, the fastest player ended up lapping the development team. “It was so far off that we had planned to build whatever happened when you did that later on,” Kemp said. “They sent us a picture of their screen of the campaign board, and all it was was just a black screen, because it was trying to load the next campaign board, which doesn’t exist. We were like, ‘Oh my god, we didn’t even put anything in there, and it looks kinda like you’re in purgatory or something.’” Spry Fox plans to replace the Sopranos non-ending.
Purgatory or Something
Earlier this year, I talked with my friend Tristan about his existential dread. He’s pretty fresh out of college and still figuring it all out. “I was going to write about games,” he said, “and as I entered my last year or so, I was going to write about movies. I don’t know if I’m still going to do that, so that’s a large part of the dread. Not knowing what I was actually doing.” Humans can’t conceive of infinity using numbers, but we can use our pessimistic imaginations. Our set of plausible options is no match for what we dream or panic about.
Christian existentialist Søren Kierkegaard wrote about dread and fear of the unknown in his 1844 book The Concept of Anxiety, where the Danish word angest could be translated as “anxiety” or “dread”. Using the story of Adam and Eve, Kierkegaard posits that anxiety dates back to a fraction of a second after original sin. “The terror here is simply anxiety,” Kierkegaard writes, “since Adam has not understood what was said.” In other words, like a pet in trouble, Adam didn’t know what was being told to him, but he understood it was bad from the tone of voice.
“Anxiety can be compared with dizziness,” Kierkegaard goes on. “He whose eye happens to look into the yawning abyss becomes dizzy. But what is the reason? It is just as much his own eye as the abyss, for suppose he had not looked down.” Those who think about Dr. Ruma Falk’s “abyssal gap” between the finite and infinity may be dizzy forever with the uncertainty of what they’re pondering. “A persistent pursuit of the infinite may bring the individual to a blind alley, both emotionally and intellectually,” Falk writes. His analogy isn’t an accident. A blind alley is like another famous philosophical idea, Schrodinger’s cat: without shining a light, we can never know if the alley is empty or full, terrible or fine. And we can never shine that light.
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Infinite Reality: Telling Lies & Her Story
At 2018’s E3 conference, Sam Barlow appeared on a panel about the future of narrative. “People will write to me and say, ‘I haven’t played a game in twenty years, and I played Her Story,’” Barlow said. “Or ‘My daughter installed it on my iPhone for me.’” It makes sense: Her Story’s core mechanic is as simple as a YouTube search, and the game is set in 1994, with a Windows 3.1 aesthetic to match. The game also fits with Barlow’s career arc. His 1999 XYZZY-winning interactive fiction Aisle gives players just one chance to type any command before reaching one of the game’s dozens of endings, placing players in a finite setting that even feels claustrophobic, but setting before them seemingly limitless possibilities. He was a natural fit to lead two Silent Hill games after that, and he views Her Story as the surprisingly successful “one chance” he had to make a successful indie game.
“This is something I’ve pitched so many times to publishers, with the rationale that in every other medium, crime fiction, police procedurals, murder mysteries, detective stories—if you have a TV channel and a film company, you’re gonna have a few stories in that world because it consistently works,” Barlow told me. “Games publishers were never into the idea. They felt like the things that sold in video games were power fantasies and superhero stories.” Barlow chose to home in on the interrogation room both as a convenient single setting and the place where his interest in crime stories was naturally drawn. “I wasn’t trying to do the police chases and locations and all those elements which would be expensive, but also, I was zooming in on the dialogue and the interactions and the human side of it,” he said, citing the groundbreaking ‘90s show Homicide: Life on the Street and its Emmy-winning bottle episode “Three Men and Adena.”
“I did a ton of research, reading the interrogation manuals for detectives, academic studies and pieces about the psychology of the interview room, a ton of crime books, movies with notable interrogation scenes and police interviews. This was slightly ahead of the true crime wave that we’ve had since, so I was discovering there’s so much footage online of real-life interviews and interrogations that has been released or leaked,” Barlow told me. “One day, as these things do, I woke up and went for a walk, and my subconscious—which is far cleverer than I am—put all the pieces and all the research I’d been doing together. [T]he detective’s sat at a computer, and there’s always the twist where they stay up all night sat at the computer and then they find that one little bit of information or the one piece of evidence that will break the case.”
Her Story is made of hundreds of discrete video clips, divided into main character Hannah Smith’s answers to an unseen detective’s questions. For his upcoming game Telling Lies, Barlow brought the setting forward into the Skype era and is introducing new mechanical twists to match. “To some extent Her Story was about giving you the writer’s perspective into a story, and here it’s giving you some of that editing room insight, where you spend so much time with the footage, choosing whether to cut out on this frame or that frame,” Barlow said. Instead of separate clips, Telling Lies gives you long, uncut videos that show both sides of a Skype call that you can scrub through—meaning drag the progress bar searching for highlights. “Not only are you coming at these stories in a nonlinear way, but also within a given scene you might end up watching it backwards.”
The text side of searching has also evolved. Because the videos aren’t separated into clips, searching for a specific word drops you into a video at that exact place. “Those conversations are split into two parts, so you can only see one side of a conversation at a time. You have the full seven minutes in front of you and you get dropped in to the point where someone says the word [or] phrase you've searched for,” Barlow said. “So early on, if you search for the word ‘love,’ you get dropped into a moment when Kerry [Bishé’s] character says, ‘Love you!’ and hangs up.”
Including Her Story and now Telling Lies in a group of very big-feeling games runs into a funny obstacle, because they’re both made of a very finite number of minutes of video. Her Story even has Steam achievements linked with what percentage of the total clips you’ve discovered and watched. “Something like 20% of people 100%-ed it. For most games you’re lucky if 20% of people finish the game. It had a display that showed you all the clips you hadn’t seen—that was an incentive and somewhat maddening if you could see there were clips you hadn’t seen. My approach with Telling Lies was to make it so big and huge and messy and colorful that it would feel less like something you could 100%, because I really wanted people to lose themselves in just the joy of exploring these characters’ lives.”
Just Out of Reach
Even with the incentive to find all the clips, in Her Story I found myself revisiting clips I’d already seen as I tried to find new keywords or listen for clues, and I maxed out just past the 75% achievement. The rest eluded me. With Telling Lies, this one kind of mystery will be removed, and that’s a blow against infinitude. In the perfect world of pure mathematics, having one more item just out of reach is one of the fundamental ways we can make proofs of infinite ideas. This structured approach also helps us turn the overwhelming idea of infinity into, at least right now, the one step in front of us. It’s infinity in the form of a child asking a parent for just five more minutes of sleep, then asking for five more, for eternity.
In Daniel Dennett’s book Intuition Pumps he uses this idea as an illustration for why infinity just can’t exist in real life. If every animal evolved from another animal, then there are infinity animals stretching back into infinity long ago, always with one preceding. We know that’s just not true. On the other hand, a study of how children process infinity showed that knowing the names of some large numbers made children think those were the largest numbers. Learning named ideas pushed out the very idea of having unnamed ideas, which makes sense given how large and robust our language brains are. Being strong, clear communicators has shaped our brains and the societies we form as humans. If we all became existentially troubled abstraction peddlers, I don’t think that would necessarily be a step forward.
To consider infinity with a finite mind is a paradox, and as Dr. Ruma Falk explains, “Mathematicians and philosophers are often no less addicted to resolving these paradoxes than some adolescents are to experiencing the limits of existence.” Like the Library of Babel, an infinite world is made mostly of incoherent and random nonsense, compared with a human mind that can only remember its own history in cohesive story form. My friend Martin has a rich life and a beautiful family, and he told me, “My personal greatest fear is probably losing my mind. The idea of being unable to make sense of the world is horrifying.” In fact, studies show that we’re more able to tune out conversations we can overhear both sides of than those where we can hear just one side—this is how deep our need for clear narratives runs, and it’s why we’re not made for an infinite world.
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Infinite Liminal: Sunless Sea & Cultist Simulator
In February of 2019, Alexis Kennedy addressed something that had grown beyond his reach, and his post was the catalyst for what eventually became this essay. On the Weather Factory blog, where the developer typically shares updates to 2018’s Cultist Simulator, Kennedy described an alternate reality game (ARG) called Enigma that he’s built into his work—not just Cultist Simulator but 2015’s Sunless Sea and even 2009’s Fallen London. In the Enigma post, he sums up the appeal this mystery seems to have to fans: “If you’re working through things and looking for meaning in your life, then all the hidden meanings in this project may look like they add up to something more important than they actually do.”
I love Kennedy’s work—if we’re friends, you’ve probably heard me talk about it—and while I’ve never mistaken him for a guru, his games have affected and stayed with me more than anything else I’ve ever played. He’s gifted with language, stuffing his work with plausible and evocative neologisms or uncommon historical terms. But his more powerful gift lies in what he chooses to reveal and how long you must wait for it. I’ve thought often of something my friend Diana said nearly twenty years ago, about traveling with other people and seeing their luggage: “They wonder what I’m taking, but I wonder what they’re leaving behind.” I constantly wonder what Alexis Kennedy is leaving behind.
“Gamers tend to be—to borrow a phrase of Mike Laidlaw's—more like dogs than cats in the way they consume content. If the core loop is even moderately compelling, they'll gorge on content and rush through it,” Kennedy told me via email. “As soon as players are doing that, they'll skim text, and if they're going to skim text, text had better not be your A feature. I constantly skim quest text in games, and I'm a narrative junkie. So pacing is a way of saying: hold on, appreciate this, take your time with it.” In both Fallen London and Sunless Sea, one variable shuffles what day it is, so you receive different flavor text or events even when you’re repeating actions or storylines. “I don't think I ever quite recovered from the initial terror, back in 2009, of seeing players consume Fallen London content literally ten times as fast as I expected,” Kennedy says.
Like Sam Barlow, Kennedy reached for inspiration outside of what’s traditionally in the purview of a video game. I asked how he chooses end goals in games with such wide-open mechanics—Cultist Simulator is even more open than Sunless Sea in some ways. “I come at those stopping points from two directions. One is 'what sort of emotions and experiences are we aiming for?' The other is 'what sort of activities would a character in a novel, not just in a game, do in this setting?' So in Sunless Sea, we want people to be thinking about loneliness and survival and discovery, and we also want people to be aiming for the kind of things they'd aim for in Moby-Dick or Voyage of the Dawn Treader or HMS Surprise.” The only ending I’ve reached in Sunless Sea is the most basic one, where you amass some money and retire. In Cultist Simulator, I’ve managed to live a normal working life and then retire, which is considered a minor victory. And still, the game wonders what I’m taking, while I wonder what it’s leaving behind.
Pure Abstraction
“The study of infinity stretches human abstract thinking to some of its loftiest possibilities,” Dr. Ruma Falk writes. “By definition, it calls for modes of reasoning that transcend concrete representation.” What I’ve found most interesting as I researched this piece and talked with these gifted game designers is how thoughtfully they’d constructed gameplay loops that continue to feel fresh and challenging. The games themselves couldn’t be more different in terms of genre or lack thereof, revenue models, or mechanics, but all feel large and immersive inside to an extent that I instinctively ignored whatever seams I might end up seeing.
I asked each designer to share a game that felt infinite to them as players. Sam Barlow answered the question before I even asked it, though. He described wanting Telling Lies to feel like a huge place to explore. “My only go-to reference, which is somewhat ambitious, is the way I felt when I was playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the way that Nintendo made me feel, where I could just go off and explore in any direction and I could let my curiosity guide me and I would always enjoy myself. I would always find something interesting.” He called this kind of freedom a form of magic. “To some extent, Her Story was me trying to get some of the magic and—again, this wasn’t a conscious thing—some of the magic of the old text parser games.”
Pat Kemp also chose Breath of the Wild. “The world feels huge and dense in a kind of unusual way even amongst all the other open-world AAA experiences that are out there. There’s this big mountain and you climb up it, and on the way up you encounter two or three little unique-feeling things, and you make your way down and encounter a bunch of other little things, and they’re all handmade little surprises. It feels like the world is just brimming with delightful little nuggets of story or interesting challenges or encounters. It’s really a remarkable achievement and it’s also one of those things where, as a game developer, I can recognize what a monumental task it must have been to create that world,” Kemp said. “Every inch of it feels handcrafted by someone who cares about that itch, which is just incredibly daunting. It must have been so expensive to do.”
Alexis Kennedy chose Elite: Dangerous, and I enjoyed how his answer mirrored how I feel about his games, where some amount of suggestion makes it easy and fun to project the rest with your imagination. “I put a hundred-plus hours into Elite: Dangerous because I so enjoyed the sense of jumping through galactic-size simulated space. I knew perfectly well that the procgen systems were largely identical in all meaningful ways, I knew the space between star systems isn't simulated and you're just jumping between skyboxed instances, but I've spent 47 years learning how space works IRL and I still carry over those assumptions if the sense of resource cost lets me.  I need to feel like I'm working to cross the space and have something that will run out or need balancing.”
Kyle Barrett pointed out that, infamously now, No Man’s Sky sold itself as an infinite game. “The game definitely feels infinite. It also has the effect of what infinity would feel like, which is empty after a while. It teaches people that lesson,” Barrett says. It brought back to mind something he told me before about deciding how much to procedurally generate within Immortal Rogue: “If it’s pure random, I think it normally fails. That’s something designers find pretty quick. So it’s like, what’s the right amount of random and what’s the skeleton that can make the random meaningful?” He mentioned Dwarf Fortress as a game with infinite-feeling possibilities, and Minecraft as something that marries the two. “It feels infinite in scope and the amount of possibility feels infinite, which is why it’s probably one of the best games ever,” he said.
“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom,” Kierkegaard wrote. “Freedom now looks down into its own possibility and then grabs hold of finiteness to support itself.” The games we love might feel infinite, but we only hang around in them long enough to realize this because of the hard work of building structures and feedback loops that make games fun to play. We study infinite math from the security of offices with comfortable temperatures and lighting. As Alexis Kennedy put it, “So it is a design choice, but there's a reason I made that one design choice rather than a million others.”
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emersonmanandnature · 4 years
November 14, 2020
No Escape
They take anything they want with a little taste of compassion, for they forged their wealth on the shoulders of the poor, their charities, a mirage of silk cloth that feels good to touch, simple distractions,as they exploit another country for profit, they are facades of generosity, their selfishness destroying communities and destroying lives but they always get a good review from their puppets in congress and from the press they own, for these elected mouth pieces for the rich know who pays for their luxuries, their sexual appetites, their lies, their innuendos and the words put into their fork tongued mouths.
If any stand up and spout their own truths of their individuality, their future goals will be stripped from them, their innocence will suddenly feel the true grip of power and the centuries long exploitation of the masses. Their independence will soon be isolation and then abandonment for you have become a liability to the powers that rule us as just pieces on a board game easily replaced.  
We have evolved into a herd mentality waiting in their corrals, waiting for our orders to be announced, our minds numb to the pain and death they bring for they have only one true goal more and more profit for themselves. For they seek ego’s of like kind that put money before human beings.
Our god looks on with boredom for his truth is one of a lookie loo that allows the killing of innocence as a means to ones salvation.
Rebellion doesn’t change the structure of wealth. It solidifies their powerful force of manipulation to be more aggressive in challenging the up-risers and punishing them with prison time as an example to not mess with the minds of the criminally rich.
The manipulation of our lives is their number one priority, in order to maintain their power of deception through the separation of people from each other, encouraging them to fight amongst themselves through a propaganda machine that anticipates their coming threats.
How duped will one feel to finally wakeup and see the truth of their purpose, pitting us the American people against one another in a shallow system of two entities of greedy manipulation, the democrats and the republican servants to the elites.
The criminal minds that have been infiltrating government and business for decades in order to gain social and financial control over the population has finally won its dominance of the world economies and has solidified its power through an intricate communication system they call prepared deception in other words lying to all.
Do you honestly believe that our news organizations give us any reporting of world events, the wars that are still being waged, the human beings suffering in poverty and dying of starvation.  
When have you witnessed a calm informative discussion of climate change that dealt with the facts known for decades and not had to listen to angry words spewing hypocritical nonsense to make you believe that global warming is a hoax?
This saturation of false facts from the powers of convoluted logic interferes with our future lives as climate and viruses rapidly change our life styles and work confusion into an epidemic of fear, anger, distrust and death of our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and our children. And how does the highest office in the land respond to the pandemic of course with lies and mis-direction as they claim everything is back to normal get out there and work and party like it was 1999.
For their lies have become our truth and to deny their manipulation would be a loss of friends in your click of blaming others for your losses, other human beings struggling to survive just like you but have a different skin color. When did white mean anything but exploitation all through our building of an america dream for the wealthy through the slave trade?
Look around all you see and hear is the anger pointed at the wrong groups. The talking heads spewing nothing but an old narrative used to exploit Native Tribes and the exploitation of Black Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, Mexican people all exploited for profit and they make these people out to be the reason for our economic collapse of the working class. When actually their migration is from abuse, poverty and violence.
When will America wakeup and see that our jobs were sent over seas not because of the influx of other human beings but because the corporations realized that they could make a bigger profit off the backs of workers in other countries leaving our workforce tattered and angry?  Don’t blame other human beings for the turmoil in America look to the profiteers of exploitation of human beings for their own amoral greed!
And look no further than our elected leaders that cow down to the power of greed over the people they are elected to protect.
We know one thing for certain that the multinational corporation control the information pipeline. The less the people know or realize the better their ability is to squeeze profits from the people working for pennies on the dollar.
It puts all of our citizens of this united state of false freedoms on a narrow, dangerous path toward a universal conformity as we lose our ability to think for ourselves, we seek to be part of something and without thinking of our individuality, we join quickly groups that live in a fear based existence. “They are coming to take our prosperity, our jobs, our homes, our children from us,” why listen to this garbage and just trust your intuitive insights, then we would realize that the wealthy have been stealing from us since the beginning of man walking upright and not the citizens of this planet who are just trying to live another day and feed their families.
And these mealy mouths of power crying about our constitution and the freedoms it gives us have broken every one of its core beliefs, for they show no mercy for their only goal is more money, more land, more deaths, more jails, more, more and more for they believe they are the chosen ones made to rule the little people of this world and change this world into a barren wasteland from their own selfish profits.
Can you hear the evangelicals praising god to take all of the believers right now and let them rise to greet our lord in paradise. Guess what, this was our paradise, mother earth!
These powers of avarice that have dictated to you your entire life by destroying your youthful dreams you had for your future!
We are constantly being manipulated to buy physical objects and never to explore your mind and your intuitive force of perceiving your own uniqueness.
For you can manipulate reality if you choose to express your inner truth not in violent acts but in becoming a conduit to bring people together and show them their own creative purpose.
Peoples of all cultures need to unite and open their minds to a new reality that isn’t based on moneyed interest but on human interests and its ability to shed the chains of the powerful rich that have been given through technology a master plan to control human beings through constant ads and constant bombardment of stories that have no focus but a blame game, it was them not us, setting up barriers between cultures when all it would take to make this world a better place to live for you and your children is empathy toward all peoples plight and not just your own.
As the 1% gain more wealth and power over our world governments, passing laws that benefit them and not the hard working people of the planet we need to break free from the apocalypse of crime destroying this eden for greedy profits.
The media is a pro at playing the blame game on other cultures, other people of color, other people of different religious beliefs, migrations of people that have lost their homelands, lost their ability to find water and what is the cause of all this turmoil and violence on this planet?
Of course it is the elites, the 1% that can’t go back in time and reverse their destruction of this planet and  the people’s lives fighting to survive. And why should they feel the guilt of their destructive natures?
For they are the power god made and we are to respect and do as they say until our god returns in violent anger.
And what makes it worse is their attitude of deceit and mis-direction, blaming a young girl as the true culprit in this battle over pollution and the wealth from that pollution. For greed instills in the rich an addiction for more and more profits and a feeling of entitlement for all the industries they have created to wow the human race but they forgot that their creation is also the reason why we are having a world melt down from violence, pollution, power hungry criminals and climate change becoming a means of the wealthy to use their propaganda machine to manipulate people into thinking they need more protection not less and then we enter into Orwell's 1984!
It is images and words of hate that undermine your freedom of choice by instilling in you fear of change!
We can’t escape the physical space we inhabit and through this reality of objects the powers that be use imagery and products to shift the course of thoughts onto not what is wrong in this world but how can I make my life better through purchasing objects that ultimately are meaningless for my salvation.
We spend more time shopping than we do praying for our heavenly journey. What a system of beliefs that have put us in a quagmire of deceit and violence toward other religions.
Lets get real, if you say you believe in god and his preaching then you must not lie to yourself that you are open to all people and to all lifestyles. Your hate is visible in your angry face screaming at innocent people just being themselves, trying to live the best  life they can.
God is god, he isn’t just your god he is everyones god but then why do we believe we have to interfere with another’s cultural beliefs? It is very simple, the creators of our holy books had no other purpose than to control the people’s emotions, to be disgusted with another’s so called false religion and because they were not of our stature or should we say power, those people needed a violent lesson in god’s punishment and the killings of people of different races for their own religious beliefs began heightening hate toward other cultures for they must be evil in their nature and our holier than thou country wanted to exterminate them. But this wasn’t just about the bible, the bible was the excuse to terrorize other countries and rape them of their property but the ultimate reason was to use these human beings for profit, worker ants.
Listen to us, the powerful external voices demanding respect and conformity to our way of life, the continuous destruction of human beings and mother earth. We the rich demand you peons follow each other and don’t look to the side but straight ahead for we order you to do our dirty work for us, for we are the powers that benefit from your tax dollars and the taking of your land for our own crop production and the destruction of your land for drilling. And of course our bombing of your land and the killing of innocent human beings is the price people pay to our wealthy demands.
Follow each other my herded cattle and do what you have been told to do by the powers that be. Isn’t the bible full of things we must do in order to be saved and just the same logic happens in our everyday life but it is not taught by our supposedly absentee father having fun in his heavenly paradise ignoring the suffering of his flock of beings that react like a gaggle of geese heading to where ever they are told to go.
We have rules to follow and we must obey these laws for if we don’t we will be put in prison and we will suffer gods wrath or a prison guards wrath that doesn’t like your attitude and decides to make your life a living hell.
Maybe that was the idea behind the holy book that didn’t seem to be very logical in their presentation of there all powerful god for we never see or hear him and yet we are supposed to believe he is a silent witness to the destruction of this planet and the killing of innocent men, women and children, because he doesn’t want us to know him for his hateful act of throwing adam and eve out of paradise, our mother earth, and that is his truth for god is just words on a piece of paper, and we exaggerate his love for us because we have lost our love for each other. We live in a detached boredom because we live under the meanness of madmen exploiting people for profit. We de-humanize other cultures because we are the great american dream of power and corruption.
So that is why we never see or hear or feel god’s presence, because his love for us was made-up in order to exploit the populace through the holy hands of the wealthy criminals pretending to be our true saviors.
The elites have their lackey’s, their bribed greedy politicians looking to act powerful in the eyes of their constituents but in reality they are just low end criminals without any moral compass or truth to tell, these men and women of corruption do the dirty work of the rich for they see themselves above the people, the working class and they respect only the lawyers that keep them out of painful repercussions and the priests will absolve their greedy sins for a price, absolve them of their murderous actions with a few hail mary’s and a couple of our fathers, for the rich have a short attention span when it comes to praying for forgiveness when it should be god praying to them for their forgiveness.
A frightening intensity of reality, a feeling of an existential collapse of mind, we need a stronger faith toward our salvation, for our savior will keep us safe, our lord, jesus cavorts through his universe meeting and greeting new civilizations preaching his one religion for he is the truth and the power and the glory, can I get a check cashed on all the money stolen from the people all these centuries of worshipping con games by the religious fanatics claiming they were here on earth to save mankind from exploitation and if they didn’t cough up money so these priests could live in wealth and demand the death of anyone questioning their ties with a make believe god for there are heathens below even the devil in their lies.
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timeagainreviews · 6 years
Those are excellent nose hairs
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Hello friends! It's been a long weekend for yours truly, as I was in Nottingham for a convention. My hooves are very tired. This review is going up a bit later than I would like as the hotel I was staying at's TV's volume only went up to fifteen, which made it hard for me to watch the episode properly. Now that I'm home and have watched the episode with the sound full blast, I can give it a proper review.
When we last left the Doctor and her crew, they were suspended in space. Of course, none of us were actually worried, after all, they showed the shot of them being picked up in the series trailer! Also, come on, they're not gonna kill our friends. In true Doctor Who fashion, the cliffhanger was resolved in seconds. Graham and Ryan find themselves aboard a spaceship with a standoffish captain named Angstrom. She doesn't trust them, despite saving their lives. Yaz awakens aboard a different ship in a sort of stasis capsule to the sound of the Doctor and the ship's captain Epzo bickering. Neither one of them can agree on the best way to crash-land Epzo's ship- "Cerebos."
Upon landing on the planet, Ryan, Graham, and Angstrom begin walking toward a still unknown destination. From above comes Cerebos, like a comet falling from the sky, directly at them. Having never seen a science fiction movie, the three of them run in the direction of the ship's trajectory, as opposed to, you know, left or right. The ship skids through a ravine and it's not until the Doctor yells "Brakes!" does the ship stop, due to previously unseen wheels.
Happy to see each other alive, the Doctor and her new friends take a moment to appreciate the fact that they're on their first alien planet. They also learn that Epzo and Angstrom are familiar with one another as competitors. Suddenly, an alarm sounds, beckoning them toward a mysterious destination, which turns out to be a tent in the middle of a desert where the hologram of a callous wealthy man named Ilin sits like a king. Opulence drips from him despite his shabby digs.
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We learn that Ilin is the facilitator of the last "Rally of the 12 Galaxies," or as the Doctor put it, "Paris-Dakar in space.” The prize is an exorbitant amount of money, enough to set the winner for life. Out of 4,000 entrants, Epzo and Angstrom are the only two left. The name of the planet on which everyone has found themselves is most closely translated to "Desolation," and it's the final leg of the race.
The racers final task is to navigate Desolation, a planet "made cruel," toward the titular "Ghost Monument." The Doctor being who she is, asks to know the appearance of the Ghost Monument. Ilin, annoyed by the request, reluctantly presents a holographic image of the monument. The Ghost Monument, much to the Doctor's delight, is none other than her TARDIS, which has been phasing into existence every 1000 cycles. Due to the nature of the time machine, it appears to have been doing so for a very long time. It's a moment in the episode that feels genuinely gratifying, as the pieces for our new Doctor are beginning to fall into place.
Ilin and his tent disappear instantly, leaving everyone at the mercy of this cruel planet. Strewn about are what looks like the remnants of a society. Structures are tangled with strange gauzy strips of fabric. Buildings are in ruin. The Doctor can't make heads or tails what happened to this civilisation. The water is full of carnivorous bacteria, the air is poison, and there are sniper robots. In a scene that evoked strong "Keys of Marinus," vibes, they must travel across a deadly body of water, aboard an abandoned boat.
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In these moments, we're given a further glimpse into the motivations of both Epzo and Angstrom. Angstrom wants to win the race so she can save what's left of her family from tyranny, while Epzo is simply a very lonely man with a painful past ripped straight out of the movie Wetlands (of all places). On the other hand, we don't get much more of a glimpse into the Doctor's new companions. We learn that Yaz's family is a bit irritating, and incomplete, as she doesn't mention a mother. Ryan and Graham are still basically where we left off- Ryan won't call Graham granddad, and Graham still doesn't know how to reach him. Ryan still struggles with ladder-related dyspraxia, but it seems to disappear when he takes out a group of sniper bots with one of their own weapons. There seems to be a sort of fluctuation in characterisation present in this, and last week's scripts.
The Doctor is presented in a way that is meant to illustrate not only her competence but also her philosophy. This is where Chris Chibnall's writing has continually stuck in my craw. As with last week, where the Doctor denounced knives, despite having travelled with two knife-wielding companions in the past, she goes on about guns once more. We all know the Doctor is against guns, but why is it not okay to kill lifeless sniper robots with a gun, but okay to kill all of them with an electromagnetic pulse? The Doctor does these kinds of things all the time, but Chibnall has brought our attention to it.
The Doctor helps the racers and her friends through what looks like a dilapidated parking garage filled with sniper bots into an underground network of tunnels and chambers. While underground, the Doctor learns that our baddies from last week, the Stenza, had forced the scientists of the world above to create weapons of death to the point that it killed their planet. We also learn that both Graham in Angstrom lost their wives to the Stenza.
After the race is over, only the Doctor and her new friends remain, stuck on the surface of Desolation. The Doctor is at one of her lowest points, as even she is beginning to doubt herself. In a very sweet show of camaraderie, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham reinforce their belief in the Doctor. It is at this moment when a glimmer of hope is heard in a familiar sound. Last week I voiced my concern that the Doctor might have to "earn," her TARDIS back. Much to my relief, this was not the case. Evidently, it was a case that the TARDIS saw the Doctor was now a woman, and her whole “bachelor pad,” with candle wax dribble and books on the stairs was suddenly unsuitable. “Out you go, while I spruce up!” And I’m glad for it. Not only would a Doctor without her TARDIS story have been tedious, it would have also been a rather incomplete feeling series. With a new Doctor, it's good to have a bit of the familiar around, even if it looks a bit different!
In a line that is probably now my new sexuality, the Doctor pleads with the TARDIS and says "Come to daddy... er mummy." Our trusty blue box finally manages to materialise, and like something out of a Lassie movie, or even a love story, the Doctor runs to it. It's a truly beautiful moment that left me in tears. In my review for "An Unearthly Child," I talked about the first TARDIS reveal. It's seldom, however, that we get to see the Doctor have the same reaction to seeing the inside of her TARDIS, which is why this one is so great. Having been apart from what is possibly her oldest friend, she gets to rediscover her new interior alongside her companions. And like that, the show feels like it can truly move forward.
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Now then, let’s talk about what worked, and what didn't. First of all, how about that introduction? Yet another one of my fears was that Doctor Who had gone the way of many modern television series, and dumped the intro, which would have been a crime! Thankfully, this was not an issue. I mentioned earlier the "Keys to Marinus vibe," I got from this episode. That intro is pure Hartnell era, through and through. After getting a better listen to Segun Akinola's theme tune, I must say I like it. Though I feel that some of the effects placed upon the sound seem to cancel out certain notes. While it lacks the high energy of some of the previous themes of the "new Who" era, it gains a level of creepiness and danger we've not seen since the 70's.
The story itself is pretty simple, but that's not any kind of judgement on my behalf. Simple can be a welcome break after Moffat's long-winded, and often unfulfilling story arcs. Though the bit about "The Timeless Child," was so Easter eggy, that I thought Moffat may have snuck into the writing room with a Chris Chibnall mask and monkeyed with the script. I'll be honest, I have zero interest in that storyline. It's called Doctor Who, not Doctor Who was Once a Little Kid Known as the Timeless Child. IDGAF.
One of the interesting elements of these past two episodes has been Chibnall's characterisation of the Doctor. In some ways, it's evident how well he knows the character. Simply in the manner by which the Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver, do we see her character come out. The sonic is often criticised as a plot-convenient deus ex machina, but in many ways, it is the Doctor condensed into an object. It fixes things and opens the doors to new possibilities. The Doctor tries to teach her companions her philosophy, not with weapons, but with hope.
I said earlier how Chibnall has also, a somewhat muddied philosophy of the Doctor. His sophisticated ideas, don't really stand up to their own scrutiny. When the Doctor and her companions have their backs against the wall, it's suddenly ok to destroy the Remnants (killer strips of fabric now animated under the night sky), with a blaze of fire. What was different between these and the sniper robots? The Remnants could actually speak, yet it's less ok to shoot the mindless robots because...guns? These aren't massive sins, but they are worrisome. As I've said, Chris Chibnall is the one element of the new series that has worried me. Even his one-off jokes can serve as tiny red flags.
In the previous episode, we learn that the Doctor has empty pockets, something that had come up more than once in "The Woman Who Fell to Earth." However, in this episode, it turns out that she has filled her pockets. It would make sense if the object she pulls out of her coat were merely a simple pair of sunglasses. But these weren't just any sunglasses, these once belonged to either Pythagoras or Audrey Hepburn. Which is fine, it's cute, right? But where did they come from? Her coat from her days as a white haired Scotsman was empty, and her new coat came from a charity shop. With no TARDIS, how does she get a pair of sunglasses from one of two dead people? Perhaps it's as River says- the Doctor lies. Or perhaps Chibnall just wanted a cute joke. Either way, Graham looks fabulous in those shades.
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Evidently, Chris Chibnall's true talent lies in being able to recognise talent. He's found a wonderful group of actors and directors. Jodie Whittaker is a genius pick for the Doctor. Segun Akinola is brilliant in his musical direction. Even his vision for what the series should look like is inspired. The retro vibe suits not only the Thirteenth Doctor but also the concept of the first female Doctor. Something I had hoped they wouldn't ignore. While some of the cinematography has been frustrating, with close-ups cropping off 20% of actor's faces, and points of focus not always being properly framed, it's also kinetic and gorgeous. The new TARDIS control room is beautiful. I'm hoping the little spinning crystal TARDIS serves a function of some sort, as well as the hourglass, which was perplexing in its function (as well the TARDIS should be). My favourite bit was the little custard cream biscuit dispenser. Pure cuteness, that.
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This episode has been particularly hard to review, as I didn't hate it, not by far. But it was also disjointed and frustrating at points as well. I'm still giving a lot of leeway to everyone involved, as it's early days. Neither Stephen Moffat or Russell T. Davies wrote a homerun within their first two episodes. Chris Chibnall has managed to breathe new life into the series again, which is a feat unto itself. The TARDIS has done herself up, and so has the show. And as the Doctor said, "I really like it."
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