#mono will crush all their hearts with his innocence
penheadie · 1 month
Can we get some Monix headcanons? 👉👈
Oh boy where to start it's kinda embarrassing. I am so glad you asked. I have an entire storyline planned out about them (me and my friend project our ocs onto them all the time. I love the babies.)
They are sadly a doomed from the start couple
In the beginning it was definitely a one-sided love at first sight sort of deal. Mono had a pretty intense puppy love crush on Six from the get-go meanwhile Six at the start did not like him whatsoever and was more focused on surviving begrudgingly becoming his survival partner when she wasn't in the mood to get close to anyone again.
They're kinda both mentally fucked up in the head. Mono has abandonment issues and Six has survivors guilt developed from not being able to save Rain and believing she was the cause of it. They both have their own issues that they need to work out but they try to help each other through their differences.
The first time Mono had caught Six displaying more childlike innocent behavior was when he followed her out to the shoreline where he had witnessed her knack and talent for being smart and crafty, taking broken things and fixing them. He learned about her affiliation towards music boxes when he witnessed her dancing with the ballerina attached to the music box after she had just fixed it in her natural element. Something about seeing her like that made his heart flutter. (Think about that music box scene from the first Tinkerbell movie but with Six)
OKAY! OKAY! WARNING THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE BECAUSE OF HOW CUTE IT IS GAHHHH! The first time Six tries to sneak a peek at Mono's face while he is asleep is unsuccessful. The first time Six asks Mono about why he hides his face he goes on to explain that the reason he hides his face is because that the entire world sees him as a monster. Without taking it off his head she slips her hand underneath the paper bag to try and feel around for his facial features. After coming to the conclusion that he is normal she squishes his cheek and she responds with “it doesn't feel like a monster here” the one time where Six actually does something cute and wholesome. Either that or the reason how she knows he's not a monster is because monsters don't have hearts, and she can feel his beating in his chest perfectly.
Whenever Mono is feeling insecure or ashamed about his face Six will proceed to drown him in a sea of little pecks and kisses until any lingering doubts about his face are gone. 
Six hunts for Mono and Mono cooks for Six. One time she brought him home a rat with the head decapitated from its body. Because of this he tries to introduce her to cooked foods and how much better they taste compared to raw food, since the only thing she seems to ever be capable of digesting is raw food. So he tries to get her to eat healthy. Six does not hog all of the food; she makes sure Mono can eat plenty too. 
Six gets inspired by Mono so she really wants to try to do good although her attempts are a little misguided. Six sucks really bad at being a good person but she's trying. 
Six is a biter. She chews her fingers and bites her knuckles as a nervous habit or when she is self-harming herself. Whenever Six is like that Mono will instead offer her his own hand, as he'd rather have her take out all of that pain and anguish she is feeling onto him rather than herself. Nobody said it was healthy. 
Mono loves hearing stories about when she was a baby from her older brother RK (or either her adoptive father Roger only the og's will understand this) since he was abandoned at birth he never really got the opportunity to experience what a family really is about and have people in your life who care for you.
Mono has already planned ahead, as he has big plans for the future that involves them getting married and having several children together living happily ever after (He doesn't know where babies come from) Six can sometimes feel a little overwhelmed with his expectations and sometimes feels like he didn't keep her thoughts in mind, asking her what she wanted first and was wondering if she got a say in this. Because as his “future wife” don't you think she should also get a say about whether or not they're going to have future children? Mono's dream of having many kids is meanwhile a nightmare for Six on the contrast. But don't worry when they get older and become adults they compromise about what the other wants.
For as much as Mono and Six love each other and have feelings for each other they struggle with communication as it isn't exactly as healthy as RK and Rain's relationship. They are both just shy and awkward little babies that don't know how to communicate their feelings of what the other wants. Which is one of the things that got them into trouble more times than once was the little miscommunication. Both of them had to keep secrets to keep the other safe in their eyes.
Six snuggles and is such a cuddle bug in her sleep! She cannot sleep without having Mono by her side or something to snuggle up against. It's just not the same without it. She is so tiny when she snuggles up against the lanky boy.
Mono and Six have nightmares on a regular basis as they were pretty common occurrences, Mono having nightmares about future events before they happen about Six abandoning him and Six having nightmares about all of her dead friends haunting her in her dreams and already pre-existing trauma. Whenever the other has nightmares there will be a long process with many stages in which the other will do nothing but hold them close, consoling them and offering them comforting words until they are reassured that there is nobody else here but them in their arms and that they are not at that terrible awful place. 
Six is asexual and Mono is bisexual. And they both willingly accept each other for who they are, as Mono wouldn't care if Six was a boy, or a girl, or a worm he will accept her for whatever she is.  
Now this is self-indulgent but tickle fights are a must between them. Sometimes if the Six is a little down in the dumps Mono will tickle her to try and lighten the mood. It's one of the few ways they can unwind together and have a chance to act like kids again. But Mono better expect Six to get him with some payback.  
Six had faith in Mono, as he used to tell her stories about how he was going to fix the world and bring it back to the way it was before the corruption took over; they were both going to fix the world together. That was the first time Mono ever made Six feel a sense of hope, and to find out that he is the source of the corruption later she sees that as even more of a betrayal and thinks that he lied to her, that is one of the reasons that makes the betrayal all that much more heartbreaking. 
Six realizes she has feelings for Mono around the time that he saves her from the collapsing building seconds right before the Thin Man kidnaps her.
Six is the one to initiate the first kiss. When Six gave him the first kiss she definitely did that thing where she lifted her leg because she is a little too short to be able to kiss Mono without standing on the tips of her toes in order to reach him. It took Mono a full thirty seconds to process what just happened, before quickly soon after Six was trying to resuscitate his useless butt with the defibrillator after she caused him to have a literal heart attack and die on the spot. Instant K.O. 
Just two little kids against the world with nothing more pure and sweet than innocent puppy love.
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skoopskoop · 7 years
Hello Mono first I have two questions 1. where did you get that cute little bear? 2. will you give Drago (proxypuff child) a hug?
Tumblr media
Mono: I got the bear from another person... I think? Yeah! I’m sure of it!
Mono: I named the bear ‘Winnie’. It’s the closest thing Mom will probably let me have to an actual pet...
Mono: And I’ll only hug @proxypuff​ is okay with me hugging Drago as well! I’m not one to impose~!
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hello! I hope you're not swarmed in all the matchup requests lol, but I have to say - they're great! I love how detailed they are and how much work and thought you put into them! It's admirable, to be honest.
But of course I came here for my own matchup lmao. I'm polyamorous so I'm okay with multiple matches (if you want to, ofc).
So, I'm an INTP, aesthetically edgy, nonbinary.... something, ig. I'm a retired weeb that became a kpop stannie and an e-girl/e-boy but I'm still very much a nerd when it comes to entertainment, like video games and stuff.
I've been told that I look intimidating ever since I was a kid and people tend to be lowkey scared of me at first - add to that the fact that I don't talk much with strangers and have a permanent murderous gaze. But once you force your way into befriending me I become a very loyal and chaotic middle school boy with a negative amount of braincells.
I used to be known as a cryptid - never took pictures, never left my room, so quiet you'd never know if I'm currently in the same room as you or not (my friends would call me irl Kuroko - yes, that even applied to when we played basketball in school). But then, one day I decided that I'm bored of being boring and turned into the loud, vulgar, hot friend (according to my friends, again) that you'd book a room with in a closed off apartment complex but then decided to get some kebabs at midnight and then had to climb over the fence once you got back because the gate man has already left for the night. That was not oddly specific at all.
I know that what I'm doing is usually dumb and dangerous and that's exactly why I do it. I'm dumb but I'm not an idiot, y'know? I also have problems with authority lmao. And while I love doing all the dumb stuff with my friends I'm extremely protective and always take the blow or make sure no one gets actually hurt. Self-sacrifice is a personality trait 😌💅✨ Also, I still have a crippling social anxiety but after mastering the art of dissociating I can go out in public!
I'm not a very affectionate person - I don't really like physical affection all that much. I'm cool with hugging, hand holding and cuddling but in moderation. I express my love towards those close to me by doing favours and helping them. You'll also know I like you and am comfortable when I stop with all the "uwu i love u ur so amazing" and start throwing (not genuine) insults around or bully you (affectionately). I'm also straight up emotionally constipated.
There's very few things in life that I take seriously and even less things that I care about in general. Because of that I can seem very apathetic and dishonest. That being said, I *do* have hobbies and interests (hyperfixations, actually), I don't have an artistic soul but I do a lot of different art (drawing, dancing, singing, rapping, makeup, fashion, etc.) - but my heart belongs to the world of linguistics.
I'm quiet pessimistic on the inside but I just implement it into the typical Gen-Z humor and ignore all my (often serious) problems. I prefer keeping a happy, funny, loud persona in front of others - I'm the distraction and mood maker!
I'd want my partner(s) to first and foremost - be my best friend(s). Someone who isn't very emotional and can solve problems with logic and in a calm manner. Someone who'll be happy with us just existing and vibing next to each other.
Also someone who'd wrestle with me. Or at least would let me throw them around a little, lol.
My faves are Levi, Belphie, Beel and Monie but I think I match with the first two better, imo.
Thank you in advance! Hope you're having a great day/night!
Ahhh thank you for your kind words!!! >w
Okay so I think you are in fact a great match to each of your favourites for a different reason!
So in canon I don’t think there much info about their take on mono/poly relationships. Sure, besides Beel all of the other candidates are known to get jealous easily but like being poly is not cheating lol. I’m not sure if someone already made HCs about this but I think it would take so much time to convince Levi that theres not one, but two (or more) people who actually love him oh god. But I think the others mentioned above would be ok. 
So I decided to match you with Mammon! 
 Okay so when it comes to aes I think you and Mammon would make a matching couple! 
Mammon also plays games from time to time, so you could spend some time gaming together. He is surprisingly good at them! Obviously Levi could relate to your otaku past, but that is the past. 
I think your intimidating exterior would probably give off Lucifer vibes to Mammon at first. This is not something to worry about though - Mammon has a tendency of stealing or using people (he’s not crushing on) + he also looks down on humans. (these are sometimes ignored in the fandom but it’s all canon) So sure he is definitely stronger than you, but I think he would be less likely to pick on you like that if you have a pretty but intimidating face. 
He is also one of the more loyal demons, so you have a priority on the same spot! 
I think he would definitely support your chaotic ideas and steal kebab with you at night. You would annoy his brothers a lot and he would get you into trouble very often! So be prepared for some lectures by Lucifer. 
The fact that you self-sacrafice might end up getting you in danger but Mammon is also protective so it’s just the two of you protecting the other while doing someting silly.
Mamon definitely has many favors to ask for, so it’s nice that you don’t think of that as a turn-off! However make sure he doesn’t use you
 His love language is giving gifts so in return you can expect him to get you something! 
I think he likes affection but definitely not in public and he will deny wanting a hug from you with his life
Okay so the fact that you actually call out your friends when they are being unreasonable is something that comes in handy! Mammon gets bullied a lot by his brothers - sometimes there is no reason, but other times he is not innocent at all. So it would be nice if you could shape his personality a bit! 
I definitely see him with a partner who cares about appearance, so you being into makeup and fashion is a good bonus! He wants to set you off on being a model after all
He is definitely outgoing so you being able to sing and dance are great additional points! He will definitely show you off at some bars so be prepared!
I don’t think he is very fond of linguistics as really the only thing that gets him going is cash. He would probably look up how to make the most out of being a linguistic and he will definitely have a conversation with you about his findings
You two could definitely hit it off as best friends first! I mean he will not confess early, being a tsundere and all.
 Okay so Levi would be better at solving difficult situations logically as he is an admiral at the navy. However there is a reason why Mammon is the second strongest that gets overlooked sometimes! If an issue arises he has ideas to solve them! These are not always very great ideas and they might sound silly but most of the time they work! 
Mammon is definitely the best candidate to play-fight out of the potential candidates!! I imagine him being much stronger than you and giving you a hard time but he is not a sadist at all so he will let you win at the end 
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Hi there! I read your spin the bottle scenarios and they were pretty good, I was wondering if you could write spin the bottle with Tsukishima and/or Kuroo please? Thanks in advance :D
Lol tbh I laughed at “they were pretty good” bc tbh that’s how I feel about all my writing in general lol! Thank you love! And thanks for participating in the event! :D -Admin Satori
Tsukishima Kei: Spin the Bottle
You’d made it absolutely clear, absolutely and positively clear, that the only reason you’d shown up to this house party of drunk, horny, college kids…. Was because you knew your crush would be there.
Why he would be there, you had no inkling of a clue - but you had heard from your best friend, who was pretty much bosom buddies with his best friend…. That Tsukishima would be here.
That didn’t make the experience any less…. tiresome.
Legal college kids drinking and playing silly drinking games, increasing the amount of liquid courage in their veins before doing whatever it was they’d wanted to do while sober - which most of the time ended up being confessing or kissing someone they liked.
Not you, though. Not Tsukishima either.
Sure, you’d had a drink or two, but you had a high tolerance. He’d had one��. He had a low tolerance, so he’d stopped after that. You wondered how he’d act if he were under the influence of alcohol? Would he be more outgoing? Would his sour attitude transfer over into the freeing feeling of being drunk? Or tipsy?
The questions swirling in your head halted abruptly as you were pulled down into a circled group, sitting almost directly across from …. The center of your thoughts. His golden eyes met yours for a split second before he was looking elsewhere.
Tsukishima was a guy of few words - the few words spared were usually laced with poison or ice… but honestly, you’d never felt the sting of his words… Probably because you’d only talked to him a few times, and even then it was general things about classes shared or projects due… Safe subjects.
So his brief glance your way didn’t feel out of place at all.
What did feel out of place, though, was his attendance to this… game. Spin the Bottle? Tsukishima voluntarily playing Spin the Bottle? The two concepts didn’t seem to match up in any way, yet here he was. Very real, very sour, and very much in front of you… sorta.
Yamaguchi, his best friend you sort of knew through your best friend, sat beside him with an embarrassed smile. HIs brown eyes seemed to be glancing over between Tsukishima and you before landing on your best friend with a pointed look.
Were….. Were you being set up?
Before you could really put those puzzle pieces together, the game began. You recognized a few of the young men from Tsukishima’s volleyball team - Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama…. But most of the other young men.. You couldn’t place.. There was a tall young man with silver hair and green eyes - and a young guy who looked like he had…. Well… the ‘Vegeta’ hair, all spiked up. A bowl cut kid who looked both excited and nervous and a really tall guy with a literal ‘3’ mouth. Was he an actual emoji? The girls present were a few familiar faces - You knew Yachi and your best friend, there was a few girls from some of your classes, a few from your best friends sorority.
Around and around the bottle went, your eyes glancing between it’s spinning, pointing end to the target of your interest. To say Tsukishima looked disinterested would be an overwhelming understatement. He looked bored out of his mind, golden eyes watching the bottle, turning his head the slightest whenever someone came in for a kiss when he was pointed at. No kisses to his lips - he didn’t want anything to do with this game….
So why did he stay?
Finally it was your turn. You’d been kissed on the lips, cheek, nose, and forehead… Finding each kiss a little… awkward and embarrassing. When it’d been Tsukishima’s turn, you’d held your breath only to let it out in a quiet huff when he’d kissed your best friends cheek. Innocent enough, but the jealousy boiled within you.
But it was your turn, and you wasted no time in spinning the bottle, watching it intensely and willing your choice into its glass - it’d better choose him, or you’d chuck it off the goddamn balcony.
Your best friend watched you with an amused smile, feeling your need washing off of you in waves - practically drowning her and Yamaguchi in how absolutely obvious you were in your wants. But she wondered if you’d even considered…. Would Tsukishima let you, a mere acquaintance, kiss him?
Slowly, the bottle clinked to a snails pace spin…. Pointing at Tsukishima.
Your eyes met his and your stomach flipped - were you nervous? Scared? Excited? You honestly had no idea, but even as the bottle completely stopped… You didn’t make a single move. It wasn’t because you found him intimidating - it wasn’t because you found him unapproachable…..
It was because… You didn’t want to be rejected like everyone else.
“Well? Hurry up. I wanna spin next and get Tadashi~.” Your best friend cooed over at the freckled boy, giggling when his face immediately flushed. “Cute~…”
A blond eyebrow raised at you before he was leaning forward, towards you, initiating the endgame of a spun bottle. Like he had for all the others, there was no difference in his movements to indicate he’d be different for you… That you’d get the prize you really wanted.
With a cold pit in your stomach, you leaned forward - your eyes slowly closing as you grew closer and closer to him. He’d be the one to decide.
Tsukishima watched your eyes close as you grew closer - finding your trust in him and his decision a little…. Too soon? A little naive but… He smirked as he leaned closer…. Cute. He pressed his lips against the corner of yours - teasing you with the real deal, just giving you a minor taste of what he could possibly offer you.
And you knew without a doubt that’s what he was doing.
The bliss of his teasing kiss was shadowed by the overwhelming, absolute fond irritation of his teasing you to begin with.
So as he pulled away, your eyes slowly opened - feigning innocence as he stared down at you with a smirk firmly plastered on his face. Though his golden eyes were trained on your face, on your reaction, and failed to notice your hand moving up from where you were holding yourself up on the floor.
Then your hand was gripping his sweater and pulling him closer before he pulled too far away, “You’re a tease….” Your lips were a hairs length away from his - he could feel your lips move against his as if you were really kissing him… But you weren’t…. And the tease of an almost kiss had his heart hammering in his chest. “I like that….” You smirked before letting go of his sweater and sitting back down beside your friend.
“Oooooooh~ Why don’t you two get a room~?”
“Ah Tsuki~! Met your match?”
His golden eyes stared at you, his eyebrows slightly furrowed to display his utter disbelief in your…. Surprising power play. Usually he was the one left teasing, the one to play hard to get… and yet….
Tsukishima’s slightly parted lips slowly upturned into a smirk, of respect or of an accepted challenge? You weren’t sure… But the anticipation was absolutely killing you.
Kuroo Tetsurou: Spin the Bottle
“Around around the bottle goes, pointing at its target, around around the bottle turns… Welp, now you’ve got mono.”
“That didn’t rhyme whatsoever… You know that right?”
Kuroo pursed his lips as he leaned back in the circle, “Jokes on you… No one said it would.”
Matsukawa’s deadpan expression clearly showed his disbelief, “You were obviously trying to go with the ‘pop goes the weasel’ tune….” Kuroo shook his head with a shrug, “And you failed…. hard.”
Nodding in agreement, you spun the bottle, “Mono, mono, mono, mono!” You chanted in feigned excitement - shaking your fisted hands up and down as if you were betting on a roulette table. Sugawara joined you, chanting the same bet with the same movements.
Slowly the bottle slowed to point at Daichi, who blushed deeply, “I don’t want mono…” His voice was serious enough to have you snickering.
“Hmm, I wouldn’t mind it - Sa’mura.” The sly cat’s voice called from around the lip of a bottle he was polishing off.
You stopped leaning towards Daichi at Kuroo offering to take the fall… not only at his offer, really, but also because Kuroo had almost immediately leaned in front of Daichi as if he were taking a bullet for him.
He’d been chasing you for the better part of the year. But you’d always managed to brush off his advances. Slip through his fingers. Dance just at the edge of his reach… And he only seemed to chase you harder and harder. Trying to keep up with your pace as you so easily avoided all his courting.
It’s not because you didn’t find him attractive or interesting. It’s not because it was obnoxiously obvious how badly he wanted to even have a single conversation with you. It wasn’t even because you constantly threw the excuse of ‘not being ready for a relationship’ back at him every time the two of you were left alone.
You just liked toying with him.
So when he went to take the bullet of your ‘mono’ infested kiss for Daichi, you simply smirked and leaned back to sit down once more, “Sorry~. They’re non transferrable.”
“Not even if I sign over the right to the kiss?” Daichi asked from behind Kuroo’s now deflating chest, another attempt thwarted once more having his familiar sour expression showing itself.
You shook your head with a teasing smile, “Nope. Sorry, Dai. You’re destined for mono.”
Sugawara scowled, though there was a smile struggling to remain hidden behind it, “I really hope you don’t have mono, ________. You should probably go to see the doctor or something.” Though he knew you were joking around, the idea of something so contagious during a kissing game being passed around…. Was kind of…. horrible.
“If you don’t want mono, don’t play the game, man.” Bokuto’s voice called from the kitchen - he was busy ‘making sure the pizza didn’t burn’. There was a timer. There was a sound with the timer…. And yet… he absolutely refused to move from the kitchen.
A laugh escaped you, “Kitchen dwellers have no voice in this game!” You called back, snickering when his loud whine reached your ears.
Daichi raised his finger to gain anyone’s attention, “Raincheck on the kiss…Don’t want to take any chances.”
The clinking of the bottle had your attention moving from Daichi’s proposal to the hand that finally took their turn. Kuroo smirked as the bottle spun and spun, “Around and around the bottle goes-“
“It doesn’t rhyme!” You cried out with a laugh.
“-pointing at its target-“
No stopping him. There was no winning.
Well… There was.
Your hand rested on the bottle, stopping it from spinning anymore, “Oh my god… Look it’s pointing at Asahi, give him a kiss.”
The gentle giant started with wide eyes, holding up his hands as he leaned away from the group - having just joined to listen in on the conversation, “O-oh… Uh… N-no thank you.”
A large hand rested on yours on the bottle, “No cheating, _______.” Kuroo smirked, “Scared it’ll land on you and you’ll have to kiss me? Give me your mono?” You pursed your lips with squinted eyes as you watched him lean closer and closer to you, his golden eyes intense as he continued to hammer in his questions. “You find me that repulsive, huh? Some gross, greasy, slick alley cat?” You scrunched your nose, your lips twitching as you forced yourself not to break your expression to show your amusement at his obvious joking self-depreciation.
You could practically hear the rolling of Daichi’s eyes, “Just give him a date already… he hasn’t stopped talking about you since goddamn freshman year.”
That broke your expression, a smirk curling your lips as Kuroo’s cheeks tinted a light pink. “Oh~ How cute…” You teased.
“Cute? Like… Cute like a kid? Or cute as in you’ll give me a kiss because I’m so overwhelmingly adorable ‘cute’?” He challenged almost immediately, trying his hardest to get over the embarrassment of being outed so publicly.
“Oh my fucking God - Just fucking get a room already.” Bokuto called from the kitchen, having popped his head in to check on where the game was heading, if it was heading anywhere at all.
You continued to smirk, feeling Kuroo’s breath fan across your face as he neared, “Cute as in…. You’re obviously a useless top ‘cute’.” His nose scrunched, obviously not liking the response provided, “Cute as in… Maybe I should be peppering you in kisses instead of teasing you so much.”
Without looking up from her phone, Kiyoko nodded, “Maybe that will keep you both quiet for the rest of the evening.”
The atmosphere you’d been trying to hold up broke at the complete smack down Kiyoko had delivered you, making you playfully hiss as if she’’d actually hit you where you were weak. But the break in your concentration was all it took for Kuroo to take his chance.
Soft. Gentle. Surprisingly sweet. You closed your eyes at the feel of his kiss against your lips, your hands coming up to cup his face. He smiled against your lips, one of his hands laying over yours on his cheek as he leaned further into the kiss. This is what you’d been running away from? This is what you’d been missing out on?
You pulled from the kiss reluctantly, needing to catch your breath but to also be able to see his face - see his expression - drink in what giving him what he wanted would do to him. His eyes stayed closed as you pulled away, your hands still cupping his face, leaning into your touch.
Blissful. He looked absolutely blissful.
“Oh…. How very cute.” You whispered with a smile, leaning forward and kissing him sweetly once more before pushing his face away with your entire hand. “Save that for later, for sure.” You sent him a wink - feeling his anticipation, and your own, grow as each minute passed throughout the rest of the game.
Maybe playing hard to get would absolutely pay off for you.
A/N: I feel like Tsuki’s kind of matched with the other 3 I’ve done…. but Kuroo’s was way different lol like different style, more dialogue… different! lol
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calucadu · 5 years
Momo is beautiful
Momo is beautiful, a Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia One Shot.
I did a giveaway on twitter like a thousand years ago and I finally finished it. It was supposed to be a thread at first but it ended up as this 8k word monster. Anyway, it's a gift for the lovely Amythelovelyelf who came up with this amazing idea and I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Summary: Momo and Eijirou are the same. 
Pairings: Yaoyorozu/Kirishima.
Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Uraraka Ochako, Sero Hanta
Rating: Explicit
Read on AO3
Or read below the cut
Momo is beautiful, undoubtedly so. Eijirou can’t deny it. Maybe it’s how stylish she seems, or how composed. Or maybe it’s how smart she is. He doesn’t know, he can’t place his finger on what it is about her, but there’s something that makes him really respect her.
She’s really manly, but in her own, womanish way. Because she is most definitely a woman, with those… big, womanly attributes.
Momo is so gorgeous that Eijirou is starting to rethink his sexuality. There’s just something about her.
She impressed him when they saved Bakugou. It’s got to be that. Yes, definitely that. He’s just impressed. It’s not a crush. It can’t be a crush, he likes men.
He likes muscles, firm abs, strong arms, wide, broad shoulders. And she definitely has none of those. He’s not saying she’s not pretty, because she is gorgeous, he just…
Maybe he wants to know what it feels like to touch her tits. Maybe he wants to squeeze them with his fingers, hear the delicious sounds that come from her mouth. Maybe he wants to suck on her nipples, taste her.
Or maybe he’s not as gay as he thought.
 Girls are supposed to like boys, Mono knows this. She’s seen the films, read the stories. She’s watched her parents, happily married. Well, okay, maybe not happily, but they’re married. Men should marry women.
But she just doesn’t feel what she thinks she should feel when she looks at men, or boys. Maybe she’s confused, maybe she just doesn't know what she should feel, maybe it’s just that.
Yet it worries her, in the pit of her stomach, that she isn’t normal, that there’s something wrong with her.
What if girls like girls? What if she likes a girl? The thought of it makes her tummy knot uncomfortably. She’s weird, she’s wrong, she’s bad. If mum and dad find out, she’s toast, she knows. But there’s something so special and delicate about girls, and about one in particular…
It’s not like boys can’t be delicate. They can, and they are, she knows. But it’s just not the same. It’s not the same feeling she gets.
She doesn’t want to be different; she doesn’t want to be abnormal.
She doesn’t want to throw away her parents’ hard work just because she’s a deviant. So, she reaches out to the only person she suspects could help her out. She’s seen the way he looks at a certain boy, the way his eyes go hazy as he gently nibbles on his lip in want.
There’s no denying he’s just like her.
 Momo’s made up her mind, but it’s not like she can interrupt the class to talk to him. She’s trying her hardest to control her nerves and jitters, trying to maintain herself as composed as she normally is, but the nagging thought that she could be wrong and the fear of being exposed as…  the creature of sin she is, makes her feel worse. Of course she knows Eijirou wouldn’t out her like that; or at least she hopes she knows him well enough for that to be true.
Her parents can’t find out. No one can.
So Momo just does it.
 It takes a lot of courage but Momo ends up tugging at Eijirou’s wrist, turning his body around so that they are face to face. The boy looks confused for a few seconds before he smiles warmly at her. She notices that he smells good.
“You’re like me, aren’t you?” Great way to start a conversation, she thinks to herself, releasing the grip on his wrist. She watches the way his eyebrows scrunch up in confusion again and she lets a small sigh escape her lips. “Can we talk about this privately?”
“Sure!” He says, looking up at her with a slightly shy smile. “I should invite you to my room, but I don’t know how it’s viewed upon for a lady to go into a man’s room alone.”
“That’s okay, I accept your invitation. It’s surely better than you coming to mine. I mean! It’s not a bad thing! Just that…”
“I understand!” He scratches the back of his head awkwardly, still smiling warmly at her. “Come with me then!”
They go up the stairs in silence, and Momo doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or not. She’s nervous as she walks behind him, but she clutches her hands together to stop them from shaking. He opens the door to his room for her and waits until she’s inside to go in after her, closing it silently on his way in.
He blushes as he sees the mess in his room and quickly proceeds to clear the floor of the dumbbells he left earlier, putting them under his bed. Once it’s more or less cleared, he politely invites her to take a seat wherever she deems comfortable.
Shyly, she sits on the bed and looks up at him. “I’ve seen the way you look at him.” She says, immediately regretting the way she started the conversation.
His smile fades away slowly before a new one spreads. “The way I look at who?”
“You know who I’m talking about. You know what I’m talking about.”
There’s a pause before Eijirou’s smile falters. “How… how’d you know? Is it obvious? Am I obvious?”
“Not really? I mean, I don’t know. I just noticed because we’re the same.”
“The… same?” He mouths, confused, his eyes narrowing slightly. “You… also like him?”
“No! I mean, no. I’m like you in another sense.”
“Another sense…” He mulls it over before realisation hits him. “Oh.”
“I thought you might understand me.” She whispers.
“I hope you'll understand me, too.” He giggles nervously, finally relaxing his tense muscles. “Mind if I sit next to you?”
“Please, go ahead. It’s your room after all.”
“How’d… how’d you know?” He asks, sitting on the bed at about an arm’s length from her. “How’d you know about me? How’d you know about you?”
“About you… I kind of just sensed it.” Momo struggles with how to express the mess inside of her brain, before sighing and closing her eyes. “Kamino is the thing that made it all click into place for me. The way your lip twitched when Midoriya-kun said those words to you, told you that you were the one. I saw the hope in your eyes. I could tell immediately. I’ve always known that he’s special to you, but that… just proved me right. I know what you feel for him. But it’s okay, because you’re just like me.”
 Momo towers over Eijirou. He’s a little bit intimidated by that, or maybe he’s intimidated by her. She always sounds so polite when she talks and honestly, it makes him feel insecure about his upbringing and social status. He feels like he shouldn’t be speaking to her, and if he tries to do so out of turn, she’ll be cross. He’s extra careful with his language and the way he acts around her. He knows it’s ridiculous that he feels that way, but she’s a lady, and he can’t get past that.
He knows there’s more to her than her social status. She knows that despite her upbringing he should be treating her like she’s a normal teenager. It’s just weird because he feels like she’s someone important. It makes him feel inadequate. He tries to see past her polite speech and expensive clothes. He knows she’s smart and resourceful, knows she’s worth so much more than her family’s wealth. She’s beautiful but she’s also strong and hardworking. 
But the way she gradually opens up to him and  talks about her private matters makes him feel way more comfortable with her. She treats him like a normal person would, and it's easier for Eijirou to forget his worries. They end up bonding. It’s special. He finally feels like someone understands him, like he isn’t alone in the world. It doesn’t matter that they’re from a different background; they’re friends and he trusts her.
He doesn’t regret having opened his heart to her.
 They share a secret little smile whenever they cross each other. To anyone else, it looks like a sweet, innocent greeting, maybe an acknowledgement of sorts. But it’s so much more than just that. It’s their way of saying that they’re in this together. And they’re okay with it.
They sometimes meet to talk about it, to explain how they feel, to try to put into words what it is that makes them so different. It’s comforting to think they’re not alone, and they bond over how they’re similar in such a different way.
“Have you ever had a crush on a boy?” Eijirou asks Momo one day, but he’s not looking at her. His eyes are on his phone as he flickers through his device’s photo gallery, looking at the pictures of the cute lad that currently has his romantic attention.
“I don’t think I have.” She whispers, throwing her head back so she’s laying it on his bed. She’s comfortable like that, gazing at the posters that look like they’re hung upside down on his wall. “Boys just didn’t catch my attention.”
“When did a girl catch your attention then?”
“It wasn’t until recently that a certain someone… struck me as being different. And special.”
Eijirou finally looks away from his phone to shoot her a friendly grin. “Yeah, she rocks.”
“Do you… do you think I have a chance?” Momo asks, tilting her head so their eyes meet.
“You won’t know until you ask her.” He shrugs his shoulders as he unlocks his phone again and shows her a picture. “He’s dreamy. But you don’t agree, right?”
“Yeah, there’s nothing dreamy about him.” She chuckles, but sits up straight, changing position so her arms drop on the bed beside him.
“It feels weird to talk to a girl about boys.” Eijirou mutters, his eyes glancing briefly at her before he goes back to staring at his screen, a lovestruck expression on his face.
“Good weird or bad weird?”
“Just weird. I mean, it’s not like I’ve ever talked about boys with a girl before, but Mina does it a lot and it’s just different that you don’t see them like she does.”
“Do you wish you were normal?” She asks him, and he ponders about it for a while.
“No.” He finally whispers, crossing his arms on the bed and placing his chin over them. He sighs before he continues speaking, but the stupid grin’s still on his face. “Because I would’ve fallen in love with him either way.”
She just laughs politely, shaking her head.
 Momo breathes in, laying on her bed. She covers herself with her sheets and turns the light off. She inhales again, to calm down. She’s not sure why she’s so nervous. It’s just a little test, or at least that’s what she’s telling herself.
It’s really simple, actually. She’s going to think of her new best friend and try to masturbate.
It sounds awful. She doesn’t know why she decided to do something so stupid and now she regrets it, but she’s already committed to it.
Taking another shaky breath, she takes her pyjama bottoms and her knickers off and places them under her pillow. Her hand slowly lowers to her nether regions, but she stops when her fingers reach her mons pubis. She sighs and pushes onwards, forcing her digits to go lower and spread her lips apart.
It feels kind of nice to prod at her folds, but it’s even better when she reaches her clit. She forces her eyes closed and puts some pressure on her little bud as she thinks of sharp teeth and red hair. They're the only things about Eijirou that she can force herself to think about. His smile is his best feature, and she can’t just soil it with this dirty act.
She’s sinning.
She’s going to go to Hell.
She tried to masturbate to her best friend.
Gasping, she retrieves her hand from her crotch and she starts crying uncontrollably.
Why is she such a rotten child?
 On a different occasion, they go out. Eijirou decided to because she’d said she’d never been to a café before and he insisted she just had to try it. He helped pick out her clothes so she wouldn’t stand out much and she told him to please not wear his crocs.
They sit at a table inside the café he chose, hoping to get some privacy there. The seats outside looked great and it's the perfect weather out to enjoy the sunshine, but whenever they're together they talk about how they're… different and they'd rather not be overheard.
The waitress comes over with the menus, giving one to each of them before commenting that they're a cute couple.
Momo freezes and Eijirou chokes on his words, shaking his hands in front of his red face as he corrects the waitress.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She apologises frantically.
"It… it's okay." Momo whispers, not looking at her. "We're just good friends."
When the waitress comes back with their beverages, she doesn't say anything except a curt "I hope you enjoy your drinks."
She sips on a tall strawberry milkshake and he drinks his mango juice in silence.
They’re both still blushing and avoiding eye contact when Momo clears her throat and does her best to look at him. “Have you ever had feelings for a girl? Has a girl ever interested you?”
“Maybe. I don’t know. I used to be curious about what was inside their… I mean, no, that sounded wrong. I wanted to know what they had under their underwear. They just told me girls were different and I wanted to know how. I’m talking about when I was super small, though.”
“I was told those were our naughty parts and we couldn’t touch them.” She whispers nonchalantly, prodding daintily at her drink with her straw.
“Mmmm.” He mutters, chugging his juice. “Boys’ bits or girls’ bits?”
“Bits?” She laughs. “I guess everyone’s. I can’t really remember.”
“That’s a weird thing to tell someone.” He whispers, looking out of the window, seemingly lost in thought.
“It is, isn’t it?” She mutters back, trying to shake off the sad tone in her voice as she speaks.
They’re silent for a while. Eijirou’s busy looking outside and Momo is trying to think of a way to ask him something that's been on her mind for a while. She decides to finally blurt it out quickly to get it over with. “Have you ever masturbated thinking about a girl?”
He turns to look at her. He doesn't look bothered by her question, but he also isn't smiling like he usually is. “I forced myself to, once. It was… awful. Forced. Weird. I’m not ever going to do it again.” He pauses. “How about you?”
“I…” There’s a reason she really wanted to talk about this, but now that she is, she doesn’t even know how to address the problem “I… find masturbating hard. I can’t really do it. I mean, I’ve tried, but…” She bites her lip and turns her head slightly, embarrassed.
“I… don’t want to speak about it. I mean! I want to! I just don’t know if I can. And now we’re here, in public and I... but I really do want to talk about it. I need help maybe.”
“Because… and I know this sounds stupid but whenever I try to… I get overcome with these thoughts… they tell me what I’m doing is wrong and I can’t stop them.”
Eijirou looks at her with a sort of pitying look before he grabs her hands and gives them a gentle squeeze.
“It’s not wrong. It’s not something that’s bad. In fact, quite the opposite.”
“I mean… I know about that. I know, I know! But they won’t leave my head!”
“Try forgetting about it. Try to stop paying attention to them. Focus on what you’re feeling and the images that you like.”
She sighs, closing her eyes and nodding her head. “I should. Thank you. Thank you for listening to me and not finding it ridiculous.”
“It’s not ridiculous, I understand. They teach us it’s a dirty place and that we shouldn’t touch ourselves, but that’s not right. Look at what they told you! You can talk to me about whatever.”
“I definitely never thought I’d be talking to you about that.” She laughs and her voice trails off before she looks back at him. “Do you think you could get it up with a girl?”
“That… that’s a good question.” Eijirou whispers, his face turning a pretty shade of pink. “I’ve never really thought about it.”
“Have you ever…?”
“I… I’m not sure? I remember realising girls didn’t do it for me when all the boys around me were talking about how awesome it’d be to fuck one and I just… couldn’t picture myself doing it.”
“And now?”
“I don’t know? Maybe?? I’m…” He doesn’t want to say it. Doesn’t even want to think about the possibility.
“I’m not sure I could do it with a boy.” Momo whispers, getting slightly closer to Eijirou. “But it is different for boys after all.”
“Isn’t… isn’t it easier for girls? To like… work?”
“Why would it be easier?”
“I don’t know? I read somewhere that girls work… I mean… get… hot… or whatever… with like touches and kisses. Boys are more visual.”
“I think I understand.” Momo nods.
“So maybe it’s possible? I honestly don’t know. I’m not even sure I could get it up with most boys.”
“Most boys?” She questions.
“Yeah, I…” Eijirou ducks his head and blushes. “Maybe it’s only him that makes me feel this way.”
“Do you masturbate while thinking of him? Do you picture him as you…?”
“I…” He hides his face in his hands. “Yeah…”
“Do you think about other boys?”
“I mean… it’s not that I’ve never done it… I just don’t usually do it.”
“Mmhmm.” She mutters, bringing the straw to her lips. “I don’t picture anyone.”
“Not girls? Not even… her?”
Momo shrugs her shoulders. “As I said, I don’t do it often. Maybe it’s the intrusive thoughts that don’t let me think of anyone as I… yeah. I don’t know. I could try to picture… her. Or someone else.”
“I could borrow a mag from one of the boys if you want.”
“Do you think it could help?”
“It might. You could try, at least. See what happens.”
 Momo gulps, looking at the semi naked girl on the cover. She’s gorgeous, with plump breasts – obviously smaller than hers, but she prefers them small – and defined curves. She’s smiling at the camera, looking radiant in her pink bikini. The teenager swallows audibly, opening the magazine and taking a look.
Tons of stunning girls stare back at her, all posing and showing off their bodies. She feels rather inadequate as she flickers through the pages.
It’s erotic, which is something new to her. There’s a tingling sensation in her nether regions and she bites on her lip, feeling her tummy do funny things. She’s all happy and excited, and she doesn’t understand why. All she knows how to do is follow some strange instinct inside of her which is telling her to use her fingers to dance over her clit. Which she does. For over an hour.
The next day, she’s excited to give it back to him. She enjoyed it, and she can’t wait to tell him her progress, what she learnt and what she feels now. But as she gives the mag back to Eijirou, she feels her chest tighten strangely. It’s an odd feeling, one she can’t stop herself from thinking about during the rest of the day. Mina notices.
“Whatcha thinking of?” The pink girl singsongs, coming up close to her and grabbing her by the shoulders to pull her in.
“I… I… Something weird happened to me today. My chest tightened when I saw Kirishima-kun.”
Mina releases her and pulls back, gasping surprisingly loud. “OH MY GOD!” She shrieks.
Momo tries to shush her but there’s no controlling the pink haired girl’s screeches. “Please stop, Ashido.”
“I keep telling you to call me Mina! But… you do know what that means, right?”
When the taller girl shakes her head, Mina rolls her eyes, pretending to be frustrated as she clicks her tongue.
“That you like Kirishima.”
 “Can I confess something to you?” Momo asks him when they meet up again. She’s on his bed, her legs and arms crossed, trying to make a barrier for herself if everything goes wrong.
“Yeah!” He smiles brightly at her, and she can feel her chest doing that tightening thing again.
“I tried to masturbate thinking about you.” She finally says, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth.
He doesn’t speak for a few seconds, and when she’s finally about to open her eyes and beg him to please say something, he does. “But the magazine…”
“No, I… I tried to do it before. I’m so sorry, I feel so guilty.”
“Uhm, no, it’s okay. I think. I don’t know. I’m a bit confused right now.” He whispers, avoiding eye contact with her.
“So am I! I… sorry to bring it up! I’m leaving!” She’s off the bed as soon as she’s said that, but Eijirou grabs her arms and tugs at her gently.
“Please don’t go. Can I ask you why you did that?”
“I wanted to try… I…” She sighs and breathes in, but she can’t continue with the sentence. She finally sits back on the bed and he lets go of her arm.
“Can I confess something too?” He asks.
Momo lifts her head up and nods, watching as his eyes dart from hers to his feet before he starts speaking. “Would it be weird if I told you… I’m confused about my sexuality? I mean… I know I’m not straight… but… you’re making me doubt that. I think I kind of like you.”
“Actually… no… I…” She whispers, her hands reaching out to touch his face, tilting his chin so that their eyes meet. “I’m kind of feeling the same way.”
“Is that why you…?” He asks and she nods. Eijirou lets out a small relieved sort of sigh before speaking again. “What… what do you think we should do about it?”
“I don’t know? Try to kiss maybe? Try to date? I don’t know.”
“What do you want?”
“What do you want?”
They both blush and laugh an awkward little chuckle.
“I mean… we could try to kiss. Don’t you think?” She whispers finally, leaning in just slightly. He leans in too, his head already tilting to the side like he’s seen they do in films.
“Yeah… we… we could definitely try to kiss. It’s just one kiss. What harm could it do?” He speaks slowly, his eyes on her lips as they slowly move in closer.
Eijirou’s hand are shaking as he leans in and presses his lips to hers. It’s a quick peck, but an electric wave washes over him and he pulls back quickly, shocked at the feeling.
“Did… did you feel anything?” She whispers as she looks at him, her expression curious. She’s flushed too, and she’s breathing heavier than normal.
He nods gently, his brain a mess. He has so many questions, so many things he doesn’t understand.
“Did you?”
She blushes and looks away, but curtly nods her head as well.
“Should we… kiss again?” He asks, smiling sheepishly.
Momo nods and Eijirou leans in. The usually elegant girl in front of him is obviously as new and as clueless at kissing as he is, and for once, he’s glad for his lack of experience.
It’s strange how their wet lips connecting makes him feel all tingly and excited. But he doesn’t fight it; just deepens the kiss until their tongues finally meet and it becomes even sloppier. It’s a strange sensation, one he’s never felt before. It’s not bad, quite the contrary, and his body certainly seems to like it. Embarrassed, he pulls away, quickly covering the front of his trousers with both of his hands.
“Wait… did you just…?” Momo asks, her hands quickly lifting to cover her mouth in shock.
“I’m sorry!” He screeches, red as his hair.
“No! It’s okay, I think. I’m actually not sure what I think. It’s never happened before.” She whispers, her voice quieting the further along the sentence she is. “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
“Me neither. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I hope I didn’t blow it with you. I enjoyed it.”
“I liked it too. Maybe we can do it some more?”
“Uh, yeah! Yeah! Sure!” He blurts out. Suddenly his eyebrows scrunch up in that cute way he has when he’s worried he’s messed up “Did I hurt you with my teeth?”
“No. You were very careful. Plus my tongue just traced over them anyways, so I could tell they are sharp, but it wasn’t painful.”
“Oh, good.” Eijirou breathes in, relieved, before going back to kissing her again.
They only separate to pant and breathe again, but they’re at each other’s mouth just seconds after, groping at each other’s clothes, feeling hot and excited.
Eijirou never thought she’d ever do what she just did, which was clumsily touch his hard-on over his clothes. He’s never thought of her as clumsy before, but then again, he’s never felt her mouth against his, or her hand awkwardly trying to touch his very hard member over his clothes.
Momo pulls back first, but he’s quick to follow. Surprised, they stare at each other for a few seconds before she giggles awkwardly, trying to calm herself down.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s… it’s okay.” He whispers, trying to cover himself up. The place where she put her hand still feels tingly and weird.
She’s silent for a few minutes, watching as he tries to catch his breath. “I may be attracted to you?” Momo finally says, leaning in closer. He looks up and their eyes interlock.
But he doesn’t say anything. He can’t. He’s confused.
“Should I go?” She whispers. The redhead doesn’t want her to go, but he’s also feeling very uncomfortable right now, so he meekly nods.
Momo apologises once more, and there’s a sad look in her eyes as she leaves him, closing the door behind herself.
Eijirou’s alone in his room now, but he’s still flushed and feeling weird. His dick is pulsing inside his pants and he can feel it burning with need. He bites his lip, unsure of what to do. He eventually gives in, and his hands tremble as he lowers his trousers and frees his cock. It’s still hard and aching, and he can’t help frowning worriedly as he looks at it. He’d never kissed anyone before, he didn’t know he was going to feel like this. On top of it, he feels conflicted and strange, like he’s still doing something immoral. Trying not to think about it, he fists himself, quickly tugging at his eager dick with his right hand. He scrunches his face and clenches his teeth as he tries to keep his mind blank. It’s best if he doesn’t think about anything, if he doesn’t think about her.
Images flash through his mind: her big tits, clothed, then naked, her lovely curves, her smiling face… and he increases the speed, his hips thrusting into thin air. The pleasure doesn’t increase. He’s not sure what he’s feeling, actually, but it’s not really good. It’s strange. His breathing becomes uncontrollable and before he knows it, he lets go of his dick in a mixture of displeased agony and gross pleasure. Unfortunately, he stopped himself too late and he cums all over his bed.
Panting irregularly, he looks at the mess on his sheets and his hand, the other clutching at his heart because he’s in pain and he’s not sure what to do.
He’s never been more confused in his life.
 They’ve created a strange bond that not even them really understand. They both feel comfortable with each other, feel understood by the other, feel cared about and safe. It’s probably the closest thing to dating without actually dating, and Eijirou doesn’t know what to make of it. He doesn’t know what to do, what to say. He’s not even sure he knows what he himself feels.
To be honest, he’s not sure Momo’s feelings are true. He doesn’t think she’s lying, he just believes she doesn’t know what she’s doing. Since she said so herself: they’re the same.
He sighs, burying his face in his hands. Maybe they’re not the same after all.
 They decide to do it. They even decide to go shopping together. It helps with their embarrassment that they have each other as Momo hands the cashier her credit card and Eijirou bags the condom and lubricant as fast as he is able.
It doesn’t make walking back to the dorms any less awkward. It’s worse when they have to part ways and he knows he has to ask if she wants to do it now. She agrees and silently goes into his room with him.
 She starts undressing as soon as he closes and locks the door. When he turns around, she's already out of her blouse and he can see her navy blue bra. Flustered, he asks her what she’s doing but she just laughs and walks over to where he is, giving him a quick kiss on the lips and placing his hands on her tits. They’re soft. They’re amazing, actually. They feel really good to the touch, and he can’t get enough of them.
Momo pulls away and beckons him over to the bed as she sits down on it. He follows, tugging at his own shirt until it’s off. He feels slightly exposed and insecure when he’s next to her. Sure, he doesn’t have a bad body; he knows he’s stronger than most, but it’s still uncomfortable for him to undress in front of her. Trying to dismiss the thought, he takes off his trousers and helps her out of hers.
Momo’s got a beautiful body. Well, it’s not like Eijirou ever doubted that she wouldn't. He never doubted the fact that women are beautiful. They all are, their bodies are special. They’re made to be pretty, and he can appreciate their beauty, even without feeling attracted to it. He likes to compare it to art. He’s seen those pictures that display horrible things, like murder, and he knows it’s beautifully made, knows it took a lot of time and practice and talent, but he will never find it pretty. He appreciates the art and value it has, but he doesn’t share the love for it. Girls are the same.
Momo is the same.
She’s looking at him expectantly, maybe hoping something will work. He gulps, feeling more under pressure than ever. She’s not going to get a reaction from him anytime soon.
“You’re gorgeous.” He says, his hands trying to pump his unresponsive dick unsuccessfully. He feels worse as she watches him do so, the look on her face something akin to pity.
He knows he should probably not say that it’s not her fault but his, since it feels like rubbing salt in the metaphorical wound, so he leans in and kisses her. This stirs him a little. It helps.
He tries to get lost in her body. She’s so soft. It feels good to touch her, more than he expected. She’s also warm and her kisses feel nice.
He should feel something, right? He should feel it like that day they kissed. But he doesn’t.
He’s not even sure he feels anything for her anymore. But they’ve already committed to this. So he lays her on the bed and crawls over her, kissing her mouth as lovingly as he can. His fingers try to blindly discover her vagina. It’s weird, very different to what he was expecting. Eijirou doesn’t even know what he was expecting, but it sure wasn’t a warm wetness that feels gooey. He gently puts his digits into the little cave and he thinks that it’s similar to dipping in sauce.
 Momo feels uncomfortable. Eijirou’s fingers inside of her feel… weird. They’re bigger than hers, and thicker, and the feeling is… just strange.
It’s not like it’s bad, it’s just something she’s never felt before. He’s doing something completely different to what she does. She can’t even pinpoint why it’s so different. It’s not like he’s doing things she’s never done to herself… but…
A moan escapes her when he pushes upwards and strikes something inside of her. It feels good; obviously her dainty fingers can’t reach that spot very well.
Eijirou looks keen after that first reaction and spreads her legs wider apart. He tries stuffing his hand further in, tries to touch her there again.
“You want to…?” He asks, breathing heavily. Is he aroused? She honestly can’t tell. “You want me to… stick it in?”
‘Not really’ is what she actually thinks, but she nods her head and lies down completely, waiting for him to topple over her. He’s quick to position himself, his hands on either side of her head as their eyes lock.
He looks pretty. She knows he’s pretty. He’s a pretty boy. There’s more to him than just how pretty or not he is – and she knows this – but right now that’s all he strikes her as. She can only stare at his big catlike eyes, his thick eyelashes and the cute little scar over one of them.
 She’s soft. It’s soft. It’s malleable and warm, and Eijirou can feel his heart beat faster as he sinks his fingers into tender skin, trying to get himself hard enough to continue.
It feels good. He’s reacting to it. Like he did to the kiss. That’s good, right? Maybe it means he’s normal.
She moans as he gently caresses her breast. It must feel nice to have someone touch them like that, and the idea that someone could do that to him makes his dick twitch. A certain person’s on his mind but he discards the thought angrily, forcing himself to focus on the pretty woman in front of him.
It’s not like she’s repulsing. She most certainly is not. It’s just that he doesn’t find her quite so… irresistible. Or something. He doesn’t even know.
It’s nice to touch her soft body, to trace her curves and to kiss her lips. It feels good but it doesn’t exactly feel right.
Maybe it’s because they haven’t done it yet.
Maybe he just has to fuck her and everything will click and it’ll feel amazing and he’ll feel silly for ever doubting himself.
Maybe he just needs to get his dick wet to realise that girls aren’t that bad.
Maybe it’s just that.
He turns to grab the condoms and puts one on. It takes him a while since his hands are trembling and he’s never done it before, but he gets it on. He positions himself again, trying to figure out the right way of doing it. Is it something he should know? He has no idea.
They’re silent as he moves his legs and opens hers, but Eijirou looks at her one last time before going in. He’s silently asking for permission to do so with his eyes, and she agrees, nodding curtly.
He enters her. He slowly sinks his length into her, feeling her tight walls wrap around him, caging his dick in a nice heat. It… it feels good? He’s not sure. He’s definitely feeling something. She’s wet and tight, but there’s no magic, no fireworks, nothing. He’s not feeling anything he’d been promised. And when he looks at her, he can tell that she isn’t either. Her face is scrunched up in pain and determination, and her eyes are closed as if she’s concentrating very hard.
Eijirou stops and pulls out, sighing.
“You’re in pain.” He whispers, leaning down and watching her slowly open her eyes. She’s beautiful, even now, with droplets of sweat falling from her forehead.
“It’s normal for the first time. I read about it online.” She mutters.
“It doesn’t have to be normal. I don’t want to continue if you’re in pain.”
“It’s not really pain? I mean, it’s bearable.” Momo tries to smile at him reassuringly. It doesn’t work.
“Try to relax.” He mutters, licking his fingers before going back down to her entrance. She isn’t as wet as he’d like her to be, but he coats her with saliva. He inserts his digits and uses a pumping rhythm until she starts moaning again. Not before long she’s begging for him to enter her, so he does, getting back on top of her.
It’s still awkward. He tries to thrust upwards but he can’t get the right speed to do it and he stops, feeling incompetent. She doesn’t look like she’s enjoying it, and he can’t really say that he is too.
‘Maybe it’s the position’, he thinks, and proposes they change places. Momo agrees to ride him so he lies on his back, watching as she places herself on his dick. She slowly lowers herself on his cock, and it feels good. She bounces on it a bit, and he thrusts up, trying to get the feeling he gets when he masturbates, but it feels completely different.
He knows this should feel amazing. Why doesn’t it feel good?
Angry and upset with himself, he grabs her by the waist and helps her ride him faster. He clenches his teeth hard, concentrating on trying to make it feel as good as it should. Tears form in his eyes and she gasps, her hands going to his face to wipe them away. It doesn’t stop him, however. He’s determined to make it good for the both of them.
He's exhausted after a few minutes of thrusting upwards and his speed starts slowing down. She stops, cupping his face and forcing him to look at her.
“Stop.” She says softly.
Momo clambers off of him and gets inside the bed, motioning for him to join her. He gets in next to her and she pulls the sheets over them.
“You don’t want to continue?” He asks, cuddling in closer to her.
She shakes her head but then remembers to ask him how he feels about it. “Did you?”
“No.” He lets out a relieved breath. “It felt weird.”
“I didn’t feel anything.” She laughs sadly, but she turns it into a small smile when she looks at him. “I think I was confused. My chest tightened again when you went in me, but my head was screaming at me that what we were doing was wrong.”
“I think I really, really like you, but as a friend. I think all the love and trust I have for you is merely… me caring for you as a friend. I’m sorry, Momo. I know you’re special, and you’ll make someone very happy someday, but that someone can’t be me.”
“I feel a great load of affection towards you too, Ei-san. And I was confused, too. I don’t think boys will ever do it for me. I’m sorry I put you through it.”
“I’m sorry I put you through it. I’m sorry it hurt you.”
“It didn’t hurt all that much. As I said, I really didn’t feel anything. I hope that doesn’t make you feel like less or a man or anything. You’re a very handsome young-”
But he cuts her off with a laugh. “It’s okay. So… are we… are we like, still friends? Or did this fuck it up for us?”
“You’ll always be my best friend, Ei.” She says, turning over to kiss his forehead.
Eijirou opens his eyes and mouth wide as he remembers the condom, which he quickly peels off. He laughs awkwardly as he throws it on the floor and blushes. He lies down comfortably again and opens his arms for Momo to cuddle in his embrace.
“Never again, please.” Eijirou mumbles, wiping his brow
“Agreed.” She whispers back.
 Maybe Hanta’s smarter than he looks. Or maybe he’s just in the wrong place at the wrong time, because that’s how he feels right now, staring at a used condom in his friend’s bin. They’re in Eijirou’s room and he was just going to throw a bubble gum wrapper away when his eyes fell on the dreaded item. Why his friend hadn’t tried to conceal the rubber is a mystery to the teen, especially since they’re that age when sex is new and exciting and even the slightest mention of it will get them either straight up aroused or at least a little bit giggly. So his first thought, of course, is that his friend had used it to masturbate. That makes a lot more sense than him actually… doing the deed with someone. But something about the situation doesn’t seem right, so he decides to talk it over with Mina and Denki, who – obviously – see it completely differently from him.
“No way did Kirishima lose his V-card!” The blond shouts excitedly, his hands covering his excited smirk in surprise.
“And he didn’t tell us!?” Mina squeaks awkwardly, a small blush on her face. “Like, we’re his friends? Hello? Why didn’t he not tell us?”
“No way did he lose his virginity! Before me? THERE’S JUST NO WAY!” Denki screams but apologises quickly when Hanta shushes him.
“Who with??” The pink haired girl is nearly shouting, biting her lower lip worriedly. 
“I mean, I’m not sure?” Hanta whispers, leaning in closer. “It was just a condom.”
After a slight pause, Mina exhales a long breath. She looks at her two friends with a triumphant grin on her face as she says “I’ve got a way of figuring it out.”
 Mina’s great at setting up parties or events. It’s the same for improvised class 1A “bonding time”. That’s what she calls it as she rounds up everyone and tells them they’re going to spend the afternoon together, playing games.
“Alright, I’m out.” Katsuki mutters, turning away with a half-arsed wave before his wrist is caught by Eijirou.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
“I don’t want to play stupid games with you and these…” He cuts himself off, his eyes darting from one classmate to another. 
“Just let him leave, he’s obviously too much of a pussy to play ‘never have I ever’ with us.” Mina says sweetly, grinning slyly at the blond.
“The fuck did you just call me, Raccoon Eyes?” He opens his hand menacingly as explosions start erupting from them. “I’ll show you! I’ll beat the shit out of this game like I can beat the shit out of you!”
“That’s not…” Eijirou begins before sighing and realising it’s better to just let him think that since that’ll make him participate.
“So, what are we playing?” Ochako asks, looking at the pink haired girl expectantly. 
“I was thinking we could play ‘never have I ever’.” Mina answers with an ample smile on her face.
Her two accomplices start shouting enthusiastically and everyone ends up sitting on the floor in a circle with a glass of juice, water or milk. Eijirou sits next to Katsuki, who is grumbling because he ended up choosing the same type of beverage as Midoriya but is pretending it's because he finds the game stupid.
The first few rounds are pretty much uneventful, and they go by innocuously enough. When Mina gives Denki the look, he knows it’s his cue to really start the game.
“Never have I ever masturbated in front of a bro!” He shouts proudly. This earns him a few guffaws and small laughs, as well as a few stifled snorts from the boys and loud gasps from the girls.
“Kaminari!” Someone tries to reprimand him, but he just waves them off by encouraging everyone to drink.
This question – as they predicted – starts a new era for the game. The teens become bold and start asking things that go from just risqué to completely unacceptable. Luckily for them, Mineta plays straight into their hands.
“Never have I ever had sex!” The small boy says, breathing heavily. His tongue darts out to lick his lips in excitement, readying himself for the replies.
Eijirou panics. With wide eyes, he slowly brings his glass to his lips, trembling just slightly. He’s smiling sheepishly because of how nervous he is, but he tries to hide it behind his drink. He knows everyone’s gazes are on him, but he tries not to think about it as he gulps his beverage down.
“OH. MY. GOD!” Mina screams, her mouth wide open as she curls her hand into a fist and starts hitting Denki, who is sitting beside her, with it. “I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!”
Eijirou knows he’s blushing and closes his eyes to try and will the embarrassment away, but everyone is talking around him, asking him questions and it’s all starting to be too much for him.
“No way, it’s true!” He hears someone mutter. He can’t tell who the voices are from, and honestly, he doesn’t want to know.
“Who was it with?”
“Was it any good?”
“Was she any good!?”
“How were her tits? And her cunt? Did you eat her out?” Those comments he knows are from Mineta.
“He’s just lying to look cool.”
“Yeah, I know, and it’s a pity, he looked like such a good guy.”
“Wait, so you have like a girlfriend or something now?”
“Fuck, do you have a fuckbuddy? A friends with benefits sort of deal?”
“That’d be so cool! I want one too!”
“He doesn’t look like the type of boy who’d do that though.”
“ENOUGH! Just leave him alone, you blithering imbeciles. So what if he had sex. What’s it to ya what he does or doesn’t do in his private life? Just shut the fuck up and carry on with your miserable lives.” Katsuki snaps, and everyone suddenly stops talking, turning their heads to look at the angry blond. “You have no right to judge him.”
“Wow.” Mina whispers, her eyebrows raised.
Eijirou finally has the courage to open his eyes, and he locks his gaze with the still furious blond, but mouths a small ‘thank you’ before sighing and turning his attention back to his drink. The other teens still seem tense and continue talking despite the intervention. 
The redhead sighs, but quickly remembers something. He isn’t the only one that's had sex. He quickly looks at Momo, who smiles uncomfortably at him, raising her drink slowly. She does a small sort of toasting motion only for him before sipping her drink.
A gentle smile spreads across his face, and, for some strange reason, he feels a little bit better. It doesn’t last long however, since Mina and Denki jump on him and continue bombarding him with questions.
"Who with?" She asks.
"When!?" Denki interrogates, his eyes wide open as he stares at him in a slightly recriminatory way.
Hanta looks troubled as he walks over and sits down in front of him. "We're your friends. Do you really feel like you can't even tell us this?"
"Didn't you fucking hear me, you knuckle heads?" Katsuki snarls, pressing his fisted hands into Mina and Denki's heads. "I said leave him alone. What he tells you is up to him, not you."
"Hey, that's not fair!" The other blond helps. "I'd totally tell my bro if I got my dick wet!"
"It's not up to you." Katsuki repeats.
"Why are you the voice of reason all of a sudden?" Mina mutters, pulling away from the other. 
"Hey, I uhm. I'm not feeling too well, so I'm uhm… going to...go rest." Eijirou whispers, his eyes on the floor as he scrambles away.
"Ei! Hey, Ei!" Hanta calls after him. The redhead can also hear his other friends voicing their concerns towards him, but he's not in the mood.
His chest feels tight.
Eijirou manages to get back to his room without anyone stopping him. He’s exhausted and still uncomfortable with the turn in events. He doesn’t want to talk to anyone, not even Katsuki, who’s knocking on his door right now.
“Shitty Hair, let me in. I want to talk.”
Because he can’t say no to his best friend, and especially not after he saved him like that, he lets the blond in and they both take a seat on his bed.
“I know.”
“I… don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eijirou forces out a dry laugh.
“Ponytail. I know you fucked her.”
“How-how’d you know?”
“The walls are paper thin, idiot. I’m surprised no one else knows. That and you glanced at each other while the dimwits were still arguing about it. She toasted to you and drank. That seems pretty incriminating to me.”
“Okay.” The redhead sighs, dejected.
“Calm down. It’s not such a big deal. So you’re together, who gives a shit?”
“We’re not!” He screams out, but bites his tongue and clenches his teeth. He speaks softer when he continues. “I mean… we’re not together.”
“Irrelevant. No one should care. No one should be fucking interested in your personal business.”
“Thanks, Katsuki. For that. And for what you did back then.”
“It’s okay. It’s what friends do.”
“Thank you anyway.” Eijirou smiles at him, but the blond looks away, bashfully.
“I said shut up.” But there’s no bite behind it.
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darlingpoppet · 7 years
SNK Character Song Series 07: Erwin Smith (Image song & monologue translations)
Thanks for your patience! 
Here is the second half of my translation, this time featuring Erwin’s image song & monologue! 
(You can read Levi’s song & monologue translations here.)
Similar to the Levi post, I included the original Japanese and romaji versions of the song, and I also made a transcript of Erwin’s monologue in the original Japanese. You can read that one here.
Again, spoiler warning for details of Erwin’s entire character song CD, as well as one more plug for the official release :)
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“Hope Of Mankind” (Vocals by Daisuke Ono)
Side Note: the melody for Erwin’s song is based on the previously released SNK single, theDOGS.
Japanese Version
見せかけの希望を説いて 夢をちらつかせはしない 惨状だけが 現状そのもの
時に最善の策は 尊い命切り捨てて 先へ進む 道を死守 戦場のセオリー
終わりなきCRISISの中 兵を導き続け 何を捨て去ったとしても 繋ぎ止めるHope Of Mankind
飽きるほど見つめてきた 人類の及ばなさを それでもまだ滅びてはいない
犠牲払わぬ弱者に どんな勝機があると言う? 向き合うべき相手とは 100年の脅威
※終わりなきCRISISの中 何度でも飛び込んで 核心の断片探す それだけがHope Of Mankind
終わりなきCRISISの中 兵を導き続け 揺るがぬ信念貫く 尽きるその日まで
無惨に散った餌食となった 有志にいつか償えるなら 命ひとつじゃ不足だろうが 地獄に落ちたその後でなら… 限りある今下す決断が 明日を創ると信じている
※ Repeat
捨てたものは限りなく 得たものは僅かでも 挑む限りゼロじゃない 可能性はまだ
Romaji version
Misekake no kibō wo toite Yume wo chiratsukase wa shinai Sanjō dake ga genjō sono mono
Toki ni saizen no saku wa Tōtoi inochi kirisutete Saki e susumu michi wo shishu Senjō no seorī
Owari naki crisis no naka Hei wo michibiki tsuzuke Nani wo sutesatta toshite mo Tsunagi tomeru Hope Of Mankind
Akiru hodo mitsumete kita Jinrui no oyobanasa wo Soredemo mada hirobite wa inai
Gisei harawanu jakusha ni Donna shōki ga aru to iu? Mukiaubeki aite to wa Hyaku nen no kyōi
*Owari naki crisis no naka Nando demo tobikonde Kakushin no danpen sagasu Sore dake ga Hope Of Mankind
Owari naki crisis no naka Hei wo michibiki tsuzuke Yuru ganu shinnen tsuranuku Tsukiru sono hi made
Muzan ni chitta ejiki to natta Yūshi ni itsuka tsugunaeru nara Inochi hitotsu ja fuzoku darō ga Jigoku ni ochita sono ato de nara… Kagiri aru ima kudasu ketsudan ga Asu wo tsukuru to shinjite iru
Suteta mono wa kagiri naku Eta mono wa wazuka demo Idomu kagiri zero ja nai Kanōsei wa mada
English Translation
I do not offer false hopes By dangling dreams in front It is nothing but bleak, but that is the way things are Sometimes the best policy is To sacrifice precious lives Defending until the end the path forward It is the theory of the battlefield Into the midst of this endless crisis I will continue to guide the soldiers Even if I have to abandon everything I will hold onto the hope of mankind I have stared myself sick gazing upon Humanity’s inferiority Nevertheless we have not yet perished For the weak ones who have not paid with sacrifice What sort of chances of winning are there? The opponents we must face Have been a menace for 100 years Into the midst of this endless crisis I will dive over and over again To search for fragments of the truth That is simply the hope of mankind Into the midst of this endless crisis I will continue to lead the soldiers I will cling to my unwavering faith Until my days come to an end It is cruel how the victims have fallen If I were to atone for these volunteers One life is not enough, but Perhaps it would after I have fallen into hell There is a limit to the decisions I make now but I believe we can build a tomorrow There’s no end to the things I’ve thrown away Even though the things I’ve gotten in return were few The ability to challenge is not down to zero There is still a possibility
Monologue English Translation
My father was a teacher. The course of my life was set in the classroom one day where my father was giving a history lesson.
Having doubts about the story of how humanity had been driven into these walls, I asked my father a naive question.
At the time, my father stayed silent, but after we returned home, he answered my question.
There were a great number of inconsistencies in the history book distributed by the monarchy.
Moreover, he had a theory that they were hiding an astounding truth.
I spread my father’s theory around to the neighborhood children.
There was no ill intention, it was an innocent act.
However, on the day in which those details were investigated by Military Police, my father died in an accident in a faraway town he had left for.
Of course, it was only ostensibly an accident. My father was killed at the hands of someone who disapproved of his theory.
Inside the walls, there are a portion of humans who indulge in a privileged life– their desires, as well as a foolish son tempted by innocent questions killed my father.
And then my father’s theory became my truth. Proving my father’s theory became my life’s mission.
Humans become titans, and titans become the walls.
In this world full of harsh paths, answering the question I put forth on that day is the meaning of my life, the reason why I was born.
It is for that reason that I came to lead the Survey Corps, giving commands to numerous subordinates: “Give up your life.”
Almost all humans who join the Survey Corps will die.
On their first expedition outside the walls, the probability that new recruits will become food for the titans is roughly 50 percent.
1 in 2 people will lose their life.
Just in the last 4 years, the Survey Corps lost the majority of its soldiers, and with the fall of Wall Maria, all of the results we had gained crumbled in an instant.
There is no guarantee that Survey Corps soldiers who dedicate their hearts for the sake of humanity will live tomorrow. The current condition is bleak.
However much we try to discuss our hopes and dreams, all of them will be easily crushed.
No matter how much we champion some great cause or become a sacrifice for someone else’s sake, the pay off is almost nothing.
And yet I have been ordering many soldiers to die.
I have been using gamble-like military strategies in order to fight against this cruel world.
A comrade who formerly aspired to join the Survey Corps with me fell in love with a girl from the bar we frequented, and he chose to protect her.
I too thought I could perhaps walk along that same kind of path.
But I chose the path of fighting titans over a girl I loved.
Even a person who chose a peaceful life and could spend their life happily will eventually die.
Hope? Or despair? When this small world is about to change, I am the only one who will choose my own path.
I am the only one who will choose the path I believe in.
Who is the enemy of this world?
The key that will save humanity from this despair is none other than humanity’s determination.
This firm determination is, above all, mankind’s hope.
Therefore, I have no choice but to go see the answers I want to know.
Even though I have lost my arm as well as many of my subordinates while carrying the wings of freedom on my back¹, I must continue to advance beyond the walls by fighting against this cruel world.
If we can manage to reach the basement of Eren Yeager’s home, surely we will be able to seize the key to freeing ourselves from control by titans which has lasted for 100 years.
The answer to the question I brought forth on that day is at a place right before my eyes, a place I can reach my hand toward and grab.
Everything is for the sake of my dream– my very own dream. For that purpose I have guided many soldiers, and have ordered them to die.
As well as every other soldier who has tragically fallen.
My one life is not enough, but eventually I will make up for it. After I have fallen into hell, certainly I will have the privilege to atone.
Certainly, without fail. But now is not the time.
No matter what it takes, I have to be present to witness the moment that the truth about this world becomes clear.
Even if I have to abandon everything.
My conviction is unwavering.
Translation note:
¹ Here the phrase 自由の翼を背負い/jiyū no tsubasa wo seoi (“carrying the wings of freedom on my back”) has a connotation of it being a heavy burden to bear. It looks similar to another phrase in Japanese, 十字架を背負う/jyūjika wo seō, which means “to have a cross to bear” or more figuratively, “to carry a heavy burden”.
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An Unlikely Encounter Ch 1
It was hot.
It was really hot.
I woke up this morning, my hair sticking to my face, my body trapped in a cocoon of bed sheets I'd created in my sleep.
I could hear sirens blaring in the distance, the sound of angry caffeine-deprived drivers shouting obscenities greeted me; Just another annoying day in Gotham City.
I spared a glance at the clock. Sigh, I'm late again.
I wonder if today I can manage to find the energy to care. . .
Didn't think so.
It took me ten more minutes of coaxing my body to move for me to succeed in getting out of bed.
"Hey Katherine! You want an omelette, or some pancakes?" called my roommate, Roxanne from the kitchen. God bless that woman.
"How about both?" I yelled back, sleep evident in my voice.
I crawled to the bathroom to take a shower, removing an article of clothing with every step. I avoided looking in the mirror as I always do. No need to work myself up this early in my routine.
I adjusted the temperature of the water to how I liked it and stepped into the tub, where the seductive liquid invigorated my skin until I finally felt more alert.
I exited the shower and brushed my long hair into a messy bun, did my morning routine and got dressed.
As I entered the kitchen, I was greeted by the tantalizing scents of caramelized peppers, cheese, spices, and flapjacks. My stomach grumbled in agony.
I smiled for the first time today. "Roxanne, can you hear how much I love you right now?"
I live in a small three-roomed flat on the fourth floor of a decent-looking, brick apartment building at the edge of the city. Traffic wasn't that bad, and a Starbucks lined every street corner.
Roxanne grinned at me over her shoulder.
"I make you breakfast everyday," She replied. I sighed, "Exactly."
"Well, I'm not sure you'll have enough time to eat all of this," She turned and laughed at the stricken look on my face.
"I mean, weren't you supposed to meet up with an art dealer," she checked her watch, "-about two hours ago?"
I sighed again, "Roxanne, you know I couldn't care less about any responsibilities that I have," I took a seat at the table. "Besides, I'm not gonna miss out on your fabulous French cuisine to talk to some old geezer about how my work should be handled and shit."
Roxanne clucked her tongue at me while adding some salt to the eggs, "Usually at this point I'd laugh at your indifference, but I'd appreciate it if you could help me pay the rent every once in a while. I can't have you getting too lazy on me now." She turned and gave me one of her winning smiles.
"Besides, how are you gonna meet the guy of your dreams sitting on your ass, drawing all day?"
I rolled my eyes at her. I don't think Roxanne has ever had any problems finding the "guy of her dreams," she's so exotic. I mean, I guess in some ways we're pretty similar.
We're both tall, at least 5-8, both well endowed, and our tastes in music is the same. But that's where the similarities end.
Roxanne is slim, with dark eyes and smooth cocoa colored skin. She's social, outgoing, and strong-willed.
Roxanne tells me that I'm beautiful, what with my long shatan hair, shapely legs, curvy figure, slim face, and my big hazel eyes, but I can't see who she's looking at.
When I look in the mirror, all I see is my Turkish background, my pale skin, caterpillar eyebrows, and introverted personality. I can almost hear Roxanne disagreeing with me in my head, telling me to stop being so hard on myself.
"Oh fer sure. I bet I'll find Mr. Right sitting next to the hobo on the subway, holding out daisies and heart-shaped chocolate for me," I muttered sarcastically, munching on my omelette. Roxanne clucked her tongue again. "I wish you wouldn't be so private," she said, " How are you gonna expect to fall in love when you appear to hate the human race with such a fiery passion?"
"It's not just an appearance," I informed her, "I well and truly hate everybody,"
She stared at me.
I swallowed the last bit of my pancakes before I amended, "Except for you of course,"
Now Roxanne rolled her eyes, "Before you go, I wanted to warn you. There have been some reports of attacks in the dark part of town at night. Some people say that the . . . uh . . .. Joker," She hates saying his name, "Is up to his old tricks again,"
This got my attention.
Everyone in town knows about the infamous Joker.
Bombing the Hospital.
Robbing the Banks.
Kidnapping the innocent and forcing others to commit sins in order to retrieve them.
Being so demented and rebellious.
Basically, wrecking havoc in the streets of Gotham. Only, he's been dead for two years.
Or so we thought.
"Dude. Even if I did run into the Joker, what possible reason would he have to hold me hostage? I mean what would he do? Call my mom? She's in freaking Russia drinking Vodka and partying it up. She probably wouldn't even believe that the Joker was on the phone calling her asking for a ransom for me. He only takes interesting or valuable people into custody with him and his goons," I was starting to become bitter at this point, "He'd take one look at me and pass me right on by acting as if he'd never seen me cause I'm so freaking unimpor-
Roxanne slammed her hands down on the counter.
"Girl, you REALLY need some self-confidence," She began, "I don't know how you can look at yourself and not see. Babe, the Joker would see you, and he'd just take you on the spot due to the fact that you are just SO freaking beautiful, that he couldn't help himself."
Roxanne took a close look at me. "And why do you sound so down-trodden at the idea that the Joker wouldn't want to kidnap you?" she asked curiously.
"No real reason. It's just a blow to my ego," I couldn't tell Roxanne the true source of disappointment is that I've been obsessing over the guy for years. In fact, the whole reason for moving to Gotham was to get a chance to see him.
And then he died.
Before she could get any more suspicious, I left the apartment with the excuse of not wanting to be anymore late than I already was. I caught a glimpse of Roxanne giving me the we-will-talk-later look, before I flew out the door to the stairway and outside the building to begin my long trek to the "Coup de la Fleur" art studio on Buckingham Street in the city.
It was about 2:30 P.M. when I arrived.
I entered the studio to an angry looking Jeffrey Parkins, the art dealer for the establishment.
He was wearing an expensive gray suit with a loosely worn blue tie and the first few buttons of his white shirt was undone. His dark blond hair was sticking to his forehead and his face was perspiring. He would be kinda cute I guess, if it weren't for his small mud-colored eyes and his big-ish nose.
He looked like he'd been waiting outside in the heat for a while.
He glared when he saw me, "What happened to 10:00 A.M.?" he said angrily.
I shrugged, "It probably died in the war," I replied, unfazed by his harsh stare.
He looked shocked for a second before he recovered, "You're impossible you know that?"
Again I shrugged, "So I've been told. Listen, do you want my work or not? Tell me now so I can still make the lunch special at Denny's," I'm probably going to regret being so bitchy later.
His dark expression deepened. "I'm sorry, Am I wasting YOUR time?"
I didn't grace him with a response.
There was a long pause.
He pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.
He took a deep breath, "Listen," he began slowly, carefully choosing his words, "The only reason why I'm not biting your fucking head off right now, is because I need you for my art show next week. Understand though, that I am NOT the most patient man. You WILL meet ALL of your deadlines when I assign them. If not, I will make sure that you'll NEVER be able to sell your ANY of your art in Gotham EVER again. Are we clear?"
I sighed reluctantly at him, "Yeah."
"Good. Now go away before I fire you," he stated. Wow, this coming from the guy who just told me that he needs my artwork. Good luck holding your threats after that one bub.
I smiled to myself as I strolled out of the building. I mean, I was just interrogated, yelled at, threatened, and complimented in one foul swoop, and the day isn't even over yet. I broke like, eleven different rules with the guy, and got away with it.
I am on fire!
As I walked down the street in search of some lunch, I let my mind wander to Roxy's question earlier. Why DID I care so much? I mean, The Joker intrigues me sure, and he does have a few things going for him in the bad-boy attraction department, but do I have a crush on him or something? Is it serious?
Well, I HAVE drawn quite a few pictures of the Joker's face in my sketchbook.
I continued walking around town, but I wasn't really in search of anything anymore. I was merged so deep into my own thoughts, that my body was moving of it's own accord.
I shook my head at myself. What kind of person had to be messed up enough to have a crush on the most terrifying, disturbed, demented villain in Gotham City? Chuckling to myself as I was walking, I passed by a closed shop with the windows scratched, and the door was boarded up. I turned and looked at my reflection. There I saw myself in my usual attire; Beige boots, a patterned skirt, a mono-colored tank top, my Yin necklace (Roxanne has the Yang), and the light, silvery blue mascara I put on my eyelids.
What kind of person indeed? I guess people are right when they say "It's always the quiet ones . . ."
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Bullet Babe
Characters - Adam Cole, Lauren (OC), Mention of the Young Bucks, Cody Rhodes
Pairing - Adam x Lauren
Summary/Request -okay my request is : Lauren is a childhood friend of Adam Cole. She knows how he is, what he is but she still loves him anyways. One night she signs with ROH, therefore joining the women’s roster. She surprises him backstage that night and the two reconnect. She was his first love as he was for her. What happens when the good girl turns bad and joins the Bullet Club and he lets it slip that he loves her?
Word Count - 1,816
Warnings - Mild language...and a little fluff (If you spot any other warnings I should add, please let me know so I can edit this post to include them!)
A/N - I am SO sorry! 1) for taking too long, and 2) for branching away from your request a little :( Hope you don’t mind!! It’s a bit off for Adam...idk why, but the right words just wouldn’t come out :-? So I completely and entirely apologize for this monstrosity...
Tags (Want on or off? Send a message/ask!) - @lclb13​ @blondekel77​ @xfirespritex​ @horcruxhunter5972​ @hardcorewwetrash​ @nickysmum1909​ @banrioncethlenn​ @thepalaceofmelanie​ @i-stole-rudolphs-nose​ @allgirlswrestlingclub​
Walking around backstage, Lauren was still in awe. Even though she had officially signed with Ring of Honor Wrestling about a month ago… this would be the night her career changed.
See, Lauren had managed to catch the attention of Cody Rhodes. He thought she would be the perfect addition to the Club. Her attitude, her talent, her passion for the business. She was exactly what the Bullet Club needed.
Cody had mentioned it to Kenny, and the two of them had a couple meetings with Lauren before she finally agreed to join. When she was signed with ROH, they had the perfect opportunity to finally bring her aboard officially.
The catch was, they hadn’t told the other members about her… not even her name. They all knew there was talk of bringing someone else on board, and they had all agreed, based on what they had heard, to have her join. None of them had met her, aside from Kenny and Cody.
Lauren knew the Club. She knew the members, and she knew what to expect. She also knew, this would mean that she would be working close with Adam Cole.
It had been years since she’d seen him last.
They had grown up together. Trained together.
He was her first crush, her first kiss, her first love. Then he had left.
Their careers took them in different directions for several years. Leaving them to never cross paths again. At least, not until now.
So, there she sat. Knees bouncing, hands running over her face. Just waiting. Waiting for her chance to reveal herself.
With a knock on her door, she knew it was time.
“Yea?” she called out.
“We’re headed out. You ready?” A voice called back.
Walking to the door, she opened it slowly. Just enough to see the person standing there through the slit.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she assured with a small smile.
“You sure you can do this?” Cody questioned, a brow furrowed.
“Yeah. I got this,” she solidified her smile as she looked up at him.
“Alright... See ya out there.”
She closed her door, walking back to her bag. Lauren quickly wrapped her hands, giving the guys a little extra time to get to the ring. Finally ready, she took a deep breath and opened her door.
Making her way to the staging area, she grabbed a mic and prepped herself. Listening to Adam ramble on about this and that, so she would know when to walk out the curtains, and preferably NOT fuck up.
It was show time.
“I’m sure you’re all curious who this new member is supposed to be, right?” She heard Adam prompting the audience.
The crowd cheers loudly in reply. They’ve been teasing this new member for months, but never dropped any hints as to who it might be.
“Well, we’ll get to that.” He smirked. “First, I hear there’s a new princess in Ring of Honor?”
The crowd erupts, knowing exactly who he is talking about.
“Seems all of you have taken a liking to her?”
Another round of cheers can be heard backstage.
“She’s wild, I’ll give her that,” Cody added. “But she’s too… good.”
“From what I hear, she needs to calm herself a bit. Could stand to get a little - what is it?” He snaps his fingers a couple times, as if trying to think of the words. He looks between the Bucks and Cody, who share the ring with him.
“Oh yea! A little rougher around the edges.” He laughs at his own comment.
That was her cue.
She stands just behind the curtain, tapping on her mic. As if to check if the sound is on. All four men look around, baffled by the interruption.
The lights go out. Soft blue and purple lights illuminate the arena instead. Finally, she makes her presence known.
Stepping from behind the curtain, and walking down until she stood in the middle of the ramp before she says a word.
“If I remember correctly, Adam, you always liked me just the way I was.” She cocked her head to the side, looking up at the four men. Though her gazed was fixed on one in particular.
“Well, well, well,” he began.
“Oh no. You’ve had your time to talk. Now it’s my turn,” she interrupted, a smirk playing on her lips.
Adam leaned on the top rope, just watching her. Doing his best not to break character. He hadn’t seen Lauren in years. Despite the time, he still felt that knot in his stomach seeing her. His heart was racing.
“I seem to remember you used to like my wilder side?” she teased, all a part of the act - of course - but this was getting fun. “What was it you used to tell me about my crazy?” She tapped her cheek, playfully thinking.
“Oh yes, that’s right. That it turned you on.” The smirk she leveled up at him could knock out a horse. She had clearly seen his eyes widen and a pink tint form on his cheeks.
“Do you really want that part of me gone, Adam?”
She started to slowly walk the rest of the way to the ring as she continued.
“I was your friend, your,” she whispered into the mic, “lover.”
Lauren started making her way up the steps on the corner of the ring. Her eyes never leaving Adam’s.
“Hell, you used to tell me I was your diamond in the rough. What happened to all that, Adam?”
“What are you doing here, Lauren?” he questioned, hoping his voice wouldn’t break as he watched her stepping through the ropes.
“Well, you were talking about me so much, I figured I might as well come join you so you could say it to my face.”
Now standing right in front of him, she could hear his breath catch.
She offered a sweet, innocent smile.
“Why? Why do you want to change me now? I thought you loved everything about me?” She shrugged. Taking a step back.
She starts walking around the ring a little as she presses on.
“You never know! If I change any more, you might start missin’ havin’ that old me around.” She cocked her hip and looked toward Adam over her shoulder suggestively.
“Is there a point to your rambling?” He cocked his head slightly, looking her over appraisingly.
“Sure,” she said in a very mono-tone, matter of fact, way.
Lauren stepped up to him again, holding her hand out to shake, eliciting a very confused look from Adam, Nick and Matt. Cody, on the other hand, had a rather mischievous smile on his face. He was proud of her, for being able to hold it together and pull it off so perfectly.
“My name is Lauren, and I, am your new teammate.” Her eyes, and lips, formed the perfect evil smile and glare.
“What?” Adam took a small step back, almost in shock.
Lauren felt an arm drape over her shoulder. She never took her eyes off Adam though.
“She’s right, guys!” Cody squeezed her shoulders a little in a hug.
“Well, Princess. Welcome to the team.”
Nick and Matt embraced her in a hug, before the five of them gathered in the center of the ring. Each throwing up a simple Too Sweet as the lights went completely out again.
As the five members of the Bullet Club made their way to the back again, Lauren felt an all too familiar arm wrap around her waist. A smile tugged at her lips, but she kept her composure and kept looking forward as they walked.
Once in the back, Lauren went to walk back to her locker room when she felt a tug on her wrist. Stopping and looking down to see the hand wrapped around her much smaller wrist, her eyes drifted up to the eyes of the man holding her back.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice sounding more like a low growl.
“We haven’t talked in years, Adam,” she replied softly with a light shrug. She wasn't gonna make a big deal about it. “Didn’t think it was overly important to tell you anything. Besides, I would have missed that beautiful, dumbfounded look you offered when you saw it was me…” she smirked.
“Fair enough.” He seemed to realize his still present hand upon her wrist and dropped the appendage. “Can we talk now, then?”
“Here? No.”
“Locker room?” She watched as his eyes softened.
“Fine. Mine.”
Lauren turned and started walking toward her locker room again. She could hear Adam’s footsteps behind her, knowing he was keeping his distance.
Once they got to the door, he stepped around her. Opening the door, he let her pass inside first before following. Adam closed the door behind him.
Standing for a moment, he set his hand against the door and dropped his head. Gathering his thoughts, his courage, and his voice, he finally turned to face her.
She was leaning against a table, feet and arms crossed in front of her. Just watching him. He hadn’t changed much, still the same beautiful eyes, tantalizing smile.
“I’ve missed you,” he said quietly. Affectionately.
“Coulda fooled me,” she retorted sharply, her tone harsher than she intended.
“I’m sorry. I should have done better with keeping in touch. I just… “
He looked down at her feet, trying to keep himself together.
This was a different side of him. One Lauren hadn’t seen in a very very long time.
“It’s fine.” She stood up, and slowly made her way toward where he stood. “We both made mistakes, alright?”
“No, it’s not alright.” He looked up, finally meeting her eyes. “I love you, and I got scared, and I fucked up.”
“Wh-What?” She took a step back.
He had never said… those... words before... Sure, she knew he liked her, hell maybe he did love her - but he had never actually said those three words out loud.
“You heard me, and I mean every word of it.”
He reached out and rested his hands on her waist. Gripping just tight enough, he pulled her toward him until she was flush against his body.
“I was stupid. And I’m sorry. How about you let me make it up to you?” He smiled down at her.
A knock, and the clicking of the door opening pulled their attention away from each other.
“Hey, Lauren, have you seen--” Cody paused when he saw the two standing together.
“Ah, nev-er m-ind then,” he dismissed awkwardly, smiling nonetheless.
Lauren had told Cody a little about her past with Adam, and he was happy to the two re-connecting.
“I take it you two made up then?” He quipped with a wink and a wide grin.
“We’re working on it, Cody,” she said with a lighthearted edge to her voice.
She looked up into Adam’s eyes. Her smile so wide it reached her eyes. “We’re working on it.”
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redruffs · 8 years
brace yourself it's a long q&a
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? •I can't remember where I put something and I'm just- 2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? •Not really 3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? •Probably not . I don't think it's something I'd ever want to do, but if they're happy and not addicted or relying, I really don't mind. 4: Do you find it easy to trust others? •It just depends on the person, I guess. I think everyone is wonderful and good and worthy of trust until proven otherwise. 5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? •Watching Harry Potter :P 6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? •Probably no one, I do a lot of things alone. 7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? •I take things like that pretty hard. Not because of I was hurt, but because my trust was broken and that's what hurts the most. 8: Are you close with your dad? •Absolutely not. He left when I was 10 after CPS was called on his wife for continued child abuse, and we've spoken once since and he doesn't care to contact/acknowledge me. 9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? •Nope. 10: What are you listening to? •'Glass Bead' by GFriend. A bop. 11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? •tea! 12: Do you like hickeys? •I've never had one so I guess I don't have a personal opinion. 13: What time do you go to bed? •11-1ish 14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? •Yeah. 15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? •Oh gosh, no. I'm a mess with one hand. 16: Do you always answer your texts? •I try to!! 17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? •No not at all! She's still one of my favorite things in life and I love her dearly. 18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? •Last night we talked about pooping. (: 19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? •Yes!! 20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? • 'what if teddy was a werewolf' 21: Is anyone else in the room with you? •my dog! 22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? •holy avacados yes 23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? •I think I'm happier now. 24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? •Oh, definitely. 25: In the past week, have you cried? •YEP LAST NIGHT. I saw this cosplay gif set of Teddy/Nymphadora/Remus Lupin and it seriously made me shut down for about ten minutes. 26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? Black :P 27: Do people ever call you by your last name? •No? 28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? •yes and it hurts like hell. 29: Do you have a best friend? •yeah! they both live in different states though. 30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? •I've never kissed anyone, so. 31: Who was your last call/text message from? • I think it was from @efrabbit ! i haven't read it yet oops ily 32: Are you mad at anyone? •Not really, there's no use. 33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? • ^^ 34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? • ^^^^ why do these all include kissing 35: How many more days until your birthday? •69 days! (oh god.) (may 8th btw) 36: Do you have any summer plans yet? •I think I have summerschool bc I failed the first semester of biology, but I don't usually do much in the summer besides read and watch movies haha. 37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? •Woah, not really. Gotta fix that 38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? •I don't think so? 39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? •Not really? I'm pretty open with my friends. 40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? •stOP 41: Do you think age matters in relationships? •I mean,,, okay, if it's like a 14 y/o with a 20 y/o or something like that, I think that's not great, just because of maturity. But otherwise no, not really. 42: Are you available? •No, I'm out of stock. Sorry. :P idek 43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? •Still in it, but one?? 44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? •I want the side of my nose pierced so bad. 45: Do you believe exes can be friends? •Yeah! I'm seriously really good friends with two of them. You had stuff in common for a reason. :) 46: Do you regret anything? • "Never regret anything, because at one point it was exactly what you wanted." I've lived firmly on that for a long time. 47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? • TONKS ! DESERVED ! BETTER ! 48: Did you ever lose a best friend? •Actually yes, and it hurts me really often that I lost her. But I'm glad she's happy. 49: Was your last kiss a mistake? • ): 50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? • She lives elsewhere, but that's going to change one day. 51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? • no but all these kiss questions will make me cry 52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? • OH COME ON 53: What was the last thing you ate? • I had an egg roll 54: Did you get any compliments today? • I don't think so? maybe today has been fuzzy, I've been super sleepy for some reason. 55: Where are you going on your next vacation? • I think Austin for my cousin's awards 56: Do you own anything from other countries? • YEAH. I own so much kpop stuff, some other Korean items, stuff from Mexico I got on cruises, and whatnot (: 57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? •girls! 58: Where have you lived most of your life? • I have only ever lived in this kinda smallish town in Texas. 59: When was the last time you took a long drive? •Last weekend! My mom and I drove a few hours to a super small town to go shopping and to go to like four Bucky's :P it was fun ! 60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? •no & no thank you 61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? • Oh gosh no I could never 62: Who do you text the most? •My two really good friends :) 63: What was the last movie you saw? •I watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban this morning! It's my favorite along with GOF. 64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? • I'm single lmao. 65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? • Probably one or two power rangers, since I was like, nine. 66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? • im- 67: Do you curse around your parents? • Sometimes? but it's like the not terrible ones 68: Are you happy with where you live? •House-wise? No, not really. We've never had a house of our own or anything that wasn't an apartment, and I'd like to get a house someday. 69: Picture of yourself? • um... ugly. 70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? •mono 71: Have you ever been dumped? • No 72: What do you most like about making out? •I'm actually going to cry why me 73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? • stop. 74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? • B y e 75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? •their soul yall. 76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? • my best friend <3 77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? • virginvirginvirgin 78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? • goodbye 79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? • her 80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? •yeah ofc! 81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? • yeah 82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? • it depends 83: Do you miss your last sweetie? • I read that as sweet and looked over at the lollipop stick so yes I want it back 84: Last time you slow danced with someone? •I haven't 85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? •yeah lmao oh gosh 86: How can I win your heart? • Tell me a cheesy Harry Potter pickup line and you're golden 87: What is your astrological sign? • I'm a Taurus! 88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM? •sleeping 89: Do you cook? • yeah!! 90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? • Yes. She contacted me again and we've been just as close as we were ever since and I love her so much. 91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? • Only of it was with someone particular. Otherwise no. 92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? •Not really sure? 93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? • honestly I really don't nitpick like that, it just depends on who the person is. 94: Name four things that you wish you had! •confidence, •a freaking brown mascara, a skirt for this thingy, and my Hogwarts letter than is reasonably late, but it's okay, I'm patient. 95: Are you a player? •no 96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? •no 97: Are you a tease? •I mean no not really ? 98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? •nope 99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? •yepyep 100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? •myself because I'm great stop sleeping on me, world 101: Hugs or Kisses? •hugs. hugs are amazing. 102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? •No, I'm really not 103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? • I always notice how tall someone is 104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? •I guess 105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? • no ! no ! no !!!! that would break an innocent person's heart over my own shitty lust and that's not okay, I could never 106: Do you flirt a lot? •I think sometimes how I talk to people comes off as flirting but I'm really not trying to flirt 107: Your last kiss? • ((': 108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012? • I hate this 109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month? • naiwjwosjsjshwk 110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be? • nymphadora tonks. I would kiss her on head and promise that I'll always fight for her. 111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next? • nah 112: Does someone like you currently? •yes? 113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone? •yes 114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? •serious shit man 115: Ever made out with just a friend? • take a wild guess 116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? • I'm not really sure tbh 117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it.
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