#monoma died right before he went into UA for this
tabbyrocks · 1 year
monodeku au where izuku plays this one dating sim visual novel game and one of the characters is monoma.
and i mean that literally. like monoma got trapped in this game somehow.
when monoma starts talking to izuku, izuku thinks "oh this must be a 4th wall break horror type thing" but when he posted about it or something people thought that monoma was a fan character he made (since he like, isnt in the game game, just trapped in izukus)
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ur-local-anti-hero · 3 years
"It had been in a weird way, nonetheless Monoma had grown on you little by little."
Monoma x GN! Reader
Warnings: None
1039 words
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The dorms were quiet, only the repetitive sound of your foot hitting the floor as you walked present in the night. The clock marked 2am and class 1-B was sound asleep, or so you thought.
While walking through the long corridor to your room a loud noise made you stop dead in your tracks, turning from where the sound came you realized light coming through the doorway of one of the rooms. Moving towards the door you remembered to whom that room belonged to.
Slowly approaching the door, you peeked inside. He was sitting on the floor, his back was facing the entrance of the room, his blonde bangs clipped in place in order to avoid them getting in his eyes. You could see he was working on something but his body didn’t let you see the materials.
You stepped inside. He was really focused on what he was doing as he didn’t even notice you standing behind him.
You touched his shoulder so he would notice your presence, at the contact he and snapped his head towards you. When he did you finally saw what he was doing. His hands were gripping a screwdriver and something that looked like-
“Are those grenades?!?” You exclaimed rather loudly. He got up and pressed his hand against your mouth.
“Shut up! You are going to wake up everyone!” he whispered.
You pulled away his hand from your mouth “Are you crazy, Monoma? Why do you have all of these here?” You said still trying to process why your classmate had grenades in his room.
“Calm down, these are not real. I’m filling them with glitter.” He spoke. Trying to reassure you he bent over and picked up one of the grenades, showing you that they weren’t a real threat.
“Why do you need them?” You asked puzzled
“Why? FOR TRICKING CLASS 1-A, OF COURSE” He said loudly before starting to laugh.
Now you were the one pressing a hand against his mouth to muffle his loud laugh. “Be quiet. You should focus on your studies instead of caring so much for the other class.” You said rolling your eyes.
When his laugh had died out you jerked your hand off of his mouth.
“I can’t do that! They think they are better than us, I have to prove them wrong” He insisted.
You smacked your forehead. “You know how mad Vlad-sensei will be if he finds out about this, right?” Monoma shuddered at your words, imaging his teacher yelling at him. “I’ll help you” You said finally.
“Huh? What makes you think I’ll let you help me?” he said with a cocky smile.
“If you do this on your own you will get caught. You are not sly at all” You replied “Also, there is a certain someone I would like to take my revenge on.” You said thinking about the sports festival and the explosive blonde who beat you during the one vs one combats.
“Fine, but you can’t tell anyone” He reluctantly agreed.
The time you spent with Monoma turned out to be even pleasant. You decided to work on the plan once a week after curfew, when the rest of the classmates were not around. It even evolved into study sessions from time to time after Monoma let slip that he wasn’t doing as good as he would like to.
When he wasn’t constantly talking about class 1-A he was actually pretty interesting, slowly you became friends with the blonde and would spend more time than planned with him. Not only working on the prank or studying, but in-between classes and lunch too.
“Are you sure this is going to work?” You said hesitantly with the grenade in your hands.
After some time Monoma decided that it was time to put the prank on action. You were in front of class 1-A, your back pressed against the wall while Monoma looked through the window.
“Of course, it is. When have I failed in one of my plans” he replied.
“I can think of several times” You said, earning an angry glance of the blonde.
“Okay, handle me the grenades” he said and you obliged.
He got closer to the door and dropped the glitter grenades into the class. Then went back to his previous spot besides the window to peek at the inside, you did the same.
“Hey, what is that?” A guy with spiky red hair spoke.
“What’s what?” The blonde besides him asked and the red-haired boy pointed at the grenades. At the same moment they went off, glitter exploding in the classroom, getting everywhere.
You looked at Monoma who had a satisfied expression on his face. Before you could even celebrate the prank, a loud voice rang in the class.
“WHO THE HELL DID THIS?!?!” Angry footsteps got closer to the door.
Knowing exactly who was yelling you started running as fast as possible, you tugged on Monoma’s shirt so he would follow you and wouldn’t stay behind. You ran through UA’s hall until you saw an empty classroom.
Once inside the classroom Monoma, who was running a little behind, closed the door and both of you leaned on the door, completely out of breath. After a minute Monoma broke into hysterics and you did the same. Laughs filled the classroom
His question made you remember their puzzled faces, making you laugh harder. After several minutes the laugh died out leaving the room in a comfortable silence. Your head was resting on Monoma’s shoulder while you tried to catch your breath. It had been in a weird way, nonetheless Monoma had grown on you little by little.
“Y/N, MONOMA” Both of you tensed and your head jerked up when you heard Vlad King’s voice.
“Shit” “We are so dead” You whispered at the same time, completely terrified of what he would do about the prank.
You got detention cleaning 1-A’s classroom for a month. The bright side was that you got to spend more time with your friend Monoma, who actually became more than a friend at some point of that month.
Who would’ve told you that tagging along with Monoma’s shenanigans will end like this?
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Thanks for reading!! Likes and reblogs are appreciated
Requests: open
Mha taglist: @luci58 @lonleyweeb77
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mesozoic-system · 3 years
Bakugou Katsuki is not as bad as he seems.
Okay, fine. That's a lie. Bakugou is a loud and obnoxious asshole with little to no character development and will snap at anyone who breathes on him the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to why he's like that.
You all know what PTSD is, yeah? If not, it stands for "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". It's something that causes panic attacks, unnecessary aggression, trust issues, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and more. People will develop it after a traumatic experience. It takes years of therapy to recover... actually, most people never recover from it.
Fun fact: Katsuki canonically has PTSD. It's confirmed, and you know what? After everything he's been through, it's not much of a surprise. He's been through one tragedy after another and never seems to get a break.
When we first met Bakugou Mitsuki (Katsuki's mother) in chapter #96, we instantly realized how aggressive she was. I mean come on! She talked smack right in front of him and his teachers- in front of All Might who she knew her son was very fond of. Katsuki may be irritable, but to have your own mother backhand you in front of your own role model is a little much.
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Later on in chapter #165 during the Provisual License Exams, we get a little more information that only points towards more abuse- and this time it's not so verbal.
Most people paid no real attention nor gave it a second thought in these panels, but remember when Katsuki suggested to use violence against the kids? Of course, you'd look at it and wave it off as "normal Bakugou behavior", but what he says next took me by surprise:
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That's right. He was raised that way.
Which means either Mitsuki or Masaru (or both) had struck him in some way multiple times as he was growing up, and I doubt it was Masaru.
"Spoiled" my ass. He might have a strong quirk, but people don't turn into little monsters just by being praised. It'll definely boost his confidence, but not dramatically. This could also explain his aggression toward Midoriya. He realized how helpless he was and had power over someone else for once. But that's just a theory.
Okay, let's fast forward a bit. He's finishing up his third year of Middle School and is preparing for the UA entrance exams. He's pushed away his childhood friend to follow his own dreams and tells him to jump off the roof.
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And then he walks out the door only to regret it much, much, muuuch later in the series- y'know. The "character development" I was talking about.
Next time we see him though, he gets what he deserves.
One panel he's tramping through an alley with his friends, and the next, he's being swallowed alive by the most perverted-looking slime monster I've ever laid my eyes on.
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While Izuku's dreams are being crushed by his own hero, Katsuki is fighting for his life in the middle of town. He's struggling, but all he could do was look back at all the dozens of fearful eyes...
Right there. Right now. Look at him:
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He's terrified. He's humiliated and afraid and hurt and despite all of the heroes that were there, none of them had even attempted to save him.
And this is where it really starts. This is where it all begins. Next thing we know, Izuku's running straight for him... The boy Katsuki's bullied almost all of his life is risking his own in order to save him.
You know the story from there; All Might trains Izuku to withhold his power, they get accepted into UA, and then comes the Sports Festival.
Katsuki's already made up his mind: he's gonna win. He's willing to give everything he has to show the country what he's made of, and this may be his only chance to make up for the mishap several months ago. And Monoma, being a professional at making things worse by opening his mouth, rubs salt in the wound.
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It was pretty easy to predict Katsuki's reaction: pissed off and more than ready to prove him wrong. He does, but it cost him his "first place" during the Calvary Battle. But that's okay 'cuz it's not over yet!
Welcome to the next and last stage of the festival: The Battle Tournament, where all the kids get to beat the shit out of each other until only one remains.
Turns out, Katsuki does win. It was a foolproof plan: get Todoroki to go all out on him so he can make a final impression before the end of the day. But it was obvious that Shouto was still unsure of himself, so Katsuki did what he did best:
He had to piss him off.
But instead of getting angry and bursting into flames like he had planned, Shouto threw away the battle at the last second, and everything Katsuki had worked for with it.
No shit he's gonna be upset! He worked his ass off to get where he was, and the whole point was to leave himself a footprint! His entire life had been dedicated to that moment, and it faded away right in front of him.
Midnight put him to sleep and he woke up and threw a temper tantrum.
Now this is was UA did wrong:
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Why would you do that?! They were all aware of what happened to him only a few months ago, he obviously hasn't properly recovered from it, and they restrain him in front of thousands of people. They cover his mouth and gag him, lock his hands in a tiny metal box and expect him not to go insane. Helloooo?! Wake up! He's just a kid!
Several months go by and now it's time for camp. Katsuki is tired. They all are. It's been a long day of training and training and training, and suddenly villains come out of nowhere, and nobody is prepared. And who shows up? The League of Villains, and they're after certain students...
Tokoyami escapes safely, but Katsuki isn't so lucky.
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Just think about that for a second. When we see Shigaraki holding a picture of him, it's the one where UA tied him up. He knows what this child has gone through and he pities him. To be honest, I think the LoV treated him much better than anyone ever has (except maybe Kirishima). They're hesitant, but they treat him with kindness. They didn't just want him for his quirk. They saw what the heroes did to him and wanted to help him get the revenge he deserved.
But when All Might showed up (more like "burst through the wall like the Cool Aid man"), Katsuki is instantly teleported in the strangest way possible... and the most traumatizing.
He chokes out this weird slime-like substance that devours him within seconds. Thankfully it only last that long, but then again, the Sludge Incident, remember?
Yeah, bet that brings back some memories.
But what must have hurt him the most was All Might's downfall and early retirement. He said it himself:
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After several chapters, he finally burst. He's been holding all the pain inside of him until it bubbled over and he couldn't take it anymore. So he went to the only person he could- the person he hated and yet trusted the most.
Maybe the Class 1A concert helped him in a way. It seemed like it brought him down and maybe even relaxed him a little. And something incredible happens. Something we haven't seen from him at all until now...
(From here, I'll try to keep it short to avoid as many manga spoilers as I can. That and I'm tired...)
He began to change; started to support Izuku... in his own twisted way, of course. As chapters went by, he started to open up little by little. He admitted what he had done to Izuku in middle school to All Might, which had brought him some peace of mind. It wasn't quite the apology we had hoped for, but I guess it'll do.
And during the war, he made the greatest sacrifice, finally unlocking his quirk's full potential. Despite being unable to move, he used his quirk to throw himself in front of Izuku without thinking, taking a blow to his stomach. To his stomach.
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He was impaled.
Holy shit.
Last time someone had been impaled was Nighteye, and he died from his wounds.
But Katsuki somehow managed to survive... And woke up ready to beat Izuku's ass if he didn't wake up.
Anyway, that's all I have to say (so far). However, I'm excited for Season 5 of the anime series! Can't wait to see our new story animated! I mean, I've been watching the episodes as they come out, but still.
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seraphanangelica · 4 years
Don’t really know if anyone’s done this before 
(Totally not posting this to kick off a short series)
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How Yandere!BNHA Would React to S/O Being Fine With Everything 
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(We’re going to ignore his princely status and focus on the smile)
Shoto would be relived, thankful that he didn’t have to put in the complex work to take you to your true home. He wasn’t entirely fond of the idea of stealing you in the middle of the night for you to wake up bound and in an unknown place. Even so, he’ll do whatever it takes for you to realize he truly just wants to keep you safe.
Luckily for him, you’ve been dating since your second year at UA. Truth be told, even before that you two were so close many of your classmates thought you were together. 
Shoto took advantage of any time you had time alone, and made sure he could see you even more than what was given. He’d show up to your dorms to study, go to training with you, help you with your homework, and eat meals with you. He even started going as far as taking naps with you (sleepy boi sleeps best when he’s next to his love). All of his actions were justified by his claim to just want to spend time with you
You bought it of course, but there was that small voice that told you there was something more. It was confirmed to you later when you caught him shoving another student against the lockers after school, his expression menacing. The guy was flirting with you, and you obliviously flirted back. 
He asked you out the next day, making sure it was in front of the boy. You gladly accepted, knowing of and picking up on his yandere tendencies, watching as they got more and more often over the years.
Truthfully, he was considerate enough to let you graduate before commencing his plan to take you away. The thing is, he didn’t have to force you, due to your own surprise waiting for him after they were out of UA.
When you told him that you knew, he looked at you wide eyed as his jaw dropped in shock. It really wasn’t that you knew (he hadn’t been the best at hiding it in the first place), it was how you said it. So casually. In a restaurant. 
That exact same day, Shoto took you to your home so you could say goodbye to your family and pack your things. Your parents didn’t question it, knowing he loved you, just not the extent of it.
Once all of your belongings were in the back of the car, Shoto took hold of your hand, staring deep into your eyes. pressing his lips into your own in a loving kiss, he led you to the passenger side of the car. Opening the door for you, he smiled. 
“Let’s go home, love.”
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Come on, it’s Toga...
As a villain yourself, it’s pretty obvious that you’d be okay with your girlfriend being a yandere. You knew what she was the moment you met her. She was gushing about Deku as always and holding up a small vile of blood. When her yellow eyes met your own, her cheeks went red and she quieted herself almost instantly.
Back then, you didn’t know why half the league looked at you weirdly as the other half rolled their eyes and looked at you with the ‘run, she’s crazy’ face.
Well, you liked crazy. And she knew that.
There was just something about her possessiveness that made you fall for her even more. 
It was quite endearing to not hear her talk about Deku or the gravity girl unless it was for a mission. Now, the person she talked about when blushing was you.
Where a mission is concerned Himiko would want to stay by your side to make sure you stayed safe. If the time ever came, she would happily lay down her life so that you may live. She just had to be around if that were to happen.
“Himiko. thank you for your concern, but you could have died!” You shouted one night once you arrived back at the league through warp gate. You had cut it too close to one of the pro Heroes, and Himiko quickly moved so that she would take the blow instead of you.
She smiled and pointed to her bleeding abdomen. “It’s not just me...” He face began to flush as she reached out to touch your cheek. “You’re bleeding too... so pretty...” Her words began to slur, her eyes drooping.
“Damnit, Himiko,” You caught her as she fell and Twice rushed to get the first aid. You hugged her in your arms, afraid to let her go as she unconsciously leaned closer to your body with what strength she had left. “You idiot.” 
You hastily wiped the tears running down your cheeks as she gave you another weak smile. Settling further into you, her words came out more weak as she spoke. “I love you.”
You laughed bitterly, tilting your head up to the ceiling as Kurogiri moved the unconscious girl off your lap. 
“I love you too.”
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Go on, feed this boy’s ego and say you’d love for him to steal you away so he can protect you and never let you go again. 
Could you imagine what he would do if you said that? I mean, come on, who would tell Neito that of all people?
Well, uh, you did. Sorry.
I mean, you had good reason to. He’s a narcissistic prick with a deadly obsession. Also because you were head over heels in love with him. 
So much so, that at first you thought he was just being a little protective when you had to stop him from killing Bakugo when the explody boi insulted you. You thought it was just him being his arrogant self when he kept his arm around you at all times, needing some sort of physical contact every second of the day. Maybe he was actually insecure on the inside?
No, honey...no.
You know that guy at the store that died a while ago? There was a rumor that the Villain had help (just putting that out there). 
You were perfectly fine with it after all, right?
You sure you don’t want to escape Monoma?
Neito growled at Bakugo as you wrenched him away from the spiky haired boy. “I’ll kill you, you fucking bitch! Insult them again, I dare you!”
You didn’t bother to send Bakugo a glance of pity as you let Neito hug you as if his life depended on it (it kind of does).
“It’s okay, Neito,” you cooed, doing your best to calm him down. You never liked to see him angry. “It’s okay. I’m fine, see?”
Yeah, that didn’t stop him from trying to kill Bakugo  when you weren't around.
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smokedstorybara · 3 years
I have so many bnha fanfic ideas, they’ve just been popping into my head every few days for weeks now
So I’m just gonna share them all on this one post instead of making a million new fandom posts out of nowhere (ok, it’s closer to, like, ten - but still!)
If any of y’all want me to actually write any of them, don’t hesitate to say so - or if you just want to ask questions and talk about the ideas I’d be totally down for that too
Also, if any of them inspire you to write or draw something, please send me a link when you’re done!
(under a readmore cause it’s long and also there’s spoilers)
Fae courts AU
Nedzu - Spring King
U.A. / The Spring Court - also known as the Court of Lost Children, all members of the Court were once human children or children of one of the other Courts and they view it as their duty to care for the lost, neglected, and abused children of the world (one of two child stealing Courts)
All Might - Summer King
All For One - Winter King
Objectively, the Summer and Winter Courts are not as different as they like to believe - a Summer fae is just as likely to trick or turn on you as a Winter fae, they just prefer to play at benevolence while Winter fae make no secret of their nature
Shie Hassaikai / The Autumn Court - used to be more like a lesser version of the Summer and Winter Courts, until Overhaul put the King to sleep and made his research into humanity the Court’s focus - they’re now the second child stealing Court
Eraserhead was once human but has made enough deals over the years - most notably with Nezu himself - that he’s practically fae now
Deku and Kachan are human children who were taken in by the Spring Court, though Deku only after catching the attention of All Might
Endeavor - High Fae in the Summer Court - wants to become Summer King but knows he’s not powerful enough to overthrow All Might, married a High Winter Fae in hopes that combining their powers would make one of their kids powerful enough
Dabi fakes his death and eventually becomes a High Fae in the Winter Court
Shouto seeks sanctuary in the Spring Court’s halls
(I don’t actually have a plot for it, but I’m enjoying figuring out the world and stuff)
Evil All Might AU
The underworld knows that young Yagi Toshinori is a con-artist, and a very good one
The kid’s quirkless, and from a bad neighborhood, so of course he gets involved in shady dealings to get by
But he never ever gets caught
See, he’s mastered the eager, innocent, “I know I’m quirkless, but it’s my dream to be a hero! To fight crime! To be someone people can look up to, put their faith in! To be a… a symbol!” act, he’s been running that con any time he’s found in the wrong place at the wrong time since he first started walking - no one with even a single good bone in their body ever questions it
He gets involved with AFO, who’s like “I could give you one of my lesser quirks in exchange for your loyalty, or you could do a long undercover mission for me and get one of the most powerful quirks in existence out of it”
His mission: pulling his signature con on Shimura Nana, being given One for All, becoming a hero, becoming the Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace and the singular pillar holding up hero society, maintaining that status for long enough that everyone grows a little complacent, finding a weak and manipulable child to pass One for All on to, setting them up to fail, and then retiring
(I’d either have this one be All Might-focused and end with the reveal, or have it be Izuku-focused and give it a happy ending where All Might totally chose the wrong kid, cause nothing about Izuku is weak)
Commission analyst Izuku au
Member of the commission overhears him muttering/catches a glance at his notebook while watching a hero fight, strikes up a conversation
The commission tracks him down, shows up at his home with a similar offer to the one they gave Hawks - but instead of a hero they want him to be an analyst for them
Like Hawks, they take away his name, only calling him something like Eagle Eye or something (I’d go with Hawkeye but Hawks already exists so it might be weird?)
(Basically this fic idea is just an excuse to have Izuku and Hawks as the ultimate team, and helping each other get out from under the commission’s thumb - maybe revolutionizing hero society along the way)
Canon rewrite w/ Monoma as main character, somehow
All I have for this one so far is just:
Monoma copies afo, uses copied afo to steal afo, AFO is now defeated
After getting better at controlling her quirk, Eri rewinds Kurogiri back into Shirakumo Oboro
But he’s the age he was when he died
So he joins the current class 2-A
As in Izuku’s class
Basically it’s just his old best friends having to teach him and him making friends with all Aizawa’s problem children
Time travel
(I have multiple cause I really like time travel)
Aizawa-centric time loop fic
Loop stretching from day before Oboro’s death to towards the end of the liberation war (diverging from canon in at least the first loop cause he fucking dies during the fight)
At first he thinks maybe he just, like, dreamt up those 14(?) years
But then things are happening the same way and so he starts changing things and he dies and wakes up the day before Oboro’s death again
He experiments a lot with the loops, figuring out that they’re definitely not time based - unless it’d loop back at the end of the liberation war even if he survives? Requires further testing
Details he changes throughout the loops (culminating in a loop in which he successfully changes all of them):
Oboro’s death
Shimura Tenko being taken in by All for One, All Might’s injury(?), Izuku accepting One for All, and more I haven’t fully decided on
Time travel fic where Pro Hero Deku accidentally time travels back to just before Aizawa’s first year as a student at ua and somehow gets hired as a teacher
Gonna be a two-parter
Part one: Izuku has to teach teen versions of his old high school teachers, channels their future selves a little
Part two: Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama have to teach the teen version of their old favorite high school teacher, and end up channeling his future self - in different ways
(I’ve come across a couple different “Izuku gets accidentally sent back in time to when his teachers were students” fanfics and they keep making me think about how Aizawa & co would react to meeting him in canon timeline after meeting him in high school and then I took the natural step forward from there to “let’s parallel their nostalgia, make him their high school teacher so it can really hit hard”)
Izuku is related to rooftop trio aus
(I’ve come across a bunch of “Izuku is the biological son of at least one member of the rooftop trio” aus but only one acknowledges that in canon he’s only 15 years younger than them and that one has a very angsty explanation, so I wanted some that fit with canon and also aren’t too heavy - cause like, sure you could go with the complex extremely angsty trauma reason or you could go with the “these 13-16-year-olds(idk Inko’s canon age and as long as I never look it up I can pretend I’m not going against canon by making her only 2-ish years older than them) did what teenagers do and went to a party and made some relatively innocent mistakes and ended up with a pregnancy”)
Oboro and Inko have been neighbors and best friends their whole childhood, despite being a couple years separated in age
The fall before Oboro starts high school, Inko takes him along to a party with her high school friends
They get drunk and sleep together
Inko gets pregnant
They talk it through with each other and their families and agree to keep the baby (they’re both actually pretty excited to be parents) and raise it together platonically
Some months into first year (maybe second), Oboro tells his friends about his kid
Spends the rest of his life gushing about Izuku to all his friends (sorry for the word choice fjdhshshx)
Oboro dies and his friends make pact to help Inko take care of Izuku once they have steady income and stuff
But Inko’s family has moved and she’s married and they can’t find her
They keep searching, for roughly 14 years
And then Midoriya Izuku enrolls in UA’s hero course and his big green eyes and curly green hair match the pictures Oboro used to show them and his smile is identical to their old friend’s
And his mom’s name is Inko
But they’re not sure (His quirk doesn’t match Oboro’s nor his Inko’s after all)
Not until after the first term and the summer training disaster camp and Kamino, when All Might and Aizawa go house to house talking to parents about the dorms and All Might tries to insist on visiting the Midoriyas alone but Aizawa insists right back cause this is the closest he’s come to confirmation
and then he’s face to face with a woman he’s only ever seen in photographs
And then they talk about everything or something idk I haven’t got that far
Dadzawa and Dadmic (trans!aizawa)
A year and a half before he starts high school(I know I changed the timeline a whole year here but shush, how’s he supposed to get into U.A.’s hero course while pregnant?), Aizawa’s middle school and one or two others have a Joint Event, at which he meets a loud but cute blonde who keeps flirting with him
They hook up
He gets pregnant
His dad insists he get an abortion but he doesn’t want to and his mom supports his decision, they convince his dad to let him go through with the pregnancy on the condition that he gives the baby up for adoption immediately
He has twins, both boys (one with green eyes like the blonde’s(but darker) and the other with purple like Shouta’s mother’s)(that’s right, Shinsou is also their son in this, you’re welcome), and he gives them up for adoption to separate families
But with conditions
No one from his blood family is allowed to initiate contact with either boy without the kid’s knowing consent (he’s terrified of his father changing his mind, tracking them down, and hurting them)
With the one exception being that he’s allowed to send each one a birthday present and card every year
Which he does
Then he starts at UA and then gets into the hero course and there he is… the blonde… the father of Shouta’s children… who does not recognize him now that he’s started transitioning
This time Shouta’s the one who flirts - or tries to, the kid’s a little too oblivious
Of course they do eventually get together, and even end up married! (Haven’t decided if they get together during high school or after they start teaching there or what(probably the latter, for plot reasons))
The first time Midoriya Inko contacts Shouta is after Izuku is diagnosed quirkless - she knows the young man loves her son as much as she does and might be able to reassure him where she already failed
His next birthday, Izuku’s mystery card says he can be a hero even without a quirk; it makes Izuku’s year
Hitoshi’s parents also contact Shouta that year, the boy struggling to make and keep friends ever since his quirk came in; Shouta’s birthday card to him isn’t much different from Izuku’s, really
The Shinsous get in an accident and Hitoshi is placed in foster care and suddenly Shouta can’t send him his yearly gift and card anymore cause nobody will tell him where the boy is now because of the contact portion of the adoption contract
They also won’t tell Hitoshi that he was adopted and his birth father is out there looking for him, so Shouta’s pretty sure they’re trying to hide that he’s being mistreated wherever he is
Inko continues to contact Shouta now and then whenever she thinks Izuku will need extra encouragement come his birthday (she never tells Izuku about being adopted - even after he enters his teen years - cause after his diagnosis, everyone but her left him and she doesn’t want him to internalize the idea that his birth parents didn’t want him - Shouta’s not happy with the decision, but he understands)
Then one year he sends Izuku a Present Mic figurine and she writes him to share how excited the boy was and how Present Mic is one of his favorite heroes and he listens to his radio show all the time and Shouta simultaneously melts and has a minor breakdown at the realization that he hasn’t told his husband that they have sons, he can’t tell Hizashi that their son listens to his radio show regularly when Hizashi doesn’t know Izuku even exists
So of course, being the rational man he is, he finally tells Hizashi about Izuku and Hitoshi
Hizashi freaks, of course (in a good way(mostly))
And then, one of the worst days of Shouta’s life
He’s on patrol and sees a figure on a rooftop and rushes to get there - just in case it’s a jumper - and it’s his son, his Izuku
They talk(it doesn’t breach the adoption contract, he didn’t know it was Izuku when he approached and the kid spoke first) and Izuku tells him “everything” about his encounter with All Might, Shouta tells him to tell his parents - they’re there to support him - and also that All Might’s full of shit and a quirkless hero is totally possible with the right training and enough willpower
Then after they leave the rooftop his kid gets in trouble again, rushing in to save a classmate from the same sludge villain that attacked him earlier that day
Of course Shouta swoops in and pulls the kids out of danger before All Might arrives to “save the day”
This time Shouta insists on walking Izuku home to make sure he actually gets there safely
But then All Might shows up again wanting to talk to his kid privately and he wants to tell the man to fuck off but he’s not legally allowed, really, so when Izuku says it’s fine he reluctantly leaves
Inko asks to meet him just days later
She tells him that Izuku told her everything about what happened that day - including what Shouta told him - and she tells him that she’s realized she needs to properly support her son in pursuing his dream
She understands that Shouta wouldn’t feel comfortable training him one-on-one with the kid not knowing who they are to each other, and she’s still not ready to tell him yet, so she asks for a list, for him to help her get in touch with people who can train Izuku or ways for Izuku to train on his own, ways for her to help
He puts her in contact with seven pro heroes (Midnight, Gunhead, the Wild Wild Pussycats, and - somehow - Sir Nighteye) and a vigilante team (the Naruhata Crawler and his team), all of whom he talks into helping - and has to tell about his connection to this boy they’ll be teaching
(Each have something important to teach him: Midnight - using words and body language to throw off opponents, Gunhead - martial arts, Wild Wild Pussycats - stamina, teamwork and use of your environment when out in nature, Sir Nighteye - analysis and planning, the Naruhata Vigilantes - use of gadgets and weapons, use of your environment when in the city, having the heart of a hero, and - most importantly - that quirkless people can be fucking strong and skilled and terrifying and certainly aren’t weak or useless (they were trained by a quirkless vigilante after all, they’re bound to have a different perspective on the idea of a quirkless hero than anyone else, a perspective Izuku could really benefit from))
Ten months later, Izuku passes UA’s entrance exam and is placed in Shouta’s class (he’s pretty sure Nezu did that on purpose)
When the school year starts, he and Hizashi discover that Izuku isn’t the only one in one of their classes - Hitoshi is in Hizashi’s homeroom
They are, of course, fucking extatic
They just need to, y’know, figure out how to tell him that they’re his parents and maybe possibly would love custody of him if he wants
(Again I haven’t gotten any further than that yet)
(Also, if you can’t tell, in this au Izuku turns down All Might’s offer of One for All, cause Eraserhead said he could be a hero without a quirk and was honestly a lot kinder and more responsible (like, making sure the kid got home safely instead of leaving him on a roof) and stuff than All Might and honestly might be his new favorite hero)
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
Do You Wanna Feel Safe Too?
Pairing: Tenya Iida x Reader, Neito Monoma x Reader(Platonic)
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: Iida was always jealous of you and Monoma, he always tries to keep him away from you as possible. He wanted your attention, he needs your affection. He needs to keep you away from those bad examples(Were not talking about his friends and family). He planned to kidnap you instead! On a beautiful bed in the basement. It was full with expensive things. He locked you away from the real world. But when you made a mistake on leaving or making him disappointed? You’ll have a punishment. And maybe try to comfort you after.
Warnings: some wrong grammars, mentions of kidnapping, possessive yandere Iida, mentions of killing, mentions of blood, cringe,
Genre: Some fluff, angst, yandere Iida 
Y/n- your name,
A/n: This is supposed to be for his birthday and i was late, anyways, Happy late birthday Tenya Iida!
I’m not really good at Yandere things so i’m sorry!
Reader: Neutral
Edited: 29/08/2020
Tumblr media
Made by:  ad astra on Weheartit! Click here to see the fanart!
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
He hated when you talk to Monoma so much. He knew that you and Monoma were friends before joining UA.
He kept distracting you with various questions even though he knew the answers. Iida never wanted you to be near to a bad example just as Monoma. 
“Good morning Y/n.” He greeted. You’re always the first one to have his greeting at the morning. It means your special to him. He wanted to have you so badly! But he knew he needs to be patient when he wants you to be with him forever. 
“Good morning Iida!” You smiled. Ah yes, your fresh smile. The thing that makes him soar up in the sky. He loves it. And your angelic voice, it was the source of his energy. Whenever he hears your voice, i bet he can run farther than anyone can. But when you compliment him? Oh i bet he can also jump higher than Miruko.
He will kill for you. Only if you knew that was true though. 
Yes, he is strict. But he resists shouting and scolding for whatever you’ve done. It sometimes made the others envy you. Sometimes, the dekusquad teases him for it. Todoroki asking him what love felt like. He answers with:
“It feels like you have a connection with them, even if they haven’t noticed it yet. It feels like you will kill anyone for them and only them.” 
Todoroki nodded at every word he says. Even though Todoroki didn’t like the killing part. Little did he know, Every part of whatever Iida said was true.
Iida saw you with Monoma chatting again, it made him furious. That smirk in his face. It feels like Monoma was mocking him. He went to you without thinking. 
“Hey Y/n, we need to go back to class. We might get late.” He softly scolded. You nodded and exchanges goodbye’s with Monoma before leaving. Iida gave him a dirty look before talking to you. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
All of the Class 1A students were hanging out in the mall until they saw a nearby villain attack. 
You used your quirk to help civilians retreat and go to safe place. While the others were trying to apprehend the villains. One of the villains saw you unarmed and unalerted, They blasted you with their quirk. You quickly noticed it and you tried to escape it in the last second, but instead of feeling pain, you felt a pair of strong of arms around you.
You looked at the hero who saved you. Your eyes widened when you saw Iida saved you. You hugged your hero “Thank you for saving me Iida! I almost died!” You felt his heart pace faster as he stiffened, so you putted your arms beside you instead. 
“O-oh, Your welcome Y/n.” He stuttered. Right after that, Heroes and the police finally arrived. Your classmates came to you, “Omg, Are you ok Y/n?!” Mina asked, checking if you have any injuries. “Yes, I’m fine Mina. Thanks to Iida.” You reassured. 
All of you were scolded and thanked for saving. Then went back to the dorm. It was worth it either way, if you watched them die, the villains would escape and the people nearby would get injured or maybe die. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You promised Iida that you would save him back. And you did.
When the hero heard there were a villain attack, They told all of you to be alerted and to save the civilians. Helping people is the #1 priority. 
You saw the heroes fighting and saving some people. You saw the hero, Manual. You checked around if you saw Iida or anybody else you knew. But all you saw was Heroes and none of your classmates. 
You told your leader that you were going to check the surroundings. They nodded and went back to saving people. 
You went deeper and deeper the place, and you saw Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida fighting a hero killer. 
You saved them and used your quirk to reprimand him. “Ugh, Get off me!” Stain yelled. You ignored his complaints as you four wait for the heroes to arrive.
Again, You all were scolded by the police department and the heroes. Iida sighed in relief as you were not hurt. Cause if you were, He’d be the one avenging for you and his brother. 
“Iida, Are you ok?” You worriedly asked. He slightly blushed at how you held his hand. “Y-yes. I’m fine Y/n.” He answered, looking at the two who was chatting.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Everyday, you started to chat with him more than Monoma. You were worried for Iida since he was the one more hurt. Well you think that he was the one who was more hurt.
And everyday, he fell more and more inlove with you. He wanted to have you all for himself. He thought of plans, killing everybody who comes to you? No, many responsibilities. Isolating you at his basement instead? Sure, but he has to live in his house again. It’s worth it. He has to keep you! He’ll have infinite love and affection from you! ‘I guess kidnapping my love will do.’ He murmured. 
He planned it smoothly. First, he’ll make the basement into a bedroom instead. Second, He’ll take you from the dorms while everyone was sleeping and slowly put you inside the basement and wait for you to leave, Last, affections!
Everything had got to plan, Everyone went to sleep faster than usual. Which helps Iida. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You woke up in an unfamiliar room. Everything looked, Expensive. 
“Good morning Love~” Iida cooed. You yelped at the voice. You went into a far distance and looked at the person who took you. “Iida?” You stuttered. “Yes, darling?” His eyes bore into you. You swore you saw hearts in his eyes. You looked at him scared, ‘What am i doing here? Why am i here?’ You asked yourself. 
“What am i doing here?!” You asked, staying in your place. He looked at you smirking. “Darling, I helped you.” He said coldly. Without thinking, you stood and ran to the door, trying to open it but failed. Behind you, you heard Iida laughed maniacally. Then you felt him behind you. You shivered at the contact when he hugged you. “Y/n, you can’t leave. I want to help you from those people! Their bad for you!” He explained. You jerked him away. “Your kidnapping me Iida, This is wrong!” You yelled. He only smirked at you. Before he left he warned:
“This wall is soundproof, so if your going to yell for help, No one will try and help you.” His voice full with venom. 
You went to the bed and cried yourself to sleep.
Few months had passed and Iida had visited you few hours a day. Craving for Affection. If you won’t give him any cuddles when he’s tired, he’ll be the big spoon and hug you instead.
“I’m back darling~” He notified you, opening the door. “I have a surprise for you.” And that made you look at him in a blink of an eye. He grinned at the action 
“Since you were a good pet, I thought that you should leave this room and sleep in my bedroom instead.” You frowned at the statement. Until you thought that you had a chance to escape! You quickly went to him and nodded, faking a smile. He pecked your lips and held your hand to refrain you from leaving him. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The night was the same, cuddling him. 
You waited as he left. Then that’s your chance. The windows were closed. But the door was surprisingly open. You ran out the house. You took a deep breath, the place looks more beautiful than before. Than you run to an alleyway, Sadly, Iida saw you running out the house when he forgot to lock the door. He chased you and easily caught you. 
“Doll, i thought you can finally love me. But you clearly don’t..” Iida frowned. “I guess i’ll have to stay home today.” He sighed, harshly gripping your wrists while you sobbed.
 After some punishments, The bruises, cuts and many more gave you pain. Tears leaving your eyes as you cry at the pain. 
Instead of bandaging the injury he gave you, He just comforted you and hugged you. You tried to jerk him away from you but failed. You were too weak. You knew you can’t go outside and leave anymore. 
“If you weren’t bad today, I could’ve let you live upstairs. But your staying here until you realized your mistake.” Iida stood and went infront of the door. 
“Those people had corrupted you so badly! I should’ve done this sooner.” 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
A few months before, Todoroki was the first one who got extremely worried about your sudden disappearance. Everyone thought you were sick, so they let it slide.
“Hey, where’s Y/n? We haven’t seen them for weeks.” He decided to speak up. The others became worried after what he said. 
“Y/n must be with her parents abroad. They dropped out school since their parents needed Y/n to help them in their business.” Iida lied. 
“What do you mean? We’ve been trying to contact them but they haven’t answered!” Uraraka raised her voice. 
“Y/n didn’t have time to tell all of you, but i forgot to update all of you. I deeply apologize.” He said, his voice  was cracking a bit but they haven’t noticed it yet. 
He went home smiling wickedly to look at his prized possession. 
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: Past Aizawa/Mandalay
Word Count: 1,921 Words
Summary: Hitoshi and Katsuki's birthday.
Warnings: Period Mention, Menstruation Mention, Food Mention, Nightmare Mention, Death Mention, Cursing, Caps, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison   Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20, Yamada: President Megaphone, Bakugou: deku-deck-you
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 7
6:25 AM
Existence Is A Prison
pure: It's a birthday! That means birthday breakfasts are in order!
life is a nightmare: Kiyo made everyone yakisoba buns with enoki and I made soup dumplings to celebrate.
farmer toshi: You two are so sweet, thank you.
deku deck-you: Thanks, girls.
pure: No problem!
saviour: I will not be attending class today. I will not be leaving my room today.
feral cat dad: What's wrong?
saviour: Painful period. Dysphoria. Hate living.
feral cat dad: I'm sorry, kid. I'll tell Vlad you're dehydrated and have Nemuri take care of you, she'll know more than me, but I'll bring a hot water bottle, food, and some company for you in the meantime.
saviour: Thank you, Mr. Aizawa.
feral cat dad: I am the father collective here, it's only fair I parent my child.
8:30  AM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: I'm recording the classes for you so you don't miss anything, Ibara, dear.
saviour: Thank you, Seiko.
nat20: Not a problem, love. I don't want to see you falling behind when you don't deserve to. I mean, it's surely not your fault uterus' exist.
saviour: You're amazing.
nat20: I know.
12:45 PM
Existence Is A Prison
schrodinger better run: I'm bringing over lunch, Ibara.
saviour: You're all too nice to me. I shouldn't even be in bed still.
schrodinger better run: Ibara, honey, we're nice because we care about you. You deserve to rest this off and see when you feel better. There's no rushing yourself. I'm sure that, once you rest up a bit, Recovery Girl can help 'heal' the cramps or at least tone them down a bit.
saviour: Still, thank you. All of you.
2:04 PM
Existence Is A Prison
gay salt: I think this is hilarious, personally.
nat20: What's even happening over in 1-A, you guys have been yelling and all for like ten minutes.
gay salt: birthdayboysinbirthdayhats.jpg
gay salt: Shinsou had to come deliver something to Mr. Aizawa from Mr. Snipe's class and now everyone is questioning Kats and Hito if they're twins and Midoriya's trying to chill everyone out. Really, you should be here, Seiko.
nat20: They are twins. I mean, practically, yes, they are.
ranch flavored jello: I know, it's great. The best part is that everyone is in such a heated debate about it.
feral cat dad: I have no clue what's even happening but I'm not gonna stop this unless Katsuki or Hitoshi says something.
foil-mecha: ourclassrightnow.jpg
schrodinger better run: Todoroki, please. It's not that deep, man.
foil-mecha: I don't think he cares, honestly.
nat20: I heard more screaming. Vlad King is starting to get concerned.
foil-mecha: They said they are twins and Midoriya's trying to ask why Katsuki's mother cheated on his father. This is the funniest thing, honestly.
3:15 PM
Existence Is A Prison
gay salt: Okay, I found the 2006 First Year Sports Festival and I just need you all to see Mr. Aizawa as our age.
gay salt: younglankyaizawamidbattlewithtensei.jpg
foil-mecha: Mr. Aizawa, you were tiny.
feral cat dad: To be fair, I was an idiot kid and didn't eat well until like a week prior to that Sports Festival.
ranch flavored jello: I'll punt kick you, Dad.
feral cat dad: Yeah, yeah, I know. I started eating better after that, I promise.
gay salt: lankyaizawatakingdowntensei.jpg
nat20: Mr. Aizawa was a strong little stringbean.
feral cat dad: If you call me a stringbean again, I'll make you do garbage duty for a month.
nat20: That's normal, Father Collective.
feral cat dad: Curse these children being functional human beings.
President Megaphone: At least we know they clean up after each other and themselves.
President Megaphone: Plus, you were a stringbean, Shouta, so it's a fair statement.
deku deck-you: Wait, I just realized Mr. Aizawa told us he was divorced.
gay salt: Oh yeah, he did and nobody even questioned it!
ranch flavored jello: To be fair, we were busy introducing ourselves.
feral cat dad: Yeah, I was married for a while after high school. Maybe a year, I think.
President Megaphone: 10 months and 17 days from December 2010 to October 2011. I still think it's funny you didn't even spend one birthday married.
farmer toshi: Dad, what happened!?
feral cat dad: Well, you see, I had pressure put on me to get married to a girl I knew because we both weren't out yet as gay and lesbian, respectively, and we both realized during our marriage that it wasn't working so we went through a mutual divorce and are still friends.
President Megaphone: Yeah, Shouta and Sosaki are friends.
life is a nightmare: Shino Sosaki? Mandalay from the Wild Wild Pussycats?
feral cat dad: The one and only.
life is a nightmare; Wow.
9:52 PM
Existence Is A Prison
schrodinger better run: Dating sucks.
feral cat dad: Why, what's up, Pony?
schrodinger better run: My gf broke up with me because she realized I'm actually in Japan. I mean, I told her a hundred times but she never believed me that I was going international. for high school.
deku deck-you: Eh, the trash got rid of itself from what it sounds like.
schrodinger better run: I mean, I'm kind of happy because she never really liked me for more than just saying she was dating a cute girl but I also feel bad about being happy that we're broken up.
ranch flavored jello: Ice cream and cry?
schrodinger better run: Thank you, Toru, it's much appreciated.
2:26 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Hey, dad?
feral cat dad: Yes?
farmer toshi: Can I sleep in your room?
feral cat dad: Yeah, sure, come on. Don't let the cats out.
farmer toshi: You're not even gonna ask me why?
feral cat dad: Should it matter?
farmer toshi: Well, I don't think so. I just don't want to have another nightmare but usually the caregivers at the orphanage would ask for a good reason.
feral cat dad: Well, you don't need one with me. Just don't let the cats out is my only request. Ai has figured out how to open the kitchen door and will get lost on UA grounds again.
farmer toshi: Kumo is staring at me while I open the door.
feral cat dad: Yeah, he's like that. Just ignore him, focus more of keeping Ai from making a break for it.
farmer toshi: Alright.
11:04 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Alright, I was going through you kids' files during my free period and Tsunotori, your birthday is today.
schrodinger better run: Oh, I don't like celebrating my birthday. I haven't celebrated it since I was six.
feral cat dad: Why, what happened?
schrodinger better run: My cousin from my biological family made fun of my feet, we got in a fight, and I couldn't explain to defend myself so I got grounded and wasn't allowed to celebrate my birthday so I just haven't celebrated it since then.
feral cat dad: Is there still a day we can celebrate with you that isn't today?
schrodinger better run: I like celebrating my adoption date as my new birthday. October 7th.
feral cat dad: I'll put a reminder for that.
saviour: Wait, are you putting all of our birthdays as reminders?
feral cat dad: Perhaps.
7:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
foil-mecha: I'm going to the convenience store before school for breakfast in class because I want sandos and energy drinks. Anyone else want? Say yes.
feral  cat dad: YES.
foil-mecha: Are you okay? You responded in like one second.
feral cat dad: I'm just realizing I like someone and I'm suffering.
gay salt: Please.
nat20: Yes.
farmer toshi: Two redbulls and anything with egg, please.
saviour: Fruit if it's there.
pure: Yes.
schrodinger better run: Yes, I'm so hungry.
life is a nightmare: Ham is preferred, please and thank you.
ranch flavored jello: Yes, food.
deku deck-you: Yes, please.
foil-mecha: Everyone will receive redbulls and sandos.
8:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
foil-mecha: I got held up, there was a villain attack right outside the store when I got there. I'm with food and drink and on my way back.
feral cat dad: I've already written you a pass, it's taped to the wall just inside the gate, have fun delivering food to Hitoshi.
8:25 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Tokoyami is a god.
farmer toshi: tworedbullsandthreesandos.jpg
nat20: Wow, he likes you.
foil-mecha: Oh, I got three for everyone. I just grabbed a bunch so everyone can pick.
nat20: Be careful at 1b, Mr. Kan is one of those 'bring something for yourself, share it with everyone' type of teachers.
foil-mecha: And I'll tell him to fuck off because us dorm kids didn't eat breakfast this morning.
deku deck-you: Yeah, our poor stove is dead.
ranch flavored jello: It wasn't my fault! I promise! I was just cooking and it died!
feral cat dad: To be fair, it is old. I think that thing's been there since I was in UA.
8:35 AM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20 has started a video chat
[Tokoyami opening door and Vlad King stops teaching and stares at him]
Kid, you're not my student. Your class is down the hall, are you lost? -Unknown
Hey, Pony, Kiyo. Here, pick three each and a drink or two. -foil-mecha
Young man, you can't just waltz into my classroom and hand unsolicited food to only two students. -Unknown
[Kiyomi and Pony are shown grabbing their sandos and redbulls from the large bag Tokoyami came in with]
You're right, I'm not. Ibara, Kageya, Seiko, come get yours too. I found a cool one I think you'll like, Ibara. -foil-mecha
Oh? What is it? -saviour
Well, I heard you say you like apples and melon. I found you a sando with both. -foil-mecha
I'm in love with you. -saviour
Sure, yeah Get your food, I need to get to 1-A. -foil-mecha
You should be in there now! This isn't your class! -Unknown
Sir? Sir. I really don't care. I have a pass from Mr. Aizawa and I'm literally about to leave. Our oven broke in the dorms so none of us ate breakfast this morning. I went to get us all breakfast and got held up with a villain attack. Kindly, sir, I think even Nezu would be unhappy if even a single one of us hero course students weren't eating breakfast this close to the Sports Festival. So, you feel free to carry on your lesson. Let just the five of your students  eat their breakfast. I promise, it won't disrupt you further than  it has. -foil-mecha
Fine. -Unknown
nat20 has ended the video chat
gay salt: I love Tokoyami. I do.
foil-mecha: My mothers and fathers didn't raise a carpet, I don't exist to be stepped on by authority figures.
nat20: Thanks, Fumi. I'm starving.
foil-mecha: Anything for my friends.
feral cat dad: Bringer of Energy Drink, Keeper of the Sando.
gay salt: We all love you, Fumi.
foil-mecha: What a time to be alive, being adored by my peers and teacher AND getting to tell off an annoying teacher?
feral cat dad: God, yes, sando time. Gimme.
gay salt: aizawaeatingasandolikeaferalcat.jpg
nat20: Thanks, I'm scarred for life having witnessed Feralzawa.
farmer toshi: I love you, Fumi.
foil-mecha: Seems that's everyone's sentiment this morning.
farmer toshi: I'll get a crush, fucker, don't tempt me.
foil-mecha: Alright, alright.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust 
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Dead to Me
Neito Monoma x Reader
Warnings: Angst, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, this gets dark so read at your own risk guys
A/N: Like i said this is one of the darker things iv’e wrote on this so blog so far. Not for the faint of heart.
You sat in the cafeteria looking across the head of your fellow classmates to see your boyfriend Monoma sitting with his own class. You tried to catch his attention but it proved to be a failure.
“Well that didnt work...” You saw with a grumpy look on your face.
“Man how did you even end up dating him (y/n)? He’s an asshole to the entire Class of 1A!” Your friend Mina said as she gave you a little pout.
“I dont know he just ended up asking me out and now we’re dating!” You said happily. Even though Monoma could be a bit much sometimes you still loved him with your entire being.
You turn your head again to see to bright baby blue eyes looking at you. You smile and wave at him waiting for him to wave back. You hand slowly went down as you saw him laughing and pointing at you. 
You never head good self esteem so your mind immediately went to thinking that he was making fun of you. Your cheeky smile turning into a small frown as you glanced again to see him still laughing.
‘Maybe he’s just laughing at someone else?’ You thought to yourself, trying to convince your mind that he wouldnt make fun of you. He loved you...
A few days after the cafeteria incident you had begun to notice that Monoma was starting to hang out with you less and less. You wanted to ask him about it but you didnt want to be seen as clingy. So you just suffered in silence as you watched him slowly drift away from you. Your head sending you all the signals to ask him, but your heart wanted to believe that there was a good reason to why he was doing it.
You were walking towards the 1A Class when some upperclassman decided it would be funny to pick on you.
“Wow would you look at this little baby! How did someone so usless get into a school such as UA?” Him and his buddies only laughed as you try to stutter out an insult. You turn your head towards the door and see Monoma walking out, you tried to get his attention, which worked this time but instead of helping you he only turned his head and walked towards his classroom. You turn your gaze back to the upperclassman before getting a quick slap to the face by one of them.
“Speak when spoken to bitch.”
The bullying from the upperclassman had started to really take a toll on your mental health. You would try to do anything in your power to avoid them but they always found you. You wanted to tell the teachers but you were afraid they would believe you. They planted that thought in your brain as you slowly believed them.
You begged Monoma to walk you to class, hoping if he saw the fear in your eyes he would listen. Much to your dismay he didn’t.
You would always come to class with some sort of new bruise on your body. Everyone started to worry about you, they slowly started to think Monoma was abusing you. Which you said wasn’t the case. When asked who did it, you tensed up and froze in fear, worrying that they may be near.
You finally told someone about it when you were hanging out with Jirou. She had asked you what was going and you finally told her what was happening. And everything that has been happening with Monoma. She looked at you and gave you a nice bone crushing hug as she asked you why you didnt tell anyone.
“I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me..”
“Oh (v/n)...were going to report them. Im not standing by and watch as you get hurt!”
A few weeks have passed since then and things were finally starting to be looking up! The upperclassmen who were bullying you had gotten expelled since, ‘bullying is not what hero’s do’. You were finally able to walk the halls with being in constant fear again. Your mental health still wasnt at its peak but it was slowly getting better!
But only one more thing still wasn’t looking brighter. And that was your relationship with Monoma. He kept on acting the same way, maybe even worse then before! As much as you hated the feeling you had started to grow bitter. Why was he ignoring you? What did you do to make him pissed at you?
You finally swallowed your anxiety and went up to talk to him. Taking a deep breath as you went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. You were the only one’s in the hallway.
“Hey Monoma..did i..did i do something wrong?” You said trying to sound confident.
“What do you mean?” He asked. You sense a hint of smugness in his voice.
“Like you’ve been ignoring me all this week...what happened i thought we were doing-”
“Ah ah ah ah, im going to stop your right there. You see my dear our little ‘relationship’ was all but a dare.” Your eyes widen as sadness washed over you like a tidal wave. That couldn’t be tu\rue he said that he had loved you..was it all just a lie?
“W-what? B-b-but i thought y-you-”
“Well you thought wrong dear (y/n).” A snicker after his words. Your eyes swelled up with tears before pushing away from Monoma and running back to the dorms. Not caring if you missed class.
You sat in your dorm, crying your soul out. You had loved him and told him secrets that no one else knew. You thought he truly loved you. The more you thought about it the more it hurt. You felt like your whole world came crashing down. Your tears burning your face as they kept coming.
You looked down at your phone to see a text from Kirishima asking why you weren’t in class today. You could see the text message with it counting as reading it. You have to click on the app to do that. You throw your phone to the other side of your bed before laying back down and crying some more.
Once you woke up from your nap, the thoughts came rushing back again. What if they were just like Monoma? What if they were only your friends because of a dare too? 
All those thoughts running through your head at inhumane speeds, until one stayed still.
What if you just ended it?
Your heart stopped at the thought. Why would your brain even think about that? But no matter how hard you tried to forget the said thought more and more voices plowed there way through your head filling it with horrible thoughts. Slowly picking at your insecurities. Feasting on your every flaw. You slowly get up from your tear stained bed. And you look at yourself in the mirror.
All but a dare
The last thought hit you like a brick as you fall to the floor with your head in your knees.
Your quirk was called Frost. You pretty much had the power to manipulate Frost. Meaning everything you touched would become covered in an a sheet of ice. That why you had to wear gloves, kinda like Shigaraki you needed to have all five fingers on said target for your power to work.
You just stared at your hand, tracing over every curve and looking at it with deep intensity. Before you could do anything else you put all five fingers on your ankle, causing your ankle begin to have a sheet of ice covering it. The frost started to quickly spread around your body and onto the floor. You head you head in your knees as you felt your body heat lower, the Ice completely claiming your body as one. A single tear slipped down your face before your entire body and room was covered in a layer of ice. Your phone buzzing with texts from worried classmates.
After class had ended practically the entire class of 1A ran to their dorms to find you. You never missed a class. 
As soon as they entire the dorms they all shivered. It had to be below zero in there. As they hugged themselves tightly they walked up to your room. As the tried to knock and upon the door they had realized the handle had been frozen solid. Bakugo having enough time worrying blasted the door open with his quirk. Everyone gasped as they saw your frozen form on the other side of the wall. They were quick to grab you out of the ice and bring you to Mr. Aizawa.
Once they reached him, he asked what happened. Which they all replied with i dont know. You were quickly taken to the nearest hospital everyone doing their best to thaw you out of your frozen cocoon.
Once at the hospital your body had been completely thawed out and was ready to be put in EC unit. You body temp was so low that they put every heater they had in the room.
The nurse looked at the class and told them that if they were a minute later you would have died from hypothermia.
Monoma walked into school the next and was met with angry and ugly looks the entire time.
‘They hell did i do?’ He thought to himself. You never once crossed his mind. 
After he said those things to you the look of betrayal and sadness in your eyes shot a spike of guilt through his chest. Before he could say anything you had run out of the building. 
Now here he was the day after you got put in the hospital reciving ugly looks from everyone.
“Hey Kendo do you know what everyone is talking about?” The blonde boy asked his ginger friend.
“Wait, you didnt hear? (y/n) is in the hospital. Apparently they tried to commit suicide. Sad right?” A wave of guilt, sadness, and disgust completely takes over his body.
 How could he live with himself knowing what he did to you? That he made you take that dark path.
News Flash he couldn’t.
The next day the blonde boy walked up the he hospital you resided at and getting ready to see you.
Once he saw your lifeless form he dashed his way to the bed to slowly stroke your hair. Sitting on a chair to get closer to you before hearing you wake up.
You slowly turn to Monoma, your eyes once filled with happiness was now full of hate and disgust.
“What are you doing here?” You snapped at the boy. Disgust evident in your voice.
“i just came to say-” 
“What?” Your words shushed him as he looked at you with wide eyes was he tried to grab your cheek to make you look at him.
“You heard me leave. I never want to see you again you understand Neito Monoma?” You looked him right in those blue eyes you use to love so much and said something you could never go back on.
“Your dead to me.”
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Love Isn’t An Illusion (5)
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Pairing: Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou, VERY SLOW BUILD
Summary: Studying, exams and lead up to the practical exam
Words: +-6600
Warnings: Anxiety, stress, overthinking, feelings of pressure, over working, unhealthy habits, over studying, not eating, not sleeping, getting thinner, (aggressive) caring Bakugou, Monoma, angy boom boom boy, fear of failure, swearing
Tagged:  @kittycatspervertedheart​ @lemorrite​ @gwendlynn​ @marleps​ @thicctati2​ @saitamastamaticsoup​ @succulent-momma​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @imjusttireddudes​ @misconceptualised​ @ochabby​ @katsukisuwus​ @gayverlinq​ @star-witchs-blog​ @fallbb123
A/N:  I wrote this for the fans. I do not own My Hero academia or the characters, I don’t own most of the plot for this story, I had watched the show and re-written the dialogue and plot as if the reader was the main character. Everything is centred around the reader. Please comment, makes me happy. Ask if you wish to be tagged. I’m thinking of making a patreon for exclusive fanfics and commissions, comment/ask/message your thoughts.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Y/N P.O.V
Once Aizawa left the room Kaminari and Mina were yelling within seconds “It’s true we haven’t had much free time” Tokoyami but in. I’ve had heaps of free time, you just cut out sleep and boom like 9 hours of studying ready for you. I had come first in the midterms so I couldn’t fall behind now.
“As someone who ranked in the top ten I'm not that concerned” Mineta smiled spinning in his chair. It was quite often my brain ignored that he was athletic and semi-decently smart. Though his personality ranked quite low in the class so overall he wasn’t doing exceptionally well. 
“What you’re tenth in the midterms” both Kaminari and Mina yelled out in unison. They were the bottom two, I couldn’t imagine the stress of that. I can’t deal with being first not to mention being last. I think I was going to faint, just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine. 
“Ashido, Kaminari. We still have time to study and we’ll all get to go to the training camp together” he had ranked fifth I had completely forgotten about the camp far too focused on not failing I must have excused that from my memory. I was glad Midoriya brought it up, now I was forced to converse with my parents at a later date. “Right” he questioned with a smile, hands clenched and happy.  
“Yes, as class rep, I have hopes we will make UA proud” Iida was in third place in the class. How was he holding it together, I wanted to ask him for his secrets. To give me guidance. I needed the help, I needed to train. I had so little time. 
“It’s pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn’t it” Todoroki’s voice was so bland and he spoke, his words were true. Like there was no way I could fail, right, right? I could feel my heart beating so quickly. Todoroki had ranked sixth in the class, how was he being so calm. I was stressing beyond belief.
“Why you gotta cut me down like that” Kaminari was holding his chest, kneeling on the floor. I nodded, I felt the same. Everyone in the top ten seemed to calm and here I was in first place having a small crisis. I thought I had gotten over my nerves but not at least not for my education. 
“Hey don’t worry you two, I can catch you up to speed on certain topics if you want” Yaoyorozu was so nice, maybe I would ask if I too could join. She ranked second, I needed to ask her as well as how she wasn’t stressing. Was it the fact she wasn’t number one? Was it something else? Did she not care? Anyone give me an answer. I had study sessions but they slowly died down with the class. I was collapsing and I needed support. Mina and Kaminari took her up on the offer. “I’m afraid I won’t be any help when it comes to the practical though” she sulked, an aura radiating off her from the corner of the room as she sat down in her chair. 
“I’ve been studying but can you help me out too, I’m having some trouble understanding quadratic functions,” Jirou asked holding up her book. I too had struggled with them, a whole night of rewriting them, listening to a youtube video about them and then reading about them had solved that issue. Jirou ranked eighth in the class.
“Tutor me please, classical Japanese is killing me” Sero had his hands above his hand in a ‘praying’ formation, he ranked eighteenth. Classical Japanese was a lot of work but again some videos and all-nighter. I think I had got it to a T, though what if I had missed something… My lord what if I had missed something.
Ojiro walked over his shoulders slouched and hand in the air like he was volunteering “Is their room for one more, I’m falling behind a little” at least he was honest. Ojiro ranked ninth so he was still in the top ten but I could see his stress. I was listening in from my desk as my hands shook. 
They all asked in unison for help and Yoayarozu looked stunned for a moment, her hands coming to her lips as her eyes sparkled “This is wonderful” she shouted, her seat moving back as she jumped up, hands in the air happily. How could she be happy at a time like this? “Yes let’s do it, ok we can hold a study session at my residence over the weekend” she smiled hands clasped together. 
“Seriously, I can’t wait to see your fancy digs” Mina smiled as she bounced over. Yaoyarozu looked so happy, a blush forming along her cheeks, hands fisted near her face. Her smile was beautiful, she was beautiful. How could she be smart and pretty?
“I must call mother and ask to set up the great hall, it’ll be the perfect spot” Did she just say great hall, she was joking right. She didn’t have that kinda space just laying around. “What kind of tea does everyone like, I'll make sure we are stocked” everyone looked about as shocked as I was, sure I knew she was rich but this was just wow. She continued to go on about what her family drank and that if it wasn’t to your liking she would buy some. Such a good host and we were still at school. 
“Sounds like I should be studying with her” Kirishima smiled at the group forming at the back of the room, he was ranked sixteenth. I couldn’t blame him, she seemed so confident and wise. How was she so happy, how was she able to make time for other people when she too had to study. Sure I could do it a few weeks ago but right now? A week before the exam, how was she doing it?  
“Think I don’t know enough, maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull” Bakugou growled out, he ranked fourth. He was another I forgot was smart. He was always so loud and angry but he did care dearly for his education and becoming the best so it made sense why he was like that. Bakugou looked so angry teeth grit and eyes wide, was he mad that Kirishima even suggested going with someone else. 
“I'm counting on it,” Kirishima smiled and nodded happily to the seething Bakugou. I don’t often see Kirishima without a smile, he was always so happy. Give me tips, please. I was on the verge of passing out, whether it be from stress, sleep deprivation or the four cups of coffee wearing off I wasn’t sure. “God I wish I was Y/N. Not a care in the world” Kirishima sighed and I watched as everyone turned their attention to me shaking at my desk. 
“Yeah I know right” Sero agreed his head down, I heard a few more agree. Lord if only they knew how fast my heart was beating at the thought. “I don’t know how you can even get 100%” there was so much pressure, my head was spinning as I felt faint. 
My hand rose, shaking as I shook my head “I am very stressed” I stuttered and everyone stopped turning to my shaking figure as I went to stand and my legs wobbled. “I think I’m about to have a heart attack,” I said calmly and sighed out unevenly. 
“What, why, you’re so smart. Our study sessions were like you were a teacher. I don’t know how you find the time” Mina jumped to my desk as I stood up straight, my hands coming to rub my cheeks the end of my sleeves dragging along my skin. 
“Yeah, you are incredibly smart” Kaminari agreed. “I could never come first” he sighed and everyone slowly walked over. I was rubbing my face still, slowly and shakily. They all thought I was so smart, I had so much pressure. “How do you have time?” he asked. 
“I don’t sleep” I looked up, my eyes baggy and black. I might as well have been a walking corpse. “I studied over 300 hours for the last test. I can’t even imagine the time I’ve put into this one” I shivered and saw wide eyes and feared looks. “Am I allowed to the study sessions as well?” I asked slowly. 
“I think you need some sleep” Yaoyarozu spoke and came to rub my back calmly. I could fall asleep to this, I could fall asleep standing I was so tired. “But if you want to come you are more than welcome” she smiled nodding. “I’ll make you some nice calming tea” 
I grabbed her hands bowing my head “Thank you” I whispered and looked up seeing her happy face smiling, she was pretty “If I could marry you, I would” I whispered and she flushed as I heard some laughter. “I’m not joking, the idea of studying with calming tea is marriage material and no one can tell me otherwise” I bowed again. She blushed more and bowed back. 
Then came lunch, we all walked to the lunchroom and sat down. We all sat at one big table and when I sat down I brought out my notes books and pens. This was half an hour I got to study, the lords are truly smiling upon me. As I began to write I could feel eyes on me. 
“Are you not eating?” Mina asked slowly pointing down to my book “You can take a half an hour break to eat Y/N” I looked down to my book, I was hungry. When had I eaten last? I wasn’t sure yesterday, maybe. The day before. I was far too stressed and busy to eat. 
“Well it’s an extra half an hour” I answered and saw the looks I was getting. “I have to do my best you know” I clicked the lid of my pen to the bottom of it and began to write again. 
“When was the last time you ate,” Bakugou asked and I turned, we were sitting next to each other. He had asked me last time as well. He took a lot of care for his body, his athleticism was proof of that. Why was everyone so worried for me?
“Um,” I paused and tried to think about it “I had some rice, Saturday” I questioned and shook my head “I’m fine though, really” I smiled but even that was using energy my body didn’t have. 
“Are you kidding?” Kirishima asked and I looked down shaking my head “I could never” he whispered and looked over my body. I too looked down, was I getting smaller? I pulled on my UA jumper and then flattened it to my body. There was a lot of excess fabric but I liked my jumpers bigger. 
I saw a bowl placed in front of me as books were moved out of the way “Eat” Bakugou demanded and I looked down to the bowl of rice with soup and noodles, odd but it looked good. I shook my head and smiled about talking when I was handed some chopsticks. “I said to eat” he growled. 
My stomach growled loudly, I hadn’t noticed just how hungry I was “Thank you” I whispered and placed my hands together in a thank you for the food. Picking up the bowel I began to eat and saw him eating something else he had brought. A few mouthfuls and I placed it down. “Thank you again” I went to grab my book but my hand was stopped. 
“Eat it all” he ordered and moved the bowl back “You look dead” he added and took another bite of his food. I touched my face, did I look that bad. The noodles had a nice spice to it and were about to shake my head once more when I was glared at. Giving up I continued to eat until a loud banging was heard. 
“Oh sorry, your head is so big that it’s hard to miss” it was the preppy boy from 1-B, the one who was a real jerk ward. I lowered Bakugous’ bowl and watched how this would play out. He was rude and had a grudge against 1-A. Maybe he hadn’t gotten in or maybe he just didn’t like us. 
“You’re the kid from class 1-B. Um. Monomo right?” Midoriya asked rubbing the back of his head with wide eyes. Had he hit him, from the sound I thought it was the table, it was quite loud? Why was he talking to our class again? “That hurt” Midoriya yelled as he continued to rub the tender area at the back of his head.
“You guys stumbled across the Hero Killer” Now I was more interested in the conversation, the whole table was. “Just like in the sports festival, class 1-A isn’t happy unless they are the centre of attention but you know you aren’t in the spotlight because people think you’re good heroes, right?” even his voice was annoying. Did he only come here to make fun of us, was that it? “It’s just that you keep getting into so much trouble. Here’s food for thought someday the rest of us might get caught up in your mess and then we will all become victims as well” his smile was wide and menacing. He did have it out for us. “What kind of horrible villain will you bring down upon us?” he continued. 
“Are you done?” I asked my eyes slowly looking over to him, too slowly to not be creepy. He seemed to sense it too. “I’m not in the mood to deal with your insecurities right now” I continued and he looked offended. Wait, did I say that out loud?
“Excuse me” his eyes widened and he huffed turning his eyes towards my own, trying to explode my head, or maybe he was constipated. I rose and eyebrow in confusion as some of my fellow class chuckled. “Say that aga-” he was cut off. 
I watched as the redhead walked up, slapping him upside the head within a second he was on the floor holding the spot, now he knows how Midoriya felt. “That’s not funny Monoma, you heard what happened to Iida, chill out” 
“Kendo” Iida called out his hand up about to respond again. She seemed to be everywhere the little rascal blonde went. I was about two seconds away from sticking him in an endless cube for twenty minutes. 
“I apologise for him. I’m pretty sure there’s a hole where his heart should be'' she began, he should apologise for himself. Though when I looked down I should see him dangling in her grasp, did she knock him out? “So I was listening about what’s going to be on the big final practical. I heard it’s going to be combat against robots like the entrance exam” everyone straightened up now far more intrigued with the new information “One of my friends who is a few grades up filled me in. You know, cheating but oh well” I could beat them, right. I got in on recommendation so I didn’t know but I fought them in the festival and they seemed pretty easy. 
Midoriya began to mumble to himself as I picked the food back up and looked down to my notes, the book was closed seconds later. Bakugous’ hand retreating as he pointed to the food in my bowl. I continued to eat, he did care about people in strange ways but still cared nonetheless. 
“What kind of idiot are you Kendo” so the preppy boy was awake again. My eyes rolled by themselves this time. “You just gave away our whole strategic advantage” he whispered angrily his head rising, eyes wide as his smile. Was he ok? “This was our chance to finally pull ahead of that class full of idiots” another slap to the back of the head and he was out, being pulled out by Kendo who was calling him an idiot. A true saviour to class 1-A. Before lunch ended I made sure to give Bakugou his bowl and chopsticks back, thanking him again and asking if I could come to his study session. He agreed, a shrug but still agreed. 
After lunch, everyone was talking about how the practical would be easy. It was only the exam they were now worried about. I was still stressing about every second but that was my problem. “It shouldn’t matter whether it’s robots or actual people, why are you morons so excited” the question was directed to Kaminari and Mina, they were offended by what he said but their words died down when he began to shout “Shut up” he got angry so quickly, I don’t know how he did it. “You need to learn how to control your quirk, you got it” I had to admit he had a point, they did need better control and out of everyone in the class, I think he was in the top for harnessing his quirk. “Hey Deku” his voice growled, this was the most I had heard him talk in a while. “I wanna know what’s going on with your power. I saw the way you’re using it now and I want you to know it’s seriously pissing me off” his eyes were narrowed and hands in his pockets. The training exercise, just like how he moved, had he been bottling this up for a few weeks? “I won’t have another half-ass fight, like the festival, we will be getting individual scores in the upcoming finals. New rankings” his teeth grit and his hand rose quickly pointing to the scared looking male “So we will all know exactly where we are standing. I’ll show you how much better I am and Todoroki, I’ll kill you too” with that he walked from the room, the door slamming shut. 
My hands came to my cheeks once more “Am I not seen as a threat” I whispered and saw a few faces at my stress. “Oh my, does he not see me as a threat” I whispered “I was the one who beat him” I added and sighed “Although not through physical strength” Bakugou didn’t see me as a threat. I fell into my seat, my head on the desk. “Oh no,” I sighed my forehead against the wood. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen him that worked up,” Kirishima told the class then walked over and I felt a hand on my back “I’m sure he sees you as a threat, the other two are just” he paused and I rose my head slowly “people he doesn’t like” my head came crashing back to the table. 
When the weekend rolled around, a group of us met at Yaoyarozus’ place, it was massive. Sure, I knew my house was big but this was something else entirely. We stood in awe, I had managed to get some sleep the night prior, regretted it in the morning but I had a bit more energy for the day ahead which I didn’t regret. 
“I knew her family had cash but I didn’t know she was this rich” Kaminari voiced all our thoughts, we all nodded in unison. It looked like her house went on for acres, and I didn’t doubt it did. 
Moving forward to press the bell a voice came through and the gates were open. All six of us walked to her house, large and beautiful. I didn’t understand the need for space but I could appreciate it. We were moved into the ‘great hall’ and we all sat down. Jirou, Kaminari and Sero on one side and Mina, Ojiro and I on the other books ready and awaiting our host. 
It was strange seeing the others in normal clothing and I looked down seeing the baggy jumper, black ripped jeans and boots I wore on my days off. Though the boots I had to imagine, taking off our shoes before entering the house. I wouldn’t want dirt in here either. 
“I could not feel any more out of place right now” Ojiro voiced and I nodded and Sero agreed verbally. It was a beautiful house and well taken care of. I couldn’t believe this is what Yaoyarozu came home to every day. 
She walked in pushing a tray of tea, she was wearing a red shirt and white shorts. Even though they were ‘normal’ clothes she still looked proper in every way. She was so nice to let us over to study, honestly a gift to my week. Hours of studying went by and I got ahold of everything, I needed to do more. I was given calming tea as I shook and stressed. 
“Marry me” I turned my eyes wide and hopeful. Yaoyarozu was a goddess in the body of a human. She had laughed and continued with the lesson. Over the weekend I met with that group of a day and Bakugou and Kirishima at night. A little over twelve hours of study with other people a day and then my study at home. 
“How are your notes so neat?” Kirishima asked leaning over to look at my notes in the booth, having met in a cafe. I looked down, my notes were mostly colour coded for different things, having many pens and highlighters. 
“I have a fear of failure” I stated and he nodded. I helped the two organise by colour coded and it seemed to help Kirishima get the hang of a few things “Look, cover, write, check” I wrote down on a posted note for him, sticking the paper to his book neatly. “The motto I live by, or just keep doing it until it’s engraved in your brain for eternity” I smiled and Bakugou nodded in agreement. 
“So manly” he nodded and started my technique, this went on for a few hours until we parted ways and I let him borrow one of the study books I was done with having memorized it. He looked about ready to cry “I owe you my life” he bowed and I laughed. 
Going home, eating something and then back up to my room to continue studying. Every day this week I had worked on my quirk. Expanding my area, how long I could do it for, how many things I could create, size, density. Everything had to be perfect. I worked night and day to be the best. I was going to stay in the top spot. I could do this. I hoped, begged. 
The weekend went quickly but the night before the exam I slept more hours then I did the whole week, waking up I felt ‘refreshed’ and ready. I practically sprinted to school my head high and my mind ready. I had an illusion of the answers beside me, to make sure I didn’t forget anything. Answers I had studied and worked my ass off. The first exam was long and I powered through the answers, seeming to know every single one. I didn’t stop writing for the entire time, I was proud of myself. 
The third day was finally over, I felt my heartbeat again “Alright pencils down, the last person of each row bring the answers to me” My page was collected and I felt a weight off my shoulders. I was breathing again, was oxygen always this good?
Yaoyarozu was then bombarded with Kaminari and Mina thanking her, I said it but I wouldn’t bet she could hear me over them. They had answered every question which was good to hear. They gave it a go. Later that day Kirishima had asked why I thanked Yaoyorozu and then the class was surprised to know I went to both sessions with the groups and then studied more at home. 
The practical was still to come, I looked down at my hands. Was I ready? I had trained so hard every day, was I ready for this? I shook my head then nodded, yes, I was. I had gone up against villains, murders, Nomus and won. I can beat a few robots… There were no robots. 
We were all in our hero costumes standing in front of the teachers. I was shitting bricks, to say the least. “Now then, let’s begin the last test, remember it’s possible to fail this final. If you want to go camping, don’t make any stupid mistakes” Aizawa warned. I was petrified, were all the teachers going to watch us?
“Why are all the teachers here?” Jirou questioned, good now I didn’t have to talk, a small sigh left my lips in relief. I thought it would only be Aizawa, maybe All Might if we were lucky not all of them.
“I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you’ll be faced with today” I froze, we weren’t fighting robots were we? Of course, it would change for our year, why wouldn’t it?
“We’ll be fighting those big metal robots” Kaminari shouted leaning back as if to allow as much sound from his body as possible… he most likely did do that. His hands were out and Mina joined in happily smiling. 
I watched as Aizawa’s scarf ruffled then Principal Nezu popped out “This year's test has been changed for various reasons” he smiled, I felt my heart sink. I was right, I was too right. Why was I right, why couldn’t we just fight the robots? “The test now has a new focus” he lowered himself with Aizawa's’ scarf and the help of No.13 “It’ll be hero work of course but also teamwork and combat against actual people. So what does that mean for you, your students will be in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed UA teachers. Isn’t that fabulous” I was going to throw up. My hands were shaking as I put my hand over my mouth to try and get myself together. 
“Additionally your partners and opponents have already been chosen” I was mad at that. If I lost because of my partner I was not going to be impressed. “They were determined under my discretion based on various factors including fighting style, grades and interpersonal relationships” this wasn’t going to end well. I was so sure, I was going to win but the idea of having to not only watch myself but someone else was a lot of work. “First Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team” he smiled pulling his scarf up “Against me. Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugou” they turned to each other and I could feel the tension circle our group. “And their opponent is” 
A loud bang and there was All Might in all his glory suited up and ready to fight “I am here” his fist was out and my heart fluttered in fear. I was so glad I wasn’t them. It was good to know I wasn’t going to be fighting the top hero and a little insulting knowing I was the first by grades and in the festival. I tried not to take it personally… I took it personally. “To fight” first Bakugou and now the teachers. “You’re going to have to work together boys, if you want to win” his smile only grew with a chuckle. 
Teachers P.O.V (third person)
The teachers began to talk about the exam, explaining why it needed to be changed and how. Some teachers were against the idea but the topic of the league of villains attacking once more quickly changed their minds, why wouldn’t it? The heroes in training need to be ready if anything ever happens. Hero Killer Stain may be gone, but for how long, how long until someone takes his place? Everyone was now on the same page about the students fighting the teachers. 
“Right, now let’s talk about the teams” Aizawa held a pile of papers in his hand, looking down at the first team “First, Todoroki, he’s doing quite well generally speaking but relies too much on brute force. Yaoyorozu is an all-rounder but lacks the ability to make spur of the moment decisions and apply them. Therefore I’ll erase their quirks and take advantage of their weaknesses” with the simple explanation all the teachers had agreed happily. It was fair, one liked to take control while the other feared to make decisions by erasing their quirks they would have to work together. “Next for Midoriya and Bakugou I’m leaving them to you All Might,” said male looked confused a little taken back by the conclusion of his pair. “In this case, I didn’t pair the two based on ability or classwork, I went with relationships. I know you’ve got a soft spot for Midoriya, please ensure that they learn something” Aizawa pointed out and. 
“I will do my best” All Might nod in affirmative. It would be hard for the number one Hero, he did have a soft spot for the green-headed successor but he also had a soft spot for the explosive teen who loved to cause damage. He was nervous but would do what he needed. 
“The next group is Anyama and Uraraka, I picked this pair based on relationships as well. I have never seen them talk and in the hero world you will need to pair with random heroes, they need to learn to pair with whoever” Aizawa explained then looked to No. 13 “I have paired them with you, both their quirks will be easy to fend off with your own and they will need to think outside the box” 
“I see” No 13 pondered then nodded “I look forward to facing them, I hope they can work well together” she concluded with the other teachers agreeing. As she was given the papers to learn more about them and how their quirks worked. 
“Forwarding on, Ashido and Kaminari this pair is based purely on grades. They are the lowest in class but seem to work well together. They both need work on their quirks so this is why I'm pairing them with Nezu. They need to think outside the box and quickly as well as together” Aizawas’ eyes turned to Neku who was smiling and quite happy to take the pages of the two students' information. 
“Very good thinking” Nezu nodded his eyes growing narrowed and smirking “I am quite excited to face these two in the exam” everyone knew Nezus’ past and his slight dislike for the human race. 
“Moving onto Tsu and Tokoyami both strong quirks but both are long-distance fighters, preferring to stay back. Relying heavily on their quirks. So Ectoplasm” Aizawa’s eyes moved to the Pro who nodded indicating he was listening. “Your clones will provide close combat as well as distance. They need to work on thinking quickly as well and not relying on their quirks” 
“Understood” his creepy voice spoke out into the room, a man of few words as many knew him. The pages were handed over easily and his eyes began to scan the information. Sure all the teachers had taught them but any extra information was useful. 
“The next pair is based purely on fighting style and speed, Ojiro and Iida. They work well in teams and can talk to anyone, they rely on speed and technique. This is why I'm pairing them with Power Loader because they will have to move faster, think as one and make sure they watch what is going on around them all at once” another explanation down. 
“This will be interesting” Power Loaded nodded and Aizawa knew he had a smile on his face even though this headgear was stopping most from seeing. Aizawa had spent a lot of thought and time working on these pairs.  
“Kirishima and Sato are with Cementoss, I paired them on strength and they have close grades as well as their quirks are both short term. Both friendly and enjoy working in teams. Let’s see how they fare against Cementoss who can change the location outlook in a matter of seconds” Aizawa smirked to the fellow Pro who thought for a moment and then nodded. 
“I wouldn’t hurt them as much as the other students if I go for a hit and they need to work on speed and agility. A very good pairing Eraserhead” Cementoss nodded and took the papers. He too began to look through the information provided, he had taught them and only saw Kirishima at the festival using his quirk. 
“Koda and Jirou are with Mic as they both rely on sound to use their quirk, it’ll be hard to use sound when someone is yelling over the top of them” this pair was easy to see the potential for a fight. “Koji will be required to talk more and build teamwork, Jirou will be tasked with helping him”
“Yo yo that sounds awesome Eraserhead. Perfect pair for me indeed” the loud hero smiled and nodded bobbing to music that wasn’t playing as he grabbed the papers and put them down in front of him with ease. 
“Shoji and Toru will be placed with Snipe. Their quirks are stealth-based and with someone shooting at them it will be hard to stay quiet and move in silence” Aizawa conducted putting the two pages together and hitting them against the table to make them even before handing them over to the hero who only nodded. 
“That leaves just me” Midnight smiled and placed her head atop her hands, her smile turning into a smirk “With Mineta and Sero am I correct,” she asked licking her lips. 
“Correct. I put them with you as Mineta can get” he paused shaking his head “Distracted while Sero is mostly speeding. Both with different fighting styles and outlooks on being a hero plus I found out they both look up to you” Aizawa answered with ease handing over the last pair of pages. 
“I do look forward to breaking them” licking her lips again she nodded and sighed out. Placing the pages down “Are we done? So soon” she questioned, that was a short meeting but if the pairs were decided it was to be expected. 
“No, there is one more student” Aizawa sighed and everyone was paying full attention “Y/N” he breathed out and everyone nodded. “Her quirk can be used in any situation and against any quirk, plus they can become physical. She could simply put an illusion of herself and no one would know the difference” he looked down to the paper seeing her face in the picture “I don’t know what to do” he answered honestly “She was first in the festival and first grade-wise, I heard the other students. She hadn’t slept in days to study for the test” the teachers all nodded. 
“Her quirk is a problem, she could easily get past any of us” Cementoss nodded adding his input into the conversation. Everyone sat in silence as Aizawa looked down to the paper with all her details. She was a perfect student for UA.
“She athletic as well” everyone turned to Snipe, the teacher who had taken her as a sidekick for a week. “She beat me in hand to hand” that stopped the teachers. “Her quirk works on thinking, she showed me something that” he paused and shook his head and licking his lips behind his mask “She had a conversation with me while also talking to a coworker at the same time. Her mind was doing two different things simultaneously while also keeping up the illusion” 
Midnight shook her head “That takes extreme power, in the festival her illusion looked so real. I believed it” She added nodding her head, a hand coming to her chin to think. Cementoss agreed. 
“She doesn’t rely purely on her quirk but also does. No matter who she went against, if it was a formal and acknowledged physical fight, if someone managed to beat her, I would be quite impressed” Snipe nodded as the other teachers agreed. Snipe was the only one who knew of her ‘weakness’ but he would never tell and even if he did it wouldn’t matter she knew everyone here. 
“I have an idea” Principal Nezu spoke up thoughtfully and all the teachers were open ears for the suggestion “What if we all went against her at once. It would prove she’s been working on her quirk, how many things she can create at one given moment. How quickly she can think and act” it was a good idea but the idea of it was unfair. “It may seem unfair to the child but we don’t have another option” all the teachers agreed, though some not looking as determined as others. “Though she has one rule” why would she have a rule and no one else, her test was already quite unfair. “She must show at least one teacher her true self during the exercise, she needs a challenge” the teachers felt bad but it was for her good. They had to test her as hard as they could. Even if she took down two maybe three teachers they would be impressed. 
“Then it’s decided, Y/N goes against all of us, at once” 
Once all the names were called out with their pairs I looked around and was confused. I was guessing they put a group of three, had they forgotten about me? Was I not seen as a threat that much that they just excluded me? “Um” I put my hand up and the class stopped talking turning to me. “I wasn’t paired,” I said slowly smiling as I did, an awkward smile and I could see the confusion of my peers. 
“You’re a special case Y/N” Aizawa looked me dead in the eyes and I nodded slowly, my eyebrows drawn in confusion as I waited for an answer pursing my lips. “You will be fighting” I nodded and smiled, OK, so I wasn’t getting kicked out or something. 
“OK” I nodded slowly and looked around “Am I joining a pair or something” I looked around and saw pleading faces for me to join groups. I had to be joining a group, there was no other way to complete the test or was someone going to have to do it twice, would I do it alone? 
“You will be competing alone” Aizawa added carefully and I felt my hands shake slightly, I could beat them. I nodded still confused. All the teachers were taken. What weren’t they telling me?
“Am I getting a teacher brought in or something or is a teacher doubling up?” I asked looking over everyone before landing back on Aizawa for the answer. Everyone was silent as the teachers waited for the answer and my peers listened in. 
“You are very strong” Aizawa began, this didn’t sound good. Bakugou and Midoriya already had All Might who was the top hero. Was I going to be fighting Endeavor or something, Best Jeaniest maybe? I felt my heart begin to race “After some talk and decision making we decided that you” he paused and then looked straight at me with a smirk “Will be fighting us all at once” I felt my eyes grow wide and gasps were heard behind me as my heart sank. 
I was going to be fighting them all… at once. Alone. Someone catch me.  ________________________________________________________________
Chapter 6
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dragonofelder · 4 years
Eri in the Past - Story Idea Part 2
I’m back again, with more! Both some present day stuff, as well as glimpses of Eri’s future. But that can wait, so on with the plot!
Last we left off, the time traveling Eri has escaped Overhaul early, and is now living with Eraserhead (Aizawa) and his husband Present Mic ( Yamada)
(Aizawa is still looking out for flaws in Eri’s act. He knows something is wrong, beyond the obvious.) 
Not much happens for a while, in all honestly. Eri isn't dumb enough to go wandering by herself, so she can’t go find any of her future siblings, especially Izuku
I’ll say Eri knows about One for All, and that in the current time Izuku is still training with All Might
So she just waits, relaxing and making plans.
Because the UA teachers are nosy, especially Midnight, she meets a bunch of them, including Nedzu
(She doesn't know that meeting was so Aizawa could get the principal’s opinion on her.)
Meanwhile Midnight declares herself Eri’s aunt, and agrees with Mic that she is the cutest 
Come the time of the entrance exam, she tries to convince her parents to take her, but nope
Mainly because she tried to convince Aizawa (who is, yanno, suspicious)
When term comes round she goes after Mic instead, turning up the cute factor.
This works, because Mic is weak. According to Aizawa at least
So Eri gets taken to UA, but is left in a staff room with books and such, and told not to go wandering
Ha, yeah right
(Unknown to Eri, this is another test)
Eri watches 1-A’s Quirk Apprehension Test, but gets caught by All Might
(Because he was part of the Shie Hassaikai raid, All Might does know about Eri, that she is living with Aizawa, and that she is under investigation)
But she is very cute, and All Might is very weak, so he can’t be that mad
Aizawa is less happy, but silently accepts this will be his life now
Eri searches for (stalks) Mirio and the other Big Three, and weasels her way into his heart
(She’s doing a lot of weaseling in this. I just like the word. Weasel)
Eri properly meets 1-A during the Battle Trial, when she sneaks into the control room to watch
They find her adorable but strange
She says her dad is a teacher, but she doesn't tell them its Aizawa, leaving them to speculate.
Meanwhile, Eri is making plans to stop USJ
(Because I dislike the traitor sub-plot, I’m going to use a common fic thing and say Shigaraki used the press as a distraction to sneak in, and steal info from a staff room.)
Be a shame, if... all the files had been drawn on. With permanent marker.
Oh dear
Eri apologies to All Might for drawing on his work documents, she’d run out of paper.
The fact some of them have been turned to dust has nothing to do with her, honest!
(Cute Weasel Face)
Sadly it’s here my ideas for this AU ends. I don’t know where the plot would go from here, except Eri eventually being found out. And hugs, lots of hugs.
What I can give you is stuff about the PLF War from Eri’s future! Sad stuff first, slowly becoming funnier.
The war lasted for about four years, destroying a lot of Japan in the process
Other countries had similar uprisings, or those that simply took advantage of the chaos
It ended with the death of Shigaraki, which was reluctantly caused by the Symbol of Heroism, Deku
At that point Shigaraki was 101% percent mad, stuffed so full of quirks he was actually reaching the limit of All for One, and would not stay down at all
So really, no one can blame Izuku for having to do it
A bunch of other villains died, some due to infighting (see below) but some because the Hero Commission basically gave heroes the right to kill
There were a large number of Hero deaths as, including;
Yagi died after he gave himself up as a hostage to save an entire city. His pre-recorded eulogy told the world to never give up hope, and fight always against evil.
Aizawa died protecting his students, holding off a horde of Nomu
Mirio, still quirkless, volunteered for rescue operations, and died when a building fell on him
(as some angst, before they managed to find his body, their was a worry the stress reactivated his quirk, and he had fallen without being able to stop)
As an extra death, Monoma. He pulled off a nice trick where he copied the AfO from AfO himself (again, see below). He then went on a quirk stealing rampage, rendering numerous villains quirkless, and going out in a blaze of glory (I have mixed feelings about Monoma, so I’ll be nice when I can)
Short timeline;
Attack on UA: in the second year of the war, while the Izuku is in his third year, Shigaraki pulls off a full out attack on UA (Basically it’s the Battle of Hogwarts). The attack is repulsed, and most of the school is saved, but Nedzu still decides to close the school for the foreseeable future
The Two Japans: The PLA takes control of half of Japan, ruling from Deika City. They managed this by killing most of the government. It ends during the Meta Coup 
Meta Coup: Elements of the old Meta Liberation Army, believing Shigaraki is not following the ideas of Destro, try to kill him. It goes badly, but does cause a distraction
HPSC Coup: happening around the same time, the Hero Public Safety Commission tries to take over, using a lot of heroes that are under their thumb. It goes... well? Afterwards the Hero Ranking system was ended
War for One: Another villain civil war, this time caused by All for One! Essentially he does not approve in the direction Shigaraki is taking things. The PLA losses Gigantomachia and the Nomu, and although Shigaraki manages to kill AfO, this is the beginning of the end
And now funny stuff;
After most of Japan’s government was killed, the HPSC tried to take power, but what politicians were left with support from Pro Heroes decided a more neutral party was needed. And Nedzu did currently have nothing much to do...
After the Meta Coup control over all of Japan was regained. For a while, Nedzu literally ruled the entire country. He spent most of the time laughing manically, and doing numerous reforms of practically the entire system. After the war ended, he stepped down for an elected government
Over the course of the war Izuku unlocked all the quirks withig One for All. Shiggy was very confused, and slightly worried each time a new one popped up.
Inko? Fine. Her and a bunch of hero families were secretly moved out of the country. After the war, Izuku went on holiday for a year, and the two traveled the world before returning to Japan
Eeer... yeah that’s it
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ua-himiko · 5 years
@ua-touya 12:42 PM
damn, you hero school brats really are sure of yourself, huh?
ua-himiko 12:44 PM
you have no right to try and look down on us when you cant even take five minutes out of your busy schedule to help someone who is supposed to be your FRIEND
ua-touya 12:45 PM
listen, if i could have helped you, i wouldve, alright?
ua-himiko 12:45 PM
ua-touya 12:46 PM
yeah, whatever.
@ua-todoroki 4:14 PM
ua-himiko 4:15 PM
ua-todoroki 4:15 PM
Who are you.
@ua-chargebolt  4:15 PM
What just... happened?
ua-himiko 4:16 PM
lol ypu
ua-todoroki 4:16 PM
Great answer.
@ua-stopwatch 4:16 PM
lots of things happened, kaminari
ua-himiko 4:16 PM
ew ur back
my names miko who r u
ua-todoroki 4:17 PM
Todoroki Shouto.
ua-himiko 4:17 PM
real funny haha joke but like actually tho..
ua-chargebolt  4:17 PM
Well. I figured that, ,Damien... I mean.... new people now? What's goin on?
ua-todoroki 4:17 PM
That's who I am.
ua-stopwatch 4:18 PM
she waltzed in the chat and started degrading people last night.
ua-chargebolt  4:18 PM
ua-himiko 4:18 PM
lol bro... i get it ur edgey lulz but lykeeee im not falling for that i wasnt born yesterday
ua-todoroki 4:18 PM
ua-chargebolt  4:18 PM
Who... are you?
ua-stopwatch 4:19 PM
ua-himiko 4:19 PM
:/ i just said my name was miko... do i need 2 go full name or what
ua-todoroki 4:19 PM
[pic of his ID]
ua-stopwatch 4:19 PM
please. If you don't mind.
ua-chargebolt  4:19 PM
lol, Miko, sounds like the main character for some anime-
ua-himiko 4:19 PM
uh real cool prop i guess I LUV ANIME xD
ua-todoroki 4:20 PM
ua-himiko 4:20 PM
its a cute nickname tho rite???? lololol but yea its short for toga himiko yeah
ok i showed u mine now show me urs edgey weirdo cuz im not fallin for this troll attempt rite here
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
Why's that name ring a bell...
ua-stopwatch 4:21 PM
it does. Doesn't it.
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
What's the big deal tho, he already said his name...
ua-himiko 4:21 PM
eh i was on the news once it aint no thang we dont talk about that lol
ua-todoroki 4:21 PM
I already told you.
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
ua-himiko 4:21 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:21 PM
Miko, what's your quirk if you don't mind my asking
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
I'm Kaminari Denki btw but like
what's the hangup about Shouteroki's name?
ua-himiko 4:22 PM
:/... its called TRANSFORM idk why that matters tho
ua-chargebolt  4:22 PM
are you a transformer
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
cuz like??????????? todoroki shoutos been dead for like half a decade or whatever so pretending 2 be some famous dead kid is fuckin weird and dumb like... hello
ua-touya 4:23 PM
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
eveyrone knows that its not new info
ua-todoroki 4:23 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
ua-chargebolt  4:23 PM
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
he's not-
ua-touya 4:23 PM
what do you mean he died? how?
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
..y'know what...she might be one of the alternates
ua-chargebolt  4:23 PM
lol what kinda AU is this
ua-todoroki 4:23 PM
What the fuck.
ua-himiko 4:24 PM
like it was a while ago but like everyone knows about this so wtf :////
ua-chargebolt  4:24 PM
You uh... a zomble there Todo?
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
Miko, I can assure you, that this todoroki isn't dead
ua-chargebolt  4:24 PM
Physically anyway
ua-todoroki 4:24 PM
What the fuck.
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
like I said. Maybe an alternate?
ua-himiko 4:24 PM
alternate of what
p-mina 4:24 PM
oooh!!!! Like me!!!!
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
have you heard of the multiverse theory?
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
it was like a biiiiiiiig case his mom like went crazy and off'd him like bruh
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
the what
ua-touya 4:25 PM
she what??
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
?????? hello
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:25 PM
the multiverse theory.
p-mina 4:25 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:25 PM
or rather, the string theory
ua-todoroki 4:25 PM
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
fuckin google it oh my god cmon its like
h/o i'll just get an article this is so dumb
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
YOU google it...
ua-touya 4:26 PM
there's not going to be an article, batsy
ua-himiko 4:26 PM
dont rush me omg im working on it...
ua-todoroki 4:26 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:26 PM
in our string of the multiverse, todoroki isn't dead.
ua-todoroki 4:26 PM
ua-himiko 4:26 PM
u keep sayin multiverse like i kno wtf that is i dont even watch scifi im not a nerd
ua-chargebolt  4:27 PM
There's like multiples of... us
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
nothing is coming up ugh fuck u google
ua-stopwatch 4:27 PM
because in this universe, he's alive.
ua-todoroki 4:27 PM
[Todoroki is offline]
ua-chargebolt  4:27 PM
I mean, have you noticed anything else strange to you lately, Miko?
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
ur fuckin with me lol 'this universe'
ua-stopwatch 4:27 PM
no I'm not. I don't "fuck" with people.
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
not rly????????? kind of been busy havin the worst day evar actually
@ua-syren 4:28 PM
[iris is online]
is she gone yet?
ua-chargebolt  4:29 PM
ua-syren 4:29 PM
that other toga.
I blocked her so I can't tell
ua-himiko 4:30 PM
who what? oh fuck i cant see whats getting sent thats lame
tell whoever she better not be talkin SHIT
ua-chargebolt  4:30 PM
Chillllllll, Mi-channnnn~
ua-syren 4:31 PM
..you're friends with her now aren't you
ua-stopwatch 4:31 PM
it seems so, cohen
ua-touya 4:31 PM
jeez.. you kids really know how to attract drama, huh?
ua-himiko 4:31 PM
michan ^w^
ua-syren 4:31 PM
and who're you?
ua-himiko 4:31 PM
fuckin shut up bitch go away
ua-touya 4:31 PM
ua-syren 4:32 PM
yes you.
ua-touya 4:32 PM
what's it matter to ya, kiddo?
ua-himiko 4:32 PM
lulz i like how poseroki stopped talking once i outed him on his sherade lol
knew he was full of shit
ua-touya 4:33 PM
i doubt he was faking
ua-himiko 4:33 PM
i wasnt askin U bitch
ua-chargebolt 4:33 PM
Who are you, tho?
@ua-kuroiro 4:33 PM
He's not faking, we go to school together
ua-syren 4:33 PM
don't call me that.
ua-himiko 4:33 PM
anyway real talk thats an important part of hero history you guys should reeeeeally know that if you're trying to be heroes....
ua-kuroiro 4:34 PM
I just saw him this morning
@ua-redriot 4:34 PM
hes a pretty cool guy!! Pretty sure hes still alive!
@ua-sakku 4:34 PM
Oh...is the new person a senpai?
ua-kuroiro 4:34 PM
He hangs out with monoma.
ua-syren 4:34 PM
ua-himiko 4:34 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:34 PM
He's definitely alive. Lil dead on the inside maybe but like.... maybe we all are at this stage so, valid
ua-touya 4:34 PM
seriously, why are you kids so curious about me anyways?
ua-syren 4:35 PM
because we don't know you.
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
Oh wait two people.
ua-himiko 4:35 PM
hes a loser forget him
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
ua-himiko 4:35 PM
he shouldnt even be here anyway go get some actual friends hoe
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
Woah, Miko is cool.
ua-touya 4:35 PM
im not surprised you dont know me...
ua-chargebolt 4:35 PM
Why're you so mad at him? What he do?
ua-kuroiro 4:35 PM
His friend isnt here right now.
ua-syren 4:36 PM
of course we don't know you. Are you going to tell us or no?
ua-kuroiro 4:36 PM
Well, one of them
ua-touya 4:36 PM
touya todoroki.
ua-himiko 4:36 PM
i licherally called him ALL NITE cuz i was like stranded in the middle of the road and he completely ghosted me out of NOWHERE like a bitch and then denied it all morning and tried to act like we werent friends so i GUESS we're not FRIENDS ANYMORE
ua-syren 4:36 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:36 PM
Touya what now?
I'm so confuuuuuuused right noowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
[Todoroki is online]
ua-himiko 4:37 PM
which is why its a LITTLE FUNNY that ur sititng here defending ppl licherally trying to rp as your brooooooooooooooooooooo when im licherally rite here like honestly if hes just paying u guys to mess with me its a low fxckin blow
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
You're not Touya.
ua-chargebolt 4:37 PM
Who TF is Touy--
Oh hey Shouteroki.... you OK?
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
I don't know.
ua-himiko 4:38 PM
real talk im about to f x c k i n scream if you all dont stop MESSING with me GOD
ua-syren 4:38 PM
...I'm gonna believe Todo for now..
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
making me feel like im goin fucking crazy its rly not funny i hate this
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
Touya's been gone for years. Idk. There's rumors he killed himself.
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
ua-syren 4:39 PM
ua-touya 4:39 PM
ah, i was wondering about that...
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:39 PM
Michannnnn.... seriously, it seems liek you're from another universe...
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
What's going on.
ua-kuroiro 4:39 PM
This shit's a lot, I'm gonna go spend time with my lizard.
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
but that makes no sense...
ua-syren 4:39 PM
the multiverse is back at it
ua-chargebolt 4:39 PM
You'renot crazy but damn this is
ua-kuroiro 4:40 PM
[Kuroiro is offline]
ua-stopwatch 4:40 PM
as Cohen said. Multiverse.
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
We've met alternates before....
@ua-ryuu 4:41 PM
whats going on
ua-redriot 4:41 PM
so you're both from a different universal ?
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
Like there's a version of me without a quirk and is in college...
ua-stopwatch 4:41 PM
ry. Have you heard of the multiverse theory?
ua-himiko 4:41 PM
this is unbelievable...
ua-ryuu 4:41 PM
yeah of course
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
Which means you're a version of someone we have here.... ig
ua-redriot 4:42 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:42 PM
basically. It's not exactly a theory anymore.
It's fact. And our portion seems to be like the..middle ground of them all
ua-ryuu 4:42 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:42 PM
ua-touya 4:42 PM
well, the version of me from here is dead, obviously
ua-ryuu 4:42 PM
I was reading back, somthing about Todoroki-Sensei?
ua-himiko 4:43 PM
so ur gonna seriously act like this is a real thing, touya???
ua-stopwatch 4:43 PM
these new people are not from out universe. They're from another part of the multiverse respectively.
ua-ryuu 4:43 PM
Huh. Cool. If they weren't so mean I might talk to them more. @ua-himiko  see I can @ bitches
ua-touya 4:44 PM
it's not the worst thing to believe, i guess
ua-himiko 4:44 PM
fuckin congrats dipshit
ua-chargebolt 4:44 PM
I guess that makes Michan outta this world? 😜 👉👉
@p-ashido 4:44 PM
you're like me!!!!! That's so cool!!!!
ua-chargebolt 4:44 PM
ua-himiko 4:44 PM
this is so stupid...
ua-redriot 4:44 PM
this is so COOL
p-mina 4:44 PM
Do you wanna be friends? O:
ua-touya 4:44 PM
sounds like one of shimura's video games, but really it's not that hard to see...
ua-stopwatch 4:45 PM
...this chat is causing a major headache...
ua-himiko 4:45 PM
ten's video games are fucking stupid tho
no i dont wanna be friends with ANY of you cuz you're all dumb weirdos who wanna lie to me about dumb shit
ua-chargebolt 4:45 PM
Who's... Shimura....
ua-touya 4:46 PM
tenko shimura, he's a pro hero i work with
p-mina 4:46 PM
Whats your world like??? Mine is violent!!
ua-touya 4:46 PM
or... worked with
ua-stopwatch 4:46 PM
ua-himiko 4:46 PM
its the same world as everybody's, stfu...
ua-chargebolt 4:47 PM
Well... I've been given to understand that some universes are more violent than others... that's what Miku said...
ua-stopwatch 4:47 PM
sorry for being hostile towards you and Miko. It wasnt "cool" of me 
I'd love to hear more about your respective universes though
p-mina 4:47 PM
That was so mean :( It's okay though!
ua-himiko 4:47 PM
i don't have a respective universe. oh my god.
ua-touya 4:47 PM
obviously you do, considering i supposedly killed myself here and shouto's dead where you're from
ua-himiko 4:48 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:48 PM
I mean, we all have superpowers, is multiverse so hard to believe?
Maybe multiverse is osmeone's quirk idk
ua-himiko 4:49 PM
never heard of a quirk like that...
ua-stopwatch 4:49 PM
that's an interesting theory
p-mina 4:49 PM
that'd be scary!
ua-touya 4:49 PM
there's a lot of quirks we've never heard of before, that's the whole problem with em
ua-himiko 4:49 PM
ua-todoroki 4:52 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:53 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:53 PM
Are you OK, Todo?
ua-todoroki 4:53 PM
I hate this.
ua-himiko 4:54 PM
=_= don't exactly love it either
ua-todoroki 4:54 PM
It's insane.
There's so many...
ua-himiko 4:55 PM
ua-todoroki 4:55 PM
Why couldn't you have gone anywhere else.
ua-syren 4:55 PM
hey...it'll be okay
ua-todoroki 4:55 PM
Yeah, I'm sure a bunch of weird people from alternate universes running around will be okay.
ua-syren 4:56 PM
eventually it will..
ua-todoroki 4:56 PM
ua-himiko 4:56 PM
is2g i'm gonna start stabbing people if i hear the phrase 'alternate universe' again
ua-todoroki 4:57 PM
I'm gonna start stabbing myself if one more person has to make me say it.
ua-himiko 4:57 PM
do it then edgey bitch
ua-syren 4:57 PM
that joke is not allowed
ua-stopwatch 4:57 PM
Miko. Be nice.
ua-chargebolt 4:57 PM
Why does anyone have to stab things....
ua-himiko 4:57 PM
don't tell me what to do
ua-stopwatch 4:57 PM
ua-todoroki 4:58 PM
ua-touya 4:59 PM
it could be worse or whatever
ua-ryuu 4:59 PM
Well, this went off the rails real fast
ua-todoroki 4:59 PM
ua-syren 4:59 PM
it's not the first time
ua-stopwatch 4:59 PM
... yeah..
You're not wrong ry
ua-todoroki 4:59 PM
Message me if you want.
[Todoroki has left the chat]
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thefantheorist · 6 years
WHO IS THE TRAITOR? (My Hero Academia)
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Hello my fellow Fan Theorists! Today we are going to be talking about one of my personal favorite shows, probably my favorite superhero show to say the least. If you’ve never seen this show, I genuinely suggest you watch it right now. You can watch it for free on Funimation in both subs and dubs, and since I genuinely feel the need to say this, they did not sponsor me to say that, it’s just one of the only streaming services where you can find this great show in both sub and dub. SO... now that that’s out of the way, let’s get onto the theory!
Okay, if you need a quick refresher as to what I am talking about when I ask, “WHO IS THE TRAITOR?” I’ll catch you up. In season 3 of the anime, both class A and B of the hero course go to a summer training camp where they are to train to get their hero licences, since the League of Villains keeps targeting students. They keep its location confidential to everyone but the teachers and students who are going to the camp, but the camp still gets attacked by, you guessed it, the League of Villains. Because of this, the board begins to suspect that one of the teachers, or students, divulged the location of the camp and is working with the league.
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So now that we’re all caught up, let’s get into the meat of this theory. First, let’s lay down some ground rules:
The traitor cannot be a character that has been targeted by the league, more specifically targeted by All for One, Shigaraki, or Kurogiri themselves. So if they’ve been targeted by anyone from the Vanguard Action Squad themselves (like when Muscular targeted Deku) they can be the traitor, since the Vanguard Action Squad doesn’t always listen to Shigaraki.
The character must be a character that has already been introduced, and is either a UA teacher or a student from class 1-A or 1-B. This is because I will be eternally pissed if the character who we learn is the traitor is actually just some rando, and because they have to have been aware of the location of the camp. Since it was never stated, we are going to assume that none of the parents knew where the camp was, to make things simpler.
Also, any character who directly, purposefully prohibits the actions of the League of Villains, in the forest fight or the USJ fight, is safe as well. But, like the first rule states, they have to have interfered with the league themselves, no random thugs.
No character is safe, unless the above state that they are. I will rule out all of the characters that I see as unfit to find out who the traitor is, but this is just a theory of mine and it is not proof, nor should it be taken as fact.
Alrighty then, let’s start with the main cast. First All Might is 100% not the traitor, since he is literally the target of the League of Villains and is the person All for One wants dead most. We also know from All Might and All for One’s interactions that they are not allies in anyway and have never been, so there is no trickery going on here. Next, Deku can be successfully checked off the list. since he has been targeted by the League of Villains in every instance. Shigaraki has expressly stated that he hates him, multiple times, so Midoriya is safe.
Onto our favorite hot-head, Bakugo. Before season 3, Bakugo might have seemed like our friendly, neighborhood traitor, but after the very Kacchan centered season 3, we can successfully rule him out, since he was targeted and captured by the league and was the reason that they went to the campsite in the first place since they wanted to recruit him. Seems silly to break into a campsite and almost kill a bunch of kids just to recruit a person who is already working for you. Rule number 3 applies to Todoroki, who was a very active participant in the battle against the Vanguard. Number 3 also applies to Iida, since he went and got help in the USJ fight, actively keeping the villains from killing All Might, and Uraraka for helping Iida in the fight at the USJ.
One of the tide turning battles in the series is the USJ fight. It would be nice to eliminate everyone there, but not everyone interacted with Shigaraki, Kurogiri, or Nomu, so we can’t say that all of them are not the traitor, but we can eliminate quite a few with this battle. We can eliminate both Aizawa and the hero Thirteen, because they both almost died while fighting the League of Villains. We can also eliminate Tsu and Mineta from the running since Shigaraki himself almost killed them in the USJ battle. We can also eliminate Kirishima, who fought with Deku, Kacchan, Todoroki, and All Might. Rikido Sato, Shoji, and Hanta Sero are all safe because they all fought against Kurogiri. Also, the traitor can’t be the teacher Snipe, since he shot Shigaraki and tried to kill him.
We can also eliminate the characters who are practically insignificant and are just there for world building, like the Guidance Counselor (Hound Dog), Lunch-Rush, and Powerloader, since, like number 2 says, it would be a total cop out if they ended up being the traitor. Also, like rule 2 also says, it can’t be any of the parents, or any one from a different year or course, only teachers and students from class 1-A and 1-B, so no Hatsume or Shinso.
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Whew... got all that? Good, cause we’re not done yet. Despite the number of characters we eliminated, there are still quite a few characters that it could be. Here’s the list:
Principal Nezu
Recovery Girl
Present Mic
Vlad King
Mina Ashido
Mashirao Ojiro
Denki Kaminari
Koji Koda
Kyoka Jiro
Fumikage Tokoyami
Toru Hagakure
Momo Yaoyorozu
And everyone from class 1-B
Again, that’s a pretty big list, and I have no way that I could completely eliminate everyone from the lineup, but still, I can safely say that a few of the characters here aren’t the traitor.  Tokoyami is off the list since he was also targeted by Mr. Compress, I didn’t count him earlier because Shigaraki didn’t explicitly target him, just Bakugo. However, since he was targeted as a “valuable asset” I can be pretty sure that he wasn’t a part of the team. Also, and I know he wasn’t on the list, but I’m just gonna knock Koda, the little boy that Deku saves in the forest fight, off the list cause he saved Deku from Muscular and Koda literally hates all superpowered peoples. I’m also gonna knock Recovery Girl and Nezu off the list because Nezu is actively working to catch All for One and the League of Villains and Recovery Girl is one of the people who knows about One for All and how it works and she definitely would have told them about it (same applies to Nezu I guess). I’m gonna knock Vlad King off the list, despite the fact that he doesn’t really pass the test, simply because of how he was willing to protect the students in the forest battle.  And like I did before, I’m gonna knock every character from Class 1B off the list so long as they haven’t had a major speaking role in any episode. So the only ones left from that class are Itsuka Kendo, Ibara Shiozaki, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, and Neito Monoma. So here’s the final lineup as of now.
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Present Mic
Vlad King
Mina Ashido
Mashirao Ojiro
Denki Kaminari
Koji Koda
Kyoka Jiro
Fumikage Tokoyami
Toru Hagakure
Momo Yaoyorozu
Neito Monoma
Itsuka Kendo
Ibara Shiozaki
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Still a pretty big list, but I don’t think that I can narrow it down anymore than that. Instead, I will list off the people that I think are the most likely to be the traitor. Those are...
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Gonna have to wait until next time.
MHA Traitor Part 2
I’m sorry! This post is just getting way too long and I want to do my best on this theory! Please don’t hate me guys! Like I said in my last theory, I have been working really hard on this post and I wanted you to like it as much as I do, so yeah, it’s a two-parter. But I swear next time I will explain everything, including who I believe the traitor is and why I think that. Again, like I said in the disclaimer, this is just my thoughts on it and should not be taken as fact. Please don’t rip me apart if your best girl or guy is on the list as of now, I am just going based on what I’ve interpreted the anime/manga to be. Alright everyone, thank you so much for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful week!
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ua-monoma · 5 years
11:03 AM
...Monoma, I...
I don't know what to tell you. I think I simply wanted to talk to you.
Time really passed, huh? Huh. I wish I could have told you before...
Kazuto-kun... Are you alright?
I hope I'm not making any unsavory assumptions but you seem... rather upset.
Hahah... it's fine. I'm just, not feeling up to many things. That's all. I've had many off days, although, not like this.
Have you heard about Shinsou? I'm... happy for him. I hope he gets to be happy, no matter the classroom he ends up on...
There are days I wish I were in his place.
Please don't be angry. I, I don't mean it in the way that I hope he dies or something... I wanted to say... that I wish I had his place. But alas, not possible now.
I'm... not angry. Haha. Don't worry about that... It's only natural that you'd feel that way, of course...
I did hear about his placement.
Yes. It was a matter of time he got in there.
He worked hard, I saw him. Sometimes when he left the gym, at least.
And... I don't know
Well... It's very disappointing to hear you won't be getting the same, but I suppose that’s only natural when they only have one spot...
Next time you apply, I'm sure you'll get in!!
Hahahah... I'm afraid there might not be a next time.
Sorry to break it to you.
I... I will let you use my Quirk if you want, to compensate.
What do you mean? Are you dropping out...?
...Not exactly. But it feels as if I did.
I... it's true, what I'm saying
I... just don't think I'm good enough for Heroics.
Who can I save, when I'm like this?
I'm... not cut out for that shit.
I must look like I'm pitiful, right?
She was right. And that's the worst part of it.
.... My mom.
I think you could see her in the press conference after November.
She even dared to leak some unsavory stuff about her.
So... pretty much... awful.
You don't want to face people like her.
But... sometimes. She tells the truth. Her sister is a seer. Her Quirk is one like Nighteye's
She... saw the future. I tried to prove her wrong...
But. You see how that one went.
I can't fight fate, as it seems.
So you're just giving up...? Is that what you're trying to tell me?
Clairvoyance quirks can be incorrect... It's not completely unprecedented a possibility... I've used them before, I know for a fact there are loopholes if you try hard enough,,
I'm giving up. Thanks for saying it first.
Now you know
No one else does.
So,,, consider yourself special enough for me to tell you.
I opened up. There. It's done.
Don't say it like that. It makes it sound like you daring to show some vulnerability is supposed to be some... rare courtesy you're offering me.
Some award for being "special" that I didn't ask for...
Sorry, haha.
No problem
It's a lot to think about.
I know.
I just wasn't expecting this...
Whatever I can do to make this easier... just tell me
I don't know.
I said it before, no pressure.
There's nothing you need to do...
You don't need to be comforting me...
I know it's my problem. So now... I will leave.
Hope you do well on your internship.
I'll see you around...?
It's nothing.
I'll see you soon.
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cyb-by-lang · 6 years
Shell Game (21/?)
Kei has some important conversations while the Sports Festival goes on in the background.
Kayama-sensei ordered everyone who’d made it through the cavalry battle qualifier to gather in the middle of the stadium, forming a fair-sized crowd of UA gym uniforms in front of her podium. Forty-two kids all gathered together, all looking up at the big digital screen. Behind them, the imported American cheerleaders were trying their best to get the crowd hyped for the next event. All around, the students who hadn’t made it past the obstacle race were helping event staff roll out game equipment for the “recreational” events.
“Come closer and draw lots to see who you’re up against,” Kayama-sensei said brightly, holding a box braced against one hip. “Then enjoy the pleasure of the recreational games before we start. The sixteen finalists have the option of participating in these activities or sitting out to prepare for battle.”
Kei already knew what she was going to do. She needed time to meditate, not perform like a trained seal.
She shifted her weight slightly, making sure Monoma was within eyesight. It might’ve been a bit judgmental, but being caught unawares by his Quirk just once was enough. Giving Isobu an actual excuse for direct violence would be one of the last mistakes of somebody’s life.
“I’ll start with the first place team,” Kayama-sensei went on.
One by one, the kids picked up their numbers.
The brackets shook out like this:
First up, Midoriya and Shōda. Both of them went sickly pale when they realized they made up the first match, and Kei couldn’t blame them. She leaned toward rooting for Midoriya on the whole, if only because a kid whose fighting style drew so heavily from the Black Knight probably needed to get a pro’s attention and train himself up differently. She’d wave a foam finger for Shōda anyway, though. If she had one.
The second match: Todoroki versus Sero. While Kei thought the tape-using kid seemed nice enough, Todoroki could punch nearly in Kei’s weight class with his ridiculous ice Quirk. If it wasn’t a one-shot fight, she’d be surprised. Few people could overmatch Kei’s Water ninjutsu so easily, at least since she’d properly practiced and learned to work together with Isobu.
The third fight would be between Kaminari and Ojiro, and Kei already knew who she was rooting for there. And it wasn’t the human stun-gun, despite the power output he’d showed earlier. Hopefully, Ojiro would manage to close the distance before getting lit up like a Tesla coil. Outlasting Kaminari seemed easy, as long as the first attack wasn’t a total knockout.
Fourth: Iida and Hatsume, whom Kei had finally identified as a member of the Support Course. She’d been under the impression that the pink-haired Hatsume could be another strange Quirk user from General Studies, because after seeing engine exhaust pipes growing out of Iida’s legs anything seemed possible. Apparently she was just a less successful Tony Stark, but with binocular zoom built into her eyes.
Kei’s half of the brackets started with the fifth match: Shinsō versus Ashido. She seemed friendly enough, so Shinsō’s Quirk ought to be effective. If not, well, he’d get some use out of what self-defense tricks Kei’d managed to instill. While hopefully not getting melted horribly, because some people’s appearances and their Quirks were hardly on speaking terms.
After that, Tokoyami was up against Yaoyorozu. Having seen neither of their actual fighting styles but plenty of their Quirks, Kei didn’t really know what to think. She couldn’t stop looking at Dark Shadow and seeing a shape Isobu might like to take someday.
Kei’s own match would be second to last, facing off against 1-A’s Kirishima in what’d have to be either the longest brawl ever or a very straightforward use of her “Quirk.” Worse, she wouldn’t be able to throw the match convincingly to the kid whose deal was turning his body into a rock. Her friends back home would absolutely give her shit for losing to Kirishima even on purpose.
The very last match of the first round? Uraraka versus Bakugō. Once again, Kei knew fuck-all about one of the Quirks in that fight and plenty about the other. While she suspected explosions would turn out to be pretty hard for Uraraka to fight, Uraraka deserved to win as far as Kei was concerned.
Midoriya made a noise like a mouse being stepped on, his eyes darting back and forth between his and Uraraka’s matchups.
“This’ll be fun,” Shinsō said, rubbing the back of his neck as he scanned the crowd for Ashido.
Kei nodded distractedly. Isobu’s temper thrummed in her chest like a second heartbeat, keeping her on edge. By the time the recreational games began, Kei was forced to bid Shinsō a brief goodbye to “prepare for the tournament.”
He accepted that excuse, and probably went off to practice zingers suited for Ashido.
Retreating to the prep room instead of sticking around to watch the “fun” felt a little like she was trying to become a hermit, but Kei did it anyway. Even if she didn’t need a few minutes to calm Isobu, she definitely wanted a chance to recover some of the massive amounts of chakra she’d expended inside of an hour. Throwing around that many Water Dragon Bullets, one Water Wall, two Hidden Mists, and one Great Waterfall on top of her other general enhancements was the kind of drain that would’ve been incredibly wasteful from the perspective from any ordinary shinobi. Especially because not one of those ninjutsu had killed anyone. The pride of many a dead Kiri-nin howled for blood.
Kei only really cared about the turtle monster doing the same in her head.
This prep room’s only occupant was Midoriya, with Shōda nowhere in sight. Maybe it was for the best—she’d known Midoriya a little longer, and the kid had a tendency to get caught up in his thoughts worse than a fish in a net. She could keep to herself here and be left alone.
Midoriya raised his head when she entered, waving weakly, before going back to his muttering once she acknowledged his presence with a nod. Probably going over what he knew of the other boy’s Quirk and trying to think around it. By the time Kei pulled up a chair and slumped over the far table with her head pillowed on her arms, he was mumbling about needing his fingers.
She left him to it. Midoriya didn’t need her help. Isobu did. Therefore, Kei set an alarm on her phone and closed her eyes to drop into her and Isobu’s shared mindscape.
The formerly-tranquil cliffside beach was a wreck of disturbed coral, rock, and uprooted palm trees strewn all across white sand, and the cause of it all sat in the middle of a brand new inlet with his forelegs folded to the sides. When Kei’s mental avatar floated down to his face, he turned it as far away as he could and closed his good eye.
“I am not sorry,” said Isobu, at once in her head and to her face. “I will never be sorry for defending us.”
“I wasn’t gonna ask you to be,” Kei told him, drifting closer until she sat on one of the spikes jutting forward from his head. His entire body shifted so he sat lower in the water before she could entirely settle, sending waves so high they nearly touched Kei’s toes. “You wanna help me clean this place up?”
“No demands to change my behavior?” Isobu asked, though he dragged himself farther onto the beach. His huge digits dug into the gray-white sand and started shifting debris.
“No demands, no,” Kei said, swinging down from his spikes one-handed. Her feet crunched onto the beach sand, strangely warm under her toes. It was all an illusion, but it was still comforting. “I remember what we agreed on, and I remember the thing with Inosuke. And Madara, and Kakashi, and with the butterflies, and like…I get it. Scolding you won’t change anything.”
“It will not.” Isobu shifted a bit, allowing Kei to stoop and pick up coral fragments from under the side of his shell. As she started gathering fish-shaped mental projections and hucking them back into the water underhand, he said, “Of all the ways we could be attacked…”
“I know,” Kei said, brushing her fingers against his shell. As he rumbled, she went on, “It’s awful. I don’t—if I didn’t know it was all just kids messing around during a school event, I’d…probably have reacted a lot like you.”
“How much experience do either of us have with such a situation?” Isobu wrenched a flattened palm tree out of the sand and hurled it out to sea. “Even the most childish of the ‘games’ you have recently lived through could end in dismemberment or death for all participants. And if it was the case, you could have died without knowing what killed you.”
Kei nodded, even as she flung another fish into the surf. “I know.”
“And he’s a kid. Messing with powers because it’s what he does,” Kei told Isobu. She sighed and leaned back, staring up at the artificial sun far above their heads. “I am and was angry, and I get why I was angry even before I get to how you influence my mood, but that was dangerous. If me being unable to keep my head is going to mean you’re about to start killing people, we need to talk about this.”
Isobu’s rumble became less contented and more threatening, like an impending landslide. He clearly wasn’t in the mood for a heart-to-heart. Only one of them had a literal heart, but Kei would argue that Isobu’s emotions ran, if anything, more intensely in him than a lot of people.
“I know what Shinsō’s Quirk is like,” Kei said, “even if I don’t remember being under it. Next time, maybe instead of trying to pop into V2 cloak and losing our collective shit, you could try just like…” Kei paused, then held up an arm so Isobu could see. In here, Kei wore her jōnin uniform instead of either of the UA sets, and Isobu’s gold-on-red eye laser-focused on her. “Punch me in the face. Just grab my arm through our chakra coils and sock me right in the jaw.”
“…I could also just do that when I want to,” Isobu said, instead of acknowledging the practicality of Kei’s plan. For him, it must’ve been easier to just tease her.
“If it works to get us out of a genjutsu…” Kei trailed off. She hadn’t been truly caught by a genjutsu for a while now, and many of the stronger ones hardly allowed movement. Some couldn’t be broken by pain, either. Still, it was something approaching a plan. “Same principle.”
Isobu made a noise like “hmph,” but scaled up tenfold. He abandoned his attempts to clear the beach, but the false debris was already starting to fade into dream-stuff. Before he disappeared into the waves, he told her, I will think about it.
Kei waved to his retreating tails, and all three of them waved back.
Then her phone alarm beeped.
Kei checked whether she’d drooled onto the table before she sat up. Once she’d determined everything was still more or less as she’d left it, minus one Midoriya through a still-swinging door, Kei got to her feet and decided to head for the stands. She checked her phone, of course—Obito had a knack for spamming the hell out of a groupchat that was difficult to tear her eyes from.  
GreenThumb: now we have brackets
GreenThumb: i saw youre up against rock kid
GreenThumb: dont lose to him
GreenThumb: im sure youre thinking about it
GreenThumb: a whole afternoon of not doin anything
GreenThumb: but splodey kid is RIGHT THERE
GreenThumb: and purple kid versus pink kid too
GreenThumb: i dunno how thats gonna go but
GreenThumb: tell shinsō hed better not lose
GreenThumb: i spent too much time gettin used as a trainin dummy
GreenThumb: so
GreenThumb: COME ON AND WIN THIS ヾ(^ヮ\\)ノ
Defib: Or throw the match and save yourself the further attention of a rabid media-focused world. You don’t need to be in the finals to accomplish your goals. Or on television.
Defib: Aren’t you supposed to be more subtle than this?
TMNT-TNT: Probably.
GreenThumb: excuse me
GreenThumb: but this is team awesomeness only
GreenThumb: no killjoys allowed
Defib: Better a killjoy than dead.
GreenThumb: +゚*。:゚+凸(◕‿\\✿)+゚*。:゚+
TMNT-TNT: Aren’t you two literally right next to each other? Within punching distance?
Obito didn’t send any more messages after that. Neither did Kakashi.
Kei tucked her phone away and headed up toward the stands.
The student sections of the audience were divided by class, though as far as she could tell there was no actual ban on visiting the other groups. 1-A had one smattering of benches, while 1-B was next to them, and so on. It was pretty similar to their arrangement within UA’s halls, only there weren’t any massive sliding doors. Walls between the sections were high, though, and few people were already in their seats. Kei stuck her head in two of the doorways just to make sure the Hero course students were where she expected them to be, then wandered to 1-C’s spot.
“Gekkō-san, hello!” said Homura, her hair and eyebrows blazing away with excitement.
Kei stood there, a little stunned, as Homura took both her hands in hers and said, “Congratulations on getting as far as you have. I mean, I know you were always a strong student, but right now you’re representing our whole class. You and Shinsō-kun!”
“Thank you?” Kei managed, still blinking in surprise. Dang it, now she felt bad for thinking of throwing her match in the tournament. She still would, but it’d be less funny.
And she hadn’t even been particularly nice to any of these kids.
“It’s nice to know I have your support,” Kei said, not entirely sincere because she wasn’t fully certain of Homura’s motives. Some of the other 1-C students weren’t looking her in the eye, and that was certainly not a new development. “Make sure you tell Shinsō-san the same, okay?”
“As soon as I see him, you can count on that!” Homura promised. She let go of Kei’s hands and peered behind her, as though expecting to see Shinsō following her. “Nobody’s seen him for a while, though. I asked Shingetsu-kun already.”
Shingetsu’s head spun around at the sound of his name, though his torso kept pointing in the direction of the pointy-eared kid he was lecturing. “Sorry, did someone say something?”
Homura’s fiery eyebrows dimmed somewhat. “Have you seen Shinsō-kun?”
“Not since the last time you asked.” And then Shingetsu was back to telling the other students why throwing popcorn was bad manners. Or something like that.
“I haven’t seen him either.” Kei scratched the base of her scar. “Mind if I go look?”
“The matches will be starting soon, though,” Homura said, though she wasn’t actually telling Kei not to do what she would.
“Be right back, then,” Kei said, and darted back into the building. It was as much to find Shinsō as to get away from her classmates. As she left, she heard Shingetsu tell Homura something along the lines of “you scared her off,” but didn’t stop to ask.
Weird they were choosing now to put aside their fear of her and make nice.
With the first match so close to starting, Kei wasn’t surprised to find the hallways nearly empty of spectators, students, and everyone else. Not for the first time, she took a second to curse the total lack of chakra available to sense in the general area, which would have made finding people a snap. She ended up effectively circling the stadium twice through the halls and stairways, finding only Midoriya and Shōda up and about (and still quite nervous, despite each getting a quick pat on the back from her), before deciding to search outside the building. She could afford to miss the first match.
The stadium was set at the end of a long cement pathway, but there was a forested park jammed up against the back of it. While trotting along in search of Shinsō, she passed Todoroki leaning against the building and remembered just in time what a terrible mood looked like, so she gave him a wide berth. Tokoyami was up in a tree, his animate shadow keeping an eye out and waving down at her as she passed. It took a little longer, until she was almost on the far side of the trees, before she spotted Shinsō sitting on a root with his back against the tree trunk.
“There you are,” Kei said, relieved. She came to a stop next to him.
“What’s with that look on your face?” Shinsō asked, sitting up. One purple eyebrow went up. “You look spooked.”
What went unspoken was probably along the lines of, “And I’ve seen you literally being held hostage before, so what the fuck?”
“Our classmates were trying to be nice.” Kei shook her head slowly. “To me. Not in general. But also in general.”
Shinsō stared at her.
“Or at least Homura-san was,” Kei added, somewhat defensively. “It was weird.”
Shinsō sighed. He rubbed the back of his neck and said, “Took them long enough.”
“To get over themselves,” Shinsō said, a bitter look crossing his face. As she sat down in the grass across from him, he rested his chin in his hand. “You’re standoffish, like a cat, so everyone’s been tiptoeing around you trying to figure out what to do. Only now you’re doing well without them and it’s giving them ideas.”
Kei thought this was all rather cynical, but, as a cynic, waited patiently for the next part of the explanation. It was only polite.
“When people weren’t wondering when I’d turn into a villain or avoiding me, they’d act like my Quirk was super special. Like they were my friends.” Shinsō rolled his eyes. “But the second they found out I wasn’t going to use it to manipulate anyone because they were ‘so nice to me’ and asked me to, they went right back to spreading rumors.”
“I’m not,” Kei said, once he’d finished.
“Not what?”
“Not using you to get ahead,” Kei told him. She leaned back, bracing her hands against the grass to keep her balance. While a muscle in Shinsō’s jaw jumped and he fought not to interrupt, she went on, “I fully admit to not being a super nice person. I don’t know how people like Midoriya-san do it, to be honest. But…as awkward as that was, I think Homura-san was trying.”
Not particularly effectively, but there was effort behind it.
“I don’t tend to give people much of a chance.” She found herself scratching the lower end of her scar and stopped once she noticed. “I ignored almost everyone at the beginning of the year. But Homura-san seemed like she meant well. It’s not her fault if the rest of the class isn’t gonna follow her lead.”
Shinsō didn’t immediately respond. Instead, he pried at a scrap of loose bark and peeled it off, a pensive look on his face.
“So, what’re you doing this far from the stadium?” Kei asked.
“Meditating. About the only thing I can do now.” Shinsō started tying the strip of bark into a knot. “It’s not really working. I’m still nervous.”
“I think that’s normal,” Kei told him. “But like you said, you’ve made the top sixteen. The parts that wiped out basically everyone else are over.”
“That’s one way of looking at it.” Shinsō sighed again, tossing the bark into the manicured lawn. “How’d you keep calm? During that match your brother talked about?”
Kei paused. Visions of losing her temper as badly as she’d ever done before Isobu, and then having to frantically apologize for ruining Gai’s apology, flashed through her mind. Not her finest moment. “Um, you probably don’t want to know.”
Kei knew the instant Shinsō’s brain caught up with his mouth. He paled a little further, likely recalling the scraps of information Hayate had let slip. “…You know, I think you’re right.” He got to his feet. “Might as well stop putting it off.”
“And maybe our classmates will surprise you,” Kei added, as they headed back to the stadium.
“Maybe.” It wasn’t a no, at least.
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zendozebra · 6 years
All the Time in the World Chapter 9
So, the UA Sports Festival happened. He ended up watching with Inko at her place, watching her fall apart as Izuku did his normal dumb bullshit. He’s gonna be giving that kid a detention when he sees him on monday. Apparently he’s got a date sunday afternoon? Something about Ashido helping him fix his bandages because he’s a hopeless fuck. Majima might have added that last bit himself, but his displeasure of everyone around him continues to persist and grow. He also dropped his mask on his way back to his apartment, which shattered on contact with the ground? Which idiot decided to make a fucking mask out of fucking porcelain! It’s a ceramic mask that he’s meant to be fighting in, what if he gets punched in the face, is he supposed to just take the hit? Luckily, shards of ceramic in his eyes would affect him less than it would anyone else, but his point stands.
Now he has to wait for that name-stealing Power Loader guy to get him a new mask. In the meantime, he now has to deal with the problem that stands before him, bouncing on their feet as they held a notebook in front of them. “I’m not giving you an autograph, guy. Leave me alone.” He’d just wanted to grab some food before his next class, but he’d been stopped on his way back by some fanboy asking for his autograph. He pushed past the guy, his lunch growing colder as his patience grew shorter. C’mon, he has to deal with class 1-B later, he has enough bullshit scheduled for today, he doesn’t need this. He still hasn’t mentally prepared himself for the dumb shit he was about to tell a group of children. Seriously, fuck coin flips, he’s never once gotten heads. Now he has to give another class nightmares for a week.
Eh, they’ll be fine.
When he got back to his office, class 1-B was already there waiting for him. So fuck that fanboy, now he’d have to deal with Nezu later. Seriously, how the hell did that guy know about him, wasn’t he supposed to be a secret? He sat down at his desk, pulling his food out of his bag as he started the class. “Alright, so I never at lunch, so you’re gonna have to deal with me eating throughout this class. Don’t like it, well, there’s the door. Also” He took a bite of his sandwich, continuing to talk with his mouth full, “I’m about to tell you guys some fucked up stuff, so if you’ve got a weak stomach or something, get out.” Surprisingly, none of them moved. He definitely wasn’t being as tough about this as he’s supposed to be. “I’m talking about my definition of fucked up. This is the kind of stuff that would make Toxic Chainsaw look like a playground bully.” There we go, Ibara’s startin’ to look a bit pale. He’ll have to pull her aside after class, have a talk with her. Heroes live a tough life, and Ibara seems to have always held a certain love of all life. He needs to make sure she’s still prepared for the cruelty of the hero industry, and if she is, then it’s his responsibility to make sure she’s handling everything alright.
“Alright, you’ve got your choice of villains today. Should I tell you about the Nuclear Villain: Maltruant, or Eviscera, a mass murderer who quite literally bathed in the blood of hundreds? Raise of hands for Maltruant?” The class took a quiet minute to come to terms with what he’d just said, while Majima took advantage by taking a few bites of his lunch. Slowly, about 12 hands went up for Maltruant, meaning that he won the little poll. Good, the kids are learning that the past holds a metric fuck ton of horrible stories. Unfortunately for them, Majima has access to each and every one of them.
“Okay, Maltruant was an early one, pretty sure he was in the 4th generation? Destroyed a few cities. And an island. His quirk, Nuclear Form, resulted in his entire body being a walking talking nuclear reactor, essentially being made of radiation, meaning that if he wanted to safely interact with other humans, he was forced to lock himself inside of a giant lead suit that contained the intense radiation he generated. The only outlet on the suit was in the center of the chestplate, where the government would siphon out the excess radiation to power cities, essentially creating a renewable energy source. However, seeing as the government had to shoulder the costs of both developing his suit as well as finding a safe way to keep him from overloading with his own energy and causing a meltdown, they refused to compensate him for the power the took from him. Understandably, he was extremely upset about this.” He took a drink while he pointed towards Kendo, who had their arm raised to ask a question.
“If we can assume that Maltruant was locked within this suit, one that was designed to contain all of his power, then how did he cause all of the destruction that you say he did?”
Majima had thought her question would be longer, so he’d stuffed the rest of his sandwich into his mouth, meaning he was now chewing as fast as he could so he could answer. Choking down his food, he said, “The outlet, at the center of the chestplate, was used as a valve by the government to collect the power that he created. However, Maltruant found that if he focused his power at the center of this valve, he was able to forcibly open it, generating a beam of highly concentrated nuclear energy that decimated anything it was aimed at. Through this method, he was able destroy multiple small towns, but he was still held within the normal restrictions of the containment suit, such as limited mobility.”
Tetsutetsu had a question, let’s hope it’s not as annoying as all his other questions. “So who took this guy down, sir? Someone had to have beat this guy into the dust, right?”
“Eventually, yeah. Took about 15 years to do it, but they got him eventually. This is still relatively early into the global acceptance of the hero society, so there weren’t that many heroes that were powerful enough to handle something like this. Multiple local heroes were killed whenever he attacked, as they just weren’t strong enough, or had the right kind of quirk to combat him. The real heavy hitters were few and far between, and the government had them working other missions at the time. Hell, Maltruant killed the first two that were sent after him. I don’t know why, but the first person they sent after him was the Firework Hero: Festivity. She used her quirk Firework to launch multiple high-yield fireworks at him. Good idea, until you realize that your target is trapped inside of a lead-lined suit of super armour. After a day of bombarding Maltruant with her rockets, Festivity was killed when he manage to cut down the building that she had stationed herself on top of. Apparently, Maltruant didn’t have as much fun as she did that day, as her body was found violently beaten and disfigured.”
“The second hero they sent was another woman, the Hero for All: Okoye the Brave, an African woman with an, at the time, unbelievably power and strength enhancement quirk. She fought and died to Maltruant as well, however she was a bit more successful. She was fast enough to avoid his attacks, and strong enough to break through the containment suit, but she also succeeded in breaking the lock on the suit. Freed from his prison, Maltruant was finally able to access the full extentent of his power, which included flight, focused nuclear beams, and able to detonate himself in a large scale atomic explosion. It was that last one that killed Okoye, and, as was originally thought, Maltruant himself. Unfortunately, it only put him out of commision for a few months, and he was back on his bullshit in no time at all.”
“But yes, hard head, someone was eventually able to get him. In fact, it was actually Okoye’s named successor who took him down for good. The Hero for All: Ultraman, would eventually become what would have been the All Might of his time. He had an incredibly powerful strength enhancement quirk, that seemed to grow stronger as time went by, but had a very damaging side effect. Ultraman’s quirk, Blood-Fuelled Enhancement, allowed him to bulk up and achieve a level of strength that had never been seen before. But, this enhancement would slowly drain him of his own blood, meaning that he could only perform his duty as a hero for like… I dunno, it was like 1 pint every 15 minutes? He could safely work for about an hour a day before it started to get risky. Any more than and hour 15, and he’d die. Ultraman and Maltruant fought on one of Hawaii’s 8 main islands, and- What is it Monoma?”
The Copy quirk user seemed smug when he said, “Majima-sensei, Hawaii only has 7 islands. Have you forgotten that in your old age?”
“Smug little prick. If you’d listened to the end, you’d realize that it has 7 islands now. That’s because the largest island, the Island of Hawai’i, was destroyed in its entirety during the fight between Ultraman and Maltruant. Ultraman was finally able to put the Nuclear Villain down for good, but he contracted severe radiation poisoning as a result. He died a few days after the fight, and the mantle of Hero for All was passed on to his successor, the Hero for All: Wilfre, with his quirk, Atomic Flame.” The bell rang, signalling the end of his class. He let them all leave, but he made sure that Ibara stayed behind. There’s some things that they need to talk about, and he’ll make sure that she has a note for her next class.
“Alright kid.” He sat down at his desk, taking a drink of water. These lectures always killed his throat. “What’s up? Kendo was telling me that you’re worrying about me, and I saw you look a bit pale when you realized what today’s lesson was gonna be about. So talk now, or I can give you a detention and we can talk then. Your choice.”
“I’m not a fool, sensei. I understand that in our society, and in your prof-”
“I’m not a hero.”
“The hero profession, is one that is soaked in violence. I just don’t feel comfortable being involved in that violence.” Majima started laughing at that bullshit, making Ibara look at him in hurt.
“Kid, I’m gonna tell you a story, and it’s not one of the horror stories I usually tell you guys.” She seemed to calm down a bit at his assurance that she won’t have any more nightmares and continued,. Oh man, this was going to be tough. “A long time ago, I had a friend. He was my closest friend, in the whole wide world. Henka Akira, was his name, and he had a younger brother, Jin. Those two, oh let me tell you, they couldn’t have been more different. Jin was always trying to help people, getting himself put in the hospital every other week because he was trying to help someone. But Akira, he was a great man. He was a terrible, horrible man, but he was a great man. Now the four of us, myself, Jin, Akira, and Jin’s girlfriend, Aimi, we found something. Something, that could have made us gods. And we each reacted to it differently.”
“Akira embraced it, used it, and became more of a monster with every passing day. Jin was influenced by it, and spent every day after standing against it, fighting until it eventually killed him. Aimi tried to stand with Jin, but it was too much for her, and she hid herself away from all of the pain and the suffering.”
“But what about you sensei?” Ibara asked.
“Hmm?” He raised his eyebrow at her, a smirk playing at his lips. “Me? Oh, I did what I always do. I ran. I ran and I ran, and I’ve never stopped running. I don’t… Entirely remember, what I was so scared of, but, I know that Akira did something that… I, I don’t know. It’s gone, all my memory of it is just… Gone.”
“Why did you tell me all of this, sensei?”
Why did he tell her all of this? He was supposed to help overcome this fear of violence that she had but now? He stood up and made his way over to her. “You can’t focus on your training if you spend all your time worrying about a sad old man. No, I’m not fine, but I haven’t been fine for a while. I’ll manage.” He made to ruffled her hair, but he ended up just prickling himself on her vines. Whoops. “Go on to class. I have some things that I need to think about. We’ll work on that little violence phobia you have some other time.” She bowed and left his office, leaving him alone. He sighed, sitting back down in his chair. He should really sort his shit out, shouldn’t he? He also needs to talk to All Might, figure out if he’s the 8th Hero for All. He lost track of the title after Wilfre, and he’s got a feeling that All Might might be a good place to start looking.
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