#monstre mike
james-p-sullivan · 4 months
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The Scare Floor - Monsters Inc (2001)
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fluffytriceratops · 1 year
𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐫 - 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐨 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]
notes: not a request even tho i have loads of those that i need to be working on lmao. this is self indulgent as yesterday was my bday and i love mikey hehe. he's so underrated askifeigvgh- but thats okay, cuz that means i don't have to share him~ ^3^ too tired to edit so pls ignore any and all mistakes. thankies. <33 and that gif-- fjssksjdjgu so hot. O//.//O too tired for spam tonight, but have this imagine to make up for it!
warnings: mature langauge/swearing. tooth rotting fluff.
tags: @thelaundrybitch @rheawritesforfun @digitl-art-monstr @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @drowninghell @squirrelfurs @lec743 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @bibiz82 @raphslovemuffin80 @raphielover @tmntspidergirl
(If you would like to be tagged in my future TMNT realted posts (let me know if you want just reader insert stuff or if you want OC related content included) feel free to lemme know and I'll happily add you!)
Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day/night! Stay safe and make sure to take care of yourselves! I'm sending all the virtual hugs to you~! <3
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"Happy bir-" Michelangelo sputtered as a pillow was launched in his face, cutting off his singing. He pursed his lips in a pout as he gazed down towards a very grumpy and tired looking Y/n.
"It's 4:30 in the morning." She hissed.
"Told you she'd be pissed." Raph grumbled from behind Mikey, arms crossed over his muscular chest. Leo and Donnie were there too, and didn't seem surprised by this at all. "Technically," Donnie added, pushing up his glasses with a finger. "We all did."
"Awe, c'mon Angelcakes. It's your special day!" Mikey plopped down on her bed, making the mattress squeak and bounce under his weight. Y/n glowered, turning away from him and onto her side.
"It's 4:30 in the fucking morning." she repeated, as if that answered everything.
Mikey huffed, "Y/n," he drawled out her name, poking her side teasingly. "We have the whole day planned. And there'll be cake and presents~"
Y/n sat up, hair a mess and looking like she was about to murder somebody. "Mikey," she grabbed her alarm clock next to her bed and shoved it into his face. He snorted and shoved it away. "Y/n." he mimicked her tone, a smirk practically plastered to his pretty green face.
Y/n's shoulders sagged in annoyance. "Can't this wait till tomorrow?"
"Technically-" Her glare shut Donnie up and he flashed a sheepish and slightly apologetic smile.
"No. It can't. C'mon, don't be a party pooper. It'll be fun." Mikey tucked a few strands of her wild hair behind her ear and Y/n's cheeks warmed at the action.
"You know what will be fun?"
Y/n flopped back down and pulled her covers over her head. "Going the fuck to sleep."
Mikey rolled his eyes and let out a comically long sigh. "I guess you leave me no choice." Y/n shrieked as the blanket was pulled off of her, eveloping her in cold and causing a chill to run through her bones. Before she could so much as blink, Mikey grabbed her and hoisted her into his arms. "Leo, grab her something nice to wear. Raph and Donnie, to the batmobile!"
"Mikey I swear to- Leo you better not- put me down! Guys this isn't funny! I'm only wearing a t-shirt and undies!" Y/n slapped Mike's shell a few times but he didn't seem to care.
"Nothing we haven't seen before babes. Well, at least I haven't." Mikey teased, reaching up with his free hand and patting her bum. Y/n's face blossomed in heat and she covered it with her hands in embarrasment.
"I'm disowning all of you." She grumbled and Leo's lips lifted into a tiny smirk. "We're not related so you can't disown us."
"Unfortunetly, Fearless is right. You couldn't get rid of us even if you tried, Tiny." Y/n removed her hands from her face to glare at Raph who was clearly amused by this whole ordeal. She stuck her tongue out towards him and he mocked her by doing the same.
"Assholes. All of you are assholes."
"If it helps, I said we should just wait till 7 at the earliest." Donnie spoke up, "I know how much you like to sleep."
"And that's why you're my favourite."
Mikey slapped her ass causing the h/c haired female to yelp in surprise. "Mikey! What the hell?!"
"As your boyfriend, I should be your favouite." He stated with a huff. Though if she could see his face, she could see the amusement dancing in his eyes. Y/n once again slapped his shell, as it was the only thing she could reach being thrown over his shoulders like she was.
"You dink!"
When they finally got back to the lair, Y/n was surpised to see the entire place decked out. There were balloons and streamers. Fairylights, lanterns and candles. A playlist made up of her favourite songs seeping out of some speakers. They even had a disco ball creating soft sparkles of light. And snacks galore.
Y/n's eyes began to water and she reached up to cover her mouth with her hands. "You guys.." Her voiced wavered and she turned to look up at all of them with a happy tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "Thank you. You didn't have to do all of this."
"Don't thank us, it was Mikey's idea." Leo hummed, smiling down towards his friend.
"We did most of the work tho-" Raph was elbowed by the leader and he shot him a look.
Mikey all but beamed down towards his girlfriend. And even though she was in nothing but an oversized shirt and underwear, with her hair a frazzled mess and tear streaks on her face. He swore she had never looked more beautiful. Y/n didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around him, which he gratefully accepted. Scooping her up in his arms and giving her a good squeeze. She cupped his face in her hands and peppered the entire thing with kisses. Earning a happy chortle and a cute churr from the mutant.
"Thank you, Mikey baby. I love you." She mumbled, resting her forehead against his own.
"Not as much as I love you." He cooed and Raph groaned in annoyance. Faking a gag.
Y/n rolled her eyes as Mikey set her down and then she went to hug all three brothers. "Thank you guys."
"You're welcome." Donnie and Leo said in unison. But Raph could only smirk, "What, no kiss?" he teased and this time it was Y/n who elbowed him.
Y/n went to the bathroom to get changed into what Leo grabbed for her as well as get ready for the rest of the day. While she did that, the four brothers went into the kitchen to prepare her birthday breakfast.
Michelangelo made the pancake batter and worked on crisping up some turkey bacon.
Donatello started on making coffee, tea, and pink lemonade for the group.
Leonardo washed and cut up some fresh fruit.
And Raphael set up the table.
It didn't take long for Y/n to come back, wearing a cute sun dress and hair no longer a mess. She even had a bit of makeup on. Her eyes lit with amusement as she watched them all do their own thing. Raph, who had finished with the table a good while ago, was now sneaking fruit from Leo who looked like he was about to murder him. Donnie was munching on a pop tart, holding a cup of coffee in one hand as he watched Leo and Raph bicker. And Mikey was singing along to whatever song was playing, completely distracted with trying not to burn the food.
Y/n walked up to her mutant boyfriend and pecked him on the cheek in greeting, stealing a blueberry from a bowl that was sitting next to him.
"Hey, whatcha making?"
"Blueberry pancakes, your favourite." He mused, bending down to capture her mouth in a saccharine kiss. She hummed against his lips, whisking herself away to make herself a cup of coffee.
"You have good taste, Lee." She mused, leaning against the counter next to Donnie and stealing a nibble of his pop tart. He didn't seem to mind.
Leo smiled, glad she had liked what he picked out for her. "It is your dress, so I didn't do much."
Y/n shrugged, "Still. You picked well."
They chatted for a bit among themselves before Leo left to get Splinter and they all sat down at the table to munch on a very early breakfast. And despite still being tired, Y/n had to admit, she was having a great time and was glad they pulled her out of bed.
After breakfast, they all helped clean up before playing a bunch of board and card games. This included monopoly, uno, the game of life, gin rummy, and poker. Of course, Mikey wanted to play strip poker- but it was clear it was only to see Y/n in her birthday suit.
After playing for a few hours, April, Casey and Vern came down to the lair. Bringing lunch which consisted of burgers and french fries.
They talked and laughed for a while as they ate. Y/n had her legs splayed across Mike's lap and he rest his hands on them. Giving them a soft squeeze every now and then.
Eventually, half way during the conversastion, Y/n grew quiet. Simply staring at Mikey with a small and content smile on her soft pink lips. Mikey, feeling her gaze, turning his baby blues onto her with a grin. "What's up?" He hummed, squeezing her leg again.
"You're beautiful." She mumbled, smile only growing.
Mikey's face heated with a blush and she swore he shone as bright as the sun. "Aren't I supposed to say that to you?"
Y/n shrugged. "I guess I beat you to it."
Mikey let out a small laugh. "I guess you did. C'mere." He reached for her hand and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her from behind and planting a few tender kisses to the exposed skin of her shoulder. Y/n bit her lip to contain her giggles, hardley being able to stop from grinning as he rest his chin on her shoulder and continued talking to the group as if this little interaction had never happened.
After lunch, they piled into the living room to play some video games and watch one of Y/n's favourite tv series with her. She chose Gossip Girl, and she wasn't surprised when they all got into it.
Even Raph who tended to claim he didn't like to watch "girl shows". Everyone always knew he was bullshitting.
"He's so hot." April hummed, leaning back in her seat and missing the offended look on Casey's face.
"I know." Y/n hummed, "Chuck Bass is the best."
"I thought I was the best." Mikey teased from next to her, biting her cheek softly.
"True. But he's.."
"Chuck Bass." April chimed and Y/n giggled at the reference. "Also true."
"I don't get it, why aren't Blair and Chuck together when it's so clear they wanna be with each other?" Raphael grumbled, gesturing towards the two on the television.
"Because he's afraid to feel." Casey piped up, making it sound so obvious.
"Maybe he doesn't want to corrupt her?" Donnie added, sipping a juice box contendedly.
"I think it's because he just wants to have sex with multiple girls. He's not the settling type." Vern said, popping a chip into his mouth. "In other words, a man whore."
April and Y/n shared a look. "I think he's talking about himself here."
"Yes, he must be." They jested and Vern rolled his eyes. His phone beeped and he was quick to pull it out to check the notification.
"That's work. I gotta cut this party short, I'm afraid." He stood up, handing the chip bag to Raph before approaching Y/n and planting a quick kiss to her temple. "Happy birthday, kiddo."
Y/n smiled, accepting the small box he handed to her. She opened it up, revealing a gold necklace with a single gold daisy pendant. "Awe, Vern, it's beautiful. Thank you." She pried Mikey's arm off of her and stood to give him a quick hug. Vern seemed rather pleased with himself that she liked his gift. (He actually called April for tips to make sure he got her something she liked-)
"You're welcome, Y/n. I'll see you later." He said his goodbyes to the rest of the group before leaving.
Mikey helped Y/n put her necklace on and then they continued watching a few more episodes of Gossip Girl before deciding to order dinner, which was chinese. April and Casey decided to pick it up but they had a while before it was ready so they played some COD Black Ops 2 zombies to pass the time.
Y/n lay comfortably against Mikey as he played with Casey, Raph and Leo. Donnie elected to sit on the sidelines and watch. He, April and Y/n were currently betting on who would kill the most zombies.
Casey was in last place, as predicted. But Raph actually won by three more kills than Mikey.
Y/n groaned as she slapped a five dollar bill in Donnie's exposed hand. She had bet on Mikey, of course. While April bet on Leo. Casey seemed mildly offended by that, which she found amusing.
After enjoying a delicious dinner, which Y/n couldn't even finish since there was so much of it. Thankfully, Mikey was more than willing to eat her leftovers. They went back into the living area for Y/n to open her gifts.
Casey was first, he had gotten her a lovely new hoodie in her favourite color. With a pair of socks with turtles on them. Which she found utterly fantastic.
April was next, she got Y/n her favourite body spray, lotion, and a pack of scrunchies. Paired with a bottle of wine and a gift card to one of her favourite shops.
Leo followed, he got her some new teas to try and two adorable mugs for her growing collection.
Raph went next, giving her a massive blanket which he had knit himself. This was paired with a few plushies as he knew she loved them. One of them was even a turtle.
Donnie went after Raph, as Mikey insisted on being last. He got her a gift card to her favourite coffee shop/cafe as well as three new books she had be itching to get her hands on.
Master Splinter followed Donnie. He had gotten Y/n some new potted plants he had picked out just for her. One which included her favourite kind of flowers. He also gave her a scrap book he made with pictures of his sons when they were younger. They all groaned and complained at that, but there was no way in hell she wasn't seeing and keeping those photos.
Finally, it was Mikey's turn.
He had gotten her some fancy pens and a new journal because he knew she was an aspiring writer and loved to write. He also gave her some handmade jewlery he had made specially for her. She adored the turtle charm hanging from one of the bracelets. This followed by an acrylic painting of the city. Yes, he painted it himself. And then a small leather book that looked quite worn.
Y/n's eyebrows furrowed and she glanced up at him in question. But Mikey could only smile down at her, clearly excited, and even a tad nervous, for her to see what was inside.
When she opened the book, Y/n's eyes widened in shock. She was so gobsmacked, she didn't know what to say.
The entire thing was filled with his drawings. And they weren't drawings of just anything, they were all of her.
Tears pooled in those big e/c orbs of hers as she flipped through the sketch book. Pencil, charcol, pen, colored pencil- you name it. He used it all. And that wasn't the only thing. Each drawing had a date scribbled in his writing. And it started long before they had even started dating.
"Oh my god.. Mikey.." Her voice wavered and lip trembled as she continued to look at the drawings.
She remembered some of them, too. As some were drawn during specific moments. Like one where she was reading a book while leaning against her bedroom window as it rained. One where she was flower picking out in the country on a trip they took one time. Another where she was hunched over her desk, writing away in one of her many journals.
Turning to face her beloved boyfriend, Y/n couldn't help but cry as she embraced him. Throwing her arms around his neck and nuzzling her face into him. Mikey could only laugh, shoulders shaking lightly as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing his face into her shoulder and taking a large inhale.
The other's sent them looks, clearly confused on why she was crying and what was in the book. Donnie reached over and grabbed it gently, clicking his tongue once he saw what was inside.
"Do you like it?" Mikey mumbled, and Y/n pulled away a bit so she could look at him in astonishment. "Do I like it? Mikey, I love it. This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." He cupped her face with his much larger hands and swiped away her still falling tears.
"Of course, anything for my Angelcakes." He hummed, pressing a kiss to her cute nose. "I love you."
Y/n's heart swelled, she didn't think she could ever feel more happy. "I love you more."
"I love you most." Michel quipped, quoting Tangled and making Y/n roll her eyes playfully. "Impossible." She hummed, pressing a firm but tender kiss to his lips.
"Wow, Mike, you really went all out huh?" Casey mused, after chancing a peak inside the sketchbook.
Mikey beamed, "Like I said, anything for her."
"You just had to out do us, ya little shit." Raph teased, smirking towards his younger brother.
"But of course."
After chatting for a while they put in some of Y/n's favourite movies. Eventually, April and Casey had to leave and wished everyone a goodnight and Y/n one final happy birthday before leaving together.
One by one the mutant turtles left, until it was just Michelangelo and Y/n left.
A movie still played in the background and they were laying on the couch, all cuddled up under Y/n's new blanket together.
Mikey's hand rubbed her back, slowly moving up and down while she rest her cheek against his chest. Legs tangled together and hearts beating as one.
"Are you still mad that I woke you up so early?" Michel asked, glancing away from the screen and towards his beloved.
Y/n moved her head so she was looking up at him. She couldn't help but smile. "No. This was quite possibly the best birthday I've ever had. Thank you." She leaned up and brushed her lips against his own and Mikey hummed in delight.
"I'm glad. That's all I wanted... But y'know.. there is one gift I haven't given you yet."
Y/n arched a brow in confusion before she noticed the massive smirk crawling onto his face. "Mikey, we can't do it here-" she was cut off as once again Mikey delivered a swift smack to her ass. Y/n squealed and Mikey took this chance to flip the two of them so she was on the bottom.
Then he peppered her entire body with kisses. ;)
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recapqsmp · 1 year
Mardi 12/09 - Le royaume des capybaras
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Pac a pris les médicaments. Il est très souriant, très heureux. Il a cependant oublié ce qui est arrivé à Mike et à WalterBob. Il pense que Richarlyson est toujours en train de dormir. Néanmoins, quand il entends parler de WalterBob, il revient à lui, il se rappelle, se sent malheureux et préfère reprendre les médicaments.
Fit et Tubbo sont allés voir Pac pour voir comment il allait. Ils ont pu se rendre compte de l'état mental de Pac sous médicaments. Pendant la conversation, Pac a dit hésiter a prendre à nouveau une pilule, les voix dans sa tête lui disant de ne pas le faire. Fit en a profité pour lui rappeler qu'il souhaitait trouver un antidote à la base. Pac a dit ne pas pouvoir faire ça, car il n'a pas trouvé la recette du médicament pour l'instant. Il réalise maintenant que les médicaments sont la solution à ses problèmes. Tubbo lui a conseillé d'écrire ses pensées dans un journal pour documenter tout ça.
Tubbo souhaitait que Fit lui montre l'entrée de la base de la fédération. Fit lui a dit qu'il la connaissait, mais qu'il ne pouvait pas lui montrer, car il risquait son boulot. Tubbo lui a demandé pourquoi il s'en souciait, la santé de ses amis et peut-être même la vie de Ramon est en jeu. Fit lui a expliqué qu'il y avait des choses bien au dessus de tout ça qui entrait en jeu, et qu'il ne pouvait pas lui en dire plus.
Pac est tombé sur un livre qu'il s'était écrit avant de prendre les médicaments. Il a hésité sur l'action a entreprendre, entre continuer a prendre les médocs ou pas. Il a décidé de prendre son courage à deux mains, et d'en livrer à Cellbit. Il en a quand même gardé sur lui, et n'a pas la force de s'en passer totalement.
QuackityStudios a posté un tweet sortant de l'ordinaire : il n'est lié à aucun évènement se déroulement au moment du post, le nombre de jour est en décimal, et il y a un message caché à droite de l'image.
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Pac a rencontré Foolish, et lui a proposé de prendre un cachet pour tester les effets sur lui. Il est très intrigué de savoir ce qui va lui arriver s'il en prend, et a décidé d'en discuter avec sa version chaotique dans le château de cellbit pour savoir ce qu'il doit faire. Son alter-égo lui a dit qu'il n'est pas une chochotte et qu'il doit les prendre. Il est aussi tombé enceinte d'un monstre.
Foolish Fit et Tubbo ont suivi une nouvelle piste d'oranges, qui a mené vers une plateforme aérienne. Là haut, ils ont retrouvé Abuelito, qui lui a demandé d'emmener toutes les recherches sur Mr Mustard avec lui. Il lui a ensuite montré une warp plate, et les 3 compagnons sont allés au royaume des capybaras ! Là bas, ils ont rencontré quasiment tous les capybaras existant, ainsi que quelques nouveaux. Abuelito lui a expliqué qu'ils ne laissaient jamais rentrer personne ici, mais qu'ils faisaient une exception pour quelqu'un comme lui qui a toujours cherché a protéger les capybaras. Il lui a montré la maison de Mr Mustard, et lui a expliqué ce qui lui est arrivé : il a essayé de préparer une potion et elle a explosé, rendant le capybara invisible. Néanmoins, ils pensent qu'en versant de l'eau de piscine sur un feu bleu, il pourra peut-être réapparaître. Une fois fait, Mr Mustard est effectivement réapparu, et tous les capybaras ont construit un trône pour Foolish et lui ont donné une couronne, le déclarant officiellement roi des capybaras ! Lui et ses nouveaux sujets sont allés faire la fête au spawn, provoquant beaucoup d'explosions sous couvert de nombreuses musiques. Foolish a aussi pu nommer les nouveaux capybaras : SNIPYBARA, Tango et Reyna !
Foolish en a profité pour leur demander s'ils avaient entendu parler de l'absence des oeufs, mais les capybaras ne savaient même pas de quoi il parlait. Ils ont tout de même accepté, si besoin était, de participer à une opération spéciale pour aller les récupérer.
Il y a deux nouveaux travailleurs de la fédération ! L'un porte un casque bleu, l'autre un casque jaune. Tubbo a nommé le casque bleu "Fred", et le casque jaune "Jed". Ils ne connaissent pas WalterBob et n'ont aucune idée du principe d'émotion non plus.
BadBoy a perdu toutes ses couleurs. Il est désormais dans des nuances de gris et de noir. Par moment, son personnage ne voyait plus les couleurs non plus.
BadBoy s'est confié à Aypierre : il lui a dit tout ce qui s'était passé la veille avec Forever (sa crise de somnambulisme, son saut dans le vide…) et les deux ont décidé de contacter Roier pour tenter de traduire le livre portugais. Roier a donné une version similaire à la traduction de Pol : Forever demande de l'aide, car il n'en peut plus. Les 3 compères se sont accordés sur le fait qu'il faut tuer Forever le plus vite possible pour le débarasser de la drogue.
BadBoy a entrainé Foolish a dire non à la drogue si Forever ou Pac lui en propose. Foolish a ensuite expliqué ce qui s'était passé avec les capybaras à BadBoy. Celui-ci pense que Foolish est drogué. Aypierre pense que ce sont les capybaras qui sont drogués.
Forever est parti du serveur en jouant une nouvelle vidéo : le parallèle entre lui, et ce qu'il souhaiterait faire dans sa tête. La vidéo alterne donc entre des scènes normales où Forever se balade puis les même scènes où Forever fait tout brûler et exploser. BadBoy est parti aussi, après avoir lu la lettre que Pomme a laissé à Baghera.
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xcom1au questions @cubitodragon !
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I can't actually get a fully accurate count gamplay wise, as the last time you can access the character stats page is before the sequence. As such, this chart is too few for BBH, Philza, Etoiles, Foolish, Cellbit, and Missa. No I have no idea in what order that pans out. But, here is my stats spreadsheet as per immediately before the final mission, sorted by kills! As we can see Jaiden is a monstr (though Etoiles has the best kill:mission ratio of people I actually used. Walter Bob did not get used beyond the recruitment mission as I hate that class).
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It should be noted that covert missions aren't counted on this list - Tina and Bagi were doing a lot of that. Also for story purposes rank is ignored. Low missions and high rank is generally a good indicator of a late recruit, however. Also please look at my boy Mike with his BS hack score of 102% base chance and 40% bonus from gear, and his highest base health. Sad times he got kidnapped and so lost 2 months of chances to get xp else he would have been terrifying. Also Pac and Foolish the only people who ever learnt to fucking dodge.
Story wise... I mean these are good rules of thumb for during plot kills. Some characters have backstories where they've been killing much longer than others (Fit, Roier, the Brazilians), while say Baghera only started killing around the time she was recruited (her primary function is as a liason for the French. Really she should have been a templar, but I didn't recruit any until late and despite how few missions because she random rolled into a class I had too many of already she is my girl)
2. Not sure I have stats for that in game! Didn't write all that down. I mean, no, it's Luzu because he showed up for a single mission and didn't get hurt on it, so his time clocked in the infirmary is 0. Over the entire group, 212 days were spent out injured by units in game (once infirmary was built, time per injury halved) over 45 missions. I'd have to trawl though my notes to work out who actually used got hurt least often, and I don't have enough hands for the tally today.
3. Funniest egg story... I mean they could all be very funny, but frankly the funniest egg rescue is Ramon. There's BBH, Foolish, Fit, Pac, Mike and Jaiden on the mission. They're having a truly dreadful time. The Hunter, that guy who kidnapped Mike, is back again. They get rid of it (for now) and start securing the area and working out how to get this massive plot object back on a helicopter when this kid just... hops down from a tree, walks up to Fit, and hands him a bit of paper that says "your husband is dead my condolences or maybe congratulations you didn't seem to like him much" (Dapper and Leo helped him write it when Ramon recognised Fit from Spreen's memories - Spreen got kidnapped, he and Ramon were forced to bond so the aliens could work out what was going on with the vanishing kids and the metaphysics of the bonds. they took their readings and Spreen was killed like 4 hours later once they had their notes). Fit has no fucking clue what to do with this but does laugh and everyone was pretty sure Spreen was dead by this point and like. What do you even do there. It's like. Well. Um. Shit I guess. And maybe that's not actually especially funny but /I/ think it's hilarious, even if traumatising for Ramon poor kid.
... More generally funny is probably just that when Richas gets upset with Forever not spending enough time with him he starts stealing the paperwork and putting it in random places. Like the freezer. or slipped into books. Or whatever. Forever has learnt the quickest way to get it back is to spend time with his kid, then take a nap, and once the nap is over it is all returned even if a little crumpled and/or soggy...
4. I mean Missa was supposed to retire like 10 missions in and never did. Felps actually doing stuff is novel. Antoine is being weirdly important given he has neither a role on the ship nor was he playable nor does he have a direct parallel in the game. Baghera only has a little and I wish she'd been powerful enough for the final mission as it makes her plot an epilogue which sucks. But she does actually have very fun stuff occurring and I'm wrangling a way to make it more important. Jaiden pulls more plot than I was expecting her to while being an actual guy, though it's still more plot happens near her than she does plot.
5. *points above* /Baghera/. The original 5 Brazilians have stolen my life but dear god I want to do some of her stuff my amnesiac weirdo girlie. Also just like generally everyone, and the next five fics in my head are all Brazilians again (though one is Bagi-focused for once), and then egg stuff, and I should maybe the plot sometime, but /Baghera/. You understand?
6. I mean many but that's super loose errr trying to think of a good one... Niki is probably the least likely person to have a day off, because she's the only helicopter pilot. Well, no, she has many days off as if she's not needed she's never asked to do other work, but she can never actually leave. She's on call 24/7, poor woman.
Foolish is the first one who found and wired up a games console in the common room. Etoiles is usually the one found playing it, though. When doing supply runs people actually make a point of stealing games (video, board, whatever), music, films, and books from abandoned cities as well as actually supplies because 90% of their lives are extremely boring and the other 10% is spent nearly dying. Allies have stuff like ink and paper, but stuff to do is hard to get hold of. Art and music are a bit easier, as you can covert other supplies, but writing is too much paper per unit time. Oral storytelling therefore is also a big thing. Wilbur's job is running the radio station, but it's also his sanity.
Recruitment wise... It's funny, because you could say Foolish, Max, and Bad recruited Forever, Pac, and Mike and you wouldn't be wrong. The two trios were the first to join forces and sort of... met in the middle.
(Feel free to ask either more or follow up questions! Same goes for other people too)
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leosgirl82 · 2 years
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I posted 3,183 times in 2022
That's 3,183 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (1%)
3,150 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 48 of my posts in 2022
#tmnt - 30 posts
#teenage mutant ninja turtles - 27 posts
#tmnt fanart - 22 posts
#tmnt art - 21 posts
#tmnt bayverse - 18 posts
#tmnt 2014 - 18 posts
#tmnt+bayverse - 17 posts
#tmnt leonardo - 15 posts
#tmnt raphael - 7 posts
#tmnt michelangelo - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 41 characters
#i request a chapter about secret passages
My Top Posts in 2022:
Finally giving Donnie some attention! I knew I wanted to draw him next, but had no idea it would lead here 💜
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To all the Donnie girls, I hope I did him justice 🙏
@thelaundrybitch @donniesdove @roxosupreme @mysticboombox @turtle-babe83 @exovapor @raisin-shell @chicchanmooshy @aurora-the-kunoichi @post-apocalyptic-daydream @sewerninno @fluffytriceratops @rheawritesforfun @tmntspidergirl @angelcatlowyn @turtlesmakemehappy @cowabunga-doll
217 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Another fanfic inspired drawing of Leo - written by the amazing @turtle-babe83 ❤
She wrote Leo's Game (18+ only) in response to my ask, and I am forever grateful 🙏
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And a close up...because the eyes are my favorite part of any drawing.
See the full post
222 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My first-ever drawing inspired by a fanfic!
You can find the fic here: Little Blue Hearts by one of my favorite writers @thelaundrybitch 💙 This image popped in my head and just wouldn't quit, so here he is!
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And this is the unassuming doodle that started it all 😁 Art by me - please do not steal these images but feel free to reblog!
See the full post
231 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
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As the oldest of 4 siblings, I feel this. I feel you, Leo. Bless this artist for getting it so right.
290 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Michelangelo's turn for a Baystyle sketch 🧡
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Work has been kicking my butt recently, but I finally felt the urge to draw again! Mike turned out pretty intense 👀
Art by me! Please do not steal but by all means reblog!
@thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @exovapor @rheawritesforfun @digitl-art-monstr @fluffytriceratops @drowninghell @doctorelleth @nittleboo @angelcatlowyn @angelicdavinci @sivy-chan-blog @aurora-the-kunoichi @raisin-shell @fyreball66 @imthegreenfairy88 @pheradream15 @ravn-87 @raphslovemuffin80
294 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 31, 2023)
23:59 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 23:55 Sylvering - The Sun Always Shines On TV 23:52 Topic, Robin Schulz, Nico Santos, Paul Van Dyk - In Your Arms (For An Angel) 23:48 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 23:44 Stephane De Lucia - Trippin 23:41 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 23:38 Mount & Illian - Fool 23:31 Dj Disse - Riders In The Storm (Original Mix) 23:26 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 23:24 Tainted Youth Feat. Lucinda - Teardrops 23:18 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 23:15 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 23:10 Phil Mison - Just Landed 23:07 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 23:05 Rita Ora - You Only Love Me 23:00 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeister Remix) 22:57 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 22:50 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 22:44 Mathieu & Florzinho - Maha - Amba 22:41 Moby - My Only Love 22:38 Vamero & Lizot - Bleeding Love 22:33 Lux - Secret Fish 22:30 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 22:25 Tibet Project - Tibet (A Passage To ...) 22:22 Hypnosis - Pulstar 22:19 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 22:14 Dj Shah & Adrina Thorpe - Who Will Find Me (Acoustic Mix) 22:11 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 22:09 Carstn, Jason Walker - Could You Love Me (Munich Monstrs Remix) 22:02 Joris Voorn - Ringo 21:58 Christopher Von Deylen - Heliotrope 21:56 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 21:52 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood - I Need You 21:49 Nora En Pure - Branches 21:44 Schiller - Free The Dragon 21:39 Uttara Kuru - Neyuki 21:36 Elderbrook - I Need You 21:29 David Devilla, Mauro B & Gerard C Feat. - Someone Told Me (Mladen Mande Remix) 21:27 Lizot - Daddy Cool 21:19 Hraach - After Dark 21:15 Aguaflames - Moiman 21:11 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 21:09 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 21:05 Set Mo Feat. Deutsch Duke - White Dress (Radio Version) 21:02 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 20:59 Sans Souci - Fenton 20:54 The Dining Rooms - Existentialism (Milano Dub Mix) 20:51 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 20:49 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 20:40 David Broaders - Curracloe 20:37 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 20:34 In Lonely Majesty - Sing In The Dark - Alle Farben Remix 20:27 Blank & Jones - White Light 20:24 Vinai - Hide Away 20:17 Rodriguez Jr. - 2 Miles Away 20:09 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 20:06 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 19:58 Ost & Kjex - Queen Of Europe Feat. Anne Lise Frokedal (Solomun Remix) 19:54 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 19:49 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 19:45 Armin Van Buuren, Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love (Lost Frequencies Remix) 19:42 Hallmann - Always Be 19:35 Julian Wassermann - People 19:29 Hazy J - Our Way 19:21 Dino Lenny Feat. Artbat - Sand In Your Shoes 19:15 Rue Du Soleil - La Francaise 19:13 Dize Feat. Aurii - Wenn Ich Nicht Mehr Weiss 19:07 Exstra - Comet (Extended Mix) 19:03 Danny Avila - End Of The Night 18:59 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 18:55 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 18:51 Kygo Feat. One Republic - Stranger Things 18:48 Shallour & Riah - Lie 18:44 Laniia - Fireflies 18:39 Headstrong - Symphony Of Soul (Reuben Halsey Chillout Mix) 18:35 Duboss - Losing My Religion 18:31 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 18:27 Morcheeba - Slow Down 18:24 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 18:21 Meduza & Becky Hill X Goodboys - Lose Control 18:18 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 18:15 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 18:10 The Chill Out Orchestra - Wish You Were Here 18:05 New Age Kings - Illusion (Instrumental Remix) 18:02 Nora Van Elken - Honshu 17:57 Nora En Pure - Tears In Your Eyes (Extended Mix) 17:53 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 17:50 Mousse T. - Boyfriend (Alle Farben Remix) 17:44 Simple Minds - Mandela Day 17:41 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 17:37 Mandala Dreams - Mirror Lake 17:33 Mark Ronson Feat. Miley Cyrus - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 17:30 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 17:25 Laila (Feat. Tiefblau) - Yin And Yang 17:21 Ambyion - Motion 17:18 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 17:14 Lissa, Freddy Verano - Move Like Me 17:12 Mount & Emdey - Venus 17:09 Deepend & Graham Candy - Belong (Deepend Edit) 17:03 Hacienda - Sci-fi Saloon 17:00 Above & Beyond - The Inconsistency Principle 16:54 Anrey - The Forgotten (Extended Mix) 16:50 Jens Buchert - 1000 Miles 16:45 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 16:39 Armen Miran - Nani Jan 16:33 Funkstar De Luxe - Sun Is Shining 16:30 Hugel - Can't Love Myself (Feat. Mishaal& Lpw) 16:23 Deep Dive Corp. - Bali Hi 16:19 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 16:13 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 16:08 Aphrodelics - Rollin On Chrome 16:06 Twisted Harmonies Feat. Mougleta - You & Me 16:03 Tiesto - Lay Low 16:00 Jazzamor - Song For Maggie 15:57 Mahalo - High Life 15:52 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 15:47 Nebu Mitte Feat. Jaselle - With You (Oriano Remix) 15:44 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 15:40 Tycho - Horizon 15:35 Ambala Feat. Laid Back - Walk With The Dreamers 15:33 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 15:27 Spooky - Shelter 15:24 Neptune & Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Original Mix) 15:18 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 15:13 Under Pressure - Near The Ocean 15:09 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 15:06 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 15:00 Van Bellen - Morning Awakening 14:57 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 14:54 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 14:49 Best Of Chillout Lounge - Sylt (Sensibar Mix) 14:45 Magnofield - Lupino 14:43 Kamrad - Feel Alive 14:39 Deeperise Feat. Jabbar - One By One 14:36 Chaël Feat Kaii - Don't Speak 14:30 High Heels Breaker Feat. Sarah Palin - Come Easy (David August Remix) 14:27 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 14:20 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 14:17 Dash Berlin Feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter 14:14 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 14:09 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - One Evening (Lofi Selection) 14:04 Evadez - Caught In The Crowd (Original Mix) 14:02 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 13:56 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 13:49 Adana Twins - Strange 13:44 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 13:41 Robin Schulz & David Guetta - On Repeat 13:37 Kygo Feat. Maty Noyes - Stay 13:33 Winona Oak & Robin Schulz - Oxygen 13:27 Hird - Getting Closer 13:24 Kryder & Natalie Shay - Rapture 13:20 Above & Beyond Feat. Justine Suissa - Little Something 13:17 Geeno Smith - Stand By Me (Radio Mix) 13:13 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 13:10 Kamrad - I Believe 13:04 Milan Euringer And Tube & Berger - Lovebreak 13:01 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 12:57 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 12:54 Aural Float - Be As You Are 12:50 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Angel Taylor - Make It Right (Trinix Remix) 12:43 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 12:38 Kölsch - Left Eye Left 12:34 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 12:28 Tosca - Dave Dudley 12:25 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 12:23 Christopher Von Deylen - Arco Iris 12:17 Massive Attack - Teardrop 12:14 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 12:11 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 12:06 Disclosure - You & Me Ft. Eliza Doolittle (Flume Remix) 11:55 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 11:52 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 11:48 Syntax Error - Träumen Im Gras (Syntax Experience Mix) 11:45 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 11:38 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 11:32 Rodg - Life Is Life (Chill Mix) 11:24 Kygo - Freeze 11:17 Caf Bar Feat. Sara Allman - Gimme Shelter (Chilled Buddha Session) 11:14 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 11:11 Cotone - Faded Glory 11:08 Thievery Corporation Feat. Shana Halligan - Depth Of My Soul 11:05 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 11:02 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 10:56 Spooky - The River (Ambient) 10:53 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 10:49 Schiller & Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You 10:46 Jubel - On The Beach 10:42 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 10:39 Clément Leroux - Memories 10:34 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 10:29 Dreamerproject - Horizons (Glenn Main Remix) 10:26 Gabriel & Castellon - Es Vedra (Touch & Go Radio Mix) 10:23 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 10:20 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 10:16 Cristian Marchi Feat. Block - Baker Street 10:14 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 10:09 Kidsø - Fir 10:04 Depeche Mode - Useless 10:01 Zoe - C'est La Vie 09:55 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 09:52 Zonderling Feat. Josh Cumbee & Damon Sharpe - Lifetime 09:47 Enui - Adieu (Arielle Lb Remix) 09:44 Cosmic Soul & Tom Novy - Like A Dream 09:40 Mario & Vidis Feat. Jazzu - I'll Be Gone 09:33 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 09:29 The Timewriter - Soulstickers 09:25 Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth 09:20 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 09:15 Bacaro - Under Presure 09:12 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 09:08 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 09:02 Worldwide Groove Corporation - Besame Mucho 08:59 Lstn, Arya Noble - Desert Walk 08:56 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 08:51 Vargo - Get Back To Serénity (J. Bar Mix) 08:43 Martin Roth - An Analog Guy In A Digital World 08:39 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - We're All We Need 08:32 Kruder & Dorfmeister - High Noon 08:27 Goldfish - Love Everlasting (Extended Mix) 08:23 Nora En Pure - Homebound 08:21 Gamper & Dadoni Feat. Joe Jury - Satellites 08:17 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 08:10 Relaxraum - Endless Horizons 08:07 Mike Candys, Sb Mont & Salvo - Turned To Dust 08:04 Dvine - Ever After 07:59 Troels Hammer Feat. Clara Valente - Ai Meu Bem 07:55 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 07:51 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 07:46 Tosca - No More Olives 07:38 Mashk & Soul Button - Pensées 07:32 Beyhude - Terso 07:27 Naomi - Anybody Here? 07:24 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 07:20 I Will, I Swear - Long Days 07:17 Sum Wave - Backyard Stories 07:13 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 07:08 Channel 2 Feat. Tanya - Space Cowboy 07:03 Blank & Jones - Sunshines Better (Feat. Mick Roach) 06:58 Tebra - Suton 06:52 Orbient - Transition 06:47 Lyke - Stay With Me 06:42 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 06:38 Aromabar - Winter Pageant 06:34 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 06:31 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 06:25 Tosca - Natural High 06:22 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 06:17 The Funky Lowlives - Time To Let Go 06:12 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 06:09 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 06:04 Danijel Kostic - Vinternatt (Club Mix) 05:58 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 05:55 Sono - Trusting You 05:47 Eskadet - Solitudes 05:43 Valante - Rissa 05:41 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 05:36 Moca - Flotter Tag 05:34 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 05:32 Alok Feat. Alida - Love Again 05:27 Alan Walker & Gavin James - Tired (Kygo Remix) 05:25 Bolier & Arman Cekin - Fade Away (Feat. Rhi'n'b) 05:22 Sixth Finger - If I Can't Have You 05:19 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 05:15 Chicane - Capricorn (Back Pedal Brakes Remix) 05:11 Chris Coco - Before Sunset (Original Mix) 05:05 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 04:57 Boral Kibil - Never Again (Bobby Deep Mix) 04:54 Lost Frequencies Feat. Sandro Cavazza - Beautiful Life 04:51 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 04:47 Julian Wassermann - Painfully 04:44 Mila - Herzlos 04:42 Dj Antoine & Flip Capella Feat. Evelyn - Dark Love 04:39 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 04:34 Schiller - Ultramarin 04:31 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 04:27 Guardner - All Right 04:24 Ten Tonne Skeleton - Feel So Bad 04:16 Maxim Lany - Riding The Wave (Extended Mix) 04:09 Melosense - Road & Lights 04:02 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 03:59 Alle Farben & Flynn - I Need To Know 03:53 Tom Odell - Another Love (Zwette Edit) 03:47 Lazy Hammbock - Surround Me 03:44 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 03:40 Coldplay - Everglow 03:35 Christopher Von Deylen - Opaque 03:29 Plaid - Ralome (Feat. Benet Walsh) 03:24 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 03:17 Lexer & Paji - Red Puddle 03:14 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 03:08 Schiller - Der Goldene Engel 03:04 The Presets - Promises (Nils Frahm Version) 03:02 Mellowdy - Rise Up 03:00 Buchs Feat. Nokyo - Cheverolet 02:54 Nicos - Secret Love 02:49 Sans Souci - Venice 02:46 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 02:41 Blank & Jones - Give It To Me 02:37 Ck West - Aldebaran 2021 02:35 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 02:32 Starley - Lovers Strangers 02:29 Munich Monstrs - Shine 02:18 Aural Float - Dreamer's Dream 02:09 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 02:02 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 01:56 Schiller - The Future Iii 01:53 Jeremy Loops - Til I Found You 01:50 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 01:45 Ingo Herrmann - Sundown 01:42 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 01:36 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundførd - Oh, Lover 01:32 Robin Schulz & Marc Scibilia - Unforgettable 01:30 Max Johann & Layrz - Tell It To My Heart 01:25 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 01:22 Peter Ries - Hold Me (The Force Radio Mix) 01:18 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 01:14 Five Seasons - In Your Town 01:07 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 01:03 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 00:58 Stefano Saletti & Piccola Banda Ikona - Tagama 00:53 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 00:47 Nora En Pure - Trailblazer (Club Mix) 00:44 Be Svendsen - Drop The Gun 00:41 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 00:39 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 00:35 Schiller - Liebe 00:31 Ac Venture - Penang Waltz (Roberto Sol Remix) 00:21 Moby - Too Much Change 00:17 Blank & Jones - Nuits Blanches 00:13 Mefree - Horizons 00:09 Galantis Feat. Onerepublic - Bones 00:07 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 00:02 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers
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aldhar-ibn-beju · 4 months
Le greenwashing (2): La déesse de la mort de tous les cochons
Big Mike, le chef des "Crazy Homicides" et un tueur extrêmement violent, avait du mal à cacher sa peur. La nouvelle de la mort inhabituelle de ses deux subordonnés n'avait pas du tout réjoui Bertá Bochette, également connue sous le nom de "Ma Barker" de Bidonville. Après avoir donné un grand coup de pied à son fidèle berger allemand Dietmar - dixième du nom - qui se trouvait à portée de main, la mère du gang s'est approchée de son subordonné d'un air menaçant.
"Petit con, tu me dis qu'Ibrahim et cet abruti de pisseux ont été éliminés sans que les autres clochards s'en aperçoivent ? Tu ne vas pas te moquer de moi ? Tu veux peut-être visiter mon abattoir" ?
La voix stridente de Ma Barker résonna dans une disharmonie furieuse. Ce qui venait d'être dit fit trembler le titan Mike comme un petit garçon, car la monstrueuse Bochette avait l'habitude de faire disparaître dans sa boucherie, au moyen d'un hachoir à viande, les contemporains désagréables qui étaient en général encore en vie pendant la charcuterie. Il n'était pas difficile de savoir, en voyant les offres spéciales dans la boucherie de Bertá, si un autre malheureux avait été touché.
"Excusez-moi, chef, mais nous avons interrogé les habitants en détail et vraiment personne n'a rien vu ni entendu".
Avec des regards implorants et une voix tremblante, le chef de bande brutal a tenté d'obtenir le pardon de Bertá. Celle-ci, cependant, s'est lancée dans de nouveaux exploits psychopathiques et a sorti furieusement l'un de ses nombreux couteaux de boucherie d'un tiroir maculé de sang.
"Espèce de mauviette ! Alors tu aurais dû les laisser torturer jusqu'à ce qu'ils parlent ou qu'ils soient cassés. Tu veux que je te montre comment on fait ? Déballe maintenant ton misérable pénis et pose-le sur la table".
Horrifié, le chef de gang dur à cuire tomba à genoux, pensant avec horreur au sort cruel de son prédécesseur complètement castré.
"S'il vous plaît, chef, j'ai même coupé les oreilles d'une vieille salope. Ils ne savent vraiment rien, je le jure. Ibrahim et cet imbécile de nazi sont vraiment dans un sale état. Peut-être que la police devrait mieux s'occuper d'eux ! C'était sûrement un psychopathe, et les chefs de la police adorent se faire passer pour des chasseurs de monstres devant la presse" !
"QUOI ! Tu veux courir chanter à la police ? Mais les oiseaux morts ne chantent pas quand on les tue" !
Les yeux pétillants de joie sadique, la tueuse de cochons par passion a retourné la tête de Big Mike et a appliqué son couteau de boucher souvent utilisé sur sa gorge.
"C'était juste une blague ! S'il te plaît, Domina, je paierai le triple du prix du sang. Je peux l'obtenir" !
Un argument aussi fort a eu un effet tout à fait apaisant sur la grosse bouchère, qui a épargné sa victime avec un soupir de déception semblable à celui d'un éléphant.
"Bien, 6000 dollars espéranto ! Je suis vraiment trop bon pour ce monde. D'ici demain, tu m'auras remis l'argent ou je viendrai faire un massacre à domicile".
Le gangster dur à cuire qui avait échappé à son destin a eu un frisson dans le dos en pensant à ses contemporains massacrés à domicile par sa patronne. Comparé à la cruauté de ces événements mortels, le dernier meurtre de l'éventreur dans le Londres victorien faisait penser à une douce euthanasie.
Pensive, Ma Barker, apaisée, jouait avec son cher couteau de boucher et lançait des regards perfides à son subordonné toujours agenouillé.
"Heureca ! Ce doit être ce satané Kara Mustafa ! Cette saloperie et ses seldjoukides veulent nous supplanter depuis longtemps et ils sont passés aux choses sérieuses. Putain d'enculés, ils vont payer" !
Big Mike doutait que le chef de la mafia seldjoukide ait quelque chose à voir avec la fin malheureuse de ses deux collaborateurs, mais il préférait ne pas faire part de ses réflexions à Bertá, enragée.
"Les pourceaux, je les exterminerai !"
Furieuse, la chef de bande jeta son cher couteau et l'utilisa pour tuer Dietmar qui, intimidé, s'était réfugié dans son panier. Laissant le long couteau dans le chien qui, par hasard, portait le nom de son époux brutalement décédé, elle ouvrit furieusement son armoire antique et en sortit sa chère tronçonneuse avec laquelle elle abattit, dans un accès de rage et en un temps record, 600 cochons en une journée, comme on disait dans les milieux informés.
Avec un rire psychopathique, Ma Barker mit en marche son instrument de meurtre préféré et s'approcha de son valet de pied de haute taille avec une lueur de malheur dans ses yeux de cochon. Celui-ci poussa un cri de petite fille et s'apprêtait déjà à fuir lorsque la grosse Bertá éteignit la tronçonneuse ensanglantée.
"Petit merdeux, tu as de la chance que je passe une bonne journée et que tu sois un avorton ridicule !", a grogné Ma Baker avec une lueur extrêmement amusée dans les yeux. "Va rassembler les gars. Nous avons encore quelques comptes à régler, et la mafia seldjoukide va le payer de son sang. Par Ormi, le dieu mort de tous les porcs stupides, j'aurai la tête de ce maudit Kara Mustafa".
Big Mike déglutit difficilement et acquiesça docilement. "Oui, maîtresse", répondit-il d'une voix tremblante. "Je vais immédiatement m'assurer que tout est prêt".
"Tu as deux heures ou tu seras le premier protagoniste du à la tronçonneuse de Bidonville !"
Ma Baker affichait un sourire diabolique en pensant au carnage à venir. Les rues seraient bientôt imprégnées de sang et de chaos, et elle serait à la tête, prête à affirmer sa place de reine folle du crime.
Suite à donner
© 2024 Q.A.Juyub
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alexlacquemanne · 11 months
Le miroir se brisa (The Mirror Crack'd) (1980) de Guy Hamilton avec Angela Lansbury, Geraldine Chaplin, Tony Curtis, Edward Fox, Rock Hudson, Kim Novak, Elizabeth Taylor, Wendy Morgan et Margaret Courtenay
L'Homme de Rio (1964) de Philippe de Broca avec Jean-Paul Belmondo, Françoise Dorléac, Jean Servais, Milton Ribeiro, Simone Renant, Adolfo Celi, Ubiracy De Oliveira, Roger Dumas et Daniel Ceccaldi
Opération Dragon (Enter the Dragon) (1973) de Robert Clouse avec Bruce Lee, John Saxon, Jim Kelly, Ahna Capri, Shih Kien, Bob Wall, Angela Mao et Betty Chung
Le Grand Bain (2018) de Gilles Lellouche avec Mathieu Amalric, Guillaume Canet, Benoît Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Philippe Katerine, Félix Moati, Alban Ivanov, Balasingham Thamilchelvan, Virginie Efira et Leïla Bekhti
Bernadette (2023) de Léa Domenach avec Catherine Deneuve, Denis Podalydès, Michel Vuillermoz, Sara Giraudeau, Laurent Stocker, François Vincentelli, Lionel Abelanski, Artus, Scali Delpeyrat et Barbara Schulz
Gaz de France (2015) de Benoît Forgeard avec Olivier Rabourdin, Philippe Katerine, Alka Balbir, Antoine Gouy, Philippe Laudenbach, Darius, Jean-Luc Vincent et Élizabeth Mazev
Mariage à l'italienne (Matrimonio all'italiana) (1964) de Vittorio De Sica avec Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo Puglisi, Tecla Scarano, Marilù Tolo, Enzo Aita, Gianni Ridolfi et Generoso Cortini
Adieu poulet (1975) de Pierre Granier-Deferre avec Lino Ventura, Patrick Dewaere, Victor Lanoux, Julien Guiomar, Pierre Tornade, Françoise Brion, Claude Rich et Claude Brosset
Des hommes d'honneur (A Few Good Men) (1992) de Rob Reiner avec Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Pollak, James Marshall et J. T. Walsh
La Vie de château (1966) de Jean-Paul Rappeneau avec Philippe Noiret, Catherine Deneuve, Pierre Brasseur, Mary Marquet, Henri Garcin, Carlos Thompson et Marc Dudicourt
Tout ce que le ciel permet (All That Heaven Allows) (1955) de Douglas Sirk avec Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson, Agnes Moorehead, Conrad Nagel, Virginia Grey, Gloria Talbott, William Reynolds et Charles Drake
L'Attentat (1972) de Yves Boisset avec Jean-Louis Trintignant, Michel Piccoli, Jean Seberg, Gian Maria Volonté, Michel Bouquet, Bruno Cremer, Daniel Ivernel, Philippe Noiret, François Périer et Roy Scheider
Chaplin (1992) de Richard Attenborough avec Robert Downey Jr., Geraldine Chaplin, Paul Rhys, John Thaw, Milla Jovovich, Moira Kelly, Anthony Hopkins, Dan Aykroyd et Marisa Tomei
L’Évadé d’Alcatraz (Escape from Alcatraz) (1979) de Don Siegel avec Clint Eastwood, Patrick McGoohan, Roberts Blossom, Fred Ward, Jack Thibeau, Paul Benjamin et Larry Hankin
Les Sorcières d'Eastwick (The Witches of Eastwick) (1987) de George Miller avec Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Veronica Cartwright et Richard Jenkins
Bird (1988) de Clint Eastwood avec Forest Whitaker, Diane Venora, Michael Zelniker, Samuel E. Wright, Keith David, Michael McGuire et James Handy
Wolf (1994) de Mike Nichols avec Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, James Spader, Kate Nelligan, Richard Jenkins, Christopher Plummer et Eileen Atkins
Brokenwood Saison 8
Du berceau au tombeau - Sortie de scène - Du rififi au paradis - L’homme qui valait 6 dollars - L’or ne fait pas le bonheur
Affaires sensibles
Massacre du Bloody Sunday : la vérité 38 ans après - Bobby Sands, destin tragique d’un héros de l'indépendance Irlandaise - 1979, ils ont assassiné l’oncle de la Reine Elizabeth II - Les Malouines : bataille navale dans l’Atlantique Sud - La chute de la Dame de fer - « La Dame de fer, le Roi Arthur et la grève des Mineurs » - Dr Goldman et Mister Sachs - Elizabeth Holmes, l’arnaqueuse de la Silicon Valley - 13 mai 1981 : le jour où on a voulu tuer le pape Jean-Paul II - Tuer de Gaulle, l'attentat du Petit-Clamart - Bugaled Breizh : un naufrage en eaux troubles - Le monstre du Loch Ness, un animal merveilleusement insaisissable
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 13, 16
Meurtres sur mesure - L'épée de Guillaume - Du sang sur les éperons - Les Fantômes de March Magna - La Musique en héritage - Mort par K.O. - La Bataille des urnes - Régime fatal - Les meurtres de Copenhague
Coffre à Catch
#135 : Christian est de retour !!! - #136 - Christian veut le titre de Jack Swagger - #137 : DANS LE MAIN EVENT: Christian nouveau champion ECW ? - #138 : Kane contre le Boogeyman + Santino à la ECW ! - #139 : Le jour où Triple H débarque chez Randy Orton !
Happy Days Saison 3, 4
Un locataire encombrant - La Bécane de Fonzie - Fonzie le téméraire : première partie - Fonzie le téméraire : deuxième partie - Une de trouvée et dix de perdues - Œil pour œil, poing pour poing - Une famille contestataire - Les Quarante-cinq ans d'Howard - Fonzie fait la loi - Cours de drague - Les Vacances de Pâques - La Soirée hawaïenne - Quatorze ans trois quarts - Chagrin d'amour - Un tango pour Fonzie - Représentant ou dresseur de fauves - Baby sitting - Fonzie Superstar - Qui sera le pigeon ? - Le Concours de beauté - Spike fait des bêtises - Fonzie porte des lunettes - Le Mariage d'Arnold - Fonzie est amoureux : première partie - Fonzie est amoureux : deuxième partie - Fonzie est amoureux : troisème partie - Fonzie chez le psychiatre - Pas de panique, restons cool ! - Une dette envers Potsie - Richie s'émancipe - Marathon de danse - Richie grand reporter - Fonzie et le shérif - Nouvelle conquête - Le Rendez-vous de Fonzie - Nuit d'enfer dans une remise - La Soirée des records - La gloire est éphémère
Castle Saison 3
Un homme en colère - Tranches de mort - Eau trouble - Le Tueur de L.A. - Mort d'une miss / La Mort d’une miss - La Traque
Top Gear Saison 21
Nostalgie des années 80 - Road Trip à Tchernobyl - Abu Dhabi, Du Sable dans le Carbu ! - Mercedes, folle du désert - Destination Thaïlande - Un pont sur la rivière Kwaï
Alexandre Ehle Saison 4
Cœur de pierre - Puzzle au zoo
Sous contrôle Saison 1
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
Parlement Saison 3
On ne peut plus rien dire - Le background - Ego to absolvo - Le grand départ - Super pro Brexit - Riders - You shall not pass - Comme le disait Jean Monnet - Fish and ships - Europe, the musical
Les Petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie 70's Saison 3
En un claquement de doigt
Kaamelott Livre III
Le Jour d’Alexandre - La Cassette II - Poltergeist - Les Paris II - Au Bonheur des Dames - Les Tourelles - Cuisine et Dépendances - Arthur sensei - Le Solitaire - Les Festivités - La Menace fantôme - La Coopération - L’Empressée
Les inoubliables : les plus grandes BO du cinéma italien (2023) par le Radici orchestra, Céline Laborie, Simona Boni et Rocco Femia
OSS 117 : Délire en Iran de Jean Bruce
Lucky Luke : Tome 26 : Nitroglycérine de Morris et Lo Hartog van Banda
Le Chat : Tome 4 : Le Quatrième Chat de Philippe Geluck
Détective Conan : Tome 14 de Gôshô Aoyama
Détective Conan : Tome 15 de Gôshô Aoyama
Spirou et Fantasio : Tome 7 : Le Dictateur et le champignon de Franquin
Astérix : Tome 40 : L'Iris Blanc de Fabcaro et Didier Conrad
Détective Conan : Tome 16 de Gôshô Aoyama
Jack Palmer : Tome 12 : L'enquête corse de René Pétillon
Détective Conan : Tome 17 de Gôshô Aoyama
0 notes
actusdefilmsetseries · 11 months
Découvrez l’univers des monstres avec Sulli et Mike
« Monstres Academy » est un film d’animation captivant qui explore les origines hilarantes de l’amitié entre Sulli et Mike dans l’univers effrayant de Monstropolis. Ce long-métrage offre des leçons sur la persévérance et l’acceptation. Si vous recherchez d’autres programmes similaires, regardez « Toy Story » ou « Monstres et Cie ». 
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Crédit photo : Loren Javier sur Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 2.0 Générique
0 notes
motorsportverso · 1 year
Os carros das 24h Le mans na comemoração do  centenario  em Goodwood FOS
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Porsche 917K ,o primeiro carro campeão das 24h De Le mans em 1970.
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Chevrolet Camaro Nascar Garage 56  ,o modelo modificado do Camaro da Nascar que completou as 24h de Le Mans esteve no evento fazendo demonstrações com Jenson Button e Mike Rockenfeller.
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Porsche 936\81
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Dos novos Hypercars de Le Mans estava o Porsche 963 da equipe Hertz Team Jota , fazendo demonstrações.
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Ferrari 499 P LMH ,infelizmente não fez demonstrações ou esteve na disputa contra o tempo , só esteve em  exposição.
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Peugeot 9 x 8 LMH , infelizmente não fez demonstrações ou esteve na disputa contra o tempo , só esteve em exposição.
Toyota GR010 Hybrid LMH, que só ficou em exposição
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Glikenhaus 007 LMH
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Audi R18 TDI, que marcou 1min04s na disputa contra o tempo.
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Jaguar XJR-14,que na disputa por tempo marcou 53.24s
Toyota 92C-V
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Mazda 787B
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que marcou o tempo de 1min07s na disputa por tempo
Audi R10 TDI
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Cadillac Series 61 "le Monstre"
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Bentley Speed 8
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Sauber C9-Mercedes
Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR
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Mclaren F1 GTR "Long Trail"
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Audi R8 LMP
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0 notes
fluffytriceratops · 2 years
𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔]
Notes: the gif makes me think of the "i got it" moment between Mike and Leo. You'll understand when you read it. My writing is rusty and this is unedited because I'm lazy, so it might be shit. :D Possibly part one? I might write a part two- idk yet. I was in the mood for angst and this has been sitting in my drafts for literally ages so I figured I'd finish it up and post it since it's also been ages since I've posted a TMNT imagine! ALSO- REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN! If you would like to submit a request, please do so via asks, and please read my rules on my blog before hand, thank you! &lt;33
Warnings: mature language, ANGST, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol, mental/emotional abuse, mentions of depression, brief mentions of self harm, etc.
Tags: @thelaundrybitch @rheawritesforfun @digitl-art-monstr @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @drowninghell @squirrelfurs @lec743 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @bibiz82 @raphslovemuffin80 @raphielover @tmntspidergirl
(If you would like to be tagged in my future TMNT realted posts (let me know if you want just reader insert stuff or if you want OC related content included) feel free to lemme know and I'll happily add you!)
Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day/night! Stay safe and make sure to take care of yourselves! I'm sending all the virtual hugs to you~! <3
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Her gaze was locked onto the screen of her phone. She had opened her camera app to double check her appearance before going in, but what she saw caught her off guard. The large purple bags under her eyes, the paleness of her skin. All the weight she had lost was visible in her face alone, no matter how hard she had tried to hide it under baggy clothes. She didn't need anyone worrying about her. She could take care of herself... Y/n knew she hadn't been sleeping well. Not at all, actually. The only time she got the chance to get some rest was when she passed out from sheer exhaustion. Was it unhealthy? Oh absolutely. But she couldn't help herself. It didn't help that she worked two jobs. Ever since her father got fired, she was the one who had to keep everyone afloat. It was driving her mad.
Taking in a shaky breath, she shoved her phone back into her sweater's pocket and began to walk the rest of the way to the lair. It wasn't far. It didn't take long at all for her to get there. Once she stepped inside, she was greeted by the smell of pizza. Her stomach turned and she felt nauseous immediately. Y/n hadn't told anyone that she had gone on a diet. Not yet, anyway. Nor did she tell them she had stopped eating much at all. She was fine, they didn't need to know.
Y/n tucked a few strands of loose hair behind her ear, she took in another shaky breath before walking up to where they were. Their voices were loud and expressive. Raphael let out a bark of laughter, slapping Mikey on the shell in amusement. Leo was busy talking with April, and Casey was stuck chatting with Vern. It was Donatello who had noticed her first. "Hey, Y/n! We were starting to think you wouldn't make it!" He greeted with a cheerful smile.
She tried not to flinch under their sudden gazes. Pulling her lip between her teeth anxiously. God, she felt like vomiting. She needed to leave. "Yeah! You're late dude! What took you so long!?" Michelangelo whined, walking over and moving to sling an arm across her shoulders. She ducked under him before he got the chance.
"N-Nothing, really. Just took my time." Y/n shrugged, shuffling over towards the rest of them hurriedly. She had been dodging their embraces recently, and they were starting to notice. Mikey pursed his lips in a pout, missing the skeptic look on his brother's faces. They had all been brushing off her behavior, but this had been going on for what felt like forever. She was starting to look worse each time they saw her. There was one turtle who knew more than the other's. One who had suspected something was off a lot sooner than everyone else. Leonardo watched Y/n closely. Blue eyes practically glued to her.
"What kind of pizza would you like? We got meat lovers, cheese, veggie-" she cut Donnie off. "None, thanks. I'm uh, dieting." She shrugged, rocking on the balls of her feet nervously. Y/n could feel his eyes boring into her. Her heart rate increased rapidly. Pounding against her rib cage in a desperate plea to flea. Don looked at the other's briefly before turning his gaze back to the female. He nodded slowly, "Okay. Um, would you like something else?" Y/n's hands tightened in her pockets, curling into fists. She simply shook her head. "No thanks.. Not hungry.."
The room grew oddly silent for a few beats. Vern coughed obnoxiously into his elbow just to clear the silence. Leo had yet to look away from Y/n. It made her feel more nervous than anything else. Why was he starring at her? Couldn't he look somewhere else? Just when she was about to say or do something she'd definitely regret, Casey had spoken up. "So, uh, Y/n- I saw your dad today." Her head snapped towards him in a matter of seconds. It was a wonder how she didn't get whiplash. "You did? Where?"
She sounded nervous, and the other's picked up on it immediately. Raph and Donnie caught each other's gaze before the red clad turtle looked towards their leader. Leo was silent and observing. He stood still with his arms folded over his chest. Lips pressed into a flat line and brow ridge lightly furrowed. Raphael watched his brother closely, but his attention was moved else where as the conversation continued.
Casey, who was glad to get away from Vern, stepped forwards. Snatching himself up another slice of pizza. "Convenience store, on West Street. I was grabbing the drinks for today and bumped into him. His hand was all bandaged up, apparently he went to the ER today." He said before taking a merry bite out of the delightful pie. Y/n's gaze darkened.
Stop talking. Shut up. Don't say another word. Please. She all but begged, starring at him numbly. She knew this already. She was the one who dropped him off at the hospital. If it were possible, Y/n felt sicker than before. Her hands began to shake, she was just glad they were hidden in the pockets of her hoodie. She bit her tongue to stop from bolting. Everyone else was quiet, listening to Casey's story. Looking between the both of them as he spoke. She wanted to cry. "I know." She said, barley managing to get the words out.
Casey didn't seem to catch on. Or if he did, he continued to speak about it anyway. "So you know he put his hand through a window?" He was looking at her intensely, hell everyone was. Especially Leo. His gaze felt like fire, burning holes into her skull. She wanted to combust into flames. Right then and there.
"Yeah. Anything else." Y/n's tone grew bitter, and she couldn't help but glare at him. Hoping, praying, that he would just drop it and leave her alone. Casey ignored her. "Well, I know it's your mom's birthday. And I know it's been hard for the both of you. So y'know, we just wanted to check in." He gestured towards all of them, and she barley managed to peek towards them. Had they been talking about her?
"Casey-" April warned, shaking her head subtly at him. Either he didn't see it, or he ignored her as well. "And he was very charming. But he seemed kind of sad. I'd hate to see it happen again, so maybe you should keep a better eye on him." Was he serious? He couldn't be fucking serious, right? Y/n felt like she had swallowed cotton balls. Her nails punctured her skin and she igno red the light stinging. She was staring at a random crumb on the table. Gazing at it as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. Completely and utterly silent.
Leo's arms unfolded and he took a step towards her, but she quickly turned her gaze back to Casey. "Everyday is my mother's birthday.." She started, gaze icy, voice venomous. Leo stopped in his tracks, everyone was looking at her, but she focused on Casey solely. "My mother was born in December. He lied. He's a liar." Tears glazed at the corners of her eyes but she's refused to let them fall. Voice rising in anger.
"And I'm glad- really, I'm glad that you found him charming. I'm sure he was delightful. He's a blast after five drinks. Not so much after nine though, he get's a little weepy and mean." Mikey's eyes widened and he looked towards his older brother's worriedly. She hadn't uttered a word of this before, it was the first time anyone was hearing it. Leo's jaw clenched but she hadn't noticed it. Too busy focusing all her pent up anger on Casey. "He's a drunk. He probably came in and told you how wonderful you are. How he wished he could have a son like you. And how sad he is because he doesn't get to spend more time with me." She hadn't meant to cry, but the tears had started to slip down her pale cheeks. Y/n wiped at them angrily.
Casey stood there in shock, taking in her angry words carefully. He didn't dare say anything, all he did was look at her and take it. "Yesterday he said that I was his favorite daughter. The day before, I was an ungrateful bitch. The week before- he wrote me a check fortwenty thousand dollarsbecause he said I deserved everything life had to offer. Because he was so proud of me. A lifetimes worth of proud..." her voice cracked and her bottom lip trembled. Y/n looked down, forcing her hair to partially hide her face. She tried to collect herself as she wiped at her tears with her sleeve. "You can't listen to a word that man says. Everything that comes out of his mouth is about as many bottles as he can stomach before he either vomits it up or passes out."
"But thank you for telling me to keep a better eye on him." Y/n shook her head and turned on her heal. Storming out of the room and out of the lair altogether. She was tired of all this bullshit.
"Y/n! Wait!" Mikey moved to go after her but Leo clamped a hand down onto his shoulder. "I got it..." He muttered, casting an annoyed glance at Casey from over his shoulder before he chased after the h/c female.
"Well that was a train wreck." Vern muttered, wincing at the glare Casey shot in his direction. "How was I supposed to know." He hissed. "It's not like Y/n's a very open person."
"We all knew something was up, I'm sure Casey just wanted to make sure she was okay." April said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Case smiled at her briefly in thanks.
"I wish she would have said something..." Donnie whispered, twiddling his 'thumbs' nervously. "Maybe we could have helped her somehow."
"Y/n's stubborn. She doesn't wanna rely on anyone else. She doesn't wanna be a burden." Raph grumbled, shrugging his shoulders. "Still. I wish she would lean on us a little more. I'd like ta give her father a piece of my mind." He huffed.
Michelangelo's lips pulled into a frown. "You.. You don't think he hits her, do you?" The room fell silent, and everyone turned their gazes towards the area she had left.
"Leo'll make sure she's okay." Don spoke quietly, hands clenching each other desperately.
She knew he was following her. But he didn't approach. Not in the sewers, and not outside of them, either. He was waiting for the right time. Giving her a chance to cool off. If anything, the fact that Leo had come after her only pissed Y/n off more. She didn't want to get a lecture from him. She didn't want to rant. She wanted to lay in bed and cry. And she wanted to do it alone.
Y/n managed to hold herself together pretty well. She only let a few tears and sniffles slip out on her way back home. She lived in a sketchy part of the city in a small and dinky apartment. It was her, her two sisters Lucy and Amelia, and their father. Her mother had died a few years back. Her father was never the same after that. He ended up losing the job he had since before he met his wife. He couldn't keep a job afterwards, either. And he started drinking. He drowned his sorrows in alcohol. Any little bit of money he made went straight into alcohol. Lucy was the youngest, she had yet to start high school. Amelia was the oldest. She spent most of her time at her home with her fiance and their newborn son. She couldn't stand to even look at their father. She refused to see him. They always fought, too. Amelia wanted to take Y/n and Lucy with her, but Lucy was in custody of their father. And Y/n refused to leave him to rot.
Y/n's keys jingled as she pulled them from her pocket and jammed them into the deadbolt on the door of her apartment. She knew Leo would already be inside when she entered. And if not, then he was waiting on her fire escape.
The door slammed shut behind her, she kicked her shoes off by the door and walked further inside. There was no sight of her father, so he must be out. Most likely at the bar down the street. It was within walking distance and it was the weekend. There was no way he wouldn't be there. Lucy was sleeping over at Amelia's for the weekend, which meant she was home alone.
The thought would have been extremely comforting had Leonardo not been lurking around the corner.
She passed through the kitchen and walked down the hallway that lead to the bedrooms. Amelia's old room was first, it was completely empty now. Y/n shared a room with Lucy. She was supposed to move into Amelia's room after Amelia moved out, but Lucy didn't feel safe alone. And it wasn't just her father making her feel that way. Y/n was comforting to her. Knowing she was sleeping in the same room kept her calm. Their father's room was the last one. The door was always closed. No one was ever allowed in. He slept on the couch more than his own bed.
The second Y/n pushed her bedroom door open she saw Leonardo standing at the foot of her bed. Patiently waiting for her.
Y/n's gaze hardened, but she said nothing. She kicked the door shut behind her and walked past him to her desk. She needed to do something. Anything. She just needed to keep busy. So she started to organize her college assingments.
Leo remained quiet, simply watching her. After a few minutes of Y/n shuffling papers and slamming drawers he opened his mouth. "Y/n."
"Don't." She snapped, tensing at the sound of his voice.
"You don't even know what I'm going to say..." He breathed, blue; blue eyes glued to her. Scared that if he looked away she would crack and break into a million pieces.
"I don't want you to say anything." She mumbled, voice strained. Her movements had seized. She simply stood there, back facing him. Honestly she was afraid that if she turned and caught sight of his ocean colored eyes, she'd burst.
The room grew quiet again. Y/n knew he was looking at her. She could feel his intense gaze plastered to her back. Studying every small movement she made. The light tremble of her hands. The slight shaking of her shoulders. The wobbling of her knees. Y/n tried to hold herself together. Keep the tears at bay. It was a fools wish.
She could feel his presence. Feel him walking closer. Till he was just a few meesly inches away from her. Leo was so close she knew if she took the tiniest of steps backward his chest would connect with her back. His hand grazed her arm and she broke the silence with a sharp inhale.
And she crumbled.
Tears blurred her vision as she gasped out a shuddering sob. A sob that shook her entire body. One that stole the breath from her lungs and broke her heart into millions of microscopic pieces. She collapsed against him and he held her tightly against his plastron. Strong arms hooking around her waist and pulling her flush against him.
Leonardo said nothing as she cried. It wasn't the first time she cried in his arms. And it most certainly wouldn't be the last.
Nothing was said or done. Neither of them moved. He just held her tight as she let out everything she had been holding in. By the time her cries had quieted, and tears dried on her skin. The sun had started to set. Basking the room in its warm fading glow through the window. Painting the two of them in a lovely array of yellows, oranges, and pinks.
Leo slowly turned Y/n around. Even when she was crying, she was utterly beautiful. Achingly so. He placed his hand under her chin and slowly tilted her red face upwards. Her e/c dewy eyes met his own. There was no longer a wall between them. He had managed to break it down in a matter of seconds. And now, all her pain was visible to him in her eyes.
There was a reason they say eyes are the windows to the soul.
Leo had built his own wall. One he kept up at all times. Around everyone. Everyone except her.
No words needed to be expressed between either of them. They already knew exactly how the other was feeling. With one simple glance. That's all it took. All it ever took.
Leonardo leaned down instinctevly, slowly and cautiously. Waiting and watching to see if she would pull away. Y/n never did. Instead, she slowly and hesitantly moved closer. That's when their lips connected.
A soft and deseperate kiss was shared. He held her face delicately, as if she would crumble into dust in his arms. Y/n clutched at him desperately, afraid he'd see how truly broken and damaged she was and pull away. Leo wasn't going anywhere. Something he told her with his lips as he peppered her skin with kisses. And when he reached her mouth again, he kissed her hard. He poured his soul into her. She drank him up.
As they parted for air. Y/n gasping for a whole other reason. He grabbed her hand and pressed a few more tender kisses to her knuckles. Eyes locked. Chests heaving. Hearts pounding.
Their souls danced the same.
"You don't have to hide around me. There's no need to barricade your feelings anymore." Leo whispered, brushing his thumb against the back of her hand. "You can show me the darkest and scariest parts of yourself. I'm not going anywhere."
A few more tears slid down her tender red cheeks. They caught the light of the sun and shone like tiny falling stars. He brushed them away with his lips.
"Even if I'm destined to crumble into nothing?" Y/n breathed, placing her hand on his chest. Fingertips tracing the markings engraved into his plastron from years of battle and training.
"Even if you're destined to crumble into nothing." Leo whispered, pressing a loving kiss to each rosey cheek. "I'll always be here. Right here. In your arms, where I belong."
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recapqsmp · 1 year
Mardi 08/08 - The Nether awaits...
Etoiles, Tazercraft et Aypierre ont fait du pvp entre eux. Etoiles est extrêmement fort, mais Mike a réussi a le tuer à la régulière une fois.
Pendant qu'il explorait, le code est apparu devant Etoiles ! Il s'est envolé devant lui, lui faisant comprendre qu'il voulait qu'Etoiles le suive. Au bout d'une certaine distance, le code s'est arrêté près d'une sharestone, qu'il a pris. Etoiles l'a suivi, et s'est retrouvé dans une grotte, avec un portail du Nether allumé, que le monstre binaire a traversé. Etoiles a donc tenté sa chance, s'est placé dedans.. et s'est retrouvé dans le nether, dans une caverne fermée. Dedans, il a trouvé le dessin d'un bouclier, avec des coordonnées de sa dernière apparition. Puis, avant de pouvoir revenir dans le monde normal ou explorer un peu plus le Nether, il s'est fait expulser, par un message disant "Le Nether attend...".
Fit, pendant qu'il aidait Foolish a poser des torches sur son titan, a remarqué un bloc disparaître devant lui. En allant voir, il s'est apperçu qu'il avait été remplacé par une orange… En l'explicant en Foolish, celui-ci a directement fait le lien avec MrMustard. Ils se sont rendus à l'oranger d'invocation qu'ils avaient crées avec Jaiden et Leo pour essayer de l'invoquer à nouveau, mais rien ne s'est passé. Après une bonne heure a tourner en rond pour trouver des indices, il est retourné tenter une invocation. Cette fois ci, il a vu des oranges tomber de l'arbre, et il a entendu un rire de capybara au loin, mais il n'est pas apparu à lui.
Forever a invité Baghera Pac BadBoy Pomme Dapper Tallulah et Richarlyson a faire un karaoké. Ils ont chanté multiples chansons Brésiliennes, Françaises et Anglaises.
Cucurucho est allé voir le Président pour lui donner sa première tâche : la création d'une réserve à espèces en danger. La fédération est concernée par le bien être de la vie animalière sur l'île, et souhaite qu'il crée une réserve pour une future paire d'animaux en danger pour encourager la préservation de ces espèces, et les relâcher dans la nature plus tard.
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Richarlyson et Tallulah se sont battus : Richarlyson a remarqué que Tallulah avait un dessin de la personnalité alternative de Richas, Romero Richas. Cela ne lui a pas plu, car il souhaite brûler tous ces dessins, mais Tallulah a refusé de lui donner, prétextant que c'était un cadeau de Cellbit. Forever et BadBoyHalo ont du gérer cette crise. BadBoyHalo a réussi a rassurer Tallulah sur la situation, mais Romero Richas est apparu pendant que Forever essayait de calmer son fils.
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- Areo
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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wavepets · 5 years
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VIDEO – Ma chèvre avait des bébés! | Blake & # 39; sExoticAnimalRanch Macaroon a été la première du troupeau à avoir ses enfants et elle a eu des triplés, ce sont toutes des femelles, ce qui n'arrive jamais vraiment et c'est génial!
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starista · 3 years
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Mini Wazowski. I like more Monsters University than Monsters Inc. It's Fridaaaayyyy yeees
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titoualouette · 5 years
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