#moral lessons.
mgakwentongbayan · 10 months
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
“The Tale of Peter Rabbit” is a classic children’s book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter. First published in 1902, the story follows the mischievous adventures of a young rabbit named Peter as he disobeys his mother’s warning and ventures into Mr. McGregor’s garden. Here’s the full story: Once upon a time, in a cozy little burrow, lived four little rabbits named Flopsy, Mopsy,…
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goodmorningnona · 1 year
yo can we actually talk about harrow's blood face paint and veil at the beginning of htn for a sec. i know a lot of people poke fun at it but for me as someone who grew up in a veiling religion with the constant threat of that veil being taken away it's like... not being able to wear that veil IN FRONT OF PEOPLE? that's like being naked before god. it is terrifying and traumatic to not be able to wear a veil or other religious garments. at the end of the day it's not even about god specifically, like i could meet god and even if he said to take off the veil i wouldn't, because it's for me. it's for her before it's for god. i felt for harrow so hard at that part of the book and i get that she's just a scrungle but i would love if we could portray occasionally the nauseating forced vulnerability and sense of injustice you would feel at your religion being stripped from you.
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fellthemarvelous · 5 months
Holy forking shirtballs
I'm choosing violence today. I started this on Twitter, but I'm going to finish my thoughts here like I always do.
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But what really blows my mind the most is the way that people look at Aziraphale's "choice" at the end, as if he had one to fucking begin with.
I'm sorry, but Aziraphale knows how messed up Heaven is. He told The Metatron, more than once, that he did not want to go back to Heaven! We can debate what each of us means by "choice" all night because my "choice" and your "choice" might be two different concepts. He could have been strong armed by The Metatron or he could have looked at where things were headed and realized he had no choice but to intervene himself.
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You need to ask yourself what Aziraphale has a moral imperative to do.
What do we owe to each other?
Seriously, if you have not watched The Good Place, I recommend you go and watch it, because it absolutely shaped how I've viewed Good Omens 2 since its release.
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My levels of frustration with the bad faith mischaracterizations of Aziraphale are off the charts. If you are blaming him for everything, implying that he should have to grovel and that Crowley has a right to hurt him back, you have missed the point of Good Omens entirely.
I defend Aziraphale, but I don't think one of them is more right or wrong than the other. They're equals. They're a group of the two of them, acting and reacting to each other throughout history. They're Alpha Centauri.
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I cannot even begin to explain how fucking devastated I felt when Crowley said these words, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. What he said took a lot of courage because he's finally admitting something they've both been too scared to publicly define for 6,000 years. Crowley has had to spend so long with a rough outer shell because he fell and had to hide all of his softness.
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The look on his face was one of pure joy when he created that nebula, but I think the fact that he got to share that moment with Aziraphale is what has always stuck with him.
So yeah, seeing Crowley with a broken heart at the end of "Every Day" was sad for me as well.
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My brain still lives here!!
But Neil has said that Good Omens 3 is not quiet, gentle, or romantic. I imagine it's going to be more like the the first season in which they are not central to the plot. GO2 will help us make sense of how they ended up where they are when we see the bigger picture with all the other major players involved with GO3.
Aziraphale was still a soldier and accidentally got himself discorporated in his own magic circle in season one. He had a platoon waiting on him to start Armageddon, and he deserted them to go save the world with Crowley instead. Aziraphale is a deserter. I need everyone to remember that. He yeeted himself out of Heaven and sought out Crowley before even locating a body just to warn him about what was happening so they could try to save the world together.
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I can't help but think of 1941 and that magician who had been arrested for being a deserter.
Aziraphale disobeyed orders. That took courage but it branded him as a traitor against Heaven. They tried to destroy him for it the same way Hell tried to destroy Crowley for his part in stopping the war.
Aziraphale and Job are the only characters we have seen interacting with God directly. Aziraphale has spoken to God before and he is determined to do so again.
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Aziraphale knows Heaven is flawed, but he also knows it's supposed to be good. He wants it to be good. He does not like the way the system works and he wants to make a difference. (And I'm pretty sure he's also determined to talk to God without being intercepted by The Metatron.)
Since when is that a bad thing? I don't get it. And I've had this discussion before.
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If you need to change the system by burning the old one to the ground, it's still change, and we don't know what Aziraphale has planned.
It seems to me that people just want to see Aziraphale fail because it would punish him for returning to Heaven instead of running off with Crowley.
Some of y'all take everything Aziraphale says or does and twist those things into malicious anti-Crowley actions because you think the only reason Aziraphale exists is to make Crowley happy, and if he isn't thinking only about Crowley then he's doing something wrong.
Aziraphale does not exist as a plot device to further Crowley's character. They come as a pair. They've been learning from each other for 6,000 years. Crowley challenges Aziraphale just as much as Aziraphale challenges him.
You can be mad at Aziraphale all you want, but villainizing him is gross. Defending Crowley does not mean you have to tear down and mischaracterize Aziraphale anymore than defending Aziraphale means you have to tear down Crowley (but I don't see that happen on nearly the same level it happens to Aziraphale). Stop painting Aziraphale as an abusive partner, for fuck sake.
Aziraphale knows there are flaws in the system. He wants to make a difference, and since he has seen that Gabriel can change, then maybe the whole system can. He has to at least try, and if he can succeed then maybe he and Crowley can stop hiding and finally be together without having to look over their shoulders all the time.
Why is that a bad thing? He's just as protective of Crowley as Crowley is of him!
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But don't forget that Aziraphale's wing was covering Adam and Eve too. As much as a wants to protect Crowley, he has a moral imperative to keep humanity safe as well.
He sent Adam and Eve into the unknown with a flaming sword so they could protect themselves.
As much as he wants to be with Crowley, there are 8 billion people on Earth heading toward the Second Coming and Judgment Day. They'll work together to fight alongside humanity in the end. Aziraphale should not have to humiliate himself just to earn Crowley's forgiveness. That's a rancid notion.
The Resurrectionist was a whole ass moral dilemma for Aziraphale, which is why I brought up The Good Place earlier, but that's a post for a different time.
Aziraphale has his own motivations and they're just as important as Crowley's, and they don't have to be chalked up to Aziraphale being the bad guy. Weird, I know, but shades of grey.
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"To the world."
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
"ugh I hate grimdark" well I love seeing fucked up shit. I want to see characters solely make each other worse in brand new and beautiful ways. I want events to go catastrophically wrong nearly every time and I only say "nearly" because I want there to be just enough hope that it can get brutally squashed at an unexpected tragedy. I want there to be no morally good characters, only fucked up little weasels. sorry.
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riacte · 3 months
"It's rotten work," Ren says. His tail swishes nervously. He has the demeanor of a sad scolded puppy even though no one's scolding him.
False looks up from where she's placing down mud blocks in accordance to the roads that Ren lined out. Ren's theatre kid behaviour must be kicking in now, because to call her work rotten is dramatic and almost insulting.
"It's not rotten to me. There's stuff I would call rotten work, but this is no where near it."
False places down another block. Ren obediently shuffles out of the way.
"Rotten work is when I'm at a tourney and no one's listening to my strategy so I'm left all alone, but then they use my strategy and we actually win while everyone ignores me. Rotten work is when someone sabotages me and I'm the one left to sweep away the pieces. Rotten work is when someone attacks me on purpose and I'm the one who has to apologise for being mad and pacify everyone else. This?" False pulls out another mud block, "is building. And building is not rotten work."
Ren cautiously observes what False is doing, then also pulls out his mud blocks. He moves a few steps forward so he's placing blocks, but out of her way. "It's still work," he admits. "A lot of work, in fact."
False is nonplussed. "But that's what builders do, don't they? And I am the Minister of Transport."
Ren laughs, but it's a quiet laugh. He pauses like he's hesitating, then he mumbles,
"I'm a lot of work."
Now it's False's turn to pause. Her hands continue with placing the blocks, because that's what she does. Building. Grinding. Helping friends out. So on and so forth.
"It's peculiar work for sure," False says, her tone light. "Picking up your stuff when you spontaneously explode. Bugging you about MCC. Teaching you basic colour theory. You can't get orange from blue, Ren. It sadly doesn't work that way."
Ren chuckles at the jab. "Worth a shot, eh?"
False coughs. "Yeah, like I said, peculiar work. But it's fine. I like doing peculiar work because I'm a peculiar person and you're a peculiar person. But together we are normal. Very normal indeed."
Ren considers it. "What if I don't want to be normal?"
"Then we won't be normal."
"What if I want to be normal?"
"Then we'll be normal. Or at least pretend to be."
Ren laughs. "That doesn't make any sense."
False smiles wryly. "Come on now, Ren, when have I ever made any sense?"
He shoots her a grin. "But you're like the most sensible person in the Neighbourhood!"
False lets the silence hang between them for comedic effect. "... No."
"If I were sensible, I would've left the Neighourhood long ago."
"Just kidding. That's why I'm not sensible. That's why I like not being sensible. Besides, I'm not the one who organised the ministry or planned the roads. You did. You're the one with the vision. I'm just following it."
Ren looks around the paths and his tail wags in excitement. "But you're contributing to the vision! I saw the bits and pieces you added! It looks great, by the way!"
False nonchalantly continues placing. "Yeah, you see, that's part of the peculiar work. You draw up the canvas and I edit in the details. It's like how we did the raceway last time."
"Yeah, but I haven't grinded as hard this time around. Too busy with my permit, my dude."
False giggles. "Would you call getting the beacon permit drawing a short straw?"
"I mean, I was the second to die in Demise, but you won and everything worked out in the end, so I don't mind." A pause. "Also gives me a chance to kill those dastardly withers as revenge for all the times they defeated me."
"Right, it's a lot of work to kill them, never mind farm them."
Ren sighs deeply. "There's definitely a lot going on. Especially those buttons, man."
False glances up. They're both still doing the roads. She watches Ren shift up a step and place down a mud brick slab.
"Yeah, but it'll be worth it. I'll buy your beacons. Actually, you can go do your buttons. You can kill some withers. I'll take care of this."
She can almost hear his apologies— sorry that she's doing the roads that he was supposed to do, sorry that he didn't reply to her messages, sorry that he's the way he is.
(And maybe he picks it up too— the way she actually means "I'll take care of you". He always seems to instinctively know what she means under her contradictory and confusing words. In the same way she instinctively knows what he means.)
Ren softly chuckles. "It's peculiar work."
"It's peculiar work especially if it's me, and especially if it's you—"
False sets down a mud brick slab right next to the one Ren placed. Just one slight push, and the pattern of the bricks align like they'd been inseparable from the get go. The corner of her lips quirk up.
"— but that's why I do it."
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ink-the-artist · 1 year
“Social media has made this generation so narcissistic and self centered everyone’s always posting selfies and posting about everything they do during the day” shut up. The human desire to show you exist and you were here is innate and we’ve been doing it since the days we were leaving hand prints on cave walls
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mrkmciver · 17 days
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wandering-wolf23 · 1 year
Art doesn’t need a moral purpose to exist. If you want to create, create. Let others deal with the headache of assigning it purpose, morality, and meaning.
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navnae · 1 year
We’ve seen Eddie get jealous but no one talks about how scary Steve is when he’s jealous. Whenever they’re out together maybe once and awhile Eddie makes a flirtatious joke to a stranger, to him it’s not supposed be taken seriously because he does it with everyone. That didn’t matter to Steve at the end of the day and for the rest of the week he gave Eddie the cold shoulder. Eddie couldn’t talk Steve without getting a death glare in return, he genuinely looks like he could kill Eddie if he wanted to. After a week of not speaking Steve finally brought up the situation and how it made him feel. He would admit that he was overreacting but Eddie tells him that he had every right to be upset and both of them came to understanding. Eddie having the situation pushed to the back of his mind it catches him off guard when Steve starts to make flirtatious jokes during every single event and giving Eddie a taste of his own medicine. He learned a very important lesson, never make Steve jealous.
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crossdressingdeath · 3 months
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Astarion: So, tell me what you desire. What can I do for my dearest pet? 1. I want to be a vampire, like you. 2. I want you. I want your body. 3. You can tell me that you've learned something from all this. 4. I am not your pet.
Okay, can we take a second to talk about these dialogue options here? Because these dialogue options really fucking suck. ...Or rather they're fine, they're all good and valuable options for the player to have. But something's missing. It's a really fucking obvious thing to miss, too: where's the "I don't want anything, I did this for you" option, you worthless hack writer?! That is romance writing 101! And I wouldn't normally jump straight into calling the writer a worthless hack, but I think we all know exactly why that option isn't on the list; this is Little Mx. If You Ascend Astarion You Only See Him As A Sex Object shoving their "parasocial sexualisation of fictional characters is both a real thing and Bad" (that's not a real thing, to be clear) agenda into the game. Welch thinks you can't possibly want to ascend Astarion for his sake rather than out of selfish desires, so they don't give you the option to say that that's why you did it. Even though "I did this for you, I don't want anything" wouldn't change the course of events (Astarion would inevitably offer to turn you anyway, leading back into the same "become a vampire or break up" choice), having the option would be super valuable from a roleplay perspective! My character doesn't particularly want to be a vampire, doesn't want to have sex with Astarion unless he wants it, isn't fussed about him Learning An Important Lesson, and is fine with being called his pet... but there's no option to play him that way, because even though "I don't want anything, I did this for you" is the most obvious dialogue option imaginable to slap onto this romance scene it isn't there.
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italoniponic · 8 months
I saw some people confused over the backgrounds in the new event SSRs and decided to rewatch Pinocchio to give me some clues (at least, for Kalim's card that was the most mysterious). I'm still settled that Ace's background is Gepetto's shop with the wood-clocks and Ortho's bg is Stromboli's room with the bird cage where Pinocchio was kept... but then, where the hell is Kalim's bg??
I was sure it was Pleasure Island and oh boy, I was right! It's almost the same broken piano from the scene where the boys are being a menace through the island
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And I already have a bad feeling about this...
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ilovebeingaturtle · 1 year
Rank tmnt characters by who you would call to hide a body with you <--- joking (unless)
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I want the court to know that the reason this appears so in-depth is because…uh, well-um. Hm.
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iwasbored777 · 11 months
"But why did Gwen push Miles away like that if she loves him so much?" You ask as if in the same movie we didn't watch her father, the person she loves more than anything and the person that she thought that loves her more than anything, disown her right away because he learned one thing about her that he didn't like.
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venti-death-watch · 5 months
my worst au habit is that i always, without a doubt, put yanqing on the astral express. like the concept of him looking at jingliu & jing yuan’s teachings (pure strength & art of the sword versus strategy & why you wield) and deciding to take a third path is so appealing to me. it also is exactly what jing yuan wants him to do, so by him taking that third path he’s subtly telling jing yuan that he’s learned from jing yuan— ie, when there’s a stalemate on the board, bring in an outside option
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spillthechlorine · 2 years
what i love about teru is that he not only is a quick learner when it comes to psychic powers (like the air whip and pyrokinesis) but also is fast to pick up the traits of the people who he spends time with
and this thought was brought to you by me noticing he did the hand pointing thing that reigen does when he wants to assure his clients. please and thank you
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neuroticboyfriend · 8 months
for anyone who needs to hear it:
wishing someone who hurt you would suffer because of how unfair it is that suffering does not care what you have done... because maybe if they went through what you have, they would understand... is not the same as thinking someone should suffer because suffering for the sake of suffering is the correct consequence for wrong doing.
your anger/grief and the desperate wish that things were different are not the same as you genuinely believing pain/trauma/disability is justice towards bad people. feel your feelings. process them. let yourself be messy and know where your heart is. you have been through too much to deny yourself that.
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