#more drawings will surely come. i'll try to make it sooner than later! maybe i'll eventually get to some livestreams and more illustrations
cindersalad · 1 year
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I’ve tried sketching with pen again after... probably years? Have my two favourite ones. <3 Once again Cecil in both, and in the second he’s hugging SCP-999; because of course, I can make an alternative universe where Cecil is an SCP, and I don’t take the opportunity?
I might attempt some pen sketch commissions, they are really fun to make!
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Can I get a void stiles dialogue where he walks on you when you’re in the shower.
Idk if you write for him but I didn’t see him not on your list. Your work is great though! Thank you for doing a lot of requests all the time!
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[❤︎] pairing: void!stiles x gn!reader [❤︎] warnings: reader is in shower, I think void is a warning in and of itself lmao [❤︎] word count: 479 [❤︎] a/n: omg thank you so much, lovely!!
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requests are open🖤 request guidelines✨ 🌻masterlist🌻 smut night masterlists 💦
WITH YOUR FRONT FACING THE WATER, you didn't see Void entering the bathroom. The shower curtain is the only thing that separates you and him, but still, he knows it's you.
"Oh my, it appears you're in the shower. Oops, my bad." His voice makes you freeze. You pull the shower curtain just enough to take the sight of him in. He looks sicker than sick. You had just seen him yesterday, but he looks even worse now. With his sunken eyes and bags under his eyes that seep into his skin, all you want to do is hug him and let him know he's okay.
"If I wanted an audience, I would've asked," you scowl at him, eyes rolling as you feel every fibre in you being ignited at the sight of him. You hate him. You hate what he's done to stiles. Stiles doesn't deserve this.
"So rude," Void fakes a gasp, eyes beginning to grow darker. This had to be a practical joke. He smirks as you return to the water, practically feeling your heart racing faster. "You fear me."
"In your dreams, maybe." You see his shadow drawing closer through the bathroom's illuminated light onto the shower curtain. He runs his fingers along the material, breathing in the scent of your body wash.
"I feed on fear, my love. You're gonna have to do better at masking it if you want to fool me."
God, is he for real? All you want to do is finish your goddamn shower and be done with the exhausting day.
"You know, I can see why stiles is into you." Oh, and now he's trying to rile you up. Great. Your silence is enough of an answer for him. "Oh, I see. You didn't know."
"Can you fuck off and let me have my shower?" you interrupt, curling your fingers into the palm of your hands.
His fingers stop running along the curtain, lingering for a moment before backing away. "You know, I really have to hand it to you. If it weren't for Stiles being the pathetic weak link of the group, I'd certainly love to see what it would like to be you for a day. I mean, come on, it must be so exhausting, carrying the group on your back. The weight of responsibilities, seeing nearly everyone you love die. What a tragic life," Void is ridiculing you at this point. He smirks once more at your silence.
"Well, thanks for sharing; I really appreciate it," the sarcasm is heavy on your tongue. He has to admit; he quite likes this side of you. He knows he can get under your skin - just as much as he reached under Stiles's. His lips twitch into a jagged grin, tapping lightly on the curtain.
"I'll be back sooner than later. But, I'm sure you already knew that."
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year
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The Siren Song of Devil's Peak
yes I am using this drawing as a cover image again lmao it cracks me up and I didn't feel like making something else. I think it's still rather fitting ✏
"Welcome back, Captain" Ada greeted as Faith stepped through the door of the Unreliable, her companions not far behind her.
Faith had been more quiet than usual.
She didn't want to be here, didn't want to be alone with her thoughts. The stillness of her room had been suffocating. She had been spending more and more days away, wandering anywhere she could on Monarch.
Her friends, however, were tired.
They needed a break, food, for Ellie to make sure they weren't falling apart. Faith needed it, too, but her body wouldn't let her stop. She was ready to head back out.
"Hey Boss," Felix chimed "are you feeling-"
"I'm fine" Faith cut him off sharply, immediately looking down in shame. "I'm sorry."
"Cap, we're worried about you. You need to rest" Parvati said, her tone more concerned than usual.
"I'll be fine, I need to go back out there."
"For what? Boss, you need to stop. We have to talk about this" Felix interjected.
"We don't have to talk about anything. You two get some rest, I'll see if Nyoka and Ellie-"
"No!" Felix's worry was turning into frustration "look, I'm sorry but.. I don't want you to get hurt. You can't keep running away."
"Cap.." Parvati was softer now "you're not in a good way and this isn't healthy."
Faith knew they were right. She was avoiding the fact she had to confront the problem in front of her sooner or later. That's why she won't sit still, why she keeps running headfirst into the Monarch wilds against everyone's warning.
Can't feel how much pain she's in if she's too distracted defending herself from things trying to kill her from all angles.
"Cap, you need to sort this mess out. I know he hurt you, but.. you and Max need to talk about this."
"Hah!" Felix was annoyed "you mean Max needs to come down here and apologize for being an ass. Boss, why are we even keeping him around after the way he lied to you?"
"Felix, I don't wanna.." Faith began but trailed off.
Because I don't want him to leave.
"At least talk to us about it. We're your best friends and we want what's best for you." She knew Felix was being sincere.
"Yeah, Cap. We're family, we don't want you goin' through this alone."
Faith didn't know what to say. She appreciated how much her crew, her friends, were trying to help her. Her heart was just in so much pain. She was confused, scared, she didn't really know what she wanted.
I want Max.
"I.. I.." she was trying. "Thank you.."
"Captain," Ada's voice rang through "you have a call coming in from Devil's Peak Station."
Parvati and Felix glanced at each other nervously.
"Hey Boss.. maybe you shouldn't take that call.." Felix began to say, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck.
"Why? Hiram's my friend" Faith was surprised at her companions reactions.
"Well, yeah.. but.." Parvati was trying to think of what to say "last time you were hidin' out there, you and Mister Blythe were gettin' real close.."
Faith was waiting to see where this conversation was leading.
"We just think that maybe.. havin' him in the picture is makin' things.."
"Worse" Felix butted in.
"Well, No! I mean.. not worse.. just.. complicated?" Parvati's voice cracked.
Faith stood there in silence, crossing her arms. Her friends were babbling, unsure of how to get their point across gently.
"Boss, please just listen to us on this one" Felix finally said.
"There's a lot of hurt and raw emotions in the air right now. We just think the closer you get to that Broker fella.."
"Everything is going to be fine" Faith finally spoke "Hiram and I are.. just friends."
Why did I hesitate?
Felix and Parvati noticed, giving each other another worried glance.
What are they so worked up about? Faith thought, walking away to answer the call.
They're acting like I'm gonna fall for the guy or something.
We're just friends.. Right?
Her heart was beating hard now.
Oh stars..
She answered the call and Hiram's face popped up on the screen.
"Ah, Captain! There you are. Thought for a moment you may have forgotten about me."
The snark in his voice would have been of annoyance to others, but she had come to learn this was him being rather playful. In his own way, of course.
"I could never, Hiram."
"Are you still on Monarch by any chance?"
"Suppose I am, what would The Great Broker ever want with me? Need someone to get their hands dirty for you again?"
She knew how to play right back.
Hiram flashed her a small smile, immediately finding his serious face again.
"Come to my station, will you? I want to speak to you directly."
"Oh! How unusual of you to want to do business in person" Faith teased, unsure why she was trying to sound her flavor of freelance professional, Felix and Parvati's little talk was making her nervous.
"Let me get my crew and-"
"No" Hiram said sternly "I wish to speak to you." He swallowed, trying to keep his cool.
"Sounds a little dangerous doesn't it?" Faith rarely went anywhere without backup.
"You've done it before. Just to seek me out. All by your lonesome, might I add" he gave her a subtle grin "be a doll and do this for me, yes? I'll be expecting you."
Hiram hung up before Faith could get another word in.
Sly bastard.
Faith turned back towards the door, already knowing Parvati and Felix were still standing there. Waiting with concern. Knowing better than to leave their captain alone again in fear of what trouble she might get herself into next.
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heckinhacker · 10 months
Return of 'more Taliyah content' from one or two breaks ago, or perhaps Ahri/reader/Nidalee (cute and hot) threesome content, or 'something that speaks to you, with Ori' #h4ck :3
A/N: Oh, I remember you! I said back then you can request Taliyah content but just to add some prompt. I'm happy that you sticked around long enough to see my silly post at least! Hi hello welcome back!! I'm not sure if I'll in the end will stick around and write properly but I'm glad you took participation in my silly little event.
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Taliyah x Reader - general relationship headcanons
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Give this girl some more appreciation pLEASE
She's the one who falls in love first and falls HARDER for sure
She met you randomly, she can't even put a finger when your paths crossed, but some time later she just knew she had big feelings for you.
You know how in-game she says to Ekko line that goes like: "Did the earth move for you too? Did I just say that out loud?" Because she's so OBVIOUS and so cute plsss
She mutters something similiar at you when she meets you but since you did not know her, or not heard enough of her at the said time, you were just left confused--
Taliyah couldn't look you in the face for a next week
She just wanted to burry herself in the ground and for it to swallow her whole
What is the funniest part? She could arrange that! But instead of suffocating herself underground she wanted to try again...
And she did! She hit you up properly...
Well, as properly as Yasuo, out of all people, could give her advice how to
HAHA n e ways---
She became friends with you easily (or with some difficulties but come on, how can you NOT let in such precious girl like her!!)
And she pins over you, as she feels, for hundreds of years. Oh how she yearns...
It would take you to be blind or really really really really REAAAALLLY oblivous not to catch into her feelings sooner than she confesses.
You might have your own reasons for not approaching her first even though having some sort of idea. Like...not being sure? Not wanting to draw conclusions, or eventually just being afraid of making first move even though it would be the safest dive for it you could ever imagine.
Something was stopping you, and Tali thought she was SLICK--
Nuh-uh, honey, you were anything BUT sneaky about it.
She slipped once, you acted like you did not catch into her intentions for her own good...
Then she does again and she loses faith in herself and in the fact that you might hold ANY kind of bigger feelings towards her.
Oh how wrong she was.
But her wondering made her go insane, slowly but surely, and she got adviced smartly:
" Life is too short to overthink. You should make a move. It's better to regret that you failed instead of regretting you never made a move."
At first I thought it would be Yasuo saying that, her master, but maybe that were Ekko's words? It fits his wisdom and experience.
Going back to main topic-
Advice was smart, and Taliyah was also smart, she decided...'yeah, he was right. Maybe I should go and do that!'
"...but maybe tommorow."
She had inner war going in her head that went: "I think I chickened out" thought VS "It's best I take proper care of myself and then try to confess".
Thankfully she did not wait for longer, just really did her hair neatly, made sure she's nice and clean and ready to go! She had little speech made up in her mind too
(Girl really practiced in front of a mirror for this)
She did cute little speech of how she adores you. I would love to add how it went but it would be really dependant on your characteristics like looks and personality, but she finishes with:
"Throughout everything I kept on thinking of you and loving you! Loving you so much I've got too much restless nights to think my words through. And...phew- I really hope that even if you hypothetically wouldn't return my feelings, that...well...that we could stay friends. Is that possible, maybe...?"
Of course it was! Taliyah is such a sweet girl, gentle soul, why wouldn't anyone at least stay friends with her?
But in this scenario you love her back so!!
You accept, and you can see that little sparkle in her eye, and the transition from shy to very happy!!
She hugs you very tightly and thanks you over and over again. What for? You don't have the heart to ask her, but thankfully she answers for herself
"Thank you for loving me, I wouldn't ever...imagine that, but that's such a happy ending for the situation! Could I maybe...call myself your girlfriend now?"
The answer was yes, she could indeed!
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Dating Taliyah left you entertained, and even more importantly, left you feeling loved. Very loved.
Ever since day one she wasn't afraid to grab your hand and hold it, or hug you, or at least kiss your cheek, but she always made sure that you were okay with that.
If you wanted to take things slow, she would stood down for you.
What was great about Taliyah is the fact that even if you wouldn't speak up for yourself about being uncomfortable she would notice. She knows you well enough, after all. You didn't go from strangers to lovers, you were friends before.
So no matter what kind of pace you want, Taliyah makes dating her the best experience you've ever had.
She does a lot of thoughtful surprises, like waiting for you with relaxing hangout including massages, soft talks in a candlelight...you'd always say she's pampering you, but trust me when I say (and also she says so herself) that she enjoys herself while sharing such intimate moment with you too.
She would call it her favourite kind of dates, actually.
She prefers more casual dates than very official ones, but she would take you out if you wanted. Just not as often as you'd think. Maybe out of special events like your future anniversaries, your birthday, any other special event you'd think of as special.
Very enjoys PDA, if you're against it you have to speak up pretty early about it.
She doesn't want to show it not to guilttrip you even on accident, but she gets pouty when she cannot even touch you.
Kisses your hands and nose the most, enjoys eskimo kisses too! She kisses you on the lips only after you've shared your special first kiss together!
She once asked you not to bring her flowers because she can't take care of them no matter how hard she had tried, yet is the one to buy you flowers or flower bouquet. She's totally the type to keep one flower in a vase beside her bed to keep in check how your flowers are doing. Is always too early with a fresh batch because her flower dies faster than your actual bouquet. You could say that she keeps you in stock of flower bouquets, by pure accident.
She travels a lot, and really hopes that you would travel with her. If you wouldn't, on the other hand, she would respect your decision and would do anything to get back to you as soon as she could.
She wants to marry you one day, and has high hopes that you'd agree to marry her in the future. Yet as always, she will respect your choices no matter what they are. She wants to marry, sure, but if that's something you're against, she wants you more than that tradition.
No relationship is perfect and you have conflicts between you. But...Taliyah makes it impossible to call it a fight. Yes, she does lose her temper sometimes, but she never said something that might've hurt you real bad. The most offensive thing she said was once "Well you're stupid to think so!" Because you felt jealous and it went kind of downhill
She even apologises for it because she considers you very smart but she felt like you did not trust her in your relationship and love that she devoted for you and you only.
She talks a lot, and I mean A LOT. She has no idea there is such a thing as comfortable silence, she just fills room up with her bubble talk!
So when you need peace and quiet you have to tell her, she'd understand.
Overall she loves you dearly 🥺
And that's it for now! I'm out of ideas and requests was very general. I wanted to write for Tali since I got this blog and it was a great opportunity, thanks for giving it to me!
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remedy-ships-it · 8 months
1 + 2 (pre relationship) and 1 + 2 (general) for reid !!! - @dogcodedcatboy :3
hi cricket! thank you for the ask, i love your ship with roman it is very silly to me/pos :]
1. How did they first meet?
Okay, I sort of mentioned this in another ask but I'll go into a little more detail now.
In season 3, episode 9 of CM, it follows the aftermath of the team's technical analyst Penelope getting shot. I basically had already planned on my s/i being a forensic sketch artist but I was having a hard time figuring out when I'd come in so when I got to this episode it was like everything kinda fell into place.
About twelve minutes in, Spencer tells Penelope they have a sketch artist coming in (meee :D) to draw up the guy who hurt her. So I figure Spencer and I met a little bit before this scene to discuss the situation.
I end up befriending Penelope during this time and visit with her in the hospital while the others are off doing their job and tracking down the guy who hurt her, and she basically is the one that convinces me to try and become a profiler for the team. Spencer, of course, recognizes me when we get the chance to properly meet months later.
2 has been answered here.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
About to go into, like, an insane amount of detail because I was actually daydreaming about this earlier today. Um there will be C.riminal M.inds spoilers for anyone worried about that.
*opens up a timeline of the entire series off-tab*
So, we meet for the first time in season 3, episode 9 (Mid-November 2007). Afterwards, I undergo training at the academy in 2008 January through May, then we meet properly when I graduate and join the team in June.
I'm gonna give myself an aneurysm trying to figure out the exact details to a T, but just trust me, there's an overlap in qualifications needed to be a sketch artist and a special agent (because obviously I wouldn't start off immediately as an SSA- I'm thinking about this way too deeply. Listen if S.eaver can join the team before even graduating from the Academy then I can do something like that too okay. Plus, I have Penelope vouching for me, I'm sure she could pull a few strings where need be).
Anyways uh. Our glorious friendship blossoms over the span of almost a year, coming to a head in season 4, episode 24 (May 2009), where Spencer almost dies due to anthrax poisoning. You know that trope where one person confesses their love because they think they're going to lose the person they love? Yeah, I do that during the ride to hospital, and he remembers but neither of us bring it up again because we are SO DUMB. Woohoo!
Fast forward to season 5, episode 1 (which also takes place in May 2009, if my sources are correct) and Spencer gets shot in the knee, so I end up temporarily moving in with him to make sure he's not all alone with an injury. I become his roommate for about six to seven months to look after him while his knee's healing, and it isn't until after H.otch's wife is killed in season 5, episode 9 (December 2009) that he decides to casually be like "you know I love you too, right?"
We just have this moment where I ask him why he didn't tell me sooner and he says he thought maybe I was just stressed and worried when I'd confessed and didn't want to make me uncomfortable by bringing it up. We kind of just laugh it off and realize we're both dummies for not just talking to each other sooner.
So I guess, in a way, we both took steps to initiate the relationship, but he was the one to finally really bring it up face-to-face. We end up going on an actual date after this and make it official sometime around then.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
I'm gonna try to answer this in less excruciating detail than the last question. I actually talked about this a bit before here. Although I think I'm gonna retcon the part that says we don't hold hands before dating.
Apparently the squeakquel was in theaters December 2009? Imagine how funny it would be if we saw that on our first date.
No but I imagine our first date probably would've been him taking me to see a foreign movie and whispering the translations in my ear and holding hands. We would both be really nervous because oh my god we're going on a date, but then we relax and remember that it's just us. We're best friends, we hang out all the time. But we spend the entire movie mostly focused on each other and smiling like dorks.
I'm back living in my own apartment by this point (but we live in the same complex so it's cool) so he walked me back to my place like a true gentleman and gave me a nervous kiss on the cheek goodnight and a hug. We were both very giddy afterwards and just glad that we didn't have to hide how we felt anymore.
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wasabito · 4 years
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➽ corruption collab masterlist — hosted by @ultimate-astridwriting and @bummie ♥️
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➽ note: definitely gonna come back and edit this a bit more because threesomes are hard as fuck, no pun intended lmao happy v-day everyone!
➽ word count: 3.2k
➽ cw/tags: polyamory + body worship + threesome + praise kink + public sex + choking + handjobs/fingering + vaginal sex + squirting + established relationship
➽ pairing: akaashi x fem!reader x bokuto
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💿 1. nasty — ariana grande || 2. come on — jhene aiko
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With Valentine's Day fast approaching, it becomes rather apparent that love and romance are in the air. Storefronts are decorated in bubblegum pinks and reds. Flower shops promote their special bouquet arrangements at discounted prices. Even your favorite hole in the wall coffee shop has fallen prey to the spirit of cupid as they announce their new strawberry shortcake dessert and heart-shaped scones.
In lieu of staying home for the third night this week, your boyfriends escort you to dinner at an upscale restaurant in the city. They treat you to a five-course meal and a bottle of wine even pricier than the dinner itself. One would think, after three years of dating, you would no longer be caught unawares by their spontaneity. And yet, here they are, once again pulling the rug from underneath your four-inch heels.
Your gaze flickers from Akaashi's tranquil smile to Bokuto's wide grin.
Adjusting the napkin in your lap, you open your mouth to speak, then pause as the right words fail it come. Brain short-circuiting instead, you let out a confused, "Huh?!"
"We're taking you to Italy!" Bokuto repeats, about ready to hop out of his seat with excitement. He looks to Akaashi, "Three nights in Venice, right 'Kaashi?"
"Yes, we decided on Venice after you told us you'd always wanted to visit. Remember Koutarou's birthday last year?"
"But that was like months ago! Did you two honestly hold onto that drunk little confession this entire time?"
"Of course."
It's in moments like these when you are reminded of their history together, first as teammates playing volleyball, and eventually close friends. Not much longer after that, you'd met and fallen for Akaashi, then Bokuto, and thus began the relationship of today. While you find it a little ridiculous, it seems neither of them has any qualms about this trip.
After all, you are their lovely girlfriend. Why wouldn't they want to make your wishes come true?
Bokuto claps his hands, eyes sparkling. "Everything's already planned out, babe, so don't worry your pretty little head, okay?"
You can't argue with that. Reaching over, you take Bokuto's hand in your right and Akaashi's in your left. "Alright, since you two went to all this trouble for me, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy it."
Venice is just as beautiful as you imagined.
It looks as if it's floating upon blue-green waters with lots of sunshine, beautiful architecture, and a vibrancy that makes it feel like the city has a life of its own. You are grateful you didn't come by yourself. There is no way you would've enjoyed it without Akaashi and Bokuto at your side.
"We're about a ten-minute walk from Piazza San Marco," Akaashi says as he taps his glasses. His sharp gaze is locked on the map in his hands, likely committing most landmarks and details to memory. "Would you like to check it out?"
"Yeah! Let's do it."
"Off we go, go, go!"
Thus, a majority of your first day in Venice is spent sightseeing.
The three of you take a gondola ride through Canale Grande, then have a peek into the Gallerie Dell'Accademia at Akaashi's insistence, though naturally, you wouldn't have come all the way to Italy and not visited at least one art museum. Afterward, the three of you go to the Le Mercerie shopping district and buy gifts for your friends before finally taking a pit stop for the most delicious gelato in the city.
The sunsets sooner than expected, casting the entire block in deep red hues. Bokuto's mood is greatly influenced by it, and the jetlag certainly doesn't help. He props himself against you, nuzzling you in a way that says he's itching for a kiss.
"Tired, Kou?"
Bokuto hums. "A little... More hungry than anything."
He leans in and pecks your lips with a sated smile. "Maybe I should eat you. I mean, how is it my girl's so damn cute? Not fair, I can't resist."
You snort at Bo's silliness but can't help shivering a little at the tiny implication of his words. He always did like to lay his head on your thighs, leaving a trail of kisses and love bites where he could.
So, the thought of him eating you out made you squeeze your thighs together.
Akaashi approaches with your frozen treats held between his long fingers; having overheard Bokuto earlier, he tucks his wallet back into his pocket.
"We'll get some dinner after we drop off these shopping bags. How does that sound?"
You eagerly take your gelato from him with a smile.
"Sounds like a plan."
Akaashi nods, standing at your other side, close enough to brush elbows though not as close as Bokuto, who was nearly hovering.
The three of you are in one of the narrow, maze-like streetways, basking in the warm, early evening glow. The sweet taste of fruit and cream on your tongue fills you with so much contentment, especially while being with your favorite people. You aren't sure if anything could top the way you currently felt, and the trip has just barely started.
Upon arriving at your temporary place of residence, a quaint little villa on the waterfront just along the shore of Punta Sabbioni Beach, Bokuto immediately kicks off his sandals, dumps the bags, and promptly falls asleep on the couch.
"It's so weird seeing Kou like this." You remark. "On any normal day, he's brimming with almost too much energy, but now he's all tired."
"Well, he did stay up an entire twelve hours on the plane. It was only a matter of time before fatigue caught up to him." Akaashi picks up Bokuto's shoes with practiced ease and places them by the others.
There is a fond smile running along the edges of his mouth as he tucks a throw around the man's larger frame. You help him adjust a spare pillow under Bo's head and then set off to explore the rest of the area.
It seemed like everything about Venice was taken straight out of a romance film, with its cobblestone paths, gothic cathedral architecture, crisp ocean waters, and authentic Italian cuisine. It is no wonder the city's known to draw hapless souls together in romance. Even you fell subject to it, and by each passing moment, you crave to be with your boyfriends.
You are standing at the balcony overlooking the beach, satisfied with your inspection of the villa when Akaashi comes to stand behind you. He holds onto the railings, caging you in his arms, and rests his chin on your shoulder.
"He was right, you know." He murmurs. "You do look good enough to eat."
Blunt as ever. Apparently, something's never change.
Though one might say that Akaashi is as he's always been after high school and college, there is no denying his boost in confidence. After all, he had landed not one but two rather attractive partners.
He kisses your cheek, then your jaw, before latching onto your neck.
The sun's scenic view on the horizon, reflecting upon the beach sands of gold and shimmering orange waves, makes for an excellent backdrop.
You turn to face Akaashi and pull him into a heated kiss. His lips convey a sense of devotion to you, and with each press of them against yours, you can feel just how bad he's yearning for more.
"Kei," you whisper. "Let's go inside."
In a moment, Akaashi whisks you off your feet quite similar to how Bokuto would, though you both don't even make it to the bedroom.
Your other partner had sat up on the sofa, hair flat on one side, scrubbing his eyelids.
"Guys, I'm freaking starving!" Bokuto groans. "Let's get some food or something."
He doesn't even notice how you and Akaashi are breathing heavy or how your clothes are sporting wrinkles that were not previously there. Regardless, Akaashi has food delivered while you went ahead to shower the day's journey away. There are still two days left. You'd get your chance with them at some point.
Sadly, the entirety of day two is spent indoors. Heavy sheets of rain continue to fall, muddying the shoreline. The three of you huddle on the sofa wrapped in blankets with subtitled movies playing in the background.
Even though you would've much rather been out exploring in the city, just sharing in your boyfriend's warmth would suffice for now. Akaashi hands you a steaming cup of something rich in both color and smell.
"What's this?"
"Just espresso." He takes the empty seat beside you.
You savor the taste while leaning against his shoulder. "Mm, nice."
Bokuto keeps his head on your lap, loving how you thread your fingers into his hair.
It is a tranquil kind of peace that soon lulls you to sleep.
Later, when you finally wake up, it's dark, and you're alone. A blanket had been tucked around your shoulders to shield you from the sudden chill. At some point, the television had been shut off along with every light in the room. You might've been a little scared if not for the voices coming from the second floor. Slowly, you creep up the winding staircase, dragging along the blanket around your shoulders.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto chuckles. "You're finally up!"
His hair is down, wet from his shower, and he holds a thin towel together around his waist. In his hand is a cellphone, and he doesn't hesitate to shove the screen into your face. "Say hi, Tetsu!"
"Hi Y/N, how's it going?"
You blink slowly, still trying to wake yourself up.
"Kuroo, hey… I'm well. How are you?"
"Great, just about to head out for a late lunch. I hear it's almost ten pm over there."
"Yeah, it's an eight-hour time difference."
You and Kuroo continue to chat while Bokuto towels off his hair and puts on clothes. Afterward, you let Bokuto resume his conversation and join Akaashi on the bed. The man had gone full editor-mode with his glasses propped up in his hair as he read through some work documents.
When you approach, he greets you with a kiss on the cheek. "You look well-rested."
"Is that your way of telling me I have drool on my cheek, Keiji?"
He cracks a tiny smile, eyes taking in your features, then he pokes your cheek with his index finger. "Perhaps."
You scrub the corners of your mouth with your sleeve and drape yourself over Akaashi, work be damned. This was supposed to be a special weekend for relaxing.
"I really wanted to go to the beach today." You pout.
Akaashi interlocks his fingers with yours. "Maybe we still can. It stopped raining a few hours ago."
You hop off the bed and head for the window. He's right, the rain had long stopped, and the beach lay bare, lit by only the moonlight.
Maybe a short walk to the beach would do you some good.
The grains of sand feel cold against your feet without the sun to beat down on them, but you don't complain. The air is humid enough on its own that you forgo wearing actual clothes and instead wear a swimsuit along with Bokuto's old Fukurōdani windbreaker.
You walk along the shore, toes digging into the sand, letting the ocean waves lap at your feet to wash them clean again.
At first, it's so eerily quiet without a soul around except you, but even that doesn't last long. You hear Bokuto's voice bellow into the night as he jogs towards you in nothing but swim trunks. Behind him, Akaashi trails slowly after with a blanket in hand.
"We thought you might want some company." He says and spreads the cover on the sand several feet away from the water, content with just watching.
Bokuto grabs your hand and you go running to the water with him, but a second later, you both come sprinting back.
"It's freezing!"
"S-So co-co-cold!"
You collapse on top of him, fingers splayed across his bare chest. However, when you try to sit up, Bokuto has other plans. He keeps you pressed to his chest with both arms around your waist.
"Let me keep you warm, baby!"
You know he meant it in the most innocent way, but you can't help but think other thoughts. Your nerves fray at the image that blooms in your head and spreads like wildfire.
And as Akaashi strokes your back, you know he's probably read your mind.
It's the way your eyes seem to glitter with want that gives it away. Akaashi has always been rather observant, and so your silent cues are something he's always been privy to.
His nimble fingers curve around the nape of your neck, and he tilts his head to capture your lips in a kiss. This one is unlike the one from yesterday. There is no rush, no desire to quicken his haste; instead, he savors the taste of you like it's something to be thoroughly enjoyed.
Underneath you, Bokuto stirs, growing aroused at the sight of his two lovers' kiss. He can't decide whether he wants to join in or sit back and watch. But his large hand comes down to stroke your ass, resulting in a moan you breathe directly into Akaashi's mouth.
"You're not usually so forthcoming, Keiji," you whisper against his lips. "Eager, are we?"
Akaashi pulls away just enough to pepper your face in feathery kisses. "Can you blame me? When I have such a lovely girlfriend here."
As if confirming his words, he slips a hand under your jacket and cups your breast. The pads of his thumb brush along the seams of your bathing suit, caressing your nipple.
"Kou, let's show Y/N just how much we love her, yes?"
Bokuto didn't need to be told twice. He had been in entranced by you and Akaashi, completely taken by the way your lips danced upon one another. But now, he wanted more than anything to touch you, kiss you, hold you.
Bokuto cradles you in his lap, propping your legs open with his knees so Akaashi can kneel in front of you. It didn't take much for him to relieve you of your clothing, namely your swimming bottoms. But the second the air hits your bare cunt, you feel tense.
You aren't sure what it was, but the atmosphere is different. Both Akaashi and Bokuto are so focused on you, it feels like you're under a spotlight.
"You're so pretty, so beautiful," Bokuto says while squeezing your thighs. His warm breath tickles your ear as he presses his nose into your neck. Next, his lips follow suit. "Wanna fuck you, so bad baby. You'd like that, right?"
His words earn him a chuckle from Akaashi, who merely licks two of his fingers, wetting them and sliding into you. Your mouth parts, shaky breaths barely expelled from your lungs. You're hyper-aware of the fact that you're literally being fingered on a beach in the middle of the night, and you can't bring yourself to care. It feels good to be pampered by the two men you love.
For every moan, Akaashi gives you double for your efforts, thrusting his fingers just right, curving them in such a way that has your back arching off Bokuto, who has also taken to fondling your nipples. With every roll of his hips, you feel his cock against your ass, and it pushes you further into Akaashi's fingers.
Your impending orgasm sweeps by so close and yet so far away. All you can do is rock yourself faster.
"Please," you whimper. "W-Wanna come."
Akaashi crooks his fingers, pressing into the perfect spot that sends you hurtling over the edge. Your cunt spasms around his fingers, clenching in intervals you have no control over until his hand is coated with your wet, slick juices that keep coming the more you squirt all over him.
"She's so wet 'Kaashi. Look at our pretty girl."
Akaashi places a chaste kiss on your forehead with a smile.
"She's doing well, so far. Let's see if she can keep going."
Bokuto shimmies his shorts off enough to free his hard cock. He had been uncharacteristically patient until now, but that was soon to change as he lines himself up with your cunt, teasing you with just the tip.
Your whining is unintelligible, but both men understand you more or less.
"Give the pretty girl what she wants," Akaashi says. He strokes his own hard-on at the sight of Bokuto's pushing past your wet folds. "I know she can take more than that."
Bokuto has always been girthy, and it takes you more than a few seconds to adjust to his size, but when you finally do, it feels like heaven.
The position you're in gives Bokuto all the power to thrust into you like a ragdoll. But it's only when you make eye contact with Akaashi that you realize that it's, in fact, the other way around for him in particular. From where he sits, stroking his cock with flushed cheeks and choked moans, you see just how much control you have over him.
"Kiss me." You moan.
Akaashi doesn't let you repeat yourself. He kisses you long and hard even as you grip his throat with one hand and his hair with the other. He kisses you until his lips are red and bruised.
"Good boy. Both of y-you."
Bokuto groans loudly. "Say it again. Keep saying it!"
"Y-You're both so good. I-" your hips stutter against Akaashi's fingers that are rubbing circles into your clit. "Good, so good-"
That's all it takes to take Bokuto over the edge, blowing his load. "Perfect, so fucking perfect."
You can feel another orgasm swelling up inside your belly. You try to tell them but can't, too overcome by the feeling of your body tingling with desire. It's too much, overwhelmingly so; your vision blurs with unshed tears as Bokuto continues to pound into sopping pussy. Pleasure floods every fiber of your being until you're limp and every nerve in your body is set alight.
Bokuto slips out of you easily, a string of his semen following.
You can only look on in a drowsy haze as Bokuto leans over and kisses you and then Akaashi, working him over with a tight fist.
The following morning, you’re the first to wake, but only because there’s a limb jammed into your back and a heavy weight on your chest. It takes you a moment to realize, but it’s Bokuto’s elbow poking you and Akaashi’s head resting on you.
All three of you are a tangle of limbs in bed, but you aren’t sure how you’d gotten there.
“G’mornin’” Bokuto breathes. His lips caress the column of your neck.
You shift into a more comfortable position. Though doing so presses Akaashi’s morning wood against your thigh.
“Keiji, you awake yet?”
“Mmm barely.” Akaashi looks up at you through his lashes, then smiles and nuzzles closer into your chest.
Bokuto, content with being your big spoon, reaches over to touch Akaashi, hands cupping his cheek. “It’s Valentine’s Day!”
“That’s true, should we do something special.”
Thinking about the previous night, you feel desire stirring in your gut. “Could we just... do it again?”
Both men look to each other then back at you, sporting matching smiles.
“Why not?”
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801 notes · View notes
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pairing: chūya nakahara x lazy male reader
req: yes | wc: 1.87k | cw: nsfw, size difference, praise kink, biting, blood, dirty talk, belly bulging | minors dni
anon: Hi! I was hoping I could get a smut for chuuya if you could make it kinda of a part two from the other chuuya fic u have and if u can could u add a size kink and a praise kink if so thank you so much!
a/n: you thought the demon was a himbo, ha!
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"You know these don't tend to last long." You send the man pushing you against the wall a wink, making sure he knows you're still top. Chūya chuckles in response.
"I'm prepared for that." Chūya gives you a smirk. You don't know it, but he doesn't mean it. He hopes it is only your sheer amount of power that attracts him to you, but he knows it's not true. He really isn't that keen on having this be a one time thing. He rather it be a long, loving relationship, keep it lasting for as long as he can; if he has to teach you commitment, he will.
You raise an eyebrow for a minute, judging his composure. "Mkay.. good. You need me to lift you, though? You're quite a way down."
Chūya huffs and rolls his eyes. With you, he's heard something along those lines about a million times. He can't control his height and he certainly can't control yours. Jeez, it's as if you were a giant. If you and him stood next to each other, he'd look like a child, not that he was that much taller than a child anyway.
"Oh shut up with that… but yes." As much as he didn't want to admit it, even though it was very clear, he couldn't kiss you from 'all the way down there'.
"Thought so." It's the shit eating grin on your face that makes him regret this. "Hold on to the horns will ya? You'll need the support."
"Doesn't bother ya?" Chūya asks, doing so anyway. They feel rather tough, like how he imagined crocodile scales to feel. Your wings, on the other hand, weren't as he'd imagined them to be. They felt like leather, despite the fact they looked like rubber. He couldn't fathom how hot they'd be in summer.
You shake your head, in turn moving his arms. "Nah. Anyway, what do you think about the fangs?" You momentarily open your mouth wider to show him. "Would you rather I don't bite you or I do?" They're not as sharp as say, a vampire or a werewolf, but they could definitely puncture.
"Maybe test them first?" You know, what he meant was that you bite his finger, or something, not his neck. It definitely stung, but it hadn't punctured. He was sure if you hadn't controlled your strength, he'd bleed. He hissed at the pain. Though it was nothing he couldn't handle, you'd taken him by surprise.
"My bad, precious." That was a new nickname. "What do you think? Did you like it? No judge if you're into it." The mention of a biting link made him think of some past lover with said kink. It sort of made him jealous.
"What if I find your sweet spot? Would that persuade you?" You bite his neck, finding the spot that made him moan. "Knew it. They're usually there." He hated the way you rubbed your past lovers in his face. In time, he'd make you forget. He was sure of that.
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"Would you look at that?" Chūya couldn't focus on anything right now, the pleasure, and pain, was too much. You would pester him for how long he took to adjust for sure. "I'm balls deep in you and I can actually see it." He hadn't registered that first part until now.
He looked down to see his stomach clearly bulging. He laughed at the sight of it. You were really a giant, in more ways than one. It was kind of.. hot though. The size difference was already turning him on, at this point it was a lot.
"Sexy." You remark, licking your lips. If it weren't for your dick, he would want that tongue in him.. again. "Can you even talk right now?"
Chūya chuckles, fixing you with a playful look before pulling you down by the horns. "Of course I can." He whispers in your ear.
"Good." You move the slightest bit, though to him it felt more than that, which urges a moan from his throat. "Although I'd like to see you try when I fuck you with no mercy."
Chūya is flustered to no end, but as the competitive guy he is, he can't just back down, even with your dick inside of him. "Is that what you say to everybody? 'Fuck you with no mercy'? How about 'fuck you 'till you're begging for hell?'"
You smirk, shaking your head to mess with his arms. His hands were surely indented with the pattern of your horns by now. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Are you ready now?" You were going to nag him about the time, just like he'd predicted. "You've been sitting on it for so long you could call it cockwarming. But maybe you're into that, haven't discussed the deets just yet."
"What can I do?" You laugh. "Your dick is big, you said so yourself."
"Then the details. What do you like?"
"P-Praise." He's a little nervous to admit it, what with the fact he acts like a tough cookie. He had to build up some courage for this moment.
You shift a bit as you think about it. All of a sudden, you start moving slowly. It's still quite a bit painful for Chūya, but your praise makes up for it. "You're doing good, baby." Your rough voice along with the way you grip his hips with your claws sends chills down his spine. "Just a bit more."
You chuckle, toying with the idea in your mind. You thrust a bit more, barely even containing yourself with how horny you are, before stopping to ask. "Like that?"
He had bitten his lips to keep his moans from coming out; he'd nearly drawn blood "Yeah, yeah, just like that." If his eyes weren't shut so tightly he'd be so much more flustered by the look you're giving him.
"Think you're ready yet?" The impatience was clear in your voice.
"Mm, yeah."
Your thrusts are slow at first, as a precaution. It was a wonder how you hadn't started going fast, though. You'd been in him for so long without moving that the impatience and anticipation were building up.
"You can go faster now." You smile, but you don't speed up, which confuses him. He was sure you wanted more, so why didn't you give him more?
"How much faster?" It's only now that he realizes it's a cheeky grin. 
Your sultry eyes seem to enchant him, making him unable to think properly; well, that and the thrusting. "I don't know."
"My terms, then." He doesn't like the sound of that. Luckily, you catch onto his uneasy look in time to reassure him, but your words don't do much. "Don't worry, you'll be just fine."
There's no warning after that. Your thrusts are quick and hard, just how you like them though only a little less than normal. After all, you'd gotten from, say, a 1 to a 7. Since when did you start calling your thrusts like a vibrator?
"You're doing good, baby!" He didn't know why, he did but he didn't know now, but he thought you'd sound more sarcastic.
His grip on your horns loosen and his arms feel weak. Just how vulnerable did you make him feel? He couldn't hold back from letting out a loud, high-pitched moan. It caused you to laugh, which he hated since he knew you were about to tease him. "High-pitched, just for me?"
He rolled his eyes at you, maybe a little bit because of pleasure, responding just as quick. "I mean you– oh! Holy shit!" He was interrupted by his own moans.
"What was that you were going to say?"
"Straying from– ah shit! Shit shit shit!" He repeated. That chuckle of yours made him realize you'd been hitting him hard on purpose to tease him. "Straying far from," He stops himself from moaning by biting his lips momentarily. "p-praise here."
You almost pout when he finishes his sentence, but you nod. "Right, sorry, precious~" You basically purr. “You’re taking my cock so well. Are you ready for more?”
“What?” You’d only just changed pace, so why would you- “Ah! Fuck me..” You hadn’t even given him time to answer, and you didn’t mean to either. This pace was the fastest, and roughest, Chūya had ever felt before, and god, did he love it. He could barely even form words, apart from curse words that were oh so familiar. The only thing that left his mouth were moans and he couldn’t even bite his lips.
“Mm, can’t talk anymore?” You weren’t really good at praise, were you? Well, it was new to you, since most of your lovers turned masochists at the sight of you. You didn’t make them, they just did. smug hoe
His arms, tired and a little sore, fall from your horns and grip your wings, which are wrapped around him. It causes you to hiss, but it’s a mere feeling in the back of your head from all the pleasure you’re getting. “Careful with those, darl.” You say with a chuckle. “You can’t break them in your state right now, but they still hurt.”
“S-Sorry.” He manages to say, continuing with moans afterward. They’re high pitched, most of them, as much as he tries to at least make them a little lower. 
“Oh? A word?” Your smirk is as much a nightmare as it is a dream. He wants to punch it off your face but also kiss it off your lips. “Right, right, praise. You take me in so well~” Chūya just barely manages a laugh.
“Ah, fuck!” Chūya shouts. He can feel himself getting closer and closer.
You smirk, moving to his neck, kissing and nipping. Your fangs sting his neck everytime you bite down, but you make sure to control yourself. Though sooner or later you’ll bite him and draw blood, it’s only inevitable.
“Go on, baby. Come loose for me, let me feel your seed on my abs.” You move to his ear, whispering and licking the lobe. 
Your words are what sends him over the edge of bliss. His seed spills all over the both of you, which is a turn on for sure; it moves with his constantly bulging belly. 
You close your eyes when you feel yourself coming closer. Instinctively, you move to his neck, giving him a harsh bite, which makes Chūya groan. You couldn’t control yourself from not biting him, even when his neck is already littered with other marks. Blood drips from the wound, two small holes.
It’s only when you go over the edge that you apologize. You move off of him, pulling him on top of you instead. He snuggles into your body, hissing in pain. “Sorry.” You move your wings to wipe the blood away.
“It’s fine… well, not really, but eh.”
You chuckle, keeping one wing on the wound and the other over the top of you. “I’ll make it up to you later.”
The promise of another time is reassuring, whether it be sexual or not, though he rather it be a date. He likes to know he has a little bit of a chance.
828 notes · View notes
peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Moodboard for the series (don't judge me I usually do gifs, this was something new. Also, I could not get the collar to look right)
So I meant to upload this yesterday but I lost control of it and then got busy, so here's a little over 3k for you!
Also, tagging @snowstark because this is our baby. Ao3 version here!
Idk what to tag this. Dark themes, spanking, forced to choose a punishment, uuuh, not sure what else. Enjoy!
Bucky knows when Peter is going to have a hard time adjusting to Tony being gone. It had been close to a year since Bucky started working for Tony, and he's gotten familiar with all of Peter's little quirks.
And he knows the slight pout Peter sports as he waits beside Bucky for Tony to come to the door, means Peter's going to be a slight handful.
But Bucky can handle the teenager. He's been in charge of Peter's safety for long enough. Aside from Tony, Bucky knows how to get Peter to do as he's told.
Tony comes down the stairs, suit tailored and travel bag in hand. "What a sight," he grins. "My pets waiting for me."
Bucky clenches his jaw at that, but he doesnt say anything. Peter though, steps up to the Superior nuzzling into Tony's chest.
"Don't go," Peter whined. Bucky watched with a familiar jealous rock in his gut, but he stays still.
"I'll be back in five days," Tony sighed, kissing the top of Peter's curly hair.
Peter's in a pair of soft blue jean shorts and a faded Yankees sweater, the bottom cut off to show off his midriff.
Tony pushes Peter back a little and smiles fondly down at him, fingers fixing the collar around his puppy's neck, little bell tinkling.
"You be good," Tony orders, leaning down to kiss Peter's pouty lips.
Peter sulks as Tony steps away, towards the door and closer to Bucky.
"I'll be back late," Tony hums, patting Bucky on the cheek. "I'll see you both when I get back."
And with that, Tony's gone. Bucky rubs at his cheek with a slight scowl. Its a new thing, Tony touching him. And Bucky doesn't like it.
Peter spins on his heels the moment the door is shut and storms off, making Bucky sigh explosively before making his way after him.
Alpine slows him down by weaving between his legs, meowing needily.
"Damn cat, go away," he snaps, nearly kicking the thing before remembering she's Peter's.
The door to Peter and Tony's bedroom slams and Bucky sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
So it's going to be like this then. Bucky decides to let Peter wallow on his own. Sooner or later his emotions would get the best of him and he'd come out for comfort. Bucky wouldn't force him to before then.
Its the same song and dance. Peter cries when Tony's gone, he doesn't eat much, and just kind of sulks around the house.
If he were a real puppy, Bucky could just imagine him crying at the door with his tail tucked between his legs, looking extra pathetic.
It was during these days when Tony wasn't around that Peter got a little less obedient.
Most incidents Bucky kept to himself. Little scenes of Peter acting out of his emotions. Tony didn't need to be informed of everything.
The bigger incidences though was definitely taken to Tony. They hadn't had an incident in a while -not since Peter ran out and Bucky got shot.
Peter had been terrified after that, refused to leave the tower even with Buck and Tony there with him.
Tony had punished him good and hard for that -it still makes Bucky's stomach roll at the thought of Tony hitting Peter. Bucky still remembers how small he looked when Tony had guided him back into the penthouse.
His eyes all red, tear tracks down blushed cheeks. He had been trembling slightly. It had made Bucky sick to his stomach.
But Peter hadnt done it again. When Tony left, Peter stayed put.
"Peter, time to eat," Bucky called after knocking on the bedroom door. Peter had been locked in there for most of the two days so far Tony's been gone.
He sulks under his covers, and when he does come out, its with a pout. Something Bucky is used to.
"M'not hungry," comes Peter's petulant response through the door.
"Yes you are, pup," Bucky sighed. "Come on, out with you before I come in there."
"Said I wasn't hungry," Peter spoke, voice raising a little. Bucky cocks an eyebrow, then tries the handle of the door. Its locked.
"Peter, open this door."
"No," Peter said.
"You open this door or I'll kick it down," Bucky threatened. Peter's never locked his door before.
"Do it!" Peter snapped. "Then Tony'll be mad at you and send you to the basement!"
"Oh for fuck's sake," Bucky muttered under his breath.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, override the lock for Peter's door," he says, looking up at the ceiling.
"I am sorry, but the lock is manual, it will have to be unlocked by Peter, Mr. Barnes."
Bucky growls, clenching his teeth.
"Open the door, Peter," he tries again.
"C'mon, pup, open up," Bucky sighed. He really didn't want to break down the door. What has gotten into Peter? He's never like this.
"Nuh-uh," Peter said. "Leave me alone."
"You know I can't do that, Pete," Bucky huffed.
"I don't need a babysitter," Peter called out. "I can take care of myself. Tony doesn't need you anymore."
"You've got five seconds and then I'm breaking the door down," Bucky said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Peter says nothing. Bucky begins to count. He thinks Peter will crack when he reaches two, but the boy doesn't make a sound.
"Alright, last chance."
Bucky tries the handle once more before stepping back. He lowers his shoulder, ready to drive it into the wood before slamming into the door.
The frame splinters and the door slams into the wall with a deafening crack.
Peter jumps from his spot on the bed, eyes wide and mouth gaping in shock.
"What is going on with you, Peter?" Bucky demands, a little fed up with his behavior. "You've never acted like this before."
Peter's shock falls away to anger, eyebrows furrowing and arms crossing.
"Get out."
"No, you need to tell me why you're acting like a brat," Bucky demanded, crossing his own arms.
"M'not a brat," Peter snipped, little bell sounding as Peter turned his head away from Bucky, glaring at the wall.
"No? 'Cause you seem pretty bratty to me," Bucky challenged.
That gets Peter standing from the bed. "I'm not!"
"I'm not going to fight with a fucking child," Bucky muttered to himself. "Go into the dining room and eat your lunch."
Peter sets his jaw. Its cute. Little thing trying to be tough.
"I said I'm not hungry."
"Well, Tony wants you to eat," Bucky tries. Usually talking about what Tony wants would get Peter to do as he's told. But it doesn't work today.
So Bucky grabs Peter by the upper arm and pulls him out of the room. Peter grunts, digging his heels in, but he's small and doesn't have much muscle.
"Eat," Bucky demands, gesturing to the food he sits Peter down in front of.
Peter glares up at him, though its not as effective as he thinks with his pastel blue tshirt and matching collar.
"I hate you," Peter bites out.
"Good for you, now eat your God damn lunch before I force feed you."
To say the next three days is difficult is an understatement. Bucky has no idea why Peter's acting out the way he is, but he's had enough.
On the fourth day, Bucky actually swatted him! Peter looked up at him with wide eyes, mouth clicking shut. Bucky instantly felt sick, but he forced himself to stand his ground even as hurt and anger filtered through Peter's features.
"You hit me," Peter said. It made Bucky feel even worse, but he didnt back down.
"You're being bad," Bucky said. More anger filtered in, and Peter reached forward to try and shove him.
Bucky caught him by the wrists and Peter yelled loudly, beginning to flail.
"Peter, stop it!" Bucky snapped, pulling the pup in close and pinning him against his chest. He doesn't have room to thrash now.
"I hate you! I hate you!" Peter yelled. Bucky can hear the beginnings of tears in his voice. "I don't want you here! I want- I want Tony!"
Bucky holds Peter as he chokes on his tears, forcing Bucky to carry his weight when Peter stops holding himself up.
Bucky let's him cry it out, walking him to his bedroom. The door still wasn't fixed -Bucky didn't have time, what with Peter acting out.
He deposited Peter onto the bed. "You can come out when you're done being a brat," Bucky said shortly. Peter just fell to his side, wrapping his arms around a pillow and drawing up his legs.
Bucky walked out and flopped onto the couch, leaning his head back and staring up at the ceiling.
Maybe Tony would know what Peter's problem was. Just because he's never acted like this since Bucky moved in doesn't mean its never happened before.
Bucky's never been more glad when Tony arrives the next morning. He's exhausted. Tony -the perceptive bastard- notices right away when Bucky greets him at the elevator.
"What happened," Tony demanded. Bucky let out a sigh, shoulders slumping just a bit. He didnt like feeling like a whiner, and explaining to Tony what the past five days have been like definitely makes him feel it.
"I don't know whats gotten into him," he finishes with. He just wants to sleep for a couple days. He's never felt more like a babysitter than he does now.
"Oh, I do," Tony huffed. Bucky raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "He's jealous."
That throws Bucky for a loop. "Jealous? Of what?" He can't help but demand incredulously.
Tony smiles knowingly and lifts his hand, brushing his fingers over Bucky's jaw, pinching his chin and giving a little shake.
"Of you, pet," Tony hums, looking amused. "He's used to getting my full attention. I think he's feeling a bit misplaced."
Bucky lifts his head, pulling his chin free from Tony's grasp and taking a small step back.
"He's got no reason to be jealous of me," Bucky grunted.
"No?" Tony asked. "Lets go see our puppy then, hmm?"
Bucky frowns as Tony walks past him into the penthouse. Our puppy?
He quickly spins on his heels and follows after Tony. Theres a disapproved hum when Tony notices the door leaning against the door.
Peter scrambles from the bed, rushing over to Tony and crashing into his chest. Bucky keeps his distance, hands clasped behind his back.
"I missed you."
"I'm sure," Tony hummed. "Bucky told me about your behavior while I was gone."
Bucky winces in sympathy at the tone Tony uses with Peter. The pup steps back from him, brows furrowing.
"I don't want any excuses," Tony interrupted. Bucky watched as Peter's demeanor shifted. He knew he was in trouble, he could see it in the way Peter's shoulders slumped.
"Go wait for me in your room," Tony continued. "And when we're gone, we're going to have a talk."
"But, Tony‐" Peter began. Tony grabs him by the arm and yanks him towards the elevator that leads to the basement.
"Go," he snaps, features twisting into a look of anger. Bucky holds his ground, but he wants to rush back out of Tony's line of fire.
Peter shrinks at the tone. He doesn't try again, just makes his way to the elevator, like a dog scurrying out of trouble with his tail between his legs.
"Are you really going to punish him?" Bucky asked, following Tony towards the elevator Peter had just disappeared through. "If he's just acting out of jealousy-"
"His acting out got me a broken door and a puppy with an attitude problem," Tony said. "I brought you here to take care of him while I'm away. His behavior hindered that and that won't do."
Bucky follows Tony into the elevator. He doesn't say anything, just stands beside Tony, watching the floors pass in glowing numbers above the doors.
When they reach the basement floor, the doors open and Tony steps out, already heading for the door that leads to Peter's room.
"Come on, pet," Tony calls over his shoulder. Bucky's legs work without him, taking him out of the elevator and into the main room.
"I'm not a pet," Bucky grunted. Tony glances over his shoulder, smirking. His blue eyes shining with amusement.
"I beg to differ," Tony hummed, before reaching a hand out and clasping Bucky by the back of the neck.
Bucky allows the Superior to pull him closer as they make their way to the door.
Buck decides not to argue the issue. Better to keep on Tony's good side.
Tony opens the door, and Bucky's eyes widen at the sight of Peter on the bed, naked. Hes on his elbows and knees, pert little ass up in the air.
He's hidden his face in his arms, and doesn't realize Bucky is here with Tony.
"He does paint a pretty picture, doesn't he?" Tony murmurs lowly, arm still wrapped around Bucky's shoulders, nosing at Bucky's jaw.
"I can leave," Bucky says lowly, glancing from Peter to Tony.
"No, I want you here," Tony decides, shutting the door. Bucky chews on his inner cheek, staying close to the door as Tony walks over to the wall of -Bucky feels his stomach drop. He doesn't know if he can watch this.
"M'sorry," Peter whines, turning his head to see Tony at the wall.
"I know you are," Tony said, looking over the items hanging on the wall. Bucky's never seen so many switches and floggers before.
"But that doesn't change the fact that you were a bad puppy."
Peter's breath hitches and he hides his face again. Bucky watches Tony pick out a flat leather paddle from the wall. One of the less intimidating items hanging on the wall.
"How many hits do you think he deserves?" Tony says, catching both Peter and Bucky off guard. Peter's head turns, wide eyes locking onto him before he seems to shrink, hiding his face away again, but not leaving the position Tony most likely trained him to be in.
It takes Bucky a moment to realize Tony was talking to him, and he blinks, looking over at the Superior. "What?"
"You had to deal with his poor behavior for five days, so you decide his punishment," Tony said.
Bucky looks wide eyed at Peter, pale and naked except for the baby blue collar around his neck. He shakes his head.
"Come on, pet," Tony goads. "What does he deserve?"
Bucky hears Peter whimper at that and he feels his skin crawl. He shakes his head again, feeling sick. "I can't."
Tony's mouth drops in a frown, looking disappointed. Bucky doesn't care. He can't.
"Fine," he hums. "Then fifty hits."
Peter lifts his head, breath hitching and tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Ten for each day."
Bucky feels his throat closing up.
"N-no," Peter sobbed. "No, please, Tony!"
Tony looks at Bucky, challenging glint in his Extremis blue eyes. "Bucky doesn't want to choose, so I'm chosing for him, puppy."
Peter turns to look at Bucky, pleasing with a trembling breath.
Bucky digs his nails into his palms. He looks from Peter to Tony, then back to Peter.
If Bucky chooses a lower number, Tony may not agree to it. But Bucky doesn't want Peter being hit -especially in front of him.
"Twenty," he manages to say, unsticking his throat. His voice is tense, body rigid and hands clasped behind him. Outwardly, he looks calm and collected, but inside he wants to do nothing but run out of the basement.
Tony doesn't say anything for a moment, and Bucky's sure its just as long for Peter as it is for him.
"Alright, twenty it is," Tony agrees. Bucky feels the muscles in his shoulders unwind a little at that.
"Count them out, pup."
Its the worst few minutes of Bucky's life. He served tours over seas. He's killed people with his bear hands and lost an arm, and he'd go through all of that ten times if it meant he didn't have to be in the same room as Tony and Peter right now.
Each smack has Bucky's pulse spiking, each sobbed out count down like agony. Its a punishment all its own to be forced to stand by while Peter cries, the loud smack of leather on skin filling the room.
The worst thing is Bucky is the reason he's got twenty spanks in the first place. Sure, its less than fifty, but he's still the one who offered a number.
Bucky doesn't even care anymore about Peter's behavior. He just wants Tony to stop.
Peter's ass is just as red as his face, and his breath hitches on cries, but the boy doesn't move. Bucky has no doubt if he had, the punishment would be far worse.
"Twen-twen'y," Peter finally gasps out wetly, dropping onto the bed.
Bucky restrains himself from rushing over there and scooping the boy up. His nails dig painfully into his palms.
He watches Tony do it instead. Watches as Tony's hand turns soft, scooping Peter up and settling him onto his lap, careful of his poor bottom.
Tony smooths Peter's curls from his forehead, muttering lowly against Peter's cheek as the boy cries, arms lifting to wrap around Tony's shoulders.
Tony glances up at Bucky and nods. "Come here, pet."
Bucky's too concerned with Peter to argue the pet name. He makes his way over to the bed in three long strides and sits down beside Tony and Peter.
Peter peeks out from Tony's neck, eye red rimmed. His breath hitches.
"M'sorry, Bucky," he cries, voice reedy and wobbling with tears.
"Thats alright, Pete," Bucky said softly.
Peter tucks himself back into Tony's neck, allowing the Superior to smooth his hands up and down Peter's bare back.
"Go with with Bucky, pup," Tony says a moment later, once Peter's tears have tapered off a little. Bucky's eyes widen at that, but he can't do much else, because Peter's crawling out of Tony's lap and settling into his own.
Bucky doesn't know what to do. He's wearing cargo pants, and he can't help but worry they're too rough for Peter.
And then he's stuck on the fact that he's got a very naked Peter in his lap. The boy leans into Bucky's chest, head resting on his shoulder.
Bucky settles a hand on Peter's lower back -as low as he dares- and rubs circles into his skin.
"I think its time we had a little talk," Tony said, looking first at Peter, then at Bucky.
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I looked through your masterlist and didn't yet come across this but let me know if you've already done something similar, there's a good chance I just missed it
I keep feeling fatigue and my whole body feels like it's trembling, especially my hands, everywhere hurts and I feel so weak but I can't rest since I still have a lot to study, and it's scary when I keep feeling like I'll faint but can't do anything about it because of academic pressure. And even worse is the fact that my hands hurt too much for me to draw even anything quick, easy and small to relieve all the stress even a little bit, and same with writing and playing video games, so the only thing that's left for me is reading for now. And reading through everything you've written is helping so much already, you're truly a blessing and everything you've posted is so well written and sweet
I could really use some scenario of GE Saeran maybe comforting and taking care of an MC who fainted because of working too much?;; If it's not too much and it somehow makes sense, you could also do it with the other alters too (but that's a lot more work and idk how it'd work with Magenta and all, so no pressure at all to also do that!!)
I do hope that you’re taking it easy and that you remember to take breaks!
GE Saeran knows what it feels like to work yourself into the ground. He knows what it feels like to be so tired that you feel like you’re going to fall over and just break out into tears because your brain is running on an eleven and your body is more like a six on the speed scale. He never thought that you would struggle in that way because you always seemed to have everything together. 
He never has known what it feels like to have a balance or filtered sense of ease or comfort and you’ve always seemed to know what’s up. He never thought that you would have similar struggles, but in retrospect, it makes sense why you just were able to empathize with Ray so much. 
He figured that he should have realized this sooner. 
He feels like he’s a bad boyfriend for not realizing how tough it’s been for you. Aren’t you supposed to notice when something is amiss? Aren’t you supposed to make sure that it is never getting to the point where it feels like you’re suffocating? 
There is guilt in his heart when he realizes that your eyes are fraught with frustrated tears because your body simply can’t do what you want it to do. 
Your limitations made to make you realize that you’ve momentarily lost the thing that gives you peace of comfort and control. Without that, he knows that it feels like you’ve been subjected to wanting to pull your hair out. If you can’t do the things that make you happy and feel good, how are you supposed to cope with everything? 
He can remember what it felt like to work himself so hard that he’d slump over at his desk and jolt awake sometime later with the realization that he needs to get back to work before it’s too late. That was a cycle, and it wasn’t a healthy one in the slightest. You’d looked him in the eyes and told him that he deserved better than what he was doing to himself. 
It took a while for Saeran to get the hint. He sincerely wanted to work on himself but it was only when you really showed him what it felt like to love someone else that he knew that his work toiled was for nothing that was going to make him this happier person. The false paradise wasn’t what made him happy. You were what made him happy. 
So, in turn, he wanted to make you the happiest person that he’d ever known in his life. He just never thought that he would have to do for him what you’ve done for him ever. 
It turned out that you two had more in common than he had realized and for that, he wished that he’d gripped your hand harder and looked behind the smile and how your eyes didn’t meet it. Saeran should have known, he told himself, he’d known better than this because it was what he did to himself. This was what he was... good at, even if it wasn’t a good thing. 
His stomach was in his throat when he found you slumped over against your desk. At first, he thought you’d fallen asleep after a late night, but given the sound of a loud thunk instead of a gentle nudge, he knew that something wasn’t right. 
He’d followed the sound of that noise and found you like that, a bruise sure to form against your cheek from the impact. 
He tried to wake you, but your breathing was shallow, and warned him that this wasn’t just falling asleep. The expression on his face was terrified but he knew that freaking out and panicking wasn’t going to help him. He had to run this one of those mental checklists. He knew what he was supposed to do when he fell over from exhaustion. 
So, he did just that. 
Saeran helped you get back to where you could lay down in a more comfortable position as quickly as he could, and made sure that you were breathing as you should have been. He would wait a few minutes to see if you would awake from your stupor before he called one of the others for help. He would spring awake in a few minutes when it happened to him.
Those few seconds were agonizing to wait, and when you nearly jumped awake, he had to hold you back before you hurt yourself. Your dazed eyes stared at him for a moment before you put two and two together. That look of worry in his eyes had made you feel guilty, but you knew that he understood what it felt like to be working yourself into the ground.
Studying... it was important, but you’d clearly gone overboard. Saeran didn’t scold you for this, but he did insist that you weren’t going to get out of that bed for a little bit. The water he gave you was refreshing because you’d forgotten to grab something before you started working. 
“Y/N,” he gently murmured. His fingers were intertwined with yours even though yours felt clammy and uneasy. Everything felt like it was going to stop working in that very second. You just didn’t have the energy to move around. It all ached like a wildfire. 
You could feel your eyes welling up with tears already. “I’m sorry, Saeran,” you managed. it was the most that you could offer to him. You didn’t mean to get to this point, nor had you meant to worry him. God, what would he have felt when he saw you like this? 
His lips pressed against the back of your hand. He shook his head, “It’s okay. I’m sorry that you felt like you had to do this on your own. I should have realized that you needed my help long ago. Don’t... don’t blame yourself. I remember... what it felt like to do that.” 
“That’s why I shouldn’t have...” your voice broke off. 
God, was the room spinning, or were you? 
“It’s okay,” he repeated himself, this time his voice much more stern. That was the tone you’d used with Ray. it was gentle, but it made no mistake in saying that there was no reason to protest. “I don’t know why you felt like you had to do all of it on your own, but I’m not angry. I’m upset that you didn’t ask for help but I’m not angry.” 
“You just have a lot on your plate right now... it felt like my studies were a little silly to bring up,” you admitted. In retrospect, you felt like you were belittling your own problems against his. You knew that it wasn’t a contest and that pain was not something to be used in a turn system. You just had a hard time talking to others about it. 
Even before you’d known Saeran... it had never been easy to ask for help from others. 
“Your problems aren’t silly, and they’re not a hassle. You’re the one that told me that my problems were just as important as yours, as anyone else’s problems. It isn’t a turn-based system. Life isn’t a game, Y/N. We can work together to get through these problems, remember? I want to be your partner... that supports you as you support me.” 
That smile of his would have left you winded had you had the strength to get up again. You squeezed his hand in return, knowing that the tears were going to start piling up again. “I’ll try, Saeran. I’ll... try.” 
“For right now, let’s make sure you get some rest. We can work out the details for your studies in a little bit, okay? Nothing is more important than your health to me and it should be the same for you. I’m sure we can make things reasonably less hard on you together this time,” he said, gently. 
Those mint eyes of his were still worried. 
But, you knew that he would help you. He would spend the rest of the evening making sure that you felt like you were special and the center of the universe, it was about him reminding you that you mattered to him. He spent an awfully long time making sure that you rested before he made dinner and helped you through the arduous process of taking a shower. 
Every second, he was making sure that you were okay, and that you could handle it. His reassurance and faith in you were like nothing else, and you loved him deeply and madly or it. 
You knew it. 
He knew it. 
Saeran made sure that you studied, but he took the time to show you when to take breaks and relax. You wondered where he learned that, but he chuckled and said that he learned it from you. He had always been paying attention from the start and now he was glad to support you and be there for you as you had always been there for him.
He knew that you would do well... but, your health was just as important as your grades. You knew with his help, it would be okay. 
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oswildin · 5 years
Bonded {Part Three} ~ Dhawan!Master x Reader
~ Seeing all your comments make my day. Thank you for reading this fic. It means a lot! ~
Summary: You’ve just found out some unsettling news. Could you really trust the Master? Why you? What did this mean for you?
Warnings: None
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You were in a dark void, alone. You were calling out. You couldn’t remember how you got there. It was terrifying. You felt fear flowing through your veins as you cried.
“They’re here.”
You gasped awake, sweat on your forehead as you took deep breaths to calm yourself. Your heart was beating so fast. You realised you had passed out in the same chair you were sat in before. The Master was no where in sight. You lifted yourself up, feeling your body fight against you, but your mind was stronger. That sleep must’ve done you some good. You called out, hearing no response as you guessed he must have left the ship. You wondered over to the console, a gentle hum emitting from the ship as you looked at the screen, seeing where it was you had landed... Paris.
The Master stood on the top of the Eiffel Tower with the Doctor, finally face to face, alone. He leant against the railing as she watched him closely.
“Where is (Y/N)?” She questioned, narrowing her eyes at the Timelord.
“Safe.” He told her truthfully. “For now.” He raised a brow, looking at his oldest friend... Well, enemy. “You know what is happening though, don’t you?” The Doctors swallowed the lump in her throat, confirming his suspicions. “They’re dying, Doctor. Their Timelord mind is compressing them to death. Admit it, you’re out of your depth.” The Doctor paused as she shook her head.
“Why have you kept them?” She inquired. “Why them?” She raised a brow. “Hmm? You could’ve taken any of my friends, yet you took (Y/N). Why?” She narrowed her eyes. “You felt it, didn’t you?”
The Master flared his nostrils as he looked out at the city below. He confirmed her question as she stepped towards him.
“There was a legend back on Gallifrey, amongst Timelords.” She began. “About the Bonded.” He growled as he turned around, gripping her by her throat as he looked down angrily at her.
“The Timelords lied.” He spat. “Everything they told us. It’s all a lie. Why would this one be true? Why would I believe in that?” She tried to pry his hand away as he roughly released her, turning away.
“When does all this stop for you? The games, the betrayals, the killing?” She spat as she held her throat for a moment, gasping for breath.
“Why would it stop? I mean, how else would I get your attention?” He raised a brow, turning back to her as he narrowed his eyes. “When did you last go home?”
“What do you mean?” She asked, her voice low.
“I took a trip home, to Gallifrey, hiding in its little bubble universe. Not sure how to describe what I found. Pulverised? Burned? Nuked?” He watched her reaction as she stared into his eyes. “All of the above. Someone destroyed it. Our home, razed to the ground. Everyone killed. Everything burned.” He told her truthfully as she shook her head in disbelief.
“You're lying.” She spat as he shook his own head.
“You should really take a look.“
The door to the ship suddenly opened, as you snapped your head round expecting to see the Master, but instead saw the Doctor and two others you didn’t recognise.
“Doctor!” You exclaimed as she beamed at you, running over as she hugged you. She quickly pulled away, checking you over before scanning you with her sonic.
“He’s right.” She mumbled to herself. “You’re dying.” She looked sadly into your eyes as you felt fear once more. What he said couldn’t have been true... Could it?
“But I feel fine.” You tried to tell yourself. “Sleep. All I needed. A good nap.” You shrugged, a small smile on your lips as she sadly looked at you still. “Doctor?” She didn’t answer as the others began asking questions, leaving you alone with your thoughts as she was distracted.
After watching the Doctor do many tasks to set her plan into motion, you could hear the whispers once more. You almost felt tinges of pain throughout your body. They were sudden and sharp, but quickly went as quickly as they came. The Doctor watched you every now and again, seeing you flinch every now and again from the sudden feelings. If what the legends said were true...
Finally you had landed back in the same hanger you had previously been at, as you all stepped out of the The Master’s TARDIS, hearing voices coming from inside the hanger.
“Sorry. I think that might have been me. And I'll admit, it was close.”
Everyone turned to see the Doctor with Ada and Noor, and you behind her as they smiled in relief. All except the Master who growled under his breath.
“Two can play at embedding things in history. I knew the Silver Lady was important, and that you built it for a reason, but I couldn't work out why.” She furrowed her brows. “So I traced its movements through history. And when I saw that Barton now owned it, we stopped by his office. Middle of last year, using your Tardis, I built a fail-safe into that machine.” She smirked. “Planted a virus. If it ever detected the massing of a Kasaavin army within its systems - total shutdown.” She said smugly as the creatures began to appear around the hanger.
“You're going to have to explain yourself to them, Doctor.” The Master smirked, looking at the woman as she pulled a face before pulling out her sonic.
“Am I? Listen, you lot, I've rigged the Silver Lady to exile you back to your own dimension. This planet's off-limits.” She told them sternly as she then raised her brows. “Oh, and you know that deal he made with you?” She pressed a button on the sonic as a recording began to play.
‘Barton and these creatures do the dirty work, and once they're done, I get rid of them, having destroyed your precious human race in the process. Win-win-win.’
“Oh.” The Master looked disappointed in himself as he looked down to the ground. You watched as the whispers in your mind began to grow louder, causing you to blank out anything anyone in the room was saying.
“You need me Doctor.” The Master spat. “You know it. Deep down.” He smirked. “I have the answers to Gallifrey’s destruction, I can help you save your little companion.” He nodded to you as you stared at the man, seeing the creatures draw in closer to him. “Or are you going to let them die.” The Doctor stared at him, her lips held in a tight line as she listened to his words. She didn’t want him to be right, but she knew he was. If what the legends said were true, sending him away would only make you sicker. She sighed, using her sonic to close the portal between the creatures world and your own, sending them flying back into the Silver Lady as they disappeared. The Master smirked at the woman as the others looked confused at what was happening.
“Hold on, are you letting him off the hook?” Graham asked as the Doctor shook her head.
“No.” She walked over to the Master, a device in her hand as she snapped it on his wrist as it locked itself around his arm.
“Taking away my ability to escape?” He commented, a raised brow as he looked down at the woman.
You were brought back to reality as you heard Graham call your name. You noticed he was stood beside you as he looked you over worriedly.
“I don’t feel so...” You began as your eyes rolled back, your body going limp as he caught you.
“Doc!” He exclaimed as she snapped her head round, instantly rushing towards you as he held onto you. “They just collapsed.” Yaz and Ryan quickly joined the others as they watched on helpless.
“You know what needs to be done.” The Master’s voice told them as he walked towards them all.
“Yaz, Ryan, I need you to go to (Y/N)‘s flat, try finding something that looks old. It could be anything. A necklace, a watch, a box... anything.” The Doctor told them frantically. They looked confused.
“Why? Doctor, what’s happening?” Yaz asked, looking down at her friend in fear.
“Please! I just need you to do it!” She snapped as they recoiled back for a second, before nodding.
“I’ll drop you off. Graham, help me take them to the TARDIS.” She then helped him pick you up as she turned to the Master. “You.” She addressed him. “With me.” He gritted his teeth as he rolled his eyes, following the woman and her companions back to her ship.
“We got what we needed, sir.”
“What now? What of the child?”
“No one must know of what happened today. Our people are warriors. Survivors. We need to keep it that way.”
You opened your eyes, your body weaker than before. You were hooked up to something as you noted you were in the medical bay of the Doctor’s TARDIS.
“You were talking in your sleep.”
You jumped slightly at the voice. You looked over to see the Master sat in a chair in the corner of the room, a safe distance away.
“What was I saying?” You asked, your voice quiet, afraid of the answer.
“Mainly just crying. Calling out for help.” He told you as you tried to sit yourself up, hearing the beeping of a machine nearby.
“It was a dream.” You shrugged it off as he shook his head.
“No. They’re repressed memories.” He told you. “They’re seeping their way back into your subconscious.” He stared at you as you sighed. You still didn’t believe what was going on. Not fully.
“Why should I believe you?” You argued as he smirked at your words. He shrugged.
“Maybe because I’m the only one who understands.” He told you as you furrowed your brows in confusion. “What it feels like to be alone. Abandoned. Outcasted.”
“I’m none of those things.” You said defiantly.
“We’ll know the truth sooner or later.” He ignored you as he continued. “The Doctor’s sent her pets out to look for whatever holds your Timelord consciousness.”
“What does that even mean?! You’re talking all these words, but they mean nothing to me.” You exclaimed, growing frustrated. You hated not knowing what was going on.
“Don’t get snappy with me. I’m trying to help, believe it or not.” He told you warningly as he stood from his seat, walking over to you. “You can either accept it, or bury your head in the sand. But you and I both know that won’t help you at all.” You stared up at him, your eyes tired. You just wanted it to stop.
The Doctor entered the room, sending a warning glance the Master’s way as he back off slightly, giving you space as she sent you a small reassuring smile. As soon as she entered it felt like your mind was heating up. The whispered increased in volume as you stared at her.
“We think we may have found it.” She told you as she showed you a small box. You instantly recognised it.
“That’s my fathers. Why have you got it?” You inquired as you felt warmth emitting from the box in her hand.
“You believed it was your fathers. This isn’t just any old box. It’s what is holding your Timelord consciousness.” She told you calmly, the Master watching from the side, feeling a pull towards the box. All he wanted to do was open it. Find out who you were. “And I’m sorry.” She told you sincerely. “But you need to make a decision... Open it and let the Timelord back into your mind, or don’t... And...” She swallowed. “And die a human.”
You felt your mind race, as fears formed in your eyes. You heard cries emitting from the box, voices whispering in your mind. You were scared. You didn’t know who you were. You didn’t know why it was happening to you. The Master looked over at the box, as he heard someone tell him to open it. He didn’t hesitate as he grabbed the box from the Doctor’s hand, unlocking it before she could stop him.
“Stop!” She exclaimed, as a golden light flowed out of the box, flying towards you as you held your breath, feeling the golden light flow through your mind. You saw everything. Everything hit you at once. It was too much.
“What have you done...” The Doctor asked as she stared at the Master in shock. He ignored her as he watched the golden light envelope you. It quickly faded as you sat against the wall, staring at the two in confusion. “That wasn’t your choice to make.” The Doctor hissed at the Master as he continued to ignore her, staring at you. It was like he felt a warmth in his chest and mind, feeling another presence with him. It was new. It was different. It was... unbearable. You felt it too, as you stared at the man. You couldn’t say you felt too much different.
You just felt... alive.
Taglist: @drapetxmaniia @dannighost @imagine-whatever @impalasquiptyseven @yourlocalspacebisexual @the-sweet-space-bi @a--1--1--3 @blamerogertaylor @koschei-studies @koschei-taylor @lostshadow12 @hannahlilyyx @wonders-of-the-multiverse @ettorah @nikey-no-likey @imthedoctorlove @twentysomethingloser92 @startrekkingaroundasgard
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bumbershots · 4 years
Author’s note: Hello! We continue with this, I would like to thank everyone once again for all the likes and reblogs the story has gotten so far, couldn’t be happier! Enjoy (:
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.9K **
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It is possible that Harry is ignoring the big elephant in the room, as he spreads some jam in his crumpet, well aware of Fernando and Jack exchanging knowing looks. He takes a bite of the savoury treat and hopes none of them dare to confront him, at the same time he wants to be questioned about why he hasn't called Alma yet.
Harry spent the last two weeks grumpy and frustrated.
He's called his therapist way too many times. He has no idea where he went wrong in his healing process. They were back to square one, whispered his tired heart.
Jack is surprised too, his friend got on so well with Alma at the party and apparently even went the extra mile asking for her number then he spent the following fourteen days acting as if she didn’t exist. Didn't even text her like Gemma suggested. He sips his coffee and sighs for the millionth time that day.
The musician is infuriated at himself and desperate that he wants to have Fernando demand an explanation for his behaviour towards his sister. Harry's not a confrontational guy, but he's going mad. Might be losing it. He wanted to scream at the two men before him that he did plan on calling Alma, but then he got so sad. Now he's afraid it's too late.
"Do you want another one?" Fernando holds the plate with crumpets in front of Harry who takes one more and thanks him before grabbing the jam. "Do you reckon you'll be man enough to call my sister within the next couple of days?" Harry chokes on his food while Jack's laughter booms through their home.
Nobody has ever called him out like that. Harry's still unsure whether to be grateful or scared. Maybe a bit of both he thinks after composing himself again from the fit of coughs, he knows Fernando is still waiting for an answer.
"Is she upset about it?" A hint of relief and pride linger on Harry's voice. Jack shakes his head, knowing that he's avoiding the question. Something he's very good at.
"That's not what I asked." Fernando's clipped tone leaves no room for the musician to beat around the bush anymore.
"I was really nervous about calling her, kept putting it off until days turned into weeks... I'm not sure how to go about it," he plays with his rings and looks away from the inquisitive gaze of his companions.
"How did you get Taylor to go out with you?"
"What?" Harry and Jack ask at the same time.
"You must've asked her I guess," Fernando shrugs. "What is so scary about Alma that puts you off? Are you interested in just a shag and you're worried she'll decline or tell the media about it?" Harry is shaking his head vigorously and the dark haired architect leans a bit closer towards him, "you're so full of sh-”
"Alright let's take a break," Jack's soothing tone brings his house mate back from the rage path he was following. But Harry knew that he was right.
It had been a year already, he moved to a new house, one where his ex never set foot into and still her ghost was everywhere. He has this crazy need to destroy everything that can relate to her. Her favourite cardigan is kept away in a box full of Polaroids and books that are all her.
The real reason why he didn't dare to call Alma is because whatever he felt at the beginning of his previous relationship, or any other one, was at least ten times less intense, than what he was feeling now. Seeing the menace before them, his heart and mind decided to leave him courage-less towards the situation. It's less painful to think what could've been than to know it and see it being taken away from you. Again.
But he deserves to be happy, that's what Gemma reminded him the other day.
"I gotta go," Fernando announces before rising from his seat, walking inside the house and upstairs to his room. Jack tries to tidy up the table a bit, not daring to look at his apparently mute friend. When Fernando comes back down he steps outside to the patio where they had brunch, one last glance to a very ashamed Harry and he sighs. "Brigit's Bakery Classic Afternoon Tea Bus. Alma’s been dying to get tickets but never has the time to actually book it," he explains adjusting his jacket's collar. "It's not too late." With that he turns on his heel and leaves the house.
Harry takes their mugs and places them in the sink, he notices Jack is going around the kitchen putting away the butter and milk in the fridge.
"What are you waiting for Romeo?" The blue eyed man asks, stopping in front of a blushing Harry.
They're both quiet for a minute. Harry's heart is racing and can feel his hands get clammy. He hasn't felt someone's faith in a long time, and he's not sure if he's happy or pressured that Fernando and Jack are pushing him to call Alma, he doesn’t even know if she will give him a chance. Harry's wishing to be the kind of guy to take out his mobile and make the call, maybe even crack a witty joke that will have Alma laughing in that loud way he remembers and not be awkward with asking her out on a date. As if he wasn't completely mortified by being rejected.
Harry was sure he would ruin it, not just the call but the date and everything else that was actually going to happen between them without even trying first.
"Hello?" She answers after the third ring, confused at the unknown number calling her.
"Yeah it's me," Harry nods to Jack who urges him to finish whatever sentence he's trying to form, "I believe I owe you some coffee."
"Harry?" Alma tries to fight back a laugh. A wide smile splitting her face after recognising who is the mystery caller.
"Yes! Sorry I forgot you didn't have my number." Jack is red with second hand embarrassment for his friend and decides to start the dishwasher just to keep his eyes from the train wreck happening in his kitchen. "I'm sorry for not calling sooner."
"You're calling now, 's all that matters... I'd love to get that coffee. Next Thursday works for you?" He nods feverishly and remembers he's on the phone.
"Of course, I'll pick you up at five if that's alright."
"Make it half past five please, that's when my shift ends. I'll text you the address." She throws the latter smoothly as an excuse to initiate conversation until they meet again and Harry is oblivious about it.
"Sure great, perfect I'm... really looking forward to seeing you," he plays with the tea towel on the counter, his back turned to Jack, a million butterflies fluttering in his stomach when he hears the coy chuckle his confession got out of her. "Have a good day, see you later."
"See you later, Harry" Alma's goodbye is full of hope and endearment, just like the one he got before she walked away from him that morning after Freddie’s birthday party.
After ending the call, he mentally scolds himself for dreading it so much. It went so much better than expected, even got a laugh out of her. Perhaps Harry needed to stop making decisions based upon his fears and more taking in consideration the other person. He always thought he knew best, it's what he's been told for so many years and although he needs to be making big choices most of the time, perhaps now he could share that responsibility. Felt dead nice for a change.
"That wasn't so bad." He admits to Jack before drying the now clean dishes with a towel.
"I'm proud of you, now tell me, where are you guys going for that coffee?" Jack's eyes are full of curiosity and excitement, it's impossible for Harry not to feel a chill go down his spine at the prospect of planning the date. He thinks about what Fernando suggested, but it would be too obvious that it wasn't his idea entirely.
Alma deserves something exclusively planned by him.
"Don't know yet, perhaps somewhere nice and quiet" he ponders and his friend agrees.
Last time Harry had a proper first date was about two years ago or so. He cooked aubergine parmigiana following Jamie Oliver's recipe and baked some biscuits for dessert that he enjoyed with his companion overlooking the Pacific Ocean from his home's balcony. Back then it seemed to be the right choice to keep it low-key, a simple dinner at his, no risk at all to be bothered or watched. But Harry knew that at some point it got old, being overly discreet was easily mistaken for being ashamed of the relationship. That kind of thing can do a lot to someone's confidence, little by little until it's all too much to bear.
If he could only learn not to care about the world's prying eyes.
Harry doesn't want to drag anyone into the scrutiny of the media until he knows it's an incorruptible bond. The inevitable thought of forever, something he believes might not exist for him, at times. He did think Taylor was it, even Kendall for a while, which is why he dated more publicly back then, until she came along and the love Harry felt was so grand it made him overly protective of them. Countless times he tried to explain that this was the first time something was working in spite of all the circumstances that came with his life and he was trying to cherish it, keep it to himself. Nurture it until it was as tough as old boots.
That night was spent writing down ideas for that first date. Number one was The river café, near Putney Bridge, a place free of paparazzi. Number two, Rail house café, lovely spot to share dinner. Number three The sanctuary café, located in a beautiful building with a quirky environment. Number four and his personal favourite Lola's bakery, their service was so warm and intimate, he remembers the cinnamon Chelsea bun and his mouth waters instantly. So, drawing a big circle around the fourth option he smiles before going to bed that night.
Saturday morning finds Harry at his grandparents’ old home, carrying a bag full of ingredients for a vegetarian lasagna he is planning to cook for his grandfather and his mum. He immediately banishes Anne from helping in the kitchen. She observed him follow the recipe, cooking for no longer than ten minutes the garlic, thyme and aubergine, and then crumble over the chilli carefully. He lets her grate the Parmesan when the sauce isn’t thickening and reducing like it was supposed to. With a bump of her hip, she nodded towards a couple of tomatoes, Harry smiled before tipping them in, breaking them with a spoon and five minutes later, the sauce was ready.
His mother is a marvellous woman, like the good son he is, Harry doesn't want to make her sad, ever. The last time he visited her, recently broken hearted, they spent it baking, cooking, eating sweets and drinking hot chocolate at the rear terrace. Once he had enough of moping around, he decided to make it up to her and create good memories from that visit. They explored the local parklands as if it was the first time, shared ice cream, got tipsy on cheap red wine and chatted from dusk till dawn.
A few hours later, after eating the delicious meal and tidying up the kitchen afterwards, Harry watches his mum talking to his grandad, holding his shaky hand in hers and caressing it in a soothing way. The elder man’s Parkinson is getting worse with time, he feels so useless, specially because it affects his favourite people. He wants to know what his mother is thinking when she joins him back in the kitchen. There is some anguish dancing in her kind eyes, but Harry knows better than to push her to share something she is not ready to.
"I have a date next Thursday," he chokes out, in hopes of distracting her, and it works. Anne's head whips towards her youngest child, evidently shocked and yet proud. It's been years since Harry shared that kind of information with her.
"A proper date?"
"Yes," he wants to add how nervous it makes him. "I dunno how serious it'll get... just met her once, properly I mean, we saw each other on the tube's carriage three times prior to it. Coincidentally of course, Gem said it is something straight out of a film."
"Who is she?" His mother is giving him that look, the one that says how giddy she is to know absolutely everything about the person that got her son so skittish, that he started to rearrange the containing of the cupboards entirely.
"Her name is Alma," he doesn't know where to start, if he spills all the ways in which he thinks she is wonderful, they'll end up pulling an all-nighter.
"And she's a...?"
"Cashier during the week, Spanish teacher on the weekends and occasional interviewer for her Youtube channel." Anne raises her eyebrows, impressed and wondering why such a busy girl agreed to go on a date. Must like him a lot of course, she thinks watching her son pour hot water on a mug, and dunking a tea bag in it afterwards.
"Where did you meet her if not on the tube?'' She is curious and weary. This wouldn't be the first time her youngest spawn overlooked certain things from strangers. Very little things in Harry's life were coincidences nowadays.
"Remember Jack Robinson?" his mum nodded, how could she forget the cheeky chap that helped Harry escape almost every night from his dad's house in the summer, just to go skate in Southbank's center until midnight. Anne admitted to not liking the bloke for a while, but gave him another chance after watching him grow into a responsible adult. "He's in charge of my home renovation, extension whatever it is called. Invited me to Freddie's birthday party and she was there." The dreamy look on his eyes when reminiscing the moment brought out a wide smile on his mum's face followed by her loud laughter.
"Oh Harry, you've got that look." it was the truth. He looked completely gobsmacked by his mother's reaction, but he couldn’t deny the peace he felt when knowing that she was already fond of the girl that he couldn’t get out of his mind.
"It’s too soon to tell!” He doesn’t want to dive into it, not yet. 
"How did you really meet? I want all the details." Anne asked, taking a seat at the coffee table and Harry told her everything.
From the first glance he stole her way to the last phone call he had yesterday at Jack and Fernando's house, his hands flew several times to tussle his hair and the dimple on his left cheek was exquisite, when telling his mother, how she asked him to dance with her. He spared no detail, from her intoxicating Moschino perfume to her raspy accented voice. By the time he finished, his mum's mug was empty but her heart was full. For so long she wondered if she would ever witness the beauty of Harry in love again and enjoy first-hand the way he spoke about that person in the sweetest manner, the high-pitched tone of his voice when finally admitting how nervous he actually was about this first date.
"Right, well in that case, stop thinking about how everything is going to go wrong." Easier said than done, Harry thinks but nods. "I'm sure whatever you planned will sweep her off her feet." Anne knew how much of a romantic her boy was, he went all out in that department. His best quality and Achilles heel.
"If the cupcakes from that place don't... I could literally do it." Harry plucks a banana from the fruit bowl before them and narrows his eyes when his mum rolls her eyes at him playfully.
His mother's reassurance made him feel less hopeless, the next day when they went to Sheffield's city center, she even picked out a couple of new mugs. 'Just in case we have new visitors at home.' Harry groaned but failed to hide the dreamy look in his eyes, he even crossed his fingers behind his back as he watched her pay for the cups. The thought of Alma meeting his mother in the near future —and the rest of his loved ones— excited him to an unfamiliar degree, like the first time he saw the seaside with his own eyes at a very young age, like that time he sang in front of a considerable amount of people, like a warm hug of his late grandmother. The idea that she may like him enough to agree to a second date is stuck on his brain, despite that they haven't even survived the first one.
Anne saw him enjoy himself the rest of that afternoon and the next morning before he had to go back to London. She sighed and watched him drive away, standing in her front door for a few more minutes, rejoicing on the memory of Harry's toothy grin. Usually she was careful and waiting for the other shoe to drop, but not this time. There was a bit of certainty in the unfamiliar situation, something she couldn't quite put her finger on, she decided to patiently wait and see. She hummed a familiar tune while putting away the new additions to her crockery. The same song her son decided to play on his journey back home.
Qué será, será. Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see. Qué será, será.
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featherypromises · 5 years
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Seokjin wasn't going to come out of this unscathed. Featuring sickie Namjoon, a smidgen of Jungkook, and Seokjin. Caretaking with Hoseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin. Minor mess warning!
For the prequel, click the link below.
Do as I say, not as I do (2):
A good hyung
Seokjin woke up. Not in his bed; laying down, but sitting in a rolling desk chair with his upper body stretched out face-down on top of Namjoon's comforter. He must have fallen asleep after putting Joonah to bed. 
The leader of BTS was still fast asleep. His mouth hung open, allowing quiet, congested snores to escape. He was also blissfully unaware of his audience of one. 
Remembering why he had been in the room in the first place, the older man reached over to gently place the back of his hand against Namjoon's forehead. The sleeping boy was still a bit warm, but definitely not as bad as he had been last night. The oldest member sighed tiredly and stretched. His back ached from the awkward way he had slept, but as long as Joon was okay, it was worth it. 
Getting up quietly to avoid waking his dongsaeng, the taller man left the room, closing the door behind him. He could hear voices and commotion downstairs, so the others were probably up. He tried in vain to flatten and smooth his flyaway hair as he headed towards the kitchen. 
Hobi was in the kitchen, preparing vegetables and chattering away at Yoongi, who, in his hyung's absence had started breakfast… Or lunch? Was it really 11:30 already? 
The maknae line was in a row on the sofa, looking like living representations of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" and they were oblivious to how cute it looked. Tae was holding the sides of his head, being aegyo. He had just trounced Jimin thoroughly in a video game and the defeated Jimin was covering his eyes in utter disbelief at the upset of his victory. Poor Kookie, looking only half-awake, held a tissue over his nose and mouth with both hands, blowing his much abused nose softly. Seokjin watched them, entertained, as the younger members teased each other and squabbled amongst themselves.
The oldest rapper turned to place the cooking pot into the sink and saw his hyung and what he was looking at. Immediately, Yoongi poked Hoseok and jerked his thumb towards the young vocalists. They shared a smile before turning to Seokjin. 
"Morning Hyung!" Said Hobi brightly.
"Barely…" Yoongi added, "Where's Joonah?"
"Sick…" admitted the older man with a sigh, "I think he caught it from Kookie, but… well, you know Namjoonah never does anything halfway."
Yoongi muttered a curse, 
"Aiisssh, that kid! Seriously…If he would just slow down for a minute…" Hoseok quieted his friend by placing a kindly hand on his arm and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Is he doing okay? How can we help? 
Seokjin smiled at the dance leader and shook his head, 
"I gotta handle this one, Hobiyah. It's not bad enough for him to go to the hospital, but he had a fever last night and this morning. I stayed with him overnight to make sure he would be alright." The oldest member rubbed his sore neck and looked at the counter in front of him rather than meet the eyes of either of the younger men. 
Hobi sucked in a breath through his teeth, making a disapproving cluck,
"Hyung! I could have stayed with him, or Yoongi,... You realize you are probably going to get it too now right?" 
Min Yoongi put two and two together in his head and swore again,
"Damnit Hyung! You are just as bad as Joonie! You catch everything these punks bring in here!" He pointed at the three youngest on the couch, drawing their attention. He continued,
"How long did you lecture Namjoon on his health yesterday, or today? I know you did! Don't shake your head at me hyung. You should apply some of your "wisdom" to your own life! Any of us, except maybe Jimin, (the exception to this statement objected with a loud "Yaaah!" and was ignored) would have had a better chance of not catching this than you. It's a miracle that you didn't catch it from Jungkookie!" Yoongi glared at the taller man, who glanced up when the rapper paused for breath.
"I know. It was dumb, but I couldn't just stand by and watch. He hid how sick he was until I found him out and demanded that he take today off. I know I'm going to get it, if I don't have it already, Yoongiyah. But Joon wasn't going to rest or tell anyone, because he felt that would be wrong for a leader to do that when we were all working so hard." Seokjin could feel the youngest three members' eyes on him and he turned towards them,
" You three need to stay away from Namjoon's room for at least a few days. This bug is a lot worse than what Kookie had..." Jungkook blew his nose again, and Seokjin corrected himself, "well, has… This isn't personal, it's being sure that we all don't end up getting sick. Okay?" The young trio nodded, and Seokjin continued, "I'll be with Joon until his fever's gone, but after that, if I start feeling even a little bit sick, I will be in my room, so steer clear until I let you know it's okay to go in again." 
He got more nods, and "Yes, Hyung"s from the maknaes. The eldest member turned back to Hoseok and Yoongi, who was still glowering at him.
"I'm going to need a few things: tissues, cough sweets, cold medicine that fix congestion and coughing, and some of the juices from the refrigerator. Food will be harder to figure out… Yoongiyah, Can you take the soup I froze last week out? Joon can eat that for a while. If I only come to the kitchen to heat up the food and we sanitize well, we should be able to reduce the chances that anyone else gets this."
Hobi began collecting the requested items as he spoke, leaving his hyungs to sort out the rest. Min Yoongi put his pointer finger up in a warning gesture,
"Hyung, you are going to tell me when you start to feel even a little off… I will bring food to you and to Joon. We really can't afford to have another member get sick or the recording next week is going to be delayed." Seokjin nodded reluctantly. He hated being fussed over, but the rapper was right. 
"I will." The oldest hyung gathered up the supplies and returned to Namjoon's bedroom. The door creaked a bit as he opened it, announcing his reentry. Namjoon groaned as he turned over and opened his eyes slowly. Putting the care items down on the desk, the older boy went over and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Hey Jooniyah, how are you feeling?" 
The younger man looked up at his hyung blearily,
"Dot good, Hyug. I'b so stuffed ub, I cadt breathe." Seokjin cringed as the younger man coughed harshly into his hands. His body shook with the effort and the struggle to stop the coughs seemed to drain the little energy the rapper had. 
"Let's get some medicine in you, Joonah." The older man helped him sit up against the pillows and measured out the red, gloppy medicine. Handing the tiny cup to Namjoon, Seokjin opened a berry-flavored juice and set it beside the sick man on his nightstand. The leader swallowed the stuff with a grimace and immediately chased it with a big gulp of juice. He licked his lips reflexively and winced. They were so badly chapped that the bottom lip was bleeding slightly. 
"Are the others okay?" asked the not-so-off-duty leader,  as he pulled a tube of lip balm out from under the pile of books on his nightstand and applied it generously.
"Worried about you, but fine otherwise." The older man replied honestly. Namjoon dropped his gaze to his lap and his fingers began toying with the bottle lid. Seokjin sighed,
" They would have found out sooner or later… besides they have to let the managers know that you are not well enough for the photoshoot tomorrow."
That made the leader look up sharply. When he started to protest, Seokjin held up his hand,
"Even if you feel 100% better tomorrow, you might still pass this on to the others. Nobody wants that, Jooniyah." 
The rapline's maknae looked like he still had objections for a moment, but his body had other ideas.
"Hh...Hiih-Hxxgt! Hhxxntch! Hiiphissh! Hektshuh!! Hhh...huhhh…ugh."
As the sneezes ripped their way out of the younger man's nose and throat, he struggled to squash them into his elbow as Seokjin watched helplessly. The oldest member grabbed the tissue box, pulled out a few and handed them to his Dongsaeng. Namjoon hitched for a moment more before groaning in frustration, as the last sneeze eluded him. He took the tissues and blew his nose cautiously, not wanting to trigger another fit. The sound made Seokjin's hair stand on end and he shuddered. It sounded similar to someone popping small bubbles on bubble wrap as the viscous liquid was forced out little by little.
"Poor Joonie… I'm sorry you are feeling so bad." The older man smoothed Namjoon's hair away from his forehead, checking for a fever. The findings gave Seokjin a little comfort. Joon might still be under the weather, but the fever was gone. The vocalist cleared his throat, as he quickly removed his hand, trying to regain his composure and hide his relief. This small action had an unexpected consequence, however. The ailing rapper looked at his hyung with confusion, which quickly evolved into anxious concern, then a guilt-induced panic:
"Hyug, you're dnot… Oh no, did I ged you sig?!? Shit! I'b so stupid! How could I have let you do all those things for be yesterday?!? I shouldn't have let you dnear be! And you were here all last dnight too? I'b so sorry, hyug!" 
Seokjin's utter shock at this sudden reaction, shaped his mouth into a small dumbfounded "o". Recovering himself, he tried to calm the unwell man, who was still berating himself with a thoroughness that showed that this was not the first time that he had thought these insults at himself. 
"Joonah! JOON! STOP! Just stop it now! You are not stupid at all! Never say anything like that again! If I get this cold, so what? I've had colds before. It's my job to look after myself, and if I don't, then the consequences are my fault. Mine. Not yours." Seokjin drew the anxiously trembling man to him, embracing him tightly, " I took my vitamins and got plenty of sleep, so that should give me a fighting chance. Yoongi said it was weird that I hadn't already caught this from Jungkook, maybe I'm building up some resistance." 
The older man felt the other man's congested breathing calm as he held him. Seokjin released the slightly smaller man slowly, guiding him back to lean against the pillows again. 
"You don't have to worry about anything except feeling better, okay?" The vocalist ruffled Namjoon's hair gently. The younger man nodded slowly, then blushed as his stomach grumbled its impatience for food loudly. Seokjin laughed,
"Sounds like you're hungry! I'll check with Yoongi and see if lunch is ready." A few text messages and minutes later, Min Yoongi entered carrying two bowls of chicken and vegetable soup.
"Seokjin-hyung said you weren't feeling well, so your hyungs thought soup would help you get better faster. Hoseokie will come check on you later." Yoongi held out one bowl to the younger rapper and gave the other to Seokjin. The normally taciturn man seemed to struggle for a moment before saying, 
"You worried us, Joonah… Next time you aren't 100%, just tell us. We won't think badly of you for something you can't control." 
Namjoon responded with a sheepish smile,
"I will, Yoongi-hyung… sorry."
Min Yoongi brushed the apology away with a flap of his hand,
"Quit with your sorries and eat before it gets cold." Namjoon obeyed and ate with obvious enjoyment. Seokjin would have been content just to watch the younger man eat. He was happiest when he could cook good food for the other members, but at the moment he had more pressing issues. An alarm bell was going off in his head, signaling him to do something about a tickle that was growing in the back of his nose. He fought for control as his nose twitched and scrunched with irritation. He had only a few seconds to act. He stood abruptly,
 "HH- I'm going to use the-hhh bathroom. I-I'll be back." He left quickly, his breath already hitching. He dashed down the hall, out of earshot and sneezed desperately,
"Heh-hephBrrrsshuh! Ahh-Brreshooo!" The sneezes bent him at the waist, forcing him to try to catch them in his cupped hands. His eyes stung as his sinuses burned and his nose wasn't through with him yet, "Hhh-H'Ressshuh! Ah-GRSShooo! BRESSHUH!" 
Seokjin's hands were covered in a mess of liquid and his face twisted in disgust. He sniffled fruitlessly and turned into the bathroom, leaning his back against the door until it closed behind him. He used his elbows to turn on the faucet and scrubbed his hands until they were bright pink. He sniffled again, trying to prevent the fluid from running over his upper lip. 
The cold had finally caught up with him as Hoseok and Yoongi had said it would. He wasn't congested like Joonie was yet, but Seokjin knew it was only a matter of hours. He was just glad he had been able to leave before Yoongi, or worse, Namjoon had seen or heard that fit. The normally quiet Yoongi would have dragged his hyung by his ear back to the vocalist's bedroom and superglued the taller man to his bed. A small smile played across Seokjin's face at the mental image that accompanied that thought. But that picture was quickly warped until he could only see Joonah's panic-stricken face and hear the younger man verbally beating himself to a pulp over Seokjin getting sick. With a herculean effort, the oldest member pushed the gut-wrenching nightmare image away and splashed water onto his face to help clear his head. He would have to keep this development from Joon. If he didn't, the younger man would just make himself sicker worrying about things that he couldn't fix or change.
The vocalist dried his face and hands before grabbing some tissues and blowing his nose. The man knew how pointless blowing his nose was at this point. It was like kicking at a wave rolling onto the shore: you couldn't stop it, but trying made him feel like he wasn't giving in to the illness yet. He shoved extra tissues into his pocket, just in case.
Steeling himself, he returned to the youngest rapper's bedroom. Yoongi gave him a suspicious look as he entered, but said nothing. Instead the younger man put his pointer finger close to his lips in a pantomime of "Shush". Seokjin relaxed as he saw that their leader was asleep again, his bedspread lovingly tucked in around him and a box of tissues within easy reach. 
Silently the older men collected the bowls, flatware, and empty bottle of juice and left the room like shadows, closing the door behind them. They moved down the hall towards the stairs, when Seokjin felt a tap on his shoulder from behind. When he turned to see what the rapper needed, the older man was instantly subjected to a long, deft finger poking him in the nose. Seokjin stumbled back and gasped as his now sensitized nose objected, and launched him into an itchy flurry of sneezes.
"Wh-what the Hehhhl! H-Heh-Hahrresshoo! HehGrresshhoo!! Hat'shuuh! Ghessshoo! Heh-HAH-HEKT'SHOOO!!! ASH-CHOO!!!"
Unable to cover with full hands, Seokjin sneezed openly, twisting away from the younger man. At the end of the fit, the older man was a sniffling, drippy wreck. He wiped his runny nose on the forearm of his sleeve. Through teary eyes, he saw Yoongi glaring at him, arms crossed; the dishes he'd been carrying on the floor, forgotten.
Defeated, the older man made a face at the younger man before continuing down the stairs with the dishes. He put them into the sink and used a paper towel to clean himself up, as Yoongi caught up with him. The rapper deposited the remaining dishes into the sink and said,
"I could hear you from down the hall."
Seokjin went white as a sheet. Had Namjoon heard too? The shorter man shook his head, in response to the unasked question.
"Joon was too busy to hear… his nose was causing him problems too. He was so tired after that much sneezing that he almost fell asleep sitting up." 
The singer sighed in relief. He nodded and turned to head upstairs to get some rest himself. It would be a long couple of days. Passing Yoongi, he rested one large hand on the smaller man's shoulder.
"Don't tell him… Joonie would just be upset."
"Fine, but you have to promise me, Hyung, that you will text either me or Hobi if you need anything or if you start feeling really bad. Any sign of fever or…anything…" Yoongi didn't meet his hyung's eyes, but Seokjin knew that was just the rapper trying to hide his concern. Six years of friendship had given the oldest member at least that much insight into Min Yoongi's mind. He smiled at the younger man, 
"I promise, Yoongiyah." His tender moment with the younger member was interrupted by another sneeze. This time he was able to fish a tissue from his pocket to catch it. 
"Huh-HUH-HEH-GHSSSHH!" The younger man rolled his eyes at his hyung,
"Yeah-yeah, let's get you back upstairs. I'll check on Joonie once you are settled and I'll have Hoseokie check on you later."
The oldest member snuffled into the tissue and nodded, following the smaller man up the stairs and into his bedroom. Seokjin wasn't really surprised when the rapper turned down the bed coverlet and sheets or when he pulled the shades on the windows to darken the room for sleep. What surprised him was that once he had laid down, Yoongi with practiced hands began to tuck him in, in the same way he had obviously done for Namjoon, not long ago. Seokjin hadn't experienced this in years, it felt strangely comforting. 
"Sleep well, Hyung. I will bring you some medicine in a few minutes." The older man smiled at the rapper, showing a mixture of pride and gratitude, and said just loud enough for Yoongi to hear as he turned to leave,
"You are a good hyung, Yoongiyah."
"You too."
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