#more gifs incoming tonight lol
number1mingyustan · 1 month
Still Yours
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idol!mingyu x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing, cursing, grinding, lots of sexual tension, explicit smut, protected sex (missionary), fingering (f.), low-key rough sex, scratching, teasing, they're so cute and domestic ugh, teensy bit (a lot) of angst cuz i can't live without it, if you realllyy read into it it’s a lil toxic but they’re so cute 😪
Summary: When you’re with him, the time around you ceases to exist. You’ve got your own little bubble that’s immune to reality where he’s just yours.
Word Count: 5.1k
(a/n: i usually don't read/write content where they idols because I'm simply not a fan. but i read a jk fic like this recently and it was a masterpiece. to say the least i was inspired so shout out to that author and i hope you enjoy)
The cool outside air fills your lungs as you step onto the sidewalk. It’s not cold, just fresh and cool enough to rejuvenate you from the hot sweaty air from inside of the club.
It’s a lot emptier out here, it helps to clear your mind. There’s only two or three other people out here, having a smoke in silence or waiting impatiently for an uber.
Your mind is still just a little bit muggy from the alcohol coursing through your veins, but being outside has instantly given you clarity.
You just couldn’t be in there any longer. The guy at the bar just could not take a hint. He was cute too, the type of guy you would typically be interested in. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t interested in him at first.
But then halfway through your conversation and his hand touched your lower back, the guilt settled in. It suddenly felt so wrong. The guy in the club’s hand didn’t feel the same as when he does it.
Almost instantly, it registered in your mind. This stranger didn't compare. He had nothing on the guy who really has your heart.
The famous idol who doesn't hesitate to answer your phone calls or cook for you when you're hungry.
This guy was a nobody.
One phone call and you’d have so much better.
The stranger clearly didn’t pick up on your shift in energy, probably too drunk to notice how you started to pull away. You were suddenly uninterested in anything he had to say and it was exhausting to have to fake laugh and smile as you tried to make excuses as to why you weren’t going home with him tonight.
But he was persistent and suddenly felt too touchy. He probably wasn't touching you as much as you thought, but you were suddenly so aware of him that it felt wrong with him being so close. His very presence alone was irritating. You finally caught the attention of one of your friends and gave her the ‘SOS’ look. She drunkenly stumbled over to you and pulled away from the conversation somewhat smoothly.
You thanked her before letting her know you were stepping out to get some fresh air.
But now it's a little after one in the morning and your thoughts are clouded with him. Your mind begins to wander to the moments you've shared over the past few years. The pet names, the sleepovers with homemade face masks, the phone calls from his hotel rooms.
Now you're texting him.
You: you awake?
Mingyu sits at home on the couch, beer in hand as the TV flashes in front of him. He's watching a movie he's got no real interest in, but he can't sleep. He's been home for a little more than a day and he's still got major jetlag ruining his sleep schedule.
No matter how hectic his life has been, he always dreads the jetlag.
The buzz of his phone captures his attention and he can't avoid the smile that pulls on his lips when he sees your name flash on the screen.
Mingyu: nah, sleeping
You giggle at your phone, smiling at the device just as he is. Your hands move a little slower to text back as the cool air outside changes your body temperature. You shiver, blowing on your hands as they grow cold.
You: call me
The message flashes delivered briefly before your screen changes entirely. You're surprised to see an incoming FaceTime and not a regular call.
You hold the phone up to your face, fixing your hair before you hit answer.
He lays on the couch in the living room, the darkness surrounding him heavily contrasts the colorful beams of light that flash behind you. The loud music thumps in the background.
"Hi." He smiles.
"Hi," You grin.
You feel giddy inside. Partially because you were drinking a bit and mostly because you're talking to him again. It's been quite some time since you've seen each other.
"Where are you?" He asks first.
You take a moment to respond as you walk toward the curb. You fix your dress and sit on the curb of the sidewalk, holding the phone up to your face.
"At the club," You reply.
"Ah, fun night I presume?" He asks.
You shake your head. "Not really."
"Sorry to hear that Shorty," He says.
Your heart skips a beat at the nickname. Your heart always leaps when he calls you that.
"Yeah, not really my thing anyway," You frown.
"I remember, surprised you're even there this late," He comments.
You smile. He remembers.
"Took some convincing from my friends. It wasn't so bad when we were drinking earlier, but then it started to hit and I wasn't feeling it anymore," You say, chipping away at the white nail polish on your fingers.
"They didn't abandon you, did they?" He asks, voice laced with concern.
"Who? My friends? No, they were looking out for me but I just wasn't feeling it anymore so I told them I was stepping outside for a minute," You continue to chip away at the polish mindlessly.
"I don't like you being alone like that, especially if you've been drinking," He frowns.
"I'm okay, I promise..." You assure him. "I wanna see you though."
A boyish smile forms on his face. "Yeah?"
You nod. "You home?"
"Yeah, come over," He offers. "I'll get you something to eat and you can spend the night."
Your ears perk up from his words. Your heart jumps out of your chest in anticipation.
"Okay, I'll order a–"
"–Text me what club you're at," he interrupts. "I'll get you an Uber here."
You call another one of your friends while you wait. You’re surprised she picks up on the second ring. “HELLO?” she shouts into the phone.
“Hey love,” You say.
“Y/N WHERE DID YOU GO?? The hot guy you were talking to is still here, I thought you went home with him.”
The loud music thumps in the background, but you can surprisingly hear her clearly.
You shake your head. “I’m heading home, I’ll see you guys later.”
Of course, the terms of your NDA don’t allow you to tell them where you’re really going. You make up an excuse about not feeling well and she pouts.
“Aw but we were– Hana NO!” She interrupts herself and the line goes silent for a few moments.
You hear shifting and wait to hear her voice again.
“Sorry, we’re in the bathroom and Hana started throwing up. She’s fine now. You feel better though, and text one of us when you get home. Stay safe babes.”
“Okay, I will.”
Before you can hang up, she’s calling out to the other girls. “GUYS, Y/N IS GOING HOME.”
More shuffling suddenly fills your ears and female voice.
“Nooooo, don’t leave,” Hana drunkenly slurs.
You laugh. “I’ll go out with you guys again next weekend.”
After a little bit more drunken banter, you finally hang up and wait on the curb until your ride gets here.
Considering he's the one who ordered the Uber, you know he'll know exactly when you get there. So, you spend the entirety of the ride in the backseat fixing up your appearance.
You play with your hair, refresh your lip gloss, and adjust your appearance for the better.
When you arrive at the familiar home, your heart rate picks up and you open the door with shaky hands. You stand outside the car, purse in hand as you shut the door.
Just as you close the car door, his front door opens almost on cue. His full stature comes to your sight and your excitement bubbles over.
He leans against the door frame, grinning at you. He looks cozy, wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, a white wifebeater, and his glasses. Your knees nearly give out at the sight of him in his glasses. He looks so good. His muscular body is visible in the tee and you have to stop yourself from pouncing him.
His hair is definitely shorter than the last time you saw him. And it's been well, months since you've seen him. Two? Maybe even three? But that doesn't matter, what matters is that you're here with him now.
You try not to express how excited you are, but you just can't wipe the smile off your face. You walk toward him and he invites you in with open arms.
His strong arms wrap around your frame. You're so happy you could cry. Your arms wrap around him, squeezing his frame. You inhale, breathing in his scent. He smells like home. His touch is so comforting, this moment feels unreal. You hold him and appreciate him for everything he is.
He pulls away, looking down at you with a grin. He presses a kiss to your forehead. "Hi, Shorty."
You grin up at him, bringing your hands to his hair. You run your fingers through it. "You cut it."
He nods. "Couple days ago yeah, you don't like it?"
"I always like it," You tell him truthfully. "But it was a little sexier when it was long."
He pulls you all the way inside, closing the door and locking it. "I'll tell management to let me grow it back out just for you."
"Doubt they'll see me as reason enough for that," You say.
"They'll just have to deal with it," He runs a hand through his hair. "I'll never let scissors touch my hair again if you say so."
Oh my gosh. You hate him.
You hate how he makes your heart skip a beat and he somehow always knows all the right things to say to you.
You giggle. "I wouldn't ask you to do that, Gyu."
"You'd still like me if I was bald?" He asks.
"Yeah Gyu, I would." You admit.
"Oh wow" He has a boyish grin on his face. "You like-like me."
"Yeah well, you like-like me too," You remind him.
"Damn right I do, Shorty," He pulls you in by your waist. "Don't know why you're so far away."
You squeal when your body moves against his. "I'm still wearing my shoes! I need to take them off."
"Relax Shorty," He lifts you up effortlessly, placing you on the kitchen counter.
He drops down, undoing your heels and placing them on the mat next to his front door. He stands back up to his full stature, face mere inches above yours.
He leans in. "I missed you."
You look up at him with soft eyes. There's so much yearning behind your pupils, that it makes you wonder if he can see through to it.
"I missed you too," You admit.
You find yourself back hin his arms. His big hands circle your waist, pressing your chests together. But now, his lips are on yours.
The kiss is soft, just delicate enough to express how much he missed you. Your small hand cups his cheek as your lips move against one another. His touches are gentle, but they spark so many things inside you, igniting you from the inside out.
But your moment is cut short when your growling stomach interrupts.
You pull away just a little bit, brushing your nose against his, giggling to yourself. He lets out a genuine laugh, holding your hand in his. "I did promise you food, didn't I?"
You nod. "I believe you did."
He helps you off the counter and back onto your feet. He walks over to the pantry.
"Sorry to get your hopes up," He admits sheepishly. "I just got back so... there's not much."
"Oh that's okay, it can't be–"
You open the fridge, finding virtually nothing. Some milk, A couple water bottles, half a carton of eggs, a few bottles of liquor, and a can of half-eaten kimchi.
You wedge your way in front of him, looking into the pantry and it's somehow worse. There's only stuff that needs to actually be cooked, and there's not much of it.
You fall dramatically into his chest and he laughs. "I told you there wasn't much."
His hand touches your lower back as you sink your face into his chest. This time, it feels right.
"Why did you even offer me food if you didn't have any?!" You exclaim.
He holds your head in his hands, cupping both of your cheeks. "I don't know, I guess I forgot Shorty. You do that to me."
While his words are making your stomach turn, the hunger rumbling is a lot louder. "Is the milk in the fridge even good?"
"Yeah, I just bought it today." He says casually.
"You went out and bought milk... and nothing else? Knowing you had no food?" You question.
"I needed it to go with my cereal," He shrugs. "But that's not important. Look, there's some rice in here."
He grabs the uncooked rice out of the pantry. "I can make you some fried rice with egg and kimchi. I've got soy sauce somewhere around here."
"No I think I'll just take some cereal," You walk out of his grasp, making your way toward the fridge.
He pouts. "I can cook for you though."
"I'll take you up on that offer another time," You tap his cheek with your palm lightly. "I'm very hungry. And you've got no vegetable to go with, not even a green onion. I'm getting some cereal."
You open the fridge, grabbing the milk while he gets the bowls and spoons. You try to grab the cereal box from above the fridge, but you can't quite reach it. Mingyu comes up behind you, grabbing it with ease and a shit-eating grin on his face.
You frown, but you're too hungry to make any comments. The two of you sit at the table, each pouring yourselves a bowl of cereal. "You said you just got back?" You ask.
He nods. "Like two days ago, I think. My sense of time is a little messed up, jetlag."
You nod in acknowledgment. He continues to tell you about the past few months since he's seen you. You play friends catching up as he answers all your questions about his life as of recent. The shows, the photoshoots, all the traveling, filming, and preparations for the upcoming months as well.
He asks you about work too, although your updates are not nearly as interesting as his though. But he doesn't ask out of courtesy, he genuinely cares. He likes hearing about your life, likes just listening to you speak even if you're not the one doing Calvin Klein photoshoots.
The time flies, and before you know it, it's 3 in the morning. You always find yourself invested in him when you're together, like the world around you ceases to exist. You get caught up, failing to realize that time is indeed still passing, and a lot of it.
He pulls you in by your hips, pressing your back onto his chest.He pulls the bowls and utensils out of your hands swiftly and turns you around.
"Nope, don't worry about that," he drops them into the sink. "You just go hop in the shower, I'll give you one of my t-shirts."
"Are you saying I stink?" You accuse him playfully.
"Never, Shorty." He kisses your cheek. "As much as I love this little dress on you, it's getting late and you should be in something comfy. Now go." He playfully taps your butt, sending you to the bathroom.
You look back at him, feigning offense as he grins.
When you step out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, there's a t-shirt laid out for you with a pair of boxers. You get dressed before walking down to the living room.
Mingyu lays there, scrolling through his phone. When he hears you enter, his attention shifts to you immediately and he gives you a warm smile.
He sits up all the way and pulls you onto his lap so you're straddling him. "Thank you, for letting me using the shower and for the food."
He holds you close to him. "Of course Shorty
"Where are your clothes?" He asks.
"Folded on the dresser in your room, why?" You ask.
He pulls you off his lap and stands to his feet. "Wanna wash them so you can have them tomorrow. Are they washer and dryer safe?"
"Yeah, but you don't have to worry about it." You assure him.
"Don't worry about it, I have clothes I need to was anyway. I'll just through yours in with them," he says.
He disappears up into his room and when he emerges, he's holding a basket of clothes and your dress on top. He walks down and walks over to you on the couch.
"That's all you had? Just the dress and the panties? No bra?" He asks.
You grin. "Nope."
He inhales sharply, but pushes his thoughts aside. "Come with."
You follow behind him downstairs. He leads you to the laundry room in the basement.
You sit on the dryer as he loads the washing machine. There's a comfortable silence in the atmosphere. Everything about this is so comforting... so domestic. It's exactly what you needed.
"Hand me that?" he says, pointing to the detergent behind you. "Please?"
You grab the detergent, handing it to him. "Thank you, Shorty."
After he's done with it, he hands it back to you and adjusts the settings before starting up the machine.
"Ready for bed?" He asks.
You nod, reaching your arms out to him. He turns around, lifting you off the machine and piggybacking you all the way up to his bedroom. He drops your body on his plush mattress and strips down to just his boxers. He places his glasses on his dresser gently. Immediately after, he climbs under the covers. You join him, making yourself comfortable in his bed.
He pulls your body against his, yearning to have you close to him. He looks at you with a softness in his eyes. His hand runs along your thigh gently and innocently.
But right now, close doesn't feel close enough. You've missed him so much, you want to feel consumed by him. You need him inside of you.
You press your forehead against his, look at him with soft, sultry eyes. His hands start to wander, moving from your thighs to your butt.
Almost simultaneously, you pick up on one another's energy. The sexual tension grows and pretty soon his lips are on yours again. You moan softly against his lips.
He brings his hand to your cheek, cupping it softly as your lips move against his in perfect harmony. He takes everything you give and vice versa,perfectly in sync.
Pretty soon, you're itching to get undressed even though his clothes are extremely comfortable. You're eager for more of him, pulling away from the kiss.
"Gyu," You breathe out.
"I know baby, fuck–I know," He pulls you onto his lap so you're straddling him once again.
He lifts your hips enough to pull his boxers off of your body. The t-shirt you're narrowing is next to go, leaving you completely naked on his lap.
"Fuck," He whispers. "You're so pretty, Shorty. Need you so bad."
You lean over, leaving a trail of kisses on his neck. You know better than to leave marks, but you grind down against him slowly. He lets out a shaky breath, holding your hips as you move against him. "Mm-fuck."
His cock grows stiff beneath you, poking against your bare core. You grind down harder, feeling the veins of his cock against your clit through his boxers. "Feels good, Gyu.." You moan.
You chase the friction selfishly. You know you could cum like this, and with how good it feels, you're not entirely against it. But his hand comes in between the two of you, pressing against your pussy to feel how wet you are.
"Fuck, Shorty you're soaking..." he groans.
You can only nod in agreement as the pads of his fingers graze your clit. You're dripping on his fingers, so much so that he could easily slip–
"–You want my fingers?"
Fuck, he knows you so well.
You nod eagerly. He pinches your clit, making you yelp.
"Use your words baby."
You mewl. "Yes, fuck yes, please."
He lifts your body, flipping you over so you're underneath him. He holds himself up with his arm, hovering over you as he slips two fingers into you with ease.
Even though it's just his fingers, he can feel how tight you are. Your cunt stretches around his digits as he pumps them into you. You moan out, feeling the way the pleasure builds in your lower region.
His fingers are so skilled and he knows your body well. He knows that when he curls his finger, you're gonna squeeze your legs together and cry out.
Which is exactly what you do when he curls his fingers inside of you. He pries your legs back open, picking up the pace of his fingers as you moan out loud. "Ah fuck–nngh."
His cock twitches in anticipation as he pleasures you. He's not focused on it right now, but your pleasure is his pleasure.
"Shit–I'm gonna cum," You warn him, gripping his bicep.
He grins, teasing you with his words. "Already, Shorty?"
You breathe out, pushing your hips against his hands. "Fuck– 's been a while.
His digits press against the sweet spot deep inside of you and you arch your back up off the bed and cry out. "You don't touch yourself when I'm not here, Shorty?"
"Not enough–ah!" You moan. "Can't cum."
You know you'd never admit this if you weren't drinking earlier or on the brink of an orgasm. But your words affect him more than he lets it show.
He's ruined you.
That means you haven't slept with anyone since he last saw you. And to top it off, you can't get yourself off without his help. A sense of pride fills his chest and only encourages him to go faster, pushing you over the edge.
Although, the same can't be said for him. The pride in his chest is pinched by a small twinging of guilt.
It's not something you really talk about with each other. You know it happens, but you choose not to acknowledge it. As much as it feels like it when you're together, you're not together. It's been nearly three years since your relationship, if you can even call it that, came to fruition.
But with him constantly busy and on the move, you've spent a small fraction of those three years in each other's presence. When he's not with you, he's performing and traveling the world. He catches the attention of plenty of other pretty girls who are more than willing to sign an NDA to spend the night with him.
He's just a man after all. And a famous one who constantly travels at that. He's got needs of his own and the means to fulfill them.
He's someone you trust. You know he'd never catch something and risk bringing it to you. He's too careful, has too much at stake with his career.
But those thoughts only cloud his mind, and for a brief moment at that. With you underneath him, writhing and gasping for air as you cum on his fingers, his attention is fully on you.
He pins your body on on the bed, adding more pressure as you grip his bicep. You nails dig into his skin, sure to leave marks. He doesn't mind though, not when you cry out his name and screw your eyes shut in pleasure.
Your hips move on their own, grinding against his fingers as you ride out your orgasm. "Shit, Shorty... that's it, yeah."
It takes a moment for you to come down. When you do, you blink your eyes open, loosening your grip on his bicep. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, warm breath fanning against your neck. His fingers slip out of you slowly and you whine as the loss of touch.
His hard length presses against your thigh, making it very known how badly he needs you. You think about pushing him down on the bed and sucking him dry, but you'd much rather have him inside of you.
You press a hand on his chest gently, pointer finger lightly dragging on his skin. "Mmm, that was so good, Gyu."
"Yeah?" He lifts his head up.
You bite your lip seductively and nod softly. "Yeah... want you to fuck me now, though."
He licks his lips slowly. "Want it, or need it?"
"Need it, need it so fucking bad, Gyu" You pull at the material of his boxers. You're so needy. He can hear it in your voice and it's clear in your actions. He wants to give you everything and more.
He presses his hips down against you and you help him to pull of his boxers. You wrap your hand around his cock and start pumping him slowly. He lets out a breath of relief.
His cock is hard and heavy in your hand. It's pulsing and aching to be touched. He inhales sharply when you circle your thumb around the tip, smearing his precum around.
You love it when he's sensitive like this, so reactive. It reminds you that you have just as much of an effect on him as he does on you. You continue to pump him, and he reaches into the drawer of his nightstand and pulls out a gold package.
You snatch the condom out of his hand. "I wanna do it."
He grins. "Okay, Shorty."
You tear open the packaging with your teeth.
"You know, you shouldn't do that," He warns you. "Could accidentally puncture a hole in it. Wouldn't want another pregnancy scare would we?"
You toss the gold wrapper onto the nightstand. "First of all, you use your teeth every time we do this. Second of all, you used your teeth to open the condom the time we had to scare." You remind him.
He smirks. "I learn from my mistakes, baby."
You ignore him, rolling the condom onto his length and laying on your back. He hovers over you again, stroking his cock a few times before lining himself up with your entrance.
When he enters you, the stretch is immaculate. You both breathe out, moaning as he bottoms out inside of you. He sinks further into you, deep into your warmth and you stretch to accommodate him perfectly.
"Fuck... Gyu," You moan out, wrapping your arms around his muscular back.
"Shorty... fuck me–" He groans. You breathe out, wrapping your legs around his waist, pushing your hips up into him. You move in perfect sync as his hips drive into yours. His neck nearly goes limp as his head dips down. "Yeah, Shorty–just like that–uh. Fuck, you're so hot, baby."
"Mingyu–" You moan out. "I missed you so much... so fucking much."
His hips snap back, his cock thrusting deep into you. "Missed you too, missed everything about you."
His thrusts slow down, but they don't stop. He taps the side of your thigh, silently telling you to unwrap your legs around around him. You oblige, and he lifts your legs up.
He drives his cock deeper into you, bringing your legs over his shoulders. You gasp out at the sudden stretch and wave of pleasure that hits you.
The pure force of his thrusts, how good he feels as the pain turns into pleasure into pleasure, the noises he makes – it's overwhelming in the best way possible. It's so much, but it's so good, you don’t want him to ever stop. Your mouth falls open in a silent moan as your breath catches in your throat. You eyes fall shut as your face scrunches in pleasure before the sensation courses through through you and you can hardly take it. Your hands grip the sheets tightly.
"Fuck... pussy's so good," He groans. " 'S all mine."
"Hah-fuck," You cry out.
"Tell me it's mine, baby," He demands. "C'mon Shorty."
Your eyes fall shut and your breathe in through your nose as his cock pushes deeper into you. Your voice is broken and soft. "It's all yours–"
He thrusts into you particularly hard. "Say it again–louder."
"Fuck! It's all yours."
It's a lie, somewhat. Everything between you two is complicated, yet simple. But in moments like these, you don't focus on the small details or realities.
"That's what I fucking thought," He groans.
You whimper, pussy fluttering around him. A telltale sign that you're close to the edge. His pace doesn't falter, and he continues to fuck you as your orgasm courses through your body.
Your body spasms beneath him, writhing to escape the overwhelming pleasure. He doesn't let you though, pinning your body down as he continues to drive his cock deep inside of you.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck–uh!" You cry out. Tears are brimming the corners of your eyes.
Your pussy tightens around him, convulsing as you cum for the second time tonight. He watches as your face twists and contorts with pleasure, a sight that remains forever etched in his memory.
You're still coming down while he's fucking you, grunting and groaning with each thrust of his hips. There's sweat dripping down his body, causing his skin to glisten in the moonlight.
Your mind is hazy, still struggling to process all the pleasure you're body is enduring. You're growing overstimulated, but you can tell he's getting close.
His hips lose their rhythm, thrusts growing erratic and uncoordinated as your pussy milks him. He lets out a long groan, cursing out your name as he spills his load into the rubber.
His chest rises and falls rapidly as he sits up. He presses a kiss to your ankle before pulling out of you and allowing your feet to touch the bed.
His body is spent, and the soft look in your eyes relaxes him. It makes him feel blissful and at ease, it makes the sleepiness creep its way into his body.
You wrap your arms around his neck softly pulling his face toward yours. "All good?"
"Fuckin perfect," he sighs with a smile.
He's too close and too tempting not to kiss. So you do, softly pressing your lips against one another. The feeling in your heart is overwhelming. You don't know that he feels it too, two hearts moving rapidly yet somehow in perfect sync.
It's moments like these where there's a conundrum of things weighing heavily on your mind that you want to express or say out loud, but you don't. You know better than that, and so does he.
So a kiss will have to do. To speak the words that will remain unspoken and seal it closed. A silent way to express the thoughts that run through your brains and the emotions that are pouring out of your hearts.
So you kiss him, because that's all you can do for now. While he's still here, while he's still yours.
After you two clean up, you climb back into the bed. You face each other, laying on your sides.
His eyes are closed, but he's not fully encaptured by his slumber. He's halfway there though, pouting in his state of rest with a soft expression. He looks so peaceful, so cute. Such a contrast to the man who had your legs thrown over his shoulders only minutes prior.
You press your hand onto his hair, pushing it back ever so lightly as you admire his features. You see the smile tugging at his lips. "Go to sleep, Shorty."
His eyes don't open as he speaks to you.
"Sorry," You say sheepishly. I was just admiring."
"Cute, you can admire in the morning though. Go to sleep, baby."
You nod, although he can't see you, and exhale softly. You adjust the comforter and his eyes blink open slowly.
"I'll make you breakfast in the morning," he offers, pressing a kiss onto your forehead.
You hum, smiling to yourself. "lemme guess, cereal?"
A breathy laugh escapes his lips. "Alright, I'll take you out for breakfast, or we can order in if you can't walk."
You punch his shoulder playfully before burying your face against his chest. You fall asleep in his arms peacefully.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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joelswritingmistress · 2 months
Neighbors With Benefits: Part 1 (Joel Miller x f!reader)
Part of the #hotdilfsummerchallenge (I will be adding more and tag the Masterlist) Thank you @hellishjoel for putting on this contest. It's a lot of fun!
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: Roughly 5000
Warning: Dilfy smut, age gap (23 & 42)
Mid-June, 2024. The first summer back home upon college graduation. You knew there would be an adjustment period and while you didn't necessarily feel unhappy, there was a strangeness that left you with feelings you couldn't quite pinpoint. This was your childhood home, your hometown, your room - but still, somehow it felt foreign.
You hung up the maroon cap and gown that showed off the primary color of Texas A+M, the college where you had spent the last four years studying your ass off to get a degree in criminal justice. At twenty-three years old after spending the last few years in a little off-campus apartment with some friends, you were feeling both aggravated and nostalgic upon returning to your parents' house in the suburbs. They were great and you got along just fine; but the freedoms that had gone along with renting your own place were now reeled in a bit tighter. At the very least you knew your mother would likely stay awake on the nights you were out late. Still, you appreciated how much they cared about you.
You moved to your bedroom window and flung it open to let in some air to get rid of the stuffiness that lingered in the house. Immediately, your eyes landed on a man next door standing behind a grill as smoke filtered up above him in a faint, little cloud. He flipped a burger with a pair of metal tongs and took a sip from what looked like a bottle of beer.
"Hey, honey."
You jumped at your mother's voice as if you'd been caught doing something wrong. "Hey." You pressed your eyebrows together and motioned out the window as she entered the room. "Who's that?"
"Oh, I guess it never came up in conversation," your mother said with a shrug, "That's our new neighbor. He moved in back in January."
You glanced back out the window.
"He’s a bit too old for you,” she teased with a laugh.
You whipped around and made a face. "I'm not... I'm not checking him out. I'm just asking why there's a stranger in the Wilsons' backyard." You smirked and raised your eyebrows, "Maybe if my mother told me things I wouldn't have to play detective."
"Isn't that what you got your degree in criminal justice for?"
You chuckled, knowing she would most certainly outwit you in a verbal battle. "And I'm 23 years old. No one's too old for me anymore."
"Well, in that case I hear they just built a nice, new nursing home down the road with plenty of widowed men. I can drive you there if you'd like."
You let out a hearty laugh. “I’ll pass."
The two of you giggled and your mother continued, "Will you be joining your father and I for dinner tonight? We were thinking of just going to Chili's and then heading to a play at the little theater downtown. The kids are putting on Grease."
You smiled as your phone vibrated with a text from your best friend. "It's Holly."
"So, I guess the answer is going to be no," your mother suspected. She smirked and got the hint. “Keep in touch.”
"Okay," you agreed and then cleared your throat when she turned to go. "Mom, what's his name?"
"The neighbor," you went on, "I should probably introduce myself since I'm going to be a resident of 45 Harding Drive again."
"Joel," her mother replied, "Joel Miller."
Your parents left soon after and so you wandered out to the back steps, waiting for them to take off first before popping open a beer. The ice cold beverage tasted better than normal because of the incoming summer heat that was supposed to really strike the following morning. With a content sigh, you leaned your elbows back on the top step of the set of four that led from the back door into the oversized backyard.
"Jennifer?" a deep, scratchy voice made you jump for the second time that night. You put a hand on your chest and glanced off to the side when you realized a man had called out your mother's name.
The neighbor, you thought, feeling your stomach knot up.
You cleared your throat and rose to your feet, leaving the beer on the top step. "No… I’m (Y/N)." You took a few steps in his direction though he made his way almost all the way to the steps.
"(Y/N)?" His features became clear when he stepped into a small, back light beside the door. The man flashed a friendly, boyish grin from beneath a trim beard. "Tim and Jen’s daughter?"
You looked down sheepishly and smiled before lifting your eyes to meet his stare. "Yeah."
He’s hot, your inner monologue informed you, as if your cheeks hadn't suddenly grown hot.
His eyes shifted to the beer and his grin widened even more before he extended a hand. "I'm Joel... your neighbor."
"Nice to meet you." You gave a closed-mouth smile and took in his appearance, consciously telling herself not to stare. His plain white t-shirt showed off his broad chest and shoulders
Joel cleared his throat. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's fine," you assured him and then cleared your throat, "Do you want a beer or something?"
A smirk twisted onto his face., "No thanks. I was actually just coming over to see if I could borrow some butter."
"Oh..." You glanced over your shoulder at the back door and then back to Joel.
"You don't have to," he said reassuringly, unable to keep the grin from his face. "You don't even know me yet so-"
"No.” You cut him off, "No, it's fine."
"Are you sure?" Joel's voice cut through you like a knife and he kept his eyes firmly locked on yours.
You nodded, unable to look away for a moment and then waved him inside.
"Don't forget your brew here, honey." He reached down and scooped up the beer as you flung the back door open.
You smiled again, "Thanks."
Joel nodded and followed you in, before glancing around at the modest but modern kitchen. "You, uh... you even old enough to drink this shit?" He motioned to the beer.
You rolled your eyes, "I can show you my ID if that makes you feel any better." You flung open the refrigerator, "I know my parents are going to treat me like I'm in high school again."
"Well... they're just trying to protect you," Joel said. "How old are you?"
"Twenty-three." You glanced over her shoulder at him, somewhat pleased to catch him staring - or so you thought. It prompted him to look elsewhere.
"Here." You removed a stick of butter and crossed the room to hand it to him. When the butter landed in his hand you decided to be bold and didn't immediately let it go, "How old are you?"
He chuckled before holding a wicked smirk and again held her captive with his playfully intense eyes. "How old do you think I am?"
You stared back, somewhat used to gaining control over the guys you had dated or been interested in in the past. Already, this time you felt a bit outmatched and part of it was your instant attraction to him. When Joel took one step in her direction, you swallowed hard and gave a random answer.
Joel laughed a little louder, putting a hand on his stomach. He ran the other hand through his messy brown hair and pointed. "You're so full of shit."
You smiled at him, "I was thinking more of thirty-eight, thirty-nine."
He sucked his teeth and gave you a look up-and-down before smiling wide again. When he didn't say anything in response you flat out asked, "Am I right?"
"Forty-two," Joel finally informed you after a long pause.
"Over the hill then?"
He snickered and then motioned to the fridge, "Ya know... I will have that beer if you don't mind."
You smiled before reopening the fridge to fetch one for him. When you placed a bottle of Bud Lite in his hand he used the counter to pop the top rather than twist it. When the dented bottle cap fell to the floor and danced in circles for a moment you glanced back up to find him continuing to stare as he took a long swig from the bottle.
Joel wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Your dad going to notice that a few of these are missing?"
"They're mine," you informed him, "And I'm not-"
"A kid, I know..." Joel rolled his eyes now and the two of you shared a laugh, "Believe me when you're my age you'll love that someone will accuse you of being younger."
"I'm sure I will."
He reached down and scooped up the cap from the ground and then held it out in his palm. When you went to reach for it he closed his hand and smiled playfully.
"I'll take it," Joel offered, "Don't want you to get caught drinking these things when your parents come home." He continued to tease you about your age.
"You know, I could've guessed you were fifty."
He laughed out loud. "Smart mouth on you," Joel flashed his index finger at her with the hand that held the bottle, "I like it."
You looked down and laughed again, feeling your cheeks grow hot again from his remark.
"Anyway, I should be getting back." Joel continued to smile, almost triumphantly and winked. "It was nice meeting you."
"It was nice meeting you too.”
He held your gaze for an extra second, forcing him to smirk a final time before heading out the back door.
"Thanks for the beer," he said casually, "I'll see ya around."
8:15 pm - the following evening
"Sorry I couldn't make it out last night," Holly said to you. The two of you sat side by side at barstools down at one of the local bars in town. "My boss can be a real pain in the ass sometimes."
"It's fine. I had the house to myself so I kind of just had some time to chill and binge watch some old shows."
"Sounds terrible."
You laughed and shrugged. "It was alright."
"Well, here's to... summer?" Holly raised her martini glass and you tapped her beer bottle gently against it.
"To potentially the weirdest summer of my life."
"Why's that?"
You shrugged, "I don't know. Being back home doesn't feel so 'at home' anymore."
"Give it time." Holly sipped her drink, "In a month it'll feel like you never left."
"That's what I'm afraid of."
"Hey, it's not so bad. I'm here." She smiled and raised her eyebrows, "Jill and Molly should be home within the week too. We can get the old crew back together before we all get real jobs and have to do shitty adult stuff."
"I'll drink to that," you agreed, taking a longer swig of the beer. You sighed and began to peel at the blue Bud Lite label, letting your mind drift to the night before with Joel. You envisioned him snapping the cap off the top of the beer bottle, using the counter. A smile crossed lingered on your face.
"Ooohh... someone's checking us out," Holly commented, "Or maybe they know you..." Her eyebrows pressed together and she motioned using her head toward a table in the corner of the bar.
"Oh shit." You couldn't contain your response but realized it must've sounded out of place.
"What?" Her friend asked, "Do you know him?"
"That's my neighbor," you informed her, "New neighbor."
Joel smirked and gave a wave but quickly entertained a conversation he was having with two other men at the small, corner table.
"He's kind of a Dilf."
You snickered and shrugged, unable to take your eyes off of him. When Joel glanced back in your direction you looked away and quickly took a sip of your.
"You think he's hot," Holly suspected with a laugh.
"What?" You shook your head, "No... I mean he may have some Dilf qualities or something like you just said but…” The sentence drifted off.
"Mm-hmm..." She continued to stare at her friend with playfully accusing eyes.
"Stop," you joked, "I just met him last night."
"Last night?" Holly perked up, "And..."
"And what?"
"You tell me."
You laughed again, "He came over to the house because he needed some butter."
"More like some sugar," she winked and glanced up toward a television that had a baseball game on in front of them.
You let out a hearty laugh and shook your head.
"He keeps looking over here." Holly’s voice perked out, "Oh! He's getting up," Holly whispered, stalking him for a moment with her eyes.
You glanced over and felt your stomach twist in knots when he headed in their direction.
"So you are over twenty-one," Joel cracked a wide smile and tapped the back of her chair as he continued to walk by.
"Twenty-three," you called after him, smiling wide.
He glanced over his shoulder, winking once before continuing on around a corner toward the bathrooms.
You let out a sigh and Holly turned back around.
"What the hell are you waiting for?" her friend asked. Before you could attempt to plead your case Holly went on, "He's hot... and he's totally flirting with you."
"He's not flirting with me."
"That was a Frank Sinatra-worthy wink."
You shook your head, laughing again. "Where do you come up with these things?"
"You're glowin. You're crushing on this guy. Who cares if he's your neighbor. Get on that."
"He's forty-two," you lowered your voice.
Holly raised her eyebrows and glanced toward the doorway where Joel had just walked through before returning her attention to her friend.
"Forget it." You sipped your drink and tried to pretend like you were nterested in the game on the television.
"At least admit you're crushing."
She turned to her and shook her head, "Fine... he's hot. Okay?" You focused on the screen for as long as she could and tried to pretend not to notice when Joel rounded back into the bar. You let out a deep breath as he crossed behind you and felt a rush when he came up beside you to flag down the bartender.
"Another round?" the middle-aged bartender asked, already reaching for a beer.
"Please,” Joel said with a nod, "You can put it on the tab." He turned to you, "Any interest in playing darts over here?" He nodded toward a dart board in the corner.
"Don't feel obligated." He forced your eyes back to his and continued to stare into them.
"I don't." You felt that intense paralysis again and couldn't turn away. When the bartender came back with the round of beers for Joel, you felt relieved and let out a breath.
"Get these two what they want," Joel added to the bartender, "Next round's on me when you finish those."
"Oh, you don't have to-"
"It's fine. I owe you one from last night." He headed back to the small table with his friends and Holly finally snapped you out of your daze.
"I thought you just gave him butter," she whispered with a giggle, "What was last night?"
You swallowed hard and rose to your feet, prompting Holly to do the same. "I offered him a beer and he took it," she said, "It was nothing... believe me. If I had anything interesting to share I would tell you."
Your legs felt heavy as you crossed the dark bar that was scattered with only a handful of other people. While the two other men began collecting darts and erasing the chalkboard to the side, Joel stood staring with his elbow on the table. For a moment everything else was in the background and you could only focus on him.
Shit... Any wit she had going for her had betrayed her. The instant, intense attraction you had to him was completely clouding your judgment. You felt like you were about to enter a wolf den, though you didn't at all mind playing the part of Little Red Riding Hood.
The anxiety-ridden feeling you had had leading up to the game of darts diminished as the night went on. You played a few games, swapping teammates several times, beginning with a 'boys versus girls' theme and then pairing off randomly when one game ended.
"He's going to fuck it up, you watch," Joel taunted as his friend lined up, closing one eye as he released the dart, only sending it clunking off the board and to the ground. "You didn't even hit the fuckin' board." His words drew laughter from everyone and the man that missed stumbled to retrieve it, chuckling as he went.
"I'm fucked up," Skip, the older robust man, remarked as he struggled to pick the dark up from the floor.
"Ya think?" Joel joked, continuing to sip on his beer.
"It's about time I get this man home to his wife and let her deal with him," the other man, Charlie, chuckled from behind a pair of alcohol-induced crimson cheeks. "Can't hold his liquor."
Skip huffed a breath and closed his eyes with a hand on his head. "The old lady's going to be mad at me. Especially when I tell her we've been hanging out with these lovely ladies." He motioned to you and Holly, laughing at himself and making the others do the same.
"I'd leave that part out if you knew what was good for ya," Charlie informed him with another laugh. "Come on Skippy. It's past your bed time."
"Game over?" Holly asked you.
"I guess so." You raised her eyebrows and smiled.
"Charlie, you guys to get home?" Joel asked.
"It's just a quarter mile down the road," Charlie waved a hand. He smiled, "Good night ladies."
"Goodnight," you both said at the same time before Holly turned to you.
"I'm heading to the bathroom. Be right back." She raised her eyebrows, noting it would give you and Joel a moment alone and you tried to play it off coolly.
"Okay." She watched a moment as Holly made her way down the bar and around the corner.
"Hope I didn't kill your girls night," Joel said.
"No." You turned back to him and leaned an elbow on the table, "We were just bored. Had to get out of the house."
"Mmm..." He slid back down into a seat and you took upon herself to join him as you waited for Holly.
Joel leaned both elbows on the table to straddle his beer, "You're probably used to night clubs filled with young guys just dying to buy you a drink. This has to be fuckin' lame."
"I was over that scene by my junior year," you told him with a laugh as you shook your head. "They were all the same with their cheesy cologne and gelled up hair."
Joel huffed a laugh and took a sip of his drink. "Sick of that shit huh?"
"Very." You mirrored his position and continued to sip on the beer you had been milking for the better part of an hour, "I'm kind of over the party scene... and the being at home scene."
"You've been home for one fuckin' day." He raised his eyebrows, "Get over it. You're saving money."
You nodded, "Yeah... yeah you're right."
"I know I am." He smiled, a charming arrogance radiating out of him.
When your phone buzzed in your pocket you jumped and quickly removed it, finding a text message from Holly.
I'm getting in my car. Snuck out the back. Have fun. You'll thank me later.
When you looked back up Joel was grilling you with his eyes. You wondered if he had managed to read the message or not. You cleared her throat. "Holly," you said simply.
"You guys need to go?"
You opened her mouth to speak, still unsure if he had seen what your friend wrote but decided to chance it and lie. "She... got sick. She's on her way home."
"She okay?"
You nodded. “Just a little embarrassed I think and decided to go." You took a sip to buy yourself some time in case he asked any more questions. When he didn't you tried to change the subject. "This place is dead."
"What's so bad about the college scene?" Joel asked.
"The young guys, the night clubs..."
"Oh... nothing, I guess." You cleared her throat feeling like he was trying to read your mind. Again, your face felt flush with heat and you continued, "They're just... all the same. There's no appeal anymore. When I was eighteen I thought it was cool sneaking into bars and all that." You smiled and shook her head before looking him in the eye. "This is more my speed."
Joel stared back and didn't immediately say anything.
You almost couldn't take the quiet stalemate. The sexual attraction for Joel burned in your chest and in that moment, in the quiet corner of the bar, it was hard to fight it. All the same, you felt like you had to be reading his body language correctly in assuming he was feeling something too. Still, the fact that he was your older neighbor, who you didn't know very well, lingered in the back of your mind.
Getting involved with Joel would satisfy your instant craving for him but beyond that you knew it could only lead to making both of your lives more complicated.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom," you told him, when you couldn't contain your feelings any longer. It was the only thing you could say without leaping across the table and initiating a make-out session that played out animalistically in your mind.
"You gunna disappear on me too?" he joked, though you could see there was a hint of seriousness in his piercing eyes behind the wicked smile that hadn't left his face all evening.
"Not a chance." You felt embarrassed by the bold nature of your words, but took a deep breath and made the long walk across the bar into the restroom area. When you pushed open the door you felt relieved that no one else was in there and quickly made your way to the sink to pat some water on her face. You let out a breath, leaning both of her hands on the counter and then took in your appearance to make sure you was satisfied with the way you looked.
I'm being ridiculous, you thought. I'm too old to feel this out of control over a guy... or a man.
Joel was a man. He wasn't at all like the college boys you had been surrounded by who loved to crush beer cans on their heads, brag about how many consecutive beer pong games they'd won and worst of all when they threw the cheesiest lines at you and your friends to try to get laid. Joel didn't have to say or do anything in particular. He could simply look at you the right way and you found yourself ready to obey any request or demand he threw your way.
I’m in over my head, you thought, but I don't care.
You took in another deep breath and felt like you had the quick break that you needed to hold a sensible conversation with him without the constant interference of your out-of-whack hormones.
"Okay," you whispered to yourself and fiddled with your hair before pulling the door open to head back into the short, dark hallway. When Joel rounded the corner at the same time from the bar both of you stopped abruptly.
His eyes stalked the length of your body before finally re-settling on your gaze.
"Checking to make sure I didn't bail?" you joked, nervously laughing just after. Your tongue danced along your bottom lip, and you couldn't help but look him up and down the way he had just done to you.
Joel swallowed hard, tipping his mouth up into a half-smirk before walking past the men's room door in your direction.
You didn't have time to process all of the questions in your mind because he marched up and planted his lips against yours, immediately penetrating them with his tongue as his hands successfully shoved you up against the door to the women's room. It opened a few inches beneath the force.
You felt an explosion of adrenaline filter through your body as you kissed him back even more savagely than in your daydreams.
Joel pushed the door all the way open with one hand, not separating himself from you as he gripped your ass with his free hand and pushed his hips firmly against yours.
You tangled a hand in his hair, kissing him back with a heated passion that you didn't bother to try masking now that he had initiated the fantasy that had been playing out in your mind since you had him.
He moaned into your mouth before taking a breath and crushing his lips back against yours. Your back collided with the tile wall at the back of the bathroom, and you arched your neck as he began to ravage you, sliding a hand down the front of your pants while gripping your face with the other to kiss you hard again.
It all was happening so fast. You struggled to keep up but couldn't process a conscious thought when his first two fingers slid inside of you.
You bit down on your lip in a break in the kiss and spread your legs wider to give him more access.
Joel left a single kiss on her lips and spoke against them in a husky whisper, "Let it out honey," he kissed you again, "Let it out."
You knew the bar was nearly empty and there wasn't another woman that had been there. Even if there had been you didn't know that you would have cared. When his fingers twitched, arcing perfectly in his technique to make your entire lower body shiver with pleasure, you groaned.
"Fuck Joel," your whined his name, desperate for his tongue to dominate your again as he continued to finger you relentlessly until you felt like you were going to explode.
Joel's arousal heightened when he traced your lips with his thumb of his free hand, prompting you to take the tip of it into your mouth.
"God," he closed his eyes relished in the feeling, pushing his fingers deeper into you.
You whimpered again, writhing beneath his touch and attempted to reach for the belt buckle on his pants. "I want you."
He removed his hand from beneath your slick panties and placed his hands against the wall on either side of you as you managed to undo his buckle and shove his pants down off his hips.
Instinctively, you dropped to your knees, taking in as much of him as you could. Joel moaned and bucked his hips once as he grasped the back of your head with one hand. You looked up, watching his head fall back as his closed eyes pressed shut tighter. Joel allowed you to have your way with him as you continued to go down on him like you might never get another opportunity to do so. "Fuuucckk." He drew the word out, encouraging you to continue as he grabbed a fist full of your hair. "Ohh shit..."
Had anybody walked by the door there would have been no way to mask what was going on. Joel didn't hold back and felt an additional jolt of pleasure when you stroked him with your hand before quietly demanding him to come.
He opened his eyes, letting his mouth hang open as he glanced down, making eye contact with you as you engulfed him again.
"Jesus..." Joel's eyes closed and he felt an unmistakable buildup brewing below his waist. He couldn't ask you to stop, not when he was on the verge of exploding. "I'm gunna come." He shouted the words so loud that you thought for sure that someone had to have heard your encounter from somewhere in the bar. Still, you didn't let up and allowed him to push deep into you, gripping the back of your head with such force that you couldn't have separated your mouth from him if you tried.
He groaned, not attempting to hold back what he was feeling, alternating different curse words in between uneven breaths that ultimately left him panting as you finished him off. With a final breath he released your hair, letting his hand drop toward your face as you wiped a hand across your mouth and slowly rose to your feet.
Joel stood there for several seconds, breathing heavy with his pants at his ankles and a hand still on your face. When he finally came down off the high enough to speak, a chuckle left his mouth and ran a hand through your now-messy hair. "Shit honey... you didn't get yours." He let out another breath and then retrieved his pants from the floor and straightened out his appearance.
"It's alright," you told him with a sly smile, noting the heat that was still brewing between your legs.
He huffed another breath and adjusted himself over his pants before regaining your gaze. Joel smiled and drew his thumb gently under your eye, "Mascara's running. Sorry honey."
You closed her eyes as he continued to wipe the stray makeup away from your face. When you reopened them, Joel sported a half grin and he raised his eyebrows.
"Guess I fuckin' owe ya one."
You snickered, pleased to know that he wasn't at all expecting this to be your only encounter. "Yeah... you do."
Joel took a final, deep breath. "Well... you know where to find me."
"Next door."
"If you see me outside come on over to... borrow some butter or something.”
"Butter..." You snickered and then swallowed hard when he took a step toward her and slid a hand back down the front of your pants.
Joel touched his lips to yours as he spoke and this time gently began to massage up and down your wet center. When your mouth twisted up in a smile and you closed your eyes again he grinned and removed his glistening fingers. "It's a shame this is going to go to waste. Too bad you're so damn good at giving a blowjob. I had all the intentions of fucking you but I could just not ask you to stop.”
"Damn," she said quietly, but smiled, praying he might have it in him to continue.
Joel smiled, reading the disappointment on her face. "I'll be in and out tomorrow," he claimed, "You see me and you feel like bringing me over some butter…”
"I think you’ll definitely need some."
He looked down and made his way to the sink to wash his hands before turning to her with a smile. He ended the night the same way he had the night before, "I'll see ya around."
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 4 months
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𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝘼𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚°ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
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synopsis: being a cam couple w/ aventurine
tags: vulgar, explicit, exhibitionism, creampie, nipple play, handjob
wrd cnt: 1.5k
a/n: rewrite from first acc!
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Your boyfriend Aventurune is well, tight on money, all the time... but! This leaves room for a lot or creative ways for him to obtain income, somehow he always makes it work, this time he's eager to involve you as well.
You're just sitting on the couch one night, finishing up some work while waiting for your love to come back home.
You hear the keys in the front door jingle, "Y/n? I have a surprise for you honey!" you hear, curiously you walk over to the kitchen table where he has two sparkly bags waiting for you.
"What's this?" You ask, happy to open them up and take a look inside.
Aventurine takes out your presents, and well...your jaw drops at the sight of the softest material, silky and lace lingerie in a dark red hue, with ribbons at the chest and bottom.
"What do you think?", he says, a smirk on his face as he hands you the garment.
You thank him excitedly, before he pulls out a matching collar and vibrator, along with his and hers masquerade masks. "Aven...you really want to get lucky tonight huh- how did you afford all this?”
He chuckles, "About that, before I tell you, this gift is for you with no strings, but.."
"I wanted to ask a favor from you."
You were a little scared, as you thought your boyfriend wanted to prostitute you for a minute, he sits you down and explains his new job idea: being a cam couple.
At first you're shocked at what he just asked you, not exactly opposed. He explains in more depth how everything would work, and said you both didn't have to reveal your faces, as viewers aren't necessarily very interested in that; hence the masks.
You agree, as there doesn't seem to be many downsides.
That night, you make arrangements and get everything situated. You go to the bathroom and change, meeting him in your bedroom, missing his shirt. He turns around in his chair and his eyes meet yours, he watches you get closer to him as his lips create the most sinful smile.
He whistles, "Oh my…aren’t you absolutely stunning." Your cheeks get red, you've never worn something so risqué and your stomach is full of butterflies as the reality of this situation hits you.
Aventurine signals you to him, placing you on his thigh, and drapping your legs over the armrests of the desk chair.
"Everything is ready baby, are you sure this is what you want? We can stop at any time, just say the word okay?" He reassures you, giving you the say to click the "go live" button.
You both put your masks on and click the button together.
Almost instantly, there's already a couple viewers.
Aven and you laugh, surprised just a little. His hands begins to move up and down your legs, opening them up and sitting you down in between him, with each leg raised up on the arm rest. You feel so bare, your legs open and spread in front of the camera as your back is against his warm chest.
"Look how pretty you are, y/n". He whispers in your ears, before reaching for the vibrator on the desk. He turns it onto the lower setting and slowly rubs it through the silk protecting your most sensitive area. You cup his face with your hand, tilting his head behind you down to meet his lips, and then his tongue. His other hand holds your neck, slightly squeezing it and toying witn your collar. Slowly, it trails down to your breast, his fingers pull at the ribbon and pull it. The top of your lingerie falls instantly and your tits are exposed as he squeezes them, rubbing and pinching your nipples as his tongue trials down to your neck as you quietly moan.
Only about 5 minutes pass, and you hear a ring from the screen, *Anonymous sent $10*
He opens his eyes to see the screen, not stopping his assault on your neck, only turning the vibrator up, causing your legs to twitch slightly as his hands are now on your waist, feeling your skin against his palm.
His fingers finds the silk that's keeping a barrier between you and the vibrator. He pulls the other ribbon, and opens it up as your legs are wide open front of the camera, hiding nothing.
His fingers open your folds, "Welcome audience, look at how pretty my loves pussy is, isn't she just so beautiful?” Aven says proudly, pushing his fingers inside your sopping cunt and focusing the vibrator onto your clit.
You moan quite loudly, and cover your mouth with your hand. Itto then says to you, and to the camera, "Don't do that, let them hear how fucking good you feel."
He turns the vibrator up to its highest setting, watching you squirm so intensely, as you clench around his fingers, hitting your sweet spot.
The tips keep rolling in, as people express their thoughts in the comments. Most of them very vulgar of course, which turned you on even more.
"Look at that baby, they love you." He says, while you weakly grip his hand which holds the vibrator against you, moaning for him breathlessly before you releast all over his fingers.
"Just like that sweetheart, cum for me." Your breathing slowly calms down as your head is now resting on his shoulder. Your boyfriend removes the toy from your sore clit, and his fingers pull out of you, bringing them to his mouth and licking your cum off, before kissing you.
When he asks you if you'd like to continue, your hand lands on his hard cock, rubbing it through his pants.
"Yes please" You say, wanting more of him.
Almost 300 people were viewing the live, and it felt so hot to show people how good your lover made you feel.
Aventurine smiles, gripping your neck and making you kiss him while he raised you up slightly off his lap by your waist, as you unbuckled his belt, he sat you back down as he pulled his pants down, his cook springing up and lightly hitting your folds.
As you got more comfortable, you rub your palm on your own wet pussy, then taking his cock in your hand and stroking it, slapping it on you a few times and rubbing his tip on your swollen clit.
Aventurine is quite a vocal lover, and he definitely didn't hold back for the camera. Groaning as you play with yourself and his hard member. He breathes heavily against your back as his hands twist your hard nipples, and grip your thighs that are again propped up on the sides of the chair.
"Fuck baby, I need you, please, ride me." He pleaded, his grip on your thighs getting harder as his cock yearns for your little cunt.
"Should I?" You ask, almost catching him off guard to the fact people were watching you, as he got distracted by how turned on he was.
"How about $50 and I take all of him? Hm?" You say, offering to whoever may be willing.
He only smiles at you, a sort of proud feeling hits him as he laughs at how you're making money off his yearning.
Not even 20 seconds after, you see:
*Anonymous sent $100"
"Wow, seems like you better give me the night of my life, y/n." He smirks, pushing his cock inside you before you get the chance.
A sultry and intense moan escapes your lips, his cock feels so big inside your pussy, you almost see stars. One of his hands hold yours while the other is on your knee. You balance yourself with a hand on his thigh, and start to bounce yourself up and down his dick, as the audience watch you struggle to take his length yet taking it entirely, down to the base.
"Fuck...baby- feels so good..." You can barely hold yourself up, his cock making you so weak.
Your boyfriend watches the large screen, staring at how your pussy swallows him, "You take me so well c’mon, you can do it-show them what a good girl you are." He coos, seeing your slick cover his entire cock, feeling your cunt wrap around him.
You're both moaning messes, and you can feel yourself coming so close to release. So is Aventurine, as he takes both his hands and holds your waist,
"Come here, let me show everyone how sexy you sound when I cum inside you, princess."
Your face is burning hot, and you feel like you're going to burst any second.
Aventurine slams you down on his throbbing cock, pushing himself up as well. Shortly after; you feel thick cum bursting inside you, as Aven groans in shaking breathes, his hands clenching the bottom of your thighs.
You look at the sight on the computer screen, Yours and his cum, mixed up in your cunt spilling out of you; dripping down your hole and onto his balls, then the seat you're both on. Your legs slowly release from his grip, as he pulls your collar to make you face him, as his tongue meets yours in a soft and sweet last kiss.
"Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did." Aventurine says, before turning off the stream.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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libingan · 2 months
— an unhealthy obsession.
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warnings: stalking, dark themes, idk how to put warnings but both simon and the reader are obsessed with each other
a/n: part two, maybe??? idk, if you guys want something sexier just lmk ig
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simon has been obsessing over you for months on end. ever since he saw you bartending at the local bar he and his buddies hung out at, he knew he just had to have you. your laugh, your smile, the way you effortlessly moved through the crowd—it all drew him in like a moth to a flame.
he followed you home that very same night to find out where you live. he watched you unlock the door to your apartment complex, making a mental note of the building. the next day, he began the process to secure a place in your building. he contacted the leasing office, inquiring about availability, and swiftly filled out the necessary paperwork: a rental application, proof of income, a background check consent form, and references. he signed the lease agreement with a sense of grim satisfaction, ensuring he was just a few doors down from you.
which is why simon is currently perched on a tree outside your window, giving him a clear view of your bedroom. he observed you intently, watching your favorite sitcom along with you. with a packed dinner and some coffee beside him, he sat silently, his eyes never leaving you as you laughed at the show. he memorized your expressions, your routines, the way you curled up on the couch.
he waited until you fell asleep, then sneaked into your room through your window, moving with the stealth of a shadow. he collected small belongings—items you might not notice missing right away. a pen from your desk, a single pair of underwear hidden at the back of your messy drawer. he snapped a few photos of you as well, capturing your peaceful, unaware state. these mementos were little pieces he could add to his growing shrine, a secret collection that fueled his obsession.
as he slipped back into the night, simon felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. he was getting closer, his presence in your life growing stronger with each passing day. it was only a matter of time before you would realize you were meant to be his.
unbeknownst to simon, his feelings aren’t as unrequited as he thinks.
you had been thanking your lucky stars the moment you saw simon enter the apartment a few doors down. it was hard to get any information about simon without directly asking him. so when you saw a familiar face and a familiar mohawk at the bar you worked at, you immediately recognized this guy as simon's friend.
as a bartender, you knew how to read people and manipulate the situation. you casually served him drinks, adding a little extra alcohol to his glass each time. it was a subtle touch, just enough to make him more talkative and less aware of his surroundings.
by the time he was noticeably tipsy, you engaged him in conversation, guiding it towards simon with a practiced ease. the more intoxicated he became, the more he spilled about simon—his habits, his quirks. but it was when the friend, in his drunken haze, let slip that simon was currently “crushing” on his neighbor that your interest piqued.
“aye, simon’s got this neighbor he’s obsessed wi’,” the friend slurred, his scottish accent thickening as he struggled to keep his balance. “they’ve got this smile that lights up the whole room, and they’re always, like, glowing, ye know? pretty as hell. simon’s always bleedin’ talkin’ about ’em.”
you pressed for more details, feigning curiosity as the friend described you. the way he spoke about your laugh, your style, even the way you move around your apartment—it was all too precise. you realized with a shiver that simon must be paying an unsettling amount of attention to you. but instead of fear, you felt a thrill.
the night ends and you’re thankful for the alcohol. that idiot—simon’s friend—won’t remember a damn thing he’s said tonight. it was a risky move, but it paid off. as you sent him off, a small, satisfied smile played on your lips. you had gained valuable insight into simon’s world and were one step closer to understanding him.
knowing he was so close made your heart race. that’s when you started to notice the little things—how he followed you home, the way he watched you from a distance. however, instead of fear, you felt a thrill. you’d leave your window slightly ajar, hoping he’d sneak in. you even left small items deliberately out of place, knowing he’d take them. hell, you even started sleeping in more… revealing clothes hoping that simon would touch you.
you found yourself dreaming of the day he’d make his move, the day he’d reveal himself to you. each night, as you settled into bed, you whispered a silent invitation, hoping he could hear it.
you were ready for him, ready to show him that his obsession was mirrored in your own heart.
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cowgurrrl · 4 months
I Don't Smoke
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
Author's note: this hatched as an idea for @tightjeansjavi 's june writing challenge but it doesn't end as I thought it would necessarily but I kinda lurv it so (ps thank you @egcdeath for your help 🫶)
Summary: "Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes you'll put up a good fight and lose. Sometimes you'll hold on really hard and realize there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is a small quiet room." aka Javi makes a reappearance in your life [8.6k (she’s a whopper)]
Warnings: canonical type shit
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It's a random Friday in April 1998 when you're walking down the hallway of FBI headquarters and hear a familiar voice call your name. Not just any voice but a voice you came to know as well as you would know your own. A voice you loved. A voice you haven't heard in four years. You freeze in your tracks and take two breaths before you actually turn around to see him.
He smiles big as he approaches you, and you struggle to find the same response. His hair is shorter and styled nicely, and he's wearing a bureaucratic suit, which you know he hates or used to hate. He's broader than you remember and seemingly more confident. You're still tense, but once he's close enough, muscle memory takes over, and you hug him.
His cologne is different. For some reason, that tugs at your heart.
"Hey, honey," he says into your hair, squeezing you a little harder. You hold him for another second before remembering you're at work and let him go. "Wasn't expectin' such a warm welcome."
"Well, that's what happens when you see an old friend for the first time in a long time." You say and Javi smirks, scratching at the stubble on his jaw.
"'Old friend.' Is that what they're calling it these days?"
"It is when I'm at work and have a reputation to uphold."
"Right," he says and puts his hands up in defense. "Didn't mean to insult Ms. FBI."
"What are you doing here? Last I heard, you resigned." You redirect, making him laugh even though you just gave away that you kept up with him even after you broke up.
"Stoddard asked me to teach a few classes to incoming DEA agents. Figured it was a good enough reason to get out of Texas," he says. You step to the side to let somebody go by in the hallway, and that ever-wandering eye falls down your body. "You look great."
"You too," you adjust some files against your chest, suddenly all too aware of how heavy his gaze is, and glance around. "How long are you in town for?"
"A week. We should get drinks or something. Catch up." He says, and you laugh at the absurdity of it all. You're talking like you went to college together, and you're gonna reminisce about the good ole days over a few drinks. You take a deep breath and nod.
"Sure, Javi. When are you free?"
"For you? Any time," he says so easily your heart squeezes. "But, I'm around tonight. I can meet you at the bar across from the Hill after work?"
"That works for me."
"Alright, then. I'll see you tonight." He smiles and looks you over again before swaggering down the hallway and into one of the classrooms like he used to walk to your desk or into your apartment. Nostalgia and something bigger bubbles in your throat, and you swallow it down.
You've often wondered about what it'd be like if you ever saw Javi again.
You never expected it would sting as much as it does.
You force yourself down the hallway into your office and let out a big sigh as you bury your head in your hands. Your engagement is cold against your skin.
You should be planning a wedding. You should be debating which version of white the napkins should be— eggshell or cream— or fighting with vendors on the phone. You should be doing a lot of things in the two months leading up to your wedding. Getting drinks with your ex is not one of them.
You worked at the United States Embassy in Bogotá during the hunt for Pablo Escobar in the early nineties. You were a fresh graduate from the DEA academy and got shipped off the day after you passed all your exams. They needed bodies in chairs and on the ground doing work to end the drug war, and you just happened to have a pulse and the qualification. Javier Peña happened to have those same things. Now, he's known as one of the men who took down the most dangerous crime syndicates in Latin America, but, at the time, he was just Javi.
He was a little older, a little more experienced, and, by all accounts, a little bit of a slut. He had a wandering eye and a bad habit of sleeping with newly minted Embassy employees who didn't know better. You were warned about Javi and his brown eyes and swagger, but you couldn't avoid him. He was your coworker, for Christ's sake. So all you could do was remind yourself you were there for a job and try to ignore him when possible. What they don't tell you about being thousands of miles away from home and dealing with nightmare-inducing horrors every single day is that you start looking for comfort wherever you can find it.
You made bad decisions like smoking cigarette after cigarette, sneaking just a little bit of whiskey in your coffee, or letting Javi bend you over his desk and leave bruises on your skin as he buried himself inside you. One time, you told yourself. You'll do this one time to get it out of your system, and then you'll both move on. As long as it didn't interfere with work, you thought it was okay to fuck him once, but either convenience or care kept you reaching for each other for the rest of your time in Colombia.
You spent most nights at his apartment because it was a little nicer and it felt like it would be too real if he entered your space. For all his sarcasm and hard edges, he was sweet with you. He'd make you breakfast and drive you to work under the guise of carpooling. Over time, you started to learn all his little quirks and tells, and you looked for him first when the smoke cleared and the gunfire ceased. He started stealing files off your pile of paperwork so you'd have less work to do, cook your favorite meals, and was ready with open arms when things got to be too much.
The love was like everything else that happened between you: quiet yet all-consuming.
As the months stretched on and you only grew to love him more and more, you started to imagine a life with him. You were naive and had too much faith in the world, but you couldn't stop yourself. The daydreams of a house with a big backyard, a dog, and maybe a few kids to fill it kept you alive when it felt like not even the weapon attached to your hip could. You wanted it so bad. You told him how much you wanted it, and he agreed despite how fucking crazy it sounded out loud. Love allows you to be delusional to avoid the possibility of rejection.
And you loved him so much that you let yourself believe once Escobar was dead or in prison that, you could go home together and live a somewhat normal life. That he could give it all up. That you could make it work.
So you threw yourself into the hunt. You didn't sleep. You barely ate. You went from smoking a few cigarettes a day to a pack as you got closer and closer. Javi wasn't much better off, and you definitely enabled each other's behavior, but you believed so hard in this future that you thought it would be worth it in the end.
He got snappy, and you argued a lot. You both shut down so much that it's a miracle you could find your way back to normalcy. He didn't even tell you when he got sent to D.C. for questioning. He just disappeared. When you and Steve stood over Escobar's body on a rooftop in Medellín, you couldn't focus on anything but the blood splatter on the shoes Javi got you as an early Christmas gift. At the end of the day, your only thought was, "It's over. We can go home. We can start over. We can make something of this."
Escobar wasn't even cold when Javi accepted a new position in Cali.
Everything he'd seen and done, the things you counseled each other through, the faces that kept him up at night didn't matter as much as that job. He broke the news to you as you were packing up your apartment. "There's an opportunity out there for you, too," he said, looking at you with those big eyes. You almost folded, drowning in affection for him, until you remembered how many times he'd almost died or disappeared without a word or struggled so much he buried his memories between your legs or at the bottom of a bottle.
How could he want to return to that? How could he want you to return to that?
That's when you broke.
You don't remember exactly what was said during the argument, but you know it was bad. There was a lot of yelling and tears. You said things you didn't mean, and he returned the favor. It went on for what seemed like hours, back and forth back and forth, until you were exhausted and done negotiating. You gave him an ultimatum: come to D.C. with you and start your lives, or go to Cali. He chose Cali. You chose D.C., and that was it.
That had to be it.
You didn't talk much in those final days, but you did a lot of crying. The horrors he helped keep at bay threatened to suffocate you. You were a shell of a person, but you couldn't reach for him again, knowing he didn't love you enough to stay with you. You had the tiniest shred of self-respect.
So, the day you left, you gave his stuff back, and he drove you to the airport in complete silence, even walking you all the way to the terminal without saying a word. His final act of care even when you'd told him you hated him forty-eight hours earlier. You waited until the very last second to get on the plane, hoping he'd change his mind or you'd change yours. You were both too stubborn and too broken, so you wished him luck and left. You didn't even hug him because you were so scared you'd never leave his arms if you did.
Things happened fast once you were stateside again. Within a week, you found a nice apartment in D.C., transferred to the FBI, adopted a cat named Astro, and swore off dating. With all your experience in Colombia, you got your pick of jobs and workload. You avoided field work for a while and got stuck pushing papers around at your desk, but you got bored three months in and asked to go back out. Your first case back in the field had you dealing with a serial arsonist who may or may not have had ties to a terrorist group. You were examining the rubble of yet another building when one of the firefighters called your name.
Harry was tall and charming and trying to explain something about accelerants, but all you could do was watch his scarred hands as they pointed. You remember thinking he was going to be a problem. It took three more fires for you to catch your guy, and Harry would later say it took those fires to build up the courage to ask you out. "You were much scarier than any fire," he told you. He had soot on his cheeks, and the flashing lights made his eyes sparkle. There was something about that stupid New York accent that just made you melt.
You thought one date couldn't hurt. You thought it would help you adjust to your new life. When he showed up in a nice shirt with a bouquet of flowers to pick you up for your first date, you knew you were fucked.
You went on a second date. And a third. And a fourth. He was patient with you as you struggled to open up to him about your time in the DEA and never pressured you to tell him anything you weren't ready to. That Christmas, you went home to New York with him and met his parents and all three of his sisters. By the next spring, you, Harry, and Astro moved into an apartment halfway between each of your jobs.
You got into the habit of bringing him cookies when he worked overnights at the station and smelling his shirt when he got home because, more often than not, it'd still smell like smoke. He'd surprise you with coffee or flowers at work "just because" and drag you away from your desk when you've been staring at the same words for however long. When a bullet grazed you in the middle of a chase, he made one of his EMT friends drive him to the hospital you were at in the ambulance with the lights on so he could get there as fast as possible. He made it in seven minutes and started crying the moment he saw you lying in the hospital bed, even though you were completely fine.
For something as unexpected as this relationship, you guys work really well. He cooks dinner, and you wash the dishes at the end of the night. He looks at big houses in nice neighborhoods and humors you even though there's no way you can afford it with two civil servant paychecks. But, when you see him playing with your nieces and nephews, something so deep inside you aches that you think the life-long debt would be worth it if it meant he got to be a dad. You take time off to visit his family, and even though he thinks it's the most badass thing about you, he doesn't say anything about your involvement with Escobar until you accidentally let something slip during a barbecue. When work gets too much, you hold each other, cry, and make promises to stay alive.
He proposes to you on the fourth anniversary of your first date. You knew he would because you'd looked at rings together, but you blub like a baby anyway and almost tackle him to the ground in Rock Creek Park. You're deliriously happy as you celebrate your engagement and even as you start to plan the wedding. It's like you blinked, and suddenly, it'd been four years since you left Colombia, and you're living the life you dreamt about, just with a new person. A person you love so fucking much, you still get butterflies when he walks in the room. The ring on your finger and the way he casually drops "my wife" into conversation when he means "fiancée" only adds to the giddiness.
You can't wait to spend the rest of your life with him. So, why the fuck did you agree to get drinks with Javi?
You pick your head up and dial the firehouse number before your brain can fully devolve into panic mode. They might be out dealing with a fire, but you figure it's worth a shot. On the second ring, Jack answers with his gruff "D.C. Fire Station 19."
"Hey, Jack."
"Oh, hey, darlin'! How're you doin'?" He asks, and you swear you can hear him smiling. Jack is one of Harry's best friends and groomsmen, and he absolutely adores you.
"I'm good. How're you?" You ask, already feeling the weight come off your shoulders just from talking to someone.
"You know, I can't complain. I mean, I could, but I won't," he says, and you laugh. "You callin' for your lover boy?"
"If he's not busy, yes."
"Nah, you're all good. Well, listen, it was nice talkin' to you, sweetheart. I'll get him now." He says before yelling Harry's name through the station so loud you wonder if the neighbors could hear him. There's some shuffling and a quick "'S your wife" as the phone changes hands. The identifier makes you laugh and it's the first thing Harry hears when he presses the phone to his ear.
"Oh, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that." He swoons, and you make a sympathetic noise.
"Rough day?"
"No, I just miss you."
"You're so cheesy," you say. "I miss you too. A lot."
"You okay? You sound off." He asks, and you chuckle. Of course, he caught the tiniest change in your voice.
"I'm okay. I bumped into somebody I worked with in Colombia today, so I just… feel weird," you say, rubbing your forehead. You hear him shuffle like he's trying to move to a more private place, but the cord on the phone isn't letting him get very far.
"Good weird or bad weird?"
"I don't know. Just weird. We're gonna get some drinks tonight and catch up."
"Maybe that'll help," he chirps. "I mean, as much as I like listening to your stories, it might make you feel better to talk to someone who was there. Maybe get some closure."
"Maybe." You say. It goes quiet on the line, but you know he's there because you can hear him breathing and hear the distant sounds of the firehouse. You don't feel pressured to say anything; just knowing he's there breaks up the tension in your chest. "Chief is gonna have your ass if he finds out you're running up the phone bill." You tease, and he laughs.
"I'll just tell him I'm talking to my wife, and if he doesn't want me on the phone, then he should stop making me work overnights."
"Which I'm sure he'll take well."
"You're his favorite. I'm almost positive he'd install a whole phone just for you," he says. It's true, but hearing it still makes you smile. It goes quiet again.
You watch people mill around the bullpen from your office window and chew the inside of your cheek. You should tell him it's Javi. He wouldn't discourage you from getting drinks with him, but he knows your history with him. He should be in the loop. He's going to be your husband, for God's sake. But you also don't need him worrying about this while in a burning building or doing CPR.
"You know I'm not technically your wife for another two months, right?" You change the subject, and he hums.
"Yeah, but it has a nice ring to it. My wife." Even the way he says it over the phone makes you giddy.
"I can't argue with that." You say. He takes a deep breath, and you copy him.
"You're gonna be okay. Go get drinks with your friend and try to have some fun. Maybe invite them to the wedding if you get drunk enough and decide it's a good idea," he suggests, and you laugh at the idea of Javi at your wedding. "I'll be home tomorrow afternoon, and we can talk about it or not talk about it if that's what you want, okay?"
"Okay." You resolve and twirl the phone cord in your fingers.
"I love you."
"I love you, too. Have a good day. Don't be a hero."
"Wouldn't dream of it." He says. You wait another second to have him nearby before hanging up and looking out over the bullpen again.
You could not show up. You could go home, cuddle with Astro, and put on Sex and the City or something else to take your mind off the day. You could go to bed early and take Harry breakfast in the morning. You know his hair will be messy and a little darker than normal, but he'll still smile and pull you into his lap even though the guys tease him all the time about your PDA.
But you're also too interested in what Javi could have to say to do that. You owe it to yourself to get closure or answers or whatever the fuck he has left to offer you.
And then you'll never think about him again.
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It's a slow day filled with paperwork and pencil-pushing at the FBI. No bombs or killers or threats. Just meetings and emails and the dread about meeting with Javi all day. You linger around the office a little longer than you need to until you're almost late, and only then do you start walking to the Hill.
It's bustling with tourists dying for a peek at the cherry blossoms scattered around D.C. and the Suits you usually see trying to get home. The April sun feels good on your skin, especially after being inside all day, and you take a moment to watch the sun dip lower and lower in the sky.
All things considered, if Javi was going to visit D.C., this would be the time to do it. Spring is in full bloom, and the last dredges of winter only show up at night or early in the morning when it's still cold. People are constantly out walking their dogs or taking their kids to the playgrounds. It feels like the city has come alive again after such a long winter. You come up with a list of recommendations of things for Javi to do while he's here, even though he probably won't do any of them. The least you could do is give him something to distract himself from work.
By the time you get to the bar, the sun has nearly set, and traffic is a waking nightmare. You push your anxiety away and duck into the bar, searching for Javi's familiar eyes amongst the exhausted interns and law students. He's in the corner, scanning the space just like you thought he would, and there's a glass waiting for you at the table. His eyes light up when he sees you, and your chest aches.
He gets up to greet you with a hug and pulls your chair out for you like a gentleman. "Don't know if your order's changed, but I figured I'd make a guess." He says, gesturing to your drink as you settle across from each other. You smile and hang your jacket on the back of your chair.
"Thank you. Next round is on me," you say as you raise your glass to his and take a sip. "How was teaching?"
"It was fine. Although I wish they'd actually listen instead of just staring at me like I have a second head." He says, and you laugh.
"You're a living legend to them. Escobar and the Godfathers of Cali? You might be the most experienced person they've come across."
"I think I'm the person professors warn students not to be in the field."
"There are much worse things to be than a Javier Peña or a Steve Murphy," you say. "Besides, I think the DEA has bigger problems than a few rogue agents."
He shrugs and glances up when the bell above the door chimes, checking out whoever just walked in. He did the same thing when you sat in bars in Colombia like he was always waiting for a fight. You used to tease him about it, but the fact that he still does it makes you smile.
"Steve sends his love, by the way." He says.
"How is he? How old is Olivia now?"
"She's gonna be five soon, and they're about to have another baby. A boy," he beams. "They're all doing good. Steve runs training courses for FBI agents now and sometimes goes back to Colombia to liaise with their government. Connie works at a hospital, and Olivia's in Pre-K."
"Sounds like you guys talk a lot." You're pleasantly surprised. They were good partners, but they could barely stand to look at each other when things got tense. Not to mention Steve leaving the DEA at the same time you did.
"Well, when Olivia started calling me Uncle Javi, it was pretty hard to ignore him," he says, and you 'aw' at the idea of her little hands reaching for him. Uncle Javi suits him. "She's a good kid."
He fills you in on his work in Texas and asks about your transfer. You tell him what you can about your job and the annoying bureaucrats you hate working with. He seems lighter than you've seen before, not just because of the drink in his hand. His shoulders are relaxed, and even though he still has the instincts of someone working in the field, he doesn't get trapped in them like he used to. It's a nice change.
You're almost done with your first drink when he digs a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and offers you one. God, when was the last time you even bought a pack of cigarettes? It had to have been right after Harry came home from a particularly bad fire resulting from a stray cigarette. Three people died. After that, you couldn't pick up a cigarette without thinking about the seventeen-year-old who got stuck in the apartment. That must've been three years ago now.
"I quit," you say, and he raises his eyebrows at you.
"That's new." He says like your hair turned blue before his eyes, but pops one into his mouth anyway. You shrug.
"Sorry to disappoint."
"No, no, 'm not disappointed. Just surprised."
"Yeah, well," you sigh. "American cigarettes aren't as good as the Colombian ones."
"I guess that's true," he says as he flicks his lighter open and inhales until the end glows. Just as always, he politely blows smoke away from your face. "Alright, so you got a new job, a new apartment, a cat, and you quit smoking. What else has changed since I saw you last?" He asks, and your thumb immediately presses into the band of your engagement ring.
Well, it's now or never.
"I, uh... I'm getting married," you say, and his eyes fall to your ring. "In two months." He takes a big sip.
"Congratulations," he says. It might be the most unenthusiastic thing you've ever heard somebody say. "Who's the lucky guy?"
"His name is Harry. We've been together for a few years now."
"What's he do?" He asks in his interrogator's voice, and you give him a look.
"We don't have to do this." You say. Javi takes another drag of his cigarette and grinds his teeth.
"Do what?" He asks. "It shouldn't be hard to talk about if you love him."
"I do."
"Then, why don't you want to tell me about him?"
"Is that a serious question?" You scoff, and he shrugs. "Fine. What do you want to know?"
"I already asked you," he says. "What does he do for work?"
"He's a firefighter." You know it's a cliche: a cop and a firefighter, but you don't really care.
"How'd you meet?"
"First field case I had was an arsonist. He was one of the guys on site when I got there."
"Romantic," Javi muses, and you hum. You wait for him to continue bombarding you with questions, but the air gets thick, and suddenly, all you can do is take big gulps of your drink. You signal to the bartender for another, and Javi finishes his cigarette in silence. "Well, I'm happy for you," he says softly. He doesn't seem like he is, but you know better than to press him, so you just nod.
"Thank you," you say. The bartender drops two more drinks off at your table, and Javi raises his glass to you.
"Here's to you and Terry-"
"Harry," you correct, and he laughs, breaking up the tension that's settled. He took the news much better than you expected, but you're still waiting for the other shoe to drop. There always seems to be one waiting when Javi's around.
"To you and Harry and a lifetime of happiness." He says, tapping his glass against yours and taking a drink. "Now, tell me what you've been doing with the fuckin' FBI."
"Oh, you're gonna need to buy me a few more drinks before I start spilling government secrets, Peña." The name rolls off your tongue before you can stop it, and it brings you back to hot Colombian days and red yarn on a corkboard and his apartment. He raises his eyebrows like it's a challenge and smirks.
"Don't tempt me with a good time."
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It's late and you're drunk. Drunker than you've been in a while. You didn't mean to. You just kept talking and drinking, and it felt so good talking to him after so long. Once you got through with the elephant in the room, it was so easy to fall back into the groove with him. You talked about Colombia and your lives outside of work. You even tell him the story of accidentally letting it slip that you used to work for the DEA after smoking a little bit of weed with Harry's sister, Caitlin.
You laughed together until last call and then argued over who would pay the tab. "Consider it my weddin' gift," he half-slurred, and you rolled your eyes and let him pay.
Now, you're strolling the empty National Mall, working off your buzz and elongating the time you have with him. You didn't realize how much you missed him until tonight. Despite everything that happened, you did have good days with him. Days filled with music and chain smoking and laughter. You'd like to get those back. You'd like that version of him back.
As you walk, you point out monuments to him and messily retell the stories the tour guide told you when Harry thought a walking tour of D.C. was a good second-date idea. You switch presidents and periods too much to make sense, but Javi listens anyway. Every so often, his warm hand will brush against yours, barely touching your skin but enough for you to notice when he does it. Neither of you say anything about it or break the flow of your conversation. Maybe it's for old-time's sake. Maybe it's because you don't know what there is to say. The night is clear and eerily quiet. The only sound besides your laughter and drunken stories is the chilly wind blowing through the trees and the clacking of heels from an exhausted-looking White House intern as she walks by.
Or, at least, it was until you stumbled across a busker by the Lincoln Memorial. The empty space echoes with the sound of his saxophone, and you smile as you get closer. There are a few other people milling around, and a few take turns throwing coins in his case. You've seen him playing here before, but you've never had the time to actually stop and listen. He's good. You wish you'd stopped sooner.
"You wanna dance?" Javi whispers in your ear, his breath fanning across your neck, and you furrow your eyebrows.
"Here?" You ask, and he shrugs.
"Why not?"
"Because nobody else is."
"C'mon," he tuts. "Live a little." He doesn't wait for you to say anything else. He just grabs your hand and pulls you a little closer to the musician. You sigh but let Javi hold one of your hands and rest the other on his shoulder. He smirks and you roll your eyes to hide the fact that you're shocked he wants to dance. With you. In public.
Sure, you had little moments where you danced in the kitchen, but never in public. Even then, it wouldn't have ever been his idea to dance. He's like a whole new person. You don't know how to feel about it.
What the fuck happened to him in Cali?
He spins you under his arm, and you do your best to follow his lead. You have two left feet as it is, something Harry has helped get out of your system, but the alcohol makes it even worse. You almost trip yourself but land against Javi's chest before you can hit the ground. He makes an oomph sound but doesn't do anything to push you away. You don't do anything to pull away.
The saxophonist continues playing, and the cicadas chirp nearby. If you listen hard enough, you can hear Javi's heartbeat. You think you'd know the sound anywhere. You memorized the rise and fall of his chest when you woke up from nightmares, and he was the one to calm you down. You used to count the contractions of the muscles in his heart until you fell back to sleep. It was often the first thing you heard when you woke up if bombs weren't going off somewhere in the city or your phone wasn't blaring with an emergency message from the Embassy.
And now, here it is again, unexpectedly thumping against you after four years, following the rhythm of the music surrounding you. Javi's warm as he tentatively rests his head against yours, and you feel his fingers flex around your hip. A mixture of his cologne and cigarettes invades your senses, and you can do nothing but ride the nostalgia wave until the song ends.
You pry yourself from Javi to turn and applaud the saxophonist, and he gives a gracious bow. Javi looks a little disappointed that the song is over but drops a ten-dollar bill in the saxophone case anyway.
"Didn't take you for a dancer." You say as you walk away from the Lincoln Memorial, and he shrugs.
"'M full of secrets now."
"I guess so," you say. You start walking toward your apartment, suddenly too cold and tired now that you're a little more sober. Javi follows, putting himself between you and the street and grazing your lower back whenever you cross the road. He's always been protective of you, even before you started dating. It makes sense he would still be, right? You're trying to make sense of the muddled mess in your head when Javi pulls his cigarettes out of his jacket, and you eye them. You must not be as discrete as you thought you were because he laughs at you.
"For someone who quit smoking, you look like you want a cigarette." He says, offering the pack to you, and you sigh. You take one from the middle and put it between your lips. Javi is quick with his lighter, and you lean into him just a little as you inhale. He watches your every movement like he's watching a miracle unfold before him.
You hate to admit how good the smoke feels in your lungs. After three years of not even looking at a cigarette, all it took was an offer and a quick puff, and you're back to the beginning. You'll start again tomorrow.
"Don't tell Harry." You say as you blow smoke away from him, and Javi laughs.
"What? He doesn't like you smoking?" He asks, looking for a reason not to like Harry, and you chuckle.
"It's not that. I've just heard one too many horror stories about a stray cigarette starting a fire." You say, and he hums.
"Is that why you quit?"
"Kinda. I also…" you start but then shake your head. "Never mind."
"What? Now you have to say it."
"You're not gonna like it."
"Try me." He says, and you inhale deeply, blowing smoke out of your nose. You think about telling him to leave it alone, but the alcohol and the pain in your chest tells you to say fuck it.
"I quit because it reminded me of you." You admit. He gets quiet. He takes a long drag of his cigarette and looks up at the stars as you silently spiral. You feel like you need two more cigarettes and a shot of tequila.
Javi has always had a special talent for making all your worst habits bubble to the surface.
"You're right, I don't like that." He says softly, and you nod. You walk a few blocks in silence. The only sounds are your shoes clicking against the pavement and the tiny crackling of your cigarette as you smoke. A siren blares somewhere in the city, and your stomach drops. It always does, but especially now.
Your fiancé is out there, putting his life on the line to save others because that's how good of a man he is, and you're getting drunk and slow-dancing with the man who broke your heart? You didn't even tell him it was Javi. What if something happens to him tonight, and you're out? What if you miss the phone call? Guilt gnaws at your throat like an angry dog, and you feel like throwing up. You swallow hard and stomp out your cigarette before it can get to the filter.
"I'm glad we did this," you say, trying to get things back on track. Javi gives you a weak smile. "I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"You know, Harry said there's a place for you at the wedding if you want it. I know you'll be back in Texas, but it could be fun. We'd love to have you," you say, and he shakes his head.
"I don't think that's a good idea." He says. You knew he'd say no, but it still stings.
"Just thought I'd ask." You say, and he nods. You're about two blocks away from your apartment, and you start fishing for your keys out of your purse when Javi stops. You keep walking, thinking he's going to finish his cigarette and pull out another one.
"Don't marry him." He says, just loud enough for you to hear, and ice floods your veins. Whatever alcohol left in your system seems to vanish, and you freeze.
"What?" You ask as you slowly turn around. Javi chews on his bottom lip and stares at you.
"Don't marry him," he says again. Something behind his eyes is familiar, and suddenly, you're the girl he couldn't leave Colombia for again. Tears prick in your eyes, and you shake your head. "You'll get bored in a few years, and you'll be stuck if you marry him."
"I love him."
"I love you."
"Stop," you mumble. He takes a step forward and cradles your face in his hands, tilting you up to look at him, and your jaw tightens. You wonder if he can feel it. "You don't love me."
"I do. I always have. I fucked up, and I'm so sorry for hurting you, but I'm here now. We can start over. I'll move to D.C.. I'll do whatever." He says in one breath like he's afraid he'll lose the courage to say the words out loud.
"It's too late." You say, and he shakes his head.
"No, it's not. We can go tonight. Anywhere you want. I-"
"You let me leave," you cut him off, years of frustration and heartbreak coming back up to the surface as you take his hands off your face. "I was drowning and you let me get on the fucking plane."
"I thought that's what you wanted."
"I wanted you to reject the position in Cali and come with me because I really thought you could at least try to love me more than your job."
"I couldn't just give the Cali position up." He says and you scoff and take a few steps away from him.
"But you could give me up," you say, throwing your arms up in defeat. "That's not love, Javi. That's having someone around to play with and throwing them out when you get bored."
"It wasn't like that."
"Enlighten me, then."
"Do you remember when Carillo died?" He asks and you take a deep breath before nodding.
Most of your memories of Colombia are muddled, but not that day. You were pissed Messina wouldn't let you go, but you were fine to let the Colombian police make the raid. Javi and Steve were anxious. You remember watching them stand next to the radio like guards and trying to guess what was going on in their heads. Javi's gaze lingered on you a few too many times to be an accident, and he smiled fondly at you. You joked about them paying for the drinks you'd have later to celebrate. Things felt stable enough for you to sit down next to Messina. You were halfway through a cigarette when the gunfire chattered over the radios.
It wasn't an ambush.
It was a fucking massacre.
They never stood a chance. The scene was horrendous. Hearing Messina call Mrs. Carillo to tell her what happened was worse. Steve, somehow, was able to go with Carillo, so he wasn't alone in transport back to Bogotá. You and Javi were the cowards who went back and drank until you stopped seeing the pile of bodies you felt responsible for.
Javi put his fist through the wall of his apartment when he got home that night. You wanted to cry but knew that if you started, you'd never stop and who were you to be crying? People had just lost their sons, husbands, brothers, and fathers on your orders. You didn't deserve to cry. It was the beginning of the end for you and Javi, but you clung to your idea of the future so hard, it had claw marks on it when you finally let it go and got on the plane.
So, yeah, you remember. You remember it all.
"I couldn't let that happen to you or anyone else ever again. It would kill me," he says. You're about to tell him it's not his fault, and it never was. It was shitty intel. It was a trap. It was a lot of things, but it wasn't his fault. That might be the only thing you can say for sure about that tragedy. "So, I put everything that wasn't work out of my mind and made bad decisions, and that's on me, but I never stopped loving you or believing in our future."
"Then, why didn't you fight for us?"
"I didn't know how. You were so…" He searches for the right word. "Sure. You knew you didn't want to go to Cali, and I couldn't make you stay."
"I would've if you said the word," you say. "Even though I was miserable in Colombia, I would've come back if you asked me to because that's how much I loved you. Even if you'd just called me after I got here, we probably could've worked something out, but I'm marrying the love of my life in less than sixty days. And I've never had to beg him to stay with me or give him an ultimatum and question if he loves me because he wakes up every day and shows me how much he wants to be with me. I can't walk away from that."
"Does he know what you did down there?"
"Of course, he does." You say, annoyance buzzing in your molars, and you cross your arms over your chest.
"Does he know everything?"
"You mean, does he know I've killed people?" You ask. "Yeah, it was super fun trying to explain that to him. You want to hear about how I hyperventilated through the whole thing, or do you want to ask me another question to try to undermine my relationship?" He purses his lips and shakes his head.
"No," he says. "I just don't think you know what you're getting yourself into."
"Fuck you, Javier." You spit. You don't know the last time you used his full name like that. Something about it feels wrong and makes your skin crawl. "You left one girl at the altar over a decade ago, and you think you know about marriage?"
"That's not fair."
"No, what's not fair is you coming here and making me feel like the bad guy for moving on. I deserve to be happy. I've worked, and I've cried, and I've fucking killed for it, and the second I feel like things are going my way, you do this!" You yell.
"I love you." He says again, like it'll change anything. The pressure behind your eyes returns, and you turn away from him, but he catches your wrist before you can. "Listen to me. I love you. I love you. I love you." He repeats over and over again, but all you hear is, "I love you, but I can't come with you." "I love you, but I need this." "I love you. Isn't that enough?"
You rip out of his grasp and punch at his chest with tears slipping down your face. He takes it, still saying that he loves you, and for some reason that hurts more. You push him hard and watch him stumble back, his brown eyes tracking the tears down your face.
"If you really love me-"
"I do." He cuts you off and you take a stuttering breath.
"Then, let me be happy," you beg. "Let me go. Please. If you love me, you'll do that for me."
You feel pathetic, standing there crying like he shattered your heart all over again as he just stares at you and thinks. You want to go home. You want this to end. You want to never see him again.
Maybe in twenty years, you could stand to face him again. You'll be happily married, and you hope he'll be, too. You'll have a few kids, and you'll tell stories about them and Harry will pull pictures of them out of his wallet. You won't hurt anymore. Maybe when your daughter goes through her first heartbreak, you'll find the courage to tell her about Javi. Maybe all this grief will be worth something someday. You want it to.
But right now, you're just the girl he didn't love enough to leave Colombia for, and he's not the man you love enough to marry.
He clears his throat, his own tears glistening in his waterline, and nods.
"Okay," he mumbles. "I'll tell Stoddard I had a family emergency or something back home. Get the first flight back." Your eyes flutter shut at his words, and you try to keep yourself from crying more.
"Thank you." You say.
"I love you." He says again, and you open your eyes. He's grinding his teeth again, and his hands are in his pockets as if he's forcing himself not to reach for you. You give him a small smile and nod.
"I know," you say. "I'm sorry."
Just as you did at the airport all those years ago, you stand awkwardly far apart, unsure of what to do now. He waits for you to change your mind. You won't. He'll get on the plane, and that'll be it.
He nods to himself one more time before turning to walk away.
"You do deserve to be happy. I've never doubted that. I wish I could've given that to you." He says like he's trying to convince you he's a good person. You sniffle and spin your ring around your finger.
"You did for a while. It's just Harry's turn to do that now," you say. "Goodbye, Javi." He opens his mouth like he's going to say goodbye or something else, but you turn your back to him and start walking toward your apartment before he can.
You figure, after everything, it's only fair that you get the last word.
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You didn't sleep. You knew you wouldn't. Astro seems to sense your anxiety and cuddles into your chest, purring loudly to try and drown out your thoughts. You reassure her you're okay and kiss her head as the inky blue sky is replaced by a stunning pink and purple morning.
A good omen, you hope.
You force yourself to get up and get ready for the day. It's Saturday and a fire station breakfast day. It's never anything fancy: donuts picked up from a nearby cafe, greasy fast food breakfast, sometimes cold pizza. Today, you walk to a nearby bodega and pick up his favorite breakfast sandwich with two steaming cups of coffee before walking to the fire station.
It's cold, and D.C. hasn't quite woken up yet. It'll be a few hours before life returns as people sleep off hangovers or long weeks. That's okay. This morning is just for you.
The garage door is wide open when you get to the station, and Harry is perched on the back bumper with the firehouse dog, Maisie, whispering things to her. He looks tired. You don't think you look any better, but he still lights up when he sees you, and Maisie even starts wagging her tail.
"Hey there, stranger," you greet him as he pulls you closer and smirks up at you. "You have a good night?"
"No, but it doesn't matter now that you're here." He says. You would normally roll your eyes at his cheesiness but your chest fills with warmth instead. You lean down and kiss him. He smells like smoke but tastes like the chapstick you make him wear because of the heat. Maisie sniffs at the bag in your hand, and you laugh against his lips when she licks your arm.
"I think she's jealous." You say, and he sucks his teeth as he looks at Maisie.
"You have breakfast, you little terrorist." He reminds her but he immediately folds when she gives him that innocent look. "She can have one piece of bacon, but that's it. We need you trim to get up in the trucks, right?"
You pull a piece of bacon off one of the breakfast sandwiches and make her sit and shake before you give it to her. She crunches on it happily, knowing she's absolutely spoiled rotten. She makes space for you to sit next to Harry on the truck and you rest your head on his shoulder. "You okay?" He asks as he kisses your hairline, and you nod.
"Just missed you," you say. "I couldn't sleep last night." He makes a sympathetic noise and wraps an arm around your shoulder to tuck you further into his side.
"Were you thinking about Colombia?" He asks and you hum. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Not right now."
"Okay. You wanna hear about why our kids will never be allowed to buy candles ever? No matter how old they get or how much smarter they think they are than us?" He changes the subject easily, and you laugh despite the pain still radiating in your body. You know he'll be there when you're ready to tell him about last night, no matter how long it takes you, and you will tell him. Eventually.  
"Hit me with it." You say as you unpack your breakfast sandwiches and pass him his coffee. Maisie wags her tail as you alternate between sneaking her treats and listening to Harry's story. He knows you're giving her extra snacks but won't ever stop you.
You sit there on the back of that dirty firetruck, talking and watching the sunrise together and debating on which version of white the napkins at your wedding should be— eggshell or cream— and know you'd do everything all over again if it meant this was the outcome. You love him with everything that you are and ever could be.
And as you eat your breakfast and soak up each other's presence, you find yourself hoping Javi could love someone like this someday. You believe he has it in him. You've seen it. Whoever ends up being the one to tie Javier Peña down will be lucky and loved.
It just wasn't meant to be you.
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
Girlll... i cant get outta my mind the idea of tyrone fkn his girl soo good and deep.. like it’s so emotionally relieving this nigga damn near givin out free therapy
her tearful eyes rolling back while she chants “where u been all my life”
They both sprunggg. and ofc tyrone’s smug ass is flattered & making it worse by hitting that spot over and over. Talking sweet but so dirty & taking over all her senses <33 oooh
A/N: Couldn't get this ask outta my mind so sorry to the ones that came before!! I guess I never updated ya'll. My bad LOL. I hadn't expected the last Tyrone fic to be the last before my vacation. I'm baack. But came back with a nasty cold. So I'm not sure when fics will resume full time, but this was too good to pass up! Thanks for trusting me with it, I hope I did it justice! I wanted it to be a drabble but just kept going. There's worst problems to have so I won't complain. Also, more apologies to the Tyrone asks. I've started Snowfall soooo Franklin Saint fics incoming! This taglist is getting so huge! Thank you! If you want to be added/removed, let me know! Make sure your ages are in your bios, I won't tag empty blogs.
Pairing: Tyrone x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut, PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (fem receiving), cum play, possession kink, size kink, all consensual. Praise kink. Use of n-word. FLUFF. Soft Tyrone.
Summary: *see ask* Date night turns a little steamy.
Word Count: 3,251k
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @notapradagurl7 @mcotton0928 @soapjay @heyauntieeee
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There was no special occasion. The stars aligned for you to have a rare night with nothing to do. Tyrone didn’t have anywhere to be that night. He took you out to dinner and you had so much fun getting ready for him. 
You threw on the dress from the back of your closet that you had been saving. Took your time with your makeup and hair. The anticipation made it a treat. You had been out with Tyrone before, but tonight felt good. 
At dinner, conversation flowed naturally. It was easy and Tyrone made you laugh more than you had before. You laughed to the point that the other dinner patrons gave you scathing looks. But you and Tyrone only had eyes for each other.
It has always been like that between you two. Your eyes found each other across rooms or down the aisles in stores. Tyrone pretended to hate running errands with you. But you had a sneaking suspicion that he liked the domestic shit. He liked when something caught your eye and you’d run back to him bouncing on your toes, giving him puppy eyes, and asking him to buy things for you.
You hated asking for shit. He tried to break you of that habit. You still didn’t like it so you compromised with little shit you found in stores like fuzzy socks or a new stuffed toy. 
After dinner, Tyrone was in no hurry to rush you back home. Instead, he took you to the Venice pier and you walked along the boardwalk at sunset. The California sun was lazily slipping below the horizon and people were still trying to hawk their wares before it got too late and the cops came around. 
People skated in the park and other couples were walking along. The storefronts had people rushing in and out. Tyrone held your hand and listened to you babble about anything that popped into your head. The annoying neighbors, the yard needed fixing, your stupid ass coworkers. 
“One of these days, I’ma convince you to let me take care of you,” Tyrone said. He pulled you into him and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. This close to the beach, a chill spread from the breeze off of the ocean. 
“You already take care of me,” you said. Tyrone kissed your cheek. 
“More. I know you hate that job,” he said. 
And you did. You had been together for a while, but there were still some things you were too proud to accept. “Being taken care of” wasn’t in your vocabulary. You were learning. You needed more time. And Tyrone was content to wait…mostly. 
You looked up and found yourself on the long stretch of road in between Santa Monica and Venice. Under the pier, Tyrone stopped and slipped off his kicks. You took off your sandals and you trudged along the sandy beach until you were stepping into the icy water. Your feet sank into the wet sand and squished in between your toes.
Tyrone stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He placed his chin on your shoulder and inhaled your sweet perfume. He kissed your neck. He stepped into you until no part of your backside didn’t touch his front. And you noticed that he was a little excited.
“I’m always excited around your sexy ass,” he whispered in your ear. 
You giggled and shook your head. It amazed you that you were still so needy for each other. You were needy for each other’s time, touch, and words. You stood and watched the horizon. 
Oranges, pinks, and purples meshed and collided to form a painting in the sky. The few seagulls flying around were trying to scavenge leftover food from asshole tourists and LA natives. The salty air was refreshing and cool.
“I want to give you the universe, baby,” he said with a sigh. 
You rubbed his hand around your waist. “You already give me so much,” you said.
Both of your tones were soft and wistful. This moment required a certain reverence for some reason. The joining of two people so madly in love that it hurt to contain it. On more than one occasion, you found yourself out of breath with how much you were in love with this man. 
“Sometimes I feel like it’s not enough,” he said. 
You turned around in his arms until you could look into his dark brown eyes. You wrapped your hands around his broad shoulders. 
“You know that I love you for you, not for what you give me. You are enough for me,” you said. 
Tyrone smirked and kissed you. You thought it was going to be a little peck but he captured your lips with his and kept exploring your mouth. His tongue licked your lips and pressed inside. He swallowed your sighs and held you closer, his arms tightening around you. 
He withdrew from your lips slowly, reluctantly. He rubbed his nose against yours. “I fuckin’ love you,” he said.
“I fuckin’ love you. Take me home, Tyrone,” you said.
Tyrone chuckled and kissed you again, stepping close until you felt his noticeable bulge. “Shit, I’on know if I can make it that far,” he said. 
You giggled against his lips. He said shit like that until he had you folded like a lawn chair and had cum at least three times. 
Tyrone pulled away from you and brought his hand up to caress your cheek. How did you get so lucky to find this man? This man radiated love and strength with every dip of his lean as he walked and the set of his shoulders. He took every one of your insecurities about being a thick girl and mildly shy and tossed them in the wind. You felt him. You never questioned his love.
Yet and still, you didn’t know what you did to luck out on him. You thanked whoever was listening that you got to enjoy him for as long as possible. 
Tyrone dusted as much sand off of your legs as he could manage. You walked back to the car with anticipation building in between you like a living thing. Tyrone kept touching you. Finding ways to “stabilize you” and “make sure you’re straight”. He’d pull you into his side to step around a tiny ass rock or pull you closer to whisper something nasty in your ear.
“I can’t wait to taste between your legs. Bet that pussy ready for me, ain’t it?” 
“Tyrone!” You’d say and squeeze his hand. Your cheeks would burn and your heart would skip a beat. 
“Tell me she ready for me,” he whispered against your neck. 
“You get on my nerves!” You couldn’t form the words. Of course you were ready for him. Every time you saw him, your panties were instantly soaked and hot. Tyrone licked your neck and you giggled. 
“Boy, focus on gettin’ us home!” Tyrone laughed and you made it to the car. He had towels in his trunk so that you didn’t have to get sand absolutely everywhere. He knelt on the ground and cleaned off your legs one by one, smirking up at you while he played with your feet. 
You swatted at his head and giggled. Tyrone cleaned off his legs as well and you climbed into his car. Tyrone sped all the way home, rubbing your leg with one hand while his other stayed on the steering wheel. 
You felt like you were going to crawl out of your skin with need. Everything was in hyperfocus. The bright street lights took on a hazy hue blending between the golden lights and reds and greens of the traffic light. 
Blessedly, you made it home. Tyrone barely pulled into the driveway before he was opening the door for you and yanking you out of the car. Your giggles mixed with his huffs as he slammed the car door and pulled you into the house. 
You were apart for half a second while he closed and locked the door. Then his hands were searching for yours in the dark, your lips seeking each other. Your kisses were rushed, hurried, needy. 
He pushed you into your bedroom, forcing you to walk backwards. But you weren’t scared. You trusted him to guide you. 
He turned on the light and it stung your eyes for a bit. You blinked a few times until you could see the raw desire in his eyes. 
His breaths were coming so fast that you saw the rise and fall of his chest. “Turn around,” he said.
You turned as he said. He stepped close and his warm breaths fanned over the back of your neck. It raised goosebumps on your flesh. 
He unzipped your dress and let it slide over your skin until it pooled on the floor. He sucked in a sharp breath as it revealed your black lingerie set. A simple bra and panties but there were strategically set lacy parts that were like peek-a-boo windows. 
“You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous,” he said. 
“Sweet talker,” you said with a giggle. 
“I’m serious ‘bout that shit,” he said. 
He spun you around and kissed you. He took off his jacket and his black T-shirt and then rejoined your lips. His jeans went next until it was just his dark boxer briefs. Fuck, he was beautiful. Thick. He had a beautiful ass, strong thighs, and a wide chest.
Tyrone slipped your panties off and groaned at how some parts clung to you. Cool air kissed your pussy and you shivered. With no warning, Tyrone pushed you onto the bed and spread your legs. 
You yelped as your ass hung off of the bed. He knelt on the floor and threw your legs over his shoulders, spreading your further. He bit his lip as he looked at your pussy.
“I’m the luckiest nigga in the world,” he said. 
He suckled on your pussy, immediately catching on your clit and you cried out. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” you yelled. 
You weren’t prepared at all. You had no idea how fast he was going to devour you. Tyrone always kept you guessing. Sometimes it was fast, sometimes it was slow. Your fingers dug into your bed sheets as he fully supported the lower half of you. 
That annoying voice in the back of your head wanted to protest. He couldn’t support all of you.  
You told that voice to shut the fuck up and enjoy his lips on you. You moaned as he swirled his tongue. In no time at all, you were already cumming on his tongue with a loud cry. 
“Oh shit,” you said.
Tyrone chuckled and nuzzled the top of your pussy, kissing you there. “Mhm, that was too quick. Gimme another one,” he said.
Tyrone went back to flicking your clit with his tongue. You were still sensitive from your quick orgasm and your hand flew to his head to push. Tyrone flattened his tongue and licked you from entrance to clit.
“Move yo fuckin’ hand,” he growled and returned to eating you out. That didn’t even seem the proper term. You moved your hand but you wanted to put it back. He added a finger to push inside you. Then he added two and pumped it into you while he continued to lick, suck, and slurp up all your juices. 
You were cumming again, cursing and squirming. Tyrone kissed your thighs as you wiggled and writhed beneath him. He nipped the skin between your thigh and pussy and you jerked. He laughed evilly as he stood up. 
“Let me see them titties,” he said. 
“Tyrone, please, I can’t move,” you said. 
“The hell you can’t. C’mon beautiful,” he said. He grabbed your hands and made you sit up. You were boneless and leaned forward to lean your forehead against his stomach. He smelled so damn clean and sexy. He chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck. 
You kissed his stomach as you took forever to slip off your bra. “Mmm,” Tyrone moaned as you bared yourself to him. 
You scooted further up the bed so that he could climb on. “I ever tell you how fuckin’ sexy you are?” Tyrone asked.
“Shut up,” you mumbled. 
He chuckled. Your body was sensitive to the touch and the bastard knew it. He kissed your belly, licked your stretch marks, and settled in between your legs. He kissed and bit his way to your nipples.
You jerked beneath him with a hiss. “Shit,” you said. 
“So. Fuckin’. Sexy,” Tyrone said. With each word, he kissed your titties. After he spoke, he laved his tongue around your nipple and sucked hard enough to make you buck off of the bed. 
“I promise, I’ll give you everything,” he said. He kissed his way up your skin until he got to your neck. He paid special attention to kissing your neck and licking your pulse point. You ran your hands over his back and neck, rubbing the back of his, and playing with his thick braids. 
“I want to give you a real home, baby. Buy you everything you need,” he said. He kissed up your jaw and kissed you. 
“Tyrone,” you whispered against his lips. 
“I want to make you comfortable. I only wanna see you smile,” he said. 
“You already make me the happiest woman ever,” you said. You tugged on his braids until he leaned up and looked into your eyes. 
“I’m so happy already, Tyrone,” you said. 
He gave you that rare sexy smile. Where he smiled wide and it transformed his face. Your heart shattered. He killed you with that smile.
“I can’t help it. You make me wanna be a better man,” he said. He kissed you, cutting off whatever you were going to say. 
As you kissed, his hands explored your body. He rubbed and kneaded your beasts. He squeezed your nipples to the point of pain and then rubbed the sting away. He grasped your waist and slipped his hands around your ass. He grunted and massaged your booty. 
You moaned and brought your legs up to wrap around his hips. “Mhm,” he said. He pushed your legs until your knees almost hit your shoulders.
His hand worked at his briefs until he was able to free himself. The tip of his dick gathered up your arousal and pushed inside of you. “Fuuuuck,” you moaned. 
He sank in inch by inch with a clipped moan. He kept eye contact as he slid home and you opened your mouth but no sound came out. He stole the air from your lungs like a nasty thief. “Breathe baby,” he commanded. 
You panted. You couldn’t get a full breath. He stopped sliding in. A smirk played on his lips while you adjusted to his size.
“Dammit,” you struggled to say. 
“Relax, baby. I’m gonna make you feel so good.” He kissed you, pressing his tongue inside. 
Your nails dug into his shoulder while you tried to accommodate him. Tyrone kissed his way to your ear. 
“I know you want this dick, so quit fuckin’ playing with me.”
His deep voice and nasty words made you clench around him and he slid in more. He chuckled and kissed your ear. “You like it when I talk nasty, don’t you?” 
“Mhm,” you nodded. 
“Pussy so fuckin’ tight. Open up, baby. Let me give you all of it,” he said. He licked the shell of your ear and you moaned. 
Tyrone pushed his hips in and he stretched you out. “With yo pretty ass. I’m so fuckin’ lucky to be with you,” he said.
You took a deep breath and managed a weak laugh. “I’m the lucky one. You make me feel so good,” you said. 
Tyrone bottomed out and hit some spot inside of you that made you bow your back and cry out. “There’s my fuckin’ spot. My girl need that shit deep, don’t you?” 
He was impossibly deep. It felt like he was in your heart. You were practically folded in half. Tyrone pulled out and then slid back in faster. For every slide out, he came back in twice as hard and made you cry out each time. 
“Oh fuck, Tyrone. Wait!” You said. He was bouncing you so hard, that the top of your head grazed the headboard. It didn’t hurt, but if he slammed any harder, he’d send you through the wall. The thought alone made your pussy clench around him and he groaned. You brought a hand up to brace against the headboard and protect your head. 
“Can’t,” Tyrone said. He placed his hands on the back of your thighs as leverage and slammed into you over and over. He pounded relentlessly. 
You cried. “Please, please,” you chanted over and over. The hand not on the headboard was pushing at his chest. But not to push him away. Just to steady you and match his rhythm. 
“Fuck, missed this. Missed you. Missed my pussy,” he said in between grunts. His eyes were locked on yours. On your expressions and pathetic whining. Sweat beaded on his head and ran down the side of his face, disappearing into his light beard. 
“Tyrone…” your voice was breathless. Your throat burned from your harsh breaths. 
“So fuckin’ beautful. Look how you take my dick. You takin’ all of it. ‘Cause you deserve it, don’t you, baby?” 
“I’m…” You couldn’t speak. Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head. You saw an entire universe of stars in the back of your eyelids. Tears ran down your cheeks. Your body tensed before you exploded and shattered. Your body broke apart, came back together, and ripped apart again. 
Tyrone was saying something but you couldn’t hear him. Your moans drowned out all sound. Tyrone kept pumping into you as if he was truly trying to fuck you through the wall. He joined you and unloaded inside of you. He pumped you full of him and the filthy squelching was like its own music.
Tyrone stayed inside of you and moved every so often. You were surprised that he was still hard. He rotated his hips and you moaned, pushing at his chest. 
“Where have you been all my life,” you cried. Your legs were still pressed against your chest. It should hurt. But Tyrone knew your limits. And he wasn’t done wringing every last orgasm out of you tonight. 
“Prayin’ for you,” he said. His lips hovered over yours so that they were touching but not fully kissing. 
You couldn’t take anymore. He was too sweet. Too perfect. He gave and gave and you didn’t know how you could repay him for everything. For healing things inside of you that you hadn’t realized were broken. For seeing all the cracks inside of you and pouring love into them. 
You shook and cried and he kissed your cheeks. He kissed them both, alternating between the two. You were sure he tasted the saltiness of your tears but he didn’t seem to care. He kissed them anyway, looking into your eyes. Right when you stopped moaning, he’d move his hips and remind you that you were still connected. Still joined. That his cum was still oozing out of you, aided by your arousal. 
“I will protect you as long as I breathe, baby. You’re mine, forever,” he said. Then he kissed you and proved for the rest of the night that you were his.
Loved this? There's more! The Secret Tyrone Files Masterlist
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therapycat21 · 1 year
All Right Now Part 2
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description:The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None Social Media AU
It’s been a week since the incident at Arrowhead and Travis is still actively liking my posts but has not reached out yet. I'm taken from my thoughts by an incoming call from my manager Stacy.
“Hey y/n” she smiles brightly into the screen at me “hey, whats going on?” I ask her “they just had a major cancellation for the arrowhead stadium and need someone who can quickly put something together, they reached out so I thought I would check with you to see if you are comfortable doing this last minute?” I haven't done a concert in a while so why not I thought “yeah I can figure something out, when is it?” I ask her smiling.
“It’s gonna be this Saturday” she let’s me know before we talked a bit more before hanging up. I then open Instagram to start making a post to announce it to the fans.
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Not even a second after posting it went viral and started to trend on twitter. I then get a notification
Killatrav added your post to their story!
I clicked on the notification to see he did indeed add my post to his story with the caption. "Tickets have been bought ;)" I blush before liking the story and decided to look through his account, it only consists of ads, and funny clips from a podcast he has with Jason, and pictures of him dressed really nice. I decided to like his recent posts and click my phone off before I do anymore damage. I guess I'm performing at the stadium now. I smile before I rush off into contacting everyone for the concert.
Saturday Morning
The day is finally here, I've been up since 5 am getting myself together to head over to the stadium for the show tonight, trying to remember the setlist and dance moves. Stacy knocks on the room door in the stadium "everything is all set, you ready?" she questions knowing I can get really bad nerves before a show. I smile, it reaching my eyes for the first time in a long time "surprisingly I am"
I laugh “okay good, I’m gonna go and head to my seat, you’re gonna do amazing” she tells me before reaching to open the door. Before she leaves she quickly lets me know “oh by the way, kylie, Jason, and Travis are here in the V.I.P box.” she smirks at me before finally closing the door. My face formed into shock knowing they actually came, especially Travis, I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves
“You’re gonna do amazing”
“You always kill it”
“You've worked hard to get here”
I keep telling myself the three before I’m interrupted by the door opening and them letting me know it is time for me to start heading to the stage.
I quickly start to head over to the stage and see all of the dancers starting to get into position, I can hear the crowd starting to scream from the lights starting to move, I’m then handed my microphone and decide to talk to them before they can see me
“let’s talk some nonsense yall”
I hear the crowd scream even louder before I’m finally revealed. I smile brightly “hello my loves” I laugh before the intro to my son nonsense comes on. Every time I sing this song I always make up a new outro depending on the state I’m in. We’re now near the end of the song, and they turn the music down slightly so we can hear the fans better
“How quickly can you take your clothes off pop quiz” I smirk slightly before turning to where I see Travis staring at me smirking “raise your hand if you’re a little tipsy, sex with me is like joining the swim team, Travis is my favorite Kansas City” I blush profusely from him breaking out into laughter and seeing the blush rise on his face. The crowd screams even louder now knowing he’s there.
I see the crowd now facing up where the Kelce family is and taking pictures and videos. I laugh loudly into the mic before transitioning into the next song.
I can feel his eyes on me the entire show and for some reason my confidence was skyrocketing tonight and I didn’t hide that I was looking back at him with the best sultry look I could muster up. The show is now ending and the stage goes black before soft pink hues go through the stadium and the back screen lighting up with my new album announcement.
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I hear the crowd scream even louder before saying my goodbyes and running off stage.
I reach the back where Stacy and Brittany are and take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my adrenaline "you were absolutely amazing, oh my god you killed it" Brittany says running up and pulling me into a hug. I hug her back before I'm pulled into another hug by Stacy "You did so good girl!" I thank them both before we're interrupted by security.
"Miss y/n? there is a Kylie Kelce here wanting to see you, she says she's your friend?" I smile brightly at the security guard Jared "oh yes please bring her and the family back please." Jared gives me a brief nod before walking away to allow them in.
"you know that means Travis is gonna come back too right?" I can hear the smirk on Brit's face, I give her a look "yes I know, but for some reason tonight I am feeling good and confident, that has not happened in a long time especially towards a man." I reply with a teasing smile.
We’re interrupted by the door opening and Kylie slightly jogging to me with both girls with her.
When she gets close by we pull each other into a hug with the two girls trying to hug my waist. I let her go then bending down to pull both girls into a hug “hello my pretty mama’s ” I kiss both of their heads before letting go and standing straight to also greet Jason “you were absolutely amazing mama” Jason tells me pulling me into a deep hug, he is literally a bear. He lets me go, walking around to sit with kylie and the kids. 
I’m then faced with a smirking Travis “I liked the shout-out” he tells me, I smile bright but with a giant blush rushing through my face “I thought you would” I smirk back at him.
He looks over at the others before moving slightly into more of my space, me having to look up pretty far to see his face “if you want I can show you how much of your favorite I can be” he almost whispers to me with him leaning slightly down with a giant smirk. If I thought I was blushing a lot before it is even worse now. I try to calm myself before replying “I bet you could” I try to whisper back, looking up at him smirking.
“So tomorrow night at 6:30?” he asks smiling “pick you up?”
I look back slightly at Brittany, her giving me a giant teasing smile and a thumbs up, I turn back 
“Definitely” I smile bright.
Like my writing? buy me a coffee! I would be so grateful!
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thefangirlfever · 11 months
A new beginning (a Miguel O'hara NSFW story)
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Summary: Miguel and you are married for more than a year and life has been kinda hectic with all your work. One day he comes home and after seeing Peter B. Parker with Mayday all day, Miguel has only one thing in his mind… Getting you pregnant.
Reader is not a spider-woman for once.
Content warning: smut (18+, MDNI), poor Spanish
Tags: smut, F/M, piv penetration, breast play, mention of pregnancy, married couple, oral sex (m. receiving), that sweet domestic life, breeding kink, reader doesn’t shave (it’s not a kink, we need to normalize body hair on women), angst (if you squint really hard. It’s mostly self-indulgent smut)
The drizzling sound of oil in a pan filled the kitchen as you started cutting green onions and peppers. You were roaming the kitchen with no care in the world, finally letting all the tension you had accumulated this week leave your shoulders. You’ve had accumulated more shifts than it was necessary at the hospital you were working for, you still had to settle a few things about the new apartment and of course, there was the usual worry about Miguel going on missions as Spider-man and risking his life. Even if you had accepted his role as a super-hero years ago, you still had trouble not worrying when he was home late or when he would come back, covered in bruises and cuts, arguing that “It was just a routine mission.”
You checked the clock on the kitchen’s wall as a reflex. 9 pm. You couldn’t hold a sigh. After all you were no one to blame him for coming home late; you had your fair share of shifts that could last 24 hours, even a whole week-end sometimes. The only thing helping you come through this moment, except the fact that you could see people leaving the dispensary free of their worries, was knowing that Miguel was waiting for you at home. After these shifts, it was almost impossible for both of you to not cling into one another. You would spend the next day, cuddling in your bed, on the couch, letting him massaging you, cooking for the both of you… and when you were extra lucky, you were doing more than just cuddling. You would let Miguel dumb fuck you until you almost forgot your name and start seeing stars.
Just when you were lost in these thoughts, you heard the front door opening and soon Miguel was standing in the frame of the kitchen door. No cut, no wound, no bruise. Today was a good day and you smiled at him, but his gaze told you something was off. Your smile slowly faded away as you asked him about his day:
“Did something happen, Miguel?”
He tried to brush it off as he approached you, hugging you from behind. His chin was resting on top of your head. He smelled the scent of vegetables frying in the pan, clearly trying to find the words that wouldn’t worry you.
“No, the usual. We just had a meeting that lasted a little longer than what we anticipated. That’s all. How was your day?”
You were not fully satisfied with his answer. You knew him. It was clear something was bugging him off. You still decided to wait a little before asking more questions to not rush him. You still had the whole evening after all. You told him about your day and now, the two of you were cooking in silence. It wasn’t usually an awkward silence when you ended up in the kitchen, but tonight something was creeping under the surface. His watch beeped, breaking the silence of the kitchen. You looked over the pot you were stirring and saw that he had received a message from Peter. Miguel opened the notification, thinking it was an important work-related message, but it was just a picture of Peter and Mayday, trying to shoot webs. Under the picture, Peter had written “New recruit incoming!” You couldn’t hold a laugh; Peter was such a girl’s dad. It was pretty cute to see, even if you knew that his lack of professionalism was getting on Miguel’s nerves. Your husband turned off the watch, grunting, and even took it off, putting it on the table before getting back to seasoning the dish.
Something was definitely off.
“Is everything alright, Miguel?”
“Why wouldn’t it be alright?” His voice sounded off. It was your time hugging him from behind, which was not easy regarding your size difference but you still managed to hold him. Your head was resting between his shoulder blades as you stayed like this for a few seconds before finally saying something:
“Listen, I know Peter is sometimes...a little too much and that he gets on your nerves. I also know that things are not always easy at your job and that you are under a lot of pressure…”
You let your hands roam his back and knead his tense shoulders.
“Maybe we can fix that…”
Miguel quickly understood where you were going with this impromptu proposition and alluring tone. He let out an other disgruntled sound as you were bothering him when he needed to focus, but you knew he was smiling, his smile oozing through his voice even if you couldn’t see it.
“You know we don’t have to do it tonight if you’re tired…”
You pushed Miguel on your bed, straddling him, your arms around his shoulders as you kissed him. Miguel’s fingers slipped under your shirt, slowly lifting it up. You kept kissing for a good minute, feeling each other as if it had been months since you didn’t see each other. When you broke the kiss, his hair was disheveled and his lips had taken a soft pinkish undertone. You already knew by heart the shape of his body but you never get tired of it, always discovering new things about him. Your right hand was stroking his cheek while your left one glided down his shirt, playing with its buttons. You could see his skin poke through the opening between each button. You both exchanged one knowing look. This would usually turn only one way. Your hands reached his belt and you could feel the fabric of his pants getting stretched by his growing erection. The pad of your thumb brushed over his hard-on as you said with a smile you were now unable to hide any longer:
“Seems like someone is already eager for more.”
Miguel held a sheepish smile as he bit his lower lip. He has to know the effect he had on your after all this time, or else he wouldn’t act this way. One of his hands held himself on the bed while his free hand grabbed your butt, gently squeezing it. You shuddered at the sensation, still managing to keep your fingers on his erection.
“It’s not fair that you’re the only one allowed to touch.”, he said with a cheeky smile. Your fingers unbuckled his belt and he helped you taking off your shirt. You both had been past the first steps of any relationship when you both needed to always present yourself under your best light. You didn’t care anymore about your body hair, your stretch marks or even your saggy breasts. You knew you didn’t have to care anymore about that, that he would accept you the way you are and love you, just like you loved all his “imperfections” that made him who he was. It could be his scars, his fangs or his talons… You had accepted every features of him, you even grew into them.
Miguel took a good look at you before gyrating his lips, slowly lifting them up so you could take off his pants.
“¿Cómo te vuelves aún más bonita cada vez que te veo?” (How do you even get prettier every time I see you?)
Miguel speaking in Spanish was always a good sign in these moments. You were used to his usual sweet names he would give you, but you still had some trouble understanding what he was saying sometimes. Nonetheless you always knew deep down that these were the type of words that would make you go crazy. His little satisfied smile would let you know how much he enjoyed seeing you trying to guess what he just told you.
“I guess you’re not going to tell me what you just said.” You were on your knees, facing him, your hands tugging at the waistband of his underwear, teasing him. He smiled at you, tucking of strand of your hair behind your ear.
“I just said you were getting even prettier every time I see you.”
“I’m going to treat you so right tonight…”, you answered with a grin as you lowered his briefs.
With one gentle pat on your head, he let you know he was ready for you to make your words into action. You gave his cock one long lick from the base to the tip, before teasing the said tip with your lips. Miguel let out a low moan, coming straight out of the depth of his throat. Your tongue swirled around his erect member and you couldn’t hold a moan yourself when you started swallowing him. His hands held the side of your face, your lose hair trapped around his finger. You looked up at his face, watching his every reaction, how his lips slightly parted as he started panting, how a single curl of his hair seemed lost on his forehead…
“No pares, querida. Sé que puedes hacerlo.” (Don’t stop, darling. I know you can do it.)
You started bobbing your head with the help of Miguel. You’re going to need him somewhere else soon. The more you felt him going deeper, the wetter you were getting. You didn’t try to control your moans or the lewd noises your mouth would make, knowing how much he liked it when your were vocal. Your hands started caressing his inner thighs and the closer you were getting to its base, the more Miguel’s hands were gripping your head tighter.
“Please...baby…” His pleading voice was like music to your ears and you could feel how much he wanted for you to take him fully, which was usually not that easy given his girth...but worth it, every time you saw his reaction. You gave him one nod and he pulled you closer, moving his hips, rutting against you, the tip of his cock close to your uvula.
Miguel came quickly after that in a symphony of low groans and helpless whimpers. He let himself fall on the bed, shaking the mattress while doing so. His cock was still hard and the red tip was coated with your saliva. Even when lying down the bed he kept his legs spread. You watched him closely, observing how he would slowly catch his breath.
“Thanks mami. Thanks.”
“My pleasure.”, you answered, whipping some saliva from your chin.
You planted a kiss on his thighs and moved onto the bed, next to him. Your eyes didn’t leave his body. His chest was heaving under the fabric of the shirt and you couldn’t resist opening it, exposing the absolute perfection of his chest to your greedy eyes. Miguel gave you one amused look.
“Got some ideas?”
“You always give me so many ideas, papi.” Your attempt at teasing him in Spanish made him smile even more. You were clearly not fluent but everything sounded way cuter in your mouth and he never minded you being flirty. His fingers brushed along your hips.
“That’s good to know… I may have a few ideas on what we could do… It’s something that would imply for you to relax and lie down.” He smoothly shifted your place on your bed, making you lie on the sheets and straddling you. His fingers get hooked in the hoops of your pants that he quickly pulled off, leaving you in nothing more than in a pair of low-cut panties. Your hip dips were showing as well as the flesh of your thighs, soft and inviting to the gaze, to the touch. The thin straps of the panties was lost under soft mounds of flesh, pressing against your skin. Miguel hooked his fingers under the straps, slowly pulling it off as your womanhood was now exposed to him. He let out a sigh as he watched your body already sprayed out for him. His fingers kneaded your skin, squeezing gently your skin as he lowered his body on yours. You were face to face, your noses rubbing against one another when you reached for your nightstand and more specifically the drawer in which you knew a box of condoms was always waiting. Miguel caught you moving and he gently grabbed your wrist.
“Actually, I thought we could… try not using them tonight.”
It was so rare to see him losing his words. He was always so sure of himself, even when he happened to be wrong, that you stopped moving. Did you understand what he meant?
“But… I could…” You didn’t finish your sentence, letting the word float in the air between the two of you. Miguel suddenly seemed uneasy as he stammered:
“You know what? Forget about what I said. Let’s just use one and…” This time, you were the one stopping his movement as he tried to reach the drawer.
“Miguel, is it what you had in your mind since you came back home?” You weren’t sure of what you were feeling. You were definitely surprised since you didn’t imagine Miguel wanting this, not with his job, not after his last attempt at parenting. You knew it was a sensitive topic for him and he rarely opened up about it. You just assumed he wasn’t interested in this matter. He lowered his head, looking at your body under him, his cheeks slightly flushed as he admitted in a low voice:
“I’ve been thinking about this since we got married.”
Your hands reached for one another, your fingers intertwining and you both could feel the other’s ring against your skin.
“Why didn’t you say anything? I thought you… that you would never want to start a family, to have children.”
Miguel’s small smile almost made you melt. He gave your forehead a soft peck before answering:
“That’s what I used to think too… but then I met you.”
“Is there an other reason?”
“Well… you know…maybe… seeing Jess and Peter having their own family made me think.” Miguel leaned in and kissed your neck, whispering between each kiss:
“I thought we could try and see how it goes. You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about it recently. About our future and some other things. Like, how many children we could have, their names, how they would look… Maybe we would have a house…”
You’ve never thought the picket-fence dream was for you but as Miguel kept describing it, the children running in the garden, waking up on a Sunday morning next to him, the kids barging in the room, hours spend helping them with their homework on the kitchen table before you all make dinner…
“Please, tell me what else you had imagined.” Miguel couldn’t help but smile at your request. The picture of your family was becoming clearer in your mind with every word of his.
“How does that sound, querida?” He was waiting for your answer, feeling more anxious every minute as he had just told you his dearest desire.
“It sounds amazing, Miguel.” His smile could light up the whole room as he pressed his body on yours.
“Do you want this too?”, he asked in a low voice. You could only nod as your hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. You then lifted up your lips to meet his and he let out a low groan before kissing you. The kiss you were sharing was becoming more and more heated as the two of you moved your heads, deepening the kiss. Miguel’s tongue entered your mouth and caressed its inside when his hands strongly held your hips. The tip of his cock brushed against your entrance and you moaned against his mouth. He kept teasing you until you were growing more and more frustrated and playfully bit his lower lip. Miguel’s fingers started spreading your wet arousal all over your folds as he began to stretch you, getting you ready for him. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do. The mere idea of cumming inside you was already making his softened member harder than before and he knew he wouldn’t last long.
When he finally inserted his cock between your lips, he let out a low moan, throwing his head backward. You felt your body reacting for you, your walls tightening around him, trapping him until he let go of his release. It took him a few seconds to adjust himself, finding the right angle and the best way for you to accommodate to his size and girth. Just when he began to move slowly, sliding in and out, your hands reached for his butt and you helped him moving, finding the right pace. You would give him a few squeezes from time to time, feeling how it seemed to directly affect him.
Miguel’s eyes were locked on yours as he watched your face distorted with pleasure, your lips slightly parted, your eyes half-closed and at the same time imagining what you would look like pregnant. He could easily picture your soft and round body, all for him to love and worship.
You felt him getting closer to his release each passing second from the look in his eyes, dizzy and far away, and the way his hips were mowing in a soon erratic way. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your hands grabbed his hair, pulling his face closer to yours for an other kiss. You were both lost in the haze of pleasure this whole thing was. Miguel’s legs were shaking when he grabbed one of your breasts and squeezed it. Your moan, the weight and softness of your breasts against his hands… he lost it in this moment. With a low moan, he finally let go, reaching his orgasm and when he did so, his fingers squeezed harder your breast, earning a strangled moan from you as well.
Miguel let his body fall on top of yours, while his cock was still buried inside you. He was filling you in every way possible. Before you could say anything his lips kissed your breasts, first the side then the top and finally his lips circled your nipple, licking, tugging and biting on them. His ministrations were methodical as he knew exactly what strings to pull for you to enjoy yourself. As he did so, your fingers kept playing with his hair, with the soft and plump curves of his bottom… and this time you both came.Miguel let out a tired groan before lying next to you. One of his hands gently squeezed your thigh while you both looked at each other.
“Do you think it will work?”, you asked in a small voice.
Miguel’s body shifted toward you and he held your waist, pressing his forehead against yours. He needed some time to find his words while enjoying the beauty of your body in front of him. Will it work? Probably not the first time, he thought. But he knew it was just a matter of time before the two of you could have your own family., and he was more than willing to try as many times as needed.
“You’re going to be such an amazing mom.”
Note: I don't usually like the pregnancy trope and pregnancy is something that I find a little scary. Also this is such a heavy topic, so I hope I gave it justice. I'm not really satisfied with what I wrote but I still wanted to try.
But I also thought this trope could really fit Miguel. I hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading this mess. Here's your cookie🍪
Edit: thanks for the 200 likes
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corriganatheart · 2 years
When will you publish the next part of if he was mine can’t wait so excited
if he was MINE Pt. II/ João Félix x reader
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Synopsis: You’re secretly in love with your best friend, who is in a toxic relationship.
Pairings: João Félix x fem!reader x Mbappé
Genre: One sided romance, and love triangle.
1 month after the World Cup
“Bro, come here. I need to spill something,” Achraf Hakimi says as soon as his best friend, Kylian Mbappé, enters the locker room. His other teammates, who pay no attention to the duo, were too busy talking and preparing for practice to care. It has also become customary for Hakimi to tell Mbappé the latest gossip, and most of the time, it is useless, so no one really cares about his “teas.” “If this is about babysitting your kids so you can have some quiet time with your wife, I reject,” Mbappé says immediately, knowing his best friend's motives. “No, you asshole, this one is even juicier,” Hakimi says and pulls his friend's arm before anyone can hear. Glaring at Neymar, who was curiously staring at the duo, Hakimi leaned into Mbappé’s ear, “Y/N has requested I give you her number,” he said while wiggling his eyebrows. Mbappé surprisedly yelped back, but he was grinning. “Seriously? Then what are you waiting for?” Mbappé excitedly says and shoves his phone to his friend. The others saw a shift in Mbappé’s mood and looked at each other, wondering what the gossip was about this time. “Do you know why they're not friends anymore?” Mbappé asked. Hakimi looks around the locker room and leans in, “they got into an argument about Magui again, and he’s back with her.” Mbappé stares at his friend in disbelief, it has been a almost a month since the drama started, and there were rumors that João has finally moved on, but now he’s potentially back with her. That can’t be good.
“What the heck are you guys talking about this time?” Neymar asked while approaching the duos, Messi following behind. “Oh, you know, the usual,” Hakimi sassily said, causing Neymar to roll his eyes. “You need us to babysit your kids again so you can get laid?” Hakimi angrily throws a water bottle at Neymar, causing everyone to laugh. “You guys are the worst kind of teammates!” Shrugging, Neymar waits for Mbappé to answer his previous question, but the man just shrugs. “You’ll know it later. It’s a surprise.”
1 week later
Breaking news: João Félix's best friend Y/N, who was once caught up in cheating allegations with him, has moved on. She was caught dining with PSG star Kylian Mbappé and was seen leaving the restaurant together, holding hands. Mbappé, best friend of teammate Hakimi, was seen cheering when Morocco beat Portugal in the quarter-final. Could Mbappé hang out with Y/N to add more fuel, or could this actually be a true romance?
2 minutes later
The Golden Boy: I can’t believe you would do something like that to spite me. I have been trying to talk to you for a month, and you pull this shit. Now my name is brought into the drama because you’re known as João Félix's best friend; leave me out of this drama. Good luck fucking that womanizer.
Incoming call from Kylian
“Hey,” you said, leaning up against your bed.
“Tired yet, bèbè?” He asked, and you could hear video games being played behind him and a couple of his friends snickering and teasing him in French.
“No. I saw the articles; I didn’t expect them to come out so soon,” you shrugged. Mbappé laughs, “that’s how fast the paparazzi are. Sometimes they know shit that even I didn’t know about myself.”
You smile and hear the background noise finally getting quieter, meaning he’s now in a secluded area. “I had fun tonight,” he says, causing you to smile. “Same; thanks for dinner.” Mbappé hums, and you hear him sigh a relief. “Look, I mean what I said about being interested in you, but I get it your feelings aren’t going to go right away. And I would be up for this relationship,” he says. You stay quiet and think about the potential of harming Kylian and João’s feelings. During the dinner, you talked about what happened because Hakimi had spilled the tea. And Mbappé understood that you’re doing this to get over João and make him jealous. At first, he was disappointed, but he likes you, so he volunteered to fake date you. “That’s going to be a lot of drama, you know. I don’t want you to be harassed for it.” Kylian didn’t say anything for a quick minute, but then he cleared his throat. “As embarrassing as it is to admit this, dating you would also clear up rumors about my sexuality. People have been saying weird shit that I’m into men, but let me tell you, I’m really into sleeping with Women.” You laughed because you’ve seen TikTok’s being made about that, and you wouldn’t even care if he was or wasn’t. But you had an idea that he’s pretty straight because so many women have complimented his style in the bedroom.
“You can always back up whenever you want,” you said. “I don’t want you going into something that will potentially harm your reputation.” Mbappé shrugs, obviously finding no harm in faking a relationship with you. “Same goes for you. If you feel like you’re falling for my charms, feel free to back out,” he teases. You laughed and thought of all the possible consequences that could happen. Mbappé is said to be a womanizer, but he has not made a move on you like you thought he would, but he is a flirt. If anything, people would assume you guys are just casual and wouldn’t be surprised it didn’t last. On the other hand, your friendship with João might never be the same. He was already upset that you were photographed with Mbappé, so imagine if you confirmed your relationship with him, you might never be best friends again. “Hey, ima let you get some sleep,” Mbappé says softly. You smile because his voice is just so charming, and if your heart didn’t belong to someone else, you would’ve folded immediately. “Thanks, Kylian, goodnight.”
Breaking News: João Félix and Magui Corceiro confirms to be back together. The duo took a short break after a cheating scandal but seemed happier than ever from the Instagram pictures that Magui posted.
Kylian: Fly out to watch us Saturday? 🥺
You: N meet your nosy ass friends? Lol
Kylian: you are bound to meet my circle anyways😏 we are dating remember?
You: “dating” I suppose I should be supporting my “bf”🤔
Kylian: awe you hurt my feelings with those quotation marks 😓 I got a t shirt for you btw🥰
You: 😲 is it Neymar’s?
Kylian: fuck no! you’re wearing my name
You: jk😝 ig I’ll see you Saturday then!
Kylian: okay bébé🙌🏼 I’ll book you a plane ticket, and you’re staying at my place. 😌
You: why the heck would I do that? 🫥
Kylian: because I am ur man. And besides it’s safer for you to stay with me. 😇
You: fine. but no funny business👀
Kylian: what funny business?🤔
You: don’t act all innocent Kylian.
Kylian: ahhh😱 Y/N! I am a child of god🙏🏻🛐. Why would you think I’ll do such a thing?😤
You: 😑…….🙄
Kylian: hahahahha promise no funny business. Unless you of course ask. I am a gentlemen, I would never say no to a lady😶
Kylian: hello???
Kylian: bébé come back!!
Kylian: alright fine ig u do have a life. See you Saturday love❤️
“Can you believe it?” Magui asked while zooming into the news article of Mbappé following you on Instagram. “They might actually be dating.”
João stares at what his girlfriend is referring to and immediately looks away when the photo of you and Mbappé holding hands appears again. Ever since you guys basically ended your friendship, he hasn’t been the same. Every day and night, he would think about what you said and the possibility of you being together. All these years, you’ve hidden those feelings, and looking back, it was pretty fucking obvious that you are in love with him.
João groans and lies back on the couch as his notification goes off. Ever since Magui posted the photo without his permission, he has been getting text and hate comments. Everyone thinks he’s a sore loser for getting back with his ex, but even he didn’t know they were back together until he woke up in bed with her. Last week when he finally decided to give up on speaking to you, he went out and drank with his friends without knowing that it was a setup and Magui was there. Everyone ended up taking shots, and the next thing he knew, he was in bed with Magui doing everything he could to get you out of his mind.
You were his best friend, everything he ever wanted in a friend. But the idea of dating you never crossed his mind because he did not want to lose you. João knew he was always attracted to you, but he shoved the thought deep inside his heart because he didn’t want to ruin the friendship. If he had known that you liked him for a while, maybe things would’ve been different; perhaps he would’ve considered it. But then he met Magui, and she became his world. She was everything he wanted in a girlfriend, but he still needed you. There were so many arguments in his relationship about you, but he couldn’t choose just one because you’re his best friend and she was his dream girl. But since you left him, his feelings have been very complicated, and he wasn’t sure. He has missed you more than ever, and even the idea of being with his dream girl wasn’t enough. He needed you, but he didn’t know how to tell you without hurting everyone else.
“Babe, I’m talking to you,” Magui whines, frustrated that her boyfriend has been drifting off lately. “Sorry, what did you say?” João asked. Magui frowns and rolls her eyes, “I asked if you knew she’s been sleeping with Kylian?” João just stared at her, wondering where she got the idea of you sleeping with Mbappé. He knew you were friends with Hakimi, but you’ve never mentioned it to him about Mbappé, and you tell him everything. “She’s not like that, so it has to be serious,” João says bluntly, the thought leaving a bad taste in his mouth. “Oh please, do you think Kylian Mbappé would want a girl like her?” Magui asked with disgust. João narrows his eyes, not liking how she is talking about you. “A girl like her?” João asked for clarification. “Yeah, you know, hoeing around footballers to be relevant,” Magui shrugs. João sits up and glares at his girlfriend, “like what you did when you were with me?” This causes Magui and himself to be shocked because he has never mentioned their past. When João forgives, he let go of the pain, because he doesn’t want confrontation, but he has had enough of her treating him like trash. “Honestly, I don’t fucking know why you cheated on me so many times. The idea never occurred to me once, and the fact that you did it so many times only shows how little you care about me and this relationship.” João aggressively stands up and grabs his jacket and car key. He then starts heading to the door, but Magui wraps her arms around his waist, hugging him. “You know how much I struggled because you keep having her around. Things will change because she’s not here anymore. You only need me. It’s me, you need and want. I love you so much, João; no one else but you.”
These were the words he had always wanted to hear from her. She was everything he wanted, but being treated like shit can only reach a specific limit, and he has reached it. But before he let her go forever, he needed to confirm something. João turns around, and without warning, he presses his lips on Magui’s. She accepted it with a moan, mouth savoring the way he lusted for her. She holds on to his t-shirt and starts backing up to the couch, wanting to dominate him. João let her, and the next thing she knew, he was on top of her, looking down at her, anger and confusion written all over his eyes. “You taste like shit. You don’t taste like the girl I fell in love with. I deserve better than you. Go find someone else to be your puppet because I am done,” he says disgustingly. She whimpers, but he doesn’t care; he gets off her and starts walking away, never looking back.
Saturday: PSG vs. Borussia Dortmund
Hakimi: Fuck you for not telling me that you were coming.
Y/N: Hello to you too. And it was a last min decision lol.
Hakimi: whatever. Anything happened last night at Kylian’s house? 😉
Y/N: no you sinful child. we slept like a baby.
Hakimi: whatever😒 anyways party at my place after the game.
Y/N: bruh u confident asf
Hakimi: bitch if I lose I’m not going to eat ice cream and cry. I’ll just party and drink in misery 🥳
Y/N: damn are you always this pleasant before your games?
Hakimi: my bad😬 I haven’t been laid for two weeks, so I’m in a pissing mood.
Y/N: I can tell. Since I’m in town, I’ll just babysit so you can have ur date night.
Hakimi: Fr? Awe you’re the best! I’ll make sure to dedicate a goal to u😉
Y/N: yeah whatever. Goodluck!
You join Hiba and her two sons in the VIP section. They’re sporting Hakimi’s number as you wear Mbappé’s t-shirt. Hiba had told you that Hakimi had told everyone you’re here to cheer for Mbappé, and the whole team has been teasing him. You’re sure they probably asked about João too and wondered if you guys are still friends. If anything, this was entertaining to them because Mbappé has never publicly brought a “girlfriend” around them.
“Look, it’s Jude Bellingham’s wife and their two twins!” Hiba said excitedly as she pointed at a really attractive lady with two adorable children. “Wow, they’re so cute,” you said in awe as you watched the little girl jump up and down, wearing her father’s shirt. The boy stood there like an adult with his head high, and he looked just like Bellingham. “They’re young, but they seem to be happy and have the perfect family,” Hiba says with a huge smile. “It doesn’t matter when you find the right person.” You mumbled. You then look at Jude Bellingham, who is staring at his wife and kids in awe. He looked so in love, and you hope one day, you’ll find someone that looks at you like you’re the most perfect thing in the world. (Reference to Jude Bellingham x reader “If I Should Stay”).
As you admire how Jude Bellingham looks at his wife and kids, you think of the chances you could have if you let go of this ridiculous feeling for João. Maybe you’ll find someone who loves and looks at you similarly. Maybe your Mr. Right is waiting for you while you chase after a guy that doesn’t want you. You smile sadly, and then your eyes drift to the PSG side to see Mbappé staring up at you. His eyes smile at you, and his mouth curves upward when you make eye contact. Your stomach twists, and your face heats up from his stare. You awkwardly wave, and he places four fingers on his lips and sends them your way. The crowd starts going wild, and you’re left stunned as Mbappé smirks and walks away.
Your phone was going off wildly as the news made it around that you’re attending PSG’s game and are supporting Mbappé. Everyone has concluded that you two made it official because, on his first goal, he dedicated it to you by sending a heart your way after he scored. The crowd obviously went wild, and people were telling one another the news, and you’re now labeled as Kylian Mbappé’s girlfriend. Even though this is fake, you couldn’t help but feel drawn to him. He was flirtatious and knew what he was doing. It almost felt real, and for a moment, you forgot the purpose of faking a relationship with him.
“You know he’s down bad for you, right?” Hiba asked while staring at you. You awkwardly chuckle and shake your head, “it’s nothing that serious,” you mumble. Hiba smiles and looks back at the field. “I have known Kylian for years, and he has never brought a woman around us. If he is showing you off for the world to see, it’s obvious he wants you and wants to tell everybody to back off.” You stare at Mbappé, dumbfounded about what Hiba just said. You’ve known the man briefly, but you realize he has known you for years because of Hakimi. Everything Hakimi knows about you has been passed on to Mbappé, who later took an interest in you. For someone whose always hyper and happy, he is one of the most mysterious people you’ve ever met. From pursuing you secretly to fake dating you, he has a side of him you don’t know but want to know.
“You enjoyed the game, bébé?” He asked as soon as you entered the PSG waiting room. “Yeah, it was good. Congratulations,” you said and hugged him. He gladly accepted it, causing his friends to snicker and whistle in the back. “Kylian, you going to introduce?” Neymar asked with a smirk. Mbappé glares at him, “this is my girl, Y/N.” Your face once again heats up from the sound of that. “Cute name for a pretty girl,” Neymar says and shakes your hand. “Mbappé’s a lucky guy.” You giggle, causing Mbappé to glare at you and Neymar; it was pretty cute seeing him jealous. “That’s enough,” Mbappé warns, causing Neymar to shrug and back off. “Oh, come on, be mature,” Neymar says while rolling his eyes. Ignoring Neymar’s comment, Mbappé quickly grabs his stuff, along with his car key. “Let’s go. I got some plans for us.”
“You assholes, don’t forget about the after-party!” Hakimi calls after you and Mbappé as you guys rush out of the room. “Use protection!” You heard someone else shout, causing Mbappé to laugh and you to blush. Like expected, a couple of paparazzi were already waiting outside to catch a glimpse of you and Mbappé. Mbappé and a couple of his security guided you to his car; many people were already snapping photos and screaming their questions.
Y/N how do you feel about João Félix and Magui getting back together?
When did you and Mbappé meet?
Are you guys official?
How do you feel about João Félix unfollowing Magui?
You entered the passenger seat, staring at the person who shouted that question. It has been a while since you’ve been on social media, so you haven’t heard the news of João unfollowing Magui. If it were true, you would be shocked because that is a step to moving on, and he has never taken that step. But then what would be of your relationship with him? Would you guys be friends again? And what would happen to your fake relationship with Kylian? Would you guys have to end it faster than expected?
“You good?” Mbappé asked while staring at you. You smile and him and shake off the weird feelings. “Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed,” you smiled. Mbappé tucks a strand of hair behind your ears, “you looked great, by the way. How was your first time experiencing being a WAG?” He grins while pulling out of the parking lot. You chuckle; being a girlfriend of a high-profile sportsman was better than you expected. Besides sitting in a VIP seat, the experience of watching someone you are with play the sport they love was unique. Of course, this experience wasn’t new; you’ve been to a lot of João’s game and has supported him, but you were never the person to whom he dedicated his goals. “Hey, don’t let them get to you. I know exactly what to cheer you up!”
“Kylian. Omg, when did you do this?” You asked while looking at the setup in front of you. It was beautiful. He has a huge comfortable couch on his balcony with pillows and blankets laid out. A coffee table was placed on the foot of the sofa, with all your favorite snacks and drinks. Five feet from the couch stands a movie theater screen. Candles were light and lined up on the edge of his balcony, and the Eiffel Tower could be seen from his balcony. It was incredibly beautiful.
“Achraf parties always end up with everyone passing out, so I wanted us to spend time together,” Mbappé says while guiding you to the couch. You still admired how beautiful everything looked; you almost wanted to cry because of his effort. “Come on, I don’t want you getting cold,” he says, and you lay on the couch as he lays next to you and covers the both of you with a warm blanket. The movie starts, but you guys don’t focus; both of you want to get to know one another on a deeper level. “Tell me about you, Y/N,” he says while grabbing the bucket of popcorn. “Tell me things people don’t know.”
“Are you asking for my favorite color?” You laughed, causing him to smile softly. “I will take whatever you give me,” he says, and you didn’t miss your heart jumping. No wonder people call him a womanizer; he knows exactly what to say. “Well, people don’t know that I’m secretly in love with my best friend…former best friend,” you said. Mbappé nods, waiting for you to continue. “Ahum, people don’t know that I’m insecure about being labeled as João Félix's best friend or now Kylian Mbappé’s girlfriend.” Mbappé stares at you, not looking the slightest offended by what you just said. “And people don’t know that I have a very important position at my job. I’m not just a pretty face.”
The movie plays in the background as you continue to tell Mbappé about yourself, even things that João might now even know, and not once do you think about the drama that is occurring in your life. “And yeah, that’s how Magui ended up hating me.” Mbappé watches you fidget with your fingers and bite your lips, his heart pounding from your effect on him. “Why do you like him so much? Why do you….love him,” he asked seriously. You glance at the screen and then back to Mbappé, “because he was the only person I ever had.”
Mbappé stares at your uncomfortable form, and he softly rubs his thumb across your cheeks. “I wish I have met you earlier,” he says softly. “Maybe then, I would be an option.” You gulp, realizing he’s referring to being with you without a reason. You’ve known he’s interested in you, but you thought it was just an interest that would disappear after spending some time with you. “If you were this sweet to a fake girlfriend, I can’t imagine how you would be with a real one,” you muttered. Mbappé smiles and gently places a kiss on your forehead. “Why don’t you find out?”
You stare at him; he carefully examines your face, waiting for you to say something. Mbappé asks you to be his real girlfriend, but what about João? Your history with him hasn’t been resolved yet, and after hearing that he has unfollowed and dumped his girlfriend, things might change. Would he apologize and ask to be friends again? Your feelings for him are still there, and it wouldn’t be fair for Mbappé. You needed to resolve things with João first before thinking of another man. But the way Mbappé was looking at you only makes you want to forget about João and leave everything behind. Clenching your pants, you slowly lean forward while staring at his lips. Mbappé does the same, and just when you guys are inches apart, your phone rings.
You awkwardly back up and reach for your phone. Looking at the user, your heart starts beating fast. Mbappé glares at the username, knowing who “The Golden Boy” is. Without meeting his eyes, you answer the phone. “Hello?” You asked. “Y/N, I need you,” João says; your heart beats fast because he sounds broken like he just finished crying. “Fuck I miss you so much; I need you right now, please,” he begs. Because you were used to responding quickly to his pleas, you immediately jumped up from the couch and started walking away when Mbappé grabbed your wrist. “Stay,” he says, and there’s pleading in his eyes. Your voice was stuck in your throat, and you listened to João’s pleas for you to be there for him and Mbappé’s eyes begging for you to stay. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled and pulled your hands away before exiting the balcony, leaving Mbappé behind.
Getting into the taxi, you glare up at Mbappé’s home, the balcony now dark. He didn’t come down when you hurriedly packed your belongings and booked the earliest flight home. You feel guilty, of course, but you’ve known this man for a short time, and you’ve known João your whole life. Although your friendship wasn’t perfect, he was there for you when you needed him, and you weren’t ready to let that go. With a heavy heart, you look away from Kylian Mbappé’s place and look forward to your journey home.
2 weeks later
Breaking news: Kylian Mbappé and Y/N officially call it quits after only a few weeks of dating. Many fans were suspicious of their relationship and suspected they were only short-term. Mbappé is now only focusing on his career and has no interest in starting a new relationship, whereas Y/N has reconciled her friendship with João Félix, and many fans think that might be the reason for the breakup.
Part III is coming! Are we team João Félix or team Kylian Mbappé?
Part III
@poopyloofy @simpingmyassoff @smiley-roos @untitled23430 @ts1mp0ne @forevernightmare @sad1esgf @kakuchosbff
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xmorguekittyx · 4 months
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Chapter 2 : 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙩𝙝
master list
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Limited vacancy, who the hell was at this shit hole this late at night and in this severe of weather? Surly, most had been up to date on the incoming storms any Raccoon City resident had a stockpile of supplies, food, flashlights and water in case of a storm like the one of 2003. The entire town had next to no power, shops were throwing out food left and right. The lucky few who had the supplies helped those less fortunate, now you'd be lucky to get a pat on the back. Raccoon City had fallen far in the number of years separating the infamous year and today.
That was what her father stood for, helping the good people of Raccoon City, punishing the bad and finding a way to convince those stuck in the in-between. His ethics were admirable, truly. That's what made her want to work somewhere work the justice system, but her empathetic heart had her leaning more towards helping those who can't help themselves. The deceased, those whose time has come too soon, or those who had been waiting for their time to pass, loved ones finding their final moments together, something not to fear. What she does is well disliked as a career option, but she chose it to make her father proud. Her father was all she had, all she ever needed, until his unfortunate passing. He was on a call with Leon that night, a robbery gone wrong and shots had been fired. Her heart tightened as she thought back to that night, the pattering rain kissing her skin as her lips curled downwards into a frown. Her eyes set in a glare as she shoved the door open, her elbow meeting the wood of the motel office door. She felt the humidity leave the air conditioned air as she relaxed her shoulders, letting the weight drop off like a coat to the floor. Her joints feeling that for once they could stretch and be at ease.
Her eyes closed as she sucked in a deep breath of the chill air, "Some night out there, isn't it?", a voice bellowed from behind her, causing her eyes to snap open and every been of tenseness crawl back up her shoulders. Part of her wished Leon had risked the drive out here, she wasn't use to having to watch herself. Leon protected her, he had her back since day one. That day that his nervous eyes met hers, her father's voice calling to them from behind as she couldn't help but laugh at his stutter. Twenty one years old and still nervous to talk to anyone, but then again, she was seventeen and in the same boat. "Yeah, seems a lot of people got caught in it, tonight.", she let out a small breath as she approached the oak front desk. The words "Motel 8" engraved into the wood.
"You'd think more people would've stayed home. They're calling for more in the night, but who knows.", the older, heavier man shrugged, his body turning away from her as she took note of the sweat stains on his shirt despite the air conditioner. "You're soaked, car break down?", he seemed to be making small talk, but the way his eyes checked over his shoulder at her every few seconds had her hair standing on end. "Yeah, but I got someone coming.", her fingernails tapped the desk top, her other hand propping up to hold her chin. "A single?", his voice called over his shoulder as he pulled down a key. "Don't see anyone else with you. Unless you're using the room for...", he trialed off as he smirked at her turning around and leaning on the desk closer to her. His breath hitting her face with a putrid smell, her body reacting quickly to flinch back and swipe the key. "Yeah, how much?", she turned her face as her nose scrunched up. Her body trying to force the stench from her area as she waved her hand. His smirk told her she wasn't the only one to reach this way to his proximity. "400.", he raised a brow as her jaw dropped. "400 dollars for a single bed room for one night?!", her reaction was valid, she felt. "The hotels in the city have rooms for no less than 280 for a double bed.", she scoffed, "This is a rip off!", she growled. "Unless you think you can make it there on foot, toots. It'll be 400 dollars, I take cash, card or... acts of service.", he grinned once more as his eyes flickered down to her chest. "Oh, you pervert!", she shrieked, her arm croaking up to over her chest, that had been slightly exposed from how soaked her clothes were, sticking to her frame and her other hand reaching for her wallet, plucking the card from her slot and tossing it on the counter. The man laughed before running her card, his amusement sent her seething more as she snatched her card and receipt back.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
"Leon!", the man had just answered the phone before his ear drums nearly burst. "I assume you made it.", he groaned, she could hear the exhaustion in his words. Guilt started to build in her gut. "Were you sleeping?", her tone was much more soft and calm as she eased back into the bed, the sheets engulfing her legs, bare, as she had to remove her clothing to let them dry by the air vent. The warmth sucked all the air in her lungs, replacing it with a semi-safe feeling. She remembered how people used hangers to block the door, which is what she did. "Yeah, but i didn't mean to fall 'sleep.", his voice hummed, it was like her very own lullaby. Her heart thumped as she felt the lingering regret for calling him so late. "I'm sorry. I just... this place gives me the creeps.", her fingers picked at the lace on the leg of her panties. "Lot's of weirdo's stop there, Kitty. I get a few calls, but you remember what I said about the door, right?", her protector. Her eyes scanned until they met the entanglement of hangers locking through door handle in place. "Yep. Already done.", she sighed, taking a deep breath from her nose. "Good, good.", a silence followed, she knew Leon suffered from night terrors from the years of police work he had done. Some cases he would call her in the middle of the night, thinking one of the suspects was at his door trying to kill him for arresting him. Some of the murder victims coming to life in his visions, dismembered bodies, missing arms or a leg chasing him or haunting his dreams. She felt sick to think that this was also what her father suffered in silence, Leon at least reached out to her.
Nights of facetime calls that lasted hours as she watched his sleeping face, his brows furrow and his teeth grit once one started. His body sitting up with a scream, his hands curled into his chest as sweat poured from every pore on his body. His breath panting as he struggled for a breath and her unheard words as she tried to calm him from the other side of the screen. His shaking and flailing when he tried to fight off what wasn't there. But it was, to him, it was there, a threat that he knew could hurt him, his mind manifesting his fears. Leon was a very traumatized man, his attitude had shifted sometime during the years they've known each other. Nothing either of them could do, perhaps hers had too, but she never noticed, only tunnel visioned onto his suffering. "Want me to let you go?", her voice sounded like it was muffled, she didn't want to stir him too much if he was close to sleep once more.
"No, no. You're okay, i'm worried about you.", always the worry wort, making sure everyone else was cared for. That's what got him here. That's what turned the bright eyed and eager rookie into a seasoned police officer who had seen just about anything. "I'll be okay.", the sound of the bed squealing could be heard in the receiver on his end, hearing her get up from the bed. "What you doing?", he asked with that sleep thick voice. "I'm gonna grab a water.", she didn't mind his questions or want to be protective. He never crossed that line of being too nosey, though sometimes she wished he did. It was like her heart eyes had been overlooked for years, her desire for the man going unnoticed. "Shit- fridge is warm.", she sighed, the door of the mini fridge slamming. "My fucking luck-", she groaned, before she laid back on the bed, plopping back. "They've got an ice machine, before you pout too hard, princess.", he snickered as she scowled. She figured she could just inform him of the creep down the hall tomorrow. Leon had said he was here before, maybe he already knew the front desk was a pervert. "Fine.", her legs ached from the walk, already having given what energy they had to the endeavor to get here.
The hall lit up with lightening, the fogged up windows muting the brightness. "He put me in 17, how far down is the icebox?", she asked softly, hoping not to wake up anyone who might be sleeping though the storm. "It's between room 26 and 27, so not too far.", he whispered back, despite not having to. Her pants were sticking to her only slightly now, she had more sense than to not change before coming out here, god forbid that fucker catch her in her underwear, she didn't want to give him something to get off to. "Ah! Found it.", she whispered, pulling her arm down in a 'hell yeah' motion. "Good, now the princess can have the finest of cold waters.", he laughed, causing her to snort in amusement. "Shut up, room temperature water drinker. It's disgusting.", she shamed his preference. "Hey! It's healthier.", he corrected, his voice slightly muttered in annoyance. "Yeah, old man has to take care of himself now.", she teased, scooping some of the ice into the metal bowl that was in her room.
As she scooped the thunder clashed loudly, followed by a lightening strike that sounded like it landed right on her. Causing her to shriek and drop the bowl. "You alright?!", his voice came from the speaker in urgency. "Fuck, yeah.", she sighed as she looked at all her spilt ice. "There goes my ice.", she growled, pushing the bowl with the toe of her shoe. "I think i'm just going to try and go back to my room and sleep. Hopefully this is all over by the morning.", she gave in, turning on her heel before she caught the outline of a man down the hall, causing her to halt. "What...", her voice trailed off as she stood watching, the figure of the man watching her, his eyes wide and white, all she could make out was his eyes and build. He was skinny, but tall. "Leon?", she whispered, her throat tense causing the words to sound almost like a wheeze. "Kitty?", Leon called back, his voice also tense, sensing something was wrong. "I...", she started before the man turned on his heel and darted into a room. "Oh my god-", she breathed, the words airy. "Some creep was standing at the end of the hall acting like a creeper.", she explained as her heart rate tried to ease itself back into a normal pace. "I can't wait to be home.", she didn't waste time getting back to her room, passing room 25, 23, 21, then 19- before she stopped once more. The door was open, from her peripheral, she could make out legs, laying straight out on the bed, "Huh?", her nose curled up as she tilted her head, "Jesus-", her eyes had caught just the small sight of blood dripping from the mattress, staining the white, red. "I think you may want to come by tonight, Leon.", her voice was grave, she was use to being around bodies day in and day out. But here? Out of nowhere, laid the body of a blonde girl, her head tilted towards the closet as Kitty stepped in further. Her jaw slightly left open and her body covered by just the sheet. Her hair was tangled as if someone had gripped it. Her legs and wrists bruised a dark purple. Her shoulder marred with a bite mark, the skin punctured as blood pooled into the divots. The bed was messy, her clothes nearly folded by the bed on the floor, a simple pair of jeans and a tank top. She felt tears come to her eyes, just another soul gone too soon by hands of another.
Kitty stepped closer, Leon's muffled voice going unheard as she leaned over the girl, "I'm so sorry, angel...", murder was something that Kitty strived to treat differently. "I'm so sorry.", she placed her hand on her hair, stroking the dead woman, before closing her eyes, slowly and softly. Her skin was cold, no warmth left within her.
part 1
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captainpulisic · 2 years
take my hand, wreck my plans - m. mount
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gif credits to owner word count : 2.7 k
you had grabbed masons phone because he had asked you to. he had texted one of the boys a question hours ago and asked you to check if there was a response. there wasn’t anything strange about this, you and mason were friends who were close enough to check each other's phones. he was too occupied playing fifa, anyway. 
yet, as soon as you put in his passcode and his home screen greets you (a picture of the both of you with summer), a notification pops up at the top. its a message from a… priscilla?
tomorrow is good for me, i can’t wait <3
you stare at the screen in shock, even long after the message has disappeared from the screen. of course you expected mason to be talking to girls, why wouldn’t he? he’s handsome, charming and really nice. you should feel happy for him, he deserves to find someone and maybe this priscilla is that someone. okay ouch, just the thought of that being true hurt more than you had anticipated. 
“what’d chris say?”
“hm? oh yeah,” quickly diverting back to your original mission. “he said no, to ask kai.”
mason hums at that, finishing his latest game. before he can start another match, you lean your head on his shoulder, facing him. 
“so, wanna hang out tomorrow?” you ask, nonchalantly.
“er i can’t, sorry love.” he pauses before continuing. “i have plans.” 
“what type of plans?”
“with a friend, might meet up with them.”
“you have other friends besides me? i thought only i had the privilege of knowing you.” you feign shock. “do i know who this lucky person is?”
his cheeks get a tint red, “you don’t know her, i think.”
you poke his cheek at this, “her? you have plans with a her? sounds like you have a date to me, masey.”
he rolls his eyes, “she texted me back didn’t she?”
“hmm? I don't recall what you’re talking about.”
“you're just so nosey, aren’t you?” playfully, he taps your nose twice. you both can’t help but laugh as you continue to feign ignorance. 
giving him an innocent smile, “i do have a nose, thank you for finally noticing.” 
“smart ass.”
you keep up this charade. laughing and teasing him about his impending date because if you really thought about it, you’re sure you'd want to lay down and cry. you love him, you’ve loved him for quite some time. and just because you’re too afraid to admit it doesn’t mean he can’t find someone who will tell him they’re interested. mason deserves to be loved, and to be told he’s loved. and you love him just enough to stand aside and let him be loved by whomever he wants, even if it's not you. it’s all very bittersweet. 
“it’s getting late, I should get going.” you begin to grab your belongings, forcing a smile in his direction. before he can protest, you’re already heading down the hallway. he’s not slow to follow. “hope your plans go well.”
he pulls you in for a hug and kisses your nose when you pull away, “text me when you’re home, okay? bye nosey.”
as you begin the short distance to your own flat, your heart hurts even more. thoughts full of mason and her won’t leave you alone. how can someone so beautiful make you feel so horrible?
the next day, the grey clouds are more present in the london sky than ever. a perfect reflection of your horrid mood. barely forcing yourself to get up, you hear your phone buzz with a new message.
getting ready for my plans :) just wanted to let you know that the boys are getting together later tonight at the usual spot. they want you to stop by and I do too. friend and I will probably head there after.
okay, that hurt. how can he say ‘i want you there’ but then mention he’s bringing his date along? he truly will be the death of you, you swear. before getting the chance to type up some half hearted response, an incoming call from sophia pops up. 
as soon as you accept, “she lives!”
“hey soph, everything alright?”
“no, we haven’t seen you in forever!” sophia scoffs, “mason keeps you all to himself!”
you can barely make out kai in the background, “the lover boy has to let everyone know she's taken.”
letting out a dry laugh, you tell sophia to tell kai to shut it. “yeah, well my supposed lover boy is currently on a date with someone else, so.”
“oh, that’s not-”
cutting her off, not wanting to go into more details of masons love life, that doesn’t include you. “are you guys going to this thing later tonight?”
sophias lovely voice is undeterred, “of course, we are! why? aren’t you?”
“i’m not entirely sure,” you hesitate. sophia was one of the few people you told about your unreciprocated crush. she always told you tell him, to put yourself out there. she swore on all the stars that he felt the same way, that ‘it was obvious to everyone’ mason was in love with you. she promised that you two were meant to be, you both just couldn’t see it yet. in a low whisper, “what if it’s weird? he’s bringing her by, he told me himself.”
you hear kai protest, followed by several moments of shushing and heated, argumentative whispers. you stand by while you hear them lowly bicker and sophia send him away. tone full of sympathy, “i don’t know why he’d bring her but you should still come. we’ve all been wanting to see you and i know mason will be really disappointed if you're not there.”
as if she can hear your internal battle with your thoughts, she adds a hopeful, “please?”
“oh, alright. just please don’t leave me alone with them at any moment.”
the club is too noisy for your liking. the music is louder than usual and there's twice as many people. everyone seems to be having a good time, trying to forget the string of bad luck they’ve had with recent games. well, everyone except you. your mind is running a mile a minute, dreading the moment mason shows up with her.
this bad feeling wasn’t going away, especially when you realised everyone was here, minus him. was the date going so well that they had lost track of time, lost in each others presence? were they already in love and eloping? god, you needed another drink.
you’re sat at one of the booths, opposite sophia and kai. she’s kept true to her word, sticking by you to make sure you’re not alone when the impending doom comes. they’re both drinking and enjoying the night, making sure to include you in all the conversations. you’ve tried to contribute and match their moods, not wanting to bring them down. it just wasn’t working. your brain won’t shut up about mason and it’s become quite depressing. 
kai slides you a shot glass filled with who knows what, “drink, you’ll feel better.”
trying to muster up a genuine smile, “thanks, I just don’t feel too well tonight.”
sophia and him exchange a long look before they give you a sympathetic smile. they’ve seen the sadness in your eyes and how you keep glancing at the entrance behind them. you can see them having a conversation, an argument with their eyes. sophia reaches across the table to grab your hand, “we can leave, want us to walk you home?”
“no, stay, enjoy your night off.” you begin to get up and gather your stuff. trying to give them your best, fake smile, “it’s not far and I could use this time to think.”
“going straight home?” kai ask, not looking up as he’s too busy texting.
“straight home- i'll text you when i’m there.” you direct the last part to sophia, giving a small wave as you leave the booth.
stepping out into the cold night, you’re met with a busy crowd of people walking on the sidewalks. the world seems so happy tonight, even the stars are shining bright. it’s as if they're all mocking you right now. 
as you continue down the road, your traitorous mind begins to think about mason. you’re reflecting on your unrequited love, on how he’s never shown to feel the same about you. the universe was cruel for having you meet the sweetest, most handsome man on the planet and making him just your friend. every step you take brings forward a detail you love about him. how he throws his head back when he laughs, how he actually laughs with his whole body. how he always has to be touching you one way or another, let it be a hand on your lower back or your pinkies interlocked (something all good friends probably do, right?).  another step, another thought of how he’s always the first person you want to tell good and bad news to. once, he confided that he thought the exact same thing about you, and said he “just wanted to tell you everything, always”. you’re positive you’d follow that man to the ends of the earth.
years of pining and yearning and obsessively waiting for just a crumb of attraction back. that’s all you’ve ever asked the universe for. you scoff to yourself as you round the street to your flat. if the universe was ever so kind, it’d deliver mason to your doorstep, wrapped up in a bow. 
once you’re stood in front of your door, you keep true to your word and dial sophias number. 
“hey soph,” you can barely hear her response, the club music bleeding out from the background. digging your keys out of your bag, you continue, “well, i just wanted to let you know I just got home.”
“oh, uhm good,” she sounds hesitant. “is mason not there yet?”
“no.” you trail off. “why the bloody hell would mason be here?”
instead of answering, she hangs up. or maybe the signal was too weak that the call disconnected. still confused by her question and lack of answers, you call her again. no answer. you call again, no answer. more muddled than before, you dial kai’s number. maybe sophias phone just died?
too busy cursing kai for not answering either, you don't hear the car parking right in front of you. the universe was being too cruel to you today, it was really unfair. 
when you do notice the looming car in the dimly lit street, you panic. frantically, you’re trying to find your pepper spray as a shadowy figure gets out of the car. your voice cracks, “don’t come any closer! i’ve been trained in the arts of karate!”
“you took one lesson when you were nine, spare me.” 
you hear masons laugh as he says it. your body betrays you and instantly relaxes when it hears that wonderful sound. it feels like home and spring and everything nice.
“mason,” you're confused and sad and in love and your heart won’t stop beating a mile a minute. in seconds, he’s met you at the tops of the stairs. “what are you doing here? didn’t you have those plans with your special friend?”
“i did.” the idiot has the audacity to blush. cheeks rosy and he’s looking very shy all of a sudden. gone is all the confidence he’s always oozing. “but the more time i tried to spend with her, the more i realized i couldn’t be there because i was in love with someone else.”
“cheers.” you force a weak smile. “good news for you, bad news for your friend.” 
you don’t know what else to say. knowing he’s on a date with someone hurts but him flat out telling you he’s already in love with a different girl? it’s a knife to the heart.
mason looks at you in disbelief. he couldn’t believe you weren’t getting what he was trying to confess to you. “yeah well, i told kai to try to stall you while I got to the club but he texted me, freaking out, that you were leaving. told me to come straight here, instead.”
“why?” you take a step back, anxious about where this is going.
“why?” he repeats, taking a step closer to you. “so I could tell the girl that I love, that I’m stupidly in love with her. and to hope she’ll say it back.”
“you’re in love with me?” you’re barely able to whisper. you have to point a finger to your chest, still not convinced he could be talking about you.
“yes,” he takes another step closer when you take another one back. “I kept dragging the date along, hoping to feel an ounce of what I feel when we’re together and I couldn’t. I probably sound like a complete prick saying I realized my feelings for you while on a date with someone else, i’m sorry. but I just kept wishing it was you with me, I kept hoping to hear your voice. I love your voice, have I ever even told you that? because I do, it’s really lovely. just like your face, I think your face is really lovely. everything about you, really.”
he was rambling, and gods help him, it looked like he hadn't exhaled once throughout his whole speech. you kept trying to say something, hoping to give him a chance to catch his breath. but just like him, your brain was short circuiting. 
“you love me?” was all you could manage. your mind still couldn’t comprehend this was truly happening. the universe couldn’t be this kind.
“I have for the longest time, I was just too dense to realize it.”
“oh god, mason!” you can’t help but laugh at this bizarre situation. “i’ve loved you since forever but I didn’t think you felt the same. ask sophia, she knows. kai probably knows, too.”
“no way,” mason shakes his head, looking down at you. “he would always tell me to ask you out but i’d tell him you’d never see me that way. he called me stupid many, many times.”
“so everyone knew we were two idiots that couldn’t see we loved each other?” you look up at him, baffled. at this point, he had trapped you between him and the front door. him pressed against you, hands sneaking around your waist. instinctively, your hands find their way onto his shoulders. his body heat was making you feel dizzy, you didn’t even try to fight the lovesick smile on your face.
“‘m afraid so, love.” 
from an outsider's perspective (sophia and kai and, basically, the whole team), it was kind of endearing how you two could be so dense to such obvious pining. yet, at the same time, very frustrating. 
you had imagined kissing mason millions of times. you imagined how soft his lips would be, if those ridiculously expensive breath mints he was always chewing really did taste like strawberries. you had spent countless nights dreaming of how he would hold you, of how gentle or in control he would be. 
for the first time tonight, you decide to have courage and meet mason halfway. here he is, putting his heart on his sleeve and the least you can do is the same. bodies already together, all you need to do is raise your tiptoes and brush his lips. it’s shy and nervous, more of a touch than a kiss. that’s not enough to satisfy mason, though. not wanting to wait any longer, his hands go up to your head and bring your mouth to his. 
and your imagination? nothing compared to the real thing. it’s messy and desperate and you feel both of you smile into it. oh, those stupid mints really do work.
you only pull away when it is absolutely necessary for air and not a second sooner. both of you adorn stupidly sick smiles as he tries to chase your lips. trying to find something to say, you’re at a loss for words. your mind hasn’t been able to recover, mentally doing somersaults. you finally have him, the way you’ve wanted him for the longest time. so why speak? nothing else has to be said right now. you both know everything you want to say to each other. in a way, you two have always known. plus, how could you say anything else when he’s already leaning in for another kiss?
loving mason was a wonderful thing but having him love you back? the gods and universe and fates couldn’t have given you anything more heavenly.
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iamwhoami · 1 year
Babysitting 101
Chicago Med
You and Connor babysit Owen so that Will and Natalie can still have their date night after the babysitter calls in sick.
Warnings: None
Requested = Yes
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
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"Nice job back there Dr. Y/L/N," Connor smiled at you.
The two of you had just finished a relatively easy surgery and had returned to the ED to help with the backlog of patients. Between the icy roads and flu season, they could use all the help they could get in there.
"You weren't too shabby either Dr. Rhodes," You shot back and Connor smirked.
"Quit flirting over there lovebirds," Maggie called out, "Y/N you're needed in Treatment 2. Connor, we have an incoming five minutes out, you're going to Baghdad."
"I'll see you after shift then?" Connor quirked an eyebrow and you nodded.
"You bet."
The rest of your day flew by without any sight of your boyfriend. You were so busy, constantly rushing from one room to next in an attempt to catch up with the schedule.
By the end of your shift, you were absolutely exhausted and wanted nothing more than to open a bottle of wine and put on your favourite movie while snuggling Connor on the couch.
It was that thought that managed to keep you on your feet.
"I am ready to call it a night," You breathed out while you gathered your items, "I don't know if my feet could stand a moment longer."
"Well, they're going to need to find some juice if you want to get to your car," Maggie joked.
You laughed, "Not if I can convince Connor to carry me there."
"I don't think you'd have any trouble," Maggie said and shook her head, "That man is whipped for you..."
You both chuckled at that but you both also knew it was true. Connor would fly to the moon for you.
"Well, have a good night Y/N," Maggie said and left, leaving you to wait for Connor alone.
You quietly waited on the couch for Connor to finish up his last surgery of the day. Nurses and doctors bustled in and out of the lounge and you wished each and every one of them a good night. You were mostly just on your phone, not actively engaging in any other conversation when you overheard your friend Natalie speaking.
"Sorry Will," She was saying, "The nanny just texted. She can't stay later tonight, something with her sister came up."
"Don't worry about it," Will responded, "I'll cancel the reservation then."
You spoke before you could really think things through, "I can watch Owen!"
When your sudden outburst was met with confused silence, you flushed and fumbled with your words.
"I wasn't eavesdropping, I just overheard," You mumbled quickly, "But seriously if you guys need someone to watch Owen, Connor and I can totally do it."
"Connor won't mind?" Natalie asked and you shook your head.
You and Connor hadn't really talked about kids but this wasn't anything like that. All you had to do was look after a toddler for a few hours. How hard could that be?
"We don't have anything better to do tonight anyway," You told them, "In fact, I think it'll be really fun!"
Natalie chuckled at your enthusiasm, "Well I can assure you that it won't be dull."
"Exactly," You pointed your finger at her, "You and Will go on your date. Do. Not. Cancel. Connor and I will watch Owen."
Will and Natalie took a moment to look at each other as if they were contemplating your offer. Finally, Natalie turned back to face you and nodded.
"Thank you Y/N," Natalie said genuinely, "I owe you one."
You shook your head though, "Nah...you don't owe me anything. I'm just glad I can help."
It was decided that Natalie and Will would go and get ready for their date and that they would drop off Owen when you and Connor were back at your apartment. You figured that you should give Connor a heads up but he was still in surgery and you weren't going to disturb him because he was suddenly on babysitting duty afterwards.
He'd get over it.
About ten minutes later, a tired-looking Connor walked into the doctor's lounge and the deepest part of your gut felt bad that you had dragged him into babysitting Owen after a long shift. That guilt caused you to just stare at your boyfriend for a solid minute before he pointed it out.
"What did you do," Connor demanded teasingly as he turned to face you.
You quickly snapped out of your trance, "Nothing!"
"Uh-huh..." Connor raised an eyebrow, "I know that look Y/N."
You feigned offence, "I don't know what you're talking about."
Connor only continued to stare at you and after a while, you finally caved.
"Okay fine," You sighed. "You have to promise that you won't get mad."
Connor nodded, "Okay..."
"I..." You squeezed your eyes shut before opening them again. "I kind of volunteered us to babysit Owen while Nat and Will go on a date."
“So…” You stared at Connor, “Thoughts?”
Connor raised an eyebrow, “You voluntarily agreed to look after a toddler…after working a 12 hour shift…”
The two of you stood there, staring at each other, unmoving. After a hot second, Connor let out a slightly exasperated sigh and ran a hand through his hair.
“Alrighty then, I suppose we should get going then,” Connor gave you a small smile, “wouldn’t want to keep Nat and Will waiting now would we?”
~~~ Perhaps you had underestimated how exhausting looking after a toddler could be.
No, you definitely had.
Dinner had been tiring enough. Somehow more food had gotten on you and Connor than into Owen's stomach.
"You've got a little something there," Connor teased and wiped mashed potato off your eyebrows.
You laughed, "What? Are you sure it's not my new makeup?"
Game after game. Activity after activity. It just didn't end, and yet somehow, it was you and Connor that were tired out, not Owen.
"Y/N!" Owen's little voice gleefully called out. "Come play!"
You huffed but smiled big for the little boy before pushing yourself onto your feet.
Connor couldn't help but chuckle, "Are you having some regrets right about now?"
"Pfttt, never," You shook your head as you sat yourself down on the ground next to Owen. "Right buddy? We're having a blast?"
Connor smiled at you affectionately. He couldn't deny that he was tired but he also had zero regrets. You were so good with Owen. The way you spoke to him. The way you naturally were so attuned to his needs. The way you understood his toddler language.
It took about another hour before Owen's energy began to wane. After a ten minute chase around the apartment, you had managed to wrangle Owen into his pajamas and Connor convinced him to brush his teeth.
Another twenty minutes later and Owen was passed out in bed and you and Connor collapsed on the couch.
"I'm not sure which was more exhausting," Connor joked. "Our twelve hour shift or this."
You teased, "Did a toddler outdo you?"
"Absolutely," Connor shook his head. "I was absolutely outdone by a toddler."
Laughing, you leaned against Connor who wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to his chest.
"You're really good with him you know," Connor softly said.
You hummed, "You weren't so bad yourself."
"Maybe we should babysit more often," Connor added and you scoffed.
"I think we need a few weeks to recover before making any big decisions."
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Can you please write a fic about the golden oldie of one bed in a hotel room with wanda maximoff and venom reader? I miss enemies to lovers 😭
Hell yeah I can!
Hotel Room hell
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Summary: You and Wanda are sent on a mission together but you don't get along, and when a woman tries flirting with you she needs to confront her feelings, or does she? Maybe she'll just play with you instead
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, terribly written smut, oral (W receiving) swearing, etc
Words: 5,300 (Got way too carried away 😳😂)
A/n: this has been finished for 2 days but I kept reading and changing things so let’s hope for the best lol
"I'm sorry ma'am but there's only one room left” the poor hotel receptionist repeated for the 3rd time to an angry redhead "I can't stay with her in the same room, we don't get along"
"She doesn't like us does she?" Venom said in your head and you just shrugged
"We'll be in different beds Wanda whats the big deal? You tried calming the situation down, you didn't really like her either but you were tired and all you wanted to do was sleep
More bad news incoming "oh actually the room only has a king bed available" this poor front desk person
"One room and one bed?! This is ridiculous!" You didn't say this often but Wanda was acting like a Karen right now "Wanda it's fine I'll sleep on the couch"
That seemed to calm the stressed redhead and she grabbed the key from the desk storming up to the room leaving you to deal with the woman "I'm so sorry about her she's normally really nice"
She laughed "trust me we get many characters around here, she's not even the worst I've had today, thank you for trying to help though"
"She is flirting with us! We need to ask her out! You have been very lonely recently!"
You forced a smile ignoring that insult from your symbiote and looked back to the woman who asked you a question and waited for your response "sorry? Did you ask me something?"
"I asked you if you were dating your friend?"
You shook your head "no no we don't like each other"
"Then why stay at a hotel? Seems a little odd" she laughed and you laughed with her, she was right but when Tony Stark gives you an order you have to listen apparently "trust me I know" you laughed with her
"So if you're not dating her, does that mean you're free tonight then?" She was asking you out, oh wow okay
"Oh yeah, yeah sure I'm free, do you have anything in mind?" You stumbling over your words and blushing hard was the cutest thing she'd ever seen even if you yourself felt yourself getting stressed
"A drink at the bar maybe?" She said and you nodded "absolutely, when do you get off?" Feeling confident you lent close on the desk leaning your head on your arm and she did the same smirking "isn't it a little too soon to ask when I get off?"
"Is she talking about what I think she's talking about?! I may be an alien but I recognise flirtatious attitude!"
Scratching your head to calm the irritation known as Venom you coughed trying to wet your dry throat, you won't be embarrassed
"Well maybe I'm just trying to time our date, knowing when you get off helps me decide the correct time" that didn't sound as good as you thought it did and both of you knew it but she decided not to hold it against you "I finish at 7, I'll see you at the bar, order me a pornstar martini"
"Pornstar martini? Sounds interesting"
"It's delicious, who doesn't love a pornstar?"
You laughed, god she was funny and hot, what a great combination "you got me there, okay I'll see you at 7" you went to leave but her hand grabbed your arm pulling you close and she gave you a kiss on the cheek "see you then"
Walking to the room with a smile on your face you went to open the door but you were stopped by black tentacles claiming your hand "what are you doing?"
"I feel tension inside and I do not think we should be going inside until Wanda has calmed down"
You huffed "you're being dramatic, we know she hates us what's the point?"
Ignoring very real instinct of Venom you opened the door barley surviving a thrown lamp thanks to Venom catching it in one of their tentacles
"Wanda what the fuck?! This place is expensive you can't be throwing shit around!"
You looked at Wanda seeing red swirls all around her body, okay she was definitely angry "where were you" she said sternly making Venom growl in a defensive state, they didn't like being told off
"I was talking to the front desk woman-
"She asked you out" she interrupted you and you had to hold back from letting Venom out "okay and? She's hot"
Wanda scoffed "oh so you'll just fuck anything that shows you attention huh? You should've been a man because you just think with your dick"
You just stood there dumbfounded, even Venom was speechless "what the hell are you talking about? Why are you acting like a jealous ex girlfriend?"
The witch stood up and stormed into the bathroom slamming the door "we're on a mission! You need to be focused, not staring at a blonde bimbo's chest!"
"I was not staring at her chest! I'm a lady!"
The silence on the other side of the door was deafening and you weren't sure on what to do
"I believe she may still be mad at us, should we do anything?"
You lowered your voice "and risk being murdered in a nice hotel room? No let's just go to the pool" picking out a bikini from your suitcase you headed down to the pool.
When you got there, you realised something "Can you swim?" You whispered to yourself and waited for the alien's response
"Yes I can swim, I was the fastest swimmer on my planet I won plenty of awards!"
You rolled your eyes "you know you don't have to continue talking, you could've just stopped at yes I can swim-
"Who you talking to stranger?" It was the woman from the front desk "oh hi, no one I'm just thinking about how to say sorry to Wanda"
She sat down on a sun lounger bringing you with her and you flopped down with her "honey I don't think you need to apologise to her, she doesn’t like you”
You shrugged "she got stuck with me on this....business trip so I owe it to her to behave"
"She wants us! Quick kiss her!"
Your hand reached to rub at your head calming down the incoming headache “anyway enough about Wanda, I thought you didn’t finish work until later?”
She shrugged “well I saw you coming to the pool and got someone to cover for me, do you want to go swimming?"
You did but you weren't sure, after Wanda's outburst she was definitely watching you, you thought you could even feel her eyes on you "I don't know..."
"Come on, I bet you look so hot in your bikini" she purred at you making you fault a little "oh er yeah, sure okay let me go change" you got up a little to quick nearly stumbling but froze when you felt a pair of hands steady your legs "hold on darling, seems like you need some help"
Her laugh was fun, you even managed to not notice her hands sliding up and down your legs rubbing circles into them
"Ah Y/n I believe we should stop because I feel some eyes on us that are angry"
You ignored the voice and in about 10 seconds you'll really wish you would've listened "so, how about my offer of swimming?"
"Y/n what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Ah fuck me" you whispered pushing yourself away from the woman and turning around to Wanda storming towards you "Wanda I-
"Get back to the room now!" She was angry that much was easy to see but you didn't know why, why was she acting like this?
"Wanda I don't know what the problem is-
"Ahhh! Y/n she's in our mind!"
You felt yourself getting dizzy walking away and falling into the pool spluttering and failing to stay afloat "oh Y/n you're so clumsy now come on you need to stay in the room while we're here"
She pulled you out of the water and pushed past the woman trying to have her way with you dragging you to the room and throwing you inside "we're here for a mission! Not to be a whore!"
"Dude, are you on your period or something?? What have I done? I know we don't like each other but you need to chill out"
Wanda hasn't looked at you yet, all she did was pace around the room "I-i'm sorry I don't know what came over me, it just pissed me off seeing you flirt with that bimbo because she doesn't deserve you"
"She is being quite confusing Y/n I believe it may be a trick"
You couldn't even think of what to say, did she just say someone didn't deserve you? "Wanda" she ignored you "Wanda look at me"
She looked up at you "I'm right, she just wanted to sleep with you"
You shrugged "and? What is this, the 1800s? I'm allowed to sleep with someone"
"Well I don't like it!"
"I'm getting a headache Wanda just say what you truly feel and let me and venom go to sleep"
Wanda scoffed "that's another thing, venom, venom this venom that, it's a parasite! Bruce could've gotten rid of it for you, you'd be normal but no you want to keep it so you can feel special, news flash! You're a mess and when you come in at 4am covered in blood and collapsing on the floor I'm the one picking you up and putting you in bed!"
That's how you get to bed? You don't even remember going out and killing people in the first place, does Venom know?
You lowered your head "do you know about this?"
The symbiote remained quiet so you asked again
"Venom answer me do you go out and then come back covered in blood and making a mess everywhere?"
"Well when you are asleep I can go outside and be my true self"
Your face drained of colour, oh god is that why you couldn't sleep much? "Venom come on dude! Why do you have to keep going out and killing?! I get you live chickens to eat"
Venom remained quiet so you looked back to Wanda "Wanda I-
She held her hand up stopping you "doesn't matter Y/n, go back to your "date""
Before you could respond Wanda was already back into the bathroom, her favourite place to be it seems
"Are you mad at me?" they whispered and you held yourself back from smacking yourself in the head knowing while it would hurt them it would hurt you more
"Yes but it'll pass, I need a lie down"
"What about the attractive blonde woman downstairs?"
You rolled your eyes "I don't want to sleep with anyone right now"
you lay down on the couch closing your eyes just wanting to go back home, but no, Tony wants you both to kill some people and take some important files or something you weren't actually paying attention, he only wanted you to go because of the alien inside of you
"You are thinking very loudly Y/n"
''Well I have a lot on my mind don’t I Venom?”
Before you could finish the bathroom door opened and Wanda came out “do you have anything to say?”
You looked towards her with your eyebrows raised "what do you mean?"
"After all the shit I do for you you owe me a apology" she came towards you and you instantly jumped up backing away from her making her laugh "are you scared of me?"
"When you stalk towards me asking for an apology it's a little scary yeah"
Wanda glanced behind you "and does Venom think I'm scary too?"
You hadn't noticed the black tentacles sprouting from your back in a defensive stance and then you suddenly heard the low growling coming from inside you
"Venom relax, it's okay I promise we're fine" the growling stopped and the tentacles retracted back into your body
"You still owe me an apology" she repeated and you rolled your eyes "can't we just get along for 10 minutes?"
"No, but I'll leave it for now, we should go to sleep we have an early day tomorrow" she turned her back to you starting to remove her top and you gasped "what are you doing??"
She turned her head to you "getting dressed for bed?"
"B-but can't you do that in the bathroom?" You stumbled over your words blushing and Wanda rolled her eyes "we have the same body anatomy Y/n there's nothing wrong with seeing me naked"
"Is this flirting? If she's removing her clothes that means she wants us correct?"
You shook your head "I-okay" you mumbled casting your gaze to the floor where Wanda's shirt then her bra ended up, Wanda smirked knowing exactly how you were feeling and while she hated you she would like to have a little fun
"You know since we’re here can you look at something for me?” You thought nothing of it and looked up immediately regretting it when you were faced with her chest “Wanda!”
“What? You wanted to help me correct?” She smirked and you closed your eyes “Wanda this isn’t appropriate, we don’t like each other and I don’t feel comfortable”
She rolled her eyes lifting your chin up but you still refused to open your eyes “malen'kiy I’ve been inside your head, you may hate me and I hate you but the images you think of when you think you’re alone are just delightful”
“Really?” You replied and Wanda’s smile dropped pushing you to the ground
“You’re a creep Y/n I’ve never been in your head because that stupid parasite stops any interaction from me, but now I know, you keep those disgusting images to yourself” still not opening your eyes you heard her slam the bathroom door again, Jesus that doors seen more action than you in months
“Y/n I believe she has left and we can open our eyes now”
You slowly opened your eyes and were met with Venom’s face too and you flinched “god I’ll never get over actually seeing your face”
“Because it is so beautiful”
You grimaced “hmm sure let’s go with that” you stood up drying yourself down and sitting on the bed “well I’m getting changed before she comes back out and beats me for looking at her wrong”
You quickly changed and got under the covers awaiting the angry witches return
“Oh so the couch isn’t good enough anymore?” Those were her first words exiting the bathroom dressed in a shirt and her underwear getting under the covers and placing a pillow between you both as some kind of wall of protection
“Don’t you dare touch me or I’ll tear your body from the inside out with my magic”
Rolling your eyes “please Wanda stop trying to turn me on I won’t be able to control myself if you keep teasing me”
“Keep your parasite at bay too”
Low growls from said parasite left your body and you shushed them “I promise they won’t do anything, even they have standards” you snapped back, closing your eyes you hoped to fall asleep quickly and you did
Through the night you were in and out of sleep waking up at one point and the pillow was gone removed by Venom
“What are you doing???” You whispered
“She is thinking of us”
You peeked a look at Wanda “she isn’t, she’s not angry”
“She is muttering your name and whimpering”
You scoffed turning over facing away from her “you’re being ridiculous Venom, she wouldn’t be whimpering about us, she’d be laughing and happy because she’s probably stabbing us”
Your whispering woke Wanda up and before she could shout she noticed the pillow gone and you muttering to that alien when you turned around you stopped talking and sat up quickly
“Sorry Wanda I didn’t mean to wake you, I didn’t move the pillow venom did and I’ve shouted at them already-
“Oh shut up” she kissed you to shut you up and you blushed hard pulling away but Wanda’s hand gripped the back of your neck keeping you in place
“I still hate you” she breathed out kissing you again sitting you both up and eventually pulling away leaving you speechless “I’m so confused”
“I’ll keep it simple Y/n, I hate you, you hate me, we’re here in this bed and I’ve not had sex in 7 months, even then Vision wasn’t the best in bed so I need to get it out of my system”
While she was talking she’d taken her shirt off and straddled you and went to kiss your neck but you finally regained some form of control placing your hands on her shoulders stopping her “Wanda wait this isn’t right, can’t we go back to hating each other properly?”
The witch shook her head giggling “oh princess you want me too, I know it now, tell me how does the parasite help you in sex?”
You couldn’t believe what was happening, this feels like something out of bad comedy love movie
“I don’t know, they only come out when scared or excited”
Wanda licked her lips smiling “excited? I can get them really excited”
“Y/n is this a trick? I feel like this is a trick”
You shrugged “I think she’s serious, just stay there until I figure it out”
Wanda watched the interaction rolling her eyes “I’m very serious Y/n” she pulled you back into another kiss starting to move her hips on your thigh but you put a stop to that grabbing her hips pausing her and pulling away “no, no Wanda I don’t feel right about it”
“Tell her you’ve never been intimate with another person”
Venom said and you shook your head refusing to tell Wanda about you never sleeping with anyone, unbeknownst to you Wanda knew, Venom couldn’t keep her out when you were sleeping
“It’s okay Y/n I know you’ve never had sex, and I can’t wait to ruin you for anyone else”
You gulped unable to say anything instead letting Wanda kiss down your neck and removing your shirt pulling away and admiring your chest noticing the metal bars “nipple piercings? What a naughty girl, do you have any other piercings?”
You shook your head not wanting to say something to ruin this beautiful yet really strange encounter
She didn’t say a word just leaning down kissing each nipple making you shudder “Wanda I-I don’t think-
She huffed pulling away and rubbing her face “Y/n I just want to fuck the anger out of my body, you’re being really selfish”
“Wanda I’m sorry, it’s just I’m scared that Venom might take over and hurt you”
“I’ll do more than that if she keeps calling me a parasite!” They growled taking over your body a little clawing at Wanda’s hips cutting into her
“Shit, they’ve got some sharp claws there” she laughed a little and you gasped “oh god Wanda I’m sorry!”
“Shush, listen Venom you horrible little clump of mold I need this, now either you let me fuck Y/n or you come out and give me a hand” roughly kissing you she was suddenly flipped onto her back and pushed down into the bed “woah, where did that strength come from?”
“Well Y/n is weak and if you want rough sex then I’m the only one here to give it to you”
Wanda’s eyes glowed red bringing you back to the front “I want to sleep with you, Venom can help but you’re the one who I want to look at.
You nodded “okay”
“You need all the help you can get, I will give you something that will drive Wanda wild”
You opened your mouth revealing Venom’s long tongue poking out licking up the side of the redhead’s face “oh god I didn’t know they had a tongue like that”
Not wasting anymore time you kissed your way down her body leaving marks and saliva in your wake until Wanda grabbed a handful of your hair pulling you to in between her legs
“Get on with it Y/n”
“But I’ve never done it” you said and you felt her pull your hair tighter “doesn’t matter, just fuck me with your tongue”
Venom growled from inside of you gripping her thighs spreading them apart and licking up the arousal that had dripped down and licking over her panties making her groan “fuck Y/n”
Moaning at her taste you ripped her underwear from her body circling her clit with the long tongue enjoying the moans coming from Wanda, god why have you never eaten anyone out before? This is fucking godly.
"So much better than Vision!" She shouted out and you (Venom) growled against her core sending vibrations throughout her whole body making her groan "how about you stop talking and let me do my job"
Thrusting your tongue into Wanda’s tight pussy had her crying out not caring about the other guests in the hotel instead feeling very full and unable to move, your tongue felt like heaven reaching places Wanda couldn't have imagined possible, what else could Venom give you? God Wanda couldn't even think, maybe another day.
Your hands gripped her thighs tighter cutting into the skin again but neither of you cared. You felt Wanda clench around the tongue and you groaned wanting to stay in between her thighs for the rest of your life
"F-fuck I'm gonna cum!" She screamed refusing to let you come for air trying to thrust her hips in time with your tongue but her sloppy movements couldn't keep up with you
"Grab her hips to keep her still! She isn't helping my rhythm!"
Your hands pushed Wanda's hips to the bed doubling down on your efforts with your tongue refusing to let her go, bringing orgasm after orgasm from her juices leaking down her thighs covering your face and the bed
You were so occupied that you didn't hear or feel Wanda try to weakly push you away until a small amount a power sparked your chest pushing you away, you were breathing heavy with Wanda's juices and saliva coating your face
"Wanda?" You climbed back up the bed trailing your fingers up her body liking the way her body twitched with every touch until you reached her face "Wanda are you okay?"
The witch shook her head "are-are you sure y-youre a virgin?"
You laughed "yeah, yeah it was Venom's tongue I was a puppet" Wanda didn't have the energy to respond instead working on her breathing, you turned to the nightstand picking up a small towel wiping your face clean and turning back to the woman surprisingly kissing her, Wanda groaned at the taste of herself enjoying the taste and the way your long tongue wrapped around her own claiming her.
Pulling away the tongue disappeared and you left you with your own small tongue again
"She does taste very good, a little sour but that might be her attitude"
"So what now?" You asked, choosing to laugh at VEnom’s joke later, watching the way Wanda's chest rose and fell in quick succession "seriously? You as a virgin fucking wrecks me with that parasite's long tongue and you have the audacity to ask me 'what now?' Fucking ridiculous Y/n"
She flopped back down onto the bed and you held in a laugh "sorry Wanda, are you okay?"
"Sure, I don't think I'll be walking for a while anyway"
"We treat Wanda like a lady but she will not admit that she loves us? And she still calls me a parasite!"
Wanda sat up in the bed looking towards you "what else can Venom give you?"
That surprised you but you also sat up "er I don't know, the long tongue not enough for you?"
Wanda let out a breathy laugh "it'd be much better than a plastic strap on"
You raised an eyebrow wondering what she meant until Venom spoke up "I cannot give Wanda what she wants, because I don't have any genitalia, I apologise"
You giggled "sorry Wanda Venom doesn't have that or any genitalia"
She sighed "I guess it's for the best, I don't want little alien babies"
You both burst out laughing forgetting how you both feel about each other for the time being "we should probably talk about the mission"
Oh yeah the mission, that was the last thing on your mind right now "I guess so"
Suddenly the door opened and you both nearly jumped until you recognised one of them.
"Well well well, guess I was right telling Tony it's better if we came with you, clearly you two have other things on your mind more important than the mission" she laughed and the other woman came into the room instantly laughing and falling to her knees dramatically
"Holy shit! I knew it! Clint owes $40"
"Natasha this isn't funny” Maria slapped her on the shoulder pushing her to the ground ignoring her giggles and looking back to you both "okay okay we've all had a good laugh now you two get dressed, we've got some intel on the target and need to get there quick"
When Wanda didn't move you held in a giggle and Nat pulled herself off of the floor eyeing Wanda up "don't tell me you can't move...that good?"
Wanda rolled her eyes "jealous Nat?"
The other redhead snorted "please, Maria does things you've never even heard of, I'm a trained assassin and talented ballerina and yet this woman takes me down every time"
She looked very proud of herself while Maria blushed hard "babe please calm down, Wanda why can't you move?"
"It is because of my long tongue isn't it Y/n?"
You gave a small nod in response to Venom and got out of bed to get dressed leaving the poor naked redhead on her own "go on Wanda tell us while she's in the bathroom getting changed"
"You know the parasite she has?" Wanda started
"Sure..." Nat said
"Well it has a long tongue and so Y/n has never had sex so I think they had a talk in her head and then this long tongue appeared from her mouth, way too much saliva though, I thought I was going to drown when she kissed me"
"That's the best of both worlds! A tongue and basically a strap on in 1, Shit Wanda I'm jealous"
Maria rolled her eyes "I thought I did things you've never imagined before?"
Nat kissed her pouting girlfriend "you do baby but that alien has like a 13 inch tongue that's thick too, I'd fucking die"
"I'm still alive over here guys"
"Yeah okay sure, why haven't you moved from the bed?" Nat walked over to the bed holding her hand out for Wanda to take which she didn’t
“Oh come on Wanda it’s not like I’ve never seen you naked, you get crazy at the Christmas party”
Wanda huffed taking Nat’s hand and hosting herself up from the bed leaning into Nat who casually looked over your body “you’ve got so many hickeys and scratches on your thighs and stomach, you look like you’ve been attacked”
“Yeah by an alien” Nat laughed
“Do you remember that you two hate each other?” Maria interjected and Wanda shrugged “I needed to fuck someone who didn’t have a robotic dick or a vanilla attitude”
You came out of the bathroom dressed and looking awkward “there she is, the virgin who managed to paralyse a witch from the waist down” Nat congratulated you while Wanda tried pulling away from her
“Nat please come on, let’s just go and sort this mission stuff out” you moved through the room towards the door but were stopped by Maria “hold on princess, we don’t really have to go that quickly, you two hate each other right? So what happened?"
You thought about it "maybe she was jealous about the woman who was flirting with me?"
"You mean the easy slut basically spreading her legs for you by the pool?"
The three of them stared at Wanda who doubled down on what she said "I'm right, if she didn't work here I bet she would've just stripped naked in front of you"
Nat picked up some sweatpants and a shirt from the floor giving them to Wanda "Wands I don't think you can talk about someone being easy when you're stood here naked"
The witch grumbled taking the clothes from Nat limping into the bathroom to get changed
"You two are a riot" Nat told you and you shook your head "Nat please don't make it worse, I'm really fucking confused" you flopped down onto the bed covering your face with your hands, when you felt a hand on your arm you looked up to see Maria
"Why label it? So you gave head to your enemy so what? I'm pretty sure you can still be enemies but still sleep with each other if you wanted"
You sat up sighing and giving Maria a hug "thanks Mia, I don't want to be sappy about the whole thing, you're right and its over now"
Nat clapped her hands "Alright! Now let's go and get dinner before we starve, I bet your little Venom is hungry too"
Did she mention food? I would very much like food! But my food!"
"Venom wants to eat what they normally eat" you said looking at Nat knowing full well what they want
"Well, can they wait until we get to the mission? They'll be loads of tasty horrible humans for them to devour"
Venom's head appeared from your back eyeing up Nat and spoke in a gravely voice "Natalia, do you promise me I can eat the humans? Last time I was refused that luxury"
"God you're really ugly aren't you?" Nat laughed and you shook your head "Nat! They get sensitive about how they look"
The alien retreated back into your body without another word cursing Nat in your head
Wanda came out of the bathroom fresh faced and dressed "shall we go?" She walked towards the door opening it and letting the two women out "meet you guys in the lobby okay?" Maria patted you on the shoulder giving you a kiss on the cheek
When they both left Wanda closed the door and sat down next to you "say what you want to say Y/n"
"I want to know what's going on Wanda, do we still hate each other? Because the way you were screaming my name and clenching your thighs around my head it sure doesn't seem like it"
Wanda rolled her eyes pulling you suddenly into her lap and kissing you hard, pulling away you were obviously even more confused that when you first started
"I still hate you and that stupid parasite but I don't want you sleeping with anyone else, you can't flirt with anyone else either" her hands wondered your body landing on your ass giving it a squeeze making you jump slightly
"Wanda just admit you don't hate me, what's the problem?"
"Because we can't have hate sex if we like each other can we?" sucking a mark into your neck she smirked when you groaned
"Y/n you need to focus!"
Venom dragged you off of the woman surprising both of you "the hell was that??"
"Venom doesn't want me near you" you said being dragged to the door but it was slammed shut by Wanda's powers "oh baby, your alien will learn to love me, now come on we need to finish that mission so I can take my post mission adrenaline out on you later"
She gave you a cheek kiss on the way out of the room leaving you dumbfounded "great, my first time was with a witch who is possessive over people she hates"
"On my planet she would be treated like a queen because of how mean she is"
You laughed "thanks Venom, that made me feel better"
"I aim to please Y/n"
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shslbunnylover · 11 months
★★★𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚(𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 21: 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜)★★★
Character: Melissa Schemmenti
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 @marvels--slut
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Marking, vaginal fingering, bathroom sex, jealousy, Top Mel/Bottom reader,
Genre: Smut
Word count: 1.0k
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"M-Mel...!" You squeaked, feeling your body being pressed up against the bathroom wall of the single unisex bathroom the two of you had taken up space, your body shuddering under the tens of hickeys that were being littered across your skin. "You know we can't do this here...! We're with our co-workers for fucks sake!"
Melissa couldn't have cared less, slipping of the sleeves of your dress as she left blue and purple marks around your body.
"Color?" Was all she asked, flattening her tongue across the bruises she had created with just her mouth.
"Green...~ But Melissa...why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" You whimpered, knowing you shouldn't be doing it but sliding your dress further down for Melissa to litter more of her marks across your body.
"Did you not see how that fucking tool bag was flirting with you?" She growled, gripping your back with her nails as she dragged them across your flesh, leaving red marks in their wake.
"Yeah, I did but baby...he was just drunk!" You tried to reason with her, giving her a nod of consent as she took off your panties, rubbing circles around your clit as she focused her mouth on marking you as truly hers.
"I don't care...you're mine..." She mumbled into her kiss, her eyes slightly looking up at you before looking down once again to the work of art she had created with bruises and scratches on your otherwise [Insert skin color] skin.
You chuckled in reply, your soft laugh turning into a whimper as you felt her hand cupping your sex.
"Please...fuck..." You muttered under your breath before trying to speak once again. "I'm yours, okay? No one else's...nobody can fuck me like you can..." You reassured her, a slightly loud cry leaving your mouth as you felt two of her fingers slip into your wet cunt, curling perfectly at your most sensitive spots.
You buried your face in her shoulder, more moans and whines leaving your mouth as the feeling of alcohol, Melissa bruising you, and Melissa fucking you all made you dizzy.
"Yeah...all mine...your mine...say it..." The redhead demanded in an almost pleading tone, continuing to pump her fingers in and out of you, her thumb rubbing up against your clit.
"I'm all yours! Please~!! I belong to no one but you! I'm yours Mel~!" You cried out, your head burying itself deeper into the crook of her shoulder.
Your walls clenched tightly around her fingers, making it harder for her to continue fucking you like this, but Melissa still continued.
Her touch was addicting, you felt your body lighting on fire with each hickey she left on you, your eyes shutting from your incoming release.
"So easy..." Melissa chuckled, lifting your head up as she left a massive bruise on your jaw with a bite mark to top it off.
You could only whine, your mind not wanting to say anything as you enjoyed this moment, you knew it felt weird to call your girlfriend fucking you in a bar restroom "wholesome" but to you it was.
Being wanted this badly that you were forcibly marked by your partner just made you feel all sappy inside, just like how you felt the day you first met her.
But your thoughts were once knocked away from your head as you felt a sharp yet pleasurable pain streamline through your body as your girlfriend left a giant bit mark on your neck that was deep enough to even draw blood.
"M-Melissa~!!!" You pleaded, looking at her with tears in your eyes as your whole body pulsed with anticipation, hoping that she'd have some mercy on you tonight and let you have your release.
The older woman only smirked, leaving another large bite mark on your breast as she looked at you.
"You're all mine babe..." She mumbled, pulling her teeth away from the mark and replacing it once again with her tongue. "So cum for me baby, show me how I fuck you better than everyone here..."
You sighed in relief, the knot in your stomach snapping as your juices squirted out of your filled hole, your orgasm voice-overed by your moans.
"Fuck..." You muttered once you came down from your high, watching Melissa proudly lick the white fluid off her fingers as she onced you over.
"So...do you want to go back to the dance floor?" She asked with a smirk.
Your eyes widened at her non-chalant behavior.
"My neck is blue now! Why would I go out there!?" You squeak in embarrassment, to which your girlfriend only responded by whispering in your ear.
"So everyone can see how much you of a good girl you are for me..."
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loveforaugust · 1 year
my sister’s wedding / j. seresin
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pairing: jake seresin x reader, best friend!reader x bradley bradshaw, bradley bradshaw x oc
summary: while you love your sister’s new husband bradley, you most certainly do not love his mouth but good looking co worker
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“I truly never thought I’d see me sister this happy until she met Bradley,” you were finishing off your maid of honor speech, laughing into the microphone. “They complete each other, if Sarah said she wanted to moon, Brad would do anything to get her the moon. Sarah traveled the world with him, seeing Japan, Florida, and sunny California. If anything proves true love, it’s these two. There’s no one I’d be happier to have as a brother, welcome to the family, Brad. And congratulations to you both!”
Bradley and Sarah gave you a hug, you laughed as Sarah had tears down her face. “Better take care of your wife, Bradshaw.” You teased, rubbing her back gently. You wandered over to the bar, swaying slightly as you waited in the long line.
“Beautiful speech up there,” the guy behind you spoke up. You smiled happily turning to meet his bright green eyes. He was taller than you wear, hair gelled into neat strokes. He was wearing a matching blue suit to your dress.
“Thanks! I’m Y/N, bride or groom?”
“Jake, I fly with Bradley.” He shook your hand. “What’re you drinking tonight, Y/N?”
“Strictly champagne for me! I’m on orders to make sure nobody gets plastered and ruins the wedding!”
“Well I’ll be on my best behavior. I’m a known wedding crasher.” He smirks as he orders a champagne for you.
“Ooh please share Lieutenant!” Your eyes lit up as you stared at him.
“I tend to leave a trail of broken hearts at these events. Especially military weddings.” Jake tipped the waiter and you walked towards the dance floor. You laughed at him as he explained one of his buddies weddings that he’d attended last month.
You learned all about his special name (he called it a call sign) and what had earned him that nickname. “In my defense, I’ve gotten better. That was like 10 years ago. I’ve been promoted since then too.”
“You’re something else, Jake.”
“Is that a good thing? Or should I be concerned?” He teased, leaning against the post beside you. You smiled up at him, a warm feeling covering your face.
“I’m still trying to decide myself!”
“Would a dance help you consider?” You laughed and grabbed his outstretched hand, setting down your drinks and allowing him to lead you out to the dance floor. A slow song played, one of the many Sarah and Brad had picked for their playlist.
“You know you’re not too bad of a dancer.”
“So my dancing skills are subpar, I’ve made you laugh like three times, and I’ve got a steady income, what else can a guy like me do to impress you?” He swayed you softly to the music, his hand resting on your waist gently.
“Ah the ultimate question. Real talk, Lieutenant, how often are you gone? Would you like a housewife or a spouse, and how many kids?” You quizzes him, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face.
To be honest, you hadn’t made your mind up about him yet. He was gorgeous and charming, and surprisingly nice but you almost needed to buy yourself more time to decide if you wanted him to break your heart or not.
“I go where the Navy calls, as of right now, we’re holding a permanent station out in Miramar. We haven’t been deployed for any missions besides the one but I believe that’s my new permanent base.” He raised his eye brows at you.
“That’s so convenient. I actually work in San Diego.” You informed him. He smiled at you.
“What do you do?”
“Pediatric doctor, I work in a hospital.”
“Impressive, how’d you decide to do that?”
“Helped me and Sarah through our childhood. She was sick a lot so we were in and out of hospitals. I saw what they did first hand and was just inspired. How about you? How do you wake up one day and just decide to fly a jet?”
“Well, Y/N, I’m a legacy. My dad did it, his dad before him did it and so on and so forth.” You nodded you head, watching him closely. The dimple in his cheek was showing up and he had the whitest teeth you’d ever seen.
“Staring awfully hard, darling, anything you’d like?” He teased, biting back a smirk. You rolled your eyes.
“You’re quite the charmer, Seresin.”
“Have I charmed you into a date yet?” You held up your fingers, signaling how close he was. “Ooh so close, do you need another compliment? Anymore questions I can answer?”
“One last thing: your thoughts on marriage.” You laughed lightly.
Jake looked over at Bradley and Sarah laughing and dancing with each other. “I think once you find your person, there’s nothing more romantic than making that kind of promise.” You smiled up at him, shaking your head.
“You just seem like the perfect man. Hiding any dangerous qualities under there? Or just the normal amount like the rest of us?”
“I’d say the normal amount.”
“Well you’ve persuaded me. Congratulations, are you free next Tuesday?”
“I’ll pick you up at 8.”
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Green With Envy | Renji Abarai x Reader |
author's note: more mechanic!au stuff! i love this au with renji sooooooo much. it's so damn fun
pairing: renji abarai x reader
warnings: au, jealousy, some background renji x rukia
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The tick of the clock on the wall only serves to irritate you further, the tickle of what's soon going to turn into anger settling tightly at the back of your skull. Renji's late. It's a Monday morning at the shop and he's uncharacteristically not here. He's usually here before you or right on time with you, and while it's technically his shop, it's still rude to not even send you a courtesy text.
You can't help the bounce of your leg and tightness in your jaw. Rukia is in town, and surely it's because of her that he's not here. She already had the entire weekend with him, and God only knows what the hell they were up to. You didn't hear from your friend not once, and in fairness, you didn't reach out yourself. Working together for sometimes more than forty hours a week is already a lot of time together, not to mention Renji often treats you to dinner after work or you'll invite him over and have a drink together to de-stress from the day.
To put it simply, you monopolize quite a bit of his time, and as nothing more than a friend and coworker, you have no right to feel so strung out about him being with another woman.
Another woman he was certainly fucking the entire weekend.
The bell above the door dings and the way you cut your eyes at him must be pure evil, because Renji reels back as if struck. He's got a frappuccino in hand and his usual black coffee in the other— he certainly knows the best way to extend an olive branch to you. He takes his usual seat before your desk and holds your drink away from your reaching grabby hand.
"Before I give you this and you start tuning me out," He starts, and damn him for knowing you so well. "I just wanna say I'm sorry I'm late, and that I missed you over the weekend."
And ohhhh how your heart warms at his sincerely spoken words. Combined with his dumb-looking, apologetic face, you can't really stay mad at him. "You're forgiven. Did you have fun with Rukia?"
Renji sets your drink down and has a quick pull from his own. "Yeah, always. We went and watched the new Fast and the Furious movie."
You snort and take a sip of your vanilla bean frappe. "And was it as ridiculous as you hoped?"
"Dumbest one yet." He flashes you a bright, dumb grin and sets his cup down to pull a pen and piece of paper from your desk and begin writing out his day's plans. "How was your weekend though? Any hot dates?"
"No." You mutter bitterly. "Seems you're the only one that has any fun like that."
"I dunno why." Renji murmurs, his eyes flitting to you for a moment. "You're extremely hot. Men should be falling to their knees left and right for you."
"Now you're just kissing my ass."
"Who, me?" Renji's smile is blinding, and the telltale twinkle of playful mischief is in his eyes. "Only if you asked."
"Take me to dinner first."
"Busy tonight, but lunch is all yours, babe." Renji scribbles out a schedule for you to keep him on, like always, and grabs a set of keys for his first few jobs— they're theoretically just simple oil changes.
"When does Rukia return home?" You hum, and frankly you're not doing a good job of hiding just how badly you dislike her existence. She's never done anything to you personally, no.
You just want what she has with Renji and the jealousy burns you.
"Tomorrow morning. I shouldn't be late again though."
"I don't care if you're late. I just would appreciate a heads up."
"I care if I'm late. I could lose my job, y'know. My boss is a bit of a hard ass like that, even though I'm the best worker she's got." Renji winks at you and rushes into the shop before you can chide him any, and the sound of his cackling laugh echoing from the garage is enough to ease the tension in your body and let you have a laugh too.
"Idiot." You mutter fondly before answering the incoming phone call.
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A few hours pass by before you see Renji again, and he hooks the keys back up to the key wall. "I am not doing even one more goddamn oil change today."
"Hit your head a few times?" You hum as you browse your computer for lunch ideas, and snort as you feel his eyes shooting daggers your way.
"I don't wanna talk about it." He snarks and goes to his small selection of nice shirts, picking up two for you to choose between. And he nods, expecting your choice of the teal Henley shirt and pulls it over his white tank top. "Lemme go wash up and we'll go get a bite."
"Yes sir."
Renji heads down the short hallway to the bathroom and you tidy up your desk as you wait, and your heart sinks as you see a very familiar pain in your ass walking up to the door. Plastering a small yet still fake smile on, you wave a hand to Rukia. "Hey, Rukia."
"Hello!" She's always been so damn kind to you, it's ridiculous for you to have so much disdain for her. "Where's Renji?"
"Restroom." You murmur, eyeing her carefully. She's wearing a cute little sundress, emphasis on little, and no wonder you didn't hear from Renji during their weekend. And thank the fucking lord they're just friends with benefits and that she lives so damn far away, because you're not sure you'd still be in this business with Renji if you had to see Rukia more often.
It's petty, but your heart doesn't like to share, one-sided or otherwise.
Thankfully Renji's out of the bathroom before the awkward silence can linger, and he greets Rukia with a hug. "Hey, you! What're you doing here?"
"Wanted to get some lunch with you." She smiles brightly and good lord she's a teeny thing compared to him.
"Oh!" Renji rubs the back of his head. "Not that I don't want to, but I already promised to take-"
Rukia pouts, and you sigh to yourself. "Just go, Ren."
Renji frowns. "No, I told you that I would treat you to lunch and I meant that."
"Just go. Make it up to me tomorrow." She'll be gone then, is unspoken, and you're sure hoping he's picked up what you've put down. Much as you dislike her for stupidly selfish reasons, being rude to Rukia isn't an option.
His brow furrows together as you set your purse back into its normal spot and you toss his car keys to him without so much as another glance his way, and he only barely catches them in the midst of his frustration. You're upset, that much is obvious, and he doesn't want to leave you behind like this. "I really don't feel right about this. Let's just all go out together, okay?"
"We shouldn't really leave the shop unattended." Your voice is damn near robotic, and the frustration in Renji's chest digs a little bit deeper. You won't even look at him. "Since Mondays are my busiest days. I'll be fine; I brought my lunch anyway."
And before Renji can argue further, a repeat customer steps through the door and they shake hands for a quick greeting before the man steps to your desk to schedule service. You smile at the customer, grateful he's earlier than he said he'd be— Rukia pulls Renji out of the building and they're off to their lunch, and you get an hour to yourself before your dear friend returns.
"He wants a state inspection, oil change, and he'd like you to do an alignment as well." You mutter when Renji steps back inside, setting the customer's keys at the edge of your desk for your mechanic to move the man's truck out back. Your packed lunch, a simple Caesar salad, sits in front of you almost completely untouched as your fingers tap against the keyboard for yet another email response.
"Alright." Renji eyes you carefully, tugging the keys into his palm and removing his Henley. He hardly ate a thing at lunch, much to Rukia's annoyance. But his happiness is very much dependent on your own, and knowing you're upset because of his inability to keep his word sends a feeling of pure sickness to his stomach. He let you down, despite his best efforts.
You pointedly avoid his gaze, and he sighs gently before he sulks out to get back to work. You end up tossing what's left of your salad, your tummy too full of feelings to want to eat. Renji stays in the shop for the rest of the day, not even emerging for a snack or a set of keys before lockup. The air around you is tense, and you curse yourself for being the very source of it.
But damn this jealousy will not let you go.
You're already shutting down your computer and organizing your desk for tomorrow when the door to the garage opens up, Renji's work boots scuffing against the floor as he comes back for the first time in several hours. He sets all the keys on the desk instead of the wall, indicating he's gotten all the work done.
"Nice job." You murmur, pulling them into one of your desk drawers. "I'll send the invoices tomorrow and depending on when they pay up, we can send out the rent—"
Your chair swivels around, causing your heart to skip a beat as you come face to face with your mechanic, his hands settled on either armrest with you subsequently caged into the chair by his body. When the hell did he even cross over to this side of the desk?? "Renji, what the hell—?"
"I can't stand you being mad at me." He admits honestly, and you can see just how pained he is with his gaze alone. "I'm sorry about lunch, okay? I really, really am."
"Renji." You sigh softly, and it takes everything in you to hold your hands back, keeping them in your lap and not cupping his face and kissing him like you so desperately crave. "It's not a big deal."
"You're mad at me and you're hungry. I got a double whammy on my hands." He moves just a tad closer to you as he shifts his weight, the scent of his savory, expensive cologne still there even after a day spent working hard. "And they're both my fault. You didn't eat your stupid little salad because what you wanted was a grilled cheese with all your little fixins from that place down the road, and also because you're upset and you don't eat when you're upset."
"How do you have me so figured out?" You ask softly, eyes so stuck on his handsome face. The shape of his nose, the way his lips curve, the sharpness of his eyes… The tiny little freckles you've never even noticed dusting over his cheekbones… Being in this close proximity only makes you realize and memorize the finer details of what you thought you already had discovered entirely. But it isn't often you're this close for this long, and hopefully he can't hear the way your heart beats in your throat.
"We have been together for almost six years now." He murmurs gently. "We know almost everything about each other at this point. You're my best friend and my business partner— I'd have to be the dumbest guy in town not to know you better than the back of my hand."
"Best friend?" You whisper in fear of your voice cracking if you talk any louder. Your chest is tight with want and the corners of your eyes begin prickling with tears; this is all too oddly intimate to take place at work, of all places, closed or not. Though it was this place that brought you together to begin with— "We have been together almost six years now." is how he phrased it, as if you were a couple.
"The very best." He whispers back. "Rukia is my childhood friend, but she doesn't know me better than you do. And I definitely don't know her half as well as I know you now. I could talk all day long about things she liked before she turned fifteen and moved away, but I don't even know what her favorite restaurant is now. That's the thing with time. It changes people, y'know? So if you don't keep up with them, you drift. Seeing her once or twice a year isn't enough to beat out my bond with you, no way in hell. I see you every day, all day, and I enjoy every second and always look forward to more time with you."
"You promise?" Your eyes are filled to the brim with tears now, and Renji smiles ever so gently as the pad of his thumb wipes away a renegade drop.
"I do." He presses his lips to your forehead in a sweet kiss, and your arms loop around his neck— and in turn you're pulled into a crushing hug and receive a longer kiss to your temple before his lips graze down your skin to speak softly into your ear. "Let's go get you that grilled cheese now, okay? My treat, and after that we'll go get some ice cream from that other place you like."
"What about Rukia? It's her last night in town, and you said you were busy tonight."
"She's probably packing anyway, and her flight is so early that she'll be in bed within a couple hours. It's fine. I meant it when I said I missed you, and I wanna take you to dinner. It'll be okay." His voice buzzes against your ear, and he gives you another squeeze when you relent and nod along to his idea.
Grinning widely, he lets go of you to pull on that same Henley from earlier. "C'mon, before you start acting hangry and yell at me."
"Hey! I do not yell at you!"
Renji snaps his fingers and points. "There it is, right there! Hangry!!"
You laugh and bat your purse at him, and he screeches playfully and runs out of the building. "You'll never take me alive!"
"Only because you left me to lock up!" You call back, laughing giddily as you ensure the building is secure and follow him to his car.
"Hey, you know the rules. Last one out is a rotten egg." Renji explains as he opens the passenger side door for you
You just laugh at him, chest warm and fuzzy at the day's turnaround. And the little green monster at the back of your brain, the toxic little thing, is sated as your mechanic slips into the car for an evening with you.
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