#more info on mamba
missedditart · 7 months
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Along with my Lackadaisy hyperfixation I've also become obsessed with under the devils moon by @libras-interactives. I absolutely love their ocs and can't wait to see more of them in the story. I made some fan designs of them and thought it couldn't hurt to share them. I had a lot of thoughts about their designs so anyone who is interested can read about that below. Also, English isn't my first language so please ignore any spelling mistakes and such.
Malwina's design was really fun, also the first one I did. She is described as having black fur and hair and orange eyes. I knew if  I wasn't careful she could end up looking like Ivy, so I made her hair color brighter than her fur color and also made her hair curly/wavy. I also emphasized the eyes as they're often pointed out in the text as big and pumpkin-like. I wanted her to look curious but maybe a little unsettling if she stares at you too long. I also gave her soft shapes and rounded years since she is very friendly albeit a bit pushy.
for Máire just mostly followed the description we get of her, calico, auburn hair and green eyes. The thing I had to think about for this drawing is what kind of clothing she would wear. I went between thinking she would prefer something stylish or something comfy. I'm not an expert on 1920s fashion so I mostly looked at old clothing catalogs to get a feel for the clothes she could wear. I settled on something more in between a comfy shirt with a stylish skirt. I based the tarot cards in her hand on Pamela Colman Smith’s designs. Also since she is wearing a shirt I couldn't show off the heart fur pattern on her chest but it's definitely there.
Sylvester doesn't have a very striking design but that's the point. For his facial structure i took some inspiration from Asa Sweet and Bobby Bastion from the comic but I also tried to make him stand out on his own. Other than that I kept close to the text, gray suit and graying fur. I was tempted to give him a colorful gaudy tie, maybe something his wife insisted he should wear. To make him more interesting but again he was supposed to be drab and unassuming. So I decided against it. (I still headcanon that his wife gives him gaudy ties and insists he wear them and he cant say no to her.)
Flynn was the one I had the most ideas for but also the one I'm the least happy with the result of but might as well share it. We haven't gotten many physical descriptions of him and what we get is somewhat vague. I also haven't played all the backstories so there might be something there that I've missed. But from what we do get he is often described as odd eyed and two faced, this gives me the impression he has a chimera pattern. We haven't been given any specific color so I chose what I thought fit best. black and bluish gray to make him cold and dark looking, i gave him green as an accent color. I probably went a bit heavy on the devil shape language but it's fun so… I also wanted to color the tip of his shoes white or gray to make them look like goat hooves but they ended up looking too much like bowling shoes so I decided against it. He still has a hoof-like pattern on his shoes which probably isn't very historically accurate for 1920s men's shoes haha. And lastly his cane is only described as black and ivory but nothing specific on the shape. I figured giving it some interesting motif would be fun so I went with a snake. specifically a black mamba witch don't look dangerous until you get too close or they open their mouth. I'm sure a fitting metaphor could be made from that. My design for him will probably change if we get new info about him later in the story but so far this is how i imagine him.
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calilk · 4 days
I will admit that the new dark age Is the only song by Coyote kid that I've listened to bc it popped up on some playlist one day qkkdkskfks
BUT the song is good and if the band has your seal of approval could I get some song/album recommendations from them :D?
okay okay first off IM SO SORRY FOR LEABING THIS IN MY INBOX FOR A WEEK. i wrote 90% of it then went to sleep without saving it as draft (silly me) and then didn’t want to look at it for a hot second. and heavily procrastinated doing it. but hey i deep cleaned my house :3
Anyway so FIRST you need BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE so you know what the hell i’m rambling about. They have 3 albums, each telling a different story, but connected. one is published under Coyote Kid, other two under Marah in the Mainsail. There are also 2 singles, both under Coyote Kid. under the cut because this became an absolute BEHEMOTH (1000+ words). :0
Short Version:
Similar to The New Dark Age: Holy Water
Western: Tough Kids, Prowler, Strange Days, Northern Born, Good Intentions, Trigger Finger
Personal Favourites: Black Mamba, Skeleton Man, Willow Tree, Good Intentions
You’d probably like the album The Skeleton Man most, as it’s set in a dystopian, western dustbowl. The heroes are trying to find a cure for a magical, body changing plague. You can read more here.
Then there’s Bone Crown (my favourite). It’s set before The Skeleton Man and in the same world, but it tells a story of animal civil war!! wowsers. Tyrant fox king, world destroying forest fires, you get the idea!! Read more here
Finally, Thaumatrope. I have the least knowledge about the story of this album (both due to lack of info online and my tendency to get distracted while listening to the album and tuning it out). I believe it’s set in the same world, and follows the story of a couple travelling through the mountains, of loss and conquering death.
Okay SONGS!!!!! first from The Coyote Kid. Tough Kids - Probably the most western of this album, beginning with lovely whistles adding a vEry western twang, and creates imagery of wind whistling in a barren landscape, both setting the scene and highlighting how ALONE these kids are. This in combination with the banjo like strumming of guitars paints the setting of the Dustbowl, desolate and westernnnnn ooo yeah. The layered vocals during the chorus creates the idea of a desperate group of kids with a pack like mentality, desperate to survive in this barren, left for dead world.
Prowler - I lOVe the deep, gritty guitar(? or bass) sections in this one, creates the idea of a growling, distorted and distended beast, no longer human but twisted by the plague into a monster. It both describes the Prowlers, and the fear they cause in others. Then after the chorus, sustained notes sound almost like a howl, showing how the humans in this world can easily be poisoned by the plague and slip into sickness, and even that humans and prowlers are not so different after all.
Strange Days - One of the more westerny ones, with callbacks to the first track in its lyrics. The creeping fear of knowing your friend is changing irreversibly for the worse, and you are incapable of stopping it. The pitch shifting plucking, grainy vocals and chains and scraping of metal as background noises during the bridge (????) makes everything feel wrong.
Other mentions: Destroyer of Worlds- Such a fun funky song: death incarnate going clothes shopping.
Run- Slowly building tension, desperately holding onto life, the carnal fear of being hunted. The vocals stay low and hushed, until the fear catches up and becomes realised in a yelling, almost far off, outpouring.
Skeleton Man- Less westerny but my personal favourite of this album(mostly due to lots of emotions related to it). Letting yourself rest after years of stress, returning home at last, acceptance even though it hurts. Looking back at how far you’ve come, nostalgia.
Bone Crown songs!!!! Black Mamba - I love this song sO MUCH, it’s got some of my favourite lyrics in it (Shape shifting shadow snakes oOOKAYYYYY!!!) and a lovely extended metaphor of the fire being a snake, almost as though it was cunning and intentional: an avatar sent by fate to punish the Bear for his actions. And punish the Bear the fire does!!!! the menacing bass and powerful trombone create the idea of an inescapable wall of fire and pain, eventually slowing down in its rampage, leaving the Bear alone with only the drums and guilt and the knowledge none but him and the owl escaped the fire. This is followed by a raw and desperate vocal performance, as the Bear is overwhelmed by the consequences of his actions, until the Bear falls silent as the drums are cut short. ( can you tell this is my favourite song shhsgsgdhgdgdh)
Fox Hole - full of lively trumpets and drums : a celebration of the Fox King and an embodiment of his subjects unwavering trust in him, until the regal trumpets are slowly replaced by the warning blasts of the trombone toward the end of the song - hinting at the idea that not all is right with the fox king and foreshadowing his descent into madness.
Other mentions : Bone Crown- I have a soft spot for this one as it introduced me to all of this!!! Scornfully looking apon the enemy you are about to cRUSH. Love the brass.
Fisticuffs- The pace of the guitar creates the idea of youthful energy and overconfidence. The Bear is rearing for a fight, full of righteous anger. It’s kinda the training arc of this album.
Everybody Knows - The deep brass in the opening feels like the distain, hatred and fear of others. Being shunned, full of anger and the knowledge of being completely alone.
Thaumatrope time!!!!! Northern Born- The most western in this album!! I love the vocal performance in the chorus: desperation and yearning for everything to be okay again. Very good song but i am slowly losing the ability to make comments. Just trust me with this one. If you want to listen to any out of this album, I think you’d like this one most!
Other mentions : Willow Tree- I have an animatic spinning in my head whenever i listen to this song. I love the build up in this song. Accepting your flaws (maybe a bit to readily (the flaws are mass murder))
Holy Water- I just love all the vibes in this song. The distortion of the vocals. Probably the most similar to The New Dark Age (spoken, slow building of dread and tension).
Ok FINAL ONE SINGLESSSS. In short they’re both fab and I think they’d both be right up your alley, as both very westerny. Neither have attached storylines.
Good Intentions- Verbal Gunfight. Or the taunting before a gunfight. Very westerny and one of the most upbeat sounding and danceable ones. The funky synths makes it feel almost like a futuristic western gunfight with crazy cool futuristic guns. Both are scornful and think of themselves as superior. It’s simultaneously fun and threatening.
Trigger Finger - Feels like a game of poker, with enemies on all sides. Backed into a corner, only able to use your wits to escape. Desperately planning an escape route, alone in a darkened room with your enemies literally betting against you. I could say more but my brain is kind of anlalysised out.
Hope you gained some insight while reading this, or if it was all just letters that’s chill. Sorry it turned out so long, and if you take none of my recommendations that’s chill as freak. thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble about something i love!!!!! even if it was a week late. i had fun!!!! idk why i procrastinated this it was chill. yayyy!!!!!
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futurama · 1 year
(diff anon) genuinely i would love to hear ANY info about syn and mamba. the world they’re in, how they got their abilities, whatever. they are so cool and i wish to learn more
that makes me really happy :^D heres those little scamps having a good time getting some powers!
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bakersimmer · 2 years
Get to know me
[useless info edition] I was tagged by @windslar @zosa95 @babolat85 @papiermaker  Thanks for tagging me 😘
1.What do you have under your bed? Boxes with bed linen and Mr's hiking gear
2.Favorite candy? Mamba fruit chews
3.Describe your favorite shirt: A baseball t-shirt with the slogan "open bar. all day & all night long..." It's made of thick, soft cotton, and it feels super nice against the skin
4.The last thing you drew/doodled was: Flowers on a shopping list...I was trying to figure out if I had everything on the list
5.Are you completely sober rn? People claim that sleep deprivation is equal to being drunk. So I've been drunk for years and maybe don't even know what being sober feels like? 🤷🏻‍♀️
6.What’s the one thing that annoys you more than anything? Honestly, I'm annoyed by so many things that it's hard to pick just one, but I'll try. Perhaps people's incredible stupidity and unwillingness to understand that besides their opinion, there are other and better opinions. So you think, "that's the lowest point. It just can't get any worse," and then...🤯 Just thinking about all the possible examples makes me cringe
7.Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter? It wasn't a pole; it was a padlock 🙄
8.If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? I would be happy to accept a job as a lighthouse keeper anywhere. The lonelier the place, the better 🙃
9.What was the single last word you spoke? “No!” My cat was doing something he wasn't supposed to. 
Feel free to ignore 🤗 @bunnithechubs @samssims @someone-elsa @unasyns @katverse @kazroze @simdiv @satureja13
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U.S. Venomous Snake Species and venom info
What are the four categories of venomous snakes?
*Note: All besides coral snakes are somewhat related, and that makes up the pit viper family
Pit vipers have small heat sensing pits near their noses to help them find prey
*Note: Coral snakes are more closely related to cobras and sea snakes
They are regarded as more venomous than pit vipers
How many species?
There are 22 recognized species and 37 subspecies that can all be sorted into one of the categories 
*Note: The most common type are rattlesnakes
What makes them venomous?
What makes a snake venomous is the presence of front fangs (not a rear hollow tooth in fear-ranged venomous- different type and not lethal or that painful) and highly modified saliva (toxic/venom) that is used to paralyze, harm, digest, or serve as an otherwise defense mechanism.
Their bites have to either be painful or lethal to be considered truly venomous and significant. 
*Note: There are constrictors, rear fanged venomous, and venomous snakes 
What makes up snake venom?
Snake venom is a heterogeneous mixture made up of peptides, lipids, enzymes, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (as much as most other things). 
Usually are made from at least 20 different compounds to make the full mixture
There are many different chemical formulas for snake venoms depending on species, subspecies, age, morphs, etc. so they will be left off this sheet as all those factors could change the genetic makeup of the venom
This sheet focuses more on the biology and physiological effects rather than the chemistry
What types of venom exist?
There are 4 types of snake venom: proteolytic, hemotoxic (or haemotoxic), neurotoxic, and cytotoxic
Proteolytic is left out of most classifications as it is present in every snake bite, so it is often naturally assumed
Most snakes can create a mixture of different venoms, with the minimum of two (proteolytic as a base to basically upgrade the others)
Example: Jameson’s mamba produces a mixture of hemotoxic and neurotoxic venom
Made from proteolytic enzymes (break down protein- digestion fluids)
More of an enzyme than true venom or toxin
Causes the degradation of tissue structures
This venom breaks down blood vessel walls and muscle tissues which accelerates the speed of envenomation
You will most likely feel this if it is paired with hemotoxic venom, but not neurotoxic
This is completely dependent on the venom it is paired with to take effect. Less of an actual harmful toxin on its own, but more of an add-on that accelerates and increases the pain
*Note: This type is often paired with Hemotoxic venom in rattlesnakes
Destroys red blood cells which directly impacts tissues and organs
Incredibly painful
50/50 on causing or preventing blood clotting (depends on other venoms it is paired with or other compounds in their saliva)
It interferes with blood pressure and platelets (what clots blood)
If untreated immediately you could have cardiovascular failure, loss of a limb, or internal bleeding
Hemo (think hemophilia- blood) attacks blood and cardiovascular, this is meant to kill prey
This is more internal destruction
Works slower than other venoms, so more time to get treatment, but your death will also be slower and more painful
You will feel this bite
*Note: Most rattlesnakes and copperheads have this type
Directly impacts the nervous system which can paralyze muscles and damage the brain to the point of unconsciousness/coma
This toxin also hinders nerve activity or impulses throughout the body which can lead to nerve damage
This venom blocks transmissions from the brain to control muscles and nerves, especially skeletal (mostly spine/back) one, which almost always leads to paralysis
It has an immobilization effect, making the body limp or rigid
Swelling is a common side effect
If untreated long enough, this can prevent the brain from sending signals to the heart to pump, leading to cardiovascular failure
Some people do not feel these bites as they aren’t the most painful, but you will feel symptoms start to come (say 15-20 minutes after the bite)
Most will collapse and be rendered unconscious by an hour or two, making treatment incredibly hard
The pain builds and grows worse
*Note: Fun fact, the most deadly neurotoxin is Botox (as by commercial name)
*Note: Cobras, coral snakes, and mambas are known to have this venom
This kills cells by eating away at them, eating the tissues and often skin
This is less deadly than hemotoxic or neurotoxic venoms, but can lead to permanent disabilities and loss of limb function
This is regarded as the most painful
Can start necrosis fast, leading to dead and unrecoverable tissues 
This is more external destruction
Cytotoxin is a protein that kills cell membranes or makes them explode on a microscopic level in some cases
Regarded as the “flesh eating” venom
If untreated, it can spread from your skin cells and travel through your blood cells to your organs and other tissues, killing you, but this is less common (although some cases result in kidney and liver failure as the patients were not rushed to the hospital or given treatment ASAP)
*Note: Mostly vipers (specific would be rattlesnakes too) have this kind with the occasional cobra
Specific characteristics of U.S. venomous snakes:
Vertical pupils
Triangular head that is wider than the neck
Hourglass patterns down its back
Copper colors w/brown or reddish bands
Stocky body
Lighter bellies (sometimes pinkish)
Keeled scales (raised ridge) 
“Pit” area near eyes and nostrils
Babies have yellow tipped tails
Adults measure 24-37 inches long (between 2-3 ft)
Semi aquatic/often found in water
Mouth is bright white
Darker in outer coloration
Adults measure 30-42 inches long (3-4 ft)
Older cottonmouths are often black
Very little markings or distinctive patterns
Broad, flat head that is wider than neck
Vertical pupils
Baby cottonmouths are brown/reddish with yellow/greenish-gray tipped tails
Thick bodies
Triangular head
“Rattle” or interlocking circular scales at tip of tail
A new rattle every time the snake sheds
Depending on species they can be 1 ft to 5-8 ft
Heat sensing pits
Vertical pupils
Most are gray, brown, and rusty in color
Most have bands and diamonds for patterns
They can fold their fangs easily and jaw can go 180 degrees
Rattle produces sound as it moves fast and the scales click against each other
Coral snakes
Smooth scales
Adult size is 18-30 inches (1-3 ft roughly)
Most have colorful rings/bands touching each other (common is red, yellow, black)
Most are tricolored, but some are bicolored
Always circles or bands, no patterns like diamonds or triangles (uniform)
Fixed fangs (cannot fold up)
Smaller and sometimes weaker fangs, but larger venom potency 
More round heads
Lays eggs while other venomous snakes give live birth
Some are aquatic with flat tails
How much antivenom is needed?
Antivenom is a serum medicine that is used to combat the chemical compounds and physical symptoms of venoms or poisons through antibodies. 
One vial costs $1,200-$3,000 depending on where you are located/area of the bite
More than one vial is usually needed to combat snake bites with the minimum of 6 being common
Most insurances do cover the costs of antivenom and uninsured people might get a discount, but there are other financial issues
A big risk is that some people develop hypersensitivity or immunity to the antivenom itself by a few doses/vials in or the second time you are bitten by a venomous snake. You can develop immunities to antivenom, but never venom itself through any means. Also allergic reactions are an issue.
Copperhead antivenom
Most copperhead bites are painful, but not fatal (Still seek hospital help)
For copperheads, 4 to 6 doses are the most agreed upon dose if bitten
This leads the price of antivenom alone to be $4,800-$18,000
Rattlesnake antivenom
Seek hospitalization ASAP
Most time, there will be hourly injections of antivenom until improvement
Doses are going to change by the mL depending on bite and hour, so no proper estimate can be given
The amount of antivenom needed can strain your liver
Worst cases of envenomation sometimes require 10-15 vials of antivenom, so we’ll use that as a spitball estimate
For severe envenomation, the price would be $12,000-$45,000
Cottonmouth antivenom
There is less information on the bites of these snakes, but we will go with a similar estimate for copperheads
Seek hospitalization ASAP
Coral Snake antivenom
Seek hospitalization immediately
The average would be 3-5 vials with a high of 10 in most cases
The price would be $3,600-$30,000
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
So, I have a different OC I wanna post here. I'm gonna anyway just because, but anywho-
Thought I'd give ya'll insight as to whom and what he is before I make anything to post here for visuals.
Info under the cut to limit post length
His name is Scales. He is part of a specie I made of my own, known solely as Silver-Back Serpents, a rare variant of Serpent. Now these guys are very, very powerful, couple that with the fact that Scales' family in particular are known for their seemingly endless power, physical or otherwise. All Silver-Backs have 3 forms, Serpent, Naga, and Humanoid form. They speak for themselves I believe. In Humanoid and Naga forms, they have 2 sets of arms at default, any extra or any less are considered deformities. They have hair in these two forms as well. In their Humanoid form, they have a tail, and their legs are digitigrade. In Humanoid and Naga forms, they also have large side fins. These will be better explained with an image, so I'm not even gonna try.
Most if not all Silver-Backs have a certain type of tentacle known as 'Sentient Tentacles'. Theirs usually end in snake heads. They also only have a few, the most any ever had was maybe seven. Now, while Silver-Backs can control them, most of the time their tentacles are doing their own thing. However, there is a limit to their sentient-ness. If the main body feels a certain way, the tentacle feel the same, often moving in ways pertaining to that feeling. For example, if a Silver-Back is falling in love, the tentacles might curl up into a heart shape, fixate on the one the main body is falling in love with (whether that be by 'staring' at the person, or just being touchy), or start 'whispering.'
Whispering is when the tentacles of the Silver-Back make noises imitating the feelings coursing through the main body, and therefore the tentacles.
Now, who Scales is is another story entirely. He is an OC I made because I was getting tired of making female aligning significant others for Offen- Asmodeus. I was tired of the sterotype of him being... That. I was tired of always seeing Dom Asmodeus when we were seeing Sub of the other Brothers, including Slenderman. Yes, Scales is Asmodeus' Pirate Daddy, and Asmodeus fucking loves it.
As said in the last Bullet, Scales is a Pirate. A Pirate Lord at that. My imagination, when it came to his ship, wasn't all that creative, basically opting for a Black Pearl carbon copy. Scales is infamous in some places, and famous in others. He is known for not only how massive his Fleet is, but also how many Republic (more on that at a later date) vessels, including Men-of-War he has absoluetly destoryed. Not including the fleets he has defeated, which all he fought and defeated were known for their prowess and many victories.
Scales' businesses are also rather popular, with an equal divide of Black Market trading, and legal stock marketing. Anything from contraband to local goods, he's got it on his ship, ready to make some coin. Now, he is a Pirate Lord, and that means he is up to a fair amount of no good most of the time. Sure, he may run a completely legal business, and one not so legal, but he has to have a way to get the goods to sell.
In the places he is infamous, Locals and Republicans alike will hesitantly tell you dark tales of the scurvy Silver-Mamba, who comes to raid them every so often. This is where the Pirate Lord is mainly heard of.
On the contrary, places that he is famous at will gladly tell you of heartwarming stories of the wonderful Scales, who rescued their lands of the Republic, and being accompanied by a small fleet of his Brethren, took over the Republic's bases with little to no trouble at all, establishing them as his own, and helped the Local Villages and Small Towns flourish. They'd happily yap away, exitedly sharing stories of when Scales would help them farm, help with the animals, help care for the children. They'd also gush over his hearty Brethren, who also helped with these tasks, always happy to help the Villagers and Townsfolk with any task, big or small. They'd all help the children smile, most of the Crew opting to tell them stories of their adventures, even going as far as allowing some Villagers, Townsfolk, and Children climb aboard a couple ships and sail around the Islands.
I will add more later, for now, this is the info dump! Hope ya enjoyed reading abt Scales! ^^*
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unknownjpegs · 5 months
five letter word
The assassination attempt on Dr. Sullivan is peculiar at best.
Happy stands at her desk, looking down at the black coffee cup. He picks it up and holds it underneath his nose. Doesn’t smell any different from her usual. Considering she drinks sludge for breakfast, any sort of poison would probably be masked by this oil slick coffee.
It’s not peculiar that someone would want to kill Bunny. He gets that; she’s pretty…killable. Not exactly everyones cup of tea—of coffee, he supposes, to himself with a small satisfied snort. That was a good one. He’d write it down later, or something. But, Dr. Sullivan, surely, is not nearly as high profile as an assassination attempt. Moreover, it feels…amateur.
There’s the intern that makes it obvious. She’s in heels—which makes it real obvious. Because she’s on her feet all day, running the errands. Picking up lunch orders, delivering paper, getting the coffee. They very poisoned coffee. Should be in flats, or loafers, or something comfortable like all the other interns wear. She’s not young enough to be in that stage of just got onboarded and I’m so excited to work! Which would explain that attention to detail regarding her appearance. But she’s also not old enough to be the type to I’ve worn heels longer than you’ve been alive, my feet are permanently destroyed and I don’t care.
Also the intern was really fucking nice to him. Which also made it far too apparent, because people weren’t generally nice to Happy. People usually ignored Happy—unless they had to directly interact with him, which wasn’t too often. People avoided Happy, he was easy to avoid; he was exhaustingly miserable, difficult to hold in conversation, good at his job in a ruthlessly efficient but baseline way. Clocked out every single day at the exact same time he was supposed to and took every hour of sick and personal hours he could.
Happy, also, notoriously, only got along with about two people if that. Sometimes three. Maybe, maybe, maybe four was stretching it.
That meant, someone had told the intern, stay on Happy’s good side. Which didn’t exist—but staying on no side was essentially the best way to be with Happy. She’d not done that. She’d brought him a coffee with extra cold foam, she’d warmed up his scone for him, she’d given him that big, I am so friendly and excited smile when she’d dropped it and Bunny’s tepid, oily, poisoned coffee.
She’d asked, “Need anything?” with bright, white, perfect teeth.
“More staples,” Happy had replied, tapping his stapler with two fingers. It had a label on it that read DO NOT REMOVE FROM DIONDRE’S DESK.
With her gone and the coffee moved from Bunny’s desk and over to his, he leans back in his office chair with the email open. S3RPIC0’s handle has always puzzled him. Unsure if the hacker is alluding to the 1973 neo-noir crime drama that Al Pacino looked ruggedly handsome in; or if they were trying for the serpent motif. Hm. Serpent. Happy flips to the crossword puzzle on his desk. WHAT IS A DANCE THAT IS ALSO A SNAKE? Six letters. Mamba. He quickly jots it down.
Anyway, S3RPIC0’s email is encrypted, or had been, an hour ago. But now it’s plain text, and it details the interns, well, details. Real name, country of origin, specific details, a faction list tacked onto her name. Big chunks of text that he doesn’t feel like imbibing. He sips his un-poisoned coffee.
Still no real reason for her to target Bunny specifically. Happy could potentially dig. He could email back, wire transfer the hacker more money, get a little more info on how she could have slipped her way onto this base unnoticed. But, he decides, glancing at the clock, that he really, truly does not care. They’re supposed to have dinner at one of those fancy places later, where the sushi costs twenty dollars for four pieces.
When the intern whose real name he’s already forgotten (kind of doesn’t remember the fake one either) returns, he says, “Thank you,” and then pulls the taser from his pocket and gets her in the throat. Its one swift, smooth motion. Really underlines the must be new to assassination thing, because she probably should have caught his hand. Instead, she crumbles, twitching and Happy scoots back from his desk.
The operator he’d asked to hide in the big steel locker slides from it. He gets her easy, a lanky arm around her neck. There’s only a bit of struggle, which makes Happy pick up the poisoned, and deliciously un-poisoned coffee off his desk so it doesn’t spill onto his keyboard. He places the black coffee on the windowsill and watches the blond operator efficiently finish off the little spy. He’d barely broken a sweat out and his long, slender body unfolds as he stands.
“Wicked,” he says, smiling at Happy. “Haven’t do-done that in a while.”
“My treat,” Happy says blandly, finishing off the iced coffee and licking a little bit of foam from his upper lip. The operator slings the woman up onto his shoulder, stumbling slightly under the weight.
Bunny’s wife opens their joint office door, stepping inside. Now there is a woman who can wear heels all day and not suffer a single sore muscle. Oh, four letter word, shoe that is also an animal. Mule. Happy crosses over to his desk to quickly write it down. Jack steps further into the office when Bunny comes slinking in as well, pushing back her short black hair.
“Forgot my fucking coffee,” she’s snapping, mumbling under her breath when she also stops. The weird, blond operator is huffing a little under the weight of the dead body and is staring with giant, pale blue eyes. He darts them back and forth awkwardly, huffing. “Happy, what the fuck?”
“Bunny,” he replies, tapping his pen on the book of crosswords. “Have you pissed someone off recently enough they’d wanna put poison in your coffee?”
She blinks those tired eyes and looks to her wife, then the operator, who is slowly attempting to flatten to the wall and slide out of the room. It’s awkward, with the dead woman. Her head keeps flopping around, her brown hair out of the bun she’d kept it in. The operator swallows and smiles and raises a hand at Jack, who has only tilted her chin slightly and looked at him in that way she looks at people. It’s either, I have summarized every single detail of you and pinned you like a bug for examination or your shoes are untied.
“Probably,” Bunny replies, opening a desk drawer to slip out her cigarettes. She hip checks it close and the blond operator finally manages to get out the office. Happy watches the dead womans shoes clack against the door as it shuts.
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devilsrecreation · 11 months
You know how I mentioned a whole TLG fic idea with Chungu? Here’s me infodumping about it
Kifamilia Means Family
Synopsis: Taking place post-The Lion Guard, the hyenas get a heartwarming surprise when Shenzi’s clan (AKA their parents) come back. But Chungu notices that he doesn’t have anyone to reunite with and goes off on a little journey to find his parents
What would happen (may or may not be in order):
The original trio and the rest of Shenzi’s clan come back and everyone’s elated
-The question of why they left in the first place is answered and the hyenas understand
-The truth that they killed Scar comes out. In fact, the trio tells them aaaaaall about Scar and how he betrayed them
-Upon seeing his friends reuniting with and cuddling with their parents, Chungu notices he doesn’t have anyone to greet him and wonders where his parents are
A couple flashbacks in the form of dreams:
1. How Chungu met Janja and Cheezi
2. Faintly remembering what his parents were like
He gets the idea after talking to Tunu and Wema and tells the rest of the clan (with support from them but Janja dismisses it). He then goes off on his own
The ghost of Ushari follows him everywhere, making sure he doesn’t make any bad decisions
-We get to see Ushari’s thoughts on the matter
-He also creates some obvious signs that he already has all the family he needs, but Chungu doesn’t get it until towards the end
Meanwhile, in the Outlands, the hyenas grow increasingly concerned for Chungu and have to be reassured by Janja that he’s gonna come back (except he starts to lose hope the longer he’s gone)
It would be implied that Chungu’s parents were part of Shenzi’s clan but died shortly after having Chungu (maybe a little before Shenzi left the cubs) from starvation
Chungu gets to meet and briefly live with many animals he meets. Thanks to his dim-witted personality, he’s able to befriend them all as well as wanting what they have
-The animals are ones TLG hasn’t shown like African Wild Dogs, striped hyenas, black mambas, etc.
- He first meets a wild dog named Nguvu (energetic), who lets him stay with her pack for a few nights
-A shoebill stork named Kiatu
-A striped hyena named Aibu and a black mamba named Kifo show him what a found family looks like since they’re misfits
- All his new friends either follow him back to the Outlands (like he’d arrive with them in tow) or they meet Chungu again when he’s already back home. Leaning towards the first option
He finds himself at the Tree of Life, where he finally decides to give up after searching for so long. At first he’s devastated that his parents don’t like him enough to want to see him (or so he thinks), but thanks to Ushari manipulating a cloud to look like a hyena, he finally realizes who his real family is and goes back home
-After saying out loud that “maybe they don’t wanna see me cuz they don’t like me”, Chungu gets to see his parents towards the end and they tell him how they’ll always watch over him. They also tell him how even though they’re gone, he still has a family before disappearing. Chungu doesn’t know what it means until Ushari gets him to understand
- “It’s Chungu!”
“And he brought friends….”
-Cheezi and Janja
Nguvu (energetic)- Living up to her name, Nguvu is an energetic, fun-loving painted dog who is the first animal Chungu meets on his quest. While the other wild dogs are distrusting of outsiders, Nguvu is the odd one out and loves making new friends. However, her nice, trusting nature can get her into trouble, leading her fellow pack members to save her.
Upon meeting Chungu, she immediately takes a liking to the hyena and somehow convinces her pack leaders to let him stay for a little while. She teaches him how wild dogs live (with Chungu almost ruining it due to his dimwittedness) while Chungu tells her about the hyenas. Chungu eventually learns his new friend hasn’t been in touch with her parents (giving wild dog traditions with the females leaving), thinking they don’t like her and encourages her to visit them. And she does!
-Nguvu and the rest of the pack are Chungu’s first clue into realizing the hyenas are his family, as their bonds remind him of his friends
-She becomes good friends with Chungu and the clan and maaaaaay or may not become Cheezi’s love interest (okay, she does)
-Voice claim: Sarah-Nicole Robles (Luz Noceda)
-If this were an actual special, Nguvu and the other cape dogs would sing a cover of “One Way or Another” feat. Chungu who just goes along with it. They do choreography and everything
-Her and Cheezi’s dynamic is basically “What do you see in him?” “He makes me laugh”
Other pack members: Mbwa (dog), Mkulima (growl), Gome (bark), Rangi (paint) and other unnamed cape dogs;Mbwa (male) and Rangi (female) are the leaders; There are only 10 members altogether, but they’re always willing to expand
Aibu (shy)- A shy, submissive, but sweet striped hyena who Chungu meets along with her best friend, Kifo. She and Kifo teach Chungu that family doesn’t have to consist of the same species. Upon spending time together, she ends up catching feelings for Chungu because of how much he complimented her (much to his obliviousness). She gives him a little kiss on the cheek when he goes off on his own again
-It takes Chungu a while to realize Aibu had a crush on him. Janja had to tell him straightforward
-Aibu kissing Chungu was a lot like how Amity kissed Luz for the first time. She did it, then immediately got flustered, wished him good luck, and hurried off to her den while repeatedly questioning why she would do that. Chungu just thought it was a striped hyena thing
Kifo (death)- Despite being a black mamba, Kifo is actually incredibly sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly, which is what makes her a misfit. Her goal is to teach animals not to be scared of her even though she’s highly venomous. Chungu meets her and Aibu when he accidentally steps on her and freaks out, begging not to be bitten. Kifo reassures him she won’t hurt him. She explains how she and Aibu are misfits who look out for each other and agree to let him spend the night with them cuz of the area being dangerous where they live
-After being persuaded by Chungu to move to the Outlands, she gets to know more of the reptiles. The skinks have taken a liking to her fairly well, Sumu is really chill with her, Kiburi…can tolerate her (although he thinks she’s annoying), it’s Kenge who takes the longest to warm up to her. Kenge doesn’t like meeting new animals in general, but meeting Kifo brings back so many memories to him. Being a venomous snake, not being afraid of him, and having that whole “please give me some respect” attitude towards him straight up reminds him of Ushari
-Speaking of Ushari, Kifo can actually see him. I’m not sure if he makes himself visible to her during Chungu’s quest, but they definitely meet in the Outlands. He gives her advice on how to befriend the animals and she thinks of him as a mentor figure. She doesn’t even realize Ushari’s dead until she brings his name up to the other reptiles and they’re like “….How do you know who Ushari is?”. Cue a very emotional conversation and Kenge finally opening up
-Kifo also agrees that Ushari was never evil and his reasoning for turning to the dark side was justified, just that he was wrong for the way he handled it
Kiatu (shoe)- An intimidating, tough, but good-hearted shoebill stork who is a single soon-to-be father to three eggs. He meets Chungu at the hyena’s most vulnerable state: exhausted, dehydrated, and starving. A lost Chungu stumbles upon his nest and tries to eat the eggs, only to be scared off by a strange sound similar to a machine gun (which is the sound shoebills make) and causing him to get his leg stuck between some fallen branches. Kiatu frees him and upon seeing his condition, nurses him back to health in exchange that he helps take care of the eggs. He eventually becomes Chungu’s bodyguard and gets a soft spot for him. He teaches Chungu how it’s okay that some families have only one parent and the importance of caring for a child while Chungu teaches him that not everyone is bad (he thinks almost all animals are bad, which is why he is so overprotective and so unfriendly)
-The reason why he’s a single father is cuz his mate died of some unknown cause. He doesn’t like to talk about it
-Like Paddington, he uses a death glare whenever animals have forgotten their manners. It works on everyone from other birds to crocodiles. Yes, it even scares Makuu and Kiburi
-When his chicks hatch, they call Chungu their uncle
- Kiatu knows that shoebills are supposed to only take care of one chick when they hatch, like in real life. Except Kiatu doesn’t want that. Neglecting kids just never sat right with him so he decided to care for all of his kids rather than just one
-Kiatu still thinks of himself as Chungu’s protector (and later Cheezi’s, too)
-Is like best friends with Basi (and later Beshte)
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mambamode · 1 year
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Jan is almost over and the Mamba has taken a bit of a rest from the decks. The first gig of year had to be a special one, and oh yes it is! 🎉🎉🎉 I am super duper happy to have been invited to support the super talented, eclectic live wizard kimchii ’s release party! The excellent @Myd of Ed Banger records will be gracing the decks. Additionally this is the first time Djing at the legendary @Debaserstrand! 💥💥💥 Oh man, the excitement is just growing! More info tba! Link to tickets in bio! Have a fire week!! 🐍🐍🐍 #mambamode #dj #djlife #djlife #house #disco #techno#deephouse #stockholm #gelatosthlm #technomusic #housemusic#vinyl #2023#producer#winter23#edbanger#housemusic (på/i Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoEn3qZsSWS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eurowheels · 1 year
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Unleash of the africas most lethal green mamba … Spotted in 2023 @eurowheels #vossen #teamvossen#hybridforged ##hf-5 #bmw#bmwm3 #bmwm4#bmwg80 #bmwlife #mperformance#mpower #50thanniversary #bmwmadness #proper#dowhatwelove#passion#performance#perfection #ms1media#carterduli #loyalclients For more contact us Johannesburg www.eurowheels.co.za [email protected] +27 609770727 +27721449333 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZthETqIAL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 CHEATSHEET. QUICK START. Tip: It is recommended to create a new environment for any new project or workflow. verify conda install and check version. Enjoy this cheat sheet at its fullest within Dash, the macOS documentation browser. Managing Conda and Anaconda. Conda cheat sheet. Educative Answers Team Conda is an open-source package and environment management system. Install a package included in Anaconda. Conda Cheat Sheet#. Managing Environments#. Command, Desc. conda info, get version info. conda create --name ENVNAME python= 9 Removing Packages or Environments. Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Use the mamba solver through mambabuild. It not only has a faster solve speed but also prints better error messages that make debugging simpler. Skip to content. Star 4. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Launching Xcode If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Launching Visual Studio Code Your codespace will open once ready. Latest commit. Git stats 10 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. View code. Removing Packages or Environments Topics python packages configuration conda cheatsheet environments conda-build conda-environment conda-env condarc conda-cheatsheet managing-conda. Releases No releases published. Packages 0 No packages published. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 CHEATSHEET. QUICK START. Tip: It is recommended to create a new environment for any new project or workflow. verify conda install and check version. Enjoy this cheat sheet at its fullest within Dash, the macOS documentation browser. Managing Conda and Anaconda. Conda cheat sheet. Educative Answers Team Conda is an open-source package and environment management system. Install a package included in Anaconda. Conda Cheat Sheet#. Managing Environments#. Command, Desc. conda info, get version info. conda create --name ENVNAME python= 9 Removing Packages or Environments. Work fast with our official CLI. Learn more. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Use the mamba solver through mambabuild. It not only has a faster solve speed but also prints better error messages that make debugging simpler. Skip to content. Star 4. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Launching Xcode If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Launching Visual Studio Code Your codespace will open once ready. Latest commit. Git stats 10 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. View code. Removing Packages or Environments Topics python packages configuration conda cheatsheet environments conda-build conda-environment conda-env condarc conda-cheatsheet managing-conda. Releases No releases published. Packages 0 No packages published. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window.
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vex-bittys · 7 years
Can I adopt that Mambo Bitty and how well does he get along with other bitties taht may be rowdy/mischievous?
A Mamba bitty can be a challenge around rowdy/mischievous bitties. I would recommend keeping him separate as much as possible and monitoring him when he interacts with your other bitties. He might become irritated and snappish, and if you see signs that he’s angry (generally loud hissing and tail-thumping), remove him from the situation to somewhere quiet so he can calm down. He can be difficult, but if an owner treats him with kindness and respect, he makes an excellent bitty.
*Mamba glares at the mention of rowdy/mischievous bitties. He hopes you remember to give him plenty of attention. You also receive a small packet of anti-venom doses just in case.
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abiglizord · 2 years
i am not a well of knowledge. Not a fountain of wisdom. i am a septic tank
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Shattered!Dream Lamia
Name: Notechis
Species: Tiger snake(Notechis scutatus) and and Black mamba(Dendroaspis polylepis)
Size: 24 - 34 feet total, 2.8 - 5.8 feet standing (fullsize) 20 - 40 inches total, 5 - 9 inches standing (mini) 26 - 56 feet total, 6 - 8 feet standing(bara)
Venom: Yes
Personality: Mischievous, negative, sassy,
Likes: Horror movies, scary things, being cared about,
Dislikes: Feeling alone/ignored/forgotten,
Compatibility: They can control nightmares, and can make them better or worse, depending much they like the person they are affecting they can make them much worse or get rid of them completely, and while they don't mind helping their owners/other bitties they hate to be used just or this reason,
They can also feed off negative emotions and are known for lessening some mental illnesses(such as anxiety, paranoia, depression, and more) and are often adopted by people with these illnesses,
These bitties like scary things though they prefer to not be seen as scary, unless they dislike who sees them as such, then they thing its funny,
They are super sassy and sarcastic, often making little quips and are known for annoying other bitties,
They enjoy annoying others and it might as well be their hobby, though they rarely start fights,
Feeding habits: They do not mind any kind of diet, and will eat live meat, though prefer cooked and seasoned food,
Additional info: They are poisonous and should not be handled by hand! if attempted or touched by accident you should clean the area as soon as possible!
The poison easily seeps through the skin and the side affects vary and severity slightly, though it always worsen negative emotions, said emotions also vary but depression/sadness, paranoia and anxiety are the most common ones,
The poison is only in effect when handled skin to skin contact,
They are not always goopy! This does not mean they are not poisonous!
Zone: N/A, Inside
In Universe: They are seen as a strange bitty, and are often called a 'bad sans' type,
Difficulty: Basic - Intermediate
Main colors: Yellow, black,
Secondary colors: Black, brown, gray,
Extra: Small cobra like hood, though noticeably smaller and thinner,
Additional info: Brighter on the bottom and has thick dark stripes that can be mistaken for bands on top,
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kiisaes · 3 years
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chimera superiors (more ocs)
maeve is a black mamba chimera, cynthia is a funnel web spider chimera, and horizon is a box jellyfish chimera (more info under the cut)
maeve (22) is in charge of the students, aka chimeras who are still supposed to be in secondary schooling when they joined the kingdom (the main cast lol). think of her as the "teacher" but chimera school is very different from normal school, so she's not really like ... formally educated to teach haha ... she was top of her "class" when she was drafted at 17 — she's super duper strong!
cynthia (22) is a head chimera scientist, dealing with chimera creation and biology daily. she was personally scouted by the heads of the chimera project due to her high intelligence and her contributions to this scientific breakthrough. like maeve she was drafted at a young age, but she helped higher-ups even as a teen
horizon (23) is a head chimera coach/trainer. his personal info is pretty sparse; one day he kinda just ... showed up! spooky, right?
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