#offenderman x oc
unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
First: Offender x Alien OC x Slender
Second: Slender Abaddon x Male reader Smut
Third: 7 Minutes in Heaven with Splendy! AFAB reader
Fourth: Offenderman x Slenderfemale!Reader x Slenderman smut
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dadumtss · 1 year
Slender brothers with a creature who's magic involving dolls (dress in lolita fashion,carries around a porcelain doll,anyone exposed to their magic becomes a doll-like creature,have a "I'm too posh for this"attitude,speaks, and act elegantly)
Slender Brothers x Doll-like OC
Hey! Thanks for the ask. I’m assuming you mean S/O headcanons and not compatibility headcanons so that’s what I went with. Let me know if that’s not the case. I kept the headcanons within the realm of my AU. So, without further ado…
The most elegant power couple
He appreciates your elegance and it was definitely one of the things that attracted him to you
Fancy dates at the fanciest and most posh places. Only the best for you.
Just as protective of your doll(s) as you are since he knows how much they mean to you.
He clears out a room so you have a place for your doll(s) and all their things.
Definitely pulls strings so you won't get in trouble for turning people into dolls whenever you want
Also takes you to fancy dates at the fanciest places. He can definitely play the part of the "posh date".
But he’s very persuasive in getting you to join in on his more exciting activities, even if its just to watch on from a spot he’s made comfortable and safe just for you. 
Calls you ‘Doll’ all the time
Will have a great time trying to get you to loose the posh attitude and elegant speak during sex
He is also Too Posh For This(TM) and you bond over that and your ability to snark about others 
Appreciates all types of fashion so long as you do it well, and you do Lolita very well.
He’ll design outfits for you and you are definitely an inspiration for one of his fashion collections
He’ll also spend time with you making outfits for and dressing up your doll(s) 
He may or may not ask you one day to turn someone into a doll for him since your process for that seems easier than his process for turning people into mannequins
The two of you have romantic, fancy tea parties in his meadow with only the best teas and treats that he handmakes himself.
He loves your dolls (the ones that weren’t once people) as much as you do. He joins you in dressing them up and taking care of them. even when you’re not with him he goes out of his way to ensure that they’re just the way you like them.
With you, he’s the perfect gentleman; opening doors, pulling out your chair, and he’ll even gently guide you into a waltz    
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curdled-blood · 5 months
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*sniff* g-gu ys this is my O c Sanguine holding,, holdingm hands wi with offenderma n. Shes a vampier and n o shes toaltyl not a self onsert....
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tamales78 · 2 months
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Series: Teacher!Slenderman X OC!Reader
Chapter 2
Warning: Teacher X Student relationship, College Teacher &Student, Mention & use of drugs, smut 18+, reader is 21, alcohol use
Summary: Amelia is used to being a straight-A student since middle school. Her English teacher Professor Slender grades her an F after finding out she used AI. How will she be able to keep her good grades? And have the English teacher do her favors?
"YOU DIDN'T!" Jane gasped as Amelia nodded sipping her latte as they sat at the cafe table.
"I damn sure did!"
Jane began laughing making her nearly choke on her blueberry muffin.
"So, you going to Jeff's party?" Nina asks Amelia.
"Maybe. To be honest, I don't know. I don't really want to go, Nina."
"Why do you want to go other than to hook up with a guy who has clearly shown you no interest?" Jane asked Nina.
"Yeah, Nina. Last time, E.J. told me that he was planning on asking a girl out at this so-called party."
"It might be me! Is it?! Is it?! TELL ME!" Nina grabbed Amelia shaking her back and forth.
"I-I don't know!"
Amelia trembled at just the sight of her English teacher's door. After yesterday's outburst, she was sure he definitely would make her fail. So with a big gulp, she grew confident and walked in.
The few students that came also gulped and their eyes widened at seeing her. They all watched at her fearing for her.
When Slender walked in with the suitcase in hand they all expected him to call her out, however, they were surprised when he simply began passing out papers after the bell rang.
After he handed a kid a packet, five students walked in calmly with no bother in the world. They were dead. Slender hated-no he despised students who came in. Especially, if it showed that they had no care in the world.
"Why are you five late?" He angrily asked them.
"We were talking to some friends, jeez." One of them rolled their eyes as they walked to their desks.
"Talking? You came in late to my class 'cause you were talking?"
"Uhh, are you deaf?"
Slender chuckled walking to the kids desking and standing in front of him. He slams the packet on his desk jumping the kid.
"You and your four friends are to complete this assessment on paper by tomorrow." He informs the kid before passing his friends with the same packet.
"Oh, and since you decided to be a smart mouth also make sure to write another essay talking about why it's important to respect your peers. This goes to you four as well." Slender glares at them before going to Amelia and handing her a packet.
She expected Slender to ask her to do the same thing but she was astounded when he simply handed her the paper and passed it to the rest of the class.
"The rest of you, you're to simply write me what's in the packet. Based on the notes you guys did yesterday." Slender eyes Amelia making her look down in embarrassment.
"Your prompt is on the document. Articles are already provided for you, however, you're free to use other articles. Start working on your essay, meanwhile, I'll be talking to someone outside. Amelia come with me." Slender announces before heading out with a paper in hand.
Amelia gulps and gets up as she feels everyone's eyes on her. When she exits the class, Slender closes the door behind her and turns back to her.
"You do remember why you're here, right?"
Amelia nods looking down at her teacher in shame. Slender chuckles catching her off-guard and slightly scaring her.
"It humors me how a girl like you who was top of her class seems to be so..."
"So, confusing." He chuckles looking down at her.
"My brothers and all your other teachers adore you, yet I somehow can't see it."
"Maybe, 'cause they value my work?"
Slender leans closer handing Amelia the paper. She expected it to be a detention slip, however, she held her breath when she saw the evidence of her grade check.
Her notes from yesterday now had an "A" instead of a "C". Along with the same essay she was doing while talking shit about the man in front of her.
"Maybe, you were right." He chuckled as Amelia looked up at him.
She nearly teared up and Slender could sense it.
"S-Sorry." She sniffed wiping her teary eyes.
"No, i should apologize."
Amelia nodded looking up at him and her teary eyes nearly brought him to his knees. With his hand he wipes the tear away, catching both of them off-guard.
"Hey, Nina I won't be able to go." Amelia tells her friend as she walked to the library to start on the essay Slender left her.
"WHAT?! PLEASE! Jane won't go! She says she's busy doing something for her art class with Liu!"
"She so has a crush on him." Amelia teases stopping by her schools coffee stand to get a ice latte.
"Right! I even think they're already hooking up!"
"Why do you think that?"
"So, the other day she told me she was gonna go to yours, however, after you told me how you were studying for Splendor's class, that's when L.J told me he saw her exit Liu's room!"
"$4.99." The barista tells Amelia.
She nods listening to the rest of the gossip, however, before she can hand him the money a familiar hand gives the barista a 20-dollar bill.
"Make sure to get me the same thing but warm, I'll pay for hers," Slender tells the barista as he turns to Amelia who accidentally focuses on him instead of Nina.
"T-Thank you, profe-"
"Just call me Slender." He smiles at Amelia as the barista hands him his change.
"So, where are you heading if you don't mind telling me?"
"Oh, um to the library." She tells Slender.
"One Ice and a hot latte." The barista tells them.
Slender takes both of them and hands Amelia her iced latte.
"So, what do you think about the prompt?"
"Umm, well I do think it's pretty simple." She tells him as they walk side by side.
Slender nods taking a sip of his coffee and looks down as he walks by her side. He doesn't know why but all of a sudden his sight began drifting from her soft plumpy lips to down the valley of her breast, her curves, and down her ass.
Amelia pretended to not notice, and if she was honest she would freak out. However, she didn't care. It was weird. If he were another guy she would be running away from him, or even making the shit out of him. Both verbally and physically!
"So, how long have you been teaching?"
"Well, I have five years here." He nodded looking away and only looking at her lips as she smiled up at him.
"Where are you heading, if you also don't mind me asking?" They both laugh and continue walking.
"Back home to grade some papers." He nods as they come to a halt.
"Good luck, Amelia." He nods taking a detour.
Slender turns back to Amelia and his eyes immediately meet her blue ones.
"I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday... and for talking smack about you."
Slender chuckles nodding and smiling at his student.
"Let's leave it in the past, Amelia." He smiles walking away from Amelia, leaving her a blushing and slightly panting mess.
"Oh my gosh!" Nina yelled from the other line, as Amelia bit her lip.
"I'm so fucked."
As she sat during class, for once she was distracted. And not at the assignment.
Amelia bit her pen as she watched the way Slender's grey dress shirt hugged his muscles. She had to hold back from breaking the pen as she began looking at the way his pants slightly hugged his waist and his ass.
She had to cross her legs just to feel some sort of friction as her panties grew wetter.
"Who here has already started the essay?" Slender asked, and a few along with Amelia raised their hands.
"If you wish for any help tell me." He nods eyeing Amelia who eyed him back and kept on biting her pen.
Slender began walking around and began walking indirectly towards Amelia.
"Need help?" He whispers leaning into her ear.
"Yeah," She lies.
Slender knew she didn't need help. He knew this assessment was a piece of candy for Amelia.
"Do you want the evidence to be in MLA format?" She asks him as all Slender pays attention to the cleavage of her breasts.
"As long as you make the point clear, Amelia." He growled out her name bringing a shiver up her spine and down her dripping core.
"Mhm," She nods as she continues to type into her laptop.
His hands caressed hers as he began walking to help another student. Throughout the whole class, they eyed one another and Amelia forgot about the essay in front of her.
When the bell rang, Amelia was the last to leave and as she walked out she spared Slender one last glance while he put some papers into his briefcase. Slender looked back at her and smiled softly when she giggled and walked out.
"I only need to finish three paragraphs, Nina. So, I'll only be there for you for a little while. Okay?"
Nina nodded squealing as Amelia added lipgloss to complete her look. As they got off their Uber they were pulled into a hug by E.J. who dragged them inside the house.
"Is Jane with you?!" E.J. yelled over the loud music.
"She's doing a work with Liu!" Amelia winks turning to Nina only to find her gone and probably looking for Jeff.
"So she's not here?!"
Amelia shakes her head turning to Hoodie as he snorts some white powder which Amelia is familiar with. Toby sat drinking a beer, meanwhile, Masky took a blunt from some random girl as she gave him a lap dance.
"Have you guys seen, Jeff?" Amelia asked them as she sat by Toby's side.
"Waiting for Jane." A drunk Toby tells Amelia.
"Why? She's not here."
"WHAT?!" All three guys yell out.
"She's working on an assignment!"
"Weren't you working on Slender's essay?" Hoodie asked her.
"I'm almost done! I'm just here for a little for Nina."
"Wait, where is she?"
"Looking for Jeff," Amelia tells them before taking a shot, and getting up to look for her friend.
"Anne!" Amelia yelled to her nursing friend who turned to her.
"I thought you med-students were not into parties!" Amelia jokes as Anne hugs her.
"I needed a break!" She laughs handing Amelia another shot.
"CHEERS TO FUCKING STRESS!" Amelia yelled out loud enough for her friends to hear.
Anne laughs and with Amelia takes a shot.
"Have you seen Nina?"
"She went upstairs! Jeff's upstairs!" She tells her before going back to talk to her friends.
Amelia walked upstairs and stumbled through the hall, as the alcohol took over her system. She laughed and stumbled open a door finding Nina crying and Jeff across from her.
"N-Nina, look I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong signs, but I was planning on asking Jane." Amelia hears Jeff confess to the girl who was obsessed with him.
"Fuck you and Jane!" She screamed out to Jeff before turning to Amelia.
"Did you know? Of course, you did!"
"What? Nina, no-"
"You did! You said E.J. told you!"
"Wait he told you?!" Jeff gasps afraid Jane knows, however, as if on cue E.J. comes rushing upstairs.
"DUDE YOU TOLD HER?!" Jeff pointed at Amelia.
"No!" E.J. yelled turning to Amelia.
"Nina, E.J. only told me Jeff was planning on asking a girl! He didn't tell me who! Plus, I told you!"
"N-No, t-that's not what I mean."
Nina walks out pushing the tipsy Amelia out of her way.
"Thanks, E.J." Amelia sniffed as he led her to her dorm.
"Anytime." He nods opening her door for her.
"Hey, remember your essay for Slender."
"Fuck, I forgot." She groans throwing her heels to the floor, and E.J. chuckles.
"Dude, just use ChatGpt. I bet he won't notice."
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spoopy-pasketti · 1 year
Aight! So, welcome to my creepypasya blog!
I'm Mod Em. And my pronouns are she/they/it.
Now, onto the rules!
First things first, minors! Do NOT send in sexual asks/interact with suggestive posts. You will be blocked. Same goes for ageless blogs.
Secondly, do not try and flirt with the characters. This is NOT that kind of ask blog.
Thirdly, please read the list of creeps I write for! This will help.
Finally, if you send in an ask for multiple creeps: specify which ones. I will do a max of three. Otherwise I will pick three at random and write about them.
Other than that? Free game.
Now, onto the characters.
Eldritch Monsters:
Slenderman, aeons old. He/him pronouns.
Zalgo, centuries old. Any pronouns.
Offenderman, slightly less old than Slender. He/it pronouns.
Splendorman, younger than Offender. He/she/they pronouns.
Trenderman, younger than Splendor. He/him pronouns.
Less Eldritch:
EJ, works for Slender. 42. He/him.
LJ, 300 years old, works for slender. He/him.
Ben, 27. Works for whoever pays him the most. He/it.
Jason, 450 years old, works for Zalgo. He/they. Head proxy/companion.
Now, onto the proxies
Masky, 42, works for Slender. Head Proxy. He/him.
Hoodie, 40, works for Slender. He/him.
Toby, 17, works for Slender. He/him.
Natalie, 32, works for Slender. She/they/he.
Jane, 35, works for Slender. She/her.
Jeff, 37, works for Slender. He/him.
Micah, 31, works for Zalgo, He/him. (OC)
Doby, 19, works for Zalgo. He/him.
Zero, 21, works for Zalgo. She/they/it.
Candy Pop, 15, works for Zalgo. He/him.
Other creeps, and who they hang with:
Cody, 14, apprentices under Hoodie to become a proxy. He/it.
Nina, 20, works for Zalgo. She/her.
Liu, 38. Works for Zalgo. He/they/it.
Smile, 7. Lives at Slender's. Good boy.
Grinny. 9. Lives at Zalgo's. Pretty kitty.
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sylveon-and-velveon · 3 months
Freebie for @/noneforu with… I don't even know the OCxCanon dynamic these two have-
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She's biting Offender's head- Chaos 😭
Commissions are always open!
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yazthebansheek · 3 months
Some basic things about my Creepypasta au!
Ask me or the creepypastas anything! PLEASSEEE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE 😭💀
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Candy Pop x Jason the Toymaker
Jane the Killer x Mary Vaughn
Bloody Painter x Puppeteer
Nathan the Nobody x Ciara
Suicide Sadie x Roadwalker
Clockwork x Nina the killer
Nurse Ann x Dr. smiley
Pinkamena x Rainbow factory
lulu x the skroll
Homicidal liu x Hannah the killer?
Ben drowned x Lost silver
Luring Lyra x Kate the chaser
Candy Cane x April fools?
Masky x hoodie?
Weeping Forest x Ally SlenderDoll
I don’t know a lot about marble hornets btw so…. :’)
Pasta groups:
circus pastas: Papa Grande, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, Candy Cane, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Puppeteer, Nathan the nobody.
The killerz: Jeff the killer, Homicidal Liu, Asylum Nancy, Nina the killer, Clockwork
The girls: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Clockwork, Sally, Suicide Sadie
These people idk what to call them: puppeteer, Bloody painter, Zero, Nurse Ann, Judge Angel
Slender family: slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman, Surrender, Slendrina.
The monochrome crew: Zero, Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Kagekao, Hobo heart.
The doctors: Nurse Ann, Doctor smiley, Doctor pain, EJ.
The dumbass trio: Jeff the killer, Ticci-Toby, Ben drowned.
Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter. Lazari lives with Sadiya and Puppeteer.
Puppeteer doesn’t really work for slenderman nor Zalgo. He’s just there honestly lol
Homicidal liu lives by himself in a cabin in the woods.
Jane and Mary live together
Slender’s main proxies:
Masky, Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, Weeping Forest, Kate the chaser, Ally SlenderDoll, Rogue.
Zalgo’s main proxies:
Sonic.exe, Dr. locklear, Mr. Wide mouth, Stripes, Dark link, The Skroll, glitchy red, Jane Arkensaw
Jeff the killer (Jeffery Woods)
Ben drowned (Benjamin Lawman)
ticci-Toby (Tobias Rodgers)
masky (Tim Wright)
hoodie (Brian Thomas)
eyeless jack (Jack Nyras)
laughing jack
Lost silver (Gold)
Papa grande
Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)
hobo heart
Jason the toymaker (Jason Meyers)
Vine the dollmaker
julius the dressmaker
Candy Pop / Night terrors
X-virus (Cody)
Smile dog
Nathan the nobody (Nathan Lux)
Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake)
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)
Wilson the Basher
Jane the killer (Jane Richardson)
Sally Williams (Sally Maryam Williams)
Nina the killer (Nina Hopkins)
Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark)
Lulu (Lucile Tiffany gracefield)
Nurse Ann (Ann Lusen Mia)
Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Zero (Alice Marie Jackson)
Suicide Sadie (Sadie Marie Bennett
Roadwalker (Zayner Nanook)
Jane Arkensaw
Mary Vaughn
Ally the Slenderdoll (Adeline Abendroth)
Weeping forest (Jennifer Ryhnes)
Rouge (Heather Marshall)
Lilly the Jester
Ms. P (Ms. Pencilneck)
Stripes (Eloise Sarah Bellarose)
Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)
Lifeless Lucy (Lucy Jones)
Lily Kennett
Ellison Burns (Ellison Wright)
Rose (Rose Fairen)
Elizabeth Vazquez
Anna (Anna Schurks)
Kate the chaser (Kate Milens/Hayes)
April Fools
I feel fantastic / Tara
Sadako (Samara Morgan)
Beings of the forest… (That hold a lot of power)
Candy Pop (Mostly Night Terrors)
Zalgo’s Family:
Cynthia Ezelle (My oc)
Realms (Within the slender forest and such)
The Slender Forest Itself
The slendermansion
Homicidal Liu’s Cabin (In the slenderforest)
Granny’s house
Slendrina’s Mansion
Zalgo’s territory and base.
Roadwalker’s clearing
Sadiya’s house (Puppeteer, Sadiya, and Lazari)
The old abandoned Hospital
Jason the toymaker’s realm
The Abyss (Candy Pop’s realm)
The Mindscape
The lake
Cynthia Ezelle’s house
The old abandoned treehouse (Slender proxy Base)
The Circus Realm
Please dear god ask me something😭 I’m too lonely and bored man 💀💀💀
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citruswriter · 21 days
Writing I've got on the way-
Baldurs Gate 3 companions reacting to you singing to them, Modern AU. Based off of this that I wrote on my other account ages ago
Atton x Jedi Exile!Reader, prolly gonna be smut
Bao-Dur x Jedi Exile!Reader, prolly gonna be a very fluffy smut
HP Characters finding out ur not human (HP cryptids my beloveds)
Fluffy Werecat Reader x Astarion (let's face it, this man would go ballistic with a werecat lover, pets constantly)
Tav Descendent x Astarion (basically Tav and Astarion break up after he ascends bc she recognizes that if she doesn't, he'll go down a path of evil. Years later he finds somebody that looks strikingly similar to his old lover...)
Jealous Astarion x Reader
Luciano Vargas/2p! Italy x Angelic Reader (this man is a border line cannibal, imagine if this man got a hold of divine blood)
Alastor x Fae Reader (the two constantly tryta trap the other in contract - Alastor wanting Readers soul, Reader wanting Alastors name. Fae need a full name in these AU not just a first name like irl Fae).
Husk x Reader x Angel Dust
HP Characters with a Reader of different religions (includes Abrahamic religions, yea ik magic is forbidden and dating is haram in Islam but it's just for funsies, they deserve fiction about them too)
Slytherin Gang with different kinds of hair (includes hair lengths, textures, and protective hair styles)
Baldurs Gate Companions with different kinds of hair
Star Wars Characters with different kinds of hair
HP Characters x Black Reader
HP Characters x Asian Reader (Justice for Cho)
HP Characters x Indian Reader (Justice for Patil Twins)
Tom Riddle x Reader x Matteo Riddle (The Riddle boys? Hell yes).
Lorenzo x Reader (might be a bit spicey, my poor man doesn't get enough fics about him)
Blaise x Reader (definitely spicey, he definitely doesn't get enough fics)
Anakin x Healer Reader
Astorian x Reader (smutty, Reader essentially gets shot with a horny spell lol)
Astorian x Reader (also smutty, freshly ascended and he does that "you await my command too" shit that folds me every single time).
Charlie x Vaggie x Emily x Lute, and how they got into a healthy polyamorus relationship (guilty pleasure, sorry guys 😩)
Crybaby x Reader (Gonna do a series inspired by all the songs in her series, maybe bonus side stories with songs from her episodes and unreleased songs, perhaps even ai songs-)
Sexual Offenderman x Dorthea (OC) (Essentially he fucks with the wrong bitch so she curses him to be a human with no rizz until he's learned his lesson, redemption arc guys)
Tender Love (a lemon between Astarion and Reader but it's just super fluffy and tender and Reader is praising him and telling him how much he deserves the world)
Fluffy Bg3 fic where Reader and companions are all just in one big polyamorus relationship
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
Thinking bout Offenderman and Slenderman. Both being fucked by the same individual, who happens to be a predator of their specie! But they don't know that.. or do they? Either way, they both end up with jelly legs and being fucked stupid so-
It'll chain them both up, same room. Almost back to back if it weren't for the.. Boards? keeping them apart. They'd both probably be crying, 'Framing their prettyyy faces with their pleasure tears~'
Oh, but then it would deny them of a very much needed orgasm, and say it would fuck the first one who came to him due to it becoming too overbearing. (It was slender. He only lasted two days before giving in)
It took him out to a clearing in the forest. Boy oh boy did Slender's pretty voice fill it. God was he fucked in the best fucking way ever. The sex was long, and rough, and my god he needed to be somethings bitch for once. Beast made him orgasm quite a few times before breeding him full.
God did Slender fucking love it. God did Slender absolutely love being fucked like 'The little cock-whore he is'
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dadumtss · 1 year
Would the slenders consider dating a human?
Oh cashlolo, you picked the wrong AU to ask that question.
But let's give it a go anyways!
No. Humans are food and only good for food.
But that's a boring answer. What would it take for him to give the time of day to a human?
You'd have to really impress him. Like, really impress him. You'd have to have a useful skill or set of skills that he can't find anywhere else in another cryptid. But at that point, are you even human anymore? Plus, that's only to get him to not kill you and treat you with a modicum of respect. It'll be a hard fought battle to leverage that into actual affection.
Has he fucked humans before? Yes. Many times. Has he ever been in a sincere relationship with one? No. Would he ever be in a sincere relationship with one? No. But don't beat yourself up about it, he doesn't really do 'sincere relationships' past fuck buddies either way.
Plus, humans aren't as good at sex as other cryptids. Much less sturdy. And since The Revolution there are so many available cryptids ready to get down and dirty. Humans should stick to being food.
Him? Date a human? Gross.
He appreciates their contributions to fashion and the human form can be very artistically pleasing.
But cryptids can do it so much better.
The time for humans have come and gone, they're better off as food.
Although, he is an equal opportunity employer, maybe if there was a human that was a true artist with design he could offer protection as they worked for him. But a relationship? Ugh.
A relationship? With a human? He thinks they're great and all, and certainly deserving of happiness and respect...
But he can't see himself with a human. He doesn't know why. He certainly thinks they're cute! But in the same way he finds a puppy or small plant cute.
But hey! Maybe he'll be surprised one day! He's certainly open to love from any avenue!
No? Humans are food? Why are you even bringing his up?
Ew. Dating.
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curdled-blood · 5 months
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another one since I'm finally home from school, as promised!!
thinking about the time I showed this to my brother and he asked if Offenderman was the cat from the my little pony movie and I-
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griffonsgrove · 11 months
~~ Welcome to my Blog ! ~~
Ello! I’m Night!! I’m new to the whole Tumblr writing blog, but I made this account to get out any ideas or drabbles that I may have during fandom brain rot (which I frequently have) and to also help enhance my writing ability!
First and foremost, I am an artist, so I may draw little doodles to go with certain head canons, drabbles or one shots! it helps me to visualize the story more!
So without further ado, let me tell you what i’m interested in!!
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(Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss)
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
Ben Drowned
Masky (Tim)
Hoodie (Brian)
Laughing Jack
Jane the Killer
(Gravity Falls)
Bill Cipher
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
Ghostface (Billy and Stu)
Thomas Hewitt
Bubba Sawyer
Freddy Kruger
Jason Vorhees
Yautja (The Predator)
Art the Clown
Micheal Myers
RZ!Micheal Myers
Brahms Heelshire
(Across The Spider-Verse)
Miguel O’Hara
Hobie Brown
Peter B. Parker
The Spot
Black Hat
Dr. Flug
5.0.5 (Platonic)
(Stranger Things)
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Billy Hargrove
Johnathan Byers
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What I Will Write: 
Platonic Relationships
Moderate gore/Body Horror
X readers
(Ask about kinks and fetishes)
What I Will Not Write: 
absolutely NO minor x adult relationships (unless they’re strictly platonic)
I typically won’t do Canon Character x Canon Character ships, just because I’ve never really done so! Idk if i’d be good at it
I probably have more to add to this list, but i’ll add to it later on
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Now that, that’s outta the way! I'm opening writing requests!! Please feel free to send in any type of request you’d want to see done, into my inbox!
Currently since I'm out of college for the summer, I have a lot of free time to explore and pump out new work! As I’ve said before, I really want to try and enhance my writing ability so that it can be better for the future!
So i’d really appreciate this post being shared or just you guys sending in a small request, or drabble idea to get me started! I’m really excited to get started on this page and explore further, Until then have a great day! <333
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ubblemon-kibb · 5 months
About Me •••
“ Blog Rules & Navigation ,,
unbblemon-kibb • cobi
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SUMMARY • Everything you need to know about me and my content — I am an internet stranger so I’ll keep it short and sweet. My page is better viewed (aesthetically pleasing) in Goth/Rave color palette - trust me, I checked with the other palettes 🤢
DISCLAIMERS • This blog will contain NSFW content and possible themes that will shiver your timbers. I am a dark romance writer, it’s to be expected. Be responsible, respectful, and mindful of your limits. If you are a minor in your region, then please understand that you are not welcome to view such content, however, if you proceed them do at your own consequences!
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I love writing and doing anything associated with creating something.
I started fan-fiction so I can better practice illustrating romance and intimacy.
No bad behavior, it will not be tolerated
No pedophilia/zoophilia
No bathroom-waste related topics
Nothing I am uncomfortable with - if you’re unsure of if I’ll do it or not, then PM me and I’ll discuss it with you.
You may request character x character and reader x character content for the fandoms I write for - I would just prefer there to be chemistry between characters/a situation that would reasonably place them together.
In terms of OCs, they will ONLY be shipped with reader.
I write for a couple different readers; Male, Female, GN, FTM, and MTF — I will attempt to cater to all..
FNaF • William Afton: Michael Afton/Schmidt:
I will only write for those two because they are the closest things to adults — I will also not write for the movie, but if you want to invasion that, you are welcome. I am just uncomfortable associating a real life actors face with a character - it ruins the mood for me. Idk.
KNY • Tomioka Giyu: Kocho Shinobu: Iguro Obanai: Uzui Tengen: Rengoku Kyojuro: Mitsuri Kanroji: Muzan Kibutsuji: Kokushibo: Doma: Akaza: Daki: Gyutaro:
These are the characters I’m comfortable writing for in a NSFW manner -
CREEPYPASTA • Jeff the Kilker: Jane the killer: Eyeless Jack: BEN drowned: Slenderman: Offenderman: Masky: Hoodie: Ticci Toby: Nina the Killer: X-Virus: laughing Jack: Laughing Jill: Candy Pop: Jason the Toymaker: Clockwork: Kate the Chaser:
As the widest cast, it is also the most problematic in the sense they are fictional serial killers- hey, I don’t make the rules for them.
None as of now…
If anyone has requests in terms of characters or Fandoms them PM me - I’d rather do it in private so we can properly discuss it, especially bc I don’t branch out typically in the sense of fandoms.
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FNaF :
William Afton: •
Michael Afton/Schmidt: •
“Caught” - NSFW w/Male Reader
Tomioka Giyu: •
Kocho Shinobu: •
Iguro Obanai: •
Uzui Tengen: • (and his Wives)
Rengoku Kyojuro: •
Mitsuri Kanroji: •
Muzan Kibutsuji: •
Kokushibo: •
Doma: •
Akaza: •
Daki: •
Gyutaro: •
Jeff the Kilker: •
Jane the killer: •
Eyeless Jack: •
BEN drowned: •
Slenderman: •
Offenderman: •
Masky: •
Hoodie: •
Ticci Toby: •
Nina the Killer: •
X-Virus: •
laughing Jack: •
Laughing Jill: •
Candy Pop: •
Jason the Toymaker: •
Clockwork: •
Kate the Chaser: •
OCs :
None as of now …
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rensworddump · 3 months
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welcome to ren’s writing blog <3
➥ 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 ; 〔 r e n 〕
» this is my blog where i like to write when i have the motivation for it, and i hope you enjoy your stay here! my account is a safe space for anyone, including— but not limited to— those who are transgender, gay, neurodivergent, systems, and more. feel free to take a look at my main ( @kyrenn ) or if you like art check out ( @renrenditions ) my art blog!
p.s. while this account is for those who are 15+ to enjoy, i still ask that minors DNI with smut i’ve written. i know it’s probably a pointless request that a handful of you won’t listen to, but at least keep it to yourself as i will block you. this is for my comfort and your safety. smut will have a large MDNI message and a cut off so the writing itself is not visible.
➥ 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤
✰ 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 ; kyren / moth
✰ 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 ; ren / puppy / tiny / mothy
✰ 𝚊𝚐𝚎 ; 21 years old
✰ 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 ; nonbinary, masc-leaning + xenogenders
✰ 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜 ; they / it + xenopronouns
✰ 𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 ; bisexual / biromantic / polyamorous
✰ 𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊 ; i’ve been writing on wattpad ( which is here ) since i was in middle school, but keep in mind that my writing is better reflected in more recent uploads on there and things i post here.
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➥ 𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤
✰ 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 ; fluff, smut, char x reader, horror(/gore?), char x char, char x oc
✰ 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚜 ; soulmate AUs + second-chance romance
✰ 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 ; this is a list of experience as i’ll write most anything as long as it doesn’t go against my limits
creepypasta // Jeff the Killer, Laughing Jack, Ticci Toby
call of duty // Ghost, Soap
youtube // Jacksepticeye, PewDiePie, Markiplier (haven’t wrote for them in years, may be rusty)
as well as non-fandom related one shots
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✰ 𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚜 ; besides not writing about the usual gross things (NFSW for underage chars, animals, etc.), i will not write…
- for complex AUs i don’t know well, such as ones with heavy lore/rules to do with the AU (once i learn them i’ll offer to take the request later!!)
- abusive relationships of any type. angst is cool, delicious in fact, but there are other ways to have angst without glorifying types of abuse.
- anything other than gore/torture for Offenderman. Offenderman simps please leave.
- family-esque (found family, actual family, etc.) oneshots as i don’t think i could do a good delivery with them and i’d rather not disappoint knowing where my weak spots are
- smut for Price (Call of Duty) for personal reasons.
- smut for those who are under 18 (if you don’t have an age listed, i trust you not to lie to me when i ask about this. if at anytime i feel like you’re not being honest about your age i will not do the request)
- smut for certain kinks as they make me uncomfortable
CG/L and variants
AgeRe (this isn’t a kink, please stop using agere in smut)
will be updated as needed…
» thank you for stopping by <3 have a wonderful day and drink some water, friend. all my writing will go under the tag #renswords.txt
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plyyer · 9 months
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Before we get started, I'd like to say that I am a minor, which means I can’t devote all my time to writing and requests. I do school, hang out with friends, chores, and other things. I also tend to lose motivation whenever I write, so it may take a while to get requests out.
Moving on.
Fandoms that I do;
[ Creepypasta ]
[ Marble Hornets ]
[ EverymanHYBRID ]
I refuse to do tribe12 as based on due to the drama that had stirred within that fandom. And I'm not too familiar with any other web series/ or they have not caught my attention.
I will write for any of the characters who are in those fandoms. Whenever I write, I usually center myself around a few characters and write them nonstop. So, if you request anyone other than Masky(Tim Wright), Hoodie/Hoody(Brian Thomas), and Ticci Toby, I please beg of you to give me a description on their personality and how you’d like them to be written out. Thank you.
As for characters who I will not write at all, that would have to be slenderman or any of his brothers. The only expectations for when I will write them are headcanons (Not requested). 
As for the children of the fandom, I will only write them if it's platonic. I will not do any ships between them. (Exp; BEN x Sally. But BEN and Sally with a brother and sister relationship is all good!)
Basic DNI:
Any Phobes
Weirdos (You good weirdos are safe!!)
Will do:
BxG | GxG | BxB | BxNon | GxNon 
Canon x Canon
Reader x Canon
Canon x Reader x Canon
OC x Canon
OC x Reader(?)
Maybe NSFW(??)
Will NOT do:
(If NSFW) Will not do any weird kinks.
Pedophilia ships, characters must all be 19+ in order for me to write that ship. (Exp, Ticcimask).
Any pair that makes me uncomfortable (Offenderman x anyone)
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k155355 · 11 months
[(The Masterpost)]
Start: 07/15 – Finish: 07/15
Links: Rules
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DISCLAIMER!! There will be NSFW and SFW content present on this page. Given the fandoms I write for, there is a 100% chance of there being darker themes such as; Death, Human x Non-Human pairings, and dark romance traits.
NOTE: This is a link page listing the fandoms and characters I write for.
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FANDOM:: FNAF [Five Nights at Freddy’s]
CHARACTERS:: William Afton:
REASON:: Personally I don’t have any kind of fictional crush or any admiration for this character, however, I’m at a neutral stance in where I can write about them for others who may enjoy fanfictions with them.
FANDOM:: KNY [Kimetsu No Yaiba]
CHARACTERS:: Tomioka Giyū [冨岡 義勇]: Kanroji Mitsuri [甘露寺 蜜璃]: Iguro Obanai [伊黒 小芭内]: Shinazugawa Sanemi [不死川 実弥]: Kochō Shinobu [胡蝶 しのぶ]: Rengoku Kyōjurō [煉獄 杏寿郎]: Uzui Tengen [宇髄 天元]: Kibutsuji Muzan [鬼舞辻 無惨]: Tamayo [珠世] & Yushirō [愈史郎]: Kokushibō [黒死牟]: Dōma [童磨]: Akaza [猗窩座]: Gyūtarō [妓夫太郎]: Daki [堕姫]: Hinatsuru [雛鶴]: Makio [まきを]: Suma [須磨]:
REASON:: I, again, have no fictional crush or admiration for these characters, however, I like these characters and can see potential for stories and fanfiction.
FANDOM:: Creepypasta
CHARACTERS:: Jeff the Killer [Jeffery Woods]: Jane the Killer/the Everlasting [Jane Tod Richardson]: Homicidal Liu/Sully [Liu Woods]: Eyeless Jack [Jack Nyras]: X-Virus [Cody]: Ticci Toby [Tobias Erin Rogers]: Hoodie [Brian Thomas]: Masky [Timothy Wright]: Clockwork [Natalie Ouellette]: Laughing Jack: Laughing Jill: Nina the Killer [Nina Hopkins]: BEN drowned [Benjamin Lawman]: Bloody Painter [Helen Otis]: Candy Pop: Jason the Toymaker [Jason Meyer]: Kate the Chaser [Kate Milens/Hayes]: Slenderman: Splendorman: Sexual Offenderman: Trenderman:
REASON:: Creepypasta’s are stories I look back on and cringe even tho I have some soft spot for them, it’s hard to explain. Needless to say, I enjoy the characters and can definitely see why others like fanfics about them.
OCs of Mine::
CHARACTERS:: None as of now
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If you guys have suggestions for fandoms or characters PM me and I’ll converse with you about them. If it’s a fandom I don't know or if the characters suggested aren’t ones I like, then I won't write them. I was thinking about writing for other fandoms, however, I don’t know if anyone would want that - I also don’t know if those fandoms would match my writing style.
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