#more inktobers on my insta
wifi-crossing · 8 months
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Day 4 of inktober :000 hes wearing something i wore when i was trying to be an edgy teen lol (as much as i could with a trad family anyway)
i have sm wwx brainrot oof he is all i am drawing rn,,,,
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bandaidfingers · 2 years
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First film in my list that is neither an adaptation nor features a Dracula! This film is a direct sequel to the Bela Lugosi film. Not exactly a good movie imo, but one with some worth-while (if a little underexplored) concepts. The only recurring character/actor is Edward Van Sloan as Professor Van Helsing, the film opening with him being arrested for the murder of Count Dracula which he proudly confesses guilty to. The B-plot continues with Van Helsing attempting to prove his justification for killing the Count, and consequently prove his sanity. Unfortunately we don’t learn the outcome of Van Helsing’s trial, but can only hope he won his case as the film proceeds with its main antagonist, the titular Countess Zaleska. Circling back to the theme of sanity, Zaleska tries to force a psychiatrist to cure her of her vampirism, arguing just as Van Helsing does, that the mysticism of vampires goes hand in hand with science and medicine.
The scene I based my illustration off of is one in which Zaleska fails to resist her vampiric urges— luring a young woman to her home and convincing her to undress (did I mention I’ll be going out of my way to mention homoerotiscm in these little movie essays?) under the guise of using her as a partially-nude model for an art piece. The actress is shown, both front and back, with her bra loose and unhooked (rather racy for the era!) before being bitten by Zaleska.
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sirswooshnoodles · 8 months
I’ve been working very hard to keep up my drawing streak for my casual Inktober/drawtober. I’m really happy with most of the pieces I’ve made so far, and it’s a lot more finished things than I thought there would be.
I’ve gone months without making a single finished piece so making five in one week is very impressive for me.
I’ve been getting some likes and positive feedback from friends and family but my dumb lil mind wants more. Any interaction with my stuff will make my day.
It will be a great boost to my morale, as I’m getting far enough in that I’m like “isn’t this enough” even though I do want to go the whole month through.
Please check out my art, on @eddeearts it will give me a boost of the good chemicals. Thank you!
I Know likes and shot don’t measure the worth of my art or myself but it’s like, I share something I’m happy with and I kinda expect other people to be happy for me? For being happy with something I made. Bc for me that’s not as frequent an occurrence as I’d like it to be.
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applebottombees · 3 months
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Another oldie from inktober. ☢️
Find more on my Insta: mick_the_artist
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Inktober Day 5: Map
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My favourite part of Disney’s 2002 animated feature Treasure Planet is its main song, aptly titled “Jim’s Theme”. It is, however, one of my sister’s favourite Disney movies (although according to people who have a living memory of the early 2000s, I too used to watch this movie on repeat). When I thought about writing this prompt, I felt incredibly stuck. I remember very little of the plot of Treasure Planet, and I had no ideas for crafting a narrative on Jim’s holographic puzzle map. So to get in the mindspace, I put “Jim’s Theme” on repeat. At time of writing I am on my sixth listen to the song, and after hearing the lyrics repeated 6 times, I started thinking about how to conceptualize a map. In Treasure Island, the map is Jim’s call to action, it is what gets him going on the adventure of the film. It is, more than anything, a plot device. But that’s boring, so I thought, what else could it be? What’s a better argument? What if the map is a metaphor for Jim’s character. Someone that neither his mother nor Dr. Delbert Doppler could unlock or understand. “Jim’s Theme” encapsulates this mentality through its opening lyrics “I am a question to the world / Not an answer to be heard” and later, “you don't know me.”  In this essay I will…
Maybe this is something that every film critic since the movie came out has spoken about, but I thought it was a really interesting comparison. If the physical map is Jim, how does that affect his reading of his journey? Is there a reading of his character as overcoming objectification (in the sense that he is seen as a helpful tool to accomplish work (much like B.E.N.))? Could one argue that he is meant only to be understood by the youth, similar to his ability to figure out the map that had puzzled Dr. Doppler.
Ps. It took me approximately 11 loops of this song to finish this little blurb.
All art by @cool_beans_jw on insta. Writing by her weird sister, who is in midterms, and begs your indulgence as she hasn’t slept in like 3 days.
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ndostairlyrium · 11 months
✨ Self Rec Tag Game✨
I was tagged by the creator of the tag game herself, @shivunin and I'm terribly sorry if I came back to it super late ;; it was super fun looking at what others made with it tho <3 people are so talented!!
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made.
Something you absolutely adore
Something that was challenging to create
Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably) 
Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.)
Something you want other people to see
For those I'll tag: categories aren't necessary, "they're more guidelines than rules" (cit. @shivunin)
I may have broken the rules because I'm chronically undecided << hopefully it's fine sorry in advance
Something you absolutely adore
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I just... I'm into chill and comfy vibes <<' These three together bring me so much joy, like, I remember reading all their interactions on the wikia and smiling like an idiot because I wished that all of it was more blatant rather than "yea there's a 3% chance you'll get this interaction in game"
Something that was challenging to create
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Probably the first batch from everything-else-but-Inktober 2020. I decided to drop the idea of messing with inks and straight up exercised on things I usually fail at / wanted to improve. The whole challenge was, well, a challenge. I remember struggling from day 1 to 30 because I'm terrible at studies, I tend to filter and filter and filter and... But I like the results!! Far from perfect, but I've learnt big deal through it ;; If you're interested, here's the links to the instagram posts: Weeks 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably) 
I can't decide! Aaaaaargh Here, have a multitude of things that make me crack a smile :'D
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...I wanted to add more but I don't wanna make another monsterpost :'D
Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.)
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This fanart of Ophélie from Le Passe Miroir, which I'm very proud of ;; I know it doesn't seem like a huge accomplishment or an art megazord, but I was very in my head before opening Photoshop but during the process, when I realized I was doing exactly what I pictured beforehand, I just couldn't stop being proud of myself lol which is something I don't experience a lot :'''
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Also this comm I did for @n7viper that made me say "oh, you can handle this" This was quite the experience ;; thanks again for letting me work on this dude <3 I started with a greyscale then added colors, which is a technique I used some times and like, I was sure it was challenging because it's super hard to balance everything out, but when things came out exactly how I wanted them to be?? Woah, alright Picasso, slay
Something you want other people to see
-My dwarven ladies 🧔✨
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you can check it out here
-The things I'm doing for this artfight lol I think I leveled up in some cases 👌
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These are previews, everything will be posted in this blog, my artblog, insta, twitter etc etc
-The collabs and trades I made with some of the most talented people I know and cherish ;;
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Like this one amongst the many I did with @greypetrel who dragged me back into Lord of the Rings after years and I'll be forever thankful for that ;; but also for the experience <3
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Or these ones I did with @underneathestars Plus our joint effort for last year's N7 Day: her post - my post That was a challenge and your girls served 💅
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Also This!!! Courtesy of @demandthedoodles This was like, one of the funniest - yet astounding - outcomes from a sketch I almost forgot I made lol I need to print this out when I can!
I would include all of them, because I traded art and collaborated with people I really appreciate but I can't possibly include other things ;; I'll mass reblog / share them in the next days!
Also, thanks again @shivunin for this tag game ;; I discovered things I've never seen from people I follow and found out awesome new things from people I didn't follow already. So super fun <3
I'm tagging (no pressure, no commitment): @n7viper @underneathestars @qwib @skeltrr @lethalhoopla @kassarts @aukanemin @ii-then @daggerbean @vaesivlasta @sparatus
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burtonsdoodles · 7 months
(I have more stuff I wanna say about these two but I’m gonna do that in another post… here I’ll say, this is the moment that always broke my heart whenever I saw it happen - finch desperately trying to go back to help crutchie while Romeo reluctantly has to hold him back in order to prevent the other newsie from getting thrown in the refuge too… heart broken every time! 😢)
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soup-fairy · 3 months
your drawing of lisa from pt during your 2017 inktober is literally my favourite piece of art ever, do you have anything else like that ?
Firstly, thank you so much, that is a super kind compliment!! I did also always like how that one turned out. I do horror art every now and again when the mood strikes so your best bet is to follow me on insta (@)soupfairy_art since that's the main place that I'm going to be active on. As for that specific style, I haven't really participated in Inktober in a while so I don't have any more newer art that's in that style. But I can't say what the future holds, I always dip in and out of mediums, so all I can say is that I might do more ink one day. Sorry if this answer is so nebulous!
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gessshoku · 2 years
Inktober Day 1, Lets Play!!! I’m not really following a prompt this year, maybe if one prompt interests me enough but right now none do so I’m just drawing character designs for my feelings and bad thoughts!
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Inspired by someone on insta while also The Collector from The Owl House!! (I imagine his voice being the same as the collector)
This piece of shit came to me one night when I was having a tough time trying not to overthink things! Idk how my brain comes up with these designs but this one isn’t the best <:3
I’ll come back to fix a few things for this dood but because it’s October first and I realized it too late I didn’t really have time to experiment with other designs so y’all get this for now!
Fun lil fact: it’s way of appearing is from this music box that I do have! I got it at a thrift store and it’s a bit broken. As in the tune is off and it’s more eerie than calming. But that’s why I love it, I have always wanted a music box and I still want more because they interest me a lot </3
If you have any questions abt this dood I’d be happy to answer them! Questions help me with fixing character designs :3
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aethereaii · 9 months
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From the original character request:
She thinks she gets her powers from the plants she eats and that her patron is just a hallucination. Her genie vessel is a turtle shell. The staff is the staff of adornment which she uses to display her junk she’s very proud of. She’s dressed very frumpy, almost looks like she’s wearing too many clothes. Her hair is thick and matted and chopped for convenience. And she has a pet mouse.
Drew this character to practice some scratch board techniques and just to get back into things after getting my PC back up and running. This was originally a request from the subreddit /r/CharacterDrawing.
Here's a link to the original post.
BTW - If you liked this, maybe you'll like my other artworks as well? I'm planning to stream character drawings for Inktober. If you have an interesting character idea, DM me on insta or discord @aethereaii I might draw it for free during October ^-^ Insta
More info on those October streams later so follow me~
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theoncomingstorm008 · 8 months
Pixelgated Inktober Prompt 2: Spiders
I think Astarion would feel a Lil bit of kinship with spiders. They both drink from their prey (and both have done so from bugs 😭 my poor boy), they are widely feared because of what they are, and they more or less exist alone. Saw a bit of a bond there. ❤️ There's a little animated version on my Insta and Tiktok too ❤️
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lonelyassassin96 · 8 months
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Inktober day 1: Dream.
"Sarah had always complained of nightmares since she was little, but this one seemed more intense than usual."
Inktober is a go! Let's see if I can actually finish this year! Head on over to my insta @ lone_assassin_art if you want to see my entries from previous years. I think I'll be posting this years entries exclusively to tumblr, so look forward to it!
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startingover2108 · 2 years
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Struggle past few months.
After my graduation 🎓 I am unable to find a job in my major. Am trying to get ANY job available just to have a purpose again.
Started daily workouts for like 15mins and found out evening work great for me and then I take a hot shower and practically am ready for bed.
Started an Instagram account for photography and drawing. Actually made WHOLE INKTOBER!! which I'm really proud of. And now am playing in Krita (digital drawing app). I bought a Wacom tablet so I'm using that for drawing.
Idk.. trying my best and will try posting here more often but if u wanna find me on insta it's:
https://instagram.com/hederahelixart?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ✨
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wild-at-mind · 2 years
The garbage art tour continues. I started an art challenge yesterday, painted something and tagged it into the challenge hoping the person who runs it would notice me. She didn't and nor apparently did anyone else. Slept on it and in the morning felt even worse, refreshed insta for a long time and ended up ugly crying at my work desk for like an hour. Adding the tag inktober seemed to bring in like 5 more likes so at this point I'm less humiliated but still wondering if there really is any point in doing art at all? All I see is people with higher numbers, more skill, more connections with other artists.
BTW sidenote, do you think people would feel more solidarity with me if I came out as trans on my insta and added my pronouns and started making art from my deepest id or whatever? Or would I just feel even more rejected then if I didn't get engagement, because I made it personal? (BTW I wouldn't do this on my main as I have family on there, I know they have to know eventually but it wouldn't be the right way, so I'd make a side account.) I keep seeing people on there where I want to convey somehow 'hey, we are alike'. ....I don't know, I think trying to make 'friends' or connections on an image sharing app is an awful idea. You can't just be like 'hey your art really speaks to what I'm going through, wanna be friends?'
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caiusthecat · 1 year
Hello! 💜 I absolutely love the Angel L and Devil Misa drawing that you did for Inktober! Would it be ok to ask what kind of paper you used? -♡
Ahh thank you!🥰That was definitely one of my favorites of all my inktober arts. I posted all materials used over on my insta (which I’m more active on since it’s easier to be interactive with followers there!) and I’ll also post below!
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For sharpie/marker/ink I’ll usually just find any paper that has “mixed media” on it. It’s usually pretty thick but not as much as maybe water color paper. The sketchbook pictured above is 9 x 12 inches so I had to cut each page into 4 parts. Except that Death Note one which is half a page as per commissioner request :)
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Inktober Day 1: Dream
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Their friendship wasn’t a matter of probability, it was a matter of fate. They found each other in every lifetime.
Sandy sat alone at the far end of an otherwise crowded table in the creepateria with her head nestled in her folder arms. She was in that magical phase of sleep when she could navigate her dreams with ease while still hearing the hum of the world around her.
Her partial awareness was why she felt the dip of the bench beneath her, and  heard someone hoist themselves up onto the table.
Just needed a few more minutes . . . 
But fate was not so kind.
“Come on, get up,” Valentina said, nudging Sandy with the tip of her Chelsea boot, “you sleep more than I do, and I’m nocturnal.”
Sandy raised her head slightly and gave Valentina her best stink eye, which was, by all accounts, very aggressive.
“That’s literally not at all how that works,” she said. She lowered her head back onto the table, but after a few moments of silence, she gave up. I guess I’m awake now, she thought bitterly. She turned to see Aspen sneering down at his lunch tray.
“This is definitely not vegan” he muttered, poking at the ghoulash piled high on his plate.
Valentina rolled her eyes and reached into her bag, pulling out a tombler from her backpack.
“Here, I got you a green smoothie from the Coffin Bean on my way in this morning. Because I actually read the menu on the school’s website.”
Now it was Sandy’s turn to roll her eyes. She wasn’t quite sure how much older Valentina was than the rest of them, but she had definitely taken on the ‘mother’ role in the group. She had already placed a scream-which in front of Sandy - correctly assuming that she had indeed forgotten to get lunch, and was dragging Aspen’s tray of forgotten food towards her.
“What,” she asked accusingly when Aspen side-eyed her. “I’m not vegan.”
Sandy couldn’t help but chuckle. She had no idea why their friendship worked, she just knew it did. At night, when she travelled through dreams into different realms and dimensions, she saw them: sometimes as witches at a magic school, sometimes as superhero teammates, and sometimes as human siblings (although that was by far the nightmare scenario). It’s why she hadn’t shied away from Valentina when she’d first invited her to lunch, and why she took the time to learn Aspen’s body language so that they could communicate without speaking. They were just meant to be.
Based on these Monster High OCs. All art by @cool_beans_jw on insta. Writing by her weird sister.
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