#more like Mike the twink
ghoulfool · 4 months
*rewatches the Threepenny Opera irl*
Me: better watch more adaptions…
And I Ooh- ✨😳
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hoss-bonaventure · 1 month
took a blinker and now i wanna talk about the very obvious gay crush that blue-collar lawyer has for his bright-eyed twinky protege
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arthurtaylorlester · 1 year
just finished s2 of woe.begone and for the rest of show i'll be having a #mikewaltersmakeafriendwithoutwantinginfofromthemchallenge
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sneakyparsnipslicer · 6 months
Birthday Transformation
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Michael was on his last day of being 29, in just a handful of hours, he would be 30 years old, which isn't the end of the world, but to some it spells 'Twink Death'
And that's just what Michael had been, at least for the past decade; a blonde-haired twink. Of course it wasn't always that way. At one point Michael was a gangly ginger guy, and the change wasn't one he'd intended to go about.
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On the night Michael turned 20, his body had completely transformed, the curly ginger hair shortening and becoming blonde, his body structure shortening and his body becoming more taught, even the goofy face and teeth had changed. It had baffled many who had known him in his college years, and it had changed him in a big way, no longer the unpopular art student, but a studly young man who changed courses for sports and fitness. He definitely became popular with the college athletes, though it was safe to say he'd spent a lot more of the past decade bottoming rather than topping. For a confident guy, his slim build didn't particularly scream dominating.
Of course as times had rolled on, more tools became useful to him, the invention of TikTok and OnlyFans had helped Michael build a following, even an income. He frequented the gyms in town to maintain his slim yet stocky build, for some it only made him more irresistable. In the year leading up to his 30th birthday however, close friends had begun talking about what turning 30 could mean for this career he'd built up. It's true many gay men lose interest in twinks when they turn 30, no longer as boyish-looking as they used to be, and Michael was no exception. Even he had begun to notice the wrinkles on his forehead when he raised his eyebrows. But who knows, maybe that miracle that happened 10 years ago might happen again.
Michael finished his day and headed home, made himself some dinner, had a shower and took off his clothing, looking at his body in the mirror in his bedroom. He'd put a lot of work into his appearance, keeping up with popular haircuts, wearing clothing that was in fashion, ensuring he kept some muscle despite the slim body. He thought back to his reaction when he'd woken up on his 20th birthday and his body had completely changed overnight, he was completely different, but it was still him. He massaged his smooth cheeks and chiseled jaw, he'd strangely never been able to grow facial hair. His pecs felt nice, if flat, his abs on point, his dick was pretty average, but then it wasn't like it mattered to the guys he'd slept with over the past decade, they were more busy pounding the bubble butt he called an ass. He took his phone off charge and took one last selfie, captioning it.
'Twink Death in T-Minus 2 Hours!'
He chuckled as he posted it, watching as it got reactions from the regulars on his social pages. Just then his phone began to ring, it was his friend Ryan. He swiped up and put the phone to his ear. 'Hey Ryan, what's up?' Michael asked. 'Hey Mike, I'm good. Just saw your post, you're not still hung up on that whole Twink Death thing are you?' Ryan asked. 'Oh, nah, it's all good. I'll just be turning 30, no biggie!' replied Michael, shrugging. 'Good mate, it's just I want you to know no matter what people say, you're still a gorgeous guy. That's not gonna change overnight' said Ryan. Michael looked back to his reflection and thought for a moment, what if this change he was thinking of didn't happen. 'You still there Mike?' asked Ryan, jumping Michael out of his trance. 'Oh, yeah, sorry just getting ready for bed. Look, shall we meet up for coffee tomorrow?' asked Michael. 'Yeah sounds good, maybe I can get some extra cream for the Birthday Boy' replied Ryan seductively. Michael laughed. 'Shut up Ryan! You get some sleep buddy. See you tomorrow!' chuckled Michael. Ryan wasn't bad really, he'd always had a soft spot for him. He was one of the few friends that knew Michael before his first transformation, and what a revelation that had been for both of them. Michael put his phone on his bedside desk and put a sheet over his mirror, he wanted to be surprised if a change did infact happen. He turned the lights out, sighed happily and snuggled up warm in his bed.
Michael had fallen deep asleep by midnight and that was when the magic began. It started with a growling in his gut as his stomach began to push out against his abs. Hair began to sprout out from his clean-shaven chest and arms as they began to bulk up and his shoulders became more broader and muscular. His hands grew and became more calloused, his legs and feet lengthened and became more hairier, hair was just growing from everywhere. Michael had taken to keeping everything clean-shaven, even his ass and groin, but these tiny dark hairs were coming from everywhere. His dick began to widen and lengthen, becoming a 7-inch girthy fuckstick with some pretty nice balls and his ass became two hefty, hairy melons that filled out his boxers better than before. Despite his body becoming bigger, his muscle definition didn't grant him too big of a gut, he wasn't skin and bones anymore, but he had a pretty huggable frame. Michael's neck began to fill out and dark facial hair began to sprout out, covering his chin, cheeks and jawline. His blonde hair grew out and became a dark brown, as did his eyebrows, becoming bushier and his face restructured granting him a sharp nose with some pretty kissable lips nestled nicely in his beard. The hair on his head kept it's relatively side-swept style, but it became a lot thicker and bushier, and there he laid in his bed, a changed man and yet unaware.
Michael woke up with a yawn, stretching and moving his hands down below the covers to stroke his morning wood under his boxers. 'Mmmm, nice' murmured Michael, feeling his new dick and snapping his eyes open in realisation, sitting upright and examining his new body. He was hairy to say the least, and he actually had a chest that a man could rest their head on now. He couldn't believe it had actually happened again! 'Holy fucking shit!' Michael gasped excitedly, feeling his throat realising his voice had become deeper. He sprang out of bed and tore the sheet off the mirror, being greeted by the man he had become overnight. He examined his face closely in the mirror, feeling his facial hair as it bristled against his fingers. The face itself looked strangely youthful, but worn. Honestly it was a look that Michael didn't mind, it was an experienced look. 'Goodbye Twink, Hello Daddy!' Michael said, laughing. He looked to his fully erect dick and then back to his reflection, wiggling his eyebrows and biting his lip, smiling. 'Guess we're not bottoming anymore huh? Unless someone's feeling brave!' Michael chuckled, feeling his dick again. He lowered his boxers and grabbed his shaft, enjoying the sight of himself masturbating. He began to work up a sweat and after some choice filthy talk, he came over his reflection in the mirror. Panting and leaning on the mirror, he looked his face up and down and smiled. 'We hit the fucking jackpot this time!' he whispered excitedly, kissing his reflection passionately. He was interrupted by the sound of his phone buzzing, it was Ryan.
'Hey Mike! Happy Birthday man!' said Ryan happily. 'Ryan! Dude! It's so good to hear you! Thanks!' replied Michael breathily. 'Whoa man, you sound groggy as fuck! You just woke up?' asked Ryan. 'Uh, yeah. Something like that. We still on for coffee?' asked Michael, eyeing his wardrobe. 'Yeah, I can get to our usual spot in half an hour, sound good?' asked Ryan. 'Perfect! I'll see you soon. Got a few surprises for you!' said Michael, grinning and hanging up before Ryan could respond. He opened his wardrobe doors and grabbed a shirt, but then hesitated. He looked at the shirt and his reflection, he just wasn't feeling it. The styles he'd grown to wear just weren't doing it for him anymore, he searched his wardrobe for something grittier, leathery. He settled on a pair of ripped jeans, brown boots, white t-shirt and a leather jacket. He ruffled up his hair, this was a look he was vibing with. He used to be neat and fancy, but now he just wanted to be laid-back, smoky and seductive, like a Greaser. He pocketed his phone and headed out to the carpark to his car. Again he had a small car that did the job, but what he was really craving was a motorbike. He shook his head, he could sell his car later and get a motorbike, right now he had a date with Ryan, maybe he could get some cigarettes on the way.
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Michael was still Michael and had always been him, the sporty fashion twink was gone now, a memory of a past life alongside the nerdy artist before him. This decade he was gonna be a lean leather daddy, and he was gonna love every day of it.
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plaguerat00 · 7 months
(And me having like twenty aneurysms over it)
I fucking loved it! I fucking loved it and am so glad I wasn't disappointed!!!!!
Josh Hutcherson was GREAT. MATTHEW LILLARD WAS AMAZING even though he didn't get a whole lot of screen time, it makes sense why, he really sold it at the end though.
I loved being able to have a full on nostalgia trip it was great.
I've heard some people were disappointed with the lack of gore and I mean sure it's tamed down but at the same time a bitch gets severed in two by Freddy's chompers and another mother fucker gets his face mutilated by the Cupcake. You can also literally hear Afton's insides being torn apart, so for a pg13 movie I think they did QUITE well.
"Isn't breakfast the most important meal?
Well yeah, but THAT'S JUST A THEORY!!!" (Cue the screams.)
And now for a little more seriousness in my praise for how they portrayed Afton's character as a fucked up serial killer.
Yes they didn't make him an anime twink, he's unassuming and looks like the good ol' eighties dad.
But how he acts when he finds out who Mike is what I like the most. His voice wavers on the name, he gets a bit stuttery and nervous, if I remember right he can barely look Mike in the eye. He gave him the job too, which I might not be looking at it right but he seems to be giving it to him not to get him killed at first but to maybe help him out??? He's almost remorseful for a moment it seems, being in the same room as the person whose brother he kidnapped and murdered, whose life he's no doubt destroyed. He's not a stone cold killer, he's insane and a coward 👍
And also Vanessa being his daughter/regretful accomplice? I love that a lot more than her being possessed/ under Afton's influence. He totally forced her to help him cover up the kid murders and maybe even make her help him do the murdering. >.>
Also loved being able to see the movie with my friend and fellow Fnaf lovers who did the "Hor hor ho hor hor" Freddy laugh every 10 minutes 😌
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psiirockin · 5 months
Y’know, it makes sense why people do it but I still don’t get why they give you hate for making the Aftons chubby. Because canonically (at least in the comic, idk much about books v. Games anymore) William is chubby at least before he went into the Dave Miller years. So anybody drawing Will big is actually more canon than twink Will and it’s not to far off to assume Mike would be big too as an adult
Yes you’re right! He is actually big in the books + comics during the murders. It’s funny, nobody draws him as fat when he kills the MCI but they draw him (as Dave) as he is in the comics— boney & with the springlock scars. And he isn’t even like.. plus sized as in dad bod. He’s described as a REALLY heavy man. Like Santa big.
People think it’s “too far” to assume that just because William is fat, his kids and even wife would be. Isn’t that so ridiculous?? Like good God.
I mean, if the spirits are mistaking Michael to be his father… As in Michael looks near identical to him— To me it makes more sense for Michael to be at least a little bigger too.
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nouearth · 14 days
Now let's talk about boss!Zane.
boss!Zane who angrily calls his whore to come to his office because he found out that he sleeps with other men in the company.
boss!Zane who grabs him tightly by the hair and makes him look at the laptop screen full of his sextapes when he tried to deny it.
boss!Zane who calls his other workers, the same ones who fuck reader everyday just after/before Zane fuck him, so that they all treat him like the cheap whore he is.
Who are the others? Well…Cody Christian, Paul Mescal, Austin Butler, Mike Faist, Jonah Hauer King, Nico Greetham, Dacre Montgomery, Nicholas Galitzine and Oliver Stark.
I just can't get the out of my head twink!reader being fucked until he passes out by men much more muscular and bigger than him
💌 : boss!zane who begins pounding into reader after he's been bred by nine different men. his hole is swollen and dripping with cum, and zane's cock only makes it messier with every angry thrust of his.
boss!zane who reminds reader who he really belongs to after whoring out with every slap to his face. who's the one that gives him a raise. who's the one that approves his ideas. who's the one who gives him a chance to shine in the company. who's the one that makes him walk funnier after a 'meeting' with him.
boss!zane who comes inside of reader, adding onto the heavy loads filling reader to the brim. his hole has never felt so worn out, so abused, so fucked out, and then plugged, because boss!zane loves the way reader's hole refuses to let him pull out.
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nexus-my-beloved · 4 months
This isn't my usual content but I recently (four days ago) decided to read the actual book for IT so here's a couple of headcanons (specifically centred around 1990 IT, but I'll specify which years just in case):
-1990 Eddie likely had severe anxiety around showers and baths after the time he saw Pennywise in the gym locker room showers. He probably always had a fear of the clown stretching open the drain again and reaching to grab him and drag him into the sewers. Eddie is afraid of disease and germs, though, conditioned to it, so he still took showers and baths- but he probably scrubbed hard enough to make his skin red and raw and he did it fast before rushing out, always racing against an invisible clock that when the timer was up Pennywise would grab him. This fear probably carried over to adulthood, even when he forgot about Derry, and he likely got better with it but probably still was afraid for some unknown reason- he probably took ten minute showers, fifteen at most.
-1990 Reddie headcanon: when they were kids, Richie probably had a small crush on Eddie, but he likely had more feelings for Stanley (1990 Stozier truther here but also universal Reddie enjoyer). When they were adults, though, Richie probably grew out of his feelings for Stanley and I like to think he had more feelings for Eddie that resurfaced the moment he saw him. Eddie probably liked Richie a lot when they were adults, but probably wasn't very big on him when they were kids.
-1990 Stenbrough headcanon: for years after Derry, Bill probably would say random bird species when he was anxious. He wouldn't remember who this was from or realize it was from one of his best friends until he got back to Derry, and that friend was dead. Bill likely held on hope that Stan would come, and probably felt his heart bleed a bit when he realized Stan had killed himself. He never got to fess up to the little crush he used to have.
-2019 Reddie headcanon: based on the fact that Eddie yelled "I knew it! I fucking knew it!" when they were leaving the restaurant after Richie admitted to not writing his own material, I like to think that Eddie probably watched this comedian he recognized but didn't know from where on TV and swore up and down the material was scripted from someone other than him. He didn't recognize the Tozier standup guy until he got the phone call from Mike and realized it was Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier from when he was a kid. Eddie probably kept tabs and watched Richie for years without ever realizing that used to be his best friend.
-2017 Bill Denbrough headcanon: I like to think that Bill particularly stuttered on s-words. Which means he probably stuttered like hell whenever he'd have to say Stan/Stanley sometimes. Imagine how he'd have to use nicknames instead, silly or not, and how much more important it'd be when he said just Stanley, even if it was hard.
-All Media Bill Denbrough: there's no way he could've looked at paper boats without feeling like crying. Even as an adult he probably couldn't explain it. He'd just cry.
I probably have more but I think this is a big enough post for tonight. Have these I found on Pinterest!
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The sillies <3
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Bowers Gang Slander but it gets progressively worse/better (depends how you see it)
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Abso-fuckin-lutely it is them. I can imagine little 2017 Eddie running after Finn Wolfhard Richie with inhaler in hand and trying to keep up while Richie laughs his ass off and promptly smacks his face into an open locker and eats shit
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Twink Eddie <3
In all fairness though I love adult 1990 Eddie. He looks like the embodiment of if kindness were a human being and he just makes me so happy I would hug this man and love him forever I want to keep him in my pocket
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bonkerstogether · 2 months
Just wanna be thankful for a minute and go on a rant about how being in the byler fandom legitimately saved me.
When I started getting seriously invested in byler as a ship I was at a point in my life where I was very unhappy with myself and what I looked like, I was extremely body conscious and was confused about myself, my gender and sexuality and I didn't know where to turn. I didn't have a lot that got me super excited and happy anymore, but when I started reading things like byler analyses and character studies on Mike and Will it would seriously get me feeling good and invested, eventually it got to a point where I started to come up with my own theories, I started getting excited to analyze them and come up with new ideas and feelings. I was really passionate about it and it allowed me to branch out and get passionate about other things too, I realized how good I felt when I did these character studies/analyses/theories ect. and it made me want more things that made me feel that way. So I started finding other things, I started learning to cook, I got super into martial arts, I started to draw more and now have goals and dreams in my life because of these passions and activities. Because of the physical activity I began to do I've gotten my body into shape and I'm much physically healthier now, which has majorly improved my mental health too. I can now proudly say that I'm a happy and passionate and healthy person, I feel better nowadays than I ever have.
I can't believe all that happened because of two fictional twinks from the 1980's but hey, whatever works ig 😭
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At request of a mutual I am posting my incoherent ramblings abt this on Tumblr (some headcanon context: my Ness is non-binary, queer, and AuDHD, my Mike is transmasc, AroAce-spec, mlm, and autistic 😋😋😋)
SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory queerness is taking over my brain
Ness is someone who is so all consumingly queer. They are everything and they are nothing. They are a boygirl girlboy who is also a genderless being simply taking part in all the corners of the human experience. They are a butch lesbian, a twink, and every form of multisexual under the sun all at once. They’re gay and straight in every relationship. No matter how they dress, it is cross dressing. Everything about them is queer and they know it and love it and it’s everything
Mike on the other hand, is the experience of being nothing unless he has to be something. He doesn’t really experience attraction before Ness, and then with Ness, Ness becomes everything to him. With labels, he fits into whatever is most comfortable, but at the end of the day, he’s just him. He’s just a guy. Labels only exist for the sake of communication but if he could just exist without having expectations or explanations needed, he would enjoy that far more. He’s a man because it’s what he’s most comfortable with and practically speaking he fits just fine into that role, but he’s not a man in the way a cis man is a man, or in the way ANY other man is a man for that matter. But he’s also not a woman. But he still has experience with girlhood. It’s something that he’s spent so much time and energy getting away from, but he eventually realizes that it’s ok for him to have that. It’s HIS experience, anything can fit inside of it, and he doesn’t NEED to explain anything to anyone or simplify it into a couple words for the sake of what’s easy. He’s him, and that’s that.
Gender and sexuality aren’t things that they perfectly fit into and THATS OK. Ness LOVES it and they help Mike learn to embrace it. They are boyfriends and partners and girlfriends and soulmates and two halves of a whole. They see each other and become blind to the rest of the world. They are everything and they’re nothing and it’s AMAZING. They love every bit of each other and that’s all they need.
Some other general spewing because I have a lot of visual stuff in my head that I don’t know how to elaborate on so just have some key words ig lmao
Exploring each other’s bodies (/nsx or /sx that’s up to you ☝️☝️☝️)
Embracing each other
Gold scars
Heart eyes
In sync
Happy and scared tears
Gentle kisses
Tracing fingers
Saying I love you and truly meaning it
Biting their lips
Slow reveals and realizations
Learning what comfort is
Full laughter
Easy breaths
Only caring about each other’s opinions
Utter adoration
Ugh chat they mean everything to me like actually 💔💔💔
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felixcosm · 20 days
Tried to listen to woe.begone but the premise is giving too much sword art online for me to take it seriously.
Please would you sell me on it?
Happily! I never got around to watching/reading Sword Art Online so I took a quick look at the plot and I think I know what you mean.
WOE.BEGONE the game is just the first step into the world of WOE.BEGONE the podcast. While it will always play a role of introducing Mikey to the world of time travel, it will not always be in the forefront of the podcast.
Dylan, the creator, is extremely good in shaking up the status quo from season to season. Season 2 is different than Season 1 and by the time you reach Season 5 and beyond, it's like you're in a whole other story (but it makes sense how the characters ended up where they did).
Although WOE.BEGONE the game does return to the story from time to time, Season 4, 7 and 10 have major callbacks to Season 1.
What sold me on the first season was Mikey, to be honest. I'm not big on life or death games, but having a protagonist who is such a fucked up little guy who schemes and lies and kills (while whining and simultaneously bragging about it) really charmed me.
I don't think WOE.BEGONE would've worked the same way if Mikey were a good person who had morals and standards or tried to be a hero in the story.
If you want to know what you have to look forward to in the podcast, here's a list of some of my favorite things about WOE.BEGONE
it becomes more and more about cowboys. It goes from random cowboy mention to "was this show ever NOT about cowboys??"
it's a show about power. Which Mikey goes on and on about in Season 1 yeah but it really becomes more prominent as the show progresses. Characters who seem reasonable and sensible are driven to make extreme choices for their own benefits and it inevitabley affects Mike in different ways
there's this villain (not the antagonist of season 1) who ends up becoming the Main Villain of the series. He's a complex character who can both be silly and terrifying, happily make puns mid-torture and risking the timeline to save someone in the next. He's extremely gay. And British. I hate him, he's caused me so much grief <3
There will be other Mikes. It's a time travel podcast, of course you will meet other Mike Walters who are not Mikey. While at times these lead to silly and chaotic shenanigans, the relationship the main Mikes have to each other is my favorite thing in any podcast ever. Found family, but it's you, your older self, your older cowboy self, yourself at the same age but he's also a cowboy, yourself at the same age but he's chill, your older cowboy self but he's got a Giant Horse and your mysterious younger self who gets bullied by everyone else.
Plus with time travel duplicates of Mike, the topic of what it means to be yourself comes up a lot. Are you still you when you are in a different body from your own? It's fascinating and I don't think time travel stories talk about it enough.
The world of WOE.BEGONE is so much bigger than the characters in Season 1. It expands outwards until you have this crazy story about time travelers, assassins, fucked up twinks, government weapons, unethical science, bears, cowboys, and in the middle of it all is Mike Walters, a guy who found an ARG on Reddit and decided to play it on a whim.
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aerodaltonimperial · 4 months
katy's community poll-fic 2k24
part 1 | part 2
(The people have spoken. 24 hours. Not positive weekend updates will roll out, but we shall see, haha. They tend to be dodgy for me.)
Jack loses sight of Hook when the other rounds a corner and hops into a stairwell, moving with speed Jack generally only sees in the ring. Whatever. Bowens offered up an additional option that Jack hadn’t thought of: the Undisputed Kingdom. They are pretty much the biggest assholes on the roster right now, so maybe the best idea is to interrogate them first and then start working down the rest of the list. Either Hook is heading elsewhere, or he didn’t make note of where the locker rooms are; Jack starts down the opposite hall. He remembers where the paper was taped. Mostly, he remembers because staff always has to put them near one of the wheelchair ramps now, and those end up on the main floor. In fact, the door is positioned right at the top of one leading down to a set of double doors leading outside.
He pauses outside the door, UNDISPUTED KINGDOM stuck up against the polish, hand halfway into a knock. Is this a bad idea? These dicks literally shoved Hanger against a windshield just because his name came up as a possibility. Jack’s not really sure he wants to be the next target, especially not just for Max Caster and his terrible theatrical wails.
Well. He’s come too far now—might as well see this through. Jack knocks on the door, which is opened after a few minutes, and Matt Taven stares at him, eyes narrowed.
“We didn’t place any orders for douchebag twinks,” he says.
“Bummer, I come highly recommended,” Jack replies. “In the absence of that, you got any trios title belts hidden away in there with you?”
“Any what?” Taven parrots. But he does open the door a little wider, so Jack can see the rest of them milling inside. Roddy is on the couch, and Mike is on one of the metal chairs. Adam, of course, is in his wheelchair, with his little black boot held aloft on the kickstand.
Jack can’t immediately see Max’s belt anywhere on the floor, but that certainly doesn’t mean it isn’t here.
“The fuck is this guy doing here?” Mike asks, seemingly to the rest of the room instead of Jack, even though he’s looking right at Jack, like a tool.
“Something about a trios belt,” Taven says.
Jack sighs. “Yeah, do you have it?”
Adam sits back, tenting his fingers in front of him. He looks like he’s trying to channel an evil villain of some kind, but really, the image is ruined by the whole bootie thing. “Are you saying that there’s a title belt missing? And you came here to ask us because…?”
“This seems to be one of the places that wayward items make their way to,” Jack says.
Adam’s eyebrows arch. “Is it?”
“Cut the shit,” Jack says. “Did you take it or not?”
“Why would we want some chump’s title belt?” Mike asks.
“You literally took the ROH tag belts back while wearing ski masks,” Jack points out. “You are a little obsessed with obtaining championships at present.” Then he pauses. “Also, where’s the giraffe?”
Roddy stares at him. The caterpillar above his lip trembles a little bit with the force of his frown. “What?”
“Y’know, the giraffe,” Jack repeats. “Did you keep it? Toss it? Ritually dismember it when you didn’t need it anymore? Also, why did you choose a giraffe?”
“Are you shitting me right now?” Taven asks.
“Did you choose a giraffe because you thought it made you seem non-threatening?” Jack continues. “Like, this whole herbivore thing?”
Roddy groans. “Can someone make him stop talking and go away?”
“Answer the question, and I’ll get out of your 80s bad cop facial hair,” Jack tells him.
“We don’t have a trios belt,” Taven says, with a smile that definitely does not meet his eyes. “Now scram, and let the adults get back to winning.”
“Fine,” Jack says, grumbling. He won’t get anything more out of these fucks when they’ve decided to be the biggest douchebags possible. He turns and starts back towards the hall, pausing only when he hears a “Hey!” called out from behind him.
He pauses. Twists on one heel to watch Adam wheel himself out into the hallway, injured foot bumping in time with squeezing through the doorway. Clearly, this establishment is only barely ADA-compliant, but whatever.
Adam sits back in the chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest a few times. Jack finally spots the poor giraffe taped to the underside of the seat like some sort of sacrifice. Adam gives Jack a once-over, and then says, “You have no finesse and lack all sense of dramatic tension, but you’re a lot more like me than I would have thought a year ago.”
“Excuse me?” Jack asks.
“I have a proposition for you,” Adam says.
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Alright y'all today me and @cloudtastrophie were talking some Newsies opinions bc I love to pick ones brain. And she likes the Live version whearas I like the '92 version
So just a friendly reminder take these topics lightly
#1 ✨Sprace✨this was kinda similar to how I posted where we get Sprace and Ralbert (who she is more of a fan of BUT WE'RE BOTH DIE HEARTS FOR REDFINCH) but the movie gave us Sprace and the live gave us Ralbert
#2 Do you think Livesies Race is a gambler bc he don't give me the vibes as much as 92sies
Friend: "Livesies Race is more of a gambler to me because he is jittery like a gambler doing his tricks and being scared of getting caught"
Which I don't see that, I see that Race as a twink (I will die on that hill) but I can see where she is coming from although 92sies Race is so cool and collected he would seem more like one and also MAN'S talk about gambling not Livesies who is just like "yeah I gamble" (not really the line but you know what I mean)
#3 The different Santa Fe's
Friend:"I like the live version more because it's more heartbreaking and moves the story and gives character to Jack and how he like betrayed the Newsies"
I can totally see this and it's not bad bUT like fngnfnmrmdn, idk my brain is just so istched with 92sies and Christian rides a goddamn horse oK LIKE SIR- but I feel like I relate to it more for like no reason, I also pointed out the tumblr post (who I think was @i-didnt-do-1t ) about the lyric change and how much that means to the song (also I just really like the sounds)
#4 Outfit differences
This was like nothing, I just, idk wanted to pick her brain but she just said it was another way to identify the people on stage and in a movie you don't need that... Which fair idk, anyways lol
#5 ✨Gay ships✨
As mentioned we love Redfinch, but we also screamed about Ikeshot, Spromeo, Jomike Buttons and Elmer WE SCREAMED SO HARD I JUST CAN'T WITH THEM, there all so cute (also if anyone has one of crystals old art work about Hotshot mistaking Mike for being Ike and telling him something dirty PLZ GIVE)
Also shared how in 92sies some people ship Specs and Dutchy and friend said "fair, could see it" so true
#6 Jack and his bandana (along with David being very gay)
Told her about my bandana post and she found it kinda silly BUT IT'S SO TRUE, also talked how gay David is because look at that man
In the live version he is so gay but in the movie he has to be like worked on (if that makes sense) it just takes him awhile to accept
#7 ✨Grantaire and Enjolras✨
🤭 the gay boys from Les Mis bc we all know there so gay for each other
#8 Jack the artist vs. Jack the cowboy
Friend: "Kinda vibes with it but sees it more as Jack isn't into all that much of art"
I just like the thought of him being a cowboy or just having that, idk I don't mind that he's an artist BUT BRING BACK THE COWBOY
Shoutout to that one tumblr post that head canon Jack getting his cowboy hat stolen by the Delancys
Honorable mentions-
Davids character growth and him being use to the Newsies and getting comfortable with them towards the end of the movie
Jacks cowboy hat that we all miss and the line "go get them cowboy" along with just in general calling him cowboy
Blush and Newsbains were talked about
How much I love Blush
Told her about a Tumblr post saying Finch is a version of Skittery and makes sence
Talked about how Teddy calls Denton Denty
How queen Medea is
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dual-fantasy · 5 months
So much. Yes. the babyfication of mike(& the rest of the system to an extent) cause hes nervous sometimes and mentally ill makes me so mad. hes a bit of a dick and its okay. let him be a dick. he deserves it. let him be awful and gritty. scike ultimately would fail because of how much they just dont love each other. they end it on awful terms. anytime they're near each other they end up getting in a fistfight. mike kicks his ass every time. he'd have to be physically dragged off scott if anyone cared enough to stop him. jo cheers him on. people only get in the way of it when they realize scott might actually Die and even then its just a suggestion. Also, bit of an unpopular opinion in the fandom but I don't like zoke. I think they'd be friends after the show but they wouldn't date. mike grew a backbone after the show as well. he got cooler i reckon. its the mental illness though he stopped going to therapy after roti(also. i want to talk about how people completely forget that he actively sees a psychiatrist?? he is fucked in the head stop ignoring it) and somewhere through dating scott he just Stops Giving A Shit. he contracted scotts shark rabies or whatever and it made him evil. but its okay cause its mike. let him be evil. he deserves it. let him be mean to people. scike are absolutely awful for each other. their ''relationship'' is messy at most. nobody knows how they started dating it just happened one day. they yell at each other in the furniture displays at big stores and make everyone uncomfortable. they cant hang out together around anyone else cause 30 minutes in they get mad at each other and ruin the mood. actually the fandom interpretation of mike pisses me off so much. he is not a dainty little twink he has abs. that isnt just vitos italian superstrength(funniest fucking thing to me) or whatever hes strong as hell. let him beat someone up. let him be mean. he pushed scott into shark infested waters. he was a stupid boy in love with a pretty girl but hes also a dick. it means so much to me. hes an awful person sometimes and he absolutely deserves to be. half of the total drama fandom can not comprehend a mentally ill guy having complexities that make him a kind of bad person. hes a dog motif in a guard dog way. his bites worse then his bark. i do not frown on him being horrible i think he should be like that more. make mike mean twenty twenty four. td fandoms displayed him in such a horrific way i have to level the scales by making him the horrible person he deserves to be. not even in an angsty way he isn't sad and miserable. he should just be allowed to fuck scott up a lot. let him break some noses. I saw a post about brick and mike(no idea what the ship name is. bike ????) and i think they should be allowed to kiss just a little bit. brick frowns on him getting in fights but he isn't gonna stop it. scott deserves to get beaten up a little. mikes stupid and in love with brick though. tying into the guard dog motif. he comes home soaked in blood(probably scotts. none of its his own) and makes brick dinner cause hes actually the best boyfriend ever. just not to scott. theres no scike happy ending they dont become friends or learn to tolerate each other theyre forever bitter and hateful Grave Dog. i wrote this all in one sitting in 2 minutes i hope its somewhat comprehensible
YOU'RE SO REAL the fanon interpretation of mike actually drives me mad. like fucking insane. I hate it. I think the issue is that people don't want actual mental health representation they want the perks that come with being able to say he's mentally ill without actually having to see what mental illness is. they would rather die than realise nuances in his character. and your right the system has also had this happen but to a lesser extent. I like the fanon system more but only in the way that it's actually researched. in every other way it sucks. Ive seen it happen a lot with svetlana too. Its the obsession with easy troupes and simple characters that are easier to portray. they want characters to be more palletable so they erase their real character for the simplicity. it's bad
I think scike is literally never going to work out. it's always bad and it never improves and they're so terrible. they would never say they'll love eachother but they'll spend every waking moment imagining ways to destroy eachother. it's so bad and so good. mike is actually fucking killing Scott at one point. like his face is three hits from caving in. the only person to bother with helping him is brick because of "moral codes" or something. Cameron also wanted to help but he would get killed like. immediately. not even intentionally he would just get hit and crumple and die. everyone else is cheering them on tho. Anne Maria and B made a betting pool. lightning and dawn are announcing everything that happens like sports commentators.
I do not like zoke either because I don't like the way that Zoey was handled in canon. I think they should've made her weirder. she cannot be the "weird small town loser" if her only weird personality trait is a flower in her hair. she shouldve collected bones and made them into jewellery. they're friends but I can't see them dating. he stops caring after the show (and the reset button doesn't work!! it does not fucking work!! the system is still there!!) and decides to just be terrible. making up for the fanon bullshit my making him worse you're right.
and the Italian superstrength is easily one of the funniest explanations I've ever seen. in anything. Vito doesn't have fucking superpowers y'all mike is strong. he canonically does kickboxing!!! and is very passionate it!!! the show makes a point out of it!!! and also he can do everything that Svetlana can. even if he doesn't have the form or the practice in order to actually do it he could still theoretically do it. because Svetlana can only do what their body allows. mike is fucking jacked and incredibly strong he's just skinny. his ass is NOT a twink you all just hate nuances! he needs to beat up people. he needs to be worse. he needs to be terrible and horrible and cruel
and the guard dog motif is soooo good. weapon that's only used in necessity. bites not for enjoyment but for protection. able to fight but has the morality to restrain himself. he should be allowed to go crazy though. pleaseeee pretty please can he go crazy and silly and insane and violent. you're so real about brick and Mike I think they would be cute.
also DW I write all my posts in 2 minutes too that's why they're all incomprehensible
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wearebackbagels · 1 year
Information on the SAS ships.
A post for those who are new to the fandom and are CONF U S E D or those who want to know what this fandom has to offer. 
Timestamp for post: 17 / 12 2022, this is the current status of the ships. Mild spoilders ahead!
            Ship. Paddy Mayne x Eoin McGonigal, sometimes called Paddon.
Who??? The short, angry irishman( Paddy) and the taller irishman with black, curly hair and a wide smile( Eoin, appears in ep 1-3).
Descriptive tags. Angsty in the poetic, “one died too early” type of way, really beautiful, two-sided love, loss.
Canon content. Lots, great for all the canon-lovers out there, anecdotes found in biographies etc, new stuff is always ticking in. These two are a canon and irl couple what more could you possibly want?
Fanon content. Angst, fluff, basically all is canon complient, not much smut yet.
Widely known? Yes, this is the biggest and most accepted ship you will encounter in this fandom.
Ship status. Undead, one is deceased the other never lets go and therefore the ship is forever sailing the seas.
            Ship. Paddy Mayne x Augustin Jordan, called Maydan, MaydAn and on rare occations referred to as The Poet and The Philosopher, more of a descriptive nickname but everyone will know who you are talking about,.
Who??? The short, angry irishman( Paddy) and the lanky, french guy with dark hair and glasses( Augustin, appears in ep 5-6), they have an erotic scrap in the sand.
Descriptive tags. Brat vs Brat-tamer, love to get on each others nerves, shared love of poetry, horny.
Canon content. About as much as Paddon but every interaction these two have gives off the same vibe as a watersoaked, sparkling power outlet.
Fanon content. A lot of the fandom’s content is dedicated to this ship. Dirty as all fuck smut, headcanons, fics, AUs (so far: vampire/supernatural, modern, pirate), playlist, moodboard.
Widely known? Yes, this is the second biggest ship( at the moment).
Ship status. Alive
            Ship. Reggie Seekings x Johnny Cooper (x Mike Sadler).
Descriptive tags. Two huggable bears and their twink, super sweet and caring ship-dynamic.
Who??? The guy that looks a bit like Draco Malfoy( Johnny), the guy who is shirtless a lot, has a heavy british accent and lots of tattoos on his chest( Reggie) and the one who has a poker game in Cairo on Thursdays, is blond and is also in desperate need of a haircut( Mike, appears in ep 4-6)
Canon content.  Some, Reggie and Johnny have good chemistry and the real people the characters are based on were close irl. Interactions are subtle but interesting. Lots of anecdotes found in biographies that strengthen the ship.
Fanon content. Fluffy smut, smut, AUs (modern, supernatural, pirate)
Widely known? Yes and it is gaining recognition fast.
Ship status. Alive.
             Ship. Bill Fraser x Mike Sadler.
Descriptive tags. ? I’m not very famililiar with the ship.
Canon content. Non-existing.
Fanon content.  Some.
Widely known? Not really.
Ship status. Alive.        
            Ship. Paddy x Eoin x Augustin
Who??? See “Paddy x Eoin” and “Paddy x Augustin”.
Descriptive tags. Fix-it, more of a love-corner than a love-triangle, two of the characters never even met but that is easily fixed in fanon.
Canon content. None( ish). Two characters have a similar relationship to the third only in different periods of time.
Fanon content. Not much.
Widely known? No.
Ship status. Undead, one is deceased, the other never lets go and the third never met number one.
             Ship. Walter Essner x Herbert Bruckner.
Who??? The tallest of the french legionnairs, the one that got baptized as Mr Real Thing and got his hat kicked(Essner) and the other german, the guy from Dark (Bruckner, both appears in ep 5-6)
Descriptive tags. Angsty but in the ugly way, betrayal, friends or something more, outsiders being alone together, lies.
Canon content. Non-existing, the ingredients are there but you’ll have to squint really hard and use your imagination.
Fanon content. M I N I M A L.
Widely known? No.
Ship status. Ghost. Both died under *caugh* tragic circumstances.
             Ship. David Stirling x Eve Mansour
Who??? Adam from Sex Education( David) and the beautiful woman( Eve)
Descriptive tags. Two-sided love, really beautiful.
Canon content. Lots, these two are a canon couple.
Fanon content. Not much.
Widely known? Yes.
Ship status. ?, it is a bit muddy.
            Ship. Jock Lewis x Mirren ?
Who??? The small, eccentric guy( from GOT, Jock, appears in ep 1-4) and his hallucination  wife.
Descriptive tags. Really sad, beautiful but sad, two-sided love.
Canon content. Lots, but there are a lot of gaps to fill in.
Fanon content. None.
Widely known? Yes.
Ship status. Ghost.
I know I have forgotten some information because I can’t keep up with all of the ships being born and reborn in our conversations so if anyone could help me out with more info on Bill x Mike for example I’d be thrilled!
@rosescruensixxam @fergusfraserapologist  @homeahoy  @invisiblegargoyl @elkro  @akatsuki-rin   who have I forgotten this time?
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tw: rubber band as replacement/coping strategy
Mike Walters is smart. Mike Walters is not a good person. Mike Walters does not need or want anyone. Sometimes Mike Walters refuses to kill a target for no reason. Mike Walters is ahead of everyone else. Mike Walters has no control. Everything is outside of his control. Mike Walters does not need or want anyone. Mike Walters does not like twinks. Mike Walters loves Edgar with every decaying inch of his rotten heart.
Mike Walters always wears an elastic band around his pulse. Mike Walters went to therapy after Matt died. Mike Walters went to therapy after Matt died. Mike Walters never went to therapy after Matt didn't die. Mike Walters always wears an elastic band around his pulse. Mike Walters has not worn the elastic band in years. Mike Walters has never owned an elastic band. Mike Walters is not in control.
Mike Walters has not worn the elastic band in years. Mike Walters has not needed the elastic band in years. Mike Walters is over it but Mike Walters is never in control. Mike Walters is used to the small sting. Mike Walters hasn't needed the elastic band in years. The elastic band Mike Walters is wearing is blue.
Mike Walters is in control. Mike Walters will not let things escalate. Mike Walters hasn't needed the elastic band in years. Mike Walters will not let things escalate. He will not let things escalate.
Mike Walters is never in control.
The elastic band is blue
(more wbg stuff <3)
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