#more like anti stucky shippers who hate on other ships
kittenfangirl20 · 8 months
Look, I really like MCU Stucky and it is a good ship, but some of the shippers sometimes make it so hard. They spend time hating on other ships like Steggy and SamBucky, which are ships I also like. I also don’t like that they won’t acknowledge that yes, Steve fell in love with Peggy and was still in love with her in the present, I also think that he would still be in love with Peggy if he had fallen love with Bucky because I think that Steve could love more than one person. Let Steve and Bucky fall in love with more than one person, there is nothing wrong with that.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
I'm a switch/verse shipper but I do notice how some verse shippers have been using verse as a moral high ground. For me, in the anime community, it's been used as an anti-fujo or anti-seme/uke rhetoric. But tagging is a different case. It depends on the fandom culture and I never expected the majority of the English-speaking sites like Ao3 to tag T/B, tbh. I wish, but I'm not so uppity about it.
I agree, though. I'm a verse shipper but even I know there tend to be leanings (to verse shippers it's more a spectrum instead of a rigid binary option). Just that most verse shippers don't mind moving the scale. There are, but not many, who actively switch the ships and try out different dynamics. They are usually smut or PWP writers but generally people write stories with plot and have only one or a few sex scenes nestled in between.
The seme/uke hate is ironic since some people will still use the classic domtop-subbottom dynamic, they will just argue that character A is not a subbottom like "what most people HC", but character B instead, followed by saying how it's better and progressive (esp if the alleged status quo of the "bottom" was a character with shorter, smaller, or feminine features). The whole, "I'm different and better" attitude irks me. You like a dynamic, so what? No one's interpretation is better than the other. We're all fans of the same characters.
Ao3 is dominated by short and smutty fics, so I get the frustration. I also wish people would tag better but it depends on the general understanding of T/B in your fandom.
I always tag my T/B but I've uploaded a PWP with no tag because it has no anal. Since I majorly write MLM, I BARELY tag who's the dom and who's the sub unless it's for peculiar dynamics like "power bottom [A]", "bratty bottom [B]" or "stone top [C]" and even then, it's only for very obvious D/S and I don't really write BDSM.
I know my leanings, I know my preferences, but I still think my readers will have to understand how I characterize them by reading the story themselves. Because a character has lots of nuance. A character who I often write as a bottom might act more dominant and jagged, very masculine sometimes, but I'm not against feminine or submissive bottoms and I have ships with both character types. Most characters in my ships have both feminine and masculine traits, a lot are GNC or enby-coded to me, and they have various roles and traits that makes it hard to box them into two or four categories. It all depends on my relationship with canon.
I usually use canon proof, like their backstory or confirmed character trait by the creator, to write but I have a ship where I reject canon because the writing sucked and I prefer how other fan authors wrote it. Fan to canon relationships are very determental.
I know Bucky and though I've never encountered that side of the fandom (maybe because I don't ship stucky), I can imagine what you are experiencing. I know he is really pretty and pretty characters tend to bottom more. Steve is also handsome but I know people tend to profile through facial features first before diving into personality. Next, most people love to woobify a difficult and traumatized character. Some woobification turns to feminization even though there is no canon proof Bucky has a feminine side, at least not as far as I know (I'm not deep into Marvel). There's also the fact that a lot of people project their own IRL experience and personal preference in their ships. Maybe they relate to Bucky and want to imagine themselves as Bucky getting rammed by Steve and basing Bucky's personality from themselves. No harm in that, I too use my irl experiences as fic reference almost all the time, I just have to know when to separate myself from the character.
I'm not surprised if some people don't realize or won't admit they are writing OOC!Bucky or Fanon!Bucky because there are so many who are used to fanon interpretation or even rejected some canon interpretations.
Between getting fed canon content once or twice every few months vs reading 3-5 stucky fics every day almost 24hrs, do you think some people won't get used to fanon versions more? It's usually this case.
I personally like Canon!Bucky just fine so I obviously only want to read Bucky with that flavor but lately I haven't been reading much. So if I encounter a fic that's slightly different, I'll get so bamboozled and my brain will be like, "since when??" even though that fic has been there for a few years.
If there are more stucky fics you don't like, I suggest writing for yourself instead of asking other fans to change, unless they want to.
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Honestly, the topic of shipping in this Black Panther fandom has gotten so utterly violent that I'm afraid to even mention other ships, for fear of angering the self-appointed fandom captains.
Like, how Martin Freeman and Danai Gurira casually shipped Okoye and Ross on that one British talk show, which was a fun-sounding unexplored ship to me, but like... am I allowed to say that? If I say it, does that mean I am committing to a lifetime contract of DEEPLY shipping this ship even though I only think it might make a good AU for a fic? Even though I don't care that much, I just think it was cute that these two actors said so? Is it gonna be problematic? Am I supposed to ship anyone else, specifically, with Okoye?
Or how about Ayo and Aneka? Like... I would rather be writing about them than Shuri and Riri, because they're a canon, established Black lesbian couple. But are we supposed to only be focusing on the idea of Shuri and Riri? I like Shuri and Riri, but do I have to want them to be canon?
Is all of this just me covering for my deep, unending love of Shuri x Namor? Am I so deeply into that even I don't know that I'm lying about not caring that much?
Also, like... I have people coming to me because they feel so attacked. And like, every time I go into the tag (you gotta look at new posts, because top posts is just all the posts you've already seen), it's just the same person over and over again telling everyone how much this one group of shippers hates Shuri and "doesn't care about her trauma" (meanwhile, this person cares more about a fictional character than the real, living Black women they're attacking.) And it's like... there's a reason tumblr fandoms created anti tags. So that people who hate stuff can go into the anti tag, and people who like stuff can go into the main tag for the thing. Or at least blacklist each other. Even the most controversial or combative ships, people respect that (with like Reylo and Stucky and Steggy and whatever else causes fanwars a lot). Like, what are you getting out of spending DAYS (and literally only days because the movie just dropped!) just utterly trashing strangers because they don't agree with you.
I mean, I be talking shit about ships, too, but damn, I usually make a post and move one.
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Alright, this here is for everyone: It’s for those who like Tony and those who don’t. It’s for Stony shippers, for Stucky shippers, for IronStrange shippers, for those who ship Ironhusbands or WinterFalcon – it’s for those who hate Stony or Stucky or any of the other ships for whatever reason. It’s for every single person in this godforsaken fandom.
The past few days I’ve seen quite some fandom drama on this hellsite to a point where it went way too far. To a point people got literal death threats into their inbox. And that on both sides of the discourse that originally led to the drama.
While that shit fucking finally stopped again, instead now people start pointing fingers: “X sub-fandom is so toxic, I hate them so much, it’s good we’re not like that.” Etc. But you know what? That’s not true.
Since I’ve been on this hellsite I’ve seen the biggest bullshit everywhere. - Stony shippers harassing others in some kind of superior-complex, going on anon and annoying the fuck out of everyone, even other Stonies for ‘not writing the ship good’ or whatever other bullshit.
- Stucky shippers bullying anyone who likes Tony, especially when it comes to Stony or WinterIron fans, but even other Stuckies who genuinely like Tony, for example an artist who dared to make a WinterIron piece for once and got so much hatred for this that they practically stopped (and no, I’m not going to name anyone here).
- IronStrange shippers going into a poor Stony artists inbox telling them they’re ship is wrong and they should convert to IronStrange now, as if that actually would change their mind, instead of just being annoyed by this kind of childish behavior.
- Ironhusband shippers literally telling a Stony fan that they should just die because their ship was toxic. Yes, Ironhusbands – that small, pure ship. I know what I’m talking about.
- WinterFalcon shippers stalking Stony blogs to send hate.
- Tony haters lurking into a Tony-centric blog, waiting for an opportunity to start a discourse.
- Pro Tony people going into the anti tag to start a discourse.
- Both, pro and anti Tonys, pro and anti Steves, crosstagging their posts deliberately to annoy the other side.  
You think I am joking or making things up? Ha, I wish I was. Point is: If you think your sub-fandom never spreads hatred? Believe me, it does.
And yes, fact is, the ones who cause the biggest problems are Stonies and Stuckies. That’s not me being hateful, that’s just simple math. The bigger a fandom, the more toxic people you’ll find there. And guess which two sub-fandoms are the biggest ones in the MCU fandom? Exactly. Doesn’t mean that if you’re in a small fandom, that you won’t find these people – there are just less. But not none.
So, instead of pointing fingers at the others all the damn time, maybe you should take a second and look at your own place. The moment one says “it’s always the Stuckies thank god we’re not like that” I can bet with you that in the next thirty minutes a poor Stucky blog will get a hateful anon ask in their inbox.
Which is not to say that this is the anti poster’s fault. It’s not their responsibility to watch out their followers don’t harass other people. You’re allowed to like or dislike whatever you want and talk about it on your own blog, and if someone misunderstands it as “haha they’re totally right, let’s attack those people”, then this isn’t on you. But you should be aware that there are people in your fandom who will think like that. Because it’s never only the others.
So, instead of pointing fingers all the time, maybe take a second to spread awareness that this kind of asshole-ish behavior is not welcome, not in your own fandom, not towards the other ones, not towards the ones you don’t like, not towards anyone at all.
The moment you go into someone’s inbox to spread hate, the moment you start to crosstag/misstag your posts to start hateful discourse, the moment you search for something deliberately that isn’t meant for you to find a reason to attack someone, the moment you’re disrespectful towards a content creator for their interests (this includes gif makers too btw!), the moment you jump into someone’s inbox trying to change their opinion because you believe you’re right, the moment you tell someone to kill themself-
-that’s the moment you’re one of those toxic people we’re talking about.
Like what you want, hate what you want, make your posts about it, tag it fucking properly, keep away from the things you dislike, but keep in mind:
The characters are fictional.
The people behind those blogs are real.
Nothing, abso-fucking-lutely nothing, gives you the right to harass or bully or send fucking death threats to other people.
And if there was even one single second you thought I might be talking about you: Fuck yes, then this sure as shit is about you.
Stop blaming as if it were only the others, stop acting as if your fandom is on a pedestal, no matter how small it is, stop turning a blind eye on what is exactly in front of you, stop encouraging others to harass, and stop fucking harassing real life people over fictional characters for fucks sake!
And if you still think this kind of behavior is justified? Then do it openly instead of turning to anon like a coward, if you really think you’re justified – so people can fucking block you.
Thank you for your attention.
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*Rolls Into The Endgame Tea 5 Mins. Late With(out) Starbucks*
Disclaimer: we have nothing against anyone who may disagree, everyone’s entitled to their opinion and we’re simply spilling ours
 Tony and Steve were both right AND wrong
Tony was right in that the Avengers needed restrictions, and Steve was right in that the government fucking sucks
The entire thing could’ve been solved with simple communication and it’s not fair to place the blame entirely on either party
Tony’s actions were fueled primarily by his guilt and Steve is just a stubborn son of a bitch who wanted to do what was right (and protect his buddy from the forties at all costs)
Before Endgame (which created a DIFFERENT timeline), Steve and Peggy were never really together, they kissed once, y’all are complaining about Steve “ruining her life” because of one lip lock but he also can’t move on and be with someone else (who just happens to be her niece), which he didn’t originally know about
Also y’all are justifying female Thor by saying it’s in the comics, but Steve and Sharon are in the comics too (no shade)
I’m not saying recruiting him in Civil War was a good thing, but the writers wanted to introduce Spider-Man, and I think Tony knew the risks and decided that Peter would be fine
In Homecoming, Tony took away the suit because Peter was acting reckless, he didn’t want him to get himself killed, and he didn’t want him to make the same Patented Stark Mistakes
Peter is a fucking angel, but he needed to be a dumbass teenage boy before he could be Spider-Man
Also there’s a time lapse between that movie and Endgame in which Peter and Tony bonded, y’all antis are acting like Peter resents Tony (bitch w h e r e), and did those interactions during Infinity War and Endgame look anything like an unhealthy relationship
Our point is that Tony isn’t perfect but he’s still #1 Dad
Do we support Steve being bi? Sure, but he ain’t gay for Bucky
“I’m with you ‘till the end of the line PAL”
The only love interests our blonde patriot has had (canonically), are both strong independent women, Bucky has had zero (unless you count that random chick at the expo, and Dolores)
They have been best friends since childhood, this does not always lead to undying love, or fucking
Have you seen Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie fighting over which of their characters gets Black Widow? Not to mention Winter Soldier and Black Widow were a thing in the comics
Bold of you to assume Steve Rogers didn’t ask Bucky to come with him before he time traveled, and Bucky said NO
Also bold of you to assume that Steve didn’t rescue the Bucky in the timeline he created
Steve deadass told Tony in Civil War “he’s my FRIEND”, to which Tony responded “so was I”
They’re brothers okay
You can’t compare Dark Phoenix’s Cherik to Endgame’s Stucky when Cherik always had subtext, we never were under the impression that Stucky was anywhere near becoming canon (if you ship it anyway, more power to you, to each their own)
Professor Hulk was just weird but we don’t need to tell anybody that
It was the easy way to write off Bruce Banner and he deserved better than that, it could have at least gotten more foreshadowing
Old Steve erased all of the character development from movies past
Such as events leading through Winter Soldier, culminating to the end of Age of Ultron 
“I’m home”, he says to Tony, guess not
The man moved on only to look through some fucking blinds and end up right back at square one
BUT traveling to the forties to live his life with Peggy does not make him as much of an asshole as you think it does
As previously mentioned, I don’t believe Steve would leave the new timeline’s Bucky to be experimented on by Hydra, and I don’t believe he would leave Natasha in the Red Room either
Some of y’all don’t seem to understand that he didn’t change the original timeline, he made ANOTHER, in which he and Peggy were happily married (he didn’t steal anything from her)
In the new timeline, if Peggy’s former husband was Daniel Sousa, you could see this as the timeline in which he marries Violet (if you watched Agent Carter)
If Tony had survived Endgame he just would’ve continued being called back in to fight (at least this way he finally got to take a nap)
He’s been struggling since the first Iron Man movie
It was a callback to the first Avengers where he wouldn’t lay down on the wire and let the other guy crawl over him
No matter what you people say he deserves the title of Godfather of the MCU
Black Widow’s death was also a callback because, in sacrificing herself for the soul stone, she finally felt as though she had wiped the red from her ledger
Instead of saving a man “no more virtuous than herself”, she saved half the fucking universe
Don’t @ us we love these characters a lot
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l-e-i-n-t-h · 5 years
From what I understand stupid stucky fans think Bucky is a broken toy because they are "broken" like him. There are a lot of them who have trauma, who have been abused, and I think they design in Bucky and how they want to find someone like Steve Rogers who can save them. And many of those had people who abandoned them. This is what I understood from their personal posts. They should seek therapy and stop living the lives of these characters. what a bunch of idiots.
Maybe you’re right, in which case I would ask you to be more respectful of people’s struggles.
Look, for the record: I’m all for people to think and feel whatever they want about everything. If someone didn’t like Endgame, if someone hates Steve now and wants to punch him in his perfect teeth, I can’t stop them, nor will I even try UNLESS they do not stay in their lane. They can hate the hell out of everything, write spitefics, and metadatas the long of the Old Testament, BUT TAG THEM PROPERLY. It’s sad that people should have to create a “pro Steve Rogers” tag to put their love for the character, while his tag is full hate and mockery. And please, be self-assertive, it doesn’t hurt, I can assure you.
Non self-assertive statements: Steve is the worst. Steve is a liar and doesn’t deserve anything good. Steve robbed Peggy of her choice. Steve abandoned his friends. The asshole should’ve died. Everyone hates his ending. Obviously everyone should hate him now, unless they condone this utter fuckery.
Self-assertive statements: I think Steve is the worst. I feel what he did was selfish. From my POV, he shouldn’t abandon Bucky. I didn’t like this. I hate him now. I wish he died. What he did made me feel like he didn’t care about Peggy’s choices. It rubbed me wrong way. I don’t understand how is it that people keeps loving him, but whatever floats their boat, I guess. I hate the guy, but I know some people loves him, so to each their own.
The difference: when you’re assertive, you own your comments. You’re not saying “this is the truth”, but “this is my opinion”. No one can tell you “no, that’s not your opinion”, but they certainly can tell you “no, that’s not the truth”. Being self-assertive makes you feel better with yourself, you gain confidence by telling the world how you feel, what you think, and how you wish things were.
I’m telling you all this because those are the only moments in which hate towards Steve as a result of a sunken ship would bother me: when people do not stay in their lane, and when people are not assertive while expressing their views. Specially given that unless you’re a Staron shipper, all the other ships, as a matter of fact, are as fanon as the next coffee shop AU you can come up with. To accept that your ship is based on opinion more than on facts is a part of being assertive. 
The rest of the time, what you say could perfectly be true, in which case... I’m sorry, folks. I’ve done that in the past: I identified with Sam Winchester so fucking hard that it pained me horribly the way the narrative (mostly through Dean) treated him. I was in a very low point, and I guess it helped me cope. I was in therapy at the same time, but getting mental health care is not always that easy. It’s expensive, and in our societies it’s a difficult decision to make, so please don’t insult people who’s hurting.
I guess I’m healthier now, so I identify with healthier characters like Steve. In fact, I have trouble seeing him as the ball of anxiety some analysis make him out to be, probably because of a personal bias. Yes he has PTSD and depression, but he tried to cope the best he could, not hurting anyone, and I fiercely admire that. 
I’ll tag this anti stucky only because I want to stay in my lane.
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neybe · 6 years
Personalities of marvel stans
Tony: fiercely protective of tony, will not hesitate to send hate off anon if u post negative shit in the tony tag, are usually cool with bucky but hate bucky stans, ship Tony with everyone (except starker bc no), still talking about civil war, hate stucky prolly, only ppl in the Marvel fandom asking the real questions, "uwu he fought off thanos as a human with tech he made", highkey annoying but also like they right most of the time
Steve: Chris Evans > Steve Rogers but still will threaten u over Steve, sends taunting anon messages to tony stans abt civil war, steve is a pure baby who has never done anything wrong, all stucky or stony shippers, most knowledge about the comics and brings it up in fights, overuse "I could do this all day", never watched a thor movie b4 ragnarok but now stans thor, all of them have 10k+ followers
Thor: Mostly ppl who only stanned after ragnarok, fight wanda stans over who the strongest avenger really is, only reblogs fan art of thor in tutus and braiding hair, "thor is a lesbian icon", post more tom hiddleston than chris hemsworth, make all of the good "which chris??" posts, either super anti thorki or the biggest shippers no inbetween, just wants the fandom to get along, shitposters
Natasha: all of them ship clintasha, have been stanning consistently since the first Avengers, all of them have MAJOR civil war opinions but they all disagree with each other, "what happened in BUdaPEst!??!", still waiting for the black widow movie, bomb ass edits, most similar to the character they stan, no major beef with any other stans
Bruce: MARK RUFFALO IS KING, proudest of the actor who plays their character, science bros or brucenat, ragnarok is their porn, only civil war opinion is that it would've been better with bruce and thor, small part of the fandom but loud af, headcanons bruce being bffs with shuri and Peter, for some reason the best and fastest gif makers, don't got lots of beef but are always the winners, gems tbh
Clint: hasn't seen their son in 26 movies, all other marvel mediums >>>> mcu, "why wasn't he deaf in the mcu???", the Venn diagram of hawkeye and natasha fans is a circle, also "what happened in BUDAPEST??!", ok with jeremy renner but also is not a stan, only beef is with mcu writers, goes silent for a while but will literally come back up out of nowhere sometimes with a vengeance, anti tony but not like ANTI TONY anti tony
Also we all stan rdj because you can't not
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kingloptr · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @seidrade !! \o/ Thank u ohmg this was so fun ~
1. Ultimate OTP — Yeah it’s gotta be thorki. I haven’t ever stuck around and continuously produced content, meta, textposts and fic for any other ship for this long or this much before. Sure there are things I’ve shipped for literally like a decade longer, but thorki is just so versatile and i still feel like there’s no getting truly tired of it ~
2. A ship you’ll always love — Sora/Riku from Kingdom Hearts :3
3. Your current obsession — im not rlly obsessing over anything atm! wellllll not visibly....but for the past couple years ive not been talking about it AT ALL to anyone but i’ve put a lot of brain energy and hardcore self-projecting/venting into a private kinda neverending fic ive been writing about Izaya and Masaomi from Durarara. it’s rlly fucked up and problematic lol holy shit. but that fic has become like a brain garbage diary and i reread parts of it constantly, still adding to it when i need it, and I’ve thought about it at least once a day for like 3 or 4 years now. anyways i’m 99.5% sure it’s never seeing the light of day so dont ask haha. If another shipper wanted to talk to me about their dynamic and stuff tho i wouldnt mind that! As long as you’re not an anti who’s gonna yell at me for how fucked up this ship can be. i’ve never been active in the DRRR fandom, just a lurker and Izaya fiend/stalker >_<
4. A ship you never thought you’d like — i hardly have this issue. i just know myself rlly well and am very predictable to myself so this doesn’t exactly happen to me >_>. I might at first not be paying attention to the ship and then in hits me very suddenly, but i basically never look at a ship and say ‘i won’t like that’ then later end up changing my mind ~ I mean well...maybe IronStrange counts for this. I didn’t start off even thinking about it and I thought I didn’t get their chemistry in that way, but seeing other ppl ship it continues to make me like hmmmm i’m kinda feelin it
5. A ship you liked but don’t anymore — johnlock. kinda dont think i need to say more lol
6. A ship you think should be canon — Stucky. I mean. Seriously?
7. A canon ship you hate — Ten/rose from Doctor Who. sorry i know this is like a crime in some circles lmao but. i just. even though the doctor is still legit one of my fav characters from anything, i just do not like rose
8. A ship you’ve shipped for years — Allen/Kanda from D Grayman :)
9. A ship everyone loves but you don’t care about — ? idk? sometimes stony is cute and ill like a post here and there but i don’t think i even comprehend how big that ship is ~ im just extra extra neutral on it tho. like yeah dads of the avengers etc but i don’t.....s HI P....? like. there’s so many more interesting or dynamic things they could be doing with characters other than each other lol
10. Favorite rare-pair — ????? hhhhhh uhhhhh ThunderShield is all I can think of rn! ThunderIron too. And I think most people are either thorki or theyre frostiron no inbetween, but I ot3 thunderfrostiron still lol and there’s barely any content or posts on it that i don’t make myself D:
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sleepybiflinge · 6 years
God i wish i could tag asks on mobile i really don’t want to get up from bed to respond to a stupid reylo shipper who’s been sending me hate. So i took screenshots. I’m assuming it’s the same reylo from before (all the screenshots over the past week or so provided below since mobile is stupid) which man, how hard is it to just hit block or unfollow? You don’t like what i post? That’s fine! This is Tumblr! It’s not hard to just leave. But telling me i don’t deserve to be part of a fandom for not agreeing with a ship and hating a movie? Get outta here! No one wants to hear that shit. You don’t like it? Stop lurking in the anti tag, stop sending people hate and stay in your lane. I haven’t tagged an anti post in any way that Would be seen by non antis. I’ve responded to some of y’all lurking and tagging shit in the anti tag but that’s on y’all for cross tagging. Also at reylo anon (I’m assuming you’re lurking in the anti tags waiting for me to answer one of the asks) did you enjoy going through basically my entire blog to find 2 problematic ships i used to ship 6-7 years ago? Or did you just do a quick search for ships you ship? Also don’t fuckin compare Stucky to Reylo. Stucky isn’t abusive. Thorki and Wincest i barely even shipped. If anything, it was my friends at that time that did and so it was on my dash all the time. Also, again, 6FUCKIN YEARS AGO, ASSHAT. I don’t ship them anymore if ever i did. I find them just as abhorrent as reylo tbh. Okay, one more thing before i go to bed because I am tired and have work tomorrow and don’t want to deal with this bullshit. WE’RE shoving Finnrey down YOUR throats? Bruh. Have you seen the Star Wars tag lately? Hell, the httyd tag? Pride and prejudice? Fuck, even the Greatest Showman isn’t safe. Y’all are invading other fandoms shoving your shitty metas down EVERYONE ELSES THROATS and then have the audacity to tell me i do the same? Here’s the thing: i don’t cross tag. Hell, look at all my posts, i barely tag anything at all, I’m too lazy! So I’m sorry if me shipping finnrey somehow offends you. I politely ask you to die mad about it. Also if you’re this petty to send me constant streams of hate, how are you gonna accuse antis of bullying and abuse of y’all? I’ve seen y’all attack 14 year old antis and I’ve watched them handle it with dignity and respect when they shouldn’t have had to deal with it at all! (I didn’t want to tag you directly just in case there’s more hate). Me? I’m an adult. Come for me all you want. I might let it build up like this again but hey. You get to yell at an adult this time. (Or is that less fun for y’all? I’m honestly curious) okay with that i say fuck it. Goodnight haters. Y’all can suck it. Goodnight to y’all antis and genuinely decent people out there, i love you all. Here are all the receipts I’ve had building up in my inbox (some of these are wild Hot Takes™️):
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do you ship stucky? if you dont, why? and do you hate it when people mention stucky multiple times to you?
The first two questions can be answered on my Stucky FAQ!
Depends on who and the situation. New people i meet irl? I immediately ask their opinions on Tony, Sharon, and make it immediately known I don’t like stucky.
(read more)
I have friends in real life that ship it, and they know I don’t like it. They know the past I have with the ship and it’s shippers on here. They respect how I feel and I respect them back.
Believe it or not, I have in real life anti tony, stucky shipper friends. We both agree not to talk about tony or stucky, but everything else is far game. We have civil conversations. If say, a trailer drops (like infinity war) we are only allowed then to talk about tony, bucky, and steve for the first week or so (with no hate towards the other) and then after the first week, we aren’t allowed to talk about them again.
When I get people like the one I had to deal with months ago that none stop talk about stucky after I’ve told that to stop (constantly putting stucky on my tony headcanon post, on my friend’s staron/steggy/stony/samsteve post, etc) then yeah I hate it. Because there are things you just, Leave Alone rather than try to stamp your OTP on, but it just doesn’t seem like majority of the stucky shippers understand that and it gets under my skin.
(this is an unfinished thought/answer bc i have to go get ready for Star Wars!!! :D but I will come back after the movie and finish the answer *kisses*!)
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Seriously tho what the anon i feel like this blog has started to enjoy shutting on other people and ships more than they are pro Sharon for a while now. At least the antis make it clear when they hate things. Please don't act like youre ok with all ships if you're gonna just talk shit about those ships and people you are supposedly ok with and just say you just hate the things you do.
Okay I will clarify some basic things
I hate Stucky as a ship- most their shippers are trash imo
I hate Steggy NOW as a ship- most their shippers have also become trash
Sigh* I don’t hate Haley, she was stupid in her actions and comments, I don’t have any hate for her- others might do but she’s an actual person and it’s not like she’s Donald Trump
I hate antis who have a problem with we say on OUR blogs or what we say in the Sharon tags when they have their own space in the anti tags that they don’t. want. to. use.
I post nothing out of the Sharon tags, ever, if anything they’re the ones who come looking for the fight. I’m saying some hard ass stuff- but I’m being respectful and staying in my business the hate blog/s and their followers post their shit which none of ask for in the tags and if I feel like saying something about it or feel like calling them out- I will. I feel ultimately I’m justified in my actions. I could see if I were being a complete troll and cross tagging into other fandoms like that tonystarkdefenselegion blog but I don’t.
My opinions should be safe on my own blog and in the tags I know I’m- for the most part, welcomed in.
I am fully aware now that what I say/do could can draw bad attention from them but that’s their problem- not mine because like I said this blog and the pro Sharon tags should be our safe space and I’m going treat it as such.
No- I will not change how I choose to run myself because if I felt I were wrong I would stop but I’m not, if you have a problem then just unfollow or block us I won’t notice and won’t care and I’m not going to go after you- there’s other nice Sharon blogs in this fandom I’m not the only one who posts here. You have the freedom to do that.
-Mod T
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leavepaw · 7 years
Salty Ask: 2 4 and 6. Have an awesome day!
Thanks for asking, and I wish you the same :) And sorry, I wrote too much again. A wall of text. Enjoy if you still wanna read, you have been warned...
2) Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
This is going to be the answer that makes this post so damn long... bc that happens quite often with me. I’m a sucker for great friendship dynamics. But I’ve picked three ships from three shows/movies/etc. just so it doesn’t get too boring.
The first quite popular pairing I could say this about is from The Originals. I’m talking about Klayley, a pairing many people seem to ship rly hard but that just... doesn’t get to me on a romantic level. I don’t ship Haylijah as much as I used to, but I can see where these two see each other in that way. With Klayley thats just not the case - I headcanon Klaus’ happy ending as spending whatever much of life he is going to have with his daughter, completely without a romantic partner. And I adore the frenemies status of Klaus and Hayley, how these two become allies and form a real friendship based on their love and sacrifice for their daughter. Romance would get in the way of that I think.
Oh, and, completely different fandom, Stucky. Not only bc of the majority of rude and anti-Tony shippers of them (sry for the bad reputation they caused @ everyone who ships Stucky but is a decent person to the rest of fandom and shippers, I feel ya). As not enough of screentime Bucky (and with that Bucky and Steve) had, I could really enjoy their friendship in The first Avenger and I adore Bucky. Though both are not allowed by the MCU (not talking comics here btw, never read one) to develop a real character, I think it’s mostly congrats to the actors, that they have a relationship many can relate too. For me a “ride or die”-friendship I love, though I don’t like how the storyline involving them (see... the fuck up that was Captain America: Civil War) has turned out.
And bc three is always better than two (well or not) I also BROTP the hell out of Brooke and Lucas (Brucas) from One Tree Hill. I don’t post about this show much, but they were a quite popular ship I think. But (SPOILER) I’m really happy with how they didn’t end up together. (END OF SPOILER). Just... no. They work great as friends though and I wish we would’ve seen more of them in that aspect.
4) Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Huh, I have never been much of a fandom person that would NOTP anything really... probably Stony in MCU canon? Oh, and Captain Swan, from Once Upon A Time. No, sorry, just no. I stopped watching the show bc of them. Ugh. Let’s move on to the last question...
6) Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
And what a great question it is, though I don’t think I can answer it with yes. More of the contrary I think. There are fandoms (see the first question) that are just... really agressive with their interpretation of characters and story and won’t shut up about it til everyone else not only not-ships something but is like “no, get that trash out, never wanna see it again”. But I hope, one day I’ll get to answer this with “yes, fandom has”. That would be a great day.
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tonyglowheart · 7 years
1, 5, 19, 22 for the salty fandom asks
hey, anon, thanks for playing! (….I only realized now just what a can of worms I may be opening, but hashtag yolo, I go down, I go down in a blaze of salty glory I guess)
under a read-more because this…..got long………why am I even so salty why can’t I Chill,,,,,, :’)
[send me more numbers if you want to see more of me being a messy salty windbag lmao :’)]
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Honestly I don’t even consider this an OTP bc I’m so ??? but like….phl/int?? I just. Do not understand. And to this day. Still do not. And yet it’s sUCH a huge one in the fandom???? somehow??????
Honestly I kind of have an idea of some of the impetus but that is something I don’t even want to get into right now lmao.
5.Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
oH BOY, has it 8) 8). e.g. I literally Cannot with st*cky bc of the shit some of the nastier ppl put us (st/ony/tony fans through) back in the day. Like…..I literally had to blacklist bc I cannot even look at them 8) and every time I wanted to find Steve meta it was all st*cky stuff somehow. Plus, there was a time when the prevailing characterization (or at least that I saw) was really REALLY like……codependent and stuff? Like honestly I didn’t even hate/dislike any other ships at first, I even watched Kings just for Seb Stan?? Who I thought was great in it, he’s got a real way of angsting wordlessly that’s really effective. And also benefited him as the Winter Soldier. But like……I have him blacklisted now because I just 8) 8) when I see that/stucky stuff. 
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
the fact that canon is just so *massages temples* like all the time? Like honestly, on one hand I get the whole “ignore canon and enjoy it anyway” dealio, but on the other hand, I actually AM really resentful that I was trying to get into comics RIGHT as there was just…so much shit going on? Like I think one big moment I remember was during AXIS, which is…yikes. and then SIM, which we don’t talk about, which is more yikes? And then idk some other stuff, and incursions and prevailing grimdark culture (like it was all “hah, you thought superheroes would save you? Think again, NO ONE can save ANYONE!” like. c’mon, guys. You still WANT to make money, right?), and then whatever the heck secret wars/battleworld was. And then CWII???? and then Neo-Nazis Everywhere now. So like. y i kes.
and I wasn’t even really around during the first CW, and I’m already incredibly tired of it everywhere, including in MCU. Plus, I feel like Steve has been REALLY getting the short end of the stick with regards to everything. He’s sort of been at the mercy of whoever’s writing, and I kind of get the feeling ppl have just been sublimating their own vision of who the Captain America ideal should be (or subverting it for grimdark ~gritty~ ~realism~) and then extrapolating Steve from that, even though they COULD have done interesting stuff with juxtaposing those standards, Steve’s own moral standards, and maybe the conflict between him being a symbol for people but having his own views and stuff. I only just now in CW feel like I REALLY got a sense of who Steve is as a character, but unfortunately what coalesced is hardly flattering to the character :/
And like……honestly there’s a lot of stuff fandom-side, too. Off hand, I don’t think there’s much I hate about the Stevetony fandom? but I guess in terms of who I think about for that, it’s a specific subset of people I’ve seen around and interacted with or have followed for a bit. Like I haven’t really followed anyone new for a while now. but the marvel fandom at large….like….yike…………..the MCU fandom…… so much yike there. That specific subset of shippers who still think shipping is a great expression of LGBT allyship, who are the ones going “who do people even ship xxx??”, or just like….hating on people lmao.
Another thing I lowkey hate that isn’t necessarily directed at individual ppl is like….when non-Stevetony/tony fans are like “wow why are stevetony/tony fans so hateful/mean, they keep calling Steve a snake” or w.e Like….I get it bc they’re part of, e.g. the stucky fandom, and they’ve had the blessing of only coming into contact with nice ppl and never was on the receiving end of attacks or bullshit. But boy howdy, have Stevetony/Tony fans Been Through Some Shit. There’s a lot of, honestly, hurt there, and part of it is we spent so much time like mild about it and apologetic and we want some turnabout. It’s like that one tumblr post that’s like “fuck anyone who says forgive them ‘for my sake’ I’ve worked hard to hate them,” like for a LONG time, we were like “yes we love Tony, yes we know he’s not perfect, yes we acknowledge his flaws,” like we couldn’t just straight-up say we loved him as a character, we had to caveat it, and it was seen as a perfectly normalized part of the experience, to expect someone to come like “okay but also he’s evil because xxx” and have to be like “yeah okay we acknowledge xxxx but xxx.” Honestly I will fight for the right of ppl to their salt and try to contextualize as much as I can when I see stuff like that. bc you may not know but we haven’t forgotten :’)
There’s also a thing where I can’t tell if they’re in the stevetony fandom or they just….make posts, but those like …. “relatable” shipping posts that I sometimes will see bc mobile will rec it? Like I honestly hate those lmao. I find them cringey and painful to see. (those ones that are like “people think I’m so sweet and innocent but really I’m thinking of my gay ship fucking” or w.e like. maybe at some point I was like “omg same!” but now I’m like “please get this away from my face.” Or those ones where it’s like chat format like “isn’t xx sad?” “yeah isn’t it sad my ship isn’t canon?” or whatever like. D: D: that just makes me nnnoOOOOooooOOOOOooo inside. If you search a smattering of tumblr popular ships in tumb search You Will See Them. like, if you search johnlock destiel sterek or something like that. bc these ppl tag them with a million ship tags)
on that vein, really anyone tagging stuff with like character/ship tags that, imo, really....aren’t so much abt the ship but about themselves? Like, someone tagged their salt ask answer post with the character tags and I had to see someone say they don’t like stevetony and think comics Tony is a dick. Can You Think Before You Goddamn Tag pls and just Not. like ppl who bARELY mention Tony and still tag him in the tags........you realize it’s all going in a page right? it’s not just for your own blog? (but even then, what use is it to your blog when you mostly say “yeah I’ll be talking about him a lot!” but don’t.....actually say much about him.....in your post.............
There is still a lot of tony hating but honestly I’ve got so many ppl blocked now that I see more ppl referencing the antis in the tags (ugh) than I do actually antis anywhere. which honestly also kind of annoys me bc like. I am going into the Tony tag for content on my fave not content on the antis. 
I am just now realizing the original question said “one thing” and I went on about Many Things, so I am cutting myself off now lmao whoops
22.Popular character you hate?
I think honestly the closest is probably Coulson lmao. Like. I just. Don’t see the appeal in him as a character at all. And recently I was watching a bunch of vid compilations for Iron Man and EVERY TIME there was like “and there’s someone else you pissed off. his name is phil” i”m like “:/ :/ but did that part REALLY have to be there??” like sure I get it it’s their vid compilation. But just. What Is The Appeal.
And honestly……I’m kind of :/ about MCU Clint, too? Like, Fraction’s Hawkeye is awesome, but somehow that doesn’t really register as Clint to me. AA’s Clint is fine, but for some reason my mind tends to default to MCU Clint unless there’s further elaboration, and I just :/ :/ >:( re: him.
I also hate Howard but idk if he’s “popular” lol. I seriously hope not 8)
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belyyvclk · 6 years
           Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion
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 blame @suitofarmxr for giving me topic to write
Stu,cky, that piece of the crap ship, wouldn’t be as disgusting as it is if it wasn’t for shippers, which to be true - can be said about 99% of ships anyway.
Still, I cringe mentally anytime I see it anywhere at this point so badly I need to block it out.
First of all: a lot of stuc,ky shippers take a lot of it from comics, and guess what, comic b,ucky is freaking awful and i hate everything about him. But the point is that when they meet, bu,cky is a minor, looks up to ste,ve, and stev,e drags him into ww2 battlefield which ends up with bucky dead.
Still; too close of mentor-prodigy, superhero-sidekick relationship for me to stomach it. Like. Just no. It’s teacher and pet situation stop.
Welp since bucky and steve in comic is awful let’s look at the not so awful movie relationship.
Honestly, I love the way they reworked Bu,cky in ste,ve/buc,ky relationship. In the end - even if bucky would still be a kid it’d not stop anyone (st*rker is awful let it die).
Two guys, having an amazing friendship the one that goes out and beyond, one where the other will always take care of one another, could kill and die for him, and would stay by his side forever. Awesome.
Honestly, it isn’t that this is a bad relationship to ship, it’s just that... there are so many reasons not to.
First of all - for some god damn reason this awful ship is one of the most popular ships in existence.
Meanwhile, Ir,onHusbands (R,hodey/Ton,y) barely exists in this fandom
I guess that’s where it goes down to: way too many shippers smell of gay fetishization
I know, I know - not all of them
But god damn do I puke whenever I see “uwu  cute white boys”
Every time when I see posts about how men cannot possibly be affectionate towards each other without making “no homo, but actually totally homo ;)))” posts
Every fucking time I see people straight up attack people who don’t ship St.ucky, who say that actual canon ships between buc.ky/nata.sha or ste.ve/pegg.y are better
Attacking both artists, rpers, fucking movie makers for homophobia just because they dont wanna play into your gay fantasy couple
Is fucking disgusting.
I got attacked because I sided with peggy roleplayer who rightfully got angry about erasing that awesome character for the sake of this awful ship. People actually got angry that st.eve is obviously still in love with her in movies and are like “he shouldve get over it by now ://// theyre just homophobic :///”
because they dont want to see that the undying love crap that can survive anything doesnt apply to their ship but actually canon relationship and they're god damn salty about this.
I hate more of Stucky shippers than the relationship itself tbh
The whole mcu plot line would be of ste.ve saving his uwu cute boyfriend
alright then
Not only Bucky obviously had been either cheating or they were not in a relationship in the war. And then Steve either cheated on him or they were not in the relationship during war.
I really dont think anything about stucky is considered healthy
I really don’t think burning through 117 countries, minimalizing the trauma that he went through (’it wasnt him’ bullshit is bullshit and fight me about it) THE FACT THAT HE’D BETRAY TONY IN SECOND OF SNAP OF HIS FINGERS FOR HIS LOVED ONES (stucky anti tony cunts can go fuck themselves)
and guess what - bucky still wanted to remain at wakanda, in peace while steve was out there fighting as its the only thing he freaking does
steve visited him, bucky was capable of fighting, he just didnt want to
bucky would be never happy by steve rogers side because steve’s nightmare in ultron is knowing that he can never have a happy domestic life because hes a soldier
So let’s sum up:
stucky in comics is awful on so many levels lets just leave it at that
stucky in mcu would be an unhappy, unhealthy relationship with either one of them sacrificing themselves for the other and probably not being able to survive it for long
James and Steve were fighting about morals in first cap right before james left, like
how some people think they are so similiar when every piece of evidence just shows us theyre literally opposites in a way. That’s why they got so much along as friends. That’s why they’d never be able to truly coexist in long lasting romantic relationship.
Stucky is bad.
Stucky shippers are evil part of this community.
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