#anti tony antis
You know, I remember one time some anti-tony made a post about how Tony isn’t a hero and if you wanted to argue that point to not bring up him sacrificing himself in Endgame. I still pointed it out and of course 🙄 they are like “can you read?” I should’ve asked them can you critically think? My thing is you don’t have an argument if you can’t argue that point. Like that example very well makes him a hero and he’s done it multiple times before then.
I just don’t understand why people treat something as fact but are like don’t talk about this very thing that negates what I’m saying. In general, not just this specific topic.l
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ircn-dad · 1 year
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Can we talk about how cute it is that Peter thought Tony was that tall for the bunny ears?
And also... does that mean they didn't plan at all to do bunny ears to each other? I mean, if they had planned it, Peter would have checked to see if he was doing them right.
So that means that originally the photo was going to be with Tony's arm around Peter's back, and Peter's arm around Tony's shoulders.
These two will never stop making me cry.
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eunuchorn · 26 days
The difference between Steve and Tony in CA:CW will always boil down to this:
Tony stands up to authority because he was born into immense wealth and privilege and has never had to answer to anyone. He defies authority because he knows he'll never have to face actual consequences for doing so.
Steve stands up to authority because he was born into poverty and grew up a poor, disabled Irish-American during the Great Depression. He defies authority because he knows what it's like to be dismissed, undervalued, and disenfranchised and never wants anyone to face that.
Tony pushed for the accords because he knew he could just break them and nothing would happen to him (which is exactly how it went down).
Steve refused to sign the accords because he would never sign away his human rights and the rights of other people to an authority he knew would abuse them (which, again, is exactly what happened).
So in a way, they were both right about the accords. Tony was just also infinitely more wrong.
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sbrown82 · 2 months
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“I remember an incident from my own childhood, when a very close friend of mine and I, we were walking down the street. We were discussing whether God existed. And she said he did not. And I said he did. But then she said she had proof. She said, ‘I had been praying for two years for blue eyes, and he never gave me any.’ So, I just remember turning around and looking at her. She was very, very Black. And she was very, very, very, very beautiful. How painful. Can you imagine that kind of pain? About that, about color? So, I wanted to say you know, this kind of racism hurts. This is not lynchings, and murders, and drownings. This is interior pain. So deep. For an 11 year-old girl to believe that if she only had some characteristic of the white world, she would be okay. [Black girls] surrendered completely to the master narrative. I mean the whole notion of what is ugliness, what is worthlessness. She got it from her family, she got it from school, she got it from the movies — she got it everywhere; it’s white male life. The master narrative is whatever ideological script that is being imposed by the people in authority on everybody else. The master fiction, history, it has a certain point of view. So, when these little girls see that the most prized gift that they can get at Christmastime is this little white doll, that’s the master narrative speaking: “This is beautiful. This is lovely, and you’re not it.”
Toni Morrison on what inspired her to write her first novel, The Bluest Eye.
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magnetostits · 2 months
marvel really saw those jokes about dr doom being an ex stark employee and said “i’ll do you one worse”
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honestly steve deserved to be a little meaner in civil war
“steve you have to sign the accords”
“oh right i totally should sign my rights away to a government who i exposed to have been infiltrated by nazis for DECADES. i’m sure nothing bad will happen if i do that”
“i should let the government dictate my life when all i’ve ever done is save the world by going AGAINST the government. sounds like a great plan”
like t0ny stans love to say he was being horribly selfish and mean in civil war, which he… wasn’t, but i think he should have been
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tonystarkisadouchebag · 2 months
Saw Deadpool and Wolverine and rolled my eyes as the camera focused on the Iron Man helmet and the ark reactor for a good minute. There's no respite from this man! He's just going to haunt every Marvel movie even when the characters have nothing to do with him.
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soliloquent-stark · 10 months
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tony's been on both sides of the ultra-specific situation of confronting mortality on the ground, towered over by a friend, and wondering if this is it. if that's the last face they'll ever see.
tony and steve.
peter and tony.
but in the face of possible death, tony and peter were nothing alike.
the discomfort of facing a death caused by someone you're supposed to trust versus the comfort of departing in the presence of someone you love.
the shame of allowing someone you admire to witness your weakness versus the regret of showing them your pain.
the last defiant act of accepting your faith, maintaining eye contact, and daring them to do it versus trying to fight your destiny, looking away, and apologising for not being able to stay.
the millisecond of disappointment when you realise you'll survive versus the millisecond of utter misery when you realise you won't.
tony got up both times, and life went on.
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marvel parallels 13/?
robert downey jr and tom holland in captain america: civil war (2016) and avengers: infinity war (2018)
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Kyle Carrozza is a prime example of the present day issue of people being too distracted by fictional media and drawings to notice abusers amongst them. Kyle directed ire towards one of his victims' art, Got others to lash out for him, and positioned himself as the victim in it all
naturally the core issue here is abusive workplaces and abusive industry networks. However, it wasn't retained to JUST the industry. Kyle gladly encouraged the public shaming and harassment of said victim, which went on for at least 4 years to RUIN their name and credibility
This online environment allowed Kyle Carrozza to completely decimate his victim's credibility and name. They didn't want them to be able to ever have another job again, every randos go to response was: "Isn't _ a pedophile?" because of art they made.
And that's not even counting the fact that Kyle and others literally made social media accounts with his victim's FULL NAME going “[full name] is a pedophile", reposting their supposed 'pedophilic' 'criminal' artwork for the world to see, and using the victim's favorite type of bird as account icons to mock them
That's not "setting a boundary" like his friends (mainly Jane Amber and Tony Goldmark) liked and like to imply, that was targeted defamation, abuse, and harassment with intent to harm.
Kyle weaponized the current media discourse in film, art and fandom circles which is: "What you draw is what you want in real life, and what you draw can reveal criminal intent" and ran with it. His target was people who warned about his predatory behavior, he couldn't have that
Behind the scenes he'd like tweets from other figures actively harassing and defaming his target, keeping his hands clean of it all while others went out as attack dogs on his behalf. All the while he possessed 600+ instances of CSAM and had a YEARS long history of grooming
Allowing the focus to center on media contents alone gives potential future victims a false sense of security that’s allowing actual groomers free reign. It prioritizes taking a Good vs Evil approach instead of paying attention to what predatory BEHAVIOR actually entails in real life
Instead of people evaluating what each individual person is doing (how they treat them and how they treat others behind closed doors) people take the approach of 'Oh you're on the Good side! You're Safe!' Instead prioritizing room to attack people innocent of any actual crimes
You can't tell who is safe based on what media they consume or put out, just like being a bible thumper doesn't indicate one's morality. You need to pay attention to their actions and TEACH people red flags and warning signs they can apply to ANY person/situation for safety
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mowritesstuff · 4 months
CACW is so interesting to me, especially in regards to how Tony Stark treated Bucky. For all his talk about following rules and regulation, the minute it comes to Barnes it’s all thrown out the window. And part of it is explainable, obviously, because Bucky killed his parents. But both logically and legally, there is a good chance that he wouldn’t have faced punishment via the government — he most likely would have had a military trial, since he was (technically) in the Army (even after being brainwashed) as a Prisoner of War. Any therapist worth their salt would have immediately found him clinically insane/unfit for trial, meaning that consequences would have been delayed for months, if not years, until he was sane enough to be able to get tried in court. With that being said, he most likely would have never been charged since everything Hydra did violated the Geneva Convention. Tony Stark knew all of this information. He knew that he had been brainwashed, he knew that he had been tortured. He knew that Bucky was Steve’s best friend and that Hydra does unspeakable things to those they deem prisoners. Hell, he could even talk to his fellow teammates and get their opinions on Bucky. But instead, Stark chose to ignore all of this information and try to punish Bucky Barnes for something he didn’t willingly do. He wanted to ignore the rules that were in place, the rules he spent the entire damn movie staunchly defending, and do what he wanted to do, damn the consequences .
What a hypocrite
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vee-nyx · 5 months
to celebrate 8 years since civil war release, let’s review all the ways tony stark was an absolute loser and actually the reason thanos won in infinity war:
created an omnicidal A.I. that the rest of the team warned him against creating
decided that the entire team needed to become government puppets because he felt guilty for creating said A.I. that, once again, NO ONE SUPPORTED HIM IN MAKING
(also the reason bucky was forced back into the fight bc tony caused sokovia and thus caused zemo’s need for revenge but i digress on that pt)
when members of the team who can’t disconnect from their abilities raised concerns about how the accords dehumanized them, he had them arrested or locked them in his tower
bribed (yes, bribed) a child into fighting on his side because he knew he was outmatched
instructed vision to shoot sam out of the sky and then shot sam point-blank when he avoided the blast that would’ve left him severely injured AND LANDED TO HELP THE PERSON IT HIT
wanda on the raft. this is its own point. he let her be restrained and collared like a fucking DOG as if he hadn’t already done enough damage in her life (killing her parents & brother)
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proceeded to break the accords THAT HE HELPED WRITE to chase cap across the globe because he felt left out of the action
mocked natasha’s trauma because she dared to disagree with his methods (he is, in fact, incapable of letting go of his ego for one goddamn second)
even after receiving an apology, refused to contact cap for three years despite KNOWING about the threat of thanos
in conclusion,
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fleursfairies · 3 months
wait so....
steve (poor): doing his best to run a support group and help the people that were affected by the blip
natasha (poor): working hard, running avengers compound and also helping people that were affected by the blip
tony (very very rich): chilled at home with his alpacas and acres of land
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irondad-defensesquad · 3 months
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the original poster was a pedo shipper so i took custody <3 fuck st/arkers
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fotibrit · 7 months
Howard saying that Tony is his “greatest invention” has always rubbed me the wrong way and i think it’s because it implies that everything Tony does is the result of Howard’s actions. Howard managed to keep Tony in the company for long enough that Tony would have the resources to make Howard’s element. Howard controlled who Tony would be in contact with enough that he KNEW Tony would see that video, and get it from SHEILD personnel. Howard knew that Tony would still be running the EXPO, and thus have access to the old board where Howard outlined the element.
By Howard saying Tony is his “Greatest invention”, he so means it litterally. Tony was handcrafted, customized to be the person Howard wanted and needed. Howard uses Tony as nothing more than a time machine, a dependable future entity which will do Howard’s bidding.
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nightmaremonarch · 5 months
here’s how i think post timeskip strawhats would draw themselves. here’s part one. enjoy
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tonystarkisadouchebag · 2 months
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I actually fell to my knees
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