#more poetic ramblings
eorzeashan · 5 months
Jadus lost his flesh long ago. He can take any form he so chooses, as long as it is warped by the Dark Side; shadow oozes out of the holes in his mask, his limbs elongating, his body a crack in the void. Fear changes him, and fear makes him different than he appears both before mortal eyes and in lasting memory. Fear makes him larger than life-- there is no corner of the psyche he cannot fill, no shape too terrifying he cannot become. He is fear itself, nebulous, changing, twisted, sticky and stinking as oil, a rot in the hive. Jadus is the man who walks among us. Jadus is the thing that walks among men. Jadus is Jadus.
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kwillow · 1 month
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Started this back in February when it was more topical but... I suppose no time is a good time for romance as far as Theo is concerned.
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obae-me · 8 months
He looks at you like artistry. A contemporary piece he's never seen before. Taking in every detail with calculating eyes. Wondering what intentions the skillful hands of the cosmos had in mind when making you.
He wishes to know your story, the happiness that makes the music of your voice, the experiences settled in the sculpt of your frame, the tragedies brushed into the strokes of your irises.
The complexities of your being astound him, mesmerize him. Every new fact he learns about you adds another stanza to your sonnet.
To him, you are art in its purest form. Not one part can exist without the other. The greatest of symphonies would not be complete without their rests. He adores all of you.
How foolish he was at first, to think you were just a simple creature. Oh, the things he has taken for granted. When did he become so blind? Was it his Pride? Or had he simply been breathing for so long, that the sweet orchestra of life became dull to his ears? How long had it been since he stopped to watch people commune in the streets? Or sat a while to watch the trees sway from his window? Or pondered on the meaning of a wonderful word?
Excitement. How many centuries since he's felt like that? Filled with a rather humiliating child-like giddiness. But it's...invigorating. Everything stands out to him fresh, avant-garde. You remind him that there's still so much for him to discover.
A change in the wind, the turning of a page to a whole new chapter, a swelling crescendo, you are enticing. Every second spent with you leaves him craving more.
All he desires is to be in your presence. To see your colors. To hear your melody. To bask in the opus of your existence. It was only a matter of time before you would manage to become his everything, his obsession, his passion. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
For Lucifer is a connoisseur, and to him, you are nothing less than the crown of luxury.
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cupidskissx · 1 year
i was revisiting the instagram tributes that other drivers posted for seb and it got me thinking about what they would post for max when he inevitably retires in 2028. i think lando and daniels would be funny, pierre and alexs too. not sure who would be on the grid by then but maybe liam or yuki is his teammate and they would post something too. but what has me in a chokehold is what charles’ post could be like. would he post a picture from the karting days? would he have won a championship by then and post one of the two of them from the fia gala? what would his caption be?
Hi Anon, quick question, are you trying to induce a mental breakdown? 🫠😘
As much as I love to live in my delusion-bubble and transform every measly crumb into a three course meal, I’m gonna be real here for a second, I can’t see their posts being as heartfelt as we want them to be 💔
However, I’m a Lestappie through and through so here are a few of my scenarios/opinions (delusion included)
If Max retires first
Charles’ post — logical edition:
Charles’ post would likely be some shot of them driving, maybe Silverstone ‘19, or Jeddah ‘22 with a boring caption along the lines of:
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Congratulations on a stellar career.
Charles’ post — Lestappen edition:
My heart screams that he’d pick a post-race embrace (hopefully one day we’ll have a proper one):
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Fighting you was some of the best fun I’ve ever had.
The track won’t be the same without you there to push the limits and push me wide.
Enjoy this next chapter, you’ve earned the rest.
If Charles retires first
Max’s post — logical edition:
Max is a big softy, okay. HE would be the one to post them in their karting years, because he is the first to remind everyone they grew up racing each other (to combat the nostalgia of course he’d pick a photo from when he won his CIK-FIA World KZ Championship).
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Together from the start until the end.
Well done on all your achievements over the years, mate 👍🏻
Max’s post — Lestappen edition:
It has to be the Austria ‘22 Podium, could it be anything else? Even with his rudimentary (and sometimes obliviously innocent) understanding of social media, in my mind even Max is aware how iconic this moment was.
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It pays to never give up on a dream.
Congrats on winning your maiden championship and ending your career on a high. You deserve it.
I hate to admit a piece of me might miss seeing #16 in my mirrors, but thanks for not sticking around to wear my #1.
- Your biggest fan
If anyone else has any takes on this, or wants to share some thoughts, I’m all ears ❤️
📸 Credit to all the photographers, without them we’d wither away.
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imaginethezeldaverse · 4 months
What do you think of midzel?
Two ethereal sides of the same coin.
And I'm sure they felt that magnetism towards one another. But where Zelda is more diplomatic and calculating, Midna is a little more brash and free-thinking. I imagine Zelda watched on as the impish form of her beloved faded into her full-figured state - fiery locks and crimson eyes a blaze of beauty against the deeper hues of her skin and garb. There was her princess.
I imagine Midna, now renewed in her true form, feels the warmth of Zelda's light and smiles. Her time on the side of light, no matter how brief, always leaves her feeling whole; she basks in the gentle glow of the goddess' chosen, a comfort the realm of Twilight could never give her.
She loved Zelda's honesty. Her ability to never lose hope. The fact that for all of Zelda's poise and perfectionist demeanor, when it came to Midna, there was softness. Zelda adored Midna's mysterious aura. How Twilight gleamed and shimmered even in the shadows. How her laughter held life and love in every note that passed her lips. They complimented each other. They loved each other. The light and shadow exist to keep each other whole.
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flowersheep · 2 months
Suckening EP 10 spoilers
When shilo was dancing in the sunlight, I thought about the phrase my mom told me while we were watching a movie. The movie had a quote in it, "she smells like the sun" which sounds pretty poetic and you'd assume the smell of fresh laundry or something pretty but in my parents' culture, it means that you've been outside for too long and you stink. I'd believe shilo would smell like the sun for that moment. He'd been stuck in that castle for almost his entire life and for a small moment in time, he's a kid playing outside in the sun
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dazais-guardian-angel · 2 months
I'm finding it difficult to reconcile the fact that what I've always wanted and envisioned for Nikolai and his relationship with Fyodor based on fanworks and the very very little canon information we've had to go off of so far, will very likely be very different from what we actually get.
While I understand the appeal of Fyodor taking over Nikolai's body via his blood ability, and the inherent, romantic, ironic tragedy of that — for Nikolai, the person who yearned for freedom, to meet an end by having his soul eternally trapped in the body of the person he loved the most, while Fyodor lives on in his body, never truly knowing how much he was adored by him — I would just hate the idea of that happening now? It just feels far, far too soon for Nikolai to be dead, for his character to no longer have a role or a purpose; his mind and behavior is so utterly fascinating in all its bizarre contradictions, there's so much more to explore and discover with him, he's one of BSD's most complex characters, or at least he's set up to be, and I really hope Asagiri wouldn't throw him away this soon without doing anything more with him.
I never really thought that Nikolai would be the one to end Fyodor for good, way down the line (that can only ever be Dazai's job, to me, since he's his foil), but I always imagined he'd at least have some kind of role in attempting to kill him, since that's his ultimate wish. I imagined that it would be ugly, frenzied, unhinged, desperate, Nikolai finally being forced to acknowledge the horrible truth that's always been buried within his subconscious but he's never wanted to accept: that going against all human reason and killing someone he cares so deeply for will not, in fact, simply make those feelings go away, and will instead make them unable to ignore in his despair. The realization that he'll always be chained to human emotions, to love, no matter how much he thinks he can be free of them. And then, the ensuing breakdown from that. Yes, it's extremely fanficky lmao, but that kind of drama makes sense to me for him and them. It's interesting.
There was also the angst angle of Fyodor being immortal, and Nikolai's agenda perhaps stemming from wanting to save him from that, and being able to finally free him from it in the same way he himself wants to be freed. Killing being the ultimate expression of love, not too dissimilar to Mushitarou killing Yokomizo, both putting on an act of being hateful/vengeful/hostile towards the other in order to cope with the fact that deep down they can't bear the thought of them being gone.
But then we got Fyodor's "death" here, and Nikolai's reaction to it was so unbelievably underwhelming and calm that it made me question everything I thought I knew about Asagiri's writing skills him, and what the story is going for with him. And combined with this revelation now that Fyodor is (unsurprisingly!) immortal, but specifically in the way that he can be killed but supposedly resurrects endlessly (which I really like in of itself, don't get me wrong)... it makes me question what exactly Nikolai knows, or will know, and it somewhat destroys the potential angst we could get with them in the end, or at least drastically changes it.
If Nikolai already knows Fyodor can't be killed, that means we'll never get a moment where he tries to kill him and then has to face the fact that he did the deed and it didn't make him feel freed, and he instantly regrets it. It also means we'd never get a moment where he tries to kill him and then discovers he can't truly die, and the ensuing insanity that would occur from that. It also makes me even question the legitimacy of his reaction to Fyodor's "death" here... was it so damn apathetic and lukewarm because he already knows it wasn't permanent? I mean, I'd like an explanation for it feeling so ooc, it would make me feel better about that, but I can't deny that it would be disappointing to have yet another part of this arc that was just an act and not genuine feelings....
Now, that isn't to say that it's impossible to do anything interesting with Nikolai already knowing the truth. He could be wishing to try to attain free will through the illogical pursuit of an impossible task: in this case, killing Fyodor. There's a beautiful, tragic paradox in him wishing to attempt something to gain his freedom that he and we know is impossible, especially if subconsciously he takes solace in the fact that he'd be able to kill Fyodor without actually losing him for good. If Nikolai doesn't already know, assuming he's not dead he's likely going to find out the truth soon when he next sees Fyodor alive and kicking — I can't imagine a way he wouldn't find out. In that case, we wouldn't get the aforementioned scenario where he tries to kill him and discovers it's futile, which is the most juicy to me I won't lie, but I am still fascinated by the idea of how Nikolai will respond just seeing him suddenly alive again and having to process this after having just mourned him. It's interesting to imagine how he might respond to and treat Fyodor after at last knowing how it truly felt to lose him, and realizing how much he didn't want that, and then suddenly having him back. It might cause him to finally understand that his desire for freedom is unobtainable, and cause him to spiral, and fundamentally change their relationship going forward. An eventual tragic end for him such as Fyodor taking over his body would not feel out of place to me in that case, perhaps, but still not until we've had more time to see Nikolai reflect and see his possible change in perspectives.
I don't know, I'm just rambling at this point lmao. I know very well that so much of my expectations and desires for Nikolai and Fyolai are built up from fan content over the years just because there's been nothing else to work with, and that it's unfair to judge what Asagiri decides to do with him/them based on preconceived notions. Whatever he does could still be interesting in the end, even if it's not what I initially wanted or expected, and being open to being surprised is always a good thing. At the end of the day we still know barely anything about Nikolai, so it's not completely fair for me to judge something as ooc for a character we still know so little about.
But... it's because we know so little about him and have gotten so little of him, that at the very least, I'm gonna be really upset if he does die here from being possessed by Fyodor like people are worrying about. I really don't think he will, because I'm pretty confident the helicopter pilot is the one Fyodor swapped with/resurrected in the body of as per soup's theory, and again I'm not saying it wouldn't be fitting eventually... but I really don't want it to happen now. :/ I just think Nikolai still has so much potential as a character and so much more we need to see of him before his likely inevitable and tragic demise (however it happens), so whatever Asagiri decides to do with him I just really, really hope we don't lose him so prematurely; it would honestly be such a tremendous waste imo.
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
No way they had to actually nerf aventurines story boss fight 😭😭
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taming-bats · 6 months
Does anyone else know about the destruction of Krypton? Does Clark ever tell? Is it discovered? Does he even know?
Does he hold the greiveing of an entire planet on his shoulders? As Well as the need to keep this planet safe and together and a home to him? Ohhhh my god. Ohhh my god
Does he keep it like a secret? A whole planet, nestled close to his heart so no one else can look at it, no one else can question it or taint it. Kal-El of Krypton. He is of Krypton as much as Krypton is his. His. An entire civilization living on with one man. God damn. Traditions he'll never know, a culture he never got to grow up with. Ohh my god
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kaiicedragon · 7 months
Just some more QSMP purgatory thoughts and symbolism going into the final 2 days (almost done guys!)
Purgatory being a place to repent for sins and mistakes made for sinners to be given the chance to go to Heaven. Something about the two remaining teams. One team refusing to let go of what happened at the beginning. The other team trying to extend an olive branch (despite the actions of some of their own) but not being trusted. How one team made a home base and the other team has struggled with having a place to stay.
How one team leader wants to win and the other team leader was prepared to sacrifice his team for Green to win if need be. With one leader being known as the Angel of Death and the other leader being the youngest on the server.
How Purgatory is sometimes described as having a cleansing fire for souls, with one team being spawned in the cold and having their name be 'soulfire'.
How the cursed team may have been decided in the Egg Wars. How Blue Team kept to their promise and didn't hurt any statue while Red Team broke the deal and destroyed Green Team's egg statue. How that may have sealed Team Soulfire's fate as the cursed team. They kept to the promise and didn't touch or hurt any egg statue, out of concern that they could possibly be tied to the actual eggs. Yet, the only team to not hurt them may be the only team that may potentially kill all of the eggs if they lose. How Tubbo wants to play fair, wanted to keep things tied to make the cursed team winning thing easier. How he's agreed to things to try and make peace despite his team not being 100% on board. How their lives aren't not more important than the eggs.
Team Bolas may be cursed by the environment, in the sense that they let it get to them. Seep into their minds and drag them away from the safety of the eggs. How Phil is their leader yet he has problems knowing what is real or not, whether or not he is dreaming. How narratively Day 1 may not have been that bad and just exaggerated by Team Bolas (meta wise this can be because many weren't roleplaying, and lore wise it could be the land getting into their head). How they tried to talk on Day 1 but got beaten down, and they began to bite back when multiple olive branches were extended, all because they grew paranoid. How they broke promises yet jump to conclusions about the others. How they just want to survive.
This doesn't mean that this is why a team may be cursed, but more of a potential narrative point as Purgatory is stated to be canon and its effects will have lingering and lasting consequences and results.
Also, please let there be consequences for Purgatory. Even if one egg dies, it has been months, please remind the parents that life is fleeting. Maybe even one of Pomme's 2 lives. If not kill them, have the eggs be scared of their parents on Team Bolas. Have Chayanne and Tallulah see Phil and see the person who destroyed a statue that represented their siblings. Have the eggs see Bolas and hear their cheers as the statue fell. Have Leo look at Roier and see someone who attacked the statue looking like her, not killing it but her fearing that at any point he will turn and drive his sword into her. Have the eggs be hurt and damaged from every blow that was done to their statues, scared of what their parents have become and what they could do to them. edit: just some general consequences from the top of my head, but not the main focus, as I feel a lot more of Team Soulfire's consequences would be tied more to character relationships, broken trust and lying even among themselves. Though that isn't to say that the eggs will react positively to them either.
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egberts · 8 months
girls wake up there's a new worm bike playlist in progress
alana said the new one is way more funky, I've noticed a lot of punk bands are piggy dippin in a funk/punk sound more than a pop/punk sound and honestly? I'm so obsessed.
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friendsyoyo · 8 months
i am of the belief that ninten’s real name is absolutely kenneth, and he hates it (a dive into what i think the kid is like)
ninten’s name is kenneth, and he hates it. he hates the way the “th” is pronounced at the end, like a cushion to fall on. he hates how long it takes to say, and hates the nicknames that come out of there.
“hiya ken!” like some accessory to his sisters’ dolls. “hey kenny,” as if you had the right to add cute spin on his name. “over here, ken,” what, is “kenneth” too long for you?
the truth is, “kenneth” is complex. “kenneth” is a name of gaelic origin, which makes no sense because his father’s japanese and his mother, while as white as they come in podunk, does not have that in her ancestry. in fact, her grandmother is an outlier in her lineage. but of course, she never seemed to matter in the grand scheme of things (until one day, she did).
born of fire and handsome—was that all his mother could think of when she pressed his screeching face against her chest? in that searing moment, was he so red and hot that she thought he was ablaze? did he actually ever look handsome? his father wouldn’t know, he was too busy trying to get the week off so he could help his mother handle him (he didn’t.)
to me, ninten is just a reluctant boy. a boy, just like any other you see in the wild. hurling rocks at cars, lighting ants on fire, kindly bullying his sisters because the world taught him he was above anything. he was going to strive for excellence, lead others into promised lands, and provide for everyone who comfortably stood in his shadow. his claim to fame would boast his name, in which any “normal” boy would gladly take the spotlight. but ninten is by no means a normal boy.
biologically, he thinks he’s a mess. chemical imbalances in his brain that make him less than ideal in the classroom, airways too constricted for modern medicine’s comfort; strange abilities that lead to foolish accusations, revelations of innermost secrets, and fourth-dimensional hijjnks, but talents that do not back up what he can do. in theory, ninten is not the boy that should take up that role because he’s not fit for it. he, like his relatives before him, are outliers not meant for the roles unjustly thrust upon the tender shoulders of a 12 year old boy. “kenneth” was supposed to take these roles. but “ninten” doesn’t want to.
or maybe kenneth is just a stupid name and ninten wants to be known as the best gamer in podunk.
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eebie · 9 months
little nightmares is scary strong… two little guys all alone in a big world … They speak not a word 2 each other besides like. little whimpers yet they love!!!!. an inhospitable and desolate forest of hostility set ablaze with a single spark of companionship ^_^ a beating heart in the chest of a corpse, a lively daffodil growing from the rot of roadkill . their bond rends heads from shoulders, tha sky from the earth And in between they kindle their own glowing salvation out of the warmth that they find in each other!!!!!
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not-equippedforthis · 5 months
desperate to write a star trek tos fic called 'and the universe said i love you' or 'child of the stars' or some shit
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owlyflufff · 1 year
bokuaka being horrendous at flirting so they say the sweetest, most supportive and most motivating words to each other every time unintentionally instead
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insurged · 3 months
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some important headcanons about HIGURUMA that's important to my portrayal ( under the cut for spoilers since we have yet to meet him in the anime but VERY SOON WE WILL )
the judge and prosecutor hiromi killed at the start of the culling game were guilty of bending the rules to their own benefit. they were the judge and prosecutor from hiromi's case with oe keita who was being suspected of murder & robbery. it wasn't about upholding the law. they were corrupted to the core and this was a key changing point for higuruma who passed judgement on them with his newly blooming power as a sorcerer but it brought him down to reality from the naive belief he held about people and the world and twisted his perspective really. it also made him quite depressed which puts him in the eeyore like state yuuji finds him in when they first meet.
he's tired of rules / laws having loopholes that make them unfair and quite powerless against those who know how to navigate around them ( aka tired of peoples' bullshit in general who get away with their crimes ). he views the law having abandoned him and in turn, he has abandoned the law that keeps his hands tied while the guilty run free. he's just sick of it all lmao.
judgeman is a shikigami but is a combination of a sting ray and lady justice because animal bias, ya know. he likes them. judgeman's eyes are sewn shut because hiromi views humans as beings wholeheartedly choosing to turn a blind eye and incapable of keeping their eyes open despite the truth.
hiromi is a genius sorcerer who was taught nothing about cursed techniques or how to use it. he figured it out himself and in 12 days, he's already what you would consider a rank 1 sorcerer (on the level of nanami, mei mei, kusakabe, yaga).
in his domain expansion, hiromi quite literally acts as the jury, judge, and executioner. he is always welcome to overrule any of judgeman's decisions.
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