#morgs chats
soullikestyles · 2 years
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Your writing is gorgeous and a blessing, but please, don’t burn yourself out! Remember to rest and to take care of your health, the rest can wait 🥺💖
This is something I’m trying to do anon, I really am but it never helps that I’m restless and can’t sit still for shit 🤣
But I’m overall seriousness there has been a time where I did put out so many fics to the point that I just felt burnt out.
Is it happening again? Probably, maybe, I’m not sure cuz all I wanna do is write but I’ve written so much to the point where I’m stumped on what to do next without seeming repetitive. You know?
I want a break but just won’t allow myself to take one.
I am my own worst enemy in these instances to the point where I don’t feel like writing in general. But I’m trying to teach myself that I don’t need to write all the time but obviously it’s a work in progress…💀
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taketwoinink · 2 years
🖊 What is the most recent line you’ve written?
❓Write an alternate summary for a published fic without using names. (Points if your followers can guess the fic.)
Fanfic Ask Game!
🖊 What is the most recent line you’ve written?
'Neither of them made any move to grab it.'
— (“Damn,” Luka breathed, running a flustered hand through his hair. Chat panted heavily, on the verge of panic, and then- he noticed Luka’s pink cheeks. The way he licked his lips subconsciously. The desire burning in his eyes. “That was- you-”
The snake Miraculous clattered out of his hands, which were shaking, just like Chat’s. It bounced against the zinc of the roof. Neither of them made any move to grab it.) —
❓Write an alternate summary for a published fic without using names. (Points if your followers can guess the fic.)
Silence settled over the rooftop.
She shifted nervously. She'd heard a lot of stories about this man from her friend. Of how loud and silly and funny he was.
He was none of that now. He only seemed... sad.
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gryphonlover · 11 months
trick or treat! :D
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Take your pick of sweets!!
I actually do have a surplus from my college professors. 😅🎃
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luke-hughes43 · 1 year
Just Friends | edwards x Luke!twin | Part 2
Here is part 2 of the Ethan fic, hope you enjoy!
Part 1 | Insta Edit
~You are Luke Hughes’s twin sister and play hockey and softball at the University of Michigan. You’re very close with Luke given that you’re twins. You are best friends with teammate, Ethan Edwards. You and Ethan were always flirty with each other but strictly friends. Since returning to campus for your second year, things between you and Ethan have been a little too flirty. One day, everything changes.~
This is Part 2. Takes place sophomore year.
September, 2022
Morgan’s POV
So today is September 9. It’s mine and Luke’s birthday. I woke up super early and jogged over to his room and knocked on it. He opens it and smiles, “Happy birthday twin!”
“Happy Birthday twin!” He gives me the biggest hug before dragging me inside. Me and him have a thing where we always want to be the first one to say happy birthday to each other on our birthday. 
We check our phones and find the happy birthday texts from mom, dad, jack, Quinn, and both teams. There’s 50 texts for both of us to go through. But there’s one in the hockey chat that catches both of our eyes:
j bone🦴🏒: party tonight at the house for the Hughes’s. 
grano🏒: party starts at 9, the birthday kiddos don’t have to bring their own booze
keato🏒: so the rest of you idiots make sure you chip in enough booze to get both of them drunk as fuck. coach cancelled morning lift so we can get hammered tonight
moyle🏒: I do need like 3 or 4 volunteers to stay sober and keep an eye on everyone and make sure people get home safe. 
chic🐥🏒: and invite all the girls that you know and have them spread the word. I don’t wanna look at you ugly fucks all night long. (except you morg)
Me and Luke both audibly laugh out loud at that text chain. So looks like I know what I’m doing tonight. I text the girls on the team about the party and tell them that they can all come, even if most of them hate me. Luke then hands me a bag and says, “Here. Happy birthday.”
“Thanks. Here’s your present. Open them together. One!”
We open our presents at the same time. I gave Luke a new watch with “born together, die together” engraved on the band and a huge block M in the middle of it. I can tell he loved it because he had a huge smile on his face. I open his gift and it’s a ring. There’s two birds on it and the band has the same thing engraved in it. I slide it on my finger and it fits perfectly. He probably asked mom for my size. I say, “Luke, this is beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He says and we hug. Dylan finally gets up and says happy birthday giving us both hugs. I say, “I gotta go. I have lift in an hour. I’ll see you tonight.”
*Later on that night*
I’m at the house for the party that J Bone, Keato, Grano, and Moyle are throwing me and Luke. Surprisingly, my teammates came. I made sure to hide any alcohol I drank just in case. I don’t trust them to not tell coach. And I’m good at playing off being drunk if I have to.
I finally see Ethan for the first time today. He hugs me and says, “Happy birthday beautiful.” That’s the first time he’s ever called me beautiful. It was nice. He whispers in my ear, “I got you something. But I left it at the house so I’ll give it to you later.” I giggle and just nod. I whisper back to him, “I’m a little tipsy but trying to hide it from my teammates. Can we dance so I can let loose a little bit?”
“Of course. Anything for the birthday girl.” He smiles and takes my hand leading me to the dance floor. As far as I know, Ethan is also drunk. I mean I smelt the beer on his breath. He’s behind me with his hands on my hips guiding them to the music. I look up at him and he looks so hot. 
I started admitting to myself a few months back that I have feelings for him. I refuse to say anything because of the team and he’s my best friend. I don’t wanna ruin that. But there’s a mysterious confidence that takes over and says, “You look hot.”
“Not as hot as you morg.”
“Stop flirting and kiss me Edwards.” He leans in and kisses me. Everybody cheers around us and goes back to doing whatever. Sparks fucking flew when he kissed me. I might be tipsy but when sparks fly, you notice and you remember. I’m glad it was Ethan kissing me and not some random guy. Everything with Ethan felt right though. He’s my best friend, but that’s all he ever will be.
January, 2023
Morgan’s POV
It was currently 7:30 in the morning. I just got out of lift and was heading to my car when I see none other than my best friend, Ethan Edwards, leaning against my door. I smile and just keep walking without saying anything. As I get closer, I see the long look on his face. Something’s up. I ask, “Ethan, what’s going on?”
“We need to talk morg.”
“Ok. Can it wait? I have class at 8 and need coffee.”
“I put a coffee in your car, and a bagel with cream cheese so that you eat. You left it unlocked and no it can’t wait. But I’ll be quick since you have class.”
“Ok, what’s going on then?”
“I can’t keep doing this anymore morg.”
I say very confused, “Doing what?”
“Pretending.” He says looking up at me.
“Ethan, what are you talking about?”
“I can’t keep pretending that what happened the night of your birthday didn’t mean anything.” He says looking kinda sad. Maybe ashamed? I can’t get a read on his emotions. “Ethan, we were drunk. It didn’t mean anything. We’re just friends. Now can you move? I have class in 25 minutes and need to change.”
He says trying to get me to stop, “I’m not done.”
“Well I have class Ethan. Can you move so I can go? We can talk after.”
I push him off my car and out of my way before driving to class. What the hell is his problem? Showing up at the end of my lift trying to tell me something important knowing that I have class directly after. Like who the hell does he think he is? The only reason I’m not upset is because he bought me coffee. That boy truly knows the way to my heart, that’s for sure.
*After class*
I get out of class and see Ethan waiting for me outside. I roll eyes and scoff as I walk by him. I hear him come after me. He says, “Morgs, wait. Please?”
“What Ethan? I’m exhausted and trying to go get my bats from your house because I left them there and I need to get cage work in. What is so fucking important Ethan?” I snap at him as I keeping walking to my car. He grabs my hand to stop me, “I can’t keep pretending that your birthday meant nothing to me morgs.”
“Ethan, let go of me. I’m not doing this with you today. I have to be at the cage with Hutch in 45 minutes and I need my bats from the house. Let go and we can talk later.”
“When is later gonna be?”
“Maybe when I’m not so overwhelmed that I want to cry all the fucking time from my six classes and two workouts and practices everyday. How’s that?”
“Don’t Ethan. I don’t have time for this right now. I’ll see you at practice.” I push by him and get in my car and drive towards the house that I live at with Ethan. I let the music take over my brain as I drive. When I get to the house, I see that Ethan is there. I mean I figured he’d go home since he lives there. He tries talking to me again though, “Morgs, please. Just give me five minutes.”
“Ethan, no. I already told you that I’m not doing this right now.” I say as I go upstairs to grab the bats that I left in my room. Luke, Dylan, Mackie, and Mark are home and watching this whole thing go down like it’s a movie. I come back downstairs and he’s standing there waiting for me. 
He says desperately, “I just need five minutes. It takes fifteen minutes to get from here to the cages and you speed so I know that you have time to spare to just listen to me.”
“I can’t do this right now. I’m way too stressed to deal with this. I promise we can talk later.” I say as I grab 3 red bulls and head towards the door brushing by him. He yells after me as I approach the door, “Morgs, I’m trying to tell you that I’m fucking in love with you.”
Everybody in the house stops what they are doing, including me. 
“I’ve been trying to tell you for a while. I’ve known since we kissed on your birthday. Actually, I think I knew before that. None of that matters now, morgs I’m in love with you.”
“Ethan, you can’t just drop that bomb on me when I’m walking out the door because you feel like it. That’s not fair.”
Ethan exclaims, “Oh no, don’t throw this on me. You don’t get to do that. I’ve been trying to tell you all fucking day. I’ve been trying to tell you for like a month. You’ve been blowing me off.”
“Ethan there’s a reason for that. I’m a two sport athlete trying to juggle preseason training, mid-season training, practice, games, and a heavy course load so I’m sorry that I’ve been a little flakey lately.” I sigh after I get that out. 
“Did you even hear what I said? Do you even care?”
I yell back, “Of course I fucking care Ethan. I’ve been a little stressed lately so excuse me that being in love with my best friend is on the back burner and isn’t my first priority right now.”
“Are you even listening to yourself right now? I don’t care that you have class, and practice, and workouts that take up most of your time. I don’t care about anything of that because I get it. You forget that I’m an athlete too, sorry not all of us are two sport athletes Morgan.” He snaps, like actually snaps. 
I hear Luke mutter, “oh fuck.” I look at Ethan with daggers. I take a deep breath so that I don’t actually kill him. “I’m not doing this Ethan, especially not if we’re just gonna scream at each other. I have stuff to do. I’m not talking to you until we’ve both cooled down so that neither of us say something we regret.” I say and walk out not giving him a chance to say anything. I sit in my car and cry for a few minutes before going to my cage session.
*At the Cages* 
I’m taking my frustration out at the cages with Hutch. This is the only time of day that I get to hit since we have afternoon hockey practice and I have class in the morning. I confide in this woman like no other. She knows all about hockey and everything with Ethan. She takes notice that I’m hitting everything a lot harder than usual. She asks, “What’s going on kiddo?”
“Nothing. I’m just exhausted. I forgot what preseason is like.”
“Morg, I know something is wrong. We’ve been at this for an hour so let’s take a break ok?”
“I’m fine coach. I don’t need a break. This is the only time of day I have to work on softball so can we please just hit?”
“If you think I’m gonna let you practice like this then your crazy. I know something is wrong. So sit and talk. Now.”
I take a breath and sit down on a bucket with her. I take this time to catch my breath since I was definitely overexerting myself. She asks, “morgs, honey, what’s going on?”
“Me and Ethan kinda blew up at each other today. Badly. We’ve never done that before. And I’ve been flakey with him for like a month too.”
“What’s going on with you and Ethan?”
“He told me that he’s in love with me.”
“Oh. Morg, you’ve been in love that boy for a very long time, why did you get upset at him telling you?”
“How much time you got?” I say and we both laugh. She chuckles saying, “More than you.” That causes us to laugh even more knowing that she’s right. I ask, “Do you really wanna know?”
“I just want you to be ok. Or as ok as a two sport collegiate athlete can be. If that means sitting on a bucket and talking about the boy that you’ve loved for a long time then yea I wanna know.”
“He showed up after lift this morning. Saying how he couldn’t keep pretending that what happened the night of my birthday meant nothing to him.”
“What happened?”
“We kissed. We were drunk, but I didn’t tell you that, and we just kissed. We both had blamed it on the alcohol not wanting to ruin the friendship or anything. And yea I was a little heartbroken but I knew that’s what needed to be done so it was whatever. I brushed him off and told him that we could talk later because I needed to get to campus because I had class.”
“Good. I always tell you girls, never let a boy get in the way of your studies or your softball.”
“Trust me, Ethan won’t, and he knows that. Anyways, when I get done with class he’s waiting for me outside the building. And tries talking to me again. I would’ve been able to avoid talking to him but I left my bats at the house like an idiot.”
“Why were they at his house?”
I explain, “I live there too. None of the girls wanted me at the softball houses so I live with my brother and his friends. I wanted to live with Luke anyways.”
“Fair enough. I take you ran into him at the house?”
“That’s an understatement. Like I knew he would be there because he lives there too but I figured he would drop it because I was very adamant that I didn’t wanna talk to him at the moment. He dropped the bomb as I walking out the door. And I guess I just lost it.”
“What do you mean lost it?”
I smile, “I basically screamed at him. I was so mad, he literally yelled that he was in love with me in front of the whole house as I was walking out the door to come here. He said that he had been trying to tell me for a while or something. So I snapped back at him about how he can’t just drop a bomb on me like that when I’m walking out the door. And how it wasn’t fair.”
“I‘m gonna go out on a limb and say that it didn’t sit well with him?” She said. I chuckles and shake my head no. I say, “God no. That made it worse I think. He yelled back how I don’t get to turn it around on him since he’s been trying to tell me for a month but that I’ve been blowing him off.”
“Well, have you been blowing him off?” She inquires.
I say, “Well yea, but not because of that. I’m two sport athlete and I’m trying to juggle training for two teams, a heavy course load, and hockey games. Plus I’m on track to graduate early from my high school AP credits so there’s just a lot on my mind. It’s not that I want to blow him off and be flakey towards him, I’m just overwhelmed with everything right now. He accused me of not caring Hutch. Like how do I not care? If anything, I care too much.”
“I know. And I’m sure he knows too. It’s Ethan Edwards we’re talking about. He knows you care. He knows you better than Luke does. He knows you better than you know yourself. He probably just said it in the heat of the moment with emotions running high.”
“I mean yea but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. Like, I’m obviously in love with him but with everything else going on in my life, being in love with my best friend is on the back burner. I just haven’t had the time or energy to think about it. Especially because even though I was drafted with Luke, I want my degree before going pro. I want both of them. Because I want a masters in athletic training. So I need to think about grad school now too. There’s just so much on my plate and he’s just not a priority anymore.” I say letting the stress prevail in my tone.
“Maybe that’s why your so stressed.” She says.
“What do you mean?”
Coach explains, “Last season, even with all the drama, you were the happiest I’ve seen you. And I think that it had a direct correlation to Ethan. I had Alex keeping me in the loop last year, and this year McKenna. Anytime you were pissed at Ethan your general mood and attitude were different. Even your game was different. You had some of your best games when you and Ethan were on good terms. You need him Morg. More than you want to admit, and I know that it’s scary, but you need that boy in your life.”
“I know, but it’s so hard. And he called me Morgan coach.”
Her face drops, “Oh.”
“Yea. He’s never, ever called me Morgan. Luke doesn’t even call me Morgan. So now I don’t know what to do.”
“Ok, I’m calling it for the day.” She says standing up.
“What? Why?”
“Because you are in no condition for this and that’s ok. Go home, talk to him, and get your mind right. The only way you’re going to succeed on the ice, on the field, and in the classroom is if you talk to him and get your head on straight. I’m serious go home and talk to him.”
“Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow morning for lift.” She smiles and nods and we just pick up the balls in peace. I grab my stuff and get in my car driving off towards my brothers house. I text Luke:
me: is he home?
moose🫎: yea.
moose🫎: morgy, what the hell happened?
moose🫎: I mean I was there and witnessed it but what the hell happened?
moose🫎: and are you ok?
me: honestly Lukey, I have no clue what happened.
me: is he ok?
moose🫎: no. he hasn’t left his room. 
moose🫎: scratch that. he just came down for food. pls fix this
me: I’m on my way to do that. pls stall him.
I drive to their house as fast as I can. I’m definitely driving too fast but that’s fine. It’s not important right now. I take a deep breath before getting out of the car and then take another deep breath before going inside. I see Ethan in the kitchen talking to Luke. I say to Ethan, “Can I talk to you?”
“Are you just gonna yell at me? Because if you are then no. I’m not just gonna be your punching bag because your stressed, that’s not fair to me.”
“I’m not gonna yell at you.”
“Then yea, we can talk.”
Luke excuses himself and goes to the living room where the rest of the house is. They’re probably there to watch this train wreck go down. My hands are definitely shaking right now. Ethan takes my hand to stop the shaking, “hey, what’s going on?”
“Ethan I’m so sorry about earlier.”
“It’s ok, morgs. I said some things that I probably shouldn’t have too.” He squeezes my hand. 
“No it’s not Ethan. I shouldn’t have said any of what I did. I shouldn’t have accused you of just dropping it on me like that when I know it’s not true. And I’m sorry that I’ve been flaking out and blowing you off recently.”
He pushes the hair out of my face and says, “Hey, it’s ok. I know that you have a lot on your plate. I’m sorry for saying that you don’t care. I know that you care, it was a heat of the moment thing and I didn’t mean it at all.” 
“No, it’s not ok Ethan. Just because I have a lot going doesn’t mean I get to blow my best friend off and take all the stress out on you. I’m sorry for that. I need you, Ethan. I need you and I don’t wanna push you away.” I say crying at this point. 
Ethan pulls me in for a hug and lets me cry into his chest. He pulls away and wipes my tears. He looks in my eyes and says, “You could never push me away. I need you too. Ok? And I love you. So much.”
“I love you too Ethan.” 
He leans down and kisses me. I feel the same sparks that I did 4 months ago on my birthday. They’re obviously good sparks. We kiss for what feels like forever before we both hear Luke say, “Alright, alright. That’s enough. I get that you guys are in love but that’s still my twin.”
“And you’re afraid of her, I’m not.” Ethan shoots back with a raised eyebrow. I giggle and Ethan pulls me into him. I hug him and he holds me like that. Ethan looks at his phone and then says, “Ok, we’ll be upstairs. See you losers later.”
“Door open Edwards. I’m too young to be an uncle.”
“I’ll be sure to relay the information to McKenna that your too young to be a dad so you don’t wanna have sex with her.”
“At least wear protection.”
“Gross dude.” Ethan says pulling up the stairs. He leads me into his room and closes the door behind him. I giggle at that, knowing Luke is gonna go crazy. Ethan lays on his bed and pulls me with him. Once we both get comfortable he says, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“About what?”
“Why you are so stressed that you’re pushing me away?”
“Ethan…” I say trailing off. 
“Baby, I knew you were getting stressed but I was trying to let you deal with it. The guys noticed too. What’s going inside your pretty little head?”
“Between preseason softball workouts, midseason hockey stuff, school shit, games, having to practice on my own for softball, all that drama within itself. And I’ve been thinking about grad school too. There’s just so much going on.”
“Instead of pushing me away, put some of that on me.”
“I can’t do that Ethan.”
“I’m asking you too morgs. At least the stress from hockey. Let me deal with that to lighten your load a little bit. Please baby, I’m worried about you.” Ethan says with a sigh. He rubs circles on my back too. I have to say, I missed this. I missed him. I missed us. I give into him, “Fine. But only hockey.”
“Good. And I’m sorry for calling you Morgan.”
“It’s ok.”
“Hey morgs?”
“Does this mean that you’re my girlfriend now?”
“Do you want me to be your girlfriend?”
“Do bears shit in the woods?”
I giggle, “then yes. I’m your girlfriend.” He smiles and kisses me, like million times. It’s cute how excited he is. Like a kid in a candy store. He pulls me on top of him into a bear hug. He rolls us over so that he’s on top and then kisses me passionately. He smiles, “Now I get to show you off to the whole world as my girlfriend.”
“Well, Ethan Edwards my boyfriend, has a much better ring to it than oh we’re just friends.”
“Good. Now about the team?”
“Um, I don’t care. I mean our whole class knows that we’re together now so it really doesn’t matter. And I’m sure coach has had his suspicions for a while so it doesn’t matter.”
“Ok.” He said and kissed me again. We stay cuddling in his bed until practice. 
May 2023
Today was the day we were playing UCF in the regional final in Florida for the NCAA tournament. To say that you were nervous was an understatement. Since both the Devils and the Canucks weren't in the playoffs, my whole family was here. Mom, dad, Quinn, Jack, and Luke. I mean, Luke was gonna come regardless, he’s my twin so obviously he’d be here.
Today could be the last game of the season if we lose. I obviously don’t want to lose. The whole team pulled up to Orlando for this, making a headline on ESPN. Straight up. The headline was: “Michigan ice hockey team seen getting rowdy in support of their female teammate who is also a member of Michigan softball at the NCAA Regional Tournament down in Orlando.” Apparently they interviewed like Luke, and Nolan, and Ethan, some of the guys. It was kinda cool. I was glad to have them because they keep me calm, cool, and collected.
Especially Ethan. Ever since we started officially dating in January, everything has been smooth sailing. Which I’m happy about, especially since Luke isn’t going back to AA next fall. He’s signed a rookie contract with the Devils and is moving in with Jack. Good luck to Luke on that.
Anyways, back to the game. Today is do or die. I’m catching and batting third. Like I have done all season as long as I was healthy. I had some back issues and knee issues flare up while I was playing both hockey and softball at the same time. But I’ve been relatively fine since hockey ended. I was probably over working myself.
It’s the like 5th inning or something and I’m up to bat. I hit a hard line drive to the outfield and run to first. I turn to go to second when I feel something click in my knee and it buckles. I instantly fall in pain but crawl back to first. I’m not costing us an out. We call time and the trainer gets me up and off the field.
“What happened?”
“I rounded first and there was a click, it buckled, and then there was a lot of pain.” I say trying not to cry. The trainer says a bunch of things but I’m not listening. I do hear him say, “it could be ACL. Not gonna know the full story until you get back to michigan and get an MRI. For now, here’s a brace and crutches. Ok?”
“Can I get you anything?”
“Just my phone and maybe some gatorade please?”
“Yea.” He leaves the room and comes back five minutes later with my phone and some gatorade for me. “Unfortunately, since this isn’t our facility, I can’t let anyone down here to be with you right now. I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. Thank you.” He nods and walks out of the room. I immediately let my tears flow. It hurts a lot. Almost as much as when I blocked my brother’s slap shot with my chest and couldn’t breathe. I open my phone and text Ethan:
me: I need you to walk away from my family, more importantly my brothers, and call me. please Ethan!
eddy❤️: ok.
After about two minutes, I get a FaceTime from Ethan. I answer it and he immediately asks, “Are you ok baby?”
I shake my head no, “No. It’s my knee.”
“I figured. Do you know what’s wrong?”
“No, he said that we aren’t gonna know anything until we get back home. How is everyone?” I ask trying to change the subject.
“Freaking out. That’s not important, how are you?”
“Not good. I’m scared and in pain.”
“I’m sorry beautiful. They can’t let me down there can they?”
“No. Since it’s not Michigan facilities they can’t even let my parents down here. It sucks. Because they are still playing so I’m all alone.”
“I’m here. I know I’m not physically with you but I’m right here. Do you want me to get Luke?”
“God no. I just need you Ethan.” I say and start crying. I can’t be alone right now and I wish he could be here. God I need my boyfriend right now. He says, “Hey, morgs it’s ok. You’re gonna be ok. Baby, look at me.” I look at him through the phone and he says, “I need you to breathe for me. Just take slow, deep breaths. Like the ones I make you do before State games. You’re ok.”
I take the deep breaths like he tells me to and I feel a little better. At this point the trainer came back in with Hutch. I say to Ethan, “I got to go Ethan. The trainer and my coach wanna talk. I’ll see you and don’t tell anyone you talked to me.”
“Ok, I love you and you’re gonna be fine.” He smiles and winks. He hangs up before I get to say that I love him too. Hutch and the trainer smile when they realize I was on the phone with Ethan. Hutch says, “We lost 9-4. I’m sorry kid. The season is over. We’re heading back to school tonight. I know that you’re family is here, so you own’t have to return with us if you don’t want.”
“I’m gonna talk to my mom first.”
“Ok. I understand. And I understand if you want to go home with your family. Hey, it’s gonna be ok kid. We’ll figure it out.”
“Thanks Coach. And thanks for a great season.” She nods and pats my back before heading out. She knows that I don’t want any of the girls in here. I can’t deal with all of that right now. The trainer says, “I talked to the UCF staff. They said I can let 3 people down here. Who do you want me to get?”
“My mom, Luke, and Ethan.” He nods and walks out of the training room. I focusing on breathing and calming myself for when they come in. After like 10 minutes my mom, Luke, and Ethan come walking in. My mom instantly hugs me. And then Luke, and then Ethan. He probably holds me the longest.
My mom asks, “Ok, what did the trainer say?”
“He said that he doesn’t really know what it could be and that I need to get it looked at back home.” I say with a half smile. My mom takes a deep breath and says, “Ok. Our flight back leaves tonight, so I don’t know when the team is leaving but we can get you a ticket and figure something out.”
“The team is also leaving tonight so I’ll just go with them.” She nods and says, “I’ll give you guys a few minutes. Feel better honey and let me know about the flight and stuff.” I nod and then Ethan comes over and really hugs me after. Like a bone crushing hug. But it’s fine because I started crying when he hugged me so this hug is hiding my tears. 
He pulls away and wipes my tears. He smiles and says, “We’re gonna figure this out baby. I promise. Together.” I nod and pull him back in to hug him. He lets go and moves so that Luke can hug me again. Luke says, “Hey, it’s ok. I got your back. We got this, together. You’re my twin, and the Hughes Twins are tough as nails. Born together?”
“Die together. Thank you Luke. I love you.”
“I love you too morgy. Let’s get you home yea?” I nod and then we head out. Ethan helps me carry everything to the team bus and stuff. He hugs me and says, “I’ll see you in Michigan, I love you baby.”
“I love you too Ethan.” I kiss him before getting on the bus with the team. I put my headphones in and close my eyes and drift off to my own little world. This is about to be the worst summer ever, possibly longer.
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 months
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I'm going to be messing around with some short stories this Friday! Join me for an afternoon chat~
Stream Peeps: @abalonetea @catkin-morgs-kookaburralover @prettylittlelyres @vampkaashis-wife @thethistlegirlwrites @ladyphlogiston @hyba @jasperygrace @writeblrfantasy @lesleymoonwriter
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lexosaurus · 1 year
i regret to inform u that "morgue" is spelled with a u, not "morge" 😔 (wrt one of your fics you rbed recently)
so the actual story behind the title being spelled as "morge" instead of "morgue" is because one of the artists made a typo in the chat one (1) time and we all thought it was funny and never let it go for the duration of the project
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morgsticklee · 4 months
Warning this is a short tickle fic! if it is not for you please move on.
Thank you!
Morgan and Nick Valentine were in the centre of diamond city having a day where they just tried to chill as it had been a hectic few days of doing work for others, while also trying to find her son; the tensions had been high just for a little while, not just between themselves but the whole commonwealth. They both sat at a place called power noodles, just chatting about recent events and old stories from nick ‘so a nest of bugs one summer appeared in the upper stands of diamond city, they caused so much havoc. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard’ Morgan chuckled at that ‘i would of loved to have seen that myself, hey it's a nice day let's go and find something to laugh at together’ 
Nick stared at her for a length of time before a very wide grin spread across his face ‘i would like that, come on then’ he gets up grabbing her hand, they both race towards the entrance of diamond city going through it like bats out of hell. In fallout universe fast travel later, they found a nice spot of grass to lay down in. Once on the floor they sighed a sigh of relief, it felt nice to be able to let themselves relax every now and again. They knew that the commonwealth was not a safe place to let your guard down too much, they allowed themselves to have a little bit of fun, there was no harm in it.
Nick chuckled quietly to himself, he had one arm over his eyes and the other on his chest, morgan was just looking up at the sky with content, a few minutes later nick turned to face her to ask ‘morgs, could you do me a favour please?’ she turned to look at him with a smile, ‘Oh yes of course, what do you need?’ She responds, his gaze quickly diverted while he mustered up the courage to ask, clearing his throat he said ‘i know this is a bit of a strange favour and you don't have to if you feel uncomfortable but can you tickle me please?’. 
He looks over at her again with a sly smile taking off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt to show off his chest and belly, arms then crossed up and landed under his head expectedly. Morgan's own belly filled with butterflies at the sight she saw in front of her, it took her a second to bounce back out of staring at him ’o-of course i will, i am always happy to help you out’ ‘its okay nick, there is no need to be shy about asking’. She smiled.
She gets on him her hands at either side of his torso, his smile turned wobbly at the feeling of her fingers touching his metallic skin. She spiders her fingers across his tummy, causing the synth to start chuckling ‘heheheyy hahaha plehehehease morohohohoe’ he wanted more! Morgan giggles at the scene in front of her stopping the tickling for a little bit, ‘wow you really enjoyed that didn’t you?
If you would like part 2...please let me know!
for @sassenashsworld
P.s sorry for my writing...like i said it's not my best artistic outlet.
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mortuarywriting · 5 months
hi morg! 16, 23, and 27 for the writer game. :)
oh these are ones I'm not 100% sure on!
16. favorite place to write
I don't really have one because brainmeat doesn't wanna cooperate as often and I absolutely get the "Ah yes you have 2 minutes to get this done don't you just wanna write forever" so Im usually on my phone or in bed trying to sleep.
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
Hmm. Relatable, Banter, and Emotional? With a potential for Emotional to be swapped with subverting maybe? I dunno I haven't thought on this so I could be off!
27. your favorite part of the writing process
I love chatting with someone about ideas honestly. It's very fun and I actually do like seeing it a lot which is great because boy howdy if this ain't the part that I get stuck on so fuckin often
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gvftea · 4 months
““People have been saying that whole group is fucking weird and none of you want to listen… “
Robyn, Saff, Morgs, Randi, Sammie, Aspen??
@/robyngvf Robyn made nasty comments about that guy at the bar and lest not forget the twin’s birthday this year?? Ironic how she’ll whine, cry, bitch and moan because someone told her she had pretty privilege, yet she sat there and publicly made fun of someone’s looks. If you knew how it made YOU feel, why would you do that to someone else? Granted that individual might not see it, you’re still a shitty personal for putting it out there for your gaggle of brainwashed friends to join in on the bullying. Like always.
@/stardustwindow Saff and @/ dannysdrumsolo Morgs blindly defend Robyn. I’ve heard Saff is a cunt to people she meets at shows. Not to mention Saff is ironically always on barricade of some sort… Morgs simply by association should be held accountable, how do you blindly defend this toxic behavior?
@/ mirandior Randi sending people’s tweets and profiles in a group chat and making fun of people? Aren’t you like, what? 40 years old? Act your fucking age instead of parading around with girls half your junior. You enable Robyn’s shitty behavior because you think you gain something, all you gain is being disliked by the masses.
@/ jakesgstring Sammie was the one who posted in the MKE FaceBook group about starting the line, and then went on to tell everyone in a separate post how that’s not what she said. Newsflash, if you’re the one who’s handing out wristbands… that typically means you’re the one starting the line. Ironically the line started 2 DAYS before the show, and granted nobody’s saying who started it, I think we could have a good idea.
@/ gateandgardenn Aspen is downright manipulative and condescending. She lies about people with no evidence or any valid proof to defend her statements.
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prettypansyprince · 1 year
What's in a name?
There are many reasons why I picked Morgan for my new name. It's unisex. It's extremely close to my birth name. I can/do shorten it to Morg which sounds goth as hell. I connect it to The Mórrigan.
I've been going by that name since 2016 and it honestly feels like that's what my name is supposed to be. Even though at times I think, "what if I had a more masculine name?" Of course I'd like it, but it would feel like I'm 'wearing' a name like a label. Just as I go by Pansy, it's a cute nickname and I love it. It's like babe, doll, kiddo, ect. With Morgan, I feel like that's just who I am. That is the name of my very existence. It's my soul. I'm so glad to have found the real me. My birth name was a compromise between my parents, it was neithers first, second, or even third choice. My dad wanted to name me Morgana, which while close I'm relieved I didn't get stuck with that cause I still hate it. It took me a while to like any name even close to it. Which brings me to the point of why I'm even writing all of this...
In order to pick my name, I had to like it first. I met my friend Morgan, the first I ever met, in high school. She was in my art class. She'd always smile and kept positive. She encouraged others in their art. She rescued and rehibilitated animals, even the wild ones. She was just an amazingly kind person. Because of her I came to love the name Morgan. My sophomore year I was having more and more health problems, the main one being my heart. She always asked how I was doing but wasn't judgemental or weird about it. I wonder if then she had any issues...but the next year she was sick a lot. I understood it, we both had chronic conditions but able-bodied people didn't get it. She had a problem with her heart too. I don't know everything but I do know it would beat too fast and skip beats at times, just like mine. We had so many similarities, I just always felt a connection. We didn't talk a ton after high school, at one point she moved back to her home state for a while. When she came back, I ran into her at a bar. We chatted for a while and said we'd have to get together and do a drawing or painting night. We never did. But I talked to her a bit more online again. Less than a month ago we were talking about our high school self-portraits we did in charcol. Last night I found out she passed. I'm still in a state of shock. She was never a close friend, but she was a good friend. She was a good person. In this world, I wish more people were like her. Every life she touched, she changed it for the better.
While I didn't really name myself after her and she didn't play a part in selecting a name, I still do owe my name to her. It's something I never told her and I wish I had. That she's such an amazing person that she changed my view on a name. Because how can someone be so great and their name not match? Anytime I met a jerk Morgan I thought the name didn't fit them. (I'm that way with Andys and Andrews too. I know so many nice ones.) I tried so many names for myself, none of them clicked. The only one that worked was Morgan. It took a couple years, but then it felt like I never had any other name. It took longer still for me to realize my friend's indirect role of chosing a name.
Last night I realized she was one of my only friends in high school I could bond with over being sick. There was support. Empathy and sympathy from able-bodied people only goes so far, some it's never there. Actually I had another friend, she's no longer here either, the odds were stacked against her. They were both very sunshine sort of people. I knew Ashley's days were numbered but her death was still rough. I still feel her loss. I know that's how it will be once I can process Morgan's death. I wasn't expecting it. I can't process. I still can't understand it.
Morgan, I hope you are out of pain and reunited with you mom and brother. I wish the best for your boyfriend. I can't imagine what he's going through now. You're missed by many. Thank you for the short time you were here. You've made such an impact. All the animals you've taken care of. The people you have helped. The art you've created. (Mrs. B is devastated) You meant a lot to me even though we weren't hanging out and talking all the time, every interaction was soul level. That's just the kind of person you were. You couldn't be superficial even if you tried. You were just you. You at your core being, is love and compassion. It makes it that much harder to not be bitter and ask why? But I know you wouldn't want others to be upset on your behalf. If I'm having a difficult time, I don't know how those closest to you are doing. We will miss and always remember you. Thank you for all you've done. I'm grateful our paths crossed.
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ao3feed-narlie · 11 months
our paper houses reach the stars
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/VTklvXN by bisexualsharks “Erm… hi,” Nick said, his heart in his throat as his wife - his ex-wife, he reminded himself - answered the phone, “I just… wanted to let you know I got in safely. I’m standing right outside the new flat right now,” he said awkwardly. “Okay,” Morgan replied simply, and then took a deep breath, “Sorry, Nick. I’d stick around to talk but, Owen is going round a friend’s, and his mum invited me over to have a chat about, you know… because everyone’s heard by now that we’ve decided–” Dread churned in Nick’s stomach at the mention of their separation, “You decided, Morg, not us,” he spat, interrupting her, “Don’t fucking frame it like it was mutual.” -- or, the ted lasso au that has lived in my head since last may [don't worry there is like, extremely extremely limited content of nick and his ex. they aren't actually romantically together at any point in this fic] Words: 2711, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Sai Verma, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Imogen Heaney Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Adult Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson Needs a Hug, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) Needs a Hug, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Aged-Up Character(s) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/VTklvXN
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soullikestyles · 4 years
The issue is not that I don’t get to marry Harry Styles. The issue is that my standard is Harry Styles.
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chxrrysangel · 3 years
Stark Tea Time
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Summary || Morgan Stark drags Bucky to one of her legendary tea parties, Sam leaving him to drown in pink fluff and glitter.
Warnings || Bucky actually smiles
You do not have permission to post my work anywhere else
“Lay up Cyborg, live a little. It’s not like I’m gonna di—”
“Look! Sam, I drew something for you!”
The two men’s attention is diverted from their conversation as little Morgan Stark comes barreling down the hallway, paper flapping in one hand and an assortment of crayons in the other. Her hair is covered in little butterfly clips, strands adorned with a wide array of colors from the chalk dye strewn across her cherry wood floors. She’s wearing a massive tutu, dressing to the 9s in a blue ballerina costume.
Sam smiles at the little girl, always excited to see what she has to offer. Ever since Tony passed, all of the Avengers men have taken on a father-like role towards the child, always making sure she feels loved and cared for. It’s the least they can do.
He bends down to her eye level, giving her his full attention. The smile on Sam’s face is in complete contrast to the grimace adorning Bucky’s features.
“What’s up sweetheart? Whatcha got?”
The little Stark giggles in excitement, overjoyed to see her two favorite Avengers come to see her again. They’re always quite busy, saving the world and everything. So each visit is quite meaningful to her. They’ll never replace Tony, but they ensure that his memory and love for Morgan is something she’ll never lack. They’d all die before that happens, and she knows that.
She takes the drawing from behind her back and lays it out for both of them to see. It resembles some sort of bird-like figure, Sam thinks to himself. Next to it is a robot-type figure, not failing to notice the frown etched into his features with a Crayola marker. Shaking with excitement, the little Stark looks at the two men expectantly.
“What is it?”
Morgan sighs loudly, annoyed by their stupidity and lack of “artistic vision”. The two men have yet to figure out where she learned such a concept.
“It’s you guys! Duh!” Their mouthes form into an ‘o’ shape in understanding.
“Well it’s stunning. It’s absolutely beautiful Morg. You know, I might have frame this one actually. When you become a famous painter, this is gonna be worth so much money!” Morgan squeals, jumping around excitedly as Sam praises her.
“I think it’s kind of ugl—” Sam cuts him off by sending a small electrical current to Bucky’s arm, causing him to hunch over in pain as he’s being electrocuted.
“What he was trying to say is that it’s very avant-garde, meaning unique in the art world. Don’t worry little Stark, it’s a good thing.” Sam smiles at her encouragingly, hoping Terminator’s harsh words back there wash over her. She nods in understanding, James’s words already long forgotten.
The two men attempt to continue their conversation from before, discussing details about their next mission. There’s a hostage situation in the Palace of Westminster, the perpetrators threatening to blow the whole thing up with everyone in it. But before they can really strategize how to scope out the place, Sam feels a tap on his leg.
“Yes princess?”
“Can you guys come to my tea party?”
“Actually Morgan, we have to go so—” Bucky starts to say before being rudely cut off my bird-man to his left. Sam shoot daggers in his partner’s direction and the words die in his throat.
“Actually, I have to go take care of something really quickly. But Bucky can join you.” At those words, Bucky’s head jolts in his direction, giving Sam one of the meanest looks he’s probably ever seen. But the big man is all bark and no bite, so Sam just laughs in his face. Bucky’s fists tighten at his sides, thinking of all the ways he plans to torture and murder Sam when they leave the Stark house.
Morgan, on the other hand, is practically bursting at the seams. Bucky doesn’t know this, but he’s her favorite of all the Avengers, especially because his titanium arm reminds her of her dad’s suit. She feels closer to him when she’s with Bucky. Plus, they’re both kinda stoic, but it’s only an act in her eyes. She knows that deep down, he has a heart of gold.
Morgan takes Bucky by the hand, dragging him down the hallway back to her room. Meanwhile, Bucky looks back at Sam, pleading for some kind of mercy or aid. Sam, of course, provides no such thing and only cackles at his best friend’s misfortune. He says goodbye to Pepper, promising to be back once he finishes talking to Torres.
Meanwhile in a certain Stark’s bedroom…
Morgan bounced from corner to corner of her large bedroom, capturing all of the items she needs for this special occasion. It’s not often she has a guest for her weekly tea parties, let along James Buchanan Barnes of all people. She has to make a good impression if he’s ever going to come back.
Standing like a dark looming giant,surrounded by tiny chairs and more pink and purple than he’s ever seen, Bucky is clearly out of his element. At 6’0 tall, he stands taller than anything in this room, standing neck and neck with the canopy bed in the middle. Morgan doesn’t take notice of his discomfort however, she’s just happy to have him. She whips around him, gathering her stuffed animals at the table and setting up the placemats for each guest.
Almost as if having an epiphany, the mini Stark girl gasps and runs out the bedroom, yelling that she’ll be right back. Bucky wanders around the room, taking notice of all the little trinkets and toys that he, along with the rest of the team, gifted to her over time. His lips contort into a ghost of a smile, reminiscing all the times Morgan screamed for joy every time they came bearing gifts. The gifts didn’t really matter to her, though. It was just their presence that set her heart into cardiac arrest and her cheeks aflame. They were her family.
Not soon after, Morgan returns dragging a more normal sized chair into her room. Bucky is surprised at this action, as the small girl is barely breaking a sweat. That is, until he noticed the two small gadgets attached the back of the chair, marked with Tony’s insignia. So little Stark is smart, just like her dad.
Morgan sets the chair down next to her own pink, fluffy and bedazzled throne at the head of the table. She sits down, motioning Bucky to take a seat and calls the tea party into session. Bucky’s eyes wander over the pristinely white tabletop, taking in the wide assortment of snacks. From shortbread, frosted oatmeal cookies, to cheeseburgers and mini sandwiches, you name it and she’s got it. The baked goods are Pepper’s doing of course, courtesy of her daily afternoon attempts to become the next Martha Stewart. Morgan doesn’t mind at all, eager to indulge in a daily sugar high as the designated guinea pig.
“Tea?,” the child offers, “it’s raspberry, your favorite.” James can’t help but blush as her consideration of his tastes. For a kid, she’s a pretty decent host. He quickly covers up his blush by coughing and nods firmly.
After filling up the China tea cups lined up around the table, Morgan moves towards introductions. “Bucky, these are my friends. There’s Mr.Whiskers, Genevieve, Fae, Natasha, Tony, and James. They’re very happy to have you here with us. They think you look quite nice today.”
James? As in… Bucky can’t help but blush again, honored that Morgan named one of her beloved stuffed animals after him. He smiles shyly, staring at the lavender Elephant across the table. The girl doesn’t fail to notice his smile, happy that he’s happy.
“So James, how do you feel about glitter?”
The doorbell rings sometime around 7:00, just after sunset. Pepper opens the door to a smiling Sam, carrying a mysterious box by his side. He just left Torres house, the two men agreeing to scope out the place just before dawn when everyone is still sleeping. That way, they can get a good picture of what it looks like on the inside without having to use night vision technology.
“What’s in the box?”
“Lemon Merengue. For Morgan.” Lemon Merengue is Morgan’s favorite dessert. So by bringing her some, Sam hopes that she’ll forgive him for taking a rain check on one of her illustrious tea parties.
“They’re still down the hall.” Pepper points in the direction of mini Stark’s room, before returning to her baking. Tonight, she’s trying devil’s food cake.
Even from down the hall, Sam can hear the chatting of two distinct voices, a deep scratchy one and a much higher, daintier tone. He shakes his head at Morgan’s complete lack of an inside voice when she’s excited. They must be having a blast in there.
To Sam’s surprise, Bucky actually seems to be enjoying himself. He stands in the doorframe, watching the two chat back and forth while a Disney movie soundtrack plays in the background. From the distinct piano, Sam recognizes Beauty & the Beast (also one of Morgan’s favorites).
Sitting down obediently, Bucky gives Morgan his full attention as she places puffy stickers on his titanium arm and adds little doodles to his real one. He smiles as he watches her drawing a picture of the two of them with princess tiaras and feather boas, just like they are now. She babbles away, telling him the details of the movie she wants them to watch together. It’s called Tangled, he learns.
Sam decides to leave the two alone, going back to help Pepper bake in the kitchen. Although, not before snapping a picture of the two together, reminding himself to print it and put it on the fridge. He knows that Pepper isn’t exactly the kindest person to be in the kitchen with, as she is very bossy and demanding. But he’d take that over ruining this special moment in the princess-themed room down the hall.
He can still hear the faint giggles and screams of Morgan, this time begging Bucky to stop tickling her. She pleads for mercy but he refuses to budge, only making her laugh harder and her giggles to bounce off the walls like they’re in an echo chamber. And to think, he was gonna say no earlier.
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icaruskeyartist · 2 years
So, I have this friend. My oldest, longest lasting friend. The person who convinced me to go to therapy and become a better person because I wanted to be good for him specifically. A friend that I traumatized repeatedly for a year before I began to change for real. 
You know how I say I used to be a horrible person? This guy saw me at my worst. 
I love this friend. He has been the best part of my life in so many ways and I owe him so, so much. But lately I feel like I’ve been holding onto something I shouldn’t be. That maybe I’m better if I move on without him, and he can be let go of this person who traumatized him and who, when he(I) slips back into old mindsets, brings that trauma back to the forefront. 
Because recently we had this fight, and he said some hurtful things. Well, we both did, and I’ve owned up to it. I have a tendency to try and victimize myself, so I really stepped out of my own skin to look at this as objectively as possible. I’d been in a horrible mindset, where even finally getting top surgery was barely a blip of happiness in my life. And we finally hashed it out and it was like, hey, okay I’ve been absolute shit. I’m sorry for this, I’m sorry for putting too much on you. You don’t deserve that, but while I’m digging my way out of this I’ll need some more support. 
That’s a fair thing to say right? We had an old system in place for this. Something we actually sat with my therapist in person and discussed back in 2017. So the next day, we’re chatting, we’re roleplaying, and he goes dark for a few hours. I’m a bit bothered but I hold my tongue. He’s got a life, a kid, had surgery. Tons of shit, but it is making things a mite difficult for some online rp situations. 
And that’s not touching on the fact his character called mine Lolita. That was... weird and made this all so much harder to try and hash out vis a vi rp. 
I eventually bring up that I kinda wish we’d hash things out rpwise so I could figure out what to do with my character online (though I didn’t mention the Lolita comment, and maybe I should’ve), and it sorta starts this avalanche. Because I brought up timestamps (which was wrong of me to do, and I stand by that), trying to explain that I wished he’d given me a bbl when he went offline to eat dinner and get away from other people who figured out he was on. I was getting upset and he was getting upset and I pointed out that I’d told him the previous day, hey, I’m a bit fragile right now and I’m going to need help. 
He said the only reason he’d agreed to the boundaries in 2017 was because he was a doormat. These boundaries we put in place so he would have the space to protect his mental health while mine didn’t spiral out of control, while I was learning how to not assume the worst in everyone, especially him, and he basically shits all over them. 
And he said I was using him for “that sweet rp serotonin” which... I did. Back when he first met me. Remember how I said I traumatized him for a year? Yeah, this is the why behind it. The how is worse. The how is how I can look at what people like Morg do and I can see the harm he’s causing on a wider scale. Because I did that to people individually, until this friend.
Suddenly, nothing else mattered to me. He said the two worst things, and insinuated a third. That he’d lied all these years to me about the steps we took in therapy being good, that he thought I’d backslid so far as to be using him again (it’s blatantly false btw. i have other rp outlets and other creative outlets and have in fact dropped so many threads in favor of said other outlets), and that despite everything, I was no more a friend to him than the random people he had gone offline to get away from. 
We haven’t talked since. I sent a couple long messages after I stepped outside myself, trying to make sure I wasn’t painting myself as the victim. I focused on those three things: the therapy, the rp serotonin comment, and the feeling like he doesn’t see me as a friend despite all solid evidence to the contrary. His husband has control of his account right now, and when I decided to send my friend a second update saying that I’m more mentally with it and a big part of that was my decision to remove the most obvious problem from our relationship entirely: rp. I’d already blocked his blog from all of mine just for that reason. 
His husband responded, saying he’s read the messages and while it’s ultimately up to my friend, he (the husband) thinks I’m manipulative and abusive. And part of it makes sense, since he has no fucking idea who I am really. Just the trauma that I caused, especially in 2016.
But I also can’t really take this man seriously after he threw a fit about not getting a light saber and saying a massive trip to Disney with his fucking daughter was a waste of time either. Among other things
So, here I am, wondering if I’ve been holding onto someone that I’m just not compatible with anymore. I’ve changed, a lot, even with this backslide. I didn’t go all the way back, not as far as he claimed I did. I’ve become, objectively, a better person. He’s changed too a bit, though not in personality. And, unfortunately, I’ve always known that personality was abrasive to my own psyche. Which was fine, once I was getting to better and better places mentally. 
Less fine when he said these things to me. 
It’s really hard, and I admit I wrote this out and I’m posting it publicly partly because I want him to see. I want him to check and see that I’m grappling with these big decisions. And that his husband is an asshole who doesn’t deserve him at all. 
I’m also writing this out because it’s sorta. Helping me choose. It’s almost like this is the last step of my growth. Let go of the security blanket and move on. Try to make a new friend, someone who, thanks to this one, won’t have to suffer through the trauma that he did. Someone who I can talk to and establish boundaries and communications with so that when the cracks show, we have a plan in place to get through it. 
But a big part of me doesn’t want to let go. And honestly, I don’t know what to do. I’m strong enough to do it. I’m mentally prepared for that to be the case. But I’m chickening out, putting it in his hands to decide. 
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snarling-t33thz · 3 years
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WARNING: I MAY occasionally reblog/post dark things, such as yandere content.
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rattlesnake-t33th -> sillyboitelevision
Hey there! Welcome to my blog! My name is Morg, but feel free to call me M, Juice, Rocks, Eldritch, or Zachary. Feel free to use Rattlesnake or Rattler. Previously known as cluboardz. I occasionally write n draw. Please feel free to chat w me or generally interact with me! I hope you enjoy ur stay!
Love my platonic partner @babyclownmilk ♡
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My other blogs:
🌻 @purple-obsessed-writter (drabbles n other writings - drabble rq are currently CLOSE)
🌼 @rattlesnake-d00dl3s - art blog
Commissions are OPEN [3/3]
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