#morpheus x eternity
eternityunicorn2-0 · 2 years
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Part Thirty-Two
Pairing: Dream (Morpheus) x OC Eternity
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Warnings: Language/Violence/Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: Rescued from his imprisonment not by aid of his siblings nor opportunity, but a mysterious ethereal lady, Morpheus finds himself unable to forget her. Once his revenge against his captures is done and he recovers his tools, he sets out to find the lady that saved him. Strangely, he cannot find her in the Dreaming, but Matthew manages to find her the waking world. So, to the waking world, Morpheus goes to see his rescuer, unaware of what fate has in store for him and for her. A bond unlike any other has born, one that will change them and their lives forever.
NOTE: OC and any other original material is from my up and coming novel series!
Read Here: AO3/Wattpad
Tag List: @elejah-wonderland @darknightfrombeyond @beautyandwords @elijahfangirl1984 @arrthurpendragon
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elejahfanfic · 2 years
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eternity x dream_
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eternityunicorn · 1 year
Heads Up, Seven Up!
Share the last 7 lines of your work, or 7 lines you're proud of!
From Chapter 36 (the last chapter of Dream’s Light)
Morpheus shook his head slowly, but did not bother to utter another word to his companion.
No, he couldn’t feel her.
It was as if she had been severed from him completely and it made him all the more depressed and hopeless, fearing that Seth had taken her life.
But if he wasn’t so distraught, he would have disregarded such a fear as nonsense.
Seth had claimed to love Eternity. If true, he wouldn’t have killed her outright. That and the chaos bringer wouldn’t have challenged him to find her, if he was just going to extinguish her life.
*Thank you @darknightfrombeyond for tagging me! (I also sorta cheated; above is not the LAST seven lines written since it would be too much of a spoiler)*
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7thcirclebaker · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time a couple of "friends" in a show based on works by Neil Gaimen had a fight about how they're not friends in 1800's London, well, I'd only have two but I feel like I should have more
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dorian-debrah · 1 year
Dream being romantic would be like...
Hob: you know Dream,we might be soulmates
Dream:soulmates are stupid,I love you on purpose
Hob: oh <3
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
Death: You know….he’s only ever happy with you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile.
Y/n: Me? But I’m just a mortal…there’s nothing special about me.
Death: but you are. You stole my brother’s heart, you have complete control over him and I know he would do anything for you.
Y/n: well….he deserves to be happy, have a friend…it wasn’t easy but I got through to him and began to talk to me more about everything.
Y/n: I wouldn’t force him to do or say anything he didn’t want me to know or do and I don’t judge him for it. I know he did a lot of terrible things.
*Death listens as she smiles*
Y/n: but so have I and everyone else, we all make mistakes we’re not proud of it...
Y/n: Despite, how terrible our sins were, It shouldn’t define us. 
Death: that’s why he loves you, you’re so kind, caring, and understanding Y/n. Even I’m surprised but grateful you two didn’t break it off.
*Y/n smiles as she looks back on her favorite moments with Morpheus and their domestic moments*
Y/n: yeah…I’m glad I have met dream. I can’t wait to start my eternal life with him.
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iamburdened · 2 years
Having a crush on Druig when Eternals came out and now being obsessed with Morpheus from Sandman… hm i see a pattern
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soutcftime · 2 years
Just read this days ago anddd went wildd.
(I already explain this, but I like to think if the child of Time and Night are Endless, the kids between Light and Reality are Eternals (because I saw a lot of people struggling with the Hope!Hob AU) )
Hope was the third child between Light and Reality, right after Hallow and Hale. He was a beautiful young kid, full of life and happiness, curiosity and kindness, Hope was the resilience symbol. The Eternal sing of peace between them and the Endless.
Of course, The Eternals were nothing like the Endless, since Lady Light and Lady Reality can't have their own kids, they create them from the best parts of each other. Perfects anthropomorphic representations.
"What is my name?"
"You are Hope. Our Hope"
Hope already love life. He embraces every living thing and enjoy every new thing that appear in his way, he loves his gift, he loves every creature and he absolutely love to share his own vision with them. The passion about life, his life! His own hopes and expectations about how the universe would change next.
Then he met Dream of the Endless. And he loves him. Hope loves Dream since the beginning, he uses to say that every Dream comes with Hope. They were best friends. Hope loves the Endless, despite the old fight that their family has had, Hope loves all the Endless siblings.
"You should not spend so many time with them, my Hope" Mother Reality speaks to him. "I do not want one of my child end like them" she said, but he cannot understand what was she talking about. He nods anyway, he can never disagree with his Mother.
But he can't stand away of Dream.
"Dream!" Hope walks in the Dreaming, enter the throne room being followed by Lucienne. "I have news! Wonderful news!"
"Hello Hope" Dream greet him with a little smile, "What have you done now?" he ask, looking at Hope already going up from the stairs, leaving little sparkles as he walks with excitement.
"Hi Jess," he greet the crow in Dream's shoulder, then look at Dream again. "I met humans!" he clap with happiness, little sparkles jumping off his hands.
Dream frowns. "Humans?" his tone was pure disgust, looking at Hope with a disapproving look.
Hope blinks, cocking his head. "Humans" he nods, the hopeful tone stills in him. "Beautiful creatures, so full of life, so imperfects and perfects at the same time" Hope smiles looking Dream's disgusting face with amusement.
"Have you been in the Waking world?" he ask, worried for the answer that Hope can give to him.
Hope giggle a little, looking at the stars in the sky. "I have" he say. "They called me Hob" he giggle again, with his hair full of sparkles. Dream frown with anger, the blue sea of his eyes covering with full void.
"They called you what?" he say, his voice going deep. "How dare they? How dare you? Allowing mortals, humans, disrespect you in that way?" Hope smiles, holding Dream's hand carefully.
"Dream, you did not need to be mad, my dear. They were lovely. I introduced myself as Hope, they might have heard wrong but it's a beautiful nickname" the little stars in Dream's eyes focus on him, "You should come with me to the Waking, you will love them"
"No. I think I should not" Dream say, taking his hand and walking away. "And you should not come back to that place, that is not the place were you belongs Hope. You do not belong between humans, that might end bad" Dream looked at him, his blue eyes back at his place.
Hope smiles, "Perhaps" he say, "But I love humanity, I want to see everything" Dream cock his head, "I shall leave now. See you around, Dream Lord." Hope bowed, "Bye Jessamy!" he say, before leaving the realm.
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suckerforfantasy · 2 years
Hello, I am currently very bored and wouldn't mind to write something requested. Ask anything, fluff, smut, angst I write it.
Current fandoms I can write for are:
The Sandman (Netflix)
Moon Knight or MCU in general
Criminal Minds
Harry Potter (Marauders era)
Maze Runner
Good Omens
Shadow and Bone
Six of Crows
Hawaii Five - O
Wednesday (Netflix)
Young Royals (Netflix)
Dead Poets Scociety
Marvel Actors
Tom Sturridge
Cillian Murphy
Henry Cavill
Edvin Ryding
But I can also write for anyone I haven't mentioned here, just ask. OC or Y/N story are also offered.
I want to start writing more and I would appreciate any support or ideas I get from you.
Lot's of Love,
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hunny-beann · 7 months
I am literally having the worst day ever, do you think you could write some insanely fluffy Dream for me? I'm talking tooth rotting levels of fluff here.
Rest Now, Wife, Mine
Dream of the Endless x f!Reader
Note: Hi anon! Thanks a ton for the adorable request, I had a lot of fun with it and really hope it helps make your day feel a bit better <3
Synopsis: Morpheus' wife finds their bed far too lonely without him in it, and seeks out his presence to remedy this so she may finally succumb to slumber for the evening.
Thankfully, he is all too happy to oblige.
Warnings: None! Just pure and unbridled fluff :)
Word Count: 1,298
Her steps are silent and her pace slow as she approaches the familiar throne room, sensing even from outside of its walls that it is as close to empty as it is going to get for the evening.
That said, as close to empty as possible for the throne room of an Endless such as Dream was not nearly as empty as one might think, with it being a rarity that he not be found there.
She fights back a shiver as she steps across the threshold, her bare feet suddenly far colder than before, and her majority uncovered shoulders beginning to undergo horripilation at the seemingly inexplicable shift in temperature.
That said, being easy to explain was not a rule that the Dreaming followed, so this was nothing new, and certainly nothing unexpected.
Though, the sudden voice that split the once heavy silence in twain on the other hand, was.
"And what could possibly have you awake at such an hour, dear wife?"
The voice asked quietly, laced with both amusement and even a twinge of concern that had the wife in question smiling softly in spite of her best efforts to not appear excited at the mere sound of her love's voice.
Oh, but she had never been that strong, had she?
He had her wrapped around his finger just as he did the entire realm that he ruled, though he notably reserved the one with the ring for her and her alone.
She padded up toward his throne quietly, not willing to answer his question until she was close enough that her voice might not reverberate so loudly off of the palace walls.
Some words, she had decided long ago, were for her husband and her husband alone.
Upon her eager approach, the Lord of Dreams could not help but raise one of the corners of his mouth at the mere sight of her, holding his hand out at her nearness to guide her to stand before his crossed legs as he reached gently to take her other in his own as well, making a mental note of how chilled her extremities felt due to the cool night air of his throne room.
He watched as she slackened slightly at his familiar touch, her body always so happy to find him near in a way never ceased to have his heart all but melting at her feet.
What a disastrous little thing she was, truly.
He could never love another.
As her form relaxed at the feeling of his hands on hers, so loving in spite of the power that they held, she could not help but yawn softly, eyes growing teary as her ease allowed the weight of the day to truly set in.
Her dearest Dream Lord smirked up at her, his brow raised knowingly and his eyes twinkling as he watched her fight off the eternally tempting wiles of sleep.
What a sweet little thing, so helpless in her battles against her own biology that it was entirely too amusing to ignore, and always far too entertaining to neglect to bear witness to.
"You are tired, my dear."
The Lord of Dreams stated matter of factly, tugging his beloved closer using his soft grip on her hands so he could properly brush some of her hair behind her ear, a gesture which caused her eyelids to flutter closed briefly before they snapped open once more, her fight against herself not yet over in her eyes (though Dream could see clearly in the way that she swayed on her own two feet that there was already an obvious victor).
He chuckled quietly, shaking his head,
"You need to rest, sweet stardust. Let me bring you back to the bedroom."
He spoke gently, rising to guide her back to their soft and familiar bed only to halt when he heard her reply.
"No, I don't want to go back, you're just going to leave once you think I'm tired enough not to follow."
The Dream Lord faltered upon hearing this, raising a questioning brow in response before lowering himself down upon his throne once more, though this time he pulled his wife right along with him, sitting her on his lap in order to get a better look at her exhausted expression.
He frowned.
"Have you been staying awake on purpose, my love? Lying in wait for me as you promised you would not do?"
She shook her head, but he could see the way that the blood rushed into her cheeks as she tried to explain, embarrassed to admit the things that she had to in order to quell his worries of any intentional harm having been done.
"No, of course not, I just..."
The Lord of Dreams hummed and brought one hand to her back, rubbing up and down along her spine and feeling her lean against him unintentionally in response, her bones heavy and all too prepared to sink into whatever comfort they could find.
"You just what, dearest?"
He urged, causing his lover to nod blearily in response, slowly coming back to reality again.
"I just find that sometimes I cannot bear to sleep alone, that the bed feels far too wide and empty without you in it."
Dream fought back a slight smile upon hearing this, feeling more than a little bit proud to know that his wife could rely upon him enough to truly need him so (though he was notably unhappy to hear that this was causing her any amount of unnecessary strife).
"And is tonight one of those nights, beloved?"
He asked, watching as she nodded, her head lolling slightly upon her neck as her overworked muscles struggled to remain in control over her all too tired body and mind.
"Poor thing,"
Dream all but purred in response, adjusting his love upon his lap until she was leaning against him, breaths warm on his neck and body seeming to grow heavier by the second as the feeling of his familiar closeness drove her into a type of ease that was felt only at a lover's closeness.
"That will certainly have to be remedied, won't it?"
He murmured against her ear, feeling her shiver in response, nuzzling closer with a nod as he gathered his coat that had been hanging on the back of the dais behind him with just one hand, draping it over her body and pressing a soft kiss against her head as he felt her begin to drift off into a much needed and far too well deserved slumber.
"Rest now, wife, mine."
He said softly, feeling his dearest love smile gently against his skin at his familiar words and the use of his favorite (and almost sickeningly sweet) nickname for her,
"I will see to it that no one interrupts you as you do."
If she had been more awake, perhaps the woman would have rolled her eyes or even offered a sarcastic retort in response to her husband's dramatics, but instead she simply nudged herself closer, pressing a gentle kiss against the pale flesh of his neck before she drifted off for the very first time that night, feeling truly safe in the arms of her most adoring love.
And when morning arrived, and the throne room became far less uninhabited, the two of them made for quite a sight, indeed.
After all, who would have thought that the Lord of Dreams might choose to sleep simply to live life as his dear wife did, his cheek pressed gently against her head and his arms wrapped around her as slumber found them both, pulling them closer together, ever still, in the very same way that they belonged now, and always would for the remainder of eternity, and perhaps even beyond that.
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dragon-kazansky · 2 months
When the raven calls
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Morpheus x Female Reader
You, his raven, die protecting Jessamy while rescuing the Dream Lord. When Morpheus returns to his realm, he mourns your loss, only to find a stranger waiting for him in his throne room. The stranger claims to be you, now in human form. He doesn't understand, but his raven will always watch over him.
{Previous Chapter}
Chapter Thirteen - Glass heart
Morpheus moves his head slightly to the side so he can see you over his shoulder in the corner of his eye. Your voice was soft, and he would linger on it if he wasn't so... upset about you leaving.
"I did not say you could go to her."
You can hear the warning tone in his voice. To anger the dream lord was never a good idea, and you hadn't intended to anger him, though knowing what you did what do as much.
"I know. But, I cannot allow you to kill her."
"She is the vortex. She could destroy everything." He turns so he's facing you properly.
"Maybe she won't!"
"I'm not talking the chance to find out!" He raises his voice. "She has the ability to destroy everything. Everyone." His voice goes soft at the end.
"She's barely an adult. It's not fair..."
"When did you come to care so much about the mortal?" He asks.
"When I found out what you intend to do." You look him in the eye. "I am asking you to find another way."
"There is no other way."
"Kill me in her place. There must be some way I can swap places with her." You say desperately.
He stares at you. The silence is heavy and you have to wonder what's going through his head.
"Kill you...?" The words part from his lips in an almost whisper. He can't believe you would ever say such a thing.
"I have died for you before, I would do so again. This time, I offer my life for hers." You say, standing firm.
He still can't believe what he's hearing.
"My lord-"
"I will never take your life. Ever. Do you understand me? Not for any reason. The day you died... a piece of me died with you. Even after we met again in your new form, the image of you on the floor... in your own blood, it never left my mind. I swore to myself I would never let that happen again."
You stand there, tears threatening to fall.
"My lord... I cannot stand idly by while you dare take the life of a young woman who only wants her family back. If... if you're going to go through with this... I shall never forgive you."
Morpheus swears his heart shattered. No words have ever hurt so much. At least, n words from you had ever hurt him so much.
He can't find it in him to argue with you, to fight with you. If he must live with your anger toward him for the rest of time, so be it. He accepts this punishment.
You're not quite sure how to feel right now. You didn't think he would just accept your words. Did he know you were just upset not actually going to hold this over him forever? You're not entirely sure.
"Fine." You repeat.
You walk away.
Morpheus watches you go.
You sit in the library. Perched on the table as you stare intently at the books on the shelf in front of you. Your leg swings restlessly back and forth.
You're agitated, anxious, upset.
There was no stopping Morpheus, and you had told him you would never forgive him, but you know deep down that wasn't true. You loved him too much to ever stay angry at him forever. It was hard to be eternally angry at him, you were sure of it.
However, in this moment, you were still upset with him.
Lucienne walks in and finds herself confused by your appearance in the library. She glances around to find you here alone.
"Are you alright?"
Startled by her voice, you look up quickly and stare at her for a few moments. Your mind settles and you look back at the books.
"Fine. Just fine."
Lucienne is unconvinced by your words and comes closer. You resist meeting her gaze again as she comes to stand in front of you, blocking your view of the bookshelf.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
You sigh softly.
"Lord Morpheus found me and told me he was still going to go ahead with killing Rose... I... I don't want him to. I don't want him to kill anyone."
Lucienne's expression softens. "What else?"
"I... told him I would never forgive him if he went through with it."
"Oh, come on now. We know you didn't mean that."
"I think he believed it." You tell her softly.
Lucienne looks slightly concerned. She reaches out and takes your hands in hers. You lift your gaze to meet her eyes.
"Lord Morpheus is a stubborn old fool who still follows a lot of the old ways. But if there is something I know for certain about him, it is he cares deeply for you, and he would never do anything that would ruin that bond you both share. I am certain there is another answer to play here. We just need to find it."
You say nothing as she let's go of your hand and turns ro her books.
If only you could believe her words.
Unity Kincaid has fallen asleep. She finds herself in a grand library, her hand brushing against the spines of the books that sit on the shelves next to her.
She is searching.
Lucienne sees the woman searching among her books and approaches her. "May I help you?"
The library doesn't often get visitors from dreamers.
"Oh, yes, please. I'm looking for a book."
"We have every book ever written, as well as those yet unwritten." Lucienne says proudly.
"I'm looking for the story of my life, had things turned out differently." Unity says.
"I have detailed accounts of sleepers' dreams."
"No. No, thank you. I've had more than my fair share of dreams." She tells Lucienne. "I want to read about my unlived life."
"I'm not entirely sure we have those volumes."
"If you have every book ever written, and every book that will ever be written, it must be around here somewhere." Unity says.
She walks to the opposite shelf and spots the book immediately. "There I am." She pulls the book from where it sits and opens it.
"You're Unity Kincaid? Rose Walker is your great-granddaughter?"
"Yes. How'd you know Rose?" Unity asks.
Lucienne looks at Unity with a column expression.
"Death is not always such a bad thing." Morpheus tells Rose. They stand in the lands that were once full of beautiful meadows. "You could stay here if you like. My raven was once a mortal."
Though he referred to Matthew, his mind thought of you. You had never been mortal. You just appeared as one. He had to shake you from his mind for now.
You would never forgive him, even if Rose accepted his offer.
"Wait! Sir!" A voice calls out.
Gilbert comes running over.
"Gilbert? What are you doing here?" Rose asks, confused by his sudden appearance. She did not yet know of his true identity.
"This is Fiddler's Green." Morpheus says.
"You? You're a Dream?"
"I am." Gilbert nods. "I, I left my post here to experience life as a human being." He explains. "A life which I humbly offer in exchange for yours."
Morpheus feels his heart sink. You had tried to do the same. His Dreams were all trying to protect Rose Walker.
"I'm afraid that's not possible." Morpheus states. "For the Dreaming and the waking world to live, the vortex must die."
"Then what's the point of a vortex?" Rose asks. "Why do we even exist?"
"Honestly..." Morpheus can't answer for even he doesn't know.
"I have a theory," Gilbert starts. "When a human is at the center of the Dreaming, is it not to remind us that we exist because humans dream, not the other way around? The miracle of humanity itself should always be more vivid to us than any marvels of power."
"I cannot find it in my heart to punish you for leaving Fiddler's Green. But it is time you took up your appointed position once more." Morpheus says fondly.
"It would be my honour, sir. It was enver my intention to abandon my role."
"What was your role? Who were you?" Rose asks him.
"Oh, my dear, Fiddler's Green is not a who. It is a where. I was not a person. I was a place." He explains. "And after your death, of you stay in the Dreaming, visit me. Walk in my meadows and my green glades. Rest beneath my trees."
Morpheus smiles slightly at his friend.
"Farewell, Rose Walker. It was a privilege being human with you."
As Gilbert opens his arms, his form begins to drift apart, turning into many many butterflies that fill the air. The ground turns green with luscious grass, and the hills become full of life. The area is so green and beautiful.
It truly is a dream.
Morpheus stands there and looks at the young woman in front of him. If there was any other way he would take it. He didn't want to her hurt her. He didn't want to hurt you.
"I do not wish to take your life. But we all have responsibilities and this is one of mine."
Thunder rumbles in the distance.
"I am sorry."
"Just do it." Rose says. "Whatever it takes to save my brother and my friends. I'm ready."
Morpheus raises his hand, much like he did to the Corianthian. He stares at Rose, watching the way she accepts her fate.
Morpheus turns and sees you standing there. You look flushed as if you had ran here. Behind you is Lucienne and a woman he does not recognise.
You stand between him and Rose. His eyes stare into yours with longing.
"Unity?" Rose looks at the other woman. Morpheus can't bring himself to look at anyone other you.
"This is Unity Kincaid," Lucienne says. She's not entirely sure the dream lord is listening, but he is.
"I am Rose's great-grandmother."
Morpheus moves his eyes from you to her. You remember to breathe now you are no longer looking at his deep, beautiful eyes. You find your footing and glance at the other women, trying hard to focus.
This tension between you and Morpheus was growing, and you needed to control yourself.
"According to this book, I was meant to be the vortex of this age." Unity holds up the little book.
When Lucienne found out who Unity was, they went through the book together. Lucienne did not hesitate to come to you and explain everything, stating there may yet still be a way to save Rose and fix your problem with Lord Morpheus.
"But because you were imprisoned and locked out of the Dreaming, that fate was handed down to my descendants."
"I don't understand," Morpheus mutters softly.
"You're not very bright, are you?" Unity sighs. "Come here, Rose."
Rose goes over to Unity. "I want you to reach down inside yourself and give me whatever it is that makes you the vortex."
"But how?"
"You're dreaming, darling. Anything is possible." Unity tells her softly.
Rose looks down at herself and then carefully inserts her hand into her chest. You watch with baited breath as she searches for that thing. Slowly, she pulls out what appears to be a glass heart with a storm swilling inside of it.
A heart you had seen before.
Unity takes it and holds it in her hands. "Thank you, Rose."
Morpheus regards the heart and then looks at Unity.
"I am the vortex now, Dream King, as o should have been long ago." Unity exclaims. "So, leave my great-granddaughter alone."
Unity looks down at the heart. Everyone else does, too. It begins to crack in her hands. A blinding light floods out of it, and Morpheus has to catch Unity to stop her from falling.
"Unity?" Rose speaks her name.
"What happened?" She asks.
Morpheus looks at her gently and speaks to her in a calm and soft voice. "You died. So that Rose might live."
"I'm so sorry." Rose looks at Unity with despair.
"No, don't be. I'm not." Unity tells her. "I was meant to have died a long time ago, Rose. But if I had, I would never have met my golden-eyed man, and we would never have had our beautiful baby girl, and you would not have been born."
You look at Unity with a sense of dread.
The look on Dream's face tells you he knows too.
"Wait, the father of your child had golden eyes?" Morpheus asks.
"I've never seen anything like them." Unity says.
"I have."
"Goodbye, Rose, darling." Unity says. They hug.
"You and your brother are children of the Endless. You have suffered enough." Dream tells Rose. "You may leave this place. Goodbye, Rose."
Rose wakes up.
You ruffle your feathers as you perch on your bed. He had kept the room. Despite everything, he kept the room. You were kind of glad.
Though you still weren't sure you wanted it. You were debating asking him if there was a way to remove your human form completely, but you were too scared to ask.
Dream was currently in his sibling's realm dealing with the fact that Desire had sired a child with Unity and had almost made Dream kill one of their blood.
It was a nasty business.
Still, Rose lives. Yet, you find yourself wondering if there was a way to take back your words. Granted, he didn't kill Rose, but you still said out loud you would never forgive him if he had. You can still see the pain in his eyes when you close your own.
There's a knock at your door, and you look at it, startled. Maybe if you keep quiet, whoever it was would leave. You had an inkling he had returned and was seeking you out. You were not ready to talk to him yet.
"I know you're in there."
His voice was like smooth velvet. It was sound you could never tire of hearing. You wanted him to read every book there was to you just so you could lose yourself in beautiful voice.
"Come in." You call out meekly.
The door opens slowly, and he steps in. Morpheus finds himself disappointed to see you in your raven form.
"I told you to get rid of this room." You say, looking up at him through your little beady eyes.
"Yes. I couldn't." He comes to stand beside the bed.
You both stare at each for a while before you speak again. "Did you need something?"
"We need to talk."
You feel dread full your tiny body. "Oh."
Morpheus breathes softly and quietly. "Person to person."
You knew he wouldn't let you hide in your raven form. As a human, you couldn't hide your feelings, your expressions from him. He would see you as you were.
With a flap of your wings, you transform. You sit on the edge of the bed. Morpheus' lips twitch slightly at the sight of you.
Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
He takes a seat beside you on the bed, noteavjng a whole lot of space between you. His coat brushes along your leg. His hands settle between his knees as he looks at you.
"I have come to apologise." He says.
You look at him with caution. He supposes you have every reason to be wary. He does not apologise often.
"I was doing what I thought was right. What needed to be done to protect everyone and everything. To protect... you."
He watches the way your browser creases. The cute little knitting of your brows as you try and comprehend his words.
"I would never forgive myself if I ever upset you beyond forgiveness. You have been my most trusted ally from the very beginning, and without you, I am hopeless. I... I watched you die once. I do not wish to ever see that happen again. Flying off to look over Rose while the Corianthian roamed nearby was not your wisest choice. Nor do I fault you for having a heart."
You drop your gaze to the ground in front lf you.
"I... I wish to have you by my side for eternity. I wish you remain as you are, perfect in every way. I wish to hold your hand and see your eyes as they are now. I wish to call your name and see you smile at me."
He slowly reaches out, and you watch as his fingers slide of yours with such gentleness. His hand slowly cups your own and guides over to his lap where he covers your hands with both of his.
"I wish you to allow me the privilege of falling in love with you as I have recently found myself doing so."
Your eyes find his. His which are so blue and so full of stories and emotions. Your lips part as you stare at him intensely.
"Will you allow me that honour?"
"Huh?" It's the only sound you can find yourself making.
"Will you allow me to spend an eternity making it up to you? An eternity begging for your forgiveness and your affection?"
Dream does not grovel for anyone, but for you, he would get on his knees and beg a thousand times.
"What are you talking about?" You ask softly.
One of his hands leaves yours to reach up and caress your cheek softly. He looks at you so closely. His head is closing in, inch by inch. He is so close. So warm.
"I am asking for your forgiveness."
"You already have it," you whisper.
"Then I ask for your love."
You stare at him. "Love?"
"Yes." The word leaves his mouth so softly. You almost didn't hear it. "Can I?"
You inhale quietly. All those feelings, those new emotions, were starting to make sense. The way your heart ached for him. The way you wanted him to look at you. The way you needed him to speak your name.
You had been falling in love with him from the moment he first touched you in this form.
The way he held you down in Hell. The way he reached for your hand when the Corianthian was threatening everyone. The way he looked at you now.
Morpheus smiles as he leans in the rest of the way and lets his lips meet your own. He wraps his arms around you carefully and pulls you into his chest. He needs to feel you against him.
You return his kiss as your eyes close. Your hands come to rest on his shoulder and bicep. You lose yourself in the feeling of his soft plump lips.
When the kiss comes to an end, he rests his forehead against your own and speaks softly. "It will not be easy, loving an Endless."
"I know," you say.
He smiles. "Yet you'll love me anyway?"
"Yes. I don't think anyone could ever stop loving you, Morpheus."
He chuckles. Perhaps your words are true.
"I will look after you."
You shake your head. "It is not me who needs looking after. You need someone to keep you in check."
You both chuckle.
"Yes. Perhaps I do."
You lean forward and claim his lips again. Morpheus does not hesitate to pull you in close again.
It is true what he said. It was not going to be easy loving Dream. Your love would be tested by ghosts of his past and unforseen circumstances.
However, that's a story for another time.
For now, his love is all yours. And yours is all his. Inevitable.
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eternityunicorn2-0 · 1 year
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Part Thirty-Three
Pairing: Dream (Morpheus) x OC Eternity
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Warnings: Language/Violence/Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: Rescued from his imprisonment not by aid of his siblings nor opportunity, but a mysterious ethereal lady, Morpheus finds himself unable to forget her. Once his revenge against his captures is done and he recovers his tools, he sets out to find the lady that saved him. Strangely, he cannot find her in the Dreaming, but Matthew manages to find her the waking world. So, to the waking world, Morpheus goes to see his rescuer, unaware of what fate has in store for him and for her. A bond unlike any other has born, one that will change them and their lives forever.
NOTE: OC and any other original material is from my up and coming novel series!
Read Here: AO3/Wattpad
Tag List: @elejah-wonderland @darknightfrombeyond @beautyandwords @elijahfangirl1984 @arrthurpendragon
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elejahfanfic · 2 years
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eternity x dream_
@eternityunicorn ✨️
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eternityunicorn · 2 years
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Hello all! 👋👋👋
It’s been a long time since I’ve done announcements on what’s going on, but I do have a few things that I wish to inform you of:
First, I have decided to take down two of my WIPs as they are completely stalled and I am not at all happy with where they were headed. They are Mirror Image and The Path to Atonement. I know I have some readers that really like those stories, but they are officially dead for me, their creator. So I apologize for that.
Secondly, I have been majorly lacking in inspiration to write, a infliction that has lasted months, but I swear I’m still here and I will keep updating the two remaining stories In the Dark and Impending Parenthood (eventually).
Thirdly, I say eventually because I recently watched the Sandman and I might be a little bit hyper-fixated on it. I’ve never read the comics, but the Netflix show was so good. I think that the Sandman finally kicked my creativity back into gear and so, I’m going to be working on a fanfiction for the show, which involves moving my OC Eternity out of the TVDverse and into the Sandman one (for a while). Of course, it’s going to be Dream x Eternity. I mean, obviously…lol.
So yeah, these are the changes and new things to come!
Thanks for all the love and support as always. Much love to you all! ♥️
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Tagging: @elejah-wonderland @darknightfrombeyond @beautyandwords @njeancastro316 @elijahfangirl1984 @bidisasterforben
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darlingdekarios · 11 months
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rating: explicit. 18+ only. length: 3,209 content: Morpheus / Dream of the Endless x f!reader, established relationship, sleep deprivation, mention of medication abuse, angry & possessive Dream, porn with plot, smut [throne sex, oral - giving, fingering - receiving, unprotected p in v]
what you'd intended to be a lesson taught to him Dream of the Endless turns to a lesson for you.
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“Why have you been hiding yourself from me?” the familiar cadence filled your ears before the vision took form before you. The fog cleared, you could easily make out the mess of dark hair atop his head, his skin radiant in the eternal night glow, the stars shining in his eyes. Morpheus, the King of Dreams, perched on his throne as he awaited your response – one that you would have been foolish to think he wouldn’t demand eventually.
You’d last seen him an entire moon past, the weeks the first in eons that Morpheus found himself conscious of the passing time, and while in the larger scale of existence the time that passed meant nothing, to Morpheus, those were the first weeks he felt the pain of a ticking clock. You’d done everything to repress your dreams, to stay away from him, following the argument that the two of you had the last time you were together. The direct cause didn’t matter anymore, all that either of you had clung to was the heart of it all – Morpheus was a petty being. And though you were not Endless like he, that pettiness was only matched by your own.
You’d been taking a cocktail of medications and weed to numb your sleep at first, a successful attempt at withholding your mind from the Dreaming. When even that was overpowered by Morpheus, you’d opted for stimulants to force yourself to stay awake – though you were only human, and the sleep deprivation consumed you into the deep sleep you found yourself in now soon enough. It was never going to be forever, your punishment of him, your attempt at matching his attitude where it was…but you had to hope that it would communicate enough.
“I was dissatisfied at our last encounter in the Waking World, King of Dreams,” you gave your response as your feet carried you up several of the stairs to him, testing his anger. “You were not very kind to me.”
“And so, your response…” he began, his fingers twitching against the arms of his throne. His voice held no hint to indicate just how angry he was, and so you continued up the stairs in hope to make out his porcelain features soon enough. “Was to return my…shortcoming, with cruelty of your own?”
You knew he was likely to pick up on the playful smile that covered your features as it reached your voice – but you also didn’t care. “Precisely, my King. It only seemed fair.”
“Hmm,” he mused, attempting to cover the slight smile behind his voice as well. Though he’d seldom admit it, your quickness to mirror his own behavior when he deserved it often entertained him. “I suppose I did deserve to be withheld from you. And yet, it must be said that this long without you…it has been cruel.”
As he came into your view, the features of his face less indicative than you’d hoped, you approached with slow and intentional steps until you were just before him. Slowly sinking to your knees before him you gazed up between your lashes, your cheeks glowing the exact shade he always loved to see. If he were less angry, less petty, he would reach out to brush his fingers along one now – but the harshness of his mood toward your over-punishment had faltered far less than you’d hoped. Biting your bottom lip between your teeth briefly in nervousness, burning under the intensity of his eyes, you placed your hands experimentally on his thighs, maintaining the apologetic look – one far too innocent to be truly sincere.
“I guess we both have something to be sorry for, hmm?” You inquired as your hands slid higher onto his thighs, voice soft enough to coax him toward relaxation but serious enough to communicate you weren’t going to lighten on your stance. His jaw clenched slightly, the evidence he was still unwilling to falter himself.
“I learned my lesson weeks ago when you were simply numbing yourself from me, little one,” he chastised, his fingers twitching against his throne again as his want to touch you grew. Though he could now speak quietly – only to you – the anger present in his voice was now evident as he knew his words were only for you. “Your behavior these past couple of days…this absolute disregard for yourself…is what needs to be addressed now.”
“Are you angry because you were worried for my safety, my King?”
The question was taunting, attempting to push him into giving into you. With your hands sliding up his thighs as you leaned forward, reaching one hand to work open the button of his pants, it was growing harder to ignore the burn he felt for you.
“I am angry,” he began, eager to communicate what he needed to before his rough exterior completely faltered around you. “Because you threaten to harm someone very dear to me.”
“Those are different words for the same thing, Morpheus,” you taunted as you pressed a meaningful kiss to the top of his thigh, a quiet apology that he already knew you felt. One of his hands finally reached to grasp the hair at the back of your head, pulling you to rise to your knees until your face was mere inches from his. His grasp firm and a stern tone behind his words he leaned forward to brush the tip of his nose against yours, eyes piercing yours as his other hand reached to work his pants free from his waist.
“I do not enjoy being deprived of you,” he asserted as his hand at the back of your head slid to grasp your chin between his thumb and forefinger, an intensity and seriousness behind his eyes you’d never seen before…which was impressive considering intense and serious were in his nature. Behind it all lingered the anger still. “Do not do it again.”
You could barely bring yourself to nod, lost in the endless galaxies in his eyes, your mind desperately trying to focus on his words despite the fact that every cell that made up your body could do nothing but yearn for him. His grasp did not falter, his gaze holding yours still as he leaned forward to claim your lips in a heated, angry kiss, his desperation for you seeping through his every movement. Your hands found their way to his chest, clutching at the exquisite black fabric of the simple sweater he’d adorned himself in that day as you returned his kiss.
You began to trail your kisses down his perfectly smooth neck as he released his hold on your chin, both of his hands finding their way to your shoulders as you found yourself free of clothing. With an impatient tug at his shirt, you nipped at the skin of his neck eagerly, hoping your intent was clear without words. Thankfully, he took your sign to remove his shirt, leaving him gloriously bare before you. Your kisses trailed down the impossibly perfect frame before you until you reached his waist, placing a final kiss on his hip as one of your hands grasped his awaiting cock.
An impatient groan left his chest as his hand found the back of your head again, turning it toward his hardened length as his simple instruction – “open” – filled your ears and mind itself. Every movement he made was indicative of the anger he still harbored for you, and while your mind had to wonder if allowing the Endless his way was beneficial long-term, it was silenced by your fulfilled instinct to wrap your mouth around him.
As much as you loved listening to his voice, the sounds that left his mouth were the finest of them all – particularly the repressed groan that left erupted from his chest as your gaze connected with his once again. Grasping his fingers into your hair he thrust his hips up, pushing his cock further into your mouth and into your throat to urge you forward. Your pleasured moan vibrated through his body, your hands reaching to grasp his thighs as he found solace in the warmth of your mouth. As he began to repeat his thrusts into your mouth, he ensured you held his gaze, drinking in the sight of you coming undone for him – the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as he refamiliarized himself with your mouth, the drool dripping down your chin; perfectly imperfect and entirely for him.
“Don’t you know what you’re doing to me?” He inquired, fully aware that the only response you would offer were your fingernails digging into the tops of his thighs. “I do not wish to be angry with you, beloved.”
With a thrust hard enough, assuredly, to bruise your throat he pulled his throbbing cock free of your mouth, tilting your head back to look at his still-hardened face. Fighting for a proper breath you reached your hands to rest on his on either side of your face, nodding with your lips partially open in confirmation that you understood – pushing him this far was not an option again. He pulled you upward to reconnect your lips to his he kissed you harshly, releasing your face once you’d fully submitted to his kiss to lower his hands to grasp your hips.
Climbing to straddle his waist you immediately felt the intense wave of heat that rushed to your core. A blissful sigh slipped from your lips, your hands reaching to grasp into his tousled hair as ivory fingers slipped between your folds to test how wet you’d become for him. Ending at your clit and rubbing a gentle circle around the nub, there was no holding back your desperate moan which he gladly swallowed into the kiss.
“Although, I do think you enjoy when I’m angry with you,” he proclaimed as he released the kiss, his fingers sliding back toward your entrance to dip his forefinger into you teasingly. “Just feel how wet you are for me.”
Your hips jerked to his again, whimpering quietly at his long finger inside you, curling tantalizingly slow against the velvety patch within you, enjoying the way your mouth fell open for him once again and your eyes fluttered closed. Your hips jerked toward his hand, desperate for anything more he would offer you to take – the Dream Lord was often amused by your greed for his attentions. The friction of his palm against your clit pulled another moan from you, your hands grasping his shoulders desperately to steady yourself without his aid, hoping his hands would focus elsewhere.
Though he adored grasping your hips, he released his hold of you there to slide his unoccupied hand to your chest, cupping one of your breasts delicately as his cold thumb rubbed over your already-stiffened nipple. Somewhat bemused by the goosebumps that erupted across your skin at the feeling he took the nub between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it between the digits carefully before giving a harsh pinch – just as a second finger was added into your wet heat. Rolling your hips, you became keenly aware of the quiet, moaned pleas that were leaving your mouth, though the words sounded so foreign – it was always this way with him in the Dreaming, where nearly everything was too good to be true.
His fingers thrust into you expertly, his memory serving him well to remind him of all the ways to perfectly bend your body to his will until he felt your thighs begin to shake. As your walls clenched around his fingers ever-so-slightly tighter and your breathing hitched in your throat he removed his hand from your core, clicking his tongue against his teeth disapprovingly before leaning forward to brush his nose against yours. Once again, his tone was quiet – eerily resonating within your thoughts, almost as if Morpheus was inside your head, as well.
“Given how you’ve behaved so poorly these last weeks,” he began, his lips brushing yours in a tormentingly light kiss as he spoke. “Do you not think that you should have to beg me for your release?”
“Dream,” you whimpered, using the name only those closest to him seemed to these days, regretting the extra days you’d made yourself stay away from him. Your hips thrust toward his stilled hand, desperate for friction and to release the ecstasy that he’d built in you – though all you were met with was another opaque hum from his chest. “Please.”
You had to admit, you may have deserved the light smile that played on his lips – and despite its lightly sinister nature, you fawned at the realization he was beginning to falter for you. “I do enjoy the sounds of your pleas, little one. Perhaps you have more for me.”
A desperate whimper slipped through your lips as you attempted to seek a full kiss from him, your core grinding against his hand before he pulled it away entirely, grasping his admittedly throbbing cock in his hand. The view of his marble-esque hand around his own cock, languidly pumping himself as his eyes connected with yours, perhaps darker now than you had seen them before, always drove you to new depths of need for him – and you supposed that was quite the point.
“Please, Dream,” you whined, moving your kisses to his angled jaw where you knew he would not stop you. Your kisses trailed to his ear, breaths hot and desperate against the skin as you nibbled at his ear lobe. “I’ve learned my lesson, and I will never deny you again. Please, don’t deny me now. I cannot bare another moment.”
Turning his head to capture your lips in a heated kiss he guided his cock to your entrance, thrusting upward into your well-slickened walls entirely in one motion with a deep, appreciative groan. Your surprised cry bounced off the walls of the large chamber you sat in still, hands grasping at his shoulders as you accepted every inch of him until his velvety head knocked against your cervix. Normally, he would claim you in his bed, enjoying the look of you sprawled beautifully against his dark sheets – but tonight, his show of power included you riding his cock on his throne, knowing it would impart some message into your mind.
“You see how I reward you when you listen,” he groaned, his hand on your hip encouraging you to move your hips against his the moment he felt you adjust to him. With the perfect grind of your waist, he grasped at your hip tighter, his free hand reaching to grasp at the back of your head. Entangling his fingers in your hair he pulled backward slightly, leaning forward to press light kisses up the center of your neck, breathing in the scent of your perfume as he went. “It could be this way always if you simply trusted in my desires for you.”
Unable to refute his argument you nodded as best you could with his grasp on your hair, lifting yourself off of his length temporarily before dropping down, rolling your hips to emphasize the movement. His grasp tightened in both places he held, his hips thrusting up into yours wantonly as he found himself unable to resist the temptation to give into you fully – after all, you were listening to him so well now. You moaned his name – several of his names – as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, your eyes rolling back slightly at the repeated feeling of his cock hitting your most sensitive spot within.
Still somewhat angry he’d had to wait this long to claim you again, his thrusts became relentless, nearly forgetting that it was possible to hurt you too much – not that you would ever complain about what he wanted to give you. Pushing your head forward again he slotted his lips against yours, his tongue immediately seeking the taste he’d missed for so many hours – wondering if you knew that was truly what dreams were made of. You were certain from his pace that in the morning you would wake with bruised hips, unable to go about your usual activities or obligations – though if you’d complained, Dream would assert the only obligation that truly mattered was the one you held to one another.
It never took him long to push you to orgasm when he decided it was time, and now was no exception – your walls fluttering around him with embarrassing speed as your thighs began to shake again. Your moans became lighter, shorter, more feral as your nails dragged down his chest, clamoring for anything to grab onto before they slid back up and around his neck. As your own fingers found their way into his hair and you gave a light tug your ears were filled with a prolonged moan, his head falling forward shortly after to connect his lips above your pulse. His words were quiet, deliciously convincing and seductive directly in your ear – an effect you knew he was striving for.
“Let me treat you as art, beloved,” he groaned, sucking his mark into his chosen spot on your neck. “I wish to paint your walls with my release. If you will permit me that, you may cum for me.”
All you could do was nod, moaning his name in affirmation as your walls clenched around him tighter, silently begging him to reach his end with you. As his thrusts became harsher and sloppier you tugged at his hair slightly again, thighs shaking nearly uncontrollably as his hand at your hip slid to use his thumb to rub circles against your clit. Throwing your head back in pleasure his name left your mouth as slightly less than a scream as euphoria rushed over you, your walls clamping around him as you felt him release ropes of hot cum within you accompanied with a groan.
You collapsed against his chest when you’d both finished, burying your face in his neck and whispering a quiet thank you as his black cloak appeared around your shoulders, shielding you from the cold and wrapping you up within him. Moments later – impossibly fast – you found yourself against the satin sheets of his bed, unbelievable comfort encompassing you as he held you against him with one arm around your waist. Once he was satisfied with your stabilized breathing he reached his free hand to cup your face in his hand, urging you to look him in the eye before exhaustion took you over.
“Do not deny me again, little one,” he spoke, his words gentler than before and yet still firm, his fingers brushing against your cheek tenderly in the gentlest motion he’d offered that night. “My lesson will not be as kind the second time.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” you promised, the choice of words intentionally coaxing a light smile onto his face, reserved only for those who truly held his affections. Pulling you closer with arms around your waist he ushered you to relaxation, watching as your eyes closed again before he leaned forward to place gentle kisses against each of your eyelids.
“I will join you in the Waking World, beloved.”
The night was full of dreams, and your day would be endless reverie.
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sunny-mercya · 6 months
Ordinary Godly
Apollo x Male Reader
Fandom -> Percy Jackson Series
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Percy Jackson, who has fought a variety of Monsters and argued—even battled at some point—with the Godly deities of the mighty Olympus, had expected everything—when stepping into the home of Jason and Will, with the rest of his little friends troop—but nothing like this.
Seeing you, the deity of tranquility and slumber—another brother of Hypnos—for the very first time in actuality—was a weird experience of meeting for Percy.
You had emerged from the Kitchen, baggy clothes—consisted of a large tee with the print of some band name and lyrics quote and pyjama pants—covered in what seemed to be flour and cocoa powder.
Your voice was loud, filled with thrilling excitement of joyfulness. Taking Jason and Will into your arms, hugging them tightly against you and giving each of them more than just a few kisses to the cheeks and head. Nico had been pulled into this as well, suffering through much affection as well.
You're radiating more hyperactivity energy and child like behaviour off, than the emotions you're meant to send out.
Walking into a home, in which Jason and Will had grown up with their two godly parents, which looked so damn mundane humane—that Percy had to take a double check on that Cookie Tin-can, filled with sewing stuff.
It confused him. If they all had learned one thing of being Demigods—half children of godly blessings, which sometimes could be seen as a curse though—that none of the gods and goddesses—their other parentally half—live like a ordinary human.
Always exotic enormously flashy, expensive, but never dare to boring and dull—than a god whose dull and pathetic unnoticeable, could not be worthy for eternity of mighty existence.
Yet, Percy thought, both the house and you are a stark contrast to what they have been told. Simple and ordinary.
»Are we sure this is really a deity?« asked Percy in a hushed whisper, leaning down to Annabeths ear and elbowing her in the side.
»I haven't seen Demosonos personally, but I highly doubt Jason and Will wouldn't recognised their parent.« she whispered back, keeping wary glances at them—some Gods can't be trusted.
Nico who had managed to free himself from the suffocating hug of love, stepped back to them and hissed in the same hushing voice of whispers;
»Do you two have any death wishes? Don't upset them.«
I mean, Percy thought—letting his gaze wander back to you—if we do so, what would happen? Ares, Zeus, Hades, Athena and his own father—Poseidon—are much more scarily and worthy of being called merciless fighters.
You on the other hand, looked—truthfully—weak. Percy could for sure, probably, take you down in seconds.
After all, from what he could gather, you're more than just a minor god—even less than minor, a subcategory inside a subcategory—unworthy to be mention with the same breath of saying Nxy, Hypnos and all the way to Morpheus.
Still, Percy is after all confused to why their Prophecy and Quest is, to seek you out and ask for your help.
Lesser Gods aren't helpful, they're more a nuisance.
»And this must be your other friends? Right? Perseus and Annabeth?« the question was more towards your sons.
You stepped towards the two teens, Will had already pulled Nico away to the Sofa and Jason had gone to the Kitchen, greeting loudly his other dad.
Percy and Annabeth felt both a bit uncomfortable with your vacant stare and the friendly smile on your lips.
»Uhh, It's Percy actually, I don't liked to be called Perseus« Percy didn't know, why of all the things he could say, decided to say this—but he did, mouth being faster than his brain again—and Annabeth elbowed him hard in the rips, a tiny gaps of breath intake left her lips.
The friendly smile never wavered from your lips, nodding at them—they couldn't tell if you had even listen properly, vacant glint still in your eyes—head dropping a bit to the side.
»Aah! You want some tea and Sweets? C'mon, c'mon, now don't be shy you two, take a seat. Will be a dear and help me« clapping your hands, you ushered the two teens to the Sofa, skipping already to the Kitchen.
»I will explain later a bit,« with that being said, Will stood up as well.
Neither of the three said anything, looking around the living room with more interest than addressing the current situation—or more issues perhaps?
»I thought you knew what he is like Nico....I mean with you being Wills boyfriend, you are prone to meet his parents«
»Hey hey, don't come at me now Chase. I only have met Mr. [Surname] like three times and that was in the city.«
»Small tip of advice, don't be so stiff. Relax a little or Pa's gonna worry again« they hadn't noticed Jason, who have come back from the kitchen with a tray of Tea cups and Kettle.
Will following soon after with a Tray of sweets and pastries, setting it down on the coffee table. They both getting comfortable on the sofas—Jason on the main big one, while Will had sat with Nico on the right mini sofa and Percy and Annabeth on the left—again.
Nico instantly following Jasons advice, relaxing his body and sliding just a bit down.
When Apollo had entered the living room, Annabeth and Percy gasped loudly in surprise. Standing up they bow their head or more like, Annabeth forced Percy to do as well.
»Lord Apollo!«
»Since when did you become a Lord? Aren't you a God?« you asked in amused surprise, taking a seat as well.
»Apparently just now, love« Apollo shrugged, Will started to laugh and Jason sighed in disappointment, shaking his head—so much for giving advice to his friend, to not be so formally stiff and causing tension.
The hours passed and Percy and Annabeth had relaxed over the times. Coming to the conclusion that you aren't one of the tricky gods—like Ares—who likes to use them as soldiers.
You asked them various questions, be it about the quest or some daily things; like what's your favourite TV-Show.
It wasn't long till you slumped, actually passing out from something akin to exhaustion and sleep, body leaning against Apollo—who had long wrapped an arm around you in a protective manner.
Jason stood up, taking your legs and moving them onto the couch. Getting a blanket from the footstool—where are tower of them was stacked—and covering you a bit to the hips with it.
Percy couldn't help himself but to stare at the marks—he first took notice of them when you handing him a gummy-bear—which covers your arms, starting from your wrist and ending somewhere at your neck or collarbone.
He had seen these types of Marks before. Racking his brain for the information he had read about or being told from.
Percy jumped up, snapping his fingers and pointing—accusingly—at you. Head turning to Annabeth and again his mouth had been faster than his brain.
»That's THE DEMON OF OLYMPUS!« he had shouted it so loud, that your body jerked up—stirring awake is what you begun, already mumbling something sleepily out of context.
Apollo moved you quickly into his arms, shushing you gently back to the dreamlands and humming a little tune of it.
A mess had started to erupt between them all.
»I know! It's still highly disrespectful to point that out, seaweed brain!« Annabeth slapped him hard against the shoulder.
»Do you have a death wish, Jackson? Do you want us get killed?« hissed Nico, giving a glare, sitting uptight again and body going absolutely rigid stiff.
The worst part for Percy was probably the disbelieving disappointment frown on both, Jasons and Apollos—though his frown looked more like concealed bubbling anger—face.
Apollon stood up with you in his arms, ready to walk out. Will was about to stand up as well, wanting to go with his father.
»I'll take it from here boys. I expect from you two to inform your friends properly now, to ensure that such outrageous behaviour won't happen again.«
»Wow, way to go Percy. Upsetting one of the kinder gods in just one go.« Will wanted to laugh, to make it seem that it wasn't that bad, but his laugh came more like a strangled cry out.
»How many times did we, did I, told you to keep your mouth shut in more than just one occasion?!« chastised Annabeth, giving him another shoulder slap.
»No, honestly Percy, be fucking glad Pa had another slumber episode of his or you would....I don't know, but it wouldn't be nice.«
»But he's the Demon of Olympus! Isn't he not? The marks of Zeus's banning are a clear sign of it. I don't get why we need help from an evil deity who also deceives everyone to believe he's being known as a lesser god«
»Even for you Perseus, that's a new personal low! How dare you to say such horrible things about my Pa.« Jason stomped off, the anger radiating off and his face slightly red from it.
Will had decided to inform Percy properly about his dad's complete and historical story. He didn't want his parents to be offended—or feel upset and angered—after all they need their help and support for the upcoming—already starting—quest.
You're the brother, a child from Nyx, of Hypnos. It is true, your actual deity personality, form and power is akin to one of chaos—you're a personification of weather—raging storms to be exact—and a sneer of demonic vileness petty violence.
During a darker time in history, Zeus had strikes you with lightning—sealing your actuality, banning them for a balance—and splitting you into what you are now; god of tranquility and slumber.
The splitting had also caused a turn in personality itself. Making you more childish, airhead and forgetful. Kindness from you, comes not completely naturally—feeling more forced without meaning to, though you do love and this was a genuine one.
»Yeah okay, but why is Demosonos—uh, [Name], with your father, Will?«
»They're married?«
»You're officially demoted from Seaweed brain to dumbweed brain.« muttered Nico, pinching the bridge of his nose.
»They married for like years and that's because out of actual love and I'm not gonna tell you their sappy love story.«
»Still I don't get how like Lord Apollo, who blends like the sun, is being married freely to someone like him, a actual demonic person«
»I–oh my fucking god, Percy. My dads are married because they love one another, completely smitten they are, how hard is that to understand?!« Will groaned in desperation, taking a handful of biscuits again—had he almost eaten the whole bowl.
And Nico thought, how a great way to upset a God and already dooming their quest in the very beginning.
Jason felt hesitant, as if he were five again and didn't wanted to disrupt his parents sleeps because he had a nightmare, to step into the bedroom.
Respectfully he knocked a few times on the door, before opening it and stepping inside.
The bedroom was almost shrouded in complete darkness, except for the dimmed nightshade next to the bed.
Apollo had acknowledged his son, didn't say anything though—to occupied to lay in bed next to you, hand supporting his head as he drove his fingers through your hair.
A cooled washcloth was placed over your face. You hadn't started to sweat, sign of upcoming fever, but Apollon didn't wanted to risk it—doing a prevention beforehand.
What most, be it his own kind or humans, didn't know is that Zeus lightning strike to you has caused more than just a split personality—created a rift in your health, leaving you vulnerable and weak and prone to sickness.
Apollo couldn't do much about it. Not even with his powers of healing, leaving him a pit of despair and self-hatred whenever you got sick.
»Do you know the actual, not that stupidly outrageous idea of us gods being unfaithful, I mean some truly are, reason, why we have decided to let you and Will and all your other siblings been born from Humans?«
»No,« Jason shook his head, debating with himself if he should sit or lay down next to you, in the end he chose a mix of both.
Jason had sometimes wonders why it always had been that way—being born from humans and a deity—even though gods and goddesses could bear children just as well.
When he had been younger, wasn't all that long ago in his early teen years—memory still fresh in mind and sometimes upsetting him—he had accused his father, they had another argument that day, he never had loved dad in the beginning and being unfaithful to him—cheating with woman's and only seeing you as some kind of trophy.
That day was the only day and time where Jason had seen Apollo with actual anger on his face. The kind of anger which bubbles in you till it turns into hatred and pettiness.
»It's because your dad wouldn't survive the procedure of giving birth and I mind you, the whole explanatory of the aspect itself of how we gods and goddesses giving birth and the many various ways to do so, is chaotic complexing on its own.«
»You mean, dad would die? But you are immortals and immortals aren't meant to die«
»Yes and no. Even though we're immortals of eternity, there are still ways—ancient barbaric ones—to kills us or at least in a sense of us being dead. No, no, Jay, the reason isn't death, he just wouldn't survive.«
Jason furrowed his brows, not understanding what his father meant or trying to tell him.
»You well aware of what happened to your dad, his history. Zeus had strike him down, leaving him in the few hours of unconsciousness—which had caused a spurt of utterly violent storms throughout the land—vulnerable and unable to defend himself against any sort of danger and hostile.«
»Are you trying to tell me that, Zeus had, you know—with dad?«
»Dear lord! Jason! Absolutely not! Don't ever think of such disgusting scenarios and manners again.«
Apollo sighed deeply, not having expected his Son to come to such conclusions. You stirred again, your hand coming up to your face and taking the washcloth off.
Bleary you opened your eyes, trying to make out where you are and who you are.
Apollo, praying silent apologies already, leaning down to you—pressing a soft kiss onto your lips and with a quick whisper of humming lullaby, brought you back into the grips of slumber. Unconscious you rolled onto your side, over to him and into his arms.
»You put him into force sleep! Didn't you told us to never use our powers of sleep in such forceful ways? It's a rule number one!«
Apollo raised a brow at his son, who looked absolutely mortified for a good minute and turned into distasteful disappointment.
»Now now, my son, don't give me such gaze. I too am not proud of what I did, but it had to be done. It's still a sensitive topic and I don't want to cause a distress, disturbance or even distrust perhaps. Now, where was I? Aah yes—«
»So like I said, during the hours of unconsciousness, a wave of sickness rolled over—custody of Pandora's box being opened—and infected painfully your dad. Leaving him, once he had woke up, in a whimpering withering anxiety filled mess.«
»And that's how you meet Dad then, right?«
»That's a story for another, but yes. Anyways, to what I'm trying to say is, your dad is still too vulnerable and weak—sickness prone, to be able to handle the whole procedure of giving birth. I mean we tried it once and only, but.....let's just say, dad still has scars from it. And thus the reason why we and perhaps most of us gods, decided to let our children been born from humans.«
Jason gulped, trying to not choke on his tighten up throat. He hadn't been aware of it, how the true story had happened, but it all makes so much sense now.
The times you got so bedridden, unable to do anything but sleep, that Will cried for days and nights thinking you're about to die from incurable illness.
Or when Will had been still a child, having gotten a nasty flu and you had to take care of Will and him—Jason himself had been in some bad mood the whole week to even consider to help you out as he was the older brother after all—all on your own, because his father had been away for business trips—and you looked so exhausted and ready to pass out any minute, that Jason hadn't even question back then why you took pills after pills and chugged cups of coffee.
Jason understands so much better now, why you never got angry—like he had been, when founding out—when Apollo had intercourse with yet another woman.
He understood why you're so prone to sudden collapse of exhaustion and slumbering sleep during the day or in the middle of doing something.
And then he felt a rush of rage through his blood.
You didn't deserve to be treated like this, to be frowned upon down or with that false kindness the other deities treated you with.
You didn't deserve to either called a demonic being or naively dumbling of airy forgetfulness.
Jason hated it. Hated them, the ones above and those below. How dare they to make you feel so unwanted and filling you with seeds of self-hatred and anxiety—when you give nothing but pure love to him and his siblings.
Jason wasn't blind, his father neither—though the man chose to completely ignore it, when you once again had puffy red rimmed eyes—when you had cried in the bathroom during nights and mumbling things to yourself, Jason didn't want to repeat.
Jason decided, this prophecy wasn't worth it to bring you once again pain and remind you of the haunting past.
If it meant to sabotage the quest, he would do. After all his loyalty and love belongs to only you and not to the greater ones above, who hadn't even the slightest fuck to give about their children.
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