#morticia x larissa x reader
cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
Do you plan on making a part 5 of bend us break us? <3
Cupid Struck Thrice (Bend Us, Break Us Part 5) ~Sub!Morissa xFem Dom!Shapeshifting!Tall!Reader
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Link to Part 1 & Part 4
Summary— After the events of Parts 1-4, in the same AU of Bend Us, Break Us. It’s more of an added fluffy piece dedicated for Valentines Day. Anon Response— Hey Heyy anon!! I don’t know what you meant by part 5, so I made this little fluff piece for you! Hope you Enjoy!! ♥️♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: fluffy fluff, implied past and future smut, physical comfort, sleeping together, implied threesomes, kisses, massaging, caretaking, love and care, etc.
Enjoy (;
After the first proper night that you spent with Larissa and Morticia, everything changed. You three fell into a cycle, one that you all got hooked on quite quickly.
You teased and teased and teased both women, as well as happily fucking them dumb by the end of the night. And the two loved how sore they would be the next morning, especially when they weren’t able to walk properly for an extended period of time.
The more intimate you got with the two women however, the more you realized how much care and love these hard working women were deprived of. Both of them. Larissa worked all day and most of the night to be the very best Principal and mentor, running Nevermore and never letting herself relax or take a break. She practically adopted Enid, adding mother to list of things that she did. Morticia poured her heart into her classes and especially her students, along with being a mother to Wednesday and Pugsley.
And when you realized this, you were even more grateful that these women had entrusted their submission to you. Because now it was more than just sex. You started putting intent behind each act for them. You wanted Larissa to understand that she could take a breath and feel loved, you wanted Morticia to realize how she deserved someone to take gentle care of her, that both women didn’t have to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.
You woke up a little earlier than normal today, it was a good day to remind your two lovers just how special they were. The sun wasn’t up yet, and Larissa and Morticia were still curled up together in bed, as you slipped out of the room.
You grabbed all of your little surprises for the two of them, running around Nevermore with Enid (of course Enid that immediately volunteered to help), placing the little gift bags and wrapped presents in places that you both knew Morticia and Larissa would find them. You then left Enid with Wednesday, as they had a couples day planned, as you headed into town.
Entered the Weathervane and promptly ordered Larissa a vanilla latte and Morticia a black coffee with a pump of peppermint. You got yourself a matcha latte, and with your drinks and the sun now having come up, you headed back to the school.
You stopped by Larissa’s office first, entering to find the blonde already busy working away.
“Morning my little dove…!” You purred, knowing the adjective would get Larissa’s attention.
“Good morning… and hey, I am not little…!” Larissa scoffed playfully.
As she looked up to dig into you playfully, her face lit up at the drinks in your hands. You chuckled and handed Larissa her drink. Larissa accepted, blushing at your effort.
“You didn’t need to, Darling… this and the present I found on my desk this morning…” Larissa sighed lovingly.
She was never good at receiving love and care.
You immediately put your hand up to quiet the woman.
“Nuh uh, I won’t hear it. You deserve to be loved, especially today.” You insisted, “Did you like the gift?” You asked, changing the topic so that Larissa wouldn’t argue back.
Larissa took a sip of her coffee as you asked, and she blushed once more.
“I did, thank you, Darling…” Larissa sighed in content, reaching out her arm to show you the diamond bracelet on her wrist, “It’s really too much, you know…” she sighed once more.
“Nonsense. You deserve to be treated and pampered.” You hummed, placing your things down on the desk and coming up behind the woman and starting to massage her shoulders.
Larissa let out a groan, leaning back into your touch.
“I also found your massage bookings for us on the nightstand… I appreciate it, Darling… but I don’t have the time…” Larissa sighed with a groan at the end as you massaged the knots out of her shoulders and neck.
“We will make the time. Both you and Morticia need it.” You reassured the blonde, giving her a kiss on the forehead before stopping your massaging to Larissa’s dismay.
You picked your things back up and turned on your heels to the woman. Her loving, grateful gaze met yours.
“Speaking of… I need to bring this to Morticia before it gets cold.” You murmured aloud, indicating to Morticia’s coffee.
Larissa hummed with a nod.
“How on earth did we get so lucky with you…?” Larissa breathed out.
Now it was your turn to blush.
“It’s me really who got lucky…” you breathed out with a smile, as you headed for the door.
Larissa rolled her eyes playfully, knowing that this conversation would only lead to a debate.
“I’ll see you at 5?” Larissa asked, referring to the booked massages you had made.
“Yes. Have a happy Valentines Day, baby…!!” You agreed and exclaimed as you left the woman’s office.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Morticia Addams Masterlist
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Anybody accepting poly!Morticia x Larissa x reader smut requests let me know, I got a long request ready to go, a very long one shot or split into 2 chapters, I’m desperate 😩😭
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sireditsalot4 · 2 years
A/N: A little story i came up with earlier today
Characters: Morticia Addams x Larissa Weems x Fem!Reader
“Larissa, remember when we had that tournament for the volleyball team?”
You look at Morticia, “You had a volleyball team?”
“Yes. We were on opposite sides. I played for the scorpions, she played for the snow flakes.”
“I remember that our team won 5/6 games against your team.” Larissa piped up, agitated. Morticia went around her desk and rested her arm on the chair.
“Now, now, I didn’t mean to make you upset dear. I was just remembering the old times.”
“I didn’t know the school had a volleyball team.” You said. You were now curious on why they stopped having it.
“It ran for a year. The council took it away due to it not having enough votes.” Morticia answered. She looked down to see Larissa still in a mood.
“I wish I could’ve seen you two playing.”
“We were great.” Morticia replied, still looking at Larissa. She leaned down, made the other woman look at her and kissed her deeply and passionately.
You looked in awe. You knew she was only doing this to try to make Larissa feel better. It worked 99% of the time.
Morticia pulled away and looked at you. “So, what do you say about sushi for dinner?”
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 7 months
Te Amo
(Larissa Weems x Addams!Reader)
A/N: This is my first series! Also sorry for taking so long to update, im just feeling lazy...
Warnings: None I dont think.
"My little storm cloud I proud of you", father says to me. I just stared at him. I then looked at mother who had a sweet smile and was looking at me with adoring eyes.
"I only accepted to go to Nevermore because Wednesday is going as well." I said flatly to mother and father.
"Speaking of which, would you like to be in the same dorm as Wednesday?" Mother said while looking at me with loving eyes.
I just stare at her with a cold glare before looking out the window to see Nevermore approaching. The car then stopped and mother and father got out while Lurch started to take out my luggage. I just sat in the car waiting until Lurch got all my stuff out and then got out of the car. Keeping a big distance away from my parents.
My parents started to walk into the school, hand in hand with each other which made me want to stab my eyes with my own nails. From that disgusting sight of affection
I proceeded to follow them quietly, my footsteps soft and quiet. After a bit of walking my parents and I all stopped at a large door which I assumed was an office of my new principal. Since the doors were so huge and it was in its own separate hall.
Mother knocked on the door and from the other side there was a soft angelic voice saying "Come in!"
My parents then open the doors and stride in together. As I follow them with a cold and bored gaze, my eyes land on a gorgeous woman. I looked at the gold name plaque that said, "Principal Weems."
"Its been so long Larissa" , mother said with a smile while both of them sit in a chair while I stand in the middle between them.
"It has Morticia." Larissa said with a big smile, too big to be real and sincere.
"Now, we have put Belladonna in the same dorm as Wednesday as requested, she will also have most of her classes with her sister as well." Larissa said while looking at a file. I looked between mother and father and saw them happily smiling which made me want to stick their mouths closed for eternity.
"You hear that my storm cloud?! You and your sister will be together like you used to be." Father said happily. I give him a glare which makes him smile.
"But, we do not want any calls from Larissa saying you have destroyed this school Belladonna Addams." Mother said sternly which makes me give her a small smirk.
Larissa raises an eyebrow at me when mother mentioned destroying a school. I just stare at her with an empty gaze before there was a knock on the office doors.
"Come in!" Weems said before the doors opened and I saw my sister along with a girl with blonde hair and a bit of pink and blue. My sister quickly walked up to me and stood very closely to me. She then hooked her pinkie with mine and I made no move to remove it. Instead I held tighter making Wednesday smile a bit before quickly returning to her signature blank expression.
The blonde girl came up to me, about to give me a hug but I stepped away. My pinkie leaving Wednesday's making her frown a bit.
"Not a hugger, got it." The blonde girl said sheepishly.
"Pardon Belladonna Enid, she is allergic to color as well." Mother said while smiling at the blonde girl.
The blonde girl nodded who's name I think was Enid.
"Belladonna, your sister and Enid will show you to your dorm that all three of you will be sharing and later on I will give you a tour of Nevermore." Weems said with a smile that showed off her pearly white teeth.
I just stare at her blankly before Enid dragged me away with Wednesday following close behind. Leaving my parents and Principal Weems to deal with them.
Enid was talking about the history of Ophelia dorm and saying how Wednesday split half of the room making me smirk a bit.
While Enid was too busy talking Wednesday said Thing was awaiting for my arrival eagerly. Making me nod even though in the inside I was quite happy since I haven't seen him in years.
We then arrived at a door and Enid opened it up excitedly, making jazz hands when I stepped inside. I looked to see a circular window that had colors on one half and just black on one side.
"Where will I be sleeping?" I said flatly while walking to Wednesday's side.
"Ms. Weems has ordered a bunk bed and should arrive when she gives you your tour! So you and Wednesday can have your own side." Enid said with a smile. I just nod before spotting my luggage near Wednesday's bed.
I then walk towards my luggage and start unpacking my things. Just then I heard quiet and soft pitter patters. I snap my head towards the directions of the sounds before Wednesday said something.
"That Thing remember Bella?" Wednesday said bluntly. Herself picking up the bluntness from myself. My bluntness is what I pride myself in.
"I do, such a loud hand and a mystery." I said bluntly before I feel a hand crawl up my shoulder.
"Thing off, you know how I dont like people and things touching my cold shoulders." I said flatly before patting Wednesday's bed to let him know to crawl up on her bed.
"Oh Thing we have your manicures soon!" Enid said while looking at her phone which had a clock. My my, technology has truly grown. Distracting kids from their social lives and brain sucking them in for money.
Thing just bobbed up and down saying yes. Thing then turned to me and held his nails out. Showing him his freshly black painted nails that were about to be repainted because Thing chipped the pain off when Wednesday sent him to find her some crime cases to solve.
"Mine are always better Thing." I smirk slightly before showing Thing my stiletto nails that were painted void black. I then hear a knock on the door making everyone turn to the door. Even Enid who surprisingly heard it since she has been too invested in her brain sucking device.
"Who is it?" Enid shouted from her bed while now going back to her phone.
"Its Weems." I said before standing up and opening the door to see Principal Weems standing there with a big smile.
"You ready for your tour Miss Addams?" Weems asked with her voice that was so soft that it could be coated in honey. I nod before looking at my sister and Enid before leaving the dorm.
"Are you settling in well Miss Addams?" Weems asked me while starting to walk down the hall.
"Horrific." I said bluntly but she smiled. I cursed Wednesday in my head for being so similar to me.
"Im glad, now after this tour I must go back to work but I want you to come to my office at 8pm so you can collect your uniform and schedule for Monday." Weems said while taking long stride that I had to walk a bit faster to keep up.
I just silently agree before she leads me to a big open area.
"This is the quad, where all the students tend to hangout." Weems said with a big proud smile.
I look around before turning to her.
"This quad you are talking about has more then four sides." I said flatly. She just smiled sweetly at me before showing me my other classes.
"Oh my, I almost forgot. Would you like to join your sister in fencing and archery?" Weems said before almost ending the tour.
"I would like to join her in fencing, but not archery. I already excel at that." I said coldly. Weems looks at me with a bit of curiosity in her eyes.
"Well when you come into my office at 8pm I can show you other options." Weems said smiling softly. I just nod before going back to my dorm not looking back once. Knowing the tour was over.
A couple hours later its now 7:50 pm and I start making my way over to Weems's office. Myself still dressed in my gothic attire which consisted of a long sleeve dress which was short and stopped mid thigh. My hands adoring some lace ruffled gloves and my heels clicking as I walked.
I then shortly arrived at two big doors which led inside to her office. I turn to look at a nearby clock and see its 7:59. I then knock on the door. I here a soft "Come in", from inside so I opened the door to see Weems at her desk and typing rapidly on her computer. She then looks up to see who entered her office and saw me which she looked at the time on her computer to see it was exactly 8pm.
"Miss Addams, im glad you arrived exactly on time." Weems states with a smile before opening a drawer to pull out my black uniform that was identical to Wednesday's.
"Now I know you wanted to be in fencing class so I arranged but you need one more encore." Weems said before pulling out a paper which I assumed was the encores I could choose from.
"There are only two you can choose since you joined in the middle of the semester and there are barely any classes left available." Weems smile before showing me the two I could choose from.
Art or music.
"I want art." I said as soon as I saw it. I saw a flash of surprise on Weems's face for my quick reply.
"Are you sure? I teach that class and no one takes it because no one wants the principal to teach them." Weems said a bit sadly. Even frowning a bit.
"I am positive and I do not mind at all." I stated cold to get my point across that I didn't care if she taught that class or not. I wanted to take it and having her teach me was a big bonus.
Weems smiled brightly at me which I didn't't return but so badly wanted to for the first time. But my face refused to do so since im so use to not smiling its foreign to me.
"Great! Our first studio time will be on Tuesday at 5pm. Does that sound good Miss Addams?" Weems asked me while writing down a reminder for herself.
I stare at her gorgeous face, getting distracted. Her ocean blue eyes that could drown me, her red lips that I would allow marks all over my skin. Her wrinkle and smile lines that were so pretty on her face and just enhanced her beauty. Her neatly done hair that I could only dream of seeing down and raking my fingers through it.
"Miss Addams, are you alright?" Weems said a bit concerned. I snapped out of my daze to realize that she was now standing infront of me with a concerned and worried face.
"I have been calling you for five minutes Miss Addams, are you alright?" Weems said concerned. I looked up her, her height making me weak in the knees.
I then snapped out of my daze and looked back down. I looked up at her again to see those worried eyes that I so badly want to look in them forever.
"I am alright Principal Weems." I said cold. Returning back into my cold and static blunt self. Weems didn't seem convinced but didn't push any further.
"If you say so, but if you need anything dont be ashamed to ask for help. I know how you Addams are." Larissa laughed softly at the end. I just stare at her.
"As we have nothing else to talk about I shall take my leave." I said standing up from the chair and going to leave before I heard a soft "goodnight", from her. Which made me give the smallest smile before leaving.
The next day I wake up from my horrid nightmares and to the blazing white moon that kissed my pale skin. I look around to see Enid laying on her bed still asleep in an awkward position. I see Wednesday asleep right next to me since the bunk bed didn't arrive in time so we had to share.
I quietly got out of bed and stayed in my black nightgown. I checked the time and it was only 5:34 am so I decided to wander around the halls of Nevermore.
It was still dark, the halls eerie. The moon still in the dark night sky. My light foot steps quietly pattering against the cold stone floor.
I then look to see the lights of Weems's office is still on. Strange, its 2:38 am and she is still awake doing her work.
Should I go in there and tell her to sleep? I asked myself. I quickly shake that thought. Im an Addams, I'm not supposed to care. That word care alone wants me to rip my insides out again and again.
I decided I wouldn't go into her office and I would just go back to my dorm, and thats exactly what I did.
I entered back into the door to see the two still asleep. Enid snoring like a chainsaw while Wednesday made no sounds.
"Thing." I said quietly. Thing then peeks out from under Wednesday's bed.
"Go make sure Weems sleeps." I said bluntly. Thing then taps his fingers. Seemingly wanting to get something out of this.
"New hand cream now go." I said before laying back on Wednesday's bed. My eyes closing and my ears tuning in the sounds of Thing's patters while he makes his way to Weems's office.
God why do you care about some dumb Principal that is amazing beautiful!? Being in love is a curse! This is just some silly attraction that will go away soon Belladonna. I argued in my head. I huff before shutting my eyes and letting the peaceful darkness overtake me.
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v3nusxsky · 1 month
Can you write Morticia x Larissa x Reader where reader (0-3) (also a shapeshifter like Larissa and shifts when she regresses) is their wife/little and when reader regresses they take her to a pumpkin patch and come home and carve the pumpkin and just loads of fluff and cuteness, please?
Pumpkins day out
*authors note~ AND IM BACKKKKKK! hey y’all okay so this is small intro to being back activly posting now I feel my life is in somewhat order and let me tell you I’ve missed you guys sm. I’ve read every comment ask and dm of kind words and I’m so grateful for y’all being so patient with me! Let’s get it started, imma tweak this one ever so slightly but I just wanna say I love when you guys tell me what you want me to write next as it helps keep me focused and insuring you guys are getting content you want :)*
Trigger warnings~ Agere? Little fem shapeshifter r, mommy morticia, momma Larissa (everything that occurs has been spoken about when r is in her age appropriate head space)
Prompt~see ask^^^^^
(Banner to be added)
Distressed muffled whimpers carried themselves into the principals office alongside the pitter patter of tiny feet indicating your presence was imminent. The two occupants being your wives or rather care givers in this head space. It’s not uncommon for the two elder women to wake before you especially after your late night antics that resulted in you slipping off to sleep in sub space. It was almost routine for you to wake up in little space. Being a shifter allowed your body to lean into your headspace meaning they were almost always greeted by a darling little girl ranging from infant to toddler ages.
Like clockwork your little body came barrelling in through the mahogany doorway and straight into your mommy’s awaiting arms. Her long flowy onyx dress providing the perfect sensory input to help calm your little state. Her words dripping in smooth silk as she stood to full height swaying you gently in her arms as Larissa watched on with an adoring smile. Her two loves looking ever so naturally them always brought her a sense of peace she could never recreate no matter how much she tried.
The fall always created a beautiful almost picturesque landscape of the Nevermore grounds at this time of year. The chill of autumn air being a welcomed change from the blazing heat as Augusts final goodbye. Students of Nevermore spending their time acclimatising to dorm life, new schedules and a whole new academic year. Far too busy to notice what wholesome activities were occurring in the office.
“Momma” you sniffed effortlessly breaking the blonde out of her own thoughts. “Yes little pumpkin” she whispered before attacking your cheeks with sweet kisses. Your infectious giggles causing Tish to let a small smile grace her lips as she found the desired outfit for the day. “Mommy momma me go gets jack-o’-lantern from patch” your excitement practically vibrating from your small frame. “Oh is that so little love? It can’t be that time already can it?” She pretended to ponder, searching her very organised calendar for your initials scrawled in a beautiful heart shape.
“Mommy” you whimpered as Larissa still continued to not see what was so clearly labelled causing the raven haired woman to tut in response, “don’t tease my sweet girl Larissa darling” before easily scooping you up and giving the order to get ready for your yearly traditions. “Momma was teasing baby, we are going to find our pumpkins don’t you worry little pumpkin” Tish reassured before loudly whispering about visiting the weathervane without the blonde if she wanted to tease you.
Unsurprisingly, the whole drive you sleepily clung to morticia as Larissa drove you all to the best pumpkin patch around Jericho. Only when the car stopped did your excitement hit you once again full force. All the pretty colours and leaves being scattered all over the ground, all calling out for you to come and jump around in. “Mommy” you whined as you attempted to wriggle out of the seatbelt by yourself with no success. “Momma” you pouted causing Larissa to chuckle and help get you out of the car where you happily held both their hands. Little giggles filled the air as you crunched the leaves under your little boots, eyes gleaming with pure joy. Both women lost count of how many times you’d run, jump and kick the crunchy fall leaves. Each time a squeal of pure joy and excitement left your little body. It almost broke their hearts to have to refocus your adorable self on the task at hand.
Naturally you had managed to burn yourself out of energy after all the running, jumping, kicking and arguing about which pumpkin you all needed to get. The task of selecting the biggest pumpkin the patch had to offer had taken over two hours with more playful arguments and moments where you’d ran after a falling leaf insisting on catching it for Larissa and Mortica . Now you ended up snuggled into Morticia’s chest being carried to the car with tiny fists rubbing at your eyes as larissa hauled your chosen one to the car. By now the chilled air had Larissa wanting to frequent her favourite place besides Jericho. All the way to the weathervane you snoozed and the two women bantered back and forth about how wrong they were years ago. Larissa had never managed to lose the nickname of stately sequoia tree, morticia remaining the lumberjack and you their precious pumpkin. Hot chocolates secured the women had some how managed to succeed in moving you and the pumpkin into Larissa’s office before arranging the supplies you’d need when you awoke.
Your obsession recently had been black cats so it was easy for the women to find a cute yet Halloween appropriate stencil for you to use. Together they helped you carve and gut the pumpkin while laughing and loving on you. Your little heart filled with a type of joy that you never had as a child. The atmosphere and love was not something you’d had the pleasure to experience until them either. “Fanks best day ever momma mommy I wuvs you” you mumbled as all three of you admired the work of art.
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chaosvillainy · 2 years
My early 2023 in Larissa Weems
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goddessfloresz · 25 days
Her Recovery p1.
ONESHOT ❦︎ (very) [OC] FemReader x Larissa Weems
°° Reader is named Florere Dulcie since I dislike using Y/N when writing. 😓
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" 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎. 𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍'𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚐𝚊𝚢? "
Being part of the Nevermore Family has unleashed something inside of you. The fear of being judged for expressing yourself was washed away once you had taken a step into the academy. For the first time in your life during your early-thirty's, you felt the freedom of expression you had ever so craved for. Being a professor means having the advantage of wearing anything that came into mind, of course it would need to be appropriate for teaching.
It took some time for you to adjust into Nevermore. The first week was quite a hassle since you already had a lot in your hands.. To moving in the teachers dorms, to organizing your class schedule, to designing your classroom, to decide what lessons you would be teaching for the curriculum, gosh there was too many to even decide! Welcome to the career you chose, I guess.. If only you weren't five foot two tall then you would've pursued modeling that kept calling out for your name. And here you are pursuing the job of teaching, to be able to at least inspire youngsters. But the main reason was.. you missed your daughter. You missed taking care of her, missing the presence of a child. In fact, you never thrown out a single picture of your daughter. Why couldn't you call your ex-husband if you're child-deprived? You couldn't, of course. You left your child's life without oh so suddenly.. and probably you were the villain in their eyes, so why would you bother to even try? Having this motherly instinct led you to Nevermore Academy to teach with passion. No wonder the students had immediately added you to their favorites list.
..Feeling as if Nevermore was your home.
You were plain, nothing special looked on you, you were 'normal' when you first set foot into Nevermore for the job interview. The observant principal took notice of how you drastically changed into this 'fashionista' that the staff and students had called you, because of basically how you had started to literally turn Nevermore into your fashion show. There was not a single day that you didn't capture anyone's attention..
There was just something about printed leopard clothing that set your heart ablaze, it was as if it was made just for you to wear. Especially the fur coats that you'd always love to wear during seasonal winters. Not to mention, you'd always have an eye for vintage fashion. You even made sure your hair had the style of Hedy Lamarr, an iconic Hollywood actress. It took almost six months of working in Nevermore to bring this celebrity or rather.. outcast out of you.
..And that made Larissa feel nothing more than proud of you because of your improvement.
Compliments never failed to make you flattered no matter how many times you've had received it from your students and faculty staff. It has been six months working under Nevermore, and it already feels like you know this place like the palm of your hand. This Academy was full of secrets waiting for their discovery and you were more than proud to figure out just that. But working for Nevermore also has its ups and downs.. For example; The murder of Rowan, one of the Academy's students. Gosh.. it never failed to give your skin goosebumps just from the thought of it. You were always late by the news of on-going happenings inside the school grounds, only being updated when your co-workers talk about certain topics. Plus, the fact that Wednesday Addams never failed to make the principal's blood boil.
Just as you thought everything chaotic was dying down, you were so wrong.
..Here you are, visiting Principal Weems's quarters in Jericho's Hospital for the third time in a week. Praying to the deities that she'll recover from the hell she just had experienced. If only that darn Marilyn Thornhill was caught earlier. You were worried like it was the end of the world when you had miraculously arrived just on time because of some rising voices inside the botany teacher's room. Greeted by the fact that the Principal's mouth was foaming, with her body fully paralyzed from whatever injected serum was stabbed on her.
If only.. if only you were not the type of woman who would shy away from their love interest. Then you would've spent more time with the apple of your eyes..
It as was if you regretted every single decision you made to avoid Larissa in any way because you simply had feelings for her. The whole semester was on pause because of this certain situation.. like how the whole academy stopped functioning for a certain while. Just as if you were sulking the fact of your awful decisions in life, blaming yourself in every possible way. You stopped on your tracks when the door to the principal's hospital room was half open. Taking a small peek before completely opening it, you couldn't believe your eyes that your co-workers had arrived and gathered before you.
Your eyes widen a bit when you heard a particular voice, none other than belonging to Principal Weems herself. Talking amongst the crowd almost sorroundings her bed.. Thank the heavens above for being able to hear your goddess's voice once again!
" Ah, Miss Florere, you've arrived just in time! " One of your co-workers welcomed your arrival with open arms. All heads turning unto you as you stood frozen still unto the door frame, including the head of a particular blonde. Your eyes immediately landing on eachother, taking note of her pale and natural look.. " You're more than welcome to come in, Miss 'Dulcie'. " The maiden name of your mother immediately snapped you back unto reality. You almost totally forgot that you had changed your complete identity when you decided to use your mother's maiden name than use the 'Gustavo' name. And gosh.. the way Larissa almost held you in chokehold by simply tapping her tongue to pronounce your name. This woman will surely be the death of you someday..
" Of course.. " you replied with a stutter as the blush on your cheeks grew and stepped a foot inside as you closed the door from behind. The atmosphere was comfortable and cheerful, despite the gloomy background still being there. But set that aside, everyone was here for the principal's quick recovery after all. It honestly surprised you because you almost saw her die before your eyes..
This certain situation made you feel at ease and relief now that Larissa's health has been stabilized.
Watching everyone talk comfortably to Principal Weems made you unable to contain that smile. Making your heart swell as you listened attentively on their conversations. " Regarding the second semester, please notify the students that it'll be postponed until further notice. We must prioritize the students mental health recovery from everything that has happened within the school grounds. " Her strong British accent quickly making anyone listen inside the room. Gosh.. this woman had just woken up from slumber and already thought about a strategy regarding the schools administrations? What is she even doing during her sleep, work? But not to mention, it was still pretty impressive. As expected from Principal Weems herself..
" Oh set the responsibilities aside, Principal Weems! Please.. focus on your recovery also. " A sentence that made almost everyone nodding their head, " Not to mention.. Miss Florere here got everything under control when you were gone. " Your co-worker said with a smile as all eyes were on you for the credits. You couldn't help but giggle slightly before replying, " Oh please.. Its not much of a big deal. I just made sure to send each of the student's parents some letter regarding the incident. Explaining everything they needed to know and give some reassurances on their child's education inside Nevermore Academy.. " You couldn't help but glance at Larissa who seems to have a pleasing smile and seeming to notice the way her tense body relaxed.
" Not to mention, Miss Florere here made sure to bring you some flowers everyday. "
" It's the least I could do.. " You couldn't help but mutter shyly as you lowered your gaze on all the credits you've received. Unknowingly that all of the little things were noticed by the staff and we're exposed to the Principal itself. Larissa couldn't help but grow her smile more, seemingly applauding you silently as you felt her gaze bore unto you. But her gaze quickly returned when conversations seem to spark again.. and there you were behind the crowd, flattered by all the credits you had received.
As time passes by, the nurse had came in the room to remind the dear visitors about the curfew regarding visiting hours. Which made that gloomy atmosphere somehow seep in upon the reminder.. It was honestly a hard thought that you would be leaving this woman all alone for the sake of recovery. After few more conversations, the staff had decided it would be best to leave earlier to avoid some scolding from the medical health workers. You were the last to leave.. making you stop on your tracks once again when you heard Larissa's voice from behind.
" Professor Dulcie.. for a moment? " The only woman who called you by your mother's maiden name.
" Yes? " You turned around, breath immediately hitching as you made eye contact with her beautiful blue orbs.
" Would you fetch me my laptop? And perhaps other things like.. anything that could cure my boredom during my recovery. Could you bring my items tomorrow evening? " Her voice ever so gentle and soft, making you almost immediately melt on the spot.
" Of course.. anything for you, Principal Weems. " The last sentence was totally unplanned, it came out of your mouth automatically. Was this the effect by being under her gaze?
In which, Larissa responded with a giggle. Making your eyes slightly widen from realization of what you had just said. Gosh you are more than exposing yourself! But my gosh.. her giggle was beautiful too, almost making you weak on your knees. You wished you could hear it everyday..
" I'll take note of that, Professor. " She replied with that pearly whites of hers.
That certain interaction replayed in your head, because you were sure that her reply had a hint of playfulness. Or where you just being delusional? But oh well.. this was it. The start of getting to know Larissa, and aim for establishing a friendship with her. After all that happened in a blink of an eye? That you almost lost the source of your heart beat? You were now firm with your decision to establish a friendship with the Principal of Nevermore Academy. Or possibly.. even more than friends.
In fact, you couldn't sleep last night. Larissa's reply kept ringing into your head like a bell.. it was the reason behind your sleepless night. You were certainly aware that you were acting like a complete teenager girl fan girling over some 'stupid' crush. But oh dearest Larissa was more than 'just a crush'. She was your muse, your goddess.. you are so in love. And you aren't denying it anymore.
You carefully gathered everything essential unto the desk of the principal. Her laptop, her documents, her notebook and pen, the clothes and hairpins she needed once she got fully healed, her hygiene kit, and.. her signature red lipstick? Of course, you thought that it would be better to bring it. Since you've barely seen her never wear the red lipstick, thinking that every woman has her comfort, and the red lipstick was exactly what you think Larissa needed. You couldn't help but feel something was missing.. but you were also sure you've gotten everything important. You shrugged that thought off immediately when you've checked every stuff needed, and packed it into this large leather bag of yours. You wouldn't be bothered if you left it into the possession of Larissa. As you said.. you would do anything for this woman.
The Principal's face lit up once you've finally showed up into the hospital quarters.
" I've got everything. " You tried not show how nervous you actually were. Because you were unsure if you even got the essential things she requested and needed.
" Thank you so much, dear. " You couldn't help but blush at the pet name, as you basically helped set up the laptop on her bed desk. Seeming to notice that she was way more lively than usual.. it seems like she's recovering real well. Which made you unable to hide your smile at that thought, because that's exactly what you were wishing for.
As silence crept in, you hesitated for a moment to start a conversation as Larissa was now focused on turning on her laptop. Staring at her signature red lipstick inside the bag, you were practically fighting demons inside of you to make such a decision that took so much courage..
" I don't think the principal would survive without her red lipstick.. " You cracked a joke as you showed her, her signature red lipstick. Larissa couldn't help but raise a brow as she looked at you, but the moment she layed eyes on her lipstick she couldn't help but smile ear to ear.
" Hm? How did you know? " The blonde replied to your joke with a giggle, seeming to ride with your joke. You couldn't help but giggle in reply too, handing her the red lipstick as the blush on your cheeks grew.
" My dear professor.. I can't apply my lipstick without a without a mirror. " Larissa said as she opened her lipstick, her gaze running back to you. " Oh right! I think I got it..- Oh. " You immediately turned around to clutter inside the bag over nothing. So that's what you were missing, a mirror.
" I-I'm sorry, Principal Weems.. I don't think I have brought any- "
" Can you help me put it on? "
" ..What? "
" What I meant is.. May you please kindly help me apply the lipstick, Professor? "
𝙰/𝙽: Soo, this chapter is almost inspired by a fanfiction I've red in AO3, I've sadly forgotten the title and name of the author.. Hope you enjoyed this one! Honestly speaking; I discontinued this due to academics work load.. it was supposed to be a full available book in Wattpad. And I can't find the right time to do it sadly.
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inlovewithgreta · 1 year
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Lovers — Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You get caught pleasuring yourself alone without telling the two women in your life, and in return, you get a punishment that is full of pleasure.
Warnings: Praise, degradation, mommy kink, spanking, edging, squirting, marking, cunnilingus, fingering, overstimulation, etc…
Word Count: 4.6k
a/n: if you would like to be part of my taglist, do let me know! I’m so excited to post this oneshot, I’ve never done anything with three people before so this is a first for me. I hope you lovelies enjoy and have an amazing day! ♡
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
Today was a quiet day in the mansion. Staff was gone for the weekend, Larissa was at work, Morticia was reading in the library, and you were in the bedroom. You had told Morticia you were lying down for a nap, but that was not the case whatsoever.
Your mind had been having dirty thoughts. Dirtier than usual. The two women in your life have been doing other things, leaving you completely touch starved. It had been what felt like ages since either of them had laid a finger on you, and the heat rising between your legs was far too much to ignore any longer.
Grabbing the small bullet from your nightstand, you rested your head back against the silk pillowcase as you dragged the now vibrating toy down your naked body.
First, you toyed with your erect nipples, circling the buzzing toy across your chest, allowing each vibration to go straight to your core. You were already a moaning mess before you even reached your center.
Your legs were spread as far open as possible, the cold air along your dampened cunt creating goosebumps along your bare skin. Small whimpers were quick to fly out of your mouth, the sweet touch from the bullet sending you straight into complete bliss.
You were too focused on the pleasure to realize how loud your moans actually became. She couldn't tell exactly what it was, but the more intently she listened, the faster it was for her to figure out what it was.
Moaning her name.
Morticia set her book aside, marking her spot for a later read, and lifted a high brow when she heard you moan once more. She quietly walked down the hallway, keeping her movements slow and steady to avoid the loud clicking from her heels.
As she reached the doorway, her eyes dilated at the unexpected sight before her. She eyed your naked body sprawled out in the middle of the grand bed. Legs were spread, back was arched, and a little black bullet sat between your legs.
"What a naughty little thing," She folded her arms across her chest. A loud gasp left your mouth at her sudden words, heat rushing straight to your cheeks from embarrassment. You weren't expecting Morticia to catch you in the act.
"Couldn't even bother to tell me? Tsk tsk." She clicked her tongue and shook her head disapprovingly, taking the few steps towards the bed.
You attempted to pull the toy from between your legs but Morticia had other plans, stopping your wrist with a stern grip.
"Don't go shy on me now, y/n. Finish. After all, you couldn't wait for me." She let go, placing both hands on her hips and gazing down at you with dark eyes. "Go on." She flicked her eyes to between your thighs.
You gulped, turning the toy back on and placing it back between your legs with a quiet whimper. As you began to pleasure yourself, Morticia slid her hands behind her back, slowly pulling the zipper from her dress down her back. The fabric dropped softly to the floor, revealing a black laced lingerie set that hugged her hourglass figure perfectly.
"I can't—" You shook your head, the pressure from her heated gaze making it harder for you to find your release. Under any other circumstance, it would take a mere second for you to finish, but Morticia was always the one doing it for you, not just watching you intently with a stoic face.
"You can. You will." She kicked her heels off.
"Please," You pleaded, salty tears steadily falling down your cheeks. You needed her. Needed her touch. "I-I can't!" You whimpered once more.
"So pathetic. My needy slut is desperate enough to touch herself but not enough to come."
Morticia crawled onto the bed, immediately taking the small bullet from your hands and holding it tightly in her own. She flipped her long raven locks behind her back before dipping her face between your thighs.
"Can't even finish yourself off without me," The toy presses roughly against your clit, causing your breath to hitch, "We're going to have to work on that one." Her dark eyes look up at yours before flicking down to your glistening cunt.
"It's too bad, you know," She lowered her upper body down to the mattress, arching her back, and forcing her barely clothed ass into the air. "Now mommy is going to have to destroy this little pussy of yours until I have you begging for mercy."
Her lips attached to your inner thighs, before trailing towards your center and licking a strip up your folds. Moans were quick to escape your throat as she pleasures you by both her mouth and the toy pressing against your sensitive bud.
"F-fuck!" Your chest heaved at a familiar knot forming in your abdomen. Hands gripped at the emerald green duvet below you, knuckles turning white at your rough grip. Morticia could feel you trembling, your body quivering at your close release.
"That's it. Come for me." The raven haired woman edged you on, peppering your inner thigh with kisses before nibbling on the soft flesh, leaving fresh love bites in their wake.
With a skillful flick to your cunt, Morticia had you spiraling almost instantaneously.
"Oh, 'Tish!" Her name flew out of your mouth just as she turned the toy off and carelessly tossing it aside.
You thought she was just helping ride out your high by removing the toy, but boy were you wrong.
Morticia wasn't done just yet.
You had touched yourself without her, and couldn't even finish yourself off at her command which was unacceptable. She had taken note of how often you've listened to Larissa's demands compared to her own, and part of her grew jealous. Should she have been? No. But was she? Oh, she most definitely was.
"Oh, you thought I was stopping right there?" Her hand sternly held you down by your inner thigh at your attempts to close your legs around her. "Tsk tsk," She scoffed, "I'm not even close to being done with you yet. And when 'Riss gets home, it'll be her turn. If you want to act like a slut, you'll certainly get treated like one."
The raven-haired beauty between your legs refused to slow her movements. Her tongue ravaged your clit while she easily thrusted two fingers into your cunt.
Small whimpers echoed off the walls at the curl of her slender fingers that hit you in just the right spot, making had your brain go empty.
"What's the matter, baby? No more screaming my name? We can't have that, now can we?" Her thrusts only grew faster as she watched your every move from just her pleasuring you.
The two of you were too lost in your sex world to hear the front door open and close at the entrance of your luxurious home. Larissa arrived earlier than expected, work going by quicker than she anticipated.
You crying out from your second orgasm had caught Larissa's attention when she took her coat off, her head snapping towards the opened bedroom door on the second floor.
"There it is." Morticia smirked, "I love it when my little whore screams for me. Don't go silent on me now." Tears fell down your face, coating the pillowcase beneath your head when her movements refused to slow.
"Please—" You pleaded, voice barely above a whisper.
Her hand ached from the constant thrusting, but she refused to let it show. She was one to always keep to her word. She wanted to see you like this. She loved to see you like this. Weak before her, begging for her.
"I can't take anymore!" The pressure only kept building and building inside you, the uncomfortableness from your third orgasm slowly creeping up on you. "Tish I—" A throaty moan forced its way out when the older woman slid a third finger inside you, completely stretching out your walls.
"Your moans say otherwise, dearie." Morticia raised a high brow at the arching of your back.
Larissa had heard every moan, every word leaving both yours and Morticia's mouth as she made her way up the grand stairs and down the hallway leading to your shared chambers.
She had swiftly unclasped her tight updo, letting her long platinum hair fall down her back. Buttons flew to the ground as she grew too impatient to undo each hole of her blouse.
Larissa lowly hummed at the sight before her blue eyes. She was quick to drop her blouse to the floor, along with tugging at her skirt to slide it down past her thick legs to fall to the floor.
She wouldn't dare miss this opportunity to join in on your festivities. After all, Larissa thrived off being the completely opposite of Morticia in bed. While the raven haired woman was the more dirty-talking and dominant one, Larissa liked to be the praising one that kept you on edge and begging deliciously.
Her eyes flew from your naked figure whose legs were spread with your hand toying with your breast, to Morticia's perfectly rounded ass that hung in the air, her arousal prominently dampening the thin fabric covering her center.
"Don't worry, my love. Mommy's here." Your eyes snapped towards the tall blonde who strutted into the room unexpectedly.
Larissa didn't hesitate to join in, her hand gliding to Morticia's ass, up her spine, and into her long black locks. Fingers tucked into her hair, grabbing a small handful and gently pulling, eliciting a low moan from Morticia.
"Rissa—" You attempted to call out before a whimper cut off your words. The blonde's eyes were drawn to yours, her lips instantly making contact with your cheeks, kissing away each wet drop on your tear-stained cheek.
"You're doing so good, sweet thing. Just one more and you can take a little breather, hmm? We can't have you tiring so fast."
You nodded your head frantically, toes curling and back arching off the duvet as you came for the third time. Vision went blurry and legs shook as the blonde woman guided you through your orgasm with a gentle hand along your cheek.
"That's my good girl," Larissa cooed, wiping your hair from your sweaty forehead and giving you a sweet but passionate kiss to distract you from the twitching of your thighs.
You whimpered into the kiss when Morticia slid her fingers from you, instantly sliding them into her mouth to suck them clean with a small hum.
"Mmm, sweet indeed," The dark haired woman added, releasing her fingers with a pop, dark eyes trained on Larissa's bright blue hues. "Here, have a taste." Morticia insisted, bringing her fingers to the blonde's mouth, who accepted them without hesitation.
Larissa hummed, her left hand finding your hand and giving it an appreciative squeeze. Your eyes were trained on the two half naked women sitting in front of you. Morticia had inched towards Larissa, her hand leaving the woman's mouth to sneak between her legs.
You propped yourself on your elbows as you tried to calm your breathing, but failing to do so when Morticia gave you a knowing glance, smirking wickedly when an idea came to her head.
"You've been here not even a minute and you're already soaked through?" Morticia chuckled lowly, eyes glancing back at the blonde. "How about we put on a show for our slu—"
"Sweet girl," Larissa cut her off with a finger to her lips. "Our sweet sweet girl. . ." She trailed off, losing her train of thought when Morticia snuck a hand inside her panties. Larissa instantly moaned at the slender fingers circling her clit.
Her pale hand left yours to grab Morticia's freshly manicured hand, guiding her movements at her favorite pace.
At this godly sight, you were instantly wet once more. An almost painful heat instantly starting again.
The sight ahead of you made you seem nearly forgotten, but the heat between your legs was very much prominent. Just as you started to snake your hand towards your dripping cunt, Morticia's free hand gripped your wrist, her eyes never straying from the blonde in front of her.
"Tish, please." You begged, but your pleas never worked on her. Her grip only remained stern, keeping your hand in place, not allowing you to please yourself at the sight of her pleasuring Larissa.
The blonde quietly moaned before pulling Morticia's hand away from her cunt. "Somebody feels left out, Tish. Let her join. I want a taste of her anyways."
Reluctantly, Morticia retracted both of her hands, but a biting smirk returned to her face as she saw the plans Larissa had in store for you, lingering in her eyes.
"Don't be too easy on her Riss, this is after all a punishment."
"Ah, so that's why you two started without me." A dangerous smirk came to Larissa's face, one you know well. "So our little angel hasn't been so good today. . . What has she done?" Larissa asked the other woman, eyes curiously scanning your face.
"Was touching herself all by her lonesome. Didn't even bother to tell me. Heard her from the other room moaning like a whore."
Larissa shook her head, clicking her tongue in a disapproving manner, "You know better, darling." Larissa maneuvered her way around Morticia to switch places with her, making herself at home between your thighs.
Her body sat in the same position Morticia was just in, legs beneath her, upper body hovering over the duvet with her porcelain colored ass waving in the air.
Although your view of the woman was enough to have your arousal dripping onto the plush mattress, Morticia had the best view of all. Dark eyes wandered over the blondes smooth skin.
Larissa toyed with your thighs, pecking and nibbling at the soft flesh while Morticia traced a hand along the blonde's back, sliding a finger down her spine.
Morticia felt every inch and curve of Larissa's lower body, admiring the fine specimen that sat before her. Her lips made contact with the woman's hips, sending sweet kisses along her stretch marks that Larissa was once insecure about until the three of you got together.
You treated her like a goddess, after all, that's what she was to you. Everything about her was perfect. She was perfect, inside and out. And she appreciated every compliment, and especially every kiss to her most sacred spots.
"Rissa please," Your hips slightly bucked towards her face, begging for her to soothe the growing ache between your thighs.
"Patience, my love. You're going to need it." Larissa smirked, eyes dancing with amusement.
She knew just how much you were about to beg for her, and excitement was already coursing through her veins. Of course she was going to be more gentle than Morticia, but she was still going to give you the punishment you deserved for leaving them out of your activities.
Larissa flattened her tongue along your glistening cunt, slowly savoring every sweet taste of you. You shivered under her cool touch, hips being forced down against the mattress to avoid your overly sensitive bucking.
"Such a sweet little pussy, and all for me-" Larissa's words were cut off with a suppressed moan when Morticia slapped the blonde's ass with a piercing smack.
"Us." The raven haired woman corrected her, before soothing the immediate reddened area along Larissa's porcelain cheek.
Larissa tongue delved deep into you, bright blue eyes watching the growing tension between your knitted brows and the everlasting 'o' shape of your mouth as sounds refused to come out.
"Fuck, Rissa!" Your hand flew to her head, tugging at her long curly locks.
"Look at you, already a screaming little mess in just a mere second." Morticia teased you, fingers tucking under Larissa's panties and slowly gliding them down her thick legs to get a better view of the growing mess between the blonde's thighs. "Let's make it even louder for me, shall we? I want to hear how loud you both can be."
Morticia slid two fingers past Larissa's entrance with ease, pleasuring the tall goddess while she devoured you. Larissa's moans blended in with your own, putting a mischievous smirk along Morticia's face.
"Just like that." Her free hand rubbed the soft skin along Larissa's ass, preparing for her next move, "My two needy whores, complete moaning messes. Keep the noises coming."
Morticia used her free hand to send another sharp spank to Larissa's ass, and admiring the prominent jiggle that elicited from her smack.
You felt your release building and building, moans growing closer and closer together, giving Larissa just enough time to remove her tongue from your cunt. A whimper took place of a moan at the sudden loss of contact, and Larissa couldn't help the smirk that grew on her face.
"Didn't think I'd let you finish that easy, now did you?" She toyed, breath hitching in her throat when Morticia chuckled, suddenly curling her fingers inside the blonde.
She hit Larissa's most craved spot with each thrust, and all you could do was watch as Larissa became undone from Morticia, neediness growing more prominent now that your orgasm faded away.
"Come for me, Rissa." Morticia encouraged the blonde on just as Larissa brought her mouth back to your clit.
Moans of ecstasy got muffled as Larissa coated the other woman's fingers with her juices, her wetness dripping down Morticia's hand. Larissa's grip along your hips tightened, fingernails digging into your sensitive skin and leaving crescent shaped marks in their wake.
Morticia didn't dare stop her movements, wanting you to watch as Larissa came over and over again while you were being edged by the blonde for your punishment.
"Taking it like such a good girl," Larissa cooed, removing her tongue and replacing her pleasuring with her fingers, matching the same movements Morticia had been doing to her.
"Please—" You begged, "Let me come! I promise I won't touch myself again without you."
"I don't know, Tish. What do you think?" Larissa stopped her movements once she felt your walls tightening around her fingers. Small whimpers escaped your throat, the growing uncomfortable ache between your thighs forcing tears from your eyes.
"I say let her wait on it for a bit longer." Her devilish smirk forcing your grip along the sheets to tighten out of frustration.
"Mmm, fuck—" Larissa elicited a throaty moan.
Your head shook as you watched Larissa come for a second time, jealousy completely coursing through your veins.
Morticia sent wet kisses along Larissa's ass, gently guiding her through her orgasm. Her fingers moved from Larissa's used cunt and directly into her mouth, eliciting a small approving moan.
The scene in front of her was enough for Morticia to get off at the same time, her free hand rubbing circles along her own clit.
A shallow moan could be heard from Morticia as she came undone from her own touch. Her noise was just barely loud enough for both you and Larissa to hear, as Morticia was always the quieter one compared to you and Larissa.
Morticia then moved herself to sit next to you, legs tucked underneath her and thighs pressing together as she lifted Larissa's face, her thumb and forefinger pulling the blonde's face towards hers in a needy kiss.
Tears continued to flow, hips begging to buck and grind along Larissa's fingers as your gaze landed on the two women making out in front of you.
"Please!" You begged once more, "I'm taking your punishments so good. Just please— please let me come! I've learned my lesson!"
The two women broke from their heated kiss, both smirking towards each other at your pleas. Morticia ever so slightly nodded her head, allowing Larissa to bring her mouth to your clit and delve her fingers deeper.
Morticia slid a hand up your stomach, past your chest, and up to squeeze your cheeks, forcing your face to look at her. Her body leaned in, face only mere inches from your own, dark eyes full of nothing but lust.
"Come, my darling." Her signature red lips smashed sloppily against yours.
A familiar knot formed in your abdomen, appearing only momentarily until you finally came around Larissa's fingers with a relieved moan.
The blonde's movements slowed as she eased you through your orgasm, allowing the pleasure to last for as long as possible.
Your chest heaved, heartbeat racing as you attempted to catch your breath when Larissa stopped her movements.
"That's my good girl." Larissa smiled, wiping your release carelessly off her fingers and onto her thigh as she moved her body to sit opposite of Morticia on the other side of you.
Her hand cupped your cheek when Morticia pulled away, both of them wiping your tears away with their thumbs.
"She took her punishment so good, didn't she, Tish? Wasn't our little doll taking it like such a good girl?"
"She took it so well for us," Morticia played with one of your stray hairs. "I think she deserves a treat, Rissa."
"Oh indeed she does. Does our sweet girl want a taste of mommy?"
Morticia ran a hand down Larissa's barely clothed chest, moving the thin fabric to free Larissa's breasts from her bra. Your eyes widened at the sight before you, a bright gleam in your eye making itself prominent to the two woman before you.
"Use your words." Morticia added when she noticed your growing silence.
"Yes— God yes!"
Larissa chuckled, reaching behind her unclasp her bra, allowing the fabric to fall from her chest and out of the way.
"Lay down, Rissa." Morticia laid a hand on the blonde's bare shoulder, pushing her gently down onto the mattress. "Our beautiful and enchanting goddess."
"Let us worship you. Please." You chimed in, running your hand up her smooth leg, and stopping just before reaching her soaked cunt.
"If that's what you truly want, who am I to deny you of your desires? Be a good girl and help me finish, angel." Larissa spread her legs, giving you full access to her dripping center which you took in your mouth instantaneously.
Your tongue flicked across her sensitive bud, earning a gentle bucking of her hips. Morticia made contact with Larissa's breasts, one hand kneading while the other held a tit in her mouth, tongue swirling around the blonde's nipple.
"Mmm, just like that!" Larissa's head fell back against the duvet, eyes begging to roll to the back of her head.
Larissa hummed, her perfectly manicured hand reaching for your head to push you further against her, allowing the slight grinding of her hips against your face.
Morticia gave one last flick to Larissa's nipple before taking a moment to look at the moaning mess Larissa quickly became. A small smirk toyed at her lips when she came up with a new plan to add to the pleasure you were giving her.
The raven haired woman slid from the bed to grab the leftover bullet vibrator that she had discarded earlier, turning the toy on and bringing it to Larissa's view.
"If she gets to pleasure you, it's only fair I get to help." Morticia crawled back onto the bed, and brought the toy to Larissa's chest. The buzzing toy ran across Larissa's nipple, causing Larissa's back to arch and push her breasts harder against the vibrations.
"Tish please," Larissa's blue eyes met with Morticia's dark ones, her big doe eyes pleading.
Your eyes glanced up at Morticia with a knowing look, moving your head away from her clit, to insert two fingers deeply inside Larissa's cunt with ease. Her wetness allowed you to slide right in.
"Such a little begger. . ." Morticia teased.
Your bottom lip was pulled between your teeth at the sight of Morticia slowly drag the vibrator down Larissa's chest, past her navel, and down to her sensitive clit.
Larissa moaned loudly at the new sensation. Your free hand gripped her waist, nails dragging across her porcelain skin in a small trail that ended in her inner thighs, leaving little red marks in their wake.
"Look at her taking you so well," Morticia cooed, noticing the third finger you inserted that caused Larissa to let out a whimpering moan at the stretching of her inner walls.
Morticia moved the toy in circular motions while she brought her mouth to Larissa's neck. Red lips attached to Larissa's pulse point, sucking and nibbling at the skin, a mix of red lipstick and hickeys soon covering the blonde's neck.
"Faster, baby—" Larissa's hand gripped your wrist, picking up your thrusts to a quicker and needier pace.
The blonde's legs stilled ever so slightly, every noise coming from her mouth halting as her breath hitched. Her orgasm came barreling down at her, taking full control over her curvaceous body.
But neither you or Morticia stopped your movements.
"Yes, god yes!"
While Morticia marked up Larissa's neck, the blonde's free hand made home on her own chest, pulling her nipple between her fingers and toying with the erect bud.
Larissa's other hand only grew tighter along your scalp, hips growing frantic as she hurtled towards her next release.
"That feels so good— Fuck, don't stop!"
At her words, Morticia pressed the vibrator roughly along Larissa's clit, adding pressure to send Larissa in a daze.
Larissa moaned a long list of profanities, along with both yours and Morticia's name as she squirted against your fingers. You smirked, knowing you could still get one more out of her.
"Always making such a mess, Rissa." Morticia clicked her tongue, loving the sight of Larissa fully submitting. This was the only time Larissa was ever this submissive, and god did it turn Morticia on.
Larissa's legs shook immensely, your pace only easing up just the slightest as to not completely overstimulate her.
"Just one more, beautiful," You cooed.
The blonde's head frantically shook, moans never quieting down as her grip on your hand grew tighter. She could feel her body tighten, her legs growing stiff with each passing second.
"I- oh god—" Larissa grunted, your fingers repeatedly hitting her soft tissue.
Morticia's free hand played with Larissa's hair just as the blonde screamed your name aloud when she came once more. Your skillful fingers eased their movements, helping Larissa ride out her high.
Larissa was completely flushed, her cheeks and chest held just the slightest shade of red. You slowly removed your fingers while Morticia turned the vibrator off, leaving Larissa a shaking mess. Her legs closed, chest heaving as she came down from her high.
"You did so good for us, Rissa." Morticia gave the blonde a small kiss, "Didn't she, doll?" Her dark eyes gazed into yours, catching your attention.
"She did amazing." You agreed with Morticia, before sucking your fingers clean.
Morticia scanned both yours and Larissa's faces, the exhaustion not going unnoticed by the raven haired woman.
"While you two catch your breath, how about I get a bath started and the three of us take a nice long warm bath together, how does that sound?"
"Please," You answered Morticia while Larissa nodded her head.
Morticia stood from the bed, smirking to herself at the sight before her, Larissa completely spent and sprawled out on the bed while you laid next to her with a hand caressing Larissa's thigh.
Morticia left the two of you to catch your breath while she started in the bathroom, warm water and lavender bubbles filling the giant porcelain tub for you and Larissa to soak in. Morticia couldn't help but smile, knowing both you and Larissa would be too tired to wash yourselves, which allowed Morticia to happily take over and take care of the two people in the whole world she loved most.
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look, a lesbian
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drghostwrite · 1 year
Always you
Okay this one was a vote and I was so excited to finally write for this goddess of a woman. Also this is just the first there are many more to come.
Pairing: Larissa weems x reader
Warnings: a lot of fluff but there are spots of implied smut
Summary: You’re a teacher at nevermore and you’re in a relationship with Larissa, this will be a throwback to the scene with Morticia and Gomez except Morticia tries making her jealous, and in enters you. At first Larissa got jealous but then realizes you can hold you own and you prove to her that you only love her.
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You opened your eyes and could see golden rays peeking through the curtains of your window, you felt a warm body close to yours contrasting with the cool air nipping at your bare skin. You turned and observed the goddess laid before you, it wasn’t often Larissa was up after you so you didn’t get to see her like this much, hair in disarray from events of the night before, no make up, sleeping peacefully wrapping a long toned leg in yours and allowing her hand to ghost over you side. You laid there for a moment before her eyes fluttered open, she gave you a small smile.
“Well good morning gorgeous.” She turned pressing her face into the pillow letting out a small chuckle and you felt her moving she wrapped her arm around your waist pressing you against her. She wasn’t the best at taking compliments even after 2 years together, so you made sure to shower her every chance you got you loved this woman and hated that all she knew growing up with the mean and nasty side of people's words and actions, she absolutely loved being close to you and you didn’t mind whether it was small leans on your shoulder in meetings or holding hands, maybe even the occasional hand on your thigh or sneaky kiss around the corner, you wanted nothing more than to be her safe place and show her all the love.
“What’re you doing up, you’re never up first?” She grumbled out in a joking but concerned tone, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and pulling the blanket up to cover her bare skin.
“Actually this is when I usually get up so tell me why, Principal Weems, that you’re not up?” You placed a quick teasing kiss to her lips and then down her jawline showering her in kisses, down her neck tracing over the hickeys left from the night before and then back to her mouth.
“Ewww Y/N, morning breath.” She exclaimed laughing and pushing you away as you laid on her chest.
“Hey you weren’t complaining last night, I was tired I didn’t have time to go brush my teeth.” You said laughing.
“That’s gross.” She laughed at you.
“Hmm fine jokes on you, I can fix it with a quick shower and some toothpaste, but you my love, I can’t fix you being late on the first week back to school.” At first you pretended to be offended but then you laughed in victory as you saw her expression change.
“Oh baby.” She said quickly realizing the time and stumbling out of bed, you stood in the door way of the in suite bathroom watching as she scrambled. You finished brushing your teeth and walked over grabbing her hand and guiding her to the bathroom.
“Y/N I’m gonna be late, I can’t be late….” She started rambling. You tuned on the shower just how she liked it.
“ ‘Ris it’s okay just trust me, you need a shower let me handle the outfit, and no you can’t just shift don’t even try it.” She looked at you gratefully and stepped into the shower, you walked back out knowing you had a lot of time and grabbed an outfit it was different than usual Larissa but you loved it a white suit with a high waist and a sapphire blue satin shirt for underneath with matching blue heels. You turned back into the bathroom, slipping your robe off you opened the glass shower door.
You stepped in and was met by Larissa pulling you into a passionate kiss. You chuckled and kissed her back, you could feel the soap running off of her body and it smelled amazingly of lavender and vanilla a soothing and inviting scent. You ran a hand through her hair as she turned and picked you up pressing you against the wall and letting the warm water run over you both.
“You said no shifting but I could right now, I could shift and get you pregnant, oh God and you would look so amazing carrying our baby too.” She trailed kisses down your neck and you let out a whine but you had to stop her.
“Though I love the enthusiasm and being pregnant with our baby seems great and all, you’re going to be late for work and I don’t like dealing with grumpy Principle Weems.”
She grumbled but kissed you again and put you down, she knew you were right and that she would be very grumpy if she was late to meetings all day.
“Also if I’m gonna be the one carrying first, that means you better put a ring on it.” You laughed stepping under the water and washing your hair. You felt her arms come around you as she quickly stepped out to dry and get dressed but what you didn’t notice was the look of hopefulness and determination that came over her.
You heard her leave and stepped out to do your hair, you were kinda the fun teacher so leaving your hair curly and down was normal along with the jeans and maybe a band tee with a blazer but today you switched it up. You did a half up half down leaving your curls still out and slipped on one of your favorite outfits and tight pencil skirt in a deep green color with a white button up and a black with white pin stripped vest over it you matched it with black and white pin stripe heels. You turned toward the vanity to grab a pair of your many glasses and that’s when you saw it a note tented on the vanity, you picked it up and saw the black box underneath,
Don't you dare think I'll forget about what you just said, but here’s a little gift in the meantime.
You picked it up and opened the box, a beautiful silver ring of vines looked back at you no gems just a simple sliver band of vines and leaves, it was perfect, and you felt a tear travel down you face. Swiping it away you slipped the ring on and grabbed your purse and headed to your classroom. A couple classes in and your students were starting to look tired so you dismissed early and decided to go see Larissa.
--- Meanwhile---
Larissa couldn’t take it, before her she had Wednesday, who she didn’t mind actually, her and Y/N loved Wednesday. It was the parents Morticia and Gomez or Morticia specifically, it was always a competition, to her she was always better than Larissa, always royalty compared to a peasant.
She loved reminding her about high school and how she won Gomez and every other guy she wanted, how she now had kids, and how she got away from such a “wretched” place. Meanwhile, Larissa sat there smiling on the inside annoyed. Wednesday said a silent prayer that you would get there quickly.
There was a knock that rang through the office and Larissa announced for whoever it was to come in.
You stepped in the office, Morticia had a cocky look on her face until she saw you and then it turned into something else.
“Mmm and who might this be?” She asked trying to see how you’d react, Larissa was now digging her nails into the desk as she sat politely, and Wednesday had a smirk knowing what was about to happen.
“Larissa I wasn’t aware that you were hiring just anybody to come and teach, I mean having eye candy as a secretary maybe but at least be discreet.”
“We’ll she’s not just anybody.”
“Mmm we’ll let me take her for a day and we’ll see about that.” Morticia looked you up and down surveying the competition.
“We’ll Mrs. Addams I can assure you that Wednesday and every other student are only getting the best education from this institution.” You spoke up from behind.
"So sure about that?" she was pushing it now, Larissa was ready to come over to the desk, but you knew how to handle people like her, I mean you did it for a living at one point.
"I can assure you I have the credentials, I went to school for psychology, profiling to be exact, and caught killers. I now teach an array of classes, psychology, and sociology, including the sciences and even an art here and there, I have multiple certificates and references that I could point you to." You were cold as steel and held a smirk on your face, Wednesday gave you a very approving nod and a smirk as her parents sat jaws dropped, Morticia sat there buffering, quickly closing her mouth and resorting to her unimpressed stare, trying not to let you see through the sheer black curtain but it was too late.
"As I said I can guarantee that Ms. Pierce is one of the best here."
"Hmm, well too bad she's already taken Larissa you need someone like her in your life." she rolled her eyes at you, but you turned away from her, looking at Larissa.
She glared at you as you stayed calm and collected, you walked up to Larissa and whispered to her, “Can I kiss you, just quickly and show her who I belong to.”
Larissa crossed her legs and you had your answer you knew that went straight to her core, you were in for it tonight. You quickly bent down placing a quick kiss on her lips and turned sitting on the corner of the desk, Wednesday sat there smirking and gave you a nod of approval while the other two Addams jaws were on the floor again.
"Mrs. Addams I'm afraid that this meeting is over and I must say I've never seen you so uncomposed before, well aside from that night that you or I'm sorry, Gomez killed that poor boy, but I guess that's what you get when you play with fire."
"You wouldn't dare." She shot up from her chair stepping towards Larissa's desk, but you were to fast sliding in between her.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." You looked into her eyes seeing rage and jealousy, but as she looked into yours she saw the swirls of gold flowing through the green, a silent warning to step back.
"You're...you're a...." she stuttered.
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I was once attacked by a vampire, while my magic saved me from certain parts, I still have heightened senses and strength. Every year I throw in a transformation and magic class to help council the newer students or those struggling, Wednesday has actually taken quite a few of my classes." Morticia turned to her daughter, "Yes, Mother." She signaled to Gomez time to go and they took their leave. Wednesday turned back to you in thanks and you sat on the desk waiting until they all left, turning to Larissa. She stood towering and leaned over the desk to kiss you.
"You're gorgeous when you're scary and calm." you chuckled to yourself.
"Well, Principal Weems now that they know their daughter is well taken care of and who I belong to I say we make our way home."
"I agree," she said grabbing her things and heading out.
when you got home though it was a completely different story. You didn't even make it upstairs before clothes were discarded around the house. In the middle of a steamy make-out session Larissa stopped you.
"Y/N I want to ask you something, something I should've asked you months ago."
"What is it love?"
"Darling, I want you to be my wife, I want to have babies and grow old together. Y/N Pierce, I want to marry the love of my life, Will you marry me?" you could feel her inhale holding her breath.
"Larissa Weems of course I'll marry you!" You leaned forwards placing a kiss on her lips, and you felt her relax into it. You both laughed and she turned you over putting all the passion she could into the kisses.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get you a better ring, I was so nervous and I wasn't sure." she apologized nervously, hoping to not upset you.
"No baby I absolutely love it!"
"Good that makes me so happy, and speaking of baby how about we finish what we started this morning." you saw confidence coming back to her features.
"I'd say sounds like a night well spent so long as we try shifting after the wedding that way we don't have to deal with wedding planning and a baby."
"Oh agreed," she said getting up and escorting you to the shower, it was a good thing you two had got your own house outside the school, a house that would soon be housing more than just two people. You were going to make this house a home and who better to do that with than the love of your life.
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My Art
if you’d like to join me on my journey of trying my luck with publishing, have a look at @madampayne 💕
Currently Active
☕️ Hot Chocolate
(Zelda Spellman x Larissa Weems)
Unbearable loneliness has been plaguing Larissa for years. One drunken night, she decides to put an end to it by contacting a local dominatrix.
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👑 Camyla, the Petulant
(Rhaenys Targaryen x Reader)
All Camyla wants to do is run, all Rhaenys wants is for someone to stay.
When Corlys leaves Rhaenys on her own to grieve the loss of their children, an old friend of her husband requests her help dealing with his misbehaved daughter Camyla. Rhaenys agrees to take her under her wing, but the young woman is hell-bent on driving her mad.
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Adrienne Beaufort
🌅 Sun & Ocean Blue
(Adrienne x Reader)
When Adrienne comes to get Amy out of Greenhaven, she lays eyes on a troubled young woman in need of guidance. Perhaps Adrienne will take in another rescue kitten…
Essentially this is my The Bell Jar
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Farah Dowling
Haunt me, then
Farah x Rosalind but as a character/relationship study
The story of how Rosalind was put into stasis.
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👻 baby, you’re just harder to see than most
(ghost!Farah x Reader)
Farah’s partner can’t come to terms with her death, and so, every night, she dances with her ghost.
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🌬️ Grow Wings
While Farah is away on a field trip, Aster hits rock bottom. But after what happened last time, she doesn’t want to tell Farah—even when she finally returns. Good luck tricking a mind fairy…
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🩸 Black Dahlia
(adoptive mum!Farah & Reader)
Miss Dowling discovers Dahlia’s self harm.
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🎀 Sugar & Sweetness
(upcoming sugarmommy!Farah x Reader)
🧁 Common Burn
(upcoming Farah x Reader cottagecore AU)
Rhaenys Targaryen
👑 Camyla, the Petulant
(brat-tamer!Rhaenys x Reader)
All Camyla wants to do is run, all Rhaenys wants is for someone to stay.
When Corlys leaves Rhaenys on her own for years, to grieve the loss of their children all by herself, an old friend of her husband requests her help dealing with his misbehaved daughter Camyla. Rhaenys agrees to take her under her wing, but the young woman is hell-bent on driving her mad.
🎭 Gentle into the Night
(Corlys x Rhaenys)
Rhaenys survives Rook's Rest, Meleys does not.
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🌂 This Is What Makes Us Girls (prequel)
(Morticia Addams x Larissa Weems)
It’s Larissa’s 18th birthday, but she doesn’t get what she wants.
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❄️ Roommates
(Morticia Addams x Larissa Weems)
When the Addams Family attends Larissa Weems' funeral, Morticia is confronted with the truth about the relationship she used to have with the woman.
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🥶 Barren Cold (sequel)
💨 Invisible (on hold)
On the night of their graduation, Morticia is forced to see that she can't have it all - Or can she?
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🏰 Gwyneth of Rivia
“My name is Gwyneth of Rivia.” She gestured towards the cadaver. “And this is the beast I’ve slaughtered for you.”
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Madam Spellman
🚢 Ship of Dreams
(Titanic AU)
Every year for the past decades, Lady Morningstar and Lady Blackwood have been meeting aboard an Ocean Liner. This year, it is the RMS Titanic, travelling from Southampton to New York.
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🌆 Kiss Me Hard Before You Go
(Las Vegas AU)
“There’s no use in talking to people who have a home. They have no idea what it’s like to seek safety in other people. For home to be wherever you lie your head.”
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(somewhat completed, but more could come)
🎤 It’s gonna take a Queen of Hell to sweep me off my feet
Lilith can't believe her eyes (and ears) when she returns to the Mortuary after a fight with Zelda.
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💜 I plant violets every time someone leaves me
(Zelda x Reader)
Clara is about to end her life when Directrix Spellman steps in.
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🔨 Kiss with a Shovel
One would assume that after all the times she’d killed and buried her sister, she’d have it down and she did, but the transportation aspect of it frequently proved to be rather arduous.
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🎁 Pandora’s Box
Zelda Spellman has been begging Hecate to bring Sabrina back for months, but maybe she’s been praying to the wrong goddess all along?
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🏷️ Whatever the Price
Sabrina has just come back from the dead, together with her boyfriend Nick, and now she wants to get married! But as it turns out, Aunt Zelda isn't the only one standing in the way...
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😈 Cherubic Little Devil
About one year after the arrival of their grandson Magnus, Zelda and Lilith now have a child of their own on the way. A baby, created from a witch and a demon. Born to claim the throne of Hell as well as represent the Order of Hecate. What will their path look like?
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🌙 Pavor Nocturnus
When Zelda and Lilith's daughter is 5 years old, something scary happens...
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🥵 Heatwave
A heat wave has hit Greendale - but that is nothing against what's going on in the Spellman bedroom.
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🐎 Calloused Heart
(upcoming Cowgirl AU)
Wolves, storms, and money turn into the least of Zelda Spellman's problems when her sister invites Mary Wardwell-Masters to stay at the family's ranch.
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✨ Whispers at Witching Hour
Zelda and Mary met at the wrong time and apparently in the wrong lives. Still, they can't seem to keep apart and find themselves in the messiest relationship of all realms. Can they make it work despite their cosmic problems and personal issues?
-An attempt to make Madam Spellman canon from P1 to P4-
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✨ Wishes at Witching Hour (sequel, on hold)
When Lilith came home one night, she hadn't expected her whole life to change. Now she's living in the constant ache of not knowing the answer to one question: What really happened that day?
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Miranda Croft
🫒 Handcrofted
You’re Miranda’s former assassin-colleague and after five years, you’ve decided to pay her a visit on her olive farm.
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ficsofabotchedmind · 8 months
Little Menace
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Summary? No, heheheheheh.
Warnings? Yes; Cavity inducing adorableness
(Read the tags before you read and don't be mean or I'll restrict comments AND reblogs AND I'll happily block you.)
A ruckus came from within the office of Principal Larissa Weems, "Y/n, don't touch that! No, not that either!" Larissa whined as she chased around a bubbly, Y/h/c shapeshifter. 
The toddler zoomed around in absolutely nothing, the babe was as naked as the day they were born. 
"Oh God, Y/n. No! Darling, please don't touch that!" Larissa said as she finally caught the stark naked shifter. 
Larissa heaved the wriggling and giggly toddler up safely in her arms, "Please, whatever you do, allow me to get your diaper on!" 
All the little shifter could do was shine a smile so wide that Larissa just forgot about all the mayhem that was just had...partially. 
Larissa took the tot in the shared bedroom and put them in a pull-up until Morticia could get back. 
Larissa didn't know exactly what to do because normally her and Morticia's partner had a plan in place when they regressed, but not this time. 
No, this time it was a complete surprise.  
*2hrs ago* 
Larissa sat at her desk and was finishing paperwork on Wednesday's usual troublesome stunt when her and Morticia's partner came in, Larissa took notice of how tired the usually bubbly and excitable person was and made a mental note to sit with her other halves in a warm, calming bath later on. 
Y/n barely cast a glance but muttered an exhausted, dull hello and kept going into the apartment. 
*1hr later* 
Something seemed off, it was quiet, too quiet. Larissa made a note to herself that even the TV wasn't on, so she got up and headed towards the door where she paused in shock. 
Papers, toys, anything you could name, it was all strung all over the apartment but no Y/n in sight. 
Larissa’s ears perked at the sounds of giggles emanating from the bedroom, and when Larissa walked in, she was greeted by the sight of the tot drawing along the walls. 
Larissa stood gaping at the Y/H/C shifter in shock, but she quickly snapped out of it and carefully but quickly approached the toddler, but before she could retrieve the marker the tot turned around at the noise of feet behind them. 
Grinning happily, the small babe started getting up yelling, "MAMA! MAMA!"  
Larissa couldn't help but smile and watch as the tot finally got up and shot towards her yelling Mama the whole time. 
The tiny one collided with Larissa’s legs and said one simple word with outstretched arms, "Up!" 
Larissa smiled and said, "Now, what do we say, sweetheart?" 
The tiny shifter thought for a minute and then said, "Peeeeaaazzzz! Up, peaz!" 
Larissa smiled at the babe and carefully scooped them up and held them close while exclaiming, "You need a bath! Dear me, you stinky baby!" 
The toddler giggled out an, "Yep!" 
Larissa sighed and looked towards the wall and back at the babe giving them a look, "But let's clean this up first, shall we?" 
Y/n got a sad look and hung their head, they knew they had done wrong, "Sorries, Mama." 
Larissa sighed, she felt bad and so she decided to let it go just this once, "While it is not alright, I will not make you sit in the corner, but you will have to help me pick up all your toys and markers, is that understood? First thing is first, you need a diaper, yes?" 
The tot smiled and nodded, "Oui, Mama!" 
Larissa gave a deadpan look at the toddler, "You sound too much like your Maman, you little menace." 
Y/n gave a bubbly giggle and with that the two got to work, but after 30 minutes she noticed things had gone quiet and once again, it was too quiet. 
Next thing Larissa knew she saw a toddler streak past her wearing absolutely nothing. 
The tot flew out of the bedroom, heading into the living room, and heading straight for the door, which Larissa forgot to shut. 
Larissa shot up from her crouching position, but it was too late, the little hellion escaped and made their way into the office and that's where all of the chasing and grabbing ensued. 
*Present time* 
Larissa, having made sure to shut the door to the apartment, turned on the TV to Y/n's favorite show and set out to make dinner. 
Not 15 minutes later Morticia walked through the door, she heard one, "Shut it quick, Morty!" And another, "MAMAN!" 
Morticia shut the door just in time to feel a tiny body collide with her legs, she peered down and smiled.  
Scooping the babe up Morticia laughed, "Oh my, what do we have here? Do we have a tiny menace on our hands?" 
Y/n giggled and exclaimed, "Oui, Maman!" 
While Morticia proceeded to blow raspberries on the babes cheeks, Larissa spoke over the shrieks of laughter coming from the toddler, "You have no idea, Morty! That little pup right there had strung toys and other items all over the living room and then proceeded to draw on the bedroom walls!" 
Morticia pulled back and gave the squirmy, happy baby a look but of course couldn't stay mad at the look in those Y/e/c eyes, "Is that so, little pup? Did you give Mama trouble?" 
Y/n nodded solemnly and hung their head, "Yes, Maman." 
Morticia gently cupped the child's chin and lifted their face, "Will you do it again, sweet one?" 
Shaking their head furiously, the babe quickly said, "No, Maman!" 
Both Morticia and Larissa smiled, Larissa came over after putting the plates on the table and both gave the small one soft kisses on their head. Pulling back, Larissa said, "Good. Now, little pup, how about some food, yes?" 
The babe grinned, "Yes!" 
Sitting Y/n down in their highchair, Morticia grabbed a bib from the drawer and a bottle from the cabinet and gave the bottle for Larissa to fill up with water.  
Carefully getting the bib on the hungry toddler, Morticia placed a soft kiss on Y/n's head when done and she sat herself. 
Larissa did the same once the bottle was sat carefully on the tray and they all dug in and quickly came to the realization that if Y/n needed a bath now, they would certainly need one after this. 
*After dinner* 
After cleaning up and wiping the face of a squirming Y/n, the women set to work in getting everything for the bath and after ready. 
Morticia drew the bath as Larissa gathered everything for the bath and once all was done, Morticia gently picked up the sleepy darling and got them in the bath. 
Y/n loved bath time, it meant play time AND cuddle time. Once in, Y/n latched onto their Maman and waited for their Mama to get in. 
Once everyone was in the bath, Larissa and Morticia made quick work in getting themselves and the sleepy, and now increasingly whiny, toddler clean. 
Larissa claimed out and dried of first and once in the towel took a fussy Y/n from Morticia and proceeded to dry the unhappy and squirmy babe while Morticia herself quickly dried. 
Now done in the bathroom, Morticia quickly got everything in place and powdered, diapered, and clothed Y/n while Larissa got prepared for their nightly routine. 
Everyone was all done getting ready for bed and so they climbed in, Morticia held a crying Y/n, who was begging for their special cuddles, while Larissa got her top half undressed and shifted. 
Taking the sobbing babe from Morticia, Larissa allowed them to latch on and within no time being spared, Y/n latched on quickly. 
Both women smiled down and the tot who was sniffling and dozing off while latched carefully onto their Mama with their other hand curled around their Maman's finger. 
Larissa settled deeper into the pillows as Morticia curled around both little and Larissa. 
Larissa carefully reached for Y/n's pacifier so she or Morticia could be ready to slip it into Y/n's mouth once the tot had fallen asleep. 
Morticia smiled and pressed a kiss to Larissa’s lips and the little pups head, after Larissa pulled back and looked Morticia in the eyes and smiled. 
As she looked the sparkle in her eyes got brighter, Larissa pressed a soft and gentle kiss upon Y/h/c hair and settled back into the pillows as Morticia curled up and started humming. 
Eyes growing heavy on all three, the babe let their eyes close first. After a few minutes, Larissa could feel the suckling stop and soft even breaths hitting her chest. 
Looking down, she saw Y/n had fallen asleep. So being very careful, the two women carefully unlatched the tot from Larissa’s chest and slipped in the pacifier. 
After dressing her top half once again, Larissa settled Y/n between herself and Morticia. 
Once the tot was settled, the two women said their goodnights to each other, and each pressed a gentle kiss to Y/n's head. 
That night was filled with pleasant dreams all around, Y/n's most of all. They dreamed of their caregivers, cuddles, and stuffies. 
Not a sound, all was quiet and peaceful except for soft breathing coming from each occupant. 
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dmysterioblog · 2 years
(Larissa anon) Oh sure! I was meaning like would you mind writing some sorta scenerio like this: Larissa Weems x Addams!reader have an argument that leads to Dom!Larissa and Bratty!Reader having sex in her office, but getting interrupted when the family arrives at Nevermore.
➻Almost Caught
Paring: Larissa Weems x Addams!reader
Summary: You acted like a brat towards Larissa and in the middle of your punishment, your family interrupts.
Warnings: d/s undertones, mommy kink, spankings(r receiving), smut, oral sex(Larissa receiving)
Word Count; 790
A/n: I’m so sorry for taking such a long time to update but here I am and I have delivered!
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You sat in Larissa’s office, bored out of your mind. She said she would be done in a minute like an hour ago. You sighed loudly to get her attention but she just ignored you. You heard her phone ringing and she picked it up and brought it to her ear. Sitting there waiting, an idea popped into your head. You walked in front of her desk to get her to look at you. Once she did, you started to take off your top, slowly and seductively.
She paused mid-sentence and gave you a warning look. You just smirked at her and proceeded to take off your panties from under your skirt and hand them to her.
“We're going to have to cut this conversation short today,” she said before hanging up the phone. She then got up and took your panties.
“Put your shirt back on. Now. Your parents are going to be here soon and you wouldn’t want them to find you bent over my desk now would you?”
“I think you’re going to have to make me,” you said with a smug look. You watched her and she walked around her desk towards you.
“Fine,” she said in a low voice before bending you over the desk, pinning your hands behind your back. She began to unzip your skirt and pulled it off you, leaving you standing in nothing but your bra.
“Is this what you wanted?,” she started to rub her fingers through your wet folds, “Mommy’s attention? Hm?” You let out a shaky breath.
“Yes.” You gasped when you felt a sting on your cheek.
“You’re such a needy little slut for mommy, right baby?” she spanked your other cheek even harder.
“Yes! Yes, I am! Please touch me, mommy?”
She chuckled at your desperation but her laugh was cut short by a knock on her office door.
“Shit,” she said under her breath.
“One second!” she turned to you, “Get under my desk. Now.” You scurried under her desk quickly while she fixed her appearance. Once she was done, you heard her say ‘come in’. She moved behind her desk again, taking a seat on her chair.
“What a nice office you have Larissa,” you heard your mother’s voice say.
“Why thank you Morticia,” You saw Larissa give her best fake smile. She hated your mom but acted like she didn’t.
They kept on talking about Wednesday’s behavior, her therapy sessions, and a bunch of other things that bored you out of your mind. You began to get uncomfortable under her desk. You tapped her leg as a way to tell her to hurry up but she just ignored you.
You huffed quietly but then you got another idea. You sat up and moved in between her legs. You started to run your hands up her calves. You saw her give you a quick warning look. You just innocently smiled at her before pushing her skirt and spreading her legs apart.
You pulled down her underwear to reveal her glistening pussy. You blew on it to tease her and you felt her shiver a bit. Without warning, you dove in and started eating her out like it was your last meal. You heard her moan which she disguised as a cough.
Larissa was good at hiding her expressions but not for long. You felt her hand sink into your hair and started to pull at it. She started to wrap up the conversation with your mother before she outed both you and herself. Once Morticia was out of the office, she push your face deeper into her sex and release a moan she had been withholding.
You began using your fingers while your mouth worked on her clit.
“Don’t you dare stop Y/n,” she panted.
“I didn’t plan to,” you said. Your voice sent vibrations to her core which made her squeeze your head between her thighs.
“You’re so good for mommy, baby.”
You looked up and we’re mesmerized by the view above. Little droplets of sweat coated her forehead, some white hairs sticking to it. Her chest rose and fell rapidly while her mouth was left agape.
“Baby, I’m close.” This made you speed up your pace, wanting to see her beautiful face as she came undone.
“I’m coming!” She started to grind her sex against your face to chase her climax. You helped her ride it out and once done you finally pulled away and gave her an innocent look.
“Don’t think this got you out of the punishment you will get tonight,” This made you pout and she laughed at your reaction before leaning down to give you a passionate kiss, tasting herself in the process.
546 notes · View notes
Can I please request mom Morticia x pregnant! Daughter reader
Like Larissa x reader and morticia is like “you got my daughter pregnant!” Continues whirling curses at Rissa before turning to the reader “oh my baby, my little spiderling” as she gushes over the fetus and reader
Grandma Morticia {l. weems}
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summary: req above !
relationship: mortica x reader & larissa x reader
extra/warning: n/a
The moment you had found out that you were pregnant, you had ran to your partners office. Not waiting for a signal to come in you burst through the door, coming face to face with three very confused people; Larissa, your mother and then your younger sister.
“I’m sorry to interrupt this wonderful meeting but I need to talk to Wednesday right now.” You quickly decide on not telling Larissa in front of your mother. Pulling your sister out of the room, leaving a concerned Mother and girlfriend in the office.
“Weds, I’m in trouble!” You whisper shout at her.
“What’s happened now?” She asks raising an eyebrow at the amount of emergency your voice held.
“I’m pregnant and that’s not even the worst part!” You say collapsing in the seat across from the door of the office.
She laughs, “what could be worse? It being Principal Weems’ child?!” You freeze lifting your head from your hands to look at her with wide eyes.
“Oh no no no, You cannot be pregnant with my principal and your boss!” She yells not caring who hears.
“WEDNESDAY, shut up!” You respond matching her tone, both turning your heads when the doors flies open revealing a shocked Larissa and an angry Morticia.
“I got you pregnant?!” and “You got her pregnant?!” Is yelled at the same time, Morticia looking at both you and Larissa in surprise and Larissa looking at you in shock. You nod your head not wanting to speak right now. Your mother rushes towards you giving you a hug, locking eyes with your sister you plead with her to get you out of this position only to receive a smirk and a shrug.
“My baby is having her own baby.” She sobs, you pat her back a few times before letting go of her. Allowing her to step back and turn towards her ‘old dorm mate.’
“You better listen closely Larissa Weems-“ your mother starts “you will be there for my daughter every step of the way, since you got her into this and if I find out you have hurt her then I’ll be the one burying your body.”
You move your eyes to your girlfriends face which is a shade of white.
“Is it a bad time to say that Larissa and I have been in a relationship for the past semester?” Her eyes move to yours in annoyance, and you knew exactly what she was thinking.
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v3nusxsky · 4 months
Hello! 👋🏻 I would love a little smutty Larissa x Morticia x Reader oneshot if I'm the first ask. Please and thank you 😊
Can we keep her? 18+
*Authors note~ I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a while placement has been hectic with so many assessments needing to be done for me to pass the year which ends in two weeks! But have this little brain child*
Trigger warnings ~ established relationship Mortica x reader, mommy dom! Mortica, sub r, sub leaning switch!Larissa, talks of past Tish x Larissa, oral fixation (r), thigh riding (L-M), praise kink, degrading kink, oral sex, fingering, sensory play?, blindfolds, overstimulation kink, mirror sex, aftercare obvs
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Being Nevermore’s Literature professor was in all honesty a dream come true. Ever since your time as a student in the school you’d wished to end up here. And that you did. Larissa couldn’t wait to offer you a position after being your last placement before you qualified. The skills you possess are honestly some of the best she has seen and therefore makes you an asset to her staff.
But if you know Nevermore, which you do, it always provides the unexpected. The youngest member of staff just so happened to unknowingly gain the interest of a certain raven haired beauty. Morticia Addams. But it was not the only time you’d been on her mind, no, when you were studying you often ended up shadowing her class as Larissa felt you needed to be well rounded in classroom management. Your nature making you quiet and reserved and a little afraid to assume your natural authority over the class. Which is why Mortica was perfect for you.
Thinking back to how it all started out with you and your girlfriend always brings a smile to your face. When things got tough she was always there, rain or shine to support you. Also you’d be utterly insane to not notice her radiant beauty she so effortlessly wears. Everything about her was perfect. Beautiful skin like the pale moons reflection on the lake. Raven hair as dark as night, perfectly straight and never out of place. Dresses that hugged her body as if they were her skin. And the height that woman has often brings you to your knees. Truly, she’s magnificent. So of course it was only natural to see her celestial being in your dreams.
You knew of her psychic abilities and she knew that you process the ability of mental projection. Now you have a higher ability than most would assume which allows you to project thoughts feelings, create alternative worlds with your imagination and even switch realities. Mostly, you enjoyed your ability and the fact you could use it to help others, but you’d never would’ve thought that your own mind would let out your secret desire.
You’d been utterly exhausted the whole day which resulted in your head snuggled into the woman’s neck as she read a French book out loud to soothe you to sleep. And like always the smooth silky voice and the steady thumps of the heart bellow you worked like a charm. Only to send you into the spiciest dream you’ve ever had.
“Mommy” you whined pitifully as you squirmed under Larissa’s gaze. The blonde seemingly confident as she towered over you, not even throwing her past crush a glance. “She is a pretty thing Tish, I could do so much with her” the shifter murmured thoughtfully, clearly talking about you and not to you as she ignored your desperate state.
“Ah, mon amour, you aren’t in control here are you darling?” Your lover reminded the principal, clearly stating that she is in control of both you and the blonde. “Will you be good for me sweet girl?” She practically coed at the older woman while actively ignoring you. “Yes mommy” came the mumbled response, her shyness soaking the words. “Oh my dear Rissa, we both know you aren’t shy in this department darling” came her chuckled teasing words. You’d know there was something with them in the past, but purposely not spoken about until this interaction.
It was then that you became overwhelmed with your thoughts of the two women together in the most intimate and inexperienced ways that your grip of control faltered and everyone in the room was blessed with the image of Larissa Weems in her youth, riding your Tish’s milky thigh in a frantic rhythm. “Oh! You’re so good Rissa, keep going for mommy, I want to feel you cum for me darling” she would murmured into the blondes ear before taking it between her teeth and tugging gently.
Unbeknownst to your slumbering self you’d given your girlfriend the opportunity to hopefully bring her first crush and lover to the bedroom without fear of upsetting you. Seeing the sexual dream that had caused you to entangle your legs to hers, effectively pressing your now dripping warmth to her leg was enough reassurance. All she needed now was the principal to agree.
To say Larissa was expecting the potion teacher to barge into her office with such a personal invitation during school hours would have been insanity, but then again the Addams family love to make keep her on her toes. Truthfully, Principal Weems kept her ex lover former crush on the staff for many reasons. Her teaching for one, to be close to her for another, and the third being those pesky lingering feelings that never left once she left the gates of Nevermore with Gomez. One swift divorce had her back where she belongs it still not hers. No. Because she wanted you.
Meetings with the principal after hours were not uncommon for you as a first year qualified teacher however, seeing Tish sat on her desk as their lips fused together like a centuries old dance was definitely a first. Not that you were complaining at all. In fact, you decided to let them feel the affect they have on you, causing Larissa to let out a whimper of need. “Patience sweetheart, this isn’t about us yet” Morticia reprimanded as she pulled herself away from the shifters body. “Would you care to join us sweet girl? I know just how much you enjoyed your dream the other night, and mommy wants to give that to you baby.”
That’s how you found yourself reliving your first part of your dream, word for word squirming on the sofa by the warm fire. Two pairs of eyes drinking in your now semi naked form. “Much better sweet girl you’re so pretty for mommy baby” your girlfriend praised before swiftly moving to grab the blindfold she’d stashed away before your arrival. From there you were promptly ignored by the older women as Mortica claimed her dominant stance causing Larissa to slip into a happy medium, content to please everyone.
Slender fingers trailed your exposed abdomen ever so lightly that it may as well have been a ghost. A phantom feeling only to be chased away with a rougher texture on your plush thighs. “Mm” you purred happily, Morticia always knew just what you craved without you needing to say it. So there was no surprise when she instructed Larissa to fetch a cold water bottle and roll it over your skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. “C-cold mommy” you whimpered with an adorable pout on your luscious lips. “Oh my poor baby” the faux sympathy rolling off her words in waves. Soon enough there was a soft tassle being dragged all over your body like a snake looking for its prey as it slithers over your bra clad chest.
Soon enough both women grew tired of their little game, deciding that you were all simply too clothed for the occasion. Tish instructed you to try and undress her while your vision was not present but you ended up reaching for Weems instead. A quick tut of disapproval soon had you swivelling around to please her only to lose your balance. “Such a silly baby, can’t even undress me. Well Larissa will have to do it seems I know she can be a good girl for me.”
Only when Larissa freed the older woman from her garments did she get permission to strip down herself while Morticia ripped the skimpy lace off your body. “Please can I play with her Mommy?” Larissa mumbled completely star struck by your bare body. With a wave of the other woman’s hand Larissa immediately yanked you onto your hands and knees and settled under your body. Mortica coming to sit on the arm rest and spreading her legs for you to be eye to eye with her aching core. “Get to work little slut, be good for me baby.”
You immediately delve into her awaiting cunt, blindly missing your target by an inch causing your lover to grab a fist fall of hair to guide you, all while Larissa happily began to kiss and lick your pillowy thighs before eating you out like a starved woman. Soon enough the office was filled with the sweetest moans where French and English words blended together in the height of her enjoyment. Larissa simply moaning shamelessly into your soaked pussy causing you to mirror her with the raven haired woman’s clit pulsing between your lips. “Oh fuck baby! Right there pretty whore. Best whore for mommy” her praise only spurring on your determination to please her. Only when you decide to plunge two fingers into her greedy core did she cum as you happily lapped up your reward before tumbling over the edge yourself.
“Oh sweet girl your blindfolds all wet.” She mock gasped before ripping it off your head to examine it. “Messy whore” was offered by the blonde whose mouth was coated in your arousal and cum. All while you were blinking rapidly trying to maintain your position not wanting to disappoint them. Inevitability your shaking legs failed you causing you to collapse against the sofa earning a time out.
That’s how you found yourself sat on the floor, let’s spread wide, hands behind your back as you watched Tish bring Larissa over the edge time after time, lavishing her on sweet praise with ever orgasm, while you sat untouched and ignored. Every little needy sound that slipped past your lips bought the blonde another high. Every time you moved from your position brought your girlfriend a chance to feel the bliss while you sat there watching another woman have her screaming and crying out with pure pleasure. On one hand you were jealous as sin on the other it was hot as hell and what a spectacular show to be blessed with. Perhaps that’s why you behaved.
Tish had simply lost count of how many times she’d rode the waves of pleasure, simply forgetting how good Larissa is in the department before she had some experience. However, she’s not as young as she was back then and her body simply requires a break which is why Larissa gets you resting against your mommy’s front, legs spread as she instructs you to keep your gaze on the ceiling. Fuck. Mirrors. Everywhere, you realised. “Gonna make you watch how much of a filthy slut you look like as you fall apart for another woman” she stated before setting to work in trailing her fingers through your slick. “So fucking messy sweet girl, eyes on the ceiling or I’ll make mommy hold your head that way” the blonde threatens before unleashing a whole new burst of energy on your pleading core.
“Tish, the whore won’t look” Larissa grumbled noticing how your head had dropped to the side after the second orgasm. “Mommy, too much” you slurred letting out a little squeal when Larissa touched your oversensitive clit. “One more sweet girl, mommys right here, one more baby you can take it. Look how pretty my girl looks.” Her praise combined with the principals three fingers curling just right to hit the perfect spot had you seeing stars and drenching the sofa below you all. It was only after working you down from the high did you let out a sob of “no more” over and over.
Larissa hurrying to find the pre set out aftercare things while morticia hummed a French lullaby, your favourite when this deep into sub space. Your eyes filed with a haze as you immediately began to root around for more skin to skin contact. When Larissa returned with water and sugary treat you seemed to far down which worried her. Yet Tish seemed to know just what to do. After sipping her water and encouraging you to do the same with the support from both women you settled in between them both. Completely submerged into your subby mindset you gently grabbed Larissa’s hand and brought her fingers to your lips before ever so lightly drawing them between your lips. Immediately a content sigh left your body as you snuggled more into your mommy muttering around the slender fingers, “mm we keeps her?” Without knowing Morticia already planned on it.
Word count ~ 2161
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tanith-rhea · 2 years
hii, I love your writing! I was wondering if you could do some fake dating for either Larissa, Miranda or Lucifer and female reader? :D You know the one where for some reason they decide it's good to pretend they're dating, but oh nooo they accidentally fall in love for real? 😱😏
Only Pretending
Hey, anon! Thank you so much for the request! I'm afraid it turned out bigger than I expected, I don't know what you envisioned but this will definitely be a multiple chapter one... Sorry!!!
Word count: 3k
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"That's all for today, guys. I won't give you homework, so enjoy the break and prepare for the quiz when we get back. Remember, the winning team gets a homework-free week!" you waved the excited teenagers out of class. It was the last period of the day and autumn break was officially started. Many wished you good rest and some a fun Halloween, but there were always the ones who bolted right after you said they could.
However, some stayed behind, too entertained gossiping to pay attention at the hour or — which was the apparent case — complaining about their mother coming to get them for "Family Halloween Traditions". Wednesday and Enid were still sitting at their shared desk, Enid trying to convince her roommate that "it" could be fun if she let herself enjoy the festive spirit and Wednesday complaining she would only have fun when Enid arrived.
You thought they were the cutest pair. So different and at the same time sparking out the most unexpectedly similar sides of each other; Wednesday encouraged Enid's feistier side through bickering and teasing and Enid made Wednesday smile begrudgingly with her cuteness.
"I think it'll be less horrendous than it's been before at least," Wednesday conceded, "Some different faces of people I actually don't loathe being around."
"Exactly, honey bun!" Enid chirped, getting up from their class and offering her arm for Wednesday to take, "I'll arrive early to rescue you from your mom and I'm sure Principal Weems will bicker with her enough to make you smile."
Wait, Larissa would visit the Addams? For Halloween? You could swear she barely tolerated Wednesday's mother from what you've heard of their history at Nevermore. Morticia seemed all right to you and according to other teachers and old acquaintances, quite fun to be around, but the poorly concealed disdain that overtook your boss' face every time the woman was mentioned fostered a small uneasiness and dislike to grow on you towards Wednesday's (un)beloved mother.
"Hello, girls!" you approached the pair with the pile of essays you had to grade and everything you needed to not return to class for the entire week in your hands, "Everything all right? Do you have any questions?"
"No, Professor! No worries," Enid hushes to say, and Wednesday got up as well, linking her arm to Enid's, "We were just about to go. Happy Halloween!"
You were about to wish them happy Halloween as well when Wednesday cut in, "Do you have plans for Halloween, professor?"
Curious of her to ask. You liked to think you had a good teacher-student relationship, but the girl rarely seemed to care for pleasantries or chit-chat for that matter.
"Actually, I'll just stay at the academy and rest a bit. I love teaching you guys but if dealing with ordinary teenagers is already taxing, teaching extraordinary ones is a whole other level." It was true, the amount of trouble your last students could get into was only exponentiated when added to the supernatural abilities students at Nevermore possessed. It was also much more entertaining. Yes, you had to keep them safe and punish troublemakers accordingly, but you loved the thrill to discover just what mischief they had got up to again. The best one so far was when a vampire kid turned into a mist to sneak out at night and changed into their solid state while floating atop the lake.
“Mother is hosting a Halloween party. I believe she’ll only pester Principal Weems to go but you are invited,” she said in her trademark monotone. Why you didn’t entirely know.
“I think that would be a matter for your mother to decide, dear. Although I am honoured you’d like my presence, I don’t think I can simply show unexpectedly.”
“The more sane, competent women there the direr it will be for mother, I only figured you could help me avenge the inconvenience of her smothering motherly love.”
Wednesday was quite the interesting girl. You thought it did make sense she’d want some friends around to endure the celebration, and while you understood and quite shared her respect and admiration for the principal, you were touched to find she regarded you similarly.
“If I cross paths with your mother, I’ll be sure to ask her, can we leave it at that?” at the youngling’s curt nod, you saw the pair leave the room and followed behind, closing the door when you left.
You took three or four steps before listening to the click of very well-known heels. Your shoulders sank and you quickly prayed to any god that might be listening for patience.
“Hello, there, beautiful lady!” Razvan, the vampire transformation teacher stalked at you to accompany your steps.
“Good evening, teacher,” your voice was calculatedly calm. You learned your lesson on being nice to overly adorable and excitable kittens as well as their human-like form.
“I was hoping to catch you alone to ask about that coffee date I suggested last week,” he was smiling like a child on Christmas morning, waiting to open their presents, “You said you were too busy planning the homework you’d give the students for the break but now we’re all free.”
It was cute how he seemed to like you, but he just wasn’t your type. When you saw the tiny black cat at the quad a few months back you thought it was only that, a cat, which you petted and played with and fed because its appreciative meows were cute. When it turned out to be the very not-cat, very impressionable vampire transformation teacher, you wanted to smash your head into the nearest flat surface, so what if it was a stone wall?
“You see… I haven’t got around to grading their essays yet, so I’ll be busy these first few days. Maybe later this week? I’ll see if I can make time and get back to you, ok?” it was really difficult to just say no. You weren’t the most proficient at negating people even in normal circumstances; the fact that he was so clearly infatuated with you made saying no seem like kicking a puppy.
“Oh… that’s fine… I guess. What about tomorrow? Right after lunch? You can check your agenda tonight and I’ll look for you for the verdict!” with that he puffed into a bat and flew down the corridor like a drunk butterfly. Was he making little loops? You had to end this and soon, it was too cruel to keep it up and even if it’d hurt him, it was best than leading him on.
Later that day, you and Vlad sat together eating dinner. He was telling you about an interesting countermove a second year made to get a point on their opponent and you were only half-listening and humming when you thought it appropriate.
Larissa was at the other end of the table, rather uncharacteristically talking to no one and wearing a tight face as if her food tasted like lemons and green limes squished together.
“Something on your mind?” Vlad inquired, following your gaze to the headmistress, “Oh, wow, someone’s not looking forward to rest and relaxation.”
“Hm?” you looked at him and noticed he was also studying Larissa’s sour complexion “Ah, yes. She does seems really angry, doesn’t she? If I hadn’t seen it before I would almost say she’s pissed.”
“That is because she is.” He explained, taking a sip of blood before continuing, “Morticia Addams visited earlier, and by what I hear she quite smugly questioned if Larissa would ‘finally’ bring a plus one to the Halloween Ball they host every year.”
Oh, so that was it. You’d seen Morticia’s verbal sparring with the principal before; you attributed it to their past roommate status and the complications that may arise with sharing a bedroom for three years. You had also seen the bickering and teasing on parents’ weekend, the elongated looks in yearly student reviews and all the times Wednesday’s parents had to be called in because their daughter got herself into trouble.
You knew the story of Larissa’s fancy for Gomez when they were young, but you didn’t think Morticia would still be gloating twenty years later that she got the cake.
“And is she?” you asked, looking back at her, something in your chest making you feel cold all of a sudden.
“Is she bringing a plus one to the ball?”
Vlad examined you with those piercing dead eyes of his, knowing all too well why you asked, but respecting your wishes not to mention it.
“I don’t know. Haven’t heard anything yet. The closest person she had recently turned out to be a fanatic serial killer who tried to murder her.”
“Laurel, right? The one before me?” you were the second attempt at a normie teacher in Nevermore. You liked to think you were doing well, but few things could be worse than trying to destroy the school and everyone in it, so you couldn’t be always sure.
Vlad only nodded and went back to his drink while you lingered on Larissa’s face, then her hands, barely moving to pick at something on her plate.
The first day of break came as a welcomed cup of hot chocolate on a winter morning. It was chilly outside; some yellowed and orange leaves were stuck on your window with the early humidity. The corridor outside was so silent it felt almost eerie and gut-clenching. But you knew it could only mean one thing: freedom. Freedom from classes and teenager angst, freedom from having to get up and face the world. You could just get back to sleep if you so wished and boy that was quite something.
But you didn’t. In truth, the fact you knew most teachers would do exactly that, spurt you on to get out of bed and enjoy the entire campus at your disposal.
The kitchen was first. You made coffee with just this side of too much cream and stole waffles someone had made and left at the table. Then you went to the library and spent some hours in the lounge, readying cheesy romance and enjoying the sunlight coming through the big arched windows.
It was bliss, although short-lived. From the corner of your eye, you saw a small black cat silently but confidently making its way to you. The man shifted with a practised puff, almost like a magician popping into the stage from a cloud of smoke.
“Good morning, professor. I see you decided to venture around the school instead of having extra hours of beauty sleep. Not that you would need, of course,” he shifted excitedly beside you. You couldn’t mask the regretfulness on your face upon looking at him, and he realized it, mistaking your meaning and quickly adding, “Don’t worry! I’m not here to talk about our date. I said after lunch, and I’ll stand by my word. I just wanted to pop in and say good morning.”
“Oh... No problem Razvan, I’ll have my response by then, and good morning to you too. Have you been enjoying the time off so far?”
He seemed to brighten at your question, and although you were happy you could converse on something else than the blessed date, you were also fretful he would think too much of it.
In the end, he had something to do in Jericho and had to leave just a few minutes later, which you were grateful for. He was perfectly pleasant and even fun to be around but his lovesick eyes made your head pound in second-hand embarrassment.
At lunch, you and Vlad got together again at the gazebo in the woods. He slept through the morning, enjoying having the excuse to shift back onto his nightly routines, but not willing to fully shift or else he’d suffer to go back when classes started again.
“You will not believe what I’ve agreed to yesterday,” he told you in a voice that very much spelt migraine alert.
“Oh, Vladdy, break just started and you’ve already got yourself in trouble?” you teased, biting on your sandwich.
“I’ve got myself in trouble?” he asked, in an undignified tone “I’ll have you know that the person that got me ‘into trouble’ is your beloved Larissa Weems!” he pointed at your chest with an arched brow.
You looked around for anyone that might have heard him, no one was there.
“Hey, Vlad you know you can’t say that! What if someone tells her? I’d be out the door in no time, you know she’s especially strict with me!”
He just tsked and shook his head, “You are such an oblivious young girl, she couldn’t care less about you breaking rules. Besides, fancying your boss is not against any and Larissa’s just looking out for you because the parents pressure her into being careful after what happened.”
You knew Vlad had good intentions telling you this, but he wasn’t called every week, sometimes two times per week, to justify a comment or action some student or staff thought deserved attention.
Of course, she was always patient and never inquired too deeply into every situation but her cold demeanour told you everything you needed to know: she didn’t like you either, she just needed someone to show off when outreach between normies and outcasts was mentioned and you happened to be an overqualified and very capable chemist.
“But anyway, this is about me,” he continued, “and what I’ve agreed to is to pretend to be Larissa’s boyfriend at the Addams' Halloween Party.”
You were sure your jaw was on the floor. How had that happened? You knew Vlad and Larissa were friends for quite some time and very close for that matter, but pretending to date was just... another thing entirely.
“How are you going to do that?” you packed the rest of your sandwich, suddenly not hungry anymore, “Won’t they know you aren’t an item? I mean you know Morticia, and she knows you’re very good friends... To just start dating out of nowhere isn’t a bit suspicious?”
“She just really needs to give it to Morticia,” Vlad shrugs, a sorry half-smile in his mouth, “She asked me to her office yesterday night to drink. She was very upset by Morticia’s appearance and mean suggestion that Riss didn’t have a partner-“
“Of course she wouldn’t,” you interrupted, “She’s too busy being a badass successful woman at the head of a god-blessed academy!”
“Yes, yes, keep it in your pants,” he rolled his eyes fondly at you, “But she was breaking my dead heart and I suggested accompanying her. And first, she said it wouldn’t be the same, because we would go as friends and only confirm it to Morticia that Larissa was still alone. So I proposed we pretend to be a pair,” he seemed equal parts rather proud of himself and loathing his genius idea.
“I think it’s sweet of you. But I don’t think it’s going to work,” you said, not wanting to make him feel even worse, but enable to shake the feeling this was doomed to fail.
“Yes, I think you’re-“
“Professor!” a voice interrupted your friend’s comment and Razvan ran towards you, “I finally found you! I was looking for you to ask when we’re getting that coffee. I trust now you have my answer, correct?”
You were so full of this situation. Full of uncomfortable awkwardness, guilt and shame for playing with your colleague’s feelings, even if your intentions were benign. You had to tell him no, to say you didn’t like him that way. That he was too adorable and nice and you could never see him in that light.
“Oh, yes... about that, Raz...” you started, no idea of what you’d say next, “I’m sorry if I gave you the impression we could be more than colleagues and friends... but I’m-“
“In a relationship,” Vlad supplied.
“What?!” you and Razvan yelled in unison.
“C’mon, darling, it was bound to get out one time or another,” he kept going, the madman, “I know you’re worried about what people may think of her for it, but I swear Larissa is dying to go public.”
His maniac grin at your shell-shocked expression made you want to squeeze his neck until you heard it pop. It wouldn’t do much for him, but it would certainly be satisfying to you.
“Y-you and Principal Weems are together?!” the teacher was turning beet read and you had to give it to Vlad that it was a funny situation at least, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know! And of course, I understand why you wouldn’t want to tell me you were taken, that’s completely not my business... Oh my, I’m so sorry!” and with that he rapidly walked away, just shy of outright running.
“You little shit!” you exclaimed as soon as the other vampire was out of earshot, “What in the absolute heavens were you thinking?”
He was shaking with laughter while you punched his shoulder, which only made him go on a bit more before finally calming enough to talk, “You’re right,” he said, as if it explained everything, “I and Larissa aren’t a believable couple. But you and she are a pair one could easily sell.”
“What are you talking about?” you ran your hand through your face in exasperation. He was out of his mind, and now you were screwed if Razvan said anything to anyone.
“You’re here only a year. Morticia doesn’t know you and Larissa is comfortable enough around you to pretend to be with you. It might be even easier than with me because kissing someone after twenty years of friendship is admittedly awkward,” he reasons.
“Kissing some-? What are you even on about? I can’t pretend to be in love with her, you know I can’t! I’ll just make a fool of myself and let something slip.”
“Nonsense, girl. Let’s go, we need to tell Larissa about the change of plans,” he got up and held out his hand to you “And if she says no, we already told someone, so she’ll have to go with it.”
Chapter Two
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