#most insane chaotic trio
vesemirsexual · 2 years
here’s my au pitch
deidre is on her way to kaer morhen to give eskel the worst surprise ever, and on her way meets our fave caravan
she’s first alerted to something wrong in the particular forest she’s travelling in when her two wolves suddenly become alert and growling. she then hears a “what the fuck?” and two pairs of bright eyes step out of the darkness - dragonfly and gaetan. they’re basically like “damn we could smell human and wolf, so we were like okay if they’re dead we can rob them, and if they’re alive we can save them and THEN demand their stuff. did not expect a weird little girl talking to some mangy wolves. weird. just gonna head out.”
so they’re trying to leave and she’s scrambling (but trying to look cool and put together) after them like WAIT you’re Witchers. and they’re leaving like no thank you you seem way too poor to hire us (still listening though because weirder things have happened). so this girl starts demanding to meet eskel of the wolves and they’re just exchanging glances and dragonfly is finally like fuck it, this is a guxart problem.
so they bring her back to the caravan and guxart is immediately like no. no no no. what part of no more feral children did you people not understand. and gaetan just points and goes idk man this kid is looking for wolves. and guxart is like okay, pause. why.
so deidre, who frankly is a royal through and through, puffs up and declares that she’s eskels child surprise and she has to go find him and he’s going to help her get her throne back.
so naturally all the other cats have been pretending to work since this all began (nosey bastards) and now everyone is someone on a scale of snickering to full blown cracking up. guxart just raises a brow and is like. uh huh. good luck with that sweetie.
deidre is pissed bc she hates not being taken seriously. this becomes a back and forth until guxart is finally like okay im not taking responsibility for a wolves child surprise dropping dead, so at the next available sign of settlement we are dropping this child off (privately he’s wondering how the fuck wolves manage to pull people into their drama orbit even when they’re all tucked up in the damn mountains).
since dragonfly and gaetan did this, guxart (he refuses to admit gleefully) assigns deidre as their problem until she’s gone.
the next week or so, they learn more about this weird weird girl. they find out she’s supposedly cursed, supposedly a mutant and also super super rude. they’ve got her pulling her weight, and every time one of them makes a snide comment about how the fuck she expects to take back an entire kingdom when she can barely cut some wood or skin a rabbit has her gritting her teeth.
eventually she ends up snapping at telling one of them to fuck right off. which finally gets some approval. deidre is a little surprised to find that the more blunt and open she is about how she’s feeling, the more helpful these assholes actually are. dragonfly managed to scope out some old trainee gear for her and gaetan actually threw her some (safe) poultice for her calluses and bruises.
thus begins the beautiful and slightly terrifying friendship/mentorship, with deidre being told (as usual) that her dreams of being queen are slightly stupid, and (not the usual) having it laid out WHY that’s a bad idea.
“pick your own path kid,” dragonfly tells her and throws her a new knife. “besides how are you meant to flirt with beautiful women if you’re stuck as a boring queen.”
deidre turns and gives her a guarded yet confused look. “you’re a woman…what do you mean flirt with women??” (dragonfly has kicked open a whole ass can of worms. dragonfly is now responsible for helping this repressed ass girl learn everything from SCRATCH. gaetan laughs his ass off until it’s his turn too.)
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discussion and a little theory about black swan and sparkle's companion mission under the cut (+ spoilers) aka listen to me yap about the blue thing until I go insane
the First sampo we meet in penacony, specifically the one that follows us as we're hanging out with firefly, is nothing like how sampo himself is
his personality is a poor attempt from sparkle to try and convince us that it's him, but perhaps she's not familiar enough with him anymore to know exactly how he acts. "he" is acting weird and a little bit mean towards firefly for not knowing things about penacony even though she should
I don't think sampo would do that, at least the one we met on jarilo-VI wouldn't
the second (and third) time sampo appears, and this time it's actually him, is during the girls' companion mission
during the entire quest him and black swan play this little detective game orchestrated by sparkle where she writes herself in as a murder victim and has the two find her murderer. it's fun and silly and very chaotic
the entire story unfolds inside a dream bubble created by black swan, and when it's over the giant eyeball guy tells us that even though we recognized the people in the dream, it is still a dream. it doesn't represent reality and could have been tampered with
I don't believe that
anyways so. in this sampo acts a little bit more like the one we know, maybe slightly over the top at times but I think he was putting on a performance to spice things up. he was helping out sparkle with the whole thing in exchange for his mask that she probably stole from him (that we sadly don't get to see) so I bet he really put some effort into that, even begging black swan to not skip the last murder case
But. the MOST important part of this entire quest is.. the end. and the end is definitely not a dream
after the trio finishes talking, the dream stops and we briefly return to the real world before going into a memory. and boy there's some stuff to unpack in here
first of all the way they talk to each other? they almost seem like friends. of course, their views on the pursuit of elation are still different
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he is still very polite about it
sparkle doesn't mention anything except muttering "why so serious" to herself
but they do talk like old friends and it's clear that in a sense they may be
after he asks for his mask back, sparkle remarks that it is not like the sampo she knows and then this little exchange happens
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it is now canon, as in acknowledged out loud by a character (in this case himself) that sampo Really did orchestrate almost every thing that happened in jarilo-VI
how did he know this was going to happen? how can sparkle guess the reason why he wants his mask back? has he done this before? well clearly, thinking back to all the chaos he unleashes on that planet, maybe some kind of catastrophe has already came to it that we don't know about?
also slightly unrelated but I think he likes living there. he genuinely enjoys living in belobog because if he didn't, he'd find a way to leave
so anyways what we can deduct from this sequence is that:
- this entire quest is most likely a memory, not a dream. black swan deals with memories and it could be possible that she had some slight changes done to it and passed it off as a dream. maybe. and this would mean that it's a real event, that happened before the jarilo-VI story
- consequently, before that sampo and sparkle were on friendly enough terms that he was willing to help her put on a show for black swan in exchange for his mask (of course, he's always willing to do something to get something in return)
so I did say I have a theory
sparkle is the reason for That One sampo eidolon, "the deeper the love the stronger the hate"
she's the only character so far that we are SURE he dislikes, and that's something knowing he doesn't admit that stuff so openly. source: listen to his lines about other characters, he always masks any kind of negative emotion about other people yet tells giovanni that if it were for him, he'd never see her again (still said in a polite way)
so the "hate" he feels, that he still masks by smiling even though his eyes are devoid of any light, as of right now can only be towards sparkle
I believe she betrayed him somehow and maybe doesn't fully realize that
she's childish, really mean, DEFINITELY cannot "read the room" in any way and I doubt she cares about other people's feelings enough, so if sampo who by nature almost does everything to hide how he truly feels about people ever felt betrayed by her, there'd be miscommunication and possibly confusion on her side and feelings of hate towards her on his side
in the main quest, before sparkle reveals herself, she mentions hearing about his deeds on jarilo-VI but doesn't seem to hold a grudge against him. she probably dislikes him as well but perhaps not as much as he does, which also leads me to think she wouldn't understand if she did anything wrong
them not talking anymore would explain why sparkle's rendition of sampo feels off and kind of out of character
this is a theory I had actually already saw circularing on here, around the time sampo and giovanni's conversation in the memory bubble got leaked. but if I'm correct it's not as discussed
sad cause it's very interesting and you know what this also means?
penacony might not be the last we see of sampo
he has so much going on behind him and this just adds to it. he doesn't speak much about his past himself, he is clearly hiding so so many things and hoyoverse wouldn't keep leaving these little crumbs of information behind if it wasn't for a greater purpose
I feel like I say this every time I talk about him and maybe I'm slowly going insane but I'm also very happy cause I want to see what my beautiful man will do in the future
thanks for reading this far if you did and sorry if this is really messy
I just wanted to let some thoughts out!
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mystwrites · 6 months
A Little Bit of Joy
Summary: While Dazai always causes chaos, sometimes his antics actually do bring a bit of joy to the ADA members, especially Atsushi
CW: Tickling (don’t like, don’t read)
A/N: As promised, here’s lee!Atsushi and ler!Dazai!☺️
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Atsushi wasn’t going to laugh. He told himself to hold it together the moment Dazai began to act silly and for once, it was actually hilarious…and extremely chaotic.
Junichiro and Kenji were on the floor wheezing as Dazai danced around the office, doing a weird dance in front of Kunikida and Yosano who just glared at him. Kyouka wasn’t impressed and neither was Fukuzawa, the two exchanging annoyed looks before shaking their heads at Dazai. Ranpo however was in the same situation as Atsushi, trying his hardest to hold in his laughter.
“Oh no…” Atsushi mumbled.
“Here comes the music…” Ranpo added, cupping his mouth as Dazai brought out the record player from the corner of the office.
It didn’t help that Dazai turned on classical music of all things. Atsushi and the others recognized it quickly as the song with a group of people doing a kick line and shook their heads. Dazai’s feet moved rhythmically to the beat of the music, his loud singing voice mixing in with what was supposed to be good symphony music. Atsushi and Ranpo turned away, cupping their mouths and attempting to stay silent. Kenji and Junichiro making themselves laugh harder than necessary by joining in and dancing together, Naomi deciding to jump in and join the duo.
Atsushi honestly thought the dancing trio looked funnier than Dazai but when he saw the older detective dance over, he knew things were going to get crazier.
“Knee! Kick!! Knee! Kick!!” Dazai hollered, joining the laughing trio. “Come on everybody! Dance and let loose!!!”
“Oh my gosh…” Kunikida groaned. “This…this is the most chaotic thing I’ve seen all year! What is going on here?!?”
“Dazai…” Yosano muttered, glaring at the man. “Stop goofing around…the president is here!”
“It’s fine.” Fukuzawa replied, turning around and acting as if he saw absolutely nothing. “I was just walking out.”
“And just like that, nothing will get done here.” Kunikida sighed, shaking his head.
“D-Dazai san…I think you stole one too many sweets from me…” Ranpo stammered, squealing as Dazai danced over to him and suddenly jabbed him in the tummy.
“Gotcha!~” Dazai sang, poking Ranpo’s tummy a few more times. “There we go! Giggly Ranpo is here!~”
With Ranpo now laughing freely, that left Atsushi. The young detective knew Dazai was on a mission to bring laughter to the office and the stare down they had proved it. Staring at the brunette, Atsushi didn’t know what to do but just nervously smile as Ranpo decided to run away before Dazai could get another jab in.
On one hand, he was positive that Dazai had eaten another hallucinogenic mushroom prior to appearing and was just going insane but another part of him thought Dazai was actually trying to bring joy to the Agency amidst the current case that’s been milking everyone dry of resources, sleep and sanity.
Just as Atsushi was going to humor Dazai and say how hilarious he was (albeit in the most sarcastic way he could muster), he watched in absolute shock as Dazai dove head first into a nearby trash can, everyone either screaming in shock or howling with laughter. All Atsushi could do is stare at the man with big eyes and a jaw dropping down to the floor.
“Yep…Dazai san has officially gone off the rails…” Atsushi thought, now more concerned for his mentor than anything. He felt his left eye twitch as Dazai looked around, the trash can obscuring his vision.
When Dazai finally lifted the trash can off of his head, he shook his messy brown hair, laughing. “Well, at least it was an empty one this time!” he chirped, seeing Atsushi staring at him. “Atsushi kun, what’s with that face?~”
Oh no…Dazai’s sing song voice…
“You look concerned.”
“I-I…I am concerned…” Atsushi replied, still staring at Dazai. “Have you lost your marbles?!”
“Haha! No, nono! Don’t worry, I haven’t eaten any mushrooms for the past week.”
The past week?!? Yeah, that sure is reassuring. Atsushi let his shoulders slump, giving Dazai an annoyed glare as he shifted to sitting cross legged on the work desk.
“Oohhh!! Atsushi kun!! Oh my gosh!!!” Dazai suddenly cried, cupping his cheeks and running over to him.
“What? What???” Atsushi panicked, looking all around.
“Oh my gosh!! I think I saw a flea!!!”
“A flea?! Where?? Where?!?”
“Yes! It’s right here!!”
Feeling Dazai’s fingers suddenly squeeze his sides, Atsushi screeched and flailed, nearly falling off of the desk he had been sitting on. Dazai swiftly caught him before he could fall head first onto the floor and picked him up, carrying him over to the couch.
Plopping Atsushi onto the couch, Dazai immediately went to work. Atsushi was in shock for a few seconds but quickly found himself fighting back, desperate to escape from Dazai, yet enjoying the sudden playfulness all at the same time as ten nimble fingers crawled up and down his sides and around his tummy. Arching his back, Atsushi squawked as Dazai started squeezing up his sides and drilling into his ribs before letting his hands travel back down.
“D-Dahaaazai sahahaan!! N-noooo!!” Atsushi whined, cupping his mouth as he giggled.
“Wait, here!! There’s a flea! And here’s another! Oh my! So many!!” Dazai cried, poking and prodding all of Atsushi’s ticklish spots lining his torso. “I gotta get all these fleas off of you!”
“D-Dahahazai sahahahan!” Atsushi squeaked, giggling harder when his arm was suddenly raised up. “Noohoho! Dahahazai san!! Thehehere’s no flehehea on meehehehee!! ACK!!”
“You’re right. I just wanted an excuse to make you laugh like this.” Dazai admitted, suddenly clawing the life out of Atsushi’s belly. “I honestly didn’t think you’d ever burst into laughter, Atsushi kun!~”
Letting out a cry, Atsushi kicked and flailed, snorting and squeaking every few seconds as he felt Dazai’s fingers press deeper into his flesh. Now unable to stop laughing, Atsushi shook his head and held onto Dazai’s wrists, giving the brunette the most pleading eyes when his fingers slowed to a halt.
“Plehehehease!! Plehehehease!!” Atsushi begged, his cheeks dusted with a bright pink hue. “Y-yohohou’re tihihickling mehehehee!!”
Dazai gasped again, raising Atsushi’s shirt up slightly. “Oh no! I see one more flea!! It’s a big one! Hold still!”
Atsushi shook his head. “Dahahazai sahahan! Dohohon’t even thihihink about i-IIHIHI HIT!!”
Much to Atsushi’s horror, Dazai did think about it and slid his finger into his navel. Atsushi all but howled with laughter, squirming, shoving and kicking. His pleas didn’t do much either, Dazai only encouraged to continue thanks to Atsushi’s loud belly laugh.
This wasn’t the first time Dazai managed to launch a tickle attack on Atsushi. The weretiger was a victim countless times before, but it was never this playful. Most of the time, Dazai just gave him jabs on either side or a squeeze just above the hips to keep him on his toes. However, this was more than just squeezes or pokes. Dazai was swirling his finger inside his bellybutton, forcing out the belly laugh no one in the Agency ever heard.
“PLEHEHEHEASE!! PLEASE!! DAHHAZAI SAHAHAN!! I CAHAHAN’T!” Atsushi squealed, trying to curl up on himself.
“I can’t! I need to catch that tickle flea!!” Dazai argued, gathering Atsushi’s wrists in one hand and using his free one to continue “searching” his bellybutton for the flea.
“I CAHAHAN’T BREHEHEHEATHE!!” Atsushi cried, screaming bloody murder. “PLEHEHEASE!! DAHAHAZAI SAHAHAN!! NOOOOHOHO!!”
“There’s a tickle flea somewhere in there! Don’t stop me, Atsushi kun!” Dazai shouted, Atsushi’s laughter only growing in volume. “I must get this tickle flea or else you’ll never stop laughing!!”
“Those three won’t help! They know the tickle flea will just jump onto them and I’ll be forced to do this to them!” Dazai sang, suddenly using one hand to tickle Atsushi’s neck while the other swirled around the rim of his bellybutton. “And Kunikida kun…”
“Is right behind you.” Kunikida finished, suddenly grabbing Dazai by the collar of his coat and flipping him. “You’re in for it now you bandaged idiot!! Lie down and stay still!”
“Aaahh!! Wait! Wait, wait! Kunikida kun!” Dazai stammered, sounding rather nervous. “Plehehease!! I was juhuhust playing around with Ahahatsushi kun so he freely laughed! NOOOHOHO!! ATSUSHI KUN HEHEHEHELP!!”
“Shut up, Dazai! He won’t save you!” Kunikida growled. “I’ve had enough of your shenanigans for the day!”
Sure, this whole little laughter session was unplanned, but Dazai really did bring joy and some stress relief to the Agency. Atsushi couldn’t help but smile as he recovered, Kenji, Junichiro and Ranpo all joining him to make sure he was okay while watching Dazai suffer Kunikida’s wrath.
After things settled and work had concluded for the day, Atsushi was getting ready to leave when he found Dazai sitting on the couch, staring off into the distance of the city. Deciding to keep him company for a bit, Atsushi took a seat next to his mentor, looking out at the city. It was very peaceful and beautiful to Atsushi and he didn’t comprehend the cushion of the couch shifting nor Dazai turning to look at him.
“Hey, Atsushi kun.” Dazai whispered, finally acknowledging him.
“Hi Dazai san. You looked lonely.” Atsushi replied, noticing Dazai’s facial expression change slightly in a way he couldn’t figure out. “I hope you don’t mind me keeping you company for a while.”
Dazai smiled gently, reaching out and giving Atsushi a head pat. He knew his mentee loved receiving the head pats. “I don’t mind.”
“Also, thank you.”
“Hm? For what?”
Atsushi smiled and turned to Dazai. “For always making me feel comfortable here at the Agency. I really appreciate it.”
The smile widened as Atsushi’s words sunk in. Dazai let out a soft chuckle and playfully ruffled Atsushi’s hair even more, forcing soft, sweet giggles out of the young detective.
“You’re welcome, Atsushi kun.”
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altocat · 11 months
What’s your opinion on how the Remnants represent Sephiroth in pieces? Watching AC, I feel like they suggest that Sephiroth is internally a chaotic storm of emotions and with a longing for his mother crowning it all. All three of the Remnants are so obsessed with their mother even though they vary in personality and that scene where Kadaj loses his mind over Jenova’s “death” is sooo poignant and painful. You can see how big of an issue it is for Sephiroth I guess.
They're all aspects of Sephiroth's insanity, as well as his feelings of maternal abandonment.
Kadaj represents his charisma, deviousness, and command, but is also incredibly petulant and unstable. He can be clever and resourceful, but is also very volatile. He's also the most in-tune to the idea of familial ties--whether that's Cloud, Jenova, etc.
Loz is Sephiroth's strength and skill, but is also his lack of emotional development, being the biggest blubbering baby of the three. He's threatening on the outside, but little more than an overgrown toddler on the inside, constantly crying and feeling lost without direction. He's good at taking orders, much in the way Sephiroth was good at taking orders.
Yazoo is Sephiroth's alluring nature and deceptiveness. He seems like the calmest and most stoic of the trio but goes absolutely apeshit whenever you least expect it. He seems unfazed by a lot of things, but it's just a ruse to hide a darker nature.
They're all angry, violent children that want their mother, and will do anything to reach her. There's something to be said at the fact that Kadaj dislikes Sephiroth--perhaps that's projection on some level. There's also a fun theory in the community that they also all resemble Sephiroth, Angeal, and Genesis, lingering shadows of Seph's old friend circle. But that's purely a coincidence hehe.
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mixelation · 11 months
i was thinking about reborn au & the iwa chunin exams and i..... genuinely do not know what tori can actually do?? cut also contains me whining about timing of events
okay, so my timeline:
i usually do everything timeline-wise relevant to team 7's age, so: itachi is ~5 years older than sasuke, which makes tori ~4 years older. i headcanon the hyuuga affair as being part of the end of the third shinobi war, so tori would be ~7 when that happened.
the ame trio prevent a lot of fighting happening in rain country, so sound is actually a lot worse off than the original timeline (although tori... doesn't know this). her adoptive clan is having SEVERE supply issues so she doesn't actually get much instruction with anything metal until orochimaru officially unites the sound country clans into oto. i'm debating the effect of ame not being the stage for war having the effect of making it last longer, so tori is anywhere from 8 to 10 when suddenly she's part of oto
i'm not sure what orochimaru implements in terms of training? the Vibe i was going for is that he wants to improve childhood training because his next move is going to be icing out (or murdering) the adults bc he wants a hoard of shinobi who are 100% loyal to him. idk, maybe he unites them before the end of the war and sends a lot of adults to their deaths. so tori might have actual instruction from like 7-8?
i don't think tori actually LIKES most training. she doesn't super care about being a badass; she wants to research how chakra works and make a lot of insane seals to test her theories. so she taps out of training whenever she can in oto, which becomes increasingly often as she's given more independence as a researcher.
i think orochimaru would base any training program on the konoha academy curriculum, so tori definitely knows the basic 3 jutsu. since she spends all her time thinking about chakra, i think i'll let her have pretty good instincts on how to mold chakra. she rarely struggles to learn ninjutsu, but she doesn't have a ton of chakra and she doesn't have a lot of motivation or teachers available. no one's formally taught her treewalking bc anything beyond the basic training in oto is sort of chaotic and she doesn't have a built in family structure to learn it from, so she's self-taught (she self-taught wrong LMAO) and also she didn't really bother with it until she fled oto. i'm going to let her know some techniques which are TECHNICALLY medical but she learned from orochimaru to do surgery in the name of science. she doesn't like using them in combat because they're..... messy
i think orochimaru is the type to make children fight each other. tori relies a lot of children just being kind of stupid rather than any actual combat skills, but as she gets older this strategy works less well. her taijutsu is therefore....... iffy. for weapons she's most competent with a staff (from the ol' bamboo pole days) but she doesn't like it bc it's very Sound Country(tm) and she doesn't really identify as an Oto-nin. her aim with a kunai is... okay?
With Team 4, I think Kushina really quickly is like "okay, so this team is about making sure tori can hit someone properly (and me teaching this one transport seal to her for the mission)" and tori just doesn't think this is very fair. why aren't you teaching her MORE seals, instead? They only get ~3 months so i don't think she makes insane progress, but she gets better!!
tori's fighting style is very "i will seem harmless until very suddenly I Am Not" so she gets kind of into trying to come up with a technique that gives her a one-hit kill. for this she turns to misapplied medical jutsu and kushina is just like "wow, horrifying, keep it up."
(fuinjutsu is actually pretty tricky to incorporate into active combat, because even if you have pre-made seals, it'll take you a hot second to active them, which is often a hot second too many)
tori's skills are all over the place in a way that seems completely illogical unless you ARE her, and also her measuring stick is Akatsuki, so tori is like "oh yeah, no, i think the average genin could obliterate me?" but the SECOND she realizes that winning her first tournament match means she'll fight itachi, she's like "actually i am going to dedicate my whole month of training to that fight" with the assumption she'll just win against unknown genin #2. whatever, tori knows what a real threat looks like
(also, a WEIRD part of the team 4 dynamic from an outsider's POV is that itachi and deidara don't, like.... disrespect tori? yeah her taijutsu is horrific but also she's INCREDIBLY skilled in a handful of other areas and they're acutely aware of this, but like. they shouldn't be LMAO)
anyway, i want them to run into sasori on a mission, and ORIGINALLY i was going to make this their one c-rank pre-exam. but also i think the exam is the turning point for minakushi to be like "ONE OF US" wrt deidara & tori, and i think "buddies with sasori????" would uuuuh not fly (at least with mianto) until after this turning point. so my new concept for their pre-exam c-rank is they run into chump shinobi and kushina is like "NO TORI HAS TO FIGHT THEM" even though literally any other member of team 4 could win in their sleep. she believes in you, tori!!!
so i think the sasori mission happens post exam? i'm not 100% sure how team 4 functions post-exam. it seems like kind of a waste to have itachi & deidara running c-ranks (esp itachi since he already has a record with konoha), but maybe minato is like "hey buddy..... so upon reflection and reviewing a lot of your files, maybe you should have friends your age??" so then the Point of Team 4 becomes integrating tori & deidara into konoha, and they take progressively more insane missions. the missions get more insane & less frequent as they figure out their own paths. itachi steadily starts getting tapped for ANBU again and tori starts rotating in R&D and gets strong armed into field medic training. i think deidara..... would also go into R&D, because his art is technically jutsu development. this is the funniest thing that's ever happened to tori
tori STILL doesn't like training but she has to log a certain number of hours to maintain her status as an active shinobi and her main sparring partners are like. insane s-rank people. so.............
(tori: I AM GOING TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH NORMAL PEOPLE (makes enemies instead) how)
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xo-zozo · 4 months
Hope ur doing good!
can I request hawthorne brother hcs or libby avery max hcs please :)
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yess! i’m gonna go with my girls ofc. also, i'm really sorry that this is so short, i'm literally writing this at like midnight
| tags : @urbanflorals @reminiscentreader @nqds @annamatix @x-liv25-jamieswife @sophiesonlinediary @lyrakanefanatic @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @fortunatelyjollybeliever @123letsgobestie @off-to-the-r4ces / @zoyaaaabear @clarissawealsey-10
they were all each other’s bridesmaids when they get married
all three of them have weird nicknames for each other that are also their contact names in each other's phones
max is definitely the one who is insanely active on snapchat so she's always posting the most chaotic things with the three of them
they have a sleepover when max visits and it always consist of going on c.ai and seeing if anyone has made ai's of their boyfriends
they have a show that they always watch whenever max comes to visit from college
the show is probably gilmore girls (or friends but i think that's avery and jameson's show)
if it's not gilmore girls it's some really dramatic reality show
they go out to dinner all the time and its either something really fancy or mcdonalds (MCFLURRYS AT 1AM GO WILD)
max makes them take those aesthetic trio photos and always posts them
their group chat is always so random and it's because of max
libby and max are literally avery's biggest fan
they go to the beach together
iv'e said before but libby has a baking channel and she ocasionally posts videos of the three of them on there
i think that one of the videos would be libby doing her makeup on them
libby and avery (and everyone else) go to max's college graduation and they are SOO proud of her
they always have "same outfit, different font"
they're always arguing about what kind of music to play because they have such different music taste
they go to all of the new movies together and then make vids on insta about what they thought of it
not all of them but max always starts singing karma by jojo siwa when there's silence
max makes edits of all of the people that she knows including libby and avery
that group chat is also just a lot of memes and "this reminded me of you
they love the group hugs
they're super good at giving gifts to each other for their birthdays and christmas
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macabrecabra · 1 year
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LOVECRAFTOBER: DAY EIGHT: The Nameless Mist, Magnum Innominandum, Milk of the Void
Affiliation: Court of Azathoth A fun design! Their form in the story/comic is mostly just the background mist monster of many mouths and three eyes. The rare humanoid form appears rarely.
The Nameless Mist is sibling to Darkness and Nyarlathotep and makes up the trio of outer gods that rule supreme with only Azathoth being more powerful. Powerful, chaotic, and with a certain glee for whispering madness across all points of reality, they are revered and feared in equal part.... except by theirsiblings. By Nyarlathotep's own account the Nameless Mist never can shut up, always jabbering away insistently with thousands of voices and mouths. On rare occasions, they will condense into a humanoid form, much like their sibling, taking on a Roman-esque form as the last time they were on Earth was during the height of the Roman empire....and most likely was the whispering voices of insanity in the emperors that brought it low. The Nameless Mist has no care for mortals or other god-like beings. They simply do as they please with a noted disregard for everything. Only their siblings and Tru'Nembra can truly hold their attention in conversation. Not even their own spawn, Yogsothoth matters.
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o-hora-o · 3 months
your rambles are music to my ears... sadly it can't be considered canon i think but the evangelion event fueled my ae addition, and i recall a scene where ein wanted to sacrifice the children and tesla was like 'wtf is wrong with you, you changed lieserl' and ein was just like 'yeah, people change.' though she seemed fond of mei that she knew as a baby; knowing in canon that her father ryoma worked for ae and that she knew kiana extremely young as well i can't believe they wasted the potential of lieserl getting attached to the trio more than 'let's sacrifice them it is life' perhaps my perception is biased but back in the vn lieserl used to be the youngest, and seemed to be the most philanthropist among the group (excluding welt) implicitly at least. she was always trying to reasure him and let him live his life, barely minded tesla's antics, questioning edison's mindset bc it was harmful to mankind, they even decided that ae would use auto pilot mechas and not women as valkyries. tesla was far from misanthropist but she seemed more like 'life is life ?' now the tables are somewhat reversed, ein became a cold vessel with clearly morally questionable choices and tesla is the one grieving all their loss explicitly, esp those closes to her like joachim, welt, emma etc (even during a scene when talking to theresa, in present, she wanted to choke otto what all the bloodshed and what ae went through)
"headcanonical ramble" for a reason. Now here's my little events ramble-
Hell yes in the context of the event this was an insanely morally difficult conversation they had. And not just in this event but in general I think they have this interesting tendency of calling each other by their first names when they have some serious or intimate moments and they want to talk not with the mask but with the soul? (or when they tease each other, of course)
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Can we also appreciate this scene? A masterpiece!
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I'm sorry but can I also mention the Rosemary's event? I can't help but love that plot twist when it was revealed that Joyce didn't actually die and his soul was in Joffrey's body all along and Tesla and Ein were so bad at mourning him that Ein's poor acting skills gave themselves away? 😂
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Idk I love all those events in which AE take part for they can be both dramatic and tragic as the eva and rosemary ones or they can be totally chaotic and ridiculous as Gemina Invasions (we've never seen the continuation of it have we? Like Tesla is forever stuck somewhere across Bubble Universes with Bronya on the bike trying to catch Rosa and Liliya and Ein is forever enslaved by the Jinn for the sake of instant noodles debt lmao) or this Odd Drifter einsla moment still lives rent free in my brain:
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Once Upon a Time in Shenzhou was also freaking awesome. Especially the part when they had a breakdown and came to two options which are either blow up the whole place or
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Ok sorry back to the topic
"now the tables are somewhat reversed, ein became a cold vessel with clearly morally questionable choices and tesla is the one grieving all their loss explicitly". Yeah, agree, nicely phrased. And this drastic psychological change is what I love about them but I can't help but wonder will this ever lead them to some sort of a conflict, especially with Joachim gone. Because Tesla often complains about Ein's "morally questionable choices" but it seems like she can't fully understand Ein's behaviour or do something with it. Maybe at this point It can't be fix. So I hope that the writers won't forget about them as a deeply written characters and they'll have the third and probably the final wave of development.
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mymanyfandomramblings · 2 months
Best Season For Each Glee Character (In My Opinion) And Their Best Episode In Said Season
Note: I'm picking which episode in the season I picked is their best, not overall
Rachel: Season One. Early Rachel is truly one of THE characters of all times, and she's hilarious, and I think they had the formula down the best for her insanity. Best Episode: Either Pilot or Bad Reputation
Finn: Also Season One. I love his arc in the first season, and you get such a good feeling for his character, and you get such a good feel for both his strengths and weaknesses. The other three seasons he's in are also good for him, and he has one of the most consistent arcs and developments, but he's making less Horrible Decisions in Season One. Best Episode: Ballad (no questions asked)--
Kurt: Season Two. Yes, he suffers in Season Two, but he also meets Blaine, and he gets actual storylines that are seperate from Rachel's, and aren't just reducing him to his sexuality or his ability to deliver cutting remarks. Best Episode: Grilled Cheesus, Never Been Kissed or Born This Way
Mercedes: This is rare but Season Five is truly the season where Mercedes shines brightest. She gets to be more than Rachel's competition for solos for the first time, and they actually take time to explore the way her faith informs her decisions. She truly feels like such a realized character in S5. Best Episode: Tested
Santana: Season 2 or 4. Season Two because she's living her best evil life, as well as having some chances to really show her vulnerable side, Season Four, because she's actually being a pretty nice person most of the time, albeit in the most chaotic way possible. I could do a whole analysis of why those are her best seasons, but this is not the time. Best Episodes: Silly Love Songs or Sexy (S2), Girls (And Boys) On Film or Feud (S4)
Quinn: Season One. They seemed to have gotten the right balance here of Quinn being character who suffers a lot, but is also not a very nice person in Season One, and they are never quite able to regain that again. My second pick would actually be Season Three, where she gets to have a lot of good conversations and growth. Best Episode: Throwdown or (what else) Funk
Puck: Season Two. Two words: Lauren Zizes. Also they seemed to have actually figured out what they wanted to do with him in that season. Like Quinn, Season Three was going to be my second pick for him, because I really like his arc in Choke, but alas, the Puck x Shelby thing drags S3 down for him. Best Episode: Never Been Kissed or Original Song
Tina: Season Three or Five. She gets a fair bit to do in Season Three--she's in quite a few songs, and she isn't yet at corruption-arc status, although she's no longer dressing goth, which is a shame. That said, Season Five is also a fun season for her--she's past the worst of her villain arc, and she gets to participate in the stupidity that is Blamtina. Best Episodes: Hold Onto Sixteen or Props (S3) and Trio (S5)
Artie: Season One. He gets some storylines in S1 which aren't just him fumbling girls (and as Artie's no.1 fan, I am here for him getting storylines), and they hadn't completely flanderized his occasional sexist comments into his whole personality yet. Best Episode: Dream On, by a mile.
Brittany: I'm conflicted here. Season One was the only season where she was written with any consistency, however she barely does anything in S1, so it seems unfair. However, she does have some great moments in Season Two. Best Episode: Sexy or Britney/Brittany
Mike: Season Three. He actually gets things to do in Season Three. Best Episode: Asian 'F' (surprisingly)
Sam: Season Two. It took a moment, but once they figured out what to do with Sam Evans, he truly became one of The characters of Glee. Season Three is also good, but he's out-of-focus a lot Best Episode: Rumours
Blaine: Season Four. I know everyone loves Dalton era!Blaine, but I don't care about the Warblers, and although I do like Klaine, I honestly think that it was so good to see Blaine minus Kurt for a season or so, because previously, it had been so obvious that he was a Designated Love Interest character, and Season Four was so important in developing his personality outside of Kurt. Best Episode: Dynamic Duets
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Hi! Was wondering if I could request headcanons about what It'd be like to be best friends with either Percy Jackson or Leo Valdez? If possible gn or m reader, thank you!
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  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FANDOM: riordanverse
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FORMAT: headcanon
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: swearing, angst because i can’t help myself, ttc spoilers, tlo spoilers, tlh spoilers, moa spoilers, hoh spoilers, boo spoilers, toa spoilers
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୨⎯ percy jackson⎯୧
oh my
so you guys probably met at camp half blood during his first year
he was NOT having a good day and you just came and sat beside him and started rambling about random shit
and he was like “okay….”
after that you randomly came up and started talking to eachother
and soon you were inseparable
you get invited on quests with him!!
they let you come as a 4th person for emotional support
he forces you to eat blue food
once you meet sally blue food is all you eat
speaking of sally she loves you
istg she’s atleast once referred to you as her other child
she’s really glad you came up to percy and started rambling about anything and everything because now he has lots of friends
do NOT blame yourself for what happened to bianca and zoë, even if it WAS your fault, or he will shove blue pancakes down your throat until you agree that it wasn’t your fault
also i have a headcanon that bianca and percy were best friends so you three have your own little trio until she dies
if you got hurt during the battle of manhattan (in the first series) my guy would be going insane
demanding to know what happened
anyway then he goes missing and now your going insane trying to figure out what happened
while he’s gone you become good friends with leo and come with them on their quest as a distraction to the fear you feel every minute of everyday of not knowing if your best friend is okay
when you guys find him you laugh while annabeth judo flips him
then judo flip him yourself
you and annabeth are a platonic power couple
Y/N, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Percy, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids
Annabeth: what the fuck are you guys doing?
Y/N: playing systemic oppression
i feel like if you’re part of the 7 he’d be a bit annoyed because he knows being part of a prophecy like that means you’re gonna get hurt a lot
but like he can’t stop you from coming along because you’re in a prophecy
it’s impossible (probably)
when they get out okay you and him go for like a night in the city to catch up cause you’ve both been busy
it was… chaotic
so for dramatic affect let’s say gaea destroyed your house so you have no place to stay and he’s like “you can live with me!!!”
you do then lester shows up and you terrify him with your… well your everything basically
if percabeth has kids your probably the wine aunt/uncle/relative
you go to the same high school
and take almost all the same classes
you randomly storm into eachothers classes to tell eachother the most random things
the chaos that you two would cause accidentally
you buy recorders together and annoy EVERYONE
annabeth breaks them eventually
in conclusion: being percys best friend is: chaotic, fun, and also dangerous. he’s protective but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing because like he’d fight for you if anything were to happen
10/10 best friend would recommend
Percy: it’s dark in here
Y/N: don’t worry i got this
Y/N: *stomps feet*
Y/N: *sketchers light up*
୨⎯ leo valdez ⎯୧
for my own sake i’m gonna say you met at the boarding school
you, jason, leo, and piper were all VERYYYY good friends
you had your own little squad
you were closest with leo though because of your energy matching
anyway when the whole thing at the grand canyon happens you two are tryna work together to do whatever you can
spoiler warning: IT DIDNT WORK
you tried okay
when the chariot crashes at chb you’re both like “wtf”
you probably pointed out the thing above his head
when he learns he can do fire powers you guys have fires every week where you make s’mores and yell at people from afar
funniest duo
probably forbids you to do random stuff
if you’re part of the 7 hes probably happy because:
b) you can do your pranks together and make everyone angry at you
so help me god if you fall into tartarus with percy and annabeth he will jump in after you
no he tries but jason doesn’t let him
if you don’t fall in but are restless and worried after he’ll stay by you the whole time
even though your kinda freaking him out he’s not gonna leave you like this
when they come back alright hes so happy to see your tense shoulders relax and you fall asleep easily that night
you’d probably propose at restaurants to get free food
or if someone’s bothering you or him the other will come and flirt and act like your/his partner to scare them away
i’m pretty sure leo has canonically read the hunger games so he rants to you about it while sobbing his eyes out
when you find out what’s he’s gonna do it’s too late and he’s already gone 😨😨
another 6 restless months
you lose hope then your sibling comes in and says “HES BACK”
you judo flip his ass so hard
then you meet calypso and become friends with her too
she’s like you and leo’s gaurdian
*Y/N and Leo sitting together in jail*
Leo: so who should we call
Y/N: i’d call calypso but i feel safer in jail
comforting eachother after jason dies
okay back to the not sad stuff
Y/N: *holding perfume bottle* is this whiskey or perfume?
Leo: *chugs entire bottle*
Leo: it’s perfume
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
Mycroft's darling is Sherlock's fav person, aside from John and his darling ofc
Just cuz she has a record of driving his brother insane and he can respect that
I have never actually thought about John having a darling, it would probably be very mild to the point where she wouldn’t even be able to pick up on anything because he would be too embarrassed to tell her how he feels about her, though I image her working as a photographer in the paper along Sherlock’s darling as to mirror Sherlock and Watson.
But this trio of darlings would be so chaotic, like Sherlock’s darling getting Mycroft’s darling to live and do the craziest shit with her and meanwhile Watson’s darling is silently praying that neither of them gets a broken neck because then she would have the Holmes brothers to deal with.
I definitely think the three of them solved a murder case together without telling Sherlock, Mycroft, or John, and it is the most chaotic mess from start to end. So at the scene where they caught the murderer and Scotland Yard is arresting the culprit and the three of them are just sort of in shock and laughing about if, Mycroft’s darling resting her head on her friend’s shoulder and then she hears voices call out all three of their names, all sounding cross besides the voice of Dr. Watson who just sound worried. So the two darlings of the Holmes brothers book it running and laughing as they see the two brothers, slipping under a hole under a fence that is too big for the men to squeeze through, leaving Watson’s darling to explain what happened to the worried doctor and the two brothers who could not be more angry, but hey at least they agreed on something for once.
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AU where Trio holders lives and acting Pro heroes that regularly picking up interns from UA. But being chaotic them, that always leads to completion of who got best intern
I'm always delighted to see my favorite trio get an AU where they can be happy!
1. Just to make this an extra happy AU, the trio defeated AFO way back in the dawn of the age of quirks. AFO gave Yoichi immortality as a last jab, saying they would continue their battle later. Alas AFO didn't realize the immortality would get duplicated inside One for All and make his brothers' annoying boyfriends immortal too. AFO laid low planning to try to take over Japan again later, got amnesia, married Inko Midoriya, and had a kid. He's currently living life as a genuinely ordinary salaryman who loves comics.
2. Japan is just a lot happier overall without AFO's bad influence. The trio worked together to stop the HPSC from getting too corrupt. They are extremely famous as Japan's three greatest heroes. Yoichi is famous as a quirkless hero, All Might also became a quirkless hero, and quirkless discrimination never took off as a result. Izuku and Katsuki never stopped being friends. Third most has One for All, though the trio passes it around sometimes.
3. Yoichi snatched Izuku up right away as his intern because Izuku is also going to become a quirkless hero. Yoichi has no idea that Izuku is his nephew. How could he, when Hisashi Midoriya doesn't even know himself? But they still hit it off right away. Yoichi brags about Izuku to anyone who will listen. Shouto Todoroki has a million conspiracies, his favorite is that Yoichi is a time-traveling older version of Izuku.
4. Second picks Hitoshi Shinsou as his intern. Hitoshi is pretty surprised about this. However Second knows a lot about turning a weak quirk into a weapon and working underground instead of in the spotlight. He has a lot of ideas about how to help Hitoshi reach his full potential. The only issue is that Hitoshi loves stray cats and keeps bringing them back to the agency, and Second refuses to admit he is scared of cats.
5. Third picks Mezo Shoji as his intern because 1. His quirk is criminally underutilized; and 2. he's clearly dealing with a lot of trauma from quirk discrimination. As someone who grew up during the dawn of the age of quirks, Third can sympathize a lot. He helps Mezo stop hiding his face and his scars.
6. Of course, in addition to being good mentors, these three are all insanely competitive. So they keep contriving to run into each other on the job and show off their interns. Izuku and Mezo are very embarrassed, especially Izuku because Yoichi keeps doting on him. Hitoshi embraces the competition and decides both are his rivals.
7. After a certain "incident" leads to an explosion of whip cream in town square (don't ask) Nezu calls in the three and warns them that if they don't tone it down, they will lose their interns. Yoichi cries for an hour at the prospect of being separated from Izuku.
8. The three do tone it down: at least until the next Sports Festival when they go nuts cheering on their protegees with giant banners, megaphones, and even a blimp. At this point even Hitoshi is embarrassed.
9. Yoichi finally finds out that Izuku is his nephew when he runs into Hisashi at the Sports Festival. There is pandemonium. The three greatest heroes tackled a random civilian! After realizing about the amnesia, Yoichi covers it up claiming that he mistook Hisashi for someone else. He'd rather his older brother never get his memories back.
10. Shouto Todoroki publishes a completely accurate theory online about Hisashi being All for One, but no one believes him. Perhaps partly because he still thinks Yoichi is a time-traveling Izuku.
(All of these asks are free to use in my Three Weeks of Trioholders event.)
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pruechaosbracket · 1 year
ROUND 2-B: Taako, Magnus and Merle VS Tiny Tina
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About Taako, Magnus, and Merle: A trio of adventurers, who's in-universe group name is Tres Horny Boys. Their antics come in both group ways; such as when they jumped down a well when none of them can levitate, and individual ways; such as when Taako brought and item that can be traded for someone's most valuable item and then sold it back to the same person for a Flaming Raging Poisoning Sword of Doom which he use as an accessory. When Magnus and Merle stole from a Bank while stopping an actual Bank Robbery, Taako threaten to rat them out to the officer outside. Merle chased someone into a quarry; which Magnus had just told him to not enter, to persuade them into following Pan via the Extreme Teen Bible, which he introduced with a song. When they group was blocked by a mass of vines, Merle flirted with the plant which caused it to be infatuated and grossed Magnus and Taako. Taako threaten his student for if he ever became more powerful then Taako, and he then brushed it off as him practicing for a play.
About Tiny Tina: A 13-year old demolitionist who the game's caption calls "Pandora's Deadliest 13-Year Old", and when she returned after a 7 year time-skip as a 19-year old her caption was changed to say "All Grown Up, Still Insane". She has her own set of bunkers, and once granted refuge in exchange for a session of Bunkers & Badasses; which is essentially Borderlands’ version of DND, where she was the DM. She turned "Pop goes the Weasel" and "I'm a little Tea Pot" into murder ballads, she blew off the door of her own camper van just to make an entrance, she gives the player-character a variety of nick-names, she calls onions "crying apples" and potatoes "googly tuber" and will threaten to kill anyone who corrects her on them. She tried to scam her exes by announcing her fake wedding for gifts/money, and then got legally married to mop and blew the entire wedding up when they actually came to it. Almost her entire diet is just crumpets, to the point where she has to be forced to eat other stuff, she can and will murder anyone who implies she takes bad care of her pets, and she went ballistic after realizing that a vending machine she thought sold chocolate chip actually sold oatmeal raisin, and ordered the player to destroy every vending machine there.
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twiceasfrustrating · 11 months
Lemon Tea
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Relationships: Riddle Rosehearts & Trey Clover & Cater Diamond & gn!Yuu Characters: gn!Yuu|Player, Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Grim Additional Tags: fluff Summary: Yuu is trying to relax at Heartslabyul, but when the craziest house is involved something will always be happening. Thankfully for them, the upper years know how to ignore most of it and enjoy the moment for what it is. Word Count: 535
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“They’re at it again,” Yuu sighed as they tried (and failed) to focus on their cup of lemon tea. “Should I stop them?”
Cater laughed hysterically as he pointed his phone at Ace and Deuce chasing Grim around like a pair of dogs after a cat; dogs and cats with magic at their fingertips. “Why? This is hilarious."
"I'm not cleaning up their mess," Trey said as he placed a plated set of checker patterned cookies in front of the three of them "Enjoy."
"Thank you." Yuu smiled up at him as they lowered their teacup onto its saucer to take one of the cookies instead. "These are amazing!"
"They always are!" Cater turned away from the chaotic scene in the background long enough to rearrange his tea and cookies into the perfect aesthetic photo for Magicam. "Aaaand post!"
"Wonderful," Trey said somewhere between sarcasm, exasperation, and relief. "You may want to drink the tea soon."
"Is it that time already?" He didn't put his phone down, but held it in such a way that the inner camera pointed directly at him as he picked up and began to drink his tea.
"Is it always like this in Heartsbuyl?" Yuu asked as they looked over to where the trio of idiots – meant only in affectionate terms – were clearly slowing down as they exhausted themselves.
"Not quite," Trey's voice wandered off at the end of the last word, as if he was trying to figure out how to attach two disconnected thoughts, "but you're about to see a usual evening for yourself."
They raised a questioning eyebrow.
Ah! That's what Trey meant.
Yuu turned their head to see Riddle storming into their small enclave of the garden, stomping past the delicately laid table and marching up to where Ace, Deuce, and Grim had fallen flat on their faces.
They couldn't hear the ensuing argument clearly, but they knew it was a passionate one based on all the flailing going on as they spoke. Trey only laid out another teacup and poured a serving of lemon tea before returning to his own cup. Cater seemed to be indulging in his tea while avoiding the cookies for any reason other than a photo op.
Riddle's face burned red as a vein popped in his forehead. He pointed to some of the minor damage left in the wake of their usual comedy routine before turning away and heading back toward the table. The others seemed agitated based on their expressions and started bickering again as they began cleaning up their mess.
Despite his clear temper only a moment ago, Riddle seemed to be calm once he took a seat in front of the tea that Trey had just poured, lifting it to his lips and tipping it back into his mouth.
He sighed in contentment. "Lemon tea really is the best after a meal."
Trey looked at Yuu with a knowing smirk. "Rules are rules."
Riddle nodded in agreement before looking toward Yuu. "How do you like it?"
They glanced at Trey, returning his knowing smirk. "It's delicious."
And a great way to relax from the stress of dealing with the insanity of their friends.
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random-bi-writer · 3 months
sorry if ths is weird but can you do your danganronpa fic but with the wheel trend?
Danganronpa: Disney's Heroes High but the Wheel decides their fate? Well, can't say I'm not interested but I'm going to do this by normal Danganronpa rules and not include what happens in my fic or the self-murder stuff.
I'm going to leave my reactions in this. (They'll make sense if you read the fic.)
Protagonist: Molly
The fact that this landed on Molly is hilarious.
But in all seriousness, I think Molly has enough skill and brain to lead a class trial.
Support: Mabel
Hmm...Okay, look. Molly can be smart when needed and Mabel is actually helpful and sometimes even smarter than Dipper but-
This two are way too chaotic to be left alone.
Antagonist: Willow
For a moment, I thought this was going to land on Libby-
Willow being an antagonist is kind of weird, the only reason I think this would work is how stressed she was during season 3.
Chapter 1 Victim: Luz
...Wow Luz is forever stuck in Chapter 1, huh?
Chapter 1 Blackened: Huey
The first motive must have been insane if Huey is the blackened.
Chapter 2 Victim: Hunter
...If this wheel is going where I think it's going, then Antag Willow is starting to make more sense.
I'm not actually sure how anyone would kill Hunter, he's the most alert out of everyone.
Chapter 2 Blackened: Marcy
NO! I do not want to imagine Marcy's execution!
Chapter 3 Victim number 1: Mabel
Shit. Well, Support Mabel was nice while it lasted.
It's also kind of weird because Mabel was originally going to leave the group after Chapter 3.
Chapter 3 Victim number 2: Dewey
Wow- you just decided to kill two of the most charasmatic of the class? Shame on the wheel.
Also weird, considering that Dewey was supposed to die in Chapter 3.
Chapter 3 Blackened: Sasha
I honestly expected her to survive longer.
I have no idea how this murder would play out.
New Support: Webby
Okay...Webby is smarter than Mabel.
But I think she's more chaotic than Mabel, and no one is ready for a Molly and Webby team up.
Chapter 4 Victim: Libby
Okay. Using the bestie on the angst chapter. I hate it here.
Not gonna lie, I was kinda expecting Libby to fall on the mastermind tag.
Chapter 4 Blackened: Anne
None of the Calamity Trio survived? That's so sad.
Along with the fact that they all got executed.
Chapter 5 Victim: Webby
Seriously? Another dead support?
Well...the murder had to be intentional on both sides, if this is Webby we're talking about. Maybe the murder was like Kokichi's levels of plan?
Chapter 5 Blackened: Louie
...Yeah, definetely Kokichi kind of plan. The murder was probably going to be involve with tricking the mastermind.
New Support: Dipper
Okay, Dipper makes more sense as a support than the other two.
Especially with the way the story goes with protag Molly. Losing three best friends in a row would be rough on her and Dipper would understand what she's going through and try to comfort her.
Alright...the moment we've all been waiting for...
...Are you serious?! After my speech on you being the new support!?
Okay...only way for Mastermind Dipper to make sense if it's Bipper.
And the survivors are; Molly, Willow, Amity, and Gus.
And the summary of their dynamic is a girl who killed the God of Death being friends with three kids traumatized by genocide and ended up getting more traumatized with the killing game.
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monkey-network · 2 years
Good Stuff: Best of 2022
This current year I say was a better current year than the one before, I mean the Queen died and that was funnier than Elon Musk's whole existence beyond the fact he sucks at Twitter. Never mind the chaotic reality we have, I'm celebrating the 10 best animations to come out this year. The only rule being they had to debut this year so while these two were banger entries, Amphibia and Owl House have to be exempt because I want to be fair. Otherwise, ANYTHING GOES so let's go...
Number 10: Batwheels
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This reached the list for the sheer fact that it feels like a joke but has a better punchline than it has any right to. It looks colorful with great animation, and even if it's a preschool series it's thankfully one that's just about the adventures of both the titular bat vehicles and the actual Batman characters. This isn't like Cars where there aren't any humans around and they're cleverly able to make everyone coexist in a way that never feels out of place. It works as a good morning cartoon and a kiddo's introduction to the Batman universe besides the comics or the 90s animated series.
Number 9: We Baby Bears
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I feel like we all need that one shows that's just for cute vibes to curb the stress and mental instability that intrudes on you when you get home from work or school. Being the spin-off prequel to We Bare Bears, while it can be pretty plain in terms of premises it's cute and whimsical on its own merits. It reminds me of Klonoa where we're hopping from world to world, sometimes there are familiar faces but otherwise, it's just about having fun with the different environments with characters I bet most gen ziggas will be familiar with. I say it was a good series to start off the year and while Cartoon Network's future feels too uncertain, I don't think a show like this is such a front on their MO. Plus, bears are awesome.
Number 8: Sonic Prime
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The fact that Sonic the Hedgehog basically gave us its take on Robot Pirate Island was enough for me to like this, but Sonic Prime works well as a new series. Low on the list because for eight episodes, it wasn't as fulfilling especially when it felt like the SatAM show but not as tight since it's a multiverse story. Not that it isn't fun, this has more jovial energy to this that feels like a mesh between SatAM and The Adventures of Sonic. The animation I say is peak for a Sonic cartoon, imperfect but it looks like they're let loose with movement and expression. Plus again, we got the battle of Robot Pirate Island ending with a funny abrupt bodying from Shadow. Overall, hopeful part 2 ups the momentum because this and the Mario Movie really look like we might be eating well next year.
Number 7: The Cuphead Show!
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Cuphead changed the way we game. With the DLC released this year as well, we seriously got a franchise that earned its keep. It felt natural that we'd get a cartoon, running alongside the recent Looney Tunes and Mickey Mouse short series as a great resurgence of the rubber-hose animation style. I'll say though that the episodes are great for this show, gets really going when Ms. Chalice joins for real, but it's scattershot in terms of actual banger episodes especially when the Devil makes for the best episodes with or without the porcelain trio. They at least end the 3rd season on a high note so whether we get more or not, this was overall satisfying and worth the wait.
Number 6: ONI, Thunder God's Tale
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Really sucks this was talked about by nobody beyond the Goomba Got Back dude, whose video on it was cool. This was an incredibly made miniseries created by the same studios behind DOMO, Rilakkuma and Kaoru, and the cutscenes of most modern Sonic games. I love the plush and clay look of the characters and the environments are insanely beautiful. Storywise it's one where it starts strong and gets stronger with every part like episode two's ending was a gut punch and the blows kept coming after that. I loved this world of yokai and kami and it was an emotionally warm tale of family and self-actualization. Seriously recommend watching this at least once, subbed or dubbed since both are pretty good. So yeah, everybody that proclaims "animation is cinema", where the fuck were you?
Number 5: Scrat Tales
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Would've been wrong to not put this on the list since it was the last thing Blue Sky made before Bob Chapek took the studio out back. Even if Blue Sky never closed, these shorts were great, taking me back to when Scrat was at his best in the earlier Ice Age films. The animation is especially great and it just makes me wish Blue Sky got to do more because this really showed they were good with slapstick comedy and improved after two decades. Needless to say, this miniseries and their final short was them going out on a high note, giving the best middle finger to Disney after they tried to revive the Ice Age franchise with the Buck Wild movie. If there was anything to credit about this year, it was taking the bad with the good.
Number 4: The Bob's Burgers Movie
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This was surprisingly the year when I watched a lot of movies. Thankfully I'm not a filmbro (yet...) but I've really appreciated the time I made in actually going to the theaters more than once, so yeah Bobby's Bunger. I say it works on its own but it's definitely more for fans of the TV series and even then you probably have to see the season that came before this to have better context. Besides that, you're just enjoying the good vibes that come from the characters, the humor, the animation, and the pinch of musical numbers we get; Sunny Side Up Summer was legit an earworm banger. It overall works when you know the Belcher family because they carry this film.
Number 4 (2): Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
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Mate, when it reached a certain scene involving a poem, I was practically choking back my tears. You'll know there's a later stop-motion higher ranked, but this was the 2022 film that personally cut deep. I didn't think a film about talking shells would resonate with me this well, but this existed as more than just Youtube short films extended into a movie. There is a story here about grief, comfort, being internet famous, and community that I feel wouldn't have worked without it being like this. It had that cold but good reminder of how small you can feel with a world you can only wish to grasp in increments; that change is inescapable but that doesn't mean you should take that negatively. It's hard being fearless, risque as you can be with your opinions and ideas, especially with uncertainty. This I say is a great Autumn movie, wonderful in making the seasonal vibe feel more comforting.
Number 3: Smiling Friends
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Yeah, it's high on the list. If it wasn't, that means Egoraptor probably made it. To me, Smiling Friends has the enjoyable chaos of Superjail and Aqua Teen with the thematic sincerity of Venture Bros or King of the Hill. It's the most easy-going adult cartoon that yeah, is funny as shit and is funnier the more you know behind the scenes. I gotta appreciate that this is the one time when people from the internet hit the big time and it doesn't feel like forgettable compromised trash. I'll say the Brazil episode was not good, but this was the consistently best show Adult Swim provided in a long while.
Number 2: Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio
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Del Toro never gave up on this and what we got was better than expected. There are a couple story problems but it's more than made up by being an amazing retelling of the Pinocchio tale. I never grew up with Pinocchio mind you, I only got familiar with the story this year since it was everywhere, but I wanna say this was as strong an interpretation as one could make. Better than Disney's take I say where it's purposefully not squeaky clean in appearance or atmosphere making its poignant emotional moments hit a little harder. Being Del Toro's first fully animated movie, it's up there with Fantastic Mr. Fox as a film I'd consider a masterpiece on the dedication craft alone.
Honorable Mentions: Entergalactic, Hamster & Gretel, Minions 2, The Amazing Maurice, Chickenhare, League of Super Pets, Super Giant Robot Brothers, Cars on the Road, Little Demon, Pantheon, Baymax!, Turning Red, and Zootopia+
Number 1: The Bad Guys/Puss in Boots, Last Wish
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I'll say it, Dreamworks truly owned the W this year. The fact that two-for-two Dreamworks gave us the best vibes in terms of films like it was nothing has to be appreciated. I was already a fan of Puss in Boots, the film and cartoon series worked as the Zorro franchise we could've got. The Last Wish enhances that with not only literal stellar and dynamic action, no bad characters, but an actual reflective story for Puss, like if the 1st film and series were about him being responsible this sequel was about him being humble, especially in regard to his own mortality and pride. This isn't just a regular adventure like before, there is genuine emotional weight behind what happens to the characters. Just saying, we didn't just get a fierce red-eyed wolf for furry-lusting sake, but an actually intimidating force that owns every scene he's in. Feels like this film truly marks the twilight of where the studio wants to go with its projects and I'm worried but faithful. Oh yeah, and The Bad Guys?
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I didn't grow up with the OG books like I did with Captain Underpants, but this film both blew my mind and made me go back to see that the books were good too. Objectively, Puss in Boots was the better film but this was my personal year-round favorite. The VIBES this had with basically every other scene had me just as happy as when I saw the Captain Underpants movie. The animation, the banter, Diane who is everything, and the banging tunes like Good Tonight and the opening with Kitchen Clean were the cleanest scenes I loved all year. If Puss in Boots 2 was the modern Zorro movie I always wanted, this was the American Lupin the 3rd movie I never knew I would get.
All in all, Dreamworks put its best foot forward, far more than expected especially compared to last year or Disney this year. If anything, I'm definitely noticing a slow shift where more animated projects are... footloose and yards away from trying to look realistic or copy-pasted. Not saying it'll all work (remember when theOdd1sOut made a cartoon?) but it has me as faithful as before in seeing worthwhile stuff come to fruition. Then again nothing this year truly stacked up to the
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I'm talking about the Breaking Bad masterpiece that earned a Slipjimmillion dollars in ratings and views, baby! The streaming service superstar of 2022 nothing could top it. Not Bluey, not Better Call Saul, not The Simpsons, not your dad, nothing came close! Slippin' Jimmy is the future!
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