#most people forget that they are human tho and it’s sad
silkygermanboy · 1 year
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Source DFB App: 20.06.2023
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astrologydayz · 6 months
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MOON OPPOSITE/QUINCUNX COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 = The ones that can have trouble with being compassionate, & then not being so compassionate. It can be quite conflicting 4them at times, cuz in some moments, they do obviously really feel with others - & then in other moments - they're like "ummm sir, that's their own fault, HELLOO??" Like they can typically be seen as a little mean/not able2 feel other people's pain sometimes. They're usually very straightforward here with what they feel, so some could def take offence. COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 CONJUNCT/TRINE ASC = These people are true heroes, when it comes to being humane/compassionate. They always feel with others. They would never not feel with others. They always think of others, & typically always puts others before themselves❤️ - 1st one 2ask if u need any help for sure. These people are the ones seeing a really sad, & horrible movie, where it also ends up being based on true events - and then they'll cry, & think about it for a very long time. They don't understand why anybody would treat anyone bad - "we only got each other??".
COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 CONJUNCT/TRINE MC = Seen/known by others as compassionate. Got a reputation of being someone who's very sympathetic, humane, "able 2 put themselves in other people's shoes". But don't be tricked tho, it can be a facade here - you won't know. They choose what u see - not saying they're aren't compassionate, but u get my point, hopefully. VENUS TRINE/SEXTILE/QUINTILE KARMA ASTEROID - 3811 = Accumulated/or accumulating good karma, when it comes to values, passions, self love, love&romance, beauty, aesthetic taste - look at signs&houses💋.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX KARMA ASTEROID - 3811 = Accumulated/or accumulating poor karma when it comes to self love, passions/hobbies, values, love&romance - partners, or beauty. Can also show up as "owing" something/or that they will "owe" something to a particular person they're in a relationship with/or will be in a relationship with - Or multiple partners - look at signs&houses - persona charts if needed❤️.
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4those who are into men, & marriage - GROOM ASTEROID - 5129 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782 = can show getting bank after getting married/or show up as your husband/fs having money💰.
4those who are into women, & marriage - BRIEDE ASTEROID - 19029 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782 = same as above - can show getting bank after getting married/or show up as your wife/fs having money💰.
💰MONY ASTEROID - 7782 CONJUNCT/TRINE ASC = the grind never stops. It comes all natural 2 them 2 think in lanes where money can get achieved! - They chase, & secure that bag big time. They love the hustle - "a hustler was born the day they got here".
MONY ASTEROID - 7782 CONJUNCT/TRINE NORTH NODE = chasing, & getting that bag is part of one's life purpose/it's a life theme!💰
💰MONY ASTEROID - 7782 SQUARE/QUINCUNX NORTH NODE = money can be hard 2 really achieve in this lifetime, even tho they could chase it/want it really bad - it's bc of their last lifetime. OR chasing money is a big problem 4 them, bc they forget their true purpose here, & only fixate on getting that bag - "money hungry/focused" - "straying from their true path" - "they're blinded".
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URANUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE ASC = Are the ones doing/going about life very differently, than others. They think in very different lanes, original, & untouched lanes - no one can copycat them4shit, cuz ain't nobody moving like they do. You'll never meet two of these people, that's for sure. They appreciate freedom, originality, &realness a lot more than most.
NORTH NODE CONJUNCT/TRINE MC = one whose life purpose/life theme is about establishing yourself in this world! Creating a public persona - chasing, & getting that fame/success, & prestige!
NORTH NODE CONJUNCT/TRINE IC = the one whose life purpose/life theme is family, finding their "people" - creating their own home in this world/establishing a family/roots!
ASC AT 1, 13, 25 = ARIES DEGREE are the ones always wanting to do something fr😭🤣😍, they love being out & about - they like moving around. They're usually very honest, direct, not afraid of standing up for themselves/others, & they can get quite spicy/fiery at times. They don't give out 2nd chances typically, so use the 1st one wisely! They can't stand people who tries to trick them, like they're "dumb"🙄 - they'll disappear quicker than Houdini💨.
PREY ASTEROID - 6157 CONJUNCT SOUTH NODE = used 2 being a prey throughout this life/used 2 being taken advantage of, bc of a past lifetime = they gotta learn how to stand up for themselves, cuz this energy, ain't energying! They gotta speak the fuck up, & let NOBODY take advantage!!!
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MARS SQUARE/QUINCUNX ASC IN SYNASTRY = Asc person can feel overwhelmed sometimes, because of Mars aggressive/in your face energy. Mars could start fights, or want to argue a lot, but the Asc person ain't having none of that. Asc person can see Mars person as 2 dominant, or 2 impatient - 2much attitude. If this is a relationship/a sexual connection - the Asc person could find this sexually attractive about the Mars person after some time, but there will still be times where it will piss off the asc person very much💀.
MOON SQUARE/QUINCUNX MERCURY IN SYNASTRY = Moon person can feel like Mercury person is harsh with their words, & really insensitive at times. Mercury person can feel like the Moon person is 2 sensitive, or takes things 2 personal a lot of the times. Mercury person communicates/banters in a way, that doesn't sit right with the Moon person emotionally - they can get offended. Moon can act out/up bc they don't feel heard/they can feel like their feelings don't matter/like they're irrelevant 2 the Mercury person.
SATURN CONJUNCT/TRINE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = constant/longterm loyalty/commitment from Juno 2 Saturn person! SATURN SQUARE/QUINCUNX JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Juno person either doesn't want 2 commit 2 the Saturn person 100%, OR it can show up as the way the Juno person shows their commitment 2 the Saturn person/the relationship = it doesn't give the Saturn person the stability they seek, or need. SATURN OPPOSITE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = On and off loyalty/stability from Juno/or an on & off relationship between the two! - Juno is 9/10 times the one cutting it off).
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PLUTO CONJUNCT JUNO IN SYNASTRY = LOVE THIS ONE! Deep seated loyalty/commitment from Juno person 2 Pluto person - “Pluto's ride or die"💋. Ain't nobody got Pluto like Juno. Pluto usually hasn't experienced this kind of crazy ass loyalty with anyone before, but they're Pluto = SO THEY FUCKING LOVE THAT SHIT. They're an inseparable duo, very possessive, & very committed - fixation at it's finest - especially in the beginning!
PLUTO SQUARE/QUINCUNX JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Pluto person tries 2 silently keep the Juno person under their control, while they typically keep secrets of their own. Juno person ain't here4it tho. They may be committed 4a little while, but not in the long run. Juno always ends up acting out in ways they've never acted out before = Pluto person starting/creating a change/transformation in Juno/in Juno person's life. PLUTO TRINE/QUINTILE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Juno is an amazing supporter in Pluto person’s life!🫶🏼 Pluto knows that they can trust, & count on Juno person at all times! Pluto can be kinda possessive at times, but Juno isn’t put off by that! - they're rather intrigued by it, cuz they can be like that2sometimes!💁🏼‍♀️ A natural affinity for helping each other through tough/life changing times.
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
having a hard time explaining grimdark and trickster to a friend
think you can help?
they get godtier just fine but the other two keep confusing them because right now they think
grimdark = chaos in anarchy sense, but trickster = chaos in haha funny meme sense
Sure, let me see…
GRIMDARK mode is described by Doc scratch as “going completely off the deep end in every way”.
It turns your skin an unnatural dark gray, and in rose’s case to be surrounded by a dark aura, while jade had a spacey green aura.
It’s basically a black magic power up deeply connected to the horroterrors, a state of mind that comes from letting them influence a broken mind. For Rose, it was the death of her mother, and then trying to reveal the horror terror’s secrets. For Jade, she was heartbroken, but also she got mind controlled into entering the grimdark state by the condesce, who is also connected to the horrorterrors.
As an extra, Hussie described Eridan as also going into grimdark when he began murdering people, tho his case must’ve been more symbolical, as he presented the perfect scenario to become grimdark, the complete loss of hope, waiting for Jack to kill them all (due to his title being prince of hope, ergo Destroyer of hope) added to Feferi breaking their moiraliance talking with Sollux, being the detonator for his broken mind, and him being a Derse player, so his dream self was around the horroterrors and had interacted with them prior, he was also interested in magic like rose, had a wand just like her and sought for answers about, like her. He just lacked the connection to the horroterrors in that crucial moment.
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So Grimdark is basically when the horroterrors cause the player's most primal and violent tendencies to be pushed to the forefront
The grimdark is also described a “the fabled blackdeath trance of the woegothics”. So a dark trance that people like Rose and Eridan are inclined to fall victim of (in my opinion)
TRICKSTER mode, in the other hand, is described by Calliope as something that brings out your full potential, that brings all your walls down and puts all your inner thoughts in the outside and all your creative power in your hands. It strips you from all social and mental barrier.
It gives you reality altering Powers, allowing you to jump from place to place, probably dimension hopping, manifest objects and makes you super happy and candy colored to the point of losing grip in reality
The problem is that cherubs are very different from humans. For a cherub, who is supposed to fly around in the endless space protecting/destroying a certain part of the void, and its inhabited planets, feeding of black holes, fighting entities to death to ultimately mate in the shape of a big ass snake, a juju that’s basically drugs that can make you forget every wall you built up floating around space alone, and move forward as a happy missile ready to find a mate sounds good. But humans are social creatures, and cherubs are not. Cherubs don’t answer to anyone and don’t have Friends, they don’t need to follow any social cues. Humans built their relationships carefully, and they have secrets and barriers to protect themselves and others. They hide things like crushes and resentment and problems, because well, for the sake of peace, for the sake of not braking every relationship they have. That’s something that Calliope and Caliborn never fully grasped and understood why the kids came to hate the juju when they woke up
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So that’s all I could gather. Essentially they are different kinds of power ups, opposite to one another at their core, BUT in both the person isn’t fully there and is being guided by primal instincts, be it rage/sadness or Hope/happiness and they both have consequences in the user because neither is supposed to be used on humans or even trolls.
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welivetodream · 4 days
✨ My BSD hot takes/unpopular opinions ✨:
1. Identifying BSD characters as Queer, is not problematic. STOP being so Heteronormative. Gay characters are not gonna kill you.
If I see another "BuT tHe ChArAcTeRs nEvEr SaId tHeY aRe GaY" I would bomb you 💣/j
2. Skk/SSKK/Fyolai/other popular ships, exist because people like it. If you don't ship them, don't engage with their content. Not all shippers act crazy and toxic. Stop blaming everything on shippers.
3. Atsushi/Kyouka is problematic, stop justifying it with "only 4 year age gap". Kyouka is a CHILD, ship her with Kenji if you want. Atsushi, like a normal 18 year old would never look at a highschool freshman and date her. Even if they date in the future, he knew her when she was younger and they had a sibling like dynamic. Lucy is a way better love interest to Atsushi (Don't know if this is an unpopular opinion tho, but I saw some people justifying it 😐😐😐)
4. DAZAI IS NOT EVIL. HE IS FAR FROM EVIL. He is, despite being super popular and the face of BSD, the most mischaracterized and villified character. Morally grey characters exist??!!!
5. Mori is a way worse person than Dazai ever was.
6. PM members get a free pass for any heinous crime they commit by being hot or babygirl-ified (still love them tho, we do not often discuss how bad their actions have been, you can like criminals and acknowledge they are criminals in fiction. I would add DoA to this too, but it's worse with the PM)
7. Akutagawa's abuse of Kyouka shouldn't be forgotten just because Dazai abused Akutagawa.
8. Mori emotionally manipulated and abused Dazai when he was a teen. Just because it wasn't physical, doesn't mean it was nothing.
9. Atsushi is NOT a soft boy, he is way bitter, salty and sarcastic than we give him credit
10. Poe is important to Ranpo and their friendship/relationship is wholesome as hell
11. Ranpo and Yosano's friendship is way better than them being in a relationship in the future
12. FukuFuku is better than Fukumori (imo!!!!)
13. Buying real authors work after watching BSD is actually a really good thing, since more Gen z kids (or other people) will read classics
14. There are layers to Atsushi and Akutagawa relationship/rivalry, and they have the MOST important relationship (not meaning romantic, just in general) in the entire canon.
15. Kunikida and Yosano could be a power couple
16. Fyodor is not a great villain (yet)
17. Nikolai CARRIES the DoA
18. Sigma shouldn't be in the ADA, he needs a happy home, family and some time to adjust to normal life
19. Q and Elise are both underused characters and could become a great dynamic
20. Ango deserves more love, the amount of pressure and stress he deals with is INSANE
21. It's OKAY if everyone joins the fandom for Dazai or skk (I did at first too!!)
22. Higuchi is annoying as hell. I do not get her hype, I like her but not as much as most people (just personal opinion, do not flame me 😭)
23. Everyone in The Guild is forgettable or boring (except Fitzgerald, Poe and Lucy. I like Louisa, but I forget her all the time)
24. Hetero ships are just not that great/interesting in BSD to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ (except maybe AtsuLucy or rare pairs) and female characters are not best utilised, I wish they play more major roles (can't wait for Agatha to arrive!!)
25. Some fan theories/arts get the story better than "canon" stuff at times. Fanon is NOT always the worst (sometimes enjoyable when the canon gets too dark or sad)
26. Toxic ships are okay in fiction as long as they are legal. Humans like toxic things, we consume it like junk food 💅🏻
(These are all personal opinions of mine and do not matter. Feel free to disagree. But, do not hate or be toxic!!!! 😇😇😇😇)
(PS: I compiled all these because of posts I have seen in, Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter and sometimes Tiktok. These aren't really abt you Tumblr folks. I meant to post this on reddit but did not have the courage or mental strength lol)
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decoy1 · 1 year
Had a dream I was watching season 3 of Rottmnt, it was so vivid and now I’m sad that it isn’t real. So I’m writing some highlights from the dream before I forget.
Draxum and Casey focused episodes on what they were doing during the movie. There were really cool action sequences with original music and everything. It was so cool. There was one scene where the screen divided in half to show both battles.
Music during action scenes. There was a lot of it. I suspect it might have been because I watching Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur before going to sleep tho.
An episode premise: April finally had a good stable job. She was going steady for a whole 2 weeks setting a new record. The turtles got a little suspicious since April can never keep a job for long. Cue investigation, it turns out the job is a front. A front for a cult. April accidentally joined a cult. By the end of the episode April accidentally destroyed the cult in the same way she usually ends up losing her jobs. Alas the curse of April losing her job was too strong.
Another Episode Premise: Splinter and Draxum go undercover for an intel mission at a fancy club. The cover story being that they’re two friends who are trying to reconnect. They’re kinda bad at it since both argue like a married couple. This actually works in their favor tho as the person they’re trying to spy on to get info on is a huge romantic who is super invested in trying to get the two to “reconnect”. Both are forced by the turtles to play along for the sake of the mission. By the end of the episode Draxum and Splinter have performed a proposal, a wedding, a divorce, another re proposal, alongside with a remarriage, but not another divorce because they have to book it away because the turtles got captured. Which meant by the end of the episode Draxum and Splinter were still married.
Over Arching Story: Bishop was hunting down the remaining Foot Clan members. Which included trying to find former Foot Clan members for any information. Of course leading Bishop to Casey. Casey sends him on a wild goose chase as she goes on her own mission to find her former bosses. Being the B plot for a lot of the episodes. In one instance she teams up with Piebald in a gambling ring to win some info.
Running Gag: Casey Jr tries going into the dating world but has trouble since most people who are his age now, were adults during the apocalypse. So if he does find someone to date who he doesn’t recognize they usually end up being some form of “not real”. Highlight examples being: an alien who assumed a human persona to lure specimen to experiment on their ship, a demon with similar motives to the alien except it wanted to eat Casey Jr’s soul, an ai made by Bishop made to find potential Foot Clan members. What was funny was how obvious a lot of them were, like the alien wore a “I believe” shirt but with sharpie added “don’t”, changing it to “I don’t believe” (real master of disguise right here). The demon’s “flirting” was something along the lines of “if souls were edible and had taste, I bet yours would be a delicious meal that would amplify my demonic powers. If I had demonic powers, which I don’t because I’m a perfectly normal human. But in the hypothetical where I do-”. The ai when asked it’s favorite hobby responded with “breathing and being human”.
Bishop had an entire episode where he beat up different clans in his attempt to find the Foot Clan. Making some leave their old clans to join Bishop since he bested them in battle. But Bishop didn’t want a bunch of ninja (idk why not, that sounds incredibly useful) so he sent them on a wild goose chase but every time he did they came back having accomplished the goal. (Again I don’t understand why he kept acting like they were an annoyance when they were getting him things like THE GOD DAMN ELIXER OF EVERLASTING LIFE)
That’s all I have the energy to write. If I remember anything worth adding I will but I think these were all the highlights.
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TF2 Mercs and The Will Wood Songs I Think Fit Best.
What can I say, I'm a huge Will Wood fan lmao
Also, slight warnings most of these are sad. One are two aren't, but a lot of the reasons why these songs resonate with the Mercs will be sad.
Demo- Half A Decade Hangover and The First Step. I genuinely think this man hates being an alcoholic. He loves it when he can be fun and have a good time, but he hates the fact that he depends on it so hard.
Engie- Um, It's Kind Of A Lot. Okay, so this ties back into one of my first headcanons, I think. So I genuinely think the reason Engie is so close with Pyro and the other Mercs is because this man didn't have a family that really cared for him. Like not abusive but just not present. He. Is. Scared. Of. Love. He's scared the people he cares about will be taken from him. He's scared that he cares too much and that he'll never feel that in return.
Heavy- (When I tell you I struggled on this one) Venetian Blind Man. Okay, I'm not going to lie. This one is more of the style and music than the lyrics. I just think it fits, I really can't explain it.
Medic- Your Body, My Temple, and Yes to Err is Human, So Don't Be One. I think Your Body, My Temple fits him well because this man literally loves the human anatomy. He views the body as a temple, but not in the way like gym bros and fitness bloggers do. No, like this man thinks the human body is something to worship (nonsexual). Also, a lot of connections to people, which is shown in the song and i also think the religious aspect just fits some how. Yes to Err is Human, So Don't Be One is definitely a song that for me captures a sense of eerieness and almost inhumanity in a person, not saying that Medic isn't human or doesn't have humanity but I definitely think he has moments where he forgets about that. He always catches himself, tho. EDIT- JevTheJester let me know that BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA also fits Medic, and I agree. I think the upbeat tempo is a great fit, and it fits insanely well! ( The longest description goes to my wife, of course 😮‍💨)
Scout- Tomcat Disposables and Love, Me Normally. Oh boy. Tomcat Disposables just fits him so well. Like I think this man loves his family and home so much and just wants to provide that for a future family. I think he's also just really scared of dying (again)? Because I definitely think on the outside, he's all like cocky and chill about it but on the inside he's so fucking scared. Another mix of being confident and cool on the outside while also being really scared on the inside, but this time it's about getting close to people! Abandonment issues and all that wacky stuff. Give this man a hug pls.
Sniper- Becoming Lastnames. Let's be real. This man has family trauma. He loves his mom to death, but I definitely think his dad was distant, and when he was present, he was very strict and cold. He definitely wants a family he can be a good father/husband to, but he also knows that's probably not possible.
Spy- Cicada Days and I/Me/Myself. Commitment issues and genderfluid? He's just like me fr. (Jokes) I think Cicada Days can represent the times he's actually felt love, but he got scared and left. Specifically with Scout and his mom. I/Me/Myself, I don't think this man knows how he feels about his gender identity and hates it. Like def has internalized a lot of shit, being queer being one of the major ones. (all people who can change appearances at will in media are genderfluid come at me).
Soldier- (I struggled with this one too, ngl.). Morning Announcements. I think it just matches him and upbeat vibe with no really idea behind it.
Pyro- 2econd 2ight 2eer and Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world. This dude definitely has high energy, and I can picture them singing 2econd 2ight 2eer and like really getting into it (if they could actually be understood). Okay, a thought. I can vividly imagine Pyro (if they could be understood). Singing this song with Medic. Both of them actually like the concept of death.
Ugh, that was a lot. I'm sorry 😭 I really like Will Wood, as I am mentally ill. Thanks again to all of you who make me actually want to post things I think you guys will like <3
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jadetheblueartist · 5 months
I feel so bad :( you said it took you three hours and also I had written a huge response and now it’s gone ;-;
Okay so I’m going to rewrite my response but I’m really sorry if I get things wrong since now I can’t review what you sent ;-;
I LOVE THE IDEA SO MUCH!!!! And I would love to hear more about their training and life on the ship!
I may be obsessing over Talon and Megan a tad bit…
I love all the possibilities of how they passed the time in the car so much. It would be so awkward at the start and I’m all here for it!! I imagine Talon carried most of the conversation from the beginning until after they really got to know each other. I feel like at the start Talon would just awkwardly try to tell her what has happened to the earth while she was gone in hopes of starting some conversation. I’m imagining the parking lot picnic with them just drinking slushees and eating whatever gas station food seemed good (I’m assuming everything is kind of run down?)
Car karaoke. Oh it would be amazing. Talon trying to find songs Megan likes and trying to get her to sing along, windows rolled down, it’d be such a vibe.
With the race scene I can’t stop picturing the scene from princess bride where they both are rolling down the hill XD
Their relationship is so great, two strangers bonding in a long car ride… oh wait they already knew each other? They were already in love from book one? But Megan’s memory was wiped- WAIT NO THEY WERE IN LOVE AND HER MEMORY WAS WIPED!?!? Okay, okay, it’s fine at least they became close again, just a fresh start nothing to worry about… HER MEMORY WAS WIPED A SECOND TIME!?!? TALON THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (this is so tragic but I love it so much)
Talon nooooo why the tragic backstory ;-; (I love it very much)
Oh and the art? I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I love Talon’s design!!!!!! The drawing of him saying happy birthday to himself makes me so sad ;-;
Also question time!
Do you have designs for the sci fi ppl? Are they like aliens or just advanced humans chilling in space? Does Talon hide his tattoo? (I love that type of angst so much mhm hidden scars [in this case a tattoo tho]) and you said there was an image limit… could I see those drawing you couldn’t show? Also why is it called Tegan (is it bc Talon + Megan = Tegan…)? That should be all of my questions…
Anyway I absolutely love this story and please feel free to tell me more whenever! (I’d love to hear a lil more about Ivan too)
Again really sorry abt deleting the ask ;-; I hope you have an amazing day though!!
(I feel like I’m forgetting things I wanted to mention but idk)
Oh my I wrote out this whole thing and it deleted it for me hahaha let’s try this again
No worries about deleting the ask it happens hahaha and it doesn’t look like you got anything wrong so yay!
I’m gonna answer this paragraph by paragraph
-IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT and I’m pretty sure I have either the original google doc or a “Megan’s POV” doc that I can look into to give you those details :)
-I’m so glad you’re obsessing so we can be in the same boat
-I’ve been mulling over that car scene for years and somehow you managed to squeeze out even more serotonin for me to devour I thank thee. And I think it’s run down ish, like people are still there but WW3 is kind of happening/ just happened soooo you know
-it would be the vibiest ^^
-I’m so glad you said that bc I couldn’t connect the dots as to what that scene reminded me of but yeah that’s amazing
-IKR the mind wiping rocked my world. My friend was at the point where she was writing the post separation explosion and we were on face time and she casually mentioned “oh you know the cars weren’t the first time they met, right?” I went feral trying to get all the info out of her hahaha
-yes his backstory makes me so sad…
-I’m glad you like the design! It was our group’s “hot guy” design hahaha I’ve tried to make it more individualized to him over the years tho, and that happy birthday one gets me every time (especially since that’s probably how he spent most his birthdays…)
Yay Question Time!
-I believe I could at least get the designs for those people sometime soon. They are just random people who decided to work for big bad (aka the voice, bc they only heard his voice through speakers at first). The voice decided he could make some good money abducting children and forcing them to be assassins so he did that. The government doesn’t know about them bc they hide in space. The few organizations trying to take them down are the only ones who really know about it
-talon has a few different tattoos, the one he got initiated with is a tattoo/ permanent burn so it has to stay covered to protect it, the other is just on his neck and he leaves that one in the open (I can point it out in the pics below)
-and yes! Tegan is the ship name for Talon and Megan (it was that or Melon hahaha)
-Ivan didn’t really have much personality in the oh other than he was angry bc the scientist that snuck into the escape ship was dating his crush, I’ve made some personal modifications to him in my head though making him more protective rather than just angry (he’s also Megan’s cousin) and I just remembered I have a drawing of him? So cue the picture section :)
Here’s Ivan, the permanent third wheel (he doesn’t know tho)
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The first ever drawings of Talon and Megan 😬
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Moving on… idk which of these are repeats so lemme know if they are and I could probably substitute them for new pics
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And now the og Megan design vs the much needed redraw
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Ughhhh the one on the left still haunts me…
I was struck by the limit again so I might reblog this with a few more, idk hahaha
But reading through this ask made me so happy you have no idea (insert the “I don’t normally feel things but that one got through” donnie gif)
Thank you so much and I’ll look into the daily life on the ship and the sci fi guy designs :)
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silvia678 · 11 months
Twisted wonderland Steven universe Au
Disclaimer: English isn’t my first language and this isn’t proofread, this is a wip.
This Au will be called Twisted universe,look at the end to see some sketches of the Au
Some basic facts about the au:
* In this Au I will try to put some characteristic from the game and try to adapt them in Su universe, for example, even tho the gems can summons specials weapon they also have some special powers which is their *unique magic*, if you use too much magic you will start to gain *blot* in your gem which will lead to an *overblot*
* There are two planets (night raven and royal sword) and both of them have their own leader which are black diamond (Crowley) and withe diamond (the headmaster of RSA) both of these planets have seven nations and the leaders have their own court of other less important diamonds which they appoint as the ruler of each nations,
* Previously there was a war between the two planets in which some of the previous leader of the continents have been shattered and even for those few who survived Crowley decided to replace them with their successor for a brand new start for the new era of peace
* Sometimes gem can come out “wrong” and have difficulty to use any weapon, they only can use magic in a moderate way, these gems are called ‘monsters’ they are called like this because they don’t really have a specific gem and they also have a different body from other gems, only the dangerous monsters gets shattered
* In this Au the gems are like humanity, I mean that they used the resource from theirs planet and other planet that they have colonized to create buildings, technology ecc.., but all they create is more advanced to what we have.
* Unlike in SU, in this Au the gems can’t heal the scars they have and they aren’t born directly as adults, they also have the normal stages of lives, except for dying
* Actually Crowley isn’t the most powerful diamond, it’s malleus but he has no intention to take Crowley position, his only interest are the people from his nation and plus even if Crowley is irresponsible as fuck he isn’t doing anything to get in malleus way
* Yuu role in the story is basically the same, that got transported in another word and they are trying to find a way home hopping between lands
* Every leader of a nation has it’s court
Heartslaybul court:
This is Riddle Roseheart court, he is a really strict leader some may also call him
a tyrant but don’t let him hear you you may find yourself with a cracked gem or if your lucky in isolation with a collar on your neck if his loyal pearl, Trey Clover, manage to calm him down.
Even tho Trey seem kind and calm, don’t let him fool you, he will watch your downfall all of the sake of his Diamond.
Don’t worry, everyone is not so evil in Riddle’s court, when you feel sad the refreshing attitudine of a certain spinel called Cater Diamond can make you feel better even tho sometimes he might be a little too overbearing with the camera always pointed at your face.
Let’s not forget about two of your dearest friends! A certain ruby and a lapis who are always by your side in the worst situations,
Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade!
Savanclaw court:
This court is ruled by the strong orange diamond also called Leona kingscholar,
his brother got shattered in war so he is taking his place until his nephew is old enough try not to disturb him, he has a temper, Leona train the army and
his pearl,Ruggie Bucchi need to keep under control the army when Leona dooze off.
His strongest jasper is Jack Howl, since he was young he admired Leona so he trained hard to get into the army however it’s seem that the result of seeing his role model for the first time left him disappointed as Leona use dirty tricks in the battlefield.
I got lazy, I’ll continue this later, here some sketches that I’ll never finish
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lablim64 · 5 months
Another of that I made base of people I met in irl
This crusty dusty divot MOTHERFUCKING DEMON LIKE F@G-
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I won't even gonna made a name I will tell what she did to me in irl for no damn reason after the story-
Name:kanya/karma (her nickname was karma)
Age: idk (can be 16-15 by now, she were like 14 when I met her)
Gender: a total bitch (ehem female-)
Ok now the story, and keep reading after the story because I'm not afraid to expose what she did that destroyed me for years-
Warning: mention of suicide
A bitch, by the name calling you probably guess how she were, she used to be lim's best friend at the time when he were adopted by dragon (his missing step dad) and behind lim's death happened, they were met on the playground, she were crying and he were so kind to help, kanya were had a horrible household, her parents were not believing her and her brother were abusive, there was the point where she wanted to commit suicide but luckily lim saved her from it, he always met her there and help her, telling her one day everything will be ok and always gave her spare food and heals her bruises till one day her life became better, her brother left the house and her parents got divorced and now she's living in a good family, lim were happy to help her and keep on helping her, bit something start to felt off, kanya start becoming so odd, she start getting too personal and jealous when lim mentions someone else as a friend, start to ignore and being narcissistic to lim's vents and always blaming herself for everything to get his attention, lim being too young and not so educated enough though maybe it was because of her past until one day lim got into an accident and had to stay in the hospital for weeks, he were almost died on that accident but there were no words from anyone about it, after lim got out from the hospital and met up with kanya, she tolded him that he missed her birthday and that made lim sad, he apologize and explain the situation he was as on, and that mf start arguing with lim, calling him a pick-me, an egoist, a liar, she literally yelled at him and call him names for being in the hospital during her birthday, that broke lim a lot, they were friends for way way long, he saved her life, helped her and this is the thank he gets? No way..after that day they never seen each other again, lim become so indoors and depressed about what happened, keep on blaming himself for helping her and saving her life, and the worst part is he never able to forget about that memory, keep on saying "I wish I let you committed.." Everytime he remembers her words, tbh he's right tho, what an asshole, and you know a worst part, that girl is now knowing where lim currently is and doesn't seem to have any regrets from the past.
That's all
now you might be wondering "but hey, boy, what did that girl did to you in the past that you hate her that much?" Well here's what he did:
WARNING: mention of suicide and life baiting
Almostly same with the story, she we're nicknamed karma, we met and I helped her the most, she were my best friend, save her from suicide multiple times, yet me being an idiot and a human pleaser stuck with her narcissistic ass for 3 years, and one day at the covid times I got my second flu shot and it side effected, I were burning and so dizzy that my parents take me to the hospital even the doctors told me that if I were not make it there, I might die, anyway when I get back home that asshole texted me saying that I forgot her birthday and I apologize for it and explain what happened, like I thought she would care ugh..she called me names and stuff I still cannot forgot, literally make me wanna commit suicide for stopping her from committing suicide, she ruined my life that I didn't get myself together and still are, she were my everything, I saved her life and this is the thanks I get? I wish she were committed, don't even come to me saying "but boy, life baiting is horrible!" I KNOW BUT DUDE! she really were a waste of life...you know how much I wanted to commit after what she did? I also don't like life baiting but this feeling won't leaving me alone!
Important note: don't life bait people, I also don't wanted to but I'm just so angry at her..
Anyway see you on another post,sorry for what you had to hear-
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mio-nika · 2 years
I promised @turquoisewaves07 podcast recommendations
So let's get going. I will not obviously include every podcast I ever listened, only the ones that I really like and sometimes relisten.
1. Knifepoint horror.
Possibly my favourite podcast ever. It's the series of stories written and narrated by a guy called Soren Narnia. They are not usually connected and would sound similar to oneshots of MAG (almost every story starts as "my name is..." just like the "statement of..."). They usually very weird in nature, and it's really hard to explain why I like them so much. I usually recommend starting from "school".
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2. Limetown.
Oh, the classic story about "every living person disappeared from this small unassuming town in the middle of the night".
It's like. One of the most famous ones in my list? They even had show adaption?? I never saw it, even tho every time I listen to it I think " fuck, it was really made with visuals in mind". Especially the last scenes.
3. The White Vault.
If it still snowing where you are it's a great one. Small expedition goes to a remote arctic station to fix things. Bad things happen. Interesting that almost the entire crew (both characters and actors) are bilingual and it plays big part in the story. Well, except one character. The Canadian-russian guy played by Peter Lewis. But I like him so I'm not even THAT mad.
4. Mabel.
Hi, so do you like LESBIANS? Mabel is really hard to recommend, because it made almost like a theatrical play where characters are talking in verses. It's a story about fae, lesbians, haunted buildings and women emancipation? It's extremely good. You will want to write lines over all of your walls, on your hands, on your heart.
5. The Big Loop.
It's the second podcast in the list, that is basically one guy writing not connected stories. He's name is Paul Bae and he more famous as one of the authors of "The Black Tapes". He left after the first season and he's probably the ONLY reason why first season is good. I highly recommend starting from "The Surrogate" if you like horror and "F.M.L." if you into hopefull dark comedy.
6. Alice isn't Dead
Do you remember how good were early podcasts writtend by a WTNV staff? I think we starting to forget. It's another "do you like lesbians" story, but its actually so much more. I cried real fuckin tears in a bus after the last episode, not from sadness, but from overwhelming hope for humans.
7. Death by Dying.
I've already recommended it in another post. But if you liked WTNV you need to listen to Death by Dying. It's a series of obituaries from a small weird town written by a guy who are very very VERY weird. He talks to a Angel of Death, he adopts cannibalistic cats and writes his abituaties more like personal stories of stupidity.
8. Small Town Horror.
This one usually gets overlooked, probably because of the very generic name, but for me it's really a hidden gem. Traumatized guy are trying to put together things that happened to him in his childhood and why he's so fucked up. If you really want to read story written by an unreliable narrator, this one is for you.
9. Within the Wires.
I already sang my praises about how good was the early podcasts written by a WTNV, but I will repeat it here. THEY WERE REALLY GOOD. It has a very different styles of storytelling from season to season. The first one is told through a series of mindfullness recordings. The second one is an art lections. Every season happens in the same universe and expands the over-arching story.
10. Spines.
I was thinking that to put as a last one and mostly torn beetween Spines and Girl in Space, but I'm a horror visual girl, so I choose Spines. Our heroine wakes up with no memory in the bath full of blood with a cultist-looking people and a probably other cult victims around her. Slowly she learns that she really is and in that horrying reality she was born.
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rmorde · 1 year
Just thinking about how Gojo's dream of having strong allies (aka peers on the same level as he does) may have been impossible in the end.
As both seen in the recent chapter and episode, Gojo is extremely lonely. It's perhaps one of the factors why he was still latching on to Suguru so strongly because once upon a time, he was there beside Gojo and treated him like a person. He craves that kind of connection again.
Gojo is a lonely god yearning to be human. However, he can't because if he stops being their "god", the world would fall apart. So, what he tried to do is raise people who can become "gods" like him to change the world into something that would not rely on him anymore.
It's a good plan on paper. Gojo's enthusiasm for it makes it even better.
However, a problem lies on these people Gojo wanted to become "god-like". They can never picture themselves as his equal. They only ever see themselves as a burden to him and never allies on the field.
In Shibuya, they let Gojo go in alone. Every single one of them believed that since he is The Strongest, he should be left to deal with the problem on his own. They are there as back-up and not allies to fight alongside him (like how Suguru used to if we go by the Hidden Inventory OP).
In Shinjuku, the same thing happened again. Everyone's faith on Gojo blinded them into becoming back-up instead of field allies. They all depended on Gojo too much because he is The Strongest for them. As far as they are concerned: if they fight with him, they'll just be a burden.
It's just sad. Gojo's abilities does encourage the idea of him being a lone fighter. However, the higher-ups constantly sending him on solo missions and him succeeding likely reinforced a false idea - that he works better alone and everybody bought it:
Geto thought Gojo didn't need him anymore. Obviously, not.
Nanami stopped striving to reach Gojo's level. Gojo highly thinks of him enough to be shocked at his death.
All the students thought not to "jump" Sukuna with him because "they'd only get in his way" and hold him back. Gojo believed they could be on his level and likely hoped that they could fight back-to-back with him.
This could just be some pointless ramblings. But it's really strange and sad. Often times while reading Gojo vs Sukuna, I kept thinking why is no one else helping? Jumping is a legit strategy in JJK. Even Sukuna used it on Gojo. Why is this a one-on-one fight? It's cool and awesome but why? Fanservice of course!
It's why I felt for Yuta when he tried to go out to help but backed out and apologize for it. I cannot imagine how much he'd be thinking he is at fault now after Gojo died.
I don't blame the students or even the adults about what happened tho. It's just... the culture (?) or expectation (?) ingrained on them by the jujutsu society. As for Gojo, he just got used to fighting alone and he needed to reassure everyone else. It cannot be helped. So, off he goes on his own.
Now I'm getting depressed. Gojo was so lonely that he reached out to Sukuna of all people in the middle of a fight. That's just how starved he is of connecting with someone anyone as Satoru Gojo (the person) and not The Strongest.
I know that he is aware that there are people who adore him but they always see and remember him for his power most of all. The "Interview: What do you think of Gojo Satoru?" just hammers it down. Everyone's common answer about their perception of him is "The Strongest". For them, he is Gojo Satoru because he is The Strongest.
I guess Sukuna saying "I'll remember you for as long as I live" is his own way of saying the opposite? You are the Strongest (of this era) because you are Gojo Satoru. And he promises to never forget that.
So, Sukuna treated Gojo like a person - something the latter had been wanting since Suguru left him. Could that be why Gojo smiled before his death?
I really really hope Gege clarifies things next chapter. I can't accept the idea that it was fucking Sukuna that freed Gojo from his loneliness. I know I was joking about it before that they're becoming besties. But seriously, it's just frustrating to think about.
I sincerely wish Gojo's expression towards Sukuna was not a grateful smile but a pitying smirk instead (which I interpreted first). It would be so unfair to Yuji, Yuta, and everybody else.
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vlovebug · 8 months
yes, another hcs page I'm sorry I just can't stop 😥
beware grammar mistakes ╯︿╰
val alone hc:
he gets bitchy when someone tells him what to do
he can tell a medical emergency is going to happen (serves dog behavior)
he carries things that may help someone with a disability but never medications that need to be prescribed by a doctor ofc (pots, diabetes, seizures, etc.)
he has medical knowledge ( why do i keep bringing this one up)
likes to sharpen his nails
has knifes in his shoes ( why? idk)
sometimes he talks and just can't stop (real)
sometimes talking takes too much energy ( real)
he's a bit sadistic ( only if it's asked of him)
he expects rough touches after soft ones
he shares the most gruesome facts ever ( best ways to get to the heart, how to gut someone or something, etc.) (he and spelldon work well for each other for a reason)
bc we don't know his dad, I'm saying he never existed ( gift from Eros or just pop in his mom's womb one day) ( holy mary that you?)
he's a great hunter ( bat)
I feel like if a kid likes him he lets them hang off of him
he doesn't bite when he's a bat, it's more like making a paper cut with his nails and drinking from it.
human children scare him, they're just so fucking mean T_T
he has a blanket hoodie that covers 70% of his body ( they're so comfy)
his body takes on the temperature of the climate around him ( dead bodies do this) yet he's always on the colder side ( 50-50 chance I'm keeping this hc)
hes a slut for pumpkin pie
Demisexual and intersex? ( all of Eros's creations are intersex in my eyes/ incubus or succubus)
doesn't know how to tie a tie to save his life.
his body doesn't build muscle but he is strong
will eat lemons like people eat oranges
vampires can't gain or lose weight ( or get taller unless it's from a spell or something) he's the same weight and height as when he died (idk where I was going with this....)
he walks away to not punch someone when they make him mad ( idk if I said this or not) (now that im looking back this... this ones stupid)
he stares at people but doesn't realize it
he only writes with the pen/cil between his pointer finger and middle finger ( I do this sometimes and it feels great )
this is an explanation for the height I gave Valentine (5'2), in 800 ad ( yes 800 it's the closest I could find to 410ad leave me alone.) the average height for males was 167cm( 5'4) to 173cm (5'6) and I think he's a little under the percentile for his age group back in ad ( this doesn't make sense does it), so I put him in 5'2-5'3 without heeled shoes on because of this. ( if the height percentiles for 800 ad are wrong let me know I just used Google so idk if it's right or not)
he wears contacts ( is he blind ? We will never know.)
he laughs at people who say pink is only for girls
he took a liking to a human once, and they died. big sad
Don't play hide and seek with him.
he is oblivious when he's around someone he trusts, he doesn't do it on purpose it just kinda happens (for example is paying attention to his surroundings) so there's a bunch of safety stuff on shit so he doesn't hurt himself or brake anything ( this was the explanation for the one hc I made with spelldon)
Don't make bets with this man. he will win every time. ( he's made people go broke bc of how competitive he gets.
has a great poker face
hes related to cupid but doesnt know how
he wears underclothing everyday and night ( he's modest ig) ( ignore my old art bc of this :D)
hes scared of kismet (fate or destiny)
mad val is very rare and the reason is cus he's scary af
has a harder time getting over baby gates even tho he can fly ( he forgets )
his nails and teeth can detract and attract ( like enid's from Wednesday)
can be summoned by a summoning circle
He is part incubus but doesn't do sexual favors cus ew ( 50% vampire, 50% incubus)
He's an enigma
His bat form is a fruit bat :D
He can't eat if somes around him
spelldon alone hc:
he wears alot of snake jewls
can't STAND fake friends
he's got RBF ( resting bitch face)
he judges people by accident and makes a face every time, Val called it the face of judgment ( I can't think of a name for it :()
has a great poker face
gay and demisexual
turns people into animals on purpose
he can be extermly cruel.
likes holding hands
very touchy
him and his sister act like its.giz on tiktok ( i think) ( outside source wow )
they like harassing each other in stupid ways
she has pushed him down the stairs more times than he can count
has actually really soft and gentle with the innocent
he likes to admire val when he zoned out cus he wont get yelled at for staring
He is competitive but not as much as Val
he is full god ( i say he is but idk if his dad was god or not, so fuck it)
he uses his hands and magic more in fights than actual weapons
he finds it amusing that people forget how much monsters are monsters till they get like scared ( no Brittny you can't fix him he eats people.)
he has certain things he lets no one touch, not even val
spelldon is like 6'0-6'3 because hes the son of a goddess ( or two depends) so he got them good-good genes. ( give)
he tigtens jar on purpose cus he forgets that val is also strong and can open anything, so he gets sad when val opens shit he tightens cus he wanted to open it for him ( loser )
somehow always has a book on him, no clue where he puts it.
his hair is in either dreads or twists ( I know dreads are kinda of like twists but they stay that way but idk how that works:,0)
piercings galore (def has snake bites + tongue)
steps over baby gates but sometimes trips
has a pet snake
Val has a garden that has pretty much all of the herbs and funus that spell needs for spells or potions
they can carry each other pretty easly
they both have quite places where they go when they need personal time
spell has a shit ton of piercings ( as i said earlier), val doesn't but he wears more jewelry that can be slipped off ( rings, bracelets, necklaces , etc.)
they make things for eachother
val likes grabbing spell and taking him really high into the air and dropping him and grabbing him before he hits the ground ( with permission and a heads up ofc)
They are smart until they're together then they turn stupid
BC spell can see Kismet and such, he tells very veg ones to Val if he's like extremely panicked
they both get moonstruck
misanthropy. both of them.
they cover the table's sides so the other doesn't hit their head when they get something under them
spell with do anything Val tells him to ( within reason ofc, but he really does always say yes)
val teaches spell how to certain weapons but gets confused why he goes all red
val once got the folded test paper of doom and spell laughed at his face then he got the folded test paper of doom then it was vals turn to laugh at him.
spell keeps a drawing of val on him cus he cant get a photo
they played hide and seek once. spell said never again.
they throw water on each other when stressed ( cold water to the face helps calm someone down cus its cold, google it I cant explain)
val likes to climb up spells shirt while being a bat, it freaks spell out cus he cant find him then boom something ice cold is claiming up his back
olive theory, spell like them val doesn't
picky eater and the one who eats what they give them, spell is the one that eats the stuff val gives him
spell holds vals blood bags to that they warm up, his body temp is high af
parts of them glow in the dark ( eyes, vals body markings, certain pricing of spells glow in the dark, vals nails {dont ask why I've come to this conclusion I just did})
compliments that actually seem more like insults to others
disturbing insults
If they share meals they eat in different rooms
( I'm so sorry this is so long, it was supposed to be three different posts)
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lauradirge · 5 months
In honor of homestuck day I'm coming out as someone who's currently reading homestuck for the first time
And here are my thoughts on this piece of media:
I understand why people can be annoying about homestuck because I'm enjoying it so much that I, too, want to be annoying about homestuck. It goes so many places and so bunch of random things in the world make me think "oh just like homestuck."
I'm a bit over halfway through (about page 4500).
Here's what I think about characters:
John - funny and sincere, love the guy
Rose - she's good there's a lot of good scenes with her, love her grimdark era
Dave - he has funny parts and I like when he gets into his time travel era
Jade - I love jade but it feels like she's barely in it sometimes, and she doesn't get a lot of chances to be a part of the core group? Kinda lame. She just turned into a human furry hybrid, which is fun.
Karkat- love this guy. He really sucks for a long time, it sucks reading his ALL CAPS RANTS until he starts to become more sincere and idk he's just a guy who wants to do the right thing.
Aradia - a jade type. I really like her but i feel like she doesn't get to be a character too often, just a plot device.
Sollux - who is this guy. He's like. Fine. I really didn't like him at first but he got a bit better recently, still... idk.
Equius- same as sollux except he never grew on me. I like it when he's not there.
Terezi- TEREZI I LOVE TEREZI SHES SO GOOD. I love her cool guy relationship with Dave and all her art rules.
Vriska - what can even be said? We love vriska. Loved her sad date with John. Hope to see her again soon.
Gamzee - I so far really like this guy even tho I didn't really want to. He was a scary clown for a second but now he is a chill clown. He's aight. Idk
Kanaya & Nepeta - these guys get the same slot cuz I feel the same about them. I like them both but I forget about them until they're on screen. Hopefully they get the chance to do some more.
Tavros - yeah I like him, I feel bad for this shy ass guy with these intense ass friends. But he also is like barely there.
Eridan - annoying guy! I also like him better when he's not there.
Feferi - look there are so many characters that I know they can't ALL be important but she's another one where like. She seems great but she needs more to do!
I think that's all the trolls... vriska come back.
I just got started with the post scratch characters so I'm still developing opinions about them. So far I like dirk the most. roxy has some funny moments but it is weird that she's a perpetually drunk teen. Jane and Jake havent done too much so they're just ok atm.
Anyway I'm not finished and I have no idea what compelled me to write this, I never talk about Fandom stuff. My opinions are subject to change between now and when I finish, and even after I finish my opinion will continue to change.
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roseposts-stuff · 4 months
hello hello!!! time to rate series 6 of doctor who :D once again remember that my opinions are mostly based on Vibes and also i change my mind like daily sldhks yay! also like. making these mostly for my own benefit because it's a lot of fun
1. The Doctor's Wife (6x4) - SO SO SO SO GOOD i LOVED that we got the TARDIS like actually be an important character she is so precious to me, like it's unbelievably unfair towards me specifically that she's not a real character most of the time like HELLO the missed potential??? we have A BIGGER ON THE INSIDE, SENTIENT TIME-SPACESHIP?! y'all best believe that if i ever write an episode for doctor who i'm gonna make the TARDIS important (i'm not even british they will NOT hire me) but yeah just a brilliant episode neil gaiman DELIVERED thanks king, i love everything about this episode very much one of my favourites for sure
2. The God Complex (6x11) - SO fascinating, i loved Rita especially i was so sad that she died :( she would've been such a great companion i feel. the episode is unsettling in the best way and obviously i LOVE the doctor and the ponds, such a great episode
3. The Girl Who Waited (6x10) - i loved loved loved rory in this actually, the ending is so beautiful and so devastating like😭 an interesting concept and i LOVE timey-wimeyness
4. Night Terrors (6x9) - this episode is like. genuinely kinda scary the dolls are terrifying 😭 yeah a really good episode, also adam's dad from good omens what are you doing here!?!?
5. The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon (6x1/6x2) - LOVE the silence and the plot is so good imo, i love the whole concept of creatures you always forget and the design is so good i think, love river and amy and rory as always, and yeah, really great i think
6. A Christmas Carol (6x0) - really really like the story in this one and the fish are so so cool i actually love that there's sort of fish swimming in the air it was beautiful, one of my favourite christmas specials for sure!!
7. The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People (6x5/6x6) - what i do like about this episode is that this kinda shows that you know we should be kind to everyone and understand them and like you know. not value others less because they're different or scary, i feel like that's important, yeah i like this story, also the half-human-half-föesh looks are lowkey scary 😭
8. The Wedding of River Song (6x13) - i LOVE some timey-wimey bullshit, it was so cool that everything was happening at the same time, it was brilliant i think and also slay doctor for not dying after all‼️ amy was so cool i love her. i do kinda wish we had more reaction than just amy killing madame kovarian from amy and rory bcs they lost their BABY but i'm not complaining abt kovarian's fate haha
9. A Good Man Goes to War (6x7) - has some really cool moments and i loved seeing like this sort of crew the doctor assembled, i love vastra and jenny and strax so much. i do feel like this episode is a tiny bit all over the place but i like it
10. Let's Kill Hitler (6x8) - i do like the plot and love river and the doctor in this their plotline was so good in this but tbh i didn't warm up to mels i just didn't like her and i feel like she either should've been in more so people would actually care about her or just should've been left out completely, tho the twist that she was river was pretty good i think
11. Closing Time (6x12) - i still like craig and i liked the ending, and i liked seeing 11 being kinda domestic and looking after alfie (stormageddon) and frankly this was pretty funny, had a good time
12. The Curse of the Black Spot (6x3) - i like this, i had a good time watching it, but i don't have much to say tbh
damn this was NOT easy to rank lol
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mingiswow · 2 years
Can we talk about how beautiful the third Moonlight Chicken episode was? Every episode this drama shocks me more and more because it’s not just a queer story. It’s about generational shocks, value shocks, class shocks, breaking cycles.
Jim was the first one to break when he confronted his homophobic sister, was expelled home and went to live with his lover, then Li Ming comes to break the idea that you have to study to be successful, have a degree, that your parents (or your guardian) knows what is best for you because they’re older and wiser. “don’t make the same mistakes I’ve done”.
And when Wen have a heart to heart conversation with Li Ming, acknowledging his feelings and making him see for another perspective, from his uncle’s perspective (when Wen tells him that he has the same hard-to-break shell as his uncle, you can see Li Mings softening up but still not giving up on his dream) shows that sometimes we are too focused on the one problem that we forget to take a step back and look at the whole situation and we tend to blame the other from things that sometimes we do ourselves as well.
Then we have the very clear class shock. How life is supposedly easier for the privileged characters. They have a comfortable house, a stable important job, have everything they need and want and how that’s not enough. Because money is not the answer (even tho helps a lot ngl). Wen clearly gets really shaken when he discovers that the restaurant is being taken down and the first thought he had was to talk to Jim because he cares more about the man’s feelings, because he rather be sweating in a small chicken rice shop with people that he cares about - and we can clearly see how he bonded really fast with everyone - than this promotion of him, and how he got clearly sad when Jim just left him when he told about the job.
And we need to talk about the impeccable acting job everyone is doing, especially Gemini and Forth, they have such a great chemistry not just between them but the rest of the cast. It’s just… I have no words to explain what I feel when I see their acting in this more dramatic role than My School President.
I think the reason why this series is so beautifully realistic is because it’s a story about people struggling to live in this world regardless who they choose to love. And I think that the most important lesson from this episode is when Wen says that the key to success to relationship is not gender. And I couldn’t agree more, would it be talking about romantic relationship or any other kind of human relationship.
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Rusalka (Paris Opéra, 2002): Reactions, Part III
annnnnnnnnnnnd let’s finish this up!
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entering her death spirit era (why am i joking about this this is genuinely sad)
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see everyone forgets about this aria because the song to the moon exists but GOD it’s just so gorg
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uh whatcha doin jezibaba
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danger times
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oh dear lord rusalka 😭 she knows true human love and compassion…
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like really, think about it: she gave up everything for a taste of humanity and love, and now she’s giving it all up again in the name of her own sense of compassionate morality—forever.
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bullying never sounded so sweet
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i’d like to see a horror movie with these two as protagonists (and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t like horror movies)
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okay admittedly i’d be spooked too
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DO NOT EAT THE ADORABLE TROUSER ROLE (especially since that’s karine deshayes)
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sometimes people tell lies, so don’t believe everything you hear
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“hey why do you keep ruining the vibe whenever we have a sleepover?”
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lovely music tho
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oh boy here we go
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she doesn’t want to…but it’s not in her power anymore
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Area Tenor Realizes He Fucked Up Severely
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AND THERE IT IS (but who decided to cut to a wide shot for the most important staging moment in the entire opera???)
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that’s better
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did an asshole tenor ever die so beautifully?
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god. this hurts.
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wait. so the prince DIDN’T die???
then what is the fucking point?!?! the tragedy of this opera—the thing that makes this one of the saddest operas ever—is that rusalka becomes human in order to experience love and humanity and is betrayed by those same things, but she continues to choose them until the end, and then is forced to destroy the one person she truly loves, and then she has to live with all of that, in a deathless state, rejected by others, without escape, FOREVER.
robert carsen you are MADDENING. this production was SO good and then in the last two minutes you had to ruin it by COMPLETELY missing the point of the ending. 🤬
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