#mostly raven cycle fic
andrea-lyn · 3 months
The Raven Cycle - Master Fic Rec Post
See under the cut for fifteen total recs, mostly Pynch. There's also 10 additional in the "Recs Less Travelled" project here.
and on the seventh day he rested by Prevalent_Masters
On the seventh day, the Lynch brothers discovered they were friends once more.
Or, the week following the (near) apocalypse.
cool of your hand, back of my neck by grandfather_clock
Adam Parrish has been dumped for the second time ever. Ronan Lynch is a gleeful, weirdly invested observer. They drive around all night long. featuring: teenagers pretending they aren’t in love, shouting over loud music, minor arson, major arson, ronan lynch’s hand fixation, and an unfortunate amount of kiting.
getting swept away by sunmoontruth
“So. Your page. Your knight. Two different people, yes?” the psychic guesses—intuits. She points to each of the tarot cards: a girl with a golden cup, a boy with a golden cup. “Yes,” Gansey says. “But similar feelings,” the psychic says, mostly to herself. She opens her mouth. She closes her mouth. She instructs, “Last card.” Gansey draws. Death. Reversed. — Or a cross country road-trip, developing feelings, and the end of the world
god only knows (what i'd be without you) by RhymeReason
[Part of Gansey was starting to accept that two of his best friends were most likely dead.]
Or: gansey finds adam and ronan :)
hold me tight, fear me not by audikatia for Northisnotup
When Adam stepped around, he found himself suddenly in an emerald glen of moss-covered trees. More blue roses scattered over the green ground like raindrops or tears.
And there, in the center, was a man pinned to a tree with an arrow through his heart. :: Tam Lin AU
i should have loved a thunderbird instead by ssstrychnine
persephone leaves adam three things: her tarot cards, her voice, and a phone from 2003.
I Worship You, Your Fingers Snag My Soul by sherasaidgaywrites
He breathed into Adam’s mouth, his voice different, somehow; filled with meaning: “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” He did his smoker’s breath, his fingertips a whisper on nerves. “His name was Adam.” And, oh, that was so fitting. What was Adam if not a man built from the dust? - Ronan does some contemplation during mass and then comes home to his second object of worship. He likens Adam unto God’s creations, Adam likens him unto God.
if, if, if by writerforlife
Declan decides it’s about time he and Adam Parrish have a chat.
like a secret (like an oath) by demigodbeautiies
“You know Richard Gansey well enough to be invited to his wedding,” Adam says, and it isn’t quite a question. Then he shakes his head, like he’s clearing it of a much bigger piece of debris, and says, “You’re the best man at his wedding?” - Pynch Fake Dating AU
Night Owls by aceofreaders (Kickasscookieeater)
Adam Parrish has worked at The Night Owl since the end of his college freshman year. It's named so because it's open late, which suits Adam just fine because no one ever comes in during those last hours before 12am.
Except, then someone does.
A foul mouthed, viciously handsome someone, who brings a slow rolling storm of change into Adam's steady life. And when he does, Adam won't be able to lie anymore.
since you've been home, see what you have become by Mici (noharlembeat)
Adam goes touring colleges, and Ronan comes along. And Opal, well. She stays with Declan.
Someone Worth Knowing by SprigsofViolets
Alex Claremont-Diaz and Adam Parrish meet on their first day at NYU. They do not hit it off—cue the academic rivalry. They hate each other until they learn to understand each other.
(I can’t tell you how many times I’ve re-read this one, esp as it hits two of my fave canons in all the right places)
There's No Place Like My Room by Lil_Redhead
Sometimes endings are endings, but sometimes they’re just middles and the real ending is very, very far away.
Or, the days between the last chapters and the epilogue of Greywaren
Time Isn’t Real (but you’re a constant) by SpiritsFlame
“Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.” - Albert Einstein. Adam wakes up in the future, learns a few things about himself, about time, and about his priorities. But mostly he just wishes that Time was doing it’s job better.
(you told me) this is right where it begins by starsandgutters
The aftermath of dealing with the demon leaves behind a wake of emotional debris they were not – couldn’t have been – fully prepared to tackle. They all have a lot on their plate: assessing the damage, picking up the broken pieces, allowing the wounds to scar over. And, of course, there’s the matter of Adam-and-Ronan. (Or: falling in love doesn’t magically fix all problems, but maybe that’s alright.)
And a blanket rec for pretty much anything shinealightonme has written for the fandom.
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emry-stars-art · 7 months
Oooh do go on about raven neil and jean 👀 (if you’re so inclined ☺️) - @neil-jostenminyard
*chanting* raven Neil raven Neil raven Neil (and lots of Jean) (quite possibly even jeaneil) (although most of the thoughts are post-ravens lol)
So my personal thoughts about this are also mostly thanks to chats and inspiration/prompting from @jtl-fics and @greenautumnleaves so if you see any additions from them on this post it's most likely also thoughts I adore lol
Anyway this got kind of long so:
I ALSO latched onto Sakavic's statement that Neil wouldn't leave Jean in the nest bc yeah it makes sense and also ow
But just the two of them being partnered up like Riko and Kevin as is common in these aus, and then after Kevin gets out first, they have to stick together and rely on each other even MORE because Riko is pissed that Kevin is gone and probably takes it out on the next closest two idk
But in our imaginings, Renee or Andrew get Jean out quicker than in canon, again because Neil would refuse to leave Jean behind and I can only imagine he'd go so far as to trick or manipulate Jean into leaving. Maybe by being at a certain place at a certain time to get picked up, however he can make it happen. But the issue we run into is that once that's done, what the hell would Neil have left at Evermore, besides Exy that maybe he still loves deep down. But Exy's been so warped being raised on it at the nest that at that point his obsession is barely recognizable.
Kevin might recognize this, because he knew Neil in the nest. Or at least he knew the person that Neil presented himself as. But it's probably more likely that Jean recognizes this, and yeah things are super rocky and weird but Jean can barely even function without Neil. So back a fox goes to rescue their second raven's partner.
They bring Neil back to Palmetto and he and Jean are completely inseparable. Emotionally and physically. Neither of them act like, feel like, or even call themselves "touchy feely" or "clingy" people but as soon as Neil is treated for various intense and mysterious injuries, they're curled up in some hidden place for hours. Even the short time having left Neil behind made Jean almost too anxious to leave his room. Even the short time without Jean - now with more punishment for aiding Jean's escape - was enough for Neil to consider something drastic.
(side note: Andrew now has not one, not two, but three gorgeous tragic boys under his supervision and I'm sure he's handling that totally normally lmao. But it's so obvious to him that Jean and Neil have something going on that any ideas for himself aren't worth entertaining.)
So it's a little easier to ease out of various habits and thought processes because Jean and Neil are doing it together, with outside help. They fix their sleep cycles/rhythms, try a slightly more normal college diet, and most slowly lose their "win or die" mindset in practices. They're still never seen without each other - Wymack had a talk with some of the school board about their schedules and dorm arrangements for the first semester. In reality, he's not sure if he should have them go cold turkey on raven habits or if he should take it slower, but he's doing his damn best to get these boys adjusted to life outside a cult. And Neil and Jean, whether or not they actively realize it, find that step to be the one they absolutely cannot take. Why would they go through the agony of learning to live separately if they don't have to. When no one else understands them like the other, when they've already seen each other's worst so nothing else is worth keeping secret between them. Who else is Jean going to go to when having a better life makes him feel like he more deserves death or punishment and the guilt hits him so hard he can't breathe, much less sleep. Who else is Neil going to go to when he can't let go of his birthright - if he isn't good at what he does (Exy) he literally could just be shot like a lame horse - and he's not allowed to go practice Exy against a wall to the point of tearing himself apart anymore so he forces his feet away from the court to find the only person he knows he'll listen to when they say no.
Kevin, of course, is keeping a close eye on the two, whether unintentionally or on purpose is unclear. Neil still has a mouth on him, he sometimes plays mind games with the foxes like chess against himself, and most of all does not allow anyone to get too close to Jean. Jean is still quiet, having learned not only to take a punishment without resistance but also that Neil will speak first. Neil will resist so Jean doesn't have to. He's safer in Neil's shadow.
Maybe it's a phrase or warning that Neil uses and that Kevin recognizes. Maybe it's a gesture between Neil and Jean that Kevin oversees. Maybe it's just the general demeanor of the two. But whatever it is is familiar to Kevin, not in a "I remember this from them in the nest" way. He can recognize by now that Riko was not good to him, he can acknowledge it even if the rest of him hasn't caught up. He looks at Jean in Neil's shadow and remembers himself in Riko's.
As if Butcher's son Nathaniel Wesninski wasn't already scary enough on his own.
But Kevin won't allow this kind of thing on his court, and he's not good at it but he is still trying to let go of unhealthy raven ideals. If Neil is holding onto some fucked up dynamic, Kevin is going to put a stop to it.
He pulls Jean aside, a miraculous feat. He asks what Neil has done.
"Mistake" might be an understatement.
It could very easily be the longest string of words Jean has said to anyone besides Neil. Kevin doesn't know near as much French as he does in canon - Neil is the one that shares that secret defiance - so it's all clear English, Jean making sure Kevin understands every word. Kevin should never speak about Neil that way again. He knows nothing about them, he shouldn't so much as pretend to understand Neil. Neil is the only good thing that ever happened to Jean. Kevin never cared enough to bring it up in the nest, so he has no right to start caring now.
It isn't great for their already tumultuous relationship. Kevin wonders for a bit if Jean would tell Neil about it - then next practice Neil doesn't even try to work with Kevin, even after the two had made it a point as strikers to figure out how to. He ignores the other strikers entirely, falling immediately and seamlessly into perfect synch with Jean behind him, speaking hardly a word of English the whole practice. Because he knows that will make Kevin even more angry than Neil being actively hostile to his new teammates.
Kevin isn't sure what he was expecting. Chances are Jean hadn't even needed to bring it up for Neil to notice something was off.
As for Andrew, I think he could still pick up a game of truths. He'd need to offer a similar deal as he did for canon Neil, this time for Neil-and-Jean, the entity of the two of them together. I think he could ensure some cooperation by saying he won't force Jean and Neil apart from each other the way some others have muttered about doing. Even if Neil knows by now the codependence isn't healthy, neither of them are ready to give it up.
It probably really throws Andrew to hear that they don't consider themselves to be an item. They're together, sure, but for a raven that doesn't always, maybe even rarely, means "in a traditional relationship". Neil and Jean definitely never offer any clarification. That's no one else's business, even if they could explain it so that a non-raven could understand. Generally I feel like if this is an andreil universe, it's an even longer, stranger, more winding road to get there than in canon.
I'm almost CERTAIN there's more Im forgetting about rn but this has been my taster on raven Neil+Jean, I hope it was at least a little bit coherent, and greenautumnleaves - I hope this comes anywhere close to your galaxy brain ideas on these two lol. Maybe I'll be back with other thoughts later who knows
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ghostlychief · 2 years
Hi, your articles about Simon ghost are interesting. Can I also make a request, please? How does he react to a reader with a big dog? The dog is very protective and affectionate towards the reader. and the dog's eyes are different colors. I will send you a photo of the dog.
HELLO!! First of all, thank you for reading my Ghost fics, that means so much <3 Secondly, i love this request because one, i love dogs, and TWOOO i love big big dogs. I hope you enjoy what i threw together, and take care <3
That Makes Two of Us
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader (can read as fem, gn, or male really)
wc: 900+
warnings: none
A/N: I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes lol pls forgive me
You can’t remember a time when you didn’t have a dog. Growing up, you were always surrounded by dogs, and had one by the time you were age five. Later, in your early teenage years, your family got another one. Needless to say, it wasn’t a surprise when you bought a dog of your own, after you graduated and got a full-time job.
When you saw your new puppy for the first time, she was already perfect in your eyes. She had mismatched eyes- one blue and one brown. Her fur was as dark as a raven’s feather, and shiny too. You decided to name her Daphne, after a character from one of your favorite TV shows.
You could already tell she was going to be a big dog, just by the size of her paws when she was a puppy. And your assumption was right, because she turned out to be about 65 pounds, paws almost as big as your palm.
You guys became two peas in a pod, and you trained her well. She was smart, loyal and very affectionate with you. It’s all you ever could have wanted in a dog, a companion.
While Daphne was lovey and affectionate towards you, her loyalty showed when she met strangers. She was mostly weary with men she didn’t know. Sure, your dad and close guy friends were no issue for her, she trusted them and therefore she trusted them around you.
However, newer men she didn’t recognize the scent of, or strangers on the sidewalk (strange men), she immediately became alert, ready to do anything for you, anything to protect you. This personality trait of hers was always difficult when in came to dating. Because more often than not, your fling with a guy didn’t last long. It was a cycle of introducing Daphne to a new man, which took her some time to getting used to, to that man completely disappearing from your life, all for it to start again.
It wasn’t until you met Simon aka “Ghost” for things to level out, be “steady” so to say. You and Simon have been dating for about three and a half months at this point. You both went on countless dinner dates, occasionally got drinks, and enjoyed the city where you both lived. All which required him not to see Daphne, or meet her, nonetheless. Sure, you showed him pictures of your baby, and babbled on about her when you guys hung out, but he hasn’t had the pleasure of meeting her.
You decided that after the fourth failed fling/thing with a guy, you would wait until you were seeing a guy for about 4-5 months until you introduced them to your dog. Not wanting to continue to confuse her, by having her meet strangers, and people that wouldn’t be in your life for a long time.
With Simon though, you guys instantly hit it off. He was a little bit quirky, with a dry sense of humor that matched your sarcasm. He was fun to be around and brought out a side of you, you haven’t seen in quite a long time. You were happy, and you trusted him. You only wished that Daphne would trust him as much, because deep-deep down in the pits of your heart, you were starting to fall in love with Simon.
It was after you guys went to dinner one night, that you brought Simon over to your place for the first time. You were a little bit nervous. One, because you were bringing home a devastatingly handsome and tall man, and two, because you weren’t sure how Daphne would react.
You quietly unlocked your door and ushered Simon inside. After you turned on the lights, you could hear Daphne’s paws patter on your floor, signaling to you that she woke up, and was coming to greet you. Though, when she saw Simon standing next to you, she instantly stopped in her tracks, and quirked her head to the side, her ears perked. Not expecting a guest to be with you.
She immediately started barking, her low, powerful bark resonating off the walls of your home.
“I take it she doesn’t like strangers?” Simon remains next to you, but doesn’t show any signs that he’s afraid of your giant black dog barking four feet away from him.
“Well…she’s a little protective of me.” You turn to look at Simon, with a sheepish smile on your pretty face.
“That makes two of us, then.” You try not to let Simon’s deep voice and confession get to you too much, but it’s hard and you find your cheeks warming.
You just laugh at his statement, and make your ways towards Daphne, to try and console her. Once you’ve got her calmed down, you usher Simon over.
“Ok, just approach her on the side, but don’t turn towards her, keep your body perpendicular to hers. And stick your hand out for her to sniff. This will let her know that you’re no threat.”
He does just that, and effortlessly, which you’re not surprised about. You’re certain he’s often around military trained dogs due to his job.
Daphne reluctantly sniffs Simon’s hand, but you can tell he won her over because she starts to lick him, and then lets him pet her on the head. Her tail starts to wag vigorously, and now her barks are lighter, more playful as she greets your new friend.
With a smirk coating his lips, Simon asks her, “See, I’m not too bad, am I?”
Hope you enjoyed!
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renecdote · 1 year
and what if in your sleep, you dreamed
The last square on my BTHB card is finally here! This one is for @herodiaz, ily Becky 💛
The thing is, Buck had been doing well with his dreams. Nine out of ten nights, he wasn’t bringing back anything that he didn’t want to. But: head injury, mostly. The trauma of it all, probably. That night, Buck goes to sleep in Eddie’s bed and wakes up holding his car keys. It’s—it could be worse. After the tsunami, he kept waking up with his sheets full of sand, soaked through and shivering. After Eddie was shot, he’d wake up with blood in his mouth, choking on the taste of it. When Maddie was gone, hiding herself away in Boston, and he missed her so much it ached, Buck had to fight against his mind not to bring her back from his dreams. That would have been hard to explain: waking up in bed with Taylor on one side and a carbon copy of his missing sister on the other. Car keys, at least, can be hidden. Except it’s not just the car keys. Or: the raven cycle inspired dream magic fic For BTHB: wound that would not heal
In his dreams, there is always more blood. It pools under him as he lies in the middle of the road, pours down his arm as he stumbles through waterlogged streets, fills his lungs as Abby takes a knife to his throat. It’s torn out of him with slashes on his arms, his legs, his chest, veins cut through and gaping, arteries nicked. Buck bleeds and bleeds and bleeds until there is nothing else left of him.
In hindsight, the whole blood clots turned blood thinners thing is kind of ironic.
Or. Is that what ironic means? It’s whatever word means the universe is laughing at him, is what it is. And the universe has always loved laughing at him. Laughing and screaming and clawing him open.
For Buck’s whole life, Maddie has told him that he isn’t cursed.
“It’s a gift, Evan,” when he’s a kid. “It means you’re special.”
Becomes: “You’re different, Evan. It’s not a bad thing.”
Becomes: “I don’t know why, okay? Sometimes things happen and you just have to deal with it. Life isn’t always fair.”
She was right about that: life isn’t fair.
She was wrong about other things though. Including the fact that he’s definitely cursed. How can he not be when he dreams of blood and wakes up terrified that he has brought it with him? Buck bolts upright in bed or on the couch, at the station and at home and everywhere else he sleeps, patting himself down—arms, throat, chest, legs—fingers trembling, breaths loud and gasping, his heart beating painfully fast.
It’s worse when it comes from memory.
Months after the truck bombing, he dreams about losing his leg and wakes up on Eddie’s couch shaking, sobbing, clawing at the duvet until his fingers are digging into his thigh, his knee, his calf, still there, still there, still there. Buck folds over himself, knee hugged to his chest, hand pressed against his mouth to stifle the sobs that still won’t stop. His leg is cramping, pain shooting up through his spine, nerves tingling, but he can’t make himself let go. Can’t stop shaking. Can’t quite believe that he’s awake.
“Buck?” Disembodied and worried, the light flicking on a moment later. “Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?”
Eddie falls to his knees beside the couch, reaching out, and Buck shakes his head over and over, but can’t find the words to say he’s fine. (He’s not fine.)
[Read on AO3]
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all-for-the-recs · 3 months
Chapters: 4/? (INCOMPLETE see. ONGOING)
Words: 11,367 (at the time of posting 06/07/24)
Author's Summary:
“You can’t be serious.” Adam whispered, mostly to himself. He was looking at Wymack, but Neil caught his eye at his side. He was watching Adam intently, seeming to almost know everything he was thinking.
“Very serious. All you have to do is sign and you’re mine for five years, but you’re also set. Your coach said you want to go to med school. You could save part of your stipend and any other money to put towards it. You’d have less loans, and many med schools would like to see a more ambitious application.”
“I don’t know if I can do this.” Adam said, so quietly he wasn’t sure if the others in the room would hear him. “I’ve already been accepted into Harvard. I don’t know if I’d choose Palmetto after that."
“Does it sweeten a deal to know we are wanting to recruit Lynch as well?”
The Raven Cycle x All for the Game AU that no one asked for. Adam and Ronan get recruited to join the Foxes and it goes about as smoothly as expected.
okay so not a completely AFTG exclusive fic but i thought i'd feed the AFTG fans who are also Raven Cycle fans. this fic looks good so far and i'm looking forward to seeing where is goes!
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burymeinmelodies · 1 month
I'm offering writing commissions in exchange for donations to certain GoFundMe's for people in Gaza--
I'm Mel. I write a lot of fanfiction, primarily for Percy Jackson, and have been posting for a few years now. Recently I've been getting asks from people living in Gaza who need donations to evacuate or get medical care. I'm not currently able to make such donations myself, but I know how to write, so I'm going to try to use that skillset to help out as much as I can.
How do I request a commission and what will it look like? If you're interested in commissioning me, you can DM me (not send an ask) to let me know what you're looking for. I write a lot of found family and platonic relationship stories but I'm flexible. Once we agree on content and length, I'll get to writing. I'll send you a PDF of the finished product and, if you're okay with it, post it on AO3 as well.
How much do commissions cost? My baseline is $10 per 1k words. I don't feel that anything less than that would be a productive use of my time (except maybe in the case of a very long fic). If you are able and willing to pay more than that, it would be greatly appreciated. You will pay by donating the agreed upon amount and then forward me the email receipt.
What fandoms can I request fics for? Below is a list of fandoms that I am familiar enough with to write for. I would also be open to writing original works or nonfiction, if anyone is interested.
Main fandoms (have written for and participated in extensively)
Percy Jackson (and other Riordanverse books)
Our Flag Means Death
The Raven Cycle
The Hunger Games
Pokemon (the anime specifically)
Some other (mostly small and weird) fandoms that I could write for
These Thems (YouTube series)
Magic Tree House
Magic School Bus
The Scholomance trilogy
The Penderwicks
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Firefly (TV series)
Little Women (or other Alcott novels)
Some fics I've written below the cut, so people can get a sense for my style:
A trans!Ash Pokemon fic ^
Some early interactions between Beckendorf and Drew from PJO ^
Deleted scene from These Thems webseries ^
Bianca di Angelo and her boarding school buddies ^
Reblogs are much appreciated!
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crimeronan · 5 months
On the topic of How Do You Handle XYZ Comment, I've always wondered how you handle terrible responses on your toh takes. Like I know the toh fandom doesn't lack piss on the poor reading comprehension and they also really enjoy wildly out of touch takes, but I've never seen any comments on your princess luz stuff of that nature. I'm sure they must be there but maybe I'm too early? But anyway, how do you tend to deal with the "acktually shipping luz and Hunter is incest" and the "ur not a real lesbian because putting amity in a poly ship is lesbian erasure" and the "as a white person kinda sus you make the poc woman an empress" kind of responses? Ones that are technically not hate and maybe if you squint could be from people who aren't inherently trying to do bad but just lack the maturity needed to engage with the internet at large?
this ask made me giggle. honestly, i haven't received as much pushback as you might expect! way less pushback than i expected. in the princess AU, i've gotten a LOT more "this is actually too grotesque for me to stomach" comments than "this is problematic" comments, which is fine. horror-thriller isn't for everyone, those comments do not upset me.
i have had a Few run-ins with bad faith people, whom i mostly block. there's one prolific commenter in toh tumblr fandom who would repeatedly write angry essays on my humor meta posts -- essays that were all about how belos is too evil to be sympathetic and/or about how hunter is a soft gentle boy who shouldn't be jokingly referred to as evil. then they'd go "i can't help my active and conscious decision to type a bunch of rude fucking words and then my active and conscious decision to send those rude fucking words because i'm autistic :(((" around the fourth or fifth time this happened, i was fucking done with that nonsense and finally blocked them. shoulda done it after the first comment tbh!! no more autism exceptions.
as for the rest of it, my main management strategy is to simply.... preempt the bad faith comments?
i had a LOT more unpleasant and conflict-filled fandom experiences when i was in the raven cycle fandom. that was my first exposure to "you can't ship multi-gender polycules if anyone involved is gay" and "queerplatonic het relationships are just heteronormativity shipping that you're trying to get away with." having dealt with those takes before, i've found a few different ways to disarm bad faith readers before they get started.
first is to be super open and honest about my interests. i talk about what i find compelling in different relationships All The Damn Time. it's really hard for anyone to accuse me of only wanting hunter to fuck amity if they've seen, like.... anything i've said about hunter and amity.
same with hunter and luz. the only negative reactions i've really gotten to how they're written in the princess AU is like.... two people being squicked by camila thinking they're romantically involved. i REALLY expected more pushback on the touchyfeely bed sharing stuff, but from what i remember, there's never been Any....? not even from people who consider them siblings.
i expected a lot of pushback on how mean hunter and amity are to each other, since it's taken So much farther than the canon. but it turns out that there's a very large overlap between people who like dark horror AUs and people who like hunter and amity murdering each other. (in a fluffy fic i don't think this characterization would fly Nearly as easily.)
i find that being funny really disarms people, too. when you look at any of my toh meta posts that could be controversial, they're basically all funny. people are a lot more willing to listen to what you have to say if you make them laugh, and it's harder for them to get angry at you.
and then the last thing is that i think i'm in sort of a privileged position in toh fandom. i've written a lot of controversial subjects and relationships and characterizations.... but i've also written some WILDLY popular mainstream fic. and people who like the mainstream fic don't really want to beef with me about differing niche opinions, bc there's a level of respect there. which they might not have for a writer they don't like.
but anyway. when things Do happen, i almost always just block and move on. there are so many people here who get what i'm talking about that there's no need for me to try to convert people who don't, you know??
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nibblette · 7 months
And here is my top 10 TRC fics Part 2
6. There’s no place like my room.
This is a heartstring tugger. This takes place after the events of Greywaren but before the epilogue. Ronan has terrible dreams of an elderly and dying Adam and brings back Alzheimer’s disease drugs and medical equipment from his dreams. Adam is approached by the feds to join their new dreamer & dream protection. I love that Ronan has to go back to 300 Fox Way. Adam and Declan interact with each other. There’s a happy ending. Part of the ending is inspired by some Pynch fan-art from another artist.
7. In One Piece by creativefiend19
An apparently unfinished Fic but I thought it ended well enough. Another BDSM/kink fic, surprise, surprise. This one has great sex scenes that even have companion art works!
This is mostly Adam’s POV. Adam is still freaked out about the demon using him to choke Ronan. Ronan comforts him by sharing his kinky fantasies. Adam starts to wrap his mind around Ronan’s need for kink and subbing. There is a wealth of sex scenes. Adam thinks up a delightful Valentine’s Day gift for Ronan- sneaking into Aglionby’s Latin classroom to fulfill Ronan’s fantasy to have sex with Adam there. The story continues. The author makes good use of the canon “forsan er haec olim….” quote. Ronan is totally Ronan and makes a list of scenes he wants to do in Latin, lol. The fic goes on to flesh out the pre-Call Down the Hawk Pynch relationship exceedingly well. Highly recommend! The accompanying artwork by sneaky_git are fabulous as well!
8. Home to Me by Parakeats (the main story of the Time Travel AU) https://archiveofourown.org/series/1983088
This fic is so great but it’s unfinished 😭 I love it so much and I wish the author would finish it. Or at least give a synopsis of the ending. It’s an awesome story about a future, older AU Adam being sent back in time to the canon story because Cabeswater needs him. He lives in a slightly different dimension where he is married to Ronan, and his “sacrifice” was to the Greywaren himself, not Cabeswater (which is still in the future AU). Niall is still alive but sort of a villain. Younger, canon Adam is sent to the future AU with older long haired, in control of his power Ronan, but something is wrong with Matthew in this timeline.
This fic has an absolutely sexy and amazing AU of the AU companion smut Fic about younger Ronan coming on to older!Adam! older!Adam takes charge of the encounter and blows young!Ronan’s mind. Ooooo!
9. Another Lil_Redhead post Greywaren fic- ( though it’s an AU). This fic imagines a post-Greywaren-climax where Hennessy wasn’t able to grab all the little bits of Adam spirit from the sweetmetal sea and the lost part was Adam’s romantic love for Ronan. Adam goes back to Harvard quickly but Ronan is devastated. Ronan stays in Boston with Declan (and to be close-ish to Adam). Adam puts together the hints that he and Ronan were lovers, not just best friends. He finds his secret stash of Ronan porn on his phone and falls in lust and love again. This is another tear jerker but with a happy ending.
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1indigoisles · 9 months
Happy New Year!
The end has come! Time for the new year! (And the beginning of the TWP era!)
I discovered The Shadowhunter Chronicles this year, in June. A little shocking, I know. I fell in love with the books like nothing before, and this discovery was literally one of my golden eras. It was also this year that I started writing my novel, which is also an era that's not going to end any time soon. But my biggest breakthrough this year was joining Tumblr, where I got an expansion on everything, including fandoms. Apart from TSC, I'm in Shadow and Bone, The Folk of The Air, Good Omens (just started), Percy Jackson, and The Raven Cycle.
But this a people appreciation post, which means that I am, yet again, digressing.
@jeahreading - My best friend on Tumblr, knows all my deep dark secrets and would forgive me even if I lied to her. Jeah is who I go to after a rough day, who I flirt with on a daily basis, and who I'm going to join a group blog with. I love her for being the kind of friend that only exists in books, I love her for almost always liking my posts first, and I love her for reading my writing, even if it is sometimes crappy. I love you forever, angel.
@mayaheronthorn - My first friend here. She's just about as obsessed with KitTy as I am, if not more, and will always sit and read my TWP theories and headcanons, even though they come extremely spontaneously, and are mostly just rants. I think I wrote a TWP fic to her once through a random convo? - but that's besides the point. I hope we get to talk more next year, and you finally come around to posting your novel from time to time! Love you lots!
@damn-this-transgirl-hella-gay - The ultimate reader ever. You read everything on writing that I post and you VOICE-ACTED MY FIRST CHAPTER! Who does that?! You going for small writers like us really means more than I can say!
@tys-kitty - THE Shadowblogger ever. TWP posts are the highlights of my day, and you rock at it! Joy comes from pain shared, and also agony over TWP. Your posts, no matter how many times I say it, bring me more happiness than pain. Ich liebe dich mehrer als ich dich hasse.
@02babyy - Even though you're newer than I am, your posts are always so fun. I love you for making Kit your entire personality, since he's one of my favourite TSC characters ever (second only to Alec). The best thing about you is that you seem like you could be pretty popular, but aren't intimidating because of it. Keep glowing!
@margareturtle - You gave me hope in this world when you came up with the theory of Kit's gold wings. Your content is super fun, and you're hilarious as hell. You think out of the box and your headcanons are the best. Have a great 2024, Bananasplit!
Happy end of 2023, and looking forward to 2024 with all of you!
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magpiefngrl · 4 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "magpiefngrl"?
Hey, anon!
Oh fave fics! I love talking about fics and books, though I feel I talk about fics everyone knows and have nothing new to offer, esp since I've not read much in the last 2-3 years. Still, narrowing it down to 10 is super hard, so I've looked at my bookmarks and chose the ten fics that I've reread the most.
1. Bound Skerry by Frayach (drarry, M, 2.3k)
I've read this a hundred times and I'll keep coming back to it. Possibly my most read fic. The reason it's one of my Forever Fics is the prose. Absolutely stunning writing.
2. House Proud by astolat (drarry, M, 23k)
The original House Magic fic and the best one. I particularly love the hints of dark faerie magic, the horror elements and the brilliant worldbuilding. Astolat's prose is super readable and the pacing is excellent.
3. with exactness grinds he all by thistle_verse (drarry, M, 6k)
An aching fic with beautiful, lyrical writing. I've reread this so many times.
4. Art in Life by northofallmusic (tofsla) (wangxian, T, 2k)
I feel I'm repeating myself but this has excellent prose and it's aching and tender and made me feel all the feels.
5. Out of the Dead Land by orphan account (stucky, M, 63k)
OK so this hasn't stood the test of time because I finished it a few days ago, but WOW. Absolutely brilliant. I'm not even a stucky fan or anything. But I kept thinking about it when I was doing other stuff and I set aside the books I was reading so as to finish this. Now it's days later and it's still on my mind. I can't remember the last time I had a book/fic hangover. A very angsty fic and a fantastic exploration of Bucky's trauma. This is by one of my top authors of all time, who's now orphaned everything.
6. Mr Webster's Wager by Fahye + orphan author (same one as above) (Ash/Webster, E, 27k)
Now we're getting into the horny fics. This one is based on a KJ Charles short story which is the best romance short story ever written in my not so humble opinion. This takes the original story and the horniness of that scene and expands it into many horny scenes. It's masterful, very very hot, and just a fantastic fic.
7. Unhook the Stars by jad (drarry, E, 70k)
One of the first drarry fics I read and one that made a huge impression on me. Super kinky, lots of sex scenes, I've reread this a LOT.
8. IDK My BFF Hermione? by lettered (drarry, E, 19k)
Extraordinary. Phenomenal. It will always have a place in my Top 10. Also, very filthy, which is a huge plus in my book.
9. a better happier st sebastian by halsinator (Jonathan Strange, E, 6k)
Another one I reread a million times. Stunning prose and vibes and beautiful yearning. I keep coming back to it.
10. live from new york by varnes (wangxian, E, 87k)
A masterpiece, a classic of wangxian, this is a Saturday Night Live AU, which is such a bizarre choice for an AU--and yet it works. I don't live in US, I have never watched SNL, but I adored the fic.
I've left out a ton of favourite works and authors I adore, but for more of my faves, my AO3 Bookmarks is the place to go.
I have to say, this exercise has been quite illuminating: I don't think I've ever had such a clear glimpse of what makes me tick. In short, sublime prose, an aching, yearning mood and/or filthy porn.
As for my username, here's the story: I joined tumblr a gazillion years ago (way before I got into fandom) and my first blog (still exists: @magpie-x ) was mostly what you'd call an aesthetic blog. I'd reblog cool pics and quotes and occasionally post a personal post about my life. I named it magpie because it was a place where I collected everything shiny, like a magpie. I rarely used it after a while tbh. Years later I read The Raven Cycle and fell heads over heel with pynch and knew that the only place I'd find fans was tumblr. I got into the nascent TRC fandom and soon I needed a space exclusively for fannish posts. I created a sideblog called magpiefangirling and when I later got an AO3 account I shortened the name. Years later I got into drarry, I became very active on tumblr again, and the sideblog wasn't enough so I deleted it and created a brand new blog with my AO3 name.
In short, magpiefngrl, means magpie being a fangirl. It was a random decision but it has now shaped me and I think of myself as Magpie in fandom spaces, and even chose that as my pen name for my future original romance books.
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sohotthateveryonedied · 5 months
because i've never made a poll before and now that i'm on the last chapter of that raven cycle fic i've been working on i need to do something about the pile of half-concocted fics sitting in my drafts, i'm letting the public decide what my next project is. but mostly i just want to play with the poll feature <3
most of these are at least halfway written and i just need to get off my ass and finish them, but there are so many that all i do is stare at them all indecisively and get nothing done. these are the titles with a brief description and estimated word count
i'll (probably) just write and post everything in the order of what people want most to least because how else am i supposed to find motivation in this economy
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ziusik · 8 months
fic writer meme!
i was tagged by @englishsub, thanks, pal!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
121, which is...a lot, but I've been posting to AO3 since 2009, so I guess that explains it.
2. what's your total ao3 wordcount?
2,201,443 words
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently? None. I went through a flash of a brief return to My Chem, which was SO fun, but currently I am fandom-less & am doing my best to be okay with that. I'm refilling the well by reading lots of books and allowing my fields to lie fallow for the time being.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lead Me On Through (canon-era Wangxian practice kissing)
Accidents Will Happen (Wangxian canon-era mpreg)
A Sure Thing (modern-era Wangxian sugar daddy AU)
You'd Break Your Heart to Make It Bigger (canon-era Wangxian soulbonding)
On The Way Home (modern-era Wangxian mpreg)
5. do you respond to comments?
I do at first, and then I fall off it and feel bad. So, so many fics where I responded to the first, like, 6 pages of comments, and then never went back to respond to the rest. Mea culpa, but it gets overwhelming after a while.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably lullaby (SHL) because it's Wen Kexing grieving.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly, the rest of my fics all have very happy endings. In terms of the most, like, traditional happy endings, I'd say probably On the Way Home and A Sure Thing, but I think the most hopeful one is actually in estuaries, the break-up/make-up modern-era Wangxian.
8. do you get hate on fics?
No, never. I once got a shitty comment, I think. That's it. I've been very lucky.
9. do you write smut?
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you have written?
I don't, actually! When my brain is occupied with one fandom, that's all it can take.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know, but it might have happened and I've never found out, who knows.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, frequently, and it's been amazing. I especially love it when they get translated into Russian, because I can read them in translation, which is VERY cool.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, Becoming Joan with @theopteryx, which still holds a special place in my heart. I'd write with B again in a heartbeat.
14. what's your all time favorite ship?
God, this is hard, because they are all my children, but considering that I just went through an absolutely insane out-of-the-blue My Chem renaissance, I'll say Frank & Gerard, because they are, apparently, a constant. Wangxian is a very, very close second.
15. what is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any! In all my time writing, I've not finished one (1) fic, a wangxian office AU where I wrote myself into a corner and realized I'd have to rewrite the whole thing so I scrapped it and am very comfortable with that decision. Otherwise, it's mostly original stuff that's sitting there unfinished and making me feel inadequate.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Writing dialogue, I think, as well as intimacy and closeness, emotional or physical.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Plot. Plot, plot, plot, as well as writing high stakes - that's definitely a weakness of mine. I have a hard time putting my characters through the wringer because I'm a softie, but to get a compelling story (especially an original one) you gotta do it, and so I think that's a real weakness.
18. thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
As long as you know the language or get a native speaker to help you, I'm all for it.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, back before the fifth book came out - you know, in pre-historic times.
20. favorite fic you have written?
Of all time? Man, that's hard. You know what, I'm gonna come out of left field and say Simmer Down and Pucker Up, which is a Raven Cycle fic from many, many years ago. I'm still very proud of capturing Ronan's voice.
Tagging: @brooklinegirl, @airinshaw, @phneltwrites, and @dulosis!
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crimsonlyinglilly · 5 months
I figured this might be useful to anyone interested in my Fics.
Mostly AUs of the Vampire Dairies to explore Elijah Mikaelson, his issues and his relationships.
Hayley/Jackson/Elijah will likely be found reoccurring in them.
Also appearing sometimes; Sage and the complicated mess that is Elijah and Finn.
More than half of these are thanks to @riderofblackdragons for listening to me ramble about them and telling me to go for it.
The Vampire Dairies and The Originals AU
Stolen Three - Esther attempts to break the deal to save the future firstborns from Dahlia, who keeps her word and returns for Finn and Elijah. The oldest three grow up together under Dahlia, it isn’t pleasant.
Familiar Faces - Elijah Gilbert has been haunted by dreams of other lives as long as he remembers, but now with the appearance of the Salvatore brothers he may finally get some answers.
Lady Elijah - Elijah is born a girl, it changes much and little at the same time. Eylaug Mimisdottir was born in the shadow of her older sister's loss, she will never escape that weight but to those born after her she's the only oldest sister they have.
Soulmarks - Since Celeste's death Elijah had only had her name, reburning itself onto his skin every few years, he took the pain in penance of her death however after her final death he discover the two new names that should have appeared decades ago.
Andréa Labonair and Jackson Kenner.
Inner Child - Esther casts a spell to bring forth a Elijah who believed in her when her first attempts to bring him onto her side fails, when Elijah wakes from his sleep by Klaus, they find a seven year old version. The aftermath leaves more damage than even Esther had planned.
Grandfather Elijah - Elijah makes a different choice in the wake of Tatia's death and flees with the child he orphaned. He makes a promise to the boy that would become his son and keeps it beyond his death and those of his grandchildren.
Reincarnation Woes -On the night Mikael struck down his children, Elijah managed to grab one brother and run, sixteen years later Kol desperately tries to repay the favour and save his brother.
He failed or so he thought until years later he meet the eyes of his son and finds his brother looking back, starting a cycle.
Mother's Son - in the aftermath of losing Freya, Esther uses magic on her unborn child. Years later Dahlia appears to take the child that her magic tells her is hers.
Nature's Spare - A Omegaverse AU; Where nature decides it needs a backup Tribrid, it uses Elijah and Jackson to get that.
Entangled Minds - Sage gets a witch to cast a spell to help her reconnect with Finn, it has other results, Finn’s freed from the darkness of the box to learn the darkness within his brother’s mind and Elijah starts to questions his sanity in isolation, as while he looks for his siblings and questions if Niklaus is redeemable anymore, he starts to hear his older brother’s voice.
Northstar in stone - Elijah manages move at the last moment, saving Finn from Lucien's bite at the cost of taking it himself.
Taste of sin - Kol calls Elijah to help prevent Silas's return instead Elijah falls. A year and half Elijah arrives in New Orleans with a new hunger, powers and a trail of blood. Siren!Elijah
A Lost Coat - in the aftermath of losing Freya, Esther bleeds and Elijah is born of another woman and Mikael, one with her own secrets. Selkie!Elijah
Forgotten - Mikael makes his own version of the daggers and Elijah when he decides to buy Klaus and Rebekah time never leaves New Orleans. When Klaus comes back a century later, Elijah isn't how he last saw him.
Caged Founder - The Strix learn their lives are tied to Elijah and seeing an chance with the recent spilt of the Mikaelson Sibling following New Orleans reclaim their Sire. For safe keeping.
Hollow Bones - Elijah goes missing while looking for a cure to the crescent curse and ends with him a few changes of his own. Raven!Elijah
Lost Gods and Found Memories - Katherine claims the throne of hell and regains her memories of a life long lost, she finds she a far more important concern, Where is her wife? Hades!Katherine and Perserphone!Elijah
Amendments - Elijah escapes being daggered by the Five but ends up dealing with the curse, he escapes being dagger at all for the several centuries leaving the Trinity to be decoys far longer.
Freedom in Fur - Elijah was born sickly and wasn't expected to live to six, Klaus and Elijah had always had a bond, they never would known the truth if not for Esther interference a thousand years later. Hybrid!Elijah Wolf!Elijah
Second Chances - an attempt to break the Crescent curse goes wrong in an unexpected way, leaving the oldest three Mikaelson siblings waking in a different time.
Kitten cat, Vampire cat. -Kol decides to announce his return to the living by repeating an old prank. Elijah wakes up to new additions of ears and a tail and discovers cat instincts and his vampiric nature work a little to well together.
A Small Break - a Dollhouse crossover, where Elijah after decades of failing to find any evidence against Klaus' claim of throwing their siblings into the ocean meets a man in a bar and takes a chance on human science giving him a escape from his failings.
Viserra's line -a House of the dragon crossover. Princess Viserra Targaryen survives being thrown from her horse on her the 'one last night of laughter' and weds Lord Manderly, they have three children Daehlia, Mikael and Aesther.
Saving Elijah - a Saving Hope crossover. After having his memory wiped instead of meeting Antoinette, Elijah ends up running into a grieving witch and gets a new chance- a new life.
Other unrelated TVD/TO writings, short fics and head canons.
Swooning- Early into their lives as vampires Elijah runs into trouble, luckily he has an older brother to save him.
Semi-conscious- Elijah underestimates Klaus’s anger at Katarina’s escape and Klaus acts without thinking and realises why he needs Elijah around to stop him.
Human Shield- Mikael's thoughts on the night he changes the world as he take action to save his remaining children.
Reflection, Sad Mikaelson hours, Mikaelson fluff, More Mikaelson sort of fluff, Witch bloodline tradition.
Other Fandoms
Shared Custody, Bleach AU - Uryuu Ishida was taken by squad 12 members alongside Souken's soul on the day he was attacked. He ends up growing up shared between Squads Four and Eleven.
Consequences, Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU- Repress, repress, repress. It had been his thing for a long as he could remember. But apparently there was a limit to how much he could press down before it all comes back up. AU set Buffy Season 3, Episode 15
My Original work
Rachelia and Neret -a mortal's grief and a god's power is a poor mix.
Found on Ao3
Broken Promise, Buddy Daddies - Kyuutaro had a little brother, bright, loud and cheerful, either had too much energy running everywhere or clinging to him like octopus.
Spirit Touched, Avatar the last airbender - Zuko dies during the attack on the north pole to save La, the Ocean Spirit.
Centre of the web - Steve Harrington doesn't remember anything before he was eleven, he ignores that, he was a normal kid. Seven remembers everything he was a monster, that's why he made Steve to be the normal child the Harrington's deserved.
Whumptober 2023 - first one I tried and can be blamed for most of above and below.
Febuwhump 2024
AMonthOfWhump March 2024
Whumpril  2024
June of Doom 2024
August of Whump 2024
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uncannycerulean · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
thank youu to @annanother-thing, @squintclover and @silently--here for tagging me! (yes, it takes three tags for me to get over the procrastination hurdle)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
8 + 1 unrevealed
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
52,373 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
so far I've only written Harry Potter, but I really want to write pynch (Raven Cycle) at some point (but it's a bit scary)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Invisible Dragons  - drarry, chance encounter, hopeful ending, T, 7k
Wine and Whale Bones- drarry, cursebreakers in Venice, T, 3.5k
Good Bones - drarry, a small Draco POV scene, T, 1.5k
A crack in everything - wolfstar and Hagrid/Trelawney, Post-apocalyptic AU, 7k
How it plays out - Severus POV, Poker fic, M, 2k
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes! sometimes it takes me a bit, but I try to reply to every single one
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm, I don't really do angsty endings.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Wine and Whalebones for sure.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Last week I somehow attracted a troll on an Anti-Draco rampage. I didn't enjoy the experience.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no (at least not yet?)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
no, I think I'd find it hard to combine universes and do both of them justice
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no (thank god. knock on wood)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I am in the process of co-writing together with the lovely @drarrymyheart but it's a low-pressure project so it'll likely marinate for a little longer before seeing the light of day
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ohh that's so hard! Probably drarry because they've been a constant and other ships sort of come and go
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I said I would write a sequel to Invisible Dragons but I'm honestly not sure I ever will. Sequels are hard!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think giving my characters opportunities to learn and heal is a strength. And vibes, at least in short pieces.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not very strong on conflict, mostly cause I want my characters to be okay
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It has to fit the story. I like when people include expressions like terms of endearment in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I never published it, but the first piece I wrote was for the Raven Cycle fandom
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Obviously I love all of them! But in terms of "which one would I like more people to read" it's definitely my Post-Apocalyptic one (A crack in everything)
Tagging: @bluestringpudding @andithiel @drarrymyheart and @khb-writes <3
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Charlie's Master List
incomplete because I'm a mess
My AO3: charlie_mou
All my original posts are under the tag of #op
All my writing (fics/fic ideas/prompts/etc) are under the tag #charlie writes
Fandom-specific master lists under the cut
All my fic ideas/prompts for all fandoms are for grabs! Please if you like one and want to write a fic/do anything else based on it, do it!
every link in this list leads either to my tagged posts or to my ao3
Fandoms I'm currently interested in:
Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (original + reboot series)
Fandoms I have a slight interest in (mostly fandoms I used to be in):
Merlin (merthur, Merlin-centric stuff)
Strangers Things (harringrove, steddie, Steve&Robin, Steve-centric stuff)
One Piece (marcoace, lawlu, zosan, Sanji-centric stuff)
Harry Potter (drarry, wolfstar, grammander, Remus-centric stuff)
The Raven Cycle (pynch, bluesey, Adam Parrish-centric stuff)
MCU and Marvel Comics (under one tag - #MCU; stony, spideypool, Hawkey or Spidey-centric stuff)
DC Comics (comics and cartoons mostly, I don't like the TV shows; Wally- or Barry-centric)
Alex Rider (Alex-centric, yalex)
Detroit: Become Human (hannor)
Pacific Rim
Law&Order and Law&Order: SVU
(tumblr doesn't allow me to post so many links in one post so I've separated a couple of fandoms off)
📃✨ List of Works-In-Progress I'm still intending to write/actively writing
✈️ Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick Master List
🚒 9-1-1 Fox ABC Master List
🔪Call of Duty Mini Master List (TBA)
Other AO3 fics (most are very old):
❌- unfinished
fire of the name - soulmates AU marcoace - One Piece
future of the name ❌ - soulmates AU lawlu + Strawhat Crew - One Piece
close your eyes and do the countdown - marcoace, narcopletic Ace One Piece
(fire) my one desire - marcoace, they sleep with each other before Ace joins the crew - One Piece
think once, feel twice - marcoace, soulmates AU, Ace has issues - One Piece
no such thing as a stupid question - marcoace proposal - One Piece
I could be your baby tonight - marcoace age difference 5+1 - One Piece
mark your memory ❌ - marcoace soulmates AU - One Piece
borrow or lend (for a second or for a life) ❌ - marcoace soulmates AU - One Piece
the best is yet to be - 5+1 pynch being basically married - The Raven Cycle
using your dark magic on me ❌ - pynch Harry Potter AU with werewolf Adam - The Raven Cycle
lord knows how hard we tried ❌ - pynch parents AU with kidnapped baby - The Raven Cycle
shout (let it all out) - Adam in skirts, pynch - The Raven Cycle
face the music ❌ - harringrove, deaf!Steve - Stranger Thing
yes, I'm back (in black) ❌ - harringrove, metalhead!Steve - Stranger Things
holding a torch (or a lantern) - halbarry, female Barry - I wrote this when I was sixteen, it's bad - DC Comics
Other blog tags:
#resources, #trans topics, #interiors, #fic recs, #cow posts
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here's to hoping that i don't end up unpinning this post for a nice and interesting one (because that is what happened the last time)
[never mind that is exactly what i did]
hi! I'm Navya (she/her)[they/them is great as well], desi, and i love reading, listening to music and rotting in my house (i also love meeting new people online, so if you want to come talk, please do because the predominant reason i want to meet new people is so i can annoy them endlessly)
if this url is new to you, it's quite probable that you knew me as smolcattowo, before which it was given-takenmp3, before which it was purposeless-lovelydreams, before which it was... yeah that's about as far as my memory goes
my interests: Anime:
one piece, mostly but i love
jjba and have watched
death note
sk ∞ and i think 1-2 others that i can't remember the names of) and i have. a bunch of gay ships. which makes sense, because i'm gay
all for the game
the raven cycle and a bunch of other book related fandoms but these are some of the most prominent ones, because they changed my brain chemistry
i listen to mostly all sorts of music but i can be kind of picky sometimes i am in LOVE with
5 seconds of summer
bts (come and go)
hindi music from the 2010s
conan gray
some songs by tame impala
the neighbourhood
the 1975
joji (i can't listen to glimpse of us without trying to pluck my ears out though)
harry styles
chase atlantic and others scattered basically everywhere
Talking about those gay ships- I write
so far, i've written zosan from one piece and here's the links to all the fic(let)s:
Onigiri can't flirt (but the cook sure can) a one shot, sanji tries something weird and it backfires [fluff]
No matter where you go also a one shot, based on Zoro's directionless ass and Sanji being able to find him. could be expanded upon in the future [fluff]
A flower in his hair (extremely) short little something for Sanji's birthday [fluff]
How did we end up here? Sedated! Zoro and a Sanji that suffers- not a one shot, 2/3 chapters done [fluff]
Taking the long way home Sanji’s sick but obstinate, one shot [fluff]
Hash brown, egg yolk kitten + zosan, multichapter [fluff]
that's about it! if you're reading this, i hope u have a nice day
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