elvencantation · 2 years
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kitsunico · 4 months
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what if hypnos had a boss fight?
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blood-starved-beast · 4 months
Another toxic headcanon of mine is Melinoe "child-soldier who grew up in a tent sleeping on a floor mattress in a bog and fucks in the Woods" would have a very difficult time adjusting to living in the House of Hades. Don't get me wrong she'd think she would do well and maybe the first few weeks/months or so she's alright. But as time goes on and she realizes she can't see the phases of the Moon or Selene's touch on her brow or simply go out and pick up mushrooms in the rain I think she'll 100% understand why Zagreus tried so hard to reach the Surface. And honestly, I don't think Hades would force her to stay/get a job at the House.
Melinoe and Hades are very similar, personality wise. Hades's first impression of his daughter is her running into his cell on her way to defeat his Father, the centerpoint of his trauma and the person he should have defeated long ago and left in the past. She goes in, night after night, fixing his mistakes. After a while, he must see the parallel.
Hades tells Zagreus in the first game to enjoy it while he doesn't have the responsibilities weighing Hades down. One could argue it's part of the reason why he's so bitter (other than being Divorced and traumatized). There's a convo where Hades asks if Melinoe is well. When she doesn't have an answer for him, he apologizes profusely. His failures are leading his daughter to become him. No childhood, only soldier.
There's no way in Hell or Heaven that Hades is gonna offer her an administrative chamber job lest he turns her into him. If he asks anything of her postgame, it's only to spend some time in the Underworld tending Pomegranate trees with her mom and time with them as a family but that's it.
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rookiebe · 4 months
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Nimnai Hades style
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thegothicalice · 1 month
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Romantic doll 🖤 Dress and hair bow Vixen by Micheline Pitt, belt by In Her Bones, earrings by Sleepy Moth Studio, “Darling” pendant by Mother of Hades.
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xxcrystalinerose · 3 months
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(can we have them again this time, Supergiant?)
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lordroma · 11 months
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𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝒆 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝔀𝒆𝓲𝓻𝓭
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more portfolio stuff :]
game environment art! :D
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the-headless-owl · 4 months
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Whist in Hades! Whist in Hades!
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Full sprite :D
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kotamagic · 2 years
Lore Olympus....I'm literally shaking right now.... That whole internal monologue Persephone gives at the beginning..... (which, there's too much for me to screenshot for this) Rachel nails it.
Last chapter and this one have a trigger warning for emotional abuse. It still very much applies.
A lot of this chapter is visual with only the most critical dialog applied.
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Hestia, THANK YOU! In a way, this could have been the difference between what happens and what COULD have happened.
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Moth Hades on Demeter's cheek.... the phrases "brush with Death" and "kiss of Death" come to mind, even if Thantos is not present.
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I hate to see that Persephone did put on the dress (I still think it's a trap, btw), but the moths fluttering around her in a powerful visual. In her lowest moments, they are there... they are supportive....
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Even the nymphs know this is bad..... they were dragged to this farce, but they want no part in it.
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I got shivers down my spine. Those eerie red eyes looming behind Demeter as her daughter stands before her, with BLACK hands instead of overworked green ones.... Are the eyes Hades or Persephone's own wrath?
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Rather than go after Demeter, Hades instead does the complete opposite--- approaches Persephone as calmly as he can and cuts through Demeter's abusive lies.
That Persephone IS worthy and capable. That she is wonderful and beautiful and..... so much more than what her mother says she is.
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We see you, Eris! Even if no one actually DID go apeshit, your presence is there and very much felt. We see it in Persephone's tears and Hades' rage-red eyes.
We are happy to see Wrath in this moment.
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This is.... I think the word is cathartic? Maybe this isn't how either of them pictured the moment to be, but it is what it NEEDED to be. You lift UP your partner when they are down. Hades does this here while highlighting many of the times Persephone did it for him, whether she realized it or not.
AND SHE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!
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And here it is at last.... the moment in mythology that this story pretty much came from...
Hades kidnapped raped proposed to Persephone and carried her down to Hell the Underworld.
Thank you for coming to my Lore Olympus post. There will be a follow up one with extra visuals shortly.
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bubba-draws · 2 years
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The Nightbringer concept!
Shapeshifter god that brings the night and guides their followers through the dark
I’d appreciate your opinions on the designs pls :>
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spineless-lobster · 10 days
Lepidopterist thanatos when?????
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kitsunico · 4 months
mentioned on twitter but hades 2 hypnos kinda resembles a moth and if i think about it too long i’ll go insane
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blood-starved-beast · 4 months
IIRC part of Hades's curse in the first game is that he would never have a heir no?
So I've been thinking about this, and thinking about the direction Melinoe's arc might go in the final full-fledged game and hm. At the start of the game, pre-character development Melinoe seems like the perfect heir. Diligent, hard-working, conscientious, task-oriented in a way Zagreus never was. Hades 1 Hades would dreamed for Zagreus to be like her here.
And yet it never happened. Chronos takes over not after Melinoe is born, and she's raised far away from the House and its norms (I wonder then, since Mel is aware of the Family Curse that this is the reason why she blames herself for the demise of the House). She works hard to restore that, but she does it at the cost of her own well-being and who she Is as a person.
And that's the kicker I think. There's a lot of evidence - convos between Melinoe and others - that highlight how much she doesn't have a life. Eris is constantly pointing out how ~ boring ~ she is and trying to get her to "enjoy life" albeit in Eris's own terms and ways. Heck, even Hercules warns her against Olympus and even her Father (even if it's projection on his part), suggesting her task might not be what's cranked up to be.
So I wonder. Melinoe is the Goddess of Nightmares and Ghosts in the myths yes, but also she's associated with invoking Madness. We see a little bit of that in her repeatedly giving Chronos no peace (I wonder if defeating him for real would involve getting into his nightmares. I mean, Hypnos is asleep for a reason right?). But also she's described as being a beast apparition with many forms, a way for people to communicate with the dead. That seems to tie her more to the Surface in a way.
Anyways, what I'm saying is, I think her arc is gonna go in the direction of her relaxing her stance on her Mission. Taking and enjoying herself. But cause of circumstances, she returns home, but it's not the same. She's not a member of the House structure in a way that matters, Time cannot be stopped, things cannot be the way it was before. She's gonna stick to what she knows, stick to the Crossroads and Hecate and maybe fighting Chronos to keep him down and up to the surface all the time, maybe causing her own version of chaos and doing it cause she enjoys it, or wants to, not just cause it's expected of her. So maybe she drives everyone insane or sows mayhem cause of it so what.
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pandasaurio-espacial · 2 months
Cult of the Lamb achievements on steam are crazy like:
1. Get your first follower <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)>
2. Defeat God without getting hit (ง ◣_◢)ง
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starlitangels · 1 year
Good Boy Audios Incorrect Quotes (Part 3)
Albus: I'd like to offer my moral support, but I have questionable morals.
Paradise: I didn't understand why people care so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself
Paradise: I've only had Kalamos for a day and a half but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
Odin: *tapping lightly on table*
Ulysses: *tapping back*
Tyr: What are they doing?
Pandora: Morse Code
Odin: *slams his hands on the table* You take that back!
Faithful: On a scale of one to ten, how lonely are you?
Albus: It stops at ten?
Yargwynn: Here's a list of suspects I've put together so far
Paradise: Yargwynn, your name is on this list
Yargwynn: I don't remember where I was last Friday night, Paradise. Therefore, I have no alibi. I've been tailing myself for the last three days
Faithful: Are you alright? You didn't sleep at all last night
Albus: I got a solid eight minutes
Albus: Not consecutively, but it's fine. You're not even that blurry
Makkaro: How's the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Darling, not looking up from cooking: I don't know, how *are* you doing?
Makkaro, trying not to cry: I'm fine
Yargwynn: Sometimes I think I have too much self-esteem
Yargwynn: Then I remember that I'm just really f*&^ing pretty
Devlin, knocking on Albus' door: Are you decent?
Albus: Not morally, but I’m wearing pants if that’s what you’re asking
Makkaro: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined
Frank: Heck
Makkaro: You're on thin f*&^ing ice
Makkaro: Oh no
Yargwynn: Bureaucracy is confusing.
Mortallous: That's why we prefer arson: it's simple.
Albus: Sandy always told me to pick my battles
Albus: Well I'm full of rage and picking all of them!
Paradise: You're up early, Yargwynn
Paradise: You never went to sleep, did you?
Odin @ Okami: I'm going to defeat you with the power of friendship and this gun I found
Faithful: Okay, look. *I* don’t want Albus to die and YOU don’t want Albus to die. So now all we have to do is make sure ALBUS doesn’t want Albus to die
Devlin: No offense, sister, but have you MET Albus?
Yargwynn: Why is pretty boy considered an insult?
Yargwynn: Like, call me a pretty boy
Yargwynn: Call me a pretty boy right now
Yargwynn: I want to be the prettiest boy you've ever seen
Mirren: Go ahead, ask the captain something no one should have an opinion on
Zed: What's the worst multiple of 4?
The Guardian, scowling: Twelve, obviously
Albus: I wasn't injured. I was lightly stabbed
Faithful: You were stabbed?!?!?!
Albus: Lightly stabbed. I didn't want to worry you
Yargwynn: I want to be mysterious so bad but I just cannot shut the f*&^ up
Odin: Rules are made to be broken!
Tyr: Nothing is made to be broken, Odin.
Ulysses: Glowsticks
Pandora: Piñatas
Okami: Karate boards
Fenrir: Spaghetti when you have a really small pot
Odin: Rules!
Tyr: -_-
Albus: Can I ask a dumb question?
Devlin: Better than anybody I know
Yargwynn: It's muggy outside today
Paradise: If I go out there and all our mugs are in the front yard, I'm leaving you
Yargwynn: *sips drink from a bowl*
Odin, about Ulysses: Can I shoot him?
Pandora, Tired™: Not in public
Albus: What if I put coffee in my cereal instead of milk?
Devlin, taking the pot while he walks by: What if you don't
Hades: Truth or dare
Pandora: Truth?
Hades: How many hours have you slept this week?
Pandora: Dare
Hades: Go to bed
Pandora: I've decided I don't like this game
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