mothbart · 5 months
hurts just right
introducing mothbart who has quickly become my favorite monster. this was literally supposed to be a fuckin' microfic but tell me why it's over 3k. anyway, this is for @sixlane, who came up with this meetcute. thank u for spending time talking to me about mothbart. and thank u to @theapocryphaofantares for also entertaining this idea with me.
bartylily | mothman au | words: 3.5k
The first time that Barty saw her was when she hit him with her car.
It was the one night that he decided that maybe walking around would be better—he’d been flying around all day and he got lazy. Walking was less work than flying.
But see, Barty knew better than to just walk along the road or even near the road. He was a cryptid, for Christ’s sake, and the most well looked for, too. They even gave him a sick nickname—Mothman. Not the most original name, but humans love it and who was he to judge? People come to West Virginia all the time to try and spot him, but he was pretty good at keeping himself hidden. So imagine his surprise when he thought he could just cross the road to get to the other side of the forest without getting caught and then being slammed into by a car.
The impact made him roll over the hood, and Barty felt his soul leave his body. He truly thought at that moment that this was it, this was the end and he supposed he lived an alright life. He didn’t really get to do the things that he had hoped for—like maybe go around the country and explore a bit. Or maybe actually see if sasquatches were real.
Then he realized that he was fine, he was clearly being dramatic. It takes more than a fucking car to bring him down. But he was annoyed—because who the fuck drives without their lights on? Especially at night? And on a road with no streetlights? He wanted to give whoever a piece of his mind, maybe even try and traumatize them a little—teach them a lesson. As much as he wanted to, though, he knew he needed to get out of there before whoever this was saw more than they should’ve. Barty quickly got up from the wet pavement, groaning while standing up. He looked over his shoulder to make sure that his wings were fine, and when he extended them out a little, he let out a sigh of relief when there wasn’t any noticeable damage.
He felt his head, touching his antennas, and grumbled to himself when he felt that his left one was bent. He hated when that shit happened—not that he’s been hit by cars often. But his antennas were the most painful to try and put back into place when they’ve been bent. Inhaling a deep breath, he yanked his antenna and pulled it straight, flinching when there was a sharp pain that ran through his head.
He brought his attention over to the vehicle, and the hood of this ugly, old green piece of shit car was very much dented (served them right for being an absolute moron). He blinked a few times when the car lights suddenly turned on (a little too late for that), practically shining right into his eyes.
And when he was able to focus better, Barty could’ve sworn that his heart fell out of his chest when he laid eyes on her.
Sat there was a girl frozen in place with a horrified expression. Large, green eyes stared back at him, and he could tell that she was not only freaked out but also intrigued by what she saw. He watched as she slapped her hand over her mouth, clearly needing a moment to process what just happened before she was struggling to get her seatbelt off. He wanted to see more of her looks—get a real, nice close up of her and make sure that he’s not being fucked around with by some kind of deity. There was no way that someone as beautiful as her existed, but here he was, being proved wrong.
He had to get out of there before he decided to do something stupid—like casually introduce himself and maybe ask her to hit him again to see if he was hallucinating.
So he took off before she could get out of her car.
☾ ☾ ☾
Barty saw her the next morning.
After he bolted out of there, he perched himself on a tree a few miles away. He checked himself, making sure that there weren’t any major injuries other than a few scratches here and there. He was exhausted at this point, and who knew that getting hit by a car would take so much energy out of him. He made himself comfortable on the branch and allowed himself to fall asleep.
When he woke up, he figured he should at least go check out the area where he got hit. He’s not sure what compelled him to make him want to go back—it just felt like he was being pulled there, and it was a feeling that he hadn’t felt before. His wings weren’t sore anymore, so flying out there wasn’t too bad.
He landed on a tree that was closer to the road, where he had a clear view of everything. He could see that there was a car just parked in the middle of the road, and it wasn’t the one that hit him last night.
Two people were standing outside, looking around at the opposite side of the forest.
“—I swear to God, James, I know what I saw—”
“Lily, I’m sure it was a deer or something. It was late—”
“Deer can’t fly, James,” the girl snapped. When they both turned around, Barty recognized the girl right away.
And she looked fucking ethereal when she didn’t look scared out of her mind. The sun made her red hair glisten and it fell over her shoulders. Barty could see the scattered freckles covering her arms and face. She looked annoyed, and when Barty looked at the guy next to her, he could see why she was annoyed.
He looked like a douche canoe.
“Listen, it was dark outside, you forgot to turn on your lights while driving,” the guy—James—said. “I’m sorry that there’s damage to your car, I told you that you could borrow mine while you search for a new one.”
“I don’t care about my car,” the girl—Lily—said. “I just want to find what I hit.”
“I don’t think we’re going to find it,” James replied, sighing. He walked over to the driver's side of the car and opened the door. “Come on, Lily, let’s go.”
Barty watched as James shut the car door, and Lily just stood out there, staring into the woods as if Barty was going to come out and say hello.
He wanted to—you know—say hello, but he knew better and stayed put. Lily shook her head and turned around, making her way to the car and getting inside the passenger seat. The two of them drove away, and Barty rolled his eyes.
“You’re never going to see her again,” Barty told himself. “Get real.”
☾ ☾ ☾
Barty saw Lily a couple of days after the incident.
It was late at night, the stars were out and the frogs were croaking loudly. Barty had just finished scaring off some annoying teenagers away from the TNT bunkers, and he was hoping to have some peace and quiet but that clearly wasn’t the case.
Because in front of him was Lily.
Lily wearing a baby pink tank top and a pair of shorts.
Barty wanted to devour her.
She had a look of determination and irritation on her face, and he couldn’t detect a single ounce of fear radiating from her. It was kind of freaky because he’s never had someone just not be scared of him.
Her flashlight was right on him, shining on his fuzzy chest and he watched as Lily slowly brought the beam of light up to his face. Her gaze was intense, and Barty still could not understand how she wasn’t afraid of him. Instead, it was more becoming like he was afraid of her. He's confused, because she seemed afraid when she first saw him, but now looking back on it, it was probably more like she was scared that she hit something rather than what she hit. How could she not be terrified of him? Was it the antennas? The red eyes? The fucking wings? He knew they could be fucking goofy looking but come on.
Either way, this was a first.
“Uh,” Barty said, tilting his head, bringing his hand up to try and block the light. “Did you need something?”
Oh, God. Barty wanted to smack himself in the face. Out of all the things he said, that’s what he picked? He literally had a fucking goddess standing in front of him, and he already made himself look like an idiot. Not only that, but this was his first conversation with an actual human in years. He spent his time talking to himself or talking to a large toad that he named Evan. So, this? Talking to a beautiful girl like Lily? It was a curse and a blessing.
“I hit you with my car,” Lily stated.
“Yeah, you did—Sorry, are you not freaked out right now?”
“Am I supposed to be afraid of some weirdo dressed up like a moth?”
“Excuse me?” Barty asked, glaring. A pretty girl with a pretty feisty mouth on her. He can work with that. "You think I'm a what?"
"A weirdo?"
"Who the fuck are you calling a weirdo?"
“You can’t expect me to think that Mothman is real.”
“You hit me with your car and you’re insulting me?” Barty asked. “Where is my apology, huh?”
Lily walked up closer to him, the flashlight held in her right hand. She was tiny compared to him, the height difference was throwing him off. She shoved her left index finger on his lower chest.
“Prove it.”
“Prove what? That you fuckin’ hit me with your car?”
“No,” Lily replied, rolling her eyes. She put her hands on her hips, the flashlight pointing towards a tree. “Prove to me that you’re real.”
Oh, she’s bold.
“I don’t have to prove you shit,” Barty said. “You should know better than to be in the woods at night alone, princess.”
“My friends have my location, so if you’re thinking about kidnapping me or murdering me, I wouldn’t try it.”
“What? You’re the one who came after me,” Barty replied. “If anything, I should be the one worried since you’re the one stalking me.”
“I’m not stalking you,” Lily scoffed. “I just wanted to figure out what I hit, and now I know it’s some guy dressed up like Mothman. Are you wearing stilts under that suit?”
“I am Mothman,” Barty deadpanned.
“Yeah, okay,” Lily said, sarcasm dripping from her words. “Anyway, I’m heading back to my car now, so don’t even think about following me.”
“What car? You totaled it when you slammed into me.”
“It’s my friend’s car,” Lily replied. “Not that you need that information.”
“So then why did you give it?”
“You’re nosy,” Lily pointed out.
Barty snorted. “I’m nosy? You’re the one who is giving out information left and right.”
“Whatever, grow up, look for a new hobby, and stop dressing up like a fake creature,” Lily said. “And maybe look both ways before crossing the road or you’ll get hit again.”
“Maybe you should try driving with your headlights on.”
Lily ignored his comment and turned around. She started to walk away from Barty, and she waved behind her, saying goodbye.
And for some reason, that one gesture pissed him off. He’s never had anyone just wave him off like that, or even insult him like that in five minutes. He couldn’t help it though—his eyes wandered straight to her ass. He watched as she kept walking away until she was out of view, and the only thing that kept replaying in his head was:
Lily had a nice fucking ass.
He never took himself as that kind of cryptid—one that drooled over humans or fantasized himself with one. He couldn’t deny what was clearly a fact: Lily was hot.
And look, Barty was aware that he explicitly said that he wasn’t going to prove Lily anything, but after watching her just walk away like he meant nothing was a slap in the face. He knew exactly what he was going to do and how he was going to do it.
He waited a while before figuring that Lily was in the car and was already driving down the road—she wasn’t that deep in the woods. He started to flap his wings and when he got good momentum, he ascended into the air and looked around once he was above the trees.
And there she was—driving that stupid car that she was in earlier when she came there with James.
He glided over to her car, hovering over it and keeping up with the speed of the car. He decided that now was the best time to just go for it—do what he’s known best for. He obnoxiously landed hard on the roof of the car and let out a laugh due to the thrill of scaring someone off.
However, his laugh was cut off because what he wasn’t expecting was for Lily to slam on the breaks.
Barty, losing his balance, flew off the top of the car and hit the pavement, rolling multiple times before finally coming to a stop. He let out a loud groan and fluttered his eyes closed.
“—Oh my God, are you okay?” Lily asked, running out of the car. She crouched down next to Barty and frantically started hovering her hands over him. It was like she couldn’t figure out where to start looking for injuries, but also taking in that he was clearly not human. “You’re such an idiot!”
“How are you so fucking normal about this?” Barty asked, voice cracking. He looked up at her and the headlights shining on her made Barty think that Lily was an angel, but so far her actions had been pretty demonic, in his opinion. She was in a state of panic, her eyes searching Barty’s and he could tell when it finally clicked for her.
“Oh,” Lily gasped, shaking her head and moving away from him. “Oh, you’re actually—”
“I told you,” Barty said.
“You flew on top of my car!”
“It’s not your car.”
“Does that really matter right now?”
“It does, because you hit me with your actual car, and now your friend’s car is fucked up, too.”
“And who is to blame for that?” Lily muttered. She took a deep breath and scooted closer to Barty, and this time, she was taking him all in. Her eyes wandered from his face, to his wings, to his chest, to his legs. “Jesus, Mothman—”
“Barty,” he said, trying to sit up. Lily grabbed his arm and used all her weight to pull him up gently.
“My name is Barty,” he told her.
“Okay, Barty,” Lily said calmly. “It looks like you have some cuts on your legs, and I can look at them and clean them up if you want.”
“Nah,” Barty said. “They’ll heal on their own.”
“Wait, really?”
“Perks of not being human, I guess.”
“God, I can’t believe I hit Mothman with my car.”
“Maybe don’t go telling people that.”
Lily snorts. “No one would even believe me if I said that.”
“How come you’re not afraid?” Barty asked, looking at her.
Lily shrugged, her tank top strap falling off her shoulder. “I don’t know. There’s something about you that makes me feel the opposite, like I trust you.”
She stood up and wiped off her bare legs from the bits of gravel that were stuck onto them. Barty followed suit, standing up. He extended his wings to see if there were any cuts on them too, and when he saw small ones, he frowned. His wings always took longer to heal, so if he wanted to go anywhere, he’d have to walk until the cuts went away.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lily asked. She carefully places her hand on Barty’s arm, and he almost melts into it because he’s never been touched by anyone like this before. Soft and gentle—feelings that Barty thought he’d never experience.
“Peachy,” Barty replied. “You should get home. It’s late.”
“I don’t want to just leave you—”
“It’s fine.”
“Will I see you again?”
“Why? So you can try and do another hit-and-run?” Barty asked, grinning. He couldn’t actually believe that Lily wanted to try and see him again, but it was almost too good to be true.
“No, I—I don’t know, I’m just curious about you. I can’t properly explain it.”
“There’s nothing curious about me.”
“You’re literally a monster—”
“I would prefer the term cryptid, sweetheart,” Barty said. “Monster is a bit rude, don’t you think?”
“My name is Lily,” she said. “Not ‘sweetheart.’”
“Lily, huh?” He said. He had to act like he didn’t already know her name, he didn’t want her to know that he’d seen her before and eavesdropped on her conversation with her friend from a couple of days prior. “Cute.”
Lily’s cheeks started to turn into a soft shade of pink, biting her lip as she turned her head away, refusing to make eye contact. “Oh, thanks, I guess. Your name is...nice.”
Barty smirked and brought two fingers up to her cheek, forcing her to look at him. She looked up and stared at him, and he had this whole witty comment that he was going to make, but he forgot all about it due to him getting lost in her. Seeing her up this close, seeing the freckles all over her face—he wanted to sit down and just count every single one of them if she’d let him. He wanted to tell her how he could get lost in her eyes which were suddenly now his favorite shade of green. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair and fuck, maybe he’d even try and learn how to braid hair or some shit if it meant being able to just touch her in any way that he could.
Lily was a light that Barty wanted to orbit around forever.
There was no other way to explain that Lily made him feel like he was meant to be here. Here, in front of her, as if being pulled away from her was going to destroy him.
Well, that was a bit dramatic.
However, he’d rather get hit by a thousand cars than have Lily leave.
But he knew that she had to.
“Thanks for the forced compliment, princess,” Barty said, dropping his hand. “But go home. We’ll find each other again one day, I’m sure.”
"And what if we don't?"
"Then we don't."
"I'm sorry, you know," Lily said, frowning. "For hitting you."
"See? Was that apology so hard?"
"God, you're so annoying," she murmured.
"And you think you're not?"
Lily smiled, and Barty wanted to see that every day.
Realistically, he knew that he couldn't. It wouldn't work. Anything Barty wanted never worked out for him, so why would this situation be any different?
"Come on, go home," Barty said.
Lily hesitantly nodded her head and walked over to the running car. Barty watched her get into the vehicle as he moved to the side of the road, not really wanting to get hit a second time.
If Lily looked back when she drove away, Barty wouldn’t know. He was too caught up in staring at the ground, already missing someone he hardly knew.
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v7lgar · 3 months
midweek snippet
thank u for tagging me @honeybcj and @mothbart
“Fuck,” James murmured before sliding his tongue between Regulus’ wet folds, “So fucking pretty.”
Regulus continued moaning softly, he missed the way James was talking about his cunt. He knew exactly how to make him wet even more. He knew every weak spot and how to take care of it. 
“‘s for you.” Regulus bit his bottom lip and spread his legs wider, “He missed you as well.”
He could see how these words affected James. He started sucking his wetness out of his pussy like a starved dog. And he probably was. 
James used his tongue like a flat paint brush and painted Regulus’ hole with his saliva, sucking it and adding new flavors. Regulus’ pussy was already red, he had sensitive skin and James always knew how to use it in his advance. 
“James—“ Regulus’ whisper tainted with his moan and he arched his back, tipping his head into the pillow, “James.”
“So delicious,” James said to himself, “You are the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”
Regulus was going insane, all of his senses were paralyzed with desire and hunger. He pressed James’ face onto his pussy and almost screamed from pleasure. 
“Even better than your girlfriend?”
James replied, “Better than everything.”
The confession tipped him from the edge and Regulus couldn’t bear it.
np tag: @ecstarry @star4daisy @rottin6 @a-lilypad @sanguineerose @spacexcowgirl @malchai @bellaxisworld @salty-wench
181 notes · View notes
itsjaywalkers · 1 month
out of context line !!!
thank you so much for tagging me my loves @sugarsnappeases @static-radio-ao3 @godsofwoes @mothbart @quillkiller @sixlane <3
“Sure,” Barty responds drily. “But next time, maybe chill out a little on the affection, yeah? That’s my fucking boyfriend you basically kissed on the mouth—” “Barty,” Regulus snaps, turning around sharply. James wishes he could see what sort of expression he’s sporting, but the action is more than enough to send a rush of warmth to his chest.  “My bad,” James says with a tilt of his head. “I swear I was aiming for the cheek. I can try again if you want?”
i feel like everyone's done this already but !! just in case !! np tags: @carniferous @mokkkki @poetskings @sommerregenjuniluft @drownedghostie <333
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spacexcowgirl · 3 months
i'm still your bitch
“You’re so desperate for it, aren’t you?” Lily taunts, never slowing her pace. “Desperate to be my little bitch.”
or a bartylily bitching fic
n e ways. happy birthday @mothbart <3 I hope u enjoy
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ninety-two-bees · 17 days
snippet game!
thank you @starsworth for the tag <3
rules! if you get tagged, reblog with roughly 100 words of a WIP. no explanation, just the snippet
There is a peculiar kind of grief that comes with learning that your father can bleed. You spend a lifetime making armour out of his image, wearing his courage as a hand-me-down, hoping someday you’ll grow into it. And one day—when you least expect it; when you’re least prepared—your father is no longer a father. He is just a man, and you are just a collection of the most fragile parts of him.
Harry was already half-grown when his parents found him; the lost son of Gotham City’s favourite billionaire couple. But before he knew them as James and Regulus, he knew them as Batman and Catwoman. And maybe that’s what doomed him. At only eleven years old, how was he supposed to know that there is no line between hero and father and mortal? Batman became his shield, and his father’s heroism made him invincible.
np tags!! @theicarusconstellation @mothbart @angel-daydreams @itsjaywalkers @regscupid @honeybcj @aurorboros @kaaaaaaarf @velanavis and anyone else who wants to join <3
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static-radio-ao3 · 1 month
out of context line!!
thank you for tagging me @aurorboros @sixlane @mothbart @starsworth
“I have never loved anyone the way I loved you, Regulus. And not for lack of trying.”
“Loved?” Regulus asks, voice small and broken. “Past tense?”
no pressure tags: @sugarsnappeases @poetskings @pretentiouswreckingball @itsjaywalkers @moon-seas
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kalegreeneyes · 10 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love!
1. Burning and Buried With the Rest of It - slowburn friends to enemies to lovers wolfstar, platonic moonwater
Remus Lupin's friends have always known him to be a happy, healthy person. That's why it comes as a complete shock when he returns to school different; a mere shell of the person he once was. All of his light seems to have been replaced by bitter anger and desperate sadness, and none of his friends know why.
2. Once Again We Must Bleed New - post prank, black brothers angst with a bittersweet ending
After Sirius Black reveals his boyfriend's biggest secret to their sworn enemy, he loses everything. Isolated, hopeless, and swallowed by guilt and self loathing, Sirius finds himself completely unprepared for a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson gone wrong.
3. Coming Out on Top - wolfstar smut pwp, minors do NOT read
Remus and Sirius have hated each other ever since they met in the elevator on Remus's first day of work. When that very same elevator breaks down and traps them together two years later, they have nowhere to go, and nothing to do except address the tension.
4. On a Pillow of Blue Bonnets - WIP, slowburn enemies(ish) to lovers wolfstar, background rosekiller, dorlene, and jegulus
Sirius Black is spinning out of control and all of his friends are terribly worried about him. After announcing his departure from the acting career forced on him since birth by his parents, and getting caught in a compromising position by paparazzi, Sirius starts coming apart at the seams. His best friends and estranged brother all decide to send him away to their uni friend's ranch in Montana to "get away for a while". Remus Lupin says yes to doing a huge favour for an old friend, but he has no idea what he's getting himself into- or how much it's going to change his life.
5. The Facility - james centric, jegulus, prologue to a WIP i haven't posted yet :)
It's been a long while since James Potter was kidnapped. He knows it's been longer than six months, but anything beyond that is a mystery. It's also irrelevant, because James Potter is ready to escape.
TYSM @ecstarry for the tag <333333
np tags esp if u have already done it: @just--vi @lilacfiresoul @marzst4rz @emlovessid @mothbart @angel-daydreams @pressedink @spacexcowgirl @maladaptivewriting and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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regscupid · 2 months
Mothbart is a bad person and theapocryphaofantares is too you should get a better taste in friends
interesting when ur the one being weird in peoples ask boxes
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sommerregenjuniluft · 4 months
favourite character game
Put your 4 favourite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibes
ty for the tags @itmeanssungod @messymoony and @mothbart mwah
np taggingg @veryinnovative @royalthorned @rottin6 @casstration @itsjaywalkers
@kaaaaaaarf @static-radio-ao3 @honeybcj @moon-seas @sixlane
20 notes · View notes
sixlane · 4 months
lane moodboard
go to pinterest and make yourself a mood board, whatever that means to you.
ty for the tag saints @foursaints <3
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np tags: @malchai @ecstarry @ninety-two-bees @mothbart @moon-seas @persimminos @c0mbatchameleon @static-radio-ao3 @regscupid @a-lilypad
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mothbart · 5 months
guys shut the fuck up i've been sitting here upset because i have to change my url and look what's fucking available im screaming it was meant to be
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v7lgar · 4 months
wip (it out!)
share whatever project you're working on right now, except 'project' is incredibly open ended. It could be fic, original writing, playlists, art, crafts, whatever it is you're doing!
thank u for tagging me! @ecstarry @mothbart @bellaxisworld @sanguineerose
James Potter knows he has unusual habits, he is very much aware of himself. And from time to time he thinks its a curse, awareness sure comes with a price and James doesn’t think he is happy to pay.
Maybe this is a bad idea from the beginning, maybe it's not. He doesn’t know, he can’t decide. The only thing he knows is that he can’t stop. It’s too late for that.
Stalking his prince might be the best thing that has happened to him in years. Before him, James was lost. He needed a direction to follow and now that he found it, he knows he can’t lose it.
np tag: @orchideous-nox @regscupid @ninety-two-bees @a-lilypad @bloodbruise @kat-xox @likeprongstostars @regsboat @rottin6 @royalthorned @star4daisy @godsofwoes
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itsjaywalkers · 10 days
snippet game
thank u for the tag to the lovelies @moon-seas @sommerregenjuniluft @ninety-two-bees @mothbart @messymoony <333
i got tagged into . two different ones but i decided to combine them bc it was already hard enough to find a snippy that wasn't from my jegbb fic so !!!
(kinda nsfw under the cut)
Regulus You’re such a fucking weirdo Daddy <3 maybe  but you’re into it Regulus Oh you have no idea Wanna see how wet I am daddy? Daddy <3 regulus  Regulus Hmm?  Daddy <3 i already told you i’m  at  work  you can’t we can’t do this Regulus Is that a no? Daddy <3 god fucking dammit  of course it’s not a no it’s never a no baby Regulus That’s what I thought
i'm getting to this so late i'm not gonna tag anyone but !!! if someone wants to do it pls go for it (and tag me so i can see <3)
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spacexcowgirl · 4 months
rose’s moodboard
go to pinterest and make yourself a mood board, whatever that means to you.
ty @pupmotif @fromagony @static-radio-ao3 & @mothbart for tagging me <3
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np tags!! @magswrite @casstration @pynchsage @calamitoustide @itsjaywalkers @regscupid @drowninginthoughts27 & anyone else who would like to <3
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ninety-two-bees · 3 months
midweek snippet <3
tysm my loves @itsjaywalkers & @mothbart for tagging me
here's some (unedited) proof that i am, in fact, almost finished inertia ch6
They delivered the vaccines yesterday, deciding to let the community centre volunteers decide who should get them. James knows it’s not a decision he could make on his own—deciding who in Godric’s Hollow is most deserving of safety from the plague. He can barely live with the fact that he wasn’t able to help more people. Dwelling on the dying will not save them, though, and James has always much preferred focusing on life. Yesterday, for the first time since he left for his testing, Remus got to go back to the market. No one had seen him in seven years, and despite how much he has changed since he left, everyone recognised him. It was good for him, James thinks; he needed the reminder that the only person who holds any resentment towards him is himself. It took some time, but by their walk home at sunset, Remus seemed to have really started to relax. It was also Regulus’ first time seeing the market—or any pleasant part of Godric’s Hollow, really. Nobody questioned him, even if they could tell that he’s still a soldier. That kind of thing doesn’t matter to the community. What really matters is how he treats people in the moment, and how he intends to treat them in the future. And maybe James is biased or foolish or blinded by optimism, but he can tell that Regulus is good. The boy just needs someone to give him a chance.
np tags <3 @theicarusconstellation @bellaxisworld @regscupid @pretentiouswreckingball @spacexcowgirl @effiepotterisamilf @swoopswrites @kaaaaaaarf @kalegreeneyes @lilacfiresoul
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static-radio-ao3 · 16 days
snippet game
thank you for tagging me @starsworth @ecstarry @pretentiouswreckingball & @velanavis <3
rules: if you get tagged, reblog with roughly 100 words of a WIP. no explanation, just the snippet
Regulus clutches his briefcase tighter and keeps a hold of his phone in a white-knuckled grip as the door of the pick-up opens and slams shut, heavy footsteps approaching him. He squints, trying to catch the man’s features as clearly as possible. A strong nose, a pair of glasses framing brown eyes. Unruly hair, the cold country wind tousling the curls as he walks. Regulus glances down. Jeans and boots, an open flannel, and a plain shirt. Dear God, he is about to be robbed by a man in a flannel. He opens his mouth to call out. Something bold and assertive like, please, no, this watch is new but the man beats him to it. “Reg, is that you?” His voice is low and smooth. Warm, despite the winter chill. The thing is though, Regulus has no idea who this person is or why he might know his name, because unfortunately, he would remember a face like that. A voice like that. “How do you know my name?” “Oh, shit, sorry.” The man comes to a halt a few paces away. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m James. Here to pick you up and get your car sorted.”
no pressure tags! @mothbart @poetskings @messymoony @carniferous @sixlane
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