#mothers and sons are often that “pure” type of relationship where the mother is a perfect angel
heraldofcrow · 3 months
do you think eileen is bloody crows mom?
Not biologically if we’re talking headcanons and obviously there is nothing to imply this in actual canon.
But in my hc world, she raised him up from the time he was pretty young, so they have an almost mother-son bond, but it’s broken because he starts projecting his actual mother’s memory onto Eileen, who doesn’t realize this. And Crow’s actual mother…was…a certain way, so it gets messy. I’m fully going off the rails into my own world here, but I wanted to explain that while she’s not his bio mother, he starts treating it that way and it leads to their conflict.
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yutaleks · 3 months
I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts in your incest post! I have always thought it really interesting the big difference in reactions sibling/sibling and parent/child pairings get. My first reaction was that it was a power imbalance thing, but I do think it runs deeper than that.
99% of my exposure to incest in fic has been through the Game of Thrones/ASOIAF fandom and Targaryen-centric fic, where sibling and uncle/niece and aunt/nephew relations are all generally accepted without fuss, but parent/child relationships are still mostly untouched (at least I haven't seen any).
Idk, your post made me want to examine my own personal reasons for why I'm chill with sibling incest fics and not parent/child! I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household and I truly think that my absolutely fucked relationship with my parents does play a role-- like I can suspend disbelief in pretty much any scenario, but the idea of a parent wanting a relationship with me??? Unfathomable lol. (my mother recently told me she thinks I'd be better off if I'd died as a baby and not had the chance to grow into the sinner I am lmao.) This is definitely not a religious only aversion though so I'm curious what is doing it for other people!
Sorry for the rant!
I don’t mind the rant I am chatty feel free 😊
CW: mentions of child abuse
I was also raised in an extremely religious home! (Ex evangelical here) so I completely understand. There are so many layers to my relationships with my family members I’m not surprised at all that there is probably a religious component to this baked in there somewhere.
I do think there is also the factor of power imbalance in a parent/child relationship, though it heavily depends on the gender of each person (like a mother has power over a daughter but does a mother have power over a son? Historically and culturally speaking the answer to that varies. Not the same as a father/child who has absolute power over both). I really do think gender roles play a huge role in the parent/child relationship (ask yourself why father/daughter fics pop up so often but mother/child fics inspire outrage).
I also do think a lot of people don’t really think about WHY they find it so repulsive, as you said. I think before people immediately look at this type of fiction with disgust, reflect on why it’s so much more awful to you than sibling/sibling. Is it your own relationship with your parents that makes it repulsive to you? Is it not possible for you to imagine a scenario where that relationship plays out differently?
In my mind I imagine it kind of like a ven diagram. On the left circle you have people with a normal or loving relationship to their parents, who would be absolutely disgusted at the thought of corrupting that pure relationship with romantic or sexual desire. And then on the right circle you have people who have an absolutely horrid relationship with their parents and want nothing to do with them, or at least dislike them enough to feel disgusted at the prospect of romantic or sexual attraction to them as well, but caused by feelings of hatred. And then perhaps the overlap in the middle would be maybe the people like me, who have complicated relationships (like my parents never outright abandoned me or starved me or anything like that, but they did hit me and did emotionally abusive things) where you have an innate desire to “fix” it. I always have a sense of jealousy of people who exist on either the right or the left side of this metaphorical diagram. Like I wish I had normal parents or I wish I had parents who were so awful to me I could cut contact completely. But instead I exist in this gray area where I hate them but I want to love them. And in some ways I understand why they acted the way they did. Not excusing the way they treated me, but understanding it.
Maybe for me that is why I find the prospect of “fixing” the relationship in fiction so intresting. (OBVIOUSLY IRL I WOULD NEVER. That’s gross.) But I think exploring such things in fiction are ways to process the things you feel.
Psychoanalysis aside it’s also perfectly fine to be on the “left” or “right” side of the diagram I just mentioned and still be interested in incest fiction. It doesn’t have to appeal to you for your own personal trauma reasons. It can just be a taboo that your brain feels stimulated by. There’s probably some study somewhere out there on why would brains are wired certain ways. Nature va nature or whatever. Idk Freud probably has much to say about this too. LMAOO
I think the first time I ever really interacted with incest fiction was when I started reading Naruto fanfic and would come across fiction for Sasuke/Itachi (blood related brothers, for those who don’t know Naruto characters). And as you know Itachi did So much psychic damage to Sasuke that at first glance you would think that Itachi would be entirely unlovable to Sasuke. But if you have completed the shippuden series you know for a fact that Sasuke loves him SO much. Even after what he did. And the reverse is also true! They love each other despite what they did to each other. And I think something about that appealed to me, knowing my relationship with my mother. Obviously obviously I have zero romantic attraction to my mother okay. But what I’m saying is the prospect of someone doing THAT much psychic damage and still wanting so badly to love them… that to me reflected a lot of my inner feelings.
Sorry to use my boy Sasuke as an example but. He is Him to me. Anyway
All this to say I think my dive into incest fiction started as a reflection of my feelings for my parents. And I think a lot of people who hate incest fiction perhaps don’t understand what that’s like. So I try not to take a lot of that hate to heart. And hope that people who hate it so vehemently do reflect on why that is so.
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irradiatedsnakes · 1 year
If you are able could you post images of the bios for mob and Reigen with the auto translations? (If they're multiple pages or something then don't worry about it I do appreciate you posting the info you have! I cannot get the book where I am due to shipping costs so I rely on what I find online and I thank you for it!)
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Shigeo Kageyama Shio Junior High School 2nd grade Class 1. Known as a "mob" by those around him, he is an inconspicuous junior high school student who is not good at studies or sports. In fact, a person with supernatural powers. Nickname: Mob, White T Poison Specialty: Makes dogs float in the air Age: 14 Hobbies: Watching the sky Birthday: May 12th Favorite food: Takoyaki, milk, ramen Motto: I'm not sure Disliked food: Pakchi, salted fish, locusts Favorite music: Cheerful stuff Gan Zhi Yin [not sure what this bit is, it's on many of the bios and google translate just does NOT know what to do with it] Blood type: O type Height: 157.7cm Favorite movie: action Weight: 44.3kg Nikutai Kaizobu What I'm into lately: Body Modification Club Pros: Quiet Weaknesses: Can't read atmosphere I don't have psychic powers, I use them against people [big fan of how it got this one just all the way backwards] Before: When her emotions reached 100%, she used her psychic powers without considering her surroundings [it seems google translate gets confused about the pronouns sometimes, uhhh transfem mob real] After: A mob that has accepted itself. Emotions may not explode anymore. related person: Shigeo's father - A warm relationship where they sit together at the dining table without interfering too much. Shigeo's mother - Surprised to see her son using supernatural powers, she watches over him. Tomebu's grandmother. He has the same name as Tome Anda, the head of the brain sensor department.
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Reigen Arataka A self-proclaimed psychic who runs a "spirit or consultation office". He has overcome various situations with his natural storytelling and cunning. Mob calls him master and admires him.
Nickname: Genius Psychic of the Century Special Skills: Deceiving people… taking advice from people Age: 27 Hobbies: net surfing Birthday October 10th Favorite food: Ramen, Yakiniku Ganzhi Disliked food: Nothing in particular Blood type: O type Favorite music: Classical at work Favorite movie: Sleeping while watching a B-grade movie is a luxury Height: 179cm Weight: 66.1kg Motto: Safety Strengths: People often say that you have a good heart. Weaknesses: Too kind and not good at scolding people… Recent obsession: Growing plants the request I accepted! This Arataka Reigen Before: While pretending to have psychic powers, Reigen entrusts most of his requests to Mob. After: I realized that I was completely dependent on Mob, and at the same time, I accepted the change in Mob, who became independent. related person: Master of Galandu - There is also a scene where he cares forReigen, who is weak against alcohol. Garando's regulars - In a sense, pure people who get caught in multi-level marketing.
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san-fics · 2 years
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Why the authors of Miraculous Ladybug hate Felix so much
It’s obvious that Felix is important — and they can’t deny it, and couldn’t even resist making him to be the reason of a big Ladybug’s failure in season 4 finals. And they left him in that scene looking at the burning Paris side by side with her anyway (the scene from PV-trailer, where Ladybug looks at the burning city together with Felix-Chat Noir).
Funny dynamics, isn’t it?
But why? Couldn’t they use Lila as a villain-type role? Or even Chloe?
And why did they even brought Felix back after saying that he won’t appear in the show?
On my opinion, the answer is purely psychological.
Felix is like a first born son to show, that they had to give away and someone else raised him...) — and that is why we often see Felix as an older sibling in fanfictions — because the fans intuitively feel his status.
Felix is more mature in comparison to a playful and sheltered Adrien, who of course took some hardness from his father (that we saw for example when he made Lila get Mari back to school and some other moments), but still much softer then Felix.
Adrien has his feminine side a little too developed sometimes. That’s how he gives the ruling role to Ladybug, for instance, although they start out as equal partners. And even when she becomes a Guardian, Chat Noir whines and suffers from her secrets instead of making a firm stand.
But also being so soft as Adrien! They even made him a princess to be saved! Come on! Is this what you expect from the leading male character?
So while Adrien is nice and all, he can never reach Felix’s potential of freedom and inner strength (not to be confused with the bravery, ‘cause that he has).
I think the authors of the show hate Felix for this, for being strong, self-sufficient, extremely smart, playful in his own way, but strict at the same time, taking from life what he wants and making decisions that he considers necessary. And with all that inner depth and outer freedom they had to refuse him. Give him up for sweet Adrien.
So now that they were aloud to bring him back to the show, they can’t stand but show his strength and importance, even making him an antihero (not the villain, btw, ‘cause he didn’t actually hurt anyone directly, but left to the hero’s fight their own fights, and played on their weaknesses in order to get what he wants.
After all — nobody asked Ladybug to give him that miraculous.
Felix also has a great relationship with his mother, which makes him potentially much more adequate in building relationships with a girl, while Adrien's position would be distorted by rigidity (taken from his father) on the one hand and infantilism on the other.
To naive children for whom this show is made, Adrinette couple seems perfect, but in practice the two would not last long together. At the same time Felix would found the way to conquer Mari if he wanted to and found how to build a deep relationship. And with passion everything would be good as well.
That’s why I love to write Canon Felinette much more then even PV. I mean, PV are sweet and classic, but Canon Felix, who returned to the show as an antihero has just SO MUCH MORE potential.
I can see him as a strong man next to Marinette, with this girl changing the direction of his actions with her warm heart, and he can be that internally strong support that she really needs. Because while Adrien-Chat says the encouraging words based by his belief he n good, Felix would make sure that the good would happen, no matters the ways of reaching it.
He also wouldn’t stop by her rejections like Adrien did if he fell for any of Mari’s guises — I’d rather expect him to trick her into falling in love with him — until it wouldn’t be important why and how their romance started.
Because we saw that he is ready to play till the end to reach his goal, and not only with honest and direct methods that both Marinette and Adrien mostly use.
And Mari herself — who can still phones and dress funny to sneak to Adrien’s house — much closer to Felix’s way of acting, so honestly — they would understand each other much better then the “go the higher road” boy — once they would have a common goal.
So I see I went a little further then just the “why the MLB-authors hate Felix” topic, but it’s all about the same. Felix has a strong position to be at the leading male role in this show, and they feel it, and they’ll use him as such, even if they will have to turn him to the other side of the barricades.
Just because they cant let him go from their mind.
Drama of life)
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yiling-daddy · 4 years
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Yes, that was me! I can definitely expand on my thoughts re: how Madam Yu’s behaviour reads differently to me due to my traditional, Chinese upbringing.
There is a lot of subjectivity as to whether Madam Yu can be read as abusive, and this reading is often influenced by culture—hence you often see completely off-base takes floating around. However, to me, the way that cultural context influences the reading will actually change depending on the relationship, so I will discuss each one separately. Most of the culturally insensitive takes are about her being an abusive or uncaring mother (she’s not), or that she’s a spurned woman (it’s more complicated than that), so you can skip down to the JC, JYL, and CSSR sections for that.
Madam Yu and Wei Wuxian
As a trend, I think western fandom tends to simplify Wei Wuxian’s dynamic with the Jiang family into an entire adopted family. Consequently, Yu Ziyuan gets perceived as this two-dimensional, evil stepmom figure—but I think this doesn’t capture the truth.
There’s a bit more variability among Chinese audiences when they read the Jiang family dynamic, partly due to our deeper familiarity with wuxia tropes, but mostly because there's a mediocre Netflix translation colouring the western interpretation. Though many Chinese fans do view them all as a sort of family unit and read Madam Yu as a stepmother, I do not. To me, Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Yanli view Wei Wuxian as family—but Madam Yu does not. Madam Yu views him as a servant, a disciple of the sect, and an outsider at the dinner table—and it’s not wrong for her to do so. It’s not gracious, but it’s not unfounded. I don’t think Wei Ying ever gives any indication that he views her as a mother, either.
If you agree that they don’t have anything like a mother-son relationship, all these insults/complaints that Yu Ziyuan levels at him—that he’s the “son of a servant”, that Jiang Fengmian is weird for openly favouring Wei Wuxian over his own son, etc.—these start to make sense? Like, it’s shitty to listen to, but none of it is wrong. Suddenly it reads less like pointless insults and more like actual points.
Additionally, if we consider that Wei Wuxian is a disciple of the sect who goes around and raises the ire of the Wen clan, corporal punishment suddenly looks very normal (again, within the culture). Hence, when I watched the donghua and CQL, I hated seeing Wei Wuxian getting whipped, but I didn’t perceive this as abuse—especially because of the political nature of the decision.
But it is definitely still possible to mistreat a disciple.
In CQL, you see Madam Yu throwing an unnecessary amount of vitriol at Wei Ying. In the novel extras, it's revealed that she regularly whipped him but never whipped the other disciples, indicating that it wasn't normal corporal punishment. She also whipped him for absurdly stupid reasons. To me, this signals that she tended to abuse her authority over him. Even if you don’t view her as an abusive mother to Wei Ying, it's fair to read her as an abusive authority figure.
Importantly however, "abuse" is a loaded word suggesting a violation of social norms, and again, the situation is complicated because the social norms of the setting don't match those of the modern world. Madam Yu is not overstepping her bounds as master of Lotus Pier—hence, people do not think very much of this treatment in-universe, including Wei Ying himself.
Madam Yu, Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Yanli
Okay, when I first watched CQL, I cringed when Madam Yu started dragging her family because she sounded like My Actual Chinese Mother. I felt for a second like I had transmigrated into Jiang Cheng’s body and I was experiencing his agony firsthand!
Madam Yu reads very realistically, and I think this is why it gets personal for a lot of Chinese people when this fandom discusses her character. Yes, she belittles and hurts her children for their perceived failures, but many Chinese people can tell you that this is just a common parenting style. And while it might look like bullying to an outsider, this behaviour is usually motivated by love. It is often also motivated by fear that the child’s future will be substandard. This is textually obvious when you consider what exactly Madam Yu yells about:
She snaps at Yanli to stop peeling lotus pods, because she shouldn’t act like a servant. If Yanli keeps behaving so passively, what kind of role is she going to fall into in the future—especially given that she is not a cultivator?
She berates Jiang Cheng for always being inferior to Wei Wuxian no matter what he does. If Jiang Cheng is constantly overshadowed by Wei Wuxian, what will that mean for his future as sect leader? Or his future status and reputation among the sects?
I can do these Chinese Mom Translations because parents in real life will actually say things like this out of concern for their children (insults included), in an attempt to motivate them... and it really does light a fire under our asses. I attribute many of my personal successes to this parenting style. Thus, when I see posts like “Madam Yu didn’t show any sign of caring for others” or "Madam Yu was a purely selfish and arrogant person" or “Madam Yu is an abusive mother and nothing else"—well, I can tell most of these people are not Chinese, or if they are, then they likely did not have a traditional upbringing.
While I don't think these uninformed readings of Madam Yu are necessarily racist, I do think they they are unpleasant for Chinese fans to constantly see. For those of us in the west that had this type of upbringing, we often struggle with trying to frame and process our relationships with our parents. For me, this was partly due to the emotional baggage of my upbringing (Jiang Cheng winning!!!)... but it was also because white society kept telling me that my parents didn't give a shit about me when obviously they did. That’s fucked up to experience. It reeks of cultural imperialism. Thus, when I see Chinese people getting annoyed at these Madam Yu takes, I’m not surprised. This is unfortunately a fictional discussion that very much resembles a real one for us.
Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Fengmian, and Cangse Sanren
A lot of people view Madam Yu as a spurned woman and assume that is her motivation for constantly antagonizing Wei Wuxian and her husband. But because I assume that a lot of her chaotic yelling stems from her concerns as an Actual Chinese Mother, my take is different.
Remember the scene where Madam Yu catches Jiang Fengmian scolding Jiang Cheng just after praising Wei Wuxian? She drags Jiang Cheng up to his father and, in both CQL and the donghua, says something to this effect (paraphrased from memory):
This is your son, the future master of Lotus Pier! Even if you don’t like him because he was born to me, his surname is still Jiang!
And in CQL, she also says this right after berating Jiang Cheng for not measuring up to Wei Wuxian:
But it’s not your fault. Your mother is no match for his mother.
Yu Ziyuan isn’t angry about Cangse Sanren because she’s jealous; she is angry about Cangse Sanren because she thinks Jiang Fengmian’s feelings for her are jeopardizing his competence as a father to Jiang Cheng. Viewed in this light, it also makes sense why Yu Ziyuan is hostile to Wei Wuxian in a way that alienates him from the family—constantly calling him the son of a servant, pointing out the rumours about his parentage, etc. She’s not doing this because she hates Cangse Sanren or Wei Wuxian; she’s doing it because Wei Wuxian’s presence in the family is threatening Jiang Cheng’s future in her eyes.
Bonus: Did Yu Ziyuan love Jiang Fengmian?
Yes! In both the donghua and CQL (I ashamedly admit I don’t clearly remember the novel), I thought their final moments made it quite evident that they cared for each other. They fought together, died together to protect their home, and reached out to one another in their final moments.
But when I rewatched Madam Yu’s scenes in CQL and the donghua, I realized we got other hints that westerners probably missed. I'll focus on CQL:
Right before Jiang Fengmian sets off with Yanli for Lanling, Madam Yu sees them off. She gives Yanli some snacks and then—without making eye contact with Jiang Fengmian—says that she’s also giving them medicine in case someone gets a headache. Jiang Fengmian pauses, because it’s obviously for him.
This is recognizable behaviour for a lot of Chinese people. I can’t tell you how many times my mother got apoplectic at me, and then the only follow-up was her going out of her way to make me my favourite meal. The chaotic yelling you see between Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan is also pretty typical to many Chinese parents, and again, the follow-up in my household was often one of them going out of their way to do something for the other.
This is just how the culture is in a lot of families. “Sorry” isn’t expressed in words; it's expressed in actions. “I love you” isn’t expressed in words; it’s expressed in actions. In Chinese culture, the dominant love language is acts of service. It's fleeting, but we get glimpses of that kind of love between Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian. 
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goroufucker · 3 years
part two to the kazuha public sex ig 💪🤤 ft: beidou for lore ig
authors notes: i really don’t feel comfortable having beidou have like… sex with kazuha and the reader since beidou and kazuha have a mother son type relationship. so she’s here for lore.. BUTTT… i will be writing a beidou fic to make it up to y’all <3
the sound of the waves crashing against the wood of the boat was starting to become a familiar sound, leaning against the edge and staring out into what seemed like nothing. in your dozing, you had specific thoughts clinging onto your mind.
“was what i did with kazuha just a one time thing..? no, he said it himself that he didn’t want that to be the only time.. but he’s definitely not gonna come down with me to inazuma, especially not with his.. reputation…-“ you snap out of your thoughts with a sigh, leaning your head down while thinking of the difficult situation.
did you love him? there’s no way, you can’t fall in love with a man you just met, but you did fuck him- so perhaps anything is possible. your own feelings confused you, you just weren’t sure- trying to fit him into your future of adventuring, especially in this specific moment, was difficult.
“ah, there you are” a calm and familiar voice spoke out to you, instantly recognizing it, you quickly lift your head and straighten your posture. “ah-! kazuha, you startled me..” you grinned to him, attempting to hide your emotional distress with your signature kindness. though kazuha isn’t a fool.
he stared at you for a second, then looked off into the endless sea just as you did before. you hesitantly leaned back onto the boat again, just trying to relax. “you do know, if there’s something bothering you,, you can tell me-“ kazuha spoke, you stared at him while he cleared his throat. “i might not know the best words to respond.. but i can listen” he finished.
without another thought, you blurted your emotions out in one single sentence.
“kazuha, will you join me?”.
he was silent, not a single word escaped his mouth. kazuha refused to look at you, not because he was angry at what you had asked him, he just was thinking.
the air around you two was tense and heavy, so heavy it felt like you could barely breathe. you felt inclined to just run off, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“woahh, what’s with all the seriousness over here huh?!” beidou cheered, trying to soothe the tense mood. “ah, beidou-“ kazuha started, before being interrupted. “come, both of you- our journey to inazuma is nearly over, we should be celebrating” she ordered, winking at you.
it wasn’t until a few drinks in that you fully understood why she winked.
cheers from some of the crew, cups hitting the others in a toast to the journey. all seemed lively, it felt like you were having a big family reunion. you didn’t want to do much drinking, so you only had one cup and took your time with it.
“hey, y/n? i gotta ask-“ beidou sat down next to you, “you and kazuha, what was keeping the air so tense?” she asked. you gripped onto your cup, thinking hard, looking left and right to make sure that kazuha wasn’t nearby. “..i believe i might have feelings for kazuha, but i’m not sure” you spoke, earning a laugh from beidou.
“well, it’s pretty obvious you two are enamored with eachother, especially with how you two act on a daily basis” she sipped at her drink, her words made you think. you are often going to kazuha out of everyone else on the ship, you find comfort in his presence.
“what’s with that face? finally realizing it?” beidou smirked at you, “but.. on a serious note, if you think it’s love- why not give it a try? couldn’t hurt could it?” beidou patted at your shoulder before getting up again- giving you privacy with your thoughts.
you glanced over to where kazuha was, continuing to think but acting on impulse and instantly walking over. holding your breath, you counted each second.
love, perhaps you are feeling it. or it could be addiction to him.
with each step closer, you felt your body leaning towards an answer.
he smiled at you, of course you had to smile back.
laughing and smiling at each word that flutters out of his mouth, his sentences are pure poetry, as if he’s reading out one of the most gorgeous haiku’s you’ve ever heard.
idle touching, a look around the ship before your hand is grabbed and quickly dragged away from the crowd.
with your back hitting the wall of the half full storage room, your arms snaked around kazuha’s neck, one hand going straight to his hair. both of his hands were pinned against the wall, keeping you exactly where you were. your heart skipped a beat each time you heard him groan against your lips, greedily keeping them connected to yours.
you two had to be quick, before the rest of the crew noticed you two were gone. you knew beidou would try to play it off as much as she could to give you two some alone time, it can’t be helped. you were pulled out of your worried mind by a hand slipping under your top, you pulled away to gasp lightly, feeling kazuha’s bandaged fingers rub and lightly pinch at your nipple.
he leans in and kisses at your neck, gently suckling and licking. leaving visible marks wasn’t his goal, he wanted to make you feel it as much as possible, and you were definitely feeling it.
your impatience took over you, sliding your arms down to his sides and tugging him closer to you, wanting to feel every bit of him. your leg went between his, feeling at his hard dick hidden away in his baggy shorts.
he hummed against your neck, sliding his hand down to your hip and squeezed at it, detaching from your neck to smash his lips back onto yours. this was 10 times more sensual then the first time, his romantic personality truly shining through. you craved more of his touch, taking a step forward to press the entirety of your overheated body against his.
kazuha had a cheeky little smile plastered on his face the entire time, he was amused by your need for him. he brought down his other hand, luckily, not needing to take off his glove. his bare fingers slid down your stomach, unbuttoning your bottoms and continuing to slide his hand down your body and through your garments.
when his fingers grazed over your sex, you shivered, pulling away from the kiss and gripping onto his shoulders for support. kazuha simply continued to grin, watching your expression as he continued to tease the skin around your sex. your eyes stayed shut, face flushed from embarrassment at how he was staring at you.
“come now, won’t you look at me? ~” kazuha purred to you, continuing to tease your sex, using his other hand to cradle your face. he watched your eyes flutter open, staring at him with pupils dilated, he seemed pleased. “how mesmerizing, it makes me wonder.. how much would it take to change that adoring look on your face, hm.. ~” he teased you.
though you felt amazing right now, you had a want to touch him, to please him. you looked him in the eye, shakily breathing. “kazuha.. what about you..?“ you whimper out, reaching out your hand. his eyes went half lidded, solely chuckling at your want to please him. “this isn’t about me, this is about you. love ~” he spoke, “for i never even answered your question, quite rude of me, i must make it up to you..”.
without even a breath from you, two of his fingers inserted themselves into your sex. your breath hitched, the single hand left on his shoulder gripping at his clothes. it wasn’t the same feeling as his dick, but it was just as nice. kazuha’s fingers pumped in you, keeping an easy pace. he watched your expressions, learning what you like based off the sounds you made whenever he changed the position of his fingers.
you felt like cumming right then and there when he pushed his fingers as deep in as he could, moaning at him. that’s all you could do, moan and pant when the speed of his thrusts stayed at the perfect pace. it had felt like the two of you had been in that closet for hours, the air was so hot and heavy. little beads of sweat slipped down your face, your stomach starting to knot.
you couldn’t bring yourself to keep eye contact with kazuha, your eyes were squeezed shut. though kazuha didn’t mind, he smirked and leaned in close, quietly mimicking your pants and moans. embarrassment took over you, but the sound of his voice was so intoxicating that it only made you moan more.
when you felt yourself reaching the edge, you gripped onto him tighter. “oh? ~” kazuha moaned, letting you grind against his hand before you came hard onto his fingers, straining your cry of pleasure. he hummed, letting you full calm down and relax from your high. he pulled his fingers out of you, breathing a bit hard himself from all the tension in the room.
you opened your eyes again, leaning against the wall. your pupils met his, slowly looking down his neck, then his chest. you finally landed your eyes to his crotch, staring at his erection, standing as tall as it possibly could. you practically started drooling from the sight, though he might’ve said this moment was about you, how could you let him go back out there with all that, surely it must be painful.
ignoring your shaky legs, you stepped forward, quickly tugging and pulling him close. with your faces so close, kazuha was inclined to kiss you. he hummed against your lips, hugging his hands around your waist. the kiss wasn’t very long, your hands slid to his cheeks, cupping them before pulling away and dragging them down his body. you lowered to your knees, forcing kazuha to let you go.
“hey.. what did i tell you? this is about you-“ he tried to scold you, but he definitely wasn’t gonna stop you if you insisted. since you had absolutely no shame, you quickly shoved your face into his abdominal area, breathing in his scent before looking up at him. “are you really gonna go back out there, infront of all the crew, with your dick standing tall?” you asked, your hands going to his hips, ready to pull down his shorts and red tights.
kazuha stared at you for a quick second, then grinning. “well, if you insist ~” he purred, his hand meeting your hair. the second you got his approval, you felt antsy to let him be free. you quickly tugged until his shorts loosened and you could pull them down with his tights and underwear. he laughed at your quick movements, “relax, i’m definitely not going anywhere~” he teased, tracing your cheek with his thumb.
his words barely stayed in your brain, you lusted to the thought of tasting him. wasting no time, once his dick was out and right in your face you opened your mouth and rolled your tongue along the tip. you focused on it a bit, taking the tip in your mouth and continuing to roll your tongue all around it.
kazuha let out small groans at the beginning, as he did to you, you focused on the sounds he made and watched his expressions to see what felt good and what didn’t. he kept a single hand in your hair, not gripping or pushing you around, he gave you the freedom to do as you pleased. his other hand laid flat on the wall, helping him keep his posture as he watched you suck him off.
you looked absolutely beautiful, even with the intense pleasure he was feeling, he made sure to barely even blink. if he were to blink, he could miss another moment where you locked eyes with him. he nearly choked on his spit when you pulled away to get some of your own spit on your hand just to hop back on and pump your now lubed hand on the base of his cock while you continued to suck.
“ah..! Mm..~” kazuha hissed, gently pushing your head farther down, but not enough to choke. you obliged with his need and took more of his dick in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head on his cock. kazuha hunched over, even with such a short amount of time of you pleasuring him, he’d be so turned on from finger fuckinh you he already felt himself reaching the edge.
you could feel him trying to hold back from the way he tensed up, you grinned against his cock, keeping the eye contact and starting to pick up the pace. his moans went from small and quiet to much louder, kazuha’s face scrunching up and having more trouble keeping eye contact. “fuck.. fuck y/n!” he cried, his hips starting to hump his dick in your mouth, unable to control himself. though you didn’t mind, letting him ride out his high.
you had barely done much to him in comparison, but he was more then happy with the pleasure he was feeling right now. he came within seconds, not even trying to strain back any moans. kazuha’s voice was gorgeous, making you not wanna waste even a tiny amount of his cum that splattered into your mouth. gulping it down, you finally pulled away from his dick, wiping a string of spit that was still connecting your lips to it.
kazuha finally closed his eyes, breathing gently. you pulled up his bottoms as best as you could in this position, standing up to fix it up more. his posture fixed, looking at you for a bit, then smiling and just hugging you. you grinned and put a hand on the back of his head, holding him close. kazuha kissed your cheek, then leaned into your ear.
“to answer your question.. i’m not sure if i’m fully ready, but for you, i’ll follow you there” he whispered. a blush tool over your face, it was so hard not to just squirm in excitement. you hugged him even tighter, “i love you so much, kazuha!” you blurted without thinking. he simply laughed, letting go of the hug to start to leave the two of you out of your hiding space. “i love you too, dear”.
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handsmotif · 3 years
The Queercoding of Pinky and the Brain
This originally was just me infodumping to my friends on discord, but I decided it might be interesting to some people on here, so I polished it up and made it an actual essay lmao
To start, we’re going to break this into 2 sections -- the relationship between the mice, and Pinky’s relationship with gender, because queercoding doesn’t just mean gay!
For a 90′s show, Pinky and the Brain (and its mother show, Animaniacs) was very progressive for its time! But there were still lots of things that they couldn’t slip by censors, and thus, that’s where we have to read between the lines. And that is something I wanted to clarify here before we dive in, the actual meaning of queercoding. It’s NOT the same as queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when the people producing certain media purposefully dangle the possibility of queer representation to lure in audiences (most prominent examples are BBC Sherlock, Riverdale, and Supernatural I GUESS? who knows abt that last one anymore), but never follow through, purely for profit. Queercoding is when media producers WANT to write in queer representation, but can’t, usually because the censors won’t let them. So, they must resort to subtext. (example: the policemen from Gravity Falls) It could also be unintentional, simply assigning certain characteristics associated with the LGBT community to characters. (example: Bugs Bunny, many Disney villains) Either way, it heavily relies on the audience picking up subtext, but whether it’s malicious or not varies, depending on the media. Bugs Bunny is an example of positive accidental queercoding, while a lot of Disney villains are negative examples.
Now, to actually discuss the gay little mice! Pinky and the Brain, whether it be intentional or not (based off comments from Maurice LaMarche, Rob Paulsen, and Tom Ruegger, signs strongly point to intentional, but it’s never been explicitly confirmed), is an example of positive queercoding.
There are many moments that I could pick out to discuss here, but we’ll start with some VERY on the nose gay metaphors. 
Remember Romy? If you don’t, that’s their actual biological son! Romy came about due to a cloning accident, where their DNA got combined and spat him out. 
There’s SO many things I could say about Romy. Every appearance he makes has an overarching gay metaphor as the plot. His first appearance in the episode Brinky (yeah it’s literally titled their ship name), it deals with his dads (WHICH I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT, he DOES call them both dad, and they do both call him their son) disapproving of the fact that he wants to leave home and not follow in their footsteps of taking over the world. Brain even goes as far as disowning him whenever he tells him, which is certainly something a lot of queer people can unfortunately relate to. Also seen a lot in this episode is Pinky and Brain arguing even more than a married couple than usual, which pushes Romy away even further. Later, when Romy eventually does leave, and Brain starts to regret chasing him away, he tries desperately to reach out to him, but Romy doesn’t want anything to do with him. They end up tracking him down to an apartment building, where Romy is now living with his human girlfriend. When questioned about their relationship, the girlfriend, named Bunny, goes off on a tangent about how people shouldn’t judge others based on labels or relationships (hello?), and that Brain needs to be more tolerant. Brain apologizes and Romy forgives him. Happy ending.
Romy’s only other appearance is in the comics. Essentially, the plot of this one is that Brain wants to become the president of the local high school’s PTA, but he needs Romy’s help to make it look like he has a normal home life. He also enlists the help of Billie, the obligatory Woman introduced to make sure Brain doesn’t look as gay as he actually is, that he has a crush on. She pretends to be his girlfriend, and Pinky pretends to be Romy’s uncle, while they make up the story that Romy’s actual mother was lost at sea. Because if the organization found out that Brain has a son with a MAN??? THINK of the controversy! Anyway, the plan works, and Brain actually manages to get elected as president. Throughout this though, Pinky gets WEIRDLY jealous that Brain keeps brushing him aside for Billie. To the point where during Brain’s inauguration, Pinky actually dresses up as the wife/mother lost at sea and storms into the room.
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[ID: Comic panels of Pinky, Brain, and Romy on stage at the inauguration ceremony. Pinky busts into room wearing drag, saying, “Yoo hoo! I’m back from years lost at sea to be with my son and ungrateful husband! Narf!” He then hugs Romy, while glaring at Brain. He goes on to say, “I’ll stand by your side, even though you left me behind!” The people in the audience begin to question this, saying, “Oh great fuzzy bangs!”, “What’d she say?!”, “He deserted her to be with that other woman!”, “What kind of monster is he?!”. Brain then rips off Pinky’s wig and says, “This isn’t my wife! This isn’t even a woman! It’s my roommate, Pinky.” Pinky replies, “Well, yes... But Romy really is my son! Poit!” And Brain responds, “N-Nonsense! He’s my son!” More people in the audience angrily speak up, saying, “What’s that?”, “He lives with a guy who likes to dress up in women’s clothing and the both claim to be that kid’s father!”, “Grumble! Mutter!” /END ID]
Needless to say, this doesn’t end well for them. What we can conclude from this is that homophobia exists in the Pinky and the Brain universe, and our characters are directly affected by it.
Moving on, And-There-Was-Only-One-Bed is a pretty common occurrence with these two. Their cage is big, they have plenty of room for two beds, but? They choose to sleep together? Even in some times where this has been inconsistent and they DO have separate beds, they’re always RIGHT next to each other. (what if we put our minecraft beds together ❤😳)
I would like to mention the episode, You’ll Never Eat Food Pellets In This Town Again! This episode is interesting to say the least. Deals with a lot of the meta of the show. Anyway. In this episode, Brain has a nightmare that he’s in a loveless marriage with Billie. You know, the woman he’s supposed to have a crush on. In the end, he wakes up from the nightmare in the same bed as Pinky.
Speaking of female love interests, Pinky is seen having multiple relationships with characters of different species. Any time this is brought up by Brain, Pinky counters with Brain being too intolerant. An honorable mention with this is in Wakko’s Wish, when Pinky is with Pharfignewton, and Brain’s constant pestering about their relationship could be read as jealousy. Pinky needs a mousy date, after all!
Something else I would like to mention is in one episode (I forget what it’s called, I’ll try to look it up later and edit this), Brain is applying for a job. The employer asks Brain if he’s married, and Brain hesitates before saying he “has a roommate,” but that he’s occupied with his own things, which then cuts to a shot of Pinky applying lipstick.
Leading into part two of this essay, Pinky’s relationship with gender! Pinky has always been very gender nonconforming, and loves to wear dresses, do his makeup, and make himself look pretty. For the most part, this is played pretty straight, and not as a gag, like a lot of shows tend to do! It’s just a casual fact about him that he likes to present femininely sometimes.
This does play into their taking over the world plans pretty often, where Pinky wears drag, usually either to sneak into somewhere. Like in one of their earliest appearances on Animaniacs, Noah’s Lark, where they pose as a couple to board Noah’s, and I quote, “love boat.” After boarding, Noah says to himself, “Who am I to judge?” Okay. Yeah. Alright. Anyway.
I actually had less to say on this than I thought I did, but I wanted to make sure to emphasize that Pinky at the very least is coded as being Not Quite Cis, and that he’s played a key part in helping a lot of people watching the show figure out that they’re also Not Quite Cis. 
Wrapping this up because I’m hungry, but I want to throw in some more honorable mentions that I really do not see any type of cishet explanations for:
They literally go on a romantic date at a very fancy restaurant in Brain’s Night Off. This is played extremely casually, and the only remark from anyone that they receive is that they are “much smaller than the usual clients.”
Pinky, on at least one occasion, daydreams about him and Brain being a married couple, and wanting to be a housewife (the original malewife ❤)
There’s an issue in the comics where Pinky has a crush on another male mouse, and when Brain gets annoyed, Pinky reassures him that he thinks Brain is cute and quite the catch too
Brain attempting to kiss Pinky in the reboot??????
Brain actually did conquer the world once in the Halloween special, because Pinky made a deal with the devil for it, and thus Pinky got sent to hell! Brain actually went to hell and gave up the world to bring him back
Brain was extremely close to conquering the world once more in the Christmas special, but after reading what Pinky’s feelings for him were (nothing romantic, just Pinky basically just praising Brain for being so hardworking and an amazing mouse, and lamenting that he never gets anything for it), he gets so emotional that he sabotages himself and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas instead
TLDR; these mice are very queer and need therapy, and are probably the most heavily queercoded characters that I can think of in children’s media.
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nostalgic90s · 2 years
(( A little snippet I wrote about Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska. Warning: Valeskacest content ahead, read at your own discretion as there will be mentions of childhood trauma and abuse. Also some mild sexual content. Basically this my version of the events leading up to Jeremiah’s betrayal where in a moment of panic, Jeremiah makes the biggest mistake of his life. If you’ve read “A Childhood Fantasy” this is all of it in a nutshell ))
I like to think Lila witnessed something she wished she hadn’t... An ugly secret that she swore she’d never talk about again, even though the reminder is living under the same roof as her.  
Jerome and Jeremiah probably suffered abuse to an extent (physical, verbal, mental, and sexual) and this type of trauma only brought them closer. The twins really didn’t have anybody else in their lives to care for them, sure there was their mother and uncle, but they couldn’t be bothered to look after Jerome and Jeremiah. If anything, Zach hated his nephews and Lila’s resentment is demonstrated in her neglect for her sons. 
In an unpredictable and often violent environment, Jerome and Jeremiah had to grow up FAST. They fended for themselves, stealing food and clothes when they can. Like all children, Jerome and Jeremiah craved love and attention and it’s only natural to assume they would seek it from one another. Jerome with his big bear-hugs and Jeremiah’s timid kisses. They liked holding hands at all times, regardless of the funny looks they received. They were practically attached at the hip and if Lila hadn’t been drunk all the time, she might’ve seen the warning signs. Like how Jerome would steal a quick kiss before heading off to do chores, or how Jeremiah tried to hide the hickies on his neck when he so clearly doesn’t have a girlfriend (at least not one Lila is aware of). 
Lila is to blame. Had she made an attempt at parenting her children and showing them kindness, then maybe Jerome and Jeremiah wouldn’t be so co-dependent on each other. By the time Lila catches wind of her boys incestuous relationship, it’s far too late. Jerome and Jeremiah are bonded in ways no siblings should be but their love for each other is as strong as ever, or so Jerome thought. 
The incident in question happened on a Saturday evening, when it’s presumed Lila would be out drinking all night and wouldn’t drag herself back home until the morning. Jerome and Jeremiah have a few drinks, but they barely catch a buzz by the time they start kissing and peeling their clothes off. Usually they go into their bedroom but tonight they’re too impatient. They’re on the living room sofa, going at it missionary style with Jerome on top. They’re so lost in each other, each moaning the other’s name while they kiss. Neither heard the screen door creak open or the slight pop of the door swinging open on it’s hinges. 
It’s at this point Lila and a random stranger enter the trailer. Lila catches her sons and FLIPS THE HELL OUT. Imagine the look of pure disgust and rage as Lila shrieked and went after the twins with her fists balled up. Jerome would pull out and try to shield his brother from their mother’s assault but in a panic, Jeremiah shoves his sibling aside, tears glossing over his eyes when he tells Lila Jerome forced him do it. 
This takes both Jerome and Lila by surprise. 
Jeremiah (fake) sobs into his hands and tells Lila about all the horrible stuff Jerome has been doing to him. He says Jerome threatened to slit his throat if he told anyone about the abuse. Jeremiah has to avoid his brother’s gaze because Jerome’s expression is too heartbreaking. 
It’s then Lila turns on Jerome and directs ALL her anger at him. After smacking Jerome around and shoving clothes at him, she kicks Jerome out of the trailer. Lila calls for Zach and Paul to come over. They have a meeting of sorts on what to do about Jerome and Jeremiah. Paul suggests St. Ignatius and Zach offers to drive. That’s it then, they had a plan to save Jeremiah from his monster of a brother. 
In the following days Jerome is forced to sleep outside in a flimsy tent. He makes several attempts to see Jeremiah but either Lila or Zach stops him, and Jeremiah makes no attempt to communicate with his brother.... It happened late at night, when Jerome is fast asleep outside, shivering in his sleeping bag. Zach, Paul, and Lila whisk Jeremiah away and when Jerome awoke, he’s informed of Jeremiah’s departure, and wouldn’t be returning. 
Imagine the pain of losing a sibling, never knowing where they’re at, or if they’re alive and well. Jerome cried for the first week because he doesn’t understand. why Jeremiah said all those things but his lies have a disastrous effect on Jerome’s life. Lila and Zach weren’t the nicest people to begin with but knowing what they know (it’s unclear if Zach knows the real truth but he believes whatever Lila told him) they inflict physical and emotional pain as often as they can. The beatings with uncle Zach never stopped, and Lila was constantly degrading him, calling him a rapist and telling everybody at the circus how he hurt Jeremiah. 
Lies. All lies but who would believe him? He was already considered a freak but now everybody thinks he’s some kind of psycho who gets off on torturing his brother. In the end, Jerome bottled up his feelings and stopped asking about Jeremiah. 
Over the years his loneliness would turn into bitterness. His yearning for Jeremiah would turn into loathing. He’s plagued by visions of stabbing Jeremiah to death for throwing him under the bus like that. Jerome has never hated anyone so much in his life and if they were to cross paths again, he’d make sure Jeremiah knew what real fear is.
****afterthoughts*** The maze scene in Gotham is what inspired this headcannon. Favorite part has to be when Jerome calls Jeremiah out on his bullshit stories, to which Jeremiah admits he did in fact lie to their mother about Jerome’s actions. Jeremiah tries to absolve himself by saying Jerome is born bad and thus all the awful things that ever occured in Jerome’s life would’ve happened, regardless of what Jeremiah said or did. Between the lines Jeremiah is really saying “You deserved it”, but he’s too cowardly to outright say it. I think the real reason Jeremiah used Ecco to bait Jerome and capture him is because he doesn’t want Jerome telling anyone about their incestuous relationship. Jeremiah was going to keep Jerome locked away in a cement cell, as if hiding his dirty little secret (bruh that’s the plan of a madman or a desperate one). Jeremiah might still harbor intense feelings for Jerome and legitimately feared the outcome of their interaction. In his mind Jerome is the bad guy, he’s the one who liked to initiate inappropriate touching and kissing, not poor Jeremiah who is simply the victim. At this point Jeremiah nearly convinced himself that this is the truth, but I imagine his pounding heart says otherwise
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godsofhumanity · 3 years
I really like these headcanons you do for the gods’ various relationships! Could you give us some for Aztec myth’s Four Sons of Heaven (Xipe Totec, Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Tezcatlipoca)? Thanks!
hii u waited soo long for this, i'm so sorry </3 i couldn't think of anything before, but these r for u ^-^
okay so i'm not really sure what the exact order of their ages are, or whether they were perhaps born simultaneously, but since Tezcatlipoca was the first Sun, i like the idea that he's one of the older of the four gods (or at least, he acts like it!)
Tezcatlipoca, in terms of personality, i think he's pretty vain, a little full of himself. i think he can be pretty arrogant but he's also very witty and cynical- he's a trickster, but he's not a villain.
also he's 100% a cat person (given his association with jaguars). you know how Rajah the tiger is with Jasmine in Aladdin? i imagine Tezcatlipoca has at least one pet jaguar with him at all times, and the jaguar acts the way Rajah does.
anyways, in the myths, Tezcatlipoca becomes the First Sun. i like the idea that he nominated himself for the role and the rest of them were like, "he's not gonna shut up about it so let's just let him."
Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca have a rivalry which results in Quetzalcoatl clubbing Tezcatlipoca from the sky and losing his position as the Sun, so i think Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl definitely have a little friction between them.
i don't see them as enemies, but i think they have a bit of a power struggle between them, and i imagine that Tezcatlipoca was quite pissed off about the whole replacement thing.
Quetzalcoatl I imagine to be more mild-tempered than Tezcatlipoca. i think he's more reasonable.
i also think Quetzalcoatl is quite funny. i think he acts silly sometimes because it's good to laugh- but if he's angry, then you should probably run.
although Tezcatlipoca likes to think of himself as the leader, i think that Quetzalcoatl is fairly headstrong himself.
i read that when the mortals created during the rise of the Second Sun became uncivilised and arrogant, Tezcatlipoca got pissed off and turned them all into monkeys, but Quetzalcoatl actually loved the mortals even with their flaws, so he got rid of the monkeys and willingly stepped down from being the Sun so that a new race could be created- and this myth makes me imagine Quetzalcoatl to be a bit of a Prometheus-type character.
Xipe Totec doesn't become a Sun in the myths, so i imagine him to be more quiet than his other brothers.
one of his notable roles is when he flayed himself to provide food for the people and i think his self-sacrifice suggests a noble and kind character.
also, Xipe Totec was usually depicted with his eyes and mouth closed, so i imagine him to be more of a listener rather than a speaker, the way i might describe Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl.
i think he's very wise, and while he can be ruthless (given that disease and famine was often attributed to him), he's mostly gentle.
i imagine Huitzilopochtli to be the youngest of the four gods. i think Tezcatlipoca likes to push him around and boss him, but i think Huitzilopochtli is a no-nonsense type of guy so he doesn't take it very well.
honestly, i don't really consider Huitzilopochtli to be a blood-brother of Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl and Xipe Totec because i like the version where he bursts forth from his mother's womb and kills all his siblings in her defense...
that particular myth makes me characterise Huitzilopochtli as a very serious kind of guy. i don't think he smiles much, nor does he care for witty banter the way Tezcatlipoca does.
i think he loves fighting, but not in a maniacal way,, more like in a noble and pure way, and he feels most at peace in the heat of the battle.
as the Four Sons of Heaven, i think that all four of them do get along quite well.. they obviously have their differences but i think they all tolerate each other and live like one happy (and chaotic) family <3
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Hello happy valentine could I have a,I and maybe k for vergil and dante please? Thanks in advance
A :  AFFECTION.  How does your s/o show affection?
The touch of another person is...something that Vergil hasn't felt in a very long time, and even before his corruption by Mundus it wasn't something he would actively seek out anyway, to him human affection was nothing but a foolish human need to feel validation. However, after spending twenty years as an empty, lonely, absent willed, walking husk, his opinion of that has changed to where he now absolutely craves it. Now with Vergil being Vergil he isn't exactly one to ask for such things and honestly at first he isn't sure exactly how, so either he's going to stand there awkwardly hoping that you'll get the hint that he wants to be affectionate with you, so you're going to be the one have to initiate things until he gets more comfortable opening himself up to intimacy with you. 
Once some time has passed and he feels more intune with being affection, in your moments in privacy fully expect a new more softer side to him; one that with pepper sweet kisses to each of your knuckles, one that will read to you quietly in bed, one that will let you sit on his lap whilst he cleans up Yamato's blade, one that will wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head to your shoulder and sway around with you all while humming the soft tune of his mother's old lullaby. 
I    :   I LOVE YOU. Does your s/o find ‘I love you’ easy or hard to say?
Extremely hard. After everything he's done, a large part of him doesn't believe he deserves someone anymore that makes him feel...so human, like you do and Vergil isn't one to really share his feelings that often anyway. You do mean a lot to him and he definitely has a way of saying it non verbally by his body language like how softer the tone of his voice and his gaze is whenever you're nearby, the held back movements of his hands to try and resist the urge to intertwine your fingers together and as well by his actions like letting you hold on to his most precious items; his book and the Yamato. 
So the act for him to say the words themselves out loud is a very big deal to him and it doesn't usually happen a lot so in the instances where he does say it you always know he's being absolutely nothing but serious. When the words are said, it's usually in private after something intense or significant has happened. They always tend to come out quite and very clearly spoken, if there's any hesitation it's most likely due to him just looking at you - still seeing that you're there with him (and also taking in how radiant you look) In these moments he just holds you close and stays quiet to just take everything in, heavenly comforted by your presence with him. 
K   :   KISS.  Is your s/o a good kisser? why / why not?
Absolutely every member of the Sparda family is, even though he has very little experience the son of Sparda just has an absolute talent for just making anyone light headed and heart swoony by just the deep look he gives you like there's absolutely nothing else in the entire world that it's only you he's enamored with. His hand securely on your cheek, thumb grazing your bottom lip, before the deep look in his eyes lightly softens as he leans in and all possible breath just leaves you. The kiss itself doesn't even have to last more than a few seconds, you couldn't even tell with the feeling of all time just stopping. When the two of you pull away it's one of those rare moments Vergil smiles following with a sly remark about how the silly look you have on your face right now. 
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A :  AFFECTION.  How does your s/o show affection?
The man absolutely LIVES for it. When hanging out together always expect him to have some sort of hold on you whether it be in his lap at the office, an arm around your waist as you fix dinner, your hands intertwined together as you together walk to Fredi's, a deep embrace into a longing kiss as he leaves for a long job, you name it. He's all about showing you that love and affection. 
When he's having one of his rough days is when he appreciates you to hold him and distract him from his plaguing mind. Run your fingers through his silvery locks, press sweet kisses to his cheeks and kiss any of the devil's tears he might have, do anything you want with him he more than appreciates the helping comfort. 
I    :   I LOVE YOU. Does your s/o find ‘I love you’ easy or hard to say?
Like I said in H, Dante is very hesitant when it comes to anything with a relationship, especially with a human. There's just way too many things wanting him and the rest of his family dead all because of some type of beef with his old man. However, if Dante finds the one he knows he found the one no matter how much his demonic senses are screaming at him otherwise he just can't help but to fall for you and promises himself that he will let nothing like what happened to his mother happen to you. But still, even once you're in the relationship he still is hesitant to actually say those words he knows once he does he can't go back from them. 
I feel after he says them the first time, that he'll feel the weight off of his shoulders and find himself not being able to stop saying them. He absolutely adores you and he's enchanted by the feeling that he gets when he tells you he loves you and it always puts whatever troubles he has at gentle ease when your sweet voice returns them. 
K   :   KISS.  Is your s/o a good kisser? why / why not?
Like I said everyone in Sparda's family are naturally talented at kissing (his descendants got the genes from Eva) and this is Dante, the cheesy romantic, he'll give you a very dumb flirtatious line before pulling out a rose out of thin air to put in your hand (yeah, that skill he somehow how has) and give it to you before providing you with the widest of smirk and tilting your head back so that your lips gently caress his. Once the two of you pull away, he always has the most gentlest of expressions on his face. The look in his eyes as he gazes upon you, his hand still on your face, is one of pure infatuation. Your his whole world after all. 
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lorenzobane · 3 years
Harebrained Scheme
AN: Written for @trektober-challenge first installment- namely Prime Directive, but more specifically inspired by some of @fractal-baby discussion about Spock’s absolutely insane plans. It was written pretty quick and definitely playing fast and loose with timelines, but set after ST:ID but before ST: Beyond. Can be read as pre-Spirk, but the major relationship is Jim & Sarek chatting. 
Can be found on AO3 here
Being kidnapped and held with his First Officer’s father was never exactly the plan for Jim. There are, in fact, a lot of people Jim would rather be kidnapped with. Namely, the aforementioned First Officer Spock.  
But as it stands-- 
“We have been held here for approximately 2.3 hours,” Sarek says after a moment of silence. 
Jim nods, “don’t panic.” 
Sarek gives him a look that plainly says Vulcans don’t panic. “I am simply stating a fact of our capture.” 
“Yes, sir,” Jim says patiently. “I’m aware of how long it has been.” 
“The temperature is several degrees below Vulcan standard,” Sarek pointed out. 
“I am aware of that as well,” because Jim was. Whoever their enemies were, they knew who they had kidnapped. The temperature is holding steady at a place where Jim is uncomfortable but is draining Sarek. 
Sarek says nothing and continues to observe the cell around them calmly. Jim has been pacing since he woke up about an hour ago. It’s a plain white room with no windows and no doors as far as he can tell. He’s tried clawing at just about every inch of the sterile space, and as far as he can tell, nothing gives. 
“What are the walls made of?” Kirk mutters to himself. They don’t feel like metal or even plastic- they radiate the coolness as if they’re some type of natural product, but the way the room is sealed tells him some kind of technology is involved. 
Sarek cuts into Jim’s thinking with a, “I believe these are made of Betazoid limestone.” 
“What makes you say that?” Jim asks. With Spock, he’ll usually prattle for a few minutes, discussing density and texture before giving him an answer as straightforward as his father. 
Sarek looks at him in surprise, “you are not able to tell?” 
Jim resists the urge to reply with sarcasm. Sarek isn’t Spock, which is plainly apparent in every interaction they have. Though Spock always seems extremely calm and balanced to Jim, being around his father makes Jim aware of how much more emotion and variation Spock regularly expresses. 
“No,” Jim says. “I haven’t spent much time on Betazoid.” 
Sarek nods, “I was briefly an Ambassador there in my son’s youth. He was very fond of the rock and found its cool texture pleasing.” 
“I thought it would be illogical to find a rock pleasing,” Jim replies without thinking. 
Sarek is quiet for a moment before responding with, “yes, indeed it was. However, as my wife put it to me then, there is nothing illogical about curiosity. The desire to explore. I am not sure I agree with her, but I have never been successful in curbing my son of any habit he does not wish to break.” 
“He can be stubborn,” Jim replies with amusement.
A mild understatement if Jim has ever said one. Though he is always respectful and never veers into full-on insubordination, Jim now understands what Pike meant when he referred to Spock fondly as an ‘extremely independent First Officer.’ Jim doesn’t mind it, maybe even loves it- the way Spock is relentless when he is convinced of the correct course of action. The argumentative (logically debated, in Spock’s words) messages and memos coming at all hours until Jim either gives in or says the phrase, “drop it, that’s an order.” 
Which, at the very least, shuts him up for a shift or two. 
“Do you believe they will be able to find us?”
Jim shrugs, his communicator is still on his person, and he tries it every few minutes, but he keeps getting static. “None of my messages are going through, but as you mentioned, your son is very stubborn and an extraordinary Starfleet officer. If anyone could rescue us, it would be him.” 
Sarek nods again, and they sit in silence while Jim continues to search every square inch of space. It doesn’t make sense- unless their captors beamed them into the room, there is no way for them to have entered without a door of any kind. 
“My son,” Sarek says, somewhat awkwardly pulling Jim out of his observation of the walls once more. “How is he-- I mean to say, I recognize as one of the very few Vulcans at Starfleet, and now as an endangered species, it may be challenging for him.”
Jim kindly doesn’t say that Sarek didn’t actually ask a question and responds with, “the crew loves him. He fits in great and has a surprising number of friends. The kids in the Science department all think he’s some type of rock star. The amount of transfer requests I get specifically for his division is getting out of hand.”  
“Rock star?” Sarek repeats back. 
“A term for an old Terran classical musician who was known for extreme popularity,” Jim responds with some curiosity. Spock is exceptionally familiar with Terran classical music and had known precisely what Jim had meant when he used similar phrasing. Still, Jim supposes that perhaps he picked it up in his many years on earth.
“I am gratified to hear this,” Sarek replies, somewhat slowly. Jim jerks up, alarmed, when he realizes that it appears that each blink is getting slower and slower as if he were fighting falling asleep. “He has so few affiliates on Vulcan.”
“Really?” Jim asks, surprised. 
For all Spock can be logical, sarcastic, and moralistic to the point of exhaustion, he’s also a kind friend, a shockingly understanding commanding officer, and a good sport about most things. He even participates in some ship-wide events, like the talent show where he played some genuinely excellent Vulcan lute. 
And purely for Jim’s amusement, played a lute version of a truly ancient Terran classic that Jim has a soft spot for, Wildest Dreams. 
“He… Was an unusually brilliant student,” Sarek says, still slow as if fighting for words. Jim realizes with an urgency that he should probably try to keep Sarek talking to keep him awake. 
“Vulcans didn’t like brilliant students?” Jim asks with amusement. The idea of Spock being a nerd among nerds is somewhat hilarious. 
“No, they did not like an unusually brilliant half-human,” Sarek replies, his voice for the first time that Jim has ever known him touching with a hint of sadness. “And he was… Willful. Unusually brilliant, and ferociously unselfconscious about his mother.” 
Jim laughs a little at that, rubbing his neck unconsciously, “yes, I definitely learned the hard way that you shouldn’t insult his mother.” 
“As did many,” Sarek says, his eyes closed. “He had a violent physical altercation when he was eleven for a similar reason. It was that disrespect of his mother that ultimately caused him to turn away from the Vulcan Science Academy.” 
“He didn’t go to VSA because they insulted his mother?” Jim asked, surprised. “Why would they insult Amanda anyway?” 
Sarek takes a sharp breath at the casual use of his wife’s name, and Jim feels terrible. After months of playing chess with Spock, they had begun discussing their childhood and Spock often spoke of his mother glowingly. He had insisted that they use her name to honor her memory. 
“They referred to her blood as a disadvantage. I knew the moment they said it; he would never accept a place that looks down on humans. He could be illogically loyal.” 
“His illogical loyal behavior saved you on Vulcan, and it saved earth,” Jim replies, his voice sharper than he intends it to be. 
Sarek opens his eyes at that, slowly and blearily, “I did not mean that negatively. I have come to find that many of the traits I viewed as… Aberration in him, in his youth, has come to define his tremendous successes.” 
Jim doesn’t say, though he dearly wants to, that viewing his child’s personality as an aberration at any point is pretty illogical. Still, Spock is a subject that Sarek is willing to stay awake and speak about, so Jim asks, “like what?”
“Well,” Sarek says wryly, “his disregard for rules he simply disagrees with. It is, presumably, the reason that he works so well with you and your idiosyncratic leadership style.” 
“I would not say that Spock isn’t interested in the rules,” Jim replies with surprise, the betrayal of Spock’s report after they saved him from a volcano still kind of stings. 
“He follows the rules he believes in avidly, that is true,” Sarek says, his voice does hold amusement now. “But he regularly ignores them if he wishes to. I presume you are referring to his report after the events of Nibiru?”
Jim jerked in surprise, “how did you know--?” 
“My son and I have been keeping close correspondence after the destruction of Vulcan and the loss of his mother. We are attempting to… work through the strain our relationship was put under while I worked through my disappointment that he did not go to the Vulcan Science Academy.” 
“Isn’t disappointment illogical too?” Jim asks. It is hard for him to hear the casual way Sarek describes his feelings towards Spock when Jim truly and completely believes that his First Officer is one of the finest beings he has ever encountered. 
Sarek makes a noise of agreement, “you are correct. Vulcans may take a vow to control our emotions, and we certainly may attempt to utilize logic in most decision-making. Still, there is no doubt that our species can be vulnerable to prideful behavior.” 
Jim, having beaten Spock at chess a few times, can attest to that. 
“What did he say about Nibiru?” Jim asks, curious now as to how Spock described the events to his father. 
“I believe,” Sarek says again, his voice rich with amusement now, “that you saw yourself as the rule breaker in this scenario. However, after listening to his entire recounting, I must ask you- whose idea was it to freeze the volcano?” 
Jim looked at Sarek blankly, “Spock’s. He had been reviewing the geothermal events on the plant. He calculated the likelihood of explosion was incredibly likely, so he asked if he could try one of his experiments to save the planet.” 
“You realize that the plan itself, from its initial conception, violated the Prime Directive, do you not, Mr. Kirk?” 
Jim looked at Sarek blankly, “what?” 
“It is against the Prime Directive to interfere with a planet’s destiny in any way. Then, the matter of his cold fusion device. An entirely novel invention that had gone through no formal testing, no review process… He simply believed it would work, conducted experiments in his free time, and wanted to use it. And had a captain who trusted him.” 
Jim blinks again at Sarek. “But… But…” 
Sarek leaned his head back, “do not feel bad. He was somewhat infamous for this when he was a boy. His capacity to convince his instructors that his personal pet projects were highly logical and beneficial regardless of external forces was… Remarkable. And in you, I think he has finally found a place where his prodigious intellect is not being checked by constant regulation.”
“Spock always follows regulation,” Jim defends on instinct, his mind reeling. 
“He always follows the ones he believes deserve to be followed,” Sarek corrected. “He has always had a somewhat unusual penchant for attempting novel actions without the traditional Vulcan tendency of deep contemplation.” 
Oh, the thought hit Jim suddenly. Spock is a Vulcan bad boy. Jim doesn’t know why he finds that so shocking; Spock does, after all, go along with a majority of his plans and even comes up with half of them. Even more damning, if Spock did not agree with a course of action, it relatively rarely ends up occurring. 
Which means… Spock is actually as goddamn reckless as he is. 
Jim isn’t sure how he feels about this revelation. 
“He... He tricked me!” Jim cries out eventually, unable to contain it. 
“But as I have said,” Sarek adds, his voice is shallow and slow now, “I have come to realize… These qualities, his capacity for creativity, and quick thinking have allowed him to become the most remarkable of us.” 
“I’m glad that you could see what we have always seen,” Jim says, though he’s more using the royal “we.” 
It took him considerably longer to see what was right there in front of him, but once he had, it made sense to Jim that Spock had been a popular professor, First Officer, and Advisor in his time at Starfleet. 
“I was unwilling to admit it, but I was worried when he chose Starfleet. So far from his people, alone and living in an abundance of difference. Vulcans can be quite homogeneous.” 
“Infinite diversity in infinite combinations,” Jim quoted from Spock’s eternal sermons. 
“Ironic that it is a Vulcan philosophy when so many of us view the world so similarly,” Sarek said, inclining his head slightly. “However, in a land of difference, he was able to find a space for himself that he was unable to find with his people. He always did appreciate adventure, read illogical books with his mother like Alice in Wonderland and Sherlock Holmes. Even Shakespeare which his instructors on Vulcan never enjoyed.” 
Jim raised his eyebrows again. Spock often quoted fanciful literary classics in trying situations. Still, it never entirely occurred to him how oddly poetic and even artistic that would have made him in a different place. 
“I hope he knows that I hold him in high regard,” Sarek says after a moment, and his eyes drift shut again, his breathing going slow. 
“No,” Jim leaps up. “No, you can’t. I can not be responsible for the death of two of Spock’s parents.” 
“Captain Kirk,” Sarek says with exhaustion, “do not worry. I can place my body into a healing trance that will allow me to remain stable for an extended period of time if need be. The Betazoid limestone will make us challenging to track and as such--” 
Just then, there is a loud thudding noise on the wall to their right, like something heavy just rammed into it at full speed. 
A thudding again, and then Sarek shudders awake, “Spock?” 
Jim doesn’t hear anything but Sarek does because he turns to Jim and says, “please move 3.87 feet to your left.” 
Three seconds later, a thud outside the wall gives way to what appears to be an ancient wrecking ball. 
“What is that?” 
“I think it is your crew, Captain,” Sarek says. 
Another beat and a large stone crash through the wall using a device that is an ancient Terran wrecking ball. 
“Captain,” Spock said calmly through the hole he just blasted through the wall. “I see you’re unharmed. Father, it is gratifying to see you safe as well.” 
“Glad you got to us in time; we were running out of gossip about you,” Jim says with a smirk as he slowly starts to try to clamber through the slightly too small hole. 
“Please refrain from joking,” Spock says, guiding his father through the hole much more gracefully. 
“Who’s joking?” Jim replies. 
Spock looks to his father with an eyebrow up, and Sarek responds, “while I would not term it “gossip,” the captain is correct, and our mutual affiliation with you helped pass a majority of the time.” 
Jim nearly cackles at the brief look of horror that passed over Spock’s face when he replies with a steady, “indeed.” 
Jim smirks and is silent while Spock focuses on calling the Enterprise to beam up. 
And much later, when Spock asks him what they discussed while Spock and Jim played their usual game of chess, Jim can be entirely honest when he says, “your many admirable qualities.” 
It’s definitely worth the way Spock’s ears turn a light green. 
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tommydarlings · 3 years
Treat you better ↬ t.h & s.m
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A/N: Hope you like this one! Please don´t let it flop :( And yeah, i got a new ´style´ :) ily,liz <3 
pairing: Tom Holland x reader feat. Shawn mendes
warnings: swearing 
w/c: 1.2k
Requests: CLOSED
Summary: What happens when suddenly Shawn mendes walks into Tom´s and y/n´s Relationship?
Music video -> tap here 
this handwriting = actions in the music video
masterlist || taglist || requests 
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Okay…Where should i begin?
Tom and i are already in a Relationship for over 8 months, so i knew that he was the jealous type of guy, but he never really showed it. Everytime when you were out with some friends in a club and some creep was starring at you, he would give this person death stares until they would stop starring at his girl. You knew that he gets jealous often and fast but when Shawn fucking mendes called you and asked you to be in his new music video, you could already predict that this story wouldn´t carry a happy ending like in the perfect little romantic movies.
At first you didn´t knew if you should accept it. Shawn was one of your best friends, you only knew each other for about 2 Months but it kinda clicked immediately. In a ´friendship´ way.
That´s at least what you thought the whole time.
You didn´t knew anything about the song expect that the song was called „Treat you better“.
Tom asked his family if they want to come with him and they all agreed. So here you were with tom and tom´s family on the set of „Treat you better“.
„y/n, hey!“ you heard a voice calling you.
„Shawn, hey, how are you?“ you asked your best friend.
„I´m good, and you?“ he asked while he hugged your body tight.
„Filming starts in 5 minutes!“ someone from the crew yelled through the entire set hall.
Shawn quickly shaked Nikki´s and Dominic´s hand before he went on with the twins and paddy.
Before he shaked Tom´s hand, he looked at tom up and down and with a little smirk on his face.
„Shawn mendes“ Shawn said with a deep voice to tom.
„Tom holland“ your boyfriend answerd.
Before the tension could grow any thicker, i stepped in.
„Shawn, i think we have to go“
„You right doll“
Doll? That was new.
Before Shawn and i walked away, i took a quick look at my man and saw that he shoot a death glare at Shawn.
„What´s this song about anyway?“ i asked shawn.
„You will see doll“ he said before he walked where the cameras are and we started filming. Tom and his whole family watching us.
Tom´s pov:
 I won't lie to you,
I know he's just not right for you,
Hold on, what? I though as soon as this words left shawn´s mouth.
And you can tell me if I'm off,
But I see it on your face,
When you say that he's the one that you want,
„He´s n-not t-talking about you, right?“ Harry asked me quitly.
„No, that would be stupid“
And you're spending all your time,  
In this wrong situation,
And anytime you want it to stop,
You were harshly shoved onto the bed from a guy before he left the room.
I know I can treat you better than he can,
„Tom, son, do you want to leave?“ my mother asked me.
„No i-it´s fine“ i answerd quickly.
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman,
Tell me why are we wasting time,
On all your wasted crying,
The guy grapped you jaw harshly and pressed you against the wall.
Wtf?! I never hurt her and i never would. I thought to myself.
When you should be with me instead?,
„Tom-„ Dominic started but was interrupted by his son.
„It´s fine, just let me be“ I answerd harshly.
Fuck, he´s pissed. The entire family thought.
I know I can treat you better,
Better than he can,
„Who the fuck does he think he is?“ I whisperd to myself quietly.
I'll stop time for you,
The second you say you'd like me to,
„So he really fucking likes her, huh?“ I said.
„Tom, it´s probably just the lyrics“ Sam told me and wanted to put his hand on my shoulder but i slapped it off rather harshly.
I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing,
Baby, just to wake up with you,
„Oh, so he want´s to fuck her“ I thought while i licked my lips.
Would be everything I need, and this could be so different,
Tell me what you want to do,
'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can,
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman,
Tell me why are we wasting time,
On all your wasted crying,
When you should be with me instead?,
„I´m gonna kill him“ I whisperd before i got worried and shooked glances from my family but i couldn´t care about them. Not right now.
I know I can treat you better,
Better than he can,
Better than he can,
„That´s fucking bullshit“ I though while i clenched my hands firmly.
Give me a sign,
Take my hand, we'll be fine,
Promise I won't let you down,
„I´m not letting her down either, am i?“ I asked.
Harry quickly shaked his head before watching you again.
You were at a club and the guy that played your boyfriend was about to kiss another women.
„Oh, so i´m a fucking cheater?!“ I whisperd harshly to myself.
Just know that you don't have to do this alone,
Promise I'll never let you down,
'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can,
I shaked my head and planned a tiny plan in my mind how i´m gonna talk to shawn after they finished filming.
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman,
Tell me why are we wasting time,
On all your wasted crying,
When you should be with me instead?,
I know I can treat you better,
Better than he can,
Better than he can,
Better than he can.
In the last scene were shawn and your boyfriend ´fighting´ and you stepped in to stop your boyfriend, but before you could stop him, he kicked his elbow in your face and ´knocked´ you out.  
„Does he mean with that scene that i´m an abusive boyfriend?! Is he fucking kidding me?! I´m gonna murder this piece of shit.“ I said and took a step forward, ready to approch shawn fucking mendes who just confirmed his love for my girl.
y/n´s pov:
When we were finishes filming, i heard yelling coming from the bathroom of the set. Quietly i made my way into the bathroom where i saw my best friend shawn and my boyfriend yelling at each other faces.
„What happend?“ i said as soon as i saw them.
„Did you fucking knew that this song is about you?“ Tom screamed.
„What,n-no“ i answerd with a confused and shooked expression written on my face while i was looking at shawn.
„Is t-that true?“ i whisperd to him.
„Look y/n, we both know that i can treat you better“ he said to me with a tiny and nervous laugh.
„Shawn, i´m w-with Tom and i´m very happy“ i told my ´best friend´ .
„But he doesn´t deserve you!“ he yelled before he was about to grap my hands, but before he could even took a properly step in my direction, Tom grapped him by the collar and shoved him against the wall.
„You touch her and i´m gonna destroy you mendes“ he whisperd in a rather harsh tone.
Tom let go of him with a loud huff and Shawn walked to the door. Right before he opened the door, he whisperd into my ear,
„I could still treat you better doll“
-`ღ´- ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ -`ღ´-
@goodgirlgonetom @majo240820 @misshale21 @itstaskeen @pure-ghost
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beskarhearts · 3 years
Vencuyot (Din Djarin x reader)
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source: @isetthetone​
Connection series Pt. 11
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings: cursing, fighting, total sleazy douche bag
Word count: over 8.5 K
Summary: Din and you finally get started on helping the kid find his kind.
Notes: Alright, we are finally going into the events of season two! Each episode will probably be about 2-3 chapters. And I’m also planning right now on how to incorporate original scenes while also kind of following the overarching story line from season two. I am very excited to see how you guys like it!
Previous Part ____ Next Part
“You’re good with him.”
You smile warmly at Din, holding the child’s little body against your chest to which he let out a string of joyful noises that pulled at your heart strings. You looked down quickly to see the child’s eyes look up at you, his little hand beginning to pull of strands of your hair. He always loved to play with it, sometimes to tug at it or yank it, but most of the times he’d just run his three tiny fingers through it like it was the most fascinating thing. You looked back up to Din, who watched the two of you with his helmet tilted slightly. You couldn’t see his expression but you’d like to think you knew him well enough to know he was smiling underneath the helmet.
Moments like these were nice. The kind of moments where you, Din, and the kid just sat together in the hull of the Crest, letting the ship guide you guys through hyperspace as the three of you just relaxed. It was domestic and pure and everything you and Din deserved. 
“Yeah. I guess I kind of am.” You quietly admitted. You never wanted to brag about the way you were able to care for the child. Yes, it was part of your job around here. But Din also helped and a small part of you always saw the child as Dins, and solely Dins. Din had been the one to find him and protect him. He was the one who made an oath to find his kind, putting his Creed and life at risk to do it. It had been just been the two of them for a while before you came along. So yes, you were good with the kid, but you never wanted to overstep a boundary and claim the kid as your own. Even in spite of the way a maternal wave washed over you each time you saw the child coo at you or reach for you. The way a sleepy smile would pop onto his face when he woke up and saw you. The way some nights he would just need to be held by you for a while before feeling safe and secure enough to go to bed. In spite of all those things that made you feel special, you still wanted to show respect to their relationship.
“You definitely are.” Din paused, sitting forward a little more before continuing. “Is it cause of some... Jedi thing?”
You smiled at the way Din spoke about anything Jedi related. You were the first to admit you weren’t the most educated about Jedi history but Din was absolutely clueless. You supposed that made sense considering the rift between Mandalorians and Jedi’s but it still made you chuckle whenever he tried to speak about the matter. “I don’t know, to be honest. I think sometimes I just can feel what he needs or sense when something is wrong. I don’t know if it’s a Jedi thing or just a m-” you cut yourself off, trapping the words in your mouth before they slip out.
“Just a what?” Din asked and you shook your head quickly.
“Oh nothing, it was just a silly thing.”
Din sighed, reaching forward and brushing his hand against your knee. “What was it, cyar’ika?”
“I was going to say a mother thing. But not cause I’m the kids mom or anything. It was dumb because I’m totally not. I’m just-“
“Stop.” You physically bring your lips together to stop yourself from rambling. “I might not know much but I know the kid sees you as a mother.”
You smiled warmly, looking down at the child in your lap who continue to play with strands of hair, not paying much attention to the conversation being had. “Yeah?”
Din nodded. “Of course. And you are a good one.”
You tried to look away from Din, not wanting him to see the way your face flushed from the compliment or the way your eyes started to water from the sincerity of it. You truly loved the child, probably a bit too much. And maybe you shouldn’t look at him like a son considering what you knew was bound to happen, but you didn’t contemplate the pain you would one day feel at his possible departure. As far as you knew, this was your family and you were going to enjoy it for as long as possible. And that meant treating the kid like your own because even if you selfishly wanted to build a wall up, you knew the child needed a parental figure in his life. He was only a small child after all, one who had already been through enough and hidden away for so long. So you figured you could do this for him. You could show him love and compassion, how it feels to be protected by someone who cares for you. It was a job Din did extraordinarily well, something you don’t think he even realized he did. And you were damned to do your best by the kid. Even if in the end it hurt yourself. Because wasn’t that one of the biggestc, yet also inevitable, sacrifices of a parent?
“Thank you.” you whispered out and the kid finally looked a you then, showing you the hair in his hands to which you nodded. He dropped the hair before picking it back up, seeming satisfied by the feeling of the strands slipping through his fingertips.
“Do you ever. I don’t know. Want... some?”
You glance up a Din, your eyebrows shooting up at the way he awkwardly fumbled with his words. Din was usually a very clear man so you knew if he was struggling to express himself, it must be new territory for him. “Want what?”
Din didn’t bother to verbally answer, simply directing his head towards the kid. You let out a small ‘oh’ once understanding what he was getting at. “Kids?” You clarified to which the Mandalorian firmly nodded.
Your heart skipped in your chest at the thought. Maker, kids. You hadn't considered the idea of having kids in so long. For many years, it seemed an impossible task. Having a child meant allowing someone in, which was not something you excelled in. You also never found yourself too invested in the prospect of having kids of your own. It wasn’t that you didn’t like them, though Jakku was never teeming with them. Kids were fine. You often found them to be funny, like little drunken adults just wandering around. And you could t deny that they were cute (though you would argue the child in your lap was even cuter than human children). But when you looked in the mirror before, you never saw a woman who could be a mother. It just wasn’t part of your personality. You had watched your own mother for so long and you loved her, but you hadn’t been similar to her at all, you two often having differing opinions. But your mother had seemed like such the picture-perfect mom to you and if you were nothing like her, how could you be a mom?
But now things were different. You were a different person than you used to be (a better one as well you would argue). And that was due to Din. Having allowed yourself to open up to someone taught you a lot of things about relationships, communication, and trust. And now there was someone in your life who you could kind of invision a future with. A very rocky, unclear future but a future nonetheless.
The kid also changed your perspective. When you met the child, you instantly felt a connection to him. You wanted to grab his small little body and hold him close, make him smile. It was like this instinctual side of you kicked in, a side you didn’t know you even had. And now you liked it. You liked caring for him and being there for important things. You loved to way he had begun to expand the way he communicated , whether that be with his facial expressions or noises. You loved that when he first woke up in the morning and saw either you or Din, a sleepy little smile would form that made your morning instantly better. You loved when he would giggle when you did something stupid or silly. You even liked when he needed your help, when his grabby hands reached out for something he wanted. Watching him grow was like a gift. So now the idea of kids sounded exponentially more appealing than it ever had before.
“I never really used to. Was never that type of person really. But now... yeah. Maybe one day.” You said the last part with a sheepish shrug. You didn’t know what one day meant, even to you. You had sworn to stick by Din, even once the kid was gone. And though there was no label and nothing official, there was clearly something happening between the two of you. You were certainly a little more than friends, though you didn’t want to jump to any assumptions and make a fool of yourself.
But you couldn’t help the way your heart nearly jumped out of your chest at the thought of having kids with Din. You already knew he was paternal. You didn’t need to see beneath the armor to see the way he looked at the kid. He treated him like a son and did an exceptionally good job at protecting him and making him feel safe. And sometime, when you were with the kid and Din walked into the room, you could feel this rush of love wash over you, almost like you were feeling what the kid felt. You felt this immense sense of belonging and love, a type of admiration you couldn’t even begin to describe. He looked up to him in a way a kid is truly meant to look up to their dad. There was no doubt in your mind that Din would be a great father.
You cleared your throat and looked up at Din. “What about you?”
“Absolutely.” The answer didn't shock you too much in particular. It was the speed at which he answered. He hadn’t taken a second to even think about it or contemplate it. The answer had just leapt out of his mouth as soon as you had finished speaking. You couldn’t help the way you grinned at him but felt it drop slowly as he let out a loud sigh, his helmet dropping down. “But I don’t know if that’s even possible.”
You furrowed your brow. “What do you mean?”
“This life isn’t right for a kid. And I’m just not the kind of person.”
“Woah, that’s not true. Have you seen yourself with the kid?” You reached a hand out to rest on his leg, reassuringly squeezing it. His helmet finally lifted up a little but you could still see the way his body slightly dropped. “You would be a great dad, Din Djarin.”
“A Mandalorian isn’t the greatest dad.” You could definitely understand where Din was coming from. Life for Din was unstable, tumultuous. His whole job required a certain level of danger that he had to willingly accept every day. Definitely not the most conducive for raising a child.
But you had always imagined Din settling down one day, not even with you per say but just in general. He deserved that. Out of all the people you could imagine, he was one who deserved to find a home somewhere, marry someone, have a peaceful life with what he wanted. Now that you considered it, you didn’t even know if that was a possibility. “Is the whole Mandalorian thing a life time commitment or do you eventually retire?”
“I never really thought about it. I just figured I’d keep going until...well, let’s just say Mandalorians don’t have the greatest track record.”
Your stomach lurched at the meaning behind Dins answer. A job that was a game between life and death meant one of two things, you either lived or died. And you expected that eventually death caught up to the Mandalorians, no matter how strong or unshakeable they appeared. Your heart broke for Din. He had been living his days just working, expecting his life to be cut short because of the life he lived, the job he had, the armor he bore. You squeezed his leg even tighter, forcing him to look at you directly. You stared right into his visor, hoping you were making eye contact with him. “I’m here now. And I’m going to make sure you live a long life. A good one.”
Din just stared back at you, responding with a small jerk of the head. “Okay.”
You nodded in response before smiling, try to lighten the situation. “Good. So you better come up with a retirement plan, old man.”
Din chuckled at you, shaking his head jokingly. “Will do.” You grinned at him but felt it drop slightly as Din continued on. “We need to start looking for the kid’s kind.”
You knew this moment was coming and soon. You and Din had already spent too long playing house, justifying it with excuses like you were trying to come up with a good plan or you were letting time pass so things could calm down. But you and Din both knew the truth deep down. Things weren’t going to calm down and no good plan would be formed without starting somewhere. 
You looked back down at the kid, who just gurgled as he saw your attention land upon him. Sometimes you thought he was too young for training, even though he was fifty. He was just a baby. A child. You had only received a sliver of training and that had been some of the most intense work you had ever done. You couldn’t imagine the same little child in your lap, the one whose most prized possession was a metal ball and who cried when he couldn’t eat a butterfly, was supposed to become a Jedi. But you also understood that you couldn’t even attempt to understand his full potential and just how truly powerful he was. And the earlier he started harnessing it, the better. Sometimes you wish you had been taught earlier. You understood what it felt like to be younger and capable of something you couldn’t understand. It was terrifying sometimes and other times just plain confusing. 
You looked back up at Din. “Yeah. We do.”
“We need a plan.”
“We don’t even know where to start, Din.” 
“Do you know of any... Jedi places?”
You laughed at his question. “No. I’m afraid I will be of no help to you in that regard. I barely know any more about Jedi’s than you do.”
Din nodded and you knew he was slightly disappointed, but not upset. You understood that feeling. Sometimes you wished you were better or knew something so you knew how to help out. But you had also accepted that you were who you were and nothing would change that.
“I need to find other Mandalorians. I was told they could help me.”
“Well, where are the Mandalorians?”
“I don’t know.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “How do you not know? You guys don’t have like some meet up spot or something?”
Din chuckled, now finding your lack of knowledge about Mandalorians as funny as you find his lack of knowledge about Jedis. “They are called coverts and they are in secret locations for safety. There was one on Nevarro but that got exposed.”
“So you have no clue where any are?”
You huffed. “Well then, what do we do?”
“I know some people who might know information about where Mandalorians are. We can start there.”
You nodded. “I have a question.”
“So once we find a Jedi, we just hand him over? That’s it?” You found that to be such a bizarre thought. Jedi’s were supposed to be peacemakers but that hadn’t stopped a fair share of them from becoming Siths instead. How were you supposed to meet someone and just trust them enough right away to hand the child over? What if this person just took advantage of him or worse, handed him over to Gideon for a large prize?
“I don’t know how this works at all. We need to just find out more information before we get to that.”
“And what if we can’t find one?”
“I made a promise. He is under my care and I vowed to bring him to his kind. I will make sure it happens, no matter how long it takes.”
You admired Din’s dedication. You had never met an individual who was so devoted, whether that be devoted to his Creed or to the child or yourself. It was so admirable and you believed every word that came out of his mouth. 
“You are a good man, Din.”
Din just nodded in response and you wondered if he ever believed you when you said that. You meant it with every part of your being but you don’t think he ever looked in the mirror and saw the man you saw. Saw the kind heart and the beautiful soul that laid hidden beneath all his armor. You just wanted to spend all your days showing him that, hoping one day he would see it. Look past the helmet and the job and see who he was. 
“What are we going to do after all of this?” The question had been on the tip of your tongue for weeks now. You knew Din had said he wanted you to stay. And you knew your relationship had now progressed, though neither of you had placed any binding label on it.  Those were great things and you were thrilled by them but you didn’t know what that would entail for you guys.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, when we find the kid a place to go, what do we do? Are you going back to bounty hunting? I mean can you even do that after you took the kid back?”
Din’s helmet tilted and you knew he was deep in thought. Part of you hoped he couldn’t and you felt selfish for it. You knew that was what Mandalorians did. They worked, endlessly. But you couldn’t imagine finding somewhere for the kid to go and then Din working night and day to catch bounties, traveling through the galaxy from one place to the next for the rest of his days. You wanted him to be able to relax, to live a life that he had never even thought to envision. A life where he could have kids when he wanted to or could just live in peace. 
“If you could go to any planet, where would you go?”
You brought your head back, staring at Din with a perplexed expression. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Just tell me.”
You thought before remembering a planet Mai had told you about. “Sesid. Mai said she read about it once. There is supposed to be so much ocean that you can’t walk anywhere where you don’t have a view of it. And where you don’t see blue, it is supposed to be so green with so many trees and plants.”
“Then we will go there.”
You let out a laugh. “Din, what are you talking about?”
“I don’t know exactly what will happen after all of this. But I know I want to be with you. So once we find the kid a place to go, you and I will go to Sesid.”
You smiled up at him. You still didn’t know if that was even possible but you didn’t want to think about what would realistically happen. You wanted to believe, if only for this moment, that Din and you would help the kid and then be together, somewhere beautiful and happy. “Okay. Sesid it is.”
Din nodded in agreement. “I do know one thing for sure, though.
Din leaned towards you, close enough that if he weren’t wearing the helmet you could kiss him. You leaned against him, your forehead tapping against the helmet. “I am going to do whatever I can to make you happy.”
Once night fell, the two fell into their new routine. They didn’t discuss it but it kind of just fell in place. As soon as the child’s eyes slid closed, Din grabbed onto her, pulling her to crawl into his bed, the cot on the floor she used to sleep on being long forgotten now. 
Din shuffled in next to her, closing the hatch to the cot and removing his helmet immediately after. Part of him wished so much that he could have a light on, just so he could see her face when she was laid in his bed, next to him. But for now, being able to feel her beside him was more than he could ever ask her. 
Din rested his body against the padding of the thin mattress, feeling her immediately shuffle into him. Her head sat to rest on his shoulder and he could feel her breath tickle his neck. One of her arms wrapped around his chest, clinging on like it was a life preserver. Her legs tangled with his and she let out a loud sigh once she finally rested comfortably into him, letting the shape of his body contour into hers. “You are very comfortable, y’know?” She mumbled happily and Din felt a small smile grow on his face. He loved this. Loved the way she clung onto him and the way she hummed as he wrapped an arm around around her back, tracing her spine over her shirt with his finger tips. 
“Yeah?” He responded, feeling himself turn his head in her direction. He couldn’t see her, only the silhouette of her body if he focused enough. 
“Mmhhm.” She hummed and Din brought his lips down to kiss the top of her head. Her head tilted up in response and she brought her lips against his, allowing the two to mold together. Din couldn’t believe he had gone this long without kissing her. Whenever he did, it felt so divinely perfect in a way he couldn’t even begin to describe. It was warm and thrilling but also made Din feel safe in a way he never had before. Like no matter what happened, he would be okay as long as she was there.  He had never felt that way with anybody else before, besides his parents so long ago. Nobody had ever wormed their way into his heart like she had. 
She eventually pulled away, her breathing a little heavier than before, and rested her head back into her previous position, nuzzling into him. “Where are we headed now?” 
“A planet on the outer rim. I know someone who might be able to help me find other Mandalorians.” 
“A friend?”
Din couldn’t help the small chuckle that came out. “No. He is an old gangster. Gor Karesh is his name.”
“Oh, lovely. Old gangsters are my favorite.”
“Oh really?”
She let out a giggle at the jab and he could hear the grin on her lips. “Oh yeah. You better hope he doesn’t win me over cause I might just stay with him instead.”
Din narrowed his eyes, not understanding what she meant. “You aren’t seeing him.”
She paused for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “Yes, I am. I’m coming with you.”
“I don’t want you coming. You’ll be safer in the Crest.”
“Din, last time you left me alone in the Crest, a man ended up dead.” She didn’t say it with anger or annoyance. Din didn’t detect any harshness in the words. It was just said very matter-of-factly, reminding Din of himself. But it still didn’t stop the way his heart dropped into his stomach at her rebuttal. She wasn’t wrong. Last time she had begged him to come and he had refused, all in the name of protecting her. But he had seen where that ended and he didn’t want a repeat of it.
As much as it pained him, she was right. Din wanted nothing more than to protect her and keep her safe. But in a galaxy like this, with a man like Moff Gideon hunting for him, nothing was safe. It was all inherently dangerous. And Din knew she was more than capable. She was smart and strong. She could stand her own but he still felt uncomfortable with the idea of pushing her into danger directly. It felt like a betrayal to the promise he had made to protect both her and the kid. “Okay.”
She nodded her head against him. “I’ll be fine. You know, I might even be an advantage. I’m pretty smart.”
“I know you are, sweet one.” 
“Well then, we will be fine. We’ve got your crazy Mando strength, the kids hand thing, and my quick-witted humor. It should go very smoothly.” Her body started shaking slightly with laughter and Din couldn’t help but to join in with her. He couldn’t remember the last time anything in his life had gone smoothly and he expected this to be no exception. 
Once the laughing stopped, she rested her hand on his chest, right over his heart, and patted softly. “Really though. I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.”
Din nodded, feeling slightly better with her reassurances. She was probably right. It would be okay especially with her there. Din had never really worked with anyone before but everything was different now. She was his rock and he trusted her. She pressed a small kiss onto his jaw and he could feel her smile into it. 
“Din, this is perfect but I am going to be a pain in the ass.”
“What is it?”
“I’m freezing my ass off.” 
Din let out a chuckle, shaking his head. It was probably from all the years he spent in hyperspace, but he was never cold while she managed to somehow always be cold. Even with his body heat and the one blanket over them, he could feel the goosebumps on her skin as he ran a hand over her arm. “You are always cold.”
She huffed. “It’s not my fault you are cold blooded and that this ship is colder than Hoth itself.”
“Where did your blanket go?”
“I think it’s still in my bag. I haven’t gone through it since I got back from Jakku.”
Din started to shuffle, pulling away from her to which she let out a loud whine. “Let me put on my helmet and I’ll grab it for you.”
She sighed contently at him and Din slipped the helmet on his head before opening the door to the cot. Some light from the hull of the ship reached his bed and he could see her face just slightly illuminated, a sleepy, lopsided smile on her face. She looked right back up at him. “Did I ever tell you that you are my hero?”
Din shook his head before slipping out of the bed. He walked over to a corner of the hull, where her bag had been sitting for days now. He bent down, opening it and saw the blanket on the top, with a small piece of folded paper with her name sprawled on it. He picked it up, feeling the weight of it in his fingers. “What is this?” he asked out of curiosity, not opening it.
“What is it?” She said, not bothering to get up to look.
“I think it’s a letter.” He looked back just in time to see her head pop up slightly. She furrowed her eyebrows before beginning to slip out of the bed, wrapping the blanket around her body. 
“What does it say?”
“Just has your name on it.” 
She eventually stumbled over to him and he reached his hand up, offering the letter to her. She reached a hand out from under the blanket, grabbing onto it and reading the writing on the front. “That is Mai’s handwriting.” 
She brought her other hand out, the blanket resting on her shoulders and arms, and began to unfold the piece of paper. Din looked up at her as she began to read. He sat silently, even as her face dropped into a blank stare and her face paled. She suddenly folded the paper up, shaking her head. “What is it?” he asked.
“I don’t know. But I can’t read it right now.” He saw the way her chest was heaving and how her eyes were frantically moving around, as if she was trying to follow something that wasn’t there. 
“Sweet one?”
“It’s something about my family. That’s as far as I got.” Din stood up and looked down at her. She didn’t look at him, her face twisting up as she frantically shook her head as if begging someone to stop. “I can’t do this. I’m am finally okay with everything and I don’t need to read something that will just mess with me.”
“But what if it is something important?”
“If none of them told me and I didn’t find out for this many years, I am sure it can wait.” She scrunched the paper up in her hands, tossing it into the opening of her bag. “Besides, we have to focus on the kid. This can wait. He can’t.”
Din slowly nodded and she forced a smile onto her face. He hated when she did this, when she buried everything in and just put on a smile. He knew it was how she coped and he could identify with that. He was similar, but instead of smiling, he buried everything down and then hunted a bounty to forget. 
Instead of pushing her, he held up the blanket that was still grasped in his hand. She looked at it and chuckled. “Maybe I can sleep now since I won’t be freezing.”
“Are you okay?” Din couldn’t help but to ask. 
“I will be as long as you come keep me warm.” Her hand reached out for one of his and tugged him over. “Let’s go to bed.”
“Well, this is just such a beautiful place. We should come back one day when we are really able to enjoy the sights and sounds.” You sarcastically mumbled, arms protectively held over your chest as you looked all around you. The walls surrounded you, all of which covered in a plethora of graffiti, parts of them crumbling into pieces. The outer rim was not a pleasant place in general, you knew that. But you had finally landed on the planet where Koresh was supposed to be and as soon as you stepped outside the Crest, you just knew it was a real shit hole. And walking through the streets of whatever town you were just confirmed it. 
It was completely dark outside, almost totally silent. You didn’t see any other people around, except for pairs of red glowing eyes that hid in dark corners and made the child whimper. You looked back to the child, who was sitting in his pram that floated beside you. His small ears tucked in slightly on himself and he buried himself into the pram slightly, big eyes looking all around. Looking over at Din, you didn’t detect any sense of unease. He was on what you’d like to call Mando mode. His head was aiming straight forward, attention on the path in front of him. He stood tall and straight, seeming like such an intimidating figure even in such a shady place. He was completely silent, not speaking. He didn’t like to talk much in public and you weren’t sure if it was because he was uncomfortable to do so or if it was a matter of maintaining a reputation that made others cower in fear.
You let out a sigh at his lack of response until you turn the corner, coming to a door. You see the first individual of the night, a Twi’lek standing guard who stares back at the Mandalorian. He doesn’t greet the two of you with anything but a harsh expression. So much for a welcome.
“I’m here to see Gor Koresh.” Din directed, his voice sounding strong through the modulator. Despite the demand, the Twi’lek still doesn’t speak, just looking over at you before his eyes landed on the Child. The kid looked up at him, cooing slightly.
The man looked away, moving aside and pushing the door open for you to pass through. “Enjoy the fights.” was all he said as you and Din entered. As soon as you walked into the building, you felt your face scrunch up. The place smelled like ale and blood strongly, slapping you in the face as soon as you stepped through the door frame.  You walked down some stairs, studying the scene in front of you. Crowds of humans and creatures, some of which you didn’t recognize, sat or stood amongst benches, yelling loudly and banging their fists. You saw some woman sitting besides the men, some looking less impressed by the entertainment than their counterparts and others looking just as engrossed as the others. In the center of the room sat a platform where two Gamorreans were fighting wildly. They were both fearsome creatures with less than desirable faces. They snarled and huffed, though the sound was drowned out by the yelling in several different alien languages that filled the room.
Din strolled over to a bench, seeming unbothered by the scene before him and not in any way distracted by the environment. He plopped down onto a booth, next to a Abyssin you assumed to be the man of the hour, Koresh. He stood out from the crowd, his body draped in richer fabrics and a large ring on one of his chubby green fingers. You sat down next to Din, watching as the child’s pram hovered right beside you.
The Abyssin didn’t seem bothered or intimidated by Din’s presence. He was s gangster, probably used to having bounty hunters around. Probably hired a few himself, perhaps had one or two come after him even. “You know this is no place for a child.” He spoke, his gaze landing on the child and you for just a moment before going back to the fight, his eye glistening with excitement as he appeared totally enamored by the barbaric nature of it.
“Wherever I go, he goes.” You almost wanted to smile at Din’s response. It sounded intimidating coming from him, but you knew the sentiment and honestly behind it. You refrained from doing so, keeping a blank face and trying to keep your gaze on Gor Koresh. You weren’t much for watching fighting, finding it dull and tasteless, though you couldn’t help but to find the banging and rumbling to be distracting.
Koresh just let a chuckle out. “So I’ve heard.”
“I’ve been quested to bring him to his kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide me. I’m told you know where to find them.” You weren’t surprised by Din’s directness or lack of small talk. This was just the kind of man he was, part of it being him and part of it being due to the armor he wore.
The man let out a sigh. “It’s uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment.” The creature finally tore his sight away from the fight, giving you a fleeting glance as a smile curved his lips. You knew that smile very well, had seen many men and creatures wear it before. And usually, it didn’t end well for them. “Why don’t you introduce me to your friend? She is quite the beauty.”
You couldn’t help the way your eyebrows raised and face scrunched up in slight disgust. He couldn’t even try to be a little subtle, or at the least more original.. You let out a sigh and looked at him, even though his attention was back on the fight. “How about you just help us?”
Din didn’t turn to look back at you but you saw the way one of his fists clenched. This was his domain and he wasn’t used to others being with him while he worked. And you didn’t want to overstep your boundaries, but you also weren’t going to let this man look at you like that. You wanted to say a lot more, but knew your mouth could get you in trouble and decided to leave it at that.
The Abyssin let out a huff. “Didn’t know you kept women around. Or children too.” The words were directed at Mando, him not bothering to respond to you directly. You wanted to say something but jumped slightly at the sound of loud clanging. The child cooed in distress as you looked at the fight. The two Gamorreans were clanging their axes together, one of which knocking the other to the ground. Cheers rang through the ground but Koresh looked rather annoyed.
“Bah! My Gamorrean’s not doing well. Kill him! Finish him!” An axe was brought down to the fallen warrior, who dodged just in time to avoid the slamming down of the blade.  Koresh smiled just barely at the sight before glancing at Din. “Do you gamble, Mando?”
You couldn’t imagine Din being a gambler. It seemed so unlike him, almost against the ideas he held close to his heart. He wasn’t one to trust luck. He depended on himself and nothing else. “Not when I can avoid it.” He responded.
“What about you, sweetheart? Do you gamble?”
You rolled your eyes at the question. “No. I don’t.”
“I do. Which is why I’m the rich one here.” Koresh responded, letting out a chuckle at his own jab. “How about this? I’ll bet you the information you seek that this Gamorrean’s going to die within the next minute and a half...and all you have to put up in exchange is your shiny beskar armor.”
You felt your eyes widen slightly. You knew Din could handle this creep and you knew that beskar was worth a lot. It was no wonder Koresh wanted it. But you couldn’t imagine Din would be willing to put it on a silly bet based purely on luck. You couldn’t help but to scoff in response. “His armor isn’t on the table.”
Koresh smiled at your harsh response. “Okay. How about we bet the woman then? Wouldn’t mind a new friend.”
Din for the first time looked over at you for just a second, seeing the way your jaw locked. You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was angry by the way he moved. He turned over, looking back at the man. His fist was clenched against his lap but he didn’t bite the bait, just calmly responding. “I’m prepared to pay you for the information. I’m not leaving my fate, or hers, up to chance.”
“Nor am I.” In a flash, his hands reaches into his coat, whipping out a blaster at a surprisingly quick speed. A shot rings out in the building, one of the Gamorreans dropping dead, his axe clanging down beside him. You hear gasps and a cry ring out from the audience at the sudden end of the fight. Your head whips over to Koresh, just in time to see several men rise from the bench behind him, all of them whipping out guns that aim right at Din’s head. You felt your chest squeeze up slightly, panic settling into your bones. But Din just remained seated, even as the crowd yelled and rushed out of the stadium from all directions and Koresh rose from his seat, his own blaster aimed at the helmet. You couldn’t help but to wonder how he could always remain so calm. You felt your hand itch towards the blaster on your hip, but you didn’t know what you would do with it. One blaster against a handful of men, all with their own loaded guns, wasn’t a fair fight by a long shot. Trying to do anything might just get you and Din killed immediately so you waited, seeing how Din handled it.
Koresh laughed at your panicked expression. “Thank you for coming to me. Normally, I have to seek out remnants of you Mandalorians in your hidden hives to harvest your precious shiny shells.” You felt rage bloom within you as you realized what this mans job was, your eyes widening in anger. He made money off ruining people’s lives, ripping the amor that means the world to the Mandalorians off of them with no regard for human decency. No wonder he was so rich. “Beskar’s value continues to rise. I’ve grown quite fond of it. Give it to me now or I will peel it off your corpse. And then take your woman as my new companion.” He chuckled once again, his eyes running down your body with a disgusting smile.
“Tell me where the Mandalorians are and I’ll walk out of here without killing you.“ Din, please, please know what you are doing. You trusted Din and you knew some stories of what he has done, though he never wanted to talk about it too much or seem like he was bragging. Din was an annoyingly humble man and it made it hard to find out just what exactly he was capable of. You knew that he was strong, unnaturally so, and you had seen him in action before. But you hadn’t seen enough to know what he was truly able to do. And you couldn’t help the way your heart slammed in your chest, even upon hearing his confident voice make the demand.
Koresh’s face dropped slightly. “I thought you said you weren’t a gambler...”
That was when you saw it out of the corner of your eye. You had completely forgotten about his whistling birds, him having explained it to you weeks ago when you almost hit a button that triggered it. The child must have also sensed what was about to happen, reaching out quickly to hit the button that closed the lid to the pram, sinking into it before the lid closed.  You figured he had the right idea but you just let your hand hover over the blaster, waiting for the next move. 
“I’m not.” Din said. Suddenly, the whistling birds shot out, instantly hitting all four of the henchmen and causing them to drop immediately to the floor.  You feel Din’s arm reach out, pushing you away, and you brought your own leg up to kick the pram back, already knowing what was going to happen next.
The Gamorrean who had been on the platform recovering, rises up, snarling. You see as he was ready to jump down, onto Din. But Din scoots over to the side, causing the large creature to slam down onto the bench, the wood under him cracking and splitting open. You couldn’t help the laugh that left your lips as you saw him pass out instantly. “Now that was too easy.” You chuckled.
Your hand instantly reaches for your blaster as you look away from the fallen fighter. The Twi’lek from the entrance of the building reached for Din, grabbing him from behind. You rise up the blaster quicker than you ever had before, firing off a shot that hit the guard right in the neck, causing him to release Din and drop down to the ground, joining the others. Three people run after Din as Koresh rushed out of the building, trying to escape while you two were distracted by the fighting. You turned to check on the kid, finding the pram still closed before running towards the exit.
You had just made it out the exit when you heard footsteps charging behind you, to find one of the Zabraks that was attacking Din coming after you now. A  You raised your blaster but found it to be no use when the creature dropped dead before your finger could even pull the trigger, revealing a blade sticking out of his back as he landed face down on the dirty ground. Your head whipped up to find Din behind him, only pausing for a moment to look you over for any damage before charging towards Koresh.
You followed closely behind, only to stumble into his back when the Mandalorian stopped dead in his tracks, your body falling into the metal of his armor and clutching onto his shoulders to steady yourself. In what seemed to be a flash, Koresh had his legs stuck in Din’s grappling hook and his whole body was being lifted up by a street lamp. Din didn’t stop until the mans body was dangling upside down, his head only a few feet above the ground.
Din stepped forward, facing the creature who now looked absolutely terrified. Part of you wanted to laugh at the sight but instead you stepped forward and glared at him. The man started swaying, trying to break out of the hooks with no luck. “All right, stop, stop!” He yelled out, looking at Din. “I’ll tell you where he is. But you must give me your word that you won’t kill me.”
“I promise you will not die by my hand. Now, where is the Mandalorian you know of?“ Your eyebrow raised at the odd wording of Din’s answer until you saw the red eyes that lined the streets start caving in slowly, seeming to stare into the scene before them. My hand, he had said.
Karesh let out a groan. “Tatooine.”
“What?” you and Din both said out-loud and the man just let out another groan, face twisted in discomfort.
“The Mando I know of is on Tatooine.“ he repeated.
“I’ve spent much time on Tatooine. I’ve never seen a Mandalorian there.“ Din responded, tilting his helmet just slightly as if thinking, mulling over in his mind whether or not the man was lying to you. You trusted Din, but Tatooine also seemed like it wouldn’t be the most surprising place for a bounty hunter to be. That planet didn’t have the greatest reputation, lots of sleaze bags and criminals roaming around there from what you heard. Wouldn’t be the most shocking thing for a Mandalorian to be there, whether for work or just because of the environment.
“My information is good, I tell you. The city of Mos Pelgo. I swear it by the Gotra!” Another groan left his lips, even louder this time. You rolled your eyes and looked over at Din.
The Mandalorian stood still before giving you a slight nod. “Tatooine it is, then.”
You brought your hand to your waist to grab the knife strapped to it, preparing to cut the man down when Din’s hand reached out for your wrist, holding it still. You looked up at him, waiting for an explanation but he only stared down at you, shaking his head just the slightest bit. You let go of the handle of the knife, leaving it at your side, and looked back at Koresh who looked back at you two expectantly. You saw the red eyes still there, still glowing in the darkness behind him ominously.
Din let go of your wrist and turned, starting to walk down the street with the pram following behind him. Part of you felt like you should cut down the gangster, until you remembered how he made his living. Ruining the lives of other Mandalorians just for some beskar to make him a richer man that he already is. Instead of cutting him, you gave him the sweetest smile you could muster to which his face scrunched up in confusion. “Koresh, it was a pleasure meeting you.”
You began to walk away, following after Din who slowed his pace for you to catch up when the Abyssin started to thrash wildly, panic settling into every pore of his body. “Wait! You can’t leave me like this!”
You turned back one last time and glared at him. “And you can’t take off a Mandalorians helmet. Yet you did. Many times.”
The man continued to scream, the red eyes caving in on him as you looked back at Din, catching up with him. You heard begging and screaming from behind you, but drowned it out. Part of you felt like you should feel guilty. But he had threatened Din. Ruined lives for money.
There was no guilt, no sadness at what was happening in this very moment. Instead you just felt like your body was energized, the adrenaline from the fight still coursing through you. You had spent so much time now on the Crest with Din, and before that you were just on Yungbrii. You had to fight off a couple creeps here and there, but nothing like that. Nothing that made blood course through your body and your heart pound in your ears. You found you could understand why some people found this addicting, why some people chose to be bounty hunters. It was thrilling in a way you’d never felt before.
You glanced over at Din, studying him. He looked completely unbothered and maybe that was because you couldn’t see his face, but you had a feeling the grizzly attack behind him brought him no sense of upset or guilt. You imagined he felt what you were feeling but ten times stronger. The Mandalorians were his people, his clan, and they had been attacked by the selfish monster. You couldn’t help but to wonder if he had any attention of letting Koresh go, even if he hadn’t attacked the two of you.
Shaking away your thoughts, you spoke loudly over the noises behind you which were now slowly drowning away as you continued on. “Where are we headed now?”
“Tatooine.” he responded and you nodded. You supposed it was the right place to start, even if Din didn’t know of any Mandalorians there. “You are okay, right? Nothing is hurt?”
You couldn’t help the small smile that grew on your face at the way his tone softened, the way his whole figure relaxed. You found it amazing how he could change from bad-ass, killer Mandalorian to your soft, caring Din so quickly.
“Yeah. I am fine. You okay?” Din only nodded in response. You looked away from him, to the path in front of you before speaking again. “You know, I have to admit something.”
Din continued walking, staring into the environment around him. “What, cyar’ika?”
“I don’t know if this sounds bad, but that was kind of fun.” You smiled up at him.
Din stopped walking for just a moment, looking over at you and you could hear a chuckle pass through the modulator. “You did well.”
You winked at him before continuing to walk on, the Mandalorians boots crunching behind you as he followed. “Told you I was handy. Now let’s go find this Mandalorian.”
Tag List: @ilikethoseodds @dindaddy @poguesvixen @starspangledwidow @fangirlalexia @the-scandalorian @ka-x-in @keepcalmandblogstuff @the-lady-of-stars @orneryscandalousevil @spaghetti-666 @afootnoteinyourhappiness @the-darkempress @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @dee-vn @eury-dice3 @rb4writers @just-me-and-my-obsessions00 @lxdyred @queen-since-97 @honey-hi @periptil
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sage-nebula · 3 years
So, the good news: Ghetsis was not redeemed, he isn’t going to have a relationship with N moving forward, and although N was shown to wish things could be different between them, ultimately the whole situation was treated with the seriousness and gravitas that it deserved and N never once forgot the abuse that Ghetsis put him through, nor was he at any point willing to just brush it aside. In that regard, I’m very glad for how Masters handled the situation. 
With that said, though, the writing in Masters made me realize something else about how child abuse stories are handled in Pokémon, and that something else is . . . not good. Namely, I’ve realized there is a significant difference between how child abuse stories in Pokémon are handled depending on whether the abusive parent is blood related to the child or not.
First and foremost, let’s get this out of the way: There is a social stigma in Japan against adoption. This isn’t to say that children never get adopted, but that culturally adoption is looked down upon in comparison to having biological children, and as a result there are only a few hundred adoptions each year in comparison to the thousands of kids living in orphanages. (Although this isn’t purely stigma, since in Japan the biological parents can still retain legal guardianship over their children in the orphanages and can therefore prevent them from being adopted by families as well. They don’t do this maliciously, but instead might think, “I will be able to care for my child later” even if that never comes to pass.) Additionally, I’ve read before that the stigma is why adopted children often don’t refer to their adopted parents as “mother” or “father” but I can’t find that source now, so take that with a grain of salt.
Anyway, the point of me saying all of that is: Japan has a stigma against adoption and Pokémon is a video game series created by Japanese people. Therefore, it stands to reason that Japanese cultural beliefs (such as the importance of blood family over adopted family) can make its way into the series, even if the series itself is a worldwide phenomenon that they know will absolutely stretch beyond Japan’s borders . . . and I think that’s what has happened here, intentionally or otherwise. Basically, whether an abusive parent in Pokémon is redeemed or not seems to have very little to do with the severity of the abuse (including that which is shown to the audience), but instead everything to do with whether their children are biologically related to them or not.
First, let’s take a look at the abusive parent that was redeemed, Lusamine. In Sun & Moon specifically Lusamine is not once shown being anything but abusive to her children. Lillie tells a story of how Lusamine was kind to her a couple times in the past (dancing in the rain, co-sleeping when Lillie was sick), but that falls in line for abusive parents. Abusive parents generally aren’t abusive 24/7; there’s a well-known cycle of abuse which contains a “honeymoon period” stage in which, typically after an apology and a promise to do better, the abuser treats the victim kindly, which usually results in the victim believing that the abuser really does love them and that whatever abuse comes later (and it always does come later) is in fact the victim’s fault on some level, for failing to keep things stable. Regardless, we know that not only did Lusamine abuse both Gladion and Lillie terribly in the past (to the point where Lillie has trauma surrounding even the clothes she wears and has trouble getting new ones), but we also see her verbally and emotionally abuse them on-screen, and then we see her attempt to murder Lillie during the climax. While Lusamine was retooled into being a well-intentioned extremist in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, we again see her verbally abuse her children on-screen, to the point where when Hau says that Lusamine really isn’t a bad person after all, we see Gladion grimacing in the background. All told, we see Lusamine emotionally, verbally, and (with her attempted murder in SM) physically abuse her children on-screen, and yet she is still forgiven by them pretty much immediately, redeemed, and treated as if they’re a happy family with just a few unfortunate bumps in their history. I’ll note here, for anyone who isn’t already aware, that Lusamine is Gladion and Lillie’s biological mother, and this is obvious by how similar they all look even if you weren’t told repeatedly.
Now let’s look at the abusive parent that is not redeemed, Ghetsis. In the first set of Unova games, Black & White, most of Ghetsis’ abuse of N happens off-screen and isn’t revealed until the climax. Ghetsis had N raised in a castle underground where he was cut off from society. He was brought pokémon that had been abused so that he could be manipulated into thinking that all humans abused pokémon and that pokémon needed to be liberated therefore. Because Ghetsis needed N to act as King of Team Plasma and control the legendary dragon, Ghetsis didn’t directly abuse N during this time. Instead, he neglected him (N was primarily raised by his sisters, Concordia and Anthea), and psychologically abused him via manipulative lies about what the rest of the world was like. It isn’t until the climax when N has decided to disband Team Plasma and listen to what the player has to say that Ghetsis brings out the verbal abuse, calling N “a freak without a human heart” and revealing that he was only ever using N all along. In the sequel games, Ghetsis is similarly openly hostile to N again, showing that he has no intentions whatsoever of being a good father to him. He’s pretty terrible to him, even if we didn’t see very much of it (particularly in comparison to what we saw with the Aether family, whose abuse was also much more realistic than N’s situation), and pretty much no one would want him to be redeemed. But also it’s important to note that N and Ghetsis, despite having the same hair color, are for whatever reason NOT biologically related. 
And this is hammered home time . . . and time . . . and time again, particularly in this Masters event.
Now, I think most of us would agree that it would be hard to find a woman who would want to procreate with Ghetsis. Granted, Ghetsis isn’t the type of person who would care about consent, but I do think it’s reasonable to assume that Game Freak probably wanted to avoid those thoughts, even though it could have been very easily solved by having a female Sage who was also Ghetsis’ baby mama / wife (similar to how Ariana, one of Giovanni’s executives, is very obviously Silver’s mother). So I mean, from a taste standpoint, I can see why they wanted to go the adoption route with Ghetsis, even though they still made him and N have green hair despite not being biologically related for some reason.
I still think it’s noticeable that they have the irredeemable abusive parent be the one who both had the least amount of on-screen abuse (and also the least realistic abuse) and also be the adopted parent, versus the one they bent themselves into pretzel shapes to redeem be the one with the most on-screen abuse (and most realistic abuse) who also happened to be the biological parent. The message that sends, to me, is that it doesn’t matter how badly you abuse your children in this world so long as you are their biological parent. In the end, you will be forgiven and they are beholden to you as family. Versus if you’re an adoptive parent . . . well, you were never as important anyway, so. I mean, why else would Lillie leave her loving adoptive parents of Kukui and Burnet to go back to her abusive mother in Sun & Moon? Clearly the blood ties were just that much more important. (Granted, Kukui and Burnet hadn’t officially adopted her, but they as good as. I’ll never stop being infuriated by that ending.)
 This is, to a lesser extent, even shown with Giovanni and Silver’s situation. Giovanni was, to our knowledge, never actually abusive toward Silver; in the one conversation we see them have in HeartGold & SoulSilver, Silver’s main issue is that he doesn’t understand why Giovanni is disbanding Team Rocket after losing to Red, and also he doesn’t get why Giovanni needs so many underlings to begin with. He thinks Giovanni is weak, and Giovanni just tells him that he’s wrong without really bothering to explain things. At most, Giovanni is aloof and distant with Silver, which makes Silver angry, but Silver’s bigger issue is with Team Rocket as a whole. Giovanni’s definitely not a good father, but he’s not an abusive parent on par with Lusamine or Ghetsis from what we’ve been shown, and the implication is there that they could potentially repair their relationship in the future. Even in this event, the tension between them wasn’t bad, just complicated.
But . . . they’re also biologically related. Silver is Giovanni’s son, we’ve been told this a million times, and it’s very obvious that Ariana is his mother. They’re biologically related. And so, even though Giovanni is routinely touted as one of Pokémon’s most fearsome villains, Silver will never actually cut him off completely / be able to do that because Giovanni is his biological father. The fact that Team Rocket is based on yakuza probably complicates things even further there, but all the same. If Silver had been adopted by Giovanni, I’m pretty positive that Giovanni wouldn’t care / Silver would cut him off entirely. It wouldn’t be seen as a “real” family.
And this all bothers me, because not only was my biological mother abusive, but my stepmother was the only one who treated me as a mother should treat her child. Similarly, my biological sister was complicit and even participated in the abuse I suffered as a child, but my stepbrother whom I’ve known practically my whole life is the sibling I’d ride or die with. To me, biological ties mean jack shit. Family doesn’t begin or end with blood; to treat non-blood relations as lesser is something that will never fail to raise my hackles. So to see it handled this way in one of my favorite franchises of all time . . . yeah, it’s more than a little upsetting. I understand why it’s happening, I’m fully aware of the cultural context that this series is being written in, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it, because I don’t.
And before anyone gets it twisted:
Both Lusamine and Ghetsis can rot in hell, NEITHER should have been redeemed. This is NOT me complaining about Ghetsis being treated as the piece of shit he is, but rather my anger at the fact that Lusamine got a pass because she birthed the children she abused, and Masters making that abundantly clear by having N and Ghetsis state in every single chapter of this event that they weren’t blood related. 
But anyway, it’s nearly 4am, and I need sleep. I can continue being angry about Pokémon’s handling of abusive parents at a later date.
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obithoes · 4 years
could i have a imagine where sasuke and the reader have like 3 children, during while he was on the mission, and he just spends time with the kids, ending with some fluffy and teasing smut between her and sasuke cuz they missed each other? thank you!
a piece of me: sasuke uchiha
authors note: sorry for the delay! there was too many ideas all over the place for this one
word coun: 1610
You could always see the displeasure in his expression during every morning when the both of you were meant to part. Always cutting farewells short — he never intended to be cold, you knew that. The way his eye softened when he held your gaze for too long before shifting towards the small child in your arms the down towards the barely noticeable bump your stomach formed.
You knew this was what he had to do, however he could help but hate that he couldn’t stay with you — bring you with him but you both knew how much he needed this. Without much being said he tenderly kissed you, hastily disappeared right after.
Months after his departure you gave birth to a beautiful set of twins, a boy and a girl. Your daughter Sana, took after you in every aspect except for the dark onyx orbs. While your son Samaru was a mix of the two of you; the only one to not share the same eyes as his father. You cried that night, wishing nothing more than to have Sasuke by your side.
Sasuke was never given the chance to properly interact with the twins, never mind your eldest son. Your eldest Ichiro reminded you so much Sasuke, a carbon copy of him in addition to having the same attitude; although he was much more softer. Regardless of having no memory of their father you often shared stories about him, always involving the tell-tale story of how you met, and showing them pictures from his youth. Your wedding picture seemed to be their favorite, you’d often catch Ichiro fondly gazing at it.
Most believed that you should’ve hated him for leaving you, a lone mother to care for three children. However you couldn’t and would never hate him, you understood why he did what he did and why the way that he is.
No one would ever understand the relationship between you two. You were able to understand each other without having to utter a word; two halves of a whole when separated. Contrary to common belief Sasuke didn’t marry you in hopes of pleasing the village elders, he did it to show his utter devotion; that no matter how far or long he way away for he will always be by your side.
That day was over eight years ago, just three months before discovering you were pregnant with your first. You greatly appreciated the letters you seldomly received from him but they still left you longing for his return. Not just his yearly visit that only lasted through the night with no trace of him to be found in the morning. No you endlessly longed to touch him, wake up next to him, have him at your side raising the children that resembled both you and him in a sense.
Just like every other day you raised with the sun, preparing for the day. Since it was saturday you dressed in your old training gear, securely placing a few ninja tools in your pouch. Every since your children decided that they wanted to be just like their parents they’ve been training as much as any seven and six year olds could. Saturday’s became training day ever since Ichiro enrolled in the academy, Sana and Samaru in tow.
Once getting them out of bed they showered ate, and dressed before heading out towards the training grounds. Training with them every weekend caused their skills to greatly improve despite their young age, before turning seven Ichiro was able to master the fire ball justu. Although your nature wasn’t fire you were still able to teach him the hand signs.
Today was mostly spent with shuriken practice, ending with Ichiro helping you teach the twins the fire ball justu. Before the four of you knew it the sun was beginning to set. The three of them raced home, leaving you trudging behind wishing you could share their energy.
Before entering your home you sensed something was off. Picking up on the unfamiliar chakra sense you stiffened, quietly telling your children to wait outside for you. Entering cautiously you concealed your presence, kunai held in a death grip. Entering the living area you were greeted with a all too familiar dark figure lounging on your couch.
“I was wondering when you would come back” Freezing you dropped your kunai at the sound of his voice. Sasuke slowly approached you until you were face to face.
Your hand was the first thing to touch him, landing on his firm chest assuring you this wasn’t some a genjutsu. “Sasuke” your voice was small, lacking it’s usual poise. Looking up you didn’t realize tears clouded your vision until his face became blurry. Your arms circled around his neck squeezing him against you; his lone arm holding you against him.
You must’ve been inside longer than you thought because your children came storming inside. Ichiro in front with his own kunai, Samaru to his left leaving Sana protectively behind them. “Ma what’s... dad?” Ichiro lowered the weapon, gazing up at Sasuke in pure shock, the man that he hardly remembers from only being a few months old was standing right in front of him.
Beating him to it Sana called out for her father in excitement, engulfed him in the biggest huge her little arms could muster. Samaru followed quickly after, both children clinging to their father for dear life as he awkwardly attended to both of them. You remained close laughing at the scene unfolding, shifting your attention you looked around for Ichiro only to come up short. Realizing why he left you gave him the space he needed.
Once it was well past the twins bed time Sasuke helped you put them down before heading off in search of his eldest. Finding Ichiro throwing shuriken at some makeshift targets, he realized he must have slipped outside earlier after this younger siblings became the focus of his attention. Sasuke watched him for a while, waiting for the child to take a break. He became more interested once the child started to weave signs he was all to familiar with, perfecting the first justu he’s ever learned .
“You’re better than I was at your age” his tone was firm, but held a sense of pride. However it didn’t fail to make Ichiro go stiff, only slightly relaxing after realizing it was his father speaking.
Without turning around Ichiro replied “Yeah thanks to mom” He sighed before turning around, he approached his father until they were within arms length of each other. Staring at each other for a while before Sasuke broke the silence.
“It’s not much, but I apologize for not being here for you or the twins. It was never my intention to bring sorrow to any of you”
“Mom already told me. It’s just-“ Ichiro shifted his gaze before looking back at his father with a hardened look “Listen I get that the mission was important for you and you needed to do it” he took a breath before continuing “But it doesn’t matter that mom loves you and she’s okay with you leaving you need to promise that you won’t leave for so long ever again. I don’t like seeing her sad”
Sasuke was stunned, his child lecturing him, putting his feelings aside in regards for another. He reminded him of Itachi, bringing a slight pain to his chest.
“You have my word” his words firm and meaningful,hesitantly he grasped his sons shoulder before continuing. “As I said before I am aware that my words don’t mean much but I’m more that willing to make up for lost time with you. Your mother doesn’t specialize in fire type and I have more than enough ninjutsu’s to teach you.”
The excitement that flashed in Ichiro’s eyes was gone as soon as it came, but not fast enough for Sasuke to miss it. Shrugging his shoulders he looked up at his father as if the words had no effect on him “That would be cool”
Unexpectedly Sasuke pulled Ichiro into the gentlest hug he could manage. Ichiro hesitantly hugged back, basking in the warmth he never knew he missed.
Your heart grew as you watched the scene play out. You silently remained in the door frame, giving them a few minutes before clearing your throat. In an instant Ichiro snapped out of Sasuke’s hold, taking in your presence. You held back a laugh before speaking. “I believe it’s time for bed young man” Nodding Ichiro ran up to you hugging you before wishing you a goodnight, and bashfully wishing the same to his father before heading upstairs.
Once you were sure he was in bed you approached Sasuke almost predator like, pulling him down by the collar of his shirt in for a needy kiss. Gripping the back of your neck Sasuke held you closer. Grazing your teeth across his bottom lip before pulling away.
“Now I think we have some catching up to do” your honeyed tone was almost enough to make him take you right there.
“That we do” His voice dropped an octave making you realize how much you missed hearing him speak.
Lightly trailing your pointer lightly up his chest you stopped all the way at his lip tugging it down. Sasuke playfully nipped at it,
you laughed before speaking. “You know I have some things I’ve been wanting to try out, only if you’re up for it of course” You said in a teasing tone. A light smirk casted over Sasuke’s face, before you could blink you were in your bedroom, back flush against the bed.
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markleesthighs · 3 years
Can you make another jaemin x BOY reader? Since he looks so good and badboyish with his new raven black hair, can you make one where jaemin is the only son of a mafia leader who gambles, drag races, and other reckless underground stuff and the boy reader is a pure, fragile, and perfect ballet dancer and honor student, an only son of an ambassador. Like a dangerous boy meets a delicate boy or like romeo and juliet? Thankieeeeeee!🖤🤍
-aw this is so cute this concept... *chefs kiss*
Forbidden Moonlight
You attend one of the most prestigious art schools in the country. Everyone there had to go through rigorous testing, students needed to be academically and artistically smart and creative. You and your peers were the top 5% of the country where you’d all grow to be famous artists after you graduate. But there was one student who you were confused about was Na Jaemin. Apparently he got into school because of his amazing graffiti art and gambling skills. You got into the school from your amazing ballet performance and you being at the top of your class with perfect grades. You were the only son of an ambassador so your family had high expectations for you. Specifically, they support you for dancing but they push hard for your academics. Every grade you receive you have to report to your parents so they can keep track of your progress. You arrive to dance classes early, always volunteer for every club or in class, and keep up the best grades in the grade.
You were perfect as people say, and you got asked out by several guys in your class but you always kindly reject them simply telling them you don’t have time for a relationship. Jaemin on the flip side was just as popular as you, getting confessions from guys and girls but he also rejected them always saying his catchphrase, “you couldn’t keep up with me.” Rumors spread that he was a mafia leader and already had a spouse and kids but you didn’t know what to believe. Your parents would have scolded you for being distracted by silly things. Yet you still found yourself intrigued by him, he was everything you weren’t, a troublemaker, laid back, and competes in drag races instead of doing any work. You always wondered how he stayed in your school, despite his work ethic.
One night you went out to pick up a study snack from a local restaurant with a sweet old lady who would always give you extra of whatever food she sold. When you walked home you were staring at your phone, listening to music when you accidentally bumped into someone.
“Oh, I’m so sorry...”
You looked up to see a man at least a foot taller than you and had a huge build, he could definitely crush you would his fingers if he could.
“HEY watch where you’re going twerp!”
“I’m really sorry, I’ll just go-“
“Oh no you’re not! You need to learn your lesson!”
He grabbed you by the collar and brought you aside to the alley where he pinned you agains the grimy brick.
“You’re going to regret bumping into me-“
“Let him go...he’s worth a lot to this city.” A voice called.
“How do you know the boss??”
“That’s none of your concern, Sebastion, now go back to work.”
“Come with me y/n, you’re coming.”
“Wh- I gotta go back-“
Before you can say anything you were suddenly on his motorbike riding to his mansion. You got off his bike and were fathomed by his luxurious lifestyle, you expected him to live in a messy apartment for some reason. You walked in as you were greeted by a bunch of maids taking off your jacket and giving you heated slippers and a face towel. You kindly thanked them as Jaemin plopped down on his couch. You shyly walked over to join him.
“Here’s the deal, y/n, you’re dad owes me something of mine, and I need to keep you here as leverage got it?”
“Are you seriously expecting me to the calm about this? Jaemin this is crazy, my mind is circling...”
“Well...” He moved closer. “There’s no chance of me letting you go...willingly at least.”
Your face heated up smelling his light cigarette breath.
“But I assure you that you will be treated like a king here since you are my guest, so you might as well get comfortable.”
Jaemin got up and grabbed your hand giving you a tour, from olympic sized pools, bowling alley to shooting ranges and torture rooms. The tour ended at the bedroom, Jaemin’s bedroom.
“You’re going to be sleeping in my bedroom, since I don’t trust the other guys in the house if you’re alone in the room, all of them are horn dogs. I’ll leave you alone to refresh yourself.” Jaemin left and closed the door.
You were freaking out having a meltdown in the bedroom pacing back and forth. You decided a shower would calm you down, you undressed and stepped in the shower. You smelled the musk of Jaemin, it was warm and comforting, the complete opposite of his appearance. You dried and realized there were not pajamas for you. So you threw on one of Jaemin’s shirts and sweatpants. You opened the bedroom door to let Jaemin know you were done.
Jaemin turned and saw you, barefaced, raw, and he thought you looked breathtaking. It was a different look, and he liked what he was seeing. He went to shower and when he walked out he saw you staring at the night sky while sitting on the bed. He admired you looking at the moonlight the bright moon gleaming against your skin, the light shining though your irises and the reflection of the moon in your eyes. He snapped out of it and asked you if you were going to bed. You quietly nodded and tucked yourself in facing away from Jaemin. You didn’t know what to think, you were speechless about the situation.
Jaemin sighed and joined you in bed but he couldn’t fall asleep. He just keep watching you, making sure you were asleep and sleeping well. Despite the plush and lavish sheets you were shivering, from the cold room and a bit of anxiety. You didn’t know what was going to happen tomorrow, your father is the type to send a whole army after you, you didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Jaemin snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Y-yeah a bit, but I’m fine.”
You felt a warm embrace, Jaemin’s wrapped his arms around you tucking his head into your neck. It was comforting, warm, and nurturing. Your shivering calm down and you felt yourself drift off to sleep. While you were asleep Jaemin kissed you temple
“Goodnight, y/n.”
You woke up to some giggles by the maids cleaning up Jaemin’s room. Your vision was blurry but you noticed you were facing Jaemin as he was holding you in a warm embrace. You stared at Jaemin for a minute, his face was calm and serene, and his hair was a little messy. You smiled playing with his hair as he groaned in pleasure. A maid came in a rang a bell as Jaemin woke up confused.
“Master Jaemin, it’s time for school.”
He got up and sighed as he collapsed back into bed. You tried to get out of bed but Jaemin kept trying to pull you back in.
“Get up sleepyhead, you gotta show me your closet.”
Jaemin lazily got up and opened his finger print locked closet. It opened up to dozens of racks and shelves of designer clothing. Jaemin walked over to two bags one from YSL and one from Fendi.
“I asked one of the maids to pick an outfit from you I didn’t know which one you liked so you can pick one.” You peeked in each box and chose the one from YSL, putting it on in the dressing room and you walked out to see Jaemin shirtless. You apologized but he told you to stay and brought you closer. Your eyes traced his body.
“Take a picture it will last longer baby.”
You blushed hard and looked away. Why did he make butterflies appear in your stomach? He put on the rest of his outfit and sprayed his cologne and you were still looking away from him. Jaemin grabbed your chin and pecked your cheek.
“You have a beautiful face don’t hide hide it from me.”
You pecked his lips
“Well if you didn’t make me so flustered I think I’d look at you more often.”
That made Jaemin’s eyes go wide in shock.
“Don’t test me now baby, or will I have to show you how to play nice?”
You rolled your eyes as you walked passed him. He chased after you as you both ate a light breakfast and walked outside together holding hands. He gave you a helmet and he held your hand and made you wrap your arms around his waist. You arrived to school with a bunch of eyes all over you two. You were averting gazes but Jaemin held your hand as you both walked. You smiled at him as you walked together. You got gazes of jealousy and shock. You walked into class and Jaemin held you close squeezing your hand in reassurance.
“Would Mr. y/n l/n please come down the the front office please.”
You looked at Jaemin in confusion but he let you go alone to the office. You walked in and saw your father and mother standing there next to the principal. They led you into the principals office.
“y/n as you know you went missing last night according to your parents, once we were notified that you arrived on campus we contacted your parents. If you don’t mind, would you mind explaining to your parents where you went?”
“Did they drug you? Did they harm you?” Sobbed your mother
“Were you threatened? Do you know how worried we were how reckless are you?!” scolded your father.
“Well, I was with Na Jaemin, he helped me that night after I was being harassed. Is there anything you need to explain to me, dad, regarding Na Jaemin? Does that name ring a bell?”
The principal stepped out by simply saying that he won’t be involved or eavesdrop on family affairs and he shut the door.
“y/n, the Na family is the most powerful mafia family in the country right now, I have to meet and do deals with them to maintain the safety of this country. Last night I made an offer to Jaemin, and he accepted it saying he would return you to school the next morning.”
“How’d you know where I was?”
“I received intel from a mafia member who saw you with Jaemin.”
“What did you offer Jaemin?”
“That’s none of your concern, from now on I want you to stop affiliating yourself with him, he’s too dangerous for you. I forbid you from seeing him off campus, y/n.”
“As your father and guardian, I need to do what’s best to protect you and keep you on a clear track. No more boys no more mafia business.”
You felt as if you were going to cry, how were you going to tell Jaemin? What is he going to do? What if him and you father go to war? You couldn’t have that you’d have to choose. So who will you choose?
part 2
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