#mourning dove aesthetic
lilita4ever · 12 days
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sweetbunnytears · 7 months
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animal of the week: mourning dove❤︎
mourning doves can be found all over the americas. they get their name from their quite sad, and miserable-sounding call. they’re also known as rain doves or turtle doves. many think that their name is spelled “morning dove” and think that they call only in the morning. however, this is not true. these birds can call all throughout the day. many who are religious believe that mourning doves are messengers of spiritual beings, such as angels.
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rinibayphoto · 1 month
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the-heartlines · 4 months
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sweet mourning lamb
daemyra | e. 3k | dd:dne
"and daemon would have his lost little lamb upon his altar once more, sacrificing her, making her body clean and pure, bloodless again."
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half-a-life · 7 months
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Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.
Rabindranath Tagore
Benduiha, Ukraine 🇺🇦
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muddlessdove · 4 days
For the turtle dove, dusk is but a fleeting moment, a brief twilight before the dawn.
To see the world through a turtle dove's eyes would be a blessing, for I have long forgotten the vibrant green of those trees, the lush grass, and the radiant glow of the streams. The turtle dove beholds everything in a kaleidoscope of green, a world alive with vibrancy. Oh, to experience the world with such splendor! Oh, to feel the wind beneath my wings once more!
Dusk may seem endless, a perpetual twilight, but not for the turtle dove. No, the turtle dove dwells in a realm of eternal green, where dawn and dusk blend seamlessly into a tapestry of wonder.
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nerium-aquifolium · 3 months
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“I don’t need to smoke, the smoke is dark and suffocating enough inside my head”.
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inestheunicorn · 11 months
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Totally forgot to show you this super cute bird calendar I made a while ago!
You can grab it here and it's perfect to use all year round ♥
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lookatswans · 8 months
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Get To Know Me
Tagged by: @bluecoolr thank you so much!!
Nickname: Don't really have one but you can call me Sixx! ♥️😭 I was called that and now it's mine.
Age: 21 (22 soon)
Height: 5'7
Sign: ARIES RAHHHH! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Last Google Search: A question for my quiz
Last Song Stuck In My Head: the "I woke up in a new Bugatti" meme
Sleep: my sleep has been fucked, catch me in bed by 4:30AM 😭
Dream Job: working as a therapist
Wearing: black and green ghostface shirt and green and black sweats with graphic design
Favorite Songs: "Sonne" by Rammstein, Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie, etc.
Favorite instrument: Guitar, piano, violin
Aesthetic: Goth
Favorite Authors: my writer moots ♥️
Favorite Color: Red!
Favorite Animal Sounds: Mourning doves, cat meows, dogs when they huff 🤣
Last Song: Bloody by Five Finger Death Punch
Last Series: The Mandalarian
Random: I have no sense of direction
Tagging: no pressure!!
@prettywhenibleed @britany1997 @brattyloserprincess16 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @misslavenderlady @luv4fandoms @henhouse-horrors @nerdy-spooks @johnwicks-pussy @kurt-nightcrawler
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alter-soup · 1 month
hi! i have a variety of things and i wonder if you could fit into one alter pack? i would like one based on hime gyaru fashion, junk nails, rosy maple moths, and doves?
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Name(s) - Tara, Bri, Julie, Rosy, Lucy, Sky
Pronouns- She/her
Suggested Neopronouns- chirp/chirps, sugar/sugars, flight/flights, cloud/clouds, flutter/flutters, heart/heartbeat/heartbeats, file/files, dec/decor/decors
Gender(s)- Female
Suggested Xenogenders- Cutevampiregender, Rosymothic, Pinkcandygender
Orientation- Abromantic, Bisexual
Age- 20-23
Species- Human
Source- N/A
Role(s)- Diffuser
Kins- Rosy maple moth, Mourning dove
Personality traits/details- Sweet but can be somewhat blunt, somewhat quiet, always tries to act okay/happy even if she isn't even though it can sometimes be obvious she isn't okay
Likes- Fashion (hime gyaru especially), animals, junk nails, makeup, pink, music, smoothies, cute things, social media
Dislikes- Breaking her nails, bruises, gross food, stuck up people
Sign Off- 🏩🕊
Extra details- She wears a backpack with little white wings stitched onto the back. - she changes the appearance of her nails a little too often and is always looking for ideas for the next set. - sometimes she just sits with people and shares snacks and whatnot with them as they chat…she also gives them bows, she gives everyone bows…
Couldn't really capture the right aesthetic because of the limited options I'm so sorry!! /gen
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rinibayphoto · 1 year
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sweet-chimera · 4 months
Aesthetics meme
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Tastes: Starchy baked goods, honey buns, stick rolls, apple cinnamon, ginseng and nut meg spice, whiskey, jarred preserves, rassberries. Alot of tart sweet spiced combinations. Autumnal foods. Smells: Outside, cold autumn mornings, cinnamon, nut meg and spices, vanilla, propolis, flowers, baked goods, gardens, moss, ngl kinda sweaty and musky natural scents. Sights: Pumpkins, bricks, golden leaves, ripe fruits, sweaters and yarn, woods and sweaters, alot of warm colors and cozy vibes, browns and golden, cottages, tea, wicker brooms, patchy fur and scars on her body, moss taken rubble Sounds: White noise when sitting outside, mourning doves, crunching on a fresh pinecone as you step, scottish lilting, wind chimes, muffled airy hoof steps, a little jingly bell when her collar moves around, loud boisterous laughter Sensations: Soft fur, matted used sherpa, fraying well loved yarn sweaters, bruises forming from being smacked while she laughs, soft pillow hugs from her plump body, feeling flour and sugar underneath your finger nails as you bake with her, burning muscles from fighting alongside her Outfits: Rompers, overalls, cotton dresses and linen skirts, aprons, dark academia and cottage core, sun flower vibes, yarn and canvas pinafores, leather collar and gardening gloves. Jade jewelry.
Tagged by: @xxlordalexanderxx
Tagging: Idk @valiant-au-save-slot-a @splinter-sister / @bone-pile-rp. Anyone i guess.
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helicphobia · 1 month
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・。  [ jaz sinclair .  cis female .  she/her ] - kaia harris was  blasting  weekend friend by goth babe  on  the  sidewalk  in  austin today .  according  to  other  atx  residents  of  atx lux, the  twenty-nine  year  old  paramedic has been  given  a  reputation  of  being stubborn ,  but also  self motivated .  [ muddy hiking boots, crisp morning air, photos of sunsets ] + [ maple , 22 , she/they ,  cst ]
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i. basics
birth name: kaia eve harris  nicknames: kai  date of birth: august 15th of 1994 - twenty-nine years old  place of birth: new orleans, louisiana, usa  residence: austin, texas, usa - lives in atx lux occupation: paramedic  sexual orientation: homosexual  relationship status: single  big three: leo sun, sagittarius moon, leo rising  mbti type: esfp-a  aesthetics: muddy hiking boots, photos of sunsets, the smell of crisp morning air, getting lost in the woods, the song of a mourning dove, golden hour, a fancy metal water bottle covered in stickers, post cards from all over, the smell of blooming flowers
ii. sparknotes
kaia was born to unknown birth parents, put up for adoption as soon as she was born.
she was adopted by her moms a few months after being born. she was their second child and they would adopt one more after her.
growing up, kaia was an adventurous kid. she was always outside, exploring nature and just enjoying the fresh air.
she was always encouraged by her moms to be herself, she always had a supportive environment.
she did fine in school grades wise, she was popular amongst her peers as she loved being social and being the center of attention.
out of all the people in her life, she was closest to her siblings. the three of them were practically inseparable, of course they fought from time to time, but they always ended up resolving this quickly.
hiking and walking in nature was how kaia spent a lot of her free time. doing nothing specifically, just walking.
graduated high school and opted to get her emt certification.
she loved being an emt. she loved hearing people's stories, being there to help them in their saddest moments and on occasion, their happiest.
she decided to follow her parents and moved to austin at nineteen.
kaia found employment relatively quickly as she was determined to get back to being an emt.
she met her first love a year into living in austin. she was an er nurse who kaia saw frequently during her trips back and forth from the hospital.
the two dated for four years, during which kaia was happier than she ever had been before.
her girlfriend broke up with her after getting a job as a travel nurse, she was devastated and literally never recovered.
she became an actual paramedic at twenty-seven after getting her certification.
currently she's just vibing and living her life, though you'll occasionally find her sobbing over her ex.
iii. fun facts
one of those kids who would pick up bugs and chase people with them
still super close to her siblings, she spends as much time with them as her schedule allows
delivered a baby in the back of an ambulance on her first day as an emt in austin
still not over her ex girlfriend (it's been five years)
she will get mad if you call her an emt and not a paramedic, she will tell you that there is a very BIG difference
doesn't really drink but insists on being there for her friends just in case anything happens
loves to go on hikes and nature walks still, she's been getting into nature photography as a hobby
has various unfinished diy projects around her apartment, will she ever finish them? the world may never know
iv. connections
someone she clicked with immediately. this person and kaia are known as those best friends. whenever kaia's not at work or with her siblings, she's probably with this person.
someone she works with/sees a lot during her job. this person probably also works as a paramedic/emt or in the medical field.
kaia's hiking buddy, someone who will come with her on her day long hikes and maybe even some camping trips.
someone kaia used to try and get over her ex girlfriend, she maybe lead them on then dropped them when she got bored.
a current fwb, very much no strings attached.
a fwb who has feelings for her, but is aware that she is very emotionally unavailable.
a childhood friends she thought she'd never see again, bonus points if they just happen to run into each other.
someone who helps her finish the diy projects she's started but never ended up finishing (there are a lot)
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muddlessdove · 1 month
the midnight rain pelts my back. If I close my eyes I fear they'll attack. Carcass's rot and fester, I hold onto my jacket, stuffed full of feathers, the feathers of the white tail dove are what keep me warm. I might not be able to feel the grass beneath my feet, but l know its there. For I have had a vision, of rotten trees and cold nights, lonely women, and forgotten sights. I no longer know my name, but sure as rain it'll come to me. For I am where you can not see me.
For the dove only Remembers the lonesome not the surrounded -mudd
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broomsticks · 1 year
femslash fic recs: ginny + infidelity
for a request on the @hpsaffics server! most are smutty; there is some dead dove. i do admit i went slightly overboard with the number of fics on this list. i make no apologies 😂
dead dove content includes: noncon, heavy kink, underage, incest.
⭐️: my personal faves, but ymmv!
the same as they always had been by violetclarity (6k, M): a long term affair
Honoring the Head Girl by Viridescence (3k, E): poly femslash, written pre-OOTP. Hermione is eagerly looking forward to the secret Gryffindor ritual for honoring a new Head Girl.
⭐️ Consequences by Inell (800, E): ginny/hermione/pansy, who’s polyjuiced into luna. CW noncon, mind control and other heavy kink.
⭐️ Apples and Oranges Too by drawlight (ripeteeth) (1k, E): forbidden love. podfic elsewhere on AO3
A Helping Hand by Rorimore (3k, E). "My git brother not fucking you right?" Ginny wondered, leaning in closer towards the table.
The Hand We've Been Dealt by Kylo_Ken (5k, E). When Hermione discovers her fiancés affair, she does what any sane woman would do; she sleeps with his sister.
Can I Tell You Something? by SleekGeek (4k, E): ginmione, pre romione wedding.
⭐️ Just bring me flowers by Anakletos (300, M). poetry! incredible pining!
⭐️ Green Light by iota_after_dark (6k, E). What if the best way to get over Ron was to get under Ginny? there’s no cheating in this one, romione are “on a break” and hinny are open — but the ginmione smut is Very good.
⭐️ the Aesthetic of Realness by imaginarium_imperfecta (25k, E): ginsy, pansy planning the hinny wedding. When you don't know what you want your wedding to be like, you call Pansy Parkinson. That's her job: To figure out what you want, and then give it to you.
⭐️ Chasing the Sun by sdk (1.5k, M): established hinny, infidelity and angst. They don't touch anytime it's real.
Vases of Vanity by Slumber (1k, T): Pansy and Ginny meet at a benefit while both are married to other people. steamy!
Yes, Mrs Zabini by Dramione818 (7k, E). in which pansy is ginny’s boss and married to blaise.
⭐️ Water & Earth by @venom0usbarbie (series, 8k, E). bill dies pre-story, gorgeously written fleurinny angst.
⭐️ The Peak of One's Girlhood by hjgmilf (2k, E). pre bill/fleur wedding, hermione and ginny throw her a bridal shower at the burrow. fleur/hermione/ginny.
Girl secrets by piximera (2k, E); what fleur does instead of getting a divorce.
⭐️ Fall by arcadian_dream (1k, M). on the eve of hinny’s wedding. podfic elsewhere on ao3.
(no smut just kissing, at most, in all but the last. lots of songfic!!)
not in love tonight (but i might fall on another day) (1k, T). established ginny/OC, linny kissing in the club fic set to ‘i kissed a girl.’
you should probably leave by awesomefatkitty (1k, T). luna pov linny, past hinny, more kissing and angst
Happily Ever After by Kitty September (KittyAug) (7k, T). ginny time travels to the past to fix it.
Those Who Choose by Lomonaaeren (3k, T) amicable divorce, hinny -> drarry and linny.
Speak Now by onlykatelyn (3k, T) hinny wedding, inspired by the song by taylor swift, ends in drarry and linny.
Values by Shadowmun (2k, E). ginny is the one being cheated on here -- consensual infidelity (of the ‘opening the relationship to reignite the spark’ kind), linny + luna/OFC
misc Ginny rarepairs
⭐️ Something We Do by sdk (1.5k, E): ginny cheats on harry with millicent, ft. hot angsty kink. You do what I want until I ask you to stay.
⭐️ The Flavour of Loss by @vdoshu (7k, E): postwar grief and mourning and andromeda/ginny, hinny, prev bella/andromeda.
⭐️ Starting Over by @val-creative (400, M): ginny/tonks, ginny is pregnant and finds herself having doubts.
Someone to talk to by FireOpal (Sandel) (3k, rated M but imo T?): ginny/hannah (ginny is cheating on harry), dialogue-only fic.
gather your peace like fine, woven threads by kwritten (3k, G but… imo maybe M? there is definitely implied smut): cho/ginny, eighth year fic.
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