iero · 2 years
Special treat: there is a monroeville in nj (i had to go check because it did not make sense to me that mcr would have a song about pittsburgh of all places)
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Ooh! That’s good to know too! Thank you for the info! So, I wasn’t technically wrong! I do think Pittsburgh Monroeville still makes the most sense since Night of the Living Dead was mostly filmed around the Pittsburgh area and Early Sunsets is based off of that. Still awesome to know that though! Glad to know I wasn’t totally wrong! Thank you for looking that up! :)
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final-boy · 3 years
just want you to know that i don't even follow comics or batman or superman, but your blog has singlehandedly turned me into a superbat shipper? not sure how you did that but you did. keep up the good work
My work here is done 😌
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awsugar · 3 years
i keep coming back to your blog because your anons say shit that gives me psychic damage and sometimes that's exactly what i need
lmao TRUE. sometimes i gasp out loud when opening my inbox. but what a joy...i can never forget 'sorry to be insane but do you think gerard has tiny little balls'
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tendergore · 6 years
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@mouseiero tall girls ARE awesome. there’s a lot of badass athlete basketball girls at my university who blow my height out of the water and they are goddesses 
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kaedeakamatsu · 7 years
mouseiero reblogged your photo and added:
this is orchestra erasure and I won’t stand for it
try the updated chart on for size, then!
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everythingmustgo · 7 years
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@mouseiero omg that sucks!!! im sorry that happened to u its absolutely ridiculous. I hope time goes by quickly for u its not okay that this shit keeps happening
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achievementmicoo · 7 years
Hey! I would totally be down for a dnd campaign with other beginners. I've tried to join other online games but they either never get started or have a million players, so I'll join in if you ever do it
Awesome! I’ll keep you on my imaginary list till i get things started. When i have time I might actually make a page with some URLS of people that want to play some beginner games. After i get roll20 all set up and everything. But as it is, we’d already have four people which would be awesome!
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cemterydrive · 7 years
9 (also not on the question list, but do you have a favorite place?)
9 What should you be doing right now? writing my résumé and trying to find a job rip
and not like physically but kind of abstractly? anywhere that gives me the ability to forget the rest of the world exists while i’m there
ask me anything !!
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helenamayhathaway · 8 years
mouseiero replied to your post: Please count your sheep i think you have more than...
i counted 80 sheep in the “fuck yeah” picture
those were 2 different pictures and i reused the sheep but i recounted and there are actually 85 sheep so i don’t know why the shipping notice said 75 but hey, free sheep
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basementdemo · 6 years
mouseiero replied to your post: hi what do i need to switch my major to so i can...
you’ll have to go back to the beginning of freshman year to change it and still have enough time to graduate
im willing 2 do that i have a plan
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frankierohugejorts · 6 years
ok so @lilac1995 @alix-the-alien-cyborg @mouseiero, yall were asking after the fic i was crying abt last night so here ya go:
it’s actually a whole series called Still the Walls Do Not Fall by lbmisscharlie and it’s captain america (steve/bucky) bc that’s basically all i read nowadays
it’s abt steve and bucky as women in the 30s and 40s. bucky is very much a butch lesbian and steve is still figuring herself out, and bucky eventually joins the army by pretending to be a man. and it’s really a truly very beautiful exploration of identity, on multiple levels, and it’s abt trauma and family and love and finding power in yourself and oof just so much good stuff really
while im here, that fic i was crying abt last week was To Safeguard These Things and it’s abt steve joining the army as a monuments man instead of thru project rebirth and frankly im still weepy abt The Art, plus it’s abt queer nyc and socialist art student!steve and established relationship domesticity and may i say once more: oof
and then Instigator is the butch/femme meet-cute i was talking abt too, it’s shrunkyclunks and they keep running into each other but only when bucky looks like a mess and it’s So Cute
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mdame-meme · 6 years
imagine if this is how the scene ended...
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lost-chaparral · 6 years
@mouseiero RIGHT? I think the writers forget these are high school kids too smh !!!!
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ncmadsteve · 7 years
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@mouseiero ehh we don’t have to be into it
@fightmebucky oh yeah i think I heard it this way now that you mentioned it!! I still think it was a missed opportunity with loor
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casesandcapitals · 8 years
I was tagged by @coastingon-potential rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better!
relationship status: Single but kinda ready to mingle lol
favorite color: black and white. I’m all about that monochrome life
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick. I’m, apparently, the only person in the entire world who opens a chapstick and keeps it until it’s empty
last song I listened to: Seaway in Abbi’s car yesterday but I don’t really like them
last movie I watched: Captain America: Civil War, but only because I wanted to watch Winter Solider but couldn’t find it anywhere
top 3 tv shows: Bleach, Brooklyn-99, Teen Wolf
top 3 characters: Stiles Stilinski, uhhh... I dunno I don’t really have that many favorite characters I guess
top 3 ships: Frerard, Sterek, Ryden
books I’m currently reading: The Diviners Series by Libba Bray, super good! I’m tagging: @brallencer @yogirl-keepittogether @patienceiero @akamine-chan @andsoshepaints @thatguyinachiffonskirt @gee-ky @hidefromeveryone @mouseiero 
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achievementmicoo · 7 years
Hey guys! I’m making a list of everyone that said they wanted to be put into a group for D&D. If you’re still interested, either reply, reblog, or shoot me a message. Then I’ll make a discord group and we can divvy up based on schedules. Let me know if anything has changed, but i believe these were our volunteer DM’s as well
@taphephobic , @stubbornessissues , @thebadgerqueen , myself
@lindsaytugg-jones , @thefiklepikle , @raywood-you-blowme , @eukinlyptus
@heiressofmind , @ornithogalum-umbellatum , @blackxhawk1 , @softprettygirl , @misadventuresmylife , @tawnoak , @lishuponastar , @alucardbrofist , @ilovemyamatus , @harmonicgalaxies , @samanthaisnotcreative , @space-cadet-magic , @eagererudite , @mouseiero , @anotherachievement , @ryanbiwood , @intoxicatedahfan
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