#mover smitty
kittyundercover1 · 1 month
The last 5 chapters of my Imagination Movers x Reader Episode Inserts are finally posted, but with a twist. YOU get to choose your ending!
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I’m most likely gonna rewatch the episodes I didn’t include and add those in at a later time, but I had a blast posting these! And I hope you enjoyed reading them, too!
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123countwithme · 8 months
Have them! Take them! Use them!
I made them for the fandom since I have only seen about 3 gifs so I'm restocking the shelves!
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ashley-slashley · 1 year
they think a pigeon keeps stealing their food. i stg, the imagination movers are all idiots in some capacity (either scotty or dave has the least amount of brain cells). no wonder i like this show
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redgearsmovin · 1 month
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dude-iloveu · 2 months
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And Knit Knots' mom tooo!!!
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SNEAK PEEK: Never Grow Up: Caregiver Smitty (an Imagination Movers story)
Note: Smitty was supposed to be the first Mover I was going to write about, but I ended up writing Dave's chapter first, but I'm glad everyone is liking the story so far: it makes me so happy! I'm hoping to finish Smitty's chapter before I leave on Friday, but if not, I'll just finish it on Monday, when I get back! Hope you guys enjoy the sneak peek! No pressure tags: @123countwithme @kittyundercover1 and @redgearsmovin
Smitty looks up when the door opens, and he smiles when Nina enters, followed by Y/N, who was happily babbling about something.
He walks up to greet them, but stops short when he notices the expression on Nina's face, and he frowns.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
Smitty knew Nina wasn't fine, and he looks at Y/N, who was clutching Nina's hand and was carrying Dolly in the other.
"Hey, sweetie, why don't you go see Warehouse Mouse while I talk to Nina?"
You bit your lower lip, and Nina looks at you.
"It's okay, keiki: I'll be with Smitty if you need me."
You nod and let go of Nina's hand, and you went over to Warehouse Mouse's mouse hole, where Warehouse Mouse was happy to see you.
Smitty leads Nina over to the couch, where they both sat down, and as Nina was about to say what was wrong, Smitty held up a hand.
"I think Rich, Dave and Scott need to hear this too."
Once the other Movers were at the couch, Nina explains she feels exhausted looking after you while also working at The Idea Cafe.
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meta-squared · 4 months
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luliqwq · 4 years
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Learn to play basketball!
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heehoo-snek · 7 years
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heccing imagination movers was my shit
still is to this day
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kittyundercover1 · 11 months
Shall we Dance? (Imagination Movers x Reader Oneshot)
Warnings: None
Words: 770
Based on “The Greatest Dance” by “Imagination Movers”
You stand to the side as you observe your peers chatting and dancing the night away. You were reluctant to receive an invite to this upper-class last minute, but because of the short amount of time you had to get your hair done and find fancy clothing, finding a date didn’t even come to mind.
Nevertheless, you always found your way to enjoy your surroundings whether you were with others or not. However, you do wish you had someone to talk with to fulfill your time.
To snap you out of your thoughts, classical-sounding music began playing. Other guests found a dancing partner to waltz with. You stood in the center of the floor observing the others. You were about to return to your standing area until a rather handsome man with semi-curly hair wearing a tuxedo with a red and yellow name tag on the right side of his chest spelling out ‘Rich’ slightly bowed and extended one hand to you and placed the other behind his back.
“Shall we dance, shall we dance? Step in time, you and I. We could fly straight to the stars.”
He glides his hand in the air, slowly waving as if stars were actually in your face. The moment the piano hit a strong note for a brief second, he reached his hand in front of you again.
“Take my hand, take my hand,” you held his hand, accepting his gesture.
“I’ll spin you around the room,” he lifts your hand above your head, giving you room to twirl on your toes. “Then twirl you up to the moon,” you feel yourself getting taller and taller, or rather slowly floating from the ground.
It’s as if invisible steps appeared as this Rich fellow gracefully stepped up to reach for your hand again. He gives it a comforting squeeze, indicating that everything’s going to be okay and even more magical.
“Can you see, this could be, the greatest dance.”
It feels like the scene changed. It felt like you were dancing on a platform that looked and felt like clouds. Hovering from above, four more smaller cloud stages appear with three other guys with similar name tags waltzing with alternate versions of you while a mouse was…playing the piano? You had to admit, he was pretty good. The name tags on those guys spelled out ‘Scott’, ‘Smitty’, and ‘Dave’. You had to admit again, those three also looked cute.
“Birds of a feather flock together rising high above the swaying purple heather. Swirling, whirling, gliding, moving by, like a dancing ballet in the starry sky.”
“Spinning, soaring, swirling, whirling, a tapestry.”
Scott and Dave’s vocals intertwined with one another. Those identical versions of you were smiling ear to ear. The six of you from those platforms were having a ball. Literally!
A sudden shift as the scene changes again. The focus was back on the main version of you and Rich. You both held microphones. Scott repeats himself while Dave sings something new.
“Now we sing, now we sing. I’ll be the melody, you’ll be the harmony tune,” Rich continues dancing with you, leaning back in a striking pose as you do the same.
“Birds of a feather flock together rising high above the swaying purple heather. Swirling, whirling, gliding, moving by, like a dancing ballet in the starry sky.”
“Lifting, swaying, join me, and dance with the symphony.”
The way the three vocalize is blissfully harmonious.
“Can you see, this could be, the greatest dance. You and me, we could be, the greatest dance,” Scott and Dave briefly join for the last few notes of the song as it finishes.
For the final move, Rich dips you. Just like that, you two back at the ballroom. You realize a crowd formed around the two of you, engulfed in the performance. The audience cheers and applauds you and your dance partner.
Rich raises you back up on your feet as both of you hold hands and take a bow. There was something about these four men you were drawn to. You wondered if you would ever see them again after tonight. Even if you didn’t, they transformed this night into something you’ll never forget. He kisses the back of your hand before gazing into your eyes, smiling once more.
“If you ever have a situation that needs imagination, visit the Idea Warehouse,” he winks before returning to the trio and rodent with brown and orange fur—er, hair?
You heard of the Idea Warehouse before, but you never had a problem that big. Perhaps you’ll take up his offer when you do.
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123countwithme · 8 months
Hi fellow Imagination Lovers fan 👋 who’s your favorite Mover?
Scott hands down.......and Smitty.......both?
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Can I- can I say both? well... I'm gonna anyway.
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Knowledge is knowing that the Imagination Movers exist...Wisdom is knowing Smitty isn't the guitar man's real name.
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redgearsmovin · 1 month
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[ID start: Various digital sketches of Imagination Movers characters: Nina, Dave, Scott, Smitty and Rich. End ID.]
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dude-iloveu · 2 months
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I originally had this idea where in Smitty's chapter, Nina encourages Y/N to take pictures of the animals that are inside The Warehouse to hang in The Idea Cafe with Smitty's help (after getting hurt in one of the rooms, Smitty suggests drawing animals instead)
Or I love @redgearsmovin 's ideas for Smitty where he tells Y/N about certain animals or Y/N tells Smitty about their favorite animal, even though Smitty probably knows all about the animal, but he let's you babble about it as he adds it to his journal
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rainbowchip2003 · 4 years
Yo I loved watching Imagination Movers as a kid but I NEVER realized they shared one braincell lmao
dave, smitty, and rich each had one braincell and scott only has half
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