#mover dave
kittyundercover1 · 1 month
The last 5 chapters of my Imagination Movers x Reader Episode Inserts are finally posted, but with a twist. YOU get to choose your ending!
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I’m most likely gonna rewatch the episodes I didn’t include and add those in at a later time, but I had a blast posting these! And I hope you enjoyed reading them, too!
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123countwithme · 8 months
Have them! Take them! Use them!
I made them for the fandom since I have only seen about 3 gifs so I'm restocking the shelves!
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Never Grow Up: Caregiver Dave (a Imagination Movers story)
Author's Note: Here's Dave's chapter! I really liked how this turned out, and let me know who I should write for next! Dolly is based on my stuffie, Roxy, who is a dinosaur! This will also be on AO3, and I hope you enjoy! No pressure tags: @123countwithme @kittyundercover1 and @redgearsmovin
Caregiver Dave "Dave, Dolly needs your help!"
Dave almost bangs his head from underneath the kitchen sink from your shout.
He carefully crawls from underneath the sink, sits up, and got up so he could check Dolly, your dinosaur stuffie.
Dolly was your favorite stuffie, since Nina gave Dolly to you as a present.
Where-ever you went, so did Dolly, and sometimes Dolly gets hurt, and her stuffing comes out.
Case in point, which was wrong with Dolly now.
Dave gives you an apologetic look.
"Sorry, kiddo. But, there's a lot of stuff that needs fixing around The Warehouse today."
Your lower lip sticks out.
"Scott said you could!"
Dave looks across The Think Tank, where Scott was reading a book about burros, his favorite animal.
When Scott noticed Dave looking at him, Scott gave Dave a sheepish smile before covering his face with the book.
Dave looks back at you, and sighs.
"Okay, how about this: let me finish fixing the sink first, and then I can help Dolly."
"Pinky promise?"
Dave locks his pinky with yours.
"Pinky promise."
Once the kitchen sink was fixed, it was Dolly's turn.
As Dave got some thread, a needle, and some extra stuffing from his hat, you were comforting Dolly.
"Don't worry, Dolly! Dave will make you feel better!"
Dave smiles at your words, and looks at Dolly.
He knew you believed that Dolly was a real, live dinosaur, and not a stuffie.
"Y/N's right: I always make Freddy Bear feel better."
You giggle at the mention of Scott's beloved teddy bear before settling down so Dave could work.
You watch closely as Dave put extra stuffing inside Dolly before stitching her up with black thread, looking good as new.
You squeal, giving Dolly a huge hug.
"Thanks, Dave!"
"You're welcome, kiddo."
You look in Scott's direction.
"Scott, guess what? Dave made Dolly all better!"
"That's great: now they can go on that picnic!"
Dave watched with an amused expression on his face as you and Scott scamper off to The Picnic Room.
While you got along great with the other Movers, it was Scott who you had the closest bond with, besides Nina.
Dave glanced around The Warehouse, seeing the things that still needed to be fixed.
Then, he glanced in the direction you and Scott went too.
While knowing he should probably get back to work, he had been working all morning, and a picnic did sound nice.
Dave walked to The Picnic Room, and just as he was about to open the door, he could hear you, Scott, and Warehouse Mouse talking behind the door.
"Does Freddy Bear want some more tea?"
"Yes, please!"
Dave sighed and let go of the handle, not wanting to join the picnic anymore, and ruin Scott's time with you.
Instead, he went back to work.
Once everything was fixed, Dave was sitting on the couch, staring off into space when Scott came down from upstairs.
"Where's Y/N?" Dave asked as Scott sat down next to him, and picked up his burro book.
"They were feeling tired, so I took them upstairs for a nap, and Warehouse Mouse and Freddy Bear joined them."
Dave nods, and that's when Scott notices the look on his face.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
At first, Dave didn't want to say anything, but Scott was one of his best friends.
"I feel like I don't spend enough time with Y/N."
"What are you talking about? You spend a lot of time with Y/N!"
Dave shook his head.
"Not the way you, Rich, Smitty, and Nina do. I'm always working."
The Movers were only your caregivers whenever Nina wasn't around, but Scott, Dave, Rich, and Smitty got used to you being around The Warehouse a lot, and even helped them with some idea emergencies.
It was safe to say they were all pretty attached to you.
Scott didn't get to finish his sentence when you came down with Warehouse Mouse, looking upset.
You were dressed in your dinosaur pajama onesie (Nina explained to The Movers that dinosaurs were your special thing) that looked like Dolly, while Warehouse Mouse sat on your shoulder, and was trying (unsuccessfully) to comfort you.
Dave and Scott got up from the couch, and were in full caregiver mode.
"What's wrong, kiddo?" Dave asked, and you shook your head, too upset to say anything.
Warehouse Mouse looked at Dave and Scott.
"Y/N can't sleep because they don't have Dolly."
Dave and Scott nod, understanding what was going on.
"Scott and I can help you find Dolly." Dave said, and you manage to smile, while Warehouse Mouse cheers.
Scott looks at Dave.
"Actually, I should stay here and finish my burro book: it's due soon."
Dave smiled, knowing what Scott was trying to do.
You, Warehouse Mouse, and Dave left Scott to read, and went into the hall of rooms.
"Okay, where should we start looking?"
Suddenly, Dave felt a tug on his sleeve, and he looks at you.
"Hmm?" he asked, and you point to The Picnic Room, and he smiles.
"You want to look for Dolly in The Picnic Room?" he asked, and you nodded.
Dave opened the door, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary:
Scott must have cleaned up after putting you, Warehouse Mouse and Freddy Bear down for a nap, but you remembered being in The Picnic Room last.
You looked around the place you had your picnic, and squealed when you found Dolly.
"Good job, kiddo! You found her!"
You nod, and hugged Dolly to your chest.
When Nina came to get you later, you told her about your day at The Warehouse, including how Dave made Dolly feel better.
"That's great, keiki!" Nina replied, and Scott looks at her.
"What does that mean?" Scott asked, and Nina smiles.
"Keiki means 'little one' in Hawaii. That's my nickname for Y/N."
Scott nods.
"Just like how Dave calls Y/N kiddo!"
Before leaving with Nina, you gave Scott and Dave hugs.
"Thanks for helping Dolly feel better today, Dave."
"You're welcome, kiddo."
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ashley-slashley · 1 year
they think a pigeon keeps stealing their food. i stg, the imagination movers are all idiots in some capacity (either scotty or dave has the least amount of brain cells). no wonder i like this show
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redgearsmovin · 1 month
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clowndotgay · 1 year
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what's good
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personinthepalace · 1 year
Mischief Imagination Movers - Mischief Movie Night In
Who else grew up on the Imagination Movers? :) featuring Dave Hearn, Harry Kershaw, Josh Elliott, and Niall Ransome
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dude-iloveu · 2 months
fghhyhufg up till five. thinking about
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brokeandfamouseu · 1 year
Central Cee x Dave - Sprinter // 2023 
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natashaslesbian · 1 month
Another Mother (Pt 2)
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Summary: it’s your first morning in Scarlett’s house and after an argument with your dad you find yourself leaning on Scarlett
Word Count: 2.1k
You flopped down dramatically onto your mattress, hitting it slightly harder as it was only laying against the floor. “Thanks Dave” you said as you rolled onto your back “no problem darl” he smiled. Dave was one of the movers helping you and your dad move into his girlfriend’s place, he had single handily got all your furniture up to your new bedroom on the second floor. In just a few hours you had got to know Dave well, it was nice to talk to someone who didn’t see you as the girl whose mom had died. Dave picked up the last of cardboard boxes on the floor “welcome home darl” he said. You smiled politely but couldn’t quite thank him, because this wasn’t your home. It was Scarlett’s home. Yes, Scarlett Johansson. “Bye Dave” you waved as the mover gently closed your door. You sat up slowly on your mattress, looking around at all the furniture you would have to re build tomorrow. In reality, the size of the room made it look like a lot less work, you were worried about how you would fill all this empty space. You heard laughter from downstairs, reminding you of the two love birds down on the first floor. Colin, your dad had managed to fill his empty space, but you weren’t quite so open. You didn’t want a new mom, you wanted your mom.
It was late by the time everyone was someone settled and Scarlett decided to treat the three of you to takeout, as if it was a dent in her purse spending $30. You decided to eat in your room, wanting to be alone for a while. Your dad had tried to convince you to sit with them but you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop the gag in the bag of your throat seeing them so lovey dovey. “Ok Kid, we’ll come say goodnight in a bit” Colin said as you trudged back up the stairs. “She hates me” Scarlett sighed, looking down at her engagement ring. “She doesn’t hate you, she just doesn’t know you that well yet” Colin said as he wrapped an arm around his partner. “It’s not been easy since her mom, she’s not as adaptable as me. It’ll take time but one day you and her will be the best of friends” he said. “Do you think so?” Scarlett asked “I know so. She’ll never admit it but when she was little I tried to get her into superhero’s. Black widow was her favourite before she watched Harry Potter and decided that that would be her entire personality” Colin smiled, Scarlett smiled as the little story. “I know deep down she’s excited to get to know you, she’s just scared. She thinks I’m replacing her mom, I just wish I could tell her that would never happen. But I have moved forward, and I’m happy. I’m so happy with you” Colin said as he lent forward to kiss Scarlett’s forehead. “Let’s eat, then we can say goodnight to y/n and snuggle up in OUR bedroom” Scarlett said with a wide smile.
Waking up in a new unfinished bedroom felt strange, what felt even more strange was the sound. At your old house, you would wake up to the birds singing, no matter the time. Living next to a large field had its perks and you loved the fresh air that came rushing into your bedroom every morning. You felt stiff having slept on a thin mattress against the bare floor, stretching out your sore muscles felt so good. You checked your phone briefly, seeing it was still very early. Your stomach growled as you looked over at the untouched takeout from last night, food had been the last thing on your mind sitting in your new room. You figured it would be a bad idea to eat next day cold chicken, so you ventured down to the kitchen in search of breakfast. It had only just gone 6am so you were surprised to hear cluttering coming from the kitchen. Shuffling in slowly, you saw Scarlett at the stove, pouring what looked to be pancake mix into the pan. Your heavy footsteps alerted the blonde to your presence “morning y/n” she said as she turned around to give you a warm smile, making you cringe internally. “Morning” you said as you crossed the room.
Scarlett continued her actions until she noticed your confused glance “thought I’d whip up a little something for breakfast, I’m a bit of an early riser so was gonna surprise your dad with breakfast in bed” she said as she flipped a pancake. The sweet tone of her voice infuriated you and without thinking you spoke your true thoughts “my mom used to do that for dad, she made her pancakes from scratch though” you coldly said, not missing the slight frown in Scarlett’s features. “Well I’m not the best at cooking” she said as she painted a smile back on her face “I did get a vegan mix tho, your dad told me you don’t eat dairy” she finished. “You’re making me pancakes?” You questioned, feeling slightly guilty at your earlier outburst. “Oh if you want something else feel free to help yourself. I have oat milk for cereal and there’s some eggs if you’d like those” Scarlett said, delicately moving the hot pancake from the pan to the plate. “I could make you some bacon if you’d prefer or perhaps some sausages?” Scarlett continued as she listed off the long list of breakfast items she had. “Can you just stop!” You yelled out suddenly, Scarlett froze at your outburst. “You don’t have to do…all this! I can take care of myself ok. I know you weren’t expecting some random teenager to be dumped with you when you got involved with my dad but I wasn’t exactly expecting a new mom. And just so we’re clear, I’m not looking for one either!” You yelled as you stormed out of the kitchen and stomped back up the stairs.
The noise from downstairs had woken Colin up and you brushed past him on your way back to your bedroom. “Y/n?” He said as you stormed past him with tears coating your cheeks. Your dad decided not to press you straight away, he’d learned early on after your mom passed that it was important for you to let out your emotions. Colin headed downstairs to see if his fiancé might be more open to talking. Walking in slowly, he saw a saddened looking Scarlett standing by the stove “honey?” He said softly. “You’re supposed to be in bed” she said as she turned to Colin “I was making pancakes for you” she said sadly. “What happened?” Colin asked as he made his way over to Scarlett. “Does y/n think I’m gonna replace her mom?” She spoke quietly. “Is that what she said?” Colin asked “well sort of” Scarlett said with a large frown. Colin ushered his fiancé over to the kitchen island where they sat together hand in hand. “She just said that she’s not looking for a new mom. She got upset when I was giving her some ideas for breakfast” Scarlett said. “Oh my god she’s so dramatic” your dad sighed “I’ll have a word and get to her apologise, she’s not gonna get away with being so rude” Colin said angrily as he rose from his seat. “I don’t think she meant it like that” Scarlett called, pausing Colin’s movements “she just got…overwhelmed. Maybe I came on too strong, I just wanted her to feel welcomed” the blonde frowned.
Back in your room, you sat in silence letting the guilt consume you. It was only when you heard the thumping footsteps outside your door did you finally return to reality. “What the hell is the matter with you!” Colin shouted as he threw open your bedroom door “I told you that you would be respectful to Scarlett and then you go and talk to her like that!” He yelled. “I’m sorry” you whispered under your breath “I’m not finished!” your dad screamed as he interrupted you “I am running out of options with you y/n, this behaviour has to stop! You are not the only one who lost your mom and it would be nice if you could just appreciate that I am happy. You may not like it but I am with Scarlett now and you are just gonna have to get used to it because this is reality now! I’m getting sick of you.” Colin said as you just sat and took your medicine. He didn’t even give you a chance to explain or apologise before he was out the door, bumping into Scarlett on the way. “You’re supposed to be taking a shower” she said with a disappointed glance. “I’m now going” Colin said in a huff as he brushed her off. “If that’s how you talk to her it’s no wonder she gets riled up so quickly” Scarlett said softly “what would you know? You’re not a mother are you” Colin said as he slammed the bathroom door closed.
Your door was gently pushed open and you glanced up cautiously to see Scarlett carrying through a tray of food. “Brought you some pancakes” she said brightly, slowly depositing the tray atop your desk. You could see the glimmer of sadness behind Scarlett’s eyes “I heard what my dad said to you, I’m sorry” you said. “It’s not your fault y/n” Scarlett said as she sceptically came to sit with you. “If I hadn’t made him angry he wouldn’t of said it, so I’m sorry” you sheepishly said “and I’m sorry for what I said too” the blonde placed her hand on your shoulder in what she hoped was a comforting touch “does he usually speak to you like that when he’s mad?” She asked. “You heard?” You said in an embarrassed tone “could hear him from downstairs” Scarlett replied. “He expects a lot from me, especially since mom died” you frowned. Scarlett had never seen such an angry side to Colin, she found herself feeling somewhat protective over you, despite her unconditional love for your dad. “He shouldn’t have yelled at you like that” the older woman said “he’s just going through a lot” you said, trying to find excuses for your dads behaviour. “So are you” Scarlett said as she rested her arm around your shoulders. You felt tears well up in your eyes and couldn’t resist but to lean into Scarlett’s embrace. You didn’t expect it to be so warm and so comfortable, something that felt almost like home. You forgot for a second that you weren’t basking in the comfort of your mom and sat up quickly to wipe your eyes. “Sorry, you shouldn’t have to deal with me being all hormonal and teenagery” you said while rubbing at your nose with your sleeve “thank you for breakfast” you said ending the conversation. Scarlett smiled as she stood up and left your room.
It was lunchtime when you next dared to venture out of your room, once again in search of food. Silence followed you throughout the large house as you journeyed towards the kitchen. You helped yourself to an apple from the spotless fruit basket on the corner counter. “Hey kiddo” your dad said from behind, startling you slightly. “Hi” you said questioningly over your shoulder, you watched as Colin took a seat at the island counter and assumed he wanted you to do the same. “Y/n I’m sorry about this morning, I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that” Colin said “it’s no excuse but I guess the move has been harder on me than I thought it would. I know you miss your mom sweetie and so do I but I just want you to get along with her” he finished with a face full of regret. “It’s okay, I forgive you” you said quietly before taking the first bite of your apple. “Scarlett said you got a bit upset, it was her who made me realise I was wrong, she was really mad at the way I spoke to you” Colin said with an uncomfortable laugh. “Oh mother of the year everybody” you said sarcastically, making your dad raise his eyebrows at you in a warning way “sorry” you huffed. Assuming the conversation was over you made a break for your bedroom “fancy a movie night later?” Your dad said pausing your movements “the 3 of us, your pick first?” He said as he walked up next to you “I think Scarlett might like another little hug” he said with a cheeky grin. you watched as he went into the living room, slightly annoyed that he knew about your slip up. Deep down, you knew the hug felt nice, but you remained decided - Scarlett isn’t your mom, she never will be.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904 / @strange-night-owl / @kkreader78o / @hatergirl-69 / @asv-xx
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kittyundercover1 · 11 months
Shall we Dance? (Imagination Movers x Reader Oneshot)
Warnings: None
Words: 770
Based on “The Greatest Dance” by “Imagination Movers”
You stand to the side as you observe your peers chatting and dancing the night away. You were reluctant to receive an invite to this upper-class last minute, but because of the short amount of time you had to get your hair done and find fancy clothing, finding a date didn’t even come to mind.
Nevertheless, you always found your way to enjoy your surroundings whether you were with others or not. However, you do wish you had someone to talk with to fulfill your time.
To snap you out of your thoughts, classical-sounding music began playing. Other guests found a dancing partner to waltz with. You stood in the center of the floor observing the others. You were about to return to your standing area until a rather handsome man with semi-curly hair wearing a tuxedo with a red and yellow name tag on the right side of his chest spelling out ‘Rich’ slightly bowed and extended one hand to you and placed the other behind his back.
“Shall we dance, shall we dance? Step in time, you and I. We could fly straight to the stars.”
He glides his hand in the air, slowly waving as if stars were actually in your face. The moment the piano hit a strong note for a brief second, he reached his hand in front of you again.
“Take my hand, take my hand,” you held his hand, accepting his gesture.
“I’ll spin you around the room,” he lifts your hand above your head, giving you room to twirl on your toes. “Then twirl you up to the moon,” you feel yourself getting taller and taller, or rather slowly floating from the ground.
It’s as if invisible steps appeared as this Rich fellow gracefully stepped up to reach for your hand again. He gives it a comforting squeeze, indicating that everything’s going to be okay and even more magical.
“Can you see, this could be, the greatest dance.”
It feels like the scene changed. It felt like you were dancing on a platform that looked and felt like clouds. Hovering from above, four more smaller cloud stages appear with three other guys with similar name tags waltzing with alternate versions of you while a mouse was…playing the piano? You had to admit, he was pretty good. The name tags on those guys spelled out ‘Scott’, ‘Smitty’, and ‘Dave’. You had to admit again, those three also looked cute.
“Birds of a feather flock together rising high above the swaying purple heather. Swirling, whirling, gliding, moving by, like a dancing ballet in the starry sky.”
“Spinning, soaring, swirling, whirling, a tapestry.”
Scott and Dave’s vocals intertwined with one another. Those identical versions of you were smiling ear to ear. The six of you from those platforms were having a ball. Literally!
A sudden shift as the scene changes again. The focus was back on the main version of you and Rich. You both held microphones. Scott repeats himself while Dave sings something new.
“Now we sing, now we sing. I’ll be the melody, you’ll be the harmony tune,” Rich continues dancing with you, leaning back in a striking pose as you do the same.
“Birds of a feather flock together rising high above the swaying purple heather. Swirling, whirling, gliding, moving by, like a dancing ballet in the starry sky.”
“Lifting, swaying, join me, and dance with the symphony.”
The way the three vocalize is blissfully harmonious.
“Can you see, this could be, the greatest dance. You and me, we could be, the greatest dance,” Scott and Dave briefly join for the last few notes of the song as it finishes.
For the final move, Rich dips you. Just like that, you two back at the ballroom. You realize a crowd formed around the two of you, engulfed in the performance. The audience cheers and applauds you and your dance partner.
Rich raises you back up on your feet as both of you hold hands and take a bow. There was something about these four men you were drawn to. You wondered if you would ever see them again after tonight. Even if you didn’t, they transformed this night into something you’ll never forget. He kisses the back of your hand before gazing into your eyes, smiling once more.
“If you ever have a situation that needs imagination, visit the Idea Warehouse,” he winks before returning to the trio and rodent with brown and orange fur—er, hair?
You heard of the Idea Warehouse before, but you never had a problem that big. Perhaps you’ll take up his offer when you do.
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123countwithme · 8 months
Social Media caption: "The Movers lounge act. Try the veal."
The mover gang enjoying life
The song they are singing if you are wondering: "It had to be you"
(I have no idea who the original singer for this song is but there are a couple of versions I will put this one here)
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SNEAK PEEK: Never Grow Up (Caregiver Dave, an Imagination Movers story)
Note: I had trouble deciding who to write for first, and I decided to write Dave's chapter first! This is just a sneak peek, and the full chapter should be out soon! No pressure tags: @123countwithme @kittyundercover1 and @redgearsmovin (I know you guys don't follow this blog, but I thought you guys might like this)
Caregiver Dave "Dave, Dolly needs your help!"
Dave almost bangs his head from underneath the kitchen sink from your shout.
He carefully crawls from underneath the sink, sits up, and got up so he could check Dolly, your Dino stuffie.
Dolly was your favorite stuffie, since Nina gave Dolly to you as a present.
Where-ever you went, so did Dolly, and sometimes Dolly gets hurt, and her stuffing comes out.
Case in point, which was wrong with Dolly now.
Dave gives you an I'm-sorry look.
"Sorry, kiddo. But, there's a lot of stuff that needs fixing around The Warehouse today."
Your lower lip sticks out.
"Scott said you could!"
Dave looks across The Think Tank, where Scott was reading a book about burros, his favorite animal.
When he noticed Dave looking at him, he gave Dave a sheepish smile before covering his face with the book.
Dave looks back at you, and sighs.
"Okay, how about this: let me finish fixing the sink first, and then I can help Dolly."
"Pinky promise?"
Dave locks his pinky with yours.
"Pinky promise."
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benne-basta-bauce · 4 months
if I ever actually get good at playing the bass, and if someone asks me why I play, I'm just gonna hit them with the silly answer.
"oh who inspired you to pick up the bass guitar? was it Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy? Mikey Way? literally any other normal answer?" yes but NO! Dave from Imagination Movers.
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redgearsmovin · 1 month
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[ID start: Various digital sketches of Imagination Movers characters: Nina, Dave, Scott, Smitty and Rich. End ID.]
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zedleaked · 3 months
Who's the shark in your recent post of Dave and Buck?
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