#I have never created this many gifs based on my interests so this may be a new level
123countwithme · 8 months
Have them! Take them! Use them!
I made them for the fandom since I have only seen about 3 gifs so I'm restocking the shelves!
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ghostlyferrettarot · 7 months
🖤✨️Venus in the houses✨️🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open.
🖤🖤If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🖤🖤
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♥︎Venus 1st house: charming people with a flirtatious aura. They know how to get people attached to them ; love to compliment others but expect double the praise in return, they know they are a catch. This individuals are usually the life of the party, the one who unites the relationship/friendship group.
♥︎Venus 2nd house: This is the house of finances, so these people prefer to be pampered by their loved one. People with strong values and respect, they expect the same from their partners. They don't play, they want stability and seriousness in a relationship; most loyal and supporting persons ever.
♥︎Venus 3rd house: really flirtatious and persuasive. They value new experiences, they are attracted to other's personality and interests. You have to keep them entertained, they have an adventurous nature and can get bored easily when it comes to a routine.
♥︎Venus 4th house: These individuals have a really harmonious and protective nature, a fairy-like aura to them. They value comfort and openness in a relationship, they want to feel the love of their partners and create a special bond with them. These people tend to attract people with mommy and daddy issues, with an "I can fix them" vibe.
♥︎Venus 5th House: These are my luxurious people, they have high standards and don't care what anyone has to say about it. They are in love with love, their cheerful nature attracts them towards creative people and people who are in a position of fame or success. They are the muses of artists.
♥︎Venus 6th house: These individuals tend to manage many things at once, they thrive on self-improvement. Their love language tends to be acts of service, they are also attracted to truly selfless people. They can spot a lie from miles away, value trust, and expect the same from their romantic partners. They forgive but they never forget.
♥︎Venus 7th house: They have an attractive and persuasive personality, they are tolerant and charismatic. The 7th house is the house of agreement and partnership, so your luck will probably change after your marriage, your significant other may play an important role in your life. These people crave love and genuine connections.
♥︎Venus 8th house: They are very sensual and intimidating; tend to have stalkers and admirers. They value deep connections, people who truly understand and accept them. People with some type of trauma are attracted to them. You may be interested in occult sciences and have healing powers.
♥︎Venus 9th house: They have a happy aura and an adventurous character. These individuals are attracted to optimistic and adventurous people, those who value their beliefs and want to take risks with them. Venus in the 9th house attracts many foreigners as it may indicate a lot of travelling, you significant other may be from another country.
♥︎Venus 10th House: The 10th House governs public image, career aspirations, and career achievements which makes these individuals attracted to status. They are goal-oriented, always looking to improve, and expect the same from their partners. You will want to live a high-profile life and connect with influential people.
♥︎Venus 11th house: They have a calming and jovial personality. Easily attract many friends who would want to work and connect with you to grow your business. These are my "friends to lovers" trope, they value friendship over romance, which attracts them to those closer to them.
♥︎Venus 12th house: These are my artistic people, they have a lot of passion and compassion. They tend to be attracted to spiritual or helpful people. They value connections and are naturally drawn to others; They find much comfort in helping those around them. They are looking for a partner with good character and empathy.
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hyun3hk3y · 5 days
Symbolism in "Portrait of Lady Edelgard Von Hresvelg"
This is something that I’ve usually never really felt comfortable doing. If you ever wonder why some artists are a bit more reluctant to actually *talk* about the “meaning” of their work, its because it strikes the same tenor as having to explain why a joke is funny.  If I have to actually lay it out for the viewer why certain decisions were made in the execution of a work of art, the magic of the whole experience may be lost.  Moreover, many artists avoid making definitive statements on their work because they do not wish to deprive viewers the opportunity to derive their own unique explanation. 
While I chiefly view myself as a fine artist, most of my artistic training was as an illustrator.  As an artist, this can lead to an interesting dichotomy when it comes to creating paintings.  During my studies, I was told that the job of an illustrator is to solve pictorial problems for people often by making pictures that tell a story or convey an idea.  Fine art’s definition, in contrast, tends to be more nebulous.  But I digress, on to the painting…
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A number of people on reddit and Tumblr have remarked on the candle with the snuffed-out flame.  No interpretations on it have been offered, the mere presence of a candle with a smoldering wick is a strong enough implication.  However, this is one instance where I drew inspiration from art history so I believe it is worth elaborating on.  The animus for the candle originates in the Arnolfini Portrait by Jan Van Eyck.  Below is an image of the painting with the pertinent candle circled.
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Art history scholars have a number of different readings about the candle’s presence, but the one I was taught in Art History is that the lit candle indicates the presence of the holy ghost or the watchful eye of God.  Three Houses draws from a number of religions for its world building, in the case of The Church of Serios, the developers took the majority of their cues from The Catholic Church.  If a lit candle would suggest Edelgard’s faith in the Goddess, then an extinguished one must imply Edelgard’s *loss* of faith. 
In addition to the extinguished candle, I would also like to direct viewers to the reflection of the candle in the polished wood table surface. In the reflection the candle is still burning very brightly, almost down to the base of the candelabra.
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The purpose of this image is to recall a saying from old Taoism Philosophy in China: “The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.”  Those who are familiar with Edelgard’s back story in Three Houses will find its relevance obvious.  I doubt I am the only one to make the allusion.
This brings me to the next major piece of symbolism I employed in the painting, the dagger and the drapery on the table.  The dagger’s significance should go without saying, but its application as a device will become more apparent after I explain the table cloth.  To put it succinctly, the majority of the dark shadow shapes made by the tablecloth are arranged to evoke the shape of the crest of flames.  Below is another visual to help illuminate this detail. 
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The immediate implication here is the detail of Edelgard possessing the crest of flames.  As for why I decided to depict it in a more concealed way…When I first got the idea for this painting, the whole concept was that if a person saw this painting in a gallery, they would be looking at an actual artifact from Fodlan, one that created by an artist who actually lived there.  This is why the second row of the inscription reads “In the Imperial Year” on the left side and “1179” on the right.  This means the painting would have been completed just before Edelgard starts attending Gareg Mach, and long before the greater public would know she has the crest of flames.  How the artist came to know this would remain a mystery.  I like to imagine it as a detail that Fodlan’s historians would debate over for years after the game’s narrative.
There is also a second message that I have intended with the dagger’s placement cutting (heh) across the crest…Gripping the dagger over the crest of flames is a statement about what the path is that Edelgard will take, especially when the crest is examined as representing the Goddess Sothis.  In fact, there are two (technically three) lines of dialogue from Three Houses I had in mind for this symbolism.
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That about sums it up!  I may do a couple more posts in the future where I show how the painting evolved from thumbnails, to studies to the finished image if theres interest in that sort of thing.
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
ATEEZ San Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not a professional astrologer. May change later.
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July 10th, 1999
Jinju, South Korea
10:08 AM
☀️♋️, 🌙♊️, ⬆️♍️
Sun in 11th shows a drive and ambition towards his future dreams and goals. San has always wanted to be a singer since he was young and has worked very hard to achieve his dream. He has improved his performance and vocal skills immensely over the years, often being the most eye catching member for many people who aren't ATINYs.
Mercury Leo in 11th shows a preference for like minded people. San seems to really enjoy the company of others - seems considerate of others feelings and cares to be on good terms with people. He has a natural charm and sweetness about him.
Moon in 9th also adds onto his ambitiousness - he truly seems to want to make a great influence on the world and be successful. Especially as a Virgo rising...I've never seen a lazy Virgo placement, they always work so hard for they want. He's very strongly opinionated, all of his beliefs come from the heart.
Saturn is also in 9th, which solidifies his strong beliefs/opnions. Saturn here puts a heavy focus on building future career and life. He makes sure to implement a sense of strictness and discipline into his routine.
Saturn trine ASC can make him appear serious and quiet. Physically, it can give people sharp features (Saturn and prominent bone structure), which San definitely has: sharp cheekbones and jaw, nose and eyes, prominent brow bones. Angular brow shapes suit him the best too (at least imo - it looks more cohesive with the rest of his features compared to straight brows). This is also likely why many people may find him intimidating at first or think he's older than his real age.
Mars Scorpio in 2nd is such a possessive and protective placement. It also creates an incredibly hardworking individual who always goes for whatever they want with no limit. San may be especially inclined to working hard towards his finances and can be particular about things he owns (iirc he has a black card but also won't bother to buy new things sometimes).
Jupiter in 8th...this could be about being good with finances, it is a priority for him (could obtain wealth from someone else maybe). This could also be about transformation of himself as 8th house is "death" and Jupiter is expansion. San seems to focus a lot on being authentic and true to himself, so it would not be too surprising if it is about him constantly trying to improve his character for the better. Maybe he has gone through a lot of life changing experiences or will be/is going through them.
Venus Leo in 12th is interesting, especially since Venus squares Moon and Pluto too. He's certainly loyal and devoted to those he loves (Leo's loyalty + Pluto's possessiveness). In 12th though, perhaps San is shy at first? Or at least very selective. It seems once he trusts/loves a person though, he really clings onto them (just look at the way he's glued to the other members and how he always says Yeosang is his. Venus square pluto behavior). Moon square Venus can add onto his attached and affectionate nature (though, many Leo venuses are just affectionate in general)
Uranus and Neptune in 5th makes for a creative and expressive individual. San clearly loves the arts and always expresses his passion in every performance. He may be a bit strange and unconventional, but I think that's just an artist thing in general
Pluto in 3rd explains his thoughtfulness so much! San is a little silly at times, but he seems to have a very deep side to him due to this placement. You can especially see it in the way he talks/writes in his letters to the members and fans - he writes in a way that pulls at heart strings (even I've gotten emotional at one of his letters and I'm not the type to get soft hearted so easily) and makes people reflect. It also explains his strong beliefs and opinions - he's such an advocate for authenticity. Pluto in 3rd folks have a very specific way of talking and thinking that makes them stand out.
Chiron in 3rd may make him feel insecure about the way he talks and thinks though - maybe San is going or has gone through a period of feeling misunderstood by others. A lot of Chiron in 3rd ppl do. Although he does like spending time with others, I think he may accidentally drive people away by oversharing and/or talking too much...He seems a bit intense and clingy, which may be overwhelming for others. Communication and self esteem is a struggle for many with this placement.
Being a Virgo rising, he may appear quiet and serious, observant and disciplined. Hard working with high standards. Pluto and Saturn aspect his ASC so it adds onto the natural stern energy he has.
North Node Leo in 11th is focused on building community, contributing to groups, and celebrating the individualities of others. I think he is doing a pretty good job at this as he's very encouraging and kind to others and is always advocating for people to simply be themselves.
Gemini MC can appear sociable, curious, and optimistic. San is a pretty positive person, I don't think I've seen him be negative to himself or others much...He always seem to be active on socials as he talks to ATINYs a lot. ATEEZ considered him one of the more talkative members in the group too.
Other Analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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kathaynesart · 2 years
This is probably dumb to ask, but what’re your thoughts on JJ Conway confirming that an official Rise of TMNT revival is unlikely?
I have not seen any mention of this in JJ Conway’s feed so I would need to be directed to what confirmation you’re referring to exactly.
Regardless, even if that is the case, it honestly would not have as much of an impact on me as it might have on some fans. Sure I would be sad that the show was not continuing, but honestly it was not the show that got me so deep into this fandom in the first place. Yes it was a really fun series with some amazing animation, a great cast, and fun concepts, but if that was all it took then there would be a lot of other great shows I would also be waist deep in.
Ironically the things that brought my love for this fandom to an all time high was actually the fandom itself, the passion of its original creators, and the raw potential that comes with being a story cut far too soon. I know all of those may sound odd but hear me out. There’s a strange allure that comes with the unknown and I think the movie did a wonderful job in setting the fandom on that course by leaving us with so many questions. When a story is left hanging with that sort of potential it feeds into a creator’s need to tap into those untouched elements and find ways of fulfilling the things they never got.
For example, if we saw Donatello in the post apocalyptic future and knew exactly what he looked like and what type of person he had become do you think there would be so many crazy and amazing interpretations of him within the fan base? Probably not. The more information we’re given the more answers there are to close the doors to that sort of creativity.
As sad as I am that we may not get more, at the same time this lack of content has led to a fun kind of mystery that I think a lot of people have latched onto. What’s more there are just so many amazing and creative people within this fandom I have met who continue to inspire me in this wonderful loop of creative feedback. That's something I haven't found in a long time. Rise did a wonderful job of being unique and by being unique it drew the interest of equally unique and inspiring fans that I have a ton of respect for. In doing so this fandom has sort of taken on a life of its own but in a way that feels supportive and full of curiosity since we have so much to work with but so few of the creative boundaries that come with having a “proper ending.”
I dunno, maybe I’m just overthinking the whole thing, but it's something I've been mulling over since very few pieces of media have grabbed my attention in such a way.
TLDR: even if we never get more episodes, that's not why I'm a part of this fandom and if anything it only inspires me to continue to create more content since there is an obvious demand for it. My only hope is that people will continue to enjoy the content I and other creatives put out, with or without the promise of further episodes.
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Bo Sinclair x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: the reader is in on the whole killing people thing and she helps them, the reader is caught in a fight, the whole plot is kinda based around bo and the reader going to see potential people to kill rip 
Author’s Note: HELLO BELLA QUEEN I hope you enjoy this, it is unedited and I wrote it all while watching the movie. So there are fo sure some grammatical errors <3 I took our conversation and ran with it fr 
Requested: by @blonde-bombshell-wannabe, MAYA !! (This is Bella on a diff acc) may I request for my babygirl Bo Sinclair! thank you ily queen 
Summary: The reader lives in Ambrose with the brothers. She goes with Bo one night to scare off some campers/frighten them towards Ambrose and she gets hurt. 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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The town of Ambrose was dead. The lonely streets were desolate and smelled of pine trees. The windows, even when they robotically moved, were vacant of any kind of life. The wax museum at the top of the hill was filled with lifeless eyes but they were the closest you had to any kind of human interaction. 
Outside of the Sinclair's. The Sinclair's had enough life in them to fill up the entire town, to drown it with their actions and etch their own marking onto the world. The rest of the continent may be filled with towns that created economy’s but not Ambrose. Ambrose was a secret in itself. It made living there all the more entertaining. There was always something to discover, always something to unearth. 
Bo liked to pretend the whole place was condensed down to the gas station and its immediate surroundings. He was standing behind the counter, finicking with a bolt and screwdriver. He had the wrench between his teeth as he looked down at it, eyebrows knitted in frustration and determination. 
“You see those guys down the road? Twenty miles up south?” Bo looked up to meet the eyes of his brother Lester. Following close behind him was you, causing the door to jingle above your head. Bo took the wrench out of his mouth and shook his head. 
“No I haven’t been out,” he grumbled. “Why? You guys been goin that far?” His southern drawl dipped into a bit of jealousy. 
“Not like that. Just perusing,” Lester explained. “They got a campsite. Like them kids from last summer, the ones trying to go to the football game?” Bo nodded. He remembered. Nearly gave him a run for his money too. Soon after that you came along, running away from life and looking for a new place to set down roots. You stumbled into a town that wasn’t even on the map, knocking on hotels that didn’t have any living owners. Bo found you there, showed you around, decided not to kill you. 
It took you a moment to get used to the way the brothers did things but you had never felt like you belonged somewhere more. 
“Never made it to the football game,” Lester laughed. You scoffed and walked up to the counter Bo was standing behind. You hoisted yourself up. 
“Only one car. We couldn’t make out how many people there was but they didn't even notice that we were there,” you explained. Bo nodded once, looking forward. He met your eyes and you shrugged, gently letting him know that you thought it was safe. He hummed under his breath for a second and then cleared his throat. 
“Sounds interesting. We’ll keep an eye on it.”
“We haven’t done anything in weeks Bo. It’s been a drought out here,” you complained. He kept his eyes on you, looking up through his lashes. He was daring you to push it. You wanted to. Lester let out a dramatic sigh. 
“She knows where it is. Just past the dump site.”
“Yeah yeah.” Bo gave him a nod as a ‘thank you’. Lester raised his hands in a small defensive plea and walked back out the gas station. The bell rang above his head to indicate his departure. Even though there were only four of you in the town it always felt like you all took up so much space. You were used to just being by yourself, walking by yourself, driving by yourself. Vincent had made sure you had defense against anyone that you could run into. You could defend yourself. 
Lester leaving left a large space. 
“Don’t be antsy,” he mumbled. He had gone back to whatever he was working on at the desk. You turned around, craning your neck to watch him. His fingers were dirty with grease, his fingernails permanently black. 
“I’m not being antsy.” 
“You are. I can feel it,” he muttered. He glanced up at you, annoyed, and then backed down. You rolled your eyes and reached forward into his shirt pocket to pull out his pack of cigarettes. 
“You’re tense. Have a smoke,” you joked. He scoffed but you got a smile out of him. You nimbly pulled out one from the pack. He was low. He kept a drawer of them by his bedside until someone made it far out enough to buy more. They were a variety of brands. He had never been picky. 
You offered it to him. He took it, continuing his mock annoyance, and put it between his teeth. 
“You gonna light it too sweetheart?” he questioned, muffled by the cigarette. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the lighter sitting on the desk. You tried it twice and it finally lit. He moved forward to the flame and the end of it smoked. 
“Think on it. I think they’ll be gone by tomorrow though so don’t think too long,” you said. He nodded, putting the smoke between his fingers. You pushed yourself off the desk and walked forward to the door. “I can go without you.” 
He gave you a warning look. 
“What, flash some lights intimidatingly? That’s not a very hard job Bo.” 
“Watch it.” You backed off. You opened the door and stepped out. 
“Yes sir.” 
The bell dinged as you left. 
You twirled your car keys on your finger. The sky had just turned into a cloudy overcast as you walked out of the House of Wax. You liked to watch Vince sculpt and he let you sit there, drinking a soda, leaned back in a comfy chair. You walked down the hill towards the church when Bo appeared, wearing his jumpsuit. He tilted his baseball hat down as a hello. 
“What’re you doin up here?”
“Hanging with Vince. What are you doin up here?” 
“Lookin for you,” he explained. “Suns going down. Don’t exactly wanna go with Lester out to that campsite.” Your eyes went wide in excitement. You really thought you were gonna have to go by yourself tonight and that was sure to create an argument in the morning. You were pleased that he had changed his mind or at least, gotten more used to the idea of you tagging along. 
You smiled but other than that, didn’t mention it. 
“We taking my car or yours?” 
“Which one of mine?” You rolled your eyes and followed in stride with him down the hill.
“You say they’re yours as though you didn’t steal them.” “They dropped the car keys on the ground,” he suggested. He gestured to the ground. “Middle of the road. Abandoned.” He shook his head as he walked up to one of his trucks. He had finally gotten around to fixing the front headlight of it and could drive it out again. Not that he was against breaking the rules, he just didn’t like driving a car that wasn’t up to code. Old life habits you imagined. 
You got into the passenger seat. 
“You got a knife?” You gave your combat boots a slap. 
“Whatever Lester gave me,” you said. “He tried to tell me which one was better but I tuned him out.” 
“It’s good he has hobbies.” He turned on the car and it grumbled beneath you. It sputtered and then came to life. Bo turned the gear forward and then started to drive down the road until it hit the dirt. You watched out of the window as the sun started to fall. You were due a twenty minute drive, more or less, and by the time you arrived at the campsite it would be completely gone.
The trees passed you by in a blur. Ambrose was so far out from everything that you barely could recognize the difference between south and north. If it weren’t all you now knew, you’d never be able to find yourself. 
“You fix that dodge?” you asked, leaning your head against the cool window. 
“Just about. Have to get a couple things from the city,” he admitted. 
“Well it’s a good thing we aren’t paying rent,” you joked. He gave you a half smile, for your benefit. 
“How was Vincent?” he questioned, almost begrudgingly. You shrugged. 
‘He’s good. Working on a new figure.”
“Always,” he muttered. 
“It keeps him sane. We all have our vices.”
“Yeah, what’s yours?” 
“You,” you said, smugly. He glanced over at you, taking his eyes clean off the road. “How about you Bo? What’s your vice?”
“Cars and beer.” 
“Oh a typical southern man.” You pointed up the road. “Take a right up here.” The trees were now casting a dark shadow over the road. The sun was almost completely gone. “Are you armed?” 
“Yeah,” he said. He reached into the glove box in front of you without a warning. You moved your knees, making an annoyed groan that had no heart in it. 
“What’re you looking for?”
“Knife.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Let me help.” 
“No.” He moved his hands over your knees. You were wearing shorts, courtesy of the heat. Though you weren’t sure how long it would last. Had you thought longer, you would have changed before night fell. But that required doing laundry and you wanted to avoid that as much as you could. Your bare knees brushed against his hand. Still greased, rough from the constant manhandling. 
“Here.” He grabbed the hilt of a covered knife. “Better for slashing tires than yours.” 
“You don’t even know what Lester got me.” 
“I know this one is better.” 
You drove in comfortable silence for a while more. The music played quietly, some trashy dad rock. He turned it down as you approached, listening for your directions. Finally you came to a rocky stop. He left the lights on. You could hear laughter from your window that was cracked open. The faint crackling of a fire. Fun was being had in front of you. 
“This is my favorite part,” you whispered. Bo turned on the high beams and the laughter came to a slow stuttering stop. You sat up to see their faces. Two girls and two boys. Double dates. Camping trip gone wrong. You could imagine the headlines. 
“Hey! Can you turn off your lights? You’re blinding us!” a voice called, a males. You sat up straighter to see but Bo put his hand in front of you. He gave you a warning look and you stopped moving. You settled into your seat. 
“Hey man!” 
There were more cries of protest. You watched Bo, watched as his face stayed steady. Calm. Focused. 
Then he backed away. He pulled out of the dirt road and back down the street to wait for them to fall into deep sleep. They never followed the truck. You thought about that everytime you sat in it, wondering why they didn’t just walk down the road to see it sitting there in wait. Moments like those made you feel better about what eventually happened to them. Silly humans, making silly decisions. 
Bo parked in the shrouded part of the streets. 
“We really should put some blankets in the bed of the truck,” you suggested. You had taken off your seatbelt and put your feet up on the chair. You should’ve brought a book or something. “We sit here forever. We could take a nap.”
“Bring an alarm clock?”
“Yeah. Now you’re getting it.” He rolled his eyes. He had put his hat over his head to take a nap but you weren’t letting him. He had finally just put it back to its rightful position and continued the conversation. 
“You know what else we could do in the bed?” You rolled your eyes. 
“Alright alright.” You sat up. “How long is this gonna take?” 
“This is why you never come.”
“Because I get bored of sitting here without a blanket, a book or a movie.”
“Stop being childish,” he mumbled. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cigarette. He lit it easily, blowing the smoke out the window. He started the car. 
He didn’t answer but he drove out of the spot, indicating that it was in fact, time. 
He let you lead. He didn’t usually like to. He wanted to be in control with his smug shit eating grin as you watched him walk around. The adrenaline would kick in when he got back into the car with you and the urge to kiss you was never higher. 
Today he let you do it. He let you do the count, walk around the campsite like a grim reaper with all the cards in her hand. He watched, leaning against the car, as you stalked. 
Bo was clear in his expectations. Check quickly for weapons and then make sure there was no one hiding in the tents when you had driven by earlier. He would grab the part of the car needed to get them to stay.
Your footsteps were light on the dewy grass. The only indication you were there was the moon, highlighting your outline. 
You could feel Bo’s eyes on you as you approached the first of two tents. It had a sheer roof. You could hear the even breathing of two sleeping people. One man, one girl. You were right on the dot, as you had been earlier. 
You walked to the other tent. You wondered briefly what all the fuss was about as you saw the next one also had a sheer top. You glanced at Bo’s outline. The only real indication he was there was the red cigarette butt between his fingers. 
When you looked back at the tent you came face to face with an unfamiliar man. 
You gasped.
It was the loudest thing in the night as you saw a face you had never seen before, tall, broad, scary. You had thought Bo was scary when you first met him but he was nothing compared to this man now. 
He wasted no time and no questions. He threw a punch. 
You hadn’t been prepared for the confrontation and you had no time to retaliate. There was no knife in your hand when there should have been. 
You stumbled back. There was a momentary blindness as you reached forward, throwing a punch that didn’t have a location. You grabbed your nose, which was already bleeding. The man had moved forward for more but you could see something had stopped in. 
A fight in the dead of night was so confusing. It was dangerous and it was blinding. Your eyes weren’t caught up to the movement of the darkness. You were always going to be a step behind fast movement. 
“Come on.” It was Bo’s voice, his hand grabbing your arm and dragging you away. You cursed, hand still over your face. You hit the truck and he let you go to get in your passenger seat. Bo pulled away, tires grumbling under the rock road. He drove quickly out of the scene. For once you were glad they didn’t think to follow. 
“They didn’t see your face. It was too dark.” 
You passed a street light. There was blood all over your hands. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t hear…” Another street light. Dimmer one this time, like it was about to go out. You saw the blood on Bo’s knuckles as they gripped the steering wheel. 
Bo pulled over when he thought it was safe enough. He didn’t tell you that but you could tell that he had been itching to pull over for miles. He turned on the overhead light and got out of the car. You stayed put as he walked around the front, opening up the passenger door. 
“What’s hurtin?” he questioned lowly. He removed your hand forcefully. The blood trickled down your fingers and onto your lips. 
“My nose,” you whispered. He shook his head, reopening the dashboard. He had napkins shoved in there. 
“Don’t move.” He gently put his hand over your nose. “It’s gonna bruise. It ain’t broken.” You nodded slowly. You felt the natural tears well up in your eyes from the pain and the adrenaline wearing off. You pushed them aside, from fear of being weak in front of Bo. “Fucking hell,” he muttered. “That’s why you aren’t allowed to come along.”
“I can fight them when they’re in Ambrose,” you argued. “I thought they were all asleep. I saw two of them knocked o-”
“Not asleep enough. We should’ve waited, if you hadn’t been fuckin pestering me then we-”
“Don’t blame this on me! I was the one who got punched!”
“And I was the one who had to save your ass!” He backed up, shaking his head. He looked younger in the dim lighting of the dome bulbs. “I’m takin you back.” Before you could protest he walked to the other side of the car. 
“Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna go kill the fucker.” 
“It’s gonna happen eventually, I’m gonna make it sooner. Ain’t no one allowed to hit you and get away with that.” You were still holding the napkins to your nose. 
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not.” His voice was harsh. You would think he was angry at you if his words weren’t so genuine. “Don’t fuckin lie to me.” 
“I’m not lying.” 
“Sweetheart c’mon.” He glanced at you. He took a turn sharply. You were going way faster now than you had been on the way over. You guessed it would only take another five minutes to get back to town. “I’ll leave you with Vincent and you stay there alright?” 
You nodded. You didn’t wanna argue. 
Bo came back when dawn came. You were in between consciousness, still feeling the effects of your eventual concussion. You heard him come into the house. The screen door was loose and made noise when it shut. You sat up, hair strayed from tossing and turning. 
You could hear Bo take off his boots. As he walked his steps became more labored. You met his eyes as he entered your bedroom. You waited. 
“He’s dead.” 
“I’m sorry.” He shook his head. 
“You okay?” You nodded. He sat down beside you, swinging his knee up so he could get closer. He put his hand on your cheek, brushing your nose with his thumb as he examined your face. “Bruised.” 
“You said that last night.”
“I wasn’t sure. I’m sure now.” You nodded. He kept his hand on your cheek, making sure there was no other damage. 
“Thanks Bo,” you whispered. He nodded. 
“Don’t fuckin do that again ‘lright?” You nodded back. 
“Scouts honor.” He smiled smugly. He was loopy and tired. He could fall asleep sitting up. He took off his hat, removing his hand from your face. He ran his fingers through your hair. “Sleep,” you whispered. 
“Why not? You saved my life tonight Bo.” 
“You think I deserve a kiss for that?” The smug smile returned. You rolled your eyes and sat forward, putting your hand on his shoulder. 
“I think I could arrange that.” 
He turned his head and kissed you. The morning light seeped through the light curtains of your window. The sunrise promised a new day. You just wanted to go back to sleep. You cupped his cheek, leaning into his lips. You had always known Bo would be a good kisser but feeling it in action was a different story. You pulled away for air and put your forehead against his. 
“Sleep. I think I’m concussed.” He scoffed, giving you a low chuckle.
“Alright sweetheart, scoot over.” 
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i-am-vita · 8 months
Ghost Rose musings: Loves and Friends
Some shorter Headcanons for OcReader because I have too many ideas to concentrate in my actual WIPs. And I still have to finish her bio and family. And her Phantom Pirates crew because stupid overachieving brain has to create full Ocs and lore. I swear I worked on this a normal amount of time.
Based on my first OPLA older menxfemreader headcanons
👉 Masterlist
Phantom Pirates Crew already.
Soon the Strawhats.
Characters: Shanks, Beckman, Mihawk, Bogard, Garp, Buggy, Zeff, Kuro, Crocodile, Do Flamingo, Big Mom.
Warnings: Swearing, back at excessive and unnecesary use of the word Fuck. Suggestive themes. Some spoiler of future OP (for the just OPLA readers).
Expect: Use of You, not y/n. Still bad english. These are not the Consistent Time Tenses you are looking for. I wrote half of this instead of working.
Still not beta'd because I exist in the void.
Redhead "I Ran Away with Him not Abducted by" Shanks
Bestie (with benefits most of the time). The person you trust most in the world. Always there when you need him, somehow. You love him to death, as a friend because man’s anti commitment in the best of days and you know it.
He is NOT jealous that Mihawk is interested in you and you reciprocate enough to have ended his benefits indefinitely. Not at all... Of course you deserve someone who loves and cherish only you as the treasure you are, to wake with you in his arm for the rest of his life... Fuck.
Fave of your Captain Erik. He still believes he can convince Shanks to settle down with you. Maybe he should arrange more jobs where you end up stranded somewhere and Shanks has to pick you up.
Benn "Hang in There, Old Man" Beckman
Just marry his Captain already so he has another babysitter that's not him, damn it! Give a man a break. May teams up with Eriksson to rid Shanks of his libertine ways.
Totally not getting Shanks all riled up by wondering out loud if Mihawk would actually propose to you. Should he tell him about the Bathhouse incident?
Dracule "I'm not Falling for Him" Mihawk
Woman, you stole from him, cinderella-ed him and he keeps looking for you. Get your shit together and fuck him already instead of running away after smooch him and heavy making out with him every time he finds you. It's not like you're falling in love with him. Nop... Fuck.
He is absolutely not so head over heels about you that has started to name your future child. Damn, you want to bring over your redhead plaything idiot from time to time? Go ahead. That Marine fucker better keep away from you. No, he’s not drunk in your favorite sweet red berries juice wine that he despises but still drinks because it reminds him of The Day You Met and the taste of your lips… Maybe.
Fave of your captain's wife. Full going for he's-the-catch-of-the-season victorian-matchmaker mode. May be arranging an unusual amount of balls and inviting him. Has the wedding planned already.
Bogard "It Would Never Have Worked" Rick
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We don't talk about Bogard. Too sad and guilty for leaving him hanging in your youth. You can't help but still care for him. Maybe still love him. A little. Let's not think about him.
He's not dying inside to have discovered you're the Ghost Rose and you may be in love with Mihawk. Absolutely no... Fuck.
Wait until he finds out about Shanks.
Monkey D. "My Son is the Most Wanted Man in the World" Garp
He is all for Bogard to "go fight for her, you idiot". Actually likes you and your boss.
If the Duchess arranges a ball, he's sending Bogard undercover to inform him if he notices some "suspicious activity". Bogard isn't getting it, would just byronicly sulk in the noir corners, doing his job and longing for you from afar.
"And why didn't you dance with her, moron? yOu WeRe DoInG yOuR jOb... I didn't get married and had a son by staying away just doing my job." Wait, was he married to the mother of his son? "Am I a barbarian like Roger? Of course I am married to the mother of my son." Wait, is she still around? "Like alive? Of course. She left and hates the guts of me for being absent all the time and driving our son away to an anti-government life but... still!" Hence...
Neither of you knows what is your bosses deal or history but Garp may be the only Marine in the world who knows that Duke Shostakovich Eriksson is the Phantom Captain. And gives no shit because he's a pal.
Who else is going to snitch all the gossip from his son's whereabouts and the marine highest ranks info they try to hide to him? All those jobs of sneaking in Marine Bases to get intel? They didn't come from him. Not at all... Oh.
Buggy "It was Just One Time" the Clown
You were wasted-drunk and freshly dumped Kuro!!! Not happening again because STANDARDS. Just don't let him sweet talk you and look at his pretty blue puppy eyes at the same time. DO. NOT. LOOK.
Somehow, your captain adores him, thinks he has potential. For what? You have no idea. Outdo him in extravagance?
Buggy kisses the ground your captain walks on. Even when he already told him that Roger never confessed to him about the One Piece. Doesn’t matter. Eriksson rocks. Yes, he knows his identity as does Shanks since he was besties with their captain. Never telling, clown’s promise!
Your crewmates Raoul and Carlotta may or may not have a crush on him. They can have all his chop-chop parts for all you care.
Red "I Ate my" Leg "to Save This Little Flirty Gremlin" Zeff
Eriksson's old bestie. Worked together for a while to seek information about the All Blue. They just talk in insults to each other.
They were supposed to meet that time his ship was wrecked and looked for him for months until your crew found him in that rock with his new kid. "And why the fuck did you tough it was a great idea to raid a ship in the middle of a storm, you mangy landlubber?" “There was something suspicious! Germa 66 was in the area some weeks ago, gossip said they may have planted something important there, you hornswogglin' son of a biscuit eater!” *Kid looks around pretending not being there*. "And that's why the intel dealer is me, not you, scurvy-ridden old sea rat!" *Eriksson looks pointly at kid while Zeff isn't looking*.
Helped him to retire and open his restaurant. His kid may have had a massive crush on you.
Kuro "Fuck That Guy and His Fucking Plans"
Except you did. Literal and metaphorical. And then dumped him for being a piece of shit. But the guy dared to threaten your niece and spat your identity in front of Bogard. Now they can truthfully give him up for death.
Sir "I Hate that Guy" Crocodile
He DARED to mistake you for an escort and groped you when he went to try to make a deal with Eriksson (as the Duke, not the Phantom Captain, he’s unaware of his alter ego). You almost beat the shit out of him (Gara vs Rock Lee style, see: Naruto) but ended up very even at the time.
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(Doesn't look like I thought about this obsessively.)
After that, he actually respected you but still ogles you shamelessly. Not forgetting it for the rest of your life. It goes without saying he never got a deal from the Duke.
It would be a shame if in the future it reaches the ears of a certain Best Swordsman to whom Croc is allied.
Don Quixote "That Fucking Bastard" Do Flamingo
Your captain despises him. They have history. Say no more, for you that's enough.
Charlotte "Big Souless Ugly $%&! Bitch Mom" Linn Linn
Hate her with all your being. No more comments or you may stab someone.
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wonderer399 · 4 months
Sebastian x Ciel 🥀❤️‍🔥🖤💖🌹👄 Astrology analysis (Synastry) Part 1a ✨🔮🌌
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*⚠️Non Shippers PLEASE IGNORE MY POST AND STAY OUT! I don't want your negativity in my blog! If you don't like it, then don't engage with it...as simple as that!!⚠️*
I wanted to make a really unique, fun and interesting post related to sebaxciel. I have been studying astrology for the past 8 years now and I can tell you that its not a joke and actually can be very somewhat creepy like how do they know about me so much like wtf! stop exposing me!💀 Astrology is very vast and very in depth knowledge if you want to look at it further. So I thought why not lets make a synastry and composite chart about seba x ciel and how their relationship dynamic works astrologically and how their relationship is still evolving. I have also made their numerology chart and its fun! (I'm still learning astrology and numerology , so if I make any mistakes please kindly correct me!)
Out of my curiosity I just wanted to look at Seba x Ciel 's synastry, composite and numerology chart report and analysis and BOY !!!! I WAS SH👀K !! LIKE WTF!!! HOW!?!? HOW CAN THIS BE 💯% ACCURATE!! Now its giving me creepy vibes like did Yana purposefully picked their birthdays ?!?!? SO HERE I AM BLOGGING THIS ✨ ASTROLOGICAL MIRACLE ✨ and you are reading it!! GET READY TO GET SH👀K !! CAUSE YOU KNOW SHARING IS CARING!!
In this Part 1, I will only discuss about the planetary and asteroid Synastry aspects ( synastry chart means that you take 2 different people's chart and superimpose it on top of each other to see how 2 different people act with each other between their relationship dynamic ) ( this part 1 is getting really really long, so I decided to break it down into many mini parts ( like part 1 a,b,c..I don't even know how many mini sub parts of part 1 I will write, but it is more than 2 ) , Its like writing an AO3 ...you can never stop writing lmao! In part 2 I will go further into the Synastry and the details of the House placements and how the house overlays gives their relationship dynamic more definition! Part 3 and Part 4 will be based on composite charts! ( composite chart means you combine 2 different people's chart to see how they work together as a team or as a 1 person ) Part 5 will be about Numerology and if I'm able to find out more interesting astrological facts about them then I may make part 6 ( mostly Natal analysis )...I'm gonna expose everything about SebaxCiel dynamic and their real personality and how their relationship works and how its evolving and what do we expect to see in the future especially in the manga chapters! *EXCITED*
The birthdays, time and location I used :
Sebastian : 18th January, 1886 ( 6:30 am ) London,UK
( I was extremely skeptical about Sebby's date, however after doing lots of research and some analysis, I have come up with this birthday as it is very accurate...at least I tried to make it accurate! , also I used this bd for sebby because whenever a demon a manifested in this 3d human realm, it is 'reborn' again...obviously he a thousand years old I'm not using that B.C. date lmao! )
( okay I know none of them were actually exactly born in London,Uk however I do not really know where the mansions located...so I used London as a general location and England isn't that big enough like the states lol ..so it wouldn't affect the reading and analysis much at all I think! lol )
Ciel : 14th December, 1875 ( 7:30 am ) London,UK
Synastry Chart below! I'm going to explain now what planetary and asteroid aspects creates their LOVING, STEAMY , SEXY AND IRRESISTIBLE synastry !
✨ Ciel is Deep Blue and Sebastian is Deep Orange ✨
Just like their Eye colors! *GASPS* that was a coincidence! SH👀K !!
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Their positive aspects :
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Their negative aspects :
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( these two images illustrates their dynamics of both positive and negative sides of the same coin )
I'm gonna talk about *positive aspects only ( mostly conjunctions, as trines and sextiles are very watered down version of conjunctions, its still positive though )* cause I don't wanna ruin the *rose-colored glasses* mood we all sebaxciel shippers have it on right now! I don't need to talk about *negative aspects* cause they don't really fight much...its just the power chokehold they have it on each other kinda like BDSM not physicially but psychologically and I kinda find that really really hot! *negative aspects* ( Oppositions and Squares ) aren't necessairily that bad they are just 'necessary evil' for realtionship to grow, improvise, evolve, survive and thrive . If you guys find more aspects you can reply or reblog!
*Website used : Astroseek.com*
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, faith, hope, good luck, opportunity, wealth, philosophical and spiritual values and financial gains. It's also known as the Great Benefactor because it's larger than all the other planets in the solar system. Jupiter the god and husband of Juno according to the greek mythology. Juno, the asteroid of loyalty, intimate, serious and long term relationships and partnering. Juno is the goddess of marriage and protector of women, who was known for her loyalty and protection of women. Jupiter and Juno were a married couple. Juno is Jupiter's most prominent wife and is often depicted as a beautiful queen-consort. Juno is the queen of the gods and is worshipped as the protector of marriage and homemaking. Jupiter is also known for his infidelity and he had many other affairs lol.
When Jupiter and Juno tightly conjuncts in a synastry like this, both the juno and jupiter person wants to have a strong and powerful commitment towards each other. Jupiter brings happiness in juno person's life. Jupiter's optimistic approach in life boosts the ego and confidence of juno person. They both think they have found their 'ideal match' as Juno is extremely loyal, supportive and devoted to Jupiter person's interests and goals. Jupiter helps juno through expanding Juno's vision for their future goals and Juno helps Jupiter by grounding themselves in practical day to day life. Jupiter person also helps juno to succeed in careers to achieve BIG GOALS. Juno is tolerant of Jupiter just like a loyal, devoted and faithful wife!
Its a very stable and long lasting and perfect synastry for marrige! Jupiter brings out Juno’s desire for marriage and commitment in a big way. Juno wants to get married to Jupiter right away, like juno wants to make the 'OFFICIAL CONTRACT' immediately ! or Juno wants to desperately have a family with the Jupiter. Juno's characteristics is very protective, possesive, loyal and devoted in nature, and jupiter expands or amplifies juno's these qualities or characteristics on each other and jupiter can feel its effect.
According to this synastry, Sebby's Jupiter tightly conjuncts Ciel's Juno in libra. Libra is zodiac of relationships, ruled by Venus , the planet of Love, Beauty and Harmony! Their main focus would be their relationship with each other is their #1 priority! They prioritzie to make their relationship more lovely, harmonious, compatible, diplomatic, graceful and beautiful from both inside and outside. Sebby is very important for ciel's career and his BIG GOALS in life and they are both very loyal and devoted to each other. And Sebby helps Ciel by expanding Ciel's future vision and plans!
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'Let's fuck'....This conjunction is like a ticking time bomb 💣 💥 and the explotion of the excitement would be the bed breaking session! They can't help but to get pulled by each other to do that deed...THEY LOVE TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER 24/7! There is no other way to describe this dynamic! Its a great synastry to have a very , BED BREAKING LOUD SEX. ( Conjunctions and Oppositions will mostly feel this, but in oppositions fights will be frequent, trine and the sextile won't be that strong ) Especially if the man is mars and the women is venus...the bed breaking session will go on all night long! their passion is just stronger..if its the other way around the 'man' in this relationship may feel emasculated or may even feel slightly uncomfortable by the women, but the passion is still there but the women might be very forceful sexually towards the man.
This synastry doesn't give enough stability for relationships to last, but this synastry is perfect for a quick fling and passionate romance. Mars, the planet of ( very masculine energy ) Aggression, Power , Temper, hot headed, SEX, impulse, War, Aries and Scorpio ruler and Fiery planet meets the Venus, ( very feminine energy ) planet of Beauty and Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy, Luxury, Riches and Diplomacy ruler of libra and taurus.
Mars can't help or stop thinking about the passion and they also want to have Venus in their life even if its for a very short fling type thrilling relationship, MARS WANTS TO HAVE THE UPPER HAND ( like controlling or owning Venus ), MARS WANTS TO MAKE THE MOVE 1st AND IMMIDIATELY AS IF VENUS IS THE SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION STUFF WHICH WON'T STAY FOREVER IN THE MARKET ! MARS WANTS TO MERGE WITH VENUS TO FEEL THE PASSION AND THE RAW BURNING DESIRE THEY CRAVE DEEP INSIDE FOR EACH OTHER. And if Venus wants Mars as well, Venus will let Mars do whatever Mars wants...venus also secretly wants to get dominated by Mars! You know the saying goes, 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus'..its the merging of masculine and feminine energy we are talking about.
Even if it is between platonic relationship rather than a romantic one, the 'platonic' friends will still feel some tension...and their other friends might notice it and will tease them by saying 'u guys r so gay/lesbian for each other' lots of inappropriate touching going on between these 'platonic' friendships even if they already have a bf/gf....if its the dynamic between parent and child, they will show lots of passion and affection through touching all the time.
In this case, Sebby's Venus tightly conjuncts Ciel's Mars in Pieces. If noticed carefully Ciel always wants to have the upper hand and they are becoming very 'touchy touchy' by each manga chapter, especially it is more noticeable in the Emerald witch arc...like after waking up from the psychic trauma Ciel compensated his lost touching time with sebby as Ciel and Sebby both were excited to be able to stay 'near' each other again! Also, Mars do love get bathed by Venus!!... They were constantly flirting with each other with Victorian aesthetics in Emerald witch arc, especially when ciel was in a dress and sebby called him 'my lady' while fighting with Germans! and also the train date!...Mars CRAVES the touch of Venus!
Don't let Ciel's 13 old appearance fool you, he is very forceful and demanding towards sebby ( Its an Order SEBASTIAN! LMAO ) and Ciel CRAVES sebby's affection, excitement, passion and touch! Ciel as being a Mars in Pisces is drawn to more romantic and sensitive partners who are compassionate, creative, spiritual and will listen to him and Sebby as being a Pieces venus, he wants passion, true love, and a partner that is emotionally invested in the relationship. And Ciel exudes his passion and desire for 'revenge' and very much invested in Sebby! And we got to see the constant flirting going on between them on the lastest 212 🌹 train date🌹 chapter!
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Rarest conjunction EVER!!! It takes around 250 years ( more or less ) for Pluto to even complete 1 cycle and it takes around 165 years for Neptune to complete 1 cycle. Pluto and Neptune conjuncting like this happens only once in around 500 years!! Last time it happened in 1891 , and the next time it will happen in 2385. And it is even more rare to observe it in the synastry! Therefore, its really hard for astrologers to even describe such synastry dynamics! Both Pluto and Neptune are considered generational outer planets and they are extremely slow moving...Pluto the planet of the underworld ,the mafia boss, the thug you don't wanna mess with, always Schemeing and Plotting, death and rebirth, power to control, deep dark secrets, intense earthly desire and transformation..( lmao I always think if pluto was a person that would be that anime character from jjba Goirno Giovana like Italian mafia boss ) ...sounds very scorpionic in nature as pluto co-rules scorpio with mars...on the other hand, you have Neptune the planet of illusion, delusion, manipulation, confusion, dreams, fantasy, out of this known earthly realm ( Isekai world in anime term ), spiritualism and psychics etc etc is the theme of Neptune...Neptune rules Pisces.
When these 2 planets are in conjunction with each other in a synastry like this, Pluto person will try to dominate and control the Neptune person, Pluto wants to transform the neptune and its theme...Pluto will breakdown and destroy Neptune and will help rebuilt Neptune back better than before...now this transformation can be very painful if the Neptune person resists...the annoying thing about this transformation is that it just constantly occuring , the cycle never stops...and if the Neptune person stops the 'evolution' or does not want to transform spiritually, mentally or psychologically...they will end up having very dissapointing 'reality check' which can be very devastating and life threatening to them because Neptune is the 'Illusion' Neptune can't see past the delusion they are living in...In other words, Neptune has no other choice but to listen to pluto no matter what...if Neptune wants to transform and wants to stay committed to pluto...Pluto is very protective over Neptune person and have a very strong mental and psychological and sometimes emotional attachment to Neptune. Pluto doesn't and won't let go off the Neptune person, pluto's grasp on neptune is very tight as it wants to hold onto it desprately...it can also be other way around as well if the pluto person doesn't do what they are supposed to do, like help transforming Neptune into realigning with their reality, pluto person might get into a big trouble as the confused neptune will try to manipulate and the pluto will retaliate as pluto is very grounded into the reality and will not tolerate neptune's manipulation and psychological warfare...eventually either pluto will leave neptune alone or Pluto can stay strong keep staying 'grounded' into the reality so that it can help evolve and transform neptune as much as it is needed for neptune's realigning with the reality.
Another positive side of this synastry conjunction is that there are always a space for forming an extremely strong mental, psychological and emotional attachment with each other. Overtime they will both feel the extreme affection and empathy towards each other, if both pluto and neptune do their spiritual work and transformation and don't resist the process, instead they should trust the process, as they are both transforming spiritually. And only then they will be very affectionate and empathetic towards each other. They will also have a sense of compassion, will be able to sync with their emotional needs, they will eventually learn how to be emotionally vulnerable with each other...
In this synastry Ciel's pluto conjuncts Sebastian's Neptune. Ciel had to transform sebby mentally, psychologically, spiritually over and over again throughout their journey so far..so many trial and error going on..still the good thing is that sebby is committed...even though he was somewhat injured in the book of murder and book of atlantic...both times when he got injured, he wasn't expecting he was overconfident and slightly delusioned of his demonic superpowers...he underestimated undertaker and it cost him a lot of trouble for both ciel and him...and in the emerald green witch ark , ciel being the pluto person temporarily stops functioning due to his trauma and sebby being the neptune person tries his best with his dangerous manipulation and psychological warfare on ciel and it worked as ciel being the pluto did not tolerate his disrespectful act and retaliate back asap which was very much needed at that time...also, at the book of circus at the asthma scene ciel was embracing his own transformation and managed to overcome his fear at the end that's why sebby looked so excited... so as long as they are with each other, transformation like these will keep occuring!
Also, through that transformation, their bond keeps getting stronger through each transformation and they have gained enough empathy, affection, emotional and psychological attraction towards each other as it shows how proud ciel was when he acknowledged sebby's dedication at the end of the book of atlantic on the boat when ciel said 'You did good work today, when we reach the manor I want you to rest to serve as phantomhive butler properly'...and also when ciel woke up from psychological trauma in the green witch...they both were extremely affectinate towards each other as if its their one of the big relationship transformation...
Also, on the side note, both their pluto and neptune conjuncts at the zodiac Taurus, Taurus in pluto will be obsessed with their material possesion, finance, money, will be determined and enduring and Neptune in taurus will be very artistic, being good with food, will have a natural talent for creating beauty like pleasure seeking...both their planets conjuncting in taurus would challenge and transform their view on material possesion, pleasure seeking tendencies, money, loyalty and determination...this is exactly what we see happening during the blue revenge arc when R!ciel came back and took away everything from our ciel! And as a pluto in taurus, our ciel was extremely mad and his reaction at lau's place was extremely valid.
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Juno - Ascendant (✨ 💘 ) : *ARE YOU MY HUSBAND/WIFE?*
Most common synastry among married couples!!! Its a love at 1st sight connection! When one partner's juno conjuncts the ascendant of another partner...the juno person sees the ascendant person as their ideal mate like their entire exsistance is perfect for the juno person to be considered at their significant other. Juno, as I mentioned earlier, the asteroid which is like a very loyal and devoted wife can be very possesive of their partner at well. Juno ( sebby ) person knows very well that ascendant ( ciel ) person will be very important in their life and juno dreams and even fantasies about having a life with ascendant person and how exiciting it will be...the ascendant person will immidiately realize that the juno person needs to be in a commitment with ascendant person...its a inner calling which the both juno and ascendant person realizes from deep within..both juno and the ascendant works together to succeed and accomplishing their mutual goals. Juno person is happy to provide a solid support in order to nuture ascendant person's future goals...Ascendant sees Juno as the stable and committed source of love and asc uses it to their advantages in order to achieve their desired goals...This synastry can show that the asc person feels like a wifey/hubby material to their juno partners and the juno probably proposed to them a lot or talk about marrying them every now and then. The juno person can be overly possessive and controlling over their asc partners as well.
In this synastry Sebby's juno conjuncts Ciels ascendant very tightly! And sebby shows all these possesiveness towards ciel and their small flirting here and there is a huge indicator!
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Another really common marriage indicator between most couples...Moon the planet of emotions meets the saturn the planet of restiction, authrority and strcuture. Saturn is like a benevolent restrictive father figure and the moon is that inner child. Saturn may sometimes think that moon is really childish...Saturn isn't complaining though they are happy to take the responsibility that comes along with the moon...Saturn is very mentally and emotionally mature...and moon is very moody...which can sometimes annoy saturn....moons is always emotionally ups and downs like they are always in an emotional wave of 'feelings'...They both want the same thing in terms of commitment...Moon approaches with the commitment very emotionally and Saturn with a sense of responsibility, maturity, or practicality. Doing anything in their power to keep the bond secure. Its a really stable and long lasting synastry between married couples. This synastry is very solid and strong and provides a solid base for mutual understanding, respect and commitment between couples..
In this synastry Sebby's saturn is in conjunction with ciel's moon...even if the orbs are wider, the energy is still felt and..the moon can have wider orb in conjunction...it is very evident that how bratty can ciel get from time to time and how childishly he tests sebby just so that he can annoy him...and sebby quietly endures everything ciel throws at him along with his bratty tantrums...and how sebby is very strict with his learning lessons later on how ciel took revenge by pouring the hot tea on sebby's hands LOL so petty of being cancer moon!
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Devotion, loyalty and possesiveness to the maxxx!!! As I said earlier that Juno, the goddess of marriage is also very possesive, loyal and devoted.... In this synastry, juno conjuncts with the sun ( which is the ego the core personality )... Juno is very protective, possesive, loyal and devoted to the Sun person...Juno sees the sun person as their ideal mate ....the one and only...Juno's ideals and Sun person's ideals are matching with each other...They have deep understanding of each other's desires...Sun person's ego is ideal for juno person...juno finds it very attractive...Juno will do anything to protect the sun person from any harm...They have similar ideas about family, home, career and children. They are always there for each other. There is a strong sense of admiration, mutual respect and attraction towards each other. They see themselves in a committed and fulfilling relationship with each other. They have strong foundation to build a life, family and home together. This is a very strong and stable relationship for marrige..one of the common placement found in most married couples...Juno is everything the sun person could wish for to find in their ideal mate...
In this synastry, sebastian's juno conjuncts ciel's sun. Sebby would go in extra length to devote himself in order to protect ciel and there are many small small indications in the manga that sebby is possesive , loyal, devoted to ciel. Sebby will do literally anything to protect ciel like and his possesiveness shows that how panicked he gets when he sees ciel is injured ...in the green witch and the blue cult arc! Sebby so protective that he even forgets his own injury to protect ciel...that's how deeply devoted and protective this synastry aspect between juno and sun can be.
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THIS IS SOO LONG!!! I did not want to make it into a huge thesis LMAO!! sorry for wasting your time! thank you for reading though😭😭😭 my other parts won't be that long...it took me 3 days to write lol...I just got carried away by their dynamic! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! AGHH!! I felt like I had to explain astrologically!
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bellelovesyou · 10 months
B-SIDE EVENT (150 followers special)
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First of all, I would like to say thank you so so much for all of the support on my blog. I would have never imagined that this many people liked my moodboards. I promise to continue doing my best to make moodboards you guys like, and to do a good job on the requests I get as well <3. Seeing you guys engage with my posts is so motivating. Thank you so much, I love you all please stay happy, and eat lots of yummy food.
I decided to celebrate this milestone in a very tumblr kpop fashion, by making a moodboard event! The best part of a new comeback is the b-sides, so this event will be based off of that!
Reblog this post, and tag some friends that may be interested in joining.
Send me an ask saying that you want to join.
I will respond with a b-side that I like, and you will create you moodboard off of that song.
You must have song lyrics in the locs.
You must have at least one member from the group in the moodboard.
Tag me in the moodboard. (doesnt have to be in the locs)
Use the #bside: event
Deadline is December 22
I love group projects! I hope you guys do too because in my event, (if you choose to) there is a buddy up system! You can collaborate with anyone you like to, and can go back and forth with them over what pics to use, which gif looks better, ect!
How it works
You may only partner with one person.
When reblogging this post, tag you partner and tell me that you are partnering with them.
Submit one final moodboard.
In the final moodboard, tag you partner under the cut. (use a read more)
Prizes under the cut!
1st place
5 moodboards
150 reblogs
2nd place
3 moodboards
100 reblogs
3rd place
1 moodboard
50 reblogs
Everyone who participates gets a follow from me!
I guess this is the part where I tag my favorite blogs lmaooo
@bunchofroses07 @mxlly143 @hrtnyu @miryofshampoo @mewmyu @mqrtuss-blog @raeceah @p-oisn @kiiorraa @yeritos @y-vna @y-ves @baesol @ujito @h-aewun @egorls @i04rei
+ many MANY more
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everybodyshusband · 10 months
oh satan devour us all (hear our desperate call)
cowbell/zephyr (ghost band)
explicit | nb/nb | 6.3k words | it/its cowbell, they/them zephyr, free use, predator/prey, subtob zephyr, riding, semi-public sex, shifting genitals, objectification, earth/quintessence multi ghoul cowbell
—this fic is a (very late) birthday gift for my absolutely beloved friend @spoiledleaff for a little birthday fic exchange we organised for each other <3 i asked him what he wanted and they asked for cowbell being a menace (/aff) to zephyr, so that's what this is !! it's actually supposed to piggyback off of the practice scene in his very own terzomega fic, so go and read that as well if you're able to !! happy birthday, ashton !! i can't believe i've known you for an entire year already <3
snippet and ao3 link under the cut !
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gif credit: @/kazoo-lord
The only fault in this system is that Cowbell seems to have taken a liking to playmates with… unique vessels. In the case of the air ghoul sitting opposite it on the other side of the library, this refers to the way their vessel’s functionality varies from day to day. Some days, the air ghoul is able to walk with ease, perform their daily tasks, wield the keys of the chapel organ to create haunting melodies that echo out through the grounds of the Ministry. But on other days, they can’t walk without one of their canes, let alone make their daily lemongrass and ginger tea without aid from a willing hand. On their especially bad days, they might not even be able to roll over in bed without having to hold back a pained wail. All this is to say that although Cowbell may take joy from pushing its partners to the edge of their comfort zone—especially Zephyr—it would never wish any extra pain upon them. Well, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the earth ghoul wouldn’t wish extra pain upon them unless it is the one inflicting it. Therefore, a system had to be developed, which Zephyr seemed to take in their stride. They’d designed an entire colour-based system which corresponds with their pain levels, and many of the earth ghoul’s similarly-vesseled partners have also chosen to adopt it for themselves over time. Cowbell is the first to admit Zephyr’s idea is genius; especially given the air ghoul’s tendencies to ‘forget’ their cane on their days of bad pain, making it nearly impossible for Cowbell to garner whether its mate is genuinely in excruciating pain due to the state of their vessel, or if they are simply playing into Cowbell’s twisted fantasies. Their lighter bells—pale pinks, blues and yellows—are ones they wear in order to signify to Cowbell that although Zephyr is still very interested in being taken and used until they’re seeing stars, Cowbell needs to treat them gently—to degrade them with its words rather than its actions—lest it make anything more painful for them than it already is. Zephyr’s dark coloured bells on the other hand—deep reds, blues, greens and blacks—are used to signify a good pain day; their way of wordlessly telling Cowbell that the two of them are free to do anything it sets its mind to, regardless of the position or any other factor that might put strain on weary joints—provided it’s not on Zephyr’s list of hard limits, of course; although there have been a few occasions when the air ghoul has begged for–
But that’s not important right now.
Right now, Cowbell is sure Zephyr’s bell is dark today, but they’re in the middle of checking a book out for a Sibling and it can’t get a proper glimpse of the specific colour the air ghoul is donning today. Its lack of clear view infuriating, but the anticipation has the earth ghoul all fired up and it’s sure that when the time comes, it will be able to wreck Zephyr twice as hard as it normally would—provided that their softly jingling indicator is, in fact, one of dark colour.
“Oh, I love your bell!” The Sibling says—Cowbell’s almost certain that she is the Sister it was chasing through the Abbey’s halls just last week, a pretty, deep pink bell attached to the ribbon wrapped around her wrist—as she reaches a finger out to tap Zephyr’s bell lightly, giggling at the soft jingle it elicits. Cowbell growls and feels its eyes glint with malice at someone touching its Zephyr.
Zephyr affixes the Sister with a look—they know all about her adventures with Cowbell, the earth ghoul itself had told them just last week—but smiles, flattered. If Cowbell’s vision is not failing it from so far away, the air ghoul looks offended that the Sister would even consider touching its bell—Zephyr is well aware that although the bell may live in their dorm, it’s not theirs, it’s Cowbell’s. They incline their head in her direction, always the epitome of politeness despite their obvious frustration. “Many thanks, Sister.” She takes the book back from them and finally moves out of the way, providing Cowbell with a direct line of sight to Zephyr’s neck, an obsidian black bell dangling from their carefully crafted collar. Their way of silently telling Cowbell that it’s a good pain day. That they’re wanting for more than the light green bell Cowbell had slipped into their pocket at practice in anticipation of a bad pain day. That no holds need to be barred. That the earth ghoul has permission to destroy Zephyr if it sees fit, and, fuck, is it going to wreck them until they’re seeing double. That’s what it promised to do during today’s practice after all…
[read the rest on ao3 !!]
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clairedaring · 2 months
/surprise leap out from your screen! Hahahha!
Yo Claire, first! I gotta say, I didn't expect to read BL meta essays when I followed your blog, but now that it's part of my dashboard, I like it! I'm not familiar with BL culture and stuff (the only BL stuff I really like is this Japanese manga named The Summer Hikaru Died, and even then I'm more sucked in by it being of the horror genre with interesting philosophical explorations), so these essays are so interesting to read!
And another thing! This post about the highest-grossing GDH movies mentioned The Medium (which I liked!), and that reminded me: I need Thai horror recommendations!
I don't know if you're into it, but maybe some of your friends do? And they can give me some good stuff? It's been so long since I've watched Thai horror—I grew up with that shit, man. I figured that someone who watches a lot of Thai media probably knows quite some newer Thai horror films I can watch on a weekend or something. Thanks!
(P.S. I realize I still have so many thoughts about สาธุ. I'm rewatching it when I have the time and realized there are still more details I forgot from the first viewing. A lot of them is embodied by the actors so well! I hope to find the time to write some essays/rambles about those things these days! Honestly... this is the only thing I can contribute to the สาธุ/The Believers tag 🫡🥲)
Hiiii Lyn! You are always welcome in my humble inbox.
You cannot imagine my happiness knowing you will soon fill he สาธุ/The Believers tag with insightful metas/essays. No pressure though but I am now indeed impatiently waiting for more สาธุ posts.
Aw, I'm so happy to hear that you've enjoyed the BL metas I've put on your dash even though queer love series are not usually ones you would watch because they're mostly romance based. ಥ_ಥ
Okay now onto the main part of my answer. Even though romance and comedy are indeed my favorite genres of series, as an enthusiast and follower of Thai actors and their works, it is inevitable to come across horror works (films or series) starring my favorite actors. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of horor (i'm a huge scaredycat), the genre has never stopped me from watching works of my favorite actors before -> I've definitely watched more horror media than I wanted to (┬┬﹏┬┬). I'll separate my recommendations into two part: one for series and one for films.
Thai Horror Anthology Series Recommendations
1. Girl From Nowhere Season 1 & 2 (2018 -2021)
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Synopsis: A mysterious, clever girl named Nanno transfers to different schools, exposing the lies and misdeeds of the students and faculty at every turn.
Thoughts: although it would qualify more as thriller than a horror, girl from nowhere offers sharp commentaries about violence, sexual assault, bullying and various social issues. The series is more like an anthology with each episodes presenting a different story. The way my jaw dropped when I found out that the storylines in the episodes are inspired by actual real news reports/stories. Watching both seasons, you may feel that S1 is less budgeted than S2 which is true because S1 wasn't funded by Netflix Thailand. After picking S1 for streaming, Netflix decided to invest in a S2 for GFN and the cinematography for S2 is just immaculate.
2. After Dark (2020)
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Synopsis: When the night falls, humans are more of a threat. Composed of 4 interlinked horror stories:
"Blind Date": Pink, a dating app addict, meets Q, a mysterious handsome guy. They establish a deep connection that ends up with Pink having a strange pregnancy which haunts her until the end.
“Requiem of the Adolescent”: Lada, a nurse hired with a vast amount of money to take care of Her Serene Highness Srisaang. Her terrors awake when her patient abnormally gets better.
“Death Channel”: Off and Boat, a successful youtuber and an idol team up to create a paranormal activity channel that has been sponsored by an anonymous user, they never know what is waiting.
"Into the Hole”: Chai, a charismatic person is a one-night stand expert in hopes to record a sex tape to earn a dime. Then he meets Dao, a charming woman. His mischievous behavior continues, but this time it would not be as easy as before.
Thoughts: it's gory, gross, raw, rough and scary as hell. some of the most visually traumatic series i've ever watched. incredible acting performances.
3. Angkhan Khlumpong The Series (2021)
Sypnosis: It is made based on ghost stories that people called and shared on the "Angkhan Khlumpong" radio program.
Thoughts: Episode 5 'Imaginary Friend' is scary as hell. All the episodes are quite scary in general. The stories rely a lot on jumpscares but Thailand is really good at making scary ghosts, the makeup team is always going all the way.
Note: Netflix Thailand is producing the sequel series Terror Tuesday: Extreme (2024), which comes out in 10 days (August 20). Netflix Thailand has never really disappointed with their budget so I'm pretty sure it'll be spooky.
Thai Horror Films Recommendations
1. Hoon Payon (2023)
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Synopsis: Tham searches for his brother Te in order to deliver the news of their parents' passing. Te is ordained as a monk at a temple on Don Sing Tham Island. On arrival, Tham meets Jes, the grandson of the former abbot. Jes makes hoon payon, enchanted effigies of the dead. Tham learns of a rumour that Te vanished after murdering the abbot. Tham doesn't buy the story nor does he respect the villagers' strange reverence for the sculpture of Pho Pu Sing Tham. Though his appearance is unsettling to Tham, Pho Pu Sing Tham is said to protect them. Soon, a girl goes missing, a wild predator roams the island, a vengeful ghost is rampant and worse yet, the figure of Pho Pu Sing Tham is destroyed. The enraged villagers prepare to curse and hunt down the unknown culprit.
Thoughts: I watched this for Up Poompat who plays Te and I was genuinely shocked by his performance. Not scary enough as old Thai movies but still very thrilling.
2. Shutter (2004)
Synopsis: Tun, a young photographer, and his girlfriend, Jane, were driving home after drinking with friends, when suddenly they crash into a girl that was walking in the street. Panicking, Tun tells his girlfriend to run away. The next day, Tun discovers mysterious shadows in his photographs, and his girlfriend start seeing strange things in his house.
Thoughts: This is a classic Thai horror film and arguably the best horror film Tong Banjong (the director of The Medium) has ever directed. Director Tong's forte is really horror so please don't mind that the next 3 recommended films are all from him. They are truly THE classic horror films of Thailand.
3. Alone (2007)
Synopsis: Conjoined twins Ploy and Pim are very close until Pim meets a boy named Wee, causing her to decide to separate from Ploy. The surgery is performed but Ploy does not survive. Years later, Pim and Wee are living together in South Korea when Pim suddenly has to return home to take care of her mother after she has a seizure. While back home, Pim is haunted by a ghost from her past.
Thoughts: I really don't know what Director Tong is lacing in his horror films but they're always keeping me on the edge of my seat and most of the time my hands glued to my eyes 😭
4. Phobia (2008)
Synopsis: A horror movie anthology containing 4 stories-Loneliness: a woman confined to her apartment starts to receive texts from a stranger, Deadly Charm: a group of high school delinquents get cursed by a student that they bullied, The Man in the Middle: Four friends go on a camping/rafting trip that turns out far differently then they had planned, The Last Flight: A flight attendant has to accompany the body of a princess, the wife of her lover.
Thoughts: Another horror classic from GTH studio. I can't remember the details to all these stories but I can assure you when I was closing my eyes through half of this film because of how scared I was. I wanna say it's because I was young when I watched it but I'm sure I'd still be keeping my eyes close shut if I watch it again.
5. Phobia 2 (2009)
Synopsis: A horror omnibus consisting of five stories - Novice: a teenager takes refuge at a Buddhist sanctuary after committing a crime, Ward: a biker has to stay overnight in a hospital room with a strange man after an accident, Backpackers: a Japanese couple hitchhikes across Thailand until; they accept a ride from the wrong person, Salvage: karma visits woman who has successful business fixing up cars that were involved in fatal accidents, In The End: the movie crew working on a horror sequel experience a night of real fear.
Thoughts: They're all scary but I think the scariest segment is 'In The End'. I would say this is one of those rare occasions where the sequel outdid its predecessor Phobia.
6. Sick Nurses (2007)
Synopsis: A group of sexy nurses who harvest organs are haunted by the vengeful spirit of one of their dead patients.
Thoughts: this is more slasher than horror but i remember watching this when i was younger and i was scared as heck. I don't even dare to search up the trailer to embed here.
Bonus: 'not purely horror, only has creepy elements but deserves a honorable mention on this list because it's super underrated' film
Malila: The Farewell Flower (2017) dir. Nuchy Anucha Boonyawatana
Synopsis: Former lovers Shane and Pich reunite and try to heal the wounds of their past. Shane is haunted by the tragic death of his daughter, while Pich suffers a grave illness. As death approaches, Pich dedicates his remaining time to making Bai Sri, a ceremonial ornament. Meanwhile, Shane decides to become a Buddhist monk until one night at a graveyard, he encounters his lover in another form.
Thoughts: not horror but i think this film is the first that pops into my head while watching The Medium. Similar feels in their portrayal of Thai rural village lifestyle and Buddhism being a big part of both stories.
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You may notice that most of these horror films from GTH Studio share similar directors, screenwriters or other creative staffs with The Medium. And that's because GDH 559 is basically the successsor of GTH Studio (which got dissolved in 2015). I've always a big fan of GDH films and I do try to watch as much GDH/GTH works as possible, but horror is really not my forte so I can only offer you these humble recommendations. I hope you'll enjoy at least one among the ones in this list.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Can I get E, F, I, and W for the slenderman fluff alphabet, please? Your take on my favorite pasta cryptid of all time is so nice and interesting. Adds a certain depth I don't typically see.
Fluff Alphabet w/ Slenderman but it's these letters!
side thing but guys go listen to redoin by jerryterry its so fucking good im listening to it on loop while im writing this and its making my vibrate
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stone cold exterior, warm squishy interior. still hung up on the "slenderman longs for companionship just like everyone else but rarely gets that need met due to his nature and way of existence"
in other words he can be a passionate sap in regards to you, behind closed doors. he can wrapped up easily in things, so sometimes his passion can be mischaracterized as rage or annoyance but rest assured he's not angry with your existence
right in the middle of the "heart on the sleeve" and "cold and distant" thing, he feels he needs to keep up his image of powerful monster but he doesn't let you think at any moment that you're not important to him
i don't think he would want kids, and thats assuming he even can. in my au he was created by zalgo with the sole purpose to cause problems for people, i dont think zalgo was thinking about whether or not slenderman can reproduce when he making him
of course adoption is always an option, and who knows, maybe if you guys find some stray kid in the woods he might just take them in
this is where my take on slenderman strays a lot from the original since i personally think slenderman just. kicks kids out of the woods (which leads to them talking about him, which leads to slenderman being a known cryptid in universe) but thats mostly just me not wanting to dwell on child death + giving the dude some level of morals that at least somewhat align with the self loathing that comes with his "i dont want to eat people but i have to in order to survive" thing
but hey i think thats because i love those comics where people draw predator and prey animals where both sides are sympathetic
love shit like that
slenderman is only one part of this huge web that we call nature, simply existing because that's just how things are
whips and nae naes
rest assured that he will tear the world apart should someone or something ever send harm your way. god forbid you are mortally wounded or even killed
he knows some basic first aid stuff thanks to watching people for so so so long, but he's a kriller not a healer, he doesnt know what to do if youre losing a bunch of that red liquid that fuels your insides
oddly calm about it, though, though with the way he holds you you can feel his rage seething under his skin
he himself /can/ get injured but its rarely something to fret about unless its like, from some real powerful person or some human who knows how to take down a specific man eating forest demon; i've actually never really thought about what conditions would need to be met to outright krill slenderman but
when he's the one hurt he insists you not to worry, it's going to take a LOT to keep him down
if you're injured and its something he can treat he will make sure you take it easy but hes not going to baby you about it
okay so im writing this segment first because i can write a whole essay and really i dont know if theres going to be anything stopping me from doing just that. curse you jerryterry, the bops are so good. anyways onto the topic; a lot of my interpretation of slenderman is admittedly based around the early fandom characterization of him + a very specific fic that will remain nameless (though im more than happy to spill the link in dms, said fic also has some influence over my entire au/hc thing but thats not todays topic)
despite what many may think, i feel like, at least with my hyper specific take on slenderman, i feel like he wouldnt want you to fight along side him or be a proxy. only time i can see him date a proxy or fellow kriller is if you were already one prior to the relationship. in my au, slenderman resents his own existence for being what he is, and if he could he WOULD choose to be something else; however he cant rewrite the laws of this universe or fight against his biological functions
like i can go on an entire tangent, but my au is still so scrambled around that im not entirely sure where to start or how im going to make it make sense, but i feel like he would much rather keep you by him and safe (and even then i feel like thats pushing it, sure hes more than capable of protecting you but what if something stronger than him comes and fucks shit up? not all the creepypasta characters are buddy buddy)
but perhaps i will write a collection of loosely connected one shots one day detailing the world building and dynamics
i make no promises
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chrimsss · 12 days
Cater Diamond -
“Rough diamonds may sometimes be mistaken for worthless pebbles.” -Thomas Browne
This is a character "study" based on my favourite character in TWST. All I've written here are pure speculations and theories (and deep thoughts) about Cater as his character and as a person.
◇ “Split Card”, a Broken Answer for Loneliness
Ironic and Surprisingly enough, I believe, and I'm sure, Cater is one of the most powerful but still misunderstood characters in NRC and I'll die with this ideal. He constantly uses his Unique Magic, everyday, almost every hour for helping with prep in unbirthday parties for instance. He is able to do it as freely as possible and we don't know the limit of how many Clones he can summon, the furthest we know is that he prefers to summon 4, for safety.
Another factor is that every and each one of his Clones can, and was seen, using magic freely by their own hands. Was that magic coming from Cater's magical pool? Or their own Pool? And even so, how much energy does Cater spends in a daily basis to be able to create clones and that said clones can use magic themselves?
Also, each one of those clones are completely sentient and not dependent on Cater at all, they receive his orders, of course, but outside of that, they all act by themselves, which is insane.
Split Card is an unique and powerful Spell, that I think it wouldn't fit anyone else but Cater, because, it might not seen, but Cater is, unwillingly willingly one of the most lonely students.
He purposefully avoids talking about himself, unless he sees fitting and even that, he is always downplaying his own words and emotions at the moment.
He was a lonely kid, he wanted to be closer to people but due to always moving, because of his father, he was never able to make a meaningful friendship in his life, one idea to which he just gave up. He couldn't even count with his own sisters because they forced their ideas and plans onto him, forcing him to do stuff he didn't want to, simply for entertainment. Which I ask, where were his parents? I mean, sure, the things they forced on him weren't "that" severe, but forcing someone to eat, even after being completely full is terrible? He could get stomach problems, health issues, etc.
Cater was always alone, even around his family, he didn't have anyone he could count with, so what better company then Himself? Who could better understand him, then himself? The only person who he could count with. Which is the reason his UM is simply perfect for him.
◇ A Coping System, His Magicam Persona
He doesn't have to deal with his sisters' being annoying, or with solitude because he always had someone with him, even if that someone was just him.
For starters, Cater is not emotionally well. He bottle every single emotion he has (this can be interpreted by his platinum jacket's groovy), always being seen as the "chill big bro". We can say in a way, he never understood himself, or his own emotions, causing him to adapt towards other people's interest.
That's his Coping System; He never truly understood what his emotions were, adapting himself to his sisters' interest, for example.
Another thing is that, he wants attention, probably because he only got negative attention as a get, or never got attention from other kids. He seeks that attention, and what's better than social media?
◇ "Bitter Choco Decoration”
Cater is always up to date with trends because he knows it gives him views, it gives him attention, he doesn't cares if it's negative or positive, he is getting atrention. He creates his persona based on others interest because he knows, that's what it will attract people towards him.
This one is just for fun.
Surprisingly enough, some lyrics of that song and it's meaning can match to Cater in some aspects.
[Translation used from Wikia page]
"I try not to have too much faith in people,/Not to love people too much, not to expect too much from people[...]"
The first part of the song, could be used to Cater's lack of interesting in meaningful friendships. He has interest in having friends but no interest in maintaining said friends, not having faith that they would stay with him for too long, just like everyone in his past (Mostly due to his constant changing and moving).
"I try not to forget to add in a few light-hearted jokes and a touch of lip service/I try to smile and show off my charisma whenever I can."
The third part of the Song has a more in-depth connection to Cater's carismatic persona, how he always makes sure to be smiling around the people he knows as either a way to "trick" them. No one truly knows what is going on with him, what he is truly thinking or feeling because that's exactly how he wants to be seen.
For the Chorus, its possible to connect the song title to Cater himself, "Bitter Choco Decoration" and how "picky" he is with his food, always avoiding eating sweets (which indirectly includes Chocolate) due to a traumatic and annoying experience in his past. One to which he searches to escape.
The whole song can be used to define Cater in a way or another, even loose lyrics such as:
"I try not to pointlessly expose myself,/Not to talk about myself, not to understand myself/But I try not to be a bit too silent,[...]"
"A life sentence of group participation,/Sucking up to others yet again, saying things like/[...]/And so on, despite never meaning a word of it,/[...]"
"Yearning for the ideals that everybody wants,/[...]
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I burned my individuality and feelings to the ground,[...]"
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shallowfox77 · 4 months
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Hello 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
I am ☆chris☆ and in this blog I will share my videos/edits,art,publications that I see whether related to some of my obsessions or interests, if possible I will talk about some topics based on the fandoms I am in and the controversial things that happen.
Basic things about me:
Christopher (I won't say my death name)
Latinoamerican (Bolivian)
18 (09/10/2005)
Trans/gender fluid (he/him)
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I have many interests that I talk about, draw or make videos and small animations but these are the ones you will probably see the most on my blog:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Invader Zim
Don't hug me I'm scared
The owl house
Gravity falls
Bendy and the ink machine
John Doe game [all Yanderes]
OCs, AUs or Personal Projects
Headcanons/ selfship
Traumacore / cybercore / weirdcore
Creepy/ horror things
Animation, Cartoons and Art in General.
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BYF(Before You Follow):
I am a masochist And most of my fetishes are usually related to that, whether it's blood, knives, spanking, soft BDSM whatever. The point is that this is a warning, Why I rarely (almost none) comment or publish content of this nature
While the content I post will never contain any type of direct graphic NSFW content, there are likely instances where my blog contains things that may not be appropriate for younger audiences (swearing, blood, heavy themes, suggestive jokes,etc.)
I am critical of many things, including my own interests, and I tend to rarely talk about it but I will put warnings for that if you don't want to read opinions from a stranger.
There are times when I use this blog to vent about my traumas, mental health or current life situations and some of them can become heavy, I am aware that this can be very uncomfortable so I always put a big warning for that type of publications
[Regarding the warnings, I will create some labels so that they can identify the publications and thus they can censor the labels for those who are uncomfortable with that type of content]
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DNI (Do Not Interact):
Basic DNI criteria, Anti-LGBT+, Racists, Enablers, TERFS / Transphobic, Pedophiles, Zoophiles, (let's be honest, if you are a predatory, you are instantly not welcome here)
[toxic] fujoshis
Cringe Culture Supporters
Aro/Ace Exclusionists
Truscum / Transmeds
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DDLG/CGLG kink blogs (Being someone with masochistic practices, I do not consume that content since for me it is an allusion to pedophilia )
Regarding Proships/Compships, my opinion is quite ambiguous. I only ask that they not be toxic and that they do not spam about some fart ship or one that involves real people's
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Just don't make me uncomfortable
By the way I have another blog that is more dedicated to Sonic (for the moment) and some things that I mentioned and this blog, If any problem occurs we already have a backup in addition to being more improving.
My other blog: @cyberstar2005
That's all Byeee (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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Meeting and Dating Dr. Daniel Schreber
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Maybe you and Daniel met on the street. Or at your work. Or maybe just a coffee shop near your apartment. Maybe he was a stranger, a friend of a friend, a professional that you sought for one reason another: the list could go on. I could spin a tale at random and regardless of how implausible it may seem, you’ve probably; at one point or another, known it to be true; whether it be in this life or your next.
- But none of them are ever really true; not in the way they should be. Sure, you’ll believe them to be fact; instead of the carefully formulated fiction that they really are, but when push comes to shove, all they are are memories: memories that you yourself never created, memories that were created for you; created by the closest thing to a guardian angel someone in your position will ever have the pleasure of meeting.
- But where your story truly begins, the term “meeting” doesn’t necessarily apply. For two people to meet, they both have to be conscious, and considering the fact that you were nothing of the sort, it wouldn’t be fair to consider it as such.
- Alas, for lack of a better word, you and Daniel first “met” during the tuning: aka, the first time he entered your home and injected you with a new set of memories to base your entire existence around. The first time he laid eyes on you and found himself short of breath.
- In a few days time, you’d be moved into an entirely different home with no hope of remembering the former in the slightest, yet he’ll never forget the sight of you alone in that room; every last detail of it ingrained in his mind like the most important lesson he’s ever learned.
- Beautiful women aren’t scarce in your city and Daniel’s seen plenty of them; the type of women who could have been movie stars had they not wound up in the cage you called home. And yet, out of all of them, you compelled him the most. You were mundane, perhaps even a little flawed, and yet, to him you were perfect: a puzzle of interesting features that created a patchwork of beauty, beauty that few would take the time to notice yet many would learn to love.
- It isn’t often that Daniel allows himself to grow close to someone; his job makes it nearly impossible for him to do so even if he wanted to, yet he finds himself drawn to you against his own better judgement. He finds himself studying you, narrowing down exactly what makes you “uniquely you”; the inherent behaviors and morals and skills that you possess regardless of the situations you’re placed into. And he finds himself falling for those pieces of you just as much as he does your appearance.
- He soon grows protective of you; perhaps even a bit possessive. He finds himself creating memories that are sickly sweet; refusing to involve any tragedy or pain in your past so long as he can help it. If something horrid happens to you: if some accidental flaw in the systems sees to it that you suffer in some way, shape or form, it’s erased by nightfall; never to haunt you again.
- He favors you above everyone else; is constantly looking after you and seeing to it that you’re never harmed: he reasons to the overlords that you’re a control group, that you can show them the natural progression of a normal person living a normal life and they trust his judgement, unaware of his ulterior motives. He tries to convince himself that he’s protecting you because you’re pure, because you’re sweet and kind, and not because of some other selfish reason; but he knows deep down that that isn’t true.
- There’s a reason he can never bring himself to give you a boyfriend, a lover, a husband. Why he can’t bring himself to create memories of your first kisses or first times or whatever else one experiences in their youth. He can ignore the truth all he likes but that doesn’t erase it from history.
- The only person he can ever bring himself to set you up with is himself. He basks in the momentary bliss of your shared life and tries to enjoy the fleeting sensation of knowing you before it’s ripped away from him all too soon; lost to time as the tuning begins again. And yet, this experience is not without guilt and certainly not without risk, so he avoids it as much as possible.
- Instead, he’ll make it so you meet him by chance: enjoying the brief encounters that you share day after day; even if all they amount to is a few seconds of interaction between strangers. Almost always, you’re none the wiser: you might have a feeling that you’ve seen him before, a sense of deja vu that prompts you to pause and look at him for a second longer than normal, but never a life shattering realization; not at first.
- But at some point in time, you do remember him: he either neglects to erase your mind fully or your mind lapses momentarily and you greet him with a brightness in your eyes that he’s never seen before; a flicker of recognition that’s so foreign to your world that he struggles to respond accordingly. He racks his brain for the particular moment you must have remembered him from, and from there, the thoughts begin to surface; the idea that he should have you for himself in the way he’s always dreamed of.
- To him, your memory of him is a sign. If you didn’t hold some level of fondness for him, there’d be no reason for you to remember him and if your memory was going to continue to evade his attempts at changing it, then what was the point of trying to make you forget him. He could monitor you more closely if you knew him and protect you from your leaders; not to mention the fact that he’d be able to experience the relationship he’d always dreamed of.
- There’s very little Daniel can do without arousing the suspicion of your alien overlords and once he finds himself unable to plausibly deny his affections for you, he’ll find himself forced to confront them and ask their permission to keep you as his wife. Lucky for him, despite their constant studies, there’s still much about human life that evades their understanding; making it relatively easy for him to convince them of the importance of human contact and interaction.
- Thus begins his forging of the perfect relationship….
- Daniels imagined the details time and time again; planned everything out from start to finish, so much so that the story itself is ingrained in his mind like an actual memory rather than an elaborate daydream.
- He fine tunes everything to your liking; models everything around what he knows you’ll adore. You meet and fall in love in the way you’ve always dreamed you would: whether it be through one of your beloved hobbies, a particular book/movie plot, a casual encounter, etc. No matter what it is, it’s something you can look back on proudly and fondly and wonder how you got so lucky.
- He tries to restrain himself, reminds himself your memories must portray a version of himself that he can keep up with: that even though he’d like to be your perfect Prince Charming, he still wants to be honest with you and do everything in his power to form as real a connection as possible.
- One thing that Daniel knows for certain is that love cannot be faked; no matter how hard you try. You can convince a person of their physical attachment to someone, but you can’t create a genuine connection from scratch. You can be convinced you’re in a relationship but you can’t be made to feel like you’re in love.
- And that’s his reassurance that he made the right decision. You yearn to be around him the same way he yearns to be around you. You smile at him like you mean it, like there isn’t an ounce of disappointment inside of you, like you genuinely care for him. He can’t spot or remember a singular moment where you’ve acted as though you were merely playing an assigned role: and after years of being responsible for the casting of said roles, he can certainly tell the difference.
- Perhaps it’s because he knows you better than anyone else in the entire world; he can assume that it wouldn’t be difficult to fall in love with someone who acts as though they can read your mind, but even so, he knows that his observations aren’t prejudiced or obstructed by his own personal wants.
- You love him; regardless of his flaws and the reality of who he truly is: you love him as much as you love the person he convinced you he was and you love him as much as you love the things that are ingrained in the very fibers of your being. Against all odds, he found genuine love and very little could convince him otherwise.
- You’ll both remember all your firsts very differently; with you remembering the fabricated firsts and him remembering the real ones, and though he’ll think back on your first date fondly, nothing will compare to the first time the two of you kissed.
- You’d just woken up from your tuning; the first tuning that saw you become his girlfriend, and he’d discarded his briefcase before you began to wake up, watching you as you smiled at him warmly; blinking away the sleep from your eyes as he stood there nervously.
“You’re home.” You’d said happily and he’d smiled somewhat shyly, sighing in relief just quiet enough for you not to hear.
- He’d slowly approached the chair you were sat in and you’d pulled him down gently, pressing your lips to his own as he tried his hardest not to pull away out of sheer surprise. Alas, you’d still managed to sense his hesitation and asked if he was alright, listening to him carefully as he breathed shakily and swallowed softly, telling you that he “just missed you is all”. You’d merely smiled in response, kissing him again as he finally found himself able to return the gesture and kiss you back.
- After that moment, there was no turning back. And though he tries his best to keep your memories as similar as possible, he can’t help but thumb the wedding band in his pocket and contemplate whether he’ll have the nerve to slip it on your finger the next time he’s in charge of tuning your memories.
- For the sake of these headcanons, I’ll ignore the way the two of you met and just make the dating portion as in character as possible. They’ll most likely revolve around the idea that you’re relatively unaware of his occupation so try to keep that in mind as you continue reading.
- Though he knows the Strangers can view the two of you at any given moment, it still gives him a bit more peace of mind to save his affection for behind closed doors. He feels as though he could be putting you in danger by publicly linking himself to you; at least in a way that seems particularly genuine or romantic, so he prefers reserved Pda that looks more polite than intimate; affection that allows him to lie about your relationship to people who are none the wiser.
- Speaking of affection: Daniel is about as touch starved as a person can be. A simple caress or touch from you can make his breath hitch and a lump form in his throat in a matter of seconds. Hold his face in your hands and he’ll lean into your touch, immediately feeling as though everything is somehow alright again. Your gentle affection is like a drug; one that relaxes and grounds him like nothing else.
- Walking with your elbows interlocked or your hand clutching his arm; usually with him clutching his cane in the opposite hand.
- Lingering kisses pressed to your forehead and hairline.
- Daniels kisses always have a certain depth to them; an intimacy that makes kissing him in public a bit inappropriate. There’s a touch of clumsiness; the sort of clumsiness that comes with a lack of practice, and depending on the circumstances, there’s also either an air of desperation or a gentleness to them that you use to help determine his mood.
- Affection in itself is a good way to figure out how he’s feeling. Daniels a fairly secretive person; he doesn’t like involving you in his problems nor admitting to you when somethings the matter, so it’s best to try and learn the differences in his behavior. It gives you a bit more peace of mind and your silent understanding will visibly comfort him; even if he still refuses to speak about it.
- Sitting on his lap or the arm of his chair. It’s usually how you get his attention and start a conversation about something that’s worrying you: he’ll merely wrap an arm around you and insist that everything will be fine, patting your knee reassuringly as you sit in quiet thought.
- He typically just calls you by your full first name but on occasion, he’ll call you darling, dear or dearest as well. Sometimes; if he’s trying really hard to act normal or relate to someone, he’ll refer to you as “the old ball and chain” but it’s fairly obvious that the phrase is more sarcastic/put on than something he genuinely enjoys saying.
- Considering the fact that he typically has a job to do whenever you’re supposed to be asleep, it isn’t often that the two of you have the time to cuddle. But, whenever he does manage to get the chance, you’ll usually find yourself wrapped up in his arms; your head on his chest and his fingers tracing patterns onto your arms and back.
- Showering together. Like he said: water is the one thing that truly deters the strangers, so it’s only natural for him to enjoy the quiet and the peace of mind that comes with it; not to mention the obvious benefits of shared showers.
- Fetching him things; oftentimes without him asking. What are you gonna do, make him hobble across the room for something while you watch with perfectly functioning appendages? Be nice.
- Receiving calls from him when he’s out of the house. It gives him peace of mind to randomly reach out to you and ensure that you’re alright; even when there’s no real reason for him to be worried. On your end, it’ll just seem like he missed you and wanted to hear your voice, and while that is somewhat true, there’s also probably another reason for it as well.
- Visiting him at his lab/workplace. If you’re unaware of his real occupation then it’ll probably look a lot like a therapists office. But if you are aware then you’ll come and fluster him by appearing in his laboratory without warning; especially before the two of you begin dating.
- Speaking of: if you’d like to think that you knew about the Strangers all along, then you probably acted as a sort of partner in crime to him: either working alongside him to teach John or learning how to control the tuning yourself. I do sort of love the idea of Daniel slowly; and somewhat pathetically, falling in love with his coworker and/or his assistant.
- Helping him with his experiments.
- Helping to calm him down; even if you don’t know anything about his current situation. Sometimes, he’ll come home to you in a panic and just fall to his knees in front of you, clutching at you desperately as he tries his best to even out his breathing and avoid crying into your dress. It’ll scare you half to death but you’ll just have to reassure him that he’s alright and that everything’s okay; no matter how wrong you may be.
- Occasional spontaneity. There’s usually a reason behind his sudden decision to stay home from work and spend the day with you or go out for the night, but you’re almost always none the wiser. You’re just happy you get more time with the love of your life.
- Receiving flowers and other little treats and gifts whenever he returns home to you; things he’ll be sure to drop on instinct if he’s ever confronted with something shocking in your apartment.
- Going to the cinema and the theater.
- Dinner dates.
- Spending quiet evenings at home. Usually, you’ll just sit in front of your fireplace and enjoy each other’s company: reading from different books or having different mundane conversations.
- Listening to radio shows and records.
- Moonlit strolls; as if your strolls could ever not be moonlit.
- Him visiting you at your work and asking you about your day; even though he’s bound to know exactly how it plays out even before you open your mouth. He can’t deny how interesting it is to walk into an entirely different building than the one he’d entered the day before and see you acting in the role he’d assigned for you himself.
- Cleaning his glasses on your skirt and placing them back on his face, or taking them off to kiss him. The action makes him melt into a flustered mess.
- Him buttoning your shirts for you, zipping up your dresses, and clasping your necklaces. He likes how intimate the little acts are.
- He definitely keeps a photo of you in his wallet or office; or anywhere else that's safe and capable of being taken out and viewed at any given moment. He likes having a little piece of you with him at all times.
- Sweet affirmations, telling each other how much you love one another, openly admitting how much he’s missed you, etc. Romantic talk is common in your relationship and oftentimes sickly sweet; the sort of thing you’d be embarrassed to be seen doing because of how pathetically lovey dovey it makes the two of you look.
- For obvious reasons, he thrives in any scenario where a doctor is needed: whether it be putting eye drops in your eyes, making you a special tea to settle your stomach, or bandaging your wounds after a minor accident. Just caring, precise work that makes him feel needed and you feel cared for.
- It’s almost guaranteed that you live together; he wouldn’t have it any other way, and you probably adopt a pet together as well: a cat and some fish, or maybe a bird that serves as both a companion to you and an exercise in irony.
- You can insist you’re fine but he’s always one step ahead of you; picking up on your nervous ticks and pointing them out with a subtle flick of his eye. You’ll merely smile a bit bashfully and accept that he knows, admitting to what’s on your mind as he listens to you carefully. Sometimes it’s a pain to have a boyfriend who can psychoanalyze you but at least you never have to tell him how you’re feeling.
- I mentioned it before, but he knows you like the back of his hand: knows your thoughts as you think them and pulls the words right out of your mouth. Have a specific routine? He can write a schedule for you down to the very last minute. Favorite candy? He buys it the day you feel like having some. In a mood? He can tell the second he steps through the door. It’s like he’s found a way to tap into your brain….
- Daniel is always on your side, no matter the situation. He never lets you get deterred and always tries his best to help you figure things out: acting as a careful and comforting teacher whenever times get tough. Blame it on his occupation; he is a doctor after all.
- He likes knowing your every thought; even the arguably mundane things that should be of no real interest to him. Most of the time it’s to monitor what you know and remember, asking you to “humor him” as you chuckle and say “oh it’s nothing” or “it’s just sort of strange” after making like you were going to tell him something. You’ll think it’s just nonsense but his response, the way he goes quiet like he’s deep in thought before smiling and saying something like “that is strange” makes you wonder whether you should pay it more mind yourself.
- He doesn’t talk much about himself but on occasion, he’ll humor you: telling you about his backstory, his day to day life, etc. None of it is true of course, but it’s as true as any story he can spin. No harm in making up a lie when you can’t remember the truth; especially if it makes you happy.
- If he ever finds himself able to, he’d love to tell you how the two of you truly met and how he fell in love with you to an immeasurable degree. He’ll have to play it carefully though; of course, and he’ll have to do it one step at a time; unless he’s undeniably forced to do it in one fell swoop.
- There’s a moment in time where he finally admits to everything; nervous to the point of tears, explaining what’s happened in secret and what he’s done to bring the two of you together before telling you that he understands if you never want to see him again. And though it’ll take you a moment to process exactly what he’s telling you, you’ll ultimately tell him that you’re not leaving him just yet: watching as he blinks away the shine in his eyes and sighs like the weight of the worlds been lifted off his shoulders.
- A part of him feels as though he doesn’t deserve the happiness he’s constructed for himself. He wonders that if you knew the truth; the full truth, if you’d still be capable of loving him. He’s a traitor to his own kind, a coward, he’s ruined countless lives and you know nothing of that side of him nor the depth of his self loathing that you just barely pick up on. What would happen if you found out? Surely nothing good; though he could certainly hope….
- Daniels a fairly jealous person: mainly because of his fear that you’ll find someone you have a genuine connection with; a love that naturally exceeds the one he’s tried so hard to garner for himself. Most of the time, he’ll merely approach the two of you and passive aggressive say “oh, I see you’ve met my wife” or “if you’ll excuse us, we must be going” before dragging you off and away. By “morning”, you won’t remember them at all and they’ll be moved all the way across town.
- He’s protective in the way a father tends to be and it’s usually for good reason: telling you not to “talk to Strangers”, to call him when you get home, to not go out “tonight”, etc. They’re silly little things that you don’t think twice about so when he tells you to “humor him” it isn’t often that you refuse. Unfortunately for him, he’s never quite sure if it’s safer for him to stay close by or far away.
- Fighting is fairly rare between the two of you: your shared apartment is a refuge for him and he works hard to keep your lives stress free. But on occasion, you just won’t be able to stop an argument from happening; especially when you’re suddenly hyper aware of the fact that he’s lying to or keeping something from you.
- He’s always tempted to erase the fight from your memory but it isn’t often that he goes through with it; he only does so when knowing the truth will put you in danger. Typically, he just apologizes very earnestly and seriously and tries his best to come up with an explanation that’ll both keep you safe and placate you.
- He’s very open about how much he loves you: telling you that he does nearly everyday; amongst other things that would equate to it. He also loves hearing you say it back, and grows so used to you doing so that he’d probably question you if you didn’t; wanting to know if everything was alright.
- Marriage is a definite, but I also think he’d want to have his own little family with you as well. He’d dream about being a father but he’d never find the nerve to bring it up to you; feeling as though it isn’t fair to ask you about it before he’s able to be completely truthful with you.
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regarding-stories · 4 months
When your backstory beats your story (Part 1): Aventuria
(This is going to be a bit of a crossover story between two of my blogs.)
You may not have heard of it, but Germany's best-selling role-playing game is called "The Dark Eye" ("Das Schwarze Auge"). Its first edition beat D&D to market in Germany in the early 80s and has been the dominant tabletop RPG there ever since - generating also several computer games, and finally an English edition that was able to create some hype in the US market, something which its publisher Ulisses increasingly targets (because more customers).
The game itself evolved from a very simplistic system that was fast to pick up over two more editions that revised and expanded it, only to become an overly complex monster in its 4th edition where most people needed a fan-made PC editor to create characters. I don't particularly like the system, which always tended to be "whiffy" (lots of rolling for little effect in combat) and has never been truly fixed, unable to let go of its poor game design legacy.
I have a soft spot for 1st edition, though. It's the first RPG I ever played. It's simple. You're not feeling like a complete idiot (like in many editions of D&D at the beginning). It quickly got you into playing. And there existed some decent adventures of the kind I like.
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Sold by the stories
While I personally was more into dungeon-style exploration fantasy, Dark Eye adventures tended more towards stories. (I just happened to be led through an adventure of the style I loved when playing first.) The Dark Eye is probably the most-supported system on this planet when it comes to published adventures, numbering in the hundreds.
Most of these are story-based or focus on character interaction to a good degree, and in fact many Dark Eye gamers are kind of stereotyped as wanting to hang out in taverns and with nobles to have long conversations, invoke the setting gods in their exclamations, and generally be more like LARPers (Live Action RolePlaying - when you dress up). I've encountered way too many of them off- and online to disagree - just like D&D is known for its murder hobo power gamers for a reason.
But given the endless focus on dungeon adventures in D&D and saving the world, The Dark Eye can be a breath of fresh air for getting into well-rounded characters, finding solutions to complex problems, and generally, you know, actually role-playing your character.
You know, most of the things that these days make RPG streaming a thing.
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A mixture of more low-key stories and various ideas certainly made it stand out compared to D&D, and to this day such preferences can make you chose one game over the other.
So it makes sense we're talking stories here. So why did the Dark Eye have a backstory problem?
Because it was like this
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When you started playing in the 1980s, you basically came into a very settled civilization. There was a large "Middle Empire/Realm" which was the successor the original Empire, and it was a country spanning a big part of the map which was, politically, very static. So were most of its neighbors.
If you picked up the official zine of the setting you would hear of events such as the umpteenth "war" between two impoverished mini-states full of country bumpkins with long rivalries as a recent event. In the early 90s a part of the setting evolved towards the renaissance, but that made it seem even more static. (It was, in some ways, a mirror image of part of the history of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation. The not-so-exciting parts, depending on your tastes.)
There were tantalizing hints that some much cooler place existed beyond the ocean, the Golden Land (or Myranor), but they largely remained hints back then. Years later, after I lost interest, it was published as an alternate setting for the game, IIRC. Think about hearing of it being hinted for a long time in the 90s and then finally starting to appear in 2000 onwards. It was just too late for me, personally.
Stoking desires but not fulfilling them was a hallmark of The Dark Eye for a long time. Because interesting things did happen, but they either happened somewhere else, far away, or outright unavailable (like Myranor, a discontinued Hollow Earth setting with Japan as inspiration), or in an even less reachable place - the past.
Splendor Of Days Gone By
There is a temptation for any fantasy author, especially authors writing setting books for players, to make up grand chronologies of past events. People generally blame Tolkien for this, given that he created a grand mythological setting with several long ages as backdrop for his "Lord of the Rings".
The reason the "Tolkien did it too" argument is rather weak (in my book) is, however, that Tolkien created his mythology as the backdrop to an engaging, much-beloved story. Compare how many people have read "The Lord of the Rings" with how many have read "The Silmarillion" and you can immediately see how Tolkien did not slack on giving us a good, dramatic story when we first heard about it.
Not so most fantasy authors.
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Reading the Dark Eye's history of the setting itself, you have to wonder about the state of mind the authors. Here they put all those exciting events that almost none of their adventures contained:
A royal family of the Old Empire that fell to demon worship and incest.
A march of 1,000 ogres that razed the biggest city in the world.
Wars of conquest, rebellions, the formation of nations.
Several orc invasions.
A sorcerer-king that was in league with demons.
A magican and philosopher-king who ended that threat and ruled a looong time.
A viking era.
I really remember reading this back in the day and, being the newbie I was, just being desperate about how boring the present was. Basically the backstory often kicked ass. It had movers and shakers, big dramatic events, and what the Chinese might call "interesting times."
Fixed After All
Eventually the makers of the game (the editorial board, as they are called), noticed themselves. Somewhere around the year 2000 games with meta-plots became a thing, especially in Germany, and big events kept changing their settings, keeping them interesting and preparing the ground for new adventures. And eventually Aventuria, the world of the Dark Eye, followed suit.
For example by bringing the sorcerer-king back and letting players be the protagonists influencing the events that end up bringing him down. What a novel idea...
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Looking at the time-line since you kind of think that maybe these people realized they had buried all the excitement in their own, made-up history, because now there are events in there that are clearly inspired by what "came before" as the setting keeps marching forward.
Why it took them up to two decades to realize this is anybody's guess.
The role of backstory is typically to establish the "why" of elements in your story - or here the why of the setting. In Aventuria's case, it did the job of explaining the borders and where the various nations come from, but somehow, and rather unintentionally, it painted the picture of a dynamic and exciting world that eventually solidified and ended up as a rather sclerotic, phlegmatic version of itself.
In the end, as an author, that would have been the point to ask yourself which makes the better story. And go with that.
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